When the fight goes drop by drop... Antihistamines and other eye drops for allergies. How to choose anti-allergy eye drops Allergy eye drops are the best

Eye allergies can manifest themselves in different ways. It is expressed by peeling of the skin around the eyes, inflammation of the cornea, inflammation of blood vessels, and in the most severe cases, loss of vision and nerve damage are possible. you can read in a separate article. The fastest way to relieve symptoms is with medications that have a local effect. You will learn further in our article which eye drops are mainly used for allergies.

Types of drops

ObaGlaza drops against inflammation in the eye area are divided into three directions according to their effect:

  • Antihistamines;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Vasoconstrictors.

They are allowed to be used individually and in combination.

The best drops for eye allergies

Eye drops They are good at eliminating swelling due to allergies. The components of the drug block the action of allergens and restore the functioning of eye cells. Have minimum quantity negative consequences, ObaGlazaRu believes, are allowed for most patients. Below is a list of the most common medications local action.

Quickly eliminates the main symptoms of an allergic reaction. The effect occurs in a short time (after about 5-7 minutes) and lasts a long time. Contraindicated during pregnancy and children under six years of age. Cost - from 350 rubles.

Effective preventive drops. It is necessary to use, according to ObaglazaRu, during the season of exacerbation of the disease (for example, during the flowering period). Relieves redness, swelling, puffiness. Brings eye cells into working condition. Contraindicated in children under four years of age. Cost - from 90 rub.


These antihistamine eye drops help relieve itching and painful sensations. Should only be used under medical supervision. With prolonged use, dryness may occur. Cost - from 500 rubles.


The drug helps with any nature of conjunctivitis. These antihistamine drops are dripped into the eyes 2 times a day, at least every 8 hours. It is recommended to use only when prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Cost - from 170 rubles.

A good anti-allergenic product. Relieves itching, burning, tearing, redness. The drug blocks the release of allergens and revives the membranes of eye cells. It has virtually no side effects. Does not change pupil size. According to ophthalmologists and obaglazaRu, these are the best antihistamine drops. Contraindicated for children under three years of age. Cost - from 400 rubles.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

Anti-inflammatory drops contain hormones. Thanks to this, the pathogen is blocked at the cell level. Appointed when severe allergies, after operations, helps with burns.

These drops have an anti-inflammatory effect. Obaglaza notes that it should be used strictly as prescribed by the ophthalmologist. Have large number contraindications, including pregnancy, lactation, stomach ulcers, osteoporosis, etc. The following side effects are possible: headache, increased intracranial, intraocular pressure, vomiting, arrhythmia. Cost - from 30 rubles.

Quickly eliminates allergic conjunctivitis. Easily relieves swelling and redness. With prolonged use, it promotes the appearance of cataracts and. Contraindicated in children under 6 years of age, in the first trimester of pregnancy. Cost - from 150 rubles.

Used for non-purulent allergies. Should be used for a maximum of a week. It should be applied several times a day. Contraindicated for viral and fungal infections, purulent blepharitis, intolerance to the components of the drug. Not recommended for children under 7 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Cost - from 400 rubles.


Appointed when severe itching and swelling. Blocks, according to ObaGlazaRu, the occurrence of re-infection. Cannot be accepted long time. When you get used to it, clouding may appear. Contraindicated in purulent inflammations, fungal infections, glaucoma, etc. Among the negative effects are increased blood pressure, the development of glaucoma, posterior subcapsular cataracts, etc. Cost - from 140 rubles.


A highly effective medicine against allergies, considers obaglaza. Helps improve local immunity. Allergy does not return long period. Available without a prescription. Contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation and intolerance to the components of the drug. May cause dry eyes with prolonged use. Cost - from 20 rubles.

List of vasoconstrictor drops for eye allergies

Drugs that constrict blood vessels are prescribed mainly for itching. Please note that such drops do not cure the disease, but temporarily relieve symptoms. At the end of the action, ObaEglaza notes, the symptoms appear again with the same intensity. They are addictive.

Popular medicine. Quickly eliminates redness and constricts blood vessels. The effect occurs within 10 minutes and lasts up to 12 hours. Virtually no negative impact. It is approved for use by children and pregnant women. Doesn't help with strong manifestations allergies. Cost - from 300 rubles.

Eliminates mucosal redness and swelling. When used, headache, nausea, and insomnia may occur. Contraindicated for glaucoma, cataracts, and children under 6 years of age. Cost - 30 rubles.


Has natural composition, according to obaglaza. Prescribed when complex therapy eyes. Virtually harmless. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components, children under 3 years of age, and with cataracts. Cost - from 230 rubles.

Quickly relieves swelling and redness of the eye, reduces itching, tearing and pain syndrome. After stopping the drops, the problems quickly return. Contraindicated for dry eyes, glaucoma, asthma, cardiovascular diseases, pregnancy, lactation, diabetes and children under 2 years of age. Should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Cost - from 170 rubles.

Main medications for eye allergies in children

Eye drops suitable for children have the least side effects. However, any of them are prescribed to children from 2 years of age. Since the body of a young child may react to the use of local medications with the opposite reaction - the symptoms will only increase. Medicines prescribed for infants general action, for example, tablets.


An effective antihistamine. Allowed for children from 2 years old. Relieves tearing, itching and redness. Cost - from 150 rubles.

The drug stops inflammation and reduces irritation. Stops the effect of allergens, prevents the development of the disease. Allowed for children from 4 years old. Cost - from 85 rub.

The effect of the drug is described above. Allowed for children from 2 years old.

The drug relieves discomfort, swelling. Stops the spread of an allergic reaction. The effect lasts for a long time. Contraindications and negative effects kept to a minimum. Not addictive. According to ophthalmologists, the site is suitable for both treatment and prevention of allergies in the eye area. The cost starts from 450 rubles.

Treatment of eye allergies in pregnant women

Anti-allergy drops for pregnant women are prescribed extremely rarely. The indication is only a severe exacerbation of symptoms. Under no circumstances should you purchase such a drug on your own; ObaGlazaR advises that you should consult your doctor. Strictly follow the doses prescribed by the ophthalmologist. Drugs approved for pregnant women that do not harm the baby include:

  • Ophtolic;
  • Hilozar;
  • Vidisik.

Topical antimicrobial drugs can be used. If, in addition to allergies, there are signs of a bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe an antibacterial drug.

How to choose effective drops?

Pick up necessary therapy Only an ophthalmologist can. When selecting a drug, the presence or absence of an inflammatory process is taken into account. If there is no inflammation in the eyes, use anti-allergy drops. If there is a concomitant infection (conjunctivitis, etc.), doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs. To quickly relieve the condition, you can use vasoconstrictor drops. In addition, ObaGlaza believes, contraindications and the patient’s age should be taken into account.

Frequently asked questions from patients with allergies

Question: when should I start using anti-allergy drops?

Answer: at the first appearance of unpleasant symptoms, such as redness or itching, you should consult a specialist. The doctor will determine the cause of the inflammation. If it is an allergic reaction, an antihistamine will be prescribed.

Question: How to properly instill drops for allergies?

Answer: in order for the drops to quickly and effectively help cope with the allergen, ObaGlaza.Py believes, you need to learn how to put them in the eyes correctly. There is a certain procedure due to which the medicine is better absorbed and begins to act faster. You need to do the procedure only with clean hands; you must drip the drug into the lower eyelid. After the procedure, sit with your eyes closed for a couple of minutes. You can read more about how to instill medications into your eyes in a separate article on our website.


Allergy - unpleasant disease, which can occur in any person at any age. Especially unpleasant symptoms appear in the eye area. But the modern pharmaceutical industry, notes ObaGlaza, offers large selection medications that quickly relieve discomfort. Eye drops for allergies are an inexpensive and effective remedy to combat this disease. Remember that only an ophthalmologist can prescribe treatment, and self-medication can lead to the opposite - a negative effect.

Lists effective drops for eyes against allergies - these are lists of the most popular remedies aimed at combating the body’s pathological reaction to irritants. This disease brings a lot of discomfort and hardship in everyday life. One of the most common signs of allergies is conjunctivitis, which may be accompanied by rhinitis, urticaria or other skin rashes. The mucous membrane of the eye is hypersensitive to most irritants found in air environment: household dust, mold, pollen, wool, etc., and therefore the elimination of characteristic pathological manifestations on the organs of vision requires professional intervention and competent therapy.

Medicines for the treatment of eye allergies

The symptoms of an allergic reaction to the eyes are very diverse. External manifestations of the disease may begin with slight hyperemia and swelling. On advanced stage pathology may cause damage optic nerve. You can get rid of the symptoms of the disease with the help of properly selected medications. Anti-allergy eye drops have proven themselves well in pharmaceutical market, and “fight” well against allergy symptoms.

Drops for eye swelling, itching and other unpleasant symptoms are represented by several main groups:

  • antihistamines;
  • hormonal;
  • vasoconstrictor.

It is worth immediately paying attention to the fact that the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis largely depends on the cause of the disease. In addition to tearing and swelling of the eyeball itself, dermatitis can develop on the eyelids in parallel. Small pimples on the skin are often accompanied by burning, itching, and less often - dryness and flaking. Most often, low-quality cosmetics can provoke the development of a pathological reaction. Treatment in this case should involve not only the use of eye drops, but also other external medications.

Antiallergic drops to eliminate eye symptoms

Antihistamine drops for eyes against allergies guaranteed fast action, especially with a relapsing course of the disease. Due to the influence of active substances on the production of histamine, there is a reduction in discharge from the eyes. Inhibition of allergens occurs through the creation of a specific shell by the active components, which prevents the irritant from penetrating deeper. Side effects in the majority of cases have not been previously observed, but one should not forget about caution in the use of antihistamines.

The most common eye drops for allergies are:

  • Azelastine. A drug that guarantees rapid onset of relief and long lasting effect. Literally 10-15 minutes after instillation, you can notice a decrease in redness and swelling of the eye. Contraindications include pregnancy and children under 6 years of age.
  • Lecrolin. This drug is especially effective as prophylactic to prevent allergic reactions to the eyes during periods possible relapse: During the flowering season. In case of acute hay fever, Lecrolin normalizes the functionality of epiretinal membranes, relieves hyperemia and swelling. It is not recommended to use the medication to treat allergies in children under 4 years of age.
  • Olopatadine. To combat itching and burning sensation, you need to use these eye drops. For eye allergies, the drug is prescribed by an ophthalmologist, and the specialist then monitors the patient’s condition. With prolonged use of drops, dry eye syndrome may develop.
  • Ketotifen. Antihistamine drops, which are used not only for allergic conjunctivitis, but also viral and bacterial lesions of the mucous membrane.
  • Opatanol. A medicine that has no side effects does not have any negative influence to healthy receptors. Do not use eye drops for allergies in children under 3 years of age.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

Hormonal eye allergy drops work differently. Unlike antihistamines, these drugs do not block receptors, but stop the effect of the irritant on cellular level. Steroid drugs cope with severe inflammation, inhibit the rejection reaction in postoperative period, help with burns.

Popular pharmaceutical products are:

  • Dexamethasone. Cheap eye allergy drops. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and have a pronounced anti-allergic property. They have many contraindications and side effects; You should not self-medicate - the therapeutic course should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Tobradex. The drug recommended by experts effectively relieves itching and eliminates swelling. However, long-term use can have many negative consequences: in particular, the development of glaucoma and cataracts. According to the instructions, in case of childhood allergic conjunctivitis, the use of the drug should be limited to children under 6 years of age and pregnant women in the early stages.
  • Maxitrol. Good eye drops for allergies, helping to quickly relieve inflammation in non-purulent forms of the disease. You need to drip the product regularly, for no more than one week.
  • Sofradex. Drops are also contraindicated for long-term use. They alleviate the patient’s condition in severe forms of eye swelling and relieve intense itching. As the body develops addiction, you may notice clouding of the lens. Sofradex is effective as a preventative against secondary infection.
  • Lotoprednol. Despite the fact that eye drops for allergies are available to every patient (that is, available in over-the-counter form) and are inexpensive, there is no arguing about the effectiveness of the drug. In addition to antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effects, Lotoprednol strengthens local immunity and helps achieve long-term remission.

List of vasoconstrictor eye drops for allergies:

Prescribed drops for itchy eyes due to allergies can be vasoconstrictors. In most cases, these medications are indispensable elements of treatment for seasonal or year-round pathological reactions of the body. Meanwhile, a vasoconstrictor instilled into the eye itself cannot be called a medicine: it can only temporarily eliminate the symptoms, and after stopping the use, the manifestations of the disease return with the same force. Vasoconstrictor eye drops for allergies are also addictive to the body. Besides, active ingredients drugs are quickly absorbed into the blood, spreading throughout all human systems and organs.

To narrow the blood vessels of the eyeballs, they often use:

  • Visine. The most popular remedy that actively fights extensive vascular lesion. The drug can be used by both children and adults; the likelihood of adverse reactions is negligible, as is its effectiveness at an advanced stage of allergopathology.
  • Naphthyzin. The drug for the eyes of the same name as the nasal drug can cause dyspepsia and nervous disorders. For some diseases, cheap Naphthyzin drops are contraindicated (for glaucoma, dry eye, cataracts). Children without any abnormalities in the lacrimal gland can use the drug from 6 years of age.
  • Octilia. One of the few drugs intended for the treatment of eye allergies, containing herbal components. It has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance and children under 3 years of age.
  • Okumetil. An eye medicine that produces a noticeable antiseptic effect. Despite the rapid relief of irritation and swelling with the help of drops, the drug cannot be used in a number of cases. Most often, Okumetil is prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Treatment of eye allergies in children: antiallergic eye drops, basic medications

Anti-allergy eye drops for children are used after the age of two. The child's illness is more early age and infants are treated, as a rule, with systemic antiallergic drugs. The thing is that a child’s sensitive and weak body can react to the supply of medications in the most unpredictable way. The use of ophthalmic drugs in children can cause complications and worsen the course of the disease, i.e. give the opposite effect. Children's eye allergy drops are the safest and most harmless medications. Their list is presented below:

  • Kromosol. Antihistamine drops, which can be used from the age of two, relieve redness and reduce tearing and itching.
  • Cromohexal. An antiallergic drug for the eyes, which can be used by children from 4 years of age. Eliminates irritation, stops inflammatory process.
  • Okumetil. Antiseptic drops approved for use by both adults and children from 2 years of age.
  • Allergodil. Anti-inflammatory antihistamine drug for the treatment of allergies in adults and children over 4 years of age. It has a complex effect, relieving swelling, redness and itching.

Treatment of eye allergies in pregnant women

Drops for pregnant women for allergies are used in exceptional cases. Women expecting the birth of a baby are prescribed drugs for exacerbations that require immediate medical intervention. In this case, doctors are guided by the following principle: drug therapy prescribed if the benefit to the mother significantly outweighs the risk to the fetus. Eye drops for allergies for pregnant and nursing mothers contain instructions for use in these categories of patients. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a drug suitable for the expectant mother, you must consult a doctor, and under no circumstances self-medicate.

A pregnant woman should use eye medications only in the dosage and frequency recommended by the ophthalmologist. Among the medications that can be used during pregnancy, several main groups of drops should be noted:

  • antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory;
  • antihistamines;
  • moisturizing.

The latter type of eye drops can be used without medical advice, since their composition does not pose a threat to the health of the unborn baby or his mother. The most common means are:

  • Visine;
  • Hilozar;
  • Vidisik;
  • Ophtolic;
  • Systane Ultra.

Help for pregnant women to relieve eye inflammation due to allergies antimicrobials. Local antibacterial therapy is carried out when, along with allergic manifestations, signs of infectious damage to the organs of vision occur.

Hormonal drugs, as a rule, are not allowed for pregnant women, so most often doctors prescribe:

  • Vitabact;
  • Okomistin;
  • Acular.

Antihistamine eye drops for allergies in pregnant women are necessary to reduce the sensitivity of receptors and reduce tearing, eliminating the burning sensation.

At breastfeeding Most drugs are prohibited, but during pregnancy you can use:

  • Ketatifen;
  • Lecrolin.

Remember: before taking specific eye drops if you are allergic to cosmetics, pollen, animal dander or other irritants, you should always consult a doctor. A qualified ophthalmologist is the only competent specialist who can help treat allergies at any age.

Questions and answers

Question: What eye drops can be given to a 12-year-old for allergies?

Answer: In the absence of contraindications, children over 12 years of age are prescribed the same drugs and in the same dosage as adults.

Question: What types of eye drops are there for allergic conjunctivitis and how to choose the right one?

Answer: Depending on the direction of action, drugs are divided into anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, vasoconstrictor. The choice in favor of one or another remedy must be made by the doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe appropriate treatment.

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An allergy is an inappropriate reaction of the body to certain substances.

Often in this case, visual symptoms occur, such as redness of the eyes, itching and watery eyes. In such cases, in addition to antihistamines for internal use use eye drops.

Allergy eye drops are used for the following diseases:

  • Hay fever;
  • Spring;
  • Medicinal;
  • Bacterial infections accompanied by an allergic reaction.

Depending on the mechanism of action and active substance, eye drops belong to different pharmacological groups. Before using them, you should consult a doctor.

How to correctly determine what type of drops you need

The choice of drugs to be used for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis is made by the doctor based on the available clinical data. Antihistamines are the mainstay of treatment. They are used in almost every case of allergies.

Unfortunately, the use of this group of medications does not quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease. That's why antihistamines combined with anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor drops.

Vasoconstrictor drops are used to quickly relieve allergy symptoms. The use of a vasoconstrictor reduces swelling and redness.

This effect temporarily alleviates the patient's condition, but does not cure the disease itself. Vasoconstrictor drugs can be used in conjunction with antihistamines.

Anti-inflammatory drops can be hormonal or non-hormonal in nature. Not hormonal agents used for medium degree severity of symptoms.

Hormonal drugs are used in acute period illness accompanied by severe clinical signs. After the symptoms subside, hormonal drugs are replaced with non-hormonal ones.

When choosing a particular drug, one should take into account the presence of contraindications and individual hypersensitivity to its components. Thus, steroid drugs are contraindicated for cataracts and glaucoma, antihistamines are not used for bacterial infections, the use of vasoconstrictors must be abandoned no later than on the 4-5th day of use.

Antihistamine eye drops for allergies

They block H1 receptors on the surface of cells and eliminate the influence of histamine on them (an amino acid that is a component of protein contained in special mast cells).

Under the influence of certain factors, histamine is activated and cells are released into the general bloodstream. Irritation of H1 receptors by histamine causes external manifestations of an allergic reaction. To eliminate it, use Allergodil.

Membrane stabilizing drugs prevent the release of inflammatory mediators, suppressing the migration of leukocytes to the site of the inflammatory process.

These drugs include eye drops based on cromoglycic acid and ketotifen:

Local antiallergic agent for instillation into the eyes. Available in the form of a dropper bottle with a volume of 5 ml, filled with a 0.1% solution of the drug.

The active ingredient is olopatodine hydrochloride 1.11 mg/1 ml of the product.

For conjunctivitis of allergic origin, use 2 times a day, 1 drop in each eye. Possible system adverse reactions: weakness, headache, dizziness, changes in the perception of the taste of food.

  • Cromoghlin

An antihistamine used for bronchial asthma, as well as for the treatment and prevention of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis. The dose of the drug is determined individually.

May cause side effects: sensation of heat in the area of ​​application, temporary impairment of visual acuity. Affects the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms that require good reaction and vision from the operator.

  • High-chrome

Almost a complete analogue of the above-described “Cromoglin”. Belongs to list “B” (potent drugs). Can be used long-term, as long as the allergen remains active.

Discontinuation of the drug must be done by gradually reducing its dosage. Abrupt withdrawal can provoke an immediate return of all symptoms of the disease.

  • Kromosol

A drug based on cromoglycic acid, which has an antiallergic effect. It is most often used as nasal drops, but can also be used in ophthalmic practice. Prescribed 1 drop in each conjunctival sac, 2-3 times a day. Can be used for a long time. Cancellation should be done gradually.

  • Alomid

An antihistamine used in ophthalmology. Prescribed for allergic conjunctivitis and other reactions immediate type. The active ingredient is lodoksamide tromethamine at a dose of 1.78 mg. Sold in dropper bottles, the volume of which can be 5 or 10 mg. Side effects: blurred vision, burning, tingling, lacrimation.

Vasoconstrictor drops

These eye drops reduce swelling and redness by constricting the blood vessels in the conjunctiva. Such means include:

A vasoconstrictor used to quickly relieve swelling and redness. The active ingredient of the drug is tetrizoline hydrochloride. Its dosage per 1 ml of product is 500 mcg.

Available in bottles of 15 ml of ready-to-use solution. Prescribed for patients over 2 years of age. Contraindications: glaucoma, corneal dystrophy. Visine should not be used for more than 4 days.

  • Vial

Due to the effect of tetrizoline on the receptors of the autonomic nervous system, “Vial” has a rapid decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect, constricts the blood vessels of the eye, eliminates local symptoms allergic reaction.

The duration of action of the drug reaches 4 hours, and the development of the pharmacological effect occurs within a few minutes after administration. The drug is applied 1-2 drops into the affected eye. Frequency of use – 2-3 times a day. With prolonged use, signs of irritation, mydriasis, and hyperemia may appear. Therefore, Vial, like other vasoconstrictors, should be used for no more than 3-4 days.

Local antiallergic drug. The product contains diphenhydramine, naphazoline and zinc sulfate in a ratio of 1:1:1.

Allows you to relieve the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis and blepharoconjunctivitis, reduce itching and burning, and eliminate the feeling of a foreign body in the eye. Apply 1 drop 2-3 times a day.

There are a number of contraindications for use: closed glaucoma, dry eye syndrome, pregnancy, lactation, diabetes mellitus, mental illness.

Vasoconstrictor drugs should not be used for a long time, since their cancellation may provoke an increase in allergy symptoms.

Anti-inflammatory drops

Eye drops are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal. If allergy symptoms are severe, corticosteroids are prescribed. These are hormonal drugs:

Hormonal anti-inflammatory drug. Available in the form of a white suspension in 5 ml bottles. It has a pronounced anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect and is used in cases of severe allergic reactions.

Contraindications to the use of hormones are acute purulent processes eyes, fungal infection, increased intraocular pressure, hypersensitivity.

Dexamethasone allergy eye drops can be used for no more than 2 weeks. Longer use is possible only under the supervision of a doctor and after measuring intraocular pressure.

However, even with this, the use of hormones significantly increases the risk of a fungal infection. Dexamethasone can be used in patients over 6 years of age. At an earlier age, the drug is not used.

  • Maxidex

Is a generic version of dexamethasone containing the same active substance. Indications for use, contraindications and side effects do not differ from those when using the hormonal drug described above.

A drug based on dexamethasone, additionally containing framycetin and gramicidin. It has not only a long-term anti-inflammatory, but also an antibacterial effect.

Can be used for allergic reactions with attached bacterial or fungal flora. Contraindicated for joint use with nephrotoxic and ototoxic antibiotics (streptomycin, kanamycin, monomycin, gentamicin).

Hormonal drugs quickly relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and redness. As a rule, they are used short term, under the supervision of a doctor. In addition to the hormone, Sofradex contains antibiotics, so the product suppresses the inflammatory process at the cellular level and helps to cope not only with allergies, but also with other eye diseases.

Eye drops, which contain a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory component, are prescribed rarely and for a short period for allergies.

How to use correctly

Children's eye drops for allergies

The choice of drugs for pediatric patients should be made with special care. Children under 6 months are recommended to instill Zodak, which has a mild antihistamine effect and has a minimum of side effects.

Patients aged six months to one year can be prescribed Zyrtec.. When using this drug, it is important to strictly follow the recommended dosage. The use of increased dosages leads to drowsiness and apathy.

After the first year of life, young patients may be prescribed Vibrocil or Prevalin. "Vibrocil" belongs to the category of vasoconstrictors, so its period of use should not exceed 4 days.

It is important to remember that hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs childhood not used. Their use is justified only in extreme cases severe course diseases. In this case, the type of drug and its dosage is selected by the doctor. For older children, treatment regimens and medications used are similar to those for adult patients. Dose adjustment may be required.

Side effects and contraindications

When using antiallergic drops, the following side effects may occur:

  • Temporary blurred vision;
  • Dry eyes;
  • Pupil dilation;
  • rise;
  • Headache.


If, when using allergy drops, the symptoms of the disease intensify, side effects occur, or there is no noticeable improvement within 2 to 3 days, you should stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

The increasing frequency of allergy attacks is a negative consequence of technological progress that affects people's health. The role of irritant is played by the most different substances that enter the body through consumption, inhalation or direct contact. An allergic reaction often manifests itself in the form of watery eyes, itching, dryness and inflammation of the skin of the eyelids. The best treatment for these problems is eye drops. A list of medications with descriptions of characteristics and reviews from specialists will help in the selection effective remedy from allergies.

  • Allergic dermatitis - the reaction is expressed in redness of the eyelids, swelling, blistering rashes. Most often leads to illness increased sensitivity body to individual components cosmetics. Dermatitis also falls into the category occupational diseases among workers in chemical, processing and food processing industries.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis – chronic form manifests itself in the form of redness of the eyelids and severe lacrimation. IN acute phase allergies, there is increased swelling of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  • Pollinose (pollen) conjunctivitis is characterized by a seasonal pattern of exacerbations. IN clinical picture includes allergic conjunctivitis, accompanied by sneezing, runny nose, difficulty breathing, and skin reactions.
  • Keratoconjunctivitis (spring catarrh) is a seasonal occurrence of papillary formations on the mucous membrane and cornea of ​​the eyes. Most often boys suffer from this disease. An allergic reaction in children manifests itself in the form of itching, lacrimation and photophobia.
  • Angioedema of the eyelids (Quincke's edema) is a common allergic complication caused by certain medications or foods. The allergy is expressed in the rapid spread of swelling throughout all parts of the eye. The disease is often accompanied by high intraocular pressure.

In people who constantly use contact lenses, allergic eye pathologies are much more common. The reaction is caused by individual components of lens materials or storage solutions. Plant pollen, animal hair or vapors chemical compounds settle on the surface of the lenses and provoke allergy symptoms.

How to properly apply eye drops if you have allergies?

  1. Wash your hands with soap. Check the tip of the dropper/pipette; it should not be chipped, cracked or uneven.
  2. Tilt your head back slightly and index finger pull down the lower eyelid. With the other hand, bring the dropper to the eye and squeeze 1-2 drops into the pocket of the lower eyelid. The tip of the pipette should not touch the mucous membrane and the eyeball. During the procedure, look up.
  3. Close the bottle with drops tightly with the cap. The tip of the dropper should not be wiped or rinsed.
  4. Wash your hands to remove any remaining medication.

Guidelines for using allergy drops for children:

  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Wash your hands with soap.
  • Place cotton swabs or balls on a clean napkin.
  • Warm the drops by placing the bottle in a glass of warm water.
  • Set the child up so that he does not get scared. For babies under one year old, it is better to put drops in their eyes while sleeping.
  • Lay down small child on the back; older children can take the procedure while sitting.
  • If there are any on the eyelashes purulent discharge, they are washed warm tea or chamomile decoction. Wet swab should be carried out in the direction from the temple to the nose.
  • Ask the baby to close his eyes. Then carefully pull back the lower eyelid and squeeze 1-2 drops from the pipette. First you need to put drops in the eye with a less pronounced allergic reaction.

List of eye drops for allergies

To quickly get rid of negative feelings, it is better to use topical medications. For this, ophthalmologists prescribe antihistamine, anti-inflammatory or vasoconstrictor eye drops. In practice, they are used independently or in combination with each other.

1. Antihistamine drops.

Contains ingredients that quickly suppress allergic aggression. They effectively relieve itching and stop severe lacrimation even during exacerbation of allergic conjunctivitis. Active substances eye drops prevent the production of histamine and its penetration into the intercellular space. Antihistamines for the eyes (Ketotifen, Zaditen, Allergodil, Lecrolin, Opatanol, Patanol) are recommended as a first resort medical care for allergies.

2. Anti-inflammatory drops.

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Acular) - well relieve itching, inflammation and eliminate allergic swelling. They can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Corticosteroids (Maxidex, Prenacid, Dexamethasone) are recommended to eliminate acute symptoms allergies. The prescription is also indicated when an infection gets into the eyes, causing an allergic reaction.

All anti-inflammatory drugs for the eyes are characterized by the presence of a large number of side effects. Prolonged and uncontrolled use of allergy drops can lead to drying of the tear film, clouding of the lens, and even trigger the development of glaucoma. Therefore, it is better to use anti-inflammatory eye drops with caution and only under the supervision of a doctor.

3. Vasoconstrictors.

They are characterized by a local effect on the capillaries, similar to adrenaline. Thanks to the rapid narrowing of blood vessels, redness (hyperemia) and swelling in the eye area disappear. Other signs of an allergic reaction are also smoothed out well: itching, dryness, lacrimation, sore eyelids.

Vasoconstrictor eye drops are also prescribed to reduce irritation of the mucous membrane caused by unfavorable conditions. external factors(dust, tobacco smoke, cosmetics chlorinated water, contact lenses). Long-term use(more than 2-3 days) vasoconstrictor eye drops (Vizin, Montevisin, Octilia, Okumetil, VizOptic) are addictive, so after the end of taking the allergy symptoms appear again.

4. Stabilizers mast cells.

They inhibit the work of mast cells responsible for the formation of allergic reactions. As a result, the symptoms of the disease become less pronounced. Allergy medications have a cumulative effect. Eye drops of this group (Lecrolin, Alomide, Kromhexal) are usually prescribed before the onset of allergy season.

5. Tear fluid substitutes.

Artificial tears moisturize and soothe eyes that become red, swollen and dry due to allergies. Tear substitutes (Systane, Vidisic, Natural tear) belong to the category safe drugs, so you can safely use them in the eyes of a child or a pregnant woman.

  1. Medical supervision - the use of any allergy eye drops should be approved by a doctor. You should not independently adjust the dosage or cancel treatment recommended by an allergist. Also, you should not exchange drops prescribed by your doctor for others, even if they have a similar composition.
  2. Systematicity - if the assignment contains a list of different types eye drops, you must strictly observe the order and maintain intervals between doses.
  3. Storage rules - eye medications are best kept in the refrigerator.
  4. Temperature – refrigerated allergy medications are poorly absorbed and can irritate the mucous membranes of the cornea. Therefore, the bottle of eye drops should be slightly warmed in your hands or with warm water.
  5. Cautions - Some allergy medications may cause a burning sensation in the eyes. If discomfort persists after 2-3 days of use, you should stop treatment and consult a doctor.
  6. Features - patients using contact lenses should wear them no earlier than 10-15 minutes after instillation.

All allergy eye drops have side effects and contraindications. Therefore, only an ophthalmologist or allergist can prescribe them, determine the dosage and frequency of administration. This rule especially applies to children and pregnant women.

Review of popular eye drops for allergies

  • Okumetil.

Vasoconstrictor eye drops. It relieves swelling and redness of the eyeball well, and neutralizes the main symptoms of allergies: itching, lacrimation, pain. Through ocular vessels the active components of the drug penetrate into circulatory system and provide positive impact for the whole body. The disadvantage is fast addiction to the medicine and, as a result, a decrease in effectiveness. It is recommended to instill eye drops with Okumetil for no longer than 2-3 days.

  • Allergodil.

Excellent eye drops that are prescribed to relieve the symptoms of conjunctivitis and seasonal allergies. Basic medicinal component– azelastine. It normalizes the condition of mast cell membranes and reduces the release of bioactive substances by early stages allergies. Has a powerful, prolonged effect. It is usually well tolerated, has no dangerous side effects, and is not addictive, so it is recommended for long-term use. Allergy drops can be placed in the eyes small child from four years of age. According to doctors, Allergodil ranks first in the lists of the fastest-acting eye drops. The disadvantage is the high cost.

  • Visine.

Therapeutic eye drops that quickly eliminate allergic reactions. Relief occurs within 10 minutes after instillation. A stable result lasts for 12 hours. The main advantages include high level safety and minimal risk of severe side effects. The active component levocabastine has a powerful blocking property. Side effects expressed in the form of short-term headaches, decreased ability to work, increased blood pressure and heartbeat. Visine is considered the best in the list of eye drops in terms of price and quality ratio.

  • Cromohexal.

An inexpensive antihistamine for the treatment and prevention of chronic and allergic diseases eye. The active component is cromoglycic acid, which has a stabilizing effect on mast cells. The result of exposure is inhibition of allergic reactions and prevention of their development. Eye drops reduce itching and irritability of the eyeballs, reduce swelling of the eyelids. The medicine can be used for eye fatigue resulting from contact allergens (dust, smoke, pollen, wool). Cromohexal for allergies is recommended not only for adults, but also for children over 4 years old. Pregnant women should use it under the supervision of a physician.

  • Opatanol.

Inexpensive and high-quality antihistamine eye drops. Quickly and permanently reduce any allergic reactions. The action of the drug is based on the ability to suppress the formation and distribution of bioactive substances that provoke eye inflammation. Opatanol penetrates into the circulatory system in small quantities. It has a mainly local effect without affecting the size and shape of the pupil.

Among the diseases that have received widespread in the twentieth century, scientists around the world call allergies. Today symptoms caused by seasonal natural phenomena, where the allergen is plant pollen, dust, that gets into the eyes, essential oils. Allergic reactions are known to medicines, cosmetics, household chemicals, food products.

Sometimes in order to get rid of allergic symptoms, it is enough to remove the source of the allergy, but it is often very difficult to identify it, and to eliminate the manifestations it is necessary to use antiallergic drops. And here the question arises, what drugs should be used to quickly eliminate itching, swelling and lacrimation.

Allergic eye reactions manifest themselves in several ways. Most often, this is conjunctivitis, when the mucous membrane of the eye and eyelid is affected. In this case, the sclera turns red, itching appears, severe lacrimation and, as a result, sneezing, sometimes photophobia, headache or pain in the eye occur, and pimples form on the eyelids.

If you suffer choroid eyes - uveitis occurs, it is characterized by severe redness of the sclera, pain in the eye, a feeling of sand, the same itching and lacrimation.

If the cornea is damaged, keratitis is diagnosed; it is characterized by all of the listed symptoms and blurred vision. If the sclera and conjunctiva are affected, keratoconjunctivitis is diagnosed.

Depending on the type of lesion, treatment is selected; often it is complex, combining antihistamines, to suppress H1 histamine mediators, as well as anti-inflammatory or vasoconstrictors. There are 3 types of eye drops used in the treatment of allergies:

  • , they block the release of histamine by mast cells.
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs that relieve redness and pain, as they quickly narrow the small vessels of the eye.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. There are two types. NSAIDs help little, but can be used for a long time, and glucocorticosteroids have quick effect, are addictive and used short time. They relieve inflammation and prevent the spread of infection.

Antiallergic eye drops are used if the causative agent of the allergy itself cannot be detected. Anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor drugs can be used after the main symptoms have been relieved to eliminate the consequences (redness, swelling, inflammation). And also in complex treatment with seasonal manifestations.


The use of these eye drops is permitted without consulting a doctor; they are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Histamine is present in the body of every person, but in the normal state this substance is bound and located in special (mast) cells; when an allergen is detected, the cells release it, resulting in itching and lacrimation.

Antiallergenic drugs bind free histamine, which has already been released by mast cells and prevent (block) their further release.

Antiallergic drops act quickly enough, which guarantees comfortable relief from symptoms. Among the famous eye medications will be:

  1. Alergodil, Azelastine, the active substance azelastine, a derivative of phthalazinone, these eye drops can be used to eliminate seasonal manifestations from 2 years old, and for year-round students - from 4 years old. The drug is not addictive. Azelastine quickly eliminates itching, redness,... When instilling the drug, you will need to stop wearing contact lenses. Drip 2 to 4 times/day.
  2. Lecrolin (drops), Cromhexal (nasal spray) based on sodium cromglycate. These drugs are used for chronic manifestations keratoconjunctivitis (hay fever) throughout the year, they are effective against seasonal symptoms, they are prescribed for prevention during the flowering season of plants. Dripping from 3 years old, morning and evening. Nasal spray is used for hay fever 2 times a day. The use of Lecrolin or Cromhexal helps avoid the use of steroids.
  3. Olopatadine, Opatanol. These are drugs based on olopatadine, suitable for the treatment of almost all types of allergies: seasonal, year-round, medicinal, chronic, from contact lenses, they are dripped from 3 years old, 2 times a day.
  4. Ketotifen (tablets, capsules, syrup). Active ingredient: ketotifen. The drug prevents the release of histamine from mast cells and also has a mild calming effect on nervous system. Prescribed orally for allergic conjunctivitis and hay fever. After use, it is not recommended to drive a car or perform other actions that require increased attention. Prescribed from 3 years of age to 0.001 g twice a day. If necessary, double the dose.
  • When instilling allergy drops, contact lenses are removed; you can put them back on only 15-20 minutes after the procedure.
  • It is better to refrain from driving a car for 30-40 minutes.

Drops to relieve inflammation from the eyes

Along with antihistamines, in severe or complicated cases of the disease, anti-inflammatory drugs are also prescribed.

Corticosteroids are most often used, but these drugs can cause a number of side symptoms, including increased intraocular pressure, the occurrence of steroid cataracts and glaucoma, and thinning of the cornea. The active substance (hormone) penetrates all structures of the eye.

In addition, the synthetic steroids used are very similar to the hormones produced by human body and long-term administration of them “from the outside” leads to addiction, leukocytes stop producing their own in the right quantity. Today the following drops and ointments have gained recognition:

  • Dexamethasone (drops). In this group this drug the most budget-friendly. It quickly and efficiently relieves the manifestations of seasonal conjunctivitis, hay fever, uveitis and keratitis.
  • Maxidex (drops) is a 1% solution of dexamethasone. It is prescribed for hay fever, seasonal conjunctivitis, and is used in the complex treatment of allergic uveitis and keratitis.
  • Prenacid (ointment and drops), the active ingredient is disodium disodium phosphate. This drug has the ability to reduce vascular permeability and reduces the permeability of mast cells. It eliminates inflammation and has a pronounced antihistamine effect.

Purpose steroid drugs carried out only by a doctor and after eye drops against allergies have not helped.

Important! Concomitant use of allergy drops and corticosteroids increases the risk of infection.

good therapeutic effect combined drugs (steroid + antibiotic) have, they quickly relieve inflammation, eliminate allergic manifestations, they are often used in combination therapy allergic eye diseases. Among those often prescribed by ophthalmologists are:

  • Tobradex (dexamethasone and tobramycin);
  • Maxitrol (dexamethasone, neomycin, polymyxin B sulfate);
  • Sofradex (dexamethasone, gramicidin, framethine sulfate).

However this strong drugs and you can’t drip them without consulting a doctor. Antibiotics and corticosteroids have a whole series contraindications.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

To quickly relieve symptoms, after eliminating the allergen, you can use only vasoconstrictors and not use antiallergic drops. However, this is only possible if the exact cause of the allergy is known.

Available drops will include:

  • Visine;
  • Naphthyzin;
  • Octilia;
  • Okumetin.

These drugs will quickly relieve redness and inflammation, remove the feeling foreign body in the eye. However, they only relieve symptoms and do not cure the disease itself. Long-term use (more than 3-4 days) of these drugs causes a number of side effects: addiction, hemorrhages, blockages small vessels eyes. They are usually used in complex allergy therapy.

Features of treatment for pregnant women

Corticosteroids and antibiotics should not be used to treat allergic symptoms in pregnant women.

If the emerging allergy symptoms may pose a threat to the health and life of the pregnant woman, then when prescribing treatment, they are guided by the rule: the expected benefit is greater than the expected harm.

Most anti-allergenic drops are also contraindicated. Approved drugs will include:

  • Vitabact;
  • Okomistin;
  • Acular.

However, many doctors consider the use of any antihistamines to be harmful to the baby. And here, in any case, it is better to consult a doctor.

Among the approved drugs will be drugs from the group:

  • Vidisik;
  • Natural tear;
  • Oftagel;
  • Stillavit;
  • Vizin, Pure Tear.

Treatment of children for allergies

Antihistamines are contraindicated for children under 2 years of age, as well as for nursing mothers. Mothers can use drugs that moisturize the cornea (artificial tears), and it is better to protect children from possible reasons allergies.

Children's antiallergic drops should not be used without consulting a doctor. Only he can make a diagnosis and correctly prescribe treatment.

For children under 3 years of age, drops can only be prescribed by a doctor. Often the appearance of conjunctivitis in them is associated with bacterial infection And allergy drops won't help.

The list of common prescriptions for children looks like this:

  • For children over 3 years old, Opatanol is prescribed.
  • For children over 4 years old - Lecrolin.
  • For preschoolers from 6 - Allergodil.
  • Hormonal drugs can be used for children only from the age of 7, and only in difficult cases.

The use of eye drops for children is carried out in accordance with the doctor's instructions.

The instillation of antiallergic drops for a child, like an adult, should take place in a clean room. In this case, you should wash your hands and do not touch the tip of the pipette to the cornea or other objects.

Store the drops closed with a special cap and under the conditions prescribed in the instructions for use.