Retinoic ointment: instructions for use. Instructions for use of retinoic ointment for acne Retinoic ointment 01 how to take

Today on the shelves of pharmacy chains you can find enough large number medicines from acne. These are gels and ointments, lotions and creams. Their effect on the human body follows approximately the same pattern. However, for some, Isotrexin is more suitable for others. The pharmaceutical industry is constantly improving and developing more and more new drugs. However, we should not forget about the old, time-tested compositions. So, over time, retinoic ointment was undeservedly forgotten.

Retinoic ointment contains a form of vitamin A, which has increased biological activity and isotretinoin, which is often used in the manufacture various ointments and gels are the main active ingredient.


Doctors prescribe retinoic ointment for comedones and acne in mild to moderate stages of the disease. The biologically active isotretinoin included in its composition actively contributes to the normalization of the process of cell differentiation. Experts, during the study pharmacological mechanism, marked positive impact on the epithelium that lines the sebaceous glands. Its growth becomes less rapid, and its composition is normalized and the secretion is removed much more easily sebaceous glands located in the skin. All of the above leads to the fact that the amount of sebum is significantly reduced and its composition changes. Consequently, the amount of inflammation will be much lower. External use is accompanied by antiseborrheic, anti-inflammatory, as well as immunomodulatory effects. All patients who left reviews about the use of retinoic ointment note a significant improvement in the regenerative processes of the skin.


  • Rosacea;
  • Oral dermatitis;
  • Papulopustular acne;
  • Nodular cystic acne in severe form;

Retinoic ointment must be applied twice a day to a previously cleaned affected area. After cleansing, some time should pass, the skin should dry, and after twenty to twenty-five minutes you can use the medicine. It is necessary to distribute it in a thin layer over the surface of the affected area.

Contraindications and side effects

Experts do not recommend the use of retinoic ointment if you have liver failure, pregnancy or breastfeeding, hypervitaminosis A, hypersensitivity to its ingredients. And also in the presence of hyperlipidemia.

The first week of using the drug, as a rule, is without side effects. But on next week Possible dry skin, burning sensation and redness skin, itching, peeling. There may also be some swelling or new pimples. In cases where adverse reactions are pronounced and cause severe inconvenience, the course of treatment should be stopped for two to three days, and then resumed according to the previous regimen. If there is severe swelling and itching, as well as spotty rashes, form on the second or third day after the start of treatment, then this a clear sign individual intolerance to retinoic ointment or its components. In this case, you should contact a specialist to change the drug to a less aggressive one.

It is not recommended to use the drug for a long time, since isotretinoin, which is part of it, can provoke hypervitaminosis A. Its symptoms are dry mucous membranes and skin, conjunctivitis. Musculoskeletal system will respond to such intervention muscle pain, painful sensations in joints and tendons, arthritis, tendinitis. Depression or migraine seizures, as well as increased intracranial pressure - these are just a few of the side effects from nervous system. The sense organs will also not be left out: photophobia, night blindness, cataract, keratitis, impaired color perception, impaired perception, at certain frequencies, of sound. Nausea, pancreatitis, intestinal inflammation and bleeding. Erythrocytopenia and leukopenia. And this is not the entire list of side effects.

Overdose and drug compatibility

A doctor prescribing retinoic ointment for acne must monitor the possibility of developing hypervitaminosis A. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude all retinol-containing drugs, such as retinol acetate or retinol palmitate. tetracycline series are most likely to provoke an increase intracranial pressure, as a result of which their combination in one course of treatment with isotretinoin is not recommended. It is also necessary to take into account that isotretinoin has the ability to weaken the effectiveness of the therapeutic effects of progesterone. If a woman uses products containing small doses of progesterone, then it is better to change the method of contraception or the method itself during the treatment period.

In case of overdose, the symptoms of hypervitaminosis A intensify. In this case, the course of treatment should be interrupted and the doctor should prescribe symptomatic therapy.

Retinoic ointment for wrinkles

Despite the fact that the drug was originally produced to combat acne, over time, women began to use it as an anti-wrinkle cream. Long-term exposure to the skin is fraught with redness and peeling, but short-term exposure, for example, for half an hour, perfectly stimulates blood circulation and enhances collagen production. But it is precisely the decrease in the amount of collagen in the skin that leads to the formation of premature wrinkles. It is recommended to use retinoic ointment to reduce the number of wrinkles only for a short time, but several such courses can be carried out throughout the year.

The most optimal is the use of ointment twice a year (spring and autumn), lasting from two to four weeks. It should be applied in the evening so as not to provoke photosensitivity. Perfect time for use - this is after nine - ten o'clock in the evening. Then, before the morning, all the useful components will have time to be absorbed, and you won’t have to worry about the possibility of getting sunburn. If you have an allergic reaction to retinoic ointment, try squeezing one capsule of vitamin A into your favorite cream. Perhaps in this option, your body will perceive retinol better. Avoid applying the drug to the skin of the eyelids. By doing so, you risk causing severe irritation.

The price of retinoic ointment ranges from 170 to 250 rubles per package. In pharmacies it is presented in the form of an aluminum tube weighing from 10 to 35 grams. Patients who left reviews about this medicine note severe peeling, as a result of which the skin becomes smoother and more even. Many also experience redness of the skin and a burning sensation. At misuse You can get a sunburn with this product.

Before you start using the drug, you must familiarize yourself with all contraindications and carefully read the instructions for use again. The instructions that come with each package of ointment will help in this matter.

Acne treatment is a direction in dermatocosmetology, the task of which is to relieve inflammation and normalize work sebaceous gland and prevention of scarring of the skin.

Many reasons serve as provoking factors, causing disease. This could be stress, hormonal changes in the body, improper skin care, or the presence of concomitant diseases.

Therefore, acne should be treated by a doctor who, after establishing the cause of the disease, prescribes therapy depending on the severity.

Causes of the rash

The development of acne is based on 4 processes:

  1. Increased formation of sebum (sebaceous secretion).
  2. Violation of keratinization processes.
  3. Activation of microorganisms Propionibacterium acnes.
  4. Inflammation.

In every special case, the cause of acne development is a different process, so by influencing the process of acne development, you can stop the disease.

How do retinoids work?

The main component of acne ointment is a retinoid - vitamin A. As is known, this fat-soluble vitamin. It takes part in the synthesis of proteins, lipids, mucopolysaccharides and in the regulation of mineral balance. Simply indispensable for normal operation every cell of the body.

Vitamin A is also involved in differentiation epithelial cells, normalizes keratinization and regenerates mucous membranes and skin.

Keratinization is the process of shedding dead cells (keratinocytes) and exfoliating them. This is a natural process.

But disruption of keratinization processes leads to the development acne acne. Therefore, regulating this process in acne is one of the main tasks of dermatology.

Vitamin A also regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands - sebum secretion, that is, it reduces excessive sebum secretion.

As is known, metabolic products and skin secretions serve as a nutrient medium for pathogenic microorganisms, which promotes their reproduction and leads to disruption of the pH of the skin.

Also, vitamin A affects the synthesis of immunoglobulin cells, which protect the human body from infection and bacteria. Retinol also has an antitumor effect on epithelial tumor cells.

Thus, the administration of retinol-based medications influences the process of the appearance and development of acne and allows one to cope with the following manifestations of the disease:

  • Open and closed comedones.
  • Nodular cystic form of acne.
  • Seborrhea.
  • Papulopustular form.
  • Rosacea.

Composition of retinoic acne ointment

Retinoic ointment necessarily contains a retinoid. It can be natural or synthetic analogue vitamin A.

Also, the composition may include other components that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, which in combination with a retinoid has good result.

The most common additional components in the ointment:

  • dibunol is an antioxidant, therefore it prevents cell damage from free radicals;
  • glycerin – serves as an additional moisturizing effect;
  • ethyl alcohol – disinfectant, exhibits bactericidal effect;
  • antibacterial substances – have an anti-inflammatory effect and have a bactericidal effect on pathogens acne.

How to use it correctly

After cleansing the skin with a product based on your skin type, apply a thin layer of retinoic ointment or gel to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes.

The cream is applied 1-2 times a day. The duration of therapy is 1-3 months. Depends on the stage of the disease, the activity of the inflammatory process and the response to therapy.

In any case, the need for use and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician in each individual case.

Video: Useful information

Instructions for use

The instructions indicate that when interacting with other drugs, adverse reactions may develop.

Let's consider which drugs should not be used with retinoic ointment:

  • oral contraceptives. Despite the fact that retinoic ointment is used externally, it should not be used in conjunction with contraceptives, since the risk of hypervitaminosis A increases;
  • glucocorticoids - with joint use the anti-inflammatory effect of these drugs decreases;
  • other vitamin A derivatives – the chance of overdose increases sharply.

As with any medicine, you may experience side effects preparations based on retinoids:

  • burning sensation;
  • redness and dryness of the skin;
  • worsening acne in the first days of treatment;
  • increased peeling.

To combat dry skin, you can use frequent application of moisturizing creams; when peeling, you should periodically use a skin-friendly scrub or peeling.

Special instructions when using vitamin A

When using retinoids, direct sun exposure should be avoided. Retinoids can increase skin photosensitivity and cause photodermatoses.

Therefore, when using any external retinoid-based products, you must use a cream with high degree sun protection SPF 35-50.

In addition, it is necessary to avoid contact with direct sun rays. If retinoic drugs are used in summer time, they are best applied in the evening.

For whom are they contraindicated?

  1. During pregnancy and lactation. The use of vitamin A during pregnancy, even in the form of external agents, causes a teratogenic effect, therefore, during treatment with retinoids, reliable means of preventing pregnancy must be used.
  2. Hypersensitivity to vitamin A or other components of the ointment.
  3. Hypervitaminosis of vitamin A.


The following drugs are analogues of retinoic ointment:

  • Isotrexin.
  • Klenzit.
  • 13-cis-retinoic acid.
  • Retasol.

  • Isotrexin – contains isotretinoin and erythromycin. Erythromycin is antibacterial drug, which blocks the growth and reproduction of bacteria, and Propionibacterium acnes directly. Due to the presence of erythromycin, this allows the drug to be widely used in the presence of inflammatory elements. This combination allows the drug to be used at all stages of the disease: from comets to inflammatory rashes.
  • Retasol also contains isotretinoin. It reduces seborrhea, promotes the normal process of keratinization and relieves inflammation. This affects the cause of the occurrence and development of acne.

Retasol normalizes the functioning of the ducts of the sebaceous glands and prevents their blockage by cell scales. Also, the process of release (evacuation) of contents from the pores is improved. And the regenerative properties of retinol allow you to restore damaged tissue.

  • 13-cis-Retinoic acid is a biologically active vitamin A. It has all the properties of retinoids - keratolysis and seboregulation.
  • The composition of Differin ointment includes adapalene, a synthetic retinoid. It affects the follicles, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous gland and enhances exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Thus, the formation of comedones (blackheads) and millia (white comedones) is reduced. That is, it is able to affect closed and open pores.

One of the advantages is the release form: not only in the form of a cream, but also a gel.

  • Clenzit also contains adapalene and is used externally for acne. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the accumulation of scales (cells) in the mouths of the follicles for their normal functioning, which helps reduce inflammatory elements and prevent the appearance of comedones.

Advantages. Available in 2 types: Klenzit and Klenzit S. The latter is supplemented with clindamycin. This is an antibiotic that has a bactericidal effect against Propionibacterium Acne and other bacteria that can cause acne.


The use of preparations containing vitamin A gives good results for hyperkeratosis and increased greasiness of the skin.

With the right combination of the drug with other medications, the manifestations of acne are reduced. Patients note quick results, and the drug has good reviews.

The price of retinoic ointment depends on the country of manufacture and can range from 30 to 1000 rubles.

  • Isotrexin– manufacturer: Ireland/Great Britain.

Release form: 1 g of gel contains 0.5 mg of isotretionine and 20 mg of erythromycin.

Price: from 680 rub.

  • 13-cis-Retinoic acid. Release form: ointment.

Price: from 260 rub.

  • Klenzit. Release form - 0.1% gel, Klenzit S contains 1 mg of adapalene and 10 mg of clindamycin.

Country of origin: India.

Cost: from 450 rubles, Klenzit S from 550 rubles.

  • . Release form: 0.1% cream and gel.

Country of origin: France.

Cost: Differin cream from 550 rubles, Differin gel from 520 rubles.

  • Retasol. Release form: ointment for external use, solution for external use

Starana manufacturer: Russia.

Price: from 360 rub.

Photos before and after

External agents based on retinoids are prescribed for mild and medium degree gravity. They are a highly effective remedy for combating acne.

But acne requires integrated approach Therefore, the need to prescribe retium ointment remains with the attending physician, who will be able to select the correct concentration and course of treatment.

At all times, women want to look younger and make every effort to speed up the process. own rejuvenation. One of the popular modern means- retinoic ointment for wrinkles.

Reviews from cosmetologists when using it confirm that this ointment is good for the skin, but before using it you need to take into account all the advantages and carefully read the section with contraindications.

Opinion of cosmetologists: reasons for the popularity of the ointment

The components of retinoic ointment affect skin cells, speeding up their update. With regular and constant use, the skin becomes smoother, fine wrinkles almost disappear and new ones do not form.

The components of retinoic ointment affect skin cells, accelerating their renewal.

The active substance - isotretinoin - affects the skin, causing an increase in renewal and recovery processes.

Important to remember! According to observations and reviews of cosmetologists, the effect of retinoic ointment against wrinkles towards improving and rejuvenating the skin is indeed observed, but it is not the only possible remedy.

In addition, the ointment contains a number of restrictions on use, especially for women with increased content in the blood of vitamin A (for liver or kidney diseases).

Components of the ointment, its purpose

The active ingredient in retinoic ointment is called isotretinoin. When checking their effect on the processes occurring in skin tissue (formation age spots, aging, wrinkles, acne), experts observed a persistent improvement in the condition.

The most active of the above list is tretinoin, which also has a peeling effect. It is he who gives effective results.

The group of retinoids includes:

The most active of the above list is tretinoin, which also has a peeling effect. Due to its increased activity The duration of its use is limited to six months.

They are also included in cosmeceuticals ( medicinal cosmetics) when the skin is prone to aging and has age-related changes human body- to get rid of wrinkles.

Products with active natural ingredients based on vitamin A, they are now often used to cleanse the skin of acne.

Substances of the retinoid group speed up processes in connective tissue for cell renewal. But to obtain the expected effect it is necessary certain time(at least several weeks).

Therefore, the main thing here is to be persistent and patient, and then you can be proud of the result.

The use of this ointment helps to cope with the following problems:

With constant use of this ointment, regeneration processes are stimulated and the rate of skin cell renewal increases.

The result will be the disappearance of small defects on the skin, the smoothing of wrinkles, and the face visually becomes refreshed and healthy.

Instructions for applying retinoic ointment

The course of treatment with retinoic ointment for wrinkles is 2-3 weeks, twice a year. According to reviews from cosmetologists, it can be used more often, but with great caution.

It is best to do the procedure itself in the evening, since after it the skin’s sensitivity to light increases greatly, and you cannot go outside.

A ball the size of a small pea is squeezed out of a tube of ointment. It must be applied in a very thin, light layer.

First, you should cleanse with either cosmetic milk or deep peeling. This will increase the permeability of the active components of the ointment in the future.

A ball the size of a small pea is squeezed out of a tube of ointment. It needs to be applied in a very thin, light layer., excess amount is removed with a napkin. If you use a large amount of ointment, irritation and peeling may occur.

Often women use spot application in the right place on the face, but Under no circumstances should this product be used in the area around the eyes., which can lead to severe irritation.

When using any cosmetic products, careful skin care is required. In winter, the exfoliation of skin cells increases and symptoms of dehydration may appear.

Women often use spot application in the desired area of ​​the face, but in no case should this product be used in the area around the eyes, which can lead to severe irritation.

In this situation, cosmetologists advise using nourishing creams, face masks with a moisture-retaining, restoring effect. This helps reduce risk negative reactions for ointment.

In summer, women usually face the problem of age spots that arise from the sun.

The best time of year to carry out a rejuvenating course is spring or autumn.

The principle of action of retinoic ointment

The active component - isotretinoin - upon penetration through the epidermis, affects the intercellular substance, restoring it.

This is intercellular the substance includes collagen and elastin threads. A network woven from them loses its elasticity and strength when exposed to adverse atmospheric influences.

Isotretinoin stimulates collagen synthesis, renewal and restoration of skin cells. Active substances, which make up the ointment, suppress the production of sebum and the formation of comedones, reduce the impact of pathogens on the epidermis.

Isotretinoin stimulates collagen synthesis, renewal and restoration of skin cells.

Vitamin A affects cellular renewal processes and participates in the formation of dye pigments.

Advantages of retinoic ointment

If a woman wants to buy any anti-wrinkle product at a low price, but which actually has an effect on the skin, then this is retinoic anti-wrinkle ointment.

Reviews from cosmetologists show that efficiency distinguishes it favorably from other similar and expensive drugs.

Retinoic ointment is a salvation for most women who cannot afford the large financial costs of advertised expensive anti-wrinkle products.

Reviews from cosmetologists show that its effectiveness sets it apart from other similar and expensive drugs.

There are no harmful impurities in this drug, which are often used to improve the look or smell of cosmetics and attract female customers.

If there are no contraindications, and retinoic ointment for wrinkles is used correctly, the reviews of cosmetologists will be confirmed, and results in improving the condition of facial skin will appear very soon.

Test for allergic reaction to ointment

The test is done very simply. It must be performed one day before the scheduled start of the course of treatment.

The test is done very simply. It must be performed one day before the scheduled start of the course of treatment.

Ointment is applied to the inner elbow (where the skin is more sensitive) small quantity, then this area needs to be sealed with adhesive tape.

After a day, it is removed, and in the absence of irritation or redness, the conclusion is drawn: it is not forbidden to use the ointment.

For some reactions, using retinoic anti-wrinkle ointment will not be beneficial.

According to reviews from cosmetologists It is necessary to study the condition of the skin during treatment very carefully. If you observe redness, irritated skin conditions and, especially, itching, use should be stopped immediately.

Contraindications when using ointment

Like any product with medicinal properties, the ointment has contraindications.

Otherwise, the use of the product can provoke intrauterine disorders in the development of the fetus (during pregnancy).

It is strictly forbidden to use it by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If a girl plans to have a child in the near future, she should also choose a more suitable drug.

Contraindications are also:

  • disturbances in a woman’s digestive system;
  • problems with liver and kidney function;
  • the presence of neoplasms (even benign ones);
  • excess vitamin A in the body.

Also, before use, you need to make sure that there are no mechanical damage(cuts, burns), manifestations of eczema.

Statistical studies were carried out by dermatologists among middle-aged patients, so the effect on the skin of the older age category may be stronger.

Statistical studies were carried out by dermatologists among middle-aged patients, therefore The effect on the skin of older age groups may be more severe.

Possible side effects and consequences of overdose

The skin of an older person is more sensitive to all kinds of cosmetic procedures.

That's why Side effects may occur primarily in the form of:

Carefully! If symptoms of discomfort appear during the first week, then the number of procedures should be reduced. If they do not go away, then you should abandon this method of improving your appearance.

Cosmetologists' opinions

To confirm or refute the question of how retinoic ointment works for wrinkles in real situations, we present reviews of cosmetologists who prescribed a course of treatment with this ointment to their patients.

This product is recommended for women with oily skin. The ointment helps remove oily shine, almost completely removes acne, and the skin will look smooth and rejuvenated. Moreover, all these results are achieved without major material costs, because the price of retinoic ointment is very low.

This product is recommended for women with oily skin. The ointment helps remove oily shine, almost completely removes acne, and the skin will look smooth and rejuvenated.

With proper and careful use, a woman will remove her appearance problems for a small price and will look several years younger.

Patients are usually not prescribed drugs that are not recognized cosmetics.

However Retinoic ointment cannot cause any harm to a woman’s health. On the contrary, she has positive influence and helps restore youth.

Retinoic ointment cannot cause any harm to a woman’s health. On the contrary, it has a positive effect and helps restore youth.

The only problem that arises with excessive use of this product is peeling of the facial skin. This is what happens to patients when they rub the ointment into the skin too diligently and in large doses. I have to stop the course of treatment.

This video will tell you about the effect of retinoic ointment against wrinkles under the eyes.

This video talks about the benefits of retinoids for blackheads and acne.

From this video you will learn how retinol smooths out wrinkles in women and girls.

Restoring the skin requires the use of special preparations. Which stimulate additional blood circulation processes, saturate depleted cells with the necessary components.

One of effective drugs which are widely used is Retinoic ointment. Retinoic ointment instructions contain general recommendations by application.

However, if necessary, you can consult medical specialist, who will individually select the course of treatment with the drug.

The substance contains vitamin A, which nourishes cells and restores elasticity to the skin. Active components medicinal ointment help cleanse pores and reduce oily shine. In addition to its medicinal effects on the skin, retinoic ointment is widely used for cosmetic purposes.

Release form and composition

The product is in the form of an ointment with a thick consistency, used for external application. Available in tubes of 10,15,20,35 g. The tube comes in a cardboard package and includes instructions for use.

The substance contains the following components:

  • Isotretinoin - contains a form of vitamin A;
  • Ethanol;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • Butylated hydroxyanisole;
  • Glycerol;
  • Wax;
  • Water.

The substance most often has a uniform consistency white without a specific smell.

For the treatment of pimples, acne, acne, blackheads and others dermatological diseases, provoked adolescence, diseases gastrointestinal tract, hereditary factors, stressful conditions and other reasons, many of our readers successfully use this method. After reviewing and carefully studying this method, we decided to offer it to you!

Indications for use

Retinoic ointment provides a large amount therapeutic effects on the skin.

Prescribed in the following cases:

It is often used to reduce the appearance of age-related changes, smooth out wrinkles and improve complexion.

Positive properties and effect of the drug

The drug contains components that penetrate deeply into the layers of the epidermis, enhance the blood circulation process, due to which natural regeneration processes are activated.

Retinoic ointment reduces inflammation and cleanses skin cells, thereby reducing sebum secretion.

Positive properties of the ointment:

Besides all the above useful qualities Retinoic ointment is widely used to eliminate inflammatory processes in damaged skin.

How to use Retinoic ointment correctly?

A positive result from drug treatment largely depends on the correct use, depending on the type of problem.

Retinoic ointment is intended for external use. For treatment skin rashes and rosacea, apply a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day. The skin is first washed with water and dried.

The duration of drug therapy varies from 4 to 12 weeks. The possibility of further use of Retinoic ointment is determined by the doctor.

Retinoic ointment for wrinkles

To eliminate wrinkles and other anti-aging skin changes, it is recommended to follow the following algorithm of actions:

Use with caution in mucous membranes. If Retinoic ointment gets on the mucous membranes, it is necessary to rinse a large number running water.

Retinoic acne ointment

To eliminate acne and other inflammatory formations, you should observe the following features of applying the drug:

It is not recommended to squeeze or damage the integrity of acne before applying Retinoic ointment. In the first few days, acne may become inflamed, however, experts say that this is a normal course of treatment.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of Retinoic ointment during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not recommended.

However, in case of urgent need, the following application features should be observed:

Retinoic ointment is a type of medicine, so use during pregnancy breastfeeding should be carried out only in cases of urgent need and after consultation with the attending physician.

Use in childhood

Application of Retinoic ointment in childhood must be carried out observing the following features:

Children's skin is much more sensitive than that of an adult, so before the first application you should test for individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about skin diseases

I work in private clinic I have been providing consultations on skin problems for many years now. You have no idea how much different types People come to me for dermatological skin diseases, usually these are all kinds of rashes, redness and suppuration on various parts of the body.

Important application features

To achieve more visible results In treatment it is necessary to observe the following features:

  • Apply ointment in the evening, this allows the components to penetrate deeply and have a therapeutic effect;
  • Not recommended after application, within 2 hours go out into direct sunlight;
  • Do not apply the product in a thick layer this can cause burns;
  • Do not use as a set with exfoliant, as well as with alcohol-containing preparations;
  • Not recommended for use on the skin around the eyes;
  • Do not apply long time, more than 1 month, be sure to take breaks between courses of treatment.

Compliance with the treatment features allows you to speed up the treatment process and reduce the likelihood of adverse reactions.

Stories from our readers!
“I have acne like a teenager. I tried a lot of products, but they all gave a temporary effect. A friend advised me to try a spot cream. I was satisfied with the result, after a week of use.

My face began to turn white and the red spots began to recede, but no scars remained. After a month of use, my skin became even and smooth! I recommend"


Retinoic ointment is contraindicated in the following situations:

The use of Retinoic ointment in the presence of contraindications can lead to an exacerbation of the disease and the occurrence of a large number of side effects.

Who said getting rid of acne is hard?

Have you ever tried to get rid of acne? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And, of course, you know firsthand what it’s like to look at yourself in the mirror with sadness; the need to “disguise” with foundation; constant experiments with scrubs, peelings, cauterizations with iodine. Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can acne be tolerated? Therefore, we decided to publish an interview that tells how to get rid of pimples, blackheads and acne.

Side effects

The use of Retinoic ointment may cause the following side symptoms:

If such side effects occur, it is necessary to reduce the dosage. If symptoms do not disappear within 24 hours, stop treatment with the substance.

Tired of dermatitis?

Peeling of the skin, rash, itching, ulcers and blisters, cracks - that's all unpleasant symptoms dermatitis.

Without treatment, the disease progresses, and the area of ​​skin affected by rashes increases.

It has the following properties:

  • Relieves itching after the first use
  • Restores, softens and moisturizes the skin
  • Eliminates rashes and peeling skin in 3-5 days
  • After 19-21 days, completely eliminates plaques and traces of them
  • Prevents the appearance of new plaques and an increase in their area

Is it possible to overdose?

An overdose can occur only in cases where Retinoic ointment is used in large quantities.

In such cases, red spots on the skin and swelling of the skin may appear. If such symptoms occur, you must stop using the drug.

Interactions and incompatibility with drugs

Retinoic ointment is used in complex therapy.

Experts do not recommend using Retinoic ointment during use alcoholic drinks, such a combination can negatively affect the treatment process and contribute to the formation of additional side symptoms.

Storage conditions

Retinoic ointment is dispensed without the need to provide a prescription from your doctor.

Shelf life is 2 years from the date marked on the package. Store in a dark place, avoid direct sunlight on the packaging.


Retinoic medicinal ointment has a price that varies from 140 to 320 rubles , depending on the volume of packaging.


If a large number of side symptoms occur from the use of Retinoeva ointment, you can use drugs with a similar effect on the body.

Possible analogues:

  • Retasol– for external use, produced in liquid form. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps cleanse pores and reduces the formation of scars and spots after acne. Price 350 rubles ;
  • Adaklin– for external use, prescribed to restore damaged areas of the skin. Reduces the occurrence of inflammation and eliminates acne. Contributes quick cleansing pores and normalization of the sebaceous glands. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use. Price 280 rubles ;
  • Differin– a substance for external use, has rapid penetration into the deep layers of the skin and eliminates inflammatory formations. Prescribed for the treatment of all types of acne and acne. Has the ability to manifest therapeutic result a few days after starting use. During the period of eliminating acne, it does not leave scars or blemishes. Price 450 rubles ;
  • Isotrexin– a drug that has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects on the skin. Contains an antibiotic, which is aimed at eliminating microbes that cause skin disease deep in the layers of the epidermis. Not suitable for long term use. Contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Price 470 rubles ;
  • Clenzit C– a substance for external use penetrates deeply into the layers of the epidermis and has an antibacterial effect. Appointed for elimination various types inflammatory formations. Can be used as a drug to eliminate small scars. The vitamin A included in the composition allows you to activate the natural processes of skin restoration and increase the intake of nutrients to the problem area. Price 510 rubles .

The use of analogues requires a sensitivity test and a detailed study of the instructions for use.

Each type of drug may have its own unique effects on the body, so you should consult your doctor before use.

Retinoic ointment - treats acne and tightens facial skin. The effectiveness of its use against wrinkles and skin inflammation is confirmed by reviews of cosmetologists and dermatologists. It launches rejuvenation processes and stops the development of inflammation. What provides effective action ointments? And where else can this product be used?

Composition of retinoic ointment: vitamin and vaseline base

R etinoic ointment contains one of the natural forms of vitamin A - retinoic acid or isotretinoin. This acid effectively stops skin aging, fading and the appearance of wrinkles. It also reduces sebum production and dries out inflamed areas.

In addition to the main substance, the composition of the ointment contains Vaseline oil, emulsion wax, glycerin, alcohol. They create a basis in which the active ingredient dissolves. The ointment base ensures long-term absorption of the composition through the skin, its prolonged therapeutic effect. The ointment also nourishes dry skin and helps retain moisture.

The effect of the ointment depends on the amount of active substance in its composition (in pharmacists' terminology - the percentage of retinoic ointment). Two forms of the drug are available - with a concentration of 0.05% And 0,1% . Instructions for use of retinoic ointment recommend using the composition 0,05% for the prevention of aging, and 0,1% - for the treatment of small and medium skin folds, wrinkles.

Retinoic ointment and gel

Ointment preparations contain a large amount of fatty components. The cream contains less fat base and more water, alcohol. Gels have a purely water base without fat.

Considering the composition various forms the same substance, to patients with dry skin it is recommended to use ointments. For oily skin, ointment forms are harmful. They clog the sebaceous ducts and impede the outflow of skin lubricant. People with oily skin are prescribed gels and creams.

In addition, the choice of ointment or gel is determined by the components they contain. Thus, isotretinoin (as part of retinoic ointment) is suitable for dry skin. And a substance similar to it from a number of provitamins of group A - tretinoin, - suitable for oily skin. These components are representatives of the same group of synthetic vitamins, but they manifest themselves on the skin in different ways.

Note: with age, a person loses moisture. At the same time, his skin becomes drier. Therefore, the ointment form of the drug was chosen as a remedy for wrinkles. In which fat nourishes aging skin, and retinoic acid prevents the formation of wrinkles.

What is Retinoic ointment used for?

The instructions for retinoic ointment regulate it as a good cosmetic product for treatment problem skin. It is applied to the face for wrinkles and acne, stretch marks, blemishes and inflammation. How do the components of the ointment work on cosmetic problems and inflammation?

Retinoic ointment for wrinkles

The instructions position retinoic ointment as an anti-wrinkle product. Isopretinoin enhances the synthesis of subcutaneous collagen and hyaluronic acid. As a result, the firmness of the skin, its elasticity improves, the number of fine wrinkles decreases and the depth of senile wrinkled folds decreases. Thus, using retinoic ointment for the face can improve the appearance of aging skin.

Note: reviews of cosmetologists about retinoic ointment confirm the fact that the anti-aging effect occurs only after long-term use of the ointment. According to clinical research, the minimum duration of therapy should be 36 weeks.

Retinoic acne ointment

Retinoic ointment is one of the few compounds that is not just used in for cosmetic purposes independently (at the initiative of the patient), and is prescribed for the treatment of cosmetic defects by a doctor. According to the instructions, it is used to treat acne (eels), acne and skin inflammation (dermatitis).

Retinoic acid normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It reduces the viscosity of sebaceous secretions and facilitates the removal of sebum. As a result, the face becomes less shiny and oily, and less sebaceous accumulations (blackheads, blackheads, comedones) form.

Effect of retinoic ointment from blackheads based on its ability to normalize sebum secretions. The sebaceous secretion is a breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms. Its accumulations lead to blockages of pores and inflammatory processes, redness of the skin, and the formation of ulcers. The use of retinoids normalizes sebaceous secretion, dissolves oxidized plugs (so-called blackheads) and stimulates the outflow of stagnant skin lubricant from the pores. Thus, acne becomes smaller, and the skin of the face acquires its normal flesh color.

And one more thing: retinoic acid helps cure oily seborrhea, remove dandruff and itching. To confirm this, we provide visual images of the effect of retinoic ointment (before and after photos).

Note: in the composition of the ointment, the effect of cleaning the sebaceous ducts is annihilated by the Vaseline composition. The oily base clogs the cleansed pores and blocks them full breathing. Therefore, for the treatment of acne and acne, it is better to use gel forms of the drug rather than ointment ones. They contain less fatty components, which allows the skin pores to breathe. This fact is confirmed real reviews cosmetologists about the use of retinoic ointment.

Features of application

There is an opinion that a good retinoic ointment rejuvenates the skin only after it causes irritation. This is true. Retinoic acid has some irritating effects. Therefore, before the effect of skin tightening becomes noticeable, the face may turn red and begin to peel.

Note: the effect of redness and irritation is stronger when using ointment, and weaker when using cream or gel.

Due to the irritant effect cosmetologists are recommended to start treatment with 0.05% ointment. The minimum concentration of isotretinoin allows the skin to “get used to it.” Afterwards, switch to ointment 0,1% .

In addition, it is important to choose the right treatment regimen. To avoid irritation and burns, the course of acne treatment is divided into 4 weeks and the following scheme is used:

  • 1st week- ointment is applied at night after 3 days.
  • 2nd week- ointment is applied at night after 2 days.
  • 3rd week- ointment is applied at night every other day.
  • 4th week- ointment is used every night.

It is important to consider: the composition is not applied where the skin is thin and vulnerable (for example, It is not recommended to apply around the eyes).

Retinoic ointment for age spots

Pigmentation is the appearance of spots on the skin with a different shade ( lighter or darker). Treatment of pigmentation is determined by the cause of its appearance. In most cases, the skin needs nutrition, and sometimes whitening components.

With some stretch, retinoic ointment can be called a remedy for age spots. It promotes the formation of new cells, which over time returns the skin to its normal color. However, the effectiveness of the retinoic composition against spots is very small.

Retinoic ointment for stretch marks

Stretch marks on the stomach - cosmetic defect, which forms on the skin of the abdomen in pregnant women. It is difficult to treat. Restoring the original appearance is possible with complete renewal of the skin. Therefore, you can use retinoic ointment for stretch marks, but this will not always completely remove this defect.

Contraindications to retinoic ointment

There are the following contraindications to the use of ointment with retinoids:

  • Retinoic ointment is not used at allergic reaction for synthetic components of the drug.
  • Retinoids are not prescribed to pregnant and breastfeeding women. They are also not recommended when planning pregnancy. The effect of retinol on uterine and infant not fully understood. Therefore, manufacturers do not take responsibility for the use of ointment during pregnancy and feeding.

A very small list of contraindications confirms that retinoic ointment can be used by almost everyone - women and men, adults and teenagers. For successful treatment without complications you need to know that long-term use retinol can cause hypervitaminosis (overdose of vitamin A). Signs of which will be general aches, headaches, dry skin, as well as the appearance of inflammatory processes in the digestive organs (intestines, stomach).

Analogues of retinoic ointment

The price of retinoic ointment is less than its price effective analogues- gels or lotions with retinoids (vitamins and provitamins of group A). However, treatment with ointment does not always bring results. What can replace the composition with isotretinoin if its effect is too irritating to the skin?

Analogue preparations of Retinoic ointment contain a similar active substance (retinoid) or its synthetic form (gel, cream or solution instead of ointment). Here are the names of some of them:

  • Drugs with the same active ingredient- Isotrexin gel and Retasol solution(contains isotretinoin). In addition, Isotrexin gel contains the antibiotic erythromycin. The gel form of the drug is better suited for oily skin (it clogs pores less). In addition, the gel is quickly absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes. As for the solution, a lotion with the same name (Retasol) is produced on its basis. It contains isopretinoin in a small concentration (only 0.025%). This is not enough to get rid of wrinkles, but it helps treat inflammation and acne.
  • Drugs with other active substance , which also represents the natural form of provitamin A - tretinoin. Their names are Lokacid, Airol. These analogues are characterized by a strong irritant effect on the skin.
  • Preparations with another active substance of synthetic origin - adapalene. These are Differin and Clensite.
  • Acnecutane, Roaccutane- drugs that are dispensed with a prescription from a dermatologist. They contain high doses of isotretinoin(0.8% instead of 0.1%) and are used for treatment severe forms acne (in medical terminology- acne). These formulations are highly effective acne remedies and are characterized by aggressive action.

More often than others, they offer Retinoic ointment as an analogue Differin cream or gel. What are its differences and are there any advantages to replacing it? Which is better - retinoic ointment or differin?

Differin is a cream or gel for the treatment of acne and skin inflammation. It contains a synthetic analogue of retinoic acid, adapalene. It accelerates skin exfoliation and reduces the activity of inflammatory mediators. As a result, the number of comedones is reduced, inflammatory processes(rashes and pimples).

For the treatment of acne, both products are interchangeable. There is a slight difference in age restrictions. Retinoic ointment can be used on children, but Differin cannot.. There is also a difference in the irritant effect on the skin (Differin is more irritating, sometimes they even say that “Differin burned the skin”). Otherwise, the actions of the drugs are similar.