Vaccination ams. ​How is ADS-m tolerated? When are adults vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus?

The vaccine against diphtheria and tetanus is first administered to young children to develop lasting immunity against the diseases of the same name. For diphtheria on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, throat and gastrointestinal tract Dense films are formed. Under them, ulcers and tissue necrosis are found. If the serum is not administered in time, the mortality rate from diphtheria is 7 cases out of 10. With tetanus, the nervous system is affected. Tetanic and clonic spasms of skeletal muscles occur, which leads to asphyxia. The bacterium enters the body through damaged tissue. The mortality rate from tetanus is also high. Therefore, it is important to prevent the occurrence of such diseases. You need to give the body time to develop immunity against pathogenic pathogens. Therefore, vaccination with ADS-M toxoid should not be ignored under any circumstances.

ADS-M: composition and release form

Diphtheria-tetanus toxoid adsorbed with a reduced content of antigens, liquid ADS-M - a means for producing immunity against diseases of the same name. Unlike DPT, it contains half the doses of toxoids and does not have a pertussis component. Anatoxin is immunobiological drug, which is obtained by processing bacterial exotoxins.

1 milliliter of the drug contains two vaccination doses:

  • 10 flocculating units diphtheria toxoid.
  • 10 antitoxin binding units of tetanus toxoid.
  • 60 mcg merthiolate (preservative).
  • 0.55 mg aluminum hydroxide (sorbent).

The drug is available in the form of a yellowish-white suspension. Upon settling, it separates into a clear supernatant and a white precipitate. When shaken, the liquid becomes homogeneous.

Pharmacological action of vaccination

ADS-M vaccination ensures the formation of only antitoxic immunity. The vaccine does not prevent the formation of bacterial carriage and the occurrence of mild forms of the disease.

To achieve intense anoxic immunity, it is necessary to administer several doses of the drug. In the future, revaccinations need to be carried out. Important Feature toxoids - providing a stable immune memory. Therefore, when reintroduction drug (re-vaccination), rapid formation of antitoxins occurs in high concentration. This occurs provided that the person has been fully vaccinated.

Indications for vaccination with ADS-M toxoid

The ADS-M vaccine is designed to strengthen and activate the immune system that already exists after DTP vaccination. It protects the body from dangerous diseases diphtheria and tetanus. The vaccine is used for routine and emergency vaccination. Routine vaccination is carried out according to the vaccination calendar. ADS-M is recommended to be used:

  • children who have had whooping cough;
  • children for whom DPT vaccination is contraindicated;
  • children aged 4-5 years who have not previously been vaccinated against tetanus and diphtheria.

Emergency prevention The ADS-M vaccine is administered when there is a risk of infection of an open wound with Clostridium tetanus, the causative agent of tetanus. Treatment of the disease is the introduction of a special serum, which is not available in every hospital. You can become infected with tetanus in the following situations:

  • skin damage due to exposure to high or low temperatures(2nd-3rd degree burns and frostbite);
  • open damage skin, subcutaneous tissue, mucous membranes;
  • non-medical abortions and births performed outside of a hospital;
  • through injuries of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT);
  • lacerations, due to animal bites;
  • gangrene, abscesses that last a long time and are difficult to treat.

Important! Emergency tetanus prophylaxis should be carried out in the first twenty days after injury or injury.

Emergency prevention of diphtheria is carried out in epidemic foci for people who have been vaccinated more than five years ago. They are given one dose of ADS-M.

Method of administration of the vaccine and dose

Before introducing the vaccine, it is shaken vigorously until it has a homogeneous consistency. The drug is administered intramuscularly, into the anterior outer part of the thigh, observing all the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. If the drug is administered intravenously or into the subcutaneous tissue, there is a possible risk of local complications. In this case, vaccination will not bring the desired result.

ADS is used after 4 years. This is done because whooping cough is most dangerous before the age of 3 years. Therefore, there is no need to vaccinate older children against it. They are given the ADS-M vaccine. A single dose of the drug is 0.5 ml. The vaccination course consists of two injections of the drug with an interval of 45 days. The vaccination interval should not be reduced. After completion of vaccination, a one-time revaccination is carried out a year later. Further, they are revaccinated every 10 years.

Contraindications for toxoid administration

There are no absolute contraindications for the administration of absorbed diphtheria-tetanus toxoid. Relative contraindications are:

  • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy, convulsive syndrome;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • viral hepatitis types B, C, D, E;
  • tuberculosis in the active phase;
  • meningitis.

Pregnancy - relative contraindication for diphtheria vaccination tetanus toxoid(photo:

Immunodeficiency conditions, maintenance therapy with hormones, immunosuppressants, and steroid drugs- this is not a contraindication for vaccination.

If a child has a cold, but does not have a high fever, and the disease is mild, vaccination can be done. Before the procedure, you should consult a doctor. He will decide on the advisability of vaccination.

Adverse reactions, complications from the vaccine

The ADS-M vaccine is considered a weakly reactogenic drug. Typically, a reaction to vaccination appears in people with weakened immune systems in the form of local and general reactions:

Redness of the skin at the injection site and increased body temperature - adverse reactions which are most common (photo:

Doctor's advice. To avoid possible reactions Before vaccination, you must undergo a doctor's examination before the procedure. He will examine the child, measure the temperature, advise general analysis blood and urine. Based on their results, they judge the presence inflammatory process in active phase

General reactions are rare. After vaccination, you should not leave the hospital for half an hour in order to detect a pathological reaction to the drug in time. The child will receive adequate and timely medical care. These simple steps will help prevent adverse reactions and make vaccination safer.

How to dose the drug

A single dose of diphtheria-tetanus toxoid with reduced antigen content is 0.5 milliliters. The vaccination course is the administration of two vaccinations, with an interval of 45 days. The interval between administrations should not be shortened. This will lead to unwanted reactions. The first revaccination is carried out 6-12 months after the full course of vaccination. Next, they are revaccinated every 10 years as planned. Or the vaccine is used in in case of emergency when there is high risk diseases of diphtheria and tetanus.

If the vaccination schedule has been disrupted, first administer a half dose of the drug (0.25 ml). A month later, revaccination is given (0.25 ml). After another month they introduce full dose drug - 0.5 ml. In the future, the drug is administered after 10 years.

Recommendations for the use of toxoid for children, adults and pregnant women

In children, ADS-M vaccination has some features:

  • The drug is administered to children for routine revaccination at the ages of 7 and 14 years, and thereafter every 10 years.
  • It is also used in children over 7 years of age who have not previously been vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus. The first revaccination is done before 9 months, the second - after years. Subsequent revaccinations are carried out every 10 years until the end of life.
  • ADS-M is used if the baby has an allergy to ADP. The vaccine is administered twice, every 45 days. Babies are revaccinated every other year.

Adults who have not previously been vaccinated against tetanus and diphtheria are given a course of vaccination at monthly intervals. The first revaccination is done after 9 months, subsequent ones - every 10 years.

Quincke's edema is one of the types of generalized adverse reactions to the drug (photo:

For persons who have reached the age of 16 years and have previously been vaccinated, revaccination with absorbed diphtheria-tetanus toxoid is carried out every ten years. Mandatory vaccination People of the following professions are subject to:

  • workers medical field;
  • teachers, kindergarten teachers;
  • sellers;
  • transport drivers.

Special instructions

After vaccination, doctors do not advise soaking the vaccination site with water for 24 hours. It is undesirable to stay in baths and saunas, as this negatively affects the body. You need to adhere to a gentle regime, eat well and get enough sleep, drink enough fluids. And also avoid contact with sick people, cold and drafts. These factors reduce the level immune defense body, and the vaccine may not work.

Interaction with other drugs for immunoprophylaxis

Anatoxin can be administered every other month or simultaneously with polio vaccine. These two drugs require the same active substance - aluminum hydroxide. This is good because you can put all the components in one preparation. Thus, reducing the number of injections for the child by half.

Important! You should not listen to those who dissuade you from vaccination. Sometimes, vaccination is the only way to develop immunity against especially dangerous infections. In this case, even if a person gets sick, he will not die from the disease

The drug can be administered together with other vaccines, according to the vaccination schedule. There is an exception - you cannot combine toxoid with a vaccine against tuberculosis. You must adhere to the rule - vaccines cannot be mixed, they must be administered in different areas bodies.

Vaccine storage conditions

The vaccine is stored in temperature conditions from 4 to 8 degrees Celsius. Storage lines medical product is 3 years. The drug should be in a dark place, because the effect of direct sun rays negatively affects its properties. High air humidity should be avoided. The vaccine should not be frozen because it will be inactivated and will lose its immunomodulatory properties. If the ampoule or packaging of the medicine is damaged, it should not be taken. It is necessary to assess the state of the suspension. If it changes color, becomes cloudy, or flakes appear at the bottom, the drug is discarded. Anatoxin is not used if there is no marking on the package or the expiration date has expired. The vaccine is not stored in opened form.

Vaccine analogues

At the moment, there are several analogues of ADS-M toxoid. They are different from each other trade name and country of origin:

Vaccines have similar composition and identical mechanism of action.

Adsorbed diphtheria and tetanus vaccinations are much better tolerated than those with pertussis factor (pertussis factor). General complications are rare. More often you can notice changes in the skin at the injection site - it turns red and swells. Anatoxin is not dangerous to humans and is recommended for routine revaccination. Vaccinated people have lasting immunity against diphtheria and tetanus. Once infected with germs, vaccinated people cannot spread them. It is much easier for them to endure such illnesses, because the diseases occur in mild form and without complications.

Problems related to the health and formation of artificial immunity in the baby worry and excite every responsible parent. It is necessary to create for the child the most better protection from negative factors environment infectious in nature - then he can grow up healthy and strong. The very first vaccination that a baby receives in the maternity hospital is the DTP vaccine.

Most parental issues is related to how the child’s body will react to the first vaccine in its life, but how to protect an older baby from infections? For this purpose, children are given vaccination with ADS M.

The ADSM vaccination is carried out against tetanus and diphtheria (more details in the article:)

ADSM: how does it stand for and what is the vaccine against?

ADSM can be deciphered as diphtheria-tetanus toxoid with a reduced content of the diphtheria component. With DTP, additional protection is also added against whooping cough (more details in the article:). Vaccination can be carried out from a very early age to protect children from negative consequences diphtheria and tetanus (see also:). After the first vaccination, many children feel unwell, which forces parents to refuse to go to the doctor again.

Diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus are dangerous infectious diseases bacterial nature, which have the ability to negatively affect the child’s body. Paralysis nervous system, convulsions, pain in the limbs, aches, fever, nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness, disorientation in space - only a small part of the symptoms of these infectious diseases. It is better to complete the entire course of vaccinations once than to undergo long-term treatment for disabling consequences.

What is the difference between ADSM and DTP?

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Between two forms of almost identical vaccines there is significant difference: DTP contains 30 units of diphtheria and 10 units each of tetanus and pertussis toxoids, and ADSM contains 5 units each of the first two biological components. Most often, DPT is given before 6-7 years of age, and after reaching this age (if there was a medical exemption or contraindications to vaccination), only DPT is given without an additional component. This is due to the fact that children’s bodies react differently to the introduction of pathogenic substances in the form of antigens.

Treatment and measures used for therapy do not depend in any way on the choice of drug for vaccination. The history of infectious diseases also does not play a role. IN in this case It is important to make a primary diagnosis, which is determined based on the picture of the disease. IN medical card The date of vaccination and its consequences are usually indicated. The information is then sequentially deciphered by the doctor.

Composition and instructions for use of the vaccine

The drug consists of a carefully adsorbed suspension of inactivated microbial bodies of whooping cough and purified tetanus and diphtheria toxoids. Various preservatives are used as a fixative, which do not harm human health.

Where is the vaccine given? According to the instructions, the injection is made only intramuscularly, where the child’s muscle layer is most pronounced:

  • under the shoulder blade;
  • in the shoulder area;
  • in the thigh.

It is done only intramuscularly: into the thigh, shoulder or under the shoulder blade

The injection should only be given by a doctor or nurse at a clinic or medical center. This strict rule introduced for the purpose full compliance rules of asepsis and antisepsis: this will help avoid purulent complications and prevent the development of infection at the injection site. After the procedure, you need to carefully monitor the baby’s health for several days and consult a doctor at the first alarming symptoms.

Childhood vaccination schedule

Infant and children's graphics The delivery of the vaccine depends only on the timing of the first DPT injection. If for some reason the baby cannot tolerate the vaccine with the pertussis component, then it is replaced with ADSM. Vaccination schedule in early age next:

  • 3 months;
  • 4.5 months;
  • 6 months;
  • 1 year and 6 months - revaccination No. 1 (r1).

The maximum gap between the first three vaccines should not be more than forty-five days. You should not increase the time between injections, but you also do not need to inject an extra portion of the drug if this happens.

If in infancy If the standard DTP vaccination has already been carried out, then the drug is administered to a child over 6 years old without the pertussis component.

  • r2 - at 6 years of age (less often at the age of four) - revaccination No. 2;
  • r3 - given 10 years later - at 16 years (or at 14, if the previous one was done at 4 years) - revaccination No. 3.

Adults need to be vaccinated every 10 years. Many parents are afraid to give an injection, since it is quite difficult for an unprepared child’s body to tolerate. After vaccination, it is recommended not to visit educational children's institutions for some time, not to contact infectious patients and not to get hypothermic on the street in the autumn and winter seasons.

Consequences of vaccinations in a child

DPT without the inclusion of the pertussis component is traditionally much easier to tolerate. It is believed that it is the one that causes most of the spontaneous allergic reactions caused by the body's hypersensitivity to the substance. It is necessary to get vaccinated under the shoulder blade or hip from an early age, since at an older age most children already have a serious chance of encountering an infection.

Normal reaction

After ADSM, there may be a slight increase in temperature, lethargy and loss of appetite.

Normal reaction child's body For ADSM vaccination the following is considered:

  • a slight increase in temperature to 37 degrees;
  • lethargy, inactivity, refusal of active games;
  • loss of appetite;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea;
  • impaired limb mobility;
  • thickening of the skin in the injection area;
  • swelling of the limb;
  • lethargy.

Similar clinical picture completely natural and should not arouse any suspicion. Toxoids for diphtheria and whooping cough disease enter into cross reactions with antibodies and antigens, forming stable complexes that subsequently protect human body. The immune system becomes more resistant to external irritants.

Possible complications

If the vaccination procedure is violated, as well as when the drug is used without medical prescription, some complications may occur.

Some of them go away on their own without medical intervention. To remove others, you will have to work hard. ADSM vaccination is used often enough to evaluate possible side effects:

  • serum sickness;
  • disorders of the nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis, polyneuritis, encephalopathy);
  • impaired sensitivity of the lower extremities;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • temperature above thirty-eight degrees;
  • joint pain, swelling, inflammation;
  • keloid disease;
  • secondary immunodeficiency;
  • the occurrence of infection.

In some cases, after ADSM, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and more occur. serious complications

Contraindications to ADSM

IN special cases parents have to refuse ADSM vaccinations, since vaccination has a negative effect on the body. After some time, after the ADSM vaccination is administered, some pathogenic reaction may occur, which is associated with the hyperreactivity of the body and the action of external factors. The composition of the vaccine is aggressive, which is why it cannot be used for the following conditions:

  • fever within two weeks before vaccination;
  • hypersensitivity to ADSM components;
  • low and very low birth weight (less than two kilograms);
  • presence of cardiovascular, respiratory, genitourinary systems in the acute phase;
  • hemolytic disease of newborns;
  • transferred within a month intestinal infections, acute respiratory viral diseases or bacterial intoxication;
  • progressive diseases of the nervous system;
  • fetal growth retardation syndrome;
  • acute hypoxia at birth;
  • secondary or primary immunodeficiency;
  • upcoming surgery;
  • surgery less than two months old;
  • active reaction to the previous administration of ADSM.

ADSM has its own contraindications, which must be discussed with your doctor before planning to get vaccinated.

This full list pathologies in which vaccination should be postponed until better times. Schedule mandatory vaccinations ADSM can be corrected with the help of a doctor. You cannot vaccinate yourself without consulting a specialist: side effects can be unpredictable. The composition of the vaccine is highly specific, which makes it not only universal medicine from tetanus and diphtheria, but also one of the most typical allergens.

Imported analogue of vaccination

If you do not trust the domestic manufacturer and want to refuse the vaccination offered by the clinic, you can always find an alternative imported option.

Now it is possible to order absolutely any version of the American, German or Austrian vaccines via the Internet.

The most common analogues are the following, each of which has its own name:

  • Imovax DT Adult;
  • monovalent vaccine against diphtheria (AD).
  • monovalent tetanus vaccine (tetanus)

When the vaccination period arrives, purchase the drug of your choice at a pharmacy or online and contact your clinic or private medical center, where competent specialists will help you administer the vaccine.

It is known that foreign vaccines are less allergenic than domestic ones, since the reaction to their components is not as pronounced. The limitation to the use of these drugs is individual intolerance, which all doctors unanimously recognize as a universal medical exemption.

To summarize, we can say that ADSM is a serious vaccine, the complications after which are almost always unpredictable. However, doctors say, this is not a reason to refuse vaccination, because how many cases of the disease have been prevented with its help. If you properly prepare your baby for vaccination and follow the vaccination schedule, complications will bypass you.

ADS-M vaccinations can be used to vaccinate children and adults. ADCM stands for adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus in small doses. Adults are diagnosed more often than children, since small doses of the drug are needed only for revaccination. The vaccine forms a person's immunity against diphtheria and tetanus.

The ADSM vaccine is similar to good known vaccine DPT. The difference is that DTP, in addition to diphtheria and tetanus, will protect the baby from whooping cough. When the use of DTP is impossible or irrational, specialists resort to the use of the ADCM vaccine.

Vaccine composition

The ADSM vaccination is bivalent, since its action is directed against pathogens of two different diseases. The vaccination preparation contains 10 units of diphtheria and 10 units of tetanus toxoid per 1 ml. Anatoxin is a preparation made from a pathogen toxin without toxic properties, but which is capable of causing the formation of antibodies to this pathogen.

There are monovalent vaccines against diphtheria and tetanus, which are also used to create immunity, but the use of bivalent vaccines is more rational, since more stringent requirements are imposed on its production: maximum purity of each component used is required. Another important advantage is the reduced number of upcoming injections, which cause fear in children.

IN childhood As a rule, the ADSM vaccine is not administered. Until the child reaches the age of 6 years, DTP containing an anti-pertussis component is used. But we should not exclude a situation where it causes adverse reactions in a child. Then specialists decide to give the baby the ADS vaccine. It differs from ADSM in that it contains large doses of toxoids.

If a child who has not reached the age of six is ​​vaccinated with ADSM, this will lead to a failure of immunity against these diseases, since the child’s body is just beginning to become familiar with vaccinations at this age, therefore, the doses must be high.

It is rare, but it happens that even to an ADS vaccination, which lacks the anti-pertussis component, which causes most adverse reactions, the child’s body reacts very violently: it rises high temperature, swelling forms and compaction of the injection site occurs. Under such conditions, the child needs small doses of toxoid. The solution in this situation is the use of ADSM.

Children are vaccinated at three, four and a half and six months. At one and a half years old, the child is given a booster dose of vaccination, the purpose of which is to maintain immunity. All subsequent administrations of the drug will be called revaccination - r ADSM.

Revaccination in children is carried out at the age of 4-6 years, then at the age of 14-16 years, then every 10 years throughout life. Previously, the last revaccination was carried out at the age of 64-66 years, but now it can be carried out at an older age. urgently or at the request of the patient.

Features of vaccine administration

Vaccination, like any other medical procedure, must be carried out under sterile conditions while observing the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

Before the procedure nurse must check the ampoule for compliance with the name of the drug with the doctor’s prescription, the integrity of the ampoule, and the expiration date.

The injection should be carried out strictly intramuscularly, since if the drug enters the subcutaneous fat an abscess may develop, and if it enters directly into the blood through an artery or vein, the contents of the ampoule will immediately become harmless immune cells.

The traditional site for administering the drug in children is the anterior thigh, since there are no nerve trunks in this area. In adults, the injection site is outer surface shoulder If in this area large number subcutaneous fat, then the injection is given under the shoulder blade.

Indications and contraindications

All people should be vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus, regardless of age and in accordance with the vaccination schedule.

Complications and side effects

In people's reviews after the procedure You can observe completely different reactions to the vaccine - from complete absence side effects to various degrees of discomfort.

After the injection, When does ADSM enter the body?(vaccination for adults) side effects can be different:

  1. Weakness, headache, drowsiness
  2. Increase in temperature to subfebrile levels
  3. Dyspeptic disorders: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite.

Some time after the introduction of the ADS-M vaccination, complications are quite rare: 2 cases per 100,000 vaccinations performed. The following states are possible:

  1. Allergic reactions (from urticaria to anaphylactic shock).
  2. Encephalitis and meningitis.

Vaccination points

ADSM vaccination carried out in a clinic at the place of residence. Before visiting the hospital, you should check the opening hours of the vaccination office, as well as the days when medical staff works with this vaccine.

In addition to state and municipal health care institutions, vaccination can be done in private medical centers and organizations. In such institutions, the patient has a choice: domestic or imported drug enter.

Before vaccination, the patient must prepare. It is better to give the injection on an empty stomach, so you must refuse to eat 12 hours before the appointed time. A few days before vaccination, you should avoid contact with sick people. If a child needs to be vaccinated, then before the manipulation you need to show him to a pediatrician. An adult should also see a doctor to rule out the presence of various diseases.

The ADS-M vaccine is produced in the form of a suspension light color. The drug is packaged in disposable syringes or ampoules of 0.5 or 1 ml, that is, for 1 or 2 vaccination doses, 10 pieces per pack.

Pharmacological action

The drug provides the body with anti-diphtheria and tetanus resistance.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

It should be noted that the ADS-M vaccination means: in small doses. It is also a variation, but without the pertussis component.

This vaccine is used for revaccination in adult patients and children aged 4-6 years who previously received the DTP vaccine. Therefore, in this case, the ADSM vaccination does not so much build immunity as maintain the level of antibodies at the required level.

Also, this drug is intended for children with intolerance to the pertussis component, which is contained in DTP and ADS vaccinations, for the purpose of emergency immunization, for example, according to epidemic indications.

Indications for use

Vaccination with ADS-M for children over 6 years of age and adult patients is recommended as a prophylaxis against diphtheria and tetanus.

This vaccine is also indicated for adult patients over 18 years of age with:

  • primary vaccination;
  • carrying out systematic revaccination against diphtheria and tetanus. The vaccine contains a reduced dosage of diphtheria toxoid to reduce the risk of developing possible hypersensitivity reactions;
  • the threat of tetanus due to injury.


The main contraindications for ADS-M vaccination:

  • intolerance to its components;
  • chronic diseases and their exacerbation.

Caution in use is required when acute immunodeficiency when specialist advice is needed.

Side effects

For this drug characterized by low reactogenicity, but the likelihood of developing adverse reactions should not be excluded.

It has been established that the side effects of vaccinations in adults and children can be general or local. They usually appear within 1-2 days from the moment of administration.

TO local reactions include: redness, thickening, loss of sensitivity and swelling at the site where the vaccine is given.

Common side effects are: temperature increase , moodiness, lethargy, indigestion and indigestion.

The appearance of such symptoms after vaccination is considered normal and does not require treatment, although the use of or is acceptable. Experts also recommend drinking plenty of fluids.

Severe complications from the ADS-M vaccine are rare, but they can occur. , .

Vaccine ADS-M instructions for use (Method and dosage)

As the instructions for the ADS-M vaccine show, it is administered intramuscularly. A suitable place for its insertion in children is the anterolateral part of the thigh, under the shoulder blade or in the shoulder area.

Revaccination of children is performed at 14-16 years of age and its effect lasts for 10 years.

After 10 years, adult patients are vaccinated with ADS-M, which will help maintain immunity at the required level against tetanus and diphtheria. Then revaccinations are carried out at 10-year intervals. However, no upper age limit has been established.


There are no known cases of vaccine overdose.


There are no known drug interactions between this vaccine and other medications. But if during vaccination or revaccination the patient takes any medications, the doctor who conducts the examination before vaccination must be warned about this.

Special instructions

Unacceptable intravenous administration in the buttock as it may cause damage sciatic nerve or blood vessels.

Carrying out immunosuppressive treatment or having an immunodeficiency can reduce the intensity of the immune response to the vaccine. Therefore, it is necessary to complete the therapy or ensure complete safety for the patient. Vaccinations can be given to people with chronic immunodeficiency when concomitant illness does not interfere with the formation of even a small level of antibodies.

Terms of sale

According to the recipe.

Storage conditions

A dark, dry and cool place with a temperature of plus 2-6°C is suitable for storing the vaccine. Freezing the drug is unacceptable.

Best before date


Level 4 ATX code matches:

Exists imported vaccine Imovax D.T.Adult , which is better tolerated and does not lead to the development of adverse reactions.

There is also monovalent vaccines , that is, separately from diphtheria - AD and tetanus - AS.

Difference between DTP and ADS-M

Between DPT vaccinations and ADS-M there are great similarities. But DTP additionally contains a component that is directed against whooping cough.

However, for children under 4 years old, everything is completely different - it is not just dangerous disease, but can also lead to death. This disease can develop at lightning speed. And if an adult can have a prolonged cough, then in children a spasm of the respiratory muscles may occur, leading to a sudden stop in breathing. Only immediate resuscitation measures will help save life.


When carrying out any vaccination, drinking alcohol is prohibited for 3 days before and after it. Then for a week it is recommended to limit the use of alcohol-containing products. If you do not follow this instruction, you may experience increased side effects and a decreased immune response.

Vaccine ADS-M (Adsorbed Diphtheria-Tetanus in Small Doses). ADSM is used only in children over 4 years of age and adults

All age groups are susceptible to these infections – from the youngest children to the elderly. Adults must be revaccinated with ADS-M every 10 years, since both diphtheria and tetanus are very dangerous diseases which can even lead to death.

Particularly dangerous in this regard is tetanus, which can be contracted when contaminants are introduced into open wound- when carrying out work in the garden, at the dacha, as a result of a trip to nature, etc. Tetanus is practically incurable even with modern and effective drugs.

Diphtheria is treatable, but can lead to dangerous complications that will significantly reduce a person’s quality of life in the future.

Vaccination triggers an active immune system response that produces antibodies against infection. In the case of the ADSM vaccine, antibodies against diphtheria and tetanus last for an average of 10 years, gradually deteriorating over these years. If a person does not undergo revaccination after 10 years, the level of antibodies will be low, which will not provide reliable protection from infections. In the case of tetanus or diphtheria, a person who previously had the ADSM vaccination and did not undergo revaccination within certain established periods will suffer infectious disease much easier than not having been vaccinated even once in your entire life.

A person needs to undergo revaccination once every 10 years. Moreover, older people especially need ADSM vaccinations, since their immune the system is already weakening, susceptibility to infections is increasing, and the severity of pathologies is increasing. It is widely known that children and the elderly are the most seriously ill, so these categories of the population must be vaccinated against dangerous infections. Older people should not attempt to obtain a medical exemption from ADS-M on the basis of severe chronic illness. internal organs, since infectious pathology against such a background can be fatal. The presence of chronic diseases is, one might say, a direct indication for vaccination, since it will protect against infections. There are situations when a person has not been vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus at all, or medical documentation is lost, and it is not possible to reliably determine the presence or absence of vaccinations. Then a person must pass full course vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus, consisting of three vaccinations. If a person is overdue for revaccination, and more than 10 years have passed since the last vaccination, but less than 20, he also receives only one dose of the ADSM vaccine, which is quite enough to activate the immune system.

More detailed information You can get information about vaccinations at vaccination room clinics of the Moscow Region Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences from 8.30.-14.30. daily or call 231-32-91


ADS-M toxoid consists of a mixture of purified diphtheria and tetanus toxoids adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide.
The drug contains in 1 ml 10 flocculating units (FU) of diphtheria toxoid, 10 antitoxin-binding units (EU) of tetanus toxoid, 100 μg of merthiolate (preservative).

. Administration of the drug in accordance with the approved regimen causes the formation of specific antitoxic immunity against diphtheria and tetanus.

. Prevention of diphtheria and tetanus in children from 6 years of age, adolescents and adults.

. ADS-M toxoid is administered intramuscularly into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock or the anterior outer part of the thigh, or deep subcutaneously (adolescents and adults) in subscapular region at a dose of 0.5 ml ( single dose). Before vaccination, the ampoule must be thoroughly shaken until a homogeneous suspension is obtained.
ADS-M toxoid is used:
1. For planned age-related revaccinations at 7 and 14 years of age, then every subsequent 10 years without age restrictions. The drug is administered once.
Note. Persons vaccinated with tetanus toxoid are vaccinated with AD-M toxoid between revaccinations.
2. For vaccination of children six years of age and older who have not previously been vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus.
The vaccination course consists of two vaccinations with an interval of 30 - 45 days. Reducing the interval is not allowed. If it is necessary to increase the interval, the next vaccination should be carried out as soon as possible.
The first revaccination is carried out 6 - 9 months after the completed vaccination once, the second revaccination is carried out at an interval of 5 years. Subsequent revaccinations are carried out every 10 years without age restrictions.
3. As a replacement for DTP vaccine (DTa toxoid) in children with severe general reactions(temperature up to 40 °C and above) or post-vaccination complications due to these drugs.
If the reaction develops to the first DTP vaccination(ADS), then ADS-M toxoid is administered once no earlier than 3 months later; if a reaction develops to the second vaccination, then the course of vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus is considered completed. In both cases, the first revaccination with ADS-M toxoid is carried out after 9 - 12 months. If a reaction has developed to the third DPT vaccination (ADS), the first revaccination with ADS-M toxoid is carried out after 12 - 18 months.
4. To carry out a course of vaccination for adults who have not previously been reliably vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus, a full course of immunization is carried out (two vaccinations with ADS-M toxoid with an interval of 30 days and revaccination after 6 - 9 months).
In foci of diphtheria preventive vaccinations carried out in accordance with the instructions and methodological documents of the Russian Ministry of Health.
The drug is not suitable for use in ampoules with damaged integrity, lack of labeling, if physical properties.
ADS-M toxoid can be administered a month later or simultaneously with the polio vaccine and other drugs national calendar vaccinations.
The drug is not suitable for use in ampoules with damaged integrity, lack of labeling, changes in physical properties (change in color, presence of unbreakable flakes), or improper storage.
The opening of ampoules and the vaccination procedure are carried out in strict compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. The drug cannot be stored in an opened ampoule.
The administration of the drug is registered in the established accounting forms, indicating the batch number, expiration date, manufacturer, and date of administration.

. ADS-M toxoid is one of the least reactogenic drugs. Some vaccinated people may develop short-term general (fever, malaise) and local (pain, hyperemia, swelling) reactions in the first two days. In exclusively in rare cases Allergic reactions may develop (Quincke's edema, urticaria, polymorphic rash), a slight exacerbation of allergic diseases. Considering the possibility of developing immediate allergic reactions in particularly sensitive individuals, vaccinated persons must be provided with medical supervision for 30 minutes.

. Permanent contraindications for use ADS-M toxoid are absent in adults and children. Vaccinations are not recommended for pregnant women.
Persons who have suffered acute diseases are vaccinated 2-4 weeks after recovery. For mild forms of the disease, vaccinations are allowed after disappearance clinical symptoms.
sick chronic diseases vaccinated upon achieving complete or partial remission. Sick allergic diseases vaccinations are carried out 2-4 weeks after the end of the exacerbation, while stable manifestations of the disease (localized skin phenomena, hidden bronchospasm, etc.) are not contraindications to vaccination, which can be carried out against the background of appropriate therapy.
Immunodeficiencies, HIV infection, and supporting course therapy, including steroid hormones and psychopharmaceuticals are not contraindications to vaccination.
In order to identify contraindications, the doctor examines the vaccinated people on the day of vaccination with mandatory thermometry. When vaccinating adults, preliminary selection of persons to be vaccinated is allowed, with their questioning medical worker on the day of vaccination, those administering the vaccination. Persons temporarily exempt from vaccination must be monitored and registered and vaccinated in a timely manner.

. If epidemiologically necessary, V\ADS-M toxoid can be administered against the background acute illness. In case strong reaction on previous dose A repeated dose of this drug is administered against the background of steroid use (prednisolone orally 1-1.5 mg/kg/day the day before and immediately after vaccination).

RELEASE FORM. In ampoules of 0.5 ml (one vaccination dose) and 1.0 ml (two vaccination doses). The package contains 10 ampoules.