What Komarovsky says about vaccinations. Do I need to get flu vaccinations? Opinion of the famous doctor Evgeny Komarovsky

Kazakhstan, Kokshetau

I, too, was a supporter of vaccinations until my child almost died from the Hepatitis vaccine. Two months of treatment, nerves and worries, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone! Therefore, I refused all vaccinations. The whole problem is that we don’t follow vaccination standards and don’t properly examine the child before giving the vaccine! And in our city I’m not the only one. I myself know poor mothers whose children died at 2 months from DPT, and these were long-awaited children, and some became disabled and this is not an isolated case. I do a lot medical information collected before refusing vaccinations. Our Kazakhstani scientist proved back in the 70s that if the mother is vaccinated and she has developed immunity, then the child cannot be given the same vaccine, because everything is passed on to the child through the mother. And if you give this vaccine, then in next generations mutations and infertility are coming! I myself couldn’t get pregnant for a very long time; I was treated for a long time. And there are a lot of women like me! The whole of Europe has long abandoned vaccinations altogether, but they are bringing them here to us. This is business and very profitable business! Just as drugs and tablets are now being counterfeited, vaccines are now being concocted and transported from nowhere. Previously there was censorship, everything was checked, but now there is no trust in this. Moreover, everything is purchased from us through government procurement and that is cheaper! I repeat once again that I am not anti-vaxxer, I just don’t have confidence in modern drugs. Especially after my child got hurt!

12/04/2012 14:54

lidka Russia, Vladikavkaz

I would really like to receive information about additional vaccinations for the child. What can we protect our child from at our own expense? I mean those vaccinations that are not included in the list, but can be done! It would be great if they dedicated one program to this. Thank you very much to the creators of the “School of Doctor Komarovsky” and of course to Evgeniy Olegovich personally, everything is presented on a spoon and placed in the mouth of every listener, just swallow it. Very good teacher for parents!!!

16/03/2012 21:33

Ukraine, Novopskov

Dear doctor, please tell me! My child turned one year old on March 4th, we have already given him 2 Infanrix Hexa vaccinations. We wanted to make a third one, but it was sent to quarantine because... children died. Now I'm afraid to give the final third vaccination to my baby! I wanted to know whether the previous 2 will be valid without thirds or not?

09/09/2011 18:24

Tory Ukraine, Donetsk

The program is good, but there’s a problem: the doctor so calmly says that death is possible after vaccination, but does not say how it can be prevented. Still, you don’t want to be that one out of a thousand!

09/09/2011 14:35

Ukraine, Poltava

So the main myths and trump cards of anti-vaccinators have been destroyed, because precisely in terms of content harmful substances it is most difficult to find information about vaccines and their effect on the body, because... You need special literature and certain knowledge. The only thing that confused me was the guest of the program, it seems to me that in our country any government representatives only cause negativity and, unfortunately, are in no way an example to follow, on the contrary, no matter how wisely, correctly and beautifully they speak. IMHO .

Parents often wonder whether their child should be vaccinated or whether it is better to refuse vaccination. Vaccinations act against dangerous diseases, which in some cases result in disability. Vaccination is carried out to develop immunity to a specific disease. It is important to correctly assess how great the risk of refusing an injection is, and to understand that adverse reactions from vaccination may cause less harm than the consequences of the disease itself.

Besides, sending the baby to a nursery preschool Without a certificate of vaccinations, it is very problematic. By the time of admission to kindergarten It is advisable to get all required vaccinations.

Why is vaccination carried out, is it mandatory?

Immunity protects the body from pathological microbes and viruses coming from the outside. There are innate and acquired (adaptive) immunity:

  • Congenital is formed in the embryonic state and is hereditary in nature. He is responsible for immunity child's body to a specific type of virus.
  • Adaptive immunity is formed as the child develops throughout life. The immune system is rebuilt, adapts to new viruses and protects a person from them.

The immune system recognizes the virus that has entered the body, and antibodies are produced that rapidly multiply and absorb the viral cell, killing it. After such a fight, several antibodies remain in the body. These are “memory cells” that instantly multiply and are activated if the virus re-enters the blood. Thanks to “memory cells,” the child does not get sick a second time; he has already developed adaptive immunity. Vaccination is aimed at developing acquired immunity in a person.

There are live (a weakened virus is injected) and inactivated (a dead virus is injected) vaccines. After both procedures, the mechanism for the development of “memory cells” is launched, which in the future protect the baby from illness. When using inactivated vaccines complications are excluded, because The child is injected with a dead virus. After live vaccines, your baby may lung development form of the disease, which will allow you to avoid a severe course of the disease in the future.

In Soviet times, childhood vaccination was mandatory, and the question of choice was not so pressing. Nowadays, children are vaccinated with the written consent of their parents, and they have the right to refuse the procedure. At the same time, parents take responsibility for the risks associated with the likelihood of the baby becoming infected - the child will not have adaptive immunity to the virus.

List of vaccinations for children of different ages

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There is a vaccination calendar according to which children are vaccinated (more details in the article:). However, strict adherence to all deadlines is not always possible. After a child has had a cold, it should go away certain time before your pediatrician allows you to get vaccinated. Due to this, the dates indicated in the calendar may vary. However, if the plan is revaccination ( re-vaccination to strengthen the acquired immunity), then you should not delay the deadlines.

When revaccinating, it is important to strictly observe the time between vaccinations, otherwise these procedures may be useless.

AgeName of vaccinationSerial number of vaccination
1 dayHepatitis B1
3-7 dayBCG (against tuberculosis)1
1 monthHepatitis B2
3 monthsDTP (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus)/ poliomyelitis/ pneumococcal infection 1/ 1/ 1
4 monthsDTP (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus)/ poliomyelitis/ pneumococcal infection/ hemophilia (children at risk) (we recommend reading:)2/ 2/ 2/ 1
6 monthsDTP (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus)/ poliomyelitis/ hepatitis B/ hemophilia (children at risk) (we recommend reading:)3/ 3/ 3/ 2
12 monthsMeasles, rubella, mumps1
6 yearsMeasles, rubella, mumps (more details in the article:)2
7 yearsMantoux (see also:)2

A special place is occupied by the annual flu vaccination, which can be given to children over 6 months of age. At the height of the epidemic, the risk of catching the virus is very high, especially among children attending kindergarten and school. Flu can cause complications internal organs And musculoskeletal system. In general, seasonal influenza vaccination is voluntary, but highly desirable. This vaccination must be done in advance. In the midst of an epidemic, there is no point in getting vaccinated. When do doctors recommend influenza vaccination? It is optimal to administer the vaccine 3-4 weeks before the outbreak of the epidemic.

Children attending kindergartens and schools are advised to annual vaccination against flu

Another current issue- Is it possible to vaccinate a child with minor cold symptoms? No, it is important to vaccinate only a fully grown baby after a thorough examination by a pediatrician.

Typical reactions to vaccination

After vaccination, certain reactions may occur that are acceptable: redness and swelling of the injection site, fever, headache, general malaise, moodiness. These symptoms disappear within 2 days. The most severe side effects are noted after DPT vaccinations: the temperature can rise to 39ºС and last up to 3 days. The baby should be given antipyretics (Nurofen, Calpol, Tsefekon suppositories) and provided with rest.

What medications can be given for redness and itching? Best help antihistamine drops Zyrtec, Fenistil, Suprastin.

Arguments for vaccination

Vaccinations protect children from many diseases for which there are no preventative drugs. Vaccination is the only possible way prevent your baby from contracting whooping cough, tetanus, polio, and tuberculosis.

According to experts, vaccination does not provide 100% protection against the disease, but it significantly reduces the risk of infection. A vaccinated child, if he gets sick, will survive the disease much easier, without dangerous complications.

Some vaccinations give active protection in the first years after the introduction of the vaccine, and then their effect decreases. For example, adaptive immunity against whooping cough disappears as the child grows. However, it is dangerous to get whooping cough before the age of 4 years. At this age, the disease threatens the baby with rupture blood vessels and severe pneumonia. Only a vaccination done according to plan (at 3, 4 and 6 months) will protect the child from a terrible infection.

Arguments in favor of vaccination:

  • formation of adaptive (acquired) immunity against pathogens of dangerous and fatal diseases;
  • Mass vaccinations help suppress outbreaks viral infections and prevent the development of epidemics of measles, rubella, mumps, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, hepatitis B and many other diseases, which may result in a child’s disability;
  • an unvaccinated child is faced with unspoken “barriers” when entering kindergarten or traveling to a suburban summer camp- registration of a child in any institution, including school, requires a vaccination certificate and an immunization card;
  • Vaccinations for children under one year of age and older are carried out under supervision medical personnel who is responsible for this.

It is also important to get vaccinated absolutely healthy person. After suffering from acute respiratory viral infections, you should maintain an interval of 2 weeks and properly prepare the baby for the administration of the vaccine. Revaccination (re-immunization) must be carried out within strictly established periods. These simple rules will allow to achieve maximum effect with a minimum of side effects.

Before vaccination, you must make sure that the child is completely healthy

Arguments against

Many parents believe that newborn babies do not need to be vaccinated, because they already have innate immunity, and chemical vaccine preparations will destroy it. However, the action preventive vaccinations is aimed at developing and strengthening adaptive immunity, and they do not affect innate immunity in any way. Therefore, understanding the principle of operation of the immune system, we can safely refute this argument.

Opponents of vaccinations cite side effects and possible complications. In some cases, newborns develop redness and suppuration at the injection site, allergic reactions, fever is the body’s response to introduced strains of viruses, which is acceptable norm. Serious complications occur extremely rarely and are caused by a violation of the vaccination technique, poor quality medicines, violation of storage conditions.

The greatest danger is posed by complications due to individual intolerance to the drug. It is almost impossible to predict such complications.

Why you can’t give preventative injections for serious illnesses? Parents give a lot of arguments in favor of refusal:

  • the effectiveness of vaccines has not been fully proven;
  • newborns are not given a full medical examination;
  • response immune reaction the newborn is very weak (especially in the first week, when the 2 main vaccinations are given - BCG and hepatitis), so vaccination does not give desired effect and will only bring harm;
  • diseases are easily tolerated in children early age and don't have severe consequences(rubella, measles) - this opinion of parents is wrong;
  • the percentage of complications after vaccination is high, there is no individual approach to each child;
  • inadequate quality of vaccines, unknown manufacturers, irresponsible approach of medical personnel to the storage of drugs.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Do you need to have your children vaccinated? The famous doctor Komarovsky answers this question in great detail. In his opinion, after any vaccination there remains a small chance of getting sick. However, the outcome of the disease will not be so dire, and the baby will suffer the disease in mild form. The main thing is to follow a specific schedule, which can be drawn up individually, taking into account the characteristics of the child’s body.

The famous pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky is of the opinion that vaccination is a highly effective way to protect children from dangerous infectious diseases

So that the immune system responds correctly to the vaccine and is able to produce required quantity antibodies, the baby should be completely healthy. What points should parents take into account? Komarovsky gives some useful tips:

  • do not experiment with new foods, do not introduce complementary foods several days before vaccination;
  • keep the child on a diet for a day before vaccination so as not to overload the digestive tract;
  • do not eat food one hour before and one hour after vaccination;
  • provide the correct drinking regime in the amount of 1-1.5 liters of water per day to flush toxins from the vaccine from the body;
  • After vaccination, you should not visit crowded places, avoid being in the scorching sun and beware of drafts.

Possible consequences of refusing vaccinations

Refusal to vaccinate risks possible serious illnesses throughout your life. The child will come into contact with other children, attend children's institutions and public events, and if a carrier of the disease is present nearby, he will certainly become infected. The consequences of diseases, which can only be protected from by professional vaccinations, can be extremely severe, up to fatal outcome. If an unvaccinated baby gets sick, he will spread the disease and infect other members of his family. However, parents have the right to refuse vaccinations by signing the appropriate documents in advance.

As a person who has worked for quite a long time in an infectious diseases hospital, I can confidently say: for all diseases against which vaccinations are given, the likelihood of illness remains very real. Children get sick with these diseases, and the outcomes are, to put it mildly, different. Therefore, for normal, sensible and prudent parents there is not and cannot be any discussion about whether vaccinations should be done or not.

Definitely do it!

A completely different question is that the response to vaccinations depends very significantly on the state of the child’s body. And if you are very afraid, then the logic is not not to vaccinate. The logic lies in the targeted preparation of the body: a normal lifestyle, natural feeding, hardening, eliminating contact with sources of allergies, etc.

Vaccinations must be carried out at the time prescribed by the pediatrician, and the more accurate they are, the higher the preventive effectiveness. This should definitely be taken into account when planning, for example, a summer vacation; It would be nice to ask yourself when and what kind of vaccination should be done.
Each country in the world has its own, approved by the relevant government agency calendar of preventive vaccinations. This calendar takes into account the child’s age, the interval between vaccinations and a list of specific diseases for which vaccinations, in fact, are given.

What is the essence of preventive vaccinations?
Injected into the body medical drug- vaccine. In response to the introduction of a vaccine, the body produces special cells- specific antibodies that protect a person from the corresponding disease.
Each of the vaccines has its own strictly defined indications, contraindications and terms of use, its own scheme and its own routes of administration (orally, intramuscularly, subcutaneously, intradermally.
The body reacts differently to each vaccine. In some cases, one vaccination is enough to develop long-term immunity. In others, multiple administrations are necessary. From here arose two medical words- vaccination and revaccination. The essence of vaccination is to achieve the production of specific antibodies in quantities sufficient to prevent a specific disease. But this starting (protective) level of antibodies gradually decreases, and repeated administrations are necessary to maintain their (antibodies) required amount. These repeated injections of the vaccine are revaccination.
The expression we mentioned “Reacts differently” refers not only to the quality and timing of the formation of immunity, but also directly to the responses of the child’s body. Reactions that both doctors and parents can directly observe (violation general condition increase in body temperature, etc..

The severity and likelihood of these reactions are determined by three factors.
The first - we have already talked about it - is the state of health of a particular vaccinated child.

The second is the quality and properties of a particular vaccine. All vaccines approved for use (certified) by the World Health Organization (and only such vaccines are used in our country) have high preventive effectiveness, and there is not a single one among them that is obviously bad or of poor quality. However, vaccines different manufacturers can accommodate different doses antigens, differ in the degree of purification and in the type of preservative substances used. In addition, vaccines, even those intended to prevent the same disease, may differ from one another in the most fundamental way - for example, they may be a drug created based on a living but weakened microbe, or a drug based on a killed microbe (or even part This killed microbe is clear that if the microbe, although weakened, is alive, there is always a chance of developing a disease (the very disease for which the vaccine was given), but with a killed microbe there is no such probability.

The third factor is actions medical workers. Vaccination is not an ordinary standard process, according to the principle “Inject everyone in three months,” but individual, very specific and very responsible actions that a specific doctor carries out in relation to a specific child. And these actions are not at all as simple as they might seem at first glance. It is necessary to assess the child’s health status, select vaccine preparation, give the baby’s relatives clear and available recommendations regarding how to prepare a child for vaccination and how to treat him after it (food, drink, air, walking, bathing, medications. And it is also very important to scrupulously observe many vaccination subtleties: how to store the vaccine correctly, how to heat it before use, in what place to give an injection, etc.

Now a few words about specific vaccinations against specific diseases.
The very first vaccination is a vaccination against tuberculosis (the famous anti-tuberculosis vaccine is called BCG.
It is usually done directly in the maternity hospital on days 4-7 after birth, once. In the future, theoretically, revaccination is carried out at 7, 12 and 16-17 years. Why theoretically? Yes, because the question of whether or not to revaccinate against tuberculosis largely depends on the reaction of the mantoux. This reaction is given to children every year, but the vast majority of parents have no idea what it is or what it is for.

The fact is that almost every person sooner or later becomes infected with the tuberculosis bacterium, that is, the microbe enters the human body. But the fact of infection does not at all indicate that a person has contracted tuberculosis. Let’s say a microbe has entered, and the body, thanks to the same vaccination, has a protective amount of antibodies - so the disease does not develop, although the tuberculosis bacterium is present. The mantoux reaction is not a vaccination, it is a test for infection with tuberculosis. The expression “not a Vaccination, but a Test” is very important. Doesn't happen after tryouts general reactions- the temperature does not rise, the state of health does not change. A local reaction, that is, directly in the place where they were injected, may well be the case; in fact, this is what the test is done for.
If there are no tuberculosis bacteria in the body, the test is negative, but after infection it becomes positive.

How is all this done in practice? Every year the child is given a mantoux test, it is, of course, negative, but then, at one not very wonderful moment, the test turns from negative to positive. Doctors call this a turn tuberculin test, and this same turn sooner or later occurs in almost all people, but for one at 3 years old, and for another at 12 or 19. And here a very responsible situation arises. It is necessary to get an answer to a very fundamental question: a person became infected, but did not get sick, naturally because he had immunity, or the infection led to the onset of a disease - protective antibodies wasn't enough.

Doctors and tuberculosis specialists (TB specialists) answer this question. To do this, the child is examined, certain tests are taken, and if necessary, an x-ray of the organs is taken chest. Depending on the results, the doctor makes an appropriate conclusion. Tuberculosis has been detected - we treat tuberculosis, questionable results - course preventive treatment special anti-tuberculosis antibiotics, everything is fine - everything is fine, but revaccination is no longer necessary - anti-tuberculosis immunity will no longer be supported by the vaccine, but by the microbe directly entering the body. And the task of doctors is not to let such a child out of sight, to register and regularly examine it in order to promptly identify a situation when the body cannot cope and will still have to be treated.

At the age of about 3 months, vaccinations begin directly at the clinic. In three injections with an interval of 1-1.5 months, vaccination is carried out against four diseases at once - polio (liquid vaccine, dripped into the mouth) and whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus - this is an injection. A vaccine called DPT is used: one drug against three diseases at once (K - whooping cough, D - diphtheria, C - tetanus. In the second year of life, revaccination against all these diseases is carried out.

At one year of age, a vaccination against measles is given, at 15-18 months - against mumps (mumps.
The calendar of preventive vaccinations is constantly reviewed. This depends on the epidemic situation, the emergence of new vaccines, and the availability of funds from the state. The modern calendar provides, for example, vaccinations against hepatitis B, but they are hardly given anywhere - there is no money for the vaccine. You can always check with your pediatrician for the exact timing of specific vaccinations.

After any vaccination (any), the body’s reaction may occur - increased body temperature, refusal to eat, lethargy. This is normal: the body develops immunity (protection) to a specific disease. Some vaccines are very easy to tolerate and almost never cause serious reactions - a typical example is the polio vaccine. The administration of other drugs, on the contrary, is often accompanied by a pronounced increase in temperature and a significant disturbance in the general condition of the child - again, a typical example is the pertussis component of the DPT vaccine.

It is very important for parents to understand the fundamental difference between a reaction to a vaccine and a complication after a vaccination.
Reactions to vaccination, to varying degrees of severity, are simply bound to happen and this, as we have already noted, is absolutely normal.
What are complications? This is exactly what should not happen, which happens extremely rarely. There should be no convulsions, no loss of consciousness, no temperature above 40 C. The child should not be covered from head to toe with a rash, and there should be no suppuration in the place where the injection was given.

Complications after vaccinations are always serious. Each such case is analyzed in detail, an entire medical commission decides why this happened and what to do next? To vaccinate or not, if yes, then with what drug and against what diseases.

When can and cannot be vaccinated?
First of all, remember that any vaccination is given to a child who at that moment does not have any acute infectious disease - no runny nose, no diarrhea, no rash, no fever. Why is the absence of an infectious disease important? Yes, because any vaccine is a burden on the immune system. In order to respond to the vaccine correctly and develop sufficient quantity antibodies, the body should be more or less free from other matters, in turn related to the development of immunity. From here there are two conclusions: if a child has a leg in a cast, then this is not a contraindication to vaccination. In the event that any disease, even an infectious one, occurs with a normal temperature and an unimpaired general condition, it is clear that such a disease does not carry a significant burden on the immune system and is not a contraindication to vaccination.

There are exceptions to the above rule. Some infectious diseases specifically affect those cells human body, which are responsible for the development of immunity. This is, for example, chicken pox And infectious mononucleosis. That is, if a child has chickenpox, then a normal temperature and satisfactory general condition are still not a reason to get vaccinated. But exceptions only confirm the rules - moderate sniffing in a generally cheerful state allows for vaccinations.

Some infectious diseases suffered by a child cause a long-term weakening of the body’s defenses and this, in turn, is a contraindication to vaccinations for a certain period (about 6 months after recovery. Such diseases include meningitis, viral hepatitis, the infectious mononucleosis we have already mentioned.

At the same time, to vaccinate or not to vaccinate is a question that falls solely within the competence of the doctor. For each disease - allergic, congenital, neurological, etc. - appropriate rules have been developed: how, when and with what to vaccinate.

How to prepare for vaccination?

There is no need to do anything special. Well, maybe avoid experimenting with food in every possible way - don’t give any new products.

Remember: prepare healthy child vaccination with any kind of medicine is impossible. Any drugs that supposedly make vaccination easier to tolerate: “Vitamins”, homeopathic remedies, herbs "for blood vessels", beneficial bacteria, drops “for immunity”, etc., etc. - all these are popular methods of psychotherapy for mom and dad, an attempt to implement the widespread mental principle “well, we have to do something” and the business of the manufacturers (distributors) of these medicines.

And a few more tips:
The less stress on the digestive system, the easier the vaccination is tolerable. Never force your child to eat. Don't offer food unless asked. The day before vaccination, limit the volume and concentration of food you eat if possible;

Do not feed (anything) for at least an hour before vaccination;

When going to the clinic for vaccination, try very, very hard not to overdo it with clothes. It would be extremely undesirable if the vaccine is given to a heavily sweating baby with a lack of fluid in the body. Only if sweaty people still arrive at the clinic, wait, change clothes, give them a good drink;

3-4 days before vaccination, limit your child’s contact with people (children) as much as possible. Do not look for infections: if possible, avoid crowded events, shops, public transport etc.;.

While in the clinic, restrain your sociability. Stand (sit) aside, reduce your contacts. Ideally, put dad in line and take your baby for a walk in the fresh air.

Actions after vaccination:

Try to underfeed a little (if you have an appetite) or feed, attention, only according to your appetite (if your appetite is reduced or absent.

Drink more - mineral water, dried fruit compote, green, fruit, berry tea.

Clean cool moist air.

Limit communication with people as much as possible - the child develops immunity, his body is busy. Other microbes are undesirable to us now. And the source of these other microbes is other people.

If the body temperature rises and there is a significant disturbance in the general condition, a doctor’s examination is required, but paracetamol in any form (suppositories, tablets, syrup) can be given. The higher the body temperature, the more relevant the rules set out in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.

Only if the child gets sick after vaccination:
On Friday Petya was vaccinated, on Monday he started coughing, and on Wednesday the doctor diagnosed him with Pneumonia. Eternal questions: why did this happen and, of course, who is to blame?
From the parents' point of view, the vaccination is to blame - this fact is obvious and lies on the surface - I don't really want to go deeper. In fact probable reasons three:

Incorrect actions immediately after vaccination.
Additional infection, most often, an acute respiratory viral infection against the background of “Busy” immunity.
Reduced immunity in general - “Thanks” to appropriate upbringing.

So who is to blame and what to do to prevent this from happening? The question is rhetorical, because it is obvious that a child’s ability to respond normally to vaccinations largely depends on the system of care and education. And this is entirely within the competence of the parents.

  • Doctor Komarovsky

The topic of vaccinations is the subject of heated debate between those who are for vaccination and those who categorically refuse it. Let's find out what the famous pediatrician Komarovsky thinks about vaccinations.

Should you get vaccinated: pros and cons

E. Komarovsky for a long time worked in an infectious diseases hospital. He assures that all the diseases against which vaccinations are carried out these days are still common today. Children suffer from diphtheria, mumps, tetanus, measles, tuberculosis and other infections, and the outcome of such illness can vary. So Komarovsky is confident that all parents who can think and reason sensibly will not doubt that vaccination is important.

Another issue is risk response for the vaccine, which depends mainly on the condition of the baby. If parents are worried about this, they should not refuse vaccination, but direct their efforts towards preparing their child for vaccinations. Factors such as natural feeding, avoiding contact with allergens, healthy image life, hardening procedures and others will help reduce adverse reactions for vaccination.

It is also important to carry out vaccination at the time recommended by the pediatrician, as this affects the preventive effectiveness. Each country has a vaccination calendar that is approved at the state level. It is important for parents to learn about the upcoming vaccine schedule in advance so they can plan for activities such as vacations and travel.

Indications for the vaccine

You cannot be vaccinated against ARVI in the following cases:

In cases where a person has some chronic illness, vaccination against ARVI can be done a month after the manifestations of this disease have subsided.

A child aged 3 years is vaccinated twice, with a month between vaccinations, if he has not been vaccinated before. This is done to ensure that the immune system is as strong as possible against this disease. If children are vaccinated every year, the vaccination is given once. A doctor can recommend vaccination based on health indications

Effect of the vaccine

Today, split viruses are used for influenza vaccination. That is, the influenza virus itself is not active, but contains substances from the active virus. This allows immune system recognize the virus and create antibodies that, when active viruses are detected during ARVI epidemics, will be ready to eliminate the attacking viruses.

The vaccine is the same punching bag with the characteristics of the enemy’s attacks. The immune system begins to study the mechanisms of action of the virus on the “blank” (split inactive virus) and develops its countermeasures. And when the flu attacks, the immune system, knowing in advance about the actions of the virus, counteracts it and destroys it. On next year, the same boxer comes in, but this time he starts attacking with his left hand. To successfully fend off attacks, you need to train to defend against backhands. For this purpose it is being developed new vaccine, which will be able to overcome the attacks of the virus, which has managed to mutate in a year.

When is the best time to do it?

The optimal time for vaccination is September and October. It is dangerous to vaccinate later because during vaccination, children may already have hidden ARVI viruses in their bodies.


This is opposed by people who believe that vaccinations with foreign drugs are aimed at undermining people’s health rather than helping. Anti-vaccine advocates traditional methods treatment of diseases. In any case, the decision will be made by the person who will be faced with a choice: to vaccinate or not, and their parents will make this choice for the children. The procedure for vaccination against ARVI is usually paid. It is given free of charge to persons of children's age.

The body's main reactions to the vaccine:

Having a slight fever.

The resulting swelling of the soft tissue at the injection site during vaccinations and the presence of a temperature above 39 degrees Celsius is considered severe local reaction. Typically on the second day after the vaccine is administered side effects disappear on their own. Usage modern vaccines, which do not contain live viruses, cause side effect extremely rare. According to statistics, the number of cases where side effects occurred ranges from one to 4%.

Dmitry Evgenievich Komarovsky. Family

Married young and stupid after the fourth year. I still never cease to wonder how I got so lucky the first time! We studied in the same course. Katya (Ekaterina Alexandrovna) - too pediatrician(ophthalmologist). She gave birth to two boys - Dmitry (1982) and Andrey (1988). The guys are already quite adults, independent, married, and both became dads in 2013. So it was this year that Dr. Komarovsky became a grandfather, and now has a grandson and a granddaughter.

We live in our own house, theoretically the two of us, but almost always someone is running around - friends, children, grandchildren. There is a large garden in the yard, fir trees, birches, two huge oak trees, each over 100 years old. There is no vegetable garden, but there is a grill, a gazebo, a sauna, a tennis table, a basketball hoop, and a cat and a dog for a walk.

After injection, foreign agents enter the bloodstream. Therefore, the body begins to actively develop immunity to the components of the vaccine through the synthesis of antibodies, interferon, and phagocytes. This allows leukocytes to remember the pathogenic agent, and when pathogens enter the body, they overcome the infection.

These processes provoke the development of local and systemic reactions. To local side symptoms include:

  • Redness of the skin at the injection site, soreness, slight swelling;
  • Violation motor function limbs where the drug was injected.

The systemic reaction of the body involves the development of the following symptoms:

  • Increase in temperature;
  • Moodiness, irritability, tearfulness, anxiety;
  • Mild lethargy, drowsiness;
  • Abnormal stool;
  • Vomiting and loss of appetite.

The listed symptoms usually develop within 1-3 days after vaccination. If symptoms appear later, they indicate the development of an infection that coincided with immunization.

Important! Normal temperature after vaccination is not a deviation. This only characterizes individual characteristics child's body.

Komarovsky about vaccinations for doubters. What is the essence of vaccinations?

Komarovsky says the following about vaccinations from the point of view of their essence: a vaccine is introduced into the body. In response, the body produces specific antibodies that protect against the corresponding disease. Vaccines, as Komarovsky says, and the website about vaccinations will confirm this, have strictly defined indications and contraindications, terms of use, regimens and routes of administration.

According to Dr. Komarovsky’s school, vaccinations cause different reactions in the body. Sometimes one vaccination is enough to develop long-term immunity. Sometimes multiple administrations are necessary. When vaccinated, they achieve the production of antibodies in an amount that is sufficient to prevent a specific disease. In his articles “Komarovsky on vaccinations for doubters,” the doctor says that starting level antibodies decrease over time, so repeated injections of the vaccine are needed to maintain the required amount of antibodies. Repeated administrations called revaccination.

Reactions to vaccinations are determined by: the state of the child’s health, the properties and quality of a particular vaccine, and the actions of medical workers.

Komarovsky warns that the Pentaxim vaccine is a polyvalent vaccine. As a rule, most of these vaccinations protect against only one virus. Pentaxim is used for prophylactic purposes against several pathogens and is available in two forms.

In one case, the drug fights the following diseases: diphtheria, whooping cough, polio, tetanus. Most often, these diseases are caused by Haemophilus influenzae, which the vaccine fights. The drug is available in cardboard packaging, each of which contains a syringe with a suspension. One dose contains neutralized toxins of pathogens that develop immunity to diseases. In addition to the main component, the composition includes additional substances such as formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, deionized water, as well as acetic acid. Komarovsky says that the Pentaxim vaccination in one syringe is one dose.

In another case, the vaccine comes in a vial. It contains 10 mcg of neutralized Haemophilus influenzae toxin type B, dry lyophilisate, trometamol, sucrose. One bottle is designed for one child.

Mothers often ask Komarovsky: which is better, DTP or Pentaxim? The doctor advises Pentaxim if there is an opportunity to do it in the city, because... This vaccine is considered a new generation drug and costs money, but DPT is given free of charge. If you choose between other vaccinations, for example, Pentaxim and Infarnix, Komarovsky says that both vaccines are tolerated equally and cost about the same price. The only question is whether these vaccinations can be found in the city where the family lives.

What do these letters mean?

A – adsorbed vaccine.

K – whooping cough.

D – diphtheria.

C – tetanus.

The vaccine consists of weakened bacteria - the causative agents of the above diseases, sorbed on the basis of aluminum hydroxide and merthiolate. There are also acellular vaccines that are more purified. They contain particles of microorganisms that stimulate the body to produce the necessary antibodies.

Let us note what Dr. Komarovsky says: “ DTP vaccination the most difficult and can be difficult for a child to bear. The pertussis element it contains makes it difficult to tolerate.”

One vaccine will protect against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. These diseases can lead to sad outcome, and how dangerous they are, we will consider further.

Video Should children be vaccinated? Komarovsky's answer

“Every time a doctor prescribes a medicine, every time you take a medicine personally or give it to your child, you are taking a risk. But by not accepting and giving, you also take risks.
The art of treatment is to ensure that the treatment is not more dangerous than the disease!!!
Scarlet fever . Without an antibiotic, the risk of rheumatism or glomerulonephritis is almost 50%. Risk serious consequences antibiotic therapy - 1%. Have you chosen?
Viral runny nose. At the right help(regime, diet, drink) no medications are needed and the risk is zero. With medications it is. Have you chosen?
The risk of dying from a vaccine is 1 in 1,000,000.
The risk of dying from measles is 1 in 1000. True, there is still a risk of contracting measles, but it is not very high, since there are “a bunch of parents fooled by the medical mafia” who did not know the truth and still got their children vaccinated against measles.
And thanks to them, these fools, we can now afford to vigorously defend rights, show concern for the health of the nation, teach doctors how they should tell the truth, and not vaccinate our children. We are smart! We are anti-vaxxers!

And what is especially interesting: if 95% of supposedly fools choose to be vaccinated, then 5% of the “very smart” may not get vaccinated, because if 95% are vaccinated, the measles virus will not be able to circulate in principle.

Now judge for yourself:
- In 1999, 873 thousand people died from measles, primarily in Africa and Asia;
- found funds and started a mass vaccination campaign against measles;
- vaccinated millions of people;
- 345 thousand people died in 2005.

Thus, in just one year (!!!), thanks to vaccinations, more than half a million (!!!) were saved. human lives(873 thousand - 345 thousand = 528 thousand), and during the active measles vaccination campaign - 2.3 million lives!
This cannot be disputed in any way. This is an absolutely obvious fact, because in all other senses nothing has changed: the standard of living has not increased, wars have not stopped, AIDS has not disappeared, the sanitary and epidemiological situation has not improved.
Please also note that for the 345 thousand who died in just one year (!), there are at least a million who became disabled (lost their sight, received life-long neurological disorders) or died from other associated infections, since it is measles that causes severe depression of the immune system.
Can the measles vaccine kill a person? Maybe. The probability of this is 1: 1 million. Thus, if we consider that 360 million people were vaccinated as part of the vaccination campaign, we can assume that 360 people died due to vaccination.
So, on one side of the scale there are 2,300,000 human lives, on the other - 360 people who died after vaccinations.
Does anyone know a way to save people from measles by paying a lower price?
Who knows - let him share!

* * *

Nowadays, there is a lot of debate about whether children should be vaccinated or not. Many parents began to be of the opinion that vaccination even negatively affects the health of their baby. Do parents have the moral right to make such decisions related to the health of their children? What is your opinion on this issue?

My opinion is clear: vaccination was, is and will be the most effective and most cost-effective way to prevent infectious diseases. The numerous disputes you mentioned have nothing to do with civilized medical science. Any doctor who actually deals with the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases (reanimatologist, infectious disease specialist, pediatrician, therapist, epidemiologist) will definitely speak out in favor of vaccinations.

About the moral right of parents is a rhetorical question. Excess morality in environment I'm not watching. The anti-vaccination company is just a prime example of this.

Could you give some vivid examples what the parents' refusal to vaccinate their children led to. AND positive examples timely vaccination.

Wasn't the recent polio outbreak a compelling enough example? Well, as for the positive... The paradox is that people have stopped paying attention to obvious things. We got used to it and stopped being surprised. All the grandmothers and all the grandfathers of those who are now fighting against vaccination had measles. I repeat: EVERYONE was sick. 1% of people with measles died! Now there is practically no measles. If this example is not enough for you, then it is basically impossible to reach common sense. Let's get down to morality again...

If the child is born ahead of schedule, then how to vaccinate your baby?

There are some peculiarities in vaccinating premature infants against tuberculosis and hepatitis B, but in general, premature infants respond adequately to vaccination and do not need any special schemes. If the condition is stable, then you can vaccinate.

Summer has come. Many parents and their young children are planning a holiday abroad. What should parents know about special vaccinations for children in preparation for travel? Maybe for some countries that are extremely popular among holidaymakers in the CIS countries (Turkey, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Thailand, India), there is a certain set of vaccinations that need to be done before leaving. It would be great to get some examples, data, numbers on this issue.

It would be great if parents would at least think about routine vaccinations. And in the vast majority of cases, routine vaccination in accordance with the national vaccination calendar is more than sufficient preparation for travel. Yes, if you are going to India or Southeast Asia, don’t
additional vaccination against hepatitis A will interfere, and in some countries it is impossible to do without vaccination against yellow fever. But the main thing you should do is ask this question (about additional vaccination) to your tour operator. And if they can’t give an answer or mumble something unintelligible, then don’t bother with them...

How to prepare a child’s immunity for kindergarten? It is known that in most cases, the first six months after a child starts going to kindergarten, he gets sick very often. What is this connected with? What factors influence this: vaccination, nutrition, regimen.

Preparing your immune system is an adequate way of life. Hardening, sufficient physical activity, no overfeeding or overheating, clean air, minimum chemicals. Main problem that many mothers and fathers are sure: immunity can be improved with the help magic pill. They say, we will mock the child, and then we will feed him pills and we will be happy. But it won’t work out that way. And as soon as the circle of friends expands, the frequency of respiratory viral infections will immediately increase, which are not particularly dangerous, but provided that the parents before childhood were reasonable and know the rules for helping a child with ARVI.

The main factors influencing kindergarten morbidity are, first of all, the culture of the parents, the initial (again created by the parents) immunity and, of course, the kindergarten itself - premises, regime, staff, air, food, walks, clothes, activities , sports, etc. etc.

  • Added: 11.07.2011
  • Grade: 0.0 /10 (314)