Bubnovsky exercises for coxarthrosis at home. Doctor Bubnovsky’s technique: exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joints

The hip joint, like any joint in the human body, is subject to various diseases. According to statistics, the most annoying thing for patients is arthrosis or coxarthrosis. To treat this disease, you can use Bubnovsky exercises for the hip joint. They are specially designed taking into account anatomical features hip joint and will help improve tissue trophism, thereby preventing destructive changes in the cartilage and bone tissue itself.

Sergey Bubnovsky is a leading specialist in kinesiotherapy - treatment using movements. The fate of this man is not easy. He was seriously injured during an accident, being very young, he suffered clinical death and for more than two decades was forced to walk on crutches. Despite all this, he found the strength to receive medical education and build a whole school of medical practitioners.

The doctor is convinced that physical activity is the most common state for humans. It can injure people, but it can also cure diseases. Bubnovsky also accurately cured himself and his patients without writing them prescriptions for expensive medications. The doctor's only weapon against all diseases is physical activity.

Why are exercises necessary?

Coxarthrosis affecting the hip joint is dangerous pathology. Women primarily suffer from this disease, although coxarthrosis also occurs in men. In most cases, one side is affected. With coxarthrosis, the articular elements lose cartilage tissue, which, in turn, contains low level collagen, chondroitin and glucosamine. The joints begin to ache. The elements of the joints are getting closer and closer to each other, aching, and soon the head of the bone and the socket will begin to rub against each other.

Under the pressure of body weight, the cartilage tissue becomes thinner and then disappears altogether, the joints lose their smoothness. With the development of such pathological changes the joint quickly deforms and its shock absorption is impaired. Patients suffer from severe pain, with which they come to see the doctor.

IMPORTANT! If treatment is not started and arthrosis of the hip joint develops, ankylosis may develop - complete immobilization.

In most cases, arthrosis of the hip joint occurs in athletes, fat people and patients with high workload hip joint. But this does not mean that arthrosis does not occur in other patients. Quite often it becomes a consequence metabolic disorders, endocrine diseases. Arthrosis can also be a consequence of injury.

For any etiology of the disease, treatment of coxarthrosis cannot be delayed. At the initial stage of the disease, in order to save yourself from the progression of the pathology, you can even be treated at home. At the same time, Bubnovsky’s exercises are simple and can be performed by patients independently.

Treatment of coxarthrosis using the Bubnovsky method is possible for patients of all ages. The doctor himself gives the following recommendations Before you start mastering his technique:

  • During exercises, it is important to monitor respiratory activity– inhalation and exhalation should be smooth and deep. With the right ratio breathing movements a person will quickly saturate his blood with oxygen, which will spread to every cell, providing joint elements;
  • When performing the technique, it is very important to listen to your own body and correctly interpret its signals. If when executing certain actions if a person experiences discomfort, pain, dizziness or shortness of breath, or arthrosis has worsened, then the exercises must be stopped. Special attention it is recommended to pay attention to cardiac activity and listen to the work of this organ;
  • The key idea of ​​the technique is to perform exercises with gradual complication, however, this technique is excluded at the first stage of rehabilitation. Therefore, when mastering the elements of physical education, you need not to feel sorry for yourself, but to gradually add the number of repetitions, making the load per level greater than it was before. However, such advice does not apply initial stage. Here the load should be measured and uniform, because the patient’s body is just getting involved in doing the exercises;
  • When performing sets of exercises, you should not increase the load through force. The main thing for the patient is not to overcome himself, but to help the body recover, so it is necessary to strictly ensure that all exercises are performed easily and with pleasure. Charging should not be painful;
  • One of the main points in performing exercises is systematicity. Only then will gymnastics bring positive result, if patients perform exercises daily. Otherwise, Bubnovsky’s technique, which patients will remember from time to time, will not give the expected results. Certainly, positive effect will not appear immediately, because musculoskeletal system quite conservative and force her to change, even if better side, it can be difficult, but with systematic implementation of all goals you can achieve;
  • If physical exercise leave behind cramps in the leg muscles, then remove discomfort possible with lung help massage the calf area, but you should not stop the exercises. Minor cramps are a completely normal manifestation of physical activity;
  • when working on the hip joint, one should not forget about the knee and ankle joints. They should also be involved in Bubnovsky exercises.

The most important thing that patients need during treatment using the Bubnovsky method is to be patient and positive emotions to go through the entire long journey of treatment without obstacles and gain health. Physical education treatment according to Bubnovsky can be seen on the Internet. There are videos of doctors treating patients with coxarthrosis.

Exercises for coxarthrosis

Exercises for arthrosis of the hip joint are performed in supine position. To achieve the goal they must be regular. Dr. Bubnovsky suggests that patients perform the following set of movements.

Exercises should not bring discomfort when performing them.

The first exercise is performed lying on your back, and the leg should be bent at the knee. It is straightened at chest level, since high lifts in this case can provoke joint pain. Hold this position for at least four to five seconds. Smoothly, holding the leg with your hands, return it to its original position, and then perform the same actions with the second leg.

The next exercise is also performed in a lying position, in the starting position the legs are straightened and lie flat on the floor. When performing movements, you need to lift your leg without bending the knee, and then slowly bring it up as far as possible. The same elements of gymnastics are done with the second limb.

The knee extension exercise is also performed while lying on the floor. In the starting position, the legs are straightened and spread out. The patient needs to bend both legs in knee joint, and then try to spread your knees to their maximum width, resting your foot on the floor.

When lying down, place your hands so that your palms are pressed tightly to the floor surface. It is recommended to bend your legs at the knees.

ADVICE. Visually, it is necessary to imagine that there is some object attached to the leg in the foot area that needs to be thrown off, pushed out.

To do this, patients must raise their leg at the knee and straighten it as if pushing with their leg. As a result, the leg should be straightened as much as possible. Next, the limb returns to its original position and the same is done with the second leg.

In the same position on your back, you need to bend your lower limbs at the knees, bringing them slightly towards the body, and tilt your knees to the sides. In this case, the pelvic part of the skeleton should be pressed as tightly as possible to the floor and remain motionless. It is ideal if patients manage to touch their knees to the floor during the exercise, but such movements must be done without pain.

In the starting position, patients should bend their knees. With a deep, calm and measured inhalation, the knees must be raised, and as you exhale, lowered. The exercise should not be done with effort or quickly. Best effect will give slow and measured movements.

The final part of the exercises is complete relaxation of the legs on the floor surface. IN in this case the head will become active. They lift her off the floor and bend her whole body towards her knees, trying to touch her kneecaps with her forehead.

These exercises will help patients with coxarthrosis, which has just been discovered and is at a stage when it is still possible to help patients recover from arthrosis conservatively.

After endoprosthetics

If a person comes to the clinic at a late stage of development of the pathology and it is not possible to save a joint damaged by arthrosis, he undergoes surgery - joint replacement is recommended. Joint endoprosthetics – surgery, in which the destroyed part of the articular joint is replaced metal structure which will serve the patient for many years.

Doctor Bubnovsky has special techniques, allowing to restore the patient’s health after endoprosthetics. After all, surgery is not a reason to spend time in bed. Patients with artificial joint, on the contrary, they should include the joint in the complex of movements as actively as possible - this way the activity will accelerate the metabolism in the operating area and, during the recovery process, the cells of the hip joint will receive more nutrients and oxygen, which will be taken into the injured area. In this case, not only will the wounds on the surface of the skin heal faster, but the implant and your own bone tissue will also grow together.

In case of pain after surgery, movements will be aimed not so much at a quantitative indicator, but rather at a qualitative one. Dr. Bubnovsky recommends just two exercises with maximum effectiveness that will help patients recover after surgery.

All exercises are done to the maximum, but without effort and pain.

The first exercise is done at home, after leaving the clinic. The patient needs to sit on a chair with a back and bend the body towards the lower limbs. Ideally, you need to reach with your toes, but if this doesn’t work out, then you shouldn’t be upset - most patients do this exercise the worst, and the ability to touch their feet develops approximately in the second week of classes, when the muscles and ligaments are still warmed up.

The second exercise is performed on the same chair. The patient needs to sit on a chair and swing the operated limb in different sides. At the initial stage, the swings will be quite modest and more reminiscent of swinging a leg, but as they develop lower limb You can achieve a solid amplitude. This must be done without compromising your health.

Such therapy according to Bubnovsky during the rehabilitation of postoperative patients makes it possible to relieve pain in the joint, improve the elasticity of the ligaments and activate blood circulation in the joint.

When treating coxarthrosis, Dr. Bubnovsky strongly recommends changing the diet of patients who are recovering from coxarthrosis. The simplest thing a person can do is to add substances that are good for joints to their diet. Cartilage tissue simply requires grains, coarsely ground initially.

ADVICE. If there is a deficiency of minerals and phosphorus, they can be replenished with offal and seafood.

For recovery to be as successful as possible, the patient needs to refuse bakery products. If it is not easy to get rid of such habits, you need to replace regular white or black bread with bread made from bran flour. Also don't cook semolina porridge and cook the peeled cereals. Instead, pearl barley, buckwheat and oatmeal, which contain a lot useful vitamins and microelements that are necessary for joint articulation.

To stop destructive processes V cartilage tissue, be sure to include dairy products in your diet. They contain quite a lot of calcium, so they saturate the entire body with this element. But meat products, rich broths and smoked products will have to be excluded from the diet. Mushroom or vegetable broths can be substitutes for meat broths.

Dr. Bubnovsky gives clear recommendations on the consumption of salt and sugar. Salt, as everyone knows, retains water in the body, so if pathology develops, this can cause swelling. As for sugar, the doctor advises replacing it with honey. The diet of patients should be replenished with new green salads; they can be seasoned a small amount olive oil.

If you apply all the advice of Sergei Bubnovsky, the lives of patients with coxarthrosis will improve. Gradually replaced aching joint full articulation will come, allowing you to move the hip joint without restrictions.

The treatment method developed by Dr. Bubnovsky - exercises for the hip joint - is the most effective for patients with. The disease begins completely unnoticed by a person. The articular cartilage is gradually depleted, at first this does not affect health, but gradually its shock-absorbing properties are lost. And, as a result, they begin in the hip joint hazardous processes- marginal bone growths.

Bubnovsky's method is the most reliable and best way which will prevent the disease from progressing. This unique doctor developed a magical, without exaggeration, method that restored efficiency and the ability to move and enjoy every step of many patients.

The developed system, which includes therapeutic exercises, is based on examination of many patients. Based on all the nuances of therapy for many people, Bubnovsky created, at first glance, a simple but very effective program.

A set of exercises for the hip joints

So, with coxarthrosis of the hip joint, you need to make it a rule to do light exercises every day, but effective exercises which are performed lying down.

  1. On the back: legs bent. Take turns trying to pull one and then the other leg to your chest, clasping your knees with your hands. The goal is to be able to hold the position for 3-4 seconds. Smoothly place your legs using your hands to the starting position.
  2. On the back: legs extended. Raise one or the other at a distance of 20-30 cm from the floor. The task is to be able to hold your legs without bending.
  3. On the back: legs bent. Spread your knees to the sides. Task: try to separate as much as possible.
  4. On the back: legs are bent, arms are relaxed in such a position that the hands are palms down. Then an action is performed that looks like a person using his foot to push a heavy object away from himself. Task: extend the leg completely, pull the toe towards you and return to the starting position.
  5. On the back: legs bent and spread apart. Bend one leg, then the other, without straightening it inward. Task: be able to keep your pelvis motionless, try to touch the floor with your knee.
  6. On the back: legs bent and brought together. Raise and lower them synchronously. Task: monitor your breathing, lowering your legs - exhale, lifting - inhale air.
  7. Bubnovsky exercises for the hip joint end on the back: legs are bent. Raising your head from the floor, at the same time you need to try to reach it with your knees.

After endoprosthetics

Afterwards, the function is well restored by exercises that are performed from different positions.

  1. Sitting on a chair: lean down. Task: reach your toes with your hands.
  2. Standing. You can hold on to the back of a chair: take turns swinging your legs back and forth. To the sides.

Bubnovsky’s technique affects not only the musculoskeletal structures, but also the pelvic organs.

Even after hip replacement:

  • pain is felt significantly less;
  • blood circulation in the affected area noticeably improves;
  • the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus increases.

  1. For coxarthrosis of the hip joint, pay attention not only to exercise, but also to proper breathing. The fact is that correct inhalations and exhalations during exercise enrich the body with oxygen.
  2. Learn to understand your feelings so that you can stop in time if you feel discomfort due to stress.
  3. The intensity of the first classes and each subsequent one should be distributed. The load and the number of exercises at the beginning should not be too active, so as not to provoke a new outbreak of the disease. But gradually the load must increase every day.
  4. To get a decent result, don’t torture yourself. Bubnovsky's technique is based on cyclical exercises. What we mean here is that one movement can be repeated either 10 or 20 times. The amount depends on whether the person experiences joy and satisfaction from exercise. Or he does them, gritting his teeth in pain. Bubnovsky’s gymnastics are designed only for recovery and pleasure from exercise.
  5. Make it a rule to do all your exercises regularly. If the joints are not actively exposed to positive physical influence every day, there can be no talk of any recovery. And it should be understood that the effect of the exercises does not come immediately - it takes time, even several months, but the result will please the patient.
  6. Do not be afraid of the body reacting during exercise, such as cramps. There are various methods getting rid of muscle contractions. For example, a light massage. It is advisable to reduce the load for a while, but not stop exercising.
  7. Perform all the exercises while lying down, gradually adding to the work not only the hip, but ankle, knee and other joints, following the instructions of the developed exercises.
  8. Without good mood and faith in victory over the disease, the effect will not be as good as the person wants. Just as any undertaking is not complete without the desire to achieve results, arthrosis of the hip joint can be defeated with the help of healing exercises. To make it more fun, you need to choose the appropriate music.

Doctor Bubnovsky is confident that if you follow all his instructions and wishes, do not spare the time that will be spent not only on gymnastics, but also on recovery, a happy time will definitely come, which is called health.

Every person has enormous potential, and therefore he will definitely cope with coxarthrosis of the hip joint.

Hello, dear guests! Unpleasant sensations and unwanted, but frequent visitors in the body after 40-45 years (it happens earlier).

One of these problems is. This pathology occurs when blood flow is disrupted and metabolic processes in the joint. My mother recently had such a problem, and you know what helped her - gymnastics for coxarthrosis of the hip joint.

Used to treat the disease integrated approach And vital role devoted to physical therapy.

  1. Stiffness in movements.
  2. Lameness.
  3. Painful sensations not only when moving, but also at rest.
  4. Different lengths of the lower limbs.

Causes of coxarthrosis

Now let's look at the causes of this disease.

Here are some of them:

  1. Circulatory disorders.
  2. Injuries.
  3. Heavy loads on the joint.
  4. Obesity.
  5. Genetic predisposition.
  6. Problems with hormonal levels.

A common cause is a sedentary lifestyle, which causes great harm to your body.

The habit of moving little contributes to the disruption of the processes of tissue nutrition with useful components.

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms It’s worth starting to use physical therapy. The disease can also cause scoliosis, overweight and flat feet.

Gymnastics for coxarthrosis

IN in good condition the hip joint should look like a hinge. At the same time, the smoothness of movements is due to special lubricant.

But when pathology appears, its composition and quality deteriorate. In this case, the bones touch each other, which contributes to the thinning of the cartilage and deformation.

Bone friction and lack of sufficient quantity lubrication causes severe pain that occurs when moving.

For treatment, it is necessary to include special gymnastics in the daily routine.

But there are certain contraindications for exercise:

  1. Leg fractures.
  2. Hemorrhages.
  3. Malignant neoplasms.
  4. Problems with cerebral circulation.
  5. Pre-infarction condition.

Joint gymnastics requires mandatory adherence to certain rules:

  1. Do the exercises in the morning.
  2. Avoid sudden movements.
  3. Before and after exercise, massage problem areas using circular motions.
  4. At the end of the complex, you can take a warm bath, which will relax your muscles.
  5. Whenever pain exercise must be stopped.
  6. You need to exercise regularly.

An excellent solution is swimming and water treatments. When compiling a complex, you need to take into account the stage of the disease.

It could be - or .
Remember that strong and sudden movements, as well as performing gymnastics through force, will bring more pain than good.

A set of exercises for the first manifestations of the disease

At stages 1 and 2, it is easier to get rid of the disease.

Exercises that stimulate joint mobility are especially indicated.
The initial degree of joint damage by coxarthrosis is cured by therapeutic movements that stimulate motor activity and eliminating pain symptoms.

First, do 3-5 times, and then increase the repetitions to 10. There may be slight pain when doing this.

Perform a simple complex:

  1. Place your arms close to your body and straighten your legs. Raise your arms as you inhale, and lower them as you exhale.
  2. From the starting position, standing, bend your arms and straighten them at the elbows.
  3. Smoothly swing your leg with your hand, you can lean on a wall or chair.
  4. Rise up onto your toes and smoothly step onto your heel.
  5. Lie down on the floor. Bend the knee of the affected leg, straighten it and hold for a few seconds.
  6. Lying on the floor, grab your leg under your knee and pull it closer to your stomach. In this case, the second leg should lie firmly on the floor.
  7. Bend your legs and place the soles of your feet firmly on the floor. Tighten your buttocks and lift your pelvis.
  8. Straighten your legs and rotate them inward, and then to their original position.
  9. Simulate riding a bike.

Exercises for advanced stages of coxarthrosis

How to perform exercises in the severe stage of coxarthrosis can be seen in the video.

The complex consists of the following movements:

  1. Lie on your stomach. Your hands can be placed under your head or along your torso. Place a small cushion under your ankles. Relax and perform rolls on your stomach. If pain occurs, the amplitude can be reduced. Do the exercise for 10 minutes. Better 2-3 times a day.
  2. Place the cushion under your knees and turn your outstretched legs in and out.
  3. Sit on a chair and spread your knees shoulder-width apart. Feet should be firmly on the floor. In a relaxed state, slowly bring your knees in and out.
  4. Place your healthy leg on a hill, and hang your affected leg down and swing it in different directions.

Treatment with gymnastics according to Bubnovsky

Dr. Bubnovsky’s gymnastics will help prevent surgery. The complex involves treating joints using movements.

The doctor suggests doing the following exercises:

  1. Take a knee-elbow position. As you inhale, arch your back, and as you inhale, arch your back. This will allow you to relax your back.
  2. Place your knees and elbows on the floor. From this position, stretch forward, but do not bend in the lumbar region.
  3. In a position on your side, swing and slowly lift your foot.
  4. Lie on the floor and bend your knees one at a time and then straighten them.
  5. Bend your knees in a lying position and reach them with your elbows.

Perform each action 10-30 times.

Doctor Gitt complex

Doctor V.D. Gitt specializes in coxarthrosis. Many patients use Gitta exercises in practice, which can significantly improve their condition.

It is based on micro-movement techniques, which allow you to gradually restore the joint and normalize blood circulation.

No special equipment is required for training.

  • To make the first movement, lie down on a flat surface and place a cushion under your knees. Make micromovements with your feet, imitating the movements of an antique watch.

The gentle amplitude protects against pain syndrome. Movement provides the necessary blood circulation and supply of tissues with nutritional components.

  • The second exercise consists of swaying your hips. In this case, you need to lie on your stomach and put a cushion under your feet.
    While sitting on a chair, place your foot on your toes and then lower it. Legs need to be alternated. First, the heel can be torn off a centimeter, and then the distance can be increased.

Treatment with gymnastics according to Evdokimenko

Doctor P.V. Evdokimenko also offers, which is effective for coxarthrosis.

There are exercises that are done on the back:

  1. Raise your legs one at a time and hold them at the top for 35 seconds. After performing, pause and relax, and then repeat 10 more times.
  2. Raise your legs at an angle of 15 degrees and swing your legs to the sides.
  3. Bend your legs and lift your pelvis as high as possible.

There is also an exercise that can be done while lying on your stomach. Bend your legs one at a time and keep them suspended.

On your side, perform the following movements:

  1. Raise your leg at a 45-degree angle and hold it for half a minute. Then lie on the other side and repeat the movement.
  2. Do the previous exercise, but add foot rotations to the inside and outside.

Here are exercises you can do while sitting on the floor:

  1. Straighten your legs and reach thumb. You must remain in this position for two minutes.
  2. Reach the foot with the sore joint and pull it towards you.

You can do gymnastics while sitting on a chair:

  1. Raise your leg and keep it suspended for half a minute.
  2. Follow massage movements. In this case, you can use an ointment with warming properties.

An important rule is regularity of training.

All presented sets of exercises are effective for coxarthrosis. They help restore mobility hip joints.

However, they can be used after setting accurate diagnosis and after consultation with a specialist. It is better to treat coxarthrosis in combination with other therapeutic appointments.


If your professional activity has limited mobility, then take a break from work and do simple exercises.

Even with a busy schedule, include exercise in your daily routine. Do 30 minutes in the morning, walk more and play sports.
To prevent coxarthrosis of the hip joint, use the following measures:

  • pay more attention to your diet, it should be rational and balanced;
  • take regular walks in the fresh air;
  • give up bad habits;
  • practice qigong, yoga and tai chi, even if the disease has already made itself felt.

Goodbye, dear guests!

Particular attention is paid to physical therapy. Gymnastics for the hip joints according to Bubnovsky - effective method, which consists in activating the body’s reserve capabilities to fight the disease.

Joint- a mobile formation that unites several bones of the skeleton. The articular apparatus unites the bones of the skeleton into a single whole and ensures their smooth movement.

Joints provide smooth movement of the human body in space

Reference. About 180 different joints provide human mobility.

- large articular formations in human body. Formed by the acetabulum pelvic bones and the heads of the femurs.

These elements at the points of contact are covered with cartilage, which smoothes movements, absorbs stress and prevents wear and tear of bone tissue.

The hip joints provide movement: external - internal rotation, flexion - extension, abduction - adduction.

The most loaded joint in the human body

These formations are exposed to enormous stress every day, so pathological processes develop in them most often.

Reference. Lesions of the hip joint take first place among diseases of the articular apparatus.

Diseases affecting this joint formation include coxitis, aseptic necrosis,

The essence of Bubnovsky's technique

In his technique, Bubnovsky uses latest achievements neurology and traumatology. The basis of the method is the implementation of a specific complex that affects certain skeletal areas.

Developed his own method for treating joints

Reference. The task physical therapy is to “revitalize” the joint and encourage it to function.

Treatment of hip joints according to Bubnovsky at home is effective for coxarthrosis and similar ailments.

This therapeutic method is especially effective for early stages illness when conservative methods are used.

Gymnastics does not require training or special skills, but at first it must be performed under the guidance of a doctor, after which you can move on to independent exercise.

To obtain maximum benefit from such therapy, you should: mandatory stick to general recommendations for performing therapeutic exercises:

When performing the exercise, you should follow the recommendations

  1. Breathe correctly- deep and evenly. Correct breathing enriches the blood with oxygen, which in turn nourishes the cells.
  2. Do exercises daily- no passes. The result will not be noticeable immediately, but after some time, perhaps in a couple of months. The only valid reason for not exercising is feeling unwell.
  3. Increase loads gradually- at first you can’t do the exercises for a long time and diligently.
  4. Monitor the body's reaction- if a certain exercise causes discomfort or pain, then it should be performed in a gentle manner, and perhaps even abandoned altogether.
  5. Include exercises in your classes for knee and ankle joints.

After exercise, leg muscle cramps may occur. There is no need to worry about this and refuse treatment, since this is the norm for an organism that is not accustomed to stress.

Cramps can be eliminated with a light massage. As you continue to exercise, the cramps stop appearing.

Main complex

Bubnovsky exercises for the hip joints are done while lying on your back.

Important! There is no need to apply excessive force; movements should be gentle.

Universal exercises that are suitable for coxarthrosis with different types of progression pathological process, are:

  1. Lying on your back, bend your knees. Try to touch your knees with your head. Do not lift your feet off the floor.
  2. Lie on your back, straighten your legs. Raise one slowly to an angle of 45-60, without bending the knee. Then also lower it to the floor. Repeat with the other leg.
  3. In the same position, bend your legs. Keep your knees as wide apart as possible. The distance between the knees should increase slightly every day.
  4. Lie on your back, bend your leg and clasp it with your arms. Pull it to your chest so that your knee rests on it. Hold for 4 seconds. If you couldn’t hold out the time right away, then you shouldn’t abuse your body. You just need to slowly approach this indicator every day. Next, use your hands to gently lower your leg to the floor. Do the same manipulations with the other leg.
  5. Take the starting position, bend your knees. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees to the side one by one. You should strive to touch the floor with them.
  6. Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your arms along your body. Extend each leg in turn, as if overcoming resistance. Then return your feet to the floor in the same way.

The main set of exercises for the hip joints is performed lying on your back

This kind of gymnastics is not at all difficult, however, at first many patients find it difficult to do the exercises.

There's no need to rush here. Constant practice will bear fruit, you just have to be patient.


Man is not yet fully aware of the capabilities of his body. Sometimes even the simplest physical therapy can work wonders. An example of this is Bubnovsky himself, who, after a car accident, being written off from full life, was able to recover using his technique and help other people.

– a degenerative process in the hip joints, characterized by thinning of the cartilage and its deformation, proliferation of osteophytes and motor dysfunction joint This pathology is treated comprehensively, and among therapeutic techniques big role physical therapy plays a role. Exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint are designed to restore movement in the joint, relieve and return the muscles to a physiological state.

Specifics of physical education for coxarthrosis

  1. Exercises for coxarthrosis are static and do not involve load articular axis. In general, heavy loads with sudden movements are contraindicated in patients with this disease in order to avoid aggravation of pathological manifestations. Exercises that deliver sharp pain when executed, cannot be done.
  2. Before starting, a light massage of the thigh muscles is recommended, as well as after the end of the lesson - this warms up the muscles, stimulates blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on recovery. Unpleasant sensations during gymnastics are also relieved by massage.
  3. A set of exercises for the joint with coxarthrosis is supplemented by swimming, if general condition the patient allows.
  4. It is advisable for the patient to select exercises with the attending physician, taking into account the severity of the manifestations and the stage of development of coxarthrosis.
  5. You need to do exercises regularly, preferably daily, at a comfortable, smooth pace.

A set of exercises for patients with the initial stage of coxarthrosis

A minor degree (or) of joint damage by coxarthrosis is corrected by exercises that stimulate mobility and relieve symptoms.

The movements need to be performed an average of 3-5 times, gradually increasing repetitions to 10. The final position is fixed for several seconds. Mild pain during classes - this is the norm. Breathing is not held during execution.

Lying on your back:

  1. Both arms are lowered and pressed to the body, legs are straightened. With inhalation, the arms rise, with exhalation, they lower. Repeat smoothly six to eight times.
  2. Both arms are lowered and pressed to the body, legs are straightened. The arms smoothly bend and extend at the elbow.
  3. Bend the knee of the affected leg, extend the leg and hold for a few seconds. The bent leg can be held with the opposite hand.
  4. Grasp your leg under the knee with both hands and pull it close to your stomach. At this time, the other leg lies firmly on the floor.
  5. Bend your knees and place the soles of your feet firmly on the floor. Tighten your buttock muscles and raise your pelvis as high as possible.
  6. Straighten your legs, turn inward, then return to their original state - do eight repetitions.
  7. Place your hands on your waist, 10-15 seconds. use your feet to imitate riding a bicycle, smoothly and slowly.

Lying on your side:

  1. Lean on the elbow and palm of the healthy side, stretch and lift the affected leg, the sole of the foot should be at a right angle to the shin.
  2. Lie down on healthy side on your side, rest your head on your arm bent at the elbow. Raise the leg with the sore joint, abduct it, carefully return it to its original position and relax. A total of 8 repetitions.

Lying on your stomach:

  1. Raise your leg bent at a right angle. Hold it for a while.
  2. Place your hands in front of you. Tighten your pelvic muscles for a few seconds, then relax.
  3. Place your hands on your hips and begin to lift your head and shoulders and hold them for a few seconds. Lower, after a pause of two seconds, repeat five more times.
  4. Place both hands in front of you. Raising your head and shoulders, perform three swings with both hands, similar to breaststroke swimming - 6 repetitions.

Sitting on a chair:

  1. Your feet should be pressed firmly to the floor. Connect your knees and feet with your heels turned outward.
  2. Squeeze a pillow or ball held in your knees.

  1. Stand on your healthy leg, resting your hand on a wall or the back of a chair. Make several leisurely swings with the affected leg, the amplitude of which is determined by the presence of pain.
  2. Standing in the same position, smoothly draw a circle in the air with your feet - 8 repetitions.
  3. Stand on both legs, supporting yourself with your hands on a chair. Perform a half squat and straighten up. Repeat the exercise slowly 10 times.
  4. Rise and fall from toes to heel - 10 repetitions.

In case severe pain the given complex is replaced by physical exercises for aggravated stages (,) of coxarthrosis.

Exercises for severe coxarthrosis

In severe stages of the disease, it is also necessary to perform the following exercises:

  • lying on your stomach, arms are extended along the body or placed under the head. A low cushion is placed under the ankle. In the most relaxed state, do several rolls on your stomach, slightly swaying your hips to the sides. If pain occurs, reduce range of motion. The exercise must be repeated for 10 minutes, at least three times a day, before meals. For weakened patients, it is recommended to start with 3-5 minutes, no more than twice a day. After strengthening the condition, bring the implementation to the recommended volume;
  • place a cushion under your knees. Lying on your stomach, turn your outstretched legs outward and inward, in turn. The range of movements should not be more than 10 cm;

  • Place your foot in a fabric loop suspended at a height of 25 cm above the bed. The loop should intercept the middle of the shin. Bend your leg at the knee joint with a small amplitude, swing your relaxed leg to the sides. The exercise can be done by weakened patients who are unable to sit, get out of bed, or perform gymnastics on the floor;
  • sitting on a chair, spread your knees shoulder-width apart, place your feet firmly on the floor. The knees in a relaxed position begin to smoothly bring and spread, with a small range of movements;
  • stand with your healthy leg on a slight elevation. Dangle the leg affected by coxarthrosis down, swinging it back and forth and to the sides. The exercise is performed with hand support, up to 10 minutes, two to three times a day. Normally there should be no pain.

Treatment with gymnastics according to Bubnovsky

Professor S. M. Bubnovsky has developed an effective one that allows one to avoid surgery and restore quality of life. The technique is known under the term “kinesitherapy” and is based on the treatment of joints with movement.

The complex includes the following exercises:

  1. Get into a knee-elbow position. As you inhale, slowly arch your back, while exhaling, bend your back. Exercise relaxes your back.
  2. Leaning on your palms and knees, stretch forward, without bending in the lumbar region. Return to previous position.
  3. Leaning on your elbows, exhale and lower yourself to the floor. Straighten your arms on the next exhalation, lowering your buttocks to your heels.
  4. Change position - roll over and lie on your back, as for pumping your abdominal muscles. Reach your elbows to your knees. In the same position, raise the pelvis as high as possible.

10-30 repetitions are performed, if possible, taking into account the general condition.

Treatment with gymnastics according to Evdokimenko

Rheumatologist P. V. Evdokimenko offers a set of 11 exercises that are effective for the rehabilitation of the hip joint affected by second-degree coxarthrosis:

Lying on your back:

  1. Raise each leg in turn and keep it raised for 35 seconds. After the first execution, pause and relax, then perform another 10 repetitions.
  2. Raise your legs at an angle of 15 degrees, swing to the sides with both legs at the same time.
  3. Bend both legs and raise your pelvis as high as possible.

Lying on your stomach. Bend your legs one at a time at a right angle, keeping them suspended.

Lying on your side:

  1. Raise your leg at an angle of 45 degrees and hold for half a minute. Roll over to the other side and repeat.
  2. Perform the previous exercise, adding rotations of the feet to the outside and inside.

Sitting on the floor:

  1. Stretch your legs. Reach your big toe, remaining there for about two minutes. One execution is enough.
  2. Lean your back against the wall, spreading both legs as wide as possible, bending the affected leg at a right angle.
  3. Reach the foot with the affected joint and pull it towards you.

Sitting on a chair:

  1. Keep your raised leg suspended for half a minute.
  2. Finally, perform low-intensity massage rubbing, as well as stroking the legs with ointment, with.

Sets of physical therapy exercises for coxarthrosis restore mobility to the hip joint and stimulate its recovery, and it is recommended to use them with other therapeutic purposes and under the supervision of a specialist.