Ads m from what. Vaccination ADSM r2 and r3

A hundred years ago, people, especially small children, died from a number of diseases: diphtheria, measles, tetanus. Fortunately, humanity has learned to fight them with the help of vaccines.

Some only need to be administered once to become resistant to infection. Others only support immunity certain time, so revaccination is needed. Thus, to protect children and adults from diphtheria and tetanus, which are fatal in most cases, it is necessary to systematically do vaccination with ADS-m.

Vaccination is the introduction of weakened particles of a pathogen into the human body. Its task is to develop a permanent or temporary ability to resist the disease.

Initial vaccination should occur in the first days after birth, then it is carried out according to a special calendar.

The most dangerous diseases for children are tuberculosis, diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus; they are fatal in most cases. If vaccination against tuberculosis is carried out once, immediately after birth, then to protect against other diseases you need to get DTP vaccination 4 times in order to develop resistance to them for several years.

Over the age of 5 years, the whooping cough virus is relatively easy to transmit, but diphtheria and tetanus are still deadly. You can protect a person from them with the ADSM vaccination ( correct name- ADS-m). The abbreviation stands for: adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus vaccine in small doses.

All ADS-m preparations contain 5 units of tetanus and diphtheria bacillus toxoids, but in an amount half as much as in DPT. In addition, the composition contains additives registered by the manufacturer: preservatives, aluminum hydroxide, formaldehyde and others. A dosage of 0.5 ml activates the immunity already developed by previous vaccinations.

Differences between ADS-m and DTP:

  • absence of pertussis toxoids;
  • reduced concentration of active substances.

In addition to the bivalent vaccine, there are monovalent vaccines AD (against diphtheria bacillus) and AS (anti-tetanus injection).

ADSM vaccine and its analogues

To protect against tetanus and diphtheria, you can choose one of the existing drugs:

  • Russian ADSM;
  • foreign: Imovaks D. T. Adult or D. T. Vaks;
  • monovalent AD or AS vaccines.

Foreign analogues have a higher degree of purification and extremely rarely cause any reactions to administration. Their disadvantages: the need for independent acquisition and high cost.

Vaccination with the Russian ADS-m vaccine is done in any clinic absolutely free of charge, the risk of complications is minimal and is associated only with non-compliance with the recommendations.

Which one to choose?

The ADSM vaccine is bivalent, that is, it produces antibodies to 2 pathogens at once. Such saturation raises concerns about excessive stress on the body, which are completely unfounded.

Pediatricians and therapists in most cases recommend polyvalent vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria, arguing as follows:

  • minimal risk of side effects;
  • the ability to combine with other vaccinations.
  • It has been proven that the administration of polyvalent vaccines is safer than monopreparations. The former go through several stages of purification, and their components are selected in such a way as to exclude a reaction for each other.

    Today, ADS-m vaccines are produced in disposable syringes and ampoules with several doses of the drug. The former do not contain preservatives, are easier to tolerate, and therefore are preferable for children.

    Vaccination dates

    Health care providers can offer several options for protecting you from tetanus and diphtheria. The choice of drug depends on the health status and age of the patient:

    1. ADS. The vaccine differs from DTP only in the absence of pertussis toxoids. It is given to children of the first year of life in case of severe allergic reactions or high fever that occurred after the administration of DTP. If this drug is also poorly tolerated by the baby, he is given ADS-m or given a medical exemption.
    2. R1 ADS-m. The first revaccination, according to the vaccination schedule, is carried out at 1.5 years of age (if the child was vaccinated with this particular drug). The medical records of children and adults who were administered DTP will not contain such a record.
    3. R2 ADS-m. Second revaccination. The vaccine is given to children aged 4 or 6 years.
    4. R3 ADS-m. The third revaccination is carried out 10 years after the previous one (14 or 16 years, respectively). Subsequently, the vaccine is administered every 10 years, without restrictions on the patient’s age.

    Refusal of vaccination

    Vaccination, especially in childhood, causes a lot of controversy. Many parents believe that the administration of toxoids weakens the immune system and causes serious complications in a child.

    Arguments in favor of a vaccine

    To understand whether to vaccinate against tetanus and diphtheria, it is necessary to evaluate the health risks of these diseases.

    Tetanus affects nervous system person, accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • a sharp increase in temperature;
    • uncontrolled contraction, severe spasm of muscle fibers;
    • weakness;
    • convulsions;
    • difficulty breathing.

    Tetanus is dangerous because of a spasm that causes respiratory arrest and paralysis. Today, every fourth case ends in death, even with the use of modern therapy.

    The causative agent of the disease is resistant to high temperatures and multiplies quickly. Infection occurs when a person’s skin and muscles are damaged; the risk of infection is very high.

    Diphtheria is an infectious disease that affects respiratory system person. Accompanied by:

    • sore throat;
    • high temperature;
    • swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx (the so-called croup);
    • the appearance of plaque and films, gradually affecting neighboring tissues.

    The death of patients occurs from suffocation caused by swelling of the throat. In case of recovery, complications are possible: paralysis, pathologies of the heart and nervous system.

    The causative agent of diphtheria is transmitted by airborne droplets and by contact, so the risk of infection is very high, as is the case with tetanus.

    The human body is not able to develop stable immunity to these diseases even after recovery, so the only way of protection is timely vaccination. Refusing it can result in death or serious problems in the body even with minor abrasions or meeting with a healthy (vaccinated) carrier of the diphtheria bacillus.

    Arguments against

    Many consider the disadvantage of the ADS-m vaccine to be complications and poor tolerability, especially in childhood. For this reason, adults refuse vaccination, exposing themselves and their children to mortal risk.

    Indications and contraindications

    ADS-m is included in the compulsory vaccination calendar. It is recommended to do it:

    • children upon reaching 6 (sometimes 4) years of age;
    • teenagers 14-16 years old;
    • adults after 24-26 years every 10 years.

    In some cases, for example during a disease outbreak, vaccination is carried out unscheduled.


    • spicy and chronic pathologies not in remission;
    • 3-4 weeks after illness;
    • elevated temperature;
    • pregnancy;
    • strong reaction for a similar vaccination;
    • allergy to one of the components of the drug;
    • severe immunodeficiency.

    Before vaccination, an examination by a pediatrician or therapist is required; a blood test is taken to identify hidden pathologies. If contraindications are found, the doctor gives a medical exemption from vaccination.

    Features and scheme of vaccination

    Introduction schedule toxoid ADS-m depends on the reaction to DPT. If the child has tolerated the drug containing the whooping cough component well, vaccination is carried out as follows:

    • R2 - 4-6 years;
    • R3 - 14-16 years old.

    If a child does not tolerate the DTP and ADS vaccine well, and he does not have a medical outlet, the ADS-m vaccination is carried out according to the following scheme:

    • first - 3 months;
    • second - 4.5 months;
    • third - 6 months;
    • fourth - 1 year and 6 months.

    Revaccination of R2 and R3 is carried out according to the standard scheme.

    Any vaccination severe stress for children. To reduce the load on the nervous system, several vaccines can be administered at once, always in different parts of the body. The only exception is BCG vaccine, it is administered strictly separately from others.

    The drug ADS-m stimulates the production of antibodies to tetanus and diphtheria when released into the blood.

    The drug cannot be administered intravenously; the immune system will quickly destroy the pathogen and will not allow the development of antibodies.

    The vaccine must be injected into the muscle: shoulder, thigh, or under the shoulder blade (if the patient has a large layer of subcutaneous tissue). Buttock grafting can cause injury sciatic nerve, therefore not practiced.

    Preparatory measures

    How well the ADS-m vaccination will be tolerated depends on many factors. First of all, you need to understand whether there are any contraindications. Required actions:

    • examination of the medical record to identify previous reactions;
    • visual examination by a therapist or pediatrician;
    • general blood test.

    Vaccination is done only absolutely healthy person, preferably on an empty stomach. It is recommended to go to the toilet before administering the drug.

    For 2-3 days, it is necessary to exclude allergenic foods from the diet and take antihistamines. On the day of vaccination, it is advisable to drink and eat a lot light food in small quantities.

    Reaction, side effects and possible complications

    Vaccination with ADS-m is rarely accompanied by side effects; natural reactions usually occur:

    1. Hyperthermia (37 to 39 °C). If the temperature is above 38.5 °C, you need to take antipyretics (drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen).
    2. Headache. The symptom is easily eliminated with painkillers.
    3. Moodiness, lethargy and drowsiness.
    4. Indigestion, diarrhea. If loose stool bothers you more than 3 times a day, you should take medications to normalize it (Smecta, Subtil).
    5. Pain, redness, swelling at the injection site. Unpleasant sensations relieved with painkillers and antihistamines.

    It is worth noting that all these signs are a reaction to the introduction of the vaccine. They can be expressed in mild, moderate and severe degrees (depending on the characteristics of the body and state of health). In any case, they disappear on their own after a few days.

    If symptoms persist for more than 5 days or only appear after this time, you should consult a doctor.

    Complications occur extremely rarely:

    1. Strong allergic reactions, For example, angioedema(Quincke's edema), anaphylactic shock, often urticaria. They appear almost immediately after the vaccine is administered and can be stopped by medical workers.
    2. Encephalitis.
    3. Meningitis.
    4. State of shock.
    5. Inflammation of the injection site due to infection.

    Some reactions develop quickly, so it is important to remain under medical supervision for at least half an hour.

    Main causes of complications:

    • administering a vaccine without prior examination;
    • no identified contraindications;
    • violation by the patient of the doctor's instructions.

    Features of behavior after vaccination

    So that the administration of the ADS-m vaccine is not accompanied by unwanted reactions, you need to follow certain recommendations:

    • do not eat (1 day before and 3 days after) foods that provoke allergies: citrus fruits, chocolate, unknown dishes;
    • observe drinking regime- drink 2 or more liters of clean warm water;
    • do not rub or comb the vaccination site;
    • do not drink alcoholic beverages (3 days before vaccination and a week after).

    Vaccination weakens the human body, so it is recommended to avoid public places and contact with patients.

    Results and clarification of possible questions

    On the territory of the Russian Federation, vaccination with the domestic ADS-m vaccine is done in any clinic (you must present identification documents and a medical insurance policy). Anyone can be vaccinated with foreign drugs. However, to do this you will have to contact private clinic or purchase the vaccine yourself at the pharmacy.

    The cost of vaccination with domestic vaccines is 300-500 rubles, foreign - from 1500 rubles.

    Attention! The vaccine must be transported in the refrigerator, since toxoids die at room temperature.

    The knowledge of adults regarding any vaccinations, including DPT-m, is limited, despite the widespread practice of vaccination. Quite often questions arise that even some pediatricians cannot give a clear answer to:

    Should I take my child for a walk after vaccination?

    Being outdoors is very beneficial for children, and vaccination is not a reason to stay at home if the child feels well and the weather is good outside. The walk should take place in uncrowded places and be calm. If the baby is uncomfortable or has a fever, it is better to stay in bed and ventilate the room well.

    On the day of vaccination, the child woke up with a slight runny nose, what should I do?

    If there are any, even minor, manifestations of ARVI, vaccination is not carried out due to high risk occurrence of complications. Some pediatricians may argue that a slight discharge of snot is not at all scary. However, parents who value their child’s health should refrain from vaccination for approximately 3 weeks after complete recovery.

    Have you been vaccinated, when can you give your child a bath?

    When vaccinated water treatments are allowed, it is only forbidden to rub the injection site with a washcloth. Much more dangerous is dirt and natural discharge, falling on open wound.

    Is massage possible after vaccination?

    Intramuscular administration of toxoids causes pain and muscle weakness, so you should not massage after vaccination. If a child is undergoing treatment, it is better to do the procedure before vaccination or take a temporary exemption from a pediatrician.

    What guarantees does the ADS-m vaccination provide?

    Vaccination does not protect 100% against tetanus and diphtheria, but if the disease occurs, it is much milder than in unvaccinated people.

    By the beginning of the 21st century, humanity had almost forgotten about many infectious diseases that were considered fatal. This achievement was made possible, among other things, thanks to the invention of vaccines. However, pathogens such as diphtheria and tetanus still live in environment and call death when infected. The only way to avoid this is to get vaccinated with ADS-m on time.

    ADS-M vaccinations can be used to vaccinate children and adults. ADCM stands for adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus in small doses. Adults are diagnosed more often than children, since small doses of the drug are needed only for revaccination. The vaccine forms a person's immunity against diphtheria and tetanus.

    The ADSM vaccine is similar to good known vaccine DPT. The difference is that DTP, in addition to diphtheria and tetanus, will protect the baby from whooping cough. When the use of DTP is impossible or irrational, specialists resort to the use of the ADCM vaccine.

    Vaccine composition

    The ADSM vaccination is bivalent, since its action is directed against pathogens of two different diseases. The vaccination preparation contains 10 units of diphtheria and 10 units of tetanus toxoid per 1 ml. Anatoxin is a preparation made from the toxin of a pathogen without toxic properties, but which is capable of causing the formation of antibodies to this pathogen.

    There are monovalent vaccines against diphtheria and tetanus, which are also used to create immunity, but the use of bivalent vaccines is more rational, since more stringent requirements are imposed on its production: maximum purity of each component used is required. Another important advantage is the reduced number of upcoming injections, which cause fear in children.

    In childhood, as a rule, the ADSM vaccine is not given. Until the child reaches the age of 6 years, DTP containing an anti-pertussis component is used. But we should not exclude a situation where it causes adverse reactions in a child. Then specialists decide to give the baby the ADS vaccine. It differs from ADSM in that it contains large doses of toxoids.

    If a child who has not reached the age of six is ​​vaccinated with ADSM, this will lead to a failure of immunity against these diseases, since the child’s body is just beginning to become familiar with vaccinations at this age, therefore, the doses must be high.

    It’s rare, but it happens that even when vaccinated with ADS, where there is no anti-pertussis component, which causes most adverse reactions, the child’s body reacts very violently: a high temperature rises, swelling forms and a tightness forms at the injection site. Under such conditions, the child needs small doses of toxoid. The solution in this situation is the use of ADSM.

    Children are vaccinated at three, four and a half and six months. At one and a half years old, the child receives a booster dose of vaccination, the purpose of which is to maintain immunity. All subsequent administrations of the drug will be called revaccination - r ADSM.

    Revaccination in children is carried out at the age of 4-6 years, then at the age of 14-16 years, then every 10 years throughout life. Previously, the last revaccination was carried out at the age of 64-66 years, but now it can be carried out at an older age. urgently or at the request of the patient.

    Features of vaccine administration

    Carrying out vaccinations like any other medical manipulation, must be carried out under sterile conditions while observing the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

    Before the procedure nurse must check the ampoule for compliance with the name of the drug with the doctor’s prescription, the integrity of the ampoule, and the expiration date.

    The injection should be carried out strictly intramuscularly, since if the drug enters the subcutaneous fat an abscess may develop, and if it enters the blood directly through an artery or vein, the contents of the ampoule will immediately become harmless immune cells.

    The traditional site for administering the drug in children is the anterior thigh, since there are no nerve trunks in this area. In adults, the injection site is outer surface shoulder If in this area large number subcutaneous fat, then the injection is given under the shoulder blade.

    Indications and contraindications

    All people should be vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus, regardless of age and in accordance with the vaccination schedule.

    Complications and side effects

    In people's reviews after the procedure You can observe completely different reactions to the vaccine - from complete absence side effects to various degrees of discomfort.

    After the injection, When does ADSM enter the body?(vaccination for adults) side effects can be different:

    1. Weakness, headache, drowsiness
    2. Increase in temperature to subfebrile levels
    3. Dyspeptic disorders: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite.

    Some time after the introduction of the ADS-M vaccination, complications are quite rare: 2 cases per 100,000 vaccinations performed. The following states are possible:

    1. Allergic reactions (from urticaria to anaphylactic shock).
    2. Encephalitis and meningitis.

    Vaccination points

    ADSM vaccination carried out in a clinic at the place of residence. Before visiting the hospital, you should check the opening hours of the vaccination office, as well as the days when medical staff works with this vaccine.

    In addition to state and municipal health care institutions, vaccination can be done in private medical centers and organizations. In such institutions, the patient has a choice: domestic or imported drug enter.

    Before vaccination, the patient must prepare. It is better to give the injection on an empty stomach, so you must refuse to eat 12 hours before the appointed time. A few days before vaccination, you should avoid contact with sick people. If a child needs to be vaccinated, then before the manipulation need to show him to a pediatrician. An adult should also see a doctor to rule out the presence of various diseases.

    The name of the ADSM vaccine means that it is Adsorbed Diphtheria-Tetanus and is used in small doses. The spelling ads-m is more common. Its use will allow the body to resist diphtheria and tetanus. This is one of the variants of the DTP vaccine, but without the pertussis component.

    According to the instructions, this drug is suitable for repeated vaccination. ADSM will allow you to extend the validity of already acquired immunity.

    Vaccination schedule

    Ads drug is administered 2 times. The break between procedures should be 4 weeks. But, based on the patient’s reaction, the doctor decides to increase this period after examination. Revaccination is prescribed after a year, as required by the instructions.

    Preparation for the procedure

    A couple of days before vaccination, you should not expose yourself to the risk of contracting various infections. You should avoid places where many people gather. Alcohol and exotic foods for adults will further strain the immune system. And the chance of a negative reaction and adverse consequences will be higher.

    Rules for the use of the ADSM vaccine

    • The doctor must examine the patient before administering the vaccination. It is important to make sure that the components of Ads are not contraindicated. Body temperature is measured. Attention is paid to the condition of the mucous membranes.
    • If the patient has a disease in chronic form, then vaccination is not carried out during an exacerbation. The doctor will not allow a pregnant woman to undergo the procedure.

      • The procedure is carried out only with sterile, disposable instruments.

      The vaccine is supplied in two forms. If it is a syringe, then it contains one individual dose. If an ampoule, then several. Instructions for use do not depend on this.

      • The instructions do not allow mixing several vaccines in one injection syringe. If it is necessary to administer 2 drugs (with the exception of BCG), this is done with different syringes in different parts of the body.
      • The expiration dates of the vaccine are strictly observed.
      • The storage location for ADSM is the refrigerator compartment only. Frozen preparations cannot be used.

      Where is the drug administered?

      Following the instructions for vaccination, ADSM is injected into a large muscle. This could be the shoulder, under the shoulder blade, or the front of the thigh. The buttock is not suitable for vaccination. The fat layer under the skin will make it ineffective.

      What to do after vaccination

      You should not leave the clinic immediately. It costs about 30 minutes to stay in the clinic. If the body reacts sharply to the vaccine, it will require medical care. Doctors will be able to relieve allergy symptoms.

      The doctor may prescribe an antihistamine and recommend its use. Both as preparation for the procedure and to reduce the likelihood of consequences.

      According to the instructions, ointments, lotions and compresses should not be applied to the vaccine injection site. No warming procedures! This can lead to abscesses and surgical intervention.

      Possible reactions

      After the procedure, the temperature may rise (sometimes up to 39-40ºС). You can get rid of this, you need to use the appropriate tablets. The same instructions should be followed in case of diarrhea or headache.

    From the first days of life, doctors and parents take care to protect the baby from various serious illnesses, which can destroy his health – present and future.

    An important tool in this matter is vaccinations, among which are ADSM (a more accurate abbreviation is ADS-M, but it is rarely used even by professionals).

    Decoding the name of the ADSM vaccine for children (adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus, in small doses) explains what diseases the vaccine is used against.

    This vaccination is a variant of the DTP vaccine, which is well known to parents, which, in addition to diphtheria and tetanus, also protects against whooping cough, but various reasons cannot be used, and then ADSM comes to replace it.

    Description and composition, is it necessary to do ADSM

    The composition of the ADS-M vaccine (or vaccination) for children is as follows: in one milliliter of the drug - 10 units of diphtheria and the same amount of tetanus toxoid(this is the name for substances that do not have pronounced toxic effects, but stimulate the production of antibodies that can resist pathogens).

    ADSM vaccine is called bivalent, since it is directed against two diseases at once.

    The doctor selects the vaccine that will be effective for the patient and safe.

    Parents are worried: isn't it better to use a monovalent drug? instead of the more widely used bivalent?

    Here are the explanations given by experts on this matter:: when a vaccine is created against several diseases, its production technology requires the purity of each of the components (a less stringent approach to monovalent ones).

    A bivalent drug will cause fewer negative reactions in the patient, will allow you to get by with fewer injections, which is a great benefit for the baby.

    ADSM - domestic vaccine, there are also its imported analogues. According to doctors, any of the drugs can be effective with minimal negative reactions from the body.

    Compliance with the timing of vaccination and proper preparation for it are of decisive importance.

    Parents are increasingly having doubts: Is it worth getting such vaccinations?? They can be understood.

    Doubts at a higher, state level led to the fact that In a number of countries, such vaccinations have been abandoned: There were few cases of tetanus and diphtheria, and at some point it seemed that the terrible diseases had been completely defeated.

    The situation very quickly, within a few years, returned to normal: in the USA, for example, outbreaks of the epidemic were noted.

    The cancellation experiment failed, to practice mandatory vaccination had to go back.

    At what age is it done, vaccination schedule and schedule

    The most frequently asked questions parents: what is the ADSM vaccine for a child and where is it given, where can it be done?

    According to the instructions ADS-M vaccine for children, her used for reuse, that is, for revaccination, therefore, the vaccination schedule is directly dependent on when the child was administered the DPT vaccine.

    The point of the procedure is to consolidate previously acquired immunity. and extend its validity into the future.

    Vaccination calendar(it is also called the national vaccination schedule, giving it important) is prescribed for young patients.

    If they received the DTP vaccination in a timely manner, then the ADSM vaccination will be carried out:

    • at 6 years old (second option – at 4 years old);
    • at 16 years old (at 14 years old).

    An important condition: ten years must pass between two revaccinations, no less and no more.

    That's what it is The vaccination regimen was developed for children who failed to receive DTP due to poor individual response to the drug.

    Doctors immediately turn to the ADSM vaccine and give injections three times up to a year and beyond:

    • at 3 months;
    • four and a half;
    • at six;
    • at one and a half years;
    • six years;
    • sixteen years old.

    It happens that parents who do not give their children timely necessary vaccinations, are forced to consult doctors if their sons and daughters came into contact with diphtheria patients.

    The risk of getting sick is so high that doctors prescribe ADSM vaccination so that the baby develops emergency immunity.

    This is a serious reason to think about whether it was necessary to put the baby at risk and take “fire” measures when everything could have been done as planned.

    Parents sometimes ask why do they use a drug for revaccination that no longer contains the “whooping cough component”. Logically, if you repeat the procedure, then do it, as they say, one on one.

    However, experts explain: in children who are already four years old, it is safe.

    The body, supported by adequate treatment, copes well with this disease, so there is no need to vaccinate against it.

    IN early age(up to four years) the disease is very acute, rapidly and often ends in the death of the patient (spasm of the respiratory muscles, which occurs during whooping cough, can lead to respiratory arrest).

    Parents need to be aware of these risks and also remember that If a child who has received a DPT vaccine at one time is not revaccinated in the future, there is a great danger that he will “catch” diphtheria or tetanus when he finds himself in a large group of children - at school, on the playground, in the yard.

    Doctors also consider the second revaccination very important., which occurs during puberty in adolescents, when as a result of hormonal changes in the body, its immunity is temporarily reduced, including the most dangerous diseases.

    Preparation, injection site

    So that everything goes well, Pediatricians ask parents to follow the instructions a few days before administering the ADSM vaccine:

    • try to ensure that the child has less contact with other people;
    • do not introduce new products to the menu (it is unknown how the body will react to them);
    • do not bathe three days before the procedure;
    • give children antiallergic drugs (two days before and after the injection).

    Some parents may object: why such precautions, what bad could happen if you drop in to visit friends for a couple of hours?

    Doctors are sure that little things cannot be neglected– what if the baby catches some kind of virus, the same cold?

    He will have to spend a “piece” of immunity to fight these unforeseen obstacles, and protective functions organisms will be weakened at a time when they must withstand a more serious test.

    Where do children get the ADSM (ADS-M) vaccine? How painful and effective is it?

    The ADSM vaccine is administered intramuscularly - this way the drug enters the blood at the speed necessary for the success of the procedure.

    The option of injection into the subcutaneous tissue is not suitable: the vaccine will enter the blood too slowly and will not give the effect for which it is designed (there have been cases when similar situations vaccination was considered ineffective and had to be redone), and a painful lump formed at the injection site.

    The drug is administered intramuscularly in the thigh, under the shoulder blade or in the shoulder.

    The choice of "target" for the syringe depends on how large the patient's muscle mass is. For children younger age For those whose muscles are not strongly developed, the thigh area is best suited.

    What about the injection in the buttock, parents ask? Usually this is where doctors aim the syringe (remember the famous episode from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus”).

    Turns out, Injecting ADSM into the buttock is strictly prohibited due to the risk of injury to the sciatic nerve, as well as the likelihood of the drug entering not into the muscle (it is located relatively deep), but under the skin.

    To avoid or minimize side effects ADSM vaccinations for a child, we give a few more recommendations:

    • The body will tolerate vaccination more easily if the intestines and stomach are empty;
    • You need to drink after the procedure more water, but there are smaller ones;
    • Stay for half an hour or forty minutes at the clinic after completing your appointments so that in case of an allergic reaction, your child can receive immediate help.


    List of contraindications:

    • intolerance by the body to any components of the drug;
    • diseases present at the time of vaccination;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • weakened immunity.

    If your baby has already received similar injections, and the body’s reaction was too painful, you must inform the doctor.

    He will hold additional research or make some appointments that will help strengthen the baby’s body and more reliably prepare him for vaccination.

    Vaccine reaction and side effects

    The most alarming are the first three days, during which the temperature can rise to 37 (and then nothing needs to be done) or up to 39 degrees (in this case, antipyretics are needed).

    A rise in temperature after vaccination with ADS-M means that the immune system is functioning as it should.

    The injection site itself may bother and hurt, sometimes after the ADSM vaccination there is redness, thickening and swelling.

    The painful condition is sometimes accompanied such reactions:

    All these troubles quickly pass without any medical or parental intervention.

    Heating pads and warming compresses are strictly contraindicated, as they can cause suppuration!

    If the baby experiences severe pain, limb mobility is impaired, you need to seek help from a doctor.

    Give your baby more attention than usual, because he really feels bad after the ADSM vaccination - fever, weakness, pain in the place where the injection was given.

    Sometimes it is enough to distract the baby with an interesting book, sometimes it is impossible to do without some procedures that alleviate his condition.

    You can apply ice to the sore spot, give a painkiller(check with your pediatrician which one), use ointments that increase blood flow and quickly return the inflamed area of ​​skin to its normal state.

    One of the most frequently asked questions to doctors is: “Is it possible or not to wet the place where the ADSM vaccination was given?” Doctors say: “It’s possible”.

    However, serious water procedures (washing in the bathroom, swimming pool, swimming in the river) should be postponed for a while.

    Dr. Komarovsky will tell you which actions after vaccination are desirable and which are not:


    The numbers speak most eloquently about the effectiveness of the drug.. Before the introduction of vaccinations, half of the patients who contracted diphtheria died.

    In the case of tetanus, the disease acted even more ruthlessly: 85 percent died and only 15 survived.

    Modern drugs, including ADSM, help ensure that one hundred percent of people who receive a timely vaccination develop immunity.

    Speaking about vaccinations, we usually recall lines from a poem by Sergei Mikhalkov: “Well, just think, an injection! They injected me and off I went..."

    If children think so, it’s good - it means adults managed to do it unpleasant procedure as painless as possible.

    However, parents should not simplify the situation: vaccination is an extremely important matter, and the more consistently all the doctor’s recommendations are followed, the better it will affect the future health and life of the child.

    Thank you

    The ADSM vaccine is correctly spelled ADS-m, which means: Adsorbed Diphtheria-Tetanus in Small doses. Graft ADSM is a special variant of such a widely known vaccines like DPT. But DPT also contains a component directed against whooping cough, which is not found in DPT. ADSM is currently used for booster vaccinations, i.e. repeated administrations vaccines to activate previously acquired immunity and extend its validity.

    ADSM is used only in children over 4 years of age and adults, since whooping cough is not dangerous for these categories. In children from 4 to 5 years of age, whooping cough is relatively safe, when the likelihood of death is almost zero. But in children under 4 years of age, whooping cough can lead to death, since its course can be acute and even lightning fast. For example, with whooping cough, adults simply cough for 2 to 5 weeks, while children may experience a sudden spasm of the respiratory muscles and a sudden stop in breathing. In this case, children need to be resuscitation measures. Unfortunately, almost all cases of whooping cough in unvaccinated children under 1 year of age end in the death of the baby.

    The range of application of ADSM vaccination is quite wide. It includes all adults who are subject to revaccination against diphtheria and tetanus every 10 years and children who cannot tolerate DTP and DTaP. The ADSM vaccine contains a half dose of tetanus and diphtheria toxoids, which are sufficient to reactivate previously acquired immunity.

    Today, the domestic vaccine ADSM and the imported Imovax D.T.Adult are available in Russia, which are less likely to cause various reactions from the body, in response to its administration. In addition to the combined divalent ADSM vaccine, there are two monovalent ones - separately against tetanus(AS) and against diphtheria(HELL).

    Advantages of ADSM vaccination over AS and AD

    Since the ADSM vaccine contains active ingredients against two infections at once, it is called bivalent. Any vaccine containing only one component (for example, against tetanus) is called monovalent. Many parents and adults believe that monovalent vaccines are better than bivalent or polyvalent ones. However, this is a deep misconception.

    In reality, to create a polyvalent vaccine, it is necessary to achieve special purity of the biological components of the drug. This means that all polyvalent vaccines, by definition, are purified better than monovalent ones, and therefore cause much fewer reactions from the body in response to their administration. The second undoubted advantage of polyvalent drugs is the reduction in the number of injections that a child or adult will have to endure. Finally, the third advantage is the preservatives and other ballast substances present in the vaccine preparation. When a polyvalent vaccine is introduced into the body, these preservatives and ballast substances enter only once, and during vaccination with monovalent drugs - several times.

    In developed countries, they have already come to the use of polyvalent vaccines, but they are all recombinant, that is, obtained using genetic engineering technologies. This also means high degree purification and low reactogenicity of vaccines, as well as the ability to vaccinate a person against several infections at once in one injection. Unfortunately, there are no such production facilities in Russia, and the purchase of drugs is expensive, so monovalent drugs are more often used. In light of all of the above, it is intuitively clear that the ADSM vaccine will be much the best option, compared with the introduction of two drugs - AD (against diphtheria) and AS (against tetanus).

    ADSM vaccination for adults

    Revaccination of children is carried out for the last time at the age of 14–16 years with the ADSM vaccine, and its effectiveness lasts for 10 years. After these 10 years, it is necessary to undergo revaccination again with the ADSM vaccine to maintain immunity against tetanus and diphtheria at a sufficient level. According to the orders and instructions of the Ministry of Health of Russia, subsequent revaccinations after 14 years are carried out for adults at 24 - 26 years old, 34 - 36 years old, 44 - 46 years old, 54 - 56 years old, etc. There is simply no upper limit for the age at which vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus is not needed. All age groups are susceptible to these infections – from the youngest children to the elderly.

    Adults must be revaccinated with the ADSM vaccine, since both diphtheria and tetanus are very dangerous diseases that can even lead to death. Tetanus is especially dangerous in this regard, which can be contracted by introducing contaminants into an open wound - while working in the garden, at the dacha, as a result of a trip to nature, etc. Tetanus is practically incurable even with modern and effective drugs. Diphtheria is treatable, but can lead to dangerous complications that will significantly reduce a person’s quality of life in the future.

    Vaccination causes an active reaction immune system, which produces antibodies against infection. In the case of the ADSM vaccine, antibodies against diphtheria and tetanus last for an average of 10 years, gradually deteriorating over these years. If a person does not undergo revaccination after 10 years, the level of antibodies will be low, which will not provide reliable protection against infections. In the case of tetanus or diphtheria, a person who has previously been vaccinated with ADSM and has not undergone revaccination within certain established periods will survive the infectious disease much more easily than someone who has never been vaccinated at all in their entire life.

    ADSM vaccination for children

    Usually, before reaching the age of 6, children are given the DTP vaccine, which contains three components - against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. However, in some cases, the child’s body simply cannot tolerate the DTP vaccine, as a result of which, after its administration, severe side effects, allergic reactions, etc. may be observed. Then, provided normal development the child is vaccinated without a pertussis component - ADS, which differs from ADSM high content tetanus and diphtheria toxoids. The replacement of DTP with ADSM is due to the fact that it is the pertussis component that most often causes vaccination reactions. Vaccination of children is done with relatively large doses of toxoids (ADS), since this is necessary for the formation of full immunity. ADSM given to a child under 6 years of age may be ineffective, that is, it will not lead to the formation of immunity and protection from severe infections. This state of affairs is due to the peculiarities of the response of the child’s immune system, as well as the fact that a person first “gets acquainted” with the antigens of pathogens infectious diseases.

    Despite the general picture of the failure of ADSM vaccination in children, there are exceptions to the rules. For example, a child’s immune system reaction is very violent, and he even responds to ADS. high temperature, severe swelling and compaction at the injection site, etc. If such a very strong reaction of the body develops in response to the administration of ADS, data about this is entered into the child’s medical record, and subsequently the baby is vaccinated only with the ADSM vaccine, which contains a smaller dose of antigens of the causative agent of infectious diseases. That is, a smaller dose of biological material in the ADSM vaccine allows even children who do not tolerate the vaccine with the usual dosage of antigens to be vaccinated against severe infections.

    To form adequate immunity against tetanus and diphtheria, three vaccinations are required - at 3, 4.5 and 6 months. After them, at 1.5 years, another additional, so-called booster dose of the vaccine is administered, which consolidates the resulting effect of immunological immunity to these infections. All subsequent doses of vaccination are called revaccinations. Since immunity against tetanus and diphtheria has already been formed after the first four vaccinations in infancy, subsequently a smaller dose of the vaccine is sufficient to maintain and activate it, therefore ADSM is used exclusively. The need to use ADSM in children over 6 years of age is also dictated by the fact that with each subsequent dose the body’s reaction may intensify. Therefore, after receiving several full doses DTP requires the introduction of a smaller amount of antigens in the form of ADSM.

    Many parents believe that a two-component vaccine, even with a reduced dose of immunoactive particles, puts too much stress on the child’s body. However, this is not true, since the immune system reacts with equal force to one or more antigens at the same time. When creating complex polyvalent vaccines main problem is to find the optimal ratio of components so that they are compatible and effective. In the 40s of the last century, the ability to create one vaccine with several components at once was simply a revolutionary technology that made it possible to reduce production costs, reduce the number of trips to the doctor and the number of injections.

    The ADSM vaccine almost never causes reactions, since tetanus and diphtheria toxoids are easily tolerated even by a child’s body. Remember that before the introduction of vaccinations, 50% of those sick died from diphtheria, and even more - 85% from tetanus. A number of countries abandoned vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough for several years, believing that the prevalence of infections had significantly decreased. However, the outbreak of whooping cough and diphtheria epidemics in the United States over the past 10 years has changed the opinion of scientists, epidemiologists and doctors, who have reintroduced vaccination against these infections into the national vaccination schedule.

    ADSM vaccination and pregnancy

    In Russia, according to regulations and regulations Ministry of Health, pregnancy is a contraindication for the administration of ADSM vaccination. If a woman is planning a pregnancy and the next revaccination is due, it is necessary to get the ADSM vaccine and use protection for a month. After this period, you can plan to conceive without fear of the possible adverse effects of the vaccine on the fetus.

    For some women, the situation arises that the next revaccination period falls during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In this case, it is necessary to wait until childbirth, after which, provided you feel normal, get the ADSM vaccine. The next revaccination should be done after 10 years.

    Another situation is also possible - a woman received the ADSM vaccine, and after a short period of time she learned that she was pregnant. In this case, there is no need to terminate the pregnancy - you must inform your gynecologist about this fact and carefully monitor for birth defects development in a child. If any developmental defects are detected in the child, the pregnancy should be terminated. This tactic is accepted in Russia and neighboring countries. Although long period ADSM did not reveal any observations on the use of vaccinations negative influence for the fruit.

    Today in the United States of America a completely different strategy has emerged. Pregnant women later gestation (after 25 weeks), on the contrary, it is recommended to get vaccinated with DTP (not even ADSM). This is due to the fact that the causative agents of these infections - whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria recent years mutated, and children began to become infected frequently. It is impossible to vaccinate a child before 2 months of age, so epidemiologists and doctors decided to resort to the option of vaccinating pregnant women so that they pass protection against infections to newborns through the placenta. The maternal antibodies against infections that enter the body of a newborn child will be enough for 2 months, after which the baby will receive a vaccination and his body will develop its own immunity.

    The decision to vaccinate pregnant women is associated with an increase in the number of children contracting whooping cough and diphtheria in the first months of life. Many women and men can say that nothing like this is observed in Russia; statistics do not show an increase in the number of deaths from whooping cough and diphtheria. This is not due to the fact that children in Russia do not get sick, but to the peculiarities of statistical accounting.

    For example, small child fell ill with whooping cough, ended up in intensive care, where he had to be connected to a machine artificial ventilation lungs (this happens very often). If it is not possible to normalize the child’s own breathing within two days, then pneumonia will develop in 100% of children against the background of artificial ventilation. As a rule, these children die. In the United States, such a child fits into the column “death from complications of whooping cough,” and in Russia – into the column “death from pneumonia.” Thus, the American health care system reports morbidity and mortality data that correspond to the actual state of affairs. In Russia, statistics take into account these deaths not as from infections, but as from complications, which are the main diagnosis, since it was from them that death occurred. Therefore, if statistics similar to the American ones are introduced in Russia, the number of morbidity cases and mortality from diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough may be even higher.

    ADSM vaccination calendar

    ADSM vaccinations, according to the established schedule and if available DPT vaccinations in children and adults, it is administered in the following periods:
    • 6 years;
    • 14 – 16 years old;
    • 26 years old;
    • 36 years old;
    • 46 years old;
    • 56 years old;
    • 66 years old, etc.
    There is no upper age limit for the introduction of ADSM. A person needs to undergo revaccination once every 10 years, until death. Moreover, older people especially need ADSM vaccinations, since their immune system is already weakening, susceptibility to infections increases, and the severity of pathologies increases. It is widely known that children and the elderly are most seriously ill, so these categories of the population must be vaccinated against dangerous infections. Elderly people should not attempt to obtain a medical exemption from ADSM on the basis of severe chronic diseases internal organs, since infectious pathology against such a background can be fatal. The presence of chronic diseases is, one might say, a direct indication for vaccination, since it will protect against infections.

    There are situations when a person has not been vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus at all, or medical documentation is lost, and it is not possible to reliably determine the presence or absence of vaccinations. Then a person must pass full course vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus, consisting of three vaccinations. Adults are vaccinated only with the ADSM vaccine. In such a situation, it is administered according to the scheme - 0-1-6, that is, the first vaccination, the second after a month and the third after six months (6 months). After the last dose of ADSM, immunity is fully formed, and revaccination must be done after 10 years. All subsequent revaccinations involve the administration of only one dose of ADSM, in the amount of 0.5 ml.

    If a person is overdue for revaccination, and more than 10 years have passed since the last vaccination, but less than 20, he also receives only one dose of the ADSM vaccine, which is quite enough to activate the immune system. If more than 20 years have passed since the last immunization, then the person should receive two doses of ADSM, which are administered with an interval of 1 month between them. After such a two-dose vaccination, immunity against tetanus and diphtheria is fully activated.

    Vaccination ADSM R2 and R3

    Vaccination R2 ADSM stands for as follows:
    • R2 – revaccination number 2;
    • ADSM is an adsorbed vaccine against diphtheria and tetanus in small doses.
    Revaccination means that the vaccine is not administered for the first time. IN in this case the designation R2 indicates that a second planned revaccination is being carried out. Revaccinations are necessary to activate previously acquired immunity in order to extend the body’s protection against infections for a certain period. In relation to ADSM, the first revaccination was given to a child at 1.5 years of age DTP vaccine. And the second is carried out at the age of 6, and is conventionally designated R2 ADSM. The ADSM vaccine does not contain a pertussis component, since this infection is not dangerous for children over 4 years of age, so there is no need for revaccinations. At its core, R2 ADSM is regular vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria, and R2 - the designation of the revaccination number.

    Vaccination R3 ADSM is deciphered similarly to R2 ADSM, namely:

    • R3 – revaccination number 3;
    • ADSM is an adsorbed vaccine against diphtheria and tetanus in small dosages.
    In relation to the R3 ADSM vaccination, we can say that this is another revaccination against diphtheria and tetanus. The designation R3 indicates that the third planned revaccination is being carried out. According to national calendar vaccinations, the third revaccination against diphtheria and tetanus (R3 ADSM) is carried out for adolescents aged 14–16 years. Then all subsequent revaccinations are done after 10 years and are designated, respectively, r4 ADSM, r5 ADSM, etc.

    ADSM vaccination at 7 years old

    The ADSM vaccination at 7 years of age is the second booster vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus. This vaccination can also be given at 6 years of age. Revaccination with ADSM against diphtheria and tetanus is carried out for children at the age of 6–7 years, since it is necessary to activate the immune system and strengthen the body’s defense against infections before the child enters the school staff. After all, a large number of children gather at school, the probability of infection is very high, and epidemics break out in such large groups very quickly. Therefore, epidemiologists use the strategy of additional revaccination of children against tetanus and diphtheria just before the child enters school.

    ADSM at 14 years old

    Vaccination at the age of 14 with the ADSM vaccine is the third revaccination against tetanus and diphtheria. In principle, the age of 14 years is not strict, and in regulations and regulations of the Ministry of Health it is indicated in the range from 14 to 16 years. Thus, the third revaccination against diphtheria and tetanus is carried out at the age of 14–16 years, when 8–10 years have already passed since the last vaccination (from 6–7 years of age). This vaccination is planned, and is necessary to activate the existing immunity against tetanus and diphtheria, which gradually decreases and practically disappears 10 years after immunization.

    Vaccination of ADSM at the age of 14 is especially important, since adolescents are in the phase of puberty and active hormonal changes, which reduce the body's immunity, including to dangerous infections against which the child was previously vaccinated. In addition, at the age of 16, children graduate from school and move to other teams - either in higher or secondary educational institutions, either in the army or at work. And a change in the team and, accordingly, the environment also leads to the fact that immunity drops, and a person can easily become infected until he goes through the adaptation process.

    The next revaccination against diphtheria and tetanus will be carried out only at the age of 26, and the interval between 14 and 26 years is very important, because young people are very active, often spend time outdoors, gather in groups, etc. That is why active youth aged 14 to 26 years must have reliable protection against dangerous infections. Finally, another very important circumstance according to which it is simply necessary to get the ADSM vaccine at the age of 14 is pregnancy and childbirth, which falls precisely on this age interval (between 14 and 26 years) for most girls.

    Where can I get the ADSM vaccination?

    The ADSM vaccination can be done at the clinic at your place of residence or work. In this case, you need to find out the schedule of the vaccination room and the days on which medical personnel work with ADSM vaccines. If necessary, sign up for the ADSM vaccination in advance. In addition to clinics, ADSM can be obtained at specialized vaccination centers or private clinics that are accredited to work with vaccines.

    Private medical centers provide the opportunity to supply ADSM of domestic or imported vaccine. In addition, in some private centers you can call a special team of vaccinators to your home. In this case, the team comes to the person’s home, the person is examined by a doctor, after which, in the absence of contraindications, the ADSM vaccination is given. This immunization option is optimal because it allows you to minimize the number of contacts with sick people who always exist in the corridors of a regular clinic. Thus, the likelihood of getting sick after going to the clinic for vaccination is reduced.

    Where is the vaccine injection given?

    The ADSM vaccine is of the adsorbed type, which means the imposition of immunobiological particles on a specific matrix - a sorbent. This type of vaccine implies that it is released this drug into the blood will gradually cause a reaction of the immune system, leading to the formation of immunity. Rapid entry of the entire dose of the drug into the blood will simply lead to its destruction immunocompetent cells without developing immunity and protection against infections. That is why ADSM is administered strictly intramuscularly. The drug creates a depot in the muscle, from where it is gradually released into the blood at an optimal speed. If the drug gets into the subcutaneous tissue, it will slowly enter the bloodstream, which can lead to the development of a lump at the injection site and the ineffectiveness of the vaccination, which will have to be redone.

    To ensure exactly intramuscular injection ADSM drug, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the injection should be given in the thigh, shoulder or under the shoulder blade. Children with undeveloped muscle mass It is best to inject ADSM into the thigh, since the muscles are developed in this place and come close to the skin. At good development muscle frame in a child and an adult, you can place the ADSM in the outer part of the shoulder, on the border of its upper and middle third. Option for introducing ADSM into subscapular region is considered as a spare, but it is quite suitable if a person has a pronounced subcutaneous fat layer that covers the muscles on the thigh and shoulder.

    ADSM vaccination - instructions

    Vaccinations should only be given once sterile instruments. It is not allowed to introduce multiple vaccine preparations in one syringe. Along with ADSM, you can get any vaccination except BCG, but all drugs must be administered with different syringes to different parts of the body.

    The vaccine for vaccination must not be expired. The ampoule with the drug should be stored in the refrigerator under sterile conditions, but not frozen. DSM is available in two versions - ampoules and disposable syringes. The ampoules contain several doses of the drug, but the disposable syringe contains only one. In addition, ampoules with a large number The drug contains a preservative – thiomersal (mercury compound). And single-dose, ready-to-use syringes contain no preservatives at all, making them safer. However, you will have to purchase such syringes at your own expense, since the state does not purchase them due to their high cost.

    The vaccine is administered strictly intramuscularly, in one of three places - in the thigh, in the shoulder or under the shoulder blade. You cannot inject ADSM into the buttock, as this can lead to injury to the sciatic nerve and the drug getting into the subcutaneous fat layer - after all, the muscles in this part of the human body lie quite deep and are difficult to reach.

    Before the ADSM vaccination, it is wise to undergo simple preparation, which consists of a mandatory trip to the toilet and refusal to eat. Vaccination is best done on an empty stomach and empty intestines. After the procedure, drink more fluids and limit the amount of food you eat. It is best to be in a semi-starved mode for one day before vaccination, and three after it. This will make it easier to tolerate the vaccination and guarantee minimum quantity reactions and their insignificant severity.

    Reaction to the vaccine and its consequences

    The ADSM vaccine itself has low reactogenicity, that is, it rarely causes any side effects. You need to know that the reaction to the ADSM vaccine is the norm; these symptoms do not indicate the development of pathology or disease, but only the active production of immunity by the human body. After a short period of time, vaccination reactions go away on their own and leave no consequences.

    Reactions to the ADSM vaccine can be mild or severe. Mild and severe reactions include the same symptoms, but their severity varies. For example, body temperature can rise to 37.0 o C, then this will be a mild reaction to the vaccine, and if the temperature reaches 39.0 o C, then we're talking about about a severe reaction to vaccination. It should be remembered that neither a severe nor a mild reaction to a vaccine is a pathology, since it does not cause long-term and persistent health problems. Of course, severe reactions are subjectively tolerated much worse by a person, but they pass without a trace, without causing any health problems subsequently.

    The ADSM vaccine can lead to the development of local and general side effects. Local reactions associated with the injection site - this is compaction, redness, pain, swelling, a feeling of heat in the injection area. The lump may look like a lump, but don't be alarmed. The lump will resolve on its own within a few weeks. Under no circumstances should you heat the injection site, as this may aggravate the situation and cause suppuration, which will have to be opened. surgical method. Other local effects include impaired mobility of a limb - arm or leg, due to pain syndrome at the injection site.

    General reactions to vaccination are associated with symptoms throughout the body. The main reactions to ADSM include the following:

    • increase in temperature;
    • anxiety;
    • moodiness;
    • lethargy;
    • appetite disorder.
    Both local and general reactions on ADSM develop during the first days after immunization. If any symptoms are observed 3 to 4 days after vaccination, then they are not related to the vaccine, but are a reflection of another process in the human body. For example, often after going to the clinic a person becomes infected with a cold or flu, which has nothing to do with the vaccine.

    Symptoms of post-vaccination reactions not only can, but also need to be alleviated, since they only cause discomfort and do not in any way contribute to the process of developing immunity. Therefore, you can lower the temperature, relieve headaches with painkillers, and take appropriate medications for diarrhea (for example, Subtil, etc.). Let's take a closer look at the most common and typical reactions to ADSM, and ways to eliminate them.

    The ADSM vaccine hurts. ADSM contains aluminum hydroxide, which causes a local inflammatory reaction at the injection site, which is manifested by pain, swelling, redness, a feeling of heat and impaired muscle function. That's why painful sensations After vaccination, ADSM localized at the injection site and spreading to other nearby parts of the body are normal reactions to the vaccine. The pain can be relieved by applying ice to the injection site, taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (Analgin, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide). Pain can be reduced by using ointments that increase blood flow (for example, Troxevasin or Aescusan).

    Temperature after ADSM vaccination. The temperature reaction is normal and can vary from 37.0 to 40.0 o C. You should not tolerate this condition after vaccination with ADSM - bring down the elevated temperature by taking antipyretics based on Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or Nimesulide.

    Alcohol and ADSM vaccination

    Alcohol and ADSM vaccination are in principle incompatible. Before immunization, you should refrain from consuming alcohol for at least two days, and after the procedure, extend the teetotal lifestyle for another three days. Three days after the administration of ADSM, you can take weak alcoholic drinks in limited quantities. After a 7-day interval has passed after the ADSM vaccination, you can drink alcoholic beverages as usual.

    Of course, if you took alcoholic drinks after vaccination, then nothing bad will happen, but the severity of side effects may increase. The temperature reaction due to alcohol intoxication may be stronger, swelling and swelling at the injection site may also increase in size due to alcohol ingestion. Therefore it is better to refrain from alcoholic drinks within a week after vaccination, so as not to aggravate the reactions and adequately assess the course of the post-vaccination period.

    Complications in adults and children

    Complications from ADSM vaccination are extremely rare, but they occur with a frequency of approximately 2 cases per 100,000 vaccinated people. Complications of ADSM include the following conditions:
    1. Severe allergic reactions (anaphylactic shock, angioedema, urticaria, etc.).
    2. Encephalitis or meningitis.
    3. Shock.

    The development of neurological disorders during the administration of ADSM has not been registered, since diphtheria and tetanus toxoids have no effect on the membranes of the brain and nerve tissue.


    Due to the ease of the ADSM vaccine, the list of contraindications to immunization is very narrow. The vaccine cannot be given under the following conditions:
    • pregnancy;
    • any disease in the acute period;
    • severe immunodeficiency;
    • allergy to vaccine components;
    • an excessively strong reaction to a previous vaccine.

    ADSM vaccination - vaccination rules, reactions and complications - Video

    Before use, you should consult a specialist.