How to treat vulvitis at home. Vulvitis - symptoms and treatment in women

The term “vulvitis” refers to inflammation of the vulva - the external female genital organs. The main symptoms that make you seek help from a gynecologist are severe itching and discharge of various types. After the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to immediately diagnose and begin treatment. Vulvitis in women with an advanced course will lead to the spread of the process in an ascending way to all genital organs. When the vulva and vagina are affected, they speak of the development of vulvovaginitis (colpitis).

Causes and symptoms

In gynecology, there are several forms of vulvitis and vulvovaginitis:

  • infectious (caused by fungi and bacteria);
  • allergic;
  • atrophic (against the background of hormonal changes during menopause).

The type of vulvitis will determine treatment tactics and the choice of medications. Special attention deserves vulvitis during pregnancy. The use of medications during this period is limited due to high risk negative consequences for the fetus.


  • hyperemia (redness) and swelling of the skin of the external genitalia in the area of ​​the labia minora and majora, clitoris;
  • itching, burning and pain in the vulva;
  • pathological discharge;
  • plaque on the labia.

In the acute stage, the symptoms will be most pronounced, in the subacute stage they will be smoothed out. At chronic course Maybe complete absence symptoms. If the first signs of vulvitis occur, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Treatment of vulvitis

There are drugs for the treatment of vulvitis in women with local and general use. As additional care funds are allocated from traditional medicine. IN acute stage Physical rest and abstinence from sexual activity are important. This necessary condition for the patient to avoid mechanical damage inflamed vulva.

Upon examination, acute and chronic vulvitis do not differ, and in the photo, women can see pronounced swelling of the labia, redness, and discharge. A long-term disease with periods of exacerbation has the same symptoms. It is distinguished by their lesser severity.

Means for local treatment of vulvitis

Ointments, suppositories or creams from the following groups are prescribed as topical preparations:

  1. antibiotics;
  2. antifungal agents;
  3. antiseptics;
  4. preparations for normalizing vaginal microflora.

  • Polygynax is highly effective due to the combination of an antibiotic and an antifungal substance in one capsule.
  • Terzhinan is very similar in composition, but additionally it contains prednisolone to reduce inflammatory process. It significantly relieves burning sensation when urinating and itching.
  • The product contains Betadine as the main active substance povidone-iodine. Thanks to antimicrobial action it is aimed at combating a large number pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The action of Hexicon in vaginal suppositories resolves the inflammatory process provoked by the causative agent of a sexually transmitted disease.
  • Pimafucin is effective against thrush and is used for vulvovaginal candidiasis.
  • Klion-D 100 and Neo-Penotran forte contain metronidazole, which allows the use of these drugs for anaerobic infections.

You can find out more about the indications and contraindications for each drug in the instructions. During pregnancy, products are selected that are safe for the baby and expectant mother. Refusal of treatment during this period risks infection of the fetus and infection of the newborn during childbirth during the passage of birth canal. In the future, the baby may become infected if close contact is inevitable.

The listed suppositories are most often used before bedtime. The required dosage is prescribed by the gynecologist depending on the cause of inflammation of the labia. Treatment of a man (sexual partner) is carried out by a urologist.

To treat the affected areas of the genital organs, a cream or ointment is prescribed. They not only relieve redness, but also moisturize the genital mucosa. To antibiotics wide range actions include Liniment of syntomycin, Levomekol. The last remedy differs only in the presence of methyluracil, which accelerates tissue healing.

As complex treatment It is recommended to use Triderm. It combines an antibiotic (gentamicin), an anti-inflammatory (betamethasone) and an antifungal (clotrimazole). Triderm relieves itching and burning. Thanks to the combination of the main active ingredients, the genitals stop becoming inflamed from vulvitis. This significantly alleviates the patient’s condition in a short time from the start of treatment.

One of antiseptic solutions for topical use is Miramistin. It is used not only as a treatment, but also as a prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and exacerbation of chronic forms of vulvitis.

At the end of the therapy, an obligatory part is the restoration of the disturbed vaginal microflora. Lactagel copes with this task.

Antibacterial and symptomatic drugs

The drugs are used for acute course a process when not only the labia, but also the vagina, cervix, and uterine cavity can be affected. For the treatment of nonspecific forms of vulvitis, Amoxiclav is chosen. In combination with clavulanic acid, the drug is considered strong remedy for the treatment of a disease.

If vulvitis is caused by another infection, then Trichopolum (), Sumamed and Doxycycline (for gonorrhea), Erythromycin (for chlamydia) are prescribed.

Most often at night, the vulva area begins to itch very much, which is why any girl complains of insomnia. To cope with sleep disorders, B vitamins and magnesium supplements are indicated. Magnesium-B6 or Magnicum is prescribed in solutions or tablets. Immunal, Immunoflazid or Proteflazid are prescribed as means to strengthen the immune system.

Treatment of atrophic vulvitis is complemented by the use of estrogen-containing agents. This therapy is used during the climatic period and can significantly alleviate its course.

Treatment of vulvitis with folk remedies

When a woman experiences vulvar itching, necessary treatment folk ways carried out after consultation with a gynecologist. This is due to low effectiveness against microbes, although many products have good antiseptic effect. Therefore, treating vulvitis at home only with the help of traditional medicine can translate acute process into a chronic form. The most famous and effective means are considered:

  • chamomile;
  • oak bark;
  • St. John's wort;
  • nettle;
  • marigold flowers;
  • onion peel.

Chamomile infusion is added to water to prepare a sitz bath or as a means of irrigating the external genitalia. The decoction is prepared in 300 ml hot water, to which 30 g of dry chamomile is added. Then it is filtered and used for its intended purpose. It relieves irritation well, and with constant use, the genital mucosa can no longer become inflamed.

You can prepare a bath using several plants. For a glass of boiling water you will need 20 g of oak bark, the same amount of chamomile and 20-30 g of nettle. After preparing the solution, it is filtered and used. A tablespoon of St. John's wort is poured into 0.5 liters of hot water and left for several hours. After straining, the infusion is used up to 3 times a day.

From onion peel it turns out good remedy for irrigation of the genitals. For 0.5 liters of water you will need 4 large onions. The resulting mixture must cool, then it is filtered and used for its intended purpose. An infusion of marigolds is prepared in boiling water, into which 1 tablespoon of the dry plant is placed. After the liquid turns golden, the resulting solution is removed from the heat and allowed to cool, then filtered. All prepared infusions are stored in a cool place.

Homeopathic medicines in the treatment of vulvitis are used only to relieve symptoms and in combination with techniques traditional medicine. Before using any medicine, you must consult a homeopathic doctor.

Treatment of vulvitis with tampons and medicinal drinks

Pharmacy medications, such as suppositories, ointments and creams, quickly eliminate discomfort in the perineal area. There are methods with local use in the form of tampons soaked in a product that alleviates the symptoms of vulvitis. They use drugs intended for oral administration.

If there is no allergy, then honey or sea ​​buckthorn oil soak a tampon and insert it into the vagina, or you can lubricate the labia with these products. The frequency of treatment is prescribed by the gynecologist.

Strengthens the immune system and eases the course of the disease herbal tea, combining wintergreen leaves, coltsfoot, sweet clover. All components are poured into 300 ml of hot water and placed in a water bath for up to 20 minutes. The solution is filtered and should be taken orally in a tablespoon no more than 3 times a day.

Treatment of vulvitis in girls

Only after establishing the cause, the gynecologist will tell you how to treat vulvitis in girls. IN childhood prescribe:

  1. Special powders.
  2. Irrigation of the external genitalia with a solution of chamomile, potassium permanganate or furatsilin.
  3. For unbearable itching and severe irritation, anesthetics are used.
  4. Compresses and lotions with eucalyptus.
  5. Before going to bed, use ointments with an antipruritic effect.

Combination of all medical procedures allows you to alleviate the symptoms of vulvitis in a girl and cure it in short term. The girl’s future health will depend on compliance with all hygiene standards and doctor's recommendations.

Timely prescribed therapy allows you to avoid complications, the spread of inflammation to neighboring organs and transition acute form into chronic. Vulvitis in women is treated comprehensively, so all medications should be used as prescribed by the doctor. It is not advisable to skip medications. This can lead to a protracted course of the disease.

It is especially relevant for women, since many have had to deal with it at least once in their lives. The disease develops quite easily when genital hygiene is not observed, due to mechanical influences(for example, cycling) or after active sexual intercourse. In this case, treating vulvitis with suppositories will be quite sufficient.

If the disease is secondary, that is, it arose against the background of an existing pathology, then suppositories for the treatment of vulvitis in women fade into the background. Maximum attention should be paid to identifying the cause and eliminating it. The causes of infection may be the following:

  • Metabolic or endocrine disorders V female body- they lead to dysbacteriosis and active reproduction of opportunistic microflora. In this case, you first need to cure the underlying disease, and only then use suppositories for vulvitis in women.
  • Getting a viral, bacterial, chlamydial or other infection through sexual contact. Infectious agents cause specific inflammation in the vagina, uterus, even fallopian tubes. It may spread in a descending way - this is how vulvitis develops. Suppositories are also necessary here, but only as an addition to complex treatment. If it is necessary to prescribe effective etiological therapy, including antibiotics or antiviral drugs systemic action.

Depending on the etiology, it is necessary to use different suppositories for vulvitis. For example, antibiotic-containing products are completely ineffective if the causative agents are viruses or yeast-like fungi. They will not affect etiological factor, but will only do harm, since they will weaken local immunity and aggravate the course of dysbacteriosis. If inflammation of the vulva occurs as a result of thrush or another infection caused by fungi, it is worth using antifungal suppositories to treat vulvitis in women. The most famous of them:

  • Nikogal;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Fluconazole;
  • Gyno-Daktarin;
  • Ovestin;
  • Pimafucin etc.

For the treatment of viral inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, they are most often used rectal suppositories, the active ingredient of which is interferon alpha-2b (For example, Viferon, Vitaferon, etc.). These drugs provide systemic action, although they are applied topically. Once in the rectum, the active substance is absorbed into the blood, distributed throughout the body and has a healing effect. In addition, such suppositories have an immunomodulatory effect, increase immunity, and activate the body’s defenses.

However, for an illness caused by mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, gonococci, Treponema pallidum or other bacteria, antibiotics cannot be avoided.

Names of suppositories for vulvitis of bacterial etiology:

  • Terzhinan;
  • McMirror;
  • Betadine;
  • Dafnedjin;
  • Neo-Penotran;
  • Hexicon.

Hexicon suppositories for vulvitis

It should be noted that Hexicon for vulvitis, which has bacterial nature- one of the most effective medicines. The active ingredient is chlorhexidine - antiseptic, effectively fighting infection. The drug is not addictive and has minimum quantity side effects, since Hexicon suppositories for vulvitis only provide local action without harming other organs and systems. The drug is also indicated for the treatment of nonspecific infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, as well as their prevention and relapse prevention.

The benefits of using candles are: fast action, good efficiency and small quantity side effects.

Reviews and comments

Katerina- 22 Sep 2018, 22:42

Pimafucin suppositories are very suitable for me to treat inflammation due to fungal vulvitis. I will always buy them for this disease.

Vulvitis in women is a disease in which the inflammatory process affects the external genitalia.

The disease causes discomfort and can lead to complications, including the appearance of ulcers, as well as the spread of pathological process on the vagina and cervix.


Depending on the reasons that contributed to the development of the pathology, vulvitis can be:

  1. Primary – the cause of this type of pathology is improper intimate hygiene, malfunctions endocrine system, burns and injuries in groin area, cystitis, allergic reactions; less often, this form of vulvitis can form while taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs for quite a long time;
  2. Secondary - external manifestation disorders of the internal genital organs; vaginitis, herpes and other pathologies are all provocateurs of the occurrence of this form of the disease.

One of the main causes of vulvitis, especially in women under 45 years of age, is the weakening of the body's defenses. Decreased immunity may be a consequence of systemic bacterial or viral disease, long-term use certain drugs (glucocorticoids, cytostatics), dietary deficiency essential vitamins. The risk of inflammation of the external genitalia increases with alcohol abuse and drug use.

Other causes of vulvitis are:

  • diaper rash due to the characteristics of a woman’s constitution (for example, the formation of skin folds on the external genitalia due to excess weight);
  • injuries, scratches, scratching;
  • dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema);
  • allergic reaction to pads and products intimate hygiene, latex;
  • wearing tight synthetic underwear;
  • failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules;
  • untimely replacement of tampons and pads during menstruation.

The risk of developing inflammation increases in the presence of concomitant diseases of the reproductive and endocrine systems (colpitis, vaginitis, diabetes mellitus). The occurrence of chronic or acute vulvitis is facilitated by disruption of the vaginal microflora. Similar situation may occur during pregnancy, long-term treatment antibiotics, taking incorrectly selected oral contraceptives, gynecological diseases accompanied by a decrease in estrogen production. Depending on the cause of the symptoms of vulvitis in women, gynecology distinguishes the following forms of the disease:

  1. Atopic vulvitis occurs in response to a specific reaction to an allergen that comes into contact with the external genitalia.
  2. Atrophic vulvitis mainly occurs in old age or with diabetes mellitus due to a violation of the structure of the mucous membrane.
  3. Candidal vulvitis is a consequence of the pathological proliferation of fungi of the genus Candida.

A bacterial form of inflammation is also isolated, which occurs under the influence of pathogenic microflora. It can also be caused by internal infections. excretory system(cystitis, urethritis), fistulas between bladder and vagina.

Symptoms of vulvitis in women

The disease can manifest itself in two forms - acute and chronic. In women, symptoms of vulvitis (see photo) acute type such:

  1. Burning and itching, pain in the groin area, especially with movement, touching and urination;
  2. Severe swelling and hyperemia of the labia and clitoris, the appearance of erosions and ulcers. In this case, the inguinal folds and the inner thighs are also affected;
  3. Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes;
  4. Increased body temperature (in some cases);
  5. Bloody or serous-purulent discharge (with E. coli - watery consistency of yellow-green color with unpleasant smell, with staphylococcus – thick consistency, yellow tint, with candida - cheesy appearance).

If the disease is not cured in time, then it becomes chronic. Symptoms of vulvitis in in this case characterized by moderate swelling of the mucous membrane, redness and pain in certain areas of the vulva, burning and itching, and slight discharge.

Complications can manifest as deformation of the genitals, as well as fusion of the labia, which disrupts the normal sex life V mature age And reproductive function in principle.


Examination for suspected vulvitis includes the following:

  • collection of complaints. The patient is asked what worries him, how long ago the symptoms appeared, what the person associates with their appearance, etc.;
  • inspection;
  • analysis of gynecological smear for flora. The study helps to identify the inflammatory process, as well as the presence of bacteria - the direct cause of the pathological process;
  • bacteriological culture of a gynecological smear;
  • A general urine test reveals the presence of cystitis, which can be both the cause of vulvitis and its complication.

Treatment of vulvitis in women

For a comprehensive and adequate approach to the treatment of vulvitis in women, it is customary to use two main directions:

  1. Pathogenetic effect directly on the source of infection, that is, on the inflammatory process in the active phase.
  2. Treatment (both etiotropic and symptomatic) of primary or concomitant disease, which directly or indirectly contributes to the onset and progression of vulvitis. It could be diabetes mellitus, And inflammatory diseases pelvic organs, such as adnexitis, cystitis.

There is no point in considering how to treat vulvitis by eliminating the concomitant disease due to the fact that each disease has its own aspects of therapy and patterns of prevention. But we will dwell on the etio-pathogenetic effect on the source of inflammation in more detail.

  1. First of all, the patient needs bed rest, naturally, complete sexual rest, as well as enhanced measures for the hygiene of the external genital organs. It is recommended to do either douching or take sitz baths with various herbs that have calming and anti-inflammatory effects (chamomile, St. John's wort, plantain).
  2. Baths with antibacterial solutions have also proven themselves to be effective: chlorhexidine, furatsilin and others. Medicines for vulvitis are also widely available local antiseptics, like Miramistin, potassium permanganate and boric acid. However, you also need to be careful with them, because do not forget that these drugs can have an irritating effect, which can aggravate the disease.

In case severe itching and burning ointments are actively used for vulvitis in women, containing anti-inflammatory, analgesic components and antihistamines. For example, hydrocortisone ointment, Inflorax, Suprastin, Tavegil and so on. These medications can effectively relieve itching for quite a long time.

  1. When a patient is diagnosed with allergic vulvitis, she is prescribed a diet that excludes sweet, spicy and salty foods, and is also treated with antihistamines.
  2. When seborrheic dermatitis is diagnosed, which provokes the development of vulvitis, the woman is prescribed local treatment with hydrocortisone ointment, and, if necessary, systemic hormonal anti-inflammatory therapy.
  3. Hidradenitis suppurativa also requires local treatment. For this purpose, steroid hormones and antibiotics are used. Note: when long term For diseases without positive dynamics, surgical excision of the affected areas of skin in the vulva area is indicated.
  4. For atrophic nature of vulvitis, general or local is recommended replacement therapy estrogens.

IN mandatory it is necessary to treat the pathologies accompanying vulvitis, as well as take medications that strengthen immune system(vitamins and immunostimulants).

Ointments for vulvitis

Let's consider effective ointments prescribed for the treatment of vulvitis:

  1. Nystatin ointment. Used when candida form vulvitis. The active ingredient in the ointment promotes destruction containment pathogenic microorganism and their further death.
  2. Instillagel. Used in the treatment of women and girls. The product affects many groups of pathogenic microorganisms, including fungi. Instillagel quickly eliminates itching, burning and pain due to the presence of lidocaine.
  3. Radevit. This ointment promotes tissue healing. It contains vitamins that relieve inflammation and eliminate irritation. The natural composition makes possible use in young girls.
  4. Tetracycline ointment. It contains a broad-spectrum antibacterial component. Helps stop the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora.
  5. Levomekol. This combination remedy, which has regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. Levomekol contains methyluracil and chloramphenicol.
  6. Actovegin. The ointment saturates tissues with oxygen, and also improves blood flow and metabolism. The product can be used almost from birth.

The ointment is easy to use dosage form, which quickly eliminates the symptoms of vulvitis. Local remedies rarely cause side effects, and if they do, they are local character and pass quickly.

The ointment is applied carefully to previously washed, dry genitals. The product begins to act within a few minutes. Not recommended long-term use ointments. If there is no effect, you should consult a doctor to adjust the treatment.


Prevention of vulvitis is the most general, well-known recommendations. However, if you adhere to these measures, you can avoid such an unpleasant disease in all respects as vulvitis.

Personal hygiene rules:

  • use special gels for intimate hygiene that maintain the acid-base balance, do not have an irritating or allergic effect, and often contain herbal components with an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • cannot be used antibacterial agents, because you can upset the balance of conditionally pathogenic and beneficial flora in the body;
  • Avoid tight synthetic underwear and wear loose underwear.

In addition to this it is worth:

  • strengthen the immune system, take courses of multivitamins, treat chronic diseases.
  • fight obesity, treat diabetes.
  • lead an active lifestyle, give up bad habits.

The main thing is not to be afraid of the gynecologist and visit for preventive purposes twice a year.

Doctors prescribe different ointments for vulvitis: the choice of drug depends on the cause of the disease. If the pathology is caused by fungi, then the patient is prescribed medications with a fungicidal effect; vulvitis of bacterial origin is eliminated with antibacterial ointments. Hormonal and wound-healing drugs are also used in treatment: they help relieve inflammation, relieve swelling, and restore damaged tissues.


Vulvitis of fungal origin is caused by yeast fungi Candida. Drugs are used to treat the disease different forms, but ointments are the most convenient, because they act directly on the site of pathology without affecting other organs. Ointments, unlike suppositories, can be prescribed not only to women, but also to girls who are not yet sexually active. When prescribing a medicine for external use, the doctor explains how to use it.

The most popular antifungal ointments are the following:

Before using any topical medication, it is necessary to cleanse the genitals, for example by applying antiseptic drugs. The ointment is carefully applied to the affected areas of the vulva. If complications occur (itching, swelling), you must stop using the medicine and consult a doctor. The doctor will select another medication.


During puberty, hormonal changes occur in the body. Change hormonal levels It is also observed in women who have entered menopause. In both cases, the functioning of the Bartholin glands is disrupted, which leads to vaginal dryness and changes in microflora. Against this background, it often develops. If the patient contacts medical institution, then the doctor will prescribe her hormonal ointment with corticosteroids. These medications include ointments:

Only a doctor can prescribe hormonal ointments. He examines the patient, sends her for tests, and after receiving the results, selects a course of local treatment. Trying to eliminate the pathology on her own, a woman risks developing many complications: uterine bleeding, violation monthly cycle etc.


Before prescribing an ointment, the doctor identifies the causative agent of the disease. Depending on this, the drug is selected.

TO antibacterial ointments means:

Vulvitis is of bacterial origin, like any other infectious disease, requires complex treatment. Before using the ointment, it is necessary to treat the genitals with antiseptics. Along with external agents, medications for oral administration are also prescribed. The patient is recommended to take vitamins, minerals, and bifidobacteria.


Another group of ointments used for vulvitis are healing ones. They are used after they are removed acute symptoms diseases. Healing medicines can relieve inflammation and irritation, regenerate damaged tissue. TO medicines this group includes:

  1. Vaginorm C. This medicine heals the mucous membrane of the genital organs damaged by vulvitis. Vaginorm normalizes pH levels and microflora, has positive action for local immunity. The drug has protective actions: his active substances do not allow harmful microorganisms to penetrate into reproductive system women. Vaginorm is prescribed by doctors as prophylactic at chronic form vulvitis.
  2. Actovegin. This ointment is prepared based on the blood of a large cattle. Gynecologists prescribe the drug to patients who have problems with acid-base balance vagina, which happens with vulvitis. The medicine accelerates the process of tissue restoration and improves their nutrition at the cellular level.
  3. Radevit. The medicine is used to relieve inflammation and itching, and heal damaged areas. The drug has protective functions.

Any healing ointment is used for 3–4 weeks until soft fabrics the external genitalia will not fully recover after the disease. It is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene and doctor's recommendations.

Patients need to understand that ointments are effective only on initial stages diseases. If vulvitis caused by fungi or bacteria is advanced, then along with external agents it is necessary to take antibiotics and antimycotics orally. Any treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Treatment of vulvitis with ointment is an integral component of the treatment regimen for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs. Such drugs are safe for women and girls from the first days of life. Depending on the composition, medications have different action, therefore, to prevent complications and further spread of infection, you need to visit a doctor or show your child pediatric gynecologist. After carrying out diagnostic procedures, he will explain which ointments are suitable for treating inflammation.

Benefits of topical medications

Vulvitis is a lesion of the mucous membrane covering the labia minora, clitoris, urethral opening and vaginal opening. It can be caused by many reasons. In women reproductive age The disease is most often provoked by bacterial flora. In girls before menstruation and in old age similar pathology in most cases, it is a consequence of excessive use of soap for washing, douching with antiseptics.

Another cause of vulvitis may be an allergic reaction that occurs in response to ingestion of a certain food or direct contact of the skin of the perineum with an irritant. This is the fabric from which underwear or bed sheets, washing powder or fabric softener. Inflammation often occurs due to poor hygiene, contact of feces on the area of ​​the external genitalia (this is especially typical for girls). Ointments for the treatment of vulvitis in both women and children are divided into the following groups:

  • antibacterial;
  • wound healing;
  • hormonal;
  • fungicidal.

In the initial stages, treating vulvitis with ointment is more effective than using tablets. Before entering the area of ​​the external genitalia with the bloodstream, active ingredient syrup or capsules must pass through digestive tract. It takes certain time In addition, this method of use increases the risk of side effects. It is also worth noting that for little girls or women during pregnancy and lactation, many antibacterial drugs contraindicated.

The ointment is applied directly to the inflamed areas, and it begins to “work” after a few minutes. In addition, the active substance enters the blood in a minimal concentration, so the possibility of various complications is low. But for effective treatment vulvitis, it is necessary to use ointments according to the instructions. The drug should be applied 2-3 times a day after washing plain water or antiseptic solutions (Citeal, potassium permanganate, chamomile decoction or oak bark).

Antimicrobial creams

Before treating infectious vulvitis in women or girls, the causative agent should be identified. Depending on the identified bacteria, two forms of the disease are distinguished: specific, caused by Trichomonas, gonococci, chlamydia, mycobacterium tuberculosis, and nonspecific, provoked by the so-called opportunistic flora - staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, etc. In addition, when prescribing, the age of the child and general course diseases. Thus, the following antibacterial ointments are used to treat vulvitis:

  • Levomekol. This is a combined remedy, it contains chloramphenicol, which is effective in the development of nonspecific pathogenic flora, and methyluracil, which has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. If the infection spreads to the vaginal area, it can be administered through a catheter (or a syringe without a needle for treating girls).
  • Syntomycin ointment. The action is similar to Levomekol, as it contains chloramphenicol.
  • Metronidazole (another name for the drug Metrogyl). The gel has a wide spectrum of action, but is most effective against Trichomonas.
  • Betadine contains povidone-iodine, which actively affects gram-positive and gram-negative pathogenic flora. It must be emphasized that its use is contraindicated in girls.
  • Tetracycline 3% ointment contains a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It stops the growth and reproduction of opportunistic flora (staphylococci, streptococci, coli), and also affects gonococci and chlamydia. Contraindicated for children under 11 years of age.
  • Erythromycin ointment 10,000 units/g is active against gram-positive bacteria and some pathogens of sexually transmitted infections.
  • Levosin contains several components. Chloramphenicol and sulfadimethoxine have antibacterial effect, methyluracil promotes tissue regeneration, and trimecaine relieves pain and itching.

The main contraindication to the use of these creams is increased sensitivity to any component of the drug. To treat infectious vulvitis, one ointment is prescribed. The course of application lasts up to two weeks. If there is no effect, it is necessary systemic therapy antibiotics. The less toxic Augmentin is indicated for a child; the list of drugs used in adult women is much wider.

Fungicidal agents

Treatment of vulvitis with such an ointment is indicated when the mucous membrane of the external genitalia is damaged by fungal flora (most often these are representatives of the Candida family). A similar disease is known as thrush. For women it is more effective to use vaginal suppositories, but medications in this form of release are contraindicated for girls. The most popular ointments are:

  • Pimafucin with natamycin, which has a fungicidal effect.
  • Pimafukort. In addition to natamycin, this drug contains the antibiotic neomycin and hydrocortisone, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Contraindicated during pregnancy and in girls under 1 year of age. It should be emphasized that the drug cannot be used if it is present on the mucous membrane. open wounds(scratching, sores, scratches).
  • Clotrimazole (Canison, Candide) 1% cream is active against large quantity representatives of pathogenic fungal flora. In addition, the drug has antibacterial properties. Application of ointment is not recommended in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Candida vulvitis is characterized by a long and persistent course. Therefore, the ointment should be used for at least 5–7 days (and sometimes longer). Separately, doctors warn that the use of the cream should not be stopped immediately after the symptoms of inflammation disappear. The decision to stop therapy is made by the gynecologist.

Hormonal ointments

Why does vulvitis bother girls so often? In a nutshell, the functioning of the mucous membrane of the genital organs is ensured by female hormones– estrogens. IN sufficient quantity they begin to be secreted by the ovaries only after the onset of regular menstruation. Until this age, the child’s perineum is exposed to various infections, irritation with washing products, sweat, etc.

Pediatric gynecologists note that almost 50% of girls under the age of 2 years have synechiae, fusion of the labia minora. In most cases, this type of vulvitis goes away on its own. This disease requires treatment only if fusion is prevented normal excretion urine. For this purpose, an ointment containing estrogen is used.

Vulvitis, vulvovaginitis.

Inflammation in women, vulvitis, endometritis, colpitis, adnexitis, vaginitis

Women's diseases. Pelvic inflammatory disease

The main symptoms and causes of vulvitis in a child

Many parents are against such drugs and prefer surgical separation of the labia under anesthesia. However, such fears are unjustified. When applied topically, hormones enter the blood in small quantities and do not have a systemic effect. Ovestin is prescribed for the treatment of synechiae.

Therapy is carried out at home. The duration of use of the cream is from 2 to 4 weeks. The drug must be applied to the fused labia minora 1 – 2 times a day after hygiene procedures. Doctors note that this treatment regimen is effective in more than 90% of cases. Ovestin is also prescribed to women during menopause for inflammation caused by thinning of the mucosa.

To eliminate symptoms such as itching, burning and redness, which is especially characteristic of allergic vulvitis, ointments with glucocorticoids are used. These creams eliminate the listed symptoms already on the 2nd – 3rd day of treatment. Prescribe 1% hydrocortisone ointment. However, the drug is not recommended for use by women during pregnancy and girls under 1 year of age; if necessary, the ointment should be used only under the supervision of a doctor. During the postmenopausal period, Akriderm with betamethasone is recommended for atrophic vulvitis.

Ointments that promote tissue regeneration

The mucous membrane of the genital organs is very delicate, especially in a child, and is sensitive to all kinds of irritants. Even after eliminating the cause of vulvitis, the symptoms of the disease may still bother the woman. for a long time. To speed up the healing process of affected tissues, ointments are prescribed, which are used in combination with antibacterial, fungicidal or hormonal creams. Your gynecologist may recommend one of the following medications:

  • Calendula ointment. The drug for plant based, is safe and can be used to treat vulvitis in women and girls even from a very early age.
  • Actovegin. This is a natural based medicine. When applied, the ointment helps saturate tissues with oxygen, improves blood flow and metabolism. As a result, the regeneration processes of the skin and mucous membranes are significantly accelerated. The drug can be used in a child almost from birth, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Solcoseryl. The medicine is similar in composition and action to Actovegin.
  • Methyluracil 10% ointment. Accelerates the processes of cell renewal (regeneration), in addition, the drug increases local immunity and resistance to mucous pathogenic microflora.
  • Radevit. The cream contains a complex of vitamin E (α-tocopherol), vitamin A (retinol), vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol). These components have a wound-healing effect, have an anti-inflammatory effect, relieve itching and irritation of the mucous membrane. Due to natural composition Radevit is approved for use in both adult women and girls from an early age.

For vulvitis, ointments for treatment are used longer than antibacterial drugs. In some cases, they should be applied for up to 3 – 4 weeks. The frequency and correctness of application is determined by the doctor. The only contraindication to the use of these creams is the risk of allergic reaction for any component included in the composition.

How to increase the effectiveness of treatment with topical agents

The effectiveness of therapy is higher if it is started on early stage vulvitis. Its symptoms are quite specific, and when it appears discomfort in the perineal area you should not self-medicate. As for the child, it is quite difficult not to notice the onset of inflammation of the external genitalia. Photos of mucous membranes affected by vulvitis are available on specialized medical forums. In addition, the girl becomes restless and constantly reaches for her itchy crotch with her hands.

During treatment you should follow simple rules. First of all, you need to wear loose underwear made of natural fabric (preferably cotton), wash with soap at least (but not more often) twice a day, moving from the pubis to the buttocks. It is advised to remove everything from food allergenic products, exclude hot, spicy and salty dishes. Women must abstain from sex for the entire duration of treatment. If a sexually transmitted infection is detected, the sexual partner should undergo similar therapy.