Is it possible to treat teeth during a cold? Is it possible to treat teeth with a severe cold? Why can’t you treat teeth with a cold?

Often the onset of a cold coincides with an appointment with the dentist. In some cases, the doctor will refuse treatment, because the presence of symptoms such as cough and runny nose significantly complicate the procedure and can cause various complications.

Expert opinion

Biryukov Andrey Anatolievich

doctor implantologist orthopedic surgeon Graduated from Crimean Medical University. Institute in 1991. Specialization: therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic dentistry including implantology and implant prosthetics.

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I believe that you can still save a lot on visits to the dentist. Of course I'm talking about dental care. After all, if you carefully look after them, then treatment may indeed not come to the point - it won’t be necessary. Microcracks and small caries on teeth can be removed with regular toothpaste. How? The so-called filling paste. For myself, I highlight Denta Seal. Try it too.

But each case is individual, and if you experience acute toothache, you should definitely consult a specialist. He will conduct an examination, make a diagnosis and answer whether treatment will be carried out now or whether you need to wait until the disease recedes.

Why do teeth hurt when you have a cold?

The occurrence of toothache during a cold infection occurs due to the following reasons:

  • due to rhinitis, pressure increases in the nasal sinuses, reflected by pain in the teeth;
  • taking medications that contain various acids and vitamin C, which provide negative impact on the enamel, causing its destruction;
  • drying of the oral mucosa leads to the emergence and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, which are a source of pain;
  • constant weakness makes a person forget about carrying out hygienic cleaning teeth, as well as rinsing them after eating. As a result, grains of food remain in the interdental space, which is the cause of caries and other dental diseases. A common symptom such pathologies are toothache;
  • colds often provoke inflammation of the fifth pair cranial nerves(trigeminal nerve). In this case, many suffer from pain in the teeth;
  • A stressful state of the body can also cause such a symptom.

Why can’t teeth be treated in this position?

Any disease involves a decrease protective function body, and dental procedures require an optimal state of the immune system. Therefore, doctors refuse to remove teeth or perform other treatment on the patient.

The main reasons for prohibiting dental procedures:

  • The treatment process involves performing actions that result in oral cavity the patient is left with an open hole or wound. Prolonged healing of the unprotected area will allow various bacteria and viruses to enter it, and a weakened immune system will not be able to fight off any additional infection. This can lead to various inflammatory processes, both in the oral cavity and in other organs;

    Do you feel nervous before visiting the dentist?


  • If it is necessary to use anesthetics, it is impossible to accurately predict the effectiveness of their action; it may be reduced or the drug may not work at all. In some cases, they may be incompatible with taking antiviral or antipyretic drugs;
  • cold symptoms (rhinitis, cough, sore throat) will not allow a person to sit for a long time open mouth, since he simply will not be able to breathe normally;
  • Constant coughing will not only make the dentist’s work more difficult, but will also cause the spread of pathogenic microorganisms. In this situation, not only the doctor will be susceptible to infection, but also the open wound in the patient's cavity;
  • if you have herpes on the lips, you will also hear a refusal, since this virus will definitely penetrate into the oral cavity during dental treatment, and this threatens the development of stomatitis. Moreover, even finding the sterile conditions of the dentist’s office high level do not provide a guarantee of protection to subsequent clients from such an infection. No one wants to see the reputation of a clinic or doctor suffer.

The doctor will reschedule the treatment for another time, and if the pain is excruciating, he will advise active remedy to eliminate it.

At home, you can use decoctions or compresses prepared based on medicinal plants, to relieve pain.

In what cases is treatment allowed?

A cold is not a direct contraindication to dental treatment, so the doctor must examine the patient and find out the severity of his illness. IN following cases threatening the deterioration of human health and development dangerous consequences, the procedure is not cancelled:

  • traumatic periodontitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • odontogenic periostatitis in acute form, characterized by purulent inflammation in the subgingival and subnasal jaw area (flux);
  • inflammation trigeminal nerve;
  • phlegmon – staphylococcal infection, causing damage to the cellular spaces of a purulent nature;
  • abscess;
  • acute pain during the eruption of the third molar (figure eight);
  • rapidly spreading inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • advanced caries. If carious cavity has grown to large area, and requires the removal of several teeth, it is necessary to eliminate the problem as soon as possible, since it can aggravate not only the condition of neighboring teeth, but also the symptoms of a cold.

For some dental diseases, treatment can also occur with a cold.

When treating a patient with a cold, the doctor must be careful and perform the following steps:

  • disinfection of the oral mucosa and all wounds on the lips with an antiseptic, which can cause additional infection;
  • after the procedure, the open socket is treated with a drug that has bactericidal properties;
  • antibacterial medications, immunostimulants and drugs that promote rapid tissue regeneration are prescribed.

If a cold occurs in mild form and without herpes, you will be able to keep your mouth open for a long time, then the following procedures are allowed:

  • removal of tartar;
  • enamel whitening;
  • taking an impression necessary for making a prosthesis.

Possible complications

Possible negative consequences problems that arise during dental treatment for colds:

  • In the presence of herpes on the lips, the oral cavity becomes infected, which threatens the development of stomatitis. This cold symptom is the most dangerous for dental treatment, so doctors try to reschedule the procedure for another time;
  • prolonged healing of the wound, which can cause infection, and subsequently the development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • increased pain in the throat;
  • spread of pathogenic microflora from the oral cavity deep into the body.

To ensure that you do not have complications after a visit to the dentist for a cold, you must strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions before and after the procedure, as well as timely perform hygienic measures to clean the oral cavity.

The presence of infection in the body is frequent failure dentist in performing dental treatment. Carrying out such procedures may adversely affect the patient's condition or lead to the development of various complications. But you should not stay at home if you have an appointment; it is possible that your problem requires an urgent solution.

In such a situation, the doctor will definitely carry out the procedure in compliance with all precautions and give recommendations aimed at preventing the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. You will also need to undergo an examination by a therapist, who will find out whether dental treatment has worsened your general condition.

What to do if at this moment you have an appointment with a doctor - is it possible to treat teeth for a cold? It is difficult to answer unequivocally; in most cases it is better to reschedule the appointment for the period after the illness.

Should you visit the dentist when you have a cold?

It is difficult to answer the question whether it is possible with a cold, because sometimes the pain is so severe that everything just falls out of your hands.

Most dentists will tell you that it is not a good idea to go in for dental treatment if you suddenly become ill. Eat different situations, and in each of them you should first consult with your doctor about what would be better for you - to rest at home or have a filling.

Dental treatment for colds is delayed for several reasons:

  • Viruses and bacteria weaken your body, and in this state it is easier to catch another infection.
  • Some procedures in the dental chair lead to the appearance of wounds through which the process of infection of the entire body can begin.
  • Various anesthesia, even local character, weaken the strength of your immune system, and during a cold it already works at full capacity.

Therefore, it is better to postpone dental treatment for a cold, even if it hurts. Moreover, ARVI is accompanied by nasal congestion, sore throat or cough, and at the dentist you will have to sit for at least 40 minutes in the same position. Your head will be thrown back and your mouth will be open, which will cause a lot of discomfort when you have a cold.

In what cases is dental treatment allowed for ARVI?

In most cases, doctors will say that having a cold, at any stage, is still a contraindication for dental treatment. But sometimes exceptions are allowed.

So, to the question whether it is possible to treat teeth with a cold, a positive answer will be given in situations if you have a quick and strong development inflammatory process or high probability getting a disease such as flux

If you have one of these situations, then contacting a dentist is simply necessary, even if you also have an acute respiratory viral infection.

Is it possible to visit the dentist at high temperatures?

When asked whether it is possible to treat teeth for a cold with fever, all qualified dentists will give you a clear answer - it is not possible.

The appearance of a high temperature indicates that your body is intensively fighting the bacteria that have entered it. In this state, he is already working at the limit of his capabilities, so additional intervention will only do harm. Moreover, in such a situation, the healing of wounds that arise during dental treatment can be significantly delayed, which means the risk of new infections will increase.

Of course, it’s a completely different matter if the fever is not caused by a cold, but, on the contrary, by an inflammatory process, for example, in the gums. Then visiting a dentist is not only allowed, but also mandatory, and urgently. Since even small cyst V soft tissues oral cavity can lead to very serious consequences.

How to eliminate toothache during a cold

Since when asked whether it is possible to treat teeth during a cold, all doctors will answer that it is better to postpone the procedures, another question arises - what to do if you are going crazy from pain?

In such situations, you can resort to several methods to reduce suffering:

  • Take painkillers, and they can not only relieve your tooth pain, but also reduce your temperature. Since they often contain substances wide range actions.
  • Place a menthol tablet or tablet under your tongue. As it dissolves, menthol will be released, which has an anesthetic effect and soothes pain.
  • You can rinse your mouth with water and baking soda. Moreover, the procedure must be repeated at least 3 times, and the calming effect of such an elixir will occur only after an hour.
  • You can make a compress or use various decoctions, for example, with tincture of sage or ginger root.
  • Try the onion or garlic method. This method will allow you not only to relieve pain, but also help strengthen your immune system.
  • Strengthen the treatment of the cold itself. Often toothache is caused by a general deterioration in the body’s condition. This means that the faster you cure her, the it will pass faster tooth.

Of course, all methods will only bring temporary peace, but at least they will help you maintain your composure until recovery. After acute stage If your cold passes, you can make an appointment with the dentist and have your annoying tooth treated.

Are visits to the dentist compatible?

Herpes is very common viral disease, which can also be located on the lips. Therefore, before visiting the dentist, you should think about whether it is possible to treat your teeth if you have a cold on your lips.

No qualified dentist will treat you if he sees herpes. After all, the virus from the lips can most quickly enter the oral cavity during the treatment process. And this, in turn, will lead to another complex disease - stomatitis. Moreover, even in the sterile conditions of a dental office, the virus can continue to exist after you leave, and there is a high risk of infecting the next patient. And this will affect the overall reputation of the clinic.

Moreover, the correct one will only take you a few days, so it is better to reschedule your visit to the dentist for this period.

Bottom line

Let's summarize, answering the question whether it is possible to treat teeth for a cold:

  1. In most cases, your dentist will advise you to reschedule your appointment. Treatment will only be carried out in emergency situations.
  2. Can be used for relief during colds various means. Having selected the ones you need specifically for yourself, you can transfer it.
  3. If right before visiting the dentist you have a cold on your lips, then without hesitation, immediately reschedule your appointment.

If this symptom Due to the teething of the child, it will last no longer than four days. But some newborns copious discharge mucus lasts for a week. At the same time, it is very difficult to understand what the baby is suffering from: a cold, or whether the symptoms are caused by the growth of teeth.

The following symptoms can help distinguish the teething process:

  • redness of the gums;
  • the baby constantly puts toys in his mouth and sucks his finger, which indicates the presence of itching;
  • the child intensively produces saliva;
  • the child refuses food;
  • irritable, capricious behavior;
  • liquid feces;
  • dry cough.

Even an experienced doctor can be confused due to the similarity of symptoms. All this often indicates ARVI, and only a number of other symptoms help to realize that they are specifically caused by tooth eruption.

As baby teeth grow, snot regularly flows from the nose. Due to their fluidity, breathing is not difficult. Rhinitis bacterial and viral origin It is characterized by the presence of a thick white or greenish mass, which makes it very difficult to breathe.

The symptoms immediately disappear when the white parts of the tooth begin to emerge on the surface of the gums. Naturally, this condition should not be ignored and certain treatment measures must be taken.

Dental X-ray during pregnancy

Before filling the canal, the tooth is drilled to remove carious formations.

Drilling teeth with deep caries causes severe pain, so it is necessary to give an anesthetic injection into the gum (in several places), and when necessary, into the pulp of the tooth. After this, the patient can have the diseased tooth cleaned and filled painlessly.

Treatment of a tooth with shallow caries is possible without the use of anesthetic. But some patients have such a low pain threshold, that even filling a tooth with superficial caries causes them terrible pain. With pulpitis, you cannot do without local anesthesia.

Dental anesthesia is used to temporarily numb the tooth tissues, thus reducing their sensitivity, and the dentist can treat the tooth without hindrance.

Local anesthesia is used for:

  • drilling teeth before filling them;
  • nerve removal;
  • pulp surgery;
  • tooth extraction.

Recommended anesthetics during pregnancy are Ubistezin or Ultracaine D-S(namely D-S). Their use is considered acceptable for the treatment of pregnant women, because they do not affect the health and development of the fetus.

To make the injection into the gum easier to tolerate, the injection site is treated with Novocaine. Thanks to him, the puncture of the tissue will be barely felt. Warn the dentist in advance that you are pregnant, so that when treating the injection site with Novocain, the dose of anesthetic is minimal.

Please note: the cheek, tongue, lips and other areas of the mouth that come under the spray of Novocain spray will become numb. So don't be alarmed, this is how it should be. Try not to worry and breathe evenly through your nose.

Novocaine is acceptable when treating pregnant women, but you should not swallow saliva after treating the injection site with this drug; spit it into a bowl.

Be careful! Any painkiller can cause skin allergic reaction and others side effects(downgrade blood pressure, weakness and dizziness), therefore, it is first necessary to test the individual tolerance of the drug by applying a small amount of the drug to the gum with a cotton swab soaked in an anesthetic.

In this “interesting” situation in female body significant changes are taking place. Calcium, the presence of which makes teeth strong, in the current state is spent on building bone tissue baby.

And that’s not all, because during toxicosis, a pregnant woman spends it to an even greater extent. But it is quite difficult to replenish this microelement in the body with food.

Therefore, calcium deficiency is a common occurrence during pregnancy. Then we can conclude that dental problems will still overtake the woman sooner or later.

In addition, saliva affects the condition of teeth. During pregnancy, its composition changes significantly.

Previously, it contained substances that protected teeth from caries, but now the amount of these elements is significantly reduced, which, to one degree or another, affects their health. Immunity is significantly reduced, which, in addition to other diseases, can also bring dental ailments.

Scientists have proven that approximately a third of all pregnant women suffer from some kind of infection that significantly affects the condition of the baby and his immune system, as well as the gastrointestinal tract system.

Monitoring the condition of teeth during pregnancy is not a recommendation, but prerequisite, because, in addition to the ubiquitous caries, a woman can suffer from periodontal disease with pulpitis and gingivitis.

Is it possible to vaccinate pregnant women?

With painkillers and fluorography, everything became clear. And therefore, a pregnant woman should not be afraid to have her teeth treated. But it is worth noting that in this situation some dental procedures Women should not do this for the reason that they can negatively affect the condition of the fetus.

  • Teeth whitening process.
  • Implantation.
  • Using anesthesia for treatment.

How do cold symptoms affect treatment?

When a patient decides whether teeth with a temperature of 38°C can be treated, he should be prepared to take additional medicines. With availability different symptoms colds are associated and features of treatment at the dentist.

Runny nose

A runny nose and nasal congestion bother a patient visiting a dentist. Breathing only through your mouth at this time is tiring. In addition, the mucous membrane of the mouth dries out and the soreness in the throat increases. To prevent this, you can use vasoconstrictors. They will reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa. Before instillation, it is advisable to rinse your nose with saline or sea water.


Dangers of NOT treating

Toothache can be so unbearable that it makes you want to climb walls. If you have a cold, of course there is no need to talk about dental intervention. But how to overcome severe pain?

The determination of the treatment method is best agreed with the doctor:

If you require emergency treatment teeth, you shouldn’t put off your visit until later, even if you have a cold. In this case medical staff will understand you and show condescension.

But if treatment is not urgent, it is better to postpone it until full recovery so as not to once again burden your own body and spread the infection. Remember to practice normal oral hygiene and strictly adhere to it, even if you experience severe fatigue and malaise.

To decide whether it is possible to treat teeth at a temperature, you need to correctly determine the cause of its increase.

If this is a consequence colds, then it is better to reschedule your visit to the dentist. In severe cases, fever-reducing medications can be used, but only after consulting a doctor.

However elevated temperature body may be a symptom of dental problems:

  1. pulpitis;
  2. periodontitis;
  3. abscess;
  4. cyst;
  5. flux;
  6. eruption of wisdom teeth.

At the same time, visiting a dentist is not only acceptable, but also necessary to receive adequate treatment.

Otorhinolaryngological diseases such as sinusitis and ear inflammation can also cause toothache accompanied by an increase in temperature. To treat them, you need to contact a specialist of the appropriate profile.

In children, teething is sometimes accompanied by fever, temperature 37...37.5°C. A more pronounced rise in temperature (up to 38...39°C) is considered a pathology. This may indicate the presence of an infection in the body and requires the help of a pediatrician.

There are many dangers that await those mothers who open their mouths during pregnancy.

  • · Bacteria and microbes that develop in the oral cavity during oral diseases spread throughout the body and can enter the fragile body not yet newborn baby. If we are talking about a nursing mother, then bacteria enter breast milk, and then into the baby's tummy.
  • · Sepsis of the whole body, caused by decaying bacteria in an untreated tooth.
  • · Worsening the problem. Bleeding gums that are not restored during pregnancy will continue to bleed, causing inflammation of the nerves, which will lead to even more serious consequences in the future.
  • · Towards dangers late treatment Let’s add teeth and a financial aspect. The later the treatment of a diseased tooth begins, the more money you will pay to make him healthy again.

Treating teeth during pregnancy is much safer than not treating them.

A mother who is breastfeeding her baby must adhere to simple rules in order to maximally protect her still tiny baby from the harmful effects of anesthetics.

As is known from medical practice, in most cases ARVI is accompanied by high temperature, cough and many other symptoms. But there are a number of factors when it is permissible to undergo dental procedures even in this case.

These are cases of urgent need:

  • progress of inflammatory processes in the tooth structure;
  • there is a high probability that flux will appear at the next stage of the disease.

In such cases, the dentist will always undertake treatment, despite acute phase ARVI.

Everyone knows what unbearable toothache is. IN medical practice There are many examples when specialists urgently begin treatment, despite the progressing cold infection in the body.

Such cases include:

  • instant development of inflammation in the tooth structure;
  • inflammation is accompanied by suppuration;
  • rapid development of flux.

In such situations, visiting a dentist is vital. It should not be put off even if there is no strength to get out of bed.

When the body is affected by an infection and at the same time there is toothache, the patient feels incredible suffering. Often he needs to resort to independent actions, since visiting the dental office unless absolutely necessary is not recommended until complete recovery.

In such a situation, the following rules should be followed:

  • independent treatment cannot be carried out without consulting a specialist;
  • Before going to a consultation, you need to take a painkiller in the form of Analgin, No-shpa or Spazmalgon.

Triple nerve inflammation causing pain, can be treated with electrophoresis or antibiotics. Such procedures are prescribed according to individual indications. It all depends on the strength and unbearability of the toothache.

A sore throat is a rather unpleasant thing in itself. It is a symptom that not everything is in order with our throat and health in general. It could be common cold or tonsillitis, which can be caused by various pathogens, namely viruses, bacteria and fungi. Often a sore throat does not go away long enough. It interferes with living, working, studying, and relaxing normally. This condition cannot be ignored; you must urgently seek help from a doctor who will prescribe adequate treatment.

What to do if, in addition to a cold and sore throat, toothache is added and there is an urgent need to visit the dentist? Or is it your turn to see a doctor by appointment? Can you treat your teeth if you have a sore throat?

Of course, treatment of diseased teeth is possible, but only in cases where the patient simply cannot bear the pain. However, dentists in most cases recommend postponing the procedure until complete recovery.

Regular visits to the dentist and compliance with all hygiene standards very important for beautiful smile and the health of all teeth.

In most cases, doctors will say that having a cold, at any stage, is still a contraindication for dental treatment. But sometimes exceptions are allowed.

So, to the question of whether it is possible to treat teeth for a cold, a positive answer will be given in situations where you have a rapid and severe development of the inflammatory process or a high probability of getting a disease such as gumboil

Treatment of runny nose during teething

First of all, take care of the optimal humidity in the room. These values ​​should not be more than twenty degrees. Often this may be due to a lack of vitamins and useful substances. For prevention purposes, you should include in your diet foods enriched with vitamins and carotene. All fermented milk products contain these components.

At severe pain you need to apply topical products such as dentinox and the like.

Powerful drugs are not used as treatment during periods of increased growth. Can be applied general measures in order to relieve general malaise. It is worth clearing the mucus from the nose and thoroughly rinsing the organ, then moisturize it.

With intense mucus secretion, crusts begin to form, which should be removed with special solutions. Today on pharmaceutical market There are many drugs available.

You can also successfully get rid of a runny nose with sea ​​water. She won't do any harm children's body, so it can be used many times.

After rinsing and moisturizing procedures, you should get rid of mucus. The manipulation should not last long. Nasal sprays are suitable for this purpose. All devices must be thoroughly treated with boiling water before use and after procedures.

Painkillers and their necessity

As already mentioned, the painkiller injected at the dentist does not harm either the expectant mother or the fetus. Therefore, you should not be afraid of this at all.

In addition, experts recommend using anesthesia during dental treatment if a woman is pregnant. This not only reduces painful sensations, but also protects the child from infection that develops in the female body.

Is it possible to have teeth pulled out during pregnancy?

Complications during dental interventions

With any dental intervention there is a risk of complications. Bacterial infection or the virus may increase the possibility of infection of nearby tissues or nerves.

A slightly elevated temperature after dental treatment (up to 37.3...37.8°C) is normal and indicates that healing processes are taking place in the body. But if the temperature persists 3-4 days after treatment or tooth extraction, this may be a symptom of an inflammatory process. A repeated visit to the doctor is required to avoid complications. These could be:

  • alveolitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane due to an infection or a tooth fragment in the wound);
  • osteomyelitis (a rare but dangerous infection of the bone);
  • stomatitis (an inflammatory process affecting the oral mucosa.

Surely, many patients of dental clinics in St. Petersburg and other regions wondered if it was possible to treat teeth for a cold. Any disease is, first of all, stress for the body. A visit to a dental clinic to treat caries, remove a tooth, or eliminate other types of problems is also a big stress for a person, which can aggravate a cold, or may not have any effect on the body.

Therefore, there is no completely unambiguous answer to the question of whether it is possible to treat teeth for a cold. There are only recommendations from dentists and therapists who advise waiting until complete recovery and only then starting or continuing dental treatment.
Why is it undesirable to treat your teeth during a cold?

During ARVI, microbes and infection live in the body, which significantly weakens it. It is for this reason that the risk of infection of the open area and wounds that appear as a result of dental and surgical interventions. Therefore, if you have to scheduled appointment to the clinic for the treatment of caries or other dental problems, the best solution will abstain from it.

Another important argument in favor of the fact that dental treatment during colds is contraindicated is that anesthetics and various painkillers can have a bad effect on an organism weakened by the disease. Besides that, it's quite uncomfortable. for a long time sit with your mouth open, especially if you have a runny nose. We must not forget that there is a high probability of infecting the attending physician.

In what cases, despite a cold, can treatment be carried out?

Although it is not recommended to visit the dentist during a cold, ARVI is not absolute contraindication for dental treatment. It should be noted here that you can treat teeth for a cold only with emergency appointments. TO similar cases include situations where the risk of developing flux is too high or progresses purulent inflammation. Removing teeth during ARVI is an extremely undesirable procedure, since during this period an open wound becomes a tempting place for pathogenic bacteria and microbes.
Professionals dental clinic"Persona" is always at your service!

The specialists of the Persona Center for Aesthetic Dentistry are always ready to help their patients with similar situations. During dental treatment, modern high-quality antiseptics are used to disinfect the oral cavity, which contributes to the complete destruction of germs and bacteria. In addition, the use modern techniques when treating patients with colds, it completely eliminates infection of dental tissues during the treatment process.

Professional doctors work conscientiously, so you can rest assured that the treatment will be carried out efficiently, promptly and with minimal inconvenience for you. Along with high quality We provide adequate prices for the services provided, an individual approach and a flexible system of discounts for patients.

Do you have a sore throat, a stuffy nose, and do you feel general lethargy in your body? These are all symptoms of a cold. What to do if at this moment you have an appointment with a doctor - is it possible to treat teeth for a cold? It is difficult to answer unequivocally; in most cases it is better to reschedule the appointment for the period after the illness.

Most dentists will tell you that it is not a good idea to go in for dental treatment if you suddenly become ill. There are different situations, and in each of them you should first consult with your doctor about what would be better for you - to rest at home or have a filling.

Dental treatment for colds is delayed for several reasons:

  • Viruses and bacteria weaken your body, and in this state it is easier to catch another infection.
  • Some procedures in the dental chair lead to the appearance of wounds through which the process of infection of the entire body can begin.
  • Various anesthesia, even local, weaken the strength of your immune system, and during a cold it already works at full capacity.

Therefore, it is better to postpone dental treatment for a cold, even if it hurts. Moreover, ARVI is accompanied by nasal congestion, sore throat or cough, and at the dentist you will have to sit for at least 40 minutes in the same position. Your head will be thrown back and your mouth will be open, which will cause a lot of discomfort when you have a cold.

In what cases is dental treatment allowed for ARVI?

In most cases, doctors will say that having a cold, at any stage, is still a contraindication for dental treatment. But sometimes exceptions are allowed.

So, to the question of whether it is possible to treat teeth for a cold, a positive answer will be given in situations where you have a rapid and severe development of the inflammatory process or a high probability of getting a disease such as gumboil

If you have one of these situations, then contacting a dentist is simply necessary, even if you also have an acute respiratory viral infection.

Is it possible to visit the dentist at high temperatures?

When asked whether it is possible to treat teeth for a cold with fever, all qualified dentists will give you a clear answer - it is not possible.

The appearance of a high temperature indicates that your body is intensively fighting the bacteria that have entered it. In this state, he is already working at the limit of his capabilities, so additional intervention will only do harm. Moreover, in such a situation, the healing of wounds that arise during dental treatment can be significantly delayed, which means the risk of new infections will increase.

Of course, it’s a completely different matter if the fever is not caused by a cold, but, on the contrary, by an inflammatory process, for example, in the gums. Then visiting a dentist is not only allowed, but also mandatory, and urgently. Since even a small cyst in the soft tissues of the oral cavity can lead to very serious consequences.

How to eliminate toothache during a cold

Since when asked whether it is possible to treat teeth during a cold, all doctors will answer that it is better to postpone the procedures, another question arises - what to do if you are going crazy from pain?

In such situations, you can resort to several methods to reduce suffering:

  • Take painkillers, and they can not only relieve your tooth pain, but also reduce your temperature. Since they often contain substances with a wide spectrum of action.
  • Place a menthol tablet or tablet under your tongue. As it dissolves, menthol will be released, which has an anesthetic effect and soothes pain.
  • You can rinse your mouth with water and baking soda. Moreover, the procedure must be repeated at least 3 times, and the calming effect of such an elixir will occur only after an hour.
  • You can make a compress or use various decoctions, for example, with tincture of sage or ginger root.
  • Try the onion or garlic method. This method will allow you not only to relieve pain, but also help strengthen your immune system.
  • Strengthen the treatment of the cold itself. Often toothache is caused by a general deterioration in the body’s condition. This means that the faster you cure it, the faster the tooth will go away.

Of course, all methods will only bring temporary peace, but at least they will help you maintain your composure until recovery. After the acute stage of the cold has passed, you can make an appointment with the dentist and have your annoying tooth treated.

Are cold sores and a visit to the dentist compatible?

Herpes is a very common viral disease that can also be located on the lips. Therefore, before visiting the dentist, you should think about whether it is possible to treat your teeth if you have a cold on your lips.

No qualified dentist will treat you if he sees herpes. After all, the virus from the lips can most quickly enter the oral cavity during the treatment process. And this, in turn, will lead to another complex disease - stomatitis. Moreover, even in the sterile conditions of a dental office, the virus can continue to exist after you leave, and there is a high risk of infecting the next patient. And this will affect the overall reputation of the clinic.

Moreover, correct treatment It will only take you a few days to get a cold on your lips, so it is best to reschedule your visit to the dentist for this period.

Bottom line

Let's summarize, answering the question whether it is possible to treat teeth for a cold:

  1. In most cases, your dentist will advise you to reschedule your appointment. Treatment will only be carried out in emergency situations.
  2. To relieve toothache during a cold, you can use various remedies. Having selected the ones you need specifically for yourself, you can transfer it.
  3. If right before visiting the dentist you have a cold on your lips, then without hesitation, immediately reschedule your appointment.

You need to think about visiting a dental clinic in advance. Record to qualified specialist often carried out a month in advance. What to do if on the eve of the appointed day you feel unwell and the first symptoms of a cold? Is it possible to treat teeth if you have a cold, or should you cancel your long-awaited visit? You will find the answers in our article.

Should you go to the dentist when you have a cold?

There are no direct contraindications to the treatment of caries during ARVI. However, a qualified doctor will tell you that dental procedures can cause complications. Therefore, the question of the advisability of visiting a dentist is open. Here are some pros and cons that will help you decide whether it is worth treating your teeth if you are sick?


  • The first argument in favor of why caries cannot be treated for a cold is that you can infect the attending physician. Such a trip to the dentist can turn out to be the last one serious illness and not provided medical care to many of his patients.
  • Going to a specialist if you have a cold is associated with the risk of complications. The fact is that during a cold the body is weakened and more vulnerable to infection. When you are sick, your internal strength goes into fighting the symptoms of a cold and is no longer enough to repel other attacks. Surgical procedures in the dental chair lead to increased proliferation of bacteria in the oral cavity.
  • The effect of an anesthetic on the body during illness is unpredictable. The patient may suddenly become ill in the chair, which will make further treatment impossible.
  • A timely visit to the dentist will help avoid complications associated with the disease. Sometimes it is acceptable to suffer a slight cold in the chair in order to preserve the tooth or pulp inside it.
  • A visit to the dentist is justified if the patient has serious dental diseases: periodontitis, gumboil, purulent and inflammatory processes. If you have one of these ailments, as well as acute “shooting” pain, you should immediately eliminate their causes.

Treatment of caries with a runny nose

Separately, it should be said about the treatment of caries with a runny nose. Here, to the above arguments “against”, another one is added: the need to sit with your mouth open and head thrown back for an indefinite period of time. Evaluate your options carefully before agreeing to this.

The best solution would be to ask the doctor himself for advice. Together with the patient, he will determine how urgent the assistance should be. The decision depends on a single criterion: which of the diseases is more serious - a cold or a dental one.

The influence of temperature on the quality of dental treatment

Temperature is a natural reaction of the body to the inflammatory processes occurring in it. The intensified fight against infection, to which all internal resources are directed, often causes the mercury column to rise to alarming levels. Should you go to the dentist if you have a fever when your body temperature reaches 37-38 degrees? You can find the answer to this question by listening to your body and understanding why the temperature is elevated.

If the cause of the increase in temperature is the flu or ARVI, it is better to reschedule the visit to the doctor and rest at home, giving the body the opportunity to recover. However, it is worth remembering that the reason for the temperature jump can be pathological processes in the oral cavity, for example, the formation of a cyst or deep caries. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Tooth extraction during ARVI

Unlike standard dental surgery, removing a diseased tooth is a last resort. The question of whether it is possible to postpone the operation until the patient has fully recovered or whether the tooth needs to be pulled out immediately must be decided especially carefully. First of all, the doctor must assess the general clinical picture patient and decide whether the severity of the cold is so great as to postpone surgery.

Any unreasonable delay in tooth extraction can seriously affect the patient’s health, so you cannot delay. As the carious cavity grows, it not only aggravates the pain in the tooth requiring extraction, but also affects the neighboring ones. A tooth that needs to be removed is a breeding ground for pathogens and infections in the oral cavity. It is these microbes that can cause many of the symptoms of ARVI, and therefore it is not advisable to delay the procedure.

In cases where tooth extraction surgery must be performed in urgently, include all types of fluxes. In this case, the doctor does not even face the question of whether it is possible to treat teeth during a cold. In the presence of this kind of purulent deposits, the possibility serious complications prevails over the risk of developing a cold.

In other cases, the question of the advisability of tooth extraction in the presence of a cold should be decided jointly by the therapist and the dentist. After consultation, doctors will set a day for surgery and suggest effective antiviral measures that need to be taken immediately after tooth extraction. Therapy includes taking medications, immunomodulators, as well as painkillers. Additionally, care must be taken to eliminate general symptoms colds and prevent infection of the wound left after tooth extraction.

What complications can there be?

As mentioned above, the presence viral disease weakens the body and makes it vulnerable to various kinds infections that can be acquired after doctor’s manipulations. This causes a risk of deterioration of the patient’s condition and complications of both colds and dental diseases.

The table below shows the symptoms of the most common of these complications:

Complications after a cold Complications after dental disease
Pneumonia. Characteristic symptoms: sharp increase fever and cough with sputum. Edema. The first 1-3 days swelling after dental surgery - normal phenomenon. A longer period is a reason to consult a doctor.
Sinusitis. Characteristic symptoms: sinus pain, difficulty breathing, chronic congestion nose Pain is a normal reaction of the body to damage to the periodontal nerves, which gradually begins to subside. You need to monitor the dynamics.
Otitis. Characteristic symptoms: ear congestion, shooting pain. Bleeding. Heavy bleeding may be caused by an incorrectly performed operation, therefore an additional emergency examination of the patient is required.
Meningitis and arachnoiditis. Characteristic symptoms: frequent fainting, headaches, sometimes nausea. Pus. The presence of pus in the oral cavity means an urgent need for additional examination.

If one or more symptoms are detected, it is better to consult a specialist. If the condition is satisfactory, you can get by with a telephone consultation. Most likely, the doctor will set a day for the tests necessary to identify or exclude the presence of pathologies. If the condition is acute and the symptoms increase, the best solution would be to call an ambulance.

Bacteria that provoke the development of acute respiratory viral infections infect the body unexpectedly and develop with incredible speed. This usually occurs due to a weakened immune system nervous stress and other external factors.

In addition, toothache may appear along with a cold, causing unbearable suffering to the patient. In such a situation, the issue of contacting a dentist becomes more pressing than the help of a therapist. But is it possible to treat teeth (or, what is even more difficult, remove them) in the presence of fever, sore throat and other symptoms indicating a cold? Many people face this question at least once in their lives.

How does a cold affect the body?

It is generally accepted that colds are transmitted by airborne droplets. Getting into healthy body, viruses create the ground for their reproduction. An infected person experiences excessive saliva production, runny nose, sore throat, fever and cough. This chain of symptoms provokes departure fine particles saliva, saturated a huge amount viruses from the mouth of an already sick person into the airspace. This creates a chain of transmission of ARVI.

In addition, colds are transmitted by contact. The virus overcomes many natural barriers in the human body before infecting the body. The main transmission mechanism is the hands. The patient constantly covers his mouth with his hand when coughing or sneezing, and then when, for example, shaking hands, he infects a healthy person.

Once a cold infection enters the body, it goes away incubation period. On average it lasts up to 2 days. It then manifests itself in two directions. This is catarrhal and intoxication syndrome. The first has the following symptoms:

  • dryness in the mouth and throat;
  • due to damage to the bronchi, an expectorant reflex occurs in the form of a cough;
  • The nose gets stuffy and the person sneezes constantly.

The second syndrome occurs much later and is characterized by fever, muscle pain and chills. In severe cases, the patient experiences nausea and there is a risk of fainting.

The main reasons for the development of colds are a weakened immune system and hypothermia. When the peak of the disease is reached, the body receives additional stress.

Due to stress, general weakness of the body and lack of nutrients a person’s teeth begin to hurt and decay. In such a situation, everyone normal person wants to go to the dentist to cure a sore tooth, but not everything is so simple; for a cold, treatment at the dentist, alas, is not always possible and permissible.

The desire to be healthy is laudable, but...

What symptoms characteristic of a cold can serve as a reason for postponing a visit to the dentist and why?

If a cold progresses, your throat hurts, your temperature rises and you have a runny nose, experts recommend postponing your visit to the dentist for dental treatment. The reasons for this are:

  • it is difficult to keep your mouth constantly open during dental treatment when your nose is completely stuffy;
  • It will be impossible for the dentist to perform manipulations in the oral cavity if the patient has an intense cough.

Doctors also advise postponing a visit to the dentist if you have an acute respiratory viral infection due to a weakened immune system. This condition can become more complicated and cause a set of severe consequences. For example, the risk of infection increases significantly, since pathogenic bacteria from the oral cavity can easily penetrate deep into the body.

Dental procedures require extra strength. Therapists have their own point of view on why it is better not to treat or remove teeth until the cold is completely eliminated:

  • dental procedures are accompanied by the appearance open wounds where bacteria and viruses can enter, especially dangerous when the body is weakened;
  • medications with anesthetic substances weakly anesthetize a sore tooth when the body is affected by ARVI;
  • When undergoing procedures, it is easy to transmit a cold infection to the doctor and other patients.

For patients with a sore throat, treatment is usually delayed until the symptom resolves. But there are a number of cases when procedures in the dental office cannot be postponed until better times. This is an acute inflammatory process with purulent pathology and the appearance of flux.

In any case, going to the dentist with a fever is not recommended, since this is how the body fights infection and the immune system is weakened.

It is important to remember here that dental treatment is additional stress for the body, which is already weakened by ARVI. Therefore, if possible, you should postpone seeking help from a dental specialist.

When treatment is still acceptable and even necessary

As is known from medical practice, in most cases, ARVI is accompanied by high fever, cough and many other symptoms. But there are a number of factors when it is permissible to undergo dental procedures even in this case.

These are cases of urgent need:

  • progress of inflammatory processes in the tooth structure;
  • there is a high probability that flux will appear at the next stage of the disease.

In such cases, the dentist will always undertake treatment, despite the acute phase of ARVI.

Everyone knows what unbearable toothache is. In medical practice, there are many examples when specialists urgently begin treatment, despite the progressing cold infection in the body.

Such cases include:

  • instant development of inflammation in the tooth structure;
  • inflammation is accompanied by suppuration;
  • rapid development of flux.

In such situations, visiting a dentist is vital. It should not be put off even if there is no strength to get out of bed.

General rules for dental treatment for colds

When the body is affected by an infection and at the same time there is toothache, the patient feels incredible suffering. Often he needs to resort to independent actions, since visiting the dental office unless absolutely necessary is not recommended until complete recovery.

In such a situation, the following rules should be followed:

  • independent treatment cannot be carried out without consulting a specialist;
  • Before going to a consultation, you need to take a painkiller in the form of Analgin, No-shpa or Spazmalgon.

Inflammation of the triple nerve, which causes pain, can be treated with electrophoresis or antibiotics. Such procedures are prescribed according to individual indications. It all depends on the strength and unbearability of the toothache.

Is it possible to remove a tooth if you have a sore throat and fever?

A fever during a cold indicates that the body is intensively fighting harmful bacteria; it is usually not recommended to treat and remove teeth in this condition, since this can only cause harm, due to the fact that the wounds in the oral cavity will heal poorly and become inflamed. Therefore, the dentist decides on tooth extraction together with the therapist.

Specialists jointly solve the following problems:

  • developing antiviral therapy;
  • prescribe procedures to strengthen the immune system;
  • carry out disinfection of all possible cracks and scratches in the oral cavity;
  • treating the wound antibacterial agents after tooth extraction surgery;
  • apply special means to protect the dentist from infection with ARVI.

How to relieve toothache during a cold?

If you have a cold, your teeth may become sensitive. It may be accompanied by pain during eating, when eating salty, sour or sweet foods.

To relieve pain, medications with an analgesic effect are prescribed. With strong pain syndrome the patient is referred for physiotherapeutic procedures after the dentist’s recommendations.

In addition, in such cases, you can use your grandmother’s methods at home. Many of them are characterized by high efficiency.

Pain caused hypersensitivity, can be stopped if:

  • rub sore gums with garlic;
  • rinse your teeth with a decoction of yarrow;
  • rinse the mouth with a decoction of sage and thyme leaves;
  • Place a small slice of lard between the sore spot and your cheek.

Many people, having fallen ill with ARVI, forget to follow the basic rules of oral care. They do not rinse their mouth after taking medications or food, and also, citing weakness, do not brush their teeth at night.

Such inactivity leads to toothache. To avoid this, you must remember to elementary rules hygiene even in acute period diseases.

There are times in life when you need to decide whether it is possible to treat teeth for a cold? After all, it’s possible to plan a trip to the dentist in advance, but defeat viral infection always comes as a surprise.

In each situation, it is advisable to consult a doctor and check with him whether it is available urgent treatment toothache or you should wait until the viral disease recedes. Individual cases are so different from each other that there is no exact universal answer to this question.

Why do teeth hurt when you have a cold?

In addition to the fact that dental problems themselves often coincide with a cold, a virus can also cause unpleasant symptoms in the oral cavity.

Yes, infection general leads to the following dental complications:

  • due to increased pressure in the nasal sinuses, pain appears on the jaw;
  • the treatment process for the virus is always accompanied by drinking plenty of water increased content vitamin C and other acids, which, settling on the enamel, cause discomfort and irritation, aching teeth;
  • during this period, the mucous surface of the oral cavity dries out especially strongly and if there are food or sugar residues there, this contributes to the rapid appearance of various dental diseases;
  • a cold can provoke inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, then the person complains that even when walking there is pain in the jaw.

Why can’t teeth be treated in this position?

It is worth remembering that any disease is severe stress for the entire body and completely depletes the immune system. Treatment by a dentist will require the patient to mobilize the immune system. Therefore, the most common answer to the question whether it is possible to remove a tooth during a cold or to treat caries at this moment is negative.

Dental manipulations are prohibited for such a period due to simple reasons:

  1. Due to a weakened immune system, the body is more susceptible to any infections and viruses, which can easily penetrate inside if a sore tooth is disturbed.
  2. When in the process of manipulation it is necessary to make a wound, remove a unit by opening the hole, they are instantly exposed to contamination and infection.
  3. Sometimes in cases of treatment it is necessary to use anesthetics. And during the period of a cold, their effect will be reduced.
  4. If you have a runny nose, it is impossible to sit in the dentist’s chair for a long time with your mouth open, which will directly make breathing difficult.
  5. Cough is also a banal obstacle that will not allow you to carry out all the required procedures.
  6. And be sure to remember that the dentist also ordinary person who can get a viral infection from you. Therefore, there is no need to spread the disease by coming to your appointment in this condition.

When is treatment still necessary?

Obviously, if you have a fever and cold symptoms are clearly manifesting themselves, then you should forget about any manipulations in the dentist’s chair. But sometimes there are situations when a doctor’s intervention is urgently needed.

You should visit it as soon as possible if:

  • inflammation of the mucous membrane appeared;
  • a purulent acute process has formed;
  • the cheek swollen in the area of ​​the affected tooth, that is, with gumboil.