Medicinal properties and contraindications of aloe injections, use in gynecology and ophthalmology. Aloe in the form of injections - medicinal properties

Liquid aloe extract for injection is a drug tested by life itself. As a biostimulant, it has been used in medicine for many years. The drug helps strengthen the body's protective functions and helps improve metabolism. Our great-grandmothers knew about the properties of aloe, who successfully used it in the treatment of various diseases.

Biogenic stimulants, what are they?

In the thirties of the last century, Academician V.P. Filatov proposed calling “biogenic stimulants” a group of substances synthesized under certain conditions in certain tissues of plant and animal origin. Biostimulants promote rapid tissue restoration and have a general stimulating effect on the body.

These substances are synthesized only when tissues enter unfavorable conditions(for example, if you tear off an aloe leaf and keep it in the dark) and are considered as an adaptation (adaptation) of the tissue to conditions unfavorable for the plant.

Biostimulants, which are used in medicine to treat various diseases, include some substances of animal (placenta suspension), plant (aloe extract) origin, as well as those obtained from peat (peat) and some mud (humisol, peloidin, FIbs).

How does aloe extract work?

Aloe extract is a brown-red or light yellow sterile liquid with a slight fruity odor. It is an aqueous extract of dried, fresh or preserved aloe vera leaves. Aloe extract, when administered subcutaneously, normalizes blood composition, has a diuretic, antiseptic, tonic and restorative effect.

The drug is able to compensate for the lack of iron in the body, improve the protective functions of granular leukocytes and metabolism in tissue cells, have a positive effect on the restoration and nutrition of tissues, increase the resistance of mucous membranes to various damage and help the body adapt to the environment.

Indications for use

Liquid aloe extract is prescribed for the treatment of prostatitis, infectious and inflammatory processes in the female genital organs, bronchial asthma, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, turbidity vitreous, progressive myopia, chronic sluggish inflammatory eye diseases and some other eye diseases.

Also, aloe extract, as a stimulator of immunity and regenerative processes, is used for diseases of the skin (burns, radiation injuries, trophic ulcers, furunculosis, keloid scars). Sometimes aloe is used for hearing loss and tuberculosis.

Contraindications for use

Injections of aloe extract are contraindicated during pregnancy, severe kidney disease, acute intestinal infections, high blood pressure, serious cardiovascular diseases and any cancer (stimulates tumor growth).

Directions for use and doses

Aloe extract is administered subcutaneously, one milliliter every day. The course of treatment consists of an average of thirty injections. The attending physician may extend the treatment or repeat the course after two or three months. Children under five years old are administered 0.2 - 0.3 milliliters, children over five years old - 0.5 milliliters.

In the treatment of bronchial asthma, aloe extract is used in the following way: one milliliter daily for two weeks, then the same dosage is administered every two days. The course of treatment is thirty injections.

Side effects

As a rule, patients tolerate the drug well, but the injections themselves are painful. At long-term use aloe extract may reduce potassium levels in the blood, which enhances the effect of certain medications, for example, antiarrhythmic drugs and cardiac glycosides.

Temperature may also rise, blood pressure may rise, and allergic reactions may occur. Liquid aloe extract, although a somewhat forgotten drug, is still successfully used in the treatment of various diseases.

Due to the complexity biochemical composition and ambiguous effect intended for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections preparations based on plant raw materials are very rare. An exception, clearly recognized by both folk and traditional medicine, is aloe in ampoules, the instructions for use of which fully confirm the effectiveness of the natural remedy.

The healing power of aloe has been known for several thousand years. First, folk and then official medicine began to use the juice and pulp of the leaves of this plant as an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, antibacterial and emollient.

Modern research by scientists has fully confirmed the benefits of aloe-based products. But if the juice obtained from home-grown aloe and containing a lot of impurities can only be used externally, then industrially produced aloe extract in ampoules is a safe product that has undergone multiple purification and has found application in various fields of medicine and cosmetology.

  • retains all the properties of “live” juice;
  • when properly stored, it does not lose its healing power for a long time;
  • easy to use as it is suitable for both injections with aloe and external use.

The high activity of the herbal preparation arouses justified interest in it among specialists in various fields of medicine.

Today, pulmonologists and ophthalmologists, physicians involved in the treatment of neurological diseases, and urologists have experience using the extract. Dermatologists who help get rid of skin ailments and cosmetologists work most successfully with aloe extract in ampoules. A natural remedy is used as part of therapy for dysfunctions digestive system and gastric bladder, during rehabilitation after surgical interventions, diseases. Aloe helps skin regenerate after serious injuries skin and after burns.

How do the instructions for using aloe in ampoules determine the scope of its use?

Indications for use of aloe extract in ampoules

Official medicine recommends aloe juice in ampoules for a number of problems of an ophthalmological, neurological, gastroenterological and pulmonological nature.

In ophthalmology, aloe in ampoules is included in complex therapy not only for inflammatory processes of various natures, but also:

  • with rapidly developing myopia;
  • with clouding of the lens;
  • for optic nerve atrophy and other serious problems that threaten vision loss.

Instructions for the use of aloe in ampoules indicate the advisability of using this product for treatment initial stages tuberculosis, bronchial asthma and pneumonia.

Purified aloe extract is a proven means of simulating appetite, but the use of the drug is not limited to this. Gastroenterologists include juice in complex therapy in the treatment of gastritis with low acidity, gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis and cholecystitis.

Since doctors see many contraindications, in gynecology aloe injections are used extremely carefully, but at the same time they have proven their effectiveness in treating infertility not only in women, but also in men.

The stimulating, strength- and immune-strengthening properties of aloe are a good reason for the interest in the product on the part of neurologists. Aloe preparation in ampoules is applicable in rehabilitation after strokes, during the treatment of neuritis, neuralgia and radiculitis.

Externally, according to the instructions for use, aloe in ampoules is used to stimulate the healing of wounds, abrasions, burns and ulcers. The beneficial properties of the drug are actively exploited in cosmetology and dermatology, for example, in the treatment of acne, inflammatory processes and also for intensive care.

In masks, creams, lotions and facial rubs, aloe in ampoules is used as a remedy:

  • to deliver moisture into the thickness of tissues;
  • to relieve irritation and soften the skin;
  • to activate regeneration and maintain youth.

Purified aloe juice can be used for massage, included in ointments, and used for lotions.

Method of use and dosage of aloe extract in ampoules

According to the instructions for use, aloe injections are given subcutaneously. The duration of the course of treatment is 30–50 days. Injections are given once a day, and the dosage is prescribed depending on the disease and the age of the patient. The maximum volume of aloe extract entering the body should not exceed 3–4 ml.

Before starting aloe injections, a test is carried out. For this small quantity The product is injected under the skin of the forearm. If negative reaction the organism has not been identified, the main treatment begins. And after completing the course, they must take a break for 60–90 days. To exclude possible risks, aloe injections are carried out in a medical facility and under the supervision of a specialist.

Intramuscular liquid aloe extract for injection is not used. And since the injections are quite painful, painkillers are prescribed along with aloe.

For rhinitis, accompanied by nasal congestion and difficulty breathing, aloe is used for instillation. The drug relieves swelling of the mucous membrane, fights bacterial and other pathogenic flora.

The price of aloe in ampoules is comparable to well-known remedies for the common cold. The effect is from natural herbal remedy much wider. It not only makes breathing easier, but also activates immune protection, disinfects and dries inflamed tissues.

Contraindications to the use of aloe for injection

The effectiveness of aloe for injection and external use does not need proof. This has long been proven and popular herbal preparation. But a high concentration of bioactive substances in a juice or extract is not only positive side, but also a reason to think about the existing side effects.

Although during scientific research no aloe extract was detected in the ampoules negative influence remedies for overdose, but there is a whole category of diseases in which injections with aloe inevitably cause harm to health.

First of all, it is strictly forbidden to give injections to children under one year of age, pregnant and lactating women. At colds In children, without a doctor’s recommendation, you should not use aloe even to treat a runny nose, since self-medication is fraught with drying out the mucous membrane and exacerbation of the disease.

Contraindications for use according to the instructions of aloe in ampoules are chronic renal and heart failure, arterial hypertension, hemorrhoids, cystitis and other inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, exacerbations and acute forms of ailments of the digestive system.

A product based on aloe extract is contraindicated for internal bleeding, as well as for tuberculosis complicated by hemoptysis.

The instructions for using aloe for injections also warn of a number of possible side effects. Among them:

  • allergic reaction for the components of the drug:
  • increase in temperature;
  • indigestion in the form of diarrhea;
  • increase in pressure.

Long-term course use of aloe in ampoules can lead to leaching of potassium from the body. This effect is enhanced if the patient takes diuretics. Against the background of aloe injections, laxatives, drugs for the treatment of arrhythmia and aimed at stimulating hematopoiesis act more intensely.

The whole truth about aloe - video

Aloe liquid extract in pharmacology is presented in different dosage forms- in the form alcohol tincture, syrup, eye drops and injections. Aloe injections are often prescribed in gynecology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, neurology, and ophthalmology.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of aloe injections are described in detail in traditional medicine. Information about the effect of this drug can be found in the instructions for use, in medical reference books, information articles from online publications. But it is best to check with your doctor about the effects, indications and contraindications of aloe injections. Subcutaneous and intramuscular injections are a seemingly simple procedure that anyone can handle, but there is always a risk of complications when self-medicating. Therefore, it is advisable that the injections be administered by a medical professional.

Instructions for use

Instructions for using aloe injections (more about the plant) describe pharmacological action, indications and contraindications, drug interactions, method of application, side effect drug. Solution for injection is yellow liquid, during storage, sediment may form. Before use, it is recommended to shake the ampoule to form a homogeneous suspension.

Pharmacological action

Aloe extract has a number of healing properties, therefore it is widely used not only in folk medicine, but also in pharmacology. The drug belongs to the group of biogenic stimulants and has the following pharmacological effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antibacterial;
  • laxative;
  • regenerating;
  • antiseptic;
  • tonic;
  • stimulating and restorative;
  • choleretic;
  • secretory.

Liquid aloe extract is effective against staphylococcal and streptococcal infections. It also has a detrimental effect on dysentery, typhoid, and E. coli. IN lately talk about the antiviral properties of aloe. The drug can be prescribed as a prophylaxis for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.


For what diseases are injectable aloe vera preparations prescribed?

  • Ophthalmological diseases.
  • Gynecology.
  • Organ diseases gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, gastroduodenitis, digestive disorders, loss of appetite.
  • Infertility in men (the extract enhances sperm motility).
  • Diseases of the lower respiratory tract: bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma.
  • Neurological disorders: neuritis, neuralgia.
  • Postoperative period for tissue restoration and prevention of adhesions in the pelvis.
  • Recovery after a stroke, resorption of scar tissue.
  • With deterioration of hearing and smell.
  • Dermatology: trophic ulcers, non-healing wounds and other skin lesions.
  • Hypochromic anemia with decreased hemoglobin.


For what diagnoses, conditions and symptoms should aloe injections not be used?

  • Acute forms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (liver, stomach, intestines, pancreas).
  • Kidney and heart failure.
  • Hypertension.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Cystitis.
  • Hemoptysis.
  • All types of anemia (except hypochromic).
  • Intestinal obstruction.

There are also age restrictions. Injections are not recommended for children of any age. Some pediatricians believe that from the point of view evidence-based medicine these injections provide only a placebo effect, and only for parents. Children suffer both morally and physically: the injections are really painful. Injections should be prescribed to older people with caution.

Types of injections, dosage and course of treatment

In what ways can you administer aloe solution in ampoules? What dosage is considered safe? How are the injections tolerated?

  • Aloe subcutaneously. The instructions recommend subcutaneous administration of the solution so that it is absorbed slowly and acts gradually. One injection (1 ml) is given daily. Although acceptable daily norm- 4 ml. You can also read the dosage for children under 5 and over 5 years of age in the instructions. It is important to remember that aloe injections are prescribed by a doctor. What if we're talking about about small children, the opinion is clear - only after consultation and recommendation of a doctor.
  • Aloe intramuscularly. Despite the recommendations in the instructions to give injections subcutaneously, doctors often prescribe intramuscular injection. This gives quick therapeutic effect. It is better to discuss the type of injection with your doctor if you have questions about this. Intramuscular injections also do it once a day with minimum dose- 1 ml.
  • Well. You need to be prepared for a long course of treatment. It can range from 30 to 50 injections. The treatment regimen may vary depending on the disease and its severity. So, for example, for tuberculosis - the initial dose is 0.2 ml, then it gradually increases. For bronchial asthma, daily procedures can be prescribed, then after 3 weeks, injections are given once every 2 days. A second course of aloe treatment can be taken as prescribed by a doctor after three months. This scheme provides a greater therapeutic effect for chronic diseases.

There are often patient reviews about the pain of subcutaneous and intramuscular injections. These sensations arise during the administration of the liquid, and the injection site itself may also hurt. First, it is recommended to administer a small dose of novocaine to numb the procedure. It is important that the syringe needle is thin and the medicine must be injected slowly. Also, a course of vitamins B1, B6, B12 is often prescribed with aloe injections.

Drug interactions

With caution and under the supervision of a physician, injections are prescribed when taken simultaneously with the following drugs:

  • cardiac glycosides;
  • antiarrhythmic drugs;
  • diuretics of various types;
  • corticosteroids;
  • licorice root;
  • hematopoietic stimulants;
  • laxatives.

As a result of a long course of aloe, as well as its simultaneous use with diuretics and corticosteroids, potassium deficiency may develop.

Aloe injections may have side effects. The first one is painful sensations. Injections are prescribed with caution to people prone to allergic reactions. Administration of the drug in such patients may cause skin rashes, redness, itching, and in rare cases - anaphylactic shock. Also possible: increased temperature, blood pressure. With an overdose and a long course, digestive disorders may occur - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.

Eye drops

ABOUT positive impact The ancient Egyptians knew aloe for sight. The bactericidal property of the drug helps to cope with eye bacterial infections. Its regenerating effect accelerates the process of tissue restoration in postoperative period, quickly heals wounds and ulcers on the eyes. What drugs are offered in pharmacies?

  • Fortified eye drops “Aloe according to Filatov’s method”. The drug is certified as a cosmetic tonic, dietary supplement, but not a medicine. The recipe for this unique remedy was developed by the Soviet ophthalmologist V.P. Filatov, who led scientific activity in the first half of the twentieth century. It was Academician Filatov who discovered the biostimulating properties of aloe, which accumulate after storing the plant. The drops contain, in addition to aloe vera extract, silver, phytoncides, vitamins, aloin, asphodelin, enzymes, organic acids, high-mountain honey and other useful components. The extract is prepared from aloe species that grow in South America and who are at least 15 years old. The drug relieves eye fatigue well; it is prescribed for prevention in cases of decreased visual acuity.
  • Eye drops “Aloe extract according to Fedorov”. This medicine was patented by the famous Russian ophthalmologist Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Fedorov. The drops were developed based on his original method of treating many eye diseases. The composition of the drug, in addition to aloe extract, includes antioxidants, B vitamins (B1, B6, B12), vitamin A and C large quantities, choline, folic acid, silver. Together, these substances normalize metabolic processes in the lens of the eye and prevent its clouding. An important component is vitamin B6, which ensures good blood supply to the retina, restores optic nerves, relieves eye fatigue.
  • Indications. For what diseases are aloe-based eye drops effective? Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane), blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), iritis (inflammation of the iris), keratitis (inflammation of the cornea). Also treated: vascular damage and hemorrhages in the retinal area, retinal dystrophy, bacterial infections eyes, clouding of the lens and vitreous body, night blindness, primary glaucoma, myopia and farsightedness, dry eye syndrome with prolonged use of the computer.

The instructions for using aloe drops indicate only one limitation - individual intolerance to the medicine and a local allergic reaction in the form of redness, increased lacrimation, itching.

Read more about use in gynecology

In gynecology, aloe injections are prescribed in complex therapy with other medications and is not the first choice drug.

  • Indications. Liquid aloe extract contains substances that have absorbable and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, the drug is prescribed after gynecological operations to prevent adhesions in the pelvis. Injections are also effective for ovarian cysts and promote their resorption. Injections are often prescribed for obstruction fallopian tubes, inflammation of the appendages, cervical erosion. Aloe strengthens the immune system, and this is its main task. After all, it is the weakening of the immune system in a woman’s body that leads to a number of inflammations, the development of pathological flora in the vagina, chronic genitourinary infections (ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and others).
  • Contraindications. You should not use aloe vera solution for injection during menstruation. If a woman takes the course, she must skip days of menstruation. Aloe promotes blood flow to the pelvic organs, which can lead to heavy, long periods. Also, the product should not be used during pregnancy. Aloe on early stages can lead to miscarriage, and in later stages - to the onset of premature labor.

Sometimes on women's forums You can read that aloe injections work wonders and cure infertility. This information has not been scientifically confirmed. Let us emphasize once again that in traditional medicine aloe is a second-line drug. Some gynecologists treat aloe with great caution. There is an opinion that the plant can provoke malignant tumors in a young body, therefore, treatment with the drug is recommended in premenopausal and menopause, after 50 years.

How else can you use the injection solution?

Aloe in ampoules can be used externally for cosmetic procedures. It is used to make cleansing lotions, tonics, moisturizing masks, soft facial scrubs, and restorative hair masks. The liquid extract can be combined with different components. The solution is also used in its pure form. It is recommended to rub it into dry, chapped, irritated skin using circular and gentle movements. The solution can also be added to massage oils; it softens the skin well and makes it elastic. Read more about aloe for hair and aloe for face in our other articles.

Aloe injections are effective for many inflammatory diseases, including bacterial nature. The drug promotes rapid restoration and regeneration of tissues after operations, healing of trophic ulcers, resolves cysts, stimulates the reproductive function of men, and strengthens the immune system. The dosage and duration of treatment are prescribed by the doctor. Injections are carried out intramuscularly and subcutaneously.

Today the market pharmacological agents filled with all kinds of medicines, thanks to which various therapeutic tasks can be realized. It should be noted that recently consumers have given priority to medicines based on natural ingredients. For example, aloe extract, which is sold in the form of an injection solution, is very popular. The product is a liquid medium degree viscosity with a weak specific odor and yellowish color.

What are the benefits of injections of liquid aloe extract?

The presented drug is one of the most popular biological stimulants, which have enormous benefits for the human body. It is used as an auxiliary component in complex therapy or as a drug for stimulation individual organs, systems and biological processes. High efficiency and the popularity of the drug is based on its healing properties.

The described remedy has a general strengthening, tonic, choleretic, adaptogenic, antiseptic and laxative effect. Liquid aloe extract relieves inflammation, swelling, reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases and exacerbation chronic diseases. It should also be noted that the composition of the drug helps improve metabolism by cellular level, start tissue regeneration processes, thereby speeding up the recovery process when ulcerative lesions, or healing of violations of the integrity of the integument.

We should not forget about the aspect that aloe extract, sold in the form of intramuscular injections, qualitatively increases the barrier properties of the body. Studies have shown that a particular drug affects the formation of leukocytes, as well as their functions, strengthening the immune system. Due to this, the presented ampoule medication actively fights pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria, preventing streptococcus, staphylococcus, typhoid fever etc.

Strengthens aloe extract and nervous system human, bringing the processes of excitation and inhibition into balance, normalizing nervous activity by increasing the production of dopamine and improving its functions as a neurotransmitter regulating nervous activity. This particular substance also has benefits for men, since it is prescribed for prostatitis and other urogenital diseases.

The components included in the aloe extract have a beneficial effect on the work cardiovascular system. The main thing to note here is the increase in hemoglobin protein in the blood, which improves the transfer of oxygen throughout the body. In addition, the drug affects the process of hematopoiesis, improving its functions and implementing systemic prevention and treatment of heart diseases.

Composition of Aloe ampoules for injection

The component composition of the described drug, sold in the form of injection ampoules, includes dry aloe extract as the main active ingredient, as well as sodium chloride and an aqueous base, which are excipients. Describing the composition of such medicinal product, as an aloe extract, it is important to characterize the chemical composition of the active ingredient, which is obtained as a result of industrial processing of plant leaves that have been subjected to freezing and hydrolysis.

Active ingredient medicinal solution includes hydroxymethylanthraquinone in the form of aloe-emodin and other derivatives, including nataloin, homonataloin and the main component characterizing aloe extract - aloin. Also, among the components included in the extract are glycosides, plant acids, micro- and macroelements and vitamins different groups, including B, C and E.

What do injections help with: indications for use

As was described in the paragraph on the benefits of the medication in question, aloe extract can be used for a number of diseases of the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, nervous, genitourinary, immune systems. The main objective of the product is to strengthen the body and prevent the development of acute diseases and reducing the severity of chronic indolent diseases.

The liquid extract is quite popular in ophthalmology, especially for those diseases characterized by sharp decline visual acuity, for example, progressive myopia or lens opacity. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines also serves as an indication for prescribing a medicinal solution.

General strengthening injections are used for bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and other infectious diseases with a sluggish course. This particular medication can cure some dermatological problems, so it is used for acne. The liquid extract can be used for gynecological diseases, as well as to increase the chances of conceiving a baby. It is important to note that the stimulant is recommended to be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Application in gynecology for the treatment of female diseases

One of the main areas of application of liquid aloe extract is gynecology, in which the drug is used as a treatment for infertility and ensuring the normal course of pregnancy. Since the drug strengthens the body and stimulates the functioning of biological processes, normalizing the girl’s hormonal levels, we can talk about the drug helping in conception and creating a favorable environment in the woman’s body.

Many doctors advise a course of injections during menstruation, during which the girl experiences severe discomfort and premenstrual pain. As a rule, such phenomena are characterized by a violation hormonal levels and act as a signal that reproductive function women may be violated.

Instructions for using injections and dosage

It is necessary to start with the fact that aloe extract, presented in ampoule form, can be used as intramuscular injections or orally in its pure form. Methods of external use for some dermatological problems are also possible. It is worth noting that the medication can be prescribed starting from the age of three.

Orally, adults should take a teaspoon three times a day for one month. For children under five years of age maximum dose is 10 drops, for teenagers - half a teaspoon, while the medication regimen does not change. Between treatment courses there should be a break of three to four months.

As for injections, the maximum dosage for an adult is 1 milliliter three times a day. For children under five years old - 0.3 ml, and for children over five, injections are administered at 0.5 milliliters intramuscularly. The course of injections consists of 30-50 injections. For some diseases, such as tuberculosis or asthma, the dosage may be dynamic, starting from 0.2 milliliters to 4 milliliters per day.

Video: how to give an intramuscular injection correctly

This video is an excerpt from a popular medical television show, which shows the injection process. The type of injections described is intramuscular in nature. After familiarizing yourself with the material offered for viewing, you can learn how to make intramuscular injections yourself without harming the patient.

How to use the solution externally on the face

The use of aloe extract in cosmetology is widespread, where the described product is added to masks and nutrient media used as rejuvenating and tonic preparations. So, for example, to prepare a moisturizing mask that can smooth out fine expression lines and deep age wrinkles, you will need:

  • 1 ampoule of liquid aloe extract;
  • a tablespoon of sour cream;
  • a teaspoon of castor oil;
  • honey in the amount of a teaspoon.

All ingredients need to be mixed and distributed in an even layer over the skin for 20 minutes, then wash with warm water. For serious dermatological ailments, for example, a trophic ulcer or burn, the drug is applied to a cotton pad and then the damaged area of ​​skin is treated.

Video recipes for masks with aloe extract

This video is about the use of liquid aloe extract for cosmetic purposes. The author of the video describes the composition and beneficial properties specific product, and also shares his own observations and experience regarding the use of aloe as an enhancer of the action of masks, balms and shampoos for hair care.

Contraindications to the use of injections

Despite the series positive effects, injection with the described drug may be prohibited in some cases. For example, people who have serious cardiovascular pathologies, high blood pressure, acute intestinal infections, renal failure etc. Contraindications to the use of aloe extract are also oncological diseases, since the drug helps to increase tumors.

Harm and side effects

For the most part, there are no side effects from using the drug, but it should be noted that the injections can be painful. If you take the drug for a long time, this may be accompanied by a decrease in the level of potassium in liquid tissue, an increase in blood pressure and general body temperature.


As analogues, we can note concentrated aloe juice, as well as plant extract in tablet form. Among the drugs with a similar spectrum of action are:

  • Bittner's balm;
  • Gilium-hell;
  • Dialipon, etc.

Aloe vera juice is used in medicine and cosmetology as effective remedy. It has many useful properties. But if previously it was taken orally or added to masks or creams, now it is possible to give yourself injections with this juice. But what are the medicinal properties Aloe injection and how should it be carried out? After all, you can’t mindlessly prick yourself.

What are the benefits of intramuscular aloe injections?

How remedy plant extract is used. This biogenic stimulant must be purchased only in pharmacies, because there it is in the required concentration and is cleared of all harmful substances.

This remedy has many positive effects. It has the following effect:

  • Destroys germs and bacteria.
  • Relieves inflammation, accelerates regeneration and destroys infection.
  • Stimulates and strengthens.
  • Destroys infections.

It’s just important to remember that self-prescribing, and even more so carrying out a series of injections, can end very badly for your health, despite the beneficial properties of the plant.

When is an aloe injection used?

It is usually used for ophthalmic and gynecological diseases strictly as prescribed by the attending physician. Liquid aloe extract is also used for prevention, but not as intramuscular injections.

In addition to gynecology and ophthalmology, you can also prick aloe in the following cases:

  • A large number of gastrointestinal diseases in non-acute form.
  • Diseases of the lower respiratory tract.
  • Anemia, but only hypochromic, i.e. with low hemoglobin.
  • Neuritis and neuralgia.
  • Low sperm activity.
  • Changes in the senses - hearing and smell.
  • Skin damage and scar removal.
  • To facilitate recovery after strokes and operations.

Most of these diagnoses, as well as others, involve the use of liquid aloe extract in injections or ingestion. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the attending physician.

Contraindications for aloe injections

Even something so useful natural remedy has a number of contraindications. When is it strictly prohibited to use it? If yes:

  • Acute forms of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Heart or kidney failure.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Bleeding from the uterus.
  • Presence of inflammation bladder, hemorrhoidal cones.
  • Anemia.
  • Hemoptysis.
  • Constipation and fecal impaction.

The use of aloe injections in this case may not only not help, but also harm to the human body. Therefore, you should be more careful about yourself and your health.

We can conclude that aloe vera as an injection is a very useful drug. It can help with many diseases if used under medical supervision.

Greetings to all visitors! My name is Alexander. I wrote about this treatment option in the hope that it will help someone else with the same diagnosis as me get rid of severe lower back pain! But in any case, this is not a panacea for all hernias.

Your health is yours and only you can decide how and with what you should be treated!

Where to start treatment?

Many visitors write and ask to write detailed diagram treatment. When I started treatment, I did everything intuitively.

Chose your favorites folk recipes treatment for a hernia and, without even doubting their effectiveness, began to use them immediately, alternating with spinal twisting exercises given by the neurosurgeon. And I am glad that I was not mistaken in the benefits of these, and now proven, recipes.

And now, after 3 years have passed and mentally replaying the experience, I remember this picture of my treatment for one day.

Roughly, it looks like this:

The ointment and rubs can be applied in any order - their components cannot penetrate deep inside, right up to the hernia. Their action is based only on relaxing spasmed muscles and relieving inflammation around the sore spot. Rubbing the slightly warmed tincture with force along the entire line of pain results in an excellent therapeutic massage.

Sequence of intramuscular injections

At the request of visitors, I am writing in great detail:

  • The first evening - one ampoule of Alflutop and one ampoule of vitamin B12, injections in the left and right buttock.

    The choice of which buttock to inject what is at your discretion.

  • Second evening - one Alflutop ampoule and one vitamin B12 ampoule
  • Third evening - Alflutop ampoule and vitamin B12 ampoule
  • And so we give injections twenty evenings in a row.

We take a break for seven days.

We give injections again, but with Aloe and vitamins B1, B6 and B12:

  • First evening - one ampoule of Aloe and one ampoule of vitamin B1
  • Second evening - “Aloe” + vitamin B6
  • Third evening - Aloe + vitamin B12
  • Fourth evening again: one ampoule of Aloe and one ampoule of vitamin B1
  • Fifth evening – “Aloe” + vitamin B6
  • Sixth evening - “Aloe” + vitamin B12
  • Seventh evening - repeat: one ampoule of Aloe and one ampoule of vitamin B1
  • Eighth evening - “Aloe” + vitamin B6
  • Ninth evening - “Aloe” + vitamin B12
  • Tenth evening - “Aloe” and again one ampoule of vitamin B12

We take another break for seven days.

And at the last stage we give Alflutop injections alternately with vitamins B1, B6 and B12:

  • First evening - one Alflutop ampoule and one vitamin B1 ampoule
  • Second evening - Alflutop + vitamin B6
  • Third evening - Alflutop + vitamin B12
  • Fourth evening - Alflutop ampoule + vitamin B1 ampoule
  • Fifth evening - Alflutop + vitamin B6
  • Sixth evening - “Alflutop” + vitamin B12
  • And so, alternating Alflutop and vitamins in turn, we give injections for 20 days

The entire course of treatment took me:

  • Alflutop – 4 boxes (40 ampoules of 1 ml)
  • Aloe – 1 box (10 ampoules of 1 ml)
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin hydrochloride) – 1 box (10 ampoules of 1 ml)
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) – 1 box (10 ampoules of 1 ml)
  • Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) – 3 boxes (30 ampoules of 1 ml)

Be sure to consult with your doctor about the benefits of these vitamins for your body!

All synthetic drugs have side effects. You may have to limit yourself to 20 injections of Alflutop and, accordingly, 20 injections of vitamin B12.

Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 are also contained in the preparation for intramuscular injection(injections) - Milgamma.

You can take pills instead of injections "Neuromultivit". This is a complex of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 plus excipients(see instructions).

During the treatment period, refrain from drinking alcohol, and if you have willpower, from smoking!

Information on the treatment of lumbar hernia

Analyzing my healing history, I realized one thing: in order to decrease intervertebral hernia , and therefore the pain has disappeared, you need to do twisting exercises and especially spinal traction exercises every day. And here's why...

During these exercises, some stretching of the vertebrae occurs and inside the elastic disc, in the core, a kind of discharged area is created, which, like a pump, slowly draws the hernia back through the crack, due to which the nerve compressed by it is released and the pain gradually disappears.

In addition, the hernia tends to dry out over time, clogging the crack in the disc. And for full recovery A damaged disc may require years of training.

When the pain disappears, these exercises can no longer be done daily, but 2-3 times a week. And we definitely need to train our back and abdominal muscles - this is the muscular corset that supports our back. (Pictures are at the bottom of the main page).

But people, already mentally tired of pain, give up treatment halfway through. And what? The pinched nerve was freed, the pain went away and life began to shine with all its colors again, but the hernia did not disappear completely, it just shrank a little!

And when, in joy, they begin to work again, loading the spine with weights, the hernia, growing again, puts pressure on the same nerve, causing the same severe pain. And the person then thinks in disappointment - it’s bullshit, not a method of treatment, and what’s even worse... agrees to the operation.

I repeat: no one here is forcing anyone to follow my treatment option! I got rid of pain, took care of my spine in every possible way, and for 3 years now I have been enjoying life - I bend over without pain and freely lift weights without a belt supporting my back.

In general, think for yourself what is best for you - a quick operation with possible severe consequences, or overcoming your laziness or fear of doing therapeutic exercises daily?

I wish everyone health and speedy relief from pain!

In the morning I took 1 tbsp orally. l. cinquefoil tincture, and then vigorously rubbed the sore spot with the same tincture - from the lower back to the foot - and began performing a set of therapeutic exercises. After class, take a hot shower.

Then I rubbed the pain area with comfrey tincture + 1 tbsp.

l. cinquefoil tincture inside. I took cinquefoil tincture orally 3-4 times a day.

After 2 hours I made a compress with aloe tincture. I lay there for about an hour and then washed off the remaining sticky mixture with warm water.

I rested, lying on a hard sofa or on a travel rug, on the floor.

Again I rubbed the sore leg with tincture of cinquefoil with dimexide or comfrey with dimexide. (Do not use internally, sign jars!)

If the pain intensified with movement, I took painkillers.

I rubbed comfrey ointment into the sore spot with massage movements and lay on the sofa for about forty minutes.

Every day, at night, he gave injections. After the injections, I rubbed myself with cinquefoil, took painkillers “Celebrex” and “Neurodiclovit” - one capsule each and went to bed. My sleep was calmer and in the morning the pain was not so strong, and it was less painful to do the exercises.

Instructions for use of aloe extract in ampoules

Aloe is widespread not only in traditional medicine, but it is also very well known in traditional medicine. This remedy can easily be seen in many medicines, for example, in ointments various directions or laxative drops. If you nevertheless decide to use aloe in ampoules for treatment, then first you need to carefully study the instructions for use, which we provide below.

Dosage form

Issue this drug produced in the form of a solution intended for subcutaneous administration injections, in 1 ml ampoules.


One ampoule of solution contains 1.5 mg of dry oxidizable aloe extract, as well as auxiliary elements: physical solution and injection water.


A liquid substance with a weak special aroma, ranging from yellowish to reddish-brown.

Pharmacology of the drug

Aloe injections regulate the metabolic process and are also a natural biostimulant. When using the drug, metabolism is restored, the process of renewal of the entire body is accelerated, and the resistance of immunity to different kinds diseases. Resistance to staphylococcal and streptococcal infections appears. The use of injections of a medicinal preparation of liquid aloe extract restores reproductive function.

Indications for use

  • stomach ulcer;
  • pneumonia and tuberculosis;
  • gastritis;
  • radiculoneuritis, various cases neuralgia;
  • conjunctivitis, progressive myopia, keratitis;
  • tissue scarring;
  • disruption of reproductive function;
  • decreased sense of smell and auditory activity.


  • intestinal obstruction;
  • sensitivity to one of the components of the drug;
  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • age less than 36 months;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • appendicitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • discharge of sputum with blood;
  • cystitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects

Digestive (gastrointestinal) tract:

  • dyspepsia;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • sore throat.

Immune system:

  • the appearance of rashes on the skin;
  • an allergic reaction, often manifested as urticaria;
  • the appearance of itching.

Cardiovascular system:

  • hot flashes to the pelvic area.
  • increased body temperature;
  • dizziness;
  • painful menstruation in women;
  • painful lumps at the injection site.

Instructions for using aloe in ampoules

Liquid aloe injections are intended for subcutaneous injection only and are not suitable for intramuscular injection. .

If there is a slight sediment, the ampoule must be shaken until the liquid is homogeneous.

Adults are prescribed 1 ml subcutaneously for daily injection, but daily dosages of up to 3-4 ml are allowed. Children over 5 years old are prescribed 0.5 ml, under 5 years old - 0.2-0.3 ml.

The duration of the course of treatment is from 30 to 50 injections, and you can also repeat the course again after 60-90 days.

For tuberculosis disease, the initial dose of the drug is 0.2 ml, then gradually increases.

People who are sick bronchial asthma The drug is administered over 11 to 16 days, 1-1.5 ml once per day, after which liquid aloe extract is administered every 2 days for 2-3 weeks. Total duration treatment from one month. To reduce the pain of the procedures, an anesthetic injection is first administered.


Interaction with other drugs

Use caution when combining aloe injections with glucocorticosteroids, licorice and diuretics, as this may cause potassium deficiency in the body. In addition, aloe juice enhances the effect of laxative and blood-forming drugs.

Special instructions

When prescribing the drug during lactation, it is better to remove breast-feeding for the period of course treatment, since the probability of penetration of the drug into milk is unknown.

During treatment with injections of this drug, you should be extremely careful when driving.

Storage conditions

The drug is stored in a dark place at an air temperature of up to 25°C, away from children.

Shelf life and release conditions

From the date of manufacture, use within 36 months.

Aloe in ampoules - instructions for use in cosmetology and gynecology

The use of expired medication is strictly contraindicated. The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription.


The majority of people who have used aloe extract injections in ampoules are generally satisfied with the effectiveness and natural ingredients of the drug, its affordable cost and virtually no side effects.

There are those who have used aloe extract for hair , for their general restoration, as well as directly for facial skin , to get rid of most skin imperfections. Many beautiful ladies with age begin to use aloe in ampoules for the face against wrinkles and increase tone.

It is worth remembering that for cosmetic purpose It's better to pay attention to aloe juice , and leave the liquid extract for injection.

Aloe injections in gynecology

The anti-inflammatory properties of the plant in question are widely used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, eye and skin diseases. In this article we will consider the use of aloe injections in gynecology.

Release form

Aloe extract is available in the following forms:

  1. Pills.
  2. Drops.
  3. Subcutaneous injections.
  4. Intramuscular injections.

Aloe extract in gynecology is used in the form of intramuscular and subcutaneous injections. Intramuscular injections are given in the buttock or lateral thigh, while subcutaneous injections are best given in the abdomen or forearm. It is important to ensure that each subsequent injection is not administered too close to the previous injection site.


The attending physician must select the required dose for a single injection and a full course in accordance with the disease, the person’s age and the individual characteristics of the body. As a rule, 1 ml of aloe extract is administered at a time; the daily dose should not exceed 4 ml of the drug. Full course is 10-50 injections, the number of injections depends on the patient’s well-being and the progress of recovery.

Aloe extract – treatment in gynecology

Injections with the juice of this plant are used to treat the following diseases:

  • infertility;
  • adnexitis;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • cervical erosion;
  • inflammation of the appendages.

In addition, aloe injections in gynecology are prescribed in the postoperative period. The drug has a strong immunomodulating effect, helps the body quickly recover after surgical intervention, prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

For the treatment of bacterial and viral infections in gynecological practice, aloe injections are prescribed in conjunction with antibiotics and physiotherapy. Usually a course of 15-20 injections of 1 ml of solution once a day is sufficient. Chlamydia is best treated with aloe; the disease recedes after 10 injections of aloe extract.

Infertility requires integrated approach, therefore herbal injections must be combined with hormonal therapy and specially selected medications. The course of treatment is 10 injections of 1 ml of the drug. It is not necessary to do them daily; it is enough to administer aloe extract once every 2 or 3 days.

One of unique properties This drug is capable of quickly resolving tumors, so it is often used to treat ovarian cysts.

Aloe extract

As practice shows, a small cyst disappears after a course of 10 injections of aloe extract, 0.5 ml of solution.

During the treatment of cervical erosion, aloe injections are combined with the introduction of tampons soaked in the drug into the vagina. A course of 10-15 injections is required once every 2 days and the same number of tampons for daily administration.


Side effects:

  • diarrhea followed by constipation. This is due to the fact that aloe extract promotes intensive removal of potassium from the intestinal walls, which reduces its peristalsis and weakens the muscles;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • hyperthermia or constant elevated temperature bodies.

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The formation of adhesions in the pelvic organs in women is very serious problem jeopardizing the possibility of motherhood. The most common causes are inflammatory diseases that progress to chronic form. Read more about this in our article.

Ovarian retention cyst

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Littleone 2006-2009 > Beauty and health > Our health > Aloe extract - how to inject? Very necessary!!

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09-10-2006, 11:40

The doctor prescribed me aloe extract intramuscularly, but the annotation says that it should be injected subcutaneously. As far as I know, there is a difference.
Maybe someone knows how to use this thing correctly?

Tagieva Lena

09-10-2006, 11:49

So they prescribed me intramuscular injection, I thought for a long time what to do, but my husband still injected me as best he could, subcutaneously or intramuscularly, as it turned out.
In my opinion, you need to inject subcutaneously in the stomach, but we injected in the rear.

The healing properties of aloe injections and methods of use

By the way, the treatment helped.

09-10-2006, 20:33

Today my husband will also inject me as best he can. I'm sitting and afraid:001:
True, yesterday I injected a vitamin, it worked out well for him, but the volume was less and it was clear how it was done =))

Tagieva Lena

10-10-2006, 09:53

Aloe must be injected SLOWLY, it is a painful injection.

Turanga Leela

10-10-2006, 13:18

in my opinion, he is still being injected intrabuttally :))
but it’sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
and definitely, you need to introduce it slowly

PS 10 years ago they only gave one injection, but I remember :))

11-10-2006, 00:47

Yeah, we finally decided to inject into a soft spot =)))
and by the way, it didn’t hurt at all :) It’s somehow much less pleasant with vitamins.

I was treated for pneumonia, which the local doctor missed, they injected me into the butt, I remembered aloe for a long time, I compared the effect during pregnancy when I was in conservancy, I was injected with magnesium :)) in both cases, getting up from the couch was problematic

They injected me intramuscularly (in the butt). A friend too, albeit in different clinics. Inject slowly, very painful injection.

11-10-2006, 17:27

I listened to it smart people, and everything seemed to become clear =)))
Thanks for the answers!

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Many housewives often have an unsightly-looking plant growing on their windowsills, but it is very highly valued in folk and official medicine.

In cosmetology, juice from the flower is used as the main component of masks that restore the scalp and the structure of curls.

The extract can be purchased in pharmacies and aloe can be successfully used in hair ampoules at home.

Anyone who calls a plant a home doctor will not be mistaken.

Agave juice: why is it so useful?

The flower contains many chemicals that have a beneficial effect on humans. Valuable elements contained in the juice:

  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Tannins;
  • Vitamins B, A and E;
  • Amino acids;
  • Carotenoids;
  • Catechins;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Enzymes.

In the extract from agave leaves you can find a rather large part of the table of chemical elements. These are copper, iodine, sodium, manganese, bromine, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iron.

“Spheres of influence” of aloe on the human body:

  • Inflammation reliever;
  • Moisturizing and soothing effect on the skin;
  • Normalization of the digestive system;
  • Helps against fungi, viruses and bacteria;
  • Stimulates immunity;
  • Normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • Activates hair growth, strengthens it;
  • Purifies the blood;
  • Used in gynecology;
  • The effectiveness of recipes with aloe has been proven by many years of medical practice.

Agave in the pharmacy

Pharmacists have come to the aid of those who cannot or do not want to obtain healing juice on their own. The extract is produced in the form of ampoules. This is a widely used drug. It can be found in almost all pharmacies.

The medicine is obtained by removing excess liquid from the natural juice of the plant. As a result of the complex technological process A concentrated extract is extracted and placed in ampoules. One dose is 1 ml of the substance without any additives.

Drugs on the market:

  • 1. “Aloe capsules” from Mirakbiofarm;
  • 2. “Aloe liniment” from Vifitech;
  • 3. “Aloe solution ampoule” from Biostimulator;
  • 4. “Aloe juice bottles” from Vilar;
  • 5. “Liquid aloe extract” from Vifitex.

The medication is intended for injection. Such a prescription can only be given by the attending physician. Apply the concentrate yourself in a similar way is strictly prohibited. The medicine may cause side effects and has contraindications for use.

How to use ampoules?

The contents of the bottles are used as an ingredient in hair care products. Sometimes it is much easier to purchase a ready-made product than to process agave leaves yourself.

It is very easy to verify the benefits of the ampoule extract. To do this, just apply a few drops of liquid to clean, moisturized skin. The absorbed product regenerates even very chapped, dry tissues. They will instantly gain softness and freshness.

Rubbing the extract into the scalp helps:

  • Reduce skin dryness;
  • Get rid of dandruff;
  • Cure seborrhea;
  • Resist shedding;
  • Restore shine and vitality to your curls.

It is easiest to use aloe in hair ampoules in its pure form. With a little time and effort, you can prepare effective masks using the concentrate.

How to speed up hair growth?

To get the healing mixture, you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of agave ampoule extract;
  • 1 teaspoon castor oil;
  • 1 teaspoon oil solution vitamin E;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tablespoon of kefir.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The substance is applied to the roots.

They hide everything under plastic and a towel. The mask is kept for 30-40 minutes. Use no more than once a week.

All ingredients in the recipe complement each other.

Aloe extract liquid for injection

Their joint action is the activation of curl growth.

Castor oil stimulates blood circulation. Hair becomes thick and strong. Vitamin E is responsible for the transport of oxygen in the blood, saturating the skin and bulbs with it. Kefir exhibits its nutritional properties.

The roots of curls often lack fat, lecithin, amino acids, and vitamin A. The result is hair loss. The yolk contains these substances in sufficient quantities.

How to give your hair vitality?

Saturation of curls liquid vitamins allows you to effectively strengthen them. This mask is suitable for all hair types.
The basis for preparing the mixture is balm. Take a regular, inexpensive product from any manufacturer.

Two tablespoons of conditioner are enough, which need to be enriched with useful elements. To do this, add one bottle of aloe extract, vitamins B1, B6 and B12 to the balm. All components are thoroughly mixed.

Vitamin balm can be applied immediately. If the haircut is short and the mixture remains, then it is placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Cover the storage container with cling film.

Before applying the mask, moisturize the hair. It is recommended to massage your head for 5 minutes to improve blood circulation.

After 15 minutes, the mixture is washed off. Curls must be handled with care: do not rub, do not use a hair dryer, comb after complete drying.

Recipes for healing masks

Traditional medicine offers different ways, how to use aloe in ampoules for hair.
To strengthen:

  • 1 tablespoon extract;
  • 1 teaspoon castor oil;
  • 3 tablespoons of nettle infusion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 yolk.

Apply the mixture of components to the roots. Wait half an hour and wash off the substance. Use once a week.

To add shine:

Rub the liquid into the scalp. Leave for half an hour. Then rinse off. Make a mask once every 7 days.

For oily hair:

  • Extract from ampoules;
  • Castor oil;
  • Lemon juice.

This mask will slow down the process of sebum secretion and remove dandruff. All components are taken in equal quantities and combined. After applying the mixture, the head is covered with polyethylene. After 30 minutes, wash your hair.

Here's another interesting video, check it out:

Aloe is an amazing flower. It helps restore health to the scalp and hair of all types.

It is probably difficult to find a more healthy indoor plant than the common agave. Liquid aloe extract is used in medicine and is included in skin care products, immunostimulants and products that enhance regeneration. It is not difficult to prepare a remedy yourself, but it takes time. It’s easier to purchase a ready-made drug at a pharmacy, especially since the choice of products is based on plant extract impressive.

Useful properties

With the help of a unique plant, it is possible to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improve the condition of the liver and pancreas, and get rid of dermatitis and acne. The drug is taken orally for general health, detoxification of the body and relief of inflammatory processes. Aloe injections are performed for gynecological diseases, immunodeficiency conditions, vision problems and bronchopulmonary ailments.

The demand for agave is due to its wide range action and unique composition. The components of the extract include vitamins and mineral compounds, essential amino acids, metabolic catalysts, polysaccharides and flavonoids.

The juice of the plant is enriched with phytoncides and tannins. Thanks to them, it is possible to stop the spread of infection, block inflammatory reactions, neutralize pathogenic microorganisms. Agave is effective against fungal infections, protozoa and viruses. Organic acids, which are part of the extract, have a bacteriostatic effect.

Purpose of liquid aloe

For injections, aloe is used in ampoules. This product is suitable as a primary therapy and as a supplement conservative treatment. The product increases the body's barrier properties and strengthens the nervous system. Main component pharmaceutical drug is a dry aloe extract. The product also contains purified water and sodium chloride.

The pharmaceutical product has certain indications for use:

  • ophthalmological ailments - lens opacity, progressive myopia, glaucoma and cataracts;
  • bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis and bronchitis;
  • gynecological disorders - adhesions, inability to conceive, inflammatory diseases and fungal infections;
  • urological diseases – urethritis, prostatitis;
  • neurological disorders - neurosis, migraines, psycho-emotional surges;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • frequent colds - the drug helps general increase immunity and prevents the development of diseases such as tonsillitis, rhinosinusitis, otitis media.

Despite the wide therapeutic possibilities and minimal risk of side effects, aloe injections are not always permissible. The drug should not be used for cystitis, bleeding and hemorrhoids, cancer, childhood(up to 3 years). The herbal medicine is used with caution for diseases of the liver and gall bladder; in the acute stage, treatment is canceled. Pregnancy and lactation are not always contraindications to the use of aloe extract, but exceeding the dosage can lead to serious side effects.

How to use

The product in ampoules is intended for subcutaneous injection, but it is permissible to take the drug orally. A precipitate may form in the solution. It is recommended to shake it before using the drug. The treatment course ranges from 30 to 50 injections. Procedures are done daily or at intervals of one day. The maximum dosage for an adult is 4 ml per day. Optimal - 1 ml. Children aged 5 to 12 years are prescribed 0.5 ml of extract per day. Up to 5 years of age it is not recommended to inject more than 0.3 ml of the drug.

After completion of therapy, it is necessary to take a break of 2-3 months. The treatment can be repeated in the future. Intravenous use the product is prohibited, but the drug can be used externally as a component of medicinal and cosmetic products.

Compositions based on vegetable oils and agave extract. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. Especially good results gives the use of castor, burdock and almond oils. Duration of therapy is 1-3 months.

To improve skin tone and prevent acne, use aloe along with kefir or yogurt. This mask is suitable for both oily and dry skin. It softens and whitens the first one, and moisturizes and nourishes the second one.

The drug is used to heal burns. For this purpose, the extract is added to ready-made creams and ointments with a regenerating effect.

Cost of treatment

The pharmaceutical product will cost 150-300 rubles for a package of 10 ampoules. If you do the injections yourself, then all expenses will be limited to this, and if you seek professional help from private clinic, then the treatment will cost a tidy sum taking into account the duration of the course.

It is not difficult to inject the solution at home yourself, but there is a risk of developing side effects. The injections are painful, especially if done incorrectly. Swelling and redness occur when the composition gets into the interstitial space.