The child suffered from whooping cough. Whooping cough after the vaccine: can you get sick? Raising the bar for health information

There is a vaccine for whooping cough, as well as for some other dangerous infections. However, some children vaccinated with this vaccine get sick.
What mothers of vaccinated and unvaccinated children need to know about whooping cough, we asked a pediatrician, allergist, immunologist, assistant at the Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology with a course in pediatric immunology at the National Medical University. A. A. Bogomolets Maya Ishchenko.

Whooping cough is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis (whooping cough bacillus). The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets. The disease is characterized by the fact that it affects the cough center.

Character of the course
The main symptom of whooping cough is a severe hacking cough, especially at night. During the first two weeks, clinical manifestations make it difficult to distinguish the disease from a regular acute respiratory viral infection. But the characteristic whooping cough, which appears by 2–3 weeks, is not difficult for an experienced doctor to recognize. With whooping cough, the temperature may not rise or rise only slightly. During the periods between coughing attacks, the child may feel quite tolerable. Anyone who has had whooping cough receives immunity for life.

Why is whooping cough dangerous?

Whooping cough is most dangerous for children under one year of age. The infection can cause respiratory arrest and damage the nervous system, which can lead to developmental delays.
Whooping cough is dangerous over a long period of time: 6 months for unvaccinated people and 2 months for vaccinated people. A prolonged cough exhausts the child so much and undermines his immunity that during the long recovery period it is easy to catch a secondary bacterial or respiratory infection, which will only confuse the picture of the disease.
After an illness, the memory of the cough center remains for a long time, and with the slightest cold the child suffocates from coughing.

Vaccinated children get sick too
The most effective preventive measure against the disease is vaccination. The vaccine contains antibodies to pathogens and is aimed at preventing the disease. After the mass introduction of vaccinations, many doctors believed so much in their effectiveness and in the fact that whooping cough infection has now been eradicated that they may “miss” the disease or mistake it for another. How does this happen? A child who gets whooping cough is first treated for a long time as having caught the virus, but after treatment with various drugs turns out to be ineffective, the search for other causes begins. At the same time, there is a danger that doctors will mistake whooping cough, for example, for allergic bronchitis and prescribe bronchoscopy, which is difficult for the child to tolerate.

So is there any benefit to the vaccine? In reality, not all vaccinated people get sick, but a certain percentage. In addition, as mentioned above, if an unvaccinated child can cough for up to six months, a vaccinated child will suffer for at most two months.

Diagnosis of whooping cough
Doctor's examination. An experienced doctor can accurately identify whooping cough by pressing on the root of the tongue with a spatula.
Bac sowing. You can reliably find out whether you had whooping cough if you do this test in the first days of the disease. But due to the fact that at the very beginning whooping cough is mistaken for a common respiratory infection, such an analysis is performed extremely rarely.
Blood test for immunoglobulin M to the causative agent of whooping cough. Using this test, you can determine antibodies to whooping cough that a child has contracted, but only if it is done in the first 3 weeks of the disease.
Blood test for immunoglobulin G to the causative agent of whooping cough. This analysis can be done 3 weeks after the disease. However, the presence of antibodies of the immunoglobulin G group may mean either a previous vaccination or a history of whooping cough at an earlier age, but not diagnosed.

How to treat?
Babies under one year old, as well as children with severe illness, are hospitalized. When treating severe forms of whooping cough, antibiotics that act on the pathogen are used. At the same time, the effectiveness of treatment is affected by timely identification of the diagnosis, which, as we said above, often does not happen. After the 2nd week, the causative agent of whooping cough dies and only a cough remains, against which antitussive drugs are ineffective.

During the incubation period (14 days), the child should not play with other children, but walks in the fresh air, especially near ponds or fountains, make coughing easier. Ventilation of the room and wet cleaning should be mandatory, since dry air and dust irritate the cough center and provoke new coughing attacks.

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The source of the disease is the whooping cough bacillus, it secretes a toxin that has an irritating effect on the nerve endings that are located in the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, which leads to irritation and triggers the cough reflex, also getting into the blood, it has a general toxic toxic effect, primarily on central nervous system. This leads to contraction (spasm) of the smallest bronchi, larynx (glottis), twitching and even seizures similar to epileptic ones.

Pertussis bacillus quickly dies in the external environment, as well as under the influence of high temperature, direct sunlight, drying and the use of various disinfectant solutions. This explains the seasonality of the disease, most often in the autumn-winter period, in places with large crowds of people and transport.

The source of infection is a sick person, in any form, including possibly erased forms; patients in the initial stage are especially contagious. Patients shed whooping cough for up to 30 days. It is transmitted through the air, by airborne droplets when coughing, infection can occur through contact with a sick person. Therefore, isolating the patient prevents the infection from spreading. Whooping cough at the beginning of the disease is very similar in symptoms to and can be confused with a viral infection. Most often, children under five years of age, children under six months, and even newborns are susceptible to the disease. After an illness, a stable immunity is formed, although some sources say only five years. The infection enters through the respiratory tract: nose, mouth. If the child fell ill with whooping cough, the bacillus populates the mucous membrane, starting from the larynx and descending lower and lower, affecting all the lungs to the smallest bronchi and lung tissue. Even after the stick has died, its toxin continues to act on the brain, thereby irritating it, which contributes to the continuation of the cough. For diagnosing whooping cough in children, pediatricians prescribe for whooping cough, parawhooping cough, blood is taken from a vein twice, with an interval of 14 days. Let's take a closer look.

Diagnosis of whooping cough in children.

The incubation period is about a week, but can be longer, up to two weeks. During this time, the pertussis bacillus, getting on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, begins to multiply and send irritating signals to the brain. A dry, strong, debilitating cough appears. Signs are divided into periods.

In the first period

Body temperature may be moderately elevated or normal. A dry cough appears, a runny nose is possible, then the cough intensifies. The child’s well-being during this period was not affected. The duration of this period is from three to fourteen days. In small infants, the so-called first period is shorter, but in older children, on the contrary, it can be prolonged. The transition to the second period occurs gradually.

Diagnosis of whooping cough in children in the second period

The cough turns into a spasmodic cough and forms on exhalation, which prevents the baby from taking a breath, causing him to cough heavily. It occurs suddenly or after warning signs: sore throat, anxiety, chest pain. Then, on a deep breath, accompanied by a whistle (reprise), a whistling sound appears due to a spasm of the glottis, after which the attack continues. The child’s face may turn blue or red at this moment due to a lack of oxygen, blocked by coughing attacks. After a strong cough, there may be vomiting with viscous sputum. In severe forms of whooping cough, vomiting almost always occurs, but in mild forms it may not occur at all. The acute phase begins after 10-12 days of increasing cough. During an attack, the neck veins swell, the eyes become bloodshot, lacrimation appears, the tongue protrudes outward to the limit, its tip bends upward. Involuntary urination and defecation (fecal incontinence) are also possible. For more than two weeks, the symptoms of cough remain the same, then there is a slow mitigation of attacks and their reduction. During the break between coughing attacks, the child behaves as if in full health: he plays, his appetite does not suffer, he walks. There is an increase in leukocytes to high numbers, and ESR is normal or reduced.

Third period

The cough settles down, the sputum becomes mucous-purulent and all symptoms gradually disappear. This period lasts up to a month. The total duration of the disease lasts up to 3 months; pediatricians also call it “hundred-day cough.”

Forms of whooping cough.

  • Lightweight– the frequency of attacks is 5 – 15 times a day, the attacks end quickly, there is no vomiting, the child’s health is good.
  • Medium-heavy – the number of attacks is 15–24 times/day, each attack lasts longer and has several repetitions, quite often vomiting appears at the end of coughing attacks. The baby's general condition suffers, but not much.
  • The child fell ill with a severe form of whooping cough – the number of attacks is more than 30 times per day or more, the attacks are severe and sometimes last up to fifteen minutes and have 10 repetitions or more. Such attacks end in vomiting. In severe cases, the child refuses to eat, sleep disturbance occurs, and the child begins to lose weight.

But recently, an erased form of whooping cough has increasingly appeared, in which there is an absence of attacks typical of whooping cough. In these cases, a diagnosis is made: tracheitis or tracheobronchitis. Such forms are more often observed in vaccinated children. If vaccinated children become ill with whooping cough, they are more likely to develop mild and erased forms of the disease compared to unvaccinated children.


  • Bronchopneumonia.
  • Pleurisy.
  • Epileptic convulsions (occur at the height of a coughing attack and can be repeated several times a day) during an attack in children under one year of age, respiratory arrest may occur.


  • The child is isolated
  • The premises must be sanitized
  • Maintaining air humidity where the patient is located
  • The temperature in the room is between 18 - 21 degrees
  • Influx of fresh air to reduce attacks and their intensity
  • Reduce physical activity
  • You can walk once a day, lasting one hour
  • Avoid solid foods to prevent vomiting
  • In case of frequent vomiting, give food in small portions, crushed into puree.
  • Antibiotics are used in treatment (Ampicillin, Flemoxin), if there is intolerance to this group, then (Summamed), medications are prescribed in tablets that the child can swallow; if vomiting or spasmodic cough occurs, the child is transferred to intramuscular administration of antibiotics, the course is 5 - 7 days.
  • Severe forms are treated in hospitals
  • Antitussives that suppress the cough reflex (Sinekod, Codelac)
  • Anti-inflammatory (Erespal)
  • Antiallergic to relieve swelling (Zyrtec, Zodek)
  • In case of oxygen deficiency, oxygen supply
  • Vitamin and mineral complex for immunity

Prevention of disease.

There is no innate immunity to whooping cough, antibodies are not transferred from mother to child, a newborn child can also get this disease, so prevention is only vaccination, which begins at three months with DPT vaccination (combined), since there is no monovaccine. To develop good, stable immunity, it is necessary to receive three DPT vaccinations at an interval of forty-five days. The first vaccination is at three months, the second at four and a half months, the third at six months and revaccination at 1.6 years. Good immunity persists for three years after revaccination, then weakens. There are also other vaccines that are used for vaccination against whooping cough, Infantrix, Bubo-Kok, Pentaxim.

Of the four unvaccinated children, one eldest daughter suffered from whooping cough. Confirmed by tests. My daughter had whooping cough for about a year and 3 months. We went to the doctor, in the second week of coughing they prescribed antibiotics, but they didn’t give them. We went to another doctor, based on the cough, he made the correct diagnosis in the first 5 minutes of the appointment. They donated blood and the diagnosis was confirmed. I actively coughed for another 3 months, then for 3 months I coughed only at night. That is, once or twice a night the child woke up with a wild cough.
As a result of whooping cough, the immune system was very weakened, for almost a year there was constant snot, cough, etc.
After a year and a half, the disease reminds itself - with strong crying, coughing attacks return;(

Will I vaccinate my youngest against whooping cough? Yes, I will, because I saw how my vaccinated eldest child and the unvaccinated youngest child (now middle-aged) were sick. The older one was no different from a mild ARVI. Hello, not all doctors prescribe cultures for whooping cough! We were given IFA on the 13th day of illness and everything was negative, and the clinic had whooping cough! We got whooping cough at 5 months. Small children under one year old are immediately admitted to the hospital. Under the supervision of a doctor. We're lucky. We were admitted when we did not know about the disease. There was no such thing that it took a long time to make a diagnosis. Upon admission, tests were taken. Nothing serious was found. We were planning to leave. But the doctor noticed the cough and said that it was characteristic of whooping cough. I didn’t attach much importance to her words. I didn't know it was a serious illness. In the hospital the disease was confirmed and was gaining momentum. The first two weeks were the most difficult. Sleepless nights, restless state.. The support of loved ones is very important. There is no need to read horror stories on the Internet about this disease. Love for the child, support from loved ones, mandatory rest and everything will be fine. You just need to be patient. Our cough remained active for three months. Then on to extinction. Six months later everything passed. I have a patient child. He bravely endured the disease. Well done! At 10 months old, she contracted rotavirus. Nothing good either. Now we are 2 years and 3 months old. There was nothing else except sniffles. Dear mothers, take care of your nerves and strength, you and your child need them. Don't worry! Everything will be fine. Tell me, how long after whooping cough should I refrain from playing sports? tele222
After the new year, we already noticed that the child hardly coughs... I was afraid that this cough would continue(
Thanks for the answer) Ksyushachka
Ketotifen has not been used for a long time, there are more effective medications, but this needs to be consulted with a doctor. Let me raise the topic.. My daughter had whooping cough in August, she was seriously ill with coughing until she vomited, and was in the infectious disease ward. The severe attacks have passed, but the child coughs periodically. I was prescribed Ketotifen for 1.5 months. Has anyone encountered such a drug? And in general, how long does a cough last after whooping cough? There may still be some consequences and complications

None. Anti-vaxxers are a sect. Rational arguments will not break through them.

I completely agree. What’s more surprising is where all these rational people were many years ago, when they didn’t really ask whether you wanted it or not. Or another question, what about them - children of the 80s and even earlier, all vaccinated, but now it’s just evil, not vaccines. ta-nyska

If this is so, then this is not complete, not reliable information. When they could not explain how life originates, they thought that mice spontaneously generated in dirty laundry. There was such a very scientifically based theory.
Knowledge will accumulate and new information will appear. It will become clear what exactly sensitizes the intestinal epithelium. Maybe wheat will be banned by law. Maybe people are being genetically modified.

And by the way, children with celiac disease should not get sick either. Immunosuppression occurs after a protracted illness. And the toxin from Bordetella colonies clearly exceeds 25 mcg per dose. Because toxicity is higher, and temperature and other symptoms develop. The vaccine imitates the disease in an ultra-mild form.
It is impossible to rely on the fact that a child will not get whooping cough during his life. And if everyone stops vaccinating their children, epidemics will begin.

What should I do?

Many people read us, and we must understand that among the reliably registered post-vaccination complications there is neither autism nor celiac disease, which is much higher than the likelihood that these diseases are caused by spontaneous mutations.

If you are not sure about your heredity, the child is developmentally delayed or has health problems, it is reasonable to vaccinate him according to an individual schedule, or not to vaccinate, but then he will suffer from two or three childhood diseases before the age of 14, just like in the pre-vaccination era.
Severe manifestations of both mental development disorders and intestinal malabsorption are visible by two years. If you are really scared, postpone vaccinations until the age of three, or until the child starts school. This tactic works well if the child is the only one, but does not always work if there are many children.

There is no conspiracy between pharmaceutical companies or the Department of Health. Information on side effects of drugs and vaccines is recorded non-stop; if a certain number of complaints accumulate (information on adverse events is processed quarterly or semi-annually, reports are available to healthcare professionals), the drug can be withdrawn from the market even if a serious problem is suspected undesirable event - such as death or disability. And I know such examples.
Falsifying data on clinical trials is very difficult, due to checks by various regulatory authorities, and is reputationally fatal for the company. After this she will go bankrupt. It cost 1 billion euros to bring the drug to market 10 years ago, and it costs 2-3 billion now. Clinical work from a hypothesis to the creation of a final registered product that has passed stage 3 clinical trials takes about 10 years.

We owe the emergence of the latest Ebola vaccine only to the threat of a pandemic; for the first time, the world community chipped in for research, and scientists from several international centers pooled their data.

I don’t know what other arguments to give to stop blaming vaccines alone for the reason for the increase in cancer and other diseases. llazy

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And what does vaccination have to do with it... you should have read about acquired celiac disease, in the article, at the very beginning this term is used....

there are a number of such articles... and its occurrence can occur for a number of reasons, from any “breakdown” of the immune system, you will not read about this anywhere, the cases of the disease are very diverse. By the way, the intestines of cealitics are just like a sieve and there are lethal outcomes. I’m not discussing this with you anymore, the topic is about whooping cough. I scold myself for even getting involved in this useless conversation. Are you a doctor? Then the argument is even more inappropriate. Just imagine - a musician will never argue with a listener. The musician knows every note in the work, can analyze it in detail and tell the story of its creation and all that... but the listener in 20 theaters has heard different performances of it and in another 50 versions in the recording... he has auditory experience and feelings. They may not understand each other.


This article is about the risk of intestinal lymphoma. And what about vaccinations?

There are loci of certain genes responsible for the metabolism of the amino acids proline, linsin and tryptophan, in particular. If something is not synthesized correctly, then it is impossible to assemble proteins from amino acids. We are made up of proteins with very different functions.
It’s like removing or breaking all the small rectangular parts from a Lego set. Whatever you don’t build will either break or be impossible to assemble.

There is connective tissue dysplasia syndrome, which includes a very wide range of symptoms, from psychiatric ones - depression, ADHD, to musculoskeletal disorders and symptoms similar to celiac disease.

Because the amino acids proline and lysine are part of collagen. And tryptophan turns into serotonin, and this is an active substance that is responsible for mood, and for autoimmune processes, some for the motility of the small intestine.
If it's very exaggerated.

Conscientious scientists have found some interesting facts, but do not draw far-reaching conclusions.
Among other things, they examined data from people with Hodgkin lymphoma, what we know about the causes of this lymphoma. That this is a defect in the immune system, people with HIV in the AIDS stage are sick, that there is a genetic predisposition, that they are often of a whiter race.
Well, yes. Celiac disease occurs more often in whites because they eat more wheat. But nevertheless, it is impossible to say that gluten intolerance causes lymphoma. Even if both use the word immune system to describe the causes of the disease.

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No one knows exactly why children get Hodgkin lymphoma. It is known that the disease begins when the cells of the lymphatic system begin to change malignantly. At the same time, the genetics of the cell begins to mutate. But why genetic (genetic) changes begin in the first place is unknown. And why with these changes some children get sick and others do not is also unknown. Today, it is believed that children develop Hodgkin lymphoma when several risk factors occur simultaneously.

Because The disease is registered mainly in the white population; it is believed that there is an ethnic and genetic predisposition. It is also known that the risk of developing Hodgkin's lymphoma is higher in children with certain congenital diseases of the immune system [see. immune system] (for example, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome or Louis-Bar syndrome), or in children with acquired immune defects [see immunity defects] (for example, HIV infection). In addition, in some children, infection caused by the Eppstein-Barr virus, which is the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis, can provoke the development of Hodgkin lymphoma. Today, scientists are studying how environmental toxicants (such as pesticides) may influence the occurrence of lymphoma. However, in most children it is never possible to find the exact cause of the disease.

For autism and autoimmune diseases, a gluten-free diet sometimes helps, sometimes not. In schizophrenia, it is not effective; those disturbances in brain receptors that occur do not have a direct connection with the quality of absorption of substances from the small intestine. Sometimes schizophrenia medications are effective for autism, sometimes they are not. Which suggests that there are different mechanisms of brain dysfunction that affect the ability to learn and socialize, and sometimes they are associated with allergic reactions to gluten and their consequences, sometimes not.

Impaired absorption of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency leads to increased formation of autoantibodies - this contributes to the formation of bronchial asthma.

Deficiency of B vitamins. There are metabolic disorders at the genetic level and processes in the intestines, and disruption of the normal flora are involved.
Polyneuropathies are described as classic symptoms of severe vitamin B malabsorption or dietary deficiency.

I can't read this. We do not absorb undigested proteins. The intestines are not a sieve, protein molecules get stuck in the intercellular matrix. By simple osmosis, only ions move along the concentration gradient. The sodium atom can travel back and forth through cells.
If particles of undigested food enter our bloodstream, we will die. Sooner or later, a fat embolus will block a pulmonary or some other important artery. There will be a stroke or heart attack, or pulmonary embolism.
Therefore, rumors that chewed but underdigested noodles flow through the intestinal veins to the great vena cava of the liver to cause trouble there are slightly exaggerated. there are a lot of letters here about how proteins go through all stages of processing in the gastrointestinal tract, and in the end hydrolysis of proteins occurs, and amino acids are absorbed.

But do not crumble the bread crumbs or cut the sausage into pieces.

I understood what you were trying to tell me, that here is an article about immunity disorders in celiac disease, here are the possible terrible consequences. But what does this have to do with vaccinations? Does introducing a suspension of the shells of killed microbes affect the intestines?
This is the composition of the Infanrix vaccine:
One dose (0.5 ml) contains at least 30 International Immunizing Units (IU) of diphtheria toxoid, at least 40 IU of tetanus toxoid and 25 μg of detoxified pertussis toxin, and 25 μg of filamentous hemagglutinin and 8 μg of pertactin. Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids obtained from cultures of Corynebacterium diphteriae and Clostridium tetani are inactivated and purified. Acellular pertussis vaccine components are prepared by growing a phase I culture of Bordetella pertussis from which PT, FHA and pertactin are extracted and purified.

It contains 25 mcg of detoxified pertussis toxin. Which is administered twice (4 week interval). Total 50 mcg of toxin. If you replace the scary word toxin with protein, you get 50 mcg of foreign protein.

And gluten of which in the human diet contains from 10 to 40 grams per day. That is, in a year the child manages to get at least 360 grams.

One gram contains million micrograms.
That is, the number of pertussis proteins obtained intramuscularly even in a month will be 60,000 times less than the amount of gluten consumed directly orally and in contact with intestinal villi.

If you believe the article that you gave me as an example, gluten, such a super allergen, pertussis toxin, modestly smokes on the sidelines. It cannot even cause a persistent immune response in 30% of people. llazy

Happy birthday.
If you know of any scientific source, I would be happy to read it.

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This is not the best source. Wiki. 5% of people. And the remaining 95 still have a genetic predisposition.

For example, celiac disease and vaccination you can get vaccinated, just like everyone else. But the hepatitis B vaccine is not effective until a gluten-free diet is established. here is a study confirming this. The group is small, but the information does not differ from the rest. The immune response in patients with celiac disease vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule was the same as in healthy people, with the exception of hepatitis B.

Multicenter studies on very large data sets are not found in 15 minutes, but scientists probably looked at whether vaccination can “cause” celiac disease.
Discussion on the Internet among popular, non-scientific sources, speculation on the topic of vaccination causing autism, celiac disease and bronchial asthma makes us think about the roots of these statements.
I know of a study on a very large array of statistics of families with autistic children and healthy younger brothers and sisters, to establish a connection between autism and vaccination. It didn't find them. In general, siblings of autistic people were less likely to develop the disease than children in the general population. Which suggests that the disease is caused by many factors, including spontaneous mutations.

Historically, celiac disease has been most common among residents of the Mediterranean coast. There is a lot of wheat on the menu, it is more allergenic than rye and barley, which produce more yield in temperate climates. Which our ancestors still ate.
And for the last 70-50 years, everyone has been vaccinated all over the world. Over the past 30 years, the coverage has been very wide in developed countries. In countries with rice culture, celiac disease is traditionally much less common and is associated with the penetration of wheat into the menu. And the increase in autism among them is much higher than among Europeans. Celiac disease affects more whites, while Asians and blacks suffer from autism. Everyone is vaccinated.
The rise in other autoimmune diseases and cancers also varies by ethnicity and race. Everyone is vaccinated equally. National vaccination calendars are coordinated with WHO.

Vaccinations rather affect the purity of the gene pool. If, as before, 25% of children under the age of 5 died (this is statistics from the beginning of the 20th century in Russia). Then the culling of carriers of various spontaneous and inherited mutations would be wider.


Whooping cough has various consequences. This common childhood disease is acutely infectious. Pertussis bacillus is the causative agent of whooping cough, which quickly dies in the external environment. Therefore, a sick person is the only source of infection (in the first 7-14 days).

Medical indications

The disease in question is spread by airborne droplets. Parents should know why whooping cough is dangerous in children. The main symptom of the disease is a paroxysmal cough. It is difficult to treat and lasts 1-2 weeks. Complications of whooping cough can include pneumonia.

Timely and correct treatment of the patient prevents the development of various complications. The main method of preventing the disease is vaccination of children.

The first symptoms of the disease appear after the infection enters the human body after 14 days.

Doctors include the following consequences of whooping cough:

  • suppression of the immune system;
  • bronchitis;
  • otitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • encephalopathy.

The latter disease involves damage to the patient’s central nervous system. This disease manifests itself after 2-3 weeks of whooping cough. At the same time, the child develops new symptoms such as fainting, blurred vision and hearing, and convulsions. If these symptoms occur, it is recommended to immediately seek help from a doctor. Otherwise, the disease will affect the baby’s psychomotor development. Doctors include rectal prolapse and hernia as serious consequences of the disease. In rare cases, doctors observe pulmonary atelectasis and cerebral hemorrhage.

Classification of the disease

Experts identify the following forms of whooping cough:

  1. Typical.
  2. Atypical.

Doctors consider the 1st form of the disease to be those variants of the disease that are characterized by paroxysmal coughing. Complications of typical whooping cough are presented in the form of damage to the bronchopulmonary, cardiovascular systems, and encephalopathy. The general condition of the sick child does not change. Pediatricians identify the following symptoms characteristic of the catarrhal period:

  • persistent cough;
  • presence of hard breathing;
  • pale skin;
  • leukocytosis in the blood.

The preconvulsant period lasts 10-13 days. During the spasmodic period, a paroxysmal cough appears, the child’s face becomes red, and the eyes water. If the little patient is over a year old, then the cough may be accompanied by vomiting.

The convulsive period is characterized by some changes in the lungs, including wet and dry rales. The last symptom of whooping cough disappears after a coughing attack. It may appear after a certain period of time over other lung fields.

Read also: Symptoms and treatment of scarlet fever

Main forms of the disease

The abortive form is characterized by catarrhal and short-term periods with convulsive cough. Then recovery comes. In the erased form, convulsions are not observed. Children suffering from this disease develop a dry, obsessive cough. The asymptomatic form occurs without clinical signs. At the same time, titers of specific antibodies increase. Atypical forms of the disease appear in adults and vaccinated children. Doctors distinguish the following classification of whooping cough, taking into account the severity:

  • easy;
  • moderate severity;
  • heavy.

When the course of the disease does not go smoothly, chronic diseases worsen. In children under 1 year of age, severe and moderate forms of whooping cough are observed. There is a high probability of death. The incubation period is 1-2 days. A convulsive cough is observed for 6-8 weeks.

Newborn babies suffer from a weak, silent cough with little sputum production. Between attacks the child is lethargic and his appetite decreases. Among the complications, pediatricians identify:

  • respiratory arrest;
  • impaired blood circulation in the brain.

From nonspecific complications, experts determine bacterial and viral genesis. Secondary immunodeficiency is observed in the early stages and is long-lasting. Vaccinated children are characterized by certain features of the disease in question. Babies vaccinated against whooping cough get sick for the following reasons:

  • insufficient development of immunity;
  • reduction of immune tension.

Scientists have proven that a vaccinated child can get whooping cough 3-5 or more years after the last vaccination.

Children suffer from mild, erased and moderate forms of the disease.

Current complications

Vaccinated children are characterized by specific complications of the nervous and bronchopulmonary systems. But such consequences are not life-threatening for the patient. Unvaccinated children have a long incubation and catarrhal period (14 days), and a spasmodic cough lasts 2 weeks. Vaccinated children do not experience swelling or vomiting. Lymphocytosis is present in the peripheral blood.

The following complications are characteristic of a specific form of whooping cough:

  • emphysema;
  • segmental atelectasis;
  • pneumonia;
  • breathing is impaired (doctors distinguish 2 types of apnea: spasmodic (occurs with a convulsive cough) and syncapole. The main factors in the development of such a complication include prematurity, intrauterine infection, peritary damage to the central nervous system);
  • bleeding from the nose and bronchi;
  • inguinal and umbilical hernia;
  • rupture of the eardrum.