Feeling of indifference to everything. Apathy: what to do with languid indifference? A healthy mind in a healthy body


It would seem that what could be simpler to answer the question, what is fatigue and what can cause it? However, how to explain what apathy is, and, most importantly, how to get to the bottom of the reasons for this condition, if it is known that apathy is not ordinary fatigue caused by overwork, but a rather complex emotional state, which can lead to very various reasons. The fact is that apathy is understood as an unusual feeling of fatigue, exhaustion and lack of energy. for no apparent reason. Long-term apathy is dangerous because it can cause an inadequate perception of reality, loss of motivation and, as a consequence, severe depression. In other words, apathy serves alarm signal that there is a malfunction in the body, and he slowly gives in instead of fighting. Before you find out what causes apathy and how to deal with them, you need to understand several basic provisions regarding this emotional disorder.

-- Apathy is a fairly common state of the body, which may well be caused by ordinary overwork.

-- Apathy cannot be ignored because this condition may be a signal of some hidden disease.

-- Apathy can be caused a large number not only physical, but also emotional factors.

-- Healthy image life, including balanced diet and physical education are excellent ways not only to overcome apathy, but also to prevent its occurrence.


As mentioned above, there can be quite a lot of reasons for the occurrence of apathy, and their nature can be either physical or emotional nature. We bring to your attention only a few of the most likely emotional and physical causes of apathy.

Possible physical reasons the occurrence of apathy

-- Physical fatigue syndrome, which can lead to prolonged apathy that does not go away for six months or more.

-- Diffuse disease connective tissue, known as systemic lupus erythematosus (or as it is also called, systemic lupus erythematosus), as well as its associated diseases.

-- Lack of nutrition.

-- Various types allergies.

-- Multiple sclerosis.

-- Hypothyroidism is a condition of the body caused by long-term permanent lack of hormones produced thyroid gland

-- Leukemia.

-- Human immunodeficiency virus.

-- Anemia.

-- Premenstrual syndrome.

-- Menopause.

-- Sleep disturbances caused, for example, by the arrival of a newborn in the house.

-- Headaches associated with migraine and other physical causes.

Possible emotional reasons the occurrence of apathy

-- Moral exhaustion (often caused by the number of commitments made that cannot be fulfilled).

-- Melancholy (caused by a misfortune that happened to someone close to you - illness, death, and so on).

-- Routineness (an extreme degree of boredom or melancholy caused by a monotonous, meaningless existence; complete absence interest in routine matters).

-- Increased level fear and worry about something or someone, including yourself.

-- Depressive states and other emotional causes.


Due to the variety of reasons leading to apathy, it is quite difficult to single out one or two risk groups that include people susceptible to this condition. It can only be noted that, quite often, apathy is a symptom of chronic diseases in women. However, as numerous studies show, not only all ages are susceptible to apathy, but also both sexes. This means that men fall under the blow of this unexpectedly arising severe emotional state, almost as often as women.

Treatment of apathy

As you understand, such an unusual condition as apathy cannot be cured by simply taking pills or injections, especially since many do not consider apathy as a disease at all. We present to your attention a list of several of the most popular ways to cure apathy, which should be considered in the light of the reasons that caused this emotional disorder.

-- It is extremely important to establish a routine healthy eating. Regular overeating, as well as exhausting diets, can negatively affect the body, causing it to become exhausted. Sometimes even such a small thing as the inability to regularly have breakfast or lunch due to being very busy can cause apathy. Very often this disorder is caused by regular consumption of food with high content fat or too much sweets. And, on the contrary, iron-rich foods, cereals and bread made from whole grain flour (or ground flour), fruits and vegetables can supply your body with nutrients that can help overcome apathy. Sometimes it is enough to simply change the habit of eating three times a day, but densely, to the habit of eating in small portions, but five times a day - this gives your body a good head start, relieving it of dangerous symptoms overeating.

-- Play sports as much as possible. This isn't about chasing world records; just regular physical exercise as part of morning exercises or an evening visit to the gym should become the norm for you. Keeping yourself in good physical shape, you thereby maintain the amount of internal energy of your body at an equally high level. This is especially important if you drive primarily sedentary image life, associated with work and recumbent, associated with rest. Regular moderate exercise is a kind of tranquilizer that prevents the occurrence of complex emotional disorders and moral exhaustion. It is very easy to verify the effectiveness of this method.: once again, when you, walking down the street, feel impending lethargy and apathy, try to suddenly speed up your step and walk a fairly long distance at a fast pace. Rest assured, the creeping apathy will disappear as if by hand.

-- Cool down and try not to overheat (literally). If you work or play (for example, soccer or tennis) in very hot weather, this can also lead to dehydration and exhaustion. evoking feeling apathy. Also, living in a stuffy and poorly ventilated room plays into the hands of emotional distress. The ideal solution to this situation is to have regular rest opportunities in a cool, dry atmosphere. In hot weather it is also necessary to consume large number liquids and try to ventilate the room as often as possible.

-- Rest and relax often. Certainly, this advice makes sense only if your apathy is caused not by boredom and idleness, but increased fatigue due to intense or boring work. Regular strong night sleep coupled with certain relaxation techniques in daytime are able to instantly restore vigor and energy to any person who has fallen apart. Plan your day so that in the evening you can attend a yoga class, or at least just meditate a little during the working day to relieve stress and accumulated fatigue.

-- Take a break from routine work more often. Nothing can deplete the human body of modern world faster than routine, monotonous activity day after day, week after week, month after month... Try to come up with some new hobby, which would need to be accessed several times a day. This way, you will have the opportunity to periodically take a break from routine responsibilities. It is noteworthy that if, on the contrary, you have an active and varied job, requiring maximum concentration and energy output, sometimes it can be very useful to find time to be completely quiet and calm several times during the day.

-- Don't take on too much. You can’t do all the work, you can’t earn all the money, and who will need it if you don’t have the strength and desire to spend it later? Delegate your authority if possible. Try to separate responsibilities at home if you feel like you have too much on your plate. Seek help from your family, friends, and relatives. To make it clearer to you what we're talking about, a simple example can be given: sometimes a person who is busy at work also takes it upon himself to renovate an apartment or house in order to save money, or for some other reason. Don’t strain yourself – subsequent treatment will cost even more than the money you decided to save by not hiring workers.

-- Plan your day and your spending in such a way that you always have the opportunity to do something nice for yourself. Sometimes a healthy dose of selfishness, brought into someone's life of self-sacrifice, can work real miracles.

-- You should stop consuming large doses of caffeine and alcohol. In the same context, we can mention all kinds of stimulants nervous activity , which include tranquilizers and some types of drugs. Despite the fact that it will indeed be much easier for you in the first days of taking such drugs, further use of these drugs can cause a serious wave of relapse of such strength that the first wave of apathy will seem to you only a slight fatigue.

Should you see a doctor and if so, in what cases?

If you are not sure that the cause of your apathy is any emotional problems, then you should consult a doctor mandatory, because There may be various physiological problems behind your apathy. As for apathy, which is based on emotional problems, practice shows that in most cases people are able to cope with this complex emotional disorder on their own.

We all feel sad, moody or apathetic from time to time, but some people experience these feelings intensely over long periods (weeks, months or even years), sometimes without any apparent reason. Depression is not just a bad mood, but serious illness which affects your physical and.

Depression directly affects how you feel about yourself and makes life difficult every day. To get rid of it there are various methods treatments - from self-help methods to qualified treatment. This article will be useful to you if the situation has not yet gotten out of control. Otherwise, you need to contact a specialist.

What is depression

Depression is a condition bad mood and aversion to activity, which can affect thoughts, behavior, feelings globally and feeling self-esteem person in particular. Depressed mood is a normal temporary reaction to life events such as loss loved one, work or prolonged exposure to stressful situations.

People with depressed mood may feel especially sad, anxious, or overwhelmed; they may also feel particularly hopeless, helpless, sad, or worthless. Other severe symptoms may include feelings of guilt, irritability or anger.

The development of depression is influenced by factors:

  • Life events: traumatic situations in childhood, such as loss, neglect, mental, physical or sexual abuse, unequal parental treatment of children.
  • Personality traits: high level personality neuroticism increases development depressive symptoms, and also makes all types of depression diagnoses more likely. Depression itself is associated with low extraversion (and, accordingly, high introversion).
  • Medical treatment: some medical supplies directly or indirectly affect the development of depression.
  • Non-psychiatric illnesses: Depression can be the result of a number of infectious diseases, nutritional deficiency, neurological conditions and physiological problems.
  • Psychiatric syndromes: A number of psychiatric syndromes are characterized by a depressive mood as the main symptom.

Depression does not arise out of the blue; a person brings it upon himself. It is impossible not to say about younger sister depression - apathy, which can be a great symptom that something is going wrong in life. But if you take charge of yourself in a state of apathy, many problems can be avoided.

Apathy as a precursor to depression

Apathy is a lack of feeling, emotion, interest and concern. It is a state of indifference or suppression of emotions such as anxiety, excitement, motivation or passion. An apathetic person lacks interest in emotional, social, spiritual, philosophical or physical life and to the world.

Apathy is not depression yet, but the condition is very close. In general, it is completely normal if it lasts 1-3 days and then goes away. This is a natural response to disappointment, despondency and stress. In response, apathy comes - a way to forget about these negative feelings. You should sound the alarm when you cannot get out of this state for about a week. Dangerous period starts from two weeks, then there is a risk of depression.

In short, if you start fighting apathy and do it right, you can forget about depression.

Motivation is the first to disappear. You don't want to do anything, goals seem meaningless, and life is boring. However, it is always worth remembering that this is temporary and not to focus on it. Despite drowsiness, laziness, fatigue, weakness and indifference to life, know that this will pass. To start, focus on what's inside your head, not outside of it. Although many psychologists advise doing the opposite (stop thinking and having fun), this seems more like burying the problem inside rather than solving it. Of course, it is impossible to constantly direct your attention inward, so balance. But it is necessary to identify the reasons and get to the root.

Find out the reason and start fighting it on a mental level. Whatever worries you (lack of money, family problems), understand that apathy is not the answer. Focus on solving problems rather than obsessing over it.

Only after similar decisions made(which may only take one day), start moving more. It's amazing how everything changes when we force ourselves to dance, run or frolic. This is a law of the psyche: you cannot remain in two different states at the same time. If you feel apathy with characteristic symptoms, start doing the opposite: force yourself to experience emotions and move more. It is physical movement that is the best remedy from apathy.

You can also change your routine. What is he usually like? Change it either radically (if this is possible) or in small ways (if this is not possible). Sometimes the cause of apathy is the automaticity of our actions. Have lunch on the balcony, come to work in clothes that are completely unusual for you, read a book that you never thought of reading.

If you feel notes of depression in yourself, then you have overlooked the signs of apathy. Let's see what symptoms give it away.

Symptoms of depression

Depression causes feelings of sadness and loss of interest in things you once enjoyed. This can lead to various emotional and physical problems and reduce a person's ability to work.

Symptoms of depression range from mild to severe and may include:

  • Feeling sad or depressed (it's simple: if you feel depressed, there is a real reason for it).
  • Loss of interest and pleasure.
  • Insomnia or oversleeping.
  • Loss of energy and increased fatigue.
  • Increasing aimlessness physical activity or slowing of movements and speech.
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt.
  • Difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions.

As we can see, there are many intersections with apathy, and only the level of intensity, duration and destructiveness can indicate exactly what state a person is in.

Depression in women

Women are more likely than men to experience depression. Some studies suggest that one third of women will experience a major depressive episode in their lifetime (twice as many as men).

The peculiarity of depression in women is that they try on too much social roles: mother, wife, employee, friend, healer, guardian. The complexity of all these roles comes with ups and downs throughout life. In addition, the causes of mood swings can be physiological, for example due to hormonal surges during pregnancy. But in general, after some time the emotional level levels out.

However, if the symptoms do not disappear, the problem must be seriously addressed. Although the causes of depression may differ significantly between men and women, the treatments may be the same. Let's talk about this further.

How to get rid of depression

While there is no quick, one-time solution to overcoming depression, the following tips may help.

Create structure for your day

Lack of plans and inconsistency can increase feelings of helplessness and loss of control over the events and direction of your life. Planning regains control of the self and helps you get rid of the feeling that you are just a passive participant in your life.

The following guide will help you develop structure and evaluate whether you are managing your time well. Get a notebook in which you will write 5 columns:

  • Time of day. You need to write information in your diary several times a day: immediately after waking up, late in the morning, before lunch, in the evening, before going to bed.
  • What did you really do.
  • How do you feel about what you did? Describe your feelings in a few words and rate them from 1 to 10.
  • Situations and thoughts that can negatively affect your mood. Complete at the end of the day.

Tony Robbins' 90 Second Rule

Motivational speaker Tony Robbins believes that most people like to suffer, be depressed or apathetic. We are addicted to anger, loneliness, boredom, anxiety and much more simply because we believe (albeit unconsciously) that this will help us cope with the situation or pressure.

Robbins is confident that it only takes 90 seconds to formulate a problem correctly. Here's what to do.

  • Find out which types of suffering are your favorite. You need to be extremely frank and answer this question honestly (and preferably alone, so as not to be tempted to defend yourself).
  • Notice the thoughts that cause you distress and realize that external factors have practically no meaning. For example, thoughts about money can drive even a billionaire crazy. We become who we think we are. Thoughts about money and its lack seem to tell your consciousness, “You are poor and unhappy.” By focusing on them, you only make the problem worse.
  • Determine that you are going to get out of depression and control your thoughts. The problem is that we do not make a clear decision, which means we do nothing to solve it. Once the final decision has been made, once you have firmly decided to bring yourself into normal condition- only then can treatment begin.
  • Even if all your plans fall apart and the worst possible situation comes true, this should not push you into the abyss of depression. You can't control 99% of the situations in your life, but you can control how you think and feel about it.
  • Calm your breathing. Drop your shoulders. Notice how negative thoughts float through you without causing any harm to your psyche.

Robbins points out that for him, the 90-second rule was originally a four-hour or four-day rule. With experience, you will learn to put yourself in order in a matter of seconds and drive away depression.

The Stoic Method

They practiced mental exercises that trained their psyche. One of their best practices is to imagine the worst-case scenario. This does not mean believing, but it means reconciling.

If you could be fired from your job and you haven’t slept at night for a month, finally come to terms with this possibility and stop torturing yourself. Tell yourself, “Okay, I'm ready for this.” Once you do this, you will feel relief. Work through alternatives. Now if you get fired, you will know what you will do next. If you don’t get fired, you can move on with your life just fine.

The most important thing in this exercise is to relieve the tension that has accumulated in you and let go of the situation.

Gratitude Skill

Gratitude is powerful therapeutic effect. Depression often occurs due to regrets about the past or fears about the future. When you are grateful, you are in the present and aware of how much you have now.

Instill this habit in yourself. There is nothing more effective than developing it immediately after waking up and before going to bed. When you wake up in the morning, take 10 minutes to remember what you have. The best thing to do is keep yourself a gratitude journal. Also try throughout the day to notice what you forgot to mention in the morning. And finally, the evening ritual. Go to sleep thinking about what you have. Staying in a state of gratitude for a long time automatically relieves you of regrets, fears and worries. Gratitude has an incredible ennobling effect on a person.

Here are some more tips.

Face your fears. Ignoring the problem and covering it up is not the solution. Call your fears by their proper names. Are you afraid to communicate with people? Realize that the problem is not with them, but with you, and begin to solve it.

Look around. Every person has one or another psychological problems. You are not alone. A little compassion helps heal your own wounds. We often become depressed when we consider ourselves the most unhappy people on the planet. However, this is not true.

Meditate. It's worth it. Even if you have to spend tens of hours, sooner or later the practice will begin to produce excellent results. You will calm your mind, start, and this is exactly what will help you recover from depression.

Remember that you are constantly changing. Our habits change constantly. Even now, as you read this article, you are simultaneously acquiring several habits that you are not aware of. Remember that everything you do, feel and think becomes a habit.

Books about depression and getting rid of it

Here is a list of some good books. Not all of them directly talk about how to get rid of depression, but they give a person a feeling of freshness and force them to think seriously about its causes and how to overcome them.

  • Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning.
  • Leo Tolstoy "Confession".
  • Alexander Lowen "Depression and the Body."
  • Stanislav Grof "Spiritual Crisis".
  • Ray Bradberry "Dandelion Wine"
  • Ray Bradberry "A Cure for Melancholy"
  • The Diary of Anne Frank.
  • Martin Seligman, How to Learn to Be Optimistic.
  • Harold Kushner "When good people bad things happen."
  • Richard O'Connor, Depression is Canceled.
  • Tony Robbins "Unleash the Giant Within"

Also read biographies of great people. All of them, one way or another, went through many trials of fate. Find a book about someone you admire and read it for the experience.

We wish you good luck!

You have complete apathy towards life. What to do? An article with practical recommendations, describing in detail the symptoms of loss of meaning in life and the reasons for their occurrence. But any person is capable of fighting.

Most people are familiar with apathy firsthand. It is a state expressed in an indifferent, indifferent attitude towards life, towards everything that surrounds, towards other people. Apathy can be short-term in nature, for example, if it occurs during the period of any illness or when serious problems. Usually, when health improves or a difficult situation is resolved, then apathy goes away. This condition is not dangerous and does not require special efforts to combat it. But it also happens that apathy completely takes over a person and deprives him of interest in life. It may leak long period, intensifying every day. In such cases, it is urgent to take measures to overcome this condition and return the taste for life.

Signs of deep apathy

  1. Lack of emotions, dry speech. Such a person’s phrases: “I don’t care,” “There’s no point,” or “It’s no use.”
  2. Loss of interest in what used to bring joy. The person is not “burning” with any business. Life energy is completely absent.
  3. Decreased muscle tone. Movements become sluggish and slow, which leads to a passive lifestyle.
  4. There is often a cyclical pattern of actions. For example, a person can “hang out” in front of the TV, watch the same movie, or try to lie down whenever possible.
  5. Deterioration of attention and memory.
  6. Reduced contacts with others, unsociability, withdrawal into oneself.
  7. A person stops taking care of his appearance.
  8. Lack of initiative, tendency to be selfish, laziness.
  9. Depressed mood, loss of meaning in life and self-confidence.
  10. Suicide attempts.

The picture is quite sad, but not hopeless. Even with complete apathy we can handle it.

Causes of apathy

  1. Heavy, chronic diseases(availability malignant tumors, paralysis, stroke).
  2. Mental disorders (, obsessive states, schizophrenia).
  3. Hormonal disorders (malfunctions endocrine system, pregnancy period, menopause).
  4. Lack of vitamins and beneficial microelements in the body.
  5. Taking certain medications: contraceptives, antibiotics, sleeping pills, antidepressants, medicines for the heart.
  6. Experience severe stress and crisis situations.
  7. Professional burnout. Most often it manifests itself in the sphere of working with people due to intense communication, conflicts, high degree responsibility, unfulfilled career expectations, self-dissatisfaction, etc.
  8. Alcohol and drug addiction.

An important condition for overcoming this condition is the desire of the person himself. First you need to recognize its presence and understand the reasons for its occurrence. If a person is confused and doesn’t know what to do, then family and friends should come to the rescue, who can support and guide him.

First of all, you need to rest and get enough sleep. You need to start changing your life with fresh thoughts. In addition, sleep always gives energy and strength.

You should mentally go back in time and answer the questions: “What would that person do now? How would you cope with this condition? (referring to myself a few years ago).

If apathy occurs while taking certain medications, it is necessary to limit or completely eliminate their use (provided that this will not be life-threatening).

It is important to force yourself to constantly do something: go outside, communicate with friends, keep order in the house, etc. In any way it is necessary to prevent and. You can keep a diary in which you note your action plan (for a day, for a week) in tabular form, sum up the results and write down the emotions that arise.

You need to remember your hobbies that brought you joy. You need to return to them or come up with new activities in order to feel interest and...

If a deficiency of vitamins in the body is detected, qualified medical assistance is required.

Sometimes looking at yourself in the mirror is a good method of therapy and an incentive to action. For greater effectiveness, you should ask yourself questions: “What can I change in my appearance? What will make me more attractive? It is worth smiling and remembering this facial expression. Through external behavior you can establish harmony in your soul.

Psychologists advise listening to your favorite music, as it gives a boost of energy and helps cope with apathy.

It is necessary to choose activities that stimulate a surge of emotions. This could be dancing, creative or sporting events, extreme sports. The main thing is to get out of the state of indifference.

Something might need to change dramatically. For example, work or place of residence. It could also be mastering previously unknown activities, breaking old habits, or creating new relationships.

Don't be afraid to see a psychotherapist. It is important to recognize that apathy is a disease that requires treatment. And a specialist always has an arsenal of methods necessary for this.

Every person has the resources to overcome any difficult situation and cope with various negative conditions. The sooner he realizes the need to change something in his life and shows more activity, the faster he will find them.

Goodbye and good mood to everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.

Apathy is a signal human body about exhaustion not only psychological, but also physical. Apathy can also manifest itself in autumn depression and other types of depression. When the first signs appear, you need to think about how to fight apathy and defeat this silent but insidious enemy. To do this, you need to make an effort and start acting.

In order to cope with this condition, which prevents you from actively engaging in daily activities, reduces productivity and takes away your energy, you need to use a few simple techniques.

Apathy is a state of dispassion and indifference to oneself and to everything around. Don't confuse it with laziness. Because laziness is when you want to, but there is no desire to exert yourself, and apathy is when there is not even the desire itself.

As a rule, apathy that is not cured in time leads to depression, so do not delay the fight against this illness. Of course, when your life schedule is so packed with events that there are not enough hours in the day, apathy is inevitable.

The body needs to cope with the burden that has piled up, and in order to gain strength, it puts us into “offline mode.” It is even useful to be detached for some time, but if you realize that your detachment is dragging on, pull yourself together and begin to remove your body from this state.

How to deal with depression and apathy on your own

As mentioned above, for the first time (a day or two) mope for your own pleasure, cry, feel sorry for yourself, don’t think about problems. Try to feel everything that has accumulated so that it is exhausted without a trace. After the stage of pity and tearfulness comes the mobilization of the body and the desire to act, change something, do something. This will be the next step.

If you are determined to fight apathy, then activate all your strengths and desires through “I don’t want.” Remember everything that gives you pleasure and move on to action. Buy something you've been dreaming of for a long time, go to some fun events, eat something delicious, treat yourself. In short, go in search of good emotions.

Visit more often fresh air, take a walk in parks, on embankments or go out of town. Listen to pleasant music, watch your favorite funny movies, do something new. For example, you can sign up for art or dance classes, buy an aquarium with fish, or play sports. Physical activity in combination with fresh air has a positive effect on both the nervous system and the general condition health.

In addition to pleasures and pampering, go to active actions at work and at home, remember how many important things were abandoned while you were moping. Work, especially non-mechanical and monotonous work, miraculously cures any apathy. You will be involved in solving everyday problems with renewed vigor and life will be filled with colors again. To effectively combat apathy, eat foods containing protein, as it contains dopamine and serotonin - joy hormones that activate the nervous system.

In order not to fall into apathy later and enjoy life, try to rest on time, pay attention to your favorite activities and be distracted from the daily routine.

First of all, you should make a plan for the daily tasks that must be done. This could include cooking, cleaning, laundry, childcare and much more depending on lifestyle and marital status.

Sports and walks in the fresh air in any weather are mandatory conditions fighting apathy. At this time, the body produces a certain hormone that is responsible for well-being. In addition, a person gets used to actively moving, and not lying on the sofa with a book in his hands. If you have absolutely no time for sports and physical exercise, you should walk several stops before work. Routes can be changed to change the scenery.

Exhaustion of the body is also a signal of a lack of vitamins and other useful substances in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to draw up a diet and calculate how much and in what amount you need to eat. The diet should include fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy products and fish. Cooking should be done using steam. This way, more nutrients will be preserved.

Under no circumstances should overwork be allowed. To combat apathy, you should set aside some time for relaxation and massage, do breathing exercises. If possible, you need to take a vacation or time off and change your environment.

An active lifestyle will help you cope with apathy. You cannot refuse to meet with friends and participate in any events due to the appearance of apathy.

You should also make sure that your sleep is healthy. A person should definitely get enough sleep, especially in winter - the body needs more time to sleep than in summer. To effectively combat apathy, the room should be ventilated before going to bed. It is very beneficial for a person to sleep in a room with an open window. During the cold season, if heating is available, it is worth placing a vase of water in the room to humidify the air.

Apathy can lead to nervous breakdown or depression, so it is important to know how to deal with it and overcome it.

It is better to get rid of apathy as soon as possible. Don't think that this state it will go away on its own. If a person is strong, then he will cope with apathy. Or rather, a strong spirit will not allow himself to be brought to such a state. But weak person may feel apathetic. People who easily succumb to negative impressions or whose nervous system is in a weakened state are especially susceptible to it. When a person of this type is in a bad mood for a long time, the most insignificant event can cause a nervous breakdown.

Apathy. What kind of illness?

How to deal with apathy and what is meant by this concept? There is an opinion among doctors that apathy is the body’s way of protecting itself from overload. It may be associated with unstable functioning nervous system person, negative emotional background which is accompanied by general fatigue.

A person closes off from external stimuli. Thus, it gives the body the opportunity to improve the functioning of the body’s systems.

In a state of apathy, a person does not experience any emotions about one thing or another. He is absolutely indifferent to everything that happens. Nothing makes him happy, but nothing makes him sad either. A person doesn’t want to think about anything. He cannot pull himself together and tune in to a positive mood. How to deal with apathy? He doesn't know the answer to this question for sure.

When a person is in a cheerful mood, he plans for tomorrow, waits for good news, thinks about what to wear. And in a state of apathy, he does not want to make plans for the future. For example, he does not think about the upcoming vacation or about any other pleasant events and pastimes. What makes a person happy certain time ago, in a state of apathy does not bring pleasant emotions. They are also not interested in activities that brought them pleasure in the past. Films that evoked emotion cease to be of interest.

I don’t want to listen to my favorite songs, visit educational institutions and engage in work activities. In the case when close relatives begin to tell a person in a state of apathy that he needs to get out of this state, the reaction can be aggressive and inadequate.

What can you do? How to start taking action?

How to deal with apathy? If a person is in this state, then the problem is that he cannot concentrate on doing anything. It seems that any action requires a lot of effort from him, there is no energy to carry out his plans. How to deal with apathy? Now we'll give useful tips, which should point you in the right direction. So, you have apathy, what should you do?

  1. First of all, under no circumstances should you let the situation get worse. No need to relax. The first thing to do is to pull yourself together and begin to control the situation. Under no circumstances should you let her go.
  2. A person must begin to get himself out of an apathetic mood on his own. You should know that you should not rely on external help. Even if someone close to you wants to do this, it can provoke aggression on the part of the patient.
  3. It is necessary to remember that if you allow yourself to remain in a state of upset and sad mood, this will take you out of your usual way of life for a long time.

An interesting technique will make you cry and smile

How to overcome apathy? There is a technique, following which, a person in this condition needs to aggravate the situation. You should think about yourself, that you are the most unfortunate person on earth, you feel very bad, and so on. It is necessary to create an absurd and comic form of apathy, namely, self-pity. If you want, you can cry.

But you should know that this method may not help all people, but only those whose apathetic state has been prolonged, but it is not too deep and neglected. Also, those who have a sense of humor can laugh at themselves. That category of people who fail to reconfigure themselves through humor in a positive way should try other methods.

How to overcome apathy? If a person manages to cry and feel sorry for himself, then this is considered a good indicator and a kind of warm-up for getting out of a negative perception of reality. If you just managed to feel sorry for yourself, then there is a possibility that the person will want to try to make an effort on himself and get out of a prolonged depression.

Pamper yourself, because you deserve it!

After feeling sorry for yourself, you can move on to the next stage of getting out of apathy. It includes a technique that involves pampering yourself. For example, you can buy yourself something that you have been thinking about for a long time, but did not dare to buy. You can also go to a restaurant, spend time in the company you want, order something tasty, perhaps some kind of delicacy or delicacy. You need to stop counting money, allow yourself to relax and enjoy some action or taste. Every day of life passes and cannot be repeated, so you need to appreciate every moment and, when the opportunity arises, make the most of it.

Expand your horizons

It is not recommended to focus on the same thing. It is necessary to switch, go to exhibitions, museums, cinemas, walks, play sports, communicate with different people. If a person participates in different areas of life, this will give him the opportunity not to get hung up on something specific, but to look at the same things from different angles.

What actions should be taken?

First of all, you just need to start doing the previously planned things and not think that everything is bad. At the initial stage, you can do them mechanically. It’s okay, over time the right mood will come and it won’t seem like everything is bad. You can write down on a piece of paper all the things that need to be solved or implemented, and do them one after another.

It’s better not to think too much about how you will do it, or about possible difficulties, etc. It will be good if a large number of tasks can be accommodated in a small time period. This way, you will not have the opportunity to be depressed about anything. Active activities will bring a person out of this depressive state, he will forget what apathy towards life is, learn to appreciate every moment and enjoy it. The main thing is to force yourself to start.

Preventive measures that will help a person not to go deeper into a depressive state

The most important rule to remember is the ability to diversify your life. There is no need to do the same thing like a robot. It is recommended to come up with new types of activities. If you don’t have enough imagination, you can come up with some new activity for yourself by looking at what other people are interested in. Perhaps someone will like the type of activity. You can also visit new places. Travel is in a great way switch and get new emotions.

A new novel will help not only get out of a bad mood, but also improve your condition several times over.

It is very useful to start your morning with exercise. At first it will be a little difficult to do a set of exercises, but over time, exercise will become a habit, and everything will turn out easy and simple.

In addition, it is recommended to carry out other physical activities. For example, swimming, running, or doing yoga. Everyone can choose an activity to their liking. Some people like bodybuilding, while others like Pilates. It doesn’t matter what a person’s hobbies are in terms of sports, the main thing is that he exercises. During sports, blood circulation improves. Thus, the brain begins to function better, which has a positive effect on the main labor activity person.

Water procedures deserve special attention. They give a person good mood and stimulate appetite.

If any failure occurs, there is no need to blame yourself and be depressed about it. If a person feels that a bad mood is creeping up on him, then he needs to immediately force himself to think about something pleasant.

The problem of men. How does negligence manifest itself in representatives of the stronger sex? What to do?

It is believed that apathy occurs less frequently in men than in women. In fact, this is not entirely true. Women are more emotional than men. As for experiences, here men are also susceptible to depression and apathy. They have plenty of reasons to be in a bad mood. Firstly, if a man is married, then he is responsible for supporting his family. Secondly, failures at work or in business can seriously undermine men's health. Relationships with the opposite sex cause very serious emotional experiences. Men are very vulnerable, not all of them are self-confident, etc. In addition, they almost always keep their emotions under control. That is why they cannot afford to relax and cry. In this regard, emotional experiences accumulate, and this may not end very well for the guy. It is worth saying that the life expectancy of men is shorter than that of women. It often happens that guys do not share their experiences with others, but keep everything to themselves. This situation is harmful to their health.

You can recognize male depression in his aggressive behavior, drinking drinks that contain alcohol, narcotic drugs. In addition, a guy in this state has no mood at all, complete apathy sets in. When a man is intoxicated, he can allow himself to disconnect from problems for a while. In this situation, the main thing is to remember that alcohol or other drugs will not solve anything, and perhaps will only worsen the problems.

Men should know that depression can be cured like any other disease. You shouldn’t be ashamed of this, because you need to use available funds to exit this state.

Blues and apathy. How to prevent yourself from getting depressed?

There is such a term as spring apathy. You should know that this disease Almost all people are susceptible. As a rule, apathy towards life in the spring is due to the fact that the body has not received sufficient quantity vitamins in winter. Apathy can also occur due to anticipation of something for a long time. For example, if a person is waiting for some event. It could be something important, like a wedding. Usually the fair sex is expected to get married. This is why apathy in women can be associated with anticipation of something. This condition can also occur after a long-awaited event. The spring state of apathy, as a rule, goes away with time. In order not to aggravate the situation during such a period of time, it is recommended to take a break from work, rest and switch to something new.

The problem of women. Why does it arise, how does it manifest? What to do in this situation?

If we talk about girls, apathy is often found after childbirth. This is due to the fact that they have been waiting for this event for a long time. In addition, they are prone to emotional outbursts.

Plus, hormonal surges are added to everything. Also, a woman’s body gets tired during pregnancy and childbirth, and it wants to rest. But in fact it turns out that small child requires increased attention, and the girl does not manage to get enough sleep and gain strength. She experiences fatigue, drowsiness, and apathy. During this period of time, the support of relatives is very important. They can help a woman, give her time to sleep, sit or walk with the baby, prepare lunch or dinner. At first glance, these things seem ordinary and do not require any special attention, but for a woman in postpartum period they will be very useful.

The support of your husband is also important. If possible, he can take a vacation. In this way he will support his wife morally and help her with household chores.

Apathetic depression. What kind of illness is this?

These concepts complement each other. At first, a person becomes depressed. Over time, it can turn into apathy. Then you don’t want anything, you have no strength at all. Therefore, when signs of depression appear, you should not treat them superficially; it is recommended to do everything necessary measures upon exiting this state.

Healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition will provide a person with a good mood. You need to learn to live life to the fullest, do not give in to despondency. In addition, it should be remembered that the latter is considered a sin, therefore, even from the point of view of religion, one should not allow such a state in oneself.

Who suffers more often from apathy and depression - an egoist or an altruist?

It is believed that a person who has selfish character traits is more susceptible to depression and despondency than one who is focused on giving to people. The fact is that an egoist is more vulnerable to any failures directed in his direction, especially if they directly concern him. A person who is not self-obsessed will simply not think about what anyone said about him. He will draw conclusions and make the appropriate decision. Egoists are prone to overthinking and overthinking themselves at the slightest provocation. As a result, a meaningless comment can develop into a big ball of negativity. People who are prone to such thoughts about themselves need to learn to treat themselves with humor, because one of the beautiful properties of human nature is the ability to laugh at oneself. You shouldn’t take everything too seriously, you need to be able to relax and look at the world around us with a dose of condescension, patience and humor.

Proper nutrition and exercise are excellent cures for apathy

It is also recommended to keep yourself in good sports uniform. Blood circulation in the brain affects mental activity. In addition to sports activities that need to be carried out to keep the body in shape, you should pay attention to special attention nutrition.

It is necessary that a person’s menu includes products that are filled with useful microelements and vitamins. You shouldn't give up eating to work. The ideal option would be full lunch and a walk in the fresh air. It is necessary to monitor your health. You should not bring yourself to a state from which you can only get out of it with the use of special medications. It is better to prevent painful conditions by preventive methods, which were mentioned above.


It should be remembered that apathy can occur in both women and men. That is why you should be more attentive to your loved ones and relatives, surprise them more often and simply make them happy. It is important to remember that we are all ordinary people who want warmth, comfort and a little understanding. It is necessary to give this to those who are close to us, who are dear to us. An apathetic state is very dangerous, since outside help is very limited. A person can get out of this state only if he wants to.