How to treat sun allergies while on vacation. Features of the clinical picture

Many people love to sunbathe. For the sake of the sun's rays, people are ready to go to the other end of the planet. But sometimes we encounter an allergic reaction to the sun, which needs to be eliminated in time and it is advisable to warn in advance. You will learn exactly how to do this in the next article.

What is sun allergy

With the onset of the first days of warm and sunny summer a lot of people go on vacation to nature, to the sea or to bodies of water, to hot countries.

Thousands of people throughout the cold season dream of basking on the beach under the rays of the warm sun, strengthening their health and immunity, getting a beautiful tan and simply getting rid of the fatigue and depression that has accumulated over the past year. long time everyday life in a noisy city.

But it often happens that you cannot fully relax under the scorching summer sun. Many people experience sun allergies during their long-awaited vacation. There are other allergic reactions human body to various stimuli. They are often confused with sun allergies.

It is necessary to figure it out and make sure that the emerging allergy is caused by sun rays, fix this problem as soon as possible. If this is not done, the long-awaited vacation will simply be ruined.

Symptoms of sun allergy

Many people have quite sensitive skin, especially to the sun's rays, and when they first appear they already feel discomfort. Others with less sensitive skin can stay in the sun for quite a long time, but they are not immune to sudden allergies.

Usually, 18 to 72 hours after sun contact with the skin, the first manifestations of solar allergy appear.

The following symptoms indicate such manifestations:

    First, redness appears on the skin, but it is small. The skin begins to peel a little. Often such symptoms appear in the décolleté area and on the face, but in some cases they also appear on other parts of the body.

    A rash or small dots similar to freckles may appear on the skin. It could be solar urticaria. If left untreated, it can cause eczema, which is much worse than a simple allergy.

    The resulting swelling can also be symptoms of sun allergy.

    Burning and itching on the skin caused by redness and peeling leads to purulent inflammations, if you don’t restrain yourself and constantly scratch the places where the sun allergy appears.

Some people may experience skin redness and itching even a couple of hours after exposure to the sun. Itching, burning, redness of the skin, swelling or small blisters - manifestation of mild a form of sun allergy, which is not very scary.

More dangerous for humans is sun allergy, the manifestations of which are accompanied by swelling of the skin and mucous membranes. This reaction to sunlight occurs in a more severe form.

Red dots may be a sign of allergies

Causes of allergies to sun rays

Allergy to the sun is medically called solar dermatitis, photodermatitis and photodermatosis. Such an allergic reaction can occur not only from a single exposure to sunlight. It can also be triggered by other irritating factors in combination with the sun:

    pool chlorine;


    plant pollen;


Most often, people with weakened immunity after illness are susceptible to sun allergies. The cause of solar allergies can also be great stress for the body, caused by long exposure to the sun and huge doses of ultraviolet radiation, stress on the kidneys and liver, and the activation of all protective forces at once for the production of the melanin pigment.

After cold winter days, the human body is weakened, immunity is lowered, and this can also cause the appearance of solar dermatitis. In addition, an allergy to the sun can be triggered by a lack of vitamins in the body, chronic and untreated diseases, metabolic disorders, and decreased liver function.

The sun in combination with other irritating factors can cause photodermatosis - increased sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. Phototoxic substances can also cause sun allergies. These include diuretics and antidiabetic drugs, bergamot oil, sulfonamides, disinfectants and cosmetics.

After being in the sun for a long time, solar urticaria may appear, which is also related to a similar allergy.

How to treat sun allergies

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of solar allergies. Boost immunity, cure hidden diseases. The first symptoms of allergies can be relieved with folk remedies:

- Application of cabbage. It is necessary to lightly beat a cabbage leaf so that it begins to release juice and apply it to the affected areas of the skin.

- Compresses. Apply compresses made from sliced ​​or grated potatoes and cucumbers. Keep it for about half an hour.

- Celandine and wormwood. Pour the young wormwood herb with alcohol and leave for three days. Use the resulting tincture to wipe the rash areas. Take baths with celandine infusion.

Other remedies for sun allergies

    To eliminate sun allergies that appear in mild form, use ointments containing betamethasone, dexamethasone, prednisone. Apply gels after sunbathing. They all contain anti-inflammatory substances, cooling and skin-soothing additives, and medicinal plant extracts.

    Try to support your liver with drugs that normalize its activity, promote normal metabolism and regeneration of the skin. Such drugs include vitamins B, E, C, antioxidants, nicotinic acid, claretin, tavegil, suprastin.

    It is necessary to protect the skin from the sun with creams

    • Use as little decorative cosmetics, perfumes, eau de toilette, and gels containing fragrance as possible. When exposed to the sun they cause age spots, which will disappear from the skin only after a few weeks.

      If your skin is too sensitive, avoid direct exposure to sunlight; sunbathe better in the shade. In this case, you will not get a bronze tan, but you will be able to avoid unpleasant redness, skin peeling and other discomfort.

    Don't think that your allergies caused by the sun will remain with you forever and you will no longer be able to fully relax in the open sun. Find the cause of the allergy and be sure to eliminate it. This is the only way you can get rid of sun allergies completely and enjoy a sunny holiday.

Allergy to the sun or, in medical terms, photodermatitis is a fairly common disease; it affects about 20% of the world's population.

Some people bask in the sun without fear, while others can only watch from the safety of the shade, wrapped in towels and thickly lubricated with sunscreen.

Sun allergies occur after prolonged exposure to intense sunlight. Severe redness of the skin, severe itching and burning, swelling of the skin are the main, but not the only manifestations of photodermatitis.

Does the sun cause allergies?

No, the sun's rays themselves do not contain any allergic components. There are several causes of the disease, which we will discuss below.

Allergic or toxic effect ultraviolet (sun) rays manifest themselves when they combine with substances already on the skin - exogenous photodermatitis, with substances located in skin cells - endogenous photodermatitis.

Sometimes the skin produces a large amount of allergen leads to the appearance of watery blisters, an increase in body temperature and even fainting that occurs at the moment sharp decline blood pressure.

Substances that cause allergies when combined with the sun

Photodermatitis is an allergy to the sun that can occur if a person sensitive to the sun's rays, before leaving the house, sunny day smeared your face with cream, used deodorant, perfume or other cosmetics.

Because the substances that make up lipsticks, lotions, creams, when reacting with UV rays, cause an allergic reaction that is negative for health.

This is most often:

  1. Eosin;
  2. PAVA (para-aminobenzoic acid);
  3. Polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  4. Retinoids;
  5. Phenol;
  6. Acids: boric, salicylic.
  7. Essential oils:
  • a) bergamot;
  • b) roses;
  • c) sandalwood;
  • d) citrus fruits;
  • d) musk.

When choosing cosmetics for a holiday by the sea, study their composition and put aside those that contain the above substances.

Sun allergies are sometimes triggered by medications.

Most often this is:

  • aminazine;
  • barbiturates;
  • antibiotics;
  • antihistamines;
  • NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen);
  • oral contraceptives.

Therefore, if you cannot stop taking any medications, consult your doctor about the risk of photodermatitis when taking them.

Internal problems causing allergies

First of all, this is a weakened immune system, a lack of vitamins, and the hidden course of chronic diseases. Metabolic disorders: disruptions in the functioning of the pancreas and thyroid glands.

Liver and kidney diseases. In order to reduce any allergic reaction, including allergies to the sun, it is necessary to cleanse the liver and support it with herbal and homeopathic medicines.

Particularly prone to sun allergies:

  • owners of thin light skin;
  • pregnant women and young children;
  • those who have recently sunbathed in a solarium, had peeling or tattooing.

Climate change increases the risk of the onset of the disease when traveling to a country with more solar activity.

Symptoms of photodermatitis

As a rule, they appear as rashes on the face and neck, less often on the stomach and back, and even less often on the arms and legs.

First, the skin becomes bright red, then blisters appear, itching, drying and peeling of the skin begins.

  • A rash similar to hives or spots similar to freckles may appear.
  • Affected areas may swell
  • If the affected areas are scratched, infection occurs and purulent rashes. “Advanced” cases develop into skin eczema.

First aid and allergy treatment

If possible, you should consult a doctor, ideally a dermatologist, allergist, or immunologist. After examination and examination, external (local) and internal treatment is prescribed.

External treatment includes anti-inflammatory ointments.

Internal treatment consists of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines, antioxidants, vitamins.

At correct selection With medications, the disease can be cured in a few days, but treatment of cases with complications may take several weeks.

Treatment of sun allergy should begin as soon as the first symptoms of skin irritation are recorded, this will help prevent the development of dermatitis.

Principles of treating an allergic reaction to the sun

In order to prevent the development of an allergy to sun rays further, it is first necessary to eliminate further exposure to the sun.

That is, you need to go home from the street, move into the shade, and leave the beach. There are no universal, that is, suitable remedies to eliminate all symptoms of sun allergy.

When choosing local and systemic drugs it is necessary to focus on the nature of changes in the skin, your own well-being and time spent in the sun.


For severe swelling and itching, antihistamines are used. Suprastin, Tavegil, Diphenhydramine, Nalorius help to quickly relieve symptoms and reduce irritation.

Take these tablets in an age-appropriate dosage in the first two to three days after a sunburn.

If symptoms skin reaction do not decrease, then you need to switch to others antihistamine tablets which can be used for a long time.


For sun allergies, it is important to use ointments that have an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.

From non-hormonal agents Radevit, Panthenol, Fenistil gel, Actovegin, Psilo-balm are most often used.


Reduces the concentration of allergen in the skin quick cleansing intestines. To achieve this effect, the most important thing is to drink as much bottled or filtered water as possible.

Enterosorbent preparations, such as Polysorb, also help to quickly remove toxins. activated carbon, Enterosgel. Take these medications for several days in a row.

First aid

To provide first aid for complete absence Cabbage leaves, cucumber juice and raw potatoes can be very useful for medicines.

Clean cabbage leaves are simply applied to the reddened areas.

Peeling the cucumber A, and it is rubbed on a fine grater, the resulting mass is laid out on gauze and applied to the inflamed areas for 20-30 minutes. The film formed on the skin will protect the skin from irritation and infection.

A similar compress can be made from raw potatoes.

In case of severe itching, lubricating the skin with a solution of baking soda and a bath with chamomile relieves the condition; drinking plenty of fluids clean water without gas.

Sun allergies in some people, once occurring, can recur from season to season.

To cure this reaction of the body, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics, based on the results of which the doctor selects a treatment regimen.

Photodermatoses are often caused by decreased liver function and a lack of essential vitamins. Therefore, a course of vitamin therapy or hepatoprotectors helps eliminate the signs of sun allergy.

Sometimes sun allergies are inherited and most often this is manifested by the appearance of rashes on exposed areas of the body.

To prevent the development of symptoms of the disease, a person needs to be exposed to sunlight as little as possible. In severe cases, hormonal ointments and antimalarials are prescribed.

Help with the development of fainting

Prolonged exposure to the sun, coupled with ultraviolet intolerance, often results in decreased blood pressure and fainting.

Usually this condition occurs unexpectedly for the patient and therefore assistance should be provided by people nearby.

The following activities will help a person recover:

  • The most important thing to do is to move the fainting person into the shade or create artificial protection from the sun.
  • The legs need to be raised, this will increase blood flow to the parts of the brain.
  • Face, neck, chest need to be sprayed cold water.
  • If possible, you need to bring a cotton swab moistened with ammonia to your nose.

Usually these measures are enough for the victim to come to his senses. If the fainting is prolonged or occurs in small child or a pregnant woman, then you need to call a medical team.

For some allergic reactions the person requires a hospital stay of several hours.

Preventing sun allergies

In order to prevent the appearance of changes on the skin under the influence of the sun, it is necessary to adhere to several rules, especially for those people who have already experienced negative influence ultraviolet.

TO preventive measures, preventing the occurrence of photodermatosis include:

  • It is necessary to limit continuous exposure to direct sunlight to 20 minutes. Optimal time It is considered safe to sunbathe in the morning before 10 a.m. and in the evening after 5 p.m.
  • After swimming in a pond, it is advisable to dry off in the shade.
  • On sunny summer days, you should not use body creams with strong fragrances or esters before going outside. Some components of decorative cosmetics significantly increase the sensitivity of skin cells to ultraviolet radiation, and this leads not only to burns, but also to the appearance of pigmented spots.
  • Before visiting the beach, be sure to apply it to your skin. sunscreen. Don't forget to reapply the cream after swimming.
  • If you feel a strong burning sensation and see redness of the skin, you need to move into the shade as quickly as possible.
  • If you have a severe and persistent sun allergy, on sunny days you will need to wear long sleeves, trousers, a wide-brimmed hat and good safety glasses.

Sun allergy is a controllable and easily preventable disease. Just be kind to yourself and sunbathe wisely!

Summer is a great time for vacations, for long stays in country dachas, for travel, trips to the sea, to exotic countries. Swim and sunbathe in the sun, enjoy sea ​​water and warm up in the sun - what could be better?

However, in recent years Cases of hypersensitivity to the sun's rays are becoming more frequent in many people. This is an allergy to the sun, the symptoms of which appear either lightning fast - after 20-30 seconds, or after a few hours, or 2-3 days after sunbathing. In medicine, such an inadequate reaction of the body to excessive radiation is called photodermatosis or phototoxic reaction.

Types of sun allergies

Exposure to sunlight causes various unnatural reactions in humans, which are called photosensitivity:

  • Phototraumatic reactions

This is a normal reaction of the body after a very long stay in the sun, even in absolutely healthy person after many hours of intense ultraviolet irradiation Sunburn may occur. We will not dwell on this option, since everyone knows that you should not sunbathe for a long time, especially from 11:00 to 16:00.

  • Phototoxic reactions

can also appear in any person in the form of a sunburn - swelling, blisters, erythema. It is most often caused by oral or injected use of certain medicines, herbs, products containing photosensitizers.

  • Photoallergic reactions

This pathological process, which occurs only in people whose body, for some reason, rejects UV rays and their skin and mucous membranes react to the sun's rays as a hostile, foreign, toxic external influence. This is explained immune disorders and such a reaction manifests itself as papules, oozing, vesicles and lichenification of the skin ov (a rash with an enhanced pattern, which is accompanied by a sharp thickening of the skin and a violation of pigmentation, while the skin becomes rough and furrowed).

People at risk for developing sun allergies include:

  • Persons with diseases of the endocrine system
  • Persons with liver and kidney diseases
  • Persons with various disorders immune system

How does sun allergy manifest? Symptoms

Signs of an allergy to the sun can be diverse and vary depending on the reasons that caused it, on the age of the adult or child, on the provoking internal or external factor. Most often, the symptoms of sun allergy are manifested by the following disorders:

  • Redness, rash, itching, blistering of areas of skin exposed to sunlight.
  • An allergy to the sun on the hands, face, legs, and chest manifests itself as rough, small uneven skin that hurts, itches, and sometimes merges into swollen, reddened lesions.
  • Sometimes crusts, scales, and bleeding appear.
  • Most often, skin allergies from the sun appear in the form of hives, eczema or blisters.
  • Signs and symptoms of sun allergy do not only appear in places where there has been active sun exposure; if an allergic reaction occurs in the form of eczema, it can also occur in places far from the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

The physically strong healthy body There should be no sun allergy. Therefore, allergy to the sun occurs especially often in infants, in children who are not strong enough after an illness, in the elderly and people with many chronic diseases.

Causes of sun allergies

People with the first skin phototype, also called Celtic, are most often susceptible to sun allergies. The skin of such people practically does not tan at all, but allergic reactions to ultraviolet radiation occur quite often on it.

Special substances, photosensitizers or photoreactive agents, cause sun allergies, the symptoms of which depend on the intensity of exposure and the amount of these substances. In the human body exposed to natural or artificial ultraviolet radiation (sun tanning, solarium, UV lamps), these photosensitizers cause changes that manifest themselves in the form of sun allergies.

Phototoxic reactions can be caused certain substances To find out why such an allergy appeared, you should know where such provocative substances may be contained:

  • In hygiene products- in antibacterial soap
  • In cosmetics and perfumes- in most lotions, perfumes, colognes, deodorants, lipsticks. Most creams that contain nut oil essential oils all citrus fruits, caraway, dill, bergamot, musk, amber, patchouli, cinnamon tree bark.
  • Sunscreens- a paradox, but it is precisely when applying sun protection that you can get a severe allergic reaction. If such products contain PABA - para-aminobenzoic acid and benzophenones.
  • In some food additives - for example, in sweeteners.
  • When applying tattoos- since it is used excipient cadmium sulfate, it can also cause photosensitivity.
  • IN household chemicals- for example, in mothballs.
  • In medicines- moreover, even if after cancellation medical product After some time has passed, several weeks or months, an allergic reaction may occur after ultraviolet irradiation, since substances accumulate in the human body and skin and are sometimes eliminated very slowly. There are cases where sensitivity to sunlight due to medications persists for several months or even years.

Gunther's disease - a rare form of photodermatosis is Gunther's disease or erythropoietic porphyria. Patients with this recessive mutation fully comply classical descriptions vampires: afraid of daylight and sunlight due to ulcers and cracks in the skin, gradually turning into deformations and cartilage, are quite pale, have excessive thick eyebrows and eyelashes. In patients, tooth enamel and urine may be stained pink. Under ultraviolet light tooth enamel glows blood red. Today the disease is still not completely cured

Pellagra is rare disease also accompanied by photodermatosis. Pellagra ( rough skin) is a violation of absorption or insufficient intake of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) into the body.

List of medications, plants and foods that cause sun allergy symptoms

The instructions for use of a very large number of different medications contain instructions about such a possible side effect as photosensitivity, and also that such an effect is extremely rare, approximately 1/10,000 cases. These medications include:

Oral contraceptives —

  • Fluoroquinolones - ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, etc.
  • Tetracyclines - doxycyline
  • Macrolides - Sumamed, Macropen, etc.
  • Co-trimoxazole - Biseptol, folic acid inhibitor
  • Pipemidic acid - used for the treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis (Palin)
  • Antimycotics - especially Griseofulvin, and others

NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - and Piroxicam.
Antihistamines- Diphenhydramine and Promethazine.
Cardiac products, for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases:

  • Fibrates - fibric acids,
  • Amiodarone is an antiarrhythmic drug. Cordarone also causes bluish tint tanning
  • Digitoxin is a cardiotonic drug
  • Atorvastatins -

, - Doxipine, Melipramine, some sleeping pills.
Thiazide diuretics- diuretic Chlorothiazide and any other diuretics can also cause or enhance skin allergies in the sun, its symptoms.
Sugar-lowering drugs for treatment diabetes mellitus- Glibenclamide and Chlorpropamide.
Essential oils - bergamot oil, lime oil, St. John's wort, essential oils of almost all citrus fruits - lemon, tangerine, orange.
Corticosteroids- hormonal creams and ointments for long-term use.
Bornaya and salicylic acid , methylene blue, ointments containing tar.

Plants that cause sun allergies

Very often, when special substances come into contact with the skin - furocoumarins, which are found in meadow and other plants, and when sunlight hits these areas of the skin, an allergy to the sun occurs. The symptoms of photodermatitis in this case are as follows:

  • Appearance of rashes and blisters
  • Skin redness
  • Severe itching
  • Pigmentation remains at the site of the affected skin for a long time.

Plants are exogenous photosensitizers that should be avoided summer time, include:

  • , Buckwheat, Quinoa, Ash, Ranunculaceae, Hogweed, Fig tree.
  • If taken orally medicinal herbs, then it is also possible to develop symptoms of allergy to the sun: St. John's wort, Clover, Angelica, Sweet clover, Agrimony, Hogweed, Tribulus.
  • Sedge and blue-green algae can also cause sun allergies because they contain chlorophyll and phycocyan.

Products with photoallergic effects

The following products have such a provocative effect:

  • Before going out into the sun, do not cut, eat, or drink juices from these foods, as your hands and lips may suffer from an inadequate reaction of the body to the sun's rays: carrot juice, sweet peppers, figs, citrus juices, sorrel, parsley.
  • Sensitivity to ultraviolet rays is also increased by: spicy foods, alcoholic drinks, especially wine and champagne, all products with an abundance of dyes, artificial additives and preservatives.
  • An increased risk factor for the development of sun allergy symptoms exists in individuals who are already allergic to coffee, nuts, and chocolate.

Treatment of sun allergies

When an allergy to the sun appears - how to treat this strange reaction? First of all, you should find out the real reason the appearance of an allergic reaction to ultraviolet radiation. If these are medications, foods or herbs, then these medications or use of the products should be discontinued. If it is impossible to refuse the use of necessary medications, then it is better to avoid any contact of the skin with the sun; constant protection from ultraviolet radiation is needed.

  • Creams and ointments

And if this is not associated with taking any medications, then you should find out possible internal malfunctions in the functioning of systems and organs, including the immune system. What remedies and medicines exist for the sun? What are there in the sun?

Creams and ointments with corticosteroids are very effective, but their use should only be for severe sun allergies; treatment with these drugs should only be prescribed by a doctor. The course of treatment with such serious ointments should be short, since they long-term use itself can cause various skin disorders, erythema, rosacea, dilation of blood vessels on the skin, and also addiction to them quickly develops and their frequent use can result in skin atrophy.

Among non-hormonal creams and ointments for allergies, you can use Fenistil gel, Desitin, Gistan, La-kri, Dexpanthenol, Panthenol, Radevit, Elidel, Protopic, Losterin, Vundehil, La-kri (for more details about these creams and ointments, see). Also a list of gels, creams, ointments in our article - Floceta, Psilo-balm, Solcoseryl, Vinilin, Karotolin, Livian, etc.

  • Antihistamines

After comprehensive examination From a general practitioner, dermatologist, allergist-immunologist, and to determine the cause of the allergy, doctors may prescribe antihistamines. Depending on the cause of photodermatosis, these remedies help some people very well, while others do not help at all.

Among them you can try Claritin, Suprastin and Tavegil. such as Zodak are very effective for various allergic reactions, do not cause drowsiness and have a prolonged effect, they can be used for a long time.

  • Vitamin therapy

One of the reasons for the appearance of allergies may be a decrease in immunity, a deficiency of vitamins, therefore vitamins such as vitamin C, group B, vitamin E, as well as nicotinic acid may become one of the components complex treatment allergies to the sun.

  • Cleansing the body with enterosorbents and drinking plenty of fluids

You should cleanse the body of allergens and toxins as quickly as possible; for this you can use sorbents such as Polyphepan, Enterosgel. You should also drink as much clean water as possible per day, more than 2-2.5 liters, this will help the body quickly remove allergens from the body.

  • Traditional methods

If it is not possible to urgently consult a doctor, then you can try to find among folk remedies those that may help alleviate skin inflammation at first are fresh juice cucumber, cabbage or potatoes. Potato and cabbage juice has amazing softening and fast healing wounds, skin lesions. An infusion of calendula or, which can be used to make cold compresses, also has a softening effect.

If pathological photosensitive reactions appear, the doctor should tell you how long after the reaction to the sun began, what the manifestations were, what the rash looked like and how you felt about it.

Summer great time year. Most of us go on vacation to the warm sea. Others prefer to relax in the country, far from the polluted and noisy city. But there are those for whom bright sun is contraindicated. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to relax in its rays. The number of those who suffer from such a disease as photodermatitis is growing. This disease is popularly called sun allergy.

This disease can manifest itself if you are under the scorching rays for just a few seconds, or it can appear on the second or third day. This reaction of the body occurs in 20% of the population of our planet.

Can you be allergic to the sun?

To such a disease modern medicine attributes all manifestations of increased sensitivity of the body to sunlight. But, latest research showed that these problems are not associated with a person’s exposure to the scorching rays of the sun. This is just one of the factors that provokes such a specific allergy. Most often, this problem is associated with malfunctions of internal organs.

Symptoms of sun allergy

The most important signs of such a disease are changes appearance skin. Its symptoms are:

  • Itching, pain and swelling
  • Severe redness of the skin
  • The appearance of microcracks with bleeding
  • Skin peeling, scale formation
  • Hives
  • The appearance of blisters
With this problem, symptoms appear only on exposed areas of the skin.

Moreover, signs of an allergy to the sun can appear instantly or after 2-3 days. When allergens enter the bloodstream, the following may occur:

  • temperature increase
  • dizziness

In rare situations, when blood pressure decreases due to allergen entering the bloodstream, fainting may occur.

Why does sun allergy occur?

  • As mentioned above, ultraviolet radiation itself does not cause allergies. Most likely, it is a catalyst for problems associated with disruption of the functioning of internal organs and protective systems body
  • Allergens cannot be exposed to sunlight. But, they can trigger negative processes in the body that will create the problem described in this article
  • Against the background of sunlight, “protection” from chlorinated water, taking certain medications, and eating foods containing allergens may turn on. For example, grapefruits or tangerines. IN normal conditions eating them does not cause such reactions, but if exposed to sunlight they may develop

A large dose of ultraviolet radiation that falls on a person susceptible to such a problem forces the body to work for wear and tear. His defense mechanisms should activate melanin production. Which manifests itself in the load on the kidneys and liver.

Some cosmetics, especially creams and lipsticks, may contain substances that are destroyed when exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The breakdown products of such products can negatively affect the functioning of the body and cause the development of photodermatosis.

Types of sun allergies

IN medical practice It is customary to divide the body’s reaction to the sun into three categories:

  • Phototraumatic reaction. This reaction can occur in anyone, even the healthiest person. As a rule, it manifests itself as redness and a slight burning sensation on the skin of the face, décolleté and other areas that have “taken on” too much large number ultraviolet
  • Phototoxic reaction. This type of reaction occurs in people with sensitive skin after taking certain medications and cosmetics.
  • Photoallergic reaction. This type of reaction is most pronounced. Blisters, rashes, and redness may appear on the skin immediately after sunbathing.

What does sun allergy look like in children?

This type of allergy in a child is difficult to miss.
  • Even after a short exposure to the sun, a rash may appear on the skin, which is also very itchy. If your child has very sensitive skin, blisters may even appear.
  • Symptoms of photodermatosis in children are similar to allergic reactions of the body to certain food products. But, unlike them, they appear only on open areas of the skin. The skin most often affected is the face
  • If your child has very sensitive skin, it may react even when using sunscreen. The fact is that such products contain para-aminobenzoic acid, which under the influence of ultraviolet radiation becomes a strong allergen. And it is children who suffer the most from it.
  • If a child develops such an illness, it is necessary to reduce his stay on the street during intense hours to a minimum. And of course, get professional advice from an allergist
  • If blisters have already appeared on the child’s skin, he should immediately be moved to the shade, rinsed with cool water and given an antihistamine. Tea with lemon helps to minimize the consequences of such reactions in the body.

The affected areas of the skin must be treated with such preparations as: “Panthenol”, “Fenestil” (ointment), etc.

Allergy to spring sun

The spring sun can cause the problem described.
  • If the symptoms of this disease pass quickly, then there is no need to worry about it. The body is reconstructed after winter, and over time it will “get used” to ultraviolet radiation
  • An allergy to the spring sun may appear after the first sunbathing. Exposed areas of the body are especially affected. Such as: face, ears, rear end neck, décolleté, arms and hands
  • Most often such manifestations defensive reactions organism result in ordinary urticaria. Typically, this form of photodermatosis disappears within 10-15 days after its onset. During this time, the body has time to adapt and get used to it. And even the even more intense summer sun is no longer a problem for him
  • But, if every year spring allergies the sun becomes more intense, then you need to pay attention to your health. If this is not done, over the years this form of allergy can become more serious.

How to treat sun allergies?

  • After which, you should definitely consult a doctor. Since this problem is purely individual, there are no universal means of overcoming it.
  • The doctor should order blood tests and skin tests. To reduce the manifestation of such reactions, it is necessary to take antihistamines. Modern means very effective
  • Especially on initial stages. But, they have side effects: drowsiness, nausea, tachycardia, headache

Sun allergy pills

"Suprastin". It is one of the most effective remedies for allergies. Including photodermatosis. This drug is able to relieve the manifestations of such a problem 1-2 hours after taking it. But, Suprastin should not be taken during the second trimester of pregnancy.

"Diprazy". Quite a strong drug that helps well with allergies. But, has some side effects, due to which it is contraindicated for pregnant women and children.

"Clemastine". A drug that is used for dermatitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema and other allergic reactions. It should not be taken by children and people who suffer from intolerance to the active substances that it contains.

"Diazolin". Effective for skin itching, eczema, urticaria and dermatitis. Side effects include gastrointestinal upset, drowsiness, dizziness and fatigue.

"Cyproheptadine". This drug is prescribed for itching, swelling of the skin and urticaria. It should not be taken for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, children, pregnant or lactating women.

"Kestin". A drug whose purpose is to block histamines in the body. It has a long-lasting effect, but can cause insomnia.

"Clarisens". A drug that is indicated for urticaria and Quincke's edema. Virtually no effect on nervous system and is not addictive.

"Lomilan". A remedy to combat skin itching. Able to relieve swelling of the skin. The effect occurs 30 minutes after taking it.

Best effect have third generation antihistamines

They have fewer side effects and do not affect the nervous and cardiovascular system. They can be used in the treatment of children and pregnant women.

Sun allergy ointment

Ointments and creams that relieve the consequences of such allergies, as well as protect against this disease, have also proven themselves well. Such drugs are divided into two groups: hormonal and non-hormonal drugs. In addition, such ointments can have a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and softening effect.

The safest of them are non-hormonal ointments

They can protect themselves even during pregnancy. But the effect of their use may appear only after some time. But, they can be used even for the most sensitive skin.

"Solcoseryl". Gel based on natural ingredients. Excellent healing of problem areas on the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Can be used to treat burns.

"Radevit". An ointment containing vitamins E, D and B. It copes well with itching caused by negative action sun rays.

"Actovegin". Available in the form of gel and ointment. It fights well against rashes on the face. Perfectly heals wounds on the skin and prevents the formation of scars.

"Fenistil-gel". The menthol included in this preparation cools the skin and relieves burning. It is also used to relieve the problems described above. Has an anesthetic effect.

If the above drugs are ineffective, hormonal ointments may be prescribed

They must be used in a predetermined dosage. If it is exceeded, an undesirable reaction may occur. The result can be seen immediately after use.

Such drugs include:

  • "Hydrocortisone"
  • "Ftorokort"
  • "Cinacort"
  • "Apulein"
  • "Dermovate"

Anti-inflammatory creams have shown themselves to work well in the fight against sun allergies. They contain nimesil, paracetamol and ibuprofen. These substances can quickly eliminate itching and other skin problems. Such drugs include:

  • "Triderm"
  • "Advantan"
  • "Akriderm"

To relieve symptoms of photodermatitis such as dryness and flaking of the skin, you need to use moisturizers. They are made from fat and plant components. With the help of such creams you can get rid of inflammation and swelling.

Creams and ointments will only be effective if they are used in conjunction with antihistamines. If toxins remain in the body, the effect of ointments will not bring the desired result.

Folk remedies

The remedies that we “got” from our grandmothers are also very effective in treating the described illness.
  • But, before using them, in any case, you need to consult a specialist. As mentioned above, the cause of this type of allergy can be some medications, as well as cosmetics.
  • It “rescues” very well from negative manifestation ultraviolet normal cabbage leaf. It needs to be applied to the inflamed area and after a while the problem will disappear. Instead of cabbage, you can use it for the same purpose. raw potatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables
  • To restore a sun-damaged area, you can use an infusion of geranium leaves. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of geranium into 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. After that, lotions are made based on the resulting product.
  • Also, lotions to eliminate the symptoms of photodermatitis can be made based on gruel horse chestnut or grated carrots. These remedies treat itchy skin and urticaria.
  • Another effective remedy for itching is a bath of string. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water over the dry string (2 tablespoons) and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then the broth should be poured into a warm bath. Twenty minutes of such a bath daily will help cope with the problem and improve skin condition.

External remedies will be good only if there are no toxins left in the body

Diuretics are indicated for this. For example, celery juice, string tea and decoctions of St. John's wort and aspen buds.

Can sun allergies be cured?

In order to cure this disease, it is necessary first of all to find out the nature of the allergen. The sun is only a catalyst for problems. Most treatments help control symptoms. Until the allergen is found, you need to protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation. To do this you need:

  • use protective sunscreens and lotions
  • drink more water
  • have antihistamines on hand

In order to cure photodermatitis, it is necessary to undergo an examination at specialized clinic under the guidance of an experienced allergist.

Oksana. I am allergic to the first spring sun. By summer everything goes away. In the spring I wear long sleeves. If you can’t protect yourself, then I use lotions from the series and suprastin. It helps a lot.

Kira. My mother was cured of such an allergy at a homeopathic center. For the last four years she has forgotten about this problem.

Video. How to enjoy the warmth?

Everyone will agree that the sun is life. Without it, plant growth is impossible. The sun is the only one natural source vitamin D for the human body. It can also rightfully be considered an indispensable addition to any vacation and recreation. After all, this is exactly what everyone is waiting for when summer comes. But few people think about the consequences of such a vacation. Due to reduced immunity, often. This disease brings a lot of inconvenience and hardship. A person is not able to fully relax and bask in the warm rays. Another upsetting factor is that photodermatitis often manifests itself on the face.

Allergy symptoms

The signs of photodermatitis are quite varied. Their locations are also unpredictable. But, still, most often the allergy manifests itself on the skin of the face and eyelids. The symptoms of photodermatosis are as follows:

If you do not respond to these symptoms in time, you can get second and third degree burns. Often prolonged exposure to the sun leads to loss of consciousness or anaphylactic shock. If a person is physically healthy, then allergic manifestations do not threaten him. But if you notice one of these manifestations on your body, it means immune system not working correctly.


People whose skin belongs to the Celtic type are most susceptible to the disease. One of the reasons may be heredity. It is safe to say that a person with allergies suffers from liver dysfunction. This organ is a kind of filter for our body, and its improper functioning causes various malfunctions. The following substances can also act as provocateurs:

Often medications provoke allergies:

  • Antibiotics (macrolides, tetracyclines, antimycotics);
  • Oral contraceptives and hormonal drugs;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Cardiac drugs;
  • Corticosteroids.

Allergies to sunlight can be caused by a large number of flowers and plants, both domestic and wild.

After contact with them and exposure to the sun, patients notice a rash on their face in the form of large red spots, severe itching and burning. Such plants include: nettle, quinoa, ash, buttercup, St. John's wort, clover, sedge.

Some foods are considered good triggers for this type of allergy. Before going out into the sun, consuming these products is prohibited:

Types of photodermatitis

There are the following types of allergic dermatitis due to sun exposure:

  • Phototraumatic reaction. This reaction, as a rule, occurs in an absolutely healthy person. It is characterized by redness of the skin and a slight burning sensation. Often appear on the face and décolleté. You should simply refuse to stay in the sun when it is hot.
  • Phototoxic reaction. This type of reaction occurs in people suffering hypersensitivity skin. It appears after taking certain medications or using cosmetics.
  • Photoallergic reaction. Is a pathogenic reaction. Indicates that the patient has allergies. It appears in the form of a rash, blisters, redness, almost immediately after contact with the sun's rays.


First you need to stop contacting the sun. Be sure to consult a doctor. Universal remedies There is no cure for photodermatosis, only a doctor can choose the type of therapy that is right for you. To diagnose the disease, blood tests and skin tests are prescribed. Antihistamines and ointments are most often prescribed. Today, antihistamines are divided into three generations. Each subsequent one is an improvement of the previous one.

First-generation antihistamines are characterized by their speed of action, but this effect is rather short-lived. Drugs in this group are used to relieve allergy symptoms in the initial stages. The downside is a fairly extensive list of side effects: drowsiness, increased blood pressure, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, diarrhea, tachycardia, blurred vision.

Suprastin Enough effective remedy. Reduces allergy symptoms. Removes skin manifestations allergies. The action begins after a couple of hours. During pregnancy, it is allowed to take from the second trimester. It is prohibited to use by people whose activities are related to high concentration attention.
Diphenhydramine Relieves allergic manifestations. Eliminates hives and swelling of the skin. Acts like local anesthesia. It has numerous contraindications and side effects, therefore it is contraindicated for children and pregnant women.
Diprazine Is over a strong drug than Diphenhydramine. Has an antiallergic effect. Has a stronger sedative effect. It is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages while taking the product.
Clemastine Relieves manifestations of urticaria, dermatitis, Quincke's edema. Often used by patients bronchial asthma. Contraindicated for children under six years of age and people with individual intolerance to certain components.
Diazolin Eliminates allergic manifestations such as skin itching, urticaria, eczema, dermatitis. May cause gastrointestinal disorders, dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness. Contraindicated for patients with stomach ulcers.
Cyproheptadine Prescribed for hay fever, acute or chronic urticaria, swelling of the skin, itching and swelling. Contraindicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnant and lactating women, and children.

The second generation of antihistamines has a less extensive list of adverse reactions and contraindications. The sedative effect occurs only when in rare cases. The effect of the drugs lasts throughout the day. Quite rarely addictive. Such drugs include:

Claritin Quite a loyal drug. Does not cause drowsiness or addiction. Prescribes when allergic dermatitis, hay fever and chronic urticaria. In rare cases, may cause nausea or vomiting.
Kestin Blocks the release of histamines. Reduces the manifestations of allergies. The effect begins within an hour after administration and lasts for two days. The drug may cause insomnia and dry mucous membranes.
Clarisens Relieves the condition of patients with allergies. Copes well with Quincke's edema and urticaria. The drug has no effect on the nervous system. Not addictive. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the constituent components of the drug.
Lomilan The drug copes with skin itching. Reduces swelling of the skin. Helps with allergic manifestations on the eyelids. The action begins within half an hour after administration. Adverse reactions occur rarely, in the form of headache and nausea.

The most modern and harmless is antihistamine third generation. All drugs in this group do not affect the cardiac system and do not cause sedative effect. Allows use for quite a long time, as they are not addictive. Most of these drugs are allowed to be taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers without danger to the child. These include:

  • Telfast;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Gismanal;
  • Trexil.

Along with antihistamines, it is necessary to use antiallergic ointments and gels in combination. After all, if we can cover any other part of the body with clothes, then there is no way to hide the face. It is the ointment that will help instantly remove the manifestations of the disease from the face. How to choose suitable remedy from this group? There are antihistamine creams and ointments with hormonal and non-hormonal bases, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and emollient agents.

The safest are non-hormonal ointments. They are allowed to be taken during pregnancy and for children from birth. The disadvantage is their accumulative property, so the effect may occur after some time. These products are great for sensitive skin. Such ointments relieve itching well and have a healing effect. These include:

Solcoseryl The drug consists only of natural ingredients. Accelerates skin regeneration. Has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Relieves sunburn.
Radevit Has antipruritic effect. The drug is made on the basis of vitamins E, D, and B. Can be used for a long time. Does not cause toxic effects.
Actovegin Relieves rashes on the face. Prevents scarring after healing. The ointment must be applied twice a day. Already after 2-3 days a rash with faces will pass. But you should still continue using this drug.
Desitin An effective antiallergic agent. Quickly and gently relieves the manifestations of the disease, especially on the face. The drug creates a barrier and prevents the hives from spreading.
Fenistil-gel The gel has an anesthetic effect. Cools the skin of the face, thereby relieving itching and burning. Reduces inflammation. The action occurs within the first couple of hours after application.

Hormonal ointments are usually prescribed in advanced cases allergic manifestations or if other drugs are ineffective. Such ointments are applied once a day and in the prescribed dosage. If it is exceeded, the product will be absorbed through the skin into large quantities, which can significantly worsen the situation. Hormonal ointment Only a doctor can prescribe it. For sun allergy symptoms from the face, this is the best remedy. The result comes immediately after application. You can use such ointments for no longer than five days, as hormones are addictive. Absorbed into the blood, they affect the functioning of body systems. These include:

  • Hydrocortisone (has low degree activity);
  • Fluorocort, Cinacort ( average degree activity);
  • Apulein (active drug);
  • Dermovate (increased activity).

Anti-inflammatory creams are great for treating sun allergies on the face. They contain paracetamol, ibuprofen, nimesil. These drugs perfectly relieve itching:

Triderm Has an antibacterial and anesthetic effect. Reduces the symptoms of photodermatitis. Contraindicated in chicken pox, herpes, skin tuberculosis. Allowed during pregnancy under medical supervision.
Advantan Prescribed for dermatitis, eczema, sunburn. The result will become noticeable half an hour after applying the ointment. Due to its mild effect, it is allowed for use by pregnant women.
Akriderm Removes any allergic diseases skin. The drug should be applied three times a day, lightly rubbing into the skin. No special contraindications no, with the exception of individual intolerance.

If photodermatitis manifests itself in the form of dryness and flaking of the facial skin, you need to use moisturizers. These drugs are also used for the formation of crusts and cracks. Such ointments and creams should be used as often as possible - up to five times a day. They must be fat based. La-Cri cream can be called quite effective. The drug is made based on herbs that relieve inflammation and panthenol, which promotes skin healing. Thanks to its light texture, it does not leave a greasy shine on the face. The cream can also be applied to the eyelids. Children are allowed from birth.

Do not forget that for a quick recovery it is necessary to remove all toxins from the body as quickly as possible. Simple activated carbon will help with this. It is also worth increasing the frequency and amount of drinking water.

Folk recipes

Representatives traditional medicine They recommend quite a lot of different remedies. If your facial skin has become too dry and dehydrated from exposure to sunlight, horseradish can help. You need to grate the horseradish root and squeeze out one tablespoon of juice. Mix this juice with the same amount of sour cream and rub into your face before bed. After a couple of such procedures allergic symptoms will disappear.

There are cucumbers and potatoes in every refrigerator. These vegetables cool the skin and relieve itching. Cucumber can be grated and applied as a mask to the face. Or simply wipe the affected areas with circles. The same manipulations are carried out with potatoes.

If manifestations of photodermatosis were noticed in a timely manner, then it will be enough to make a mask from sour cream. You can add one teaspoon of honey to it - it has a softening effect. A mint mask copes well with the disease. You need to mix a couple of tablespoons of crushed dry mint with a small amount boiling water and let it brew a little. After this paste has cooled, apply to your face for 20 minutes.

Celery juice can quickly remove toxins from the body, and therefore get rid of allergies. Every morning before meals you need to drink three tablespoons of juice. They have the same effect birch leaves. They need to be brewed and drunk instead of regular tea. Watermelon is a delicious antioxidant. During the season it should be eaten as often as possible.

If the patient suffers from urticaria and severe itching, you should prepare chamomile lotion. You need to pour three tablespoons of dried flowers into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. After cooling, cleanse your face with a cotton pad. Similar remedy can be prepared from aloe juice. Simply mix it with purified water.

Celery leaves make an excellent ointment. Mix the crushed leaves with butter in a 1:1 ratio. Before applying the ointment, thoroughly cleanse your face. Lotions made from this plant are effective. For washing, you can prepare a decoction of raspberry leaves.


To avoid photodermatosis, try to spend less time in direct sunlight. Before going out into the sun, be sure to apply sunscreen and lotions to your face and body. On the beach, try to sunbathe in the shade. When leaving the water, immediately pat your skin dry with a towel without leaving any drops of water on it. It wouldn't hurt to get a wide-brimmed hat. It is worth giving preference to clothes in light colors.

Remember that exposure to the sun after 11 o'clock in the afternoon is prohibited. IN evening time It is better to go out into the sun after 16:00, when ultraviolet activity is much lower. The use of various deodorants and decorative cosmetics while on the beach is also prohibited.

Help for fainting

  • Move the victim to a shady place;
  • Elevate the patient's legs to stimulate blood flow to the brain;
  • Moisten your face and torso with cool water;
  • Place a cotton swab with ammonia to your nose.

As soon as the patient comes to his senses, give him to drink a large amount of purified water without gas.