What to call a photo exhibition about culture. Methodological recommendations "calendar of titles"

Penguins are birds that live in Antarctica and very cold areas of the globe. Penguins are the only wingless waterfowl that cannot fly. Some species spend almost their entire lives in water, coming to land to lay eggs and wait for offspring. People living far from penguin habitats have only general idea, do not know about the features that distinguish penguins from other birds, about the processes of their life. One such process is reproduction.

So, how do penguins mate? The breeding season for penguins begins in the summer, they come onto land and head to the breeding sites, and they always prefer the same breeding sites. Having arrived at the breeding site, penguins begin searching for partners. Having formed pairs, they remain faithful to each other throughout the breeding season. ;Before mating, a courtship process takes place for a month, in which a special place is given to songs. The songs are accompanied by mating dances, after which the female lies down on the ground, the male climbs on her back and the birds mate. Mating lasts approximately 4-6 seconds, after which the male moves off the female.

No less interesting is the question of how penguins speak. Penguins, like many other birds, communicate using sound signals. While penguins are underwater, they make almost no sounds. But during the breeding season, when they come to land, they communicate using cries that resemble the sounds of a trumpet or rattle. ;Penguins communicate with each other by shaking their heads and wings, bowing, calling, emitting a characteristic cry. During penguin breeding, a special place is given to songs; this is necessary so that the partners remember each other’s voices well and do not get lost in a large colony.

Speaking of reproduction, we must mention how penguins hatch eggs. Male penguins hatch the eggs, while females swim away to get food. Penguins do not build nests, so the male incubates the egg in the following way: he places the egg on his paws and covers it with the fold of his belly. To prevent the egg from falling, penguins move with mincing steps. Thus, the male incubates the egg until the chick hatches; at the time of hatching, the female returns with a full crop of prey.

Since penguins spend most of their lives in water, the question arises: how do penguins sleep? Penguins sleep standing up, huddled in flocks to keep it warm, every 3 minutes, they collide with each other with dull blows. During sleep, penguins hold an egg or chick on their paws, so they wake up abruptly when their paws are touched. In addition, penguins wake up if a bird weighing more than 800 grams sits on its back; a penguin will also wake up if an egg or chick rolls off its paws.

Penguins are waterfowl, I wonder how penguins swim? Despite the fact that on land penguins are very clumsy and clumsy, in water they move very deftly and quickly - at a speed of 5-10 km/h, sometimes even faster. Most quick way movement - swim in the same way as a dolphin - periodically jumping out of the water, which reduces resistance to the current. ;The emperor penguin moves very quickly, which occurs due to the formation of small bubbles. It can be said that penguins have many interesting and cognitive features that distinguish them from other birds,

So, let's choose names for your photos. We name our art, so the name must be attractive, interesting, clear, easy to understand and fit perfectly with the art.

The title is a prologue. It always complements the picture, telling about the nature of the image, and helps the viewer understand it better. It should hint at the nature of the image. Our titles or headings should create a sense of belonging to the author. We consciously give names to our children, nicknames for pets, and we should be just as thoughtful about the names in this art form. There needs to be additional context to what the picture has already said.

For a better understanding, we can divide the ways of creating a title for an image into three categories.

Straight to context

Try to choose words that can accurately describe what the image is trying to convey. Your title can be a description of the scene, a verb of what is happening within the action, or simply the name of the topic. The choice of this type of name should be simple and straightforward.

Echo of the unknown

dragon tree

A handful of happiness (First steps)


Without a smile

Here: Dennis Bautista


Mood in words

The mood of the photo is conveyed by the ambitious titles. Strong and sharp words should be used here. They should dramatize the moment, evoke certain sensations, make one feel joy or pain, instill faith or evoke disgust. It could even be a dialogue between subjects within the frame, the voice of their inner soul, their thoughts and dreams. The title should interpret their words in order for the audience to understand and connect with the picture.

Only in a storm

She'll be back


I'm not afraid

Melody in silence

Rush hour

Life is beautiful

Creative approach

It is easier to talk about creativity than to become creative yourself. Creativity is the art of self-realization, following the inner voice. Slowly but surely, this process turns into a habit and becomes characteristic feature. When trying to choose a name with a pinch of creativity, you should be wise and careful in your choice of words. Often these names, like an arrow, hit the bull's eye, clearly conveying the nature of the picture, and are etched into the depths of memory for a long time. The creative title is sure to wow the viewer, who will raise their eyebrows in surprise or at least put a smile on their faces.

Who is not familiar with the situation when a good, interesting, exciting script for an event is written, an exhibition of drawings or crafts is organized, but the name cannot be thought of... But often it is a well-chosen name of the event that can arouse interest in the audience and a desire to attend it.

What should the name of the event be?

Firstly, it must be suitable.

For example, for an exhibition of decorative and applied arts such names as:

« City of Masters»,

"Golden hands"

« Man-made miracles»,

"Talent call".

If the exhibition is dedicated a certain type arts and crafts, this can also be emphasized in the title, for example:

- “Forge of Happiness”(exhibition of forged products),

- “Songs of the Potter's Wheel”(exhibition of clay products)

- “Poem about a tree”(artistic wood carving),

- “White Fairy Tale”(lace making).

If we are cooking professional holiday, you can make sure that the profession is guessed in the name:

– for Medical Worker Day –“Emergency cult-aid”, “Recipe” good mood»

– for Builder’s Day:“Foundation of Happiness”, “Home Fires”

– for Motorist Day:"Wheel of Fortune", "The Roads We Take"

– for Agricultural Workers Day:“Birch Tree Festival”, “Golden Wheat”, “Hands Smelling of Bread”, etc.

It is wrong to start working on an event with a name. First, you need to decide on a topic and idea, then it will be much easier to come up with a name. Let's give an example. Working on the script of a competitive game program for a children's event dedicated to international day protection of children, you first need to develop an idea for the holiday, sketch scenario plan, and then, based on the idea, focus on the name. For example: the idea of ​​devoting an event to introducing children to culture different countries: with games, proverbs and sayings, symbolism, can be called “Around the World in One Summer”, “Journey to the Land of Childhood”, etc.

Secondly, it’s good if the name is figurative . Usually a person perceives an image most easily, so you can try to create a “picture” in your imagination using words. For example, in our country there is a festival called "Maypole", celebration of poetry "Chamomile Rus'", children's and youth creativity competition "Snowdrop".

Thirdly, you can create symbolic title: a symbol dictionary will provide an invaluable service here. For example, from it we learn that:

spark - symbolizes the soul;

labyrinth - mystery, enigma;

ray – creative energy;

crane - longevity, wisdom, honor;

dolphin - salvation, speed, power of the sea;

mountain – spiritual height, ascent, aspiration;

bridge - unification;

dawn - hope and youth;

candle - a lonely human soul;

lyre – poetic inspiration.

So, using the last symbol, you can select a name for a poetry competition, for example “Golden Lyre”, “I dedicated the lyre to my people” etc.

Fourthly, the name can be intriguing . In this case, it should be suitable for the event, but not “reveal all the cards.” An example would be the name of the program "Film, film, film», “It was a matter of...”

“Shake, hello!” etc.

Try playing with words, for example, replacing boring adjectives with nouns. So, if we are talking about an exhibition of lace-making masters, let it not be called “ Fabulous lace" and « Lace fairy tale"; if about an exhibition of pottery, then – not “ wonderful clay" and "Miracles potter's wheel » ; about the exhibition of embroiderers – not “ Magical threads", and "Magic at the tip of a needle."

Important besides common name try to rename the event form itself so that it also arouses interest. Moreover, its content may not change. Remember how in Gerald Bezhanov’s film “The Most Charming and Attractive” main character bakes a cake "Tea" but comes up with a romantic name for it "Maestro". Try to do the same instead of boring " competitive gaming programs" and "quiz" name the events fabulous cruise « flying ship" or travel game"Around the world in one summer." Agree, this sounds more interesting.

Where can I find a name for an event?

1. Since the name consists of words, it is useful to seek help from word masters - poets, writers, journalists . Often a line from a poem can be used as a title. For example, for the holiday dedicated to March 8 - “And the ice melts, and the heart melts,” for Valentine's Day - “I am conquered, love, by your strength.” Line from a song "Where does childhood go" would be a good name for prom at school. Title of the film by Mark Zakharov "An Ordinary Miracle" suitable for a festival of amateur creativity for disabled people.

2. You will find many ideas in prose: fairy tales, novels, stories. It is useful to remember literary heroes or literary images, such as Scarlet Sails, blue bird, Scarlet flower, Tsvetik-Semitsvetik, Lukomorye. Myths provide great scope for finding a suitable name: ancient Greek, myths of the ancient Slavs.

3. Journalists are experts at coming up with catchy headlines. Therefore, when reading articles on various cultural events, pay attention to the headlines and write down the most beautiful and interesting ones. They may be useful to you in the future.

For example: "See the world with your heart"(article about the festival of creativity for disabled children), "Fantasy Parade"(about the exhibition of decorative and applied arts), "A New Dawn of an Old Friendship"(about the holiday of national cultures),

"From Heart to Heart"(about the international festival folk art) etc

4. Next source – quotes and sayings prominent personalities: writers, politicians, teachers, philosophers, etc. Quotes are usually long, so you need to select keywords from them for the title.

For example, from the statement of P. Beranger “A mother’s heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles,” a name for a holiday dedicated to Mother’s Day can be obtained - "An inexhaustible source of miracles." And from the saying of Pliny the Elder, “Home is where your heart is” - the name of an event dedicated to family.

5. Ordinary experts can help you find names dictionaries. We are not able to keep all the words in memory; many of them are forgotten due to the fact that they are used infrequently.

6. If you urgently need to come up with a name, and only have a telephone directory at hand, I suggest you use helper words. Unfortunately, they won’t produce an original name, but it’s still better than nothing.

7. Another option is to simply substitute a hero, object or some concept (from your event) into one of the words below.

ü Visiting(we substitute the hero depending on the theme of the event - “Visiting Santa Claus”, Lesovichka, Cinderella, etc.)

ü Holiday(Russian scarf, childhood, sun, friends, books).

ü Adventure(sunny bunnies, snowman, etc.)

ü In the kingdom(flora and fauna, fantasies, spring, love)

ü ABC(health, soldier, parents)

ü Journey(on an airplane carpet, to the country of childhood, etc.)

ü Gold(aya, oh) (“Golden Thread” - a competition for fashion designers, “Golden Pen” - for poets, writers, journalists)

ü Music, melody(summer, love, soul, heart, nature)

ü Fairy tale(s)(forests, seas, winter fairy tale)

8. If you have a lot of time, try using association method .

For example, you come up with names for the holiday of March 8th. What do you associate it with? Write down everything that comes to mind.

warm bouquet beauty heart care music

perfection feelings tenderness

When your imagination is exhausted, try to make up a name from the written words.

For example:

1. A bouquet of the most tender feelings

2. If spring lives in your heart

3. Oh, women, your name is perfection!

The more associative chains you create, the greater the choice of words for the name. During this work, you can ask various questions: “What do women like,” “What are their main qualities,” etc. Write down the answers.

Useful tips

1. Avoid cliched names such as

o “Mom, dad, I am a sports family”

o “Bread is the head of everything”

o “My years are my wealth”

o “All ages are submissive to love”

o “Say no to drugs”

o "In healthy bodyhealthy mind"etc.

These names themselves are good, but they are used so often that they have lost their novelty.

2. It is better if the name does not begin with prepositions. For example, in our region, theatrical and concert programs were held: “And the song also fought,” “And for the sake of life on earth.” The title should be short. Don't make it too long.

3. The name should contain some idea; avoid names that don’t say anything, for example, “At My Russia” (Russian Unity Day). This begs the question: “What exactly does my Russia have?”

4. Don’t forget to separate the titles with commas: “Walk , Cossack", "Hello , nice little village."

5. You should not use the well-known truths “Sport is health”, “Drunkenness is poison!”

6. Do not focus on a negative word in the title, for example, “Narcotic dope.” In the title, good must triumph over evil - "I choose life."

Examples of successful and unsuccessful names

Good names:

o Children's fairy tale performance "Ice Fairy Fairy"

o Competition children's drawing“Frost draws patterns”

o Evening meeting with WWII veterans - Ogonyok “Through the eyes of those who were in battle”

o Literary and musical composition “No, the war has not gone into legend”

o Children's theatrical Easter program “Rejoice, O Earth!”

o Children’s gatherings “Children are walking during the winter holidays”

o Poetry evening “In the labyrinths of the soul”

Bad names:

· Thematic program“Touch the feat with your heart”

· Sports game program"Family Fight"

· Game program for children “Snowy Winter”

· New Year's performance"Wrong Fairy Tale"

· New Year's entertainment program"Sing with us"

· Children's game program "Epiphany Day"

· Theme evening “We are friends and we sing - we live without drugs”

· Competitive and entertainment program “My second mother”

· Children's entertainment program "Let's have fun from the heart"

· Oral journal"About beer alcoholism"

Everyone remembers famous phrase that man does not live by bread alone. Indeed, people want to satisfy not only basic material, but also high spiritual needs. We are always looking for everyday life something new and unusual, something that will brighten up the gray days. Art is perfect for this purpose; it allows you to forget about everyday problems and touch something eternal and beautiful.

It's much closer than it seems. It is enough to visit an art gallery to immerse yourself in the world of beauty and originality, at least for a while.

Modern museums in Moscow provide every person with the opportunity to develop intellectually and aesthetically, learn something new and unknown, share experiences, and draw new ideas for their own works.

Art accessible to everyone

Photography is considered one of the most sought-after and popular genres of art. She attracts the viewer with her truthfulness, realism and poignancy. A true photographer knows how to notice the beauty in the ordinary, strong emotions in human faces, extraordinary in the smallest details. IN to the fullest Any of us can appreciate this skill by visiting art exhibitions in Moscow dedicated to photography. They are aimed at a wide audience of viewers.

Our gallery contemporary art offers photo exhibitions of various topics and directions. This makes it easy to find an event to suit your taste and mood.

What photo exhibitions are there and what artists’ works are available for display in at the moment, anyone can find out on the website of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art.

An important feature of the events is their versatility. We exhibit works by contemporaries and classics, landscape and portrait painters. They transport the viewer to distant antiquity or allow them to delve deeper into the issues of the present. Contemporary photography What makes it so valuable and interesting is that anyone can recognize themselves in the master’s works – their experiences, emotions, interests. Therefore, photographs of truly talented artists always find a deep and sincere response in the viewer’s soul.

The subject of a personal exhibition can be absolutely anything: the beauty of nature, children, chronicles of various significant events, a certain aspect of life and much more. The author himself chooses the direction that is most interesting to him at the moment. As a rule, the hobbies of famous masters resonate in the souls of many photography connoisseurs. Some events are of interest only to specialists in a particular field, while others are designed for a wide range of viewers of various ages.

A striking example of a thematic exhibition dedicated to life, which is radically different from the usual bustle big city, - Alexey Myakishev’s author’s project “Kolodozero”. This photo exhibition is dedicated to a small but very colorful settlement in Karelia, its history, inhabitants, and natural beauty. By visiting the exhibition in the photography center, any resident or guest of Moscow will be able to immerse themselves in the life of people living far from the noise and crowds of the capital. In this special world, created by the interweaving of magnificent nature and sincere faith.

Another interesting photo project – “ New Earth. From the Rose Glacier to Abrosimov Bay." By visiting this photo exhibition, you can see with your own eyes the beauty of the Arctic, appreciate its severity, strength and charm. It will be interesting to both adults and children, because this is the simplest and most affordable way observe the Arctic landscapes with your own eyes in a comfortable environment.

Exhibitions in the gallery of contemporary art are regularly updated, new projects and events are constantly appearing, so that the most sophisticated viewer can always find something suitable and interesting for themselves, so that a beginner can easily join the world of photography. This is a wonderful way to spend leisure time with both interest and benefit. Such events broaden your horizons, allow you to learn a lot of new, unusual things, and see the familiar. the world around us from a completely unexpected direction.

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