Immunomodulators and immunostimulants for children. How to boost immunity: natural immunostimulants

The human immune system performs important function to maintain consistency internal environment the body, which is carried out by recognizing and destroying foreign molecules that can cause harm. In case of malfunctions immune system Diseases develop that require the use of drugs that increase immunity. Is it true that it is always better to choose natural immunomodulators? Let's figure it out.

Immunomodulators are medications that therapeutic doses restore the functions of the immune system. The effect of using these drugs directly depends on the initial state of the patient’s immunity: they reduce high levels and increase low levels. They belong to the group of immunotropic drugs, whose healing effect associated with their predominant or selective (selective) effect on the human immune system.

Currently, experts identify seven main groups of drugs that have immunomodulatory/immunostimulating properties.

Classification of immunomodulators/immunostimulants by origin

Group Subgroup Compound
Microbial Natural


Bacterial ribosomes, bacterial lysates


Thymic Natural


Peptides and extract from bovine thymus

Glutamyl tryptophan, γ-Glutamine tryptophan

Bone marrow Natural


Peptide complexes

Cytokines Natural


Complex of natural cytokines, including interferon

Interleukin-2, interleukin-1β, colony-stimulating factor

Nucleic acids Natural


Nucleic acids from yeast, DNA from sturgeon milk

Complex of polyadenylic and hemiridylic acids

Vegetable Echinacea purpurea juice
Chemically pure Low molecular weight

High molecular weight

Phenylimidazothiazole, amino acid oligopeptide, phthalhydroside derivatives

Polyethylene-piperazine derivatives

How do immunomodulators differ from immunostimulants?

The popularity of products with prefixes in the names “organic”, “eco” and “bio”, which is observed in lately, could not but affect the choice of medications. Many are convinced that it is best to use natural herbal preparations for treatment. However, not everyone knows that only immunostimulants can be herbal. They differ from immunomodulators in that they “stimulate” lymphocytes for some time and significantly strengthen the immune system, which is not always useful, since fighting some diseases may require a milder effect on the body. Main task immunostimulants - make the immune system work to the limit of its capabilities.

Many experts from the world of medicine are of the opinion that herbal preparations that increase immunity levels should be classified as food additives or adaptogens, whose action is not selective: the entire immune system undergoes significant change. Before using them, you should consult your doctor.

Regimen for taking natural immunomodulators

Rosehip and honey

In addition to herbal preparations for improving immunity, which are sold in pharmacies, there are a lot of ordinary products that can strengthen the body. We use them in everyday life. Among such products are honey, rose hips, garlic, ginger, raspberry jam and other berries. If there are no contraindications, honey can be consumed regularly, even every day, by adding it to small quantities in tea. A decoction of rose hips will also help improve your health. For these purposes, you need to take a glass of rose hips and soak them in water for 8 hours. Then bring to a boil and pour into a thermos. Let it brew for a couple of hours and consume 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. Rose hips can be brewed several times.

Garlic and ginger

Garlic is rightly considered natural antibiotic. It contains the substance allicin, which has a strong bactericidal effect. This is what gives garlic its pungent taste. In order for garlic to bring maximum benefits, it must be eaten raw. Ginger, which is familiar to many as a seasoning, can also improve health. During the ARVI and flu season, ginger can be added to freshly brewed tea and used in the preparation of infusions, tinctures, and made into juice by mixing with apple or carrot juice.


Raspberries can be consumed both in the form of fresh and frozen berries, and in the form of jam. During the cold season, tea with raspberries can be consumed daily. It restores strength and has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body. For one glass of boiling water you need a tablespoon of raspberries. Boil the mixture for about a minute, then leave for an hour. In addition, you can also use raspberry leaves to make tea.

Other natural immunostimulants

Walnuts and pine nuts, leaves, buds, birch bark and sap, cloves, ginseng, lemongrass, pine, sea buckthorn - all these fruits and plants also contain useful substances, which improve health and help make it easier to survive the cold season.

And of course, on the list herbal immunostimulants includes herbs: nettle, clover, thyme, elecampane, Rhodiola rosea. Thanks biologically active additives, which are supplied to Russia from all over the world, we relatively recently became acquainted with immunomodulatory plants that grow in South America, Africa, Southeast Asia. The most famous ones include cat's claw, ganoderma mushroom, noni, and astragalus.

Everything that nature gives us can be used for the benefit of man. Under one condition - do not self-medicate and before using any prescriptions traditional medicine consult a doctor. After all, medicinal herbs and some products may contain strong allergens and may also be contraindicated for certain diseases.

It is also necessary to remember that natural immunostimulants are not omnipotent. They won't help with serious illnesses where application is required medical supplies with proven effectiveness. It makes no sense to take them when the patient’s immune system is already depleted by infectious diseases (for example, in a frequently ill child and adult) or concomitant somatic diseases. In addition, natural immunostimulants are indicated with caution in patients with physiologically reduced immunity levels. These patients most often include children, pregnant women and the elderly.

Can children take herbal immunostimulants?

Children, just like adults, in the absence of contraindications and a “healthy” state of the immune system, can eat foods that are natural immunostimulants that strengthen the body, give it strength and help it develop properly. Tea made from medicinal herbs with the addition of honey can also be useful during the cold season, warm the child and delight the child with a pleasant taste.

True, before offering your baby any infusions and herbal decoctions prepared with your own hands, you will still have to consult a doctor. The child may have an allergy, which, if consumed, will lead to a worsening of his condition and the development of complications. Medicinal herbs, contrary to what most people think, can have a very powerful effect on the body, comparable to industrial drugs. And this impact is not always positive.

A limiting factor in the implementation of a number of medicinal plants V medical practice is the lack of information about their origin and distribution, the chemical composition of medicinal raw materials, poor knowledge pharmacological properties drugs plant origin. All this must be taken into account before giving your child any medicine made according to traditional medicine recipes. Be sure to read the instructions for medications sold through the pharmacy chain.

Features of natural immunostimulants for pregnant women

Expectant mothers also need to be very careful about taking medications during pregnancy. Many previously familiar foods and medications can harm the baby. For example, during pregnancy, many doctors do not recommend drinking tea or any other drinks containing lemongrass. It is also better to avoid tinctures and decoctions containing ginseng, lemon balm, Eleutherococcus senticosus and some other plants. Before using any medications, be sure to consult your doctor.

The immunity of pregnant women should be increased, if possible, without the help of medications, but through proper nutrition, hardening procedures and organizing a rational daily routine. If you can’t cope without medications, then you need to choose only those immunomodulators that pregnant women are allowed to take, as is always stated in the instructions for medical use.

VIFERON – antiviral drug for adults, children and pregnant women

VIFERON is a complex antiviral immunomodulatory drug with a broad spectrum of action for children and adults. It has a double effect - it helps block the virus and restore immunity. The original formula VIFERON® is a combination of interferon alpha-2b and highly active antioxidants (vitamins C and E). The drug is available in the form of suppositories, ointments and gels. It belongs to the group of cytokines and has a universal effect against a wide range of viruses and other pathogens.

Thanks to wide range antiviral activity, the drug VIFERON is used to treat various diseases in children and adults:

  • ARVI, influenza, including those complicated by bacterial infection
  • Herpes on the skin and mucous membranes
  • Human papillomavirus infection (PVI, HPV)
  • Cytomegalovirus infection (CMV)
  • Enterovirus infection (“intestinal”, “stomach” flu)
  • Laryngotracheobronchitis, pneumonia, sepsis, meningitis
  • Severe forms of acute viral infections, including intrauterine infections
  • Candidiasis (thrush)
  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • Chronic hepatitis B, C, D, including those complicated by cirrhosis of the liver, as well as before plasmapheresis and/or hemosorption
  • STDs – sexually transmitted diseases

The drug VIFERON is approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for the treatment of newborns, as well as for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of pregnant women. 1

Reference and information material

Belyaev Dmitry Alexandrovich


  1. VIFERON Suppositories are approved for use by children from the first days of life and pregnant women from the 14th week of pregnancy, VIFERON Gel - by children from the first days of life, has no restrictions for use during pregnancy, VIFERON OINTMENT - from 1 year, there are no restrictions for use during pregnancy.

Modern immunostimulating drugs are classified according to their origin into the following groups:

  • Herbal remedies– extracts or tinctures of Echinacea, Eleutherococcus, Schisandra, Immunal, etc. These products have a mild adaptogenic and immunostimulating effect and are prescribed to patients with immunodeficiencies. When taken prophylactically, such drugs significantly reduce the risk of influenza or respiratory infections, they warn radiation pathology and reduce harm from cytostatics;
  • Microbial preparations - Imudon, IRS-19, etc. The drugs act directly on macrophages and monocytes, which, after activation, intensively produce cytokines that trigger immune reactions that promote the elimination of microbes;
  • Interferon agents – Anaferon, Viferon. The drugs protect the body from various kinds antigenic attacks of bacterial, viral and other origin;
  • Synthetic drugs - Amiksin, Trekrezan, etc. Increase general organic resistance to negative external influence and stimulate immune responses;
  • Endogenous agents – Thymogen, Timalin. These are drugs based on placental or bone marrow cells or thymus. They restore the normal number of blood cells, cause increased interferon production and immune activity.

It is strictly not recommended to take drugs with adaptogenic or immunomodulatory activity on your own; the need for their use should be determined by an immunologist.

Popular drugs

Trekrezan (250 RUR*)

The adaptogenic immunomodulator Trecrezan stimulates interferon production, corrects and increases immune status patient. As a result of using the medication:

  • Increases the body's endurance during mental and physical stress;
  • The toxic effects of various medications are reduced and chemicals;
  • The body becomes especially resistant to oxygen deficiency, temperature changes and other aggressive factors.

Thanks to such effects, Trekrezan is successfully used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for respiratory infections, flu or colds. In the presence of stressful influences (for example, lack of oxygen, hypothermia or overheating), it helps to increase the performance and resistance of the body.

This immunomodulator is prescribed for the complex treatment of alcohol withdrawal or heavy metal poisoning. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, children under 12 years of age and pregnant women with lactose intolerance.

Immunal, Echinacea (300 RUR*)

Immunal contains components of plant origin (echinacea juice). The drug provokes an increase in nonspecific immunity. By activating phagocytosis and increasing leukocytes, the drug inhibits the reproduction and growth of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, Immunal has antiviral activity against herpes or influenza. The preparations Echinacea and Immunal are analogues, having the same active ingredient (extract from the Echinacea herb), therefore they have similar effect.

Both drugs are used:

  1. Whenever initial signs influenza or colds, as well as for the prevention of these pathologies;
  2. In order to improve the immune status in the process long-term treatment antibiotics;
  3. In the treatment of recurrent genitourinary and respiratory pathologies.

Echinacea is contraindicated in autoimmune pathologies, immunodeficiency (HIV), AIDS, multiple sclerosis, hypersensitivity to the plant and its components, children under 12 years of age, in the presence of systemic pathologies such as leukemia, tuberculosis, etc. It is not recommended to take it unnecessarily and for pregnant women, because there are no definitive research results on the effect of the drug on the fetus and the course of pregnancy .

Immunal in the form of a solution is contraindicated for children less than a year old, and in tablets for children under 4 years of age. The drug should not be taken if you have autoimmune or systemic pathologies like AIDS or HIV, multiple sclerosis scattered type and leukemia, tuberculosis, etc. Immunal should not be taken by persons who have hypersensitivity or intolerance to echinacea and other components of the drug. Unlike Echinacea, Immunal can be taken by nursing and pregnant women, but only with a doctor's prescription.

Immunomax (800 RUR*)

An effective immunostimulant, under the influence of which there is a threefold increase in activity cellular structures immune system. Immunomax increases the body's resistance to viruses like herpes or plague, papillomavirus or parvovirus. In addition, the drug protects the body from bacterial microorganisms such as chlamydia, staphylococcus, coli, salmonella or mycoplasma, ureaplasma, etc.

Immunomax contraindications:

  • Up to 12 years of age;
  • Breast-feeding and pregnancy;
  • Hypersensitivity to the drug or its individual components.

The drug does not cause any adverse reactions. And in exceptional cases may be prescribed during pregnancy.

Galavit (tablets RUR 300*, injections RUR 600*)

A modern immunomodulator, which is available in the form of suppositories, tablets and powder for injection solution. The medication has an additional anti-inflammatory effect. Galavit belongs to synthetic immunostimulants and is at the moment has no analogues. The drug has a broad-spectrum effect:

  1. It enhances the production of necessary antibodies;
  2. Enhances the production of macrophages, which are distinguished by their ability to eliminate pathogenic pathogens;
  3. Increases the production of interferons, which promote resistance to various infections;
  4. Has an antioxidant effect;
  5. It has hepatoprotective activity, i.e. it protects the liver.

Galavit is contraindicated for use in patients under 6 years of age, breastfeeding, pregnant women or people with intolerance of this medicine.

Arbidol (250 RUR*)

Antiviral agent, which has moderate immunomodulatory activity. The drug is indicated for diseases such as:

The drug has virtually no contraindications and side effects. It is not prescribed to children under three years of age, as well as to patients hypersensitive to the drug. Among the possible adverse reactions very rarely observed allergic manifestations.

Isoprinosine (600 RUR*)

Tablet drug with antiviral and immunostimulating effects. A product of synthetic origin, a purine derivative, used for diseases such as:

  1. Papillomavirus, including with lesions of the genital organs and larynx;
  2. Various shapes ARVI and influenza;
  3. Shingles and chickenpox;
  4. Cytomegalovirus;
  5. Various modifications of herpesvirus of all types, as well as herpetic keratitis, genital herpetic lesions, etc.;
  6. Molluscum contagiosum;
  7. Corey;
  8. Mononucleosis of infectious origin, etc.

Among the disadvantages of the drug, patients note the presence of adverse reactions in the form of nausea and vomiting syndrome and epigastric pain, itchy sensation on the skin, joint pain and dizziness, sleep disorders and headaches, exacerbations of gout or intestinal disorders. Since the drug causes an increase in urea in the blood, it is contraindicated in case of urolithiasis, gout, insufficient activity kidneys and arrhythmias. In addition, Isoprinosine is contraindicated in children weighing less than 20 kg and under 3 years of age.

Imunofan (500 RUR*)

The drug Imunofan is an immunomodulatory drug with hepatoprotective, detoxification, antioxidant and immunostimulating activity. In addition, the drug prevents the occurrence of cellular resistance to antitumor drugs.

The drug is available in the form of injections, rectal suppositories or nasal spray. Imunofan is effective in treating:

  • HIV infections;
  • Various types of immunodeficiency conditions;
  • Papillomavirus;
  • Cytomegalovirus;
  • Viral hepatitis different types;
  • Herpes;
  • In complex antitumor therapy, etc.

The drug is not used in the treatment of children under 2 years of age and pregnant women with a Rhesus conflict with the fetus.

Tiloron (600 RUR*)

The medications Lavomax, Amiksin and Tiloram are analogues, have the same active ingredient (tilorone) and belong to the group of drugs - inducers of interferon synthesis, which have immunomodulatory and antiviral effects. The drugs are produced in tablet form.

  1. Lavomax provokes an increase in the formation of antibodies, stimulates bone marrow stem cell structures, and reduces immunosuppressive activity. Used for herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections, viral hepatitis, respiratory and influenza infections in adult patients. Contraindicated for pregnant women, children and adolescents under 18 and breastfeeding women.
  2. Amiksin has a similar effect and is able to stop viral reproduction. Can be used in pediatrics from the age of 7, however, it is contraindicated during breastfeeding and pregnancy.
  3. Tiloram, like Lavomax, is contraindicated in patients under 18 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding patients. Adverse reactions sometimes include allergic rashes, slight chills and dyspepsia (digestive disorders).

Timalin (500 RUR*)

The drug is produced in the form of a lyophilisate for the preparation injection solutions. The active substance of the drug is thymus extract, which is obtained by extracting from thymus gland animals.

The drug is effective when it is necessary to restore immune activity. In addition, while taking Timalin, patients experience an improvement in cellular metabolic processes, hematopoiesis is restored and regeneration is accelerated.

Timalin is indicated:

  • With a reduced immune status against the background of various types of soft tissue and bone purulent-inflammatory pathologies;
  • For infectious lesions of bacterial or viral origin;
  • With inhibition of hematopoietic and immune functions against the background of chemotherapy or radiation treatment tumor and oncological processes, as well as during long-term antibiotic therapy, etc.

The drug has no contraindications and is not prescribed only to people with hypersensitivity to it. IN in rare cases The use of Timalin is accompanied by adverse allergic reactions.

There is an analogue based on the same substance - Taktivin.


It is a metabolic regulator and has antiarrhythmic and antihypoxic activity. As a result of taking the drug, blood circulation in the coronary network is normalized and the energy balance of the heart increases. Active substance– inosine. The drug is used only in adult patients in the treatment of myocardial ischemia and arrhythmia caused by taking cardiac glycosides.


Multicomponent preparation containing inosine, succinic acid, vitamins B₂ and PP. Cytoflavin is a metabolic drug that improves tissue nutrition, cellular respiration, and blood circulation. Has anti-ischemic and neuroprotective activity. Produced in tablets and injections, it is used in the treatment of patients of any age. It is not advisable to use in pregnant and lactating patients.

Can pregnant women take it?

Doctors do not have a clear opinion regarding the use of immunomodulators in pregnant women, however, the majority is inclined to believe that they should not be taken. Most of the funds in this group exist on pharmaceutical market relatively short-lived, so the long-term side effects of taking them are still unknown.

To increase immunity, it is better for pregnant women to adjust their diet, enriching it with vegetables, herbs and fruits, rationally organize their regime, spend more time walking fresh air etc.

In childhood

In the treatment of children, the use of immunomodulators and adaptogens is justified in the following cases:

  • Frequent ARVI, colds and flu;
  • In the absence of hyperthermic symptoms during respiratory infections and flu;
  • For sleep disorders, severe weakness, frequent headaches;
  • For allergies food type;
  • With a noticeable enlargement of the lymph nodes.

Up to 1.5 years of age, immunomodulators are used only in exceptional cases. Older children, strictly according to medical indications, can be given immunomodulators of the interferon group. It is pointless to give specific names of such drugs, because only a pediatrician should prescribe them. It is better to use as immunostimulants and adaptogens in children natural remedies like honey, rose hips, garlic or onions, eucalyptus, etc.

General operating principles

Immunomodulatory drugs are intended to balance the level of cellular structures of the immune system in the presence of autoimmune pathologies. These drugs balance the activity of all immune components, if necessary, suppressing their activity or activating it. The action of adaptogens is aimed at increasing the resistance of organic structures to infectious, viral and other types of external influences.

Immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed to patients with serious health problems. There are a number of pathologies against which the body is unable to resist even the simplest infectious lesions. The most famous similar pathology is a human immunodeficiency virus. To avoid constant colds and flu with any minor hypothermia, such patients are prescribed immunomodulators.

Premature babies also need immunomodulatory therapy, especially when they begin to attend preschool educational institutions. IN similar situation children find themselves in a completely new environment that has its own bacteria and microorganisms, so sometimes during the adaptation period children are prescribed adaptogens, which:

  1. Has little effect on nervous system structures;
  2. Restore endocrine activity;
  3. Accelerate material exchange reactions;
  4. Form the body's resistance to adverse external influences;
  5. Helps improve performance and tolerance excessive loads etc.

At the same time, adaptogenic drugs do not disrupt the processes of normal functioning of the body. They are recommended to be taken by workers in hazardous industries and hard work, athletes and people in a state of stress or depressive disorder. If you take adaptogens during increased mental and physical stress, the drugs will accelerate the body's adaptation without harm to brain and muscle activity.

We should immediately distinguish between two concepts: immunomodulators and immunostimulants. The first refers to drugs that affect the human immune system. Immunomodulators are divided into two types: immunostimulants - drugs that improve immunity, and immunosuppressants - drugs whose action is aimed at reducing immunity.

From this we can conclude that anyone falls under the concept of an immunomodulator. In this article we will look at what modern immunomodulators and immunostimulants are, what features they have, and when their use is justified.

Modern immunostimulants are divided into several categories:

  1. Natural (natural, herbal) remedies. These include tinctures of lemongrass, echinacea, etc. Distinctive feature natural preparations– this is a mild effect on the human body. They are great for patients with immunodeficiency. Natural ones are also used as a preventive measure, since taking them reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases.
  2. Antimicrobial immunostimulants. For example, we can cite a fairly well-known drug - Imudon. Its action is aimed at monocytes, which help remove microbes from the body.
  3. Interferon drugs– and others. Their action is aimed at protecting the human body from attacks by viruses, bacteria and harmful bodies of other origin.
  4. Synthetic products– Amiksin and others. Their action is aimed at stimulating immune reactions body.
  5. Endogenous drugs, for example, Timalin or Thymogen, created on the basis of brain cells. With the help of this kind medicines You can restore the number of blood cells and also increase the activity of the immune system.

Carefully! It is not recommended to take immunostimulant tablets without consulting a medical specialist. An immunologist should prescribe immunomodulators.

Natural immunostimulants and immunomodulators

For several centuries, many people have used herbs to treat diseases. In nature there is huge amount herbs that have a positive effect on the body's immune activity. However, you should not make up the entire course of treatment from plants and herbs alone. Exists large number effective medications. In many cases, comprehensive treatment brings better results.

The variety of herbs that have a positive effect on human immune activity is amazing. On any continent you can find plants that effectively cope with infectious and other pathologies.

Natural immunomodulators very rarely cause adverse reactions, and also have a high degree of digestibility. Traditional medicines are being withdrawn naturally, which is important in the 21st century, when products contain chemical additives, which cause severe harm throughout the human body.

Echinacea tea

Exists list of the most popular immunomodulators, which are characterized by a high degree of efficiency and lack of side effects:

  • echinacea;
  • ginseng;
  • rose hip;
  • lemongrass;
  • raspberry;
  • birch.


Echinacea contains a large number of various microelements and vitamins. The plant is highly effective. Echinacea is recommended to be taken for infectious diseases.

The plant is consumed almost entirely; not only the leaves and flowers of the herb are used, but also the stems. Take echinacea in the form of tea, after drying the parts of the plant. On 1 teaspoon herbs are recommended to be used liter of boiling water.


Another popular one natural origin– ginseng. Translation of plant name from Chinese language- the root of life. Ginseng is recommended to be used to improve immunity. The plant will help get rid of constant fatigue and weaknesses. The herb has shown greater effectiveness with physical and mental exhaustion.

For treatment, only ginseng root is used, which is thoroughly ground to a powder, then poured with boiling water.

One teaspoon should be used 1 liter of boiling water. The resulting liquid should be infused minimum 30 days, shaking the bottle from time to time.

You can buy ginseng tincture at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself at home.

Rose hip

Rosehip is very popular for cold-related pathologies. It is especially in demand in the spring and autumn months, when epidemics worsen. His high degree efficiency is explained high concentration vitamin C in the plant.

You can enhance the effect with raspberries - this will allow you to recover as much as possible. short terms. To prepare a decoction, you need to infuse the rose hips for 24 hours, then boil the liquid. The plant can be brewed several times.


There is a plant in nature that is much more effective than coffee in terms of invigorating properties - lemongrass. Using a decoction from the branches of the plant, you can provide boost of energy for the whole day. Schisandra is not recommended for use by children and pregnant women.


If consumed daily raspberry leaf decoction, you can ensure that your body is supplied with a significant amount of active substances.

This will strengthen the uterus and increase the chances of childbirth without complications.

On one tablespoon used 200 grams of boiling water, the decoction must be infused for 60 minutes.


With the help of birch in ancient times, people fought against a large number diseases. Not only the branches and leaves of the plant have an immunomodulatory effect. Immune activity also increases when drinking birch sap. The plant is known for its high concentration of ascorbic acid.

To create a decoction use 10 large spoons of leaves and 500 grams of boiling water. The liquid is infused for 60 minutes at room temperature. It is recommended to strain the broth before taking it.

What immunostimulants are there for pregnant women?

During the period of bearing a baby, it is very important to pay attention to protecting the mother’s body. Any infectious disease can greatly affect the future of the baby. Therefore, it is important to know with which medical supplies you can strengthen the mother's immunity in this way important period her life.

Before purchasing any medicinal product, you should consult a medical professional.

In most cases during pregnancy, your doctor will prescribe one of the following medications:


Immunomodulators have become popular relatively recently; literally 20 years ago no one knew about them. People got along just fine without them. There are many ways to improve the activity of the immune system. For example, you can balance your diet: it must contain a sufficient amount of macro and microelements.

Medical experts recommend walking more in the fresh air, this will improve blood circulation. Chronic lack of sleep negatively affects the immune system, it is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours a day. It is also recommended to avoid stress.

Be careful! Long-term use immunomodulators have a negative effect on the body. If you do not follow the recommendations medical specialist, there is a risk of worsening the immune system. You should not experiment on your health, take care of yourself and be happy!

Immunostimulating agents are designed to regulate the body's defenses. Due to a number of diseases, the human immune system does not work properly and does not perform all its functions.

These drugs were invented to help the body’s immune system self-heal. Many of the immunomodulatory drugs have an antiviral effect, and are most often prescribed when a person suffers from ARVI several times a year.

It should be noted that medical practitioners have different attitudes towards immunomodulators. Some see good use in them, while others consider their use useless. You can also find different opinions among patients. To evaluate these drugs, let's look at the most popular immunomodulatory drugs today.

Effective immunomodulatory agents


The drug is used in complex treatment regimens for patients. The main indications for its use are: viral hepatitis, herpes, various secondary immunodeficiencies, purulent-inflammatory processes, tuberculosis, psoriasis and others.

The medicine has powerful action, therefore indicated for both treatment and prevention. Lykopid has cytotoxic activity, exhibits bactericidal properties, and promotes the resorption of small tumors.

  1. The drug is available in tablets. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease.
  2. IN pediatric practice Lykopid is recommended for use from three years of age. IN in some cases, under the supervision of a doctor, the drug can be used for a child starting from one year of age.
  3. In pediatrics, only one dose is allowed - 1 mg per day. For adults, the dose of the drug can vary, reaching up to 20 mg per day.

Pregnancy and lactation are contraindications for use.

The price for Lykopid (1 mg tablets No. 10) is around 230 rubles. For a dosage of 10 mg No. 10 you will have to fork out more; the cost for such a lycopid will be about 1,700 rubles.


Immunal contains echinacea. The plant has antiviral, antibacterial, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects.

Immunal is prescribed for influenza, ARVI, herpes, gynecological problems, secondary immunodeficiencies. IN minimal doses it is used to maintain normal operation immunity.

Contraindications to the use of Immunal are:

  • tubinfection,
  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • leukemia,
  • allergic reactions,
  • various systemic pathologies.

During pregnancy and lactation, the drug is acceptable in extreme cases.

Immunal is produced in tablets, drops, powder, and solution. The required form for treatment or prevention is selected by a doctor.

The price for Immunal (Slovenia) in tablets (No. 20) is 300-350 rubles.

Drops are offered for the youngest patients (from 12 months). Tablets are recommended no earlier than 4 years of age. Some pediatricians believe that it is preferable to use immunostimulating drugs in tablets only after 12 years. Dosing of the drug is carried out according to the instructions.


The drug has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Kagocel is similar in action to interferon. It is used to treat ARVI and herpes. Recommended for use from the age of three. The plus of Kagocel is the minimal possible side effects (individual intolerance and allergic reactions).

Depending on age and disease, the dose of the drug varies.

Kagocel (Russia) is available in tablets. The price per package (No. 10) is an average of 260 rubles. A course of treatment usually requires 10-18 tablets. Treatment of herpes will cost more, approximately 780 rubles.


This drug acts comprehensively. Active ingredient- human recombinant interferon alpha-2. The product has the following properties: immunomodulatory, protective, antiviral, antiproliferative.

The range of applications for Viferon is quite diverse. These are ARVI, viral lesions of mucous and skin surfaces, stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis (in complex therapy), herpes, viral hepatitis, HIV, bronchial asthma, other.

Viferon has also found widespread use in pediatrics. It is used even in newborns and premature babies.

Depending on the form of the drug, the dose of Viferon has its own characteristics. For example, suppositories are used 1-2 times a day, and gel up to 5 times a day.

The price for Viferon is as follows:

  • gel 36000IU/ml 10ml costs about 180 rubles;
  • suppositories 1000000IU (No. 10) - 520 rubles;
  • ointment 40000IU/g 12g - 180 rubles.

In principle, Viferon can be classified as an inexpensive drug, which makes it popular among patients.


This drug, like many drugs with antiviral and immunomodulatory properties, is an inducer of interferon synthesis. It is used for liver diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, tubinfection and other diseases. It has been noted that amiksin is useful for urological, gynecological and neuroinfections.

The dosage of the drug is determined only by the doctor, because amixin is prescribed differently depending on the day of therapy.

Few side effects have been observed with Amixin: allergic reactions, chills, diarrhea.

In pediatrics, the drug is used only from the age of seven. The drug is not prescribed to pregnant women and persons with individual intolerance to the composition of amixin.

Tablets of 60 or 125 mg are available. The price of tablets (60 mg, No. 10) is 550 rubles.


The drug is an inducer of endogenous interferon. Shows antiviral, immunomodulatory, antitumor, anti-inflammatory effects. Cycloferon reduces the content of carcinogens in the blood, and also helps to slow down metastatic processes in malignant neoplasms.

The effectiveness of cycloferon has been proven for hepatitis, HIV, ARVI, herpes, enteroviruses, chlamydia, tick-borne encephalitis and other infections. In systemic diseases, cycloferon exhibits moderate analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

The method of application depends on the severity of the infectious process (the instructions for use should be followed).

Contraindications: individual intolerance, allergies, pregnancy, lactation and liver cirrhosis. In pediatrics, the drug is used from 4 years of age.

Cycloferon is available in tablets, liniment and solution for injection. The price, respectively, is 190 rubles (10 tablets), liniment - 105 rubles, ampoules (5 pieces) - 330 rubles.


The drug belongs to the drugs that correct and stimulate the immune system.

The basis of thymogen is glutamine tryptophan. Immunodeficiency conditions - indications for use this tool. No special contraindications and no side effects were found.

Thymogen has three dosage forms: aerosol, injection solution, cream for external use.

The price of the drug depends on dosage form. Injection solution 0.01% 1 ml No. 5 costs about 330 rubles. The price of cream for external use 0.05% 30g ranges from 270 to 330 rubles. Aerosol 0.025% 10 ml costs about 310 rubles.


This drug has established itself as a powerful immunomodulator. The range of its applications is huge. This oncological processes, chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, cardiac pathologies, tubin infection, gynecological and urological infections.

Derinat activates all parts of the immune system and also stimulates regenerative processes. Thanks to derinat, tissue regeneration occurs faster, so this product is prescribed for the treatment of burns and ulcerative processes on the skin.

When taking Derinat, dystrophic problems in eye diseases are eliminated faster.

A big advantage of this remedy is the possibility of its use from the first days of a child’s life, when many medications are contraindicated.

Derinat is available in solution for injection or solution for local and external use.

The course of treatment depends on the disease and can range from 5 to 45 days. In any case, derinat treatment is not carried out independently.

Solution 0.25% 10ml for local application costs about 300 rubles, injection solution 1.5% 5 ml No. 5 - 2000 rubles.


The effectiveness of anaferon has been noticed in acute respiratory viral infections, bronchopulmonary pathologies, herpetic infection, as well as other diseases caused by viral agents. Anaferon is safe homeopathic medicine, which has high antiviral protection. Bacteria, like viruses, also lose their strength thanks to the “work” of anaferon. Diseases with chronic immunodeficiency are a direct indication for this drug.

Like other immunomodulators, anaferon should not be used during gestation, but if particularly necessary, it can be used in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that after the 12th week of pregnancy the fetus is already more protected. Passed embryonic period, the placenta became thicker, and future baby I began to gain more body weight.

In pediatrics, anaferon is used once a day. As a rule, the course of treatment lasts a week. The pharmacy chain sells Anaferon for children (in drops and tablets). The form of the drug for therapy is selected by the doctor.

The price for children's and adult anaferon in lozenges (20 pieces) is about 200 rubles, in drops (25 ml) a little more expensive - 250-300 rubles.

Cheap analogues of Anaferon - list.


The drug is popular in otolaryngology and dentistry. It is based on two active components- lysozyme and vitamin B6. The first fights infection, the second protects the mucous membrane. Despite the fact that lysobact is an antiseptic, its effectiveness in the fight against viruses has been proven more than once. The immunomodulatory effect of lysobact is weak, so it can be safely used during gestation and lactation.

Lizobakt is prescribed for infections and inflammation of the pharyngeal space, stomatitis, gingivitis, aphthous ulcerations, as well as herpes.

Side effects while taking lyzobact appear extremely rarely. Only mild allergic reactions are possible.

The course of treatment lasts about 8 days. The tablets are dissolved slowly under the tongue (sublingually). It is advisable to keep the dissolved mass under the tongue for as long as possible and refrain from eating food and water for several hours.

Tablets are used from 3 to 8 pieces per day. Children from 3 to 7 years old are recommended to take 1 tablet three times. For adults, the following dosage is recommended - 2 tablets 4 times a day.

The price of lyzobact (Bosnia and Herzegovina) No. 10 is 250-320 rubles.



Analyzing our article, it is easy to notice that many drugs have much in common. This is especially true for indications for use. To date, there is still a lot of controversy regarding the use of immunomodulators. There are opinions that the body itself is capable of recovering, and immunomodulators act only as a placebo.

Immunomodulators are drugs that help the body fight bacteria and viruses by strengthening the body's defenses. Adults and children are allowed to take such medications only as prescribed by a doctor. Immunotherapy drugs have a lot of adverse reactions if the dosage is not observed and the drug is selected incorrectly.

In order not to harm the body, you need to choose immunomodulators wisely.

Description and classification of immunomodulators

What are immunomodulatory drugs in general outline clearly, now it’s worth figuring out what they are. Immunomodulatory agents have certain properties that affect human immunity.

The following types are distinguished:

  1. Immunostimulants- These are unique immunoboosting drugs that help the body develop or strengthen existing immunity to a particular infection.
  2. Immunosuppressants– suppress the activity of the immune system if the body begins to fight against itself.

All immunomodulators perform various functions to some extent (sometimes even several), therefore they also distinguish:

  • immunostrengthening agents;
  • immunosuppressants;
  • antiviral immunostimulating drugs;
  • antitumor immunostimulating agents.

It makes no sense to choose which drug is the best of all groups, since they are on the same level and help with various pathologies. They are incomparable.

Their action in the human body will be aimed at immunity, but what they will do depends entirely on the class of the chosen drug, and the difference in choice is very great.

An immunomodulator may be by nature:

  • natural (homeopathic medicines);
  • synthetic.

Also, an immunomodulatory drug can be different in the type of synthesis of substances:

  • endogenous – substances are synthesized already in the human body;
  • exogenous - substances enter the body from the outside, but have natural sources of plant origin (herbs and other plants);
  • synthetic - all substances are grown artificially.

The effect of taking a drug from any group is quite strong, so it is also worth mentioning why these drugs are dangerous. If immunomodulators are used long time uncontrolled, then if they are canceled, the person’s real immunity will be zero and there will be no way to fight infections without these drugs.

If medications are prescribed for children, but the dosage is not correct for some reason, this may contribute to the fact that the growing child’s body will not be able to independently strengthen its defenses and subsequently the baby will often get sick (you need to choose special children’s medications). In adults, such a reaction can also be noted due to the initial weakness of the immune system.

Video: advice from Dr. Komarovsky

What is it prescribed for?

Immune drugs prescribed to those people whose immune status is significantly lower than normal, and therefore their body is unable to fight various infections. The use of immunomodulators is appropriate when the disease is so severe that even a healthy person with good immunity won't be able to overcome her. Most of these drugs have an antiviral effect, and therefore are prescribed in combination with other drugs to treat many diseases.

Modern immunomodulators are used in the following cases:

  • for allergies to restore the body's strength;
  • for herpes of any type to eliminate the virus and restore immunity;
  • for influenza and ARVI to eliminate symptoms of the disease, get rid of the causative agent of the disease and maintain the body in rehabilitation period so that other infections do not have time to develop in the body;
  • for colds speedy recovery in order not to use antibiotics, but to help the body recover on its own;
  • in gynecology, an immunostimulating drug is used to treat some viral diseases to help the body cope with it;
  • HIV is also treated with immunomodulators various groups in combination with other medications (various stimulants, medications that have antiviral effects and many others).

For certain disease Even several types of immunomodulators can be used, but all of them must be prescribed by a doctor, since self-prescription of such strong drugs can only worsen a person’s health.

Features in purpose

Immunomodulators should be prescribed by a doctor so that he can select an individual dosage of the drug according to the patient’s age and illness. These medications come in different forms of release, and the patient may be prescribed one of the most convenient forms for reception:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • injections;
  • candles;
  • injections in ampoules.

Which is better for the patient to choose, but after coordinating his decision with the doctor. Another plus is that inexpensive but effective immunomodulators are sold, and therefore the price problem will not arise in the way of eliminating the disease.

Many immunomodulators have natural herbal components in their composition, others, on the contrary, contain only synthetic components, and therefore it will not be difficult to choose a group of drugs that is better suited in a particular case.

It should be borne in mind that such medications should be prescribed with caution to people from certain groups, namely:

  • for those who are preparing for pregnancy;
  • for pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • It is better not to prescribe such drugs to children under one year of age unless absolutely necessary;
  • children from 2 years of age are prescribed strictly under the supervision of a doctor;
  • elderly people;
  • people with endocrine diseases;
  • for severe chronic diseases.

Stories from our readers

After 5 years, I finally got rid of the hated papillomas. I haven’t had a single pendant on my body for a month now! I went to doctors for a long time, took tests, removed them with a laser and celandine, but they appeared again and again. I don't know what my body would look like if I hadn't stumbled upon . Anyone who is concerned about papillomas and warts should read this!

The most common immunomodulators

There are many sold in pharmacies effective immunomodulators. They will differ in their quality and price, but with proper selection of the drug they will greatly help the human body in the fight against viruses and infections. Let's consider the most common list of drugs in this group, the list of which is indicated in the table.

Photos of drugs:






