Dimexide poisoning symptoms. Dimexide poisoning: manifestations, first aid methods

Dimexide is a drug for topical use. It is used for treatment various diseases joints, skin, ligaments and bones. It has antimicrobial, antiseptic and analgesic effects. Dimexide poisoning can develop due to improper or prolonged use. In this article, we looked at the symptoms that manifest this condition, first aid and treatment.

Description of the drug

Dimexide is available in the form aqueous solution, sold in 50 or 100 ml bottles. This drug is sold without a medical prescription.

This the medicinal product is intended for topical use only. Drinking and swallowing it is strictly prohibited.

When applied to the skin, the medicine acts not only locally, but also, when absorbed, enters the bloodstream. Before starting treatment with this drug, you should consult your doctor.

Effect of the drug

Dimexide has complex influence to the pathological focus. When applied to a problem area of ​​the body, it has the following effects:

  • relieves pain. This drug used as a local anesthetic;
  • reduces the severity of the inflammatory reaction;
  • destroys pathogenic microorganisms that caused an inflammatory reaction;
  • makes resistant bacteria sensitive to antibacterial therapy.

Dimexide is quickly absorbed and can act not only on the surface of the skin, but also in joints, bones, tendons and ligaments. Compresses with antibiotics, steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs are often made based on this medicine.

Doctors call dimexide a “conductor.” If it is necessary to facilitate the penetration of a drug into the subcutaneous layers, it is used together with dimexide.


Dimexide is widely used in modern medicine for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • stretching ligamentous apparatus joints;
  • arthrosis and arthritis of various etiologies;
  • traumatic infiltrates;
  • bruises;
  • abscesses and phlegmons;
  • purulent wounds;
  • boils and carbuncles;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • trophic ulcers.


Dimexide, absorbed into the blood, affects the entire body. It should absolutely not be used for:

  • acute or chronic renal failure;
  • allergic intolerance to the drug or its components;
  • coronary heart disease in the form of angina pectoris, myocardial ischemia;
  • elevated intraocular pressure, glaucoma, cataracts;
  • impaired consciousness of the patient, comatose state;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 12 years of age.

Drug poisoning

Dimexide poisoning can develop due to improper use or long-term treatment them. Also at risk are people who decide to self-medicate.

With topical use of dimexide, overdose occurs extremely rarely. She may occur if a person ingests the drug orally.

A child can be poisoned by medicine by accidentally drinking a bottle. Children love to taste everything, so all medications without exception should be stored in places inaccessible to them.

In case of an overdose of the drug, an acute allergic reaction may develop. Most often it occurs in the form of urticaria. The patient develops red, streakless rashes. This rash is characterized by severe itching.

In rare cases, a more severe allergic reaction develops - in the form angioedema Quincke. At the same time, the patient’s face begins to swell, especially the eyelids and lips. Swelling can also develop in the oropharynx, leading to asphyxia and suffocation. The patient begins to cough and feel short of air.

What to do if you develop an allergy to a drug

If an acute allergic reaction develops you need to call an ambulance immediately. Describe the patient’s condition to the dispatcher and give the correct address. While waiting for doctors, you need to begin to provide first aid to the victim yourself. Below are its main components:

  1. Thoroughly rinse any remaining product from the skin.
  2. Open the windows in the room in which the patient is located, and make sure that no items of clothing interfere with his breathing.
  3. If in your home medicine cabinet There are antihistamines (anti-allergic) drugs, give them to the patient to drink. In this case, you must strictly follow the dosage rules specified in the instructions.
  4. If poisoning has developed as a result of taking the drug orally, you need to give the poisoned person to drink several glasses of water and then induce vomiting. Then the patient needs to take a sorbent, for example, activated carbon, or enterosgel.

The ambulance team, upon arriving at the call, will examine the patient and determine the severity of his condition. For angioedema, the following drugs are administered intravenously:

  • antihistamines, for example, diphenhydramine or suprastin.
  • corticosteroids - dexamethasone or prednisolone.

If the patient’s condition does not improve after the medications are administered, he is taken to the nearest on-duty hospital to the therapy department.

Side effects of dimexide

The drug dimexide may cause side effects. They may occur even if the drug is used correctly. Side effects of dimexide include the following conditions:

  • dizziness;
  • itching and redness of the skin;
  • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • diarrhea;
  • general lethargy, fatigue, weakness;
  • bronchospasm;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach pain.

If the above symptoms appear, you should immediately stop using the drug. Then you need to wash it off the skin and contact your doctor.

Most of these symptoms disappear after stopping the drug. Your doctor will prescribe you a different medicine.

Dimexide is widely used to treat inflammatory diseases of the joints and skin. Before you start using it, you should definitely consult your doctor.. In case of an overdose of this medicine, allergies may develop in the form of urticaria or angioedema. If an acute allergic reaction develops, you should call an ambulance and take an antihistamine.

To achieve tenderness and smoothness of the face, women are ready to do a lot. Sometimes seemingly completely inappropriate products are used for cosmetic procedures. For example, Dimexide, a drug intended for the treatment of radiculitis, rheumatoid arthritis, traumatic infiltrates and ankylosing spondylitis.

Face mask with Dimexide: benefits and harms

The drug is intended for external use and is quickly absorbed into the surface of the epithelial layer. In addition, it easily “transports” substances dissolved in it, delivering them directly to their destination.

Among the beneficial properties of the drug, special mention should be made of antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities.

That is why the drug is often used in the presence of the following diseases:

  • erysipelas;
  • furunculosis;
  • eczema;
  • pustular acne.

When a formed abscess is treated with the drug, the pimple quickly breaks out, becoming covered with a crust. If you use the drug to treat unformed pimples, they disappear without leaving any external marks. It is not surprising that the product has become widespread in cosmetology.

The mask with Dimexide is very effective, but, unfortunately, it is not suitable for everyone. First of all, it is worth noting the unpleasant odor that will accompany every cosmetic procedure.

The aroma is incredibly persistent and adding other ingredients to the mask practically does not reduce its intensity. There are also some contraindications that can make the use of the drug dangerous.

These include:

  • allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
  • serious illnesses kidneys and liver;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • stroke;
  • angina pectoris;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • glaucoma;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • age up to 12 years.

Even in the absence of obvious contraindications, the use of masks with Dimexide for wrinkles can lead to undesirable consequences. An unpleasant odor can trigger an attack of nausea and vomiting, as well as bronchospasm. Sometimes after applying the drug, increased pigmentation, dryness, burning are observed, erythematous rashes and contact dermatitis are possible.

To avoid side effects, you should perform a preliminary test by applying a drop of the drug to the inner surface of the elbow or wrist joint. If redness, rashes or a burning sensation appear in this area during the day, it is better to use other products for cosmetic procedures.

When applying mixtures, you should remember that the drug is poisonous and even contact with small quantity drug for mucous membranes oral cavity leads to intoxication.

Rules for the use of medicinal products in cosmetology

When it comes to prevention, it is enough to apply a mask with medicine to your face about once a week. It is recommended to take the course if you have problem skin.

In this case, you should follow the rules that allow you to use the drug with minimal risk of side effects:

  • It is advisable to use the mixture for acne and light wrinkles three times a week;
  • The 20% solution must first be diluted with warm water in a proportional ratio of 1:10, the concentrated drug can lead to local burns;
  • After removing the product, be sure to wash your face with warm water and soap.

Using the drug correctly, you can achieve an effect that is almost indistinguishable from using Botox.

How to make a mask with Dimexide and Solcoseryl

Use Solcoseryl - a safe gel that significantly increases the rate of cell regeneration by improving metabolic processes and easy absorption of oxygen. In combination with Dimexide, the local effect of Solcoseryl is much more pronounced.

Active absorption of oxygen leads to lasting results. Rejuvenation occurs quickly as collagen production increases.

To get rid of wrinkles, consistently follow the recommendations:

  • Thoroughly clean the skin surface using a special cosmetic or neutral soap;
  • Having diluted Dimexide, the resulting solution is applied to the face with a clean cotton pad;
  • Then, a fairly thick layer of Solcoseryl is applied to the face. This may be a gel or ointment. However, it is better to use ointment, as the gel tightens the skin;
  • It is necessary to keep the ointment for an hour, periodically moistening it with water so that Solcoseryl does not harden;
  • After time has passed, the remaining ointment is removed with a cotton swab. It is advisable to rinse the cleansed face with warm water and apply any hypoallergenic cream to the surface of the skin;
  • Can be applied overnight;
  • The effect will be much more pronounced if you steam your facial skin before the procedure.

How long will the course last? The result is most often noticeable after the first procedure. A lasting effect is achieved after 15-20 days if you use the products every 3 days. For young women healthy skin and with barely visible wrinkles, it is enough to use the recipe 1-2 times a month.

How to prepare a mask with Dimexide and vitamins

Often dryness, tightness, flaking and the appearance of light wrinkles are signs of vitamin deficiency. In this case, it is necessary to nourish the epithelium with special substances. Achieve desired result Masks enriched with vitamins will help.

  • The facial skin is steamed and a simple peeling is performed to open the pores as much as possible;
  • A teaspoon of diluted Dimexide is mixed with liquid vitamins. You can take half a teaspoon of vitamins A and E;
  • Add a tablespoon of fat sour cream and white clay to the mixture. The result should be a mass resembling the consistency of batter;
  • The mixture is applied to the surface of the skin. You should keep the mask for 30-40 minutes;
  • At the end of the time, remove the mask with a swab soaked in water. Apply any hypoallergenic cream to the face.

The recommended course is 10-15 procedures. Between procedures take breaks of 2-3 days. Vitamins A and E do not conflict with each other, so they can be used simultaneously. It is advisable to use other vitamins separately.

Effective acne mask with Dimexide

Oil combination tea tree, a natural antiseptic, with Dimexide allows you to quickly cleanse the skin of acne, getting rid of purulent pimples.

The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The skin is washed with warm water and soap and dried. The mixture must be applied pointwise, only to the acne area. When asked how long a mask with Dimexide lasts, the answer is clear – several hours.

Remove the remnants of the mask from the surface of the skin with a moistened swab. If the pustules are quite widespread and prone to inflammation, treatment will last about a month. The procedure is performed every 3 days.

Folk remedies and Dimexide in the preparation of masks

The effectiveness of using sea buckthorn oil for the treatment of acne rashes has been proven in practice. This component has good anti-inflammatory, wound healing and regenerating properties. Therefore, many recipes intended for cleansing the skin recommend the use of sea buckthorn.

Dimexide will help enhance the effect of healing oil. Sea buckthorn oil and the drug are mixed in equal volumes. Then, the mixture is heated in a water bath. Cotton swab The mask is applied pointwise to the inflamed areas. After a few hours, the mixture is removed with a moistened cotton swab.

For aging skin, masks with Dimexide and sea buckthorn oil with the addition of clay will be useful. However, often use sea ​​buckthorn oil It should not be used on the face, as the skin acquires a pronounced yellow tint.

Dimexide is a drug with a strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, widely used for burns, acne, purulent wounds, and inflammatory skin diseases. Liquid in concentrated form can cause chemical damage to the skin.

Before using the dimethyl sulfoxide solution, you must wear rubber gloves. This will prevent skin damage. Then apply the product to a gauze pad and apply to the affected area. The main thing is not to overdo the dose. Exceeding the dosage causes a burn with dimexide.

The main symptom of the injury is red skin that will look wrinkled and take on a whitish color. Other signs:

  • Skin rashes.
  • Painful sensations.
  • Burning.

Degree of damage

Chemical burns are classified according to the stages of damage. According to the depth of the lesion, the following degrees are distinguished:

  1. The first degree is manifested by slight hyperemia (redness) and swelling of the skin. The injury is treated at home under running water.
  2. In the second degree, redness of the skin with blisters is observed. The blisters contain a yellow, watery fluid and eventually burst, revealing a wound. Recovery occurs within ten days, no scar is formed.
  3. The third degree is characterized by necrosis of skin areas with the appearance of a dark-colored scab.
  4. In the fourth degree, immediate medical attention is required. In this phase, charring of the skin and muscles with joints occurs. The tissue falls off on its own after a few weeks, and ugly scars form at the site of the wound. A 4th degree burn from dimexide is likely only in prolonged contact of a body part with a concentrated substance.

First aid

Dimexide is often used as a basis for compresses for skin damage. If you do not follow the instructions for use and leave the product on the wound, you can get a serious burn. After improper use of the medicine, it is necessary to remove excess medicine with running water. If chemical damage has occurred, the affected area should be kept under cold running water. If this is not possible if your face is burned, apply a cold compress using clean water, change it often.

Do not rub the damage with napkins and towels of a rough texture, as this will cause the substance to penetrate even deeper into the dermis.

After the water droplets have evaporated, apply a loose gauze bandage. Next, first aid consists of visiting a doctor to prescribe appropriate treatment.

Treatment methods

Burns can be treated and skin restored in a hospital or at home. You shouldn’t limit yourself to home treatment; a child may even have a burn. mild degree must be examined by a doctor.

In the hospital

Upon admission to medical institution The doctor will assess the general condition of the patient and determine the degree of burn damage. If the stage of damage is serious enough, then the injury must be treated in a hospital. For these purposes they use antiseptic solutions, irrigation with a mixture (furacilin and novocaine). Then the area is dried and the rough crusts are removed.

If there are large bubbles filled with liquid, they need to be opened, small ones should not be touched. This is a preventive measure against infection of the wound. At the doctor's discretion, a bandage is applied or the affected area is left open. IN mandatory human immunoglobulin is administered to prevent tetanus.

In case of surface rotting, daily procedures are carried out: dressings, treating the affected areas with anti-inflammatory medications. In urgent cases, when it comes to deep burns, surgical intervention is resorted to.

At home

For small lesions, home damage can be treated. Provide rest to the victim, after providing first aid, apply a sterile bandage and change it 2 times a day. You can use sea buckthorn oil and panthenol. These remedies will help relieve pain and swelling. Before application, rinse the skin thoroughly. For severe burns, use hydrocortisone and prednisolone ointment. Apply a thin layer to the burned areas.

Another way to soothe itching is to prepare a decoction of oak bark: add 1 teaspoon to boiling water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Strain the oak bark and apply it as a lotion to the affected area. Treat for several days.

Dimexide is also used as a remedy against thermal damage to the skin. It is important not to rub it in with your finger to avoid getting burned.

You can cure skin lesions at home using a properly prepared solution of dimethyl sulfoxide 20-30%. It is necessary to dilute 2 ml of dimexide and 8 ml of water.

Dimexide for burns is used in the form of lotions and compresses. A treatment session is carried out according to the following algorithm: moisten gauze bandage in liquid, apply to skin. Make a compress on top cling film and natural fabric. Leave for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure for ten days.

Easily dissolves in water and alcohol. At temperatures below 16 degrees it crystallizes.

Dimexide is 99% or 100% composed of a substance called dimethyl sulfoxide. The properties of 100% and 99% drugs are practically no different.

Dimexide is available in several forms:

1. Liquid concentrate in dark glass bottles of 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 and 120 ml. Solutions for direct use are prepared from the concentrate by diluting it.

Dimexide ZhFF (Zhitomir pharmaceutical factory) and Dimexide Lugal (Lugansk Chemical Plant) are no different from just Dimexide.

2. Dimexide gel 25% and 50% in aluminum 40-gram tubes.

3. Propolis-D suppositories: they contain both propolis and Dimexide. These substances, when used together, enhance each other's medicinal properties. Suppositories are used intravaginally (in the vagina, with gynecological diseases), and rectally (for the treatment of hemorrhoids). Suppositories containing only Dimexide are not available.

4. Dimexide ointment contains from 30% to 70% Dimexide itself. In addition, the ointment contains polyethylene oxide gel 1500 and an emulsifier (auxiliary substance). There is also Dimexide ointment based on mink oil.

Dimexide is a local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent. It has a detrimental effect on bacteria. But the most valuable property of dimexide for medicine is its ability to easily and quickly penetrate deep into tissues through the skin and mucous membranes. At the same time, it carries with it those substances that are dissolved in it, “transporting” them to the source of inflammation.

I recognize from a distance

I have encountered this drug often in my life. But memories of him are not only positive. Of course it is widely used. For example, my mother uses it like this: she mixes several drugs dimexide, diprospan, novocaine in certain proportions and makes compresses for exacerbation of bursitis (inflammation of the periarticular bursa). It was prescribed to me in diluted form as a compress on my wrist when my hand hurt and went numb.

It always helps, but the smell is terrible. Once there was such a case in our family: we diluted dimexide in a tea cup and left it on the kitchen table, and my sister got thirsty at night and went to the kitchen. When she saw the mug on the table, she drank from it without hesitation. She stopped only when she realized that she was not drinking water at all, but by that time she had already drunk a lot. The smell of dimexide emanated from her for several days after that, although nothing bad seemed to happen to her. But since then she has had a personal dislike for it, and we all can hardly stand the smell of the drug. Although a very effective drug.

Symptoms and treatment of dimexide poisoning

Dimexide is a drug for topical use. It is used to treat various diseases of the joints, skin, ligaments and bones. It has antimicrobial, antiseptic and analgesic effects. Dimexide poisoning can develop due to improper or prolonged use. In this article, we looked at the symptoms that manifest this condition, first aid and treatment.

Description of the drug

Dimexide is available in the form of an aqueous solution, sold in bottles of 50 or 100 ml. This drug is sold without a medical prescription.

This medicine is for topical use only. Drinking and swallowing it is strictly prohibited.

When applied to the skin, the medicine acts not only locally, but also, when absorbed, enters the bloodstream. Before starting treatment with this drug, you should consult your doctor.

Effect of the drug

Dimexide has a complex effect on the pathological focus. When applied to a problem area of ​​the body, it has the following effects:

  • relieves pain. This drug is used as a local anesthetic;
  • reduces the severity of the inflammatory reaction;
  • destroys pathogenic microorganisms that cause the inflammatory reaction;
  • makes resistant bacteria sensitive to antibacterial therapy.

Dimexide is quickly absorbed and can act not only on the surface of the skin, but also in joints, bones, tendons and ligaments. Compresses with antibiotics, steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs are often made based on this medicine.

Doctors call dimexide a “conductor.” If it is necessary to facilitate the penetration of a drug into the subcutaneous layers, it is used together with dimexide.


Dimexide is widely used in modern medicine to treat the following diseases:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • sprain of the ligaments of the joints;
  • arthrosis and arthritis of various etiologies;
  • traumatic infiltrates;
  • bruises;
  • abscesses and phlegmons;
  • purulent wounds;
  • boils and carbuncles;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • trophic ulcers.


Dimexide, absorbed into the blood, affects the entire body. It should absolutely not be used for:

  • acute or chronic renal failure;
  • allergic intolerance to the drug or its components;
  • coronary heart disease in the form of angina pectoris, myocardial ischemia;
  • increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma, cataracts;
  • impaired consciousness of the patient, comatose state;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 12 years of age.

Drug poisoning

Dimexide poisoning can develop as a result of its improper use or long-term treatment with it. Also at risk are people who decide to self-medicate.

With topical use of dimexide, overdose occurs extremely rarely. It can occur if a person ingests the drug orally.

A child can be poisoned by medicine by accidentally drinking a bottle. Children love to taste everything, so all medications without exception should be stored in places inaccessible to them.

In case of an overdose of the drug, an acute allergic reaction may develop. Most often it occurs in the form of urticaria. The patient develops red, streakless rashes. This rash is characterized by severe itching.

In rare cases, a more pronounced allergic reaction develops - in the form of angioedema. At the same time, the patient’s face begins to swell, especially the eyelids and lips. Swelling can also develop in the oropharynx, leading to asphyxia and suffocation. The patient begins to cough and feel short of air.

What to do if you develop an allergy to a drug

If an acute allergic reaction develops, you should immediately call an ambulance. Describe the patient’s condition to the dispatcher and give the correct address. While waiting for doctors, you need to begin to provide first aid to the victim yourself. Below are its main components:

  1. Thoroughly rinse any remaining product from the skin.
  2. Open the windows in the room in which the patient is located, and make sure that no items of clothing interfere with his breathing.
  3. If you have antihistamines (anti-allergic) drugs in your home medicine cabinet, give them to the patient to drink. In this case, you must strictly follow the dosage rules specified in the instructions.
  4. If poisoning has developed as a result of taking the drug orally, you need to give the poisoned person to drink several glasses of water and then induce vomiting. Then the patient needs to take a sorbent, for example, activated carbon, or enterosgel.

The ambulance team, upon arriving at the call, will examine the patient and determine the severity of his condition. For angioedema, the following drugs are administered intravenously:

  • antihistamines, for example, diphenhydramine or suprastin.
  • corticosteroids - dexamethasone or prednisolone.

If the patient’s condition does not improve after the medications are administered, he is taken to the nearest on-duty hospital to the therapy department.

Side effects of dimexide

The drug dimexide may cause side effects. They can occur even if the drug is used correctly. Side effects of dimexide include the following conditions:

  • dizziness;
  • itching and redness of the skin;
  • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • diarrhea;
  • general lethargy, fatigue, weakness;
  • bronchospasm;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach pain.

If the above symptoms appear, you should immediately stop using the drug. Then you need to wash it off the skin and contact your doctor.

Most of these symptoms disappear after stopping the drug. Your doctor will prescribe you a different medicine.

Dimexide is widely used to treat inflammatory diseases of the joints and skin. Before you start using it, you should definitely consult your doctor. In case of an overdose of this medicine, allergies may develop in the form of urticaria or angioedema. If an acute allergic reaction develops, you should call an ambulance and take an antihistamine.

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All information on the website otravlenye.ru is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute instructions for action.

For medical assistance, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor.



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Dimexide - description and use at home

Basis for “miracle tinctures”

In recent years, many medicinal products based on folk recipes have appeared on pharmacy shelves. These are all kinds of balms and tinctures for internal and external use, ointments and creams, aromatic essential oils. However, doctors still have undeservedly forgotten, but quite effective drugs that have been tested over dozens of years of medical practice. Such truly unique drugs include dimexide.

Description and properties of dimexide

It is a slightly yellowish oily liquid with a faint odor reminiscent of garlic (the chemically pure preparation is colorless and almost odorless). The full name of the substance is dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), it was synthesized in 1866 by A.M. Zaitsev, a student of the great chemist A.M. Butlerov. But, as often happens, only 100 years later, first chemists and then doctors paid attention to DMSO.

Numerous studies have revealed the amazing ability of dimethyl sulfoxide to easily penetrate the blood and human body through intact skin. Just a few minutes after rubbing a small amount of dimexide into any area of ​​the skin, the exhaled air begins to smell slightly like garlic. 5-6 minutes after application to the skin, the presence of DMSO molecules is detected in the blood. The maximum concentration in the blood is created after 4-6 hours and decreases slowly over the course of hours.

But that's not all! In the Middle Ages, dimexide, no doubt, could have been dubbed “alkahest” - a super-solvent, the search for which alchemists were no less keen on turning lead into gold. And this is by no means an exaggeration.

Dimethyl sulfoxide perfectly dissolves substances of various origins and chemical structures: antibiotics, hormones, salts, alkaloids, cytostatics, vitamins. And besides, it sharply accelerates the penetration of many compounds through the skin without changing their properties at all (for example, iodine, heparin, glucose, hydrocortisone, penicillin, diclofenac, complex biologically active complexes of medicinal plants).

Thanks to the powerful improvement in the permeability of drugs through the skin, their concentration contained in various ointments and rubs can be reduced several times! Thus, it has been proven that if about 20% DMSO is added to prednisolone ointment, then the concentration of prednisolone (without reducing the therapeutic effect) can be reduced by 8-10 times! This means not only significant savings on expensive drugs, but also a sharp reduction in the risk of unwanted side effects when treating patients.

Dimethyl sulfoxide tinctures are indicated for alcohol intolerance and contraindications to treatment with alcohol-containing liquids (alcoholism). It is also remarkable that dimexide at normal dosages is practically no more toxic than table salt!

In its pure form, dimexide is used to treat a wide range of diseases. It has strong anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antimicrobial, antifungal properties. In the form of 30-50% solutions, it is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, bruises and sprains, myositis, traumatic infiltrates). And also for inflammatory skin diseases (furunculosis, erysipelas, purulent wounds, burns, thrombophlebitis).

Dimexide accelerates wound healing and restores the activity of antibiotics in cases where microbes have already developed resistance to them, and increases the body's resistance to low temperatures and radiation exposure.

As a result of research conducted at the Research Institute of Rheumatology more than 30 years ago, it turned out that dimexide is one of the best means in the treatment of joint contracture - stiffness that develops as a result of inflammatory! process.

Applied to the skin in the area of ​​inflamed joints and easily penetrating inside, DMSO relieves inflammation of the periarticular soft tissues and muscles.

The purified drug showed good results in secondary renal amyloidosis, a severe complication of rheumatoid arthritis accompanied by the deposition of insoluble protein in the kidneys. In this case, dimexide was administered orally, diluted with distilled water at once (1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day after meals).

In the same form, the drug was used after irradiation of the pelvic organs and rectum (in connection with the treatment of malignant neoplasms). This allows you to relieve reactive tissue inflammation after radioactive exposure and protect healthy cells.

Due to the special structure of the dimethyl sulfoxide molecule, it can be successfully used for electrophoresis.

According to Professor I.E. Oransky, DMSO does not interfere with the pharmacological activity of the substances it transports. It helps them penetrate deeper into the tissue and in greater quantities than with conventional electrophoresis. Thus, excellent results were obtained with electrophoresis of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) - a 5-10% solution in a 50% dimexide solution. Analgin (also a 5-10% solution) had a pronounced effect during electrophoresis from a 25% solution of dimexide, lidase unit also in a 25% solution of DMSO.

At home, you can prepare a lot of tinctures, balms and ointments based on dimethyl sulfoxide to treat a wide variety of pathologies. Dimexide’s own healing abilities are summed up and enhanced by medicinal plants, allowing one to achieve good results.

Preparation of healing potions at home.

At home, you can prepare tinctures, balms and ointments based on dimexide to treat a wide variety of pathologies, even in severe, advanced cases.

To prepare tinctures, use pharmaceutical dimexide, which, if necessary, is diluted with boiled water to a concentration of 30-70%.

The concentration depends on the amount of biologically active compounds insoluble in water. The more essential oils and resins in the raw material, the higher the concentration of DMSO should be. For example, propolis extract is prepared using pure dimexide (finely planed propolis is infused in a ratio of 1:5 for 2 weeks).

Extracts from poplar and pine buds are also made. Using 50-70% DMSO, a tincture is prepared from aspen and hazel bark, an ointment from the roots of burdock, comfrey - with the addition of 25-30% dimexide.

Based on 25-30% solutions of dimexide, you can prepare tinctures of chamomile, meadowsweet, salvia officinalis, St. John's wort, thyme and many other medicinal plants.

All such tinctures are mainly used externally. For better effect absorption into the blood active ingredients It is advisable to first achieve general light sweating, for which physical exercise and a sauna are excellent. After this, you need to quickly wipe off the sweat and apply to the skin. medicinal tincture, rub in lightly (do not use compresses!).

If you are performing this procedure on someone else rather than yourself, you must wear rubber gloves to protect your own skin.

Dimexide instructions for the drug:

Latin name of the drug Dimexide: Dimexid

Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

Lesions of the lumbosacral plexus

Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis

Infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue

Transepidermal perforated changes

Tendon sheath abscess

Other infectious tenosynovitis

Abscess of the bursa

Other infectious bursitis

Injury to an unspecified part of the trunk, limb, or area of ​​the body

Superficial injury to an unspecified area of ​​the body

Thermal and chemical burns of unspecified localization

Post-traumatic wound infection, not classified elsewhere

1 orange glass dropper bottle contains 25 ml of dimethyl sulfoxide undiluted; in a cardboard box 1 dropper bottle.

Colorless transparent liquid with a weak specific odor, crystallizing at temperatures below 16 °C. Hygroscopic. Soluble in water and alcohol.

Pharmacological action Pharmacological action - antimicrobial, local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory.

Indications for the drug Dimexide

Bruises, sprains, inflammatory swelling, purulent wounds, burns, arthritis, radiculitis, erysipelas, eczema, trophic ulcers, pustular skin diseases.

Liver failure, angina pectoris, severe atherosclerosis, glaucoma, cataracts, stroke, coma, myocardial infarction.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Externally (applications, irrigation). Apply gauze pads moistened with a diluted (1:1) solution to the affected areas once a day (for 20–30 minutes). For the skin of the face and other highly sensitive areas, more diluted solutions (1:10, 1:5, 1:3) are used (the same solutions can be used to wash purulent-necrotic and inflammatory lesions and cavities). A plastic film and cotton or linen fabric. The course is 10–15 days. Storage conditions for the drug Dimexide: In a dry place, protected from light. Keep out of the reach of children.

Storage conditions for the drug Dimexide

In a dry place, protected from light.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Dimexide

Of course, like any medicine, dimexide has its contraindications for use: angina pectoris, severe atherosclerosis, glaucoma, cataracts, recent myocardial infarction and stroke, severe liver and kidney diseases, as well as pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In some cases, the drug can cause allergic reactions, nausea, and at the site of application - redness and itching of the skin.

How to dilute Dimexide?

Dimexide liquid concentrate must be diluted with water before use to obtain a solution of the required concentration. Undiluted concentrate causes chemical burns to the skin. Most often, Dimexide is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 (one part Dimexide, 3 or 4 parts water).

But sometimes the doctor prescribes other dilutions of Dimexide for treatment. They are prepared as follows:

Solutions obtained by diluting the concentrate are used for compresses, applications, tampons and rinses (irrigations).

How does dimexide help against intoxication?

In short: Take a bottle of dimexide with you and periodically inhale its smell to help you drink longer and not get drunk. Such microdoses of dimexide have an alcohol-protective and sobering effect.

Why does dimexide protect against intoxication?

There are a number interesting information about the alcohol-protective and sobering effect of microdoses of locally irritating substances, which in normal doses increase the permeability of biological barriers. Thus, dichlordiethyl sulfide, known to everyone from the school NVP course under the name “mustard gas” - a chemical warfare agent with blister action - has a toxicity threshold of 0.05 mg * min / l.

It is curious that approximately one-half smaller doses of this substance when inhaled reduce both the rate of onset of intoxication and the severity of previously occurring intoxication, especially in terms of the impact on behavior and the ability to perform intellectual actions.

A similar situation is observed with regard to the incapacitant toxic substance, the combat psychotomimetic quinuclidyl benzilate, known to Soviet schoolchildren under the name “BZ” (“bi-zed”). These substances are practically unavailable in everyday life, but if necessary, you can try to use the drug dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide), sold in almost any Russian pharmacy and legally used in rheumatology, traumatology, dermatology and cosmetology. In its chemical structure and properties, it has a clear similarity to mustard gas, but is much less toxic.

How to use dimexide against intoxication

The official description of the drug states that dimexide sensitizes the body to drugs for general anesthesia(anesthesia), and enhances the absorption and effect of ethanol. We are, of course, talking about therapeutic doses, however, by analogy with mustard gas, smaller (about 10 times) doses will have an alcohol protective effect.

Can you drink?

Because of strong smell It is not recommended to apply the drug to the skin before a feast, however, you can dilute the standard solution with water, soak a piece of bandage or cotton wool in it, and then place the latter in a tightly closed bottle. The contents of this bottle can be sniffed while going out into the open air (for example, citing the need to make a call or receive a call) or to the restroom. This trick will really help you drink for a while and not get drunk.

If you feel that you are still too intoxicated, but you urgently need to restore relative sobriety of thinking and perception (at least for a while), then use effective sobering up measures listed in a separate article, recommended by a toxicologist and helping to sober up quickly at home conditions.

It can be difficult to stay within your norm once you have already started drinking. That's why psychological preparation need to start early. Read our article about why a drunk person forgets about his own promises and generally behaves differently than usual, why the next morning he is ashamed of yesterday, and also how intoxication differs between men and women.

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people completed the survey, but only 2% answered all questions correctly. What grade will you get?

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  • Check: what is more harmful: vodka or beer?

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The site administration is not responsible for the advice and information that site users share with each other in the comments. The expert works only on articles. Be careful

No wonder there are no comments here! I imagine this responsible employee preparing for a corporate party: drinking at 7 pm - therefore, at 7 am we are skiing! 3 hours before the start - we lie under a drip, 2 hours - we give an enema. :))) It’s not just a corporate event, but some kind of childbirth!

There are different professions. I have seen such workers too.

I’ll say right away that I don’t drink and everyone gets used to it, there are no problems, it’s unfashionable now, what organizations and what people do you have to work with to be forced to drink, it’s stupid. If you show that you are confident in yourself, no one will press you. Well, if you come across bosses who are alcoholics)) and refuse to offend and other nonsense of backward and brain-drunk people, then you can say I’m driving, or come up with a joke about your mother-in-law or wife, and drink juice instead)) Break stereotypes and set rules while they others didn’t ask you!

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We have been in this topic for 9 years and know everything about how to get rid of a hangover and everything about the effects of alcohol on health. Attention! All advice on this site has been reviewed by highly qualified specialists, but we do not guarantee that the indicated remedies will help and will not harm you personally. You use any medications and medical procedures described here at your own risk. Be reasonable.

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Alpha Creation

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Dimexide: an amazing substance

In 1866, Russian scientist Alexander Zaitsev isolated an unusual and strange chemical compound (dimethyl sulfoxide). This substance had a crystalline structure, was odorless, non-toxic, and tasted like garlic. At that time, Zaitsev could not even imagine that his discovery would cause so many medical controversies in the future and that thousands of studies would be carried out, during which huge amount patients will experience miraculous healings.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DIM) is an organic sulfur compound that was initially used only as an industrial solvent until its medicinal properties were discovered in 1963 by a research group led by Stanley Jacob, MD.

Dimexide is by-product Kraft pulp converts wood into wood pulp, which consists almost entirely of cellulose fibers. The process involves treating wood chips with a mixture of sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide. This breaks the chemical bonds that connect lignin (from the Latin word lignum, meaning wood) and cellulose.

The dimexide molecule is 10-sided, with a central sulfur atom. Dimexide contains two methyl groups - an oxygen atom and an unbonded pair of electrons.

Sulfur: The Substance of Life

Dimexide is a rich source of organic sulfur. It is an intermediate product of the global Sulfur Cycle that distributes bioavailable sulfur to all animals and plants. When salt-rich ocean water evaporates, it is oxidized into dimexide. It then dissolves in atmospheric moisture, is captured by clouds and falls to the ground as rain or snow. This mineral, a non-metallic sulfur compound, occurs widely in nature and is found in all cells of the body. Sulfur is vital for numerous chemical reactions associated with the detoxification of drugs and other harmful toxins. Sulfur compounds have the potential to clinical application in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases such as: depression, fibromyalgia, arthritis, interstitial cystitis, sports injuries, congestive heart palsy, diabetes, cancer and AIDS. Dimexide has about 40 pharmacological properties that may be useful in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Garlic is a powerful healing agent mainly due to the sulfur it contains. Dimexide is effective for the same reason. In fact, this colorless, oily-looking liquid has a garlicky odor due to its sulfur content.

The body uses sulfur to constantly create new healthy cells and replace old ones. Without it, the body will produce weak and dysfunctional cells. Sulfur is also needed to maintain the permeability of cell membranes. For detoxification it is important to ensure that nutrients entered the cell, and toxins and waste products left it.

Sulfur is indispensable in the formation and maintenance of connective tissue, fighting inflammation, maintaining strong immune system.

Nowadays, sulfur deficiency is common due to the fact that sulfur is lost after food is processed. Sulfur deficiency leads to: slow wound healing, scar tissue, brittle nails and hair, digestive problems, inflammation, lung dysfunction, immune dysfunction, arthritis, acne, depression, memory loss.

Therapeutic properties

According to medical and pharmaceutical literature, dimexide has perhaps the most wide range therapeutic effects ever demonstrated by a single chemical.

Dimexide is useful for a wide variety of diseases and performs various functions. Dimexide has the following properties: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal, vasodilator, fights free radicals, stimulates various types of immunity, diuretic. In addition, dimexide is capable of transporting various drugs through cell membranes, fights blood clots, acts as a tranquilizer (sedative) when rubbed into the skin, stimulates wound healing, creates interferon (proteins secreted by the body's cells in response to a virus invasion), increases efficiency antifungal and antibacterial agents (if mixed with them), inhibits the release of cholinesterase (enzyme), smoothes collagen (the protein substance of connective tissues) due to its unusual cross-linking effect and has many other benefits.


Dimexide is a solvent with an uncanny ability to penetrate the skin. Dr. Jacob explains that dimexide is the “alter ego” (translated from Latin as “another self”) of water. Its molecular bond with water is 1.3 times stronger than the molecular bond of water with water. As a result, it displaces water as it moves through cell membranes, and transports with it substances that normally cannot penetrate the cell on their own. Dimexide hydrates cells, causing changes in the fluid structure of cellular water. Some believe that its main therapeutic principle Its action lies in its ability to modify and repair damaged cells by hydrating them, changing their water structure and increasing cellular permeability - this allows the cells to more effectively nourish themselves and get rid of waste.


In his book Dimexide: Nature's Healer, Dr. Morton Walker states that people now have a new breakthrough in the fight against pain: Dimexide. Some researchers believe that dimexide "could become the aspirin of the 21st century." Despite the fact that all the mechanisms of the substance are not yet fully known, it is believed that its action is that it blocks the C fibers of the peripheral nerves, which receive pain signals.

Free radicals

The production of free radicals is a major factor in the process of any disease. Dimexide is one of the most powerful free radical fighters known today, and perhaps the most powerful. Some molecules in our body produce an unequal number of electrons and this instability causes them to destroy other cells. Dimexide attaches to these molecules and then they are excreted from the body with dimexide. Dimexide replaces water in cells and thus treats diseased cells by destroying free radicals inside it. Thanks to these properties, dimexide is useful in the treatment of various diseases, including cancer, arthritis, and atherosclerosis.


Dimexide easily penetrates the skin, the blood-brain barrier (a semi-permeable barrier between the blood and nervous tissue that prevents large or polar molecules, as well as blood cells, including the immune system, from entering the brain) and other tissues and enters the bloodstream.

Dimexide applied to one area often results in decreased pain or various improvements in other areas due to its overall action.

Due to its ability to penetrate, dimexide can carry healing properties deep through the tissues of the body, where it has a beneficial effect on diseases such as: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, sports injuries, back pain, bursitis, burns, cuts and scrapes, fractures, gouty arthritis, herpes, musculoskeletal injuries, tendinitis, sprains and strains, back injuries, neck and spine injuries, and many other diseases. One more thing unusual property dimexide, which greatly distinguishes it from other substances and drugs, is that it has a cumulative effect and does not require large doses.

Transporter &

Dimexide acts as a transporter for other substances or drugs, and it can also enhance their effects. In fact, certain drugs diluted with dimexide, such as corticosteroids, antibiotics and insulin, can be used in lower doses than usual without reducing their therapeutic effectiveness and in addition their unwanted side effects are greatly reduced. Drugs are also able to pass through the blood-brain barrier (a semi-permeable barrier between the blood and nerve tissue that prevents large or polar molecules, as well as blood cells, including the immune system, from entering the brain), which is usually impenetrable.

When exogenous forms of endogenous steroids (including Testosterone and Hydrocortisone form of Cortisone) are diluted in dimexide before use, their surface bioavailability is increased by 300%.


Dimexide strengthens the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells and macrophages, which destroy foreign substances and pathogens in the body. Dimexide activates macrophages, which makes them especially deadly against harmful microorganisms and cancer cells.

Dimextide reduces allergic reactions by opening cell membranes and allows for more cell receptors Special antigens could have attached, substances that stimulate the production of antibodies in the body. This process creates immunity to infectious diseases and the growth of malignant tumors.

Dimexide has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Dimexide also increases the permeability of cell membranes, allowing toxins to be flushed out of the cell.

Dimexide has been shown to have cholinesterase (enzyme) properties, in other words, it prevents the breakdown of enzymes into acetylcholine, increasing the level and duration of action of this important neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine is responsible for learning and memory and is also calming and relaxing. Acetylcholine is also a major factor in regulating the immune system and acts as a major inhibitor of inflammation in the body.

Radioprotective properties

Dimexide has radioprotective properties against the lethal and mutagenic effects of X-rays on cells.

Radiation produces free radicals (“inflammatory molecules”) that damage the cells that make up tissues such as organs, glands, muscles and bones. In addition to cells aging faster, they also become distorted or mutated, causing leukemia, anemia, birth defects and other diseases.

Sulfur has a long history of use as an antidote against acute injury from radioactive materials. Dimexide is a classic sulfur compound. A Japanese study showed that even small concentrations of dimexide have radioprotective effects. They help repair DNA double strand breaks, and thus provide protection against radiation damage at all cellular levels body.

Frost-protective properties

Dimexide also has frost-protective properties. This means that it is able to protect against damage caused by frost.

Before dimexide, there was no way to preserve organs without forming ice crystals that killed the tissue.

In 1961, Dr. Jacob first became acquainted with the antifreeze properties of dimexide. Preserving organs for transplantation is still one of the many uses of dimexide. 100% dimexide will freeze at temperatures around 19°C, while a 50% solution of dimexide and water will not freeze at temperatures far below the freezing point of ordinary water.


Dimexide (injected intravenously) helps eliminate amyloid proteins (Amyloidosis), which are the cause of Alzheimer's disease.

Dimexide may help detoxify from heavy metals. Heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, nickel) are very difficult to remove from the body and they cause many diseases.

Sulfur is a mineral and the main ingredient of certain amino acids that binds to heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, nickel) and removes them through urine, bowel movements and sweat.

Side effects

When 60-90% dimexide is applied to the palm, the skin may remain wrinkled for several days.

The garlic-like body odor and taste in the mouth are due to a specific metabolite (metabolic intermediate) of dimexide: dimethyl sulfide, a component of natural onion and garlic flavor. It can last from one to two days, and in a small percentage of people, especially men, the odor can be very strong. Drinking enough water will help dispel the odor.

Other side effects of dimexide - such as stomach upset, headaches, nausea and sedation - are related to detoxification reactions.

When dimexide is diluted with water, heat is generated. The bottle will be warm. This is a temporary, safe reaction.


Buy dimexide for medical purposes only from reliable suppliers.

A pure solution of dimexide will become solid (like ice) in the refrigerator within 2 hours. If you turn a frozen bottle over and small streams of water flow through the ice, then you most likely have veterinary grade dimexide. This is 90% concentration. 10 percent is distilled water.

Many commercial-grade dimexide solutions contain a certain percentage of acid or acetone impurities. Although this solvent is sometimes used for pharmaceutical purposes, there is a great risk in doing so. Acetone can cause serious medical consequences. Long-term exposure to acetone can cause liver damage and death. Beware of this problem when you buy unreliable dimexide.

Also remember that dimexide increases the effects of medications such as blood thinners, steroids, heart medications, sedatives, etc.


Dimexide is one of the safest products ever used in medicine. Although it has been used by millions of people in the United States and other countries around the world, there have been no documented cases of death or serious injury from the use of dimexide.

Now compare. Number of deaths associated with medical drugs in the US is estimated to be more than a year, making drugs the third of the four leading causes of death. Even the common painkillers that are called Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs (such as Advil, Mortin, Aleve and aspirin) account for about 7,600 deaths and hospitalizations in the US annually. Taking this into account, it can be argued that dimexide is one of the safest substances in the world today.

The classic toxicity test, the LD-50 test, measures the lethal dose at which half a group of test animals will die. This test for aspirin and dimexide shows that aspirin is seven times more toxic than dimexide.

Opponents of dimexide

First of all, these are the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) and large pharmaceutical companies.

Dimexide is sold in health food stores, online and in most of the world. It has been used by millions for the health benefits it provides, but in the US, dimexide is approved by the FDA only as a preservative for stem cells, bone marrow cells and organs for transplantation, and for interstitial cystitis, a painful inflammatory bladder disease that is very difficult to treat with other therapies. .

The fact that dimexide is not approved for others medical diseases This is partly due to the fact that double-blind tests cannot be performed. Blind tests, as the name suggests, require that the study be conducted without knowing which patient is taking the placebo and which the drug. In the case of dimexide, blind tests cannot be carried out due to the specific taste and smell similar to garlic (regardless of the method of application).

If you search for information about dimexide in the US National Library of Medicine (pubmed.gov) you will find nearly indexed results, making dimexide one of the most studied compounds of our time. However, we are led to believe that dimexide cannot perform necessary requirements to be approved for other medical conditions, despite its effectiveness and undeniable low toxicity.

You see, dimexide is a common chemical that is very cheap to produce. No drug company can obtain an exclusive patent, since it is also a natural compound, therefore these companies will not be able to receive significant financial profit. The president of a large pharmaceutical company said: “We don't care that dimexide is the main drug of our century and we all know it, it's just not worth anything to us” (CBS TV show 60 Minutes with Mike Walesa, The Dimexide Mystery). If dimexide were approved by the FDA, it could compete with pharmaceutical companies. The director of the FDA's Bureau of Drugs, Richard Crout, MD, said: “DMexide is low toxic and is a safe compound (...) I think this is an existential issue for pharmaceutical companies. They won't invest in anything until they see that there will be significant financial gain." (CBS TV show 60 Minutes with Mike Walesa, The Dimexide Mystery).

Despite restrictions on the use of dimexide, thousands of Americans buy it on the black market every year, its popularity due not to advertising, but due to recommendations from other people who have benefited from dimexide. When you have something that cures all types of illnesses, including some incurable and life-threatening ones, people naturally recommend it to friends and family.

Quick Guide

Dimexide is usually applied to the skin in the form of a liquid, gel or cream. It can be taken by mouth or through intravenous injection(in many cases along with other medications). It is also prescribed subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intraperitoneally, intrathecally, through inhalation, on mucous membranes and in bladder. Dimexide can also be instilled into the eyes. Concentrations and doses vary widely.

People with white skin, blond or red hair and Blue eyes more sensitive to dimexide. For these, surface, oral or intravenous concentrations should be 50 percent or less, especially around the face and neck.

Dimexide applied to the skin is completely absorbed after 4-8 hours. Dimexide taken orally reaches peak blood levels after 4 hours. In general, absorption through the skin is slightly less than through the digestive tract.

Dimexide cannot quickly penetrate nails, hair or tooth enamel.

Surface application

The liquid form of dimexide is the most effective form applying dimexide.

It is advisable to begin superficial treatment with dimexide with low concentrations until the skin gets used to it over time.

For any superficial use of dimexide, the skin must be clean, dry and undamaged. The face and neck are more sensitive to dimxide and therefore concentrations higher than 50% should not be used. In areas where circulation is reduced, surface concentrations of dimexide should be below 70%. If 60%-90% dimexide is applied to the skin, warmth, redness, and tingling may occur. This usually goes away within a couple of hours. To prevent this effect, you can use natural aloe vera, gel or cream. Overall, after superficial treatment With dimexide, it is recommended to apply aloe vera cream to that place, regardless of whether there is irritation on the skin or not.

Oral administration

The usual dose of dimexide for oral administration is 1-2 teaspoons (5-10 ml) per day.

Dimexide is usually mixed with tomato or grape juice to mask its unpleasant taste.

It is advisable to first start with half a teaspoon of dimexide and gradually increase (if any possible reactions detoxification).

Intravenous injections

Up to 20 cc of dimexide at 25% concentration (dimexide must be diluted with sterile water) is prescribed via intravenous injection by a specially trained doctor for the treatment of more serious degenerative diseases.

Intravenous injection is done by slowly pushing the entire volume into the bloodstream at one time.

IV drip

A slow intravenous drip is applied over 2-3 hour periods. A cc of dimexide added to 500 cc of glucose or saline solution is instilled into the patient's arm vein. This method should only be performed by a qualified doctor.


Dimexide is very effective in treating the following diseases:

Amyloidosis, Alzheimer's and Dementia, Arthritis, Sports injuries, Brain Damage, Burns, Cancer, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Liver Cirrhosis, Diabetes, Digestive Problems, Ear and Hearing Problems, Medical Emergency, Eye Problems, Fibromyalgia, Fungal Infections, Hair and Scalp Problems, Headaches , Infections, Inflammation, Interstitial cystitis, Skin tuberculosis (lupus), Mental illness, Mental retardation, Multiple sclerosis, Pain, Breathing problems

Scleroderma, Shingles and herpes, Injuries spinal cord, Skin problems, Stroke, Diseases of teeth and gums and many others.

Brain and spinal cord injuries

One of the most striking areas of application of dimexide is the treatment of brain and spinal cord injuries. If dimexide is administered intravenously within 90 minutes of injury, the substance can produce near-miraculous results, including preventing paralysis. The sooner you apply dimexide, the more tangible results the patient will have. Dramatic results appear even when using dimexide several hours after the initial injury. The following factors are responsible for this effect: dimexide relieves inflammation, fights free radicals, and also reduces cellular oxygen requirements.

When the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system) are injured, the nerves and tissue in that area become compressed, causing swelling. While swelling occurs in the skull in a head injury and in the spinal column in a spinal cord injury, blood vessels are compressed and blood and oxygen are cut off from the damaged areas, causing cell and tissue damage or death. With timely administration of dimexide intravenously, swelling is prevented and blood flow to the site of injury is increased.

When a head injury occurs, water and blood accumulate in the skull, causing a buildup of pressure that eventually compresses the vital centers of the brain, resulting in permanent injury or death. Immediate treatment with dimexide significantly reduces intracranial pressure, helping the victim avoid long-term injury and possible death. Dimexide binds to excess water and blood, takes it into the surrounding blood vessels and removes it from the brain. In fact, it dries out the brain of potentially harmful water and blood.

Injury to the brain and spinal cord results in the production of free radicals, which increase the damage by killing surrounding cells. Dimexide is such a powerful antioxidant that it stops the oncoming wave of free radicals, and thus protects neural tissue. Although it is not known why, dimexide reduces the oxygen requirements of cells necessary for their healthy functioning. This is extremely important in cases of brain and spinal cord injuries, when lack of oxygen is main factor cell damage and death.

In one study, 24 mongrels had blood flow to the midline section of the spinal cord blocked for 30 minutes. 12 animals in the control group received a saline injection, while experimental group of 12 animals received an injection of dimexide. 11 out of 12 animals receiving saline solution experienced complete paralysis lower limbs. In 11 out of 12 animals who received dimexide, there was a complete recovery and they could walk and run normally. The twelfth animal in the dimexide group had only mild weakness. Microscopic studies tissues of both groups revealed that ischemic (lack of oxygen) changes and cellular damage were suffered only by animals from the control group.

The use of dimexide in humans has had equally impressive results. In one patient with paralyzed limbs who had no sensation or muscle activity below the neck, immediate administration of dimexide allowed him to move his fingers within two hours, and ultimately restored all function.

Dr. Jacob reported two cases at his Oregon Medical School in which dimexide was used within one hour of central nervous system injuries. These injuries could lead to complete paralysis of the arms and legs. In both cases, the patients left the hospital themselves after their full recovery. Dr. Jacob reported three more cases in which dimexide was given five, six, and nine hours after injury to the central nervous system, and where the probability of complete paralysis was about 100 percent. Although the 90-minute window of opportunity was significantly narrowed, two out of three patients were able to walk after receiving the IV.

When intravenous administration is not possible, rubbing a few tablespoons of 70% DM/30% water onto almost any area of ​​the skin (except the site of injury) should help prevent tissue swelling and injury to the central nervous system including brain damage.


In the 1960s, human studies of dimexide were temporarily stopped after changes in the lenses of the eyes appeared in certain animals treated with dimexide. Research was gradually resumed after it was found that such changes did not occur in people's eyes. Daniel Haley reports in his book The Politics of Treatment: “Tests on rabbits, dogs and pigs (but not humans) showed some problems. When taken daily for six months at a dose of dimexide that is approximately ten times the maximum human dose, small changes occurred in the lenses of the animals' eyes. This caused the animals to become slightly myopic. The changes in the lenses were not sufficient to make it difficult for the dogs to run - they did not crash into obstacles - and in some cases, the changes disappeared immediately after the massive doses were stopped. In no tests at that time or since then has dimexide ever caused cataracts, either in animals or in humans.

In reality, dimexide is very effective in treating macular degeneration and retinal diseases. Its effectiveness was first discovered when patients with retinitis pigmentosa, a retinal disease, took dimexide to treat certain musculoskeletal disorders. They felt their vision improved and some had amazing results.

When several patients treated with dimexide for muscle problems reported to Dr. Jacob that their vision had improved, he referred them to Dr. Robert O. Hill, an ophthalmologist at the University of Oregon School of Medicine. Confirming the beneficial changes, Dr. Hill began his own experiments with dimexide. His research showed that 50% dimexide drops are effective for rhitinitis pigmentosa and macular degeneration (he presented a report on this at a symposium of the Academy of Sciences New York in 1971).

One drop of 25% dimexide (diluted in sterile physiological saline solution) once or twice daily is useful for eye problems including cataracts or glaucoma.

Arthritis, Sprains, Dislocations, Calcification

Most people with arthritis who visit hot springs resorts report positive results. The water in these hot springs usually contains large amounts of natural sulfur. While hot water can be beneficial, the most important health benefits of these hot springs likely lie in the sulfur in the water.

Doctors treating arthritis with dimexide and their patients agree that dimexide is the best treatment for arthritis, whether it is osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. This treatment may include dimexide alone or dimexide in combination with other products. Also, dimexide can be applied: superficially to the affected areas, through injection or taken by mouth.

When applied superficially, dimexide dramatically reduces pain and increases mobility, and also reduces inflammation. Positive reactions can be observed within 5-20 minutes and they usually last 4-6 hours.

June Jones, a former football team executive, had bursitis calcification in his right shoulder. He received an injection of dimexide in the shoulder. After using dimexide for 30 days, the calcification completely disappeared.

Amyloidosis and Alzheimer's disease

Amyloidosis is a disease characterized by abnormal deposition of amyloid proteins in various tissues of the body. Proteins become amyloid if, when deformed in their secondary structure, they take on an assembled insoluble form like a beta-pleated sheet.

The two most common symptoms associated with localized amyloidosis are type 2 diabetes, where amyloid proteins accumulate in the pancreas, and Alzheimer's disease, where amyloid proteins accumulate in the brain.

In one Israeli study, amyloidosis was induced in experimental mice. The mice were studied for the next 60 days, then killed and dissected. Almost immediately after starting to treat the mice with dimexide, broken amyloid fibers were found in their urine. And after their autopsy, it was revealed that their livers were completely cleared of amyloid deposits. The livers of mice that were not treated with dimexide were clogged with amyloid. This study showed that dimexide dissolves amyloid proteins.

One of the most important uses of dimexide is in the treatment of patients with Alzheimer's disease. Dimexide has demonstrated the dissolution of amyloid proteins in brain lesions in patients with Alzheimer's disease.

The most significant improvement is observed in patients at an early stage of the disease. If the disease is allowed to develop to a certain point, then it will be impossible to reverse the process.

Stroke, Hemorrhagic stroke, Head injury

Dimexide has several properties that make it valuable in treating any problem related to the brain. One very important property of dimexide is its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier (between the blood and the cerebrospinal fluid).

If taken immediately after a stroke, dimexide can dissolve the blood clot that caused the stroke, restoring circulation and preventing paralysis. Once dimexide enters the body either through the skin, intravenous injection or through the mouth, it penetrates the body and crosses the brain barrier, so that even if taken orally it can improve circulation. Ideally, an intravenous injection should be given.

Although 40% dimexide prolongs bleeding time, it is still recommended for the treatment of embolic or hemorrhagic stroke. A hemorrhagic (relating to bleeding) stroke is the rupture of a weakened blood vessel in the brain. An embolic stroke is a blockage of a blood vessel by a thrombus. Dimexide is an excellent remedy for the treatment of brain damage resulting, for example, from bullet wound. The key to success in this case is to use dimexide as soon as possible after a blow or injury. The healing properties of dimexide bring tissues back to normal.

One man, who suffered a stroke at 7:30 a.m., refused to go to the hospital until his wife spoke to Dr. Stanley Jacob. I was able to talk to the doctor only at 18:30. Starting at 7:00 pm (the day of the stroke), the woman gave her husband one ounce of 50% DM in small orange juice every 15 minutes for two hours and then every half hour for two hours. The next day, her husband felt better and soon recovered. Such a substance that can stop a stroke should be in every home medicine cabinet.

Brain damage in children

Dimexide is useful in the treatment of mental retardation and Down syndrome. It can carry drugs into the brain through the blood-brain barrier, which is usually main problem in brain treatment.

Children with brain damage are given dimexide 50% concentration by mouth. This is especially useful for underdeveloped children, who are given half a gram for every kilogram of weight by mouth. A cholinesterase (enzyme) inhibitor, a medication that can stimulate the central nervous system, is definitely worth trying to help a brain-damaged child recover.

Mental retardation

Dimexide is very effective in the treatment of mental retardation. In some cases, only dimexide is used, and in some cases, dimexide is used in combination with amino acids, vitamins or other products. Dimexide is also used in various ways which include: oral administration, when the patient drinks dimexide diluted in water, juice or milk, intramuscular injections or superficial application.

Mental impairment

Dimexide is useful in the treatment of patients with the following diagnoses:

(1) overexcited states (acute schizophrenic reactions, manic phase manic-depressive psychosis);

(2) some symptoms of chronic psychosis (autism, stereotyping, negativism, abnormal behavior or delusions);

(3) serious neuroses (anxiety reactions, obsession)

Of particular note is the extraordinary report provided by Dr. Eduardo Ramirez and Dr. Segisfredo Luza of the Ayetano Heredia University in Lima, Peru. After extensive testing in animals and then in normal humans, Dr. Ramirez reported: "Intramuscular injection of 50% - 80% dimexide was administered to patients with acute or chronic schizophrenia" and that "of 14 acute cases, each was discharged from the hospital within 45 days after the beginning of treatment with dimexide... 4 of 11 chronic cases, one of which was sick for 14 years, were discharged over time, and the other 7 had very strong improvements... There was a sharp decrease in agitation... Recession of the feeling of persecution..., decline obsessions, return of alertness, calmness instead of worry and anxiety"

Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory disease in which the myelin sheaths around the axons of the brain and spinal cord are damaged, leading to demyelination (destruction of the myelin layer nerve fibers) and scarring. Illness reduces ability nerve cells communicate with each other.

After treatment with dimexide, patients experience remyelination (growth of myelin sheaths), decreased swelling and improved communication between nerve cells


Dimexide is very effective for vascular headaches and muscle tension, which so often accompanies headaches. Dimexide can be used both on hair areas and on areas near the eyes. A 90% solution is more effective.

Dimexide has several properties that may make it one of the most important products in the treatment of cancer. It is a powerful free radical fighter and detoxifying agent. It can penetrate body tissues and individual cells, transporting other drugs with it. Dimexide is anti-cancer on its own and becomes even more powerful when combined with other anti-cancer drugs.

Any of these important properties Dimexide may be effective in treating cancer. When all of these properties are combined in one product, we have one of the most powerful anti-cancer agents known today.

Treatment with dimexide in combination with Laetrile (Vitamin B-17 or amygdalin) also gives excellent results.


Dimexide in combination with antibiotics will remove bacterial resistance to these antibiotics. In order for dimexide to be clinically useful in this case, a possibly percentage solution of dimexide will be required. Dimexide has been used with excellent results to transport antibiotics to hard-to-reach places in the body, such as the bone marrow and brain.

Dimexide can dissolve the protein shell of viruses, leaving their viral core unprotected with its nucleic acid exposed to the immune system. Applied superficially, it relieves damage caused by shingles.

Placed in the nostrils or superficially on the face, dimexide can open blocked sinuses within minutes. Dimexide has also been successfully used in patients with polyps.

Dimexide can cure gum disease, tooth decay and pain if applied to problem areas.

“In the evening, I pour about two teaspoons of dimexide into a glass, add 20 mg of doxycycline, 2 tablespoons of distilled water and then rinse my mouth with it for about 2-3 minutes and then swallow everything. I believe it's about a 50% solution and it really works. The inflamed area of ​​my jaw completely calmed down in 2-3 days” - Laura, Toulouse, France.

Fungi, bacteria, viruses

Dimexide stops the spread of fungus. It has been shown to be effective in combination with the antibiotic griseofulvin in the treatment of ringworm, and especially fungal nails. Dimexide can also be mixed with other antifungal agents such as iodine. The solution should be 90 percentage concentration. Dimexide transports various fungocytes deep into the skin affected by the fungus.

At lower concentrations of 30 to 40 percent, dimexide inhibits the growth of some bacteria. Dimexide at a concentration of 12.5-25 percent completely inhibits the growth of highly pleomorphic bacteria. Dimexide also makes antibiotic-resistant bacteria vulnerable again.

It is assumed that dimexide dissolves the protein shell of viruses and leaves their nucleic acid core unprotected by the immune system.

Shingles and herpes

Dimexide is effective in the treatment of viral infections, including the herpes virus. Good results were obtained both simply from dimexide and from a combination of dimexide and various anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs.

Some doctors, especially those who specialize in natural treatment, used dimexide and lysine to treat herpes and herpes zoster. From a scientific point of view, it has been proven that lysine slows down the development of the herpes virus and prevents the reproduction of viruses. Usually, along with oral administration and superficial application of dimexide, up to 3000 mg of lysine is also taken orally.

Keloids, Scars, Burns, Bruises.

Dimexide 50-80% concentration applied two or three times a day will smooth out raised scars in a few months. It has a significant effect on superficial burns and if applied quickly to the injury, can remove any bruising.

“I applied dimexide to my face for two weeks... and cured an attack of acne, but what surprised me most was that my hyperpigmentation (melanosis of the skin (excess black pigment in the skin) skin) also decreased very strongly. This is simply amazing! " – HG, USA

“I applied a 50% dimexide solution to swollen lymph node. Then repeat again in the evening. This is amazing! There was a significant reduction in the size of the knot in just two applications! This node has been swollen for 20 years. – Melissa Madlock, Coldwater, Michigan, USA

Skin lotions containing dimexide have shown to be effective in treating burns. Severe burns covering large areas of the body can not only be very painful, but also fatal. In addition to tissue damage, the burn area may become infected.

A lotion of 50% dimexide and 50% aloe vera is very effective. Applying this lotion prevents the formation of blisters and scars.

Varicose veins and thrombophlebitis

Surface application of dimexide can give white telangiectasia (local excessive expansion small vessels on the surface of the skin). Dimexide may also reduce inflammation and the size of varicose veins in the legs.

Genitourinary disorders

Dimexide has been used in the treatment of a large number of patients with various genitourinary disorders, including: fibroplastic induration of the penis, Peyronie's disease, interstitial cystitis, acute epididymitis, inflammation of the epididymis. Some experienced significant improvement in symptoms.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

For a person with carpal tunnel syndrome, dimexide can be very useful. Firstly, dimexide is an anti-inflammatory drug without any of the harmful side effects that are usually found in traditional anti-inflammatory drugs. This is very important because inflammation in the wrist can cause compression of the median nerve. Dimexide may also help improve circulation and reduce pain.


Dimexide has shown excellent results in the treatment of liver cirrhosis. Patients were given one teaspoon of dimexide in one ounce of aloe vera juice twice daily for six months.


Patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes reported good results treatment when using dimexide. This does not mean that the patient can stop using insulin. However, some patients have been able to reduce their insulin use with daily use of dimexide. No patient should stop using their insulin without their doctor's approval.

Emergency medical care

Dimexide has certain properties that make it a very valuable agent in the treatment of victims of serious accidents or sudden serious illnesses such as heart attacks. Dimexide reduces swelling, is anti-inflammatory, increases oxygen supply, fights free radicals and helps protect cells from mechanical damage.


Fibromalgia is relatively common rheumatic disease, which mainly affects women. The likelihood increases with age and is most common in women over 50. Unlike arthritis, fibromyalgia affects the muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Good results in the treatment of fibromyalgia are achieved after using dimexide.


Inflammation is the body's complex response to injury or tissue destruction. In its acute form, it can be characterized by the classic signs: pain, swelling, heat, redness and loss of function. Dimexide works as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It can minimize all symptoms of inflammation. Patients' tumors shrank and localized heat cooled to normal. Patients also often noticed an immediate reduction in pain.

Interstitial cystitis

Dimexide was originally approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1978 for the treatment of interstitial cystitis. The patient usually drinks one teaspoon of dimexide in cranberry juice once or twice a day. Patients often report almost immediate improvements.

Breathing problems

Dimexide, in combination with other products such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, has proven effective in treating most respiratory problems.

Dimexide is effective in treating asthma without the side effects of cortisone and bronchodilators. Treatment is carried out in a very simple way, such as superficial application of dimexide or dimexide in combination with various drugs and herbs.

Skin problems

Dimexide mixed with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents gives excellent results in the treatment of ulcers caused by various causes, such as diabetes, infected wounds and burns.

Skin tuberculosis (lupus)

Cutaneous tuberculosis is an inflammatory disease with a wide variety of symptoms that can vary from patient to patient. Dimexide has been proven to be a very important product in the treatment of lupus. It does not completely cure lupus, but it reduces symptoms so much that the patient can live with the disease.


Scleroderma is a disease of unknown cause that hardens the body's tissues and can attack various internal organs. For this disease, dimexide is the only effective treatment.

Foot diseases

Dimexide may be effective in treating painful calluses, calluses, hard skin, ingrown toenails, and bumps on the outside thumb feet, hammertoe, heel spurs, inflammation of gout of the thumbs.

Hair and scalp problems

Dimexide is used to stimulate hair growth. Typically, patients with recent hair loss have the best results. When hair growth occurs, the areas that lost hair last will be the first to grow hair. Why does dimexide stimulate hair growth? Main reason is that dimexide is an excellent vasodilator. It dilates the small capillaries in the scalp. After this, blood delivery to the hair roots increases. Essential nutrients are delivered to the hair follicles, allowing hair growth to begin again.

More detailed information You can learn about dimexide and its use from Archie Scott’s book “Dimexide: a manual for doctors.”

a little of my favorite medicine, I decided to supplement it, because... doctors in clinics very rarely recommend it - mainly in hospitals - they use it there with all their might


What does Dimexide treat?

Once upon a time, being close to the field of medicine, I came across this amazing medicine, which later helped me many times!

This drug is called Dimexide

I have met few such medicines that actually turned out to be medicines with a capital M!

But this has been tested in practice more than once, so I know what I’m saying!

By the way, when I was preparing this material, I noticed that it seemed to dissolve blood clots!!!

Another plus for this medicine!

Use of the drug Dimexide

Dimexide is a product for external use. It is an absolutely transparent liquid with a rather characteristic garlic smell(although I didn't find it to smell like garlic).

The drug mixes well with both water and alcohol. It freezes (crystallizes) already at a temperature just below +16 degrees, but this does not affect its quality in any way. If a bottle of Dimexide crystals is dipped into hot water, they will easily melt and turn back into liquid.

So, pharmacological properties Dimexide.

The active ingredient in this drug is dimethyl sulfoxide. It is he who has unique chemical properties. Thanks to this, Dimexide has such different pharmacological actions:

  1. It relieves inflammation;
  2. Excellently restores the processes of replenishing cellular tissues;
  3. Kills various pathogens;
  4. Excellent pain relief;
  5. Significantly improves blood flow in vessels and capillaries;
  6. And even dissolves blood clots.
  7. Quickly absorbed into the blood.

Thanks to so many pharmacological effects this drug successfully used to treat many diseases.


Dimexide for hair is one of the most effective and radical ways to accelerate hair growth

Surely, many have heard about the famous hair masks with dimexide, which are activators of hair growth. as part of nourishing hair masks, it turns into a “miracle element” that strengthens hair, stops hair loss, improves the appearance of hair and increases its growth rate by up to 3 cm per month.
Dimexide has been used for hair growth for a long time; preparing a mask with it is quite simple, but you must strictly follow the rules. You can add it to any nourishing masks containing vegetable oils, herbal decoctions, liquid vitamins, yolks and brewer's yeast. Dimexide easily penetrates deep into the skin and “carries” the nutrients of the mask along with it. That's why hair follicles very easily receive the necessary nutrients, become stronger and grow faster.

A mask with dimexide should look like this - 1 part dimexide and 3 parts of other components. Always strictly follow the proportions, otherwise you can cause great damage to your hair. Mix all components thoroughly so that the dimexide mask is homogeneous; if the homogeneity is disturbed, you may get burned.

Masks for dry hair with dimexide are best prepared with vegetable oils - jojoba, coconut or almond. And for oily hair, masks with onion or lemon juice or cognac are suitable. To combat the smell of onions, add a couple of drops of aromatic essential oil.

Masks with dimexide

Recipe 1 - mix 1 tsp. peach oil with 1 tsp. any other vegetable oil, add the yolk and 1 tsp. dimexide solution. At oily hair add 1 tbsp. cognac Mix and apply to hair, first at the roots and then at the length. Wrap your head in plastic and a towel and wait 30 minutes, rinse with shampoo and rinse your hair with water and lemon juice. Perform the mask 2 times a week, 1 month.

Recipe 2 - mix 1 tsp. burdock and castor oil, add 5 drops of lemon essential oil, 1 tsp. dimexide and 1 tsp. oil vitamins A and E. Lightly heat the mask in a water bath and rub into the roots of the hair, cover the hair with a cap and hold the mask for about an hour, rinse with shampoo. Do a dimexide mask 1-2 times a week for a month.

Dimexide for hair growth - extraordinary effective remedy, which will accelerate hair growth up to 3 cm per month.


another recipe:

- vitamins A and E in oil;
- burdock oil(in any of its configurations: with pepper, with aloe, etc.);
- castor oil;
- vitamin B6 in ampoules;
- lemon juice (at home, press 2 spoons onto one mask);
- dimexide (this is a substance that accelerates the penetration of substances into the skin).

It's simple: mix all the oils in a water bath. We heat them thoroughly, but do not boil!

4-5-6 minutes is enough. Touch it with your finger to make it heat a little. Remove from heat, quickly add vitamin in an ampoule (I took 2 ampoules per mask), lemon juice and a tablespoon of dimexide. Mix very well.