Viagra for men and what for women? What happens if a girl takes Viagra?

  • Each tablet contains: 100 mg Sildenafil
  • Action time: 4-6 hours
  • Onset of action: after 30-40 minutes
  • Active ingredient: Sildenafil (Sildenafil)
  • Manufacturer: India
  • Taste: Bitterish

Description: Women's Viagra is an Indian medicine created for women with problems in the sexual sphere of life. The drug allows you to increase libido, prolong sexual intercourse, increase sensitivity and, accordingly, sensations during orgasm. Besides physiological effects a woman may feel improvements in her psycho-emotional state. Female Viagra is recommended for occasional use. The onset of action of the medicinal product is 35-45 minutes, time general action- five o'clock.

Directions for use: The effect of Female Viagra begins 30 minutes after administration. You should start using the drug with a dose of 50 mg. The maximum dosage is 100 milligrams per day.




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Women's Viagra: drug action and effectiveness

In the online store, Women's Viagra is sold in the form of bright red tablets. Each tablet is coated with a protective film-coated, which has no taste or smell. The cardboard package contains one blister in which four Viagra tablets are packaged.

The only one active substance The drug is Sildenafil citrate. It is contained in a dosage equivalent to 50 or 100 milligrams. Additional ingredients are:

  • crystalline cellulose
  • carmellose sodium
  • Magnesium stearate
  • titanium dioxide
  • lactose
  • triacetin

Female Viagra works on reproductive system as follows. Getting through oral cavity into the stomach, it is absorbed by its walls, and then penetrates the circulatory system. Chemical composition Sildenafil citrate in this drug slightly modified. It increases blood flow by increasing cGMP levels by smooth muscle organs. The labia minora, as well as the clitoris, which is the “analogue” male member, is filling sufficient quantity blood. Additionally, the functionality of the mucous glands increases, due to which lubricant begins to be released from the woman’s vagina, dryness and soreness disappear. A surge of sexual excitement guarantees vivid sensations during orgasm.

Indications for use

Before you buy Female Viagra cheaply in our store, study the list of indications for its use:

  • The need to increase sexual libido
  • Low sensitivity to natural stimulation
  • Poor blood circulation in the pelvic organs
  • Increased dryness of the vaginal walls
  • Lack of attraction to your partner
  • Minimum duration intimacy

Female Viagra is recommended for the treatment of hysterectomy, as well as for the removal pain syndrome during menopause and postmenopause. The drug can be used to reduce the level of vaginal sensitivity after surgical intervention: hysterectomy, etc.

Contraindications and side effects

Female Viagra has the following contraindications for appointment:

  • severe heart and vascular diseases
  • high blood pressure
  • retinal pathology, retinitis
  • stomach or intestinal ulcer
  • myeloma, sickle cell anemia

Women's Viagra is contraindicated for children and men. It is recommended to postpone its administration during recovery period after myocardial infarction, stroke, abdominal surgery. The drug should not be used during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the presence of uterine fibroids. Female Viagra is contraindicated for diseases that preclude excessive sexual activity.

Possible side effects include: redness of the face and neck, cramping in the temporal region, frequent hot flashes, and general malaise. Gastrointestinal upset is caused by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, diarrhea, heaviness in chest. In some cases, a woman feels a change in the light sensitivity of the retina and an increase in body temperature.

If one of the above symptoms is established, you should stop taking the medication and, if possible, remove its remnants from the body. If the patient's condition does not improve within a few hours, seek qualified medical attention. medical care, take a series of tests.

Instructions for use

The price of Female Viagra in pharmacies is indicated per unit. Before you start taking it, go through medical examination for any contraindications, and carefully read the instructions.

The method of taking the drug is oral. The recommended dosage is 50 milligrams of Sildenafil citrate. Taking into account the effectiveness, it can be reduced or increased to 25 or 50 milligrams, respectively. The maximum dosage is 100 milligrams per day. The recommended dosage frequency is once every 24 hours.

Female Viagra should be taken 30-40 minutes before sex, washed down with bottled water or other non-alcoholic liquid. The product is used regardless of meal time. Its duration of action is on average five hours. It is not recommended to combine the product with food products whose fat content exceeds 30%. Try to stick light diet and eat low-calorie foods, grains, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Alcohol compatibility

The compatibility of Female Viagra with alcohol is minimal. The manufacturer does not recommend combining the drug with alcoholic beverages. During the tests it was revealed that ethanol not only reduces the concentration of Sildenafil citrate in the blood, but also interferes with the removal of its residues from the body. As a result, the effect of Female Viagra slows down. Increased risk of developing adverse reaction, possible intoxication. Whenever negative symptoms consult a doctor.

Compatibility with other drugs

You can order Female Viagra with delivery only if the woman does not take the following groups medicines:

  • organic nitrates
  • amyl nitrates (poppers)
  • adrenergic blockers
  • alpha, beta blockers
  • nitric oxide donors

Prohibited simultaneous administration drug with Nitro-dur, Nitroglycerin, isosorbide mononitrate and dinitrate. If possible, limit the use of painkillers, relaxants, antivirals, sleeping pills. The product should not be combined with drugs used to treat HIV infections. Female Viagra should not be used together with medicinal products that have a similar effect.

Storage conditions and periods

Storage conditions and periods are described in the instructions for use of Female Viagra. The product should be stored in a dry and dark place where moisture, water and ultraviolet rays do not penetrate. The air temperature should be between +15 and +25 degrees. The product must not be frozen or stored in the refrigerator. The room should be ventilated regularly.

The shelf life of Female Viagra is two years. The date of manufacture is indicated on outside packaging. Check it before purchasing the product. It is not recommended to take the drug after the expiration date. Effect on ability to drive vehicle was not detected when taking Female Viagra. Do not give tablets to small children. If the product enters the child’s body, perform a gastric lavage with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then contact your pediatrician.

Buy Women's Viagra

If you don’t know where to buy Female Viagra tablets at a pharmacy, pay attention to the assortment that we offer you. The online store is a convenient service where you can find the necessary medicine according to the specified parameters. We did everything to ensure that the client was satisfied with the purchase.

Buying Viagra for Women from us means getting the following benefits:

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  • Favorable delivery conditions. Delivery of Viagra for girls is carried out to any region of the city within the time limits specified by the order. Pickup of products from the warehouse is also possible.
  • 24/7 consultation. If you have any questions regarding the use of a particular medicine, a qualified manager will be happy to answer them.


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IN different period In her lifetime, every woman may experience decreased libido or other sexual dysfunctions. Stress, difficult childbirth, gynecological diseases, age-related and hormonal changes, change of sexual partner - this is an incomplete list of reasons that affect a girl’s sexual desire and her ability to enjoy sexual intercourse. Female Viagra is a drug that helps enhance sensations during sex due to blood flow to the pelvic organs and genitals, and improve the quality of intimacy.

Viagra for women

The drug Viagra, originally developed to improve male potency, was soon adapted for the female body, since representatives of the fair half of humanity sometimes need increased sexual arousal. Women's Viagra is designed to enhance the sensitivity of a girl's genital organs; taking the drug helps increase the girl's libido and her ability to achieve a vivid orgasm.

Composition and release form

Viagra for women is available in the form pink pills diamond-shaped, containing 25, 50 or 100 mg of sildenafil, an active substance that restores the body’s natural physiological response to sexual arousal. Full composition The drug is presented in the table below:

How Viagra works for women

Generic Viagra, developed for women, restores physiological characteristics the girl's body's reaction to sexual stimulation. According to studies, the majority of women who took the pills experienced an increase in sexual desire and the quality of the pleasant sensations received during sexual intercourse. The effect of Viagra on women occurs due to the influence of sildenafil on blood circulation in the pelvic organs and proceeds according to the following “scheme”:

  • blood flow to the labia and clitoris increases, their sensitivity increases;
  • the amount of lubricant secreted by the vagina increases;
  • libido increases, sexual arousal increases;
  • painful or discomfort in the uterus or vagina during sexual intercourse.

Indications for use

Women's libido may decrease due to various reasons, and not in all cases it is necessary to take pills. Indications for taking Viagra for women are sexual dysfunctions associated with the onset of menopause or hormonal changes V postpartum period, as well as during periods of recovery after suffering severe gynecological diseases, as a result of which a woman has lost the ability to experience orgasm during sexual intimacy.

Directions for use and dosage

Viagra for women is not addictive, but should be taken in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician and the instructions contained in the instructions for use. A single dose of the drug (25, 50 or 100 mg) is selected in accordance with the reasons that caused sexual dysfunction and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. The tablet is taken half an hour before sexual intercourse, the effect is observed within 4-6 hours. Gynecologists do not recommend regular continuous use; the treatment regimen is developed individually for each case.

Special instructions

Viagra for girls cannot be taken together with a number of others medications(nitrates, nitrogen donors and beta-blockers). Fatty foods may weaken the absorption of female sildenafil, which will negatively affect the effectiveness of the drug. Due to the high probability of negative side effects It is not recommended to combine Viagra tablets with other female pathogens or psychotropic substances.

Viagra and alcohol

Instructions for use of Viagra for women do not recommend joint reception drug with alcoholic beverages. Alcohol consumption increases the load on the cardiovascular system, therefore, in addition to weakening the stimulating effect of the drug, it can cause negative consequences in the form of arrhythmia, tachycardia, dizziness, and other reactions from the vascular and nervous systems of the body.

Side effects

In some cases, with an incorrectly calculated one-time dose of the drug or due to the individual characteristics of the female body, negative reactions from the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems. If one of the following side effects occurs, you should stop taking the drug and consult your doctor to eliminate the consequences and replace the drug:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • chills;
  • allergic reactions on the skin;
  • visual impairment and photosensitivity;
  • nausea and other digestive disorders.


The use of Viagra is not recommended for women during pregnancy or with illnesses cardiovascular system accompanied by angina pectoris and arrhythmia, with liver and kidney diseases, during leukemia, with uterine fibroids. High or low blood pressure can also cause serious negative consequences when taking the drug. Taking tablets is contraindicated if you have an individual intolerance to any component. Concomitant use with the following is prohibited: medicines:

  • Ketoconazole;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Cimetidine;
  • Itraconazole

Terms of sale and storage

You can buy Viagra at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The product must be stored at a temperature no higher than 25 °C for no more than three years from the date indicated on the package. Keep away from children.

Female Viagra

Sildenafil citrate 100 mg


Each tablet contains: 100 mg Sildenafil
Action time: 4-6 hours
Onset of action: After 30-40 minutes
Active ingredient: Sildenafil (Sildenafil)
Manufacturer: India
Taste: Bitterish

Description: Designed to solve the problems of female sexual desire disorder and female sexual dysfunction. Designed to satisfy sexual needs and prolong pleasure.

Directions for use: The effect of Female Viagra begins 30 minutes after administration and lasts at least 4 hours. Most patients can take Female Viagra daily.

Female Viagra

This drug appeared experimentally, thanks to an unsuccessful experiment with a heart drug. Having recognized it as ineffective, doctors stopped further experiments with it, but the volunteers on whom it was tested noted that it heals and increases potency. This is how the famous Viagra for men appeared, which flew around the world.

Herbal and environmentally friendly safe drugs, she helped many men believe in themselves and get back to life again. But few people know that there is also a female Viagra, the principle of action of which differs from the male one.

Main difference and principle of operation

The female drug works a little differently, since hormonal background men and women are different. In men, it simply increases blood flow to the pelvis and keeps the blood vessels in good shape. In women, it increases sensitivity to touch and causes unprecedented sensations even from a simple touch, and also makes orgasms more vivid, which a woman would not have experienced without this drug.

It is also interesting that its effect depends on hormonal levels. If the coldness was caused by reasons such as fatigue or lack of female sex hormones, then Viagra for women is what you need, unless there is cardiac pathology, chronic alcoholism or mental illness with increased nervous excitability. But if the reason lies in non-acceptance of the partner and in the relationship with him, the drug, even if it helps to liberate, will not last for long, since if a man is disgusting to a woman, then no Viagra will help her accept his touch and liberate to the end.

Reviews about this expensive drug You can find a variety of them on the Internet. Some women write about new and unforgettable sensations that they did not experience even in their early youth, others consider it useless and not worth the money, and still others, on the contrary, complain that the excitement persists for weeks and is accompanied by a headache. Therefore not different women Viagra works in different ways and before taking it, you need to consult a doctor and take a trial dose and see the result. But this may depend on various factors. Here are the main ones:

Factors of influence

1. Phase menstrual cycle. If you take Viagra the day before your period starts or ends, it may increase bleeding due to blood flow to the pelvic organs, which are already in good shape because of this. physiological state. Therefore, it is not recommended to take Viagra on such days. Also, the effect may be enhanced during the period of PMS and ovulation, which can cause too strong effect, as well as side effects in the form of nausea and headache. Therefore, Viagra is most effective during periods of rest, that is, approximately 7 days after the end of menstruation and 10 days before it begins, not counting the 2 days before menstruation, when hormonal levels change.

2. General hormonal levels. If a woman has a normal libido, but for some reason psychological reasons cannot relax with a partner, then Viagra can lead to abnormal excitability and too strong effect. Therefore, it is advisable to independently check your excitability before taking female Viagra.

Perhaps the reason for pseudofrigidity is that you need to change your partner rather than take drugs. But if the coldness is caused hormonal disorders, then Viagra is exactly what you need. She can not only create a great mood, but also cure hormonal levels.

3. Fatigue and heart problems and nervous system. May be contraindications for use. You should also not take female Viagra with alcohol, as stated in the instructions for the drug. You can learn about other contraindications from your doctor.

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Problems with sexual desire, in modern world quite common. Disturbance at the sexual level as a result of psychological or physical reasons They occur not only in men, but also in women.

Today in pharmacy chains you can purchase drugs to solve problems with sexual life. Viagra has been very popular for many years. Its main action is aimed at increasing potency.


Drugs for male potency have long been available on pharmacy shelves. But it appeared not so long ago new option– Viagra for women, also sold in tablet form.

Both types of product contain one medicinal component– sildenafil. However, due to the difference between female and male body, additional substances differ. In addition to magnesium, calcium, sodium and cellulose, which are found in men's products, female drug includes:

  • titanium dioxide;
  • lactose;
  • triacetin.

The mechanism of action of the tablets on the body is designed to restore and enhance blood circulation in the reproductive system, as well as to increase sexual desire.

For men

Indications for use include disorders in the form of erectile dysfunction that occur against the background of vascular pathologies or serious psychological herbs. It is worth noting that in the absence of sexual arousal, the pills are less effective.

As a result of application:

  • the duration of sexual intercourse increases;
  • quality improves sexual relations;
  • increasing the frequency of sexual intercourse in one period;
  • increased feeling of orgasm.

The action lasts for four hours. Problems with potency have individual characteristics, so the duration of the effect of the medication may also differ.

Cost from 500 rubles per package (1 tablet).

Viagra does not cure erectile dysfunction, it has a temporary effect, so it should be used as needed!

For women

  • pronounced signs of menopause;
  • vaginal dryness syndrome;
  • lack of sexual desire and sexual arousal;
  • failure to achieve orgasm;
  • problems with psychological concentration on sex.

The medication has an effect on female body tonic and stimulating effect. As a result, the woman experiences orgasm due to increased:

  • testosterone level;
  • sensitivity of cells of the erogenous zone;
  • secretion of natural sexual lubrication.

In addition, relaxation occurs on a mental and physical level.

The price for a female stimulator is on average from 650 rubles (1 tablet).

Contraindications and side effects

The male drug is contraindicated:

  • when taking nitrogen oxides or nitrates;
  • when taking similar drugs;
  • age group of persons under 18 years of age;
  • women.
  • when planning to conceive a child;
  • during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • for problems with blood pressure;
  • for cardiac pathologies.

Both products are contraindicated if you are allergic to the components of the composition. You should also be careful when combining tablets with other medications.

Signs of side effects include: insomnia, headaches, allergies to skin, violations respiratory function, muscle pain, dysfunction of the urinary organs and other symptoms.


Among a large assortment of pharmacy products, you can choose generics of Viagra. In some cases, substitutes are selected due to contraindications or a reaction to the composition, and sometimes the reason is the high cost of the original. Many analogues of Viagra are cheap compared to the cost of the original, but it should be understood that their action may be less effective.

Drugs to improve the quality of sexual relationships are popular, so you can always easily find analogues of Viagra for men, but finding a female generic is a little more difficult.


The best remedy to replace the original is Sildenafil. Its main purpose is to increase potency and enhance sexual desire in women and men.

It is worth noting that generic Viagra Soft has a name similar to the active ingredient of the original product.


  • problems with erectile function;
  • impotence of psychogenic and organic type.

Sildenafil increases the erection level, improves blood circulation in the pelvis, prolongs the duration of sexual intercourse and enhances the sensations obtained from sex.

Composition of the drug Sildenafil:

  • active substance citrate;
  • cellulose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • povilon.

Generic Viagra can also be used by women.

Sildenafil has contraindications for use:

  • illnesses circulatory system liver and heart;
  • congenital anomalies of the structure of the penis;
  • intolerance to constituent substances.

For women, use is excluded during planning or pregnancy. Not recommended during lactation.

If you compare prices for analogues, Viagra is less expensive than Sildenafil. The cost of one tablet is from 100 rubles.

Vectra 100

Considering Substitutes original product, special attention attention should be paid not only to the drug Sildenafil, but also to the Indian medicine - Vectra 100. The price of generic Viagra soft is much higher, but it should be noted that the cost of the medicine is calculated from a package of 10 capsules. Therefore, Vectra 100 is a relatively cheap analogue of Viagra for men. The price for one tablet will be from 140 rubles. In addition, unlike the original, Vectra 100 continues to act for about six hours.

Indications for use have a list similar to the previous tablets.


  • rapid achievement of a stable erection;
  • maintaining an erection for at least five hours;
  • rapid excitability even with repeated sexual intercourse;
  • increased sensitivity nerve cells skin.

Vectra 100, unlike Sildenafil, is not considered a generic female Viagra. These tablets provide real help only for male deviations.


  • heart disease;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • age under 18 and over 65 years.

Generic Viagra for men has no contraindications. A reaction to the composition can only occur in case of an overdose.


Russian analogue of the original, used to solve problems with male potency. The price reaches 10,000 rubles, depending on the number of tablets in the package and dosage. Minimum cost from 1000 rubles (1 tab).

Despite the fact that the drug is not cheaper than other capsules, its popularity is just as high. This is due to the effect of use:

  • the action begins in twenty minutes;
  • the effect lasts up to one and a half days;
  • significant aggravation of all sensations during sexual intercourse.

Many foreign and Russian analogues of Viagra are not compatible with alcohol. Cialis is an exception. The medicine can also be used to treat genitourinary system for certain indications.

Generic Viagra Soft has a particular effect on the body. Without a feeling of attraction to a woman, the composition of the medication (the main substance is tadalafil) remains inactive. That is, until a man sees a woman, an erection does not begin.

It has contraindications for cardiovascular diseases and abnormal deformations of the penis.


The German generic Viagra soft - Levitra, is medical device, recommended for the treatment of potency in men. Levitra can be taken in a course. The drug is intended not only to temporarily enhance erection, but I also full recovery with impotence.

The product replacing the original gives results for minor problems in 30 minutes. If there is complete dysfunction of the genital organ, the effect begins to appear after three to four weeks of regular use.

The composition of Levitra is based on the substance – vardenafil. It is this component that contributes to:

  • increased erection;
  • increasing sensitivity and tone;
  • prolongation of sexual intercourse.

Levitra – exclusively male remedy, it cannot be used as a generic for female Viagra. These tablets are contraindicated for the weaker sex. , like other drugs, has similar contraindications.

In pharmacies the cost of Levitra starts from 850 rubles per tablet.


When choosing cheap analogues of the original drug, you can also consider the Indian remedy – Camargue. Minimum quantity tablets per package – 4 pieces. The cost of packaging is from 800 rubles.

Despite the fact that the main active substance is sildenafil, (a permitted substance) it is difficult to find in a pharmacy in Camargue. More often it is ordered from online pharmacies (shops).

Generic Viagra Soft can be used for one-time use, to enhance sensitivity, as well as to increase erection time during intimacy. Camargue specialists prescribe it for the treatment of complete impotence.

After taking the medication:

  • the time of sexual intercourse is extended;
  • sensations become stronger;
  • there is a need for repeated intimacy.

In addition to its effect on sexual desire, the Camargue has antibacterial properties, warning infectious diseases genitals.


The drug Impaza is a cheap analogue of Viagra for men. Its cost for 20 tablets is no more than 500 rubles, which is significantly cheaper than most generic drugs. Impaza is not intended for single use in order to enhance erection for a short period of time. The medication has medicinal properties and is used for course therapy.

Inexpensive Impaza tablets, which mainly contain chemical elements(nitric oxide, a type of antibody, etc.) are indicated for the following disorders:

  • erectile dysfunction or instability;
  • dissatisfaction with the quality of sexual life (from one’s own side);
  • decreased attraction to women;
  • menopause in men;
  • inability to have prolonged sex due to physical impotence.

The course of using the medication can be extended from three months to six months. It is recommended to take one or two tablets per day.

Impaza has one more advantage over other analogues - the medicine is contraindicated only if you are allergic to the composition, and also does not provoke side effects.

Vuka – Vuka

When comparing prices, it can be noted that domestic analogues are much cheaper. Another Russian drug, which is cheaper than the foreign original - Vuka - Vuka. Just like Impaza, the drug is sold in a package of 20 tablets (there are product options with a large number capsules). The average price for an analogue of Viagra in a pharmacy is 600 rubles (per package).

A distinctive feature of the product is that it is not a medicine. Vuka – Vuka is a biological additive, the composition of which is RK “Zifro” (complex of plant extracts):

  • Virosa sukurinegi roots;
  • carissa (edible);
  • heteromorph (tree-like);
  • Geeria (reticular);
  • Velvicha Triumphetta.

Vuka – Vuka does not have an immediate effect. The dietary supplement has a cumulative effect and is intended to prevent potency problems. The course of its use is four weeks. It is recommended to repeat the preventive course of use periodically. Contraindications – allergies to plant matter composition.


Among Russian analogues original drug With a lower price, Eromax capsules are popular among men (60 capsules - from 1000 rubles).

Eromax – universal remedy for men, which can also be used as a generic for female Viagra.

The composition of the capsules is a complex of plant components:

  • ginseng;
  • Horny goat weed;
  • Leuzea.

The composition is also supplemented with other substances:

  • vitamin B6;
  • L-arginine;
  • drone brood;
  • zinc citrate.

As a result of regular course use, the following effect is observed:

  • increase libido and testosterone by 50%;
  • improvement and stimulation of erectile function;
  • a significant increase in the sensations experienced during sex.

In addition, Viagra substitute Eromax accelerates metabolic processes, improves blood circulation and increases muscle tone. For women, the dietary supplement is especially useful, since in addition to its effect on the genital area, it postpones menopause and slows down all processes associated with cell aging.

Stimulants at home

To the surprise of many, you can prepare an analogue of Viagra at home. Main secret home remedy is that all components have aphrodisiac properties.

For this purpose the most different herbs and products. The most powerful stimulants of male sexual desire are:

  • ginseng root;
  • walnuts;
  • parsley;
  • watermelon (layer under the skin);
  • and others.

Before using any means to improve erectile abilities and treat potency, you should definitely get the advice of a specialist.

It is safe to say that the discovery of sildenafil - the main active drug the well-known “Viagra”, became a real revolution in the pharmaceutical industry. After all, the problem of decreased male potency is now quite simple to solve.

Men quickly appreciated the convenience and high efficiency new drug. Viagra was sold out, despite its rather high cost. Many men felt the joy of a fulfilling sex life. About efficiency magic pills They began to tell legends and even write jokes. Naturally, all this could not pass by women.

A little about female curiosity

Despite the fact that Viagra was developed exclusively for men suffering from erectile dysfunction varying degrees severity, many women wanted to try the drug on themselves. How does Viagra work on women? Can women take it? I will try to answer these questions below.

Let's understand the mechanism of action of sildenafil. How does it generally affect the human body?

Sildenafil is a selective inhibitor of phosphodiesterase type 5, so its use in men stimulates blood supply to the penis, and at the same time relaxes the muscles of the cavernous body. As a result, all necessary conditions for an erection to occur, but an erection does not occur without sexual stimulation.

What will happen if a woman takes Viagra? Sildenafil will increase blood supply to the woman’s genital organs and increase the secretion of natural lubrication. That is, it will actually launch the same processes that independently arise during strong sexual arousal.

Women's problems in the sexual sphere

Statistics say that almost 40% of women suffer from various sexual dysfunctions. They arise as a result somatic diseases, and as a result of many reasons psychological nature. To the most common female dysfunctions include lack of sexual desire, lack or absence of lubrication, inability to enjoy sexual intercourse, anorgasmia, frigidity.

Taking sildenafil will ensure blood flow to the female genital organs and enhance their somatic stimulation. Preliminary clinical trials showed the high effectiveness of sildenafil.

What doctors say

Dr. Laura Berman, a psychologist involved in research into the effects of Viagra on women, said: "We believe that there is a significant increase in sensitivity, arousal and an increased chance of orgasm." Since the mechanisms of sexual arousal in men and women are very different, experts recommend combining the use of sildenafil with a consultation with a psychologist.