When coughing, sharp pain in the right chest. Is chest pain when coughing a worrying symptom? Professional treatment of diseases that cause pain in the sternum when coughing

Pain and its causes in alphabetical order:

chest pain when coughing

Chest pain with coughing and inhalation or other respiratory movements usually points to the pleura and pericardium or mediastinum as a possible source of pain, although pain in the chest wall is probably also influenced by respiratory movements and has nothing to do with heart disease. Most often, the pain is localized in the left or right side and can be either dull or sharp.

What diseases cause chest pain when coughing:

The main causes of chest pain when coughing:

1. Chest pain when coughing and inhaling occurs due to inflammation of the membrane lining chest cavity from the inside and covering the lungs. Dry pleurisy can occur when various diseases, but most often - with pneumonia.
Pain with dry pleurisy decreases when lying on the affected side. There is a noticeable limitation in the respiratory mobility of the corresponding half chest; with unchanged percussion sound, weakened breathing may be heard due to the patient sparing the affected side, and pleural friction noise. Body temperature is often subfebrile, there may be chills, night sweats, and weakness.

2. Restriction of chest movement or chest pain when coughing, inhaling and exhaling with shallow breathing observed when functional disorders rib frame or thoracic spine (limited mobility), pleural tumors, pericarditis.

3. With dry pericarditis, chest pain increases with coughing, inhalation and movement, so the depth of breathing decreases, which worsens shortness of breath. The intensity of pain when inhaling varies from slight to severe.

4. When the interpleural ligament is shortened, there is a constant coughing that gets worse when talking, deep breath, physical activity, stabbing pain in the chest when coughing, running.
The interpleural ligament is formed from the fusion of the visceral and parietal layers of the pleura of the root of the lung. Further, descending caudally along the medial edge of the lungs, this ligament branches in the tendon part of the diaphragm and its legs. The function is to provide springy resistance during caudal displacement of the diaphragm. Subject to availability inflammatory process ligaments shorten and limit caudal displacement

5. With intercostal neuralgia, acute “shooting” pain in the chest occurs along the intercostal spaces, sharply intensifying when coughing and inhaling.

6. With renal colic, the pain is localized in the right hypochondrium and in the epigastric region and then spreads throughout the abdomen. The pain radiates underneath right shoulder blade, V right shoulder, increases with coughing and inhalation, as well as with palpation of the gallbladder area. Local pain is observed when pressing in the area of ​​the X-XII thoracic vertebrae 2-3 transverse fingers to the right of the spinous islands.

7. A blow or compression of the chest can cause rib fractures. With such damage, a person feels a sharp pain in the chest when coughing and inhaling.

9. Chest pain when coughing and inhaling may also indicate the presence of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine.

10. Chest pain that occurs against the background of a cold (flu, ARVI) and is accompanied by a dry, obsessive cough, manifested by a scratching sensation behind the sternum, aggravated by coughing, is a sign of tracheitis - inflammation of the trachea (the breathing tube connecting the larynx to the bronchi). Such sensations go away on their own along with the cold itself. In addition, with prolonged, frequent, “nasty” coughing, pain occurs in the lower parts chest, at the level of the lower ribs. It is due to the fact that coughing is carried out mainly due to contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm. Like any other muscle, the diaphragm long work gets tired and pain occurs with each sharp contraction. This pain also goes away after the cold and cough ends.

11. In case of lung cancer, the nature of the pain is different: sharp, stabbing, girdling, aggravated by coughing and breathing. The pain can cover a certain area or half of the chest, it can radiate to the arms, neck, stomach, etc. The pain becomes especially intense and painful when the tumor grows into the ribs and spine.

13. Chest pain with pneumothorax is often unbearable, but sometimes it turns out to be moderate and, like other pleural pains, increases with coughing and movements. Sometimes spontaneous pneumothorax can occur even without pain.

Which doctors should you contact if you experience chest pain when coughing:

Do you experience chest pain when coughing? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor Eurolab always at your service! The best doctors they will examine you and study you external signs and will help you identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide necessary help. You can also call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolab open for you around the clock.

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Does your chest hurt when you cough? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People don't pay enough attention symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own certain signs, characteristic external manifestations- the so-called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to do it several times a year. be examined by a doctor to not only prevent terrible disease, but also support healthy mind in the body and the organism as a whole.

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The symptom chart is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and methods of its treatment, consult your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of pain, or you have any other questions or suggestions, write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

Cough is common. It may be provoked various factors. When there is pain in the chest when coughing, it is necessary to determine the cause, conduct a diagnosis, and prescribe the correct treatment.

Causes of pain and symptoms

The causes of pain can be different. Some people mistakenly think that it is caused exclusively by colds, but there can be many factors that provoke the cough reflex. Why does a strong cough cause pain?

When they enter the respiratory tract fine particles– dust particles, bacteria, they are eliminated using mucociliary transport – protective system, which includes the mucus lining the respiratory tract and special ciliated cells. Their cilia vibrate from inside to outside, constantly evacuating mucus with particles included in it from the respiratory tract. If the mucous membrane is inflamed due to the ongoing infectious process, the activity of mucociliary transport decreases, so the body exhibits defensive reaction. Cough is the same reflex-protective function.

Thus, cough is not a disease, but a symptom of a specific illness that needs to be diagnosed. Chest pain with it indicates an urgent need for treatment.

Its main symptoms:

  • burning;
  • difficulty breathing, especially during an attack;
  • frequent shortness of breath;
  • pain when inhaling/exhaling even in a calm environment.

Important! Even a small pain syndrome cannot be ignored.

When the chest hurts when coughing, the main reasons for this are:

  1. Bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. These diseases are usually accompanied by paroxysmal cough, which is not easy to get rid of. This constant pressure on the chest provokes the appearance of painful sensations.
  2. Other respiratory diseases. Adults tolerate them more easily than children; chest pain with such infections is often found in children. A dry cough is accompanied by shortness of breath; if discharge with sputum appears, the child may choke. All this also causes chest pain.
  3. Stress. For some, it is surprising that a cough can be triggered by worries, stress, and anxiety. In fact, when nervous disorders people often experience suffocation, which causes a cough reflex with painful sensations.
  4. Stretching of the intercostal muscles. It can be caused by various ailments: colds, tuberculosis, even lung cancer.
  5. Other reasons. These include: intercostal neuralgia, chest injuries, pleurisy, other diseases, heart disease.

Important! Sometimes detect lung cancer, others similar diseases, perhaps on early stages, thanks to a timely visit to the hospital with a complaint of acute chest pain when coughing.

In the middle

Pain in the middle of the chest is a sign of the following diseases:

  1. Bronchial diseases. Most often, this is how bronchitis manifests itself, caused by an inflammatory process that began in the respiratory system as a result of infection. Discomfort occurs when sneezing or coughing.
  2. Angina pectoris. It is a disease of the cardiovascular system. The pain has a stabbing sensation and can sometimes be so severe that the person is afraid to take a deep breath.
  3. Costochondritis (Tietze syndrome). It is characterized by inflammation in the cartilaginous part of the ribs in the area of ​​their attachment to the sternum.

Behind the sternum

Painful sensations behind the sternum usually appear simultaneously with a strong burning sensation in this area. They become especially aggravated when a coughing attack occurs in a horizontal position. This phenomenon is called gastroesophageal reflux. This is the reflux of stomach contents back into the esophagus due to weakness of the sphincter at the border of these two organs. In this case, there arise painful sensations due to exposure hydrochloric acid contained in gastric juice, on the mucous membrane of the esophagus.

Then a cough gradually appears. It happens that a person suddenly has a hoarse voice, shortness of breath, and a coughing attack.

To eliminate these symptoms, it is usually recommended to take heartburn medications. Frequent chest pain caused by gastroesophageal reflux is dangerous because with systematic exposure to acid on the esophageal mucosa, a malignant tumor may occur.

Important! If you experience severe chest pain or heartburn when coughing, you should consult a gastroenterologist.


Pain when coughing in the right side of the chest is usually associated with the following diseases:

  1. Liver and biliary tract. Painful sensations are usually dull, paroxysmal, associated with taking junk food. A coughing attack with chest pain begins after eating fatty, fried, smoked foods.
  2. Gastrointestinal tract. Diseases digestive system associated with the inflammatory process can also provoke a cough attack with severe pain chest, on the right side. They are gastritis, ulcers, and others.
  3. Pneumonia. Pain in the right side of the chest leads to the fact that a person has difficulty breathing, and other symptoms appear: fever, weakness, muscle aches.

Less commonly, this problem can occur with myositis, scoliosis, mental illness, complicated premenstrual syndrome.


When pain occurs on the left side of the sternum, this indicates the presence of the following diseases:

  1. Pneumonia. Especially acute pain occurs when pneumonia is complicated by pleurisy. Painful sensations are accompanied by fatigue, loss of strength, and high fever.
  2. Angina pectoris. Pain occurs in the heart area. Usually a person does not immediately understand what it could be. Some take Corvalol and other heart medications.

Which doctor treats

You can determine which doctor to see after visiting a general practitioner or family doctor. Considering that cough with chest pain can be caused by absolutely various diseases, then the therapist will give a referral to to the right specialist. If the disease is a cold, he will take care of the therapy himself.

If it turns out that there are no signs of a cold, the patient will receive a referral for a cardiogram to rule out heart problems. You may also need the help of a pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, or otolaryngologist. The location of pain in the chest can determine an accurate diagnosis.

Advice! When visiting a therapist, be sure to describe in detail the nature of the pain when coughing, frequency, location, and other sensations.

Diagnostic measures It is important to carry out this as soon as possible, because a cough with chest pain may be a sign serious illnesses, up to lung cancer. Before performing the procedures, the doctor examines the patient and determines the area where pain is felt. After this, the following may be assigned:

  • general blood test, urine test;
  • X-ray;
  • sputum analysis (for wet cough);
  • bronchoscopy;
  • Cardiography, others.

If there is a suspicion of cancer, a biopsy may be prescribed.

Interesting! If you have a cough without fever, the likelihood of colds and pneumonia is low. Therefore, before visiting a doctor, it is recommended to measure your temperature several times throughout the day.

How to treat the disease

Chest pain is provoked by the cough reflex, so to eliminate it, it is necessary to treat the disease. Choice medicines depends on the cause of the cough. In most cases, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, which are supplemented by taking medications against the underlying disease.

For example, if a cough is caused by bronchitis, medications are prescribed that thin the mucus and accelerate its removal from the bronchi. Antibiotics are often used that can short term eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. Syrups, mixtures, tablets, and lozenges that have a softening effect are also prescribed.

Antibiotics are used to control the attacks, which often occur at night. If you have a severe cough, drinking plenty of warm fluids is recommended; treatment at home using traditional methods is also effective:

  • taking a drink made from butter and milk;
  • herbal teas, preferably with lemon;
  • pure honey;
  • inhalations, especially herbal ones.

If there are injuries to the chest, intercostal neuralgia, which provoke a cough with painful sensations, it is dangerous to self-medicate. It is necessary to contact the appropriate specialists. For some injuries, you have to undergo surgery, go for a massage, exercise breathing exercises.

There are many reasons that can provoke a cough with chest pain. To determine accurate diagnosis It is necessary to consult a doctor, describe the location of the pain, and undergo diagnostics. Treatment is prescribed based on the diagnosis; if the cough is caused by colds, you can supplement the main therapy with folk remedies.

When your chest begins to hurt during a cough and similar sensations appear constantly, you should consult a doctor for advice. If this is not done, then there is real threat skip the development of pathology, the treatment of which can take a lot of effort and time.

Causes of pain

The causes of pain are ailments that a person has never suspected and, perhaps, has never heard of. Often patients do not pay attention to similar symptoms until they become too intense.

Painful sensations when coughing in the chest area often occur against the background of a common cold. They signal that the mucous membrane, lung tissue or pleura is damaged.

The causes of pain are:

  • Pleurisy– inflammation of the double membrane (pleural layers) that surrounds the lungs and lines the chest. This pathological condition significantly complicates the functioning of the lungs. Pleurisy aggravates the course of many ailments in cardiology, phthisiology, pulmonology, oncology and rheumatology. Inflammation often accompanies pneumonia. Even a slight cough causes a painful tingling sensation in the sternum.
  • Thoracic injuries. As a result of impacts, cracks, rib fractures, and dislocations are possible. shoulder joint. Pain is felt not only during coughing, but also with slight turns of the body and when walking.
  • Dry pericarditis- inflammation outer shell heart (pericardial sac, pericardium). One of the reasons for its development is the application strong blow in the area of ​​the heart, damage due to injuries and operations. Chest pain is quite noticeable and becomes even more intense when a person coughs. At the same time, there is a violation of the depth of breathing, and shortness of breath increases.
  • Contraction of the interpleural ligament- accompanied by constant coughing. It makes my chest ache. The cough gets worse when a person talks or exercises.
  • Intercostal neuralgia– irritation of the nerves located between the ribs, or their compression. The disease is accompanied by periodic or paroxysmal acute and piercing pain. It intensifies with coughing, sneezing, and slight changes in body position. It is important to distinguish the disease from heart attack because the symptoms are very similar.
  • The appearance of a tumor in the lungs, during the development of which uncontrolled cell growth occurs and the tumor spreads to neighboring organs.
  • Tracheitis- one of the ailments that affects the upper respiratory tract. The disease may appear during ARVI, influenza, laryngitis or pharyngitis. Tracheitis often develops independently. It can be caused by various allergens, staphylococci and streptococci. There is pain in the chest, which intensifies when coughing. Both symptoms disappear with treatment of tracheitis.
  • Bronchitis- a disease of the respiratory system in which the inflammatory process penetrates the bronchi. The disease is accompanied by chest pain and burning when coughing.
  • Tuberculosis is a dangerous infectious disease caused by Koch bacilli. Prolonged cough– one of the classic symptoms of the disease. It is wet or dry and increases chest pain.
  • Muscle strain- probably the most harmless reason pain in the chest with a dry cough. A correctly prescribed course of treatment will relieve painful sensations. They quickly pass without a trace.
  • During an attack renal colic the focus of pain is concentrated under the right hypochondrium and spoon. Gradually, its wave spreads over the entire surface of the abdomen, radiating to the shoulder blade and shoulder. It increases not only with coughing, but also with a slight sigh.
  • Intervertebral osteochondrosispossible reason chest pain when coughing and inhaling. The disease develops due to curvature or injuries of the spine and heavy loads on the spine.
  • Pneumothoraxacute condition, in which in the space between chest wall and air accumulates in the lungs. It penetrates the layers of the pleura. As a result, the lungs cannot expand sufficiently when inhaling. Breathing shortens, pain appears, which is especially noticeable when coughing. Pneumothorax often occurs after trauma to the chest or as a complication of a viral disease.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. They can also cause pain when coughing. Among these diseases: arrhythmia and angina pectoris; ischemic disease hearts; peripheral vascular diseases; hypertension and stroke.

When a cough responds to pain in the chest area, it is necessary to consult a therapist, pulmonologist, or neurologist.


The specialist will begin treatment only after a thorough examination, during which they will identify real reasons pain in the sternum and a diagnosis was made. Research consists of:

  • general blood test and for the presence of infection;
  • detailed X-ray of the lungs (in several projections);
  • sputum culture;
  • electrocardiograms;
  • tuberculin test.

To exclude oncological diseases a sample is taken (puncture) lung tissue, and histological examination is carried out.

The test results will tell you what causes pain in the chest when you cough. They will help determine how deeply the inflammatory process has penetrated into the respiratory system, whether there is damage to the lung tissue and what is the degree of its severity. It is possible that the reasons lie in diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Help with chest pain

When the cause of pain when coughing is muscle tension, you can use any warming ointment. With its help, muscle swelling is relieved. The ointment, penetrating under the skin, will relieve pain as it normalizes contraction muscle fibers. If the body temperature is normal, you should use compresses or mustard plasters.

Rubbing with agents that provide local anesthesia, for example menovazine.

To reduce the intensity of cough, appropriate medications are used in the form of tablets or mixtures. They are able to reduce the number of attacks by blocking the cough center. But it should be taken into account that similar drugs can be used only when there is no need for sputum to form and pass away. They are relevant for diseases of laryngitis, pharyngitis, and acute respiratory infections.

When the bronchial tree, lung tissue and trachea are affected, sputum is necessary in order to clear the respiratory tract of pathogens and various products of their vital activity. Therefore, drugs that help block cough should be taken only once, before bed. This is necessary so that the patient can sleep normally. IN daytime medications are used that dilute sputum and increase its formation.

The doctor prescribes antibacterial and antiviral drugs aimed at treating the underlying disease and helping to reduce intoxication in the body. They will help the cough go away and eliminate the source of the disease.

Great importance is given drinking regime. It is advisable to drink more fluids, including milk and mineral water with a weak alkali content.

If you have intercostal neuralgia, therapeutic exercises will help get rid of chest pain.

Determine the cause discomfort that arise in the chest when a person coughs can only be diagnosed by a specialist. Therefore, prescribing treatment on your own is dangerous and unacceptable.

There are many reasons for chest pain when a person coughs. It is possible to prevent painful sensations if you maintain healthy and active life. Regular exercise and consumption healthy products, refusal bad habits help improve immunity. This means that the body will be able to resist any illness and avoid many pathologies.

Cough is mainly a consequence of colds or allergic diseases. Everyone without exception suffers from the disease, especially in the wet season. What causes intrathoracic pain when coughing will be discussed in this article.

Diseases associated with pain in the chest area when coughing

A cough with a common cold or acute respiratory infection goes away quickly enough without any complications. If you experience pain in chest area, this indicates the presence of a particular disease:
  • Bronchitis. Bronchial inflammation is accompanied by a strong cough: first dry, then with sputum. In this case, the painful condition is characterized by a burning sensation in the sternum and pain in the head.
  • Lung oncology. Malignant formation in the pulmonary area is accompanied by a strong cough, sometimes prolonged and non-stop. It becomes difficult for the patient to breathe. This causes sharp stabbing pain in the chest.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis. To date large number people suffer from this disease, especially those who refused vaccinations at one time. The illness is severe. The cough can be both dry and wet, radiating into the chest, especially if a person does physical work.
  • Dysfunction of the spine in the chest area. Pericarditis– the most common disease of the breast. When breathing, the patient begins to cough heavily with some frequency, experiencing sharp pain in the sternum.
  • Inflammatory process of the trachea develops in the presence of influenza or ARVI. The patient experiences a feeling of strong squeezing in the chest. The disease can be quickly cured if you seek help in a timely manner.
  • Membrane, covering the lungs and chest with inside, Sometimes inflamed. A complication of the inflammatory process is dry pleurisy and pneumonia. Frequent coughing is accompanied by intrathoracic pain.
  • For normal muscle strain or chest cold, pain in the chest area is barely noticeable. Dry cough resolves quickly with the right approach to treatment.
  • Shortening of the interpleural ligament is a complication of the inflammatory process of the pleura. The patient suffers from a constant cough and pain in the sternum. The illness is difficult to bear. The patient begins to “choke” with a cough when talking and doing physical work.
  • Bronchial asthma. Cough occurs periodically during attacks. The disease often takes on chronic form, especially in adults. Constant attacks cause coughing, shortness of breath and chest pain, which is relieved by using an inhaler.
  • Allergic reactions. By analogy with asthmatic disease, the patient periodically suffers attacks that are relieved antihistamines and using an inhaler.
  • Vascular and heart diseases often complicated heavy breathing, and as a result - chest pain syndrome mixed with a dry cough.
  • Intercostal neuralgia– occurs with acute chest pain and cough.

If you have a severe cough, it is better to undergo an examination, including fluorography, to avoid serious consequences.

Symptoms of chest pain when coughing. Nature and localization of pain

The symptoms of the diseases listed above are different. Let's consider the main signs of the presence of a particular disease.

If this common cold , the cough is dry. The sputum begins to disappear when effective treatment. A patient with a cold will feel weakness, chills, and increased body temperature. There is noticeable discomfort in the chest area.

For lung cancer sensations If the patient does not know about his illness and does not treat it, metastases begin to quickly spread throughout the body.

Initially, severe pain is observed in one of the sides - on the right or, radiating to the neck, abdomen and upper limbs. Then it moves to the adjacent side. As soon as the metastases penetrate the spine and under the ribs, the patient suffers the most powerful, intense pain in the sternum.

For tuberculosis chest pain are observed against the background of a strong cough with sputum, weight loss of the patient, difficulty breathing, constant temperature that does not decrease, weakness, expectoration of blood, inflammation of the lymph nodes.

In patients with pleurisy acute pain in the chest area intensifies when inhaling. The patient begins to feel chills, general weakness in the body, and the temperature goes through the roof. Pain from the chest moves to the lower ribs.

In case of functional impairment spinal column the pain radiates to the ribs. It intensifies not only during coughing, but also when sneezing, breathing and laughing.

Tracheitis occurs both with colds and infectious diseases of the respiratory system. Against the background of a burning sensation in the sternum, the temperature rises, a dry cough begins, and the nose gets stuffy. Painful discomfort is observed in the intrathoracic space in the center in the form of compression.

Characterized by a severe cough with rust-colored sputum. In the background high temperature, increasing from the first days of the disease, weakness, nausea, chills occur, the face turns red, and appear. The pain spreads throughout the sternum.

Bronchitis proceeds like pneumonia. The symptoms are similar. Distinctive feature is that cough for a long time may be dry. The temperature does not always rise. Wheezing can be heard in the bronchi area. The pain is also concentrated throughout the chest. With the right approach, this disease can be cured faster than pneumonia.

For muscle strain and post-traumatic state of the spinal column, the patient feels increasing pain in the chest. Such indicators are also typical for rib fractures.

Inflammatory process of the intercostal ligament accompanied by pain in the sternum with a burning sensation. Appears in the center of the sternum when coughing. If a person decides to go for a run, the pain syndrome increases and a painful tingling sensation is felt.

Bronchial asthma manifests itself in periods. The temperature does not always rise. The main symptom is severe cough and shortness of breath. The absence of an inhaler at the time of an attack can lead to irreparable consequences. Pain during an exacerbation of the disease is localized in the center of the chest.

Allergy attacks also occur with a certain frequency. The disease is accompanied by intrathoracic pain with cough and severe shortness of breath. Patients carry antihistamines and an inhaler with them at all times.

Intercostal neuralgia accompanied by shooting pains in the center of the sternum, intensifying with inhalation. The pain can be so severe that the patient cannot bear it. It can radiate under the ribs, to the area of ​​the inflamed nerve.

Right chest pain manifests itself against the background of injuries received, severe physical activity, sprains and other injuries. The patient feels pain during exercise pulling character. Sudden movements and running only intensify the pain syndrome.

If there is pain in the chest on the right side accompanied by coughing and sneezing, this may indicate infectious diseases respiratory systems. Right-sided pain is also characteristic of more serious diseases, such as pleurisy, pneumonia, and lung cancer.

Left-sided chest pain manifests itself when cardiovascular diseases and any diseases of the respiratory system: heart attack, pericarditis, pulmonary embolism etc.

Pain in the middle of the chest occurs against the background of heart disease, respiratory tract diseases and oncology. Pain syndrome may first be localized in the center, then move to different sides chest, depending on the nature of the disease.

Pain, which is localized behind the sternum in combination with cough, manifests itself with spinal injuries, intercostal neuralgia, diseases of the respiratory system and oncology.

What to do if your chest hurts from coughing

It is possible to get rid of chest pain when coughing at home if you are sure that you have suffered a muscle or ligament sprain.

It is necessary to give up training for a while, and in the future reduce the load in the exercises. To treat the disease, it is recommended to buy a warming ointment.

Sometimes chest pain with shortness of breath, turning into cough, occurs when brisk walking or run. Here you need to stop, catch your breath, you can rinse your throat with water, but don’t drink too much. The way forward We continue at a calm pace.

Sick, suffering chronic diseasesasthma or allergies, are saved by inhalers and antihistamines as needed.

In all other cases, be sure to consult a doctor. As we found out, cough accompanied by chest pain can be the cause of more than a dozen diseases, in particular oncology.

The main reasons for contacting a specialist are:

  • fever for several days in a row;
  • general poor health;
  • cough gets worse every day and does not subside within a week;
  • heavy breathing and shortness of breath;
  • discharge of sputum with bloody discharge;
  • the normal complexion of the face changes to reddish, pale or bluish.


Diagnosis of diseases associated with chest pain when coughing occurs in several stages:

  • The patient gives general tests urine and blood, sputum culture analysis.
  • Blood tests to detect viruses and infections.
  • An X-ray examination of the chest area is performed. Pictures are taken from several sides.
  • A test for tuberculosis is carried out.
  • ECG to detect cardiovascular diseases.
  • A puncture of lung tissue is taken if there is a suspicion of cancer.
  • If pain in the sternum is not associated with disease, the patient is sent for consultation to a traumatologist, who in turn issues a referral for X-ray examination places of pain concentration.
Based on the obtained indicators, an accurate diagnosis is made.

If we collect all the diseases on our topic into a single whole, we can find out that the main share is occupied by lung diseases. Doctors recommend contacting a pulmonologist first. This is a doctor specializing in bronchopulmonary diseases who can make a preliminary diagnosis by listening to the patient's breathing.

Pulmonologist about lung diseases (video)

After watching short video, we learn more about pulmonologists. How do specialists identify the disease? early stages. What kind of help will a pulmonologist provide to a patient with respiratory problems?


The prescription of drugs is determined by the type of disease and how difficult it is.

Diseases of the bronchopulmonary direction Treated with antibiotics, expectorants, painkillers, and antihistamines. At simple cough They may prescribe cough syrup.

At cardiovascular disorders the patient is referred to a cardiologist, who prescribes vasodilators, sedatives, diuretics and other medications aimed at restoring the vascular system and heart.

Intercostal neuralgia Treated with antibiotics, painkillers, sedatives.

Chest pain associated with bruises and injuries, take place after physiotherapeutic procedures. The patient is advised to temporarily refrain from physical activity, physical therapy and peace.

Tuberculosis and oncology lungs require hospital treatment. The patient undergoes a more thorough examination. A course of treatment is carried out to maintain the patient's health. Such diseases in an advanced state are not always completely cured. The task of doctors in this case is to prolong the patient’s life for the maximum possible period.

If you or your child have pain in the sternum due to coughs and colds, special care is required in relation to removal. painful attacks And complete cure inflammatory process. Pain in the sternum can be neuralgic in nature. In this case, they often worsen in the autumn-spring season. Such symptoms may cause inflammatory diseases or the influence of osteochondrosis. Treatment for such underlying causes varies, so a thoughtful approach is required in identifying and addressing all risk factors.

Sensations and symptoms: scratching in the chest, sore throat, temperature, pain go away along with a cold.

The most common form is chest pain, which occurs as a result of a prolonged dry cough and natural tearing of organs. This can occur as a result of ARVI, influenza, whooping cough, tracheitis, pleurisy and other infectious diseases in the bronchopulmonary region. Please note that coughing attacks are caused by whooping cough; in adults it occurs in mild form, but is also characterized by a protracted course and coughing attacks.

During prolonged colds In 26% of serological examinations, it is pertussis bacteria that are detected, therefore the treatment of this type of infectious disease must be treated with special care, achieving full recovery and no complications.

  • cough symptoms associated with whooping cough are relieved by walking in the fresh air;
  • Tea with linden and raspberries helps a lot;
  • for colds of the respiratory tract, the immunomodulator Lykopid is often used, which can be taken infants and during pregnancy;
  • To relieve neurological cough attacks during whooping cough, brain peptides, for example, Cortexin, are used;
  • to eliminate tonsillitis as permanent source infections in respiratory tract immunoglobulin is used in the form of the drug Octagam;
  • can be used to relieve inflammation and swelling as a result of an infectious lesion homeopathic medicine Lymphomyosot.

Persistent chest pain after a cold

For continuous or prolonged pain symptoms in the sternum after infectious diseases A number of examinations will be required:

If it is not possible to reliably establish at this stage what this may be, we recommend doing a CT scan with contrast and, if possible, a PET-CT scan of the chest. The second survey is specifically designed for early diagnosis oncological diseases. IN in some cases It’s time to start the examination with a less accurate x-ray chest. Also important examination is an ultrasound of the heart and a cardiogram, which makes it possible to identify disorders of the cardiovascular system, which can also be infectious in nature.

Physiotherapy and traditional methods for the treatment of chest pain as a consequence of a cold

If for a long time and lingering cough neoplasms of unknown etiology and heart disease, which require caution, as well as tuberculosis, have not been detected, you can begin to treat the inflammatory process with physiotherapy and folk remedies. Cough sometimes occurs periodically as a result of pulmonary fibrosis; this disease requires condition support and prevention.

The following physical procedures can relieve the cough reflex, which causes pain and coughing:

  • inhalation with hydrocortisone;
  • electrophoresis with novocaine and aloe.

At home, a cough can be relieved by irrigating the throat with a mixture essential oil wormwood (strictly no more than 1-3 drops) with base oil(for example, burdock - 1 dessert spoon). Wormwood oil contains thujone, which has a nerve-paralytic effect, but when taken in small doses or irrigated in the throat, it relieves coughs and helps relieve swelling.

To relieve pain, proven folk remedies help:

  • rubbing the chest and back with Adam's root and red pepper extract, followed by tight bandaging elastic bandage– allows you to achieve fixation and restoration of organs damaged by coughing;
  • a mixture of red clay with kerosene as a lotion: 1 kg of clay is poured into 1 tbsp. water and warm up, add 1 tbsp to the slightly cooled mass. l. kerosene.

You can also use pharmaceutical products:

  • mustard plasters;
  • ointments and gels Finalgon, Naftalgin, Vipratox, Menovazin, Efkamon;
  • compress from camphor alcohol(1/3 cup alcohol to 2/3 cup water).

Chest pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, pain in the sternum, in addition to the listed and a number of other reasons, can occur as a result of natural processes of organ displacement, which causes pain, including right side. In this case, it is better to consult your doctor, who will prescribe adequate therapy and examinations. More often physiological pain in the chest during pregnancy is relieved by breathing exercises and special physical exercises.

Neuralgia in the chest

Intercostal neuralgic pain, arising as a result of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine, is characterized as unbearable and shooting. They can be relieved with the help of Chinese balm Asterisk, back massage, treatment of painful areas with Darsonval, or a home magnetic therapy device. In part, osteochondrosis can only be treated with long-term exercises, special exercises traction helps relieve pain within a week.