Why might there be itching in the anus? Itching in the anus in women

Anal itching is a disease manifested by burning and itching sensations of the skin in the anus. This condition can be an independent disease or a symptom of other diseases, but it equally causes physical and psychological discomfort in the patient.

Causes of anal itching

Itching is often a symptom of the following diseases:

    anal fissure


    constipation, diarrhea (diarrhea)

    inflammatory diseases of the lower intestines (proctitis, paraproctitis)

    inflammatory diseases of the large intestine (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis)

    rectal prolapse

    insufficient function of the anal sphincter (stool incontinence) is a condition in which the contractility of the anal muscles is reduced, and the skin around the anus is irritated by discharge from the rectum not associated with bowel movements.

Itching can be one of the nonspecific symptoms of malignant neoplasms of the intestine and, most often, cancer of the anal canal, combined with complaints of pain, blood in the stool, and a feeling of a foreign body in or near the anus.

Causes of itching can be yeast, herpes virus, human papillomavirus, worms (pinworms), scabies mites, lice.

Itching is a leading symptom of skin diseases such as dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrheic eczema, and lichen planus.

Skin irritation in the anus and the development of dermatitis can be caused by ordinary hygiene products - soap, toilet paper, shower gels and special contraceptives.

In women, itching of the anus can be associated with the onset of menopause, when a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen disrupts the normal balance of vaginal microflora and also causes excessive dryness of the mucous membranes.

In the early stages of diabetes mellitus, skin itching may be limited to the anal area. Other endocrinological diseases can also manifest themselves with this symptom.

Anal itching can be the result of the presence in food of an excess amount of substances that irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract - spices, acids, synthetic flavoring additives.

Diagnosis of anal itching

Only a coloproctologist can determine the cause of itching in the anus after examination and a detailed conversation with the patient. It may be necessary to conduct a series of laboratory tests to exclude diabetes mellitus, helminthic infestations, and fungal infections; women may be prescribed a consultation with a gynecologist. If you suspect a skin disease, consult a dermatologist.

A colonoscopy is performed to diagnose colon diseases. A flexible elastic probe with a camera (endoscope) is inserted through the anus into the lumen of the rectum and colon, which allows you to visually assess the condition of the colon mucosa along almost the entire length of the colon (about 2 meters). Colonoscopy allows you to quickly and accurately diagnose the initial stages of hemorrhoids, anal fissure, rectal prolapse, detect polyps of the intestinal mucosa, as well as malignant neoplasms, the symptom of which may be anal itching. Based on the results of colonoscopy, the doctor will determine further tactics in relation to the identified coloproctological disease. At the EMC Coloproctology Clinic, colonoscopy is performed under medicinal sleep, so the patient does not feel any discomfort during the examination.

A full range of studies will allow the doctor to determine the cause of anal itching and prescribe the correct treatment.

Treatment of anal itching

Anal itching should not be treated “on its own,” and especially not on its own. Only a consultation with a coloproctologist, examination and, if necessary, special studies and tests will help determine the cause of anal itching and treat the disease that caused the itching.

Treatment should be accompanied by the implementation of hygiene and lifestyle recommendations, which should become a good habit and methods for preventing anal itching in the future:

You should keep the skin in the anus clean and dry, and wear only cotton underwear.

Eliminate from your diet spicy, salty and smoked foods, alcohol, as well as foods and medications that could cause loose stools.

If you have constipation, normalize your bowel movements with diet if possible.

Take laxatives only as recommended by your doctor.

Use soap without fragrance or additives or special products for intimate hygiene; replace traditional toilet paper with wet one, or take a hygienic shower after each bowel movement.

You should also contact a coloproctologist if:

    anal itching is accompanied by pain, a feeling of a foreign body in the anus;

    you find blood in your stool or on toilet paper;

    you are over 50 years old or if you have a family member who has had colorectal cancer (at this age it is recommended to undergo colorectal cancer screening).

This sensation of itching in the anus is a fairly common occurrence. It can occur in both adults and children. It is important to understand why itching in the anus occurs in women; the causes and treatment at home are interrelated. There are special effective recipes that will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and a burning sensation.

Why does itching in the anus appear and how to get rid of it

The most important thing is that the doctor must determine whether itching is a primary phenomenon or a secondary one, as a consequence of a chronic disease. What is this for? In the first case, you can get rid of scratching in several steps, in the second, you will need patience, complex treatment and a long time frame. Very often, women are simply embarrassed to see a proctologist.

Depressive - anxiety states, nervous disorders. During times of stress or strong feelings, the central nervous system works in an enhanced mode. Nerve endings behave as if electrified. Waves of trembling and the sensation that something small is running across the surface of the skin run throughout the body. Itching appears in the most tender places. Most often, symptoms disappear after calm and normal functioning of the central nervous system. If the disease is associated with nervous disorders, the doctor prescribes drugs for neuroregulation.

Traditional methods:

  • soothing teas (herbal infusions), which must include valerian root, lemon balm and mint;
  • in those places where it itches, you can apply a cloth soaked in a decoction (chamomile, calendula); Baths with the same herbs help a lot.

Skin diseases and surface irritants. Most often this is due to allergic reactions of the body to drug treatment, food with toxins, abuse of sweets and citrus fruits. Skin diseases simply “love” to be localized in invisible places, such as the anus. These are scabies, various dermatitis, seborrheic eczema, pediculosis and lichen.

External irritants include: poor personal hygiene, the use of underwear based on synthetic fibers, the use of scented pads and similar toilet paper. After scratching, micro injuries are formed, where pathogenic bacteria enter and, as a result, infection occurs.

Traditional methods:

  • all therapeutic methods should be aimed at calming itching and reducing the inflammatory process; lotions and baths with herbal decoctions (calendula, tansy, chamomile);
  • wash and douche only with clean boiled water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • tampons with sea buckthorn oil are placed in the anus at night for a week.

Gynecological diseases. Almost all women are susceptible to such a problem as thrush. Regulates the natural microflora of the vagina and intestines for healthy immunity. Itching occurs at an advanced stage of thrush and spreads to the anus. A woman needs to be examined by a gynecologist (every six months) and have scrapings tested for fungus. Candidiasis can be successfully treated, and food and hygiene should be aimed at suppressing the fungus. Itching can appear as a result of infection of the genitourinary system and a number of sexually transmitted diseases. Here the approach must be serious and comprehensive.

Traditional methods:

  • Washing and douching have worked well: with whey, a solution of 1 liter of boiled water (1 tsp salt, 1 tsp soda, 2 tbsp peroxide); decoctions of herbs - acacia, chamomile, calendula;
  • the anus can be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil, baby cream, and a candle made from 72% laundry soap.

Diseases of the rectum. This is the main cause of discomfort in the anus. The cause may be skin tumors: warts, warts, fistulas, polyps. If there is no discharge, but heaviness appears after bowel movement, then this indicates internal hemorrhoids. The most dangerous causes of itching: chronic diseases and malignant neoplasms.

Traditional methods:

  • for hemorrhoids, potato compresses, sea buckthorn oil, a decoction of nettle and mullein, and garlic milk will help;
  • an infusion of herbs that helps reduce and absorb benign formations: dandelion and calamus root, nettle and plantain (leaves), horsetail and lemon balm (herb), chop and mix in equal proportions; pour the collection with 1 liter of water (cold) and boil for several minutes. Infuse for 3-4 hours, drink, strain, three times a day, 3 tbsp. l. before meals. Course – 7 days, repeat after two weeks.

Traditional methods:

  • eat a clove of garlic every other day, preferably at dinner, half an hour before meals;
  • on an empty stomach eat a handful of pumpkin seeds, important: they must be raw;
  • herbal decoctions help: wormwood or tansy (1 tbsp per glass of boiling water), brew in the morning, drink three daily doses (half an hour before meals); course – one week;
  • horseradish tincture: grate 2-3 medium horseradish roots, place in a liter jar and fill with cold boiled water, leave for three days; filter, add honey 1:1 and leave for another three days; take 1 tbsp half an hour before meals. spoon three times a day, course – 7-10 days.

Intestinal dysbiosis. Gastrointestinal diseases that cause diarrhea, constipation and diarrhea often create discomfort in the anal area. A concomitant disturbance of the microflora causes irritation of the intestinal walls and causes discomfort. Treatment involves: restoration of microflora, diet and regular physical activity.

Traditional methods:

  • whey will help restore the bacteriological composition of the intestinal flora, for this you will need to do an enema of 100-150 grams of fresh product, you can repeat it again - this will be enough to normalize the balance of beneficial bacteria, it is clear that everything must be sterile;
  • Fresh strawberries, thanks to their unique fiber composition, help increase colonies of beneficial bacteria.

Diabetes mellitus. This disease causes irritation in the perineum, pelvic organs and anus. Only regulation of blood sugar and local lotions will help avoid such symptoms.

Traditional methods:

  • the whole method comes down to lowering blood sugar; ordinary decoctions are suitable for this: from walnuts (partitions); from lemon peel; linden or cinnamon;
  • tincture of crypheia (20 drops, three times a day, half an hour before meals, course - three months, repeat after a month); Dry coffee powder is taken 1 teaspoon before meals three times a day, washed down with water, and be sure to eat after that.

Traditional methods are great, but there is no need to self-medicate and make a diagnosis. In order to always be healthy, it is better for a woman to regularly consult a gynecologist.

Preventive measures

Once the itching is removed, preventative measures must be taken regularly. They will minimize the possibility of its reappearance. Timely identification of the causes and treatment at home for itching in the anus in women will help quickly eliminate the problem.

  1. Hygienic standards. Wash regularly using gentle cosmetics. Monitor the composition of the daily hygiene products used.
  2. Monitor the state of the nervous system. In case of constant stress, seek help from a specialist.
  3. Completely eliminate infectious diseases. If a woman has an STD, then conservative treatment is necessary for both partners.
  4. A diet will help minimize the possibility of burning in the anus. You should only take healthy foods rich in fiber.

If you experience discomfort in the anus, consult a proctologist. Timely identification of the cause will help to avoid serious consequences.

When there is itching and itching in the anus, it is simply impossible to feel normal and calmly engage in personal affairs, and therefore people strive to quickly find the cause of the itching and eliminate it on their own.

Causes of itching in the anus

When the anus itches, a person does not first of all run to the doctor, since he does not want to share such a delicate problem with anyone. Therefore, now we will look at the main causes of itching and tell you what to do about it.

There is more than one cause for itching in the perineal area, there are several. An itchy sensation in an adult or child may appear in the anus and nearby areas due to a number of reasons.


If there is severe itching in the anus area and during the daytime, then it is more likely to be roundworm. In addition to itching, helminths can cause inflammation around the anus, redness of the area and digestive problems; the rectum and large intestine often suffer from their activity.

An imbalance of intestinal microflora causes a number of problems inside the body, but they are also felt outside, since such pathology causes diarrhea or constipation, which causes unpleasant feelings near the anus, reminiscent of mild itching. After using the toilet, it may intensify, and therefore appears in the morning or evening, depending on the time of bowel movement.

Colitis, enteritis, fistulas, tumors and other ailments cause certain symptoms, one of which may be itching in the sphincter area and even in the rectum. Sometimes the itching in the anus is only a little, and at other times the itching is severe and constant. All this must be taken into account, because each pathology will have its own symptom and the degree of its manifestation.

Obese patients sweat profusely and experience periodic itching of moderate intensity in the anus.

Allergies can be caused by drugs, food, intimate and personal hygiene products, and many other substances. If itching and pimples appear in the anus, then this is most likely a sign of an allergic reaction and it is necessary to find out what substance is causing it.

Evening itching with allergies is more pronounced, but not always. If the allergy is caused by the action of intimate soap or other substances, then a rash and itching may appear immediately after using the allergen.

Failure to comply with hygiene rules

In people with neurodermatitis, itching in the anus very often occurs due to stress (after childbirth, on a trip, when preparing for an important event, etc.) and it is not possible to eliminate the symptom without treating the pathology. Such a patient needs to be calmed (special tablets are suitable) and only then the anal sphincter will itch and the adjacent area will stop.

In women, the perineal area can most often itch for the following reasons:

  • Infection of the genitourinary system.
  • Thrush (infestation of the vagina with candida fungus, spreading to the anus).
  • Stress during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Also at this moment there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Using inappropriate gels, soaps and simply a large number of unnatural skin care products.

Women of any age may begin to itch in the anus and there is no need to be ashamed of the problem; you need to start treatment, but first you should visit a doctor so that he can determine the cause and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Men, according to statistics, are less likely to suffer from this problem, but this is only because they prefer to remain silent about it. In fact, poor hygiene and STDs cause them to itch more than women. They start treatment quite late or do it incorrectly, because they do not want to see a specialist.

You shouldn’t count on getting rid of the itching on your own; you always need to first find the problem and then eradicate it, and not try to eliminate just the symptom.

In children, itching in the perineum most often begins due to a helminthic infestation, since children often climb in the sandbox, dig in the dirt or play with animals (they especially like to pet yard cats and dogs), and then put their hands in their mouths. This is how the worms enter their body and begin active reproduction in the intestines.

In children of the first year of life, itching in the anus may occur due to an unsuitable formula for feeding, as it makes the environment in the intestines more alkaline. In breastfed babies, the anus itches less often.

If you are constantly itching in the anus and the situation does not improve, then Soon a person may have the following problems:

  • Scratching in the anal area.
  • Bleeding wounds become infected and a new round of unpleasant history begins.
  • Inflammation of the anal area.
  • Abscesses and fissures of the anus.

All these symptoms are side effects, but why bother with them? It is easier to cure simple itching at the initial stage than to later spend money on ointments and medications to eliminate damage to the anal area. The doctor will tell you how to treat itching; you can self-medicate only in case of itching of the anus due to insufficient or excessive hygiene.

What to do if you have itching in the anus?

Itching and pain in the anus - what to do? Any person faced with such a problem begins to look for ways to solve the problem on his own and more often “at random” and with the help of “grandmother’s advice.” This approach is fundamentally wrong; in this situation, a person needs to follow these steps:

  1. Analyze how often itching occurs and whether there is any pattern.
  2. Think about whether any procedure precedes scratching (washing, going to the toilet, using lotion, etc.).
  3. Try changing soap and toilet paper and temporarily giving up all kinds of gels and creams. If the itching has passed, then start using them one at a time to understand which care product is not suitable for the body.
  4. See if there are any rashes on the body, and if only the anus or other areas are itchy.
  5. Try to go on a diet - maybe it’s an allergy.
  6. Pay attention to your general health - drowsiness, fatigue, pain, loss of appetite, etc., this will be useful in making a diagnosis.
  7. If your anus does not stop itching within a week, consult a doctor.
  8. Get diagnosed and take a lot of tests (blood, feces, urine).
  9. If necessary, conduct a comprehensive examination of the body.
  10. Receive instructions from your doctor for further treatment after a final diagnosis has been made.

Itching is only a symptom, and symptoms are not treated, the problem itself is eliminated, since cooling ointments and other things will only temporarily help stop itching, but the pathology itself will not go away. Such a specific symptom indicates that not everything is in order with the body and should not be ignored or stopped. It is necessary to help the body become completely healthy and then the person will no longer be bothered by the constant unpleasant feeling.


How to get rid of itching in the anus?

To stop itching, you need to make an effort. Traditional and alternative medicine will help eliminate discomfort in the anus. Supporters of medications can choose an acceptable drug from a whole list, and lovers of tinctures and decoctions will find a lot of recipes.

Drug therapy

Treatment with medications should be carried out taking into account the detected cause of itching. Medicines should be selected based on the person’s current condition and overall health(reactions on the body or other groups of drugs):

CauseGroup of medicinesExample
AllergyAntihistaminesDiazolin, Centrin, Suprastin
Worm infestationAntiparasitic agentsWormil, Dekaris, Pirantel
Intestinal dysbiosisProbiotics and prebioticsLinex, Bifiform, Baktisubtil
Pathologies of the intestinal tractAntibiotics, anti-inflammatory, enzymesCeftriaxone, Dexamethasone, Festal, Mezim
DermatitisDrying ointmentsSalicylic ointment, Hydrocortisone, Zinc ointment
CandidiasisAntifungal agentsClotrimazole, Fluconazole
HaemorrhoidsAntihemorrhoidsRelief, Troxevasin, Heparin ointment, Aurobin

Traditional medicine

If they do not want to use medications, people can resort to alternative medicine. It has a more gentle, but still effective approach. You can use the following recipes:

  1. A compress of cold water is made from ordinary gauze and applied to the anus for several minutes.
  2. An infusion of periwinkle leaves can be prepared from a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. leaves and 200 ml of hot water, and boil in a water bath for 20 minutes. It is necessary to apply the lotion when cooled and soon the anus will stop itching.
  3. It is necessary to infuse a small amount of herbs (oak bark, calendula, chamomile) with water and take warm baths (water temperature approximately 37°C) daily.
  4. An infusion of chamomile, burdock root and walnut helps relieve itching. These herbs are taken in equal proportions, and 200 ml of hot water is added to a tablespoon of the mixture. It is necessary to boil the mixture for 15 minutes, and drink the strained decoction daily, 100 ml.
  5. Itching is well removed by ointment made from Vaseline (200 g) and cranberry juice (50 ml). The mixture must be rubbed in 1-2 times daily.

It is advisable to use folk remedies after consultation with a doctor to avoid undesirable effects. Yes, and you shouldn’t carry out any treatment on your own, but if therapy has already been started, then you should at least monitor its progress and, at the slightest deterioration, rush to the doctor so as not to miss the worsening of the pathology.

We determine the causes of itching in the anus in women and find treatment options at home

Itching in the anus in women can be quite a painful phenomenon, in which a person feels a burning and tingling sensation in the corresponding area. These sensations force him to scratch the anus, which is often accompanied by injuries. The topic of anal itching is quite delicate, but it can affect anyone, regardless of their gender and age.

The causes of anal itching can be either trivial factors such as lack of hygiene or serious intestinal diseases. In addition, itching of unknown etiology has a serious impact on the quality of life, worsening it: performance decreases, mood deteriorates, normal communication becomes difficult, etc.

The main causes of itching in women

Often, itching around the anus occurs due to poor hygiene. As a result of the development of pathogenic microflora and insufficient cleansing of the skin, diaper rash may develop. Tight or synthetic underwear can also cause skin irritation. When diaper rash occurs, it is enough to follow the necessary hygiene standards; sometimes you can use an anti-inflammatory cream or powder.

Another complaint of anal itching may occur against the background of mental and neurological disorders:

  • for neuroses;
  • with obsessive-compulsive disorder with an obsessive desire to frequently wash various parts of the body (including the perineum);
  • with dermatozoan delirium, when a person believes himself to be infected with insects or worms crawling under the skin;
  • in case of disturbance of surface sensitivity due to diseases of the spine and spinal cord.

Itching due to skin irritation is associated with rough toilet paper, synthetic underwear, and allergies to washing powder and detergents. Identifying the true cause of anal itching will help you choose the right therapy. And the solution to such a delicate problem should be entrusted to doctors, and not to self-medicate.

How to treat itching in the anus in women?

Depending on the established cause of itching, the doctor selects medications that can relieve this unpleasant sensation.

If the symptom is caused by diseases of the internal organs (diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the pancreas and liver, intestinal dysbiosis), then the medical specialist will prescribe adequate treatment to eliminate the underlying disease. Skin diseases require a special approach, timely prescription of drugs produced in the form of special ointments that have a drying effect. This group of drugs includes salicylic and zinc ointment, Hydrocortisone.

If the appearance of itching in the anal area is a consequence of the development of an allergic reaction, the attending physician selects highly effective antihistamines that have a wide spectrum of action:

  • Suprastin.
  • Clarotadine.
  • Claritin.
  • Tavegil.

Sexually transmitted diseases must be treated with special medications:

  • Ciprofloxacin.
  • Polygynaxa.
  • Azithromycin.
  • Doxycycline.
  • Clotrimazole.
  • Wormil, which comes in the form of chewable tablets.
  • Pyrantel, produced in the form of suspensions.

Sometimes, after a comprehensive examination, diseases of the rectum and sigmoid colon are detected. Then the attending physician prescribes medications produced in the form of suspensions, special ointments and gels. Their regular use helps to quickly relieve itching. Let's list these drugs.

  • Gepatrombin G is a safe and highly effective remedy for hemorrhoids, available in the form of rectal suppositories and ointments of uniform consistency.
  • Preparations of the Relief line, which are intended for topical use and are considered antihemorrhoids.
  • A cream for external use called Celestoderm-B, its active ingredient is betamethasone 17-valerate.
  • Troxevasin is an angioprotective agent produced in the form of a gel.
  • Heparin ointment. This drug has an antibacterial effect, eliminates inflammation and irritation of the mucous membranes, relieves constant itching and discomfort.

If prolonged stress, exhaustion of the nervous system, severe physical and mental stress have led to the development of constant itching, it is recommended to take sedatives and sedatives:

  • Tinctures of motherwort, hawthorn or valerian.
  • The drugs Tenoten and Afobazol, which have shown high clinical effectiveness.
  • Novo-Passita or Persena.

There are cases when, in addition to the patient’s complaints of itching, no disease tests are detected; in this case, a latent course of proctosigmoiditis is suspected, and dietary nutrition, skin ointments, and microenemas with collargol are prescribed. In case of manifestation of neuritis and psychosis, sedatives are prescribed - valerian, bromine, Corvalol. For allergic causes, antihistamines, that is, allergy pills, are indicated. To prevent itching of the anus, the cause of which has been established and treatment has been carried out, you can use Hemo-Pro rectal suppositories with propolis.

Folk remedies

The obsessive feeling of itching can be reduced with the help of various herbs and natural products. The following recipes work well for this:

  1. Chamomile and calendula baths. You need to take 2 tablespoons of herbs and pour a liter of boiling water. The product is infused for 2-3 hours and added to the bathroom.
  2. Ointment made from Vaseline and fresh cranberry juice. To prepare the medicine, 100 g of Vaseline is mixed with 30 ml of juice. The resulting product is used to treat the anus area.
  3. Flax decoction. To prepare the decoction, mix a tablespoon of seeds with 500 ml of water and bring to a boil over low heat. Take the decoction orally, 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Treatment with folk remedies gives quite good results. In addition, the use of natural products is considered safer.

Constant or periodic itching in the anus is an unpleasant phenomenon. It can occur at any age, regardless of gender. This condition can be associated both with manifestations of various diseases, including helminthic infestation, and with dietary disorders when irritating substances enter the diet. In this case, itching in the anus usually occurs after bowel movement.

The main causes of itching in the anus

In most cases, anal itching is provoked by completely harmless reasons. but this is not a reason to engage in independent treatment without visiting a doctor. It is worth knowing that sometimes itching is the first symptom of malignant neoplasms of the epidermis. Making this diagnosis in a timely manner means giving you a chance for a full and quick recovery.

If discomfort occurs, you should not use irritating alcohol solutions or soaps with an aggressive reaction. This may only make your problem worse. Active scratching should also be avoided. Pathogenic intestinal microflora can penetrate into the resulting scratches, which will lead to pyoderma and other inflammatory diseases.

Among the most common causes of itching in the anal area are:

  1. damage to the intestines by worms (pinworms come out to lay eggs from the rectum into the folds of skin around the exit from the rectum);
  2. fistulas and fissures of the rectum;
  3. psoriatic skin lesions and eczema;
  4. contact allergic dermatitis (may occur as a response to the use of aggressive detergents and laundry detergents, as well as personal hygiene products);
  5. seborrheic dermatitis and fungal infections (in women, vaginal thrush is often associated with exacerbation);
  6. scabies and pubic lice;
  7. irritation from scented toilet paper;
  8. violation of the acid-base balance of water;
  9. improper use of salt-based laxatives.

These are the so-called external causes of anal itching. Now let’s look in more detail at the internal reasons for which itching in the anus is a symptom. The most important here are:

  1. hemorrhoids and hemorrhoidal bonds;
  2. diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance;
  3. chronic diseases of the liver and gall bladder;
  4. intestinal dysbiosis;
  5. intoxication with salts of heavy metals.

All these conditions provoke imbalances in the moisture content of the epidermis and can cause itching and burning in the anus. In this case, the unpleasant symptom can be eliminated only with proper treatment of the underlying internal disease.

Risk factors

Other risk factors include:

  • alcohol consumption;
  • using large quantities of red hot pepper as seasonings;
  • eating grapes with seeds;
  • stressful and anxious situations;
  • eating large amounts of carbohydrates.

Particular caution should be exercised by people who lead a sedentary lifestyle with sedentary work. In such people, normal blood flow in the pelvic area is often disrupted. Blood stagnation gradually forms, which leads to dilation of the pelvic veins. This can cause hemorrhoids and bleeding from hemorrhoids.

People who suffer from frequent constipation should also lead a more active lifestyle to stimulate normal bowel function. Timely bowel movements are the key to your health. Stagnation of bile and its massive release can also cause itching and burning in the anus. Avoid congestion in the gallbladder.

Symptoms of itching in the rectal area

Anamnesis is important for correct diagnosis:

  • when the butt appears in the anus area;
  • how strong he is;
  • what factors is it associated with;
  • is the itching accompanied by a burning sensation;
  • duration of unpleasant symptoms;
  • its connection with the time of day.

After the interview, the doctor must conduct a visual examination. During this process, the integrity or damage of the skin is revealed. You should initially contact a dermatologist, who, after conducting tests, may recommend that you consult a surgeon, infectious disease specialist, and gastroenterologist. Appointed:

  • stool analysis for worm eggs (scraping is done from the skin around the exit of the rectum);
  • stool occult blood test;
  • collection of epidermal material for biopsy and examination for fungal infections;
  • blood test to determine sugar levels in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • biochemical blood test to determine liver function tests;
  • analysis of stool for intestinal microflora.

If necessary, a colonoscopy may be prescribed. The surgeon determines the presence of hemorrhoids and nodes. An angiography of the pelvic veins may be prescribed. All these examinations will help determine the exact cause of itching in the anus.

What treatment for anal itching can help you?

Depending on the cause, specific treatment for the anus may be prescribed. You can do the following yourself:

  1. observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  2. after defecation, gently clean the anus with slightly damp wipes;
  3. after this, dry and sprinkle with talcum powder;
  4. use only white toilet paper without fragrances and dyes (the packaging should indicate that no chlorine or printing paper was used in the production);
  5. eliminate irritating foods from your diet;
  6. refuse synthetic underwear (wear cotton underwear and iron it on both sides with a hot iron after each wash).

Ointments help relieve acute symptoms of itching in the anus. Hydrocortisone or other cortecosteroids may be recommended. If there are wet surfaces, you can use salicylic or zinc ointment. They dry out the skin. If you see inflammatory lesions with redness and purulent blisters, you can apply a thin layer of penicillin ointment for 3-5 days. For fungal infections, nystatin ointment helps.