A bullet or knife wound in a dream according to Wallace’s dream book. I dreamed of being wounded with a knife in a dream

The article on the topic: “dream book of knife wounds” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Many dream books interpret a wound inflicted with a knife negatively. Interpreters associate this with a danger that is about to make itself felt. This dream promises heartfelt experiences. So why dream knife wound? The dream book will tell you in detail.

Take care of your health

What can you dream about if you happen to get wounded by a knife in a dream? According to the dream book, financial problems await you. If you are planning things that should bring profit, if possible, postpone them for a while. Even if you were only cut in a dream, do not start new things - they will only bring losses.

Did you dream that you cut yourself? Circumstances will come into life that will force you to change your plans.

Have similar dream and one more interpretation, and it promises health problems. Be alert and careful - stay away from dangerous species sports, take care of prevention colds. Remember, circumstances will stack up against you, so it is so important to be extremely collected.

Do no harm

Do you see a man who was stabbed? In reality, meet someone who has been hurt. Try to apologize, but it’s not at all a fact that they will want to listen to you.

Why do you dream if you acted as the offender? Be careful, the dream book warns, in reality you can also cause harm. To avoid an unpleasant situation and feelings of guilt, watch yourself and do not let your feelings prevail over the voice of reason.

What does it mean to have a dream in which you injured someone through negligence? In reality, your help may backfire both on you and on the person you wanted to help. Did you dream about a wounded man? Try to refrain from helping - this will only make the situation worse.

What's on the heart?

If a woman dreams that she is stabbing a man in the chest, in reality she promises to love him very much.

Dream books also have one more opinion regarding this - love experiences are coming. The sleeper will fall in love, but these feelings will only bring suffering, even though there will also be plenty of pleasant moments.

When a representative of the fairer sex sees herself inflicting bloody wounds on a man, in reality she will have to lose her loved one. The same vision for men is a warning - you will be unfairly accused.

Interpretation by Gustav Miller

According to this famous psychologist, a knife wound promises unforgettable passion. But, if you happen to see many small wounds, your personal life will change for the worse. Failures will exhaust you so much that the sleeper will have a desire to just be alone for a while.

If you are wounded in the leg, there is a high risk of losses, the dream book warns. They can be both material and spiritual; relationships with loved ones can also deteriorate. This will make you look at your actions from a different angle and rethink a lot.

Did the blow hit between the shoulder blades? According to the dream book, in reality someone is secretly trying to annoy you.

Quarrels and slander

Why do you dream that you were wounded in a dream? A close friend will disappoint you, the dream book will upset you. Also beware of those who only want to appear to be friends, but in reality are not at all. There is a high probability that these people will spread malicious gossip about you.

Did you get stabbed in the stomach in a dream? You are about to become involved in a conflict with your parents that will have a significant impact on your life. Most often, negative and irreversible. The same dream may also indicate that the sleeper will have to resolve a matter on which the well-being of the family will depend.

Dream in detail

To understand what you saw in detail, try to remember where the knife hit.

  • If your back is hurt, your loved ones will disappoint you with deception.
  • Wounded in the leg? Career growth will be complicated by obstacles.
  • Did the blow hit your hand? Be prepared for family or financial troubles.
  • Knife stuck in the stomach? Lose something that was very important or a connection with your parents.
  • Is it a wound on the body as a whole? You will blame yourself very much.

Knife wound according to the dream book

Why do you dream of a knife wound? Often, dream books interpret such a plot as a negative symbol, warning of troubles, health problems, and conflicts. A vision in a dream promises strong love experiences that also carry positive emotions.

Possible losses, health problems

Why do you dream of getting stabbed in a dream? The dream book reports: financial losses are possible. It is advisable to postpone planned activities designed for profit. Getting even just a knife cut means things will go badly, so it’s better to refrain from new projects.

Did you hurt yourself with a knife? Your plans will change. Certain circumstances will appear that will force you to change your mind, change your plans.

A dream about a knife wound, according to the dream book, often foreshadows illness or deterioration in health. Risks leading to injury must be avoided and preventive measures against seasonal infections. In addition, circumstances may develop unfavorably for the dreamer.

Be careful: you may cause harm yourself

To see a wounded man with a knife wound in a dream - you will meet a person who was once greatly offended. You can make amends by asking for forgiveness, but it is unknown whether he will want to listen.

Why dream of injuring a person with a knife? The dream book warns: the sleeper may commit a vile act towards someone. To avoid this, you should work on yourself, developing a sense of justice.

Did you dream of accidentally injuring a person? Trying to help someone, you can seriously harm yourself and him. In general, seeing a wounded person means: your intervention in order to help someone else’s problem will only aggravate it.

Love experiences

For a woman to hurt a man in a dream, it portends: she will love him or simply test him strong desire to be loved by someone.

Sometimes dream books interpret this vision as a harbinger of strong romantic feelings. The person sleeping in reality will fall in love and will suffer greatly, although positive emotions there will be more.

A dream of blood damage promises a woman the loss of her husband or lover. Such a dream warns a man that he is being slandered by his superiors.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

A knife wound in a dream is a harbinger of great passion. However, seeing many shallow cuts promises annoying failures on the personal front that can devastate the dreamer’s soul. He will begin to dream of solitude and rest from everything.

Conflicts, gossip

Why dream of being wounded in a dream - a friend will really let the sleeping person down, will put a pig under circumstances when they were counting on his help. Also being wounded means: you should beware of imaginary friends. Their evil gossip can deeply wound the dreamer.

A dream of being stabbed in the stomach promises conflicts, the consequences of which will be quite serious, perhaps even insoluble. Also, a wound in the stomach, according to the dream book, foreshadows: the dreamer in reality will have to decide some important question which will affect the well-being of the family.

Dream details

For the correct interpretation of a dream, it is important where you were wounded:

  • in the back - deception, betrayal on the part of someone close;
  • in the leg - something will impede the sleeper’s career advancement;
  • in hand - troubles with family, and for unmarried people - shame;
  • in the stomach - to lose something important;
  • a wound on the body means great moral torment awaits.

A wound in the leg in a dream also portends losses: material, career, in relationships. They will pull the rug out from under your feet and force you to reevaluate your actions.

Someone stabbed you in the back? The dream book warns: in reality, spiteful critics will try to insidiously strike on the sly.

Vision! A stranger stabbed my arms.

A neighbor tried to stab me in the stomach.

Some military man wounded me in the shoulder.

An unfamiliar man stabbed me in the back, shallowly, did not see blood in my dream, walked on his feet, by himself.

I had such a dream, how they poked me with a knife in the stomach and chest, and it’s infuriating that I want to defend myself and hit the enemy, but I don’t have the strength, as if there was some kind of weakness.

I killed the enemy with a knife, but he also wounded me.

Stabbed in the body by an unknown person?

Many stab wounds to the back, legs, arms and felt pain. Before my eyes, the same wounds were inflicted on my loved one. What could this mean?

A stranger entered the apartment and stabbed me in the stomach (he then pursues me).

Some crazy woman with a knife was watching me in a dream. She managed to wound me in the leg and stomach. There was blood flowing and I felt a little pain.

A guy, about 40 years old, quite handsome, purposefully approached me and stabbed me three times with a semicircular knife in the stomach, I wanted to grab his hand, he calmly said - take your hand away.

Dream interpretation of knife wounds

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

What does a wound mean in a dream in Miller’s dream book?

In general, dreams of being wounded by a knife indicate great passion.

But, if you see multiple wounds with a knife in a dream, then failure in personal life They will literally exhaust your soul, you will get tired of such a life and want a little loneliness and peace.

Dreaming of a wounded person is a warning that you should not get involved in other people's affairs, this will only make the problem worse.

It’s even worse if you happen to wound someone with a knife yourself. Your intervention can greatly harm both this person and you personally.

You dream of wounds on your legs, a wound in the leg - something will interfere with your career advancement.

A large wound on the body (especially a wound in the heart) indicates that the sleeper will experience great moral suffering.

A wound in the back is dreamed of as a sign of betrayal from loved one.

A wound on the neck or a wounded face means melancholy and unwillingness to see anyone.

If a wound received in a dream bleeds, a relative will be involved in the matter.

Stitching a wound signifies the need to console someone.

Bandaging is the same meaning of the dream.

A festering wound symbolizes dark memories gnawing at the soul.

If you dreamed about a wounded child, your business will suffer. Bad dream for traders.

Inflicting wounds on oneself in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's homosexual inclinations.

If you dreamed that the wound had healed, your troubles would end and you would find peace of mind.

Why do you dream about a wound, an injury, Vanga’s dream book

If you dream of a large wound (especially with blood), this is a bad omen. Such a dream indicates a gap in a person’s energy field, deprivation of higher aid and support.

A wound without blood indicates that the situation is not critical and can be corrected.

If you dreamed of a wound according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

If you dreamed that you were wounded, troubles or possibly financial losses await you.

But if you dreamed about being wounded New Yearcoming year will be successful in love.

However, what exactly you happened to be wounded in a dream is also important. Wounds from a knife dream that someone will seek your favor.

Why do you dream about being wounded - Hasse’s dream book

A knife wound with blood is dreamed of for a new admirer (fan).

In a dream, wounds without blood symbolize a person who is seeking your favor for some selfish purpose.

Injuring a person with a knife in a dream is beneficial. Moreover, the larger the cut wound from the knife in your dream, the greater the self-interest.

Wounds on the hands dream of eating.

If the wounded hand festers, beware of poisoning.

A deep wound on the chest dreams of happy love.

A stabbing wound to the neck portends loss of wealth.

They are stitching up a wound on you - to a new friend.

A wounded relative dreams of a good deed.

A head wound foreshadows the commission of a stupid act.

Multiple wounds on the head indicate in a dream that mistakes do not teach you anything.

If you dreamed of a wound in your mouth, you will be deprived of the opportunity to say something, even though you have a great desire to do so.

A small child with a wound on his head dreams of injustice.

Why do you dream about a wound - esoteric dream book

Wounds on your body dream of an acute illness.

I dreamed of someone else’s wounded man - you have an admirer (a dream for a woman).

A deep wound on the hand symbolizes changes in relationships with friends.

A lacerated leg wound warns the sleeper that he has invaded someone else's territory and may suffer as a result.

If you dream deeply open wound on the leg of a stranger - you will protect what belongs to you.

If in a dream they wanted to kill you and wounded you with a knife, then in reality you will experience extreme stress.

Chopped or puncture wound on the head dreams of a very dangerous, incorrect solution to some issue.

I dreamed that my whole head was covered in wounds - it’s time to change something in your life, you’ve been making too many mistakes lately.

A wound on the cheek symbolizes an unpleasant situation.

Someone else's face with wounds is a harbinger of a meeting with a person whom you once greatly offended and who has not yet forgotten it.

If you dreamed of a child covered in blood and wounds, in reality you will have to show mercy.

Why do you dream about wounds, Longo’s dream book

Wounded people dream of old grievances.

If you dreamed of a wound on your face, you will suffer a loss.

A wound on the leg is a sign of illness.

Injuring your foot by stepping on a nail leads to infection.

If the wounded leg festers, the illness will be long and severe.

If you dreamed of wounds on your chest, you will receive praise or even a reward.

A wound on the back symbolizes a vile act on the part of someone you trusted.

At the same time, if blood is flowing from the wound, you will be very worried about this. The dream may also indicate family ties with this person.

Wound, injury, English dream book

If a man dreams of a girl with sores on her lips, he may become infected with a sexually transmitted disease.

Wounds in a child dream of the need for increased attention and care for younger family members.

Why do you dream of a deep knife wound?

A knife is both a bladed weapon and a tool. They can hurt and create. Since ancient times, the knife was perceived as a talisman against evil spirits. It was also an attribute of witchcraft. This object was idolized and feared.

Dreams in which we see a knife frighten us very much. To find out what a knife wound means in a dream, you need to consider different interpretations dream books.

Often, dream books interpret this dream as negative, predicting conflicts and health problems. The opposite interpretation is strong love experiences.

Wound - a sign of strong love passion. However, many small wounds mean love failures that will devastate the dreamer.

Cut with a knife - It’s worth taking a closer look at your friends around you. There is probably a traitor among them. The dreamer is threatened serious danger. If a stranger wounds you, changes will occur in your personal life.

Cutting a person in a dream - such a dream promises conflicts and clashes that will arise through the fault of the dreamer due to his intemperance. If the wound was caused by a table knife, the sleeper will have to face the division of property and problems associated with it.

According to Freud, the knife symbolizes manhood. For a man, a knife wound means he is insecure and complex in love affairs.

To injure a person means fast lucrative offer. Losing a knife - career ruin or strong problems in money matters.

Numerous stab wounds - a harbinger of intrigue, envy, deceit. There may be disappointments in people. A cut and a bleeding wound - betrayal of a spouse, troubles in the family.

Practical folk dream book

If you dreamed of being wounded in the stomach, need to be careful. Possible actual injury or illness abdominal cavity. A dream in which the dreamer was stabbed by a friend or relative is interpreted depending on the atmosphere of the dream. A direct and open blow - a person seeks to improve relationships. Hit on the sly - gossip, slander, betrayal.

Knife injury symbolizes losses, quarrels, troubles at work and in the family. If the dreamer is wounded, then such a dream predicts difficult trials, intrigues of colleagues and superiors. If the sleeping person himself has wounded someone, he is not tolerant of others and is harsh in his communication.

The sleeping person is surrounded by imaginary friends who, at the first mistake, will go against him. It is necessary to reveal their plans and prevent problems.

Bloodless knife wound - the situation can be resolved with minimal losses. If there is a lot of blood in the dream, the problem will be serious and confusing.

For men, sleep can have positive value, if in a dream the sleeping person wounded a stranger. In reality, success in business and successful resolution of problems await him. If a man fights with a loved one and injures him, then one should expect betrayal by loved ones and failure through his own fault.

Seeing a wounded person and not trying to help him - bad sign. The dreamer will witness a crime or scandal. If the sleeper bandages the wounded, then a positive turn in affairs awaits him.

For women, seeing knife wounds in a dream is not very good sign. This is a symbol of impending illness, husband’s betrayal or problems with children. For pregnant women, such a dream predicts premature or difficult birth. Unmarried woman the dream promises an unsuccessful marriage or violence against her.

Where were you wounded?

Interpretation of a dream about a knife wound depends on where the person is wounded:

  • I dreamed that I was shot in the back. Such a dream promises betrayal of loved ones, deception. The dreamer will not be able to find out who will betray him.
  • Knife wound to the leg. Something will hinder the sleeper’s career and the advancement of his affairs. “The ground will disappear from under his feet,” he will have to reconsider his actions.
  • Wounded hand. Problems, troubles, and quarrels will begin in the dreamer's family. It also portends a new acquaintance who will fight against the sleeping person.
  • Wound in the stomach. Real diseases of the abdominal organs are possible. The dreamer will also lose something important. Discord with parents is possible. If the sleeping person stabbed himself in the stomach with a knife, he will receive benefits and good luck, which he can enjoy to the fullest.
  • A blow to the heart. Such a dream expresses real heart pain. Either the dreamer is worried about his loved ones, or he has heart disease. After such a dream, it is a good idea to consult a doctor. For a girl, such a dream predicts unhappy love.
  • Knife wound in the side. This dream predicts an unhappy period and damage to property. Quarrels with loved ones are possible.
  • Knife wound to the throat. The dreamer will find himself in a hopeless situation. Family, reputation, business will be at stake.
  • Head wound. Such a dream indicates that the dreamer is overworked. You need to give yourself a rest.
  • Bloody knife in a dream

    What matters for the interpretation of a dream is the condition of the knife, whether the wound was bloodless or not. A knife with blood is one of the most frightening dreams. In any case, such a dream portends danger and self-destruction.

    Danger can be in the literal sense, for example, participating in a fight. The girl is at risk of violence against her. The sleeper should be careful.

    Blood on a knife means problems in business, material losses. Hostility from strangers. If a bloody knife is in the house of friends or relatives, then they are in danger. We need to warn them about this.

    I dreamed that a man was holding a bloody knife in his hand - he has to defend his interests using force.

    Seeing a bloody medical scalpel in a dream means health problems. Perhaps the dreamer will have a serious operation.

    A bloody knife is in the girl's bathroom - she is suffering from unrequited love and wants to commit suicide. It is worth talking to her about her problems and helping. If this knife was rusty and old, then you should be more attentive to household chores and responsibilities. Relatives can bring trouble. A broken knife in the blood means problems, life difficulties lie ahead, and some of your hopes will not come true.

    If a person sleeping has a bad streak in life and sees a bloody knife in a dream, then such a dream predicts a speedy resolution of problems. However, killing someone with this knife means the emergence of new opportunities in a person’s life, permission material problems. Killing someone at work and seeing a bloody knife means promotion, an unexpected lucrative offer, victory over rivals in the service.

    Pulling a bloody knife out of your body also means victory over enemies, receiving unexpected profits. There will be acquaintances with new people and fate will show favor to the dreamer.

      Dream interpretation "dreams"

      The dreamer piercing knife in a person many times, a lucrative offer awaits. Fight on knives portends happiness. Chop someone knife in part means the loss of a huge fortune or funds invested in the business. If a woman sees bloody wound in dream, then in reality she will lose her lover or husband. When you dreamed about it(xia) knife wound? Today. Read more

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      If you saw in dream, What wounded knife Had a dream knife in dream rusty pocketbook knife in dream knife wound in dream stuck - a curiosity. Dream book of love relationships. Read more

    • Dream Interpretation "owoman"

      Why dreaming Wound: Knife wound- Get in dream knife wound means that your friend will screw you over. Wounded- A meeting awaits you with someone whom you once greatly offended. Autumn dream book. Why dreaming Wound according to the dream bookIf you saw in dream how do you treat wounds- then you will hear good news. If in dream you injured knife or a dagger - then beware of imaginary friends. Their evil tongues can hurt your heart wound. If you dreamed about it bleeding wounds- then you will experience remorse. Read more

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      I dreamed about it man with knife, A man holds a big one in his hand knife, Knife with a white handle (for women) - desire for sexual contact. Knife in dream for women symbolizes the male penis. To be killed or wounded knife, See in dream How they cut you knife, You were stabbed knife and blood oozes from knife injuries- losses, quarrels; negative impact another person.Read more

      Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

      In dream throw knife, disk, etc. - means that in reality you have embarked on a slippery path of unseemly actions. If dreamed about it one cutting, without steel - this means that we will be robbed, leaving you only what is unnecessary. Sometimes, in an allegorical sense, this means that a too wild and cheerful life will cause significant damage to your health, depriving you of strength and resources. Why dreaming Knife according to the dream book: Knife wound- Get in dream knife wound- fall deeply in love and suffer. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

      If you saw in dream, What wounded knife- get ready for domestic troubles and the machinations of enemies. Had a dream that they themselves rushed at someone with knife- show no best sides your character.Find in dream rusty pocketbook knife- your whole life will be accompanied by a series of misfortunes. Get in dream knife wound- means that your friend will screw you over. See in dream stuck - a curiosity. Dream interpretation of birthday people in September, October, December.Read in full

      Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

      See in dream wounded dove is a threat to peace. If in dream you injured knife wound. See in dream bleeding wounds- in reality experience remorse. If in dream wounds, - be careful! Dream Interpretation: Wound see in dream. Wound– If you dreamed that you are someone wounded, then this is a warning. Someone will try to destroy you. Read more

      Dream interpretation "junona"

      If you saw in dream, What wounded knife, get ready for domestic troubles and intrigues Had a dream that they themselves rushed at someone with knife, - show not the best sides of your Broken knife means defeat. If in dream you were inflicted knife wound...Read more

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      advanced search. Interpretation dreams Wound, dream Wound, dreamed Wound. Dream InterpretationDream Interpretation Wound. You inject repeatedly knife person. - Joy and benefit. On knives you fight with someone so that blood is visible. - Happiness. From knife wounds blood comes out. - Presages alcohol and food. You sting knife and you see blood. - Much to our happiness. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Dream Interpretation Wound knife and rape dreamed, why dreaming in dream Wound knife and rape? To select an interpretation sleep dream dreams by letter for free alphabetically).Read more

      Dream Interpretation "felomena"

      Natalya probably dream about wound knife, indicates that someone cares about you very much hurts morally. In dream dreamed that some very familiar person started chasing me, in his hands he had something similar to knife and he just wounded Everywhere he hit me, in the arms, face, back, etc., he bled very heavily, then he noticed my friend and began to attack her, and someone else came to my aid. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "felomena"

      Treat in dream wounds in dream wounded dove is a threat to peace. If in dream you injured knife or a dagger - beware of imaginary friends. Their evil tongues can hurt your heart wound. See in dream bleeding wounds- to experience remorse in reality. Hello, my name is Tatyana. To me dreamed about it dream what I received knife wound in the area of ​​the kidney from the mother. Constantly feeling that warm blood is flowing down your back. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

      Treat in dream wounds- hear good news. See in dream wounded dove is a threat to peace. If in dream you injured knife or a dagger - beware of imaginary friends. Their evil tongues can hurt your heart wound. See in dream bleeding wounds- in realityIf you dreamed what's your old wounds they bleed again - in reality you will be reminded of old grievances, and you will have to relive the mental pain and suffering. General dream book. In dream have you healed yours wound- in the near future you will perform a noble deed. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "vseproson"

      Treat in dream wounds- hear good news. See in dream wounded dove is a threat to peace. If in dream you injured knife or a dagger - beware of imaginary friends. Their evil tongues can hurt your heart wound.To you dreamed what's your old wounds are bleeding again - in reality you will be reminded of old grievances, and you will again experience mental pain and suffering. Dream, in which you saw that wounded Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Dream in which you saw knife, does not bode well for you, but only disagreements, quarrels between lovers or spouses, all kinds of troubles and insults. Rusty knives dream to breaking off a relationship with a loved one. If unmarried girl dreamed that she wounded knife, this portends dishonor for her. Publish your dream dreams and our Interpreters dreams dreaming Wound knife and rape in dream.Read more

      Dream Interpretation "vseproson"

      Treat in dream wounds- hear good news. See in dream wounded dove is a threat to peace. If in dream you injured knife or a dagger - beware of imaginary friends. Their evil tongues can hurt your heart wound.To you dreamed what's your old wounds are bleeding again - in reality you will be reminded of old grievances, and you will again experience mental pain and suffering. Dream, in which you saw that wounded someone close to you, portends illness, loss. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      If you dreamed about it kitchen knife, then you will be invited to dinner soon. Just wait for the invitation. If you dreamed about it hunting knife, then someone wants to kill you. To prevent the enemy from succeeding, before sleep Rub corn oil all over your body for a week. Post yours dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Wound knife and rape in dream.Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Some mysterious person holding in his hands knife, wanted to strike you - in personal matters dream portends some changes In many cases dreamed knife acts as a predictor of conflict in the family. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Wound knife and rape in dream.Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Get in dream knife wound- fall deeply in love and suffer. Saw in dream, What wounded knife Had a dream that they themselves rushed at someone with knife, – show not the best sides of your character. If you dreamed about it knife lying on the table, then in real life you are too afraid to meet new people. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Scary dream Nightmare Recurring dream Knife. Dream Interpretation - Murder. No matter how strange it may seem to you, but dream very positive in interpretation. such dream portends an acquaintance with a man for whom a deep feeling will arise. called Love. regardless of whether you are married at the moment or not. Post yours dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Wound knife and rape in dream.Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Dream Interpretation Caused wounds knife dreamed, why dreaming in dream Damaged wounds knife? To select an interpretation sleep enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on initial letter characterizing dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).Saw in dream, What wounded knife, - get ready for domestic troubles and the machinations of enemies. Had a dream that they themselves rushed at someone with knife, – show not the best sides of your character. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Treat in dream wounds- hear good news. See in dream wounded dove is a threat to peace. If in dream you injured knife or a dagger - beware of imaginary friends. In dream you provide assistance wounded wounds dreamed what's your old wounds are bleeding again - in reality you will be reminded of old grievances and you will again experience mental pain and suffering. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Gypsies Knives Pencil Gypsy family with knives. Dream Interpretation - Dog with wounded foot. Dream on a full moon, which actively occupies emotionally. Carrot is a double symbol in dream: phallic and as a source of strength and energy for the body/health. Publish yours dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Wound knife and rape in dream.Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      What do you need to remove from your life? Make a clean cut and throw away anything you don't need. Knives may symbolize: fear of emotional or physical wounded. And also before the penetration of the penis. Have you been hit knife in the back? In dream you provide assistance wounded person, trying to heal him wounds- in reality you serve goodness and justice. Therefore, your whole life is filled with mercy and love for your neighbors. To you dreamed what's your old wounds are bleeding again - in reality you will be reminded of the old ones...Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Dandelions Knife Dream Running Cut dandelions with stationery. Dream Interpretation - Salt, girl, knife, entrance. The dream suggests that you cannot yet see true value. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Wound knife and rape in dream.Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Treated in dream wounds- hear good news. Saw in dream wounded dove - to a quarrel. If in dream you injured knife or a dagger, beware of imaginary friends. Their evil tongues can hurt your heart wound. Had a dream bleeding wounds- in reality you will experience remorse. If in dream you saw how the already prolonged wounds, be careful!

    In a dream, as well as in reality, injury is associated with problems, rash actions and carelessness of the sleeping person. The dream book, interpreting what dreams of inflicting injury means, equates the dream with mental shock and depression.

    Miller’s dream book associates any injury with misfortune, an unfavorable turn in business. Seeing another character wounded means that the unfair attitude of his comrades can hurt the dreamer.

    A change in circumstances is coming!

    If you dreamed that you stabbed yourself in the stomach, this means that in reality, unforeseen circumstances will appear that will force the dreamer to change their intended goals.

    Seeing someone wounded in the stomach with a knife in a dream means meeting a person whom you once greatly offended in the past. You can try to make amends for a long-standing conflict by asking for forgiveness, however, whether your opponent will want to forgive you is unknown.

    Disappointments are inevitable!

    A woman’s dream book prophesies unexpected changes in relationships with her lover, whose actions will bring disappointment to the dreamer, explaining why she dreams of being stabbed in the back.

    The General Dream Book promises discord in relationships with friends and your significant other, explaining why you dream of being mortally wounded. A through wound with blood in a dream foreshadows a noticeable discord in relations with relatives. Perhaps someone is very offended by you.

    New love is coming!

    According to the dream book from A to Z, being wounded by a bullet in the chest indicates the unexpected love of a sleeping person and the emotional experiences associated with it.

    Be vigilant!

    A wound in the leg warns of the enemies’ intentions to knock the dreamer out of rhythm in order to slow down the pace of his activity. A dream about shooting pistols speaks of a critical moment that will negatively affect the reputation of the sleeping person.

    Seeing that a friend was wounded by a bullet in the neck warns you against fatal mistakes. Try to think about the current situation before jumping to conclusions.

    A dream about being wounded in the arm symbolizes financial losses. It is quite possible that ill-wishers will try to do harm.

    Important details

    The 21st century dream interpretation of a dream about a gunshot wound is associated with the location of the injury on the body. So, get a bullet from a pistol in:

    • hand - speaks of disappointment in friends;
    • belly - promises a change in intimate partner;
    • heart - portends troubles in matters of the heart;
    • back - to the betrayal of people from close circles;
    • chest - you will face aggression from others;
    • head - you will struggle with remorse;
    • leg - to a difficult long road.

    Success ahead!

    According to Newest dream book, those who happened to cut themselves with glass in a dream will have to reap the fruits of their labors in real life. Your efforts will be highly appreciated by your superiors and loved ones.

    Healing wounds received in battle in a dream predicts stabilization financial situation dreamer.

    Engage with your emotions

    David Loff explains why being wounded in a dream is explained by the unstable moral state of the dreamer. Perhaps your lack of confidence own strength, is the cause of failures in personal and business spheres.

    Dreaming of being wounded in the throat indicates that it is difficult for you to express your grievances and disagreement to your opponent’s face. Seeing a person wounded in the throat in a dream means clear disagreement with the character’s opinions and statements.

    A woman who in a dream saw her husband being wounded in the shoulder is advised by a dream interpreter to think about own behavior. For some reason, you think that your betrothed is not good for anything in this life, blaming him for all sins.

    Take care of your health

    The esoteric dream book advises to closely monitor your well-being, explaining why you dream of being wounded in the side. Such a dream may indicate a disorder of the liver or gastrointestinal tract.

    Wound - Being wounded in a dream is a sign of misfortune and an unfavorable turn of affairs, negative changes in your personal life. Seeing others wounded means injustice on the part of friends. If one of your loved ones is injured in a dream, it foretells illness and loss. Soothing pain or bandaging a wound is a harbinger of great luck, the “culprit” of which will largely be you yourself. In general, if in a dream you help a wounded person, in reality you are serving goodness and justice. Your whole life is filled with mercy and love for your neighbors. To dream that your old wounds are bleeding again - in reality you will be reminded of old grievances, and you will have to relive mental pain and suffering.

    Wound according to Maly Velesov’s dream book

    Wound - Health, well-being // misunderstandings; with blood - love // ​​death of a husband or loss of a lover (for a woman), slander (for a man); to see a wounded person - promotion // trouble; to be wounded (see Iron, sword) wealth // torment, resentment from loved ones, shame, death; to injure someone - a lie, resentment; to the point of bleeding - to offend a loved one.

    Wound according to the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov

    Wound - With blood - loss of husband, lover (for a woman); slander (for a man).

    Wound - Seeing a wound on yourself in a dream - the dream indicates that love disappointment will befall you in the near future. This is due to the fact that you idealized the person, unaware of many bad things in him. Naturally, closer relationships showed that this person is sharply different from the image you painted in your imagination. Seeing a wound on someone in a dream means that in reality it is you who will become the cause of the person’s love suffering. You are mentally deaf and do not notice that there is a person living next to you who is suffering. Be more empathetic.

    If you dream about Wounds (by Ukrainian dream book Dmitrenko)

    Wound – A wound on the body is a misunderstanding. Seeing yourself in a dream, wounded by an axe, drill or scythe, heralds death. A wound with blood - loss of a man, love; slander.

    Wound - why do you dream about it in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

    Wound - Seeing a wounded person in a dream is a sign of failure; seeing a wounded relative means trouble; Seeing yourself wounded, with damage to your arms or legs, means that your business may decline. A wound with blood for a woman means the loss of a friend, lover, for a man it means a slander. To be wounded is unfortunate.

    Interpretation of Wounds from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

    Wound - Symbol of subtle receptivity, hypersensitivity. Fresh, with blood - loss of a loved one, betrayal, strong negative experience. See Hurt, Relationships section.

    Wound - With blood - loss of husband, lover (for a woman); slander (for a man).

    Wounded - Failure; an injured relative is a nuisance; to be wounded with damage to the member is a decline in business.

    Wound - To dream that you are wounded is a sign of misfortune and an unfavorable turn in affairs. Seeing others wounded means injustice on the part of friends. Soothing a pain or bandaging a wound foretells that you will have a reason to congratulate yourself on great luck.

    Why did you dream about Rana according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

    Wound - Undeserved insult, tears.

    The meaning of the dream about Damage (according to Nostradamus)

    Wound - If you dream of wounds on your body, one of your loved ones will become the cause of your moral suffering. You have injured someone close to you - a warning. Perhaps one of your ill-wishers will try to provoke you into an unseemly act. Treating wounds in a dream means hearing good news. Dreaming of a wounded dove is a threat to the world. If you were wounded with a knife or dagger in a dream, beware of imaginary friends. Their evil tongues can hurt your heart. Seeing bleeding wounds in a dream means experiencing remorse in reality. You saw how already healed wounds began to bleed - be careful! Beware of injuries and road accidents.

    Wound in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

    Wound - A blow, a quarrel, see what. (For example, a quarrel with friends on the hand). Inflicting a wound is the initiator of a quarrel, confrontation. Treat the wound in the end everything will be settled, after the quarrel there will be peace.

    The meaning of the dream about Scratch ( Vedic dream book Sivananda)

    Wound - In a dream someone wounded you, this is a warning. Someone will try to destroy you. Stay alert. You should change your place of residence.

    To dream about Rana, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

    Wound (wounded) – Receiving a wound or injury in a dream often symbolizes emotional pain. Although in cases of repeated scenes with injury to the same organ, a literal warning about the disease is possible. Being wounded yourself means grief that will be overcome thanks to someone’s support. Seeing or inflicting a wound on another is an obstacle, a quarrel or the loss of a friend.

    What does the dream symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

    Wound (to wound) – “You wounded me” – deeply emotionally hurt; "open or purulent wound» – special sensitivity, insecurity; “an old wound”, “to open old wounds” (exciting memories).

    Why do you dream and how to interpret Rana according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon the Canaanite)

    Wounded - Trouble - seeing yourself - wealth.

    What to expect if you saw a Wounded Man in a dream (according to the Explanatory Dream Book)

    I had a dream about seeing the Wounded in general - Failure; relative - trouble; Seeing yourself wounded with damage means a decline in business.

    Why do you dream about a wound in a dream (interpretation by Rick Dillon)

    Wounded - someone misses you.

    Abrasion (scratch) - To insult without apology.

    Why does a woman dream about Rana (according to Natalya Stepanova’s dream book)

    Scratch - Scratching in a dream means in reality being picky and irritable in your relationships with others. If you were scratched in a dream, you may suffer from slander and malicious slander.

    Analysis of the dream in which Rana dreamed (interpretation by psychologist S. Freud)

    In a dream, to see traces of scratches on your body - a talkative person will appear in your environment who will pester you with his conversations. You can be rude to him, but you should not do this so as not to interfere with possible cooperation. You saw scratches on someone else, which means you can solve the problem that bothered you for a long time, but for this you will have to resort to someone’s help. It is best if it is provided by one of your relatives or people you completely trust, since the problem will be strictly confidential. For the dreamer himself, scratching someone with his nails in a dream means very violent sex awaits you.

    Interpretation of the image from the Big Dream Book

    Getting wounded in a dream from the claws of an animal is betrayal and a lie.

    Why do you dream about Wound in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

    If you scratch someone in a dream, you will be picky and irritable in your behavior with others. If you are scratched in a dream, you will suffer from the malicious slander of some liar.

    What to expect if you saw a Wound in a dream (according to the Explanatory Dream Book)

    I had a dream about a scratch received from the claws of an animal - Betrayal, lie.

    What does a dream with a wound mean (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

    In the spring, why do you dream of wounds - a love date will take place, at which you will receive a refusal of reciprocity.

    In the summer, what does it mean to dream of a bleeding wound - it means that a quick misfortune awaits you due to the insult that you once inflicted, they will take revenge on you. Abrasion - To mental suffering.

    In the fall, what a wound meant in a dream - a long illness - is the meaning of what this dream means. Wounded - You will meet with someone whom you once greatly offended.

    In winter, why do you dream about a wound? A secret, unspoken resentment gnaws at you.

    Wound in a dream - In case the person who is wounded dies in his sleep- in real life, expect a streak of failures and bad luck.
    Someone hurt you in a dream- disappointments are possible ahead, the source of which will be people close to you. It’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings - an insidious betrayal awaits you. A likely motive will be the envy of those people towards whom you have a good attitude.
    To see such a dream for lovers- to a speedy separation or big quarrels.
    In a dream, you bandaged a stranger’s wound - unfamiliar people will help you in a difficult life situation.
    If in your dream you saw many wounded people in the hospital, you may soon receive news of the death of a loved one.
    If you managed to save a wounded person or animal in a dream, then in reality you have a chance to emerge victorious in a fight with competitors and ill-wishers.
    If in a dream you dreamed of being wounded, for example, in the stomach or any other part of your body, then such a dream foreshadows that you need to wait for the decision of a very important matter, and the future well-being of the whole family depends on this decision.
    If in a dream you yourself injured someone, then you should be more polite and courteous when communicating with loved ones. Your carelessness and imprudence in communication can cause deep emotional wounds to people dear to you.
    If you fight with knives, it means that unexpected happy events await you ahead.
    If you meet a wounded soldier in a dream, then this promises you anxiety and worry for loved ones, troubles and an unexpected incident in reality.
    If you are wounded by a sword, you will be slain unrequited love, cruelty beautiful woman.
    If you dreamed of being wounded in the abdomen, it means you have to make a vital decision, complex issues, which will concern the interests of your family.
    If you are wounded by a bow arrow or a bullet, then know that your expectations are in vain.
    If this person dies in a dream, then difficult times are coming in your destiny.
    Life will flow in a completely different direction than you planned.
    Sometimes, dreams about injuries are harbingers of pleasant events.
    When a wounded person dies in your arms- the dream suggests that you have forgotten something very important.
    Getting wounded multiple times to a stranger- to joy and benefit.
    They couldn’t keep a promise they made to themselves or to someone they knew.
    A gunshot wound you have received may indicate significant changes in your professional activities.
    Bullet wounds in dreams- you will spend a long time looking for a way out of difficult life situations that you will fall into because of your frivolous attitude towards some aspects of your life.
    Wound in your dream- usually a negative image. It can warn you of impending troubles in the material sphere, in the sphere of relationships.
    A wounded dog dreams of material difficulties, problems in business and trade, and large debts.
    Hurt someone yourself in a dream- a sign that your luck in real life will soon be very short-lived, so don’t turn your nose up.
    Seeing yourself wounded in a dream- to sorrows and tears, to sorrows and hardships.
    See in a dream gunshot wound may indicate that in the near future you will need to find a way out of a difficult situation in which you find yourself due to your frivolous behavior. such an injury can portend huge changes in professional activity.
    If you see a wound that you are treating with medication and bandaging, then this dream predicts the help of others in difficult times.