How to leave your body in a dream. Leaving the body during sleep

The practice of leaving the physical body through lucid dreaming is possible for everyone. In order to develop esoteric abilities with the help of dreams, you only need to practice a little in controlling your own consciousness.

What are lucid dreams

Lucid dreaming is the transitional phase between dozing and falling into a deep sleep state. Finding ourselves in such a dream, we clearly understand what is happening to us, and we can control our actions: we know where to go, what to do and what will happen next. At such moments, one of our bodies can move not only in time and space, but also to other dimensions and worlds.

Almost each of us has experienced this at least once: as a rule, lucid dreams are no different from our ordinary life. In fact, scientists and psychics have long proven that such a state of consciousness makes it possible to overcome distances and get what you want.

How to tell if you're in a lucid dream state

This is very easy to understand because during a lucid dream you can control the events happening around you. For example, you dream that a bear is chasing you: you are trying to run away, but you cannot move. And the bear is getting closer. As soon as you realize that you are dreaming, you can immediately control the process, and now it is no longer you who are running away from the bear, but the bear from you.

But sometimes dreams can be very real. You can see your apartment, house or work, communicate with your loved ones. Details usually help you understand that you are dreaming. If you realize that you are at home, try to look around. Something is bound to be different or out of place.

Why do you need access to the astral plane?

If you have mastered the process of lucid dreaming, then you have learned to abstract from your physical shell. This can happen naturally, but more often than not, such practices require a long learning curve. What are they for?

At first, a person develops simple curiosity and a desire to try something new. But such aimless experiments either do not give the desired result or lead to negative consequences. Those masters who have long practiced conscious exit from the body argue that such trips outside the physical body must have a goal.

In fact, there are many worlds that we do not even imagine, and lucid dreams are the gateway to travel in other dimensions. Wandering aimlessly at night in a random space, you risk never returning to your physical shell. In parallel dimensions there are many entities that, like people, are good and not so good. And if you really want to make lucid dreaming a part of your life, you need to learn how to benefit from it.

Basically, leaving the body is carried out to obtain certain information and exchange knowledge and experience. There is ample evidence that, using such practices, masters helped in the search for missing people or important information.

Ways to leave the body

There are many practices that explain how to achieve this state on your own. Meditation is one such way. By applying them in practice, you can immerse yourself in the desired state without skipping the sleep phase. Many world-famous yogis, immersed in deep meditation, have been in it for many centuries to this day.

Having mastered hypnosis and other methods of psychological influence, you can also achieve a state of lucid dreaming. With these techniques, you can program your mind to leave your body at certain times of the day or days of the week.

Experiments with self-hypnosis and the sleep phase itself help to enter a state of lucid sleep. There are known cases of psychotropic influence on a person to achieve the desired result, as well as conscious sleep deprivation as a preparation, but such methods do not have the best effect on the psyche, and the health of the latter is very important for quality lucid sleep.

The practice of leaving the body has existed for a long time, but has not been studied in detail, so you should think carefully before using this method. You can find other ways to achieve what you want with minimal risks. Therefore, set clear goals, realistically assess your capabilities and do not forget to push the buttons and

14.10.2015 00:50

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What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Leaving the body during sleep

There is a theory that states that our consciousness (or soul) may well be separated from the body. Moreover, if a body without a soul turns into a physical substance of unknown purpose, then with the soul everything is different. She can travel on her own without a body and feel great. This is what happens, for example, in a dream.

Lucid dreaming as an out-of-body method

There are two ways to leave the body. First- during a lucid dream, which a person has learned to control. Second- after lengthy preparations without first falling asleep. For example, under hypnosis or as a result of long-term meditation.

Let's focus on the first method as it is simpler and safer. So, first you need to learn how to control your consciousness in a dream. To start training, you need to choose a day when you are not very tired and go to bed early. Around the middle of the night, feeling that you are about to wake up, you need to try to delay this moment, to catch that state when you are half asleep, not yet fully awake, but no longer sleeping soundly. When you manage to fix your consciousness in this state, this will be the initial stage to leaving the body. The difficulty usually lies in keeping oneself in a semi-conscious state - usually a person who does not allow himself to fully wake up again falls into a deep sleep that he cannot control.

Another option is to learn to see pre-conceived dreams and act in them the way you want. To do this, every time before going to bed, you need to imagine what exactly you want to see and how to act in the dream you saw. Sooner or later it will help you wake up in your sleep. That is, while in a sleeping state, you will understand that you are seeing a dream and will have the opportunity to influence it from the inside.

How to leave the body without resorting to sleep

It is not recommended to practice entering the astral plane without the help of sleep alone. We will briefly describe the main options, but in advance We warn you that these practices are quite dangerous.

So, options for leaving the body:

  • under hypnosis,
  • through self-hypnosis,
  • reading mantras and other special texts,
  • during meditation.

Remember - it is not so difficult to leave the body as to return to it later. So before you start experimenting, think carefully about whether you need it, and enlist the support of someone more experienced in this matter, who can tell you how and what to do correctly.

Interpretation depending on the day and hour:

Do you want to know whether your dream will come true today, how accurate is its interpretation on a given day of the week or month? Select the desired date and find out whether you should trust what you saw in your dream.

Brief instructions for beginners.
It is advisable to perform it in the morning on weekends!
(Phase is a combined term for the practice of lucid dreaming and out-of-body travel)

Efficiency of the technique:

1-5 attempts (1-3 days) – 50%

6-10 attempts (2-7 days) – 80%

11-20 attempts (3-14 days) – 90%

Step-by-step instructions for the indirect method for techniques for entering lucid dreams

So, you are a new practitioner and have decided to enter an out-of-body journey or lucid dreaming and want to do it as quickly as possible. To do this, you are offered a brief description of the easiest technique - cycles of indirect techniques. This is a universal and most effective method of obtaining out-of-body and astral travel, as well as lucid dreams, developed by the School of Out-of-Body Travel on thousands of people around the world. The secret of indirect techniques lies in their implementation against the background of awakening, when the human brain is physiologically very close to the phase state or is still in it.

Cycles of indirect techniques for beginners to achieve lucid dreams consist of trying to separate immediately upon awakening, and if that doesn’t work, then quickly going through techniques for a minute until one works, after which you can separate from the body. Usually it takes from 1 to 5 correct attempts to get a result.

Interesting fact!

It was thanks to indirect techniques that in just 2 nights of attempts at 3-day seminars of the School of Out-of-Body Travel it was possible to achieve 80% effectiveness even in groups of 50 people or more. Once, already on the second day, more than half of the group experienced a phasic experience (leaving the body or awareness in a dream), and the majority did this two or more times.

Attention! The steps described below work great when waking up from a nap, as well as in the middle of the night. But we will analyze the most optimal option - the delayed method - which allows you to achieve many attempts in one day, which greatly increases the likelihood of results in just 1-3 days, even for beginner practitioners of lucid dreams and out-of-body travel.

Step 1. Sleep for 6 hours and wake up with an alarm clock

(Can be skipped)

On a weekend night, when you don’t have to get up early, we go to bed at our usual time and set the alarm clock so that we can sleep for about 6 hours. When the alarm clock rings, we definitely get up to drink water, go to the toilet and look at these instructions again. You should never do any techniques before going to bed. You just need to lie down and sleep well. The better the sleep during these 6 hours, the greater the chances of subsequent results.

Step 2. Fall back to sleep with intention.

(Can be skipped)

After 3-50 minutes of wakefulness, we go back to sleep and concentrate on the fact that on each subsequent awakening we will carry out cycles of indirect techniques for entering a lucid dream / out-of-body trip and implement the set action plan. There is no need to set an alarm clock. All subsequent awakenings must be natural. If the room is too bright, you can wear a special eye mask; if it is noisy, use earplugs.

We also focus on trying to wake up without moving our physical body. This condition is not necessary, but it significantly increases the effectiveness of indirect techniques for beginners.

Next, we fall asleep for 2-4 hours, using each subsequent natural awakening, of which there will be much more than usual. After each successful or unsuccessful attempt, we always fall asleep with the same intention of waking up and once again trying the technique of entering lucid dreams. Thus, in one morning you can make many attempts, up to 25% of which are effective even for beginners (70-95% for experienced ones).

Step 3. The first moment of awakening - separation

Can't wake up to try? Don't remember the awakening techniques? Download the practical alarm clock: !

Every time we wake up again, trying not to move or open our eyes, we instantly try to immediately separate from the body in order to enter into a lucid dream or out-of-body journey. Up to 50% of the success of indirect techniques comes from this simplest first step, which novice practitioners are simply unaware of.

To separate from your body, try simply standing up, rolling out, or flying up. Try to do this with your own felt body, without straining your physical muscles. Remember that this will feel like a normal physical movement. Don't worry about how to do it at the right time. Persistently try to separate from the body at all costs in the very first moments after awakening in any way. Most likely, you will intuitively understand how to do this. The main thing is not to overthink and not waste the first seconds of awakening.

Interesting fact!

In the School of Out-of-Body Travel seminars, from the second session, successful participants are asked to explain in their own words how they managed to separate, without using the words “easy”, “usually” and “simple”. Almost always people are unable to fulfill this request, since this is the way it almost always happens at the right moment.

Step 4. Cycling techniques after attempting to separate

Do you want to improve your techniques? It’s not clear how exactly to do the techniques and alternate them? Download the voice-over dictation of the technician: , !

If it is not possible to immediately separate, which becomes clear in 3-5 seconds, we immediately begin to go through 2-3 of the most understandable techniques for entering a lucid dream within one minute, until one of them starts working, after which we can again try to separate. From the following five techniques, choose 2-3 for yourself to alternate during awakenings:

Swimming technique

For 3-5 seconds, try as aggressively as possible to imagine that you are swimming or simply making swimming movements with your hands. Try to feel it at all costs and as brightly as possible. If nothing happens, the technique is changed to another. If the feeling of swimming begins to arise, then there is no need to change the technique. Instead, you need to intensify the sensations that arise, after which a real sensation of floating in the water appears. This is already a phase (out-of-body travel, lucid dreaming) in which separation is not required. If such sensations arise in bed, then you need to apply the separation technique, starting the separation movement with the swimming sensations obtained from the swimming technique.


For 3-5 seconds, try to rotate as actively as possible around your longitudinal axis in any direction. If during this time no sensations arise, the technique is changed to another. If there is a real or even slight sensation of rotation, you need to focus on the technique and spin even more. As soon as this sensation becomes stable and real, you need to try to separate again, starting the separation movement with the rotational sensations obtained from the technique.

Observation of images

Peer into the emptiness before your eyes for 3-5 seconds without opening them. If nothing arises, the technique is changed to another. If you see an image, peer at it until it becomes realistic, after which you must immediately separate from the body or be drawn into the observed image. When looking at the image, it is important not to look at the details, otherwise it will blur. You need to look through the picture, which will make it look realistic.

Visualization of hands

For 3-5 seconds, very actively and aggressively imagine that you are rubbing your hands together close to your eyes. Try at all costs to feel them in front of you, see them and even hear the sound of friction. If nothing happens, the technique is changed to another. If any of the sensations begins to arise, you need to stop using the technique and intensify it as much as possible until it becomes completely real. After this, you can try to separate from the body, starting the movement of separation from the sensations received from the technique.

Phantom swing

For 3-5 seconds, try to swing your felt arms or legs, in no way straining your physical muscles, but at the same time not imagining the movement itself. For example, try pressing them down and up, pulling them left and right, etc. If nothing happens, the technique is changed to another. If suddenly a light or viscous real sensation of movement arises, you need to focus on technique, trying at all costs to make the amplitude of movement as wide as possible. When you reach 10 cm or more, you should immediately try to separate from the body, starting the movement of separation from the sensations received from the technique.

All that needs to be done during each entry attempt is to go through 2-3 techniques for 3-5 seconds each. What we get are so-called cycles of indirect techniques, when a novice practitioner goes through techniques circle by circle for a minute, looking for the one that will work. It is very important to do at least 4 cycles of 2-3 techniques during the attempt. You need to understand that if a technique does not work right away, this does not mean that it will not work literally on the next round of techniques or a little later. That is why you need to stubbornly go through the techniques, performing at least 4 full cycles, but so that everything together takes no more than a minute.

For example, the whole thing might look like this: a beginner phaser goes to bed at 11:30 p.m. and sets the alarm for 6:00 a.m.; at 6.00 he wakes up with an alarm clock, goes to the toilet, drinks water, remembers indirect techniques for entering a lucid dream and out-of-body experience, as well as his interesting plan of action in the phase (for example, look in the mirror and fly to Mars); at 6.05 the phaser goes to bed again with the clear intention of getting into the phase on each subsequent awakening; at 7.35 (for example) the phaser suddenly wakes up and instantly tries to immediately separate from the body; having failed to separate in 3-5 seconds, the phaser begins to try to rotate, but it also does not work in 3-5 seconds; the phaser does a swimming technique, but it doesn't work in 3-5 seconds; the phaser does phantom swinging, but it doesn’t work for 3-5 seconds; the phaser again does the rotation, swimming technique and phantom swing for 3-5 seconds; then he again does rotation, swimming and phantom swinging for 3-5 seconds; on the fourth cycle he begins to rotate and it suddenly begins to work out - a feeling of rotation arises; the phaser stops on the technique, spins as hard as possible and immediately rolls out of the body with a rotating felt body; he immediately runs to the mirror, while he actively feels everything around and examines it from close range, which is why his sensations become vivid; after looking in the mirror, the practitioner uses the movement technique and finds himself on Mars, but is unexpectedly returned to his body; the novice phaser immediately tries to leave the body again, but fails; he falls asleep again with the clear intention that the next time he wakes up, he will repeat the attempt to enter a lucid dream/out-of-body experience and spend more time on Mars; etc.

Simply repeat the same with the techniques that make the most sense to you, and you will discover a new universe, easily entering lucid dreaming or out-of-body travel even as a novice practitioner!

To make this method work and be remembered better, set aside 20-30 minutes during the day and just practice with the techniques and algorithm. This will significantly increase the effectiveness of entry attempts upon awakening.

Awareness in a dream is also considered a phasic experience. If you suddenly realize in the plot of a dream that there is a dream around, this will already be entering the phase, so you should also begin to implement an action plan and stabilize the state. If such a realization occurs in a dream, it will be an indirect result of trying to apply cycling techniques on awakenings, which very often happens, and all beginning phasers should always be prepared for this.

Step 5. After trying

After each successful and unsuccessful attempt to use the technique of entering lucid dreams, the beginning practitioner should, if possible, fall asleep again in order to make another attempt on the next awakening. This way you can not only get results in one day, but also do it several times at once!

Interesting fact!

Once, at a seminar at the School of Out-of-Body Travel, a beginner was able to leave the body for the first time in his life on the very first morning 6 times out of 8 awakening attempts.

The unsuccessful attempt itself should not last more than a minute. If nothing happened during this time, it is much more effective to fall asleep and catch the next moment of awakening than to persistently try to squeeze a result out of the current situation.

Lucid Dream/Out-of-Body Travel Plan

Before entering the phase itself, the beginning practitioner must clearly outline what he will do there immediately after separation. This will increase both the quality of the experience and its likelihood, since lucid dreaming techniques work much better with sufficient motivation. The following is a list, albeit not always the most understandable, but at least the most interesting actions in the phase for beginners (select no more than 2-3 points and remember them well):

Look in the mirror (required in the first phase!);

Eat or drink something tasty;

Visit your favorite attraction;

Fly over the Earth;

Fly in space;

Fly to neighbors, friends or relatives;

Meet your lover/mistress;

Meet a deceased relative;

Meet your favorite celebrity;

Take medicine to heal;

Receive information from phase objects;

Visit the past or future;

Go through the wall;

Transform into an animal;

Drive a sports car;

Ride a motorcycle;

Breathe underwater;

Put your hand inside your body;

Test the vibrations;

Find yourself in two bodies at the same time;

Find yourself in the body of another person;

Move and set objects on fire with your gaze;

Drink alcohol;

Have sex and achieve orgasm.

In the very first phase, set yourself the goal of getting to the mirror and looking at its reflection. You must clearly program yourself for this action, which will greatly facilitate the first steps in conquering the phase. Then you can implement other points of the action plan and never return to the mirror.

If in a lucid dream the sensations are vague - poor vision or an unclear sensation of the body - try to actively touch everything around and examine small details of objects at close range. This will make the experience more realistic. The same actions should be done to maintain the phase when the first signs of returning to the body appear (for example, when everything becomes dull).

There is no need to worry about returning to the body. In any case, the state will not last more than a few minutes, especially for beginners who are little familiar with retention technologies.

Didn't manage to enter the phase?

Project "Elijah":

Practical quest for beginners and experiments for practitioners!

To study the phenomenon of the phase, we give beginners all the techniques for entering this state, and offer interesting experiments to experienced practitioners. Thus, the first ones receive a long-awaited experience, and the others receive a powerful charge of motivation. And we study the effectiveness of techniques, all the properties of the state and its applied aspects.

Currently, not only esotericists, but also quite serious scientists are interested in studying the immaterial shell of a person. They consider religious ideas about the aura and chakras from a scientific point of view. Previously, there was no way to record all these phenomena; people could only believe or not believe in their existence. But now humanity has the technical ability to see the aura using special devices. It is believed that over time this will help us explain many of the little-known and sometimes surprising phenomena.

Subtle human bodies

Almost all Eastern esoteric teachings consider man as a multi-level being. What we are used to seeing in the mirror every day is actually a vessel for several immaterial shells at once. At the same time, they consider the physical as the most primitive, playing a smaller role than other bodies of the subtle plane. In addition to the material shell, bioenergy and esotericism, there are six main subtle bodies that are not perceived by our senses.

The first of them is called ethereal. It is closer than others to the material side of existence and therefore is an exact copy of the physical. The ethereal region is a kind of transition zone between the tangible, familiar world and more subtle levels of existence. Physical health directly depends on the condition.

Many people have heard about the astral body. This level of human embodiment has the form of a clot of energy. The astral plane is the sphere of emotions, desires and feelings. It is created by the imagination and contains within itself every entity we have ever imagined. The appearance of the astral subtle body is directly related to and can change depending on the mood. Here, too, there is a close relationship with physical health, because... lingering negative emotions change and weaken it.

A person is the embodiment of thoughts and knowledge, a haven for so-called thought forms. It is especially developed among people inclined to knowledge, learning, and engaged in active mental work - philosophers, scientists, thinkers. When thinking intensely about any issue, this body expands. Its shape repeats all the outlines of the physical, but exceeds the latter in size. The color of the mental body is rich yellow.

The described three subtle bodies constitute the human personality. The fourth, informational, is called karmic. It contains a life program for the future and all important information about past mistakes and incarnations. Karma is a kind of plan that every person must fulfill. It doesn’t happen right away; many people need to go through several rebirths to achieve final enlightenment.

The next two bodies belong to the soul and spirit of man. The first is buddhial, or intuitive, it is the main action on intuition, all kinds of discoveries. It allows us to observe the flow of our own thoughts from the outside. To establish a connection with your intuitive side, you practice special meditations aimed at stopping the flow of thoughts.

And finally, the atmanic body is considered the highest level of non-material embodiment. It is the embodiment of pure spirit, the very essence of consciousness. It appeared as a result of the development of other subtle plans of man, it is capable of merging with the cosmos, becoming one with other worlds and the absolute truth.

Astral exit from the body

Many researchers of the phenomenon of out-of-body travel admit that our subconscious is capable of leaving the body in a dream. In fact, this happens every night. This phenomenon is not something out of the ordinary; everyone has encountered it in their lives. The trick is that people usually don't remember the details of intangible travel. But the experience of many religious practices proves that a person is quite capable of crossing this border and learning to control his consciousness.

If we ignore the religious component, we can see that all teachings, to one degree or another, touch on the topic of out-of-body travel. Buddhists who have been practicing achieving similar states through meditation for years can tell the most about this topic. But the latter is just one way to exit the body. Some people call this experience, others believe that these are different things. However, everything happens very similar.

There are many techniques that allow you to exit the body. However, not each of them requires many years of practice from a person, as was previously thought. The main factor here is a strong desire, thanks to which you can experience an out-of-body experience in the shortest possible time. Of course, a lot depends on the characteristics of the person’s psyche, so it is difficult to give clear time frames.

One of the ways to exit the body

The main thing is to set yourself up for a positive result, to instill confidence in it in advance. No matter how trivial this activity may seem, it cannot be neglected. Indeed, in the non-material plane of existence, everything depends precisely on our desires and mental attitudes. The method itself consists of thinking only about astral travel for a week, reading relevant literature, stories from other people’s experiences. The information received, along with the awareness of the importance of the experiment, is deposited in the subconscious, which will ultimately increase your chances of success.

Then you should choose a suitable time and place where there will be no distractions. It is better to warn everyone you know in advance that you cannot be disturbed for some time. It is recommended to carry out this experiment at home, in a fairly warm and shaded room, in a calm state, without experiencing thirst or hunger. Next, you need to take any position that is comfortable for you and focus on your breathing. This may take some time. Gradually, inhalations and exhalations will become smooth and calm.

Now you need to move your attention to the tips of your toes, focus only on them. You must slowly imagine how your astral body begins to separate from this area. The same thing is then repeated with the other leg.

At the final stage, you need to imagine how the immaterial double flows around the physical body from the outside. Now all attention should be focused on the point in the center of the forehead. This is where both conscious motivation and a pre-received attitude come into play. All that remains to be done to leave the body is to wish for it as strongly as ever.

Out-of-body experience, strange astral travel, some lucid dreams. Do you think this is all nonsense? Was all this invented just to fool ordinary people? Or perhaps you admit the possibility of such phenomena, but only and exclusively “for enlightened gurus”, for some yogis from birth who meditate every day 24 hours a day and other individuals “not of this world”? What is an out-of-body experience?

Would you like to verify from your own experience the reality of the phenomenon described, or are you not interested in this, since you have enough everyday worries and “everyday” joys? If you are not interested, do not read further, because further on we will talk about how easy and simple it is, without resorting to complex rituals and tedious procedures (and also completely free and without SMS), to go to the astral plane at home. If you have the desire and firm intention to achieve your goal, just read this article, make a plan, and today or tomorrow you will be in the astral plane.

Incredible? Impossible? Just nonsense?

And you try it. Find the answer for yourself from your own experience, and not from other people's words. It is not only free and easy to achieve, but also completely safe. You may have a question: if everything is so simple, then why doesn’t everyone and everyone individually walk in the astral plane every day? Why is out-of-body travel not common everywhere? Perhaps this will happen over time. Now, some are simply not interested in this, some are hampered by superstitions and prejudices, and some do not even know that there is a simple and at the same time working technique for entering the astral plane.

What is the essence of the phenomenon?

To begin with, it is worth clarifying the essence of the phenomenon itself. In order not to create confusion in terminology, we note that astral travel, out-of-body travel and other similar names have the same meaning, therefore, for simplicity, clarity and uniformity, it is better to use the term “lucid dreaming”. The name itself quite accurately reflects the essence of the phenomenon, since we are talking about lucid dreams, no more, but no less. The definition of “out-of-body travel” in this context is correct, if only because during the experience of the phenomenon a person gets exactly this impression.

A lucid dream has two characteristic features: full awareness of what is happening and an understanding of the fact that a person finds himself outside of his physical body.

At the same time, the degree of consciousness and the acuity of perception do not dull, as one might assume, but, on the contrary, intensify, which is difficult to understand without experiencing it. In view of this, such opportunities in a number of practices are rightly considered the highest level of development, meditation or self-hypnosis, which under different labels means the maximum level of a person’s capabilities within the framework of specific mystical teachings.

Regarding what a lucid dream is and why this phenomenon occurs, there are a huge number of theories and idle opinions. To understand lucid dreaming as a phenomenon, two theories can be cited, reflecting two points of view on the phenomenon.

Theory 1: Evolution of Consciousness

The first theory states that consciousness and awareness of oneself as a person arose in humans in the process of evolution, gradually intensifying and expanding. Having initially appeared in the waking state, consciousness gradually began to penetrate dreams, and specifically into the so-called REM sleep phase. Therefore, the emergence of lucid dreams represents a further evolution of human consciousness. Thus, for people of the future, it will become natural for people to consciously exist in two parallel spaces at the same time: in lucid dreams and in wakefulness, which in turn will allow them to simulate and resolve various tasks in their sleep and, as a result, increase the potential level of survival.

Theory 2: Natural Human Ability

Another theory takes the opposite view. According to this theory, lucid dreaming is a natural human ability that fades over time. This is what explains the “accidental” fall of the most ordinary people into a lucid dream without any preparation.

But these are all theories and idle speculations. The main idea of ​​the lucid dreaming technique is that it works. An indisputable truth is something that can be verified in practice, experienced, and not in theory, which will always be doubted and disputed.

Feelings when leaving the body

Despite the fact that a lucid dream has a nature similar to the nature of ordinary FBS (i.e., REM sleep), it is not an ordinary dream in the usual sense of the word, but a completely new state of the human mind and the human body. There is wakefulness, there is sleep, but a lucid dream is something special, combining the basic properties of both states, which should never be forgotten.

From a physiological point of view, a lucid dream is an unusual neurophysiological state when sleep inhibition of certain parts of the brain occurs or persists, but at the same time those parts of the central nervous system that are responsible for consciousness are in an active state. In other words, external impulses are completely cut off, while at the same time consciousness and work with memory are active as in the waking state or their activity is even higher. Due to the absence of signals from the senses, the external “virtual” space (astral space or the space of a lucid dream) is filled with phantom experiences and recombination of sensations perceived in reality. Thus, a fundamentally new state of the human nervous system is obtained: the fourth, along with wakefulness and two phases of sleep: fast and slow sleep.

Perhaps you are a scientist, doctor, physiologist, or simply a skeptic, and all of the above seems incredible and implausible to you, even contradicting the generally accepted principles of science. But since you’ve read all this, maybe it’s worth taking the next step: move on to practice and make sure that this phenomenon is real?

The most important thing in the technique of achieving lucid dreaming is to strictly follow the plan. Ideally, the most favorable state is when the body has already had enough sleep, but you can still fall asleep.

Here's a great entry technique for beginners:

  1. Some privacy is required. It is especially important for the first time to be alone in a house or apartment, at least in a separate room so that no one will disturb you. You should start entering a lucid dream on the eve of the day off, so that there is no need to rush anywhere.
  2. Go to bed early, at 10 or 11 o'clock, no later. Set your alarm for 6 am.
  3. After your alarm wakes you in the morning, get up, go to the toilet, drink some water, remind yourself of the techniques you will use, and outline your upcoming plan of action in your lucid dream. The plan is very important. Once you are in a lucid dream, you will have to strictly adhere to the plan. Typically, the first step immediately after starting a lucid dream is to look at yourself in the mirror. Then decide for yourself to visit some place that exists in reality. Then you can eat something or go to some other place, it doesn’t matter, it all depends on your imagination. Now you should outline a clear plan, or remind yourself of it if you have already outlined one. At this stage, your main task is to create comfortable conditions for further falling asleep and sort out the plan of “events” in your head. After that, go back to sleep. As a rule, later you will wake up and fall asleep again repeatedly, each time doing a few simple exercises between the next awakening and the subsequent fall asleep. About five minutes should pass from the moment the alarm clock rings until you return to bed.
  4. As soon as you wake up after falling asleep for the second time, you need to immediately (without any time delay, automatically) try to separate from the body. Try to stand up or sit on the bed without using any muscles, using only a “phantom body”. In some cases, it is possible to enter a lucid dream on the first try. Remember: you make one attempt. If nothing happens, you should alternate the following techniques: imagine yourself swimming for five seconds. No more than five seconds! If the feeling of “floating” intensifies, you need to succumb to this feeling, deepen it and again try to separate from the body. If nothing happens, try to imagine yourself spinning around your axis. And again, imagine no more than five seconds. Nothing happens - go to the next stage: peer into the darkness before your eyes. If the spots before your eyes begin to form into images, and those, in turn, into dynamic pictures, then you need to try to separate (mentally get up from the body). If it fails, repeat the entire cycle of three techniques again.


Remember: you have three techniques, each performed for no more than five seconds. The cycle of actions consists of three simulations of sensations (techniques): first you swim, then you rotate around your axis, then you peer into the darkness before your eyes. For each technique no more than five seconds. If during a cycle of three techniques none of the techniques worked, repeat the entire cycle from the beginning. If after the fourth repetition of the cycle you are still not in a lucid dream, give up trying to get out and just fall asleep. You will wake up after a while, then immediately try to separate from the body again. If this fails, proceed to cycles of three techniques, and again for each technique no more than five seconds, a total of four cycles at a time. It didn’t work out - go back to sleep and so on until you get the result.

Usually, during the execution of the cycles, one of the simulated sensations finds a response and begins to intensify. Then and only then do you go deeper into this sensation, and once you have gone deep enough, do you try to sit or stand up without using your physical muscles. If you do everything correctly, entering a lucid dream will not take long. It happens that extraneous sensations appear that are not similar to those being simulated: a feeling of flight, voices or vibration in the body. In this case, you need to direct attention to them, deepen them and try to separate from the body. At this stage, the main thing is to enter a lucid dream, separating from the body.

Signs of leaving the body

If you manage to sit down or stand up with a phantom body, you are in a lucid dream. As a rule, a lucid dream is characterized by the presence of high awareness of what is happening, there is an understanding that this is a dream, and the surroundings look incredibly vivid and realistic. In some cases, at the very beginning or over time, one of the perceptions, usually vision, suddenly disappears; sometimes it becomes clouded, fades, and becomes dim. Then you need to go deeper into a lucid dream. Touch various objects with your hands, rub your hands against each other. Do not focus on one subject; attention should move around the surrounding environment like a butterfly: easily and without tension. And don’t stand still, follow the previously planned plan. In any case, at the very beginning, namely immediately after entering a lucid dream, it is useful to go deeper and then carry out the plan: for example, go to the mirror. If during normal sleep you realize that you are dreaming, this means that you are already in a lucid dream. It makes sense to dive in and start executing the plan.

Don't be scared by how realistic and believable everything is. Don’t be afraid of anything at all, you understand that you are dreaming. No matter what happens to you, you can always wake up, but getting into a lucid dream again is not so easy, as you can already see. Appreciate this state and the freedom you receive. Therefore, go ahead and sing. Proceed according to the plan and do not forget to perform the deepening technique if sleep fades or one of the perceptions disappears.

Return to body

You don't have to worry too much about returning back to the physical body. Don't be afraid to get lost and not find your way back. Reality has nothing in common with popular feature films. In any case, the condition lasts no more than a few minutes. Especially for beginners who have no experience in using retention technology.

In rare cases, performing cycles does not give results on the first night. To achieve results, re-read points one through six again and try to go out the next night. Perhaps you made some mistake or were emotionally overexcited, which also plays a role. Despite the simplicity of the techniques, beginners often deviate from precise instructions. Remember that the more scrupulously you follow the previously outlined technique, the higher the chances of success.

And finally, a short video 😉