Rhinitis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Dry rhinitis is an atypical form of runny nose Treatment of dry rhinitis in adults

Sometimes both adult patients and children experience a dry runny nose. This type of disease is characterized by dryness of the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses. In this condition, it loses its protective function and cannot cope with infections.

When the anterior nasal cavity is affected, anterior dry rhinitis occurs. This may be preceded mechanical damage or getting into nasal cavity caustic chemicals. If treatment for this manifestation of the disease is not started on time, then complications arise, expressed by atrophy of the mucous membrane in the nose.

When atrophic dry runny nose appears, the volume of the sinus mucosa decreases and atrophy occurs. This produces mucus with unpleasant smell. But this form of runny nose is rarely observed; patients are often diagnosed with anterior dry rhinitis.

When dry rhinitis occurs, mandatory treatment is required, since atrophy of the nasal mucosa leads to a decrease in a person’s immunity and weakens its defense, then against this background all kinds of complications arise.

Characteristic signs

A pathological problem of the mucous membrane in the nose, in which it dries out - this is a chronic process. Initially it spreads to the front of the nose, but further illness progresses and turns into chronic form. The main reason failure to contact a medical institution for qualified assistance in a timely manner is considered.

Over a long period of time, untreated dry rhinitis leads to resorption of the nasal septum, resulting in erosive ulcers and perforation. This type of complication of dry runny nose in a child occurs due to the underdevelopment of the respiratory system.

Drying of the mucous membrane, in addition to leading to the inability to protect the body from viruses that enter through breathing, causes discomfort in the nasal cavity. Dense green crusts form on the nasal mucosa, and when they separate, blood vessels are damaged, followed by bleeding.

Main symptoms

At the very beginning of the disease, patients feel a sudden onset of heat in the nasal cavities. Patients compare these sensations to inhaling hot steam. A dry runny nose may have additional feature in the form of a feeling of pain back wall throat when swallowing. A sharp burning sensation is felt at the junction of the nasal passages with the pharynx.

At this moment, you can feel the supposedly accumulated mucus, which you cannot blow off. Feeling foreign body in the nasopharynx makes breathing difficult. Body temperature may rise and headache may appear. The ability to smell is lost. Bleeding begins, and dryness in oral cavity leads to a change in the patient's voice.

A doctor, upon visual examination of a patient with dry rhinitis, discovers an expansion in the nasal sinuses, due to atrophic change anterior wall of the mucous membrane.

If you don't take action curative measures, then holes may subsequently form in the cartilaginous nasal septum.

It is very difficult to tolerate the symptoms of dry rhinitis for children under 3 years of age. Not fully formed respiratory system can lead to suffocation in this case. The child loses his appetite and becomes irritable. Blood often flows from the nose due to the bursting of the thin walls of blood vessels.

You can recognize the symptoms of dry rhinitis in a child by sniffing his nose without the presence of mucus. Typically, with this disease the temperature does not rise, unlike a cold. You should not ignore the symptoms - as this threatens the disease becoming chronic.

As a therapeutic technique for dry rhinitis, a child is advised to drink plenty of fluids and apply nasal drops with medications prescribed by an ENT doctor.


The disease may occur without the manifestation of characteristic symptoms, but ultimately, complete atrophy of the mucous membrane may occur with subsequent damage to the septum in the nose. The reasons that can cause the onset of dry rhinitis are as follows:

Such conditions damage the mucous membrane, causing a dry runny nose. In addition, a runny nose is sometimes accompanied by a dry cough due to throat irritation. Minor deformations of the nasal mucosa with dry rhinitis heal, forming crusts.

Diagnosis methods

Diagnosis of dry rhinitis does not require a long period. Even after the patient verbally describes the symptoms and his feelings, the doctor, using a visual examination of the nose, will already give the patient a preliminary diagnosis.

Rhinoscopy will help identify dilation of the nasal passages and crusts on the mucous membrane characteristic of such a runny nose. This examination can detect thinning of the mucous membrane in the nasal sinuses, as well as fragility blood vessels.

How to treat dry rhinitis

Doctors do not recommend self-medication for this disease. What to treat and how long the course will be is determined by the health worker. For dry rhinitis, treatment is completely different than for a runny nose caused by a cold. Incorrectly selected nasal drops and sprays can harm the course of the disease.

When choosing medicines for dry rhinitis, restoration of the mucous membrane and elimination of symptoms is provided. For this purpose, the following activities are carried out:

  • cleansing the nasal passages for dry rhinitis aqueous solutions using sea salt or similar pharmaceutical products Aqualor, Aquamaris;
  • application vegetable oils, fish oil for lubricating the sinuses;
  • in order to accelerate regeneration, damaged areas are treated with Solcoseryl;
  • irrigation of dense crusts on the mucous membrane in the nasal sinuses with special solutions for their subsequent removal;
  • instillation of antiviral drops into the nose (Grippferon or others)
  • exposure to inhalation mineral water with the addition of oils to the mucous membrane;
  • application antihistamines to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and for dry rhinitis (Zodak, Fenistil, Suprastin, Loratadine and others);
  • injection of antibacterial drugs into the nose.

Regular wet cleaning of the premises and the use of air humidifiers are considered as auxiliary measures. In addition, before full recovery the factors that caused the disease should be eliminated. It is necessary to exclude smoking, exposure to negative working conditions, and change of residence to an area with more suitable climatic conditions.

Keep this in mind! Positive effect Dry rhinitis is affected by staying near the sea or forest and performing balneotherapy.

Folk remedies

After consulting with your doctor, treat dry runny nose in addition to traditional method can be done using folk remedies using infusions and decoctions.

Recipe No. 1

Prepare an infusion of chamomile, nettle and calendula herbs. For 1 cup of boiling water you will need 1 tbsp. l. mixtures of these herbs in dry form. After 2 hours, the infusion is filtered. Used as nasal drops. Instillation is carried out 4 times a day, 5 drops in each nostril.

Recipe No. 2

Prepare aloe juice yourself and add the same amount of bee honey to it. Lubricate the nasal cavity 2 times a day.

- This chronic inflammation nasal mucosa, characterized by constant dryness. For dry rhinitis, treatment should begin as early as possible, because similar condition can lead to various complications: decomposition of the mucous membrane, erosion of nasal cartilage, etc. If you consult a doctor in time, this disease can be cured in one week.

Causes of dry rhinitis

Dry runny nose is a type of common runny nose, in which pathological process affects anterior section nasal septum. Very often, this disease is observed in chemical industry workers who are exposed to chromium, lime, cement, powder dyes, arsenic, etc. for a long time. These substances, settling on the nasal mucosa, have a chemical and mechanical irritation, which causes it to dry out and swell.

Dry rhinitis can also be caused by:

  • frequent runny nose;
  • infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • allergic reactions;
  • sudden changes in microclimatic conditions;
  • consequences of surgery;
  • mechanical injury to the nose.

Symptoms of dry rhinitis

Signs of a dry runny nose directly depend on the stage of the disease and the nature of its course. In the first stages, the patient may experience:

  • thick nasal discharge that is difficult to get rid of by blowing your nose (in some cases it can be purulent);
  • dry nose;
  • slight decrease in sense of smell;
  • dry crust on the mucous membranes, when removed, bleeding occurs.

If these symptoms are not paid due attention and treatment is not started, then after some time the patient will experience atrophy of the bone walls of the nose. The following symptoms appear:

  • constant nasal congestion;
  • purulent discharge;
  • expansion of the nasal passages;
  • lack of smell;
  • a whistling sound is heard when inhaling and exhaling air;
  • difficulty breathing (the patient may feel as if there is a foreign object in his nose).

Diagnosis and treatment methods

If you suspect rhinitis of any type, contact an ENT doctor, who, to determine the cause of the disease, can refer the patient to the following procedures:

  • microbiological examination of the mucous membrane;
  • computed tomography and x-ray examination to confirm or exclude sinusitis and sinusitis;
  • general blood test.

It depends on the reasons that caused the disease and is selected individually for each case.

The basis of therapy is moistening the nasal mucosa with saline and sea salt solution.

It is recommended to install an air humidifier in your room, with the help of which the optimal level of humidity will be constantly maintained in the room.

For a runny nose caused by infection, it is prescribed traditional therapy which includes nasal rinsing antibacterial agents. Can also be prescribed oral administration medications, the choice of which depends on the causative agent of the infection.

If rhinitis is a consequence of an allergy, then it is necessary to identify the allergen and completely eliminate contact with it in the future. To reduce an allergic reaction are prescribed antihistamines and nasal sprays. If the patient has elevated temperature Medicines that have antipyretic and diaphoretic effects are used. To facilitate nasal breathing, vasoconstrictor sprays and drops (Farmazolin, Naphthyzin, Nazalong, etc.) should be instilled.

No less effective and more safe method Treatment of dry rhinitis is traditional medicine, which has many time-tested recipes in its arsenal. The absolute safety of this therapy allows it to treat rhinitis not only in adults, but also in young children. Most popular recipes traditional medicine are:

  1. Aloe or Kalanchoe juice. Used to improve breathing and reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa. This product should be lubricated 3-4 times a day. internal cavity nose
  2. Calendula juice. Has excellent antiseptic properties.
  3. Tincture of ephedra two-spikelet. Acts as a vasoconstrictor.
  4. Vaseline ointment with the addition of propolis and fish oil. Relieves dry nose and reduces swelling.
  5. Nightshade juice. Used to treat chronic rhinitis.

Dry rhinitis - this disease is one of the varieties of atrophic rhinitis. The causes of the disease have not yet been clarified, but frequent infectious diseases and allergic reactions are identified as provoking factors. respiratory type and a climate with sharp temperature changes. It is also not excluded increased risk the occurrence of atrophic rhinitis due to genetic factors and hormonal imbalance.

Upper respiratory tract, which unites the nasopharynx, play important role for the body. Receptors of the mucous membrane produce a secretion that washes away the pathogenic flora, and it enters the body in small quantities. This is why a runny nose occurs - the respiratory organs struggle with the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms, washing them out.

With dry rhinitis, the secretion is not secreted, and microbes penetrate the body unhindered.

Symptoms and causes of dry rhinitis

When a disease occurs in initial stage the patient constantly feels thirsty, but when he drinks water, discomfort– dryness in the nasopharynx – intensifies.

There is no mucous discharge at the beginning, but swelling of the mucous membrane gives the feeling that the nose is stuffy. It is impossible to blow your nose - this procedure can cause nosebleeds.

Difficulty breathing causes headache, heaviness in the forehead, makes it difficult to concentrate.

On initial stage the disease may increase to low-grade fever, feel a sore throat, change the timbre of your voice.

In most cases, anterior dry rhinitis occurs - the nasal cavity in the area of ​​the front of the nose expands. On the nasal septum in the front part there are ulcerative defects, the blood vessels become fragile, and even a small physical impact - when breathing or sneezing - is enough to provoke a nosebleed.

Dry runny nose causes serious complications– pathogenic flora is not filtered out, but is immediately introduced into the respiratory system through the nasal passages.

If you do not start treating a runny nose at this stage, then dry rhinitis will very quickly turn into acute atrophic, and its symptoms are loss of smell and decay of nasal cartilage.

Therefore, as soon as the first symptoms appear, treatment of dry rhinitis must begin immediately.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

If the disease is detected at the very beginning - before the appearance of abundant purulent discharge, that is, the opportunity to prevent an irreversible process - atrophic rhinitis.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of a visual examination - swollen vessels stand out sharply on the hypertrophied mucosa - and a scraping smear from the nasal mucosa - it is necessary to identify pathogenic microorganisms that provoked the disease.

Treatment is symptomatic only - vasoconstrictor drops should be avoided, they cause further drying of the mucous membrane. However, it is impossible to do without them if the swelling is so severe that it makes breathing difficult.

How to treat dry rhinitis?

You should start with regular nasal rinsing. At home, the nose is washed with a solution table salt– 1 tablespoon per liter of water, sea ​​salt, "Aquamaris" or "Aqualor". IN outpatient setting procedures are done with a special alkaline solution.

It is very important that the room is regularly wet cleaned and the air humidity is maintained at 56-60%. If the cause of dry rhinitis is considered to be an allergy, then antihistamines are introduced into therapy.

It is necessary to do oil inhalations and lubricate the nasal passages with oil preparations and Lugol's solution. The use of aromatic oils during treatment should be discussed with your doctor.

If a runny nose of this nature is caused by the introduction viral infection, therapy can be carried out with antibacterial or antiviral agents.

The immune status of the body is increased with the help of immunocorrectors and vitamin preparations.

Traditional medicine

You can try to eliminate unpleasant symptoms with folk remedies:

  1. Drops can be prepared:
  • from the juices of calendula and red geranium leaves taken in equal quantities;
  • ephedra juice;
  • aloe juice - aloe is mixed 1/1 with sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • St. John's wort tinctures;
  • black nightshade juice - this medicine cannot be used for more than a week;

  1. The nasal passages are lubricated with menthol or sea buckthorn oil, Vaseline;
  2. It is advisable to add tincture of eucalyptus or calendula to the solution for rinsing the nose;
  3. For variety, you can rinse the nasal mucosa with tincture of chamomile, sage, oak bark. Last resort due high content tannins helps reduce vascular fragility;
  4. If there is no fever, hot baths for the hands and heels with mustard relieve swelling of the mucous membranes.

In some folk recipes Incorrect advice is given, for example, lubricate the nasal mucosa with a honey solution with onion or garlic juice, drip the nose with diluted beet or carrot juice. When treating a dry runny nose, this cannot be done - since there is no mucous discharge, the nutrient medium will cause rapid growth of pathogenic flora and the disease will worsen.

Preventive measures

Since dry rhinitis is chronic disease, it is very important not to aggravate the condition. It should be treated as soon as a “chill” is felt in the larynx area. This feeling cannot be confused with anything - it seems that the air enters directly into the throat, and does not heat up at all when breathing.

You should not allow your nose to become stuffy or cause swelling of the mucous membranes. At the slightest sensation of dryness in the nose, it is necessary to start rinsing.

Dry runny nose is one of the varieties of well-known rhinitis, which has its own characteristic features. Contribute to the manifestation of such unusual shape diseases can be caused by a variety of factors. Symptoms in this case may also differ significantly from the symptoms of standard rhinitis. As a rule, with a runny nose, many patients experience profuse nasal discharge, burning and sneezing.

But in some cases, a person may be affected by a non-typical pathology called dry rhinitis. In this situation, there is no discharge from the nasal canals, and instead the patient is bothered by dryness in the nose, difficult nasal breathing. Therapy for dry runny nose requires a slightly different approach than for ordinary colds.


A feeling of dryness in the nose often begins to bother the patient after a recent operation or traumatic situation. In addition, symptoms of nasal tissue atrophy often appear in people working in hazardous industrial factories.

Constant contact of mucous membranes with chemicals and toxic substances negatively affects the condition of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract.

Other probable reasons Reasons why an adult may experience symptoms of a dry runny nose include:

  • sudden change in climatic living conditions (moving to another country);
  • which has already been going on long period, constantly getting worse;
  • regular inhalation of harmful exhaust or industrial waste (gases that pollute the environment);
  • presence of bad habits – smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs;
  • mechanical damage to the mucous tissues of the nose (for example, when trying to clean or blow your nose).

All of the above factors can cause constant drying of the nasal mucosa. If treatment is not started in time, then over time the epithelium will begin to change and atrophied tissue will form. Rhinitis in this case acquires chronic course.

Manifestations of dry runny nose

Before treating dry rhinitis, it is necessary to ensure the accuracy of the intended diagnosis. Most characteristic symptoms The following pathologies can be distinguished:

  • loss of the ability to distinguish smells, changes in the tone of the voice;
  • constant feeling of congestion in the nasal cavity; excessive dryness in the nasal passages;
  • burning and itching sensation inside the nose;
  • difficulty blowing your nose, inability to fully cleanse your nose;
  • periodic spotting from the nose;
  • signs of general intoxication of the body.

In particular advanced cases dry runny nose, small erosions begin to appear on the mucous membranes of the nasal canals.

In this case, the symptoms expand: the patient notices the formation of mucous crusts that are purulent or bloody in nature, pain and discomfort in the nose intensifies.

Diagnosis of the disease

If the patient is already familiar with what dry rhinitis is, he will certainly be able to recognize its characteristic symptoms. After this, you should immediately see a specialist. The otolaryngologist will conduct initial examination and make a preliminary diagnosis.

To help a specialist, the patient must try to to the fullest describe your feelings. In such a matter as diagnosing rhinitis, every detail is important.

The picture will become more complete only when the doctor performs a rhinoscopy - visual inspection nasal cavity. The otolaryngologist will be able to finally confirm the diagnosis if, during the examination, he notices the following picture:

  1. The nasal cavity is atypically expanded. C inside Dry crusts of mucus form and accumulate on the wings of the nose.
  2. In advanced cases, the presence of crusts that have a purulent green or yellow color.
  3. Noticeable naked eye damage to the nasal mucosa: its unnatural pallor and thinness.
  4. Reducing the number of small blood vessels in the nose. The remaining capillaries will noticeably appear on the pale surface of the wings of the nose.

Treatment options

For this reason, otolaryngologists are against self-medication and do not recommend purchasing nasal drops and aerosols until a final diagnosis is made. Methods for getting rid of dry rhinitis include recipes from both official and alternative medicine.

Regardless of which method of treatment will be used, the patient must do everything possible to eliminate the problem as quickly as possible. The first step to recovery may be the elimination of all factors that contribute to the aggravation of the disease. Improving lifestyle in any case will have a positive effect on the patient’s well-being.

You should stop working for a while industrial production, leave bad habits, organize complex nutrition. During the treatment of dry rhinitis, it is better to change the climate to a more humid one: go on vacation to the sea, take walks in the forest.

Drug therapy

After detailed examination and installation final diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe you a certain list of medications. Remember that the decision on how to cure dry rhinitis cannot be made on your own.

Treatment of dry rhinitis begins:

  1. With regular irrigation of the nasal canals with moisturizers. An ordinary saline solution is suitable for this.
  2. Abundant treatment of the nasal cavity with glycerin ointment, Vaseline, medicinal oils: coniferous, eucalyptus, sea buckthorn.
  3. Use of antiallergic drugs if an allergic reaction is related to congestion.
  4. Instillation of nasal drops for the nose, increasing local immune defense(Interferon).
  5. Performing therapeutic inhalations with oil-based drugs.

If a bacterial infection is involved, inject antibacterial solutions (Isofra or Polydex) into the nasal cavity.

Traditional medicine recipes

Time-tested recipes will help you improve your health and cope with dry nose. After consulting with your doctor, you can try one of the following remedies:

  1. Take dry nettle and calendula leaves in equal proportions. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of herbs. Let the medicine sit for several hours. Apply 3 drops into each nostril.
  2. Dilute agave juice halfway with bee honey. Use as a means to lubricate the inside of the nose.
  3. Mix sea buckthorn and menthol oils in equal quantities. Apply the resulting medicine to your nose before going to bed.
  4. Take a couple of tablespoons of rosehip oil and combine it with 0.5 tablespoons of propolis tincture. Soak a bandage in the solution and wipe the nasal passages 2 times a day.

Preventive measures

Preventing pathology is much easier than treating dry rhinitis later medications. Symptoms unpleasant illness will bypass you if you follow simple rules:

  1. Rinse your nose with solutions in a timely and correct manner sea ​​water. The procedure must be performed so as not to damage the nasal membranes.
  2. Organize sufficient and stable air humidity at home.
  3. Review your diet and include foods rich in vitamins and mineral complexes.
  4. Give sufficient quantity sleep time (at least 8 hours).
  5. Give up bad habits.
  6. Ventilate all rooms in the house daily and carry out wet cleaning.
  7. Treat colds and rhinitis in a timely manner and prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases.
  8. Do not postpone a visit to a specialist if you discover any defects in the nasal cavity.

The likelihood of any disease occurring in adults and children increases if the immune system does not perform its functions well enough.

Symptoms of a runny nose also make themselves felt more often at a time when the body's defenses are weakened. Absent in dry rhinitis clinical picture, characteristic of a standard runny nose. So-called dry snot indicates that the mucous tissues of the nose have begun to atrophy.

Only a specialist can determine how to treat this type of rhinitis. The patient’s task is to promptly detect suspicious symptoms and seek advice from a doctor. This is the only way to avoid a lot negative consequences diseases.

As a result of weakened immunity, a person becomes more likely to get sick. This is especially related to climate change. During the off-season, children get sick more often than adults. The first symptom colds is a runny nose with copious mucus discharge through the nasal passages. Dry rhinitis - special kind a disease characterized by dryness and atrophy of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Why it appears, why it is dangerous for adults and children, and how to deal with it, let’s look at it in more detail.

Dry rhinitis is an atypical type of runny nose in which there is no flow of mucus from the nose. When choosing treatment, it is important to know all the symptoms that characterize this disease. It is more common in adults than in children, but the disease is more severe in children.

The clinical picture is as follows: the mucous surface of the nasopharynx dries out, becomes deformed, sometimes microscopic cracks form, protective functions decrease, the mucous membrane becomes an entry point for various infections.

The ICD 10 code is J30. This disease occurs when improper treatment can cause many complications. Sometimes they appear as ulcers in the nasal passages, which for a long time don't pass. What could be the causes of the disease? First of all, they are:

  1. Sudden weather changes. After low temperatures environment sharp warming occurs, and vice versa.
  2. Periodic runny nose, when the time frame between the manifestations of signs of rhinitis is very short.
  3. Occupational diseases. Work involving prolonged exposure to a polluted atmosphere (soot, dust, harmful substances).
  4. After surgery on ENT organs.
  5. Various types of infections.
  6. Alcoholism and smoking.
  7. Damage to the mucous membrane as a result of strong nose blowing.

It is these reasons that most often cause the mucous membrane to dry out, causing it to become covered with scars. Only timely detection of symptoms can help eliminate the problem so that it does not become chronic.

The severity of treatment depends on timely detection primary signs. What to pay attention to:

  • lack of smell;
  • the appearance of hoarseness in the voice;
  • dry nose;
  • severe itching and burning;
  • while blowing his nose, the patient does not feel complete cleansing;
  • there is a feeling of the presence of a foreign object in the nose;
  • sometimes blood may ooze from cracks and wounds;
  • headache;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • general malaise;
  • body temperature rises;
  • feeling of nasal congestion.

Important! Even though the nasopharynx is clear of mucus, the patient feels severe congestion which makes breathing difficult. The same feeling appears as a result of crusts on wounds or rough growths that cannot resolve on their own.


Let's look at the main types of dry rhinitis. According to its manifestations, it is divided into anterior and atrophic.

Dry anterior rhinitis

This disease affects the anterior part of the nasal cavity. Most often, signs of anterior dry runny nose occur in people whose professional activity associated with working in dust and gas pollution. These external factors negatively affect the nasal cavity, drying out its mucous membrane, gradually leading to atrophy.

The doctor will use rhinoscopy to determine the type of runny nose. Such an examination reveals thinned mucosa and its atrophy. If the patient has changes in the nasal septum, the disease can lead to deformation of the cartilage tissue.

Atrophic dry rhinitis

Atrophic runny nose is accompanied by loss of smell. If treatment is not started promptly, then acute form will become chronic. It is less often diagnosed by doctors. Unlike the first, a runny nose is still accompanied by thick, unpleasant-smelling nasal discharge.

How to treat rhinitis

Once symptoms of such a runny nose are detected, you should consult a doctor, since dry rhinitis has its own treatment characteristics. An ENT doctor treats the disease.

In adults

The action plan for treating the disease is as follows:

  1. Wetting the nasal mucosa. For this purpose, weak saline solutions are used. 1 tsp. dissolve in warm water and irrigate the nasal cavity alternately. Manipulation should be carried out at least 5 times a day using a medical syringe. Today, saline solutions can be purchased in pharmacies.
  2. Maintain the humidity level in the room. To do this, you should ventilate the room and do wet cleaning to get rid of dust.
  3. To relieve swelling and congestion, use antihistamines.
  4. If detected allergic runny nose, then you need to find the allergen and eliminate it. The doctor prescribes antiallergic drugs, taking into account individual characteristics the patient's body.
  5. If a dry runny nose is accompanied by a headache and high fever, then antipyretic and painkillers will help.
  6. Can be used essential oils. To do this, the nasal cavity is lubricated with sea buckthorn or fir oil with the help cotton swab or turund. An ointment that can be bought at a pharmacy (Evamenol, Pinosol, etc.) has a similar effect.
  7. Immunomodulators (Interferon, etc.).

Important! Oil-based drops should be used, as they have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, gently envelop it and prevent the formation of cracks.

During treatment, you should stop smoking and avoid places with polluted air. This will significantly shorten the duration of the disease.

In children

The formation of crusts in the nose of a child causes a lot of problems. He sticks his finger into his nose, picks them off, causing the mucous membrane to bleed and new crusts to grow. If the baby is very small, then he is constantly capricious. To help him, parents put regular drops into his nose, which dry out the mucous membrane even more. What does the doctor advise:

  1. Moisturizing with oil solutions. This should include inhalations using oil solutions, irrigation of the nasal mucosa with water-salt preparations.
  2. Using a cotton swab and oil, soften the crusts and remove them from the nose.
  3. If the disease occurs with the addition bacterial infection, then the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics to destroy pathogenic microflora. Among them: Ciprofloxacin, Rifampicin.
  4. Use of decongestants: Tavegil, Suprastin.
  5. A course may be prescribed ultraviolet irradiation nasal cavity and other physiotherapy procedures.
  6. Vasoconstrictors: Tizin, Pinosol, Ephedrine.

IN in rare cases apply electrophoresis using nicotinic acid, but not more than twice a week, followed by treatment with oil remedies for the common cold.

Treatment with folk remedies

Chronic or acute rhinitis, is treated more effectively in combination. This therapy involves the use drug therapy with traditional medicine recipes.

Important! Before use folk remedies You should consult your doctor.

The most common recipes are:

  1. Washing with tinctures medicinal herbs: eucalyptus or calendula. To do this, in a pre-prepared saline solution add a few drops of the product and irrigate your nose with this product at least 6 times a day.
  2. If a dry runny nose is accompanied by a cold, then in the absence of elevated temperature it is effective to take warm baths with mustard powder or salt.
  3. Lubricating the nasal passages menthol oil. This remedy is useful before bedtime, as it relieves the symptoms of rhinitis during rest.
  4. To get rid of dry nose, lubricate it fish oil, mixed with Vaseline in a 1:1 ratio.
  5. Freshly squeezed aloe juice, three drops in each nostril. Use with caution to treat runny nose in children, only after consulting a doctor.
  6. Mineral water – best way for washing. Use water with a high content of mineral salts (Borjomi, Essentuki).
  7. If you are not allergic to bee products, you can carry out inhalations using them.
  8. Garlic inhalations. Pour boiling water over the chopped garlic clove, cool, then inhale the vapors.

All methods can be used if they do not cause deterioration in well-being. If during self-medication any side effects, should be abandoned home procedures so as not to cause complications of dry rhinitis.