Vaccines for the prevention of mumps in Russia. Imported vaccines measles rubella mumps

HIV infection is not a contraindication for vaccination.

For mild forms of ARVI and acute intestinal diseases, vaccination is carried out immediately after body temperature normalizes.

Vaccination is carried out no earlier than 3-6 months after the end of immunosuppressive therapy.

Vaccination can be carried out simultaneously (on the same day) with other calendar vaccinations (against polio, hepatitis B, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus) or no earlier than 1 month after the previous vaccination; after the introduction of human Ig - no earlier than 2 months, and after vaccination with the mumps-measles vaccine, the introduction of Ig is allowed only after 2 weeks. If it is necessary to administer Ig earlier than this period, vaccination against mumps and measles should be repeated.

Persons temporarily exempt from vaccination should be monitored and vaccinated after contraindications are lifted.

A history of febrile convulsions, as well as hyperthermia above 38.5 degrees C in the post-vaccination period are an indication for the prescription of antipyretic drugs.

Immediately before administration, the vaccine is diluted with a solvent for measles, mumps and mumps-measles cultured live dry vaccines at the rate of 0.5 ml of solvent per 1 vaccination dose of the vaccine. The vaccine should completely dissolve within 3 minutes.

The vaccine or diluent is not suitable for use in ampoules with damaged integrity, labeling, or if they have been altered. physical properties(colors and transparency, etc.), with expired expired or improperly stored.

The opening of ampoules and the vaccination procedure are carried out in strict compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

Ampoules with vaccine and solvent at the incision site are treated at 70 degrees. ethanol and break off, while preventing ethanol from entering the ampoule.

To dilute the vaccine, select the entire required volume of solvent and transfer it to an ampoule with dry vaccine. After mixing, the vaccine is drawn into a sterile syringe with another needle and used for vaccination.

The dissolved vaccine is used immediately and cannot be stored.

The vaccination carried out is registered in the established registration forms, indicating the name of the drug, date of vaccination, dose, manufacturer, batch number, date of manufacture, expiration date, reaction to the vaccine.



J07BD51 (Measles, combinations with mumps, live attenuated)

Before using MEASLES AND MUMPS VACCINE, you should consult your doctor. These instructions for use are for informational purposes only. To get more complete information Please refer to the manufacturer's instructions.

Clinical and pharmacological group

14.031 (Vaccine for the prevention of measles and mumps)

Pharmacological action

Stimulates the production of antibodies to measles and mumps viruses 3-4 weeks and 6-7 weeks, respectively, after vaccination.


S/C under the shoulder blade or shoulder area (on the border between the lower and middle third shoulder from the outside), once in a dose of 0.5 ml.

Pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated during pregnancy.


From 4 to 18 days after the introduction of the vaccine: hyperthermia (with mass vaccination, an increase in body temperature above 38.5 degrees C should not occur in more than 2% of vaccinated children), catarrhal phenomena (hyperemia of the pharynx, rhinitis), lasting 1-3 days; rarely - short-term (2-3 days) slight increase in parotid salivary glands (general condition it is not disturbed), malaise, measles-like rash. Local reactions: slight hyperemia of the skin and swelling of soft tissues, which disappear after 1-3 days without treatment. Rarely - allergic reactions(in the first 24-48 hours), 2-4 weeks after vaccination - benign serous meningitis (each case serous meningitis requires differential diagnosis).


Prevention of measles and mumps: primary - in children aged 12 months and 6 years who have not had measles and mumps, emergency - in children from 12 months and adults who have had contact with a patient with measles or mumps, have not had these infections and have not been vaccinated against them (not later than 72 hours after contact with the patient, in the absence of contraindications).


Hypersensitivity (including to gentamicin and chicken protein), primary immunodeficiency, malignant diseases blood and neoplasms, a pronounced reaction (hyperthermia above 40 degrees C, hyperemia or swelling more than 8 cm in diameter at the injection site) or a complication of a previous injection, acute infectious and non- infectious diseases or exacerbation chronic diseases(vaccination is postponed until recovery or remission), pregnancy.

Special instructions

HIV infection is not a contraindication for vaccination. For mild forms of ARVI and acute intestinal diseases, vaccination is carried out immediately after the body temperature has returned to normal. Vaccination is not recommended during the period of increased incidence of serous meningitis. Vaccination is carried out no earlier than 3-6 months after the end of immunosuppressive treatment therapy. Vaccination can be carried out simultaneously (on the same day) with other calendar vaccinations (B, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus) or no earlier than 1 month after the previous vaccination; after the introduction of human Ig - no earlier than 2 months, and after vaccination, the introduction of Ig is allowed only after 2 weeks. If it is necessary to administer Ig earlier than this period, vaccination against mumps and measles should be repeated. Persons temporarily exempt from vaccination should be monitored and vaccinated after contraindications are removed. A history of febrile convulsions, as well as hyperthermia above 38.5 degrees C in the post-vaccination period are an indication to prescribing antipyretic drugs. Immediately before administration, the vaccine is diluted with a solvent for measles, mumps and mumps-measles cultured live dry vaccines at the rate of 0.5 ml of solvent per 1 vaccination dose of the vaccine. The vaccine must completely dissolve within 3 minutes. The vaccine or solvent in ampoules with damaged integrity, markings, changes in their physical properties (color and transparency, etc.), expired or improperly stored are not suitable for use. Opening ampoules and the vaccination procedure is carried out in strict compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. Ampules with the vaccine and solvent at the incision site are treated at 70 degrees. ethanol and break off, without allowing ethanol to enter the ampoule. To dilute the vaccine, select the entire required volume of solvent and transfer it to the ampoule with dry vaccine. After mixing, the vaccine is drawn into a sterile syringe with another needle and used for vaccination. The dissolved vaccine is used immediately and cannot be stored. The vaccination performed is recorded in the established registration forms indicating the name of the drug, date of vaccination, dose, manufacturer, batch number, date of manufacture, expiration date, reaction to vaccination.

Registration numbers

lyophilisate for preparation. injection solution 1 dose: amp. 10 pcs. Р N000544/01 (2014-03-08 – 0000-00-00)

Experimental determination of suitable drugs:


Vaccination - method specific prevention infectious diseases, as a result of which a person develops reliable immunity. Every day the world is vaccinated against large quantity infections that are dangerous to humans and often become epidemics. Measles and mumps are one of these diseases. To prevent them, a mumps-measles culture vaccine is used, which provides reliable protection for many years.

Composition, release form and properties of mumps-measles vaccine

The mumps-measles vaccine is used to prevent mumps and measles. The full name of the drug is mumps-measles cultural live dry vaccine. The drug is available in the form of a lyophilisate for the preparation of injections in ampoules. One ampoule contains one vaccination dose. The kit also includes a solvent for preparing injections. Composition of one vaccination dose:

  • attenuated measles virus 1,000 TCD50;
  • attenuated mumps virus 20,000 TCD50;
  • gentamicin sulfate;
  • stabilizer.

Externally, the vaccine looks like a homogeneous mass pink color. After dilution, the vaccine - clear liquid without sediment with a pink tint. The drug is intended for subcutaneous administration.

The vaccine is produced using live, attenuated measles and mumps viruses. Viruses are grown artificially on quail embryonic cells. Next, the viruses are purified, partially inactivated, and the drug is prepared using stabilizers. After administration of the drug, antibodies are produced in the human body. After about 4-6 weeks, strong immunity is formed, which lasts for many years.

Indications for administering the vaccine to prevent mumps and measles

Mumps-measles vaccination is used for routine prevention of measles and mumps. Vaccination against these infectious diseases is included in the list mandatory vaccinations. Immunization is carried out for all healthy children without contraindications according to National calendar vaccinations.

The drug is administered for emergency prevention of children and adults, persons who have been in contact with patients with measles and mumps and have not been vaccinated previously.

Method of administration of the drug and dose

The vaccine must be prepared before administration. The contents of one lyophilisate ampoule are diluted with 0.5 ml of solvent. Shake gently until the drug is completely dissolved. The finished vaccine looks like a pink transparent liquid without sediment or other inclusions. One immunizing dose of the finished drug is 1 ml. The finished drug is stored at room temperature for no more than 5-10 minutes, so the drug must be prepared immediately before administration.

Vaccination is given only in specialized rooms in medical institutions. The mumps-measles vaccine is administered with a disposable sterile syringe subcutaneously into the upper third of the shoulder. Sometimes under the shoulder blade or in the front of the thigh. The drug should not be administered intramuscularly or intravenously. After administration, the patient is observed by clinic staff for 30 minutes.

Important! The vaccine should not be administered if it has changed color or becomes cloudy. Also, do not use the product with sediment or inclusions. The introduction of a spoiled drug will lead to the development of complications, and immunity will not be formed. This vaccine must be disposed of.

Contraindications for administering the vaccine

All contraindications for the administration of mumps-measles vaccine are divided into permanent and temporary. Temporary ones are:

  • acute infectious and non-infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • chemotherapy;
  • reception immunosuppressive drugs;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age under 12 months.

At acute diseases or exacerbations of chronic diseases, the vaccine is administered a month after full recovery or achieving remission. During chemotherapy and a course of immunosuppressive therapy, the vaccine is given six months after completion of treatment. If the drug is administered earlier, then immunity will not be formed or will not form correctly.

Absolute contraindications:

  • primary immunodeficiencies;
  • malignant diseases;
  • severe reactions and complications to previous administrations of the drug;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

In such cases, the vaccine cannot be administered, as this will lead to serious complications. The drug can be used for HIV infection.

Side effects of the vaccine

Most often after the administration of mumps-measles vaccination adverse reactions does not arise. Sometimes reactions occur, which include:

  • increase in body temperature to 38-39° C;
  • redness and swelling of the injection site;
  • pain or itching at the injection site;
  • headaches, general weakness.

These symptoms usually disappear within 2-3 days and do not pose a threat to human health. If symptoms last more than 3 days, you should consult a doctor.

In rare cases, after the administration of mumps-measles vaccination, complications develop:

  • fever over 39° C;
  • rash;
  • Quincke's edema, anaphylactic reactions;
  • convulsions;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • disease measles or mumps.

Complications develop only if the drug is administered incorrectly, or when vaccination is administered to persons with contraindications to it.

Doctor's advice. If the first symptoms of a complication appear, contact your doctor as soon as possible. For fever, seizures, or anaphylactic reactions call ambulance as early as possible

Use of mumps-measles vaccine

The vaccine is used for children from 12 months of age. The vaccination course consists of 2 injections. The first vaccination is carried out at the age of 12 months along with vaccination against rubella. Next, at the age of 6 years, for children who have not had measles and mumps. Adults are vaccinated against mumps with one injection of the drug.

Emergency prophylaxis is given to anyone who has been in contact with someone with measles or mumps within 72 hours of exposure. After 72 hours, there is no point in administering the drug.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, administering the drug is prohibited. It contains live, weakened viruses, which can lead to measles and mumps, since a woman’s immunity is weakened during such periods of life. Measles and mumps are infectious diseases that lead to the development of defects in a child. Therefore, it is better to postpone vaccination until after pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Pros and cons of using the drug

The decision to vaccinate should be made carefully, weighing the pros and cons. The mumps-measles vaccine has a number of advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is the formation of reliable immunity against measles and mumps in children and adults, which lasts for life. These infectious diseases spread quickly by airborne droplets, and also often lead to complications. Mumps transferred to adolescence, often leads to the development of infertility in boys.

One ampoule contains a vaccine for two diseases. This greatly simplifies the administration of vaccinations to children.

Already a month after the first vaccination, sufficient quantity antibodies that protect the human body from these diseases.

The main disadvantage of the drug is the need to use live attenuated viruses to build immunity. In rare cases, this will lead to the development of these diseases. But such reactions develop only if the vaccine is administered to persons with contraindications. Before administering the vaccine, the pediatrician must conduct a detailed examination of the child.

The disadvantage of the mumps-measles vaccine is the risk of complications, but they develop rarely and more often go away on their own.

Parents make their own decisions about vaccinating their children. Considering the danger of these diseases and the widespread distribution of pathogens, it is better to protect your body and your children’s from measles and mumps. After all, prevention is always better safer than treatment diseases. But only healthy children should be vaccinated if there are no contraindications to vaccination.

Interaction of the drug with other vaccines

It is allowed to administer others on the same day as the mumps-measles vaccine. inactivated vaccines, such as DPT, vaccine against rubella, hepatitis B, etc. In such cases, vaccinations are administered in different syringes and placed in different areas bodies. No more than three vaccinations are allowed at the same time on one day. It is prohibited to administer live vaccines such as BCG at the same time. The next vaccinations are carried out every month.

The Mantoux test is performed no earlier than 6 months after the introduction of the vaccine. It temporarily reduces the body's sensitivity to tuberculin, so the result will not be true.

Vaccine storage conditions

The vaccine is stored in refrigerators at temperatures from plus 3 to 8 ° C. The drug cannot be frozen. Transported under the same conditions. Before opening, check the integrity of the package, appearance, labeling and expiration date. The ampoule is opened immediately before administration of the drug, since the finished vaccine is stored for no more than 10 minutes.

The drug must be disposed of in the following cases:

  • violation temperature regime when storing the vaccine;
  • expiration date;
  • change appearance;
  • violation of packaging tightness;
  • lack of drug labeling.

At the age of 12 months, it is time for the baby to be vaccinated against the measles and mumps viruses. This vaccination is quite serious, so it is introduced into the body no earlier than a year. In a children's clinic, a two-component measles vaccine is usually used. Time overlaps with rubella vaccination.

Features of the vaccine

The vaccine contains weakened components of the virus that do not cause serious complications. They gradually become accustomed inside and the body begins to produce antibodies that stimulate the immune system to resist the direct virus.

Vaccination retains its effect for up to 8–10 years, which requires revaccination.

Measles and mumps are serious diseases that are spread through the air. They only affect humans. They can cause various complications.

Mumps is aimed at obtaining immunity primarily in boys, because mumps affects the formation of the testicles and subsequent reproductive function. If a boy or young man suffers from mumps, infertility may occur, which remains forever. Treatable rare cases. Measles also causes serious lesions body if it attacks by direct contact.

Rules for vaccination against measles and mumps

The vaccine comes from different manufacturers. IN recent years domestic serum is used, which can contain each component separately (monovaccine) or combined (divaccine).

The instructions for medical staff contain the entire list of actions. The drug can be packaged either in an ampoule or in a vial. It consists of two units: a dry vaccine and a special solvent, which is added only before the injection.

The first injection is given to the child in the leg so that the serum gets into the muscle tissue and had the maximum result.

The measles and mumps components are reintroduced into the arm at the age of six to seven years.

If the doctor and the patient follow the vaccination instructions, the consequences may not appear. But you need to know about them.

Period after vaccination

A reaction to the measles vaccine may be different character. Some people tolerate it easily and do not notice complications. Sometimes a child experiences acceptable changes:

  • increase in temperature;
  • the appearance of a mild rash on the body;
  • enlarged salivary glands;
  • swelling of the testicles (in boys);
  • diarrhea, vomiting (one-time);
  • compaction at the injection site.

Particular attention should be paid if the child tends to rise in temperature to maximum levels, which can provoke complications in the form of seizures. Therefore, it is necessary to use antipyretic and antiallergic drugs. If you are careless about vaccination, it is possible serious consequences for a child.

Sometimes complications from the measles and mumps vaccine are individual in nature and can cause serious consequences:

  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • decreased platelet levels;
  • encephalitis;
  • development of arthritis (especially in adults);
  • sharp cramps in the abdomen.

Such complications are not normal and occur very rarely. But risks and serious consequences remain after any vaccination.

The dangers of refusing vaccinations

Many parents refuse any vaccinations, including measles, rubella, and mumps. This right is legal, but it imposes a burden of responsibility if the child comes into direct contact with the virus.

The consequences can be serious, especially for boys. The testicles experience a greater attack by the mumps virus, which damages them proper development and leads to complete or partial infertility.

Just as vaccination against rubella is important for girls, it is important for boys to be vaccinated against mumps. Typically, vaccination is done against three viruses at once: measles, rubella, and mumps.

Maybe the consequences for the vaccine will have less consequences than refusing it. Any mother should remember this.

Prepare for each vaccination and follow the doctor’s instructions, then any serum will not provoke serious consequences.

Vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella Is the measles, rubella, and mumps vaccine dangerous? When and why to do it What vaccinations are required for children at age 6? What is the difference between a vaccine and serum in medicine? What is BCG: decoding, history of the term and purpose of vaccination

Latest update of the description by the manufacturer 31.07.2003

Filterable list

Active ingredient:


Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

Composition and release form

1 dose of lyophilized powder for preparing a solution for subcutaneous administration contains measles virus not less than 1000 TCD 50, mumps virus not less than 20,000 TCD 50 and gentamicin sulfate not more than 25 mcg; in ampoules of 1 dose, in a cardboard pack of 10 ampoules.


A homogeneous porous mass of pink color, hygroscopic.

Pharmacological action

Pharmacological action- immunostimulating.

Stimulates the production of antibodies to measles and mumps viruses, reaching maximum levels 3-4 weeks and 6-7 weeks after vaccination, respectively.

Indications of the drug Mumps-measles cultural live vaccine

Planned and emergency prevention measles and mumps.


Hypersensitivity (including to aminoglycosides, protein quail egg), severe reaction or complication to previous dose, primary immunodeficiency conditions, malignant blood diseases, neoplasms, pregnancy.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated during pregnancy.

Directions for use and doses

S.C., immediately before use, mix the vaccine with the solvent (0.5 ml of solvent per 1 vaccination dose of the vaccine), inject 0.5 ml under the shoulder blade or into the shoulder area (at the border between the lower and middle third of the shoulder, on the outside). Scheduled vaccinations carried out twice at the age of 12 months and 6 years for children who have not had measles and mumps.

Emergency prophylaxis is carried out for children aged 12 months, adolescents and adults who have had contact with a patient with measles or mumps, who have not had these infections and have not been vaccinated against them in accordance with the vaccination calendar (the vaccine is administered no later than 72 hours after contact with the patient) .


Vaccination can be carried out after completion acute manifestations infectious and non-communicable diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases; after normalization of body temperature in non-severe forms of ARVI or acute intestinal diseases; 3-6 months after immunosuppressive therapy. After the administration of human immunoglobulin preparations, vaccinations against measles and mumps are carried out no earlier than 2 months later. After the administration of the mumps-measles vaccine, immunoglobulin preparations are administered no earlier than 2 weeks later. If it is necessary to use immunoglobulin earlier than this period, vaccination against measles and mumps should be repeated.