Job description for a dental technician. Job description of a dental technician

We bring to your attention a typical example of a dental technician job description, sample 2019. should include the following sections: general position, job responsibilities of a dental technician, rights of a dental technician, responsibility of a dental technician.

Job description dental technician belongs to the section " Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the healthcare sector".

The job description of a dental technician should reflect the following points:

Job responsibilities of a dental technician

1) Job responsibilities. Manufactures various types artificial crowns, including metal ceramics, simple post tooth designs, various bridge designs, removable plate and clasp dentures, orthodontic and maxillofacial structures. Prepares dental equipment and equipment dental laboratory to work, monitoring their serviceability and correct operation. Renders first aid in emergency situations.

The dental technician must know

2) Dental technician performing his job responsibilities should know: laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation in the healthcare sector; basics of medical dental care; organization of activities in a dental laboratory; characteristics of the main materials used in denture technology; dental technology maxillofacial prostheses and orthodontic devices; rules for the use of porcelain and metal-ceramics in denture technology; the basics of the functioning of budgetary insurance medicine and voluntary health insurance; basics of epidemiology; basics of valeology and sanology; basics of disaster medicine; basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements for a dental technician

3) Qualification requirements. Average vocational education in the specialty "Orthopedic Dentistry" and a specialist certificate in the specialty "Orthopedic Dentistry" without presenting requirements for work experience.

1. General provisions

1. A dental technician belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person with a secondary education is appointed to the position of dental technician. medical education specializing in Orthopedic Dentistry.

3. Appointment to the position of a dental technician and dismissal from it are made by order of the director of the organization.

4. The dental technician must know:

  • Fundamentals of medical dental care.
  • Organization of production of a dental laboratory.
  • Fundamentals of the structure and functions of the dentofacial system, biomechanics of the masticatory apparatus.
  • Information about the main dental diseases.
  • Theoretical and clinical basis orthodontic treatment.
  • Rules for reading diagrams, formulas and sketches of the oral cavity.
  • Characteristics of basic and auxiliary materials used in denture technology.
  • Assortment, labeling, basic properties of the materials used and semi-finished products.
  • Purpose and rules of use of devices, instruments and devices used in the dental laboratory.
  • Basic clinical stages and manufacturing technologies for dental (removable, fixed, clasp, maxillofacial prostheses and orthodontic) devices.
  • Basic principles of melting and casting metal alloys.
  • Purpose and requirements for each element and unit in prostheses, including intermediate stages of their manufacture.
  • Fundamentals of the design of modern dental equipment for firing porcelain, muffle furnaces, foundry equipment, ultrasonic and light-curing devices, etc.
  • Technology of using porcelain and metal-ceramics in denture technology.
  • Reasons leading to defects and ways to identify, eliminate, and prevent them.

5. The dental technician reports directly to _______ (specify position).

2. Job responsibilities of a dental technician

Dental technician:

1. Prepares dental equipment and dental laboratory equipment for work, monitors serviceability and correct operation.

2. Independently produces various types of artificial crowns, including metal-ceramics; simple designs of pin teeth; designs of bridges; removable laminar dentures; clasp dentures; orthodontic and maxillofacial structures corresponding to the programs.

3. Evaluates casts (impressions) and obtains appropriate working models from various materials.

4. Manufactures individual spoons, wax bases with occlusal ridges and installs artificial teeth.

5. Creates elements, units and parts of dentofacial prostheses and orthodontic appliances from wax.

6. Replaces the wax composition with a plastic or metal alloy.

7. Performs stamping of prostheses from stainless steel and other materials.

8. Conducts soldering, alloying, firing, bleaching, finishing, polishing of parts, prostheses and devices, etc.

9. Conducts aseptic processing of casts and prostheses.

10. Complies with labor protection, safety, occupational health, fire safety requirements when operating premises, equipment and apparatus used in dental practice.

11. Draws up the established by the Ministry of Health of Russia medical documentation.

12. Receives, stores, records use medicines, dental materials, instruments. Prepares requests for dental materials.

13. Complies with moral and legal standards of professional communication, fulfills the requirements of labor discipline.

14. Conducts sanitary and educational work.

15. Regularly improves skills.

16. Provides first aid in case of emergency conditions.

3. Rights of a dental technician

The dental technician has the right:

1. Receive information necessary for the high-quality performance of functional duties.

2. Make proposals to management to improve the quality of dental care for the population and improve the organization of work.

3. Give orders to the junior medical staff of the dental laboratory, control the volume and quality of work performed by them, and exercise control over the work of the technician in repairing apparatus and equipment.

4. Take part in meetings, conferences, sections where issues related to professional competence are discussed.

5. Improve qualifications and get certified for assignment of qualification categories.

4. Responsibility of the dental technician

The dental technician is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description for a dental technician - sample 2019. Job responsibilities of a dental technician, rights of a dental technician, responsibility of a dental technician.

senior dental technician of the dental prosthetic laboratory (production)

1. A specialist with a secondary medical education in the specialty “Dental technician”, who has passed special training.

2. A senior dental technician is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by the chief physician of the clinic upon the recommendation of the head of the department orthopedic dentistry in accordance with current legislation.

3. In his work, the senior dental technician is guided by regulatory standards legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, Regulations on the clinic, Regulations on the department of orthopedic dentistry, orders and instructions of the chief physician, orders of the head of the department of orthopedic dentistry and the head of the denture laboratory (production), job description.

4. The senior dental technician reports directly to the head of the dental laboratory (production) and the head of the department of orthopedic dentistry.

5. To perform his functions, the senior dental technician is obliged to:

    evenly distribute the work received from the orthopedic office among dental technicians, depending on its complexity and the qualifications of the dental technicians;

    control the quality of impressions and prostheses received from the orthopedic office at the clinical stages of their production;

    keep a log of the distribution of dental work between dental technicians and other accounting and reporting documentation in the prescribed form;

    monitor compliance with the deadlines for the production of dentures by dental technicians;

    draw up rational schedules and time sheets for the work of department personnel in a timely manner;

    constantly carry out work to improve the qualifications of dental technicians, study and implement new technologies;

    improve your knowledge and professional skills by studying specialized literature, attending seminars and conferences;

    exercise control over the economical use of dental materials, electricity and other resources;

    organize the receipt, distribution, storage and accounting of protective clothing, safety devices, household supplies, diet coupons in accordance with the standards;

    monitor compliance by dental technicians with labor protection rules, safety regulations and internal labor regulations.

6. The senior dental technician has the right:

6.1. make proposals to the administration on issues of improving the organization and conditions of their work and the work of dental technicians;

6.2. obtain information necessary to perform their duties;

6.3. return impressions that do not meet the requirements to doctors, with registration in a special journal;

6.4. return poorly performed work to dental technicians with registration in a special journal;

6.5. improve your qualifications through advanced training courses once every five years, be certified for the appropriate qualification category.

7. The senior dental technician is responsible for unclear or untimely fulfillment of job duties, labor and performance discipline, internal labor regulations, non-compliance with medical ethics and deontology.


dental technician, dental prosthetic laboratory (production)

department of orthopedic dentistry of the city clinic

    A specialist with a secondary medical education in the specialty “Dental technician” is appointed to the position of dental technician in a dental prosthetic laboratory (production).

    A dental technician is appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the clinic on the recommendation of the head of the department of orthopedic dentistry in accordance with current legislation.

    In his work, a dental technician is guided by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, the Regulations on the clinic, the Regulations on the department of orthopedic dentistry, orders and instructions of the chief physician, orders of the head of the denture laboratory (production) and senior dental technician, job description.

    A dental technician works under the direct supervision of a senior dental technician and the head of a dental prosthetic laboratory (production), and carries out their orders within the scope of his job duties.

    A dental technician, in agreement with the head of the department of orthopedic dentistry, can specialize in the manufacture individual species prostheses.

    To perform his functions, a dental technician must:

    strictly adhere to the technology of making dentures;

    make prosthetics in prescribed by a doctor term, from good quality;

    after production, transfer the dentures for technical control to a senior dental technician, and then to a doctor;

    carry out production and financial plan;

    economically use materials used in the manufacture of prostheses, electricity and other resources;

    monitor the order and cleanliness of the workplace during the day, clean it at the end of the shift;

    maintain approved accounting and reporting documentation;

    constantly improve your knowledge and professional skills by studying specialized literature, attending seminars and conferences;

    undergo periodic examinations in a timely manner medical examination;

    comply with labor protection, safety and internal labor regulations.

    A dental technician has the right:

    receive information necessary to perform their duties;

    make proposals to the administration on issues of improving the organization and improving their working conditions;

    in agreement with the senior dental technician, return impressions that do not meet the requirements to the doctors;

    improve your qualifications through advanced training courses and be certified for the relevant qualification categories.

    The dental technician is responsible for poor quality and untimely production of dentures due to his fault, failure to fulfill the duties stipulated by job responsibilities and internal labor regulations, non-compliance with medical ethics and deontology;

    The dental technician of the dental prosthetic laboratory (production) bears financial responsibility in accordance with the contract concluded with him.


about the department medical rehabilitation city ​​clinic

    The medical rehabilitation department is a structural subdivision of a city, district, and village clinic.

    The outpatient medical rehabilitation department is being created as a multidisciplinary one.

    Medical rehabilitation departments are created on the basis of existing departments rehabilitation treatment and prevention and include, if possible, the entire arsenal of rehabilitation means. In rural areas, it is advisable to create single medical rehabilitation departments for inpatient and outpatient patients.

    In their work, employees of the medical rehabilitation department are guided by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, the Regulations on the clinic, these Regulations, orders and instructions of the chief physician, orders of the deputy chief physician for medical affairs, and job descriptions.

    The department staff is set for the planned volume of work in accordance with specific local conditions and are adjusted throughout the year depending on the workload and the availability of a day hospital.

    In its activities, the department maintains direct communication and close contacts with medical specialists of the clinic.

    The goal of the outpatient stage of medical rehabilitation is to provide patients with the entire available arsenal of training tools and conditions that allow them, under the guidance and control of a rehabilitation physician, to realize themselves, through training efforts to more fully compensate for lost functions, restore health and performance.

    Patients are referred to the medical rehabilitation department of the clinic by the managers structural divisions healthcare organizations located in the area of ​​operation of this department.

    Admission of patients and selection for rehabilitation is carried out by the medical consultation rehabilitation commission of the clinic, rehabilitation doctors or, if necessary, selection committees (SEC).

    Patients are admitted to the department after cupping acute period disease or its exacerbation, as well as disabled people with an individual rehabilitation program.

11. The main objectives of the medical rehabilitation department are:

11.1. timely formation individual program improvement and use of rehabilitation means and methods;

11.2. implementation of an individual rehabilitation program for disabled and sick people;

11.3. use of a complex of all necessary methods and rehabilitation means;

11.4. conducting educational work among the population and patients about the means and methods of restoration and strengthening, maintaining health and performance.

12. In accordance with the assigned tasks, the department carries out:

12.1. drawing up an individual rehabilitation program for the sick and disabled; its timely implementation using modern means and methods;

12.2. implementation by those being rehabilitated of an individual rehabilitation program drawn up by MREC;

12.3. development and introduction into practice of the department of new modern means and methods of rehabilitation based on the achievements of science, technology and best practices;

12.4. engagement for consultation necessary specialists hospitals, clinics, within the structure of which this department is located, as well as from medical research institutes and other treatment and preventive organizations;

12.5. providing advisory, organizational and methodological assistance on medical rehabilitation issues to outpatient organizations in the area of ​​operation of the department;

12.6. examination of work ability and referral to MREC in accordance with current provisions;

12.7. interrelation and continuity with other departments of the clinic, attached clinics and hospitals that refer patients for medical rehabilitation, as well as institutions social security;

12.8. conducting clinical reviews of cases of unreasonable referral to departments, defects in patient management at the stages of treatment, ineffectiveness of ongoing rehabilitation measures etc.;

12.9. implementation of activities to improve the qualifications of doctors and secondary medical personnel V in the prescribed manner;

12.11. ensuring accounting and reporting in forms and within the time limits approved by the Ministry of Health of the republic and the Central Statistical Office.

13. The medical rehabilitation department includes the following rooms in the clinic: physical therapy, mechanotherapy (simulators), functional stimulation, acupuncture, massage, including underwater, sauna, swimming pool, walking training, occupational therapy and home rehabilitation, speech therapy training if necessary, day hospital and in in full force rehabilitation department.

12. Dynamic observation monitoring the progress of medical rehabilitation is carried out by the relevant services (divisions) of the clinic.


Head of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation

    A doctor with 3 years of work experience and special training in rehabilitation and examination is appointed to the position of head of the medical rehabilitation department.

    The head of the medical rehabilitation department is appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the clinic in the prescribed manner.

    The head of the medical rehabilitation department in his work reports to the deputy chief physician for medical rehabilitation and examination of working capacity, and in his absence, to the deputy chief physician for medical affairs.

    In his work, the head of the medical rehabilitation department is guided by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, the Regulations on the clinic, the Regulations on the medical rehabilitation department, orders and instructions of the chief physician, orders of the deputy chief physician for medical affairs, and job descriptions.

    The head of the medical rehabilitation department is directly responsible for:

5.1. for the organization and level of rehabilitation work in the department;

5.2. for organizing staff workplaces;

5.3. for the development and implementation into practice of the department of modern methods and means of medical rehabilitation, based on the achievements of science, technology and the best practices of medical and preventive organizations;

5.4. for ensuring interconnection and continuity with other structural units of the health care organization, attached clinics and hospitals, with MREC, Central Clinical Hospital, VKK, social security institutions.

6. The head of the medical rehabilitation department has the right and obligation:

6.1. take direct part in the selection and placement of medical and other personnel of the department, contribute to the improvement of the qualifications of the department staff;

6.2. resolve issues of admitting patients for medical rehabilitation to the department, formulate individual comprehensive rehabilitation programs for them,, if necessary, organize consultations with specialists and, in agreement with the management, consultations;

6.3. in case of loss of function and impossibility of rehabilitation, refer patients to MREC and the medical and professional rehabilitation center;

6.4. conduct clinical reviews defects in patient management at the stages of treatment, ineffectively carried out rehabilitation measures, cases of unreasonable referral of patients for medical rehabilitation;

6.5. ensure timely start, continuity, continuity, consistency, phasing and an individual approach in the implementation of the medical rehabilitation program;

6.6. control the timeliness and quality of filling out medical documentation, established accounting and reporting forms by department doctors, draw up reports on the work of the department;

6.7. conduct an examination of temporary disability in accordance with the regulations on the examination of temporary disability;

6.8. represent management to encourage the best employees and make proposals for imposing disciplinary action on persons violating labor discipline;

6.9. analyze the results of rehabilitation work and improve it.


rehabilitation doctor at the medical rehabilitation department

1. A doctor with special training in rehabilitation and examination is appointed to the position of rehabilitation doctor in the medical rehabilitation department.

2. A rehabilitation doctor of the medical rehabilitation department is appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the clinic upon the proposal of the head of the department in the prescribed manner.

3. The rehabilitation doctor is directly subordinate to the head of the medical rehabilitation department and works under his leadership.

4. The rehabilitation doctor of the medical rehabilitation department in his work is guided by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, the Regulations on the clinic, the Regulations on the medical rehabilitation department, orders and instructions of the chief physician, orders of the deputy chief physician for the medical unit and the head of the department, job description

5. The rehabilitation doctor is obliged to:

5.1. conduct outpatient visits to patients;

5.2. select patients for medical rehabilitation;

5.3. each patient to form an individual comprehensive program rehabilitation, determine the sequence of use of means and methods and specific performers of each stage;

5.4. evaluate the effectiveness of use as separate funds and methods for implementing an individual program, and its implementation as a whole, using modern methods assessment of reserves of body systems;

5.5. in unclear cases, involve the head of the department and other specialists of the treatment and prevention organization for consultation;

5.6. carry out explanatory work with patients and their relatives on issues of diet, work, life and health training of systems that ensure the restoration and maintenance of health and ability to work;

5.7. conduct an examination of temporary disability in the prescribed manner in accordance with the regulations on the examination of temporary disability;

5.8. together with the average medical workers, directly ensuring the implementation of the individual program, outline ways to increase its effectiveness;

5.9. maintain medical documentation, established accounting and reporting forms in a high-quality and timely manner and draw up reports on their activities;

5.10. ensure continuity in the conduct of medical rehabilitation between the hospital, clinic and other structural units of the healthcare organization, MREC, VKK;

5.11. provide advisory and methodological assistance on medical rehabilitation issues to doctors in hospitals and outpatient clinics in the area where the medical rehabilitation department operates;

5.12. master and introduce into practice new modern methods and means of medical rehabilitation, based on the achievements of science and technology and the best practices of medical and preventive organizations;

5.13. provide advanced training for nursing staff;

6. A rehabilitation doctor is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of his official duties, labor and performance discipline, internal regulations, non-compliance with medical ethics and deontology.


about the physiotherapy room of the city clinic

    The physiotherapy room is part of the medical rehabilitation department.

    The office is managed by the head, who is appointed and dismissed by the chief physician in the prescribed manner.

    In their work, employees of the physiotherapy office are guided by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, the Regulations on the clinic, these Regulations, orders and instructions of the chief physician, orders of the deputy chief physician for medical affairs, and job descriptions.

    The staff of the physiotherapy room is established taking into account the need for providing this type of assistance and in accordance with the standards.

    The set of premises of the physiotherapy room is determined by the current regulatory documents and recommendations from companies producing this type equipment.

    The level of material and technical base of a physiotherapy room is determined by a higher health authority depending on the needs for this type of assistance and economic opportunities.

    The main tasks of the physiotherapy room are:

7.1.providing qualified physiotherapeutic assistance in accordance with medical indications;

7.2. carrying out physioprophylactic and electrodiagnostic measures for patients and separate groups population;

7.3. consultations with attending physicians about the most effective choice physiotherapeutic procedures in each special case; monitoring the implementation and analysis of errors in the prescription of physiotherapeutic procedures by attending physicians;

7.4. coordination of the activities of physical therapists with doctors from other departments, offices and clinical units;

7.5. ensuring patient safety and safe conditions labor of medical personnel;

7.6. compliance with labor and safety regulations;

7.7. introduction into practice of new methods and techniques of physiotherapy;

7.8. promoting the use of physical factors in medical practice;

7.9. organization of events to improve the qualifications of doctors and nursing staff in the field of physiotherapy.

8. In the physiotherapy room, procedural cards and all necessary accounting and reporting documentation are maintained according to approved forms.


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    AND outpatient-outpatient

  • I. General provisions

    1. A dental technician belongs to the category of specialists.

    2. A person with secondary medical education is appointed to the position of dental technician

    education in the specialty "Orthopedic Dentistry" and (having; not having) I, II, highest qualification category(s).

    3. Appointment to the position of a dental technician and dismissal from it are made by order of the director of the organization.

    4. The dental technician must know:

    4.1. Fundamentals of medical dental care.

    4.2. Organization of production of a dental laboratory.

    4.3. Fundamentals of the structure and functions of the dentofacial system, biomechanics of the masticatory apparatus.

    4.4. Information about the main dental diseases.

    4.5. Theoretical and clinical foundations of orthodontic treatment.

    4.6. Rules for reading diagrams, formulas and sketches of the oral cavity.

    4.7. Characteristics of basic and auxiliary materials used in denture technology.

    4.8. Assortment, labeling, basic properties of the materials used and semi-finished products.

    4.9. Purpose and rules of use of devices, instruments and devices used in the dental laboratory.

    4.10. The main clinical stages and manufacturing technologies of dental (removable, fixed, clasp, maxillofacial prostheses and orthodontic) devices.

    4.11. Basic principles of melting and casting metal alloys.

    4.12. Purpose and requirements for each element and unit in prostheses, including intermediate stages of their manufacture.

    4.13. Fundamentals of the design of modern dental equipment for firing porcelain, muffle furnaces, foundry equipment, ultrasonic and light-curing devices, etc.

    4.14. Technology of using porcelain and metal-ceramics in denture technology.

    4.15. Reasons leading to defects and ways to identify, eliminate, and prevent them.

    4.17. Legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation.

    4.18. Internal labor regulations.

    4.19. Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

    II. Job responsibilities

    Dental technician:

    1. Prepares dental equipment and dental laboratory equipment for work, monitors serviceability and correct operation.

    2. Independently produces various types of artificial crowns, including metal-ceramics; simple designs of pin teeth; designs of bridges; removable laminar dentures; clasp dentures; orthodontic and maxillofacial structures corresponding to the programs.

    3. Evaluates casts (impressions) and obtains appropriate working models from various materials.

    4. Manufactures individual trays, wax bases with occlusal ridges and installs artificial teeth.

    5. Creates elements, units and parts of dentofacial prostheses and orthodontic appliances from wax.

    6. Replaces the wax composition with a plastic or metal alloy.

    7. Performs stamping of prostheses from stainless steel and other materials.

    8. Conducts soldering, alloying, firing, bleaching, finishing, polishing of parts, prostheses and devices, etc.

    9. Conducts aseptic processing of casts and prostheses.

    10. Complies with labor protection, safety, occupational health, fire safety requirements when operating premises, equipment and apparatus used in dental practice.

    11. Prepares medical documentation established by the Ministry of Health of Russia.

    12. Receives, stores, and records the use of medicines, dental materials, and instruments. Prepares requests for dental materials.

    13. Complies with moral and legal standards of professional communication, fulfills the requirements of labor discipline.

    14. Conducts sanitary and educational work.

    15. Regularly improves skills.

    16. Provides first aid in case of emergency conditions.

    III. Rights

    The dental technician has the right:

    1. Receive information necessary for the high-quality performance of functional duties.

    2. Make proposals to management to improve the quality of dental care for the population and improve the organization of work.

    3. Give orders to the junior medical staff of the dental laboratory, control the volume and quality of work performed by them, monitor the work of the technician in repairing equipment and equipment.

    4. Take part in meetings, conferences, sections where issues related to professional competence are discussed.

    5. Improve qualifications and get certified for assignment of qualification categories.

    IV. Responsibility

    The dental technician is responsible for:

    1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

    2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Home > Methodical recommendations

    senior dental technician of the dental prosthetic laboratory (production)

    1. A specialist with a secondary medical education in the specialty “Dental Technician” who has undergone special training is appointed to the position of senior dental technician in a dental prosthetic laboratory (production). 2. A senior dental technician is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by the chief physician of the clinic upon the recommendation of the head of the orthopedic department dentistry in accordance with current legislation. 3. In his work, the senior dental technician is guided by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, the Regulations on the clinic, the Regulations on the department of orthopedic dentistry, orders and instructions of the chief physician, orders of the head of the department of orthopedic dentistry and the head of the prosthetic laboratory (production) , job description. 4. The senior dental technician is directly subordinate to the head of the dental laboratory (production) and the head of the orthopedic dentistry department 5. To perform his functions, the senior dental technician is obliged to:

      evenly distribute the work received from the orthopedic office among dental technicians, depending on its complexity and the qualifications of the dental technicians;

      control the quality of impressions and prostheses received from the orthopedic office at the clinical stages of their production;

      keep a log of the distribution of dental work between dental technicians and other accounting and reporting documentation in the prescribed form;

      monitor compliance with the deadlines for the production of dentures by dental technicians;

      draw up rational schedules and time sheets for the work of department personnel in a timely manner;

      constantly carry out work to improve the qualifications of dental technicians, study and implement new technologies;

      improve your knowledge and professional skills by studying specialized literature, attending seminars and conferences;
    1. exercise control over the economical use of dental materials, electricity and other resources;

      organize the receipt, distribution, storage and accounting of protective clothing, safety devices, household supplies, diet coupons in accordance with the standards;

      monitor compliance by dental technicians with labor protection rules, safety regulations and internal labor regulations.

    6. The senior dental technician has the right: 6.1. make proposals to the administration on issues of improving the organization and conditions of their work and the work of dental technicians; 6.2. obtain information necessary to perform their duties; 6.3. return impressions that do not meet the requirements to doctors, with registration in a special journal; 6.4. return poorly performed work to dental technicians with registration in a special journal; 6.5. improve your qualifications through advanced training courses once every five years, and be certified for the appropriate qualification category. 7. The senior dental technician is responsible for unclear or untimely fulfillment of job duties, labor and performance discipline, internal labor regulations, non-compliance with medical ethics and deontology.


    dental technician, dental prosthetic laboratory (production)

    department of orthopedic dentistry of the city clinic

      A specialist with a secondary medical education in the specialty “Dental technician” is appointed to the position of a dental technician in a dental prosthetic laboratory (production). A dental technician is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by the chief physician of the clinic on the recommendation of the head of the department of orthopedic dentistry in accordance with the current legislation. In his work, a dental technician is guided by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, the Regulations on the clinic, the Regulations on the department of orthopedic dentistry, orders and instructions of the chief physician, orders of the head of the denture laboratory (production) and the senior dental technician, job descriptions. The dental technician works under the direct supervision of the senior dental technician and the head of the denture clinic. laboratory (production), and carries out their orders within the scope of his job duties. A dental technician, in agreement with the head of the department of orthopedic dentistry, can specialize in the manufacture of certain types of prostheses. To perform his functions, a dental technician must:
      strictly adhere to the technology of making dentures; produce prostheses within the time period specified by the doctor, with good quality; after production, transfer the dentures for technical control to a senior dental technician, and then to a doctor; fulfill production and financial plans; economically use materials used in the manufacture of prostheses, electricity and other resources; monitor the order and cleanliness of the workplace during the day, clean it at the end of the shift; maintain approved accounting and reporting documentation; constantly improve your knowledge and professional skills by studying specialized literature, attending seminars and conferences; undergo periodic medical examination in a timely manner; comply with labor protection, safety and internal labor regulations.
      A dental technician has the right:
      receive information necessary to perform their duties; make proposals to the administration on issues of improving the organization and improving their working conditions; in agreement with the senior dental technician, return impressions that do not meet the requirements to the doctors; improve your qualifications through advanced training courses and be certified for the relevant qualification categories.
      The dental technician is responsible for poor quality and untimely production of dentures due to his fault, failure to fulfill the duties stipulated by job responsibilities and internal labor regulations, non-compliance with medical ethics and deontology; The dental technician of the dental prosthetic laboratory (production) bears financial responsibility in accordance with the contract concluded with him.


    about the medical rehabilitation department of the city clinic

      The medical rehabilitation department is a structural subdivision of a city, district, and village clinic.

      The outpatient medical rehabilitation department is being created as a multidisciplinary one.

      Medical rehabilitation departments are created on the basis of functioning departments of rehabilitation treatment and prevention and include, if possible, the entire arsenal of rehabilitation means. In rural areas, it is advisable to create single medical rehabilitation departments for inpatient and outpatient patients.

      In their work, employees of the medical rehabilitation department are guided by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, the Regulations on the clinic, these Regulations, orders and instructions of the chief physician, orders of the deputy chief physician for medical affairs, and job descriptions.

      The staff of the department is set for the planned volume of work in accordance with specific local conditions and is adjusted throughout the year depending on the workload and the availability of a day hospital.

      In its activities, the department maintains direct communication and close contacts with medical specialists of the clinic.

      The goal of the outpatient stage of medical rehabilitation is to provide patients with the entire available arsenal of training tools and conditions that allow them, under the guidance and control of a rehabilitation physician, to realize themselves, through training efforts to more fully compensate for lost functions, restore health and performance.

      Patients are referred to the medical rehabilitation department of the clinic by the heads of structural units of healthcare organizations located in the area of ​​operation of this department.

      Admission of patients and selection for rehabilitation is carried out by the medical consultation rehabilitation commission of the clinic, rehabilitation doctors or, if necessary, selection committees (SEC).

      The department admits patients after the acute period of the disease has stopped or its exacerbation, as well as disabled people with an individual rehabilitation program.

    11. The main objectives of the medical rehabilitation department are:

    11.1. timely formation of an individual health improvement program and the use of rehabilitation means and methods;

    11.2. implementation of an individual rehabilitation program for disabled and sick people;

    11.3. use of a complex of all necessary methods and means of rehabilitation;

    11.4. conducting educational work among the population and patients about the means and methods of restoration and strengthening, maintaining health and performance.

    12. In accordance with the assigned tasks, the department carries out:

    12.1. drawing up an individual rehabilitation program for the sick and disabled; its timely implementation using modern means and methods;

    12.2. implementation by those being rehabilitated of an individual rehabilitation program drawn up by MREC;

    12.3. development and introduction into practice of the department of new modern means and methods of rehabilitation based on the achievements of science, technology and best practices;

    12.4. attracting for consultation the necessary specialists from the hospital, clinic, within the structure of which this department is located, as well as from medical research institutes and other treatment and preventive organizations;

    12.5. providing advisory, organizational and methodological assistance on medical rehabilitation issues to outpatient organizations in the area of ​​operation of the department;

    12.6. examination of work ability and referral to MREC in accordance with current regulations;

    12.7. relationship and continuity with other departments of the clinic, attached clinics and hospitals that refer patients for medical rehabilitation, as well as social security institutions;

    12.8. conducting clinical reviews of cases of unreasonable referral to departments, defects in patient management at the stages of treatment, ineffectiveness of ongoing rehabilitation measures, etc.;

    12.9. implementation of measures to improve the qualifications of doctors and nursing staff in the prescribed manner;

    12.11. ensuring accounting and reporting in forms and within the time limits approved by the Ministry of Health of the republic and the Central Statistical Office.

    13. The medical rehabilitation department includes the following rooms in the clinic: physical therapy, mechanotherapy (simulators), functional stimulation, acupuncture, massage, including underwater, sauna, swimming pool, walking training, occupational therapy and household rehabilitation, if necessary, speech therapy training, day hospital and the full complement of the rehabilitation treatment department.

    12. Dynamic monitoring of the progress of medical rehabilitation is carried out by the relevant services (divisions) of the clinic.


    Head of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation

      A doctor with 3 years of work experience and special training in rehabilitation and examination is appointed to the position of head of the medical rehabilitation department.

      The head of the medical rehabilitation department is appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the clinic in the prescribed manner.

      The head of the medical rehabilitation department in his work reports to the deputy chief physician for medical rehabilitation and examination of working capacity, and in his absence, to the deputy chief physician for medical affairs.

      In his work, the head of the medical rehabilitation department is guided by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, the Regulations on the clinic, the Regulations on the medical rehabilitation department, orders and instructions of the chief physician, orders of the deputy chief physician for medical affairs, and job descriptions.

      The head of the medical rehabilitation department is directly responsible for:

    5.1. for the organization and level of rehabilitation work in the department;

    5.2. for organizing staff workplaces;

    5.3. for the development and implementation into practice of the department of modern methods and means of medical rehabilitation, based on the achievements of science, technology and the best practices of medical and preventive organizations;

    5.4. for ensuring interconnection and continuity with other structural units of the health care organization, attached clinics and hospitals, with MREC, Central Clinical Hospital, VKK, social security institutions.

    6. The head of the medical rehabilitation department has the right and obligation:

    6.1. take direct part in the selection and placement of medical and other personnel of the department, contribute to the improvement of the qualifications of the department staff;

    6.2. resolve issues of admitting patients for medical rehabilitation to the department, formulate individual comprehensive rehabilitation programs for them,, if necessary, organize consultations with specialists and, in agreement with the management, consultations;

    6.3. in case of loss of function and impossibility of rehabilitation, refer patients to MREC and the medical and professional rehabilitation center;

    6.4. conduct clinical reviews of defects in patient management at the stages of treatment, ineffectively carried out rehabilitation measures, cases of unreasonable referral of patients for medical rehabilitation;

    6.5. ensure timely start, continuity, continuity, consistency, phasing and an individual approach in the implementation of the medical rehabilitation program;

    6.6. control the timeliness and quality of filling out medical documentation, established accounting and reporting forms by department doctors, draw up reports on the work of the department;

    6.7. conduct an examination of temporary disability in accordance with the regulations on the examination of temporary disability;

    6.8. submit to management to encourage the best employees and make proposals to impose disciplinary sanctions on persons who violate labor discipline;

    6.9. analyze the results of rehabilitation work and improve it.


    rehabilitation doctor at the medical rehabilitation department

    1. A doctor with special training in rehabilitation and examination is appointed to the position of rehabilitation doctor in the medical rehabilitation department.

    2. A rehabilitation doctor of the medical rehabilitation department is appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the clinic upon the proposal of the head of the department in the prescribed manner.

    3. The rehabilitation doctor is directly subordinate to the head of the medical rehabilitation department and works under his leadership.

    4. The rehabilitation doctor of the medical rehabilitation department in his work is guided by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, the Regulations on the clinic, the Regulations on the medical rehabilitation department, orders and instructions of the chief physician, orders of the deputy chief physician for medical affairs and the head of the department, job description 5. Doctor - a rehabilitator is obliged to:

    5.1. conduct outpatient visits to patients;

    5.2. select patients for medical rehabilitation;

    5.3. for each patient to formulate an individual comprehensive rehabilitation program, determine the sequence of use of means and methods and specific performers of each stage;

    5.4. evaluate the effectiveness of using both individual means and methods for implementing an individual program, and its implementation as a whole, using modern methods for assessing the reserves of body systems;

    5.5. in unclear cases, involve the head of the department and other specialists of the treatment and prevention organization for consultation;

    5.6. carry out explanatory work with patients and their relatives on issues of diet, work, life and health training of systems that ensure the restoration and maintenance of health and ability to work;

    5.7. conduct an examination of temporary disability in the prescribed manner in accordance with the regulations on the examination of temporary disability;

    5.8. together with paramedical workers who directly ensure the implementation of the individual program, outline ways to improve its effectiveness;

    5.9. maintain medical documentation, established accounting and reporting forms in a high-quality and timely manner and draw up reports on their activities;

    5.10. ensure continuity in the conduct of medical rehabilitation between the hospital, clinic and other structural units of the healthcare organization, MREC, VKK;

    5.11. provide advisory and methodological assistance on medical rehabilitation issues to doctors in hospitals and outpatient clinics in the area where the medical rehabilitation department operates;

    5.12. master and introduce into practice new modern methods and means of medical rehabilitation, based on the achievements of science and technology and the best practices of medical and preventive organizations;

    5.13. provide advanced training for nursing staff;

    6. A rehabilitation doctor is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of his official duties, labor and performance discipline, internal regulations, non-compliance with medical ethics and deontology.


    about the physiotherapy room of the city clinic

      The physiotherapy room is part of the medical rehabilitation department. The office is managed by the head, who is appointed and dismissed by the chief physician in the prescribed manner. In their work, employees of the physiotherapy office are guided by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, the Regulations on the clinic, these Regulations, orders and instructions of the chief physician, orders of the deputy chief physician for medical affairs, and job descriptions. The staff of the physiotherapy room is established taking into account the need for providing this type of assistance and in accordance with the standards. The set of premises in a physiotherapy room is determined by current regulatory documents and recommendations of companies that produce this type of equipment. The level of material and technical base of a physiotherapy room is determined by a higher health authority depending on the needs for this type of assistance and economic opportunities. The main tasks of the physiotherapy room are:
    7.1.providing qualified physiotherapeutic care in accordance with medical indications; 7.2. carrying out physioprophylactic and electrodiagnostic measures for patients and certain groups of the population; 7.3. consultations with attending physicians on the most effective choice of physiotherapeutic procedures in each individual case; monitoring the implementation and analysis of errors in the prescription of physiotherapeutic procedures by attending physicians; 7.4. coordination of the activities of physical therapists with doctors from other departments, offices and clinical units; 7.5. ensuring patient safety and safe working conditions for medical personnel; 7.6. compliance with labor and safety regulations; 7.7. introduction into practice of new methods and techniques of physiotherapy; 7.8. promoting the use of physical factors in medical practice; 7.9. organization of events to improve the qualifications of doctors and nursing staff in the field of physiotherapy. 8. In the physiotherapy room, procedural cards and all necessary accounting and reporting documentation are maintained according to approved forms. Methodical recommendations


  • Educational and methodological manual Minsk 2004 udk 616. 15 053. 2: 362. 147

    Educational methodological manual
  • Organization name


    Dental technician

    This job description has been developed in accordance with functional structure organizations and provisions of the Labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

    1. General provisions

    1.1. A dental technician is classified as a specialist.

    1.2. A person with a secondary education is appointed to the position of dental technician.

    medical education in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry” and

    having _______________________ qualification category.

    (II, I, highest)

    1.3. Appointment to the position of dental technician and dismissal from it

    carried out by order of the head of the institution.

    1.4. The dental technician must know:

    Fundamentals of medical dental care;

    Organization of the dental production process


    Fundamentals of the structure and functions of the dentofacial system, biomechanics

    masticatory apparatus;

    Information about major dental diseases;

    Theoretical and clinical foundations of orthopedic treatment;

    Rules for reading diagrams, formulas and sketches of the oral cavity;

    Characteristics of the main and auxiliary materials used

    in denture technology;

    Assortment, labeling, main properties of materials used

    and semi-finished products;

    Purpose and rules for using devices, instruments and

    devices used in the dental laboratory;

    The main clinical stages of dental technology

    (removable, fixed, clasp, maxillofacial prostheses and

    orthodontic) devices;

    Basic principles and methods of melting and casting metal alloys;

    Purpose and requirements for each element and unit in prostheses,

    including intermediate stages of their production;

    Fundamentals of the design of modern dental equipment for

    porcelain firing, muffle furnaces, foundry equipment, devices

    ultrasonic and for light curing, etc.

    Technology of using porcelain and metal ceramics in dental prosthetics

    The reasons leading to marriage, and ways to identify, eliminate,


    Legislation on labor and the Russian Federation;

    Internal labor regulations;

    Rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions,

    industrial sanitation and fire protection;

    - _________________________________________________________________.

    1.5. The dental technician reports directly to


    1.6. ______________________________________________________________.

    2. Job responsibilities

    Dental technician:

    2.1. Prepares dental equipment and

    equipping the dental laboratory for work, monitoring the serviceability,

    correct operation.

    2.2. Independently produces various types of artificial

    crowns, including metal ceramics; simple designs of pin teeth;

    designs of bridges; removable laminar dentures; clasp

    dentures; corresponding to orthodontic and maxillofacial programs


    2.3. Evaluates casts (impressions) and receives appropriate

    working models from various materials.

    2.4. Manufactures individual spoons, wax bases with

    occlusal ridges and installs artificial teeth.

    2.5. Creates elements, nodes and details of dentofacial structures from wax

    prostheses, orthodontic devices.

    2.6. Replaces the wax composition with plastic or

    metal alloy.

    2.7. Performs stamping of stainless steel and other prostheses


    2.8. Conducts soldering, alloying, roasting, bleaching, finishing,

    polishing of parts, prostheses and devices, etc.

    2.9. Conducts aseptic processing of casts and prostheses.

    2.10. Complies with labor protection and safety requirements,

    occupational health, fire safety during the operation of premises,

    equipment and apparatus used in dental practice.

    2.11. Prepares the medical certificate established by the health authorities


    2.12. Receives, stores, records use

    medicines, dental materials, instruments.

    2.13. Prepares requests for dental materials.

    2.14. Complies with moral and legal standards of professional communication,

    fulfills the requirements of labor discipline.

    2.15. Conducts sanitary education work.

    2.16. Regularly improves skills.

    2.17. Provides first aid in emergency situations.

    2.18. _____________________________________________________________.

    A dental technician has the right:

    3.1. Obtain the information necessary for quality performance

    functional responsibilities.

    3.2. Make proposals to management for quality improvement

    dental care for the population, improvement of labor organization.

    3.3. Give orders to junior medical staff

    dental laboratory, control the volume and quality of work performed

    their work, monitor the work of the repair technician

    hardware and equipment.

    3.4. Take part in meetings, conferences, sections,

    which discuss issues related to professional


    3.5. Improve your qualifications and get certified for assignment

    3.6. ______________________________________________________________.

    4. Responsibility

    The dental technician is responsible for:

    4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill their duties

    duties provided for in this job description - in

    within the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

    4.2. For offenses committed in the course of exercising their

    activities - within the current administrative, criminal and

    civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits specified

    current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation


    4.4. ______________________________________________________________.

    I have read the Job Description:


    (Last name of I.O., signature of the employee assigned to this position)


    (Last name of I.O., signature of the employee assigned to this position)


    (Last name of I.O., signature of the employee assigned to this position)


    (Last name of I.O., signature of the employee assigned to this position)