Nutrition for lung cancer patients. Diet for lung cancer, do's and don'ts

During treatment of a malignant neoplasm, the patient should eat foods that have antitumor properties. A diet for lung cancer is, first of all, abstaining from eating harmful foods that can aggravate the patient’s condition.

During the period of fighting the disease, a person takes medications that destroy not only the tumor, but the entire body. Food cannot change this situation, but it helps to resist the disease.

Diet goals

One of the causes of cancer is improper and inadequate nutrition. During illness, this situation needs to be corrected. A person should eat foods that stop the growth of tumor cells. Despite the serious diagnosis, the patient’s diet should be natural and varied.

With metastatic lung cancer, a person often loses the desire to eat. The patient quickly loses weight. Namely, with food he can get all the substances important for the body. Only with food can you replenish your vital energy reserves.

The goal of the diet is to provide the body with all nutritional components, prevent sudden weight loss, stop the appearance of new metastases, speed up metabolism and detoxification of the body, and strengthen the immune system. For these purposes, the diet of a cancer patient is saturated with microelements and vitamins.

True, you need to take vitamin-containing foods and antioxidants in low doses so as not to provoke the growth of new pathological cells. To combat tumors, it is useful to consume omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, shrimp, oysters).


It is necessary to follow a daily routine and eat well, regularly. However, you should not overeat. You need to take small amounts of food 5 times a day. Be sure to drink liquids between meals, for example, herbal teas, compotes, juices.

Diet principles:

  1. The diet should be diverse, include all types of nutrients.
  2. In the menu you should enter porridge from cereals.
  3. The diet should be rich in vitamins A, C, E, D - carrot, beef liver, citrus fruits, cottage cheese.
  4. Must be eaten daily antioxidants– fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs.
  5. The menu should have omega-3– fatty acids – cod liver, sea fish, olive oil, walnuts.
  6. It is forbidden to eat sugar, fatty, fried foods.

Nutrition for lung cancer includes those foods that replenish the body's energy reserves (eggs, fish, rabbit, chicken). The menu includes plant foods every day, for example: tomatoes, persimmons, apricots. Seaweed slows down the growth of tumors.

Foods rich in fiber and dietary fiber help eliminate toxins and waste. Pears, apples, pumpkin, turnips, cereals, wholemeal bread, and bran have these properties. During cancer treatment, you need to forget about sugar, because tumor cells require a lot of sucrose for their development. In order not to aggravate the situation, the patient should give up sweets.

During treatment, you should avoid processed foods and foods containing dangerous food additives. The diet should be completely natural and environmentally friendly. Food should be cooked immediately before eating. The fewer low-quality, harmful products that enter the body, the easier it is for it to fight the disease.

To increase the body's resistance, consume foods containing selenium– liver, eggs, barley, corn. For lung cancer, it is useful to eat sea fish, nuts, dried fruits, parsley, and parsnips.

Products that contain antioxidants and help strengthen the immune system help in the fight - honey, garlic, citrus fruits, tomatoes, broccoli, kiwi, and fresh berries.

  • fresh fruits, vegetables, greens;
  • cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, milk;
  • garlic, onion, horseradish, ginger;
  • walnuts, Brazil nuts, peanuts;
  • seafood;
  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • porridge;
  • non-acidic berries;
  • green tea;
  • vegetable oil.

Buckwheat, wheat or rice porridge should be included in your diet every day. They are prepared from whole grain cereals. Place a small piece of butter on a plate before use.

If you have lung cancer, you are allowed to eat lean meat: rabbit, turkey, lamb, veal. The patient must have low-fat milk and fresh juices on his table every day. It is recommended to use wholemeal bread.

For regular bowel movements, you need to eat fermented milk products, vegetable salads, seasoned with vegetable (olive) oil. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid (green tea, herbal infusions) per day.

To avoid losing weight, you need to take healthy fats. They are found in the following products: olive oil, cottage cheese, yogurt, fish, red meat, eggs. If you have no appetite, you can add seasonings to your food - cinnamon, curry, oregano. Turmeric has antitumor properties. For nausea, it is recommended to use ginger.

During chemotherapy, it is necessary to pay attention to foods rich in protein, since the treatment destroys this substance. Fish, poultry, lean meat, cottage cheese, eggs, peanuts, and soy will help replenish its reserves.

Immediately after drug therapy, you should not eat solid food. Food needs to be boiled, ground, and rubbed through a sieve. During this period, you should refrain from taking vitamins. They can trigger the growth of new cancer cells.

Fried and fatty foods, smoked sausages contribute to obesity. Excess weight sometimes provokes mutation of healthy cells. Bad habits, poor environment, frequent stress, and hormonal disorders accelerate the development of oncology.

Prohibited Products

If you have lung cancer, you should exclude from your diet foods that can harm the patient. You cannot eat canned food bought in a store, as well as ketchups, mayonnaise, and sauces. The patient is not allowed to eat cakes, baked goods, or various sweets.

Prohibited products:

  • home conservation, marinades, pickles;
  • smoked products and sausages;
  • fat and fried foods;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • legumes;
  • coffee;
  • margarine;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • raising agents, food additives, preservatives;
  • sugar, its substitutes, confectionery products;
  • wheat bread.

Patients often suffer from stomach upsets during treatment. To reduce the formation of gases, exclude grapes, cucumbers, cabbage, and carbonated drinks.

If you have lung cancer, you should avoid fast food establishments and eat chips, French fries, hot dogs, and hamburgers.

Fast food does not contain nutrients, but only loads the body with fast carbohydrates and fats. By eating in cafes and bistros, you can quickly gain extra pounds, which is harmful.

Sample menu

For cooking, only fresh products are taken, in no case expired. For this purpose, purchases are made in supermarkets or markets. Food is steamed, baked, boiled.

You can't fry anything, not even sauté for soup. Lunch is prepared before consumption.

You need to eat 5 times a day. The interval between meals is 3-4 hours. During this period, you can eat an apple and drink herbal tea.

Option one:

  1. First breakfast: 250 ml orange juice.
  2. Second breakfast: steamed eggs, fresh tomato salad with onions and parsley, a slice of rye bread, prune compote.
  3. Dinner: red beetroot borscht, boiled beef, mashed potatoes, yellow pepper and herb salad, 250 ml of rosehip broth.
  4. Dinner: cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, linden tea with honey.
  5. Before sleep: a glass of yogurt.

Option two:

  1. First breakfast: oatmeal with butter, green tea with honey.
  2. Second breakfast: baked rutabaga with dried apricots, nuts, honey.
  3. Dinner: vegetable soup with beef, buckwheat porridge with rabbit stewed in sour cream, St. John's wort decoction.
  4. Dinner: liver salad with rye bread, fig compote.
  5. Before sleep: a glass of kefir.

Lung cancer is a dangerous disease, during the treatment of which you need to try to eat well so as not to harm your body. The main thing during this period is not to drink alcohol or smoke.

The patient needs to follow a daily routine, sleep a lot, be in the fresh air every day and try not to get nervous. It is important to remember that proper nutrition for lung cancer does not mean food restrictions, but simply eating healthy foods and ignoring junk food.

Let's talk about nutrition for lung cancer, what's possible and what's not. This disease is the leading killer of men and women around the world. Over the past few decades, due to the increase in the number of women who smoke, the death rate from lung cancer in women has doubled.

Women appear to start smoking at a younger age than men. 85% of lung cancer cases are due to smoking. 15% of patients diagnosed with lung cancer are non-smokers. Environmental factors, including diet and lifestyle, are believed by doctors to play a huge role.


The diet includes foods high in antioxidants, including vitamin C and vitamin E, and cancer-fighting carotenoids, as well as healthy fats, including adequate amounts of Omega 3 in a healthy ratio to Omega 6. Vitamin D is essential. Do not forget that vitamin D is absorbed with sufficient exposure to the sun.

A cancer patient should include in the diet:

  • bright fruits and vegetables colored green, yellow, red and orange containing carotenoids;
  • nutrition for lung cancer should contain vitamins “C”, “D” and “E”;
  • turmeric – Indian spice;
  • sea ​​fish tuna, salmon, sardines, herring and their oils or other Omega 3, as well as flax;
  • selenium-rich Brazil nuts;
  • sunflower and sesame seeds;
  • fish and seafood;
  • traditional soy products;
  • green tea has anti-cancer polyphenol.
  • eggs, meat and whole grains;
  • garlic has a powerful preventive effect against skin, intestinal and lung cancer.

With that said, the number one tip for any lung cancer diet is to focus on eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. Countless studies have confirmed the link between high consumption of fruits and vegetables and a reduced risk of lung cancer.

Some studies have shown that those who eat plenty of fruits and vegetables reduce their risk of developing lung cancer by half. Fruits and vegetables should be eaten three times a day to better fight tumors. Let's look at some of these nutrients in more detail below.

Smokers need to consume 35 mg more vitamin C to compensate for the oxidative effects of smoking. For purposes of the lung cancer diet, vitamin C is an essential component of the tissue matrix, and is therefore important for maintaining healthy lung tissue, and healthy blood vessels concentrated in the lung tissue.

Additionally, vitamin "C" is the cornerstone of any antioxidant due to its ability to recharge wasted antioxidants such as vitamins E and beta-carotene that may be oxidizing. In fact, vitamin C, as well as selenium and other nutrients, may be the missing link to avoiding an increased risk of death from lung cancer.

The diet should contain a high content of selenium. Several studies have found a link between low selenium intake and cancer, including lung cancer. Scientists believe that selenium works in several ways:

  1. Selenium increases levels of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant whose low levels are associated with an increased risk of cancer. Glutathione levels decrease with age.
  2. Selenium helps form C43 protein, which stops the growth of cancer cells and helps them behave normally and promotes the death of cancer cells.

What foods contain selenium?

Selenium is found in many types of foods. However, be careful. It all depends on the soil in which these foods are grown; if the soil is poor in selenium, the level of selenium in the food will also be low. Low selenium levels are due to intensive agricultural practices.

Food Sources of Selenium

Brazil nuts have an extraordinary concentration of selenium. Other good sources of selenium are sesame and sunflower seeds, nuts, fish and shellfish, meat, eggs and whole grains, including wheat germ and brown rice and onions. When it comes to the lung cancer diet, you need to eat enough foods rich in selenium.

Curcumin is the active ingredient in the Indian spice turmeric and has amazing anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties. Therefore, it is included in the lung cancer diet. Include curcumin in your diet. Season cabbage, peas, lentils, carrots and eggplants with turmeric spices.

Include chicken, lamb or lean beef in your diet with a preponderance of vegetables. Add onion, garlic, salt and olive oil to the vegetables. Use turmeric in marinades along with garlic, olive oil, onion and other spices. Turmeric, combined with other spices, complements meat well.

High consumption of turmeric in Indian cooking, especially curries, is believed to be one of the reasons for the 8 times lower incidence of lung cancer in India compared to developed countries, as well as lower rates of other cancers. This is despite high levels of smoking and poor air quality in much of India. Combining turmeric with black pepper and ginger, as is done in traditional curry preparation, enhances the anti-inflammatory effect of turmeric.

may vary significantly from person to person.

The following factors influence life expectancy:

  • Age – Young people tend to live longer than older people.
  • Gender – The average life expectancy of a woman with lung cancer is higher at each stage of lung cancer.
  • Stage and extent of cancer spread.
  • General health at the time of diagnosis.
  • Side effects of treatment and tolerability of treatment (chemotherapy, surgery, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and radiation therapy affect people differently).
  • Other health conditions such as emphysema may be reduced to 4 degrees.

Lung cancer can spread to almost any area of ​​the body, but most often spreads to the brain, bones, liver and adrenal glands. There are many people who have survived stage 4 cancer for 10 years.

The first thing doctors advise their patients is to always stay in shape by adopting a healthy lifestyle. This actually includes being able to quit smoking and avoiding dangerous chemicals that can worsen their health. Another way is nutrition for lung cancer - eating healthy foods rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Fresh foods found in nature are beneficial for strengthening the immune system in stage four. Healthy vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower contain antioxidants that can fight cancer. Mushrooms can be added to soups because they contain lectins.

A protein that can fight against abnormal and cancerous cells that grow quickly. It is recommended to avoid foods that are rich in additives, or too salty or sweet. Processed foods are not healthy. It is highly advisable to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Dairy products such as yogurt contain nutrients. It is necessary to include eggs in the diet. Green tea, a product high in lycopene and lutein, which also has a beneficial effect on the patient’s body. Drink enough water.


Most tumors in oncology are detected by chest x-ray. CT scans, as well as MRIs and various types of biopsies are used to confirm the diagnosis, depending on the symptoms.

If the cancer has not spread to other organs, surgery to remove the tumor may be possible if there is enough lung tissue left to breathe. In addition to and in combination with surgery, radiation therapy is common along with various treatments. Sometimes a combination of these is used.

Depending on the condition, pain management is often a major focus in the treatment and management of lung cancer. A cancer patient's diet may play a role in pain management.

Risk factors:

  • Cigarette and pipe smoking, including secondhand smoke.
  • Hereditary factor.
  • Environmental pollution.
  • Exposure to asbestos in the workplace and at home.
  • Occupational exposure to arsenic and chromium.
  • Exposure to gas in the home and workplace
  • Tar and soot.
  • Vapors from home and commercial kitchens.
  • Chemicals.

The problem of smoking and alcohol affects not only men, but also women. Moreover, some studies suggest that women who smoke are more likely to get lung cancer than men who smoke the same amount of cigarettes. Women who smoke suffer higher rates of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Women who smoke may give birth to sick babies and premature babies with low birth weight.

Informative video

Diet for any cancer disease is 10-15% of the success of recovery. Nutrition plays a huge role in maintaining a normal balance of microelements and vitamins within the body.

Cancerous tumors release huge amounts of toxins into the body, and proper nutrition is aimed at reducing these levels to a healthy balance. Plus, you need to know what you can and cannot eat if you have cancer, so as not to worsen the condition and increase general intoxication, worsen blood circulation and not accelerate tumor growth.

Plus you need to improve your immunity and speed up cell regeneration. This is especially important after severe chemotherapy, which greatly affects the entire body, poisoning it. A healthy immune system itself will fight malignant cells and attack the tumor.

The goal of proper nutrition

  • Reduce general intoxication in the body and tumor localization.
  • Improve liver function.
  • Improve metabolism and regeneration of cells and tissues.
  • Raise hemoglobin and improve oxygen exchange between red blood cells and healthy cells.
  • Normalize metabolism.
  • Improve the balance of biochemical composition in the blood.
  • Removal of toxins and waste.
  • Homeostasis balance.

Anti-cancer products

A balanced diet and diet for cancer is very different from a normal diet. And usually the emphasis is on plant foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

  1. Green tea. Contains epigallocatechin gallate or catechin, which reduces the rate of tumor growth. Drink 200 milliliters of green tea every day after dinner.
  2. Chinese, Japanese mushrooms. Reishi, cordyceps, shiitake, maitake are good for increasing immunity in a weakened body. Plus it reduces swelling and swelling of the neoplasm itself. Strongly reduces intoxication near cancer and reduces its aggressiveness.
  3. Seaweed. Dulse, chlorella, wakame, spirulina, kombu are powerful inhibitory substances that inhibit the rate of tumor growth and reduce the process of cancer cell division. Particularly useful for patients with poorly differentiated tumors.
  4. Nuts and seeds. Pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, flax seeds, almonds, walnuts. They contain lignans, which increase the production of sex hormones. A good remedy that is used to prevent breast cancer. Without these substances, the body's cells are more susceptible to mutations, plus more toxins and extra enzymes appear in the blood. The seeds contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates and beneficial microelements for cells and tissues.

  1. Greenery with leaves. Mustard, alfalfa, sprouts, wheat, onions, carrots, parsnips, garlic, spinach, cumin, parsnips, parsley, lettuce. Contains a large amount of essential nutrients, minerals, vitamins and natural amino acids. The leaves also contain chlorophyll, from which we mainly obtain natural iron. Increases the amount of antibodies in the body, improves phagocytosis, reduces the amount of carcinogens in the blood and tissues. Removes inflammation in gastrointestinal cancer. The salad itself is best seasoned with flaxseed oil, which also promotes cancer therapy.
  2. Aromatic herbs. Mint, basil, thyme, marjoram, cloves, anise, cinnamon, rosemary, cumin, turmeric. Worsens the growth rate of tumor formations and improves metabolism.
  3. Legumes. Asparagus, soybeans, chickpeas, lentils, peas, green beans. Contains chymotrypsin and trypsin, which reduces the growth rate of aggressive cells. Improves cell regeneration. Goes well with boiled fish.
  4. Fruits, vegetables. Beets, lemon, tangerine, pumpkin, apple, plums, peaches, grapefruit, apricot. They contain beta-carotene, lycopene, ellagic acid, quarcetin and lubein - these antioxidants protect the body during chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

  1. Berries. Sweet cherries, cherries, currants, cranberries, lulberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries - the tumor produces a large amount of exogenous toxins, which the berries neutralize with the help of antigenic inhibitor substances. They improve the protection of cell DNA from ultraviolet and chemical exposure, reduce the chance of mutation and destroy cancer cells.
  2. Cruciferous vegetables. Turnips, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, radishes contain indole and glucosinolate, which improve liver function, reduce intoxication and impair the growth of cancer cells into blood vessels.
  3. Honey, royal jelly, propolis, beebread, pollen. Improves regeneration, increases immunity, reduces the rate of cancer growth and has a slight analgesic effect for the patient's body. Honey is often used for stomach cancer or carcinoma.

Prohibited foods for cancer

  1. Soda, soda cola and water.
  2. Alcohol in bags.
  3. Broths made from fish, meat or poultry.
  4. Margarine
  5. Yeast
  6. Sugar and sweets
  7. Vinegar-containing food
  8. Whole milk. The rest of the dairy products are okay.
  9. First grade flour
  10. Canned foods, pickles, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, pickled vegetables, etc.
  11. Stale potatoes.
  12. Highly fatty foods.
  13. Sausages, salted, smoked, it doesn’t matter.
  14. Any fried fat.
  15. Flour, baked goods, buns, cakes, confectionery products, where many additional substances are added.
  16. Mayonnaise and store-bought ketchup.
  17. Coco-Cola, Sprite, and other sweet carbonated and soft drinks.
  18. Processed and heat-treated cheese.
  19. Frozen minced meat, fish, meat and semi-finished products.
  20. Smoked, highly salted, spicy and very fatty foods.
  21. Beef meat - due to the huge number of additives, most cows have cancerous tumors; of course, they are cut out when selling, but it is better not to risk it.


First of all, you need to discuss your diet with your doctor, since only he knows the exact data about the location, stage and aggressiveness of the cancer. After any treatment, chemotherapy, as well as after surgery, it is better to rearrange the diet, since in this case you must first of all rely on easily digestible substances and foods, as well as those foods that provide a large amount of substances, protein and carbohydrates for restoration and regeneration.

For 1 kilogram of human weight, up to 30-40 kilocalories are needed. You can see the table below.

NOTE! Remember that the nutritional component should include: carbohydrates 55%, the rest 30% fat and 15% protein. Plus you need to consume vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.


  1. Eat food at normal temperature. Never eat very hot or cold food from the refrigerator.
  2. Chew foods thoroughly to improve digestion and absorption in the intestines. This is especially true for patients with gastrointestinal and stomach cancer.
  3. Do not fry food in oil, try to use boiled food. A double boiler helps very well in this matter. When frying, a huge amount of carcinogens are produced, which worsen the condition of the liver and the body as a whole.
  4. Eat little by little 5 to 7 times a day, in small portions no more than 250 grams.
  5. Only fresh food and only cooked food. Don't keep it for more than half a day.
  6. For patients who have undergone gastric resection surgery, all food should be ground in a blender.
  7. For vomiting and nausea, you should drink at least 3 liters of water per day. Do not drink carbonated and mineral water with excess salts. With a normal diet, be sure to drink 2 liters of water a day, pure or boiled. If you have kidney cancer, be sure to consult your doctor.

  1. If you feel sick in the morning, eat 2-3 pieces of toast or bread, you can also take biscuits orally.
  2. Ventilate the room if there are unpleasant odors or sensations.
  3. After radiotherapy, the patient's saliva production is impaired, then he needs to rely more on liquid food, cereals, finely chopped vegetables, and fermented milk drinks with herbs. To stimulate the salivary glands, you can chew gum or eat sour foods.
  4. Try to add onions, garlic and any fresh herbs to each dish.
  5. Half an hour before meals, drink two glasses of water.
  6. Eat more fiber to stimulate bowel function.
  7. If you have irritation of the stomach wall and severe heartburn, eat more cereals and less sour, bitter and sweet foods.
  8. If you have diarrhea, loose stools and diarrhea, then eat more crackers, cottage cheese, fresh potatoes, and flaxseeds. Eat less fruits and vegetables that have a laxative effect.
  9. For laryngeal cancer, when swallowing becomes very difficult, eat crushed food, fruits, vegetables, soups, thin cereals, etc.


Many people believe that taking vitamins accelerates the growth of the tumor itself. You must understand that a tumor, like any other organ, will of course consume all useful substances, but with normal therapy, the body will need to recover, and for this there must be a full range of microelements.

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Carotenoids
  • Selenium
  • Amino acids
  • Flavonoids
  • Isoflavones
  • Vitamins: A, E, C.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't you eat sweets if you have cancer?

You can eat it, but in limited quantities. In general, the harm of sweets has not yet been particularly proven in the development of cancer. But it is a fact that the tumor itself consumes an increased amount of glucose! But other tissues and organs in the body consume it this way, so you can’t completely give up sweets.

Can I drink wine?

Can be consumed, but not in large quantities. True, some types of oncology have contraindications. If the patient is severely intoxicated or is taking certain medications that cannot work when blood alcohol levels increase, then drinking any alcoholic beverages is prohibited. It is best to consult a doctor.

Will cottage cheese and calcium intake help with bone cancer?

No, that won't help at all. It also does not help with bone metastasis (breast cancer carcinoma) and other oncologies.

Can you drink coffee if you have cancer?

Coffee is great for stimulating the immune system and is an excellent antioxidant, but coffee does not help against cancer and can cause additional problems. Many doctors prohibit drinking it if you have cancer, because caffeine increases blood pressure and increases clotting, which can cause blood clots.

It is better not to use it, since coffee and any oncology are often far from each other. But for more accurate information, consult your doctor.

Is massage necessary for cancer?

The massage itself can only be done by a professional massage therapist who knows and is familiar with your pathology. In general, most people do not recommend doing any massages for oncology, due to the fact that the tumor may begin to grow faster when blood circulation is stimulated.

Can I drink milk or cream?

A little higher, we already pointed out that you cannot drink whole milk products. This is due to the fact that they contain substances that increase insulin-like growth factors. They influence the formation of cancer cells in the human body.

What medications are contraindicated?

Under no circumstances should you decide or consult with just anyone about taking medications. Moreover, do not look for this answer on the Internet. Any intake of any substance must be strictly agreed with the attending physician.

For example, some antibiotics are prohibited for kidney and liver cancer, but in general they are not prohibited for oncology. You need to clearly understand the nature of the disease, and only a qualified doctor can know about this.

Beet juice against cancer


  • Inhibits the growth of tumor cells.
  • Increases hemoglobin.
  • Normalizes the number of mature leukocytes in the blood.
  • Cancer cells become more oxidized and thus weaker to the body's immune system.
  • A good remedy for cancer: lung, bladder, stomach, rectum. In general, it helps with any cancer.

Cooking method

  1. Take and cut the beets into small pieces.
  2. Place in a juicer or blender.
  3. Strain the pulp and leave only the juice.
  4. Place the juice in the refrigerator at +5 degrees for 2 hours.
  5. At the first dose, drink 5 ml of juice after meals. Then gradually increase the dose by 3 ml each time to 500 ml (daily dose). You can’t drink everything at once, as your blood pressure may increase, your heart rate may increase, and nausea may appear.
  6. Take 100 ml 5 times a day half an hour before meals. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can increase the dose to 120 ml.
  7. Do not drink cold juice; it is best to warm it up to body temperature. You can also drink carrot, pumpkin and any freshly squeezed vegetable juice (especially healthy juice from red vegetables).

Modern methods of treating cancer are still far from perfect and sometimes have consequences no less destructive than the disease itself. This is why the foods you eat are extremely important.

To stay in shape, the body needs to receive the required amount of minerals and vitamins. However, cancer and its treatment rarely involve having a good appetite.

Video: Nutrition for cancer

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones! Don't lose heart

Foods to Avoid

A balanced diet for lung cancer necessarily includes the consumption of dietary meats, such as rabbit and poultry. When choosing how to quench your thirst, it is best to give preference to well-purified water, green tea and special herbal infusions. In addition, to combat weight loss, you should include chicken eggs in your daily diet.

Some of the best advice you can give about eating during chemotherapy is to avoid eating foods that you have a strong aversion to.

Thus, patients with severe nausea and stomach upsets often cannot eat bread made from wholemeal flour, as well as various coarse cereals.

  • food containing various food additives and preservatives;
  • sausages and canned goods. In most cases, they are made from low quality meat;
  • smoked meats and marinades. Preservatives have an extremely bad effect on food absorption;
  • sweets, sugar, as well as a variety of confectionery products;
  • refractory fats and various fatty foods. This includes butter and lard;
  • various sugar substitutes;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee.

What to pay attention to

Speaking about cancer and its effect on the human body, oncologists advise paying special attention to proteins. Surgical interventions, radiation exposure, chemotherapy, and the disease itself have a destructive effect on proteins. In turn, their timely use can significantly speed up the healing process.

Excellent sources of protein for humans are fish, poultry and meat.

However, an extremely small proportion of people undergoing treatment for lung cancer can safely eat such foods.

Most are forced to cope with nausea and look for lighter and easier to digest foods, namely:

  • milk and its derivatives in the form of yoghurts, cottage cheese and various cheeses;
  • eggs;
  • nuts, soybeans, beans, and almond or peanut butter;

When treating cancer, nutritionists advise consuming protein in the form of natural foods. However, if this does not help, then you will need to introduce some protein powders into your diet. A great example of these is powdered milk or soy whey.

If you have a problem swallowing, the powder can be mixed with a variety of soft foods, an excellent example of which would be mashed potatoes and a variety of smoothies and fruit smoothies.

How not to lose weight

The most undesirable effect of cancer and its treatment on the body is sudden weight loss, which can result in extremely serious problems. Since it is at this time that the body intensively resists the disease, all its metabolic processes can increase significantly. This leads to weight loss, as well as the need to eat more healthily and regularly.

However, losing too much weight can negatively affect the body's ability to fight the disease and reduce the effectiveness of any type of treatment.

To reduce the risk of weight loss, oncologists advise eating foods high in calories and protein, and using additives such as cinnamon, oregano or curry to increase the intensity of taste sensations.

Also, when undergoing any type of treatment for lung cancer, you need to increase the fat content in your daily diet. Usually this need is satisfied with pizza or good ice cream.

How to deal with the unpleasant consequences of treatment

Four out of five people undergoing chemotherapy treatment for cancer suffer from vomiting and nausea. These side effects can be alleviated by eating a number of foods. One of the oldest and most common remedies to combat nausea is ginger root. Also, foods such as crackers, dry toast, salted pretzels, white rice, potatoes and other foods high in starch can help alleviate the patient’s condition.

Other eating methods can also help with nausea. Since it is almost impossible to eat well, eating your fill every time, while undergoing chemotherapy, oncologists advise eating small portions of food, but doing it much more often.

In addition, it is extremely useful to completely change the food culture by having lunch or dinner in an unusual, intriguing environment: by candlelight, in nature, or at an unusual time.

How to prevent dehydration

Drinking adequate fluids is one of the key parts of nutrition in the treatment of any cancer. According to doctors, most of the symptoms of cancer and its treatment, namely nausea, dizziness and fatigue, can be the result of dehydration. It should be remembered that during chemotherapy it is necessary to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day.

Some drugs used in the treatment of lung cancer can have a suppressive effect on kidney function. Drinking plenty of fluids daily will help protect this organ. For this, both water and juices or a variety of sports drinks that quench your thirst are suitable. Also, depending on the treatment and doctor’s recommendations, it is possible to completely eliminate alcohol consumption.

A diet for lung cancer involves eating 5-6 times a day in small portions.

In this case, per day you can consume:

  • sea ​​fish – 150 gr.;
  • fermented milk products – 250-500 ml;
  • vegetables and fruits – unlimited.

The effectiveness of chemotherapy treatment can be significantly increased by consuming special herbal teas, as well as antitumor tinctures and herbal infusions.

The most useful products in the treatment of lung cancer are:

  • onions and garlic;
  • whole and sprouted wheat grains;
  • various representatives of cruciferous vegetables, such as radishes, mustard, broccoli, etc.;
  • vegetables and fruits containing large amounts of antioxidants;
  • legumes;
  • cheeses and various fermented milk products;
  • sea ​​fish with low fat content;
  • blue algae;
  • nuts.

Sample menu

Option one:

  • 1st breakfast– red or green apple and 200 gr. orange juice;
  • 2nd breakfast– steamed omelette, fresh tomatoes, green tea with lemon, a small slice of black bread;
  • dinner– vegetable soup with tomatoes, black bread, vegetable salad, 200 grams of rosehip broth and chicken stewed with apple;
  • dinner– hazelnuts, steamed turnips, green tea with lemon;
  • before bed– a glass of natural homemade yogurt.

Option two:

  • 1st breakfast– a red or green apple and a glass of tomato juice;
  • 2nd breakfast– buckwheat porridge with lettuce, black bread with a piece of hard cheese, green tea with lemon;
  • dinner-stewed rabbit meat with homemade noodles, green tea, lean borscht;
  • dinner– 150-200 gr. dried apricots, a glass of rosehip infusion, steamed rutabaga;
  • before bed- a glass of kefir.

Do you know what exactly the diagnosis means?

Learn in detail what squamous cell keratinizing lung cancer is.

Today, targeted therapy for lung cancer with metastases plays an important role in the treatment of this cancer. This will give any answer to your question.

Diet during chemotherapy

The diet for patients with lung cancer and those undergoing chemical treatment must not only be balanced, but also extremely high in calories. Such conditions can not only greatly improve the patient’s well-being, but also help cope with vomiting and nausea that inevitably arise during treatment.

Simply by changing your diet and eating habits, a patient can significantly improve their condition.

An excellent practice is to keep a special diary, where you enter the time you eat, the foods you eat, and the foods that cause nausea and should be avoided.

When undergoing chemotherapy, you should adhere to the following tips when eating:

  1. you need to eat less, but more often;
  2. food should be chewed thoroughly;
  3. Lightly salted or sweetened foods are best absorbed;
  4. you should drink plenty of fluids. Particular attention should be paid to this advice on the day of the procedure and several days after;
  5. Avoid eating spicy or hot foods;
  6. You should not eat solid food immediately after a chemotherapy session;
  7. You should avoid being present when preparing food with a strong odor;
  8. You should exclude coffee and alcohol from your diet.

While undergoing treatment for lung cancer, you should avoid extreme diets, as well as taking large doses of vitamins and nutritional supplements. Remember, excessive saturation of the body with any substance can provoke cancer cells to rapidly and uncontrollably multiply and the appearance of new metastases.

Before you go on any diet or course of vitamins, you should definitely consult your doctor.

In the life of a person faced with such a terrible diagnosis as cancer, a lot changes, including nutrition. Proper nutrition for lung cancer an important part of the treatment and rehabilitation of the patient. A big problem with cancer is weight loss, in some cases to life-threatening levels. For this reason, food should be sufficiently high in calories. Of course, a diet for lung cancer cannot be the only treatment method, but it can significantly help the patient nourish a weakened body and reduce the likelihood of unwanted side effects from treatment methods that are difficult for humans (radiation therapy, chemotherapy).

What a person faces with cancer, including lung cancer:

  • nausea, vomiting, headaches, and as a result - weight loss;
  • suppression of the body's immune functions;
  • dehydration;
  • metabolic disorders and anemia;
  • poor general condition, insomnia, depression.

Every person must follow the rules of proper nutrition. Cancer patients especially need this. Important components of a diet for lung cancer include:

  • protein that needs to be included in diet of sick patients with cancer for the full functioning of the body;
  • the required amount of the right fats, while fried foods and foods containing transgenic fats (store-bought desserts, sausages, mayonnaise) should be excluded;
  • to avoid dehydration, you need to drink as much fluid as possible, and this will also help remove toxins from the body;
  • it is necessary to eat foods rich in vitamins C, D and E, and enriched with selenium;
  • You should adhere to the correct diet, eat often, but little by little.

Food and lung cancer

Healthy foods, vitamins and microelements

Meals at should be discussed with your healthcare provider immediately after diagnosis. An individual diet can be developed, since, for example, in case of stage 4 lung cancer, nutrition should be aimed at reducing the overall intoxication of the body as much as possible.

When planning a diet, cancer patients should pay attention to foods rich in vitamins C, D, E, PP, B6 and minerals. Vegetables such as carrots, yellow and red peppers, as well as parsley, asparagus, green onions, and garlic have an anticancer effect. Legumes contain a sufficient amount of protein, these products will help restore the body for oncology. Seafood, hard cheese, liver, bran, green tea with lemon, dried fruits, honey, dairy products, rabbit and turkey meat, nuts, sprouted wheat and oats.

Some products are worth writing about in more detail:

  • The spice turmeric, known for its anti-cancer properties, has healing properties;
  • It is also worth taking an interest in Brazil nuts. They contain a unique level of selenium, recognized as a powerful antioxidant. In addition, selenium is able to create a special type of protein that inhibits the growth of cancer cells and even destroys them;
  • Due to the high lycopene content, it is beneficial for cancer patients to eat tomatoes. Lycopene is known for its antioxidant properties and can inhibit the spread of metastases;
  • Ginger has antitumor properties. In addition, it helps combat nausea during radical therapy;
  • mint, rosemary, basil block the development of cancer cells and inhibit the transition of cancer cells to neighboring organs;
  • the right fats: unrefined flaxseed oil, nuts, butter with a fat content of at least 82.5%.

Nutrition Basics

Here is an example diet for lung cancer patients:

  • For breakfast, eat complex carbohydrates, for example, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge with honey + a piece of unsalted and mild hard cheese, omelette;
  • the first snack may include bran bread with cheese, homemade cottage cheese casseroles, and permitted fruits;
  • lunch should contain carbohydrates (buckwheat, bulgur, durum wheat pasta), proteins (rabbit or turkey meat, skinless chicken, eggs) and fiber (vegetables, which should preferably be seasoned with unrefined flaxseed or olive oil);
  • the second snack may consist of vegetables or fruits, nuts;
  • dinner should be light, such as steamed vegetables. It is better not to consume protein at night due to long digestion;
  • A glass of kefir before bed will also be useful for improving digestion.

Harmful foods for cancer patients

Food should be consumed boiled or stewed. Treat any canned food with caution. The nutrition of lung cancer patients should be the most correct.

Nutritionists also advise removing store-bought sweets and baked goods from your diet. If you really want something sweet, there are healthy desserts - marshmallows, marshmallows, dried fruits and of course fruits. Don’t forget to study the composition and expiration dates of food products.

Cancer patients are prohibited from drinking alcohol and carbonated sweet drinks. But in some cases, oncologists and nutritionists advise patients to take small doses of high-quality alcoholic drinks without unnecessary flavoring additives to stimulate appetite.

Nutrition after radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery

Nutritionists and oncologists pay special attention to the patient’s diet after such radical treatments as surgery to remove carcinoma, chemotherapy and radiation. This treatment has a merciless effect on both pathogenic cells and healthy ones. In addition to the well-known side effects, such as hair loss, there are many others, the consequences of which can be corrected with a properly selected diet. Balanced nutrition during chemotherapy for lung cancer patients This is the key to a quick recovery for the patient.

Consequences of aggressive cancer treatment methods

Weight loss

This occurs due to the fact that during treatment and the use of chemotherapy drugs, a person simply loses his appetite. In such a situation, it is necessary to consume foods that have a high calorie content and can saturate the patient’s body with minimal consumption, for example, nuts, eggs, honey.

In addition, there are a number of culinary secrets that whet your appetite. These are spices and fresh herbs, but of course, if they are not contraindicated for a patient with lung cancer. In addition, spices help in the production of gastric juices and aid in digestion.

Also, with the permission of your doctor, you can drink sour juices or simply eat sour berries, for example, cranberries. Some cancer patients are even allowed saltiness, but without vinegar.

The same problem can be encountered after surgery. Many patients note that a high-calorie menu, eating red fish, caviar, butter in moderation, and honey help to cope with weight restoration.

Vomiting and nausea

In order not to provoke such unpleasant moments as nausea and vomiting, the main rule during chemotherapy and radiation is to exclude fried, spicy and fatty foods from the diet. A slice of lemon, a cracker and fasting will help cope with nausea. To avoid vomiting caused by radiation therapy, foods that have a strong odor should be avoided.

Intestinal disorders

After chemotherapy for lung cancer, a patient may experience problems such as loose stools and constipation. With diarrhea, the main thing is to avoid dehydration, which is very dangerous, especially for a weakened body. Vegetarian soups, steamed vegetables, and vegetable purees with water are recommended. And the main thing is a sufficient amount of liquid; you can drink mineral water without gases. The doctor may also recommend herbal teas.

Constipation during chemotherapy is rare. If the patient is faced with such a problem, they should include prunes, boiled beets, bran, and kefir in the diet for dinner. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables also helps due to their high fiber content. Diet should be aimed at reducing the risk of constipation.