The role of medicine in modern society. The role of the doctor in the modern world

In the life of every person, medicine plays a very important role throughout his life and it makes no sense to say otherwise. It is also impossible to deny the fact that it is better to have good health than good medicine. But it is impossible to be insured against everything. What to do if you are very seriously ill? The answer is very simple!

You must immediately consult a doctor: make an appointment with an ophthalmologist, make an appointment with an orthopedist, or a speech therapist. It is necessary to visit a doctor, even if the disease does not pose a serious threat to the body. Good specialist will always give advice and suggest all prohibited and permitted actions during your illness. He may prescribe a special diet for you. The best specialists can be found on this resource

It is strictly forbidden to delay going to the doctor, especially if your illness is a type of cold and you are endangering not only yourself, but also those around you. Often, a trip to a specialist reveals new flaws in your body. Large quantity people are simply afraid of this and put off going to the doctor “for later.” If you delay with your illness and do not contact a specialist in time, you can get complications that will not be so easy to cure.

Never forget this. After all, human health is priceless and at the slightest outbreak of the disease, you must immediately seek help from a specialist.

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National State University of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgaft

Department of Hygiene

Report on the topic “ Personal health and its role in human life"

Completed by a 4th year student of group 5

Full name Vinokurov Vitaly

St. Petersburg 2013

Health is an invaluable asset not only for every person, but also for the entire society. When meeting or parting with close and dear people, we wish them good and good health, since this is the main condition and guarantee of a full-fledged and happy life. Health helps us fulfill our plans, successfully solve the main tasks of life, overcome difficulties, and, if necessary, significant overloads. Good health, wisely maintained and strengthened by the person himself, ensures a long and active life.

Scientific evidence suggests that most people, if they follow hygiene rules, have the opportunity to live to 100 years or more.

Unfortunately, many people do not follow the simplest, science-based norms of a healthy lifestyle. Some become victims of inactivity (hypodynamia), which causes premature aging, others overeat with the almost inevitable development in these cases of obesity, vascular sclerosis, and in some - diabetes mellitus, others do not know how to rest, be distracted from production and household worries, are always restless, nervous, suffer from insomnia, which ultimately leads to numerous diseases of the internal organs. Some people, succumbing to the addiction of smoking and alcohol, actively shorten their lives.

Labor is the true core and basis of the regime healthy life person. There is a misconception about the harmful effects of labor allegedly causing “wear and tear” of the body, excessive consumption of energy and resources, and premature aging. Labor, both physical and mental, is not only not harmful, but, on the contrary, a systematic, feasible, and well-organized labor process has an extremely beneficial effect on the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, the musculoskeletal system - on the entire human body. Constant training during labor strengthens our body. He who works hard and well throughout his life lives long. on the contrary, idleness leads to muscle weakness, metabolic disorders, obesity and premature decrepitness.

In the observed cases of overstrain and overwork of a person, it is not the work itself that is to blame, but the incorrect work regime. It is necessary to correctly and skillfully distribute forces while performing work, both physical and mental. Even, rhythmic work is more productive and beneficial for the health of workers than alternating periods of downtime with periods of intense, rushed work. Interesting and favorite work is done easily, without stress, and does not cause fatigue or exhaustion. Important right choice professions in accordance with a person’s individual abilities and inclinations.

A comfortable work uniform is important for the employee; he must be well instructed on safety issues. immediately before work, it is important to organize your workplace: remove all unnecessary things, arrange all tools in the most rational way, etc. The lighting of the workplace should be sufficient and uniform. A local light source, such as a table lamp, is preferable.

It is better to start doing the work with the most difficult one. This trains and strengthens the will. It does not allow you to put off difficult tasks from morning to evening, from evening to morning, from today to tomorrow, and generally indefinitely.

A necessary condition for maintaining health during work is the alternation of work and rest. Rest after work does not mean a state of complete rest. Only with very great fatigue can we talk about passive rest. It is desirable that the nature of rest be opposite to the nature of a person’s work (the “contrasting” principle of constructing rest). People who work physically need rest that is not associated with additional physical activity, and workers who do mental work need a certain amount of rest during leisure hours. physical work. This alternation of physical and mental activity is good for health. A person who spends a lot of time indoors should spend at least part of his rest time outdoors. It is advisable for city dwellers to relax outdoors -on walks around the city and outside the city, in parks, at stadiums, on excursions, at work garden plots etc.

To maintain normal activities nervous system and the whole organism is of great importance good sleep. The great Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov pointed out that sleep is a kind of inhibition that protects the nervous system from excessive stress and fatigue. Sleep should be long enough and deep. If a person sleeps little, then he gets up in the morning irritated, overwhelmed, and sometimes with a headache.

It is impossible for all people without exception to determine the time needed for sleep. Need for sleep different people not the same. On average, this norm is about 8 hours. Unfortunately, some people view sleep as a reserve from which they can borrow time to do certain things. Systematic lack of sleep leads to impaired nervous activity, decreased performance, increased fatigue, and irritability.

To create conditions for normal, strong and good sleep needed in 1-1.5 hours. Before going to bed, stop intense mental work. You need to have dinner no later than 2-2.5 hours before. Before bed. This is important for complete digestion of food. You should sleep in a well-ventilated area; it’s a good idea to accustom yourself to sleeping in open window, and in the warm season with open window. You need to turn off the lights in the room and establish silence. Nightwear should be loose and not impede blood circulation. you can't sleep in outerwear. It is not recommended to cover your head with a blanket or sleep face down: this prevents normal breathing. It is advisable to go to bed at the same time - this helps you fall asleep quickly.

Neglecting these simple rules of sleep hygiene causes negative phenomena. Sleep becomes shallow and restless, as a result of which, as a rule, insomnia and certain disorders in the activity of the nervous system develop over time.

For knowledge workers, systematic physical education and sports acquires exceptional importance. It is known that even in a healthy and not old person, if he is not trained, leads a sedentary lifestyle and does not engage in physical exercise, with the slightest physical exertion his breathing quickens and his heartbeat appears. On the contrary, a trained person can easily cope with significant physical activity. The strength and performance of the heart muscle, the main engine of blood circulation, is directly dependent on the strength and development of all muscles. Therefore, physical training, while developing the muscles of the body, at the same time strengthens the heart muscle. In people with undeveloped muscles, the heart muscle is weak, which is revealed during any physical work.

Physical education and sports are also very useful for people who work physically, since their work is often associated with some kind of load separate group muscles, and not the entire musculature as a whole. Physical training strengthens and develops skeletal muscles, heart muscle, blood vessels, respiratory system and many other organs, which greatly facilitates the functioning of the circulatory system and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Daily morning exercises - mandatory minimum physical training. It should become the same habit for everyone as washing your face in the morning. health rest sleep mode

Physical exercises should be performed in a well-ventilated area or in the fresh air. For people leading a sedentary lifestyle, it is especially important physical exercise outdoors (walking, strolling). It is useful to walk to work in the morning and walk in the evening after work. Systematic walking has a beneficial effect on a person, improves well-being, and increases performance.

Walking is a complexly coordinated motor act controlled by the nervous system; it is carried out with the participation of almost the entire muscular system of our body. As a load, it can be accurately dosed and gradually, systematically increased in pace and volume. In the absence of other physical activity, daily minimum rate the load of walking alone for a young man is 15 km; a smaller load is associated with the development of physical inactivity.

Thus, daily stay in the fresh air for 1-1.5 hours is one of the important components of a healthy lifestyle. When working in indoors especially important is a walk in evening time, before bed. Such a walk as part of the necessary daily exercise is beneficial for everyone. It relieves the stress of a working day, calms excited nerve centers, regulates breathing. Walking is best done according to the principle of cross-country walking: 0.5-1 km at a slow walking pace, then the same amount at a fast athletic pace, etc.

A special place in a healthy life regime belongs to the daily routine, a certain rhythm of human life and activity. Each person’s regimen should include certain time for work, rest, eating, sleeping.

The daily routine of different people can and should be different depending on the nature of the work, living conditions, habits and inclinations, however, even here there must be a certain daily rhythm and daily routine. It is necessary to provide sufficient time for sleep and rest. Breaks between meals should not exceed 5-6 hours. It is very important that a person always sleeps and eats at the same time. In this way, conditioned reflexes are developed. A person who has lunch at a strictly defined time knows well that by this time he has an appetite, which is replaced by a feeling severe hunger if lunch is late. Disorder in the daily routine destroys the formed conditioned reflexes.

Speaking about the daily routine, we do not mean strict schedules with a minute-by-minute time budget for each task for each day. There is no need to reduce the regime to caricature with excessive pedantry. However, the routine itself is a kind of core on which the conduct of both weekdays and weekends should be based.

Important preventive measure against colds is the systematic hardening of the body. It is best to start with childhood. The simplest method of hardening is air baths. Great value in the hardening system they also have water procedures. they strengthen the nervous system, have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, normalizing blood pressure, improve metabolism. First, it is recommended to rub your naked body with a dry towel for several days, then move on to wet rubdowns. After wet wiping, you need to vigorously rub your body with a dry towel. You should start wiping yourself with warm water (35-36 C), gradually moving to cool water, and then to dousing. In summer, it is better to carry out water procedures in the fresh air after morning exercises. It is useful to be in the fresh air as much as possible, sunbathe, swim.

People eat differently, but there are a number of requirements that should be taken into account by everyone. First of all, food must be varied and complete, that is, contain in the right quantity and in certain proportions all the basic nutrients. Overeating should not be allowed: it leads to obesity. A diet with the systematic introduction of exorbitant quantities of any one product or product is also very harmful to health. nutrients one class (for example, excessive intake of fats or carbohydrates, increased consumption of table salt).

The intervals between meals should not be too long (no more than 5-6 hours). It is harmful to eat only 2 times a day, but in excessive portions, because this creates too much strain on the blood circulation. It is better for a healthy person to eat 3-4 times a day. With three meals a day, lunch should be the most satisfying, and dinner should be the lightest. It is harmful to read and solve complex and important problems while eating. You should not rush, eat while scalding yourself with cold food, or swallow large pieces of food without chewing. Systematic dry food has a bad effect on the body. no hot dishes. It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene and sanitation. A person who neglects their diet is, over time, at risk of developing severe digestive diseases such as peptic ulcers, etc. Thorough chewing and grinding of food to a certain extent protects the mucous membrane digestive organs from mechanical damage, scratches and, in addition, promotes the rapid penetration of juices into the depths of the food mass. You need to constantly monitor the condition of your teeth and oral cavity.

So, every person has great opportunities to strengthen and maintain their health, to maintain their ability to work, physical activity and vigor until old age.

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The role and importance of the doctor for the development of people

One of Elena Ivanovna’s most beloved philosophers and writers, Friedrich Nietzsche, in his work “Human, All Too Human...” noted the dominant importance of the medical profession in the culture of mankind: “At present, not a single vocation makes it possible to achieve such a high position as a vocation doctor But the higher spiritual education of a doctor is now not limited to knowledge of the best, the latest methods treatment, the skill and ability to draw those quick conclusions about the causes and influences that create the glory of the diagnostician: no, the doctor must, in addition, have the ability to speak, applying himself to the patient’s situation, to convince him, to touch his heart; he must have courage, the mere sight of which would drive away cowardice, that worm that gnaws at every sick person; the skill of a diplomat in mediating between patients who need joy for recovery, and those who, in view of their health, should and can bring joy to others; the insight of a detective and investigator to unravel the secrets of the soul without giving them away - in a word, good doctor must be fluent in the arts of all other professions. Appearing in such full armor, the doctor is able to become a benefactor of the entire society, increasing the number of good deeds, spiritual joy and productivity of the mind, keeping away bad thoughts, evil intentions, trickery (the disgusting source of which is so often the abdominal cavity), freeing from so-called mental torment and remorse and contributing to the restoration of the spiritual and physical aristocracy (by helping or hindering marriages). Only in this way will he become a savior of society from a physician."

In full accordance with ancient traditions Eastern Medicine, in the Teaching of Living Ethics, the doctor is given a very special place among scientists and practitioners whose work is connected with people. The doctor seems to be a kind of healer of souls and bodies, and not just a “psychotherapist,” but in the most literal sense confessor, whose work helps to ennoble people: “You wrote today about physical medicines, but for crowds even barrels of the most precious substance will be useless. You can ask all the doctors in the world to begin the mission of spiritualizing the heart. Each doctor has access to different houses. He sees different generations, words He is accepted with attention. He can so easily add the most valuable instructions among physical advice. He has the right to find out all the details of the moral conditions of the house. He can give advice that will make you think beyond the actions of the stomach, because behind it is the fear of death. - the most sacred person in the house where the sick mankind is concerned. sufficient quantity diseases - this means that the doctor can give many valuable warnings..." (Fiery World, II, 217).

The field of activity of a doctor in a patient’s home expands from the need to provide advice on rearrangement of life to changing the way of behavior and attitude towards work and relatives. Only in last decades Due to well-known deformations in medical education and the practice of outpatient doctors in our country, the prestige of the medical profession has noticeably decreased. At all times, the doctor was considered the most important of the specialists, because his actions depended life itself patient. In this case, the importance of a doctor in a person’s life deepens even more, although, of course, knowledge and skills alone are not enough to achieve such high professionalism. It is still necessary to become a highly moral, spiritually established person: “Doctors can be true helpers of humanity in the ascension of the spirit. The mind of a doctor must be strengthened by the heart. It is impossible for a doctor to be an ignorant denier. A doctor cannot but be a psychologist and he cannot neglect the wonderful psychic energy.. "(Aum, 3).

In ancient times, a doctor was not only a highly moral specialist with deep knowledge of his subject. Doctors, through special yogic training, acquired paranormal (albeit completely natural for a highly developed person) extrasensory abilities, which helped them accurately diagnose and select the necessary treatment regimen in full accordance with the individuality of the patient.

This does not mean that in the past all doctors were like Wolf Messing or Roza Kuleshova. However, mastering psychic paranormal abilities, along with acquiring high powers of observation and developed memory, was a professional responsibility for every healer, and many doctors possessed these abilities to a developed degree (depending on talent and diligence in training). In the treatise "Zhud-shi", containing the main provisions of Indo-Tibetan medicine, there is a special section entirely devoted to the yogic psychoenergy training of the doctor, the purpose of which was development of higher abilities human perception . There were corresponding sections called “Taoist Yoga” in the treatises of Chinese doctors.

Modern psychology of self-improvement knows one of the innate abilities, called “healing”. It lies in an increased natural ability to empathize with another person. This empathy occurs not only at the subjective mental level, but also at the purely physiological level of perception. A person with this ability literally feels everything that the patient he examines feels, experiences, and even thinks (“sympathizes” with him).

In past centuries, experienced mentors identified precisely such gifted people among applicants for the title of healer and purposefully (through the use of Yoga exercises and targeted programming suggestion) developed this unique ability in them. Subsequently (after development and mastery), the ability to “contact” with the body and soul of the patient successfully replaced fluoroscopy, biochemical blood tests, and other instrumental and laboratory methods of examining the patient.

The main thing for the healer of the past was mastery of the science of mental properties and mental processes person: “Not a single medical school teaches psychology. Such a subject does not exist at all. The word “psychology” is associated with pedagogy, but not with the knowledge of the qualities of psychic energy. It is impossible to allow medical education to bypass such a basic subject. Knowledge of psychic energy allows pay attention to medications. How much less medications will be needed when doctors can use them? mental treatment. The conditions for assistance with psychic energy will renew all phenomena of life. Let's not separate supreme concept being from medical care. How many ancient sources indicate that clergy were also doctors. It was thus emphasized that the doctor has authority, otherwise he will walk in the tail of diseases, unable to prevent them..." (Community, 234).

The high authority of a doctor in past centuries allowed his advice to reach the minds and hearts of patients. Only in this way was it possible to engage in true disease prevention. Otherwise, what kind of help can prevent the development of the disease if people do not accept (due to distrust of doctors and because of their own low culture) the recommendations of doctors and do not change their own bad habits and harmful living conditions! Only the sacred position of a doctor can explain this close attention, which was paid in ancient medical treatises specifically to the prevention of diseases, issues of improving everyday life and the entire lifestyle, issues of maintaining the natural order of work and rest in “following the rhythms and states of Nature.” And the authority of a highly moral and well-versed physician for the introduction of such prevention was mandatory.

Knowledge applied psychology it is extremely important and even mandatory for a doctor also because the human body is under directed psychological impact capable of identifying entire “sets” of his own phenomenally active and directionally active ingredients, which are most natural for its functioning both in quality and dosage. Such “internal medicines” are capable of physiologically leading tissues and organs to healing changes in accordance with the treatment task transmitted by the physician to the patient under psychological influence. The body, it turns out, listens very carefully to the doctor’s voice, his thoughts and mood, of course, if the doctor managed to “please” the body and “get into contact with it.”

Hypnotherapist Kashpirovsky A.M. diligently promoted the idea of ​​​​the possibility of the human body producing psychological influence doctor, such internal biological active substances, a kind of “own medicine”, which, in particular, are capable of “dissolving” even scar tissue, which until now was considered practically unchangeable even under the influence of powerful chemotherapy and enzyme preparations. The same ideas have been successfully developing in the United States for three decades now. A new section of experimental medicine has even been identified - psychoendocrine neuroimmunology, whose adherents are searching for ways to activate the human body and stimulate the production of biologically active substances of internal origin necessary for healing through the use of various psychological methods of influence, including the use of transcendental meditation, auto-training, active programming, neurolinguistic programming or good old hypnosis.

The work experience of the American psychological influence specialist Carl Singleton is extremely interesting in this regard. In numerous popular and scientific books coming from his pen and immediately becoming bestsellers, this healer shares own experience he created special groups for the psychological activation of hidden reserves of self-healing in cancer patients. The influence of psychotherapy, carried out, of course, according to specially designed for various types patients with the program is such that the effect of all “classical” treatment methods cancer diseases(chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy) is significantly enhanced, their effectiveness increases due to the creation of particularly positive emotional background, developing a healing mindset and generating unshakable faith in the success of the treatment.

Along with conventional radiation, chemotherapy and surgery, Dr. Singleton also uses mental relaxation techniques and visualization techniques - the ability to see “with closed eyes” imaginary pictures of the processes occurring at this time in the body. This is how Singleton's method is described in J. Mishlav's book "The Roots of Consciousness."

"The patient is asked to meditate for 15 minutes at the same time 3 times a day - in the morning after waking up, in the afternoon around noon and at night just before going to bed. The first few minutes of meditation are used to enter a state of relaxation: only after completely relaxing , the patient can visualize a calm landscape. The main part of the work with mental images follows. First of all, the patient “tunes in” to the cancerous tumor and contemplates it “with the eye of his mind.” immune mechanism, eliminating dead and dying cells. The patient is asked to visualize an army of white blood cells swarming around the cancerous tumor, carrying away malignant cells weakened or killed by radiation. Then the patient imagines how leukocytes destroy malignant cells, after which the remnants of the latter are “washed out” from the body. At the end of the meditation, the patient visualizes himself completely healthy and happy."

In addition to the application of imaging techniques, the patient is introduced to general principles the work of the immune mechanism, they show him photographs of other patients who were completely healed using Dr. Singleton's method. After studying the medical histories of 152 patients, the doctor found that almost half of them experienced complete cure, conventional treatment methods using the method of mental mobilization gave better results than without such a combination. Of course, the treatment brought the greatest benefit to those who were most optimistic and more fully, more deeply involved in the holistic healing process. In patients of the same group, negative symptoms were significantly weakened side effects usually caused by the use of radiation therapy.

It is interesting that in the books of the Teaching of Living Ethics, similar ideas were put forward back in the 20s. of our century, and the problem itself was posed much more seriously - the problem of connecting the internal “laboratory” of the human body not only with its mental state, but even with the influence of the planetary and cosmic energy-information environment: "...People are generously endowed with powerful substances. The human chemical laboratory is phenomenal. Truly, one can say, nowhere can so many forces be concentrated as in the human body. It is no coincidence that there existed the theory that a person can be cured of all diseases with his own secretions. Also, let us not forget that human chemistry is subtle, everything is under the influence of psychic energy, which, in turn, can constantly be renewed in connection with spatial currents... Human poison is strong. and psychic energy is healing... Psychic and chemical influences..." (Aboveground, 338).

Since ancient times, Eastern Medicine has known about the possibility of purposefully activating the human body’s ability to secrete healing substances under the psychological influence of an experienced doctor. That is why psychology in ancient times was so vitally necessary for doctors in their daily practice. Mastery of practical psychology required the doctor himself highest development his mental qualities and moral virtues.

Doctors of past centuries tried to develop in themselves the so-called “touchstone” - practical intuition, through which they could directly sense the patient’s condition: this is how they “guessed” the necessary treatment regimen (which, however, does not at all exclude the need for deep knowledge of the subject, but complements ability to think with intuitive insights).

Doctors of the past used the ability to suggest, developed by yogic psychotraining methods, and thus influenced the patient, activating his hidden chemical “laboratories”, which made it possible to naturally solve many therapeutic problems, without actually resorting to the administration of drugs. Of course, suggestion was important, but far from the only method of treatment. However, it was the establishment of psychological, or more precisely, direct psychoenergetic contact between the physician and the patient that in ancient times was given paramount importance in determining the prognosis of treatment of the disease and the possibility of healing. By the way, Dr. Singleton also sought to select namely optimistic patients who have not yet lost faith in the possibility of real healing and trust in medicine and its representatives. He did this with the help of psychodiagnostic tests. Doctors of the past, with their observation and inner sensitivity, could choose “by eye.”

Regarding the development of modern pharmacology and widespread standard circuits treatments related to improving the pharmaceutical base of modern medicine and deepening knowledge about the intimate mechanisms of the biochemical “machines” of the human body, the Teaching of Living Ethics says more than definitely: “One may ask - will the number of doctors decrease with the increase in ready-made drugs? This would be a disaster. The phenomenon of doctors is everywhere - if only we understand the doctor as a highly educated friend of humanity. It is the conventionally prepared medicines that will cause diseases that the doctor must individually treat. We are not talking about surgery, because this area does not cause speculation if it does not exceed. of its purpose. unnecessary surgery, often like a killer. Therefore, in this area, true straight-knowledge is required (synonymous with consciously controlled intuition - S.K.). But the position of a doctor is even more difficult when several diseases are combined, and such cases are multiplying. You can treat one disease and thereby worsen another. Many areas are still deprived of reasonable medical care. From this situation the phenomenon of decreased vitality is born. Degeneration is not a fabrication. Signs of such a disaster can be seen everywhere. Such misfortune not only affects the present generation, but it distorts the future of humanity. They will shout to us that such advice is old. But why is it not accepted until now?” (Brotherhood, 141).

The high calling of a doctor and his central, frankly speaking, role in the process of healing a patient are determined by the fact that the doctor is not just a specialist familiar with medical science, but a highly educated and highly moral assistant to a person in need of him, a specialist who has a reserve of “psychic energy” that is so necessary for any treatment, as the founders of the Teaching of Living Ethics understood it.

And therefore, the doctor cannot be replaced either by a computer, or by instruments, or by drugs synthesized in flasks of chemical plants. But what is this “psychic energy”, which is given so much attention in almost all theories and practical recommendations of both the Teaching of Living Ethics, and in the ancient treatises of Eastern Medicine and in general?

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An essay on a work on the topic: The profession of a doctor is a feat
When asked which profession is the most important, everyone will answer differently. And if you ask which is the most difficult and stressful, perhaps the first to be named are heavy male professions, they will remember firefighters, rescuers, police officers or watermen. Scientists and all intellectual workers will be called the most knowledgeable. But, in my opinion, there are people whose work combines all these characteristics. The work of their life is the most necessary, the most difficult, the most responsible, requiring constant improvement. These are people who are faced with the most important tasks - to recognize, treat, prevent diseases, ensure the preservation and strengthening of people’s health and ability to work, and save lives. And these people are doctors.

For a long time, they have been credited with extending life. At a time when devastating epidemics and wars claimed the lives of millions of people, doctors persistently searched for ways to get rid of and protect against dangerous diseases, tried to reduce complications after injuries and surgical interventions. They created new drugs and vaccines, often testing them on themselves so as not to endanger other people. Thanks to them, it became possible to prevent and treat a huge number of diseases that were previously considered deadly.

New, previously unknown diseases are constantly appearing in the world, and epidemics are breaking out. And as always, “guardians of health” come to the rescue - brave, determined people who are exposed to unknown dangers, engaging in the fight against viruses, microorganisms and other pathogens. Doctors, as before, save people and protect life on Earth.

In the hustle and bustle of today's life, when every person cares primarily about their daily bread, health issues often fade into the background. And we remember about ourselves only when things get really bad. Then, in most cases, we can no longer do without the intervention of a specialist. And doctors do everything possible every day, and sometimes the impossible, to help us return to normal, familiar life again.

And how often do representatives of this difficult profession have to save lives, and it all depends on their qualifications and ability to make the right and timely decision. But you cannot make a mistake, since the price of a mistake is human life.

It is difficult to even imagine what would happen to the planet if there were no doctors. If no one was studying the causes and nature of diseases, if no one was looking for life-saving drugs and treatment methods.

Medicine is constantly evolving. New diseases require new knowledge. In addition, the knowledge and skills of a doctor are not limited to the field of pure medicine. A real specialist must also be a good psychologist - be able to listen to a person, penetrate his soul; be able to reassure, instill hope, confidence, faith; be able to convince of the correctness

and the need for prescribed treatment. After all, many people, oddly enough, are reluctant to take care of their health, and often with their stubbornness they only worsen their condition and slow down the healing process.

In my opinion, not everyone can become a doctor. For this profession it is necessary to have a special character, attentiveness, patience, calmness, kindness; and at that time - with firmness, the ability to quickly make decisions, and a huge sense of responsibility. This must certainly be a person who is wholeheartedly devoted to his work; a person who understands the importance and seriousness of this profession; one who is not afraid of dangers, difficulties, who agrees to devote his entire life to people and, while working, continue to constantly learn and improve.

In my opinion, doctors perform heroic acts every day. After all, they save people, their lives, often risking their own; they prolong the existence of all humanity. But isn’t this their real great feat?


A doctor is a person who devotes his knowledge and skills to the prevention and treatment of diseases, maintaining and strengthening human health. A doctor is also a person who has received a higher medical education in a relevant specialty.

A medical practitioner is concerned with the prevention (prophylaxis), recognition (diagnosis) and treatment (therapy) of diseases and injuries. This is achieved through constant improvement of medical knowledge and medical skill, such as: the study of a number of interrelated fundamental, general medical and special clinical disciplines, the experience of direct communication with the patient, his needs and suffering. Successful treatment, even when using latest achievements medical science is to a large extent an art.

The profession of a doctor has always been in demand and respected. A lot of people strive to get a medical education, which is why the competition in medical universities very high. At the same time, studying medicine is not so easy, and the number of years spent on full preparation doctor, more than other professions. But this does not stop modern students, and crowds of applicants conquer the doors of admissions offices again and again.

The role of the doctor in society

The medical profession, along with some others - for example, a teacher or a scientist - in the collective consciousness is associated primarily with public service: for example, doctors strive to help their patients, teachers - to give knowledge and instill social skills in their students, scientists - to develop science. Representatives of such professions are contrasted with, say, business people who are concerned primarily with obtaining benefits.

Medicine is often perceived as a profession for altruists and is interpreted from the standpoint of a social mission; the doctor is initiated in his status, confirming that he swears:

· “honestly perform your medical duty, devote your knowledge and skills to the prevention and treatment of diseases, preserving and strengthening human health;

· be always ready to provide medical care, maintain medical confidentiality, treat the patient with care and attention, act exclusively in his interests, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official position, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, affiliation public associations, as well as other circumstances;

· show the highest respect for human life, never resort to euthanasia;

· remain grateful and respectful to your teachers, be demanding and fair to your students, and promote their professional growth;

· treat colleagues kindly, turn to them for help and advice if the interests of the patient require it, and never refuse colleagues help and advice;

· constantly improve your professional excellence, to preserve and develop the noble traditions of medicine."

In this oath one can find three criteria of professionalism that Talcott Parsons identified in his work "The Professions."

The medical profession in the collective consciousness is associated primarily with public service. Representatives of such professions are contrasted with, say, business people who are primarily concerned with obtaining profitable individuals. Secondly, the availability of skills to implement the acquired professional knowledge. And thirdly, the most important thing is that free professionals have confidence that they are working in the interests of the entire social system (which is manifested in the readiness to act in the interests of any patient and the affirmation of the value of human life, recorded in the oath).

A doctor meets a person at birth, is always there during times of illness, and sees him off at the end of his life’s journey. This determines both the special responsibility of this profession and the biased attitude towards it of both ordinary people and representatives of the media. Please note with what intolerance and with what anger our paparazzi condemn the mistakes and errors of doctors. These representatives of the democratic press easily forgive the meanness and betrayal of their patrons and their own, but they call for the imprisonment, deprivation, and punishment with a huge fine of doctors who, in their opinion, are “guilty” for the death or disability of their patients.

The position of the average person is well illustrated by the following example. Car accident. Unhappy crippled people and onlookers who shyly hide nearby. No one is in a hurry to help the victims. The ambulance arrives, the crowd surrounds the scene of the incident in a dense ring, their activity increases sharply, they advise, are indignant, and try to help. Some people can’t stand the sight of blood and faint. Now they need help... As a result, “public opinion” is formed in the event of a death - the doctors are to blame. Please note, not the fatal coincidence of circumstances of a car accident, not the lack of timely assistance from eyewitnesses, not bad roads, but precisely the doctors of a particular medical care team.

The following reaction is often found: “Poor B. He got it... These farriers don’t want to admit anything new, so we had a case...”.

Of course, among doctors there are irresponsible, callous, excessively selfish people, but for some reason it is precisely those who honestly fulfill their duty who suffer from popular anger.

Back in 1898, V.V. Veresaev wrote in a doctor’s notes: “There is a strong distrust of medicine and doctors in society. Doctors have long been a favorite subject of caricatures, epigrams and anecdotes. Healthy people they talk about medicine and doctors with a grin, patients who have not been helped by medicine talk about it with ardent hatred.”

What is this connected with? Yes, given that a person is mortal, his life expectancy is limited, his body is far from perfect and is susceptible to disease. This upsets many and encourages illusions that overestimate the capabilities of medical science.

Few people say, “My leg hurts because I was careless and injured it.” More often they will say this: “The doctor prescribed the wrong treatment, which does not help me.” Or in case of death loved one, most likely, they will say “They couldn’t save him, the ambulance arrived too late,” and not “We were not attentive to him and often created problems for him, leading him to heart attacks.”

The art of a doctor is not only his level vocational training, this and his ability to correctly build relationships with the patient, who is immanently (by definition) a capricious, dependent person, with a set of all sorts of prejudices that he received from life experience, rumored to be from a medical advertisement...

The medical profession is a special specialty, and it is based on love. Love for a person, love for a sick person. The words of Socrates are understandable when he said that treating, teaching and judging are the most difficult tasks in life. They say correctly - medicine is a profession from God.