How quickly synechiae develops in women. Doctor Komarovsky about synechia in girls

There is not much information on the Internet about synechia, or sticking together of the labia minora in girls: several video programs, reviews from parents on the forum, a few articles. We will try to give brief information about this physiological state, which can occur in girls and go away on its own at the age of puberty at about 9-10 years.

To treat or not to treat?

Synechia or fusion (adhesion, fusion) of the labia minora, expressed to varying degrees, is diagnosed in approximately 30% of girls. The peak of the problem occurs between one and two years of age. In little girls, synechiae appears to be a fusion of the labia minora (possibly also the labia minora and labia minora). One can understand the concern of parents who, for the first time in their lives, are faced with such delicate issue. We hasten to reassure you that complete or almost complete fusion of the labia minora in girls does not happen very often, and partial fusion can be treated within two to three weeks.

Dr. Komarovsky is convinced that synechiae should be separated only when urination problems occur, i.e. with complete or almost complete fusion of the labia minora. If a child is bothered by itching in the labia area, discharge, inflammation, obvious difficulty in the outflow of urine (urine comes out in separate portions), the entrance to the vagina is most likely closed and urethra Therefore, urine residues accumulate in an artificial pocket formed by synechiae and secondary inflammation occurs, in which case immediate treatment is necessary.

Fusion of the labia minora in a girl

Anything can happen, mothers of girls often say when they notice that something is wrong “there.”

My friend discovered this in her daughter when she was six months old, she was terribly scared, she had never heard of such a thing.

We started treatment after reading advice and on the Internet. We soaked the pussy several times a day in chamomile decoction, lubricated it with ointments: Methyluracil in the morning, Contractubex or Ovestin (an analogue of natural female hormone) for the night. After a week of persistent efforts, the labia slightly separated. The pediatric gynecologist she contacted told her to continue treatment and apply a cotton swab to the fusion site for a minute. They prescribed hormonal medications plus washing with Saugella (a special liquid soap for intimate hygiene). They explained to my friend that the problem of synechia in girls is quite common. Complete or almost complete fusion of the labia minora may be accompanied by the development inflammatory process in the tissues of the vulva and creates a risk of damage to the internal genital organs and organs of the urinary system. There may be several reasons: low level female sex hormones (estrogens). In some cases, the formation of synechiae in girls is accompanied by metabolic disorders, intestinal diseases, allergic processes and helminthic infestations. To find the causes of labia fusion in a baby pediatric gynecologist ordered a series of tests. The girl was lucky because conservative treatment gave positive results, in severe cases, depending on the severity of the fusion, it is recommended to separate the labia minora mechanically.

Synechiae from poor hygiene is a myth

Synechia in girls has nothing to do with irregular hygiene procedures genitals. Diapers have nothing to do with it either. The cause of synechiae, as mentioned above, is a lack of female sex hormones. Sometimes the cause may be concomitant inflammation (which can also be caused by overheating, since the protective functions mucous membrane), plentiful hygiene and food allergy. Doctors say that there is a direct connection between food allergic reactions and the occurrence of synechiae in a child.

Are hormonal creams used in the treatment of synechiae dangerous for the child?

In case of pronounced fusion of the labia, the presence of an inflammatory process, difficulty urinating, pediatric gynecologists prescribe drug treatment. For external use, estrogen-containing preparations are recommended that loosen the tissue in the area of ​​synechiae and promote their separation. Treatment continues for several weeks according to the regimen. After 2-4 weeks healing cream completely replaced with neutral baby creams. After washing or bathing, the creams prevent re-sticking of the labia minora and recurrence of synechiae in girls.

In order for the treatment of a union in a girl to be effective, it is important to follow the rules for applying the cream.

Estrogen-containing preparations are applied only to the area of ​​synechiae with a clean finger (nails are cut short) strictly along the fusion line. Application of the cream is accompanied soft pressure. Under no circumstances should you try to roughly separate the fused labia minora, so as not to cause the slightest anxiety in the child. When treating a child's genitals, it is necessary to avoid irritation of the clitoral area.

Some parents refuse to use estrogen creams due to concerns about them systemic action on the child's body. Research conducted by Western medical centers, showed that 2-3 monthly use such creams do not lead to the development hormonal disorders and premature sexual development of the child. However, during therapy with estrogen hormonal creams, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the mammary glands (for engorgement) and the external genitalia of the child (for the appearance of hair or hyperpigmentation). This should be done by the doctor who prescribed the treatment. Therapy with estrogen creams can be prescribed in the absence of contraindications. Most doctors believe that this treatment can be used in children over 1 year of age.

To prevent relapses, follow these rules:

  • Avoid products that cause allergic reactions;
  • Wash the girl in the morning, in the evening, after each bowel movement, make sure the perineum is clean and dry;
  • When washing the girl, do not sit her completely in the bathtub (or basin). Wash the genitals very carefully from the labia to the side anus(water temperature +37 o C);
  • Wash the girl’s perineum with a clean hand with short-cut nails;
  • It is better to replace baby soap with intimate hygiene gel;
  • Do not use wet sanitary napkins to wipe the child’s genitals, exclude cosmetic creams and powders, except those recommended by the doctor;
  • Bathing a child in clean water without adding antiseptics, flavorings;
  • Use baths with potassium permanganate, chamomile, St. John's wort and other anti-inflammatory substances as prescribed by a doctor.

Important! If a girl’s synechiae recurs more than once a year, or there is itching, redness or vaginal discharge, pediatric gynecologists recommend taking a bacterial culture or at least a vaginal smear. The main thing is to make sure that there is no threat of recurrence of synechiae in the girl.

Video on the topic

Most parents are not even aware of synechiae of the labia minora in girls. They don’t talk about this in courses for expectant mothers. It is difficult for a mother, even a woman, to determine whether her daughter has synechiae or not.

What do synechiae of the vagina and labia minora look like in girls?

Synechia, simply put, is a fusion. Synechia of the labia minora is the fusion of the labia minora in a girl. Possible fusion of the labia minora with the labia majora. Fusion can be complete or partial.

To examine your daughter for the presence of synechia, you need to :

· wash your hands well with soap

· nails should be cut short

· put the baby on her back

· Gently spread your legs and carefully examine the genitals

Having opened the labia majora, the mother will see that the labia minora are tightly pressed to each other and a film has formed between them. The vagina is not visible at all, or only part of it can be seen. When I try to separate the jaws, nothing happens. This brings pain to the baby and the child begins to cry.

IMPORTANT: With a normal structure of the labia minora, the gap is large, the vagina is clearly visible. The labia minora look like petals and are separate from the labia majora.

Signs of synechia in girls

IMPORTANT: The main sign of the presence of synechia in a girl will be problems with urination. The child will cry and strain. Relief comes only after urination. The situation worsens in the evenings. The baby practically cannot sleep.

Sign, pointing to possible appearance synechiae, there are:

· redness of the baby's genitals, the presence of a small rash

· when washing there may be painful sensations, the girl will cry

· Synechia is also indicated by the fact that when urinating, urine rises in a stream upward, like in boys

· constant leakage of urine, the child went to the potty, but his panties were always wet

Synechia in girls, photo

The first photo shows the normal structure of the genital organs. The second photo clearly shows the complete fusion of the labia minora.

Synechia in infant girls

Almost from the first days of life, girls can have fused labia. It is believed that The cause of this disease is low levels of sex hormones. This should not alarm parents. Since the absence of sex hormones before puberty is the norm.

Up to about 8 years of age, relapses of the disease are possible. As a girl grows up, the genital mucosa becomes less susceptible to external irritants and more dense. And it hardly grows together.

Causes of synechia in girls

The reasons that can provoke synechiae are:

· food allergies in a child to certain foods in the diet of a baby or mother who is breastfeeding

· household allergies can occur to diapers, powder, cream, soap, napkins, oil

· insufficient washing

· washing too often

· use when washing soap

· improper washing

· genitourinary system infections

· hormonal medications taken by the mother while the baby is pregnant

· dysbacteriosis

· worms

In order to find the cause of the formation of synechiae,the specialist will prescribe a series of tests :

· vaginal smears

· blood and urine test

· feces for dysbacteriosis and worm eggs

· scraping for enterobiasis

Breeding synechiae in girls

IMPORTANT: The earlier synechiae are detected, the easier it is to breed them. At the very beginning of the disease, the film is thin and transparent. And when completely fused, it becomes dense, the body perceives the genital gap as a wound, and without surgical intervention it cannot be separated.

· You cannot do this on your own; you can only harm the child. If you suspect synechia, you should seek help from a pediatric gynecologist.

· It is believed that synechiae on initial stage there is no need to touch, but only need to be separated when the fusion brings discomfort to the baby

Treatment of synechiae, dissection of synechiae in girls

· The dissection of synechiae in girls is done by a pediatric gynecologist. This procedure is performed using a scalpel and takes a few seconds. The manipulation is painful and requires special care behind the baby's genitals

· To relieve painful urination and wound healing, it is recommended sitz baths, lotions and antibacterial ointments

IMPORTANT: Dissection does not protect against repeated relapses. The labia minora may grow back together. Parents have the right to refuse this method of treatment, but with complete fusion, when urination is impaired, this is the only way to help the girl.

· give up diapers

· carefully monitor your baby’s personal hygiene

· lubricate with baby cream and vegetable oil labia

· do air baths as often as possible.

How to treat synechiae in girls at home?

Treatment of synechiae at home is possible only with partial and uncomplicated fusion. To do this, use warm sitz baths with the addition of medicinal herbs such as: chamomile, string.

The procedure takes 10 minutes. After this, it is recommended to lubricate the fusion site with sea buckthorn, olive or peach oil. The oil must be clean, without impurities.

IMPORTANT: before use, you must check if your child is allergic to the selected type of oil.

Cream for synechia in girls

· If synechiae progresses and causes discomfort to the baby, a specialist will prescribe special hormonal creams

· They can be used only in strictly specified quantities and once a day. Apply such creams clean index finger, strictly to the adhesion site. The course of treatment is 14 days

· After a course of treatment with hormonal cream, the area of ​​the labia minora is treated with baby cream without fragrances. Apply cream after washing

Ointment for synechia in girls

To improve the effect of using hormonal cream, ointments are prescribed. They are applied to the adhesion zone in the morning, after washing. These ointments include, cream-gel Malavit, .

Does Contractubex help with synechiae in girls?

· Contractubex- This is an anti-scar gel. Used as additional remedy in the treatment of synechiae in girls

· Apply a thin layer to the adhesion site twice a day. If the doctor or parents do not want to use hormonal creams, treatment is only possiblecontractubex

· This method requires more time and patience. Full course treatment is 3 months. At correct use gives its results

Ovestin treatment of synechia in a girl

For successful treatment synechiae, a hormonal cream is prescribed.

Synechia in children - fusion of the labia minora and majora in girls and the head of the penis with the foreskin in boys - occurs quite often. How to understand that a child needs treatment? Can the problem be prevented? What causes the disease? The answers are given in the article.

What are synechiae and what do they look like?

Synechia is a common phenomenon, occurring mainly in children 1-2 years old. The pathology is a sticking together of the labia labia (usually the labia minora, less often – both the labia majora and the labia minora). The fusion is almost always asymptomatic, the baby feels well, so when parents discover an anomaly, they do not know what it is and how to help the baby.

Statistics show that mild or severe pathology occurs in 30% of children. To detect fusion, you do not need to undergo tests - just visual inspection external genitalia. What it should be like if the child is healthy:

  • the labia are easily parted and separated from each other;
  • the gap and the entrance to the vagina are visually visible.

When fusion occurs at the initial stage, there is redness and peeling in the perineal area, then a thin film of grayish-white color forms, gluing the labia. The entrance to the vagina is blocked, which makes urination much more difficult. At 1-2 years the problem reaches its peak. What synechiae look like can be seen schematically in the photo below:

The disease also occurs in boys: foreskin fuses with the head of the penis, resulting in the head being exposed (we recommend reading:). This is not considered a pathology, does not cause discomfort, adhesions resolve on their own at the age of 6-7 years - the foreskin will gradually hide the head.

Causes of pathology of the labia in girls

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The most common cause of labia fusion is congenital pathology due to severe toxicosis of the mother during pregnancy or an infectious disease during pregnancy. However, there are other factors causing the anomaly:

  1. Improper washing and violation of hygiene rules. Healing of delicate skin after trauma to the vulva due to sudden movement or strong pressure can cause adhesions. Frequent washing with soap and rare diaper changes can also cause fusion of the labia.
  2. Infectious lesions - inflammatory diseases urinary tract and mucous membranes. A baby under one year old can become infected during childbirth or through household contact.
  3. Allergy. The rash is often localized on the mucous membrane. It may be provoked food allergens, hygiene products, synthetic clothing, etc.
  4. Infectious diseases and frequent use of antibiotics also cause the appearance of synechiae.
  5. Lack of estrogen. Fusion in a one-year-old baby is sometimes a consequence of hormonal imbalance. Although low hormone levels in infants are normal, they can cause pathology. In such a situation, there is no need for treatment; by the age of 7, the adhesions will disappear.

Most often, synechiae is a congenital pathology

How dangerous is the disease?

If parents discover that a girl has overgrown labia minora or labia majora, the problem must be resolved urgently. An advanced disease is dangerous due to the formation of a closed vaginal cavity, where secretions accumulate, which are a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria and provoke the following conditions:

  • urinary disorders and cystitis;
  • inflammation and infectious diseases genitals;
  • problems with conception, bearing a fetus;
  • high risk development of infertility.

Features of treatment

Synechiae in girls does not necessarily require surgical division. Treatment of a baby at one or two years old, especially at initial stage diseases, can be done at home. Therapy includes careful hygiene, the use of special ointments, baths and observation by a doctor. Treatment methods are chosen by a specialist based on the clinical picture.

Surgical separation

Surgical intervention for the adhesion of the labia is a last resort. Separation and removal of synechiae is carried out in cases where conservative therapy did not give any results. The operation is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia within a few minutes by excision of the adhesion.

The recovery period is painful, to facilitate urination and general condition The child is prescribed painkillers, antibacterial ointments, baths, and lotions. Surgery does not guarantee that the tissue will not grow back.

Baby hygiene

If the labia are fused, but the pathology is at an early stage, the girl’s parents should carry out proper care, which includes careful hygiene so that the adhesive dissolves over time:

  • wash your genitals twice a day, and every time after bowel movements;
  • Do not use soap often, choose a hygiene product without fragrances, paying attention to its acidity (we recommend reading:);
  • antiseptics and creams can only be used as prescribed by a doctor;
  • buy underwear made from natural fabrics and change it daily;
  • Remove the diaper several times a day to allow the skin to “breathe.”

If there are synechiae, parents should take proper care of the baby

Drug therapy at home

Conservative treatment at home is prescribed for minor fusion of the labia. Preparations with estrogen (for example, Colpotrophin) are applied to the synechiae, but healthy areas of the skin should not be affected. The products loosen tissue, destroying adhesions and separating the genitals. Therapy lasts from 2 to 3-4 weeks. The ointment must be applied twice a day and cannot be used unless prescribed by a specialist. At the end of the course of treatment, the doctor should evaluate the results and stop or extend therapy.

In addition to hormonal creams, you can use conventional children's medications: Malavit, Bepanten. They have a calming effect on the skin.


Ovestin cream shows good results in treatment. It helps to painlessly get rid of adhesions due to a lack of estrogen in a child. The therapeutic course with Ovestin lasts 1-3 months. The product is safe, but when reached desired effect use can be stopped early.

How to use the drug? After washing, apply a thin layer to the adhesion site without using cotton buds and discs and without putting pressure on the mucous membrane. Similar action Ornion cream has more cheap analogue Ovestin.


Gel Contractubex

Positive effect in therapy is achieved using Contractubex gel. It affects connective tissue by using active ingredients: allantoin and heparin. They smooth out scars and protect delicate skin.

Contractubex is mixed with Traumeel S in equal proportions and carefully applied to problem area- similar to using Ovestin. The results before and after therapy become noticeable already in the middle of the treatment course.

Folk remedies

Treatment of labia adhesion in a child can be carried out at home using folk recipes:

  1. An effective remedy is calendula oil. It has regenerating, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. It is recommended to apply twice a day after washing the child.
  2. An infusion of chamomile, calendula and acacia flowers will relieve swelling if it is painful for a girl to go to the toilet (more details in the article:). The baby is placed in a bowl of broth for 10 minutes - the bath relaxes the muscles and reduces swelling.
  3. To wash children, it is recommended to use decoctions of nettle and St. John's wort. After manipulation, the genitals are lubricated sea ​​buckthorn oil in the affected area. It is important not to overdo it with hygiene - this leads to injury, and during the healing process, tissues re-stick together.

In severe cases, phytoestrogens are used - medicinal herbs With hormonal effect(raspberry leaves, red brush, hog queen). After preparing the decoction, problem areas are wiped with it.

Prevention of fusion of the labia in a child

In the prevention of synechiae important role hygiene plays a role. You need to wash your baby correctly:

  • use warm, preferably running water;
  • Before the procedure, you must wash your hands;
  • the anus and genitals must be washed with different hands to avoid bacteria and infection;
  • the stream of water should go from front to back, heading from the vagina to the anus.

For hygiene you need to use special means, intended for children. It is important that they have a neutral pH; they may contain trace elements. It is worth paying attention to additional components - they can cause allergies.

The baby should always keep the external genitalia clean and dry.

After treating fused labia, it is important to ensure that there is no relapse. Parents should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • at infant you need to change diapers regularly, keep your skin clean and dry;
  • leave the baby without diapers for a while every day;
  • spread the labia with each wash;
  • Apply ointments with estrogen once every few weeks;
  • At the first symptoms of inflammation, consult a doctor.

Synechiae are common, but you should not be afraid of them. To prevent pathology, it is enough to follow the rules of child care. Regular examination will allow you to detect the disease at an early stage.

Last article updated: 04/09/2018

This article will focus on one of the most common problems in both adult women and girls, as well as boys: synechiae. How to treat synechiae in girls and is there a way to prevent synechiae? The answers to these questions, as well as useful recommendations Read on for specialists.

Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive specialist

Synechia is an adhesion, fusion of tissues with each other, when connective tissue cords form between them.

In gynecology there are synechiae: intrauterine, in fallopian tubes, labia minora and labia majora in girls. Boys have synechiae of the penis.

The presence of intrauterine synechiae in women is called Asherman's syndrome. This pathology is often found in women reproductive age and is a fairly important problem, as it often leads to infertility and miscarriage.


The reasons for the development of intrauterine, as well as synechiae in the cervical canal, are most often mechanical damage the inner layer of the endometrium as a result of curettage.

This procedure is carried out in case of various pathological formations uterine cavity (polyps, hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, non-developing pregnancy). Curettage is also possible when surgical intervention (C-section), with metroplasty due to a malformation of the uterus.

In addition, intrauterine synechia develops as a result of inflammatory processes of the endometrium (endometritis). Its occurrence is facilitated by sexually transmitted infections, intrauterine devices, their long-term use, tuberculosis of the genital organs, and multiple abortions.

As mentioned above, intrauterine synechiae, or Asherman's syndrome, is represented by connective tissue cords that fill the uterine cavity throughout or partially. The clinical manifestations of this syndrome will depend on this.

If the synechiae in the uterine cavity are tender, thin, then clinical manifestations may often be absent, and if they are coarse and fill the entire uterine cavity, then Asherman's syndrome will manifest itself as disorders menstrual cycle(painful periods, decrease or complete absence menstrual flow, as well as accumulation in the uterine cavity due to the inability to defecate, miscarriage, infertility).

Synechiae in the cervical canal and intrauterine ones are diagnosed when ultrasound examination on a certain day of the menstrual cycle and require additional medical intervention, namely hysteroscopy, during which they are dissected.


Highlight 5 degrees of severity of this adhesive process in the uterine cavity:

  1. Tender thin synechiae of the uterine cavity that are easily destroyed medical instrument, free openings of the fallopian tubes.
  2. When a single dense adhesion is found in the uterine cavity, but it is easily destroyed by the hysteroscope tube, at this degree the mouths of the fallopian tubes also remain free.
  3. When multiple dense synechiae and closure of one of the mouths of the fallopian tube are detected in the uterine cavity.
  4. When a larger area of ​​the uterine cavity is filled with dense, rough synechiae and complete blockage of the orifices of the fallopian tubes.
  5. Severe fibrosis, the presence of coarse dense adhesions in the uterine cavity, menstrual irregularities, namely a decrease or complete absence menses. In addition, synechiae may be observed in the area cervical canal, closing the entrance to it, which requires their dissection.

Asherman's syndrome often causes infertility that a woman experiences when planning a pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to predict and warn in time this pathology uterine cavity.

Measures to prevent adhesions in the uterine cavity:

  • timely treatment of inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs in any age group;
  • competent contraception and its promotion among the younger generation in order to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies;
  • in case of choosing instrumental or medication interruption Pregnancy should be given preference to medical termination;
  • carry out endometrial curettage procedures under mandatory ultrasound control;
  • limit use for contraception intrauterine devices or change them in a timely manner.

Synechiae in children

But synechiae can occur not only in adult women, but also in girls.

Synechiae in infants, in childhood represent adhesion or fusion of the labia minora and/or major, fusion from posterior adhesions - posterior synechiae. In many cases they are called synechiae of the vulva. Translated from Latin, the word “synechia” means “continuity, connection.”

The adhesive process can be observed both along the entire length of the labia, and in a certain area (in lower third), that is, partial adhesion is noted.

The main question that worries every parent is: what does the treatment of synechia include and whether it is worth separating the synechia.

A delicate, thin, transparent film is formed that partially blocks the entrance to the vagina (with incomplete adhesion) and completely covers the entrance to the vagina and urethra (with complete adhesion of the labia).

In this case, it is necessary to breed synechiae in girls.

They are most often observed in girls aged 6 months to 6 years (usually diagnosed before one year of age)

They arise both within a few days and within several months.

There are 5 main reasons why synechia develops in girls.

The reasons for the development of adhesions in the labia area in girls, as well as in adult women, are: are:

  • inflammatory process (vulvitis, vulvovaginitis);
  • consequence allergic reaction(with abuse of sweets, citrus fruits);
  • violation or, conversely, excessive hygiene of a girl with repeated use of soaps, when, as a result of frequent washing of the girl, injury to the mucous membrane occurs and, as a consequence, inflammation with the subsequent formation of synechiae;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • tight-fitting underwear from synthetic fabrics.

Thus, knowing the main reasons for the development of adhesions, it is possible to prevent the development of synechiae in girls.

Such frequent fusion of the labia in such a early age can be explained by low levels of the hormone estrogen, the level of which begins to increase from 7 to 8 years of age.

Symptoms during the formation of fusions of the labia may be absent in the case of incomplete adhesion. In such a situation, a doctor can make a diagnosis during the next examination.

But if a commissure has formed along the entire length of the labia, thereby completely blocking the entrance to the vagina and urethra, then the following signs:

  • the child begins to be capricious when urinating;
  • straining when urinating;
  • cries;
  • a stream of urine hitting bottom part belly;
  • V in rare cases there is an increase in body temperature.

Treatment of synechiae of the labia in children can be conservative (that is, without instrumental interventions) and surgical (using surgical instruments).

Currently, the formation of adhesions in the labia area in children is not considered a pathology (since low estrogen levels in girls up to a certain age are the norm). In this regard, it is believed that synechiae themselves are not a pathology.

Therefore, in case of incomplete fusion, in the absence of clinical manifestations, in girls, the synechiae are not separated, but an ointment containing estrogen (Ovestin) and dynamic observation are prescribed.

Ovestin is a drug containing the female sex hormone estriol. It is widely used for synechiae. When the labia stick together, a small amount of ointment is prescribed to be applied to the area of ​​the fusion, that is, to the septum, with a gradual transition to regular ointment containing lanolin to prevent re-sticking.

The drug is sold freely in Russia, without a doctor’s prescription. Its price is about 1,500 rubles per tube. Reviews about the use of the drug for the treatment of synechia in girls are only positive.

If you read on the forum, you can note that many children, according to their mothers, do not have synechiae separated. For fusion of the labia, a gel is prescribed Contractubex(made in Germany). According to the instructions, Contractubex gel is used for gross deformation of the skin, cicatricial changes in the skin, and stretch marks in postpartum period. I would like to note that nothing is said about breeding synechiae in girls using Contractubex gel. Therefore, you need to think very carefully whether to use this drug at the kids!

Another frequently prescribed drug for the formation of synechiae of the small lips in a child is ointment Bepanten(contains dexpanthenol). According to the instructions, this ointment is used to accelerate regeneration skin, mucous membranes due to the content of vitamin B5. However, the instructions say nothing about use for fusion of the labia minora in girls!

Solcoseryl- a drug that is also used for adhesions. Yes, the instructions for the drug say that it is used to improve tissue trophism and regeneration. But sticking of the labia is not an indication for the use of this remedy.

Treatment of synechia in a girl with folk remedies

IN folk medicine Synechiae in a girl is treated with castor oil, applying it a small amount of to the area of ​​the fusion of the labia minora. It should be noted that castor oil is used not only in gynecological practice. Thanks to the diverse beneficial properties Castor oil They are also used in cosmetology.

Dear mothers, think carefully before using this or that drug that was recommended to you by a friend on the forum. It's best to see a doctor! Only a competent specialist can decide whether it is worth spreading the adhesions between the lips or whether this process can be cured without the use of intervention.

If the process involves urinary tract and it takes place acute disorder urination, synechiae are destroyed surgically, followed by the administration of Ovestin in order to avoid relapses of adhesions. With surgical destruction of the fusion, relapses are observed in 30% of cases.

According to statistics, 10 out of 100 girls aged from birth to two years are diagnosed with synechia of the labia. What it is? This is serious? How to treat? Can it be prevented? All our questions about synechiae in girls were answered by Tatiana ZHORNIK, doctor at the Zdravitsa Medical Center, obstetrician-gynecologist highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Possible contraindications. Specialist consultation required!

What are synechiae?

Synechia is an adhesion that occurs due to the appearance of adhesions between internal organs or external parts of the body. Such fusions of the labia minora, less commonly of the labia minora and big lips may occur in young girls.

Expert commentary

Fusion of the labia minora may be complete or incomplete. The presence of synechiae in a girl on a small area of ​​skin of the labia minora is not dangerous and does not cause practically any discomfort and, subject to compliance with hygienic requirements, is permitted by itself. Synechia or fusion of the labia minora, expressed to one degree or another, is found in approximately 10% of girls aged from birth to 2 years.

Causes of synechiae

Among the natural factors that contribute to the formation of synechiae are the following:

External factors that can affect the formation of synechiae:

  • the occurrence of diaper rash due to untimely change of diapers;
  • rubbing underwear in the genital area;
  • constant wearing of synthetic underwear;
  • excessive hygiene.

Attention! Caring for the delicate skin of little girls requires special delicacy. Too frequent (many times a day) washing, even with the mildest baby soap, can lead to injury to the mucous membrane. Sponges and washcloths are not allowed!

This, of course, does not mean that you should forget about hygiene - insufficient washing can also serve as a provoking factor for the appearance of synechiae.

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First of all, a little anatomy. The labia minora are two thin folds that limit the entrance to the vagina, located from front to back and covered from the outside by the labia majora. The labia minora are not covered with mucous membrane, but with very thin, delicate and vulnerable skin. There is no adipose tissue in the thickness of the labia minora, but there is a lot sebaceous glands. Structural feature (delicate, thin skin) and location (warm, humid environment, closed state) of the labia minora creates the prerequisites for the development of various inflammatory processes, which are often complicated by the development of synechiae (adhesions). Additional factors Low levels of female sex hormones (estrogens) characteristic of a child’s body and poor hygiene are considered to increase the risk of synechia formation in girls. In some cases, the formation of synechiae in girls is accompanied by metabolic disorders, intestinal diseases (especially often intestinal dysbiosis), allergic processes and helminthic infestations. The formation of synechiae can also be affected by:

  • untimely replacement of diapers,
  • frequent and generous use of creams containing zinc oxide;
  • wearing clothes made of synthetic fibers by a child;

Synechiae usually develop in children under 8 years of age, but are most often identified between birth and 2 years of age.

What should mothers of girls pay attention to?

At timely diagnosis Synechiae do not cause discomfort to the baby, are easy to treat and disappear without a trace. However neglected cases can have serious consequences Therefore, it is important for parents to pay attention to the condition of the genital organs and the general well-being of their daughter and, at the first signs of concern, contact a pediatric gynecologist.

Consultation with a doctor is necessary if:

  • the girl constantly experiences difficulty urinating (cries, strains, complains, avoids going to the potty);
  • there are even minor changes of any nature in the genital area, including redness, irritation or peeling.

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Firstly, if you notice any changes in the structure of the genital organs in your baby or something is not clear to you, do not be shy and do not think that this is how it should be. Consult a pediatric gynecologist for advice.

Secondly, if the baby has difficulty urinating: she strains, experiences discomfort, is capricious, cries, and this is accompanied by almost every act, it is necessary to sound the alarm. Don’t chalk it up to the fact that your child refuses to sit on the potty because he’s capricious. Perhaps this is a signal.

Thirdly, regularly examine the baby’s genitals - this should be part of a set of hygiene measures. If you experience rashes, redness, peeling or discharge, do not assume that everything will go away on its own. The hope of coping with the problem using home methods most often does not come true. Incorrect or late treatment can lead to complications.

If you have any complaints or questions related to the condition of a girl’s genital organs, immediately contact a gynecologist for children and adolescents for clarification!

Diagnosis of synechiae

If you find any warning signs in your child, do not hesitate - one visit to the doctor will dispel your doubts. To diagnose synechiae or exclude this diagnosis, an examination by a pediatric gynecologist is sufficient. To determine the cause of the disease, the doctor will order tests and, taking into account their results, prescribe complex treatment. But perhaps no treatment is required and the doctor will only recommend regular monitoring and strict hygiene.

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Synechiae in girls is very easy to detect - to make a diagnosis, it is enough to examine the external genitalia. Synechiae in girls looks like a thin whitish-gray film connecting the lips. The film may be on a very small area of ​​the lips, but it can also cover the entire entrance to the urethra and vagina.

To find the causes of the fusion, the pediatric gynecologist often prescribes a series of tests, including:

  • smear analysis (to determine the nature of the inflammatory process),
  • general analysis blood and urine
  • stool analysis for dysbacteriosis,
  • feces for worm eggs and scrapings for enterobiasis,
  • blood sugar test.

Possible consequences of the formation of synechiae

Timely treatment will prevent negative consequences. However, it is important to understand: synechias do not tolerate neglect. If the disease is neglected, it can lead to serious complications.

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The danger of this pathology is that when the labia minora and majora stick together in the vagina, a closed space is formed in which accumulation occurs. vaginal discharge. They, in turn, create a favorable environment for the development of bacteria, which first results in inflammation. Difficulty urinating contributes to the development of inflammation Bladder(cystitis) or urethra-urethra (urethritis).

Also, synechiae lead to improper formation of the labia, thereby affecting direct impact on reproductive system. In the future, the girl may have problems conceiving and bearing a child. There is also a high risk of developing infertility.

How to treat synechiae?

For the treatment of synechiae, it is usually prescribed special ointment containing estrogen. After completing the course, the duration of which is determined individually, the ointment is gradually replaced with the usual neutral baby cream recommended by the doctor. More serious situations may require surgical intervention. In this case, synechiae are divided under local or general (in rare cases) anesthesia.