Dream interpretation of losing. Autumn dream book Why do you dream about losing, losing according to the dream book

Dreams on the topic of loss are different, and in order to correctly interpret them, you need to remember well what exactly you dreamed about. Losing a person in a dream can be different, for example, you can get lost in a crowd, or in a forest, or somewhere in an empty city.

A dream in which the loss of a person occurs usually indicates that in the present time the sleeper has some deep personal problems and emotional experiences. Perhaps he is trying to solve some internal problem or overcome a crisis. Also, the loss of a person may indicate that the sleeper wants to break off relations with him, but cannot say this frankly, in reality. In addition, the loss may symbolize some serious changes in life, such as moving or changing jobs, with a change in social circle.

You should pay attention to exactly how the loss occurred and what emotions were experienced. All this should form the basis for the interpretation of the dream in order to most fully and accurately determine what the loss of a person means in a dream in this particular case.

Losing a person in physical sense, that is, in a forest, city, desert usually speaks of strong emotional connection between these people. Relationships between people are fine, but the sleeper is afraid that he may be left alone, and therefore sees such dreams. If we're talking about about death as a loss, then this usually foreshadows a complete break in relationships, or their transition to a qualitative new level(for example, from a friendship to a love affair). At the subconscious level, there is a certain understanding that these relationships in the form they are can no longer be preserved, and for this reason the sleeper dreams of loss.

Sometimes it is possible that the lost person is found at the end of the dream. This is usually accompanied positive emotions, joy, and the person wakes up in a good mood and with a light heart. Such an ending to the dream suggests that it is quite possible to change the current situation, and all the problems, the burden of which is now pressing on the sleeper, have a completely logical solution. The dream itself can suggest possible solutions to the current situation; you just need to interpret it as carefully as possible, without missing a single detail.

In order to decipher a dream, you should first remember whether there were any stress or exceptional situations the day before. The human brain may well process a picture from the previous day and present it as a grotesque dream.

Losing a person in a dream does not always mean something bad and real loss in life. It is quite possible that this dream only hints at possible problems in the relationship, and suggests taking the situation into your own hands; one might even say that such a dream is a warning.


Dream Interpretation Lose, why dream about Losing in a dream

Autumn dream book Why dream about Losing according to the dream book:

Lose -

Summer dream book Why dream about Losing according to the dream book:

Lose – Losing something in a dream means financial ruin.

Lost - Looking for something lost in a dream means confusion.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Losing:

Interpretation of the dream book: Lose - Something portends death for the sick, and some unpleasant adventure for others.

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream of Losing, what is it for?

The dream book interprets: Lose - The real loss of something in everyday life may be associated with an unconscious desire to get rid of this object, which, for example, was presented by a person who seems negative to the individual. Lose something or try to lose something. To be distraught. Err. Find the object again, discover the path. The difficult period is behind us. Losing an object that looks like a phallus. Fear of castration.

Spring dream book Why dream about Losing according to the dream book:

Lose -

Looking for something lost - Looking for a lost thing in a dream means separation from a person you value very much.

Lost thing - Looking for any lost small thing in a dream means concern for your children.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream about Losing:

Lose (drop) something - An unexpected find // you will cry, failure, death (to the patient), troubles, separation, losses; lose and find - you will see the person you are thinking about again; to lose and not find - the person you are thinking about will not return, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book If you dream about Losing:

Solves the dream book: Losing any - Any item - a profitable find

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Lose in a dream

Lose something - You take on wasted work.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing in a dream Losing

In a dream, what does it mean to dream about losing something - taking on wasted labor; - see - help in need - take part - meet a friend

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Losing:

Loss - If you dream: you have lost something - separation, losses.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why do you dream about Losing:

Losing something - To a loss.

Why do you dream about losing something - losing a part of the body. Often dreams of loss.

Dream book of healer Akulina What does it mean to lose in a dream:

Losing something is a reverse dream. Denotes a good find. Imagine that you are very sad about a loss. So that you cry burning tears.

Home dream book Why do you dream about Losing in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Getting lost means doubts.


Dream interpretation of looking for a person in a dream

Why dream of looking for a person. Dream interpretation

It is possible that you cannot find a way out of the situation that has developed in reality; a reflection of this state of uncertainty, the desire for clarity, is similar dream. It has an unfavorable meaning if you dreamed that you could not find a person - perhaps drastic measures will be needed to solve your problem, which you are trying with all your might to avoid.

However, such a dream also has one more meaning, a philosophical one: it is possible that you are subconsciously trying to find your path in life (for example, you want to decide on your area of ​​​​professional interests), but for now you only imagine it intuitively, without making any attempts to move along the chosen road.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you have dreams about looking for a person, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a person in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.


Why do you dream about losing a child?

Losing a child in a dream is an unfavorable sign. If a person lost his child in a dream, then he needs to prepare for great disappointments. Plans in which he is confident will fail miserably, so there is no point in hoping for success.

If a man has a dream in which he loses a child, this means that soon this will result in financial losses and costs for him.

If a pregnant woman had a dream in which she lost her baby, then this may mean a reflection of her fears and self-doubt. In this case, you need to try to calm down, since the dream does not mean any bad omens at all, it’s just a dream.

Losing someone else’s child in a dream means that soon your relatives will have difficulties and problems with their children.

If a person has lost a child in a dream and is trying to find him, then this means that he wants but cannot yet find meaning and hope in his life, also loss in a dream can mean a lack of something in reality. Therefore, it is recommended to think and understand what a person lacks.

Why in a dream you dream of losing a child, and not your own, this means that you need to treat your loved ones with more interest and warmth. If the loss of a child ends happily, that is, he is found, this means that good times will come in life, problems will be resolved and the person will gain meaning in his life.

When a pregnant woman sees a specific person in a dream, or he is familiar to her, and at the same time he steals a child, this speaks of her fear, the fear that she will not be able to become a good mother for her child. There is no need to worry about this dream, it does not carry anything bad in itself, you should just try to calm down and everything will work out.

If a person dreams that he has lost a newborn baby, then this portends that soon life will pose before him intractable questions about the meaning of life, good and evil. Usually there is no need to worry too much about such a dream; everything will resolve itself.

If a person without children sees the loss of a child in a dream, it foretells that he will have great troubles, but there is no need to worry about it.

Losing your daughter in a dream due to death foreshadows that you will soon have to pay off your bills, moreover, under the guise and on the basis of a court decision.

A dream in which a person dreams that a person has lost his own child foreshadows the emergence of danger, which is why it is extremely necessary to be careful in absolutely everything, as this is fraught with losses in reality of loved ones or relatives.

In most cases, a dream always foreshadows something and tries to warn a person about some events or moments that will soon happen in his life. That's why important value m in any dream is its correct interpretation in order to warn both yourself and loved ones. The main thing is to distinguish a prophetic dream from a meaningless one.


Losing people in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Loss of people. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to a dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter keyword from your dream to the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of Losing people mean, or what it means to see Losing people in a dream.

Losing people in a dream

I was with a friend in a club, someone pestered her... It turned out to be mine former classmates, I got angry, wanted to protect her and started hitting them in the face.... With my fist... True, I felt that I wasn’t hitting them very much... Then she and I wanted to leave the club and go home... While I was hitting her classmates, she headed to her car... And I lost her... Or rather, I knew where she was, but I had a long way to go... Then I found myself in some other place, and some woman spoke me that my former employee and I are made for each other, and I answer her that he has a girlfriend... But she convinces me that we are a couple... And then he comes up, I hug him... We went out into the street, I asked him to give me a ride... I saw his car was completely different... And his grandmother and some little boy were sitting in front, apparently he was her grandson... And she sat back, she was unhappy with me I looked... We met, and I started playing with the baby and in the meantime I was holding the hand of my employee.... Then we stopped... It was already dark... And with him we headed somewhere in the other direction, already on foot. .. Grandmother and grandson remained in the car... And we walked behind some room, it was light there... It turns out my employee wanted to smoke, but was afraid in front of his grandmother... And then I started kissing him... We We kissed for a long time... And then we walk towards the car, and we see that it is not standing where we stopped... But along another street... We approached, and found neither the grandmother nor the grandson... We started looking for them. .. And then I found myself in some kind of treatment center... Where they treat with biocurrent (that is, with their hands)... And one man wants to treat me, but I leave there, citing the fact that I need to find people... And then I woke up... I can’t understand why this dream?

Losing earrings in a dream

For the 2nd day in a row I have seen that I am losing an earring. At first I accidentally sucked it into the vacuum cleaner.

In the second dream I lost it, found it, then lost it again and finally hid it so as not to lose it again. The earrings were diamond.

What could it mean if you dreamed of losing earrings in a dream? By the way, it turns out that in her dream my mother also lost the same earring.

Losing hours in your sleep

Or rather, I didn’t lose them, but exchanged them for some kind of trinket. But this exchange was so disappointing. It's like she was orphaned. I look at my hand, it is bare. Unusual without a watch. Like betraying a friend. This is attachment to the material world. I’ll wake up and look in the closet first, I thought in my sleep. This can't be true. Their husband found them 11 years ago on the street, brand new Swiss ones. Or maybe a copy. I haven't parted with them for so many years. My pride is on you too... Life has lost all meaning. I look at my hand again; they are gone.

I open my eyes, this is a dream. Just a dream. I check myself and... I look into the closet. My sun lies in the same place as it has for many years. This is attachment to the material world. Apparently things also carry information from their owner. I think so.

Losing a loved one in a dream

In a dream I lose my mother (the feeling of complete loneliness did not leave me), my father was completely lost in a dream. We (dad and I) are standing in the kitchen and looking out the window. There is a truck on the street and a man is walking towards it. To the question: Dad, what kind of truck is this!?

Dad replied: “And this truck is taking people, just like our mother, you see, someone won’t have a dad!” After these words, my eyes were drawn to his hands, dad was taking the watch off his wrist, and then I was horrified by the fact that he had watches on all his fingers (instead of rings), and the watch was exactly the one we had before, it was also my watch, which I now wear and the damaged one, which I wore and the watch that my brother wore and wears, and my dad’s old watch, which has long been thrown away.

All these watches were on my dad’s fingers (on each finger), and he unfastened them one by one and laid them near him, when he took off the last watch, I woke up. It's good that it was just a dream. In reality, of course, everything is fine.

Loss of finding a child in a dream

1. 5 years ago, a dream, I lost a 3-year-old child on the street. After 2-3 months, I find the child’s dream, then after some time the loss occurs again, and finally the wife finds the dream. She loses her child. Please help me interpret the dream, I’m in a lot of pain. This topic was not discussed with my wife, but she knew about my dreams.

We will be very grateful and grateful to everyone for the interpretation of the dream Loss of finding a child!

Losing a child in a dream

Please help me understand the dream of Losing a Child.

I was washing the dishes, and my 2-year-old daughter left the house alone in her shorts. I heard the door slam and ran after her, but she was no longer anywhere nearby. She started screaming and running around looking for her. The next morning, passing by some entrance, I saw her there. She stood in old clothes, next to two old grandfathers.

I ran up and hugged her.. One of the grandfathers explained that he saw her last night, in her panties, and took her home, dressed her, and fed her. I was very grateful to him and asked how to thank him. Woke up with very strong emotions and a little fear

Lost a child in a dream

The dream is somehow strange and confusing...

I KNOW that I am pregnant, and I also know that my friend is pregnant. I'm walking down the street and I see that my friend is leaning out of the window and doing some strange things. gymnastic exercises(I remember exactly that she was doing the splits) Her husband is doing gymnastic exercises on the OUTSIDE side of the balcony. A friend and her husband are happy.

Then something is not clear...

Then I felt SOMETHING in my mouth, I took it out - it turned out to be a figurine (the size of a little finger). Like human, but broken. And then I realized that I had lost my child. I'm not pregnant anymore...

(In fact: I’m raising a daughter, a widow)

Losing a relationship in a dream

I dreamed that a girl with whom I had been communicating on the Internet for a very long time and whom I valued very much, found a guy and did not want to see me anymore, i.e., she completely broke off communication.

Now it’s very scary, what if this dream was prophetic?

Threat. I love this girl.

Lost my memory in my sleep

I find myself in an unfamiliar small town and seem to have lost my memory. The city is very clean and pleasant, but there are no inhabitants, and I guess that there was some kind of disaster and everyone left it. A teddy bear was left at the bus stop. The store sign does not say “Kitchens”, but “Kukhanki”.

People began to appear on the street, I understand that no one left the city, it was just very early. I have no money, just a few coins in my pocket. I call someone on the phone and ask - where am I? They answer me - go back, we are in the gray building at number 91, we will help you.

I seem to be in a post office, like in the 70s, I remembered that I have 2 bank cards, I was happy, I gave them to the girl behind the glass window along with the phone. She types something on the phone, looks at the card, then returns everything silently, like she can’t help.

I remember my address and ask how I can get home? Nobody knows. I ask - what is the name of your city? No one is answering me? I start begging - well, at least name it large city nearby so I could get my bearings and get home. Everyone is silent.

I see the sea through the window, some children frolicking in the waves, I was happy, I want to go to them. But I remember that I need to get home, because they are waiting at work. And I wake up. Thank you!

Losing your wallet in a dream

Please interpret the dream about the loss or theft of a wallet!

In the dream, my son and I performed some actions, either moving, or searching for some address. While we were walking back and forth, I remembered that I didn’t have my bag with me. I usually buy backpack bags (women's, different colors, usually small). And in the dream, as soon as I thought about the bag, I immediately saw it. She was lying on the asphalt between some beams. Moreover, the backpack bag was large, beige in color (it felt like the material was denim).

The bag was open, all things were in place except my wallet. I remember (in a dream) that my wallet was cute, with a flower, but there was practically no cash in it, because I prefer bank cards. I started reprimanding my son about why he left my bag and so on. We were surrounded by people who treated us kindly.

The panic from the loss was only in the first minutes of losing the wallet. Then I calmed down, those around me supported me. I remember that I was constantly worried about blocking bank cards. Thank you very much in advance!

Losing children and destroying a house in a dream

I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in fact, I don’t really believe in dreams! But for some reason this one made me think! The dream seemed very long to me: it all started with the fact that I left home, I don’t know why, but I felt guilty when I returned, since my house from which I left had collapsed! More precisely, the entire roof broke!

There was a lot of debris! There were many children in the house (relative to me), including my son! I couldn’t find anyone in these destroyed walls, then I found everyone except one nephew! We all ran out into the street, since the house was supposed to be completely demolished, all the children ran away, I lost everyone, I couldn’t find people in the crowd! It was very unpleasant, I never remember what happened to my nephew, whom I could not find! The thing is that today I feel lost, very irritable, and cry all the time! What is this for?

It was very unpleasant, I never remember what happened to my nephew, whom I could not find! The thing is that today I feel lost, very irritable, and cry all the time!

Why do you dream about the loss of children and the destruction of a house in a dream?

There were many children in the house (relative to me), including my son! I couldn't find anyone in these destroyed walls, then I found everyone except one

We all ran out into the street, since the house was supposed to be completely demolished, all the children ran away, I lost everyone, I couldn’t find people in the crowd!

Losing a wallet in a dream

I dreamed the following: summer, nature, I was with friends, I lost my wallet in which there were money and credit cards. Soon I remembered that my wallet was lost, I went to my old places of walking, but could no longer find it. I was very upset about the loss, I even woke up.

Please help me solve my wife’s dream!!! This is very important for her!!!

Losing a ring in a dream

I dreamed that I was going up an escalator (in a large shopping center, where I work now) and my friends (well, not very close ones) ran up to me and said that they had lost my ring (I wear a silver ring “Save and Preserve” on the ring finger of my right hand and never take it off), I was very upset.. .

Why is this dream?

Losing shoes in a dream

I lost my shoes and I’m looking for my shoes under the bed, but there are many, many different shoes, not mine: some are paired, some are not, but mine are not there.

Losing consciousness during sleep

I dreamed that I was taking a bath, in the bath I was kneeling in the water. Then suddenly it gets hot, and I feel like I’m going to lose consciousness. I tried to turn on the cold water, but somehow it spun up a lot and slowly started to fall on my stomach, my hearing was gone, I couldn’t hear what I was saying. He started screaming and calling for help. Then I passed out, darkness... I woke up on my bed, my mother was in front of me, asking something that I couldn’t hear. I started talking, but I couldn’t hear my voice either. Then I started shouting/speaking specifically and somehow gradually my hearing returned..


The man is lost

Dream Interpretation Man lost dreamed of why in a dream a man is lost? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a man lost in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Loss

Dream Interpretation - Loss of teeth

Dream Interpretation - Loss

Dream Interpretation - Lose (drop)

Dream Interpretation - Lose something

Dream Interpretation - Losses

Dream Interpretation - Man

A noble noble person is hiding - to recovery.

A noble man leaves on a horse - clarity in official matters.

A sick person is placed on a cart - portends death.

A sick person climbing onto a cart portends a great misfortune.

A sick person gets up - portends death.

A sick person sometimes cries, sometimes laughs - portends recovery.

A sick person riding in a boat portends death.

A sick person singing songs portends great misfortune.

Taking a mirror that belongs to another person means the birth of a noble offspring.

Seeing a person being killed is a great happiness.

Seeing a person with a government seal means glory, fame.

Seeing a person reading a book means a noble offspring will be born.

To see a noble person coming - misfortune will pass you by.

If you own the same clothes with some person, your wife has a lover.

If you return money to a person, you will get rid of the disease.

Talking to a bad person, a villain - there will be a quarrel.

Giving a person some clothes means official matters will arise.

Giving a person castanets is a hassle.

Giving a person a knife is bad luck.

Giving silk to a person is a great misfortune.

If you give a person some clothes, official matters will arise, there will be illness, illness, grief.

If you give a person a longitudinal flute, it portends fame and glory.

If you bow to the ground to some person - happiness in all matters.

Another person is holding your hands mirror - portends misfortune with your wife.

The smell of rot, carrion from a burning person, portends happiness.

A soiled, dirty shirt portends humiliation and shame.

A snake or dragon kills a person - portends a great misfortune.

A snake bites a person - portends the acquisition of great wealth.

A snake follows a man - speaks of his wife’s betrayal.

A snake that wraps itself around a turtle means prosperity and relative wealth will appear.

A noble person gives a patterned brocade - the arrival of an official.

A noble person gives out hats to people - fortunately.

A noble person gives out clothes and hats to people - fortunately.

Human speech is heard from the well - there will be joyful events.

A rat bites a person’s clothes - you will achieve what you were striving for.

Bite a person - portends loss.

Eat honey with a person - portends happiness and benefits.

Dead man eats - portends illness.

Stabbing a person repeatedly with a knife is joy and benefit.

A sick person climbs onto the cart - a great misfortune.

If you cut a person with a knife or saber, it portends a loss of wealth.

Giving a person an umbrella means breaking up with that person.

You lift a basin or a bucket, and the bottom falls off - foreshadows ruin.

You buy a house from a person in a rural area - moving due to a change of duty station.

Receiving paper money from a person is great happiness.

Receiving a knife from a person means you will soon be appointed to a position.

Helping a person go to prison means wealth and happiness.

Entrusting a person with your business is a great misfortune.

Approaching a person who practices fortune telling using the I Ching is a disease, an illness.

Invite a person to enter a government institution - drink and food.

Accepting a sword from a person means a person coming from afar

A noble person comes - misfortune will pass you by.

Sword fighting with a person portends great luck and benefit.

Arguing with a person is fortunate.

If you shoot at a person yourself, it foretells a long trip.

A pig or wild boar turns into a human - there will be a government matter, a situation related to officials.

Grief and tears about a person from afar - portends misfortune.

Dreaming of a man who is learning to write - great wealth, nobility.

Shooting a person is a long trip.

The man's head is cut into two parts - fortunately.

Killing another person portends wealth and nobility.

Killing a person means wealth and nobility.

Killing a person so that the blood stains his clothes is material gain and wealth.

Killing a person - portends great happiness.

A person tells you about death - portends longevity.

A person says things that are very pleasant for you - misfortune, grief is approaching.

A man gives you a big bucket - a benefit.

A man gives you ink, ink - progress in writing your work.

A person gives a broom or a broom - portends getting a place in the service.

A person gives scales - portends the possession of power.

A person gives you official clothes, a uniform - you will be appointed to an official position.

A person gives you a big bucket - portends benefits.

A person gives you a comb or a comb - you get a wife or a concubine.

A person gives you ink, ink - talks about progress in writing your work.

A man gives three swords - you will become the head of the district, the governor.

A person gives you a brush - promotion of talent.

A person gives a bow or crossbow - outside help.

A person gives silks, taffeta - portends great happiness and prosperity.

The person is holding your brush, writing instrument - your essay, article will not be accepted.

A man calling you from the street portends misfortune.

A person plays musical instruments - you will be found to be right in court proceedings or litigation.

A man pricks himself with a bamboo stick - happiness, prosperity, good luck.

If you break your arm, it portends illness.

A man catches a fish - indicates good luck.

A person cries, baring his teeth - there will be rivalry, litigation.

A man supports a bedridden patient - promotion.

A person offers you to eat curdled milk - portends joy.

A person invites you to drink wine - longevity.

A man with a severed head comes to meet you - to great happiness.

A person puts you in a very awkward position, you experience humiliation - you will gain wealth.

A man shoots at you - the arrival of a traveler.

A man kicks you - acquiring wealth

A stranger hits you - gaining strength.

A person humiliates you - wealth.

A person who learns to write means great wealth and nobility.

A person with a government seal - portends glory and fame.

A person who reads a book will be born a noble offspring.

Human speech comes from the well - there will be joyful events.

Dream Interpretation - Man

A man sitting on a high rock means that in the distant future a great event will happen to the dreamer that will radically change his life.

A meeting between a person and a stranger who has an animalistic look in his eyes is a sign of a meeting with the Antichrist.

Seeing an evil, despotic person in a dream is a sign that a tyrant will come to power and bring war, hunger and poverty to Earth.

If you dreamed of a beggar, then big trouble will happen to you in the future, as a result of which you will lose your fortune, shelter and true friend. If you saw in a dream large number poor people, this means that many nations will face poverty in the future.

Seeing a rich person in a dream is a good omen. A comfortable life awaits you in the circle of people close to you. Seeing many wealthy people in a dream means a happy life for the peoples of the whole world.

If in a dream you saw a wounded person, this means that someone close to you will face a serious test, as a result of which this person will lose not only his shelter, material resources, family, but will also receive serious injuries.

Dream Interpretation - Lose

Losing something in a dream and never finding it means losing something or someone very dear in life.

Dream Interpretation - Lose

Losing something in a dream is a gift.


Lose a friend

Dream Interpretation Losing a Friend dreamed of why you dream about losing a friend? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Losing a friend in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Loss

A dream in which you lost your luggage in the chaos of the station foreshadows failure in business. If you lost your companion in the crowd, a family quarrel awaits you in reality, and for unmarried people this means parting with a boyfriend who has found someone else.

Losing jewelry in a dream means that in reality you will deal with flatterers who will fool you to the point that you simply send them away. If you have lost your wedding ring, in reality such a dream can entail shame and need. Losing a pearl necklace means suffering and sadness, gold chain- due to your own short-sightedness, you will miss, perhaps, your only chance to get significantly rich.

A dream in which you lost small money means a disdainful attitude towards people below you on the social ladder, which will lead to annoying losses. Losing a significant amount means that an unexpected misfortune will come to the house and the situation will be aggravated by troubles in the service.

If in a dream you lost and cannot find a needle or pin, it means that you will soon suffer minor damage or quarrel with a friend. Losing your oars in a dream and being carried away far from the shore - do not try to realize your plans, because all your efforts in this direction will be crowned with failure.

Losing a powder compact in a dream or lipstick- to good luck in business. Lost keys foretell loss of freedom or separation due to jealousy. Losing a medallion is a sign of sad events among true friends.

Losing brand new fur gloves is a sign of unreasonable behavior with people who are well disposed towards you. Losing a handkerchief means unfulfilled hopes, glasses - you will get a slight injury due to your own inattention and roteness.

The loss of some part of the toilet at an unexpected moment and in a crowded place foreshadows interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love. Losing your wig while drunk and returning to a restaurant table without it foretells that you will be given favors by being mistaken for another person.

A dream where you lost your coat foreshadows that you will have to re-arrange your destiny and you will bitterly repent, cursing yourself for your own short-sightedness and indiscretion. Losing your shoes in a dream while fleeing persecution means that you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength within yourself to maintain cheerfulness and faith in human decency.

Losing documents in a dream means that you will be involved in a business that is obviously doomed to failure. If in a dream you lost the right to significant property such as a house or car, this foreshadows the failure of important plans.

A dream in which you lost your teeth predicts a difficult time of humiliation and need for you. Losing your nose in a dream means that in reality you will be ridiculed by unfriendly colleagues. Losing an arm or leg - such a dream promises wealth and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

Having a close friend in a dream means that you can count on your friends to help you in a difficult situation. A dream in which you unexpectedly meet a friend predicts that you will soon receive news about him. Eating or drinking with a friend in a dream is a harbinger of big troubles. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will have to share his hardships with a friend. Seeing a friend in a dream means gossip, discord and family squabbles, sometimes to receive news about this person. Seeing a friend you haven't seen for a long time in a dream means that he remembers you. Finding out in a dream that your friend has died means receiving news of his marriage. Seeing your friend joyful in a dream means receiving good news and have a nice day. Seeing him sad means a bad day and unpleasant news. To be in the company of friends and enemies together in a dream is a sign that soon either one of your friends will become your enemy, or vice versa. Seeing your friend in a different guise in a dream means expect deception from your loved ones, the disclosure of which will lead to a breakup. Pay attention to how your friends are dressed in your dreams. If their clothes attract your attention in a dream, then See interpretation: clothes. Looking up at a friend means the fulfillment of bold hopes that you will strive to achieve, as well as the same position that your friend has achieved; looking down is a harbinger that you may lose friends due to your arrogant behavior or selfish motives. Leaving a friend in a dream (or seeing a friend leaving you) is a sign of separation from a friend.

Dream Interpretation - Loss of teeth

Loss of teeth - an unexpected love affair, adultery / death of a relative / a secret and hidden from consciousness desire for the death of one of your loved ones / a feeling of one’s involution (reverse development, degradation), a feeling of “loss of the future”, a feeling that one is falling into childhood.

Losing a molar is a misfortune for an elderly person.

Losing a front tooth is a misfortune for a young person; with brothers, sisters, children.

Seeing a pulled out tooth in the blood means misfortune with your parents or people very dear to you.

Taking out the tooth, examining it and putting it back in the mouth means misfortune with the wife (husband) or their relatives.

Knocking out a tooth(s) with your tongue is good luck.

Dream Interpretation - To each other. with each other, against each other. among themselves

A wife and husband give each other combs - portends happiness.

Watch dragonflies fly against each other - a beautiful person will arrive.

Women fighting among themselves is a disease.

Bees fly, playing love games with each other - the matter will not end in success.

Evil people pulling each other is a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Other

You take a mirror that belongs to another person - the birth of a noble offspring.

Seeing the reflection of another person in the mirror is a problem with your wife or lover.

Seeing a person’s reflection in a broken mirror is unlucky.

Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate.

If you give a person castanets, it foretells an altercation.

Holding a sword in your hands, inflicting injections on another person is a loss.

Holding a knife in your hands and stabbing another person is a loss.

Another person gives a brush - portends the advancement of talent.

Another person holding your mirror in his hands portends misfortune with his wife.

Another person plays musical instruments - you will be found to be right in court proceedings or litigation.

Another person supports a bedridden patient - a promotion.

Another person shoots at you - the arrival of a traveler.

You give a longitudinal flute to another person - portends fame, glory.

The death of another person or oneself is fortunate.

Move to new home belonging to another person - fortunately.

If you accept simple clothes made from hemp fabric from another person, it is unfortunate.

Receiving condolences from other people - foretells the birth of a son.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

Seeing friends healthy and happy in a dream portends good news. It is possible that soon you will meet someone dear to you.

To see that your friend is upset, or that his face has darkened, promises illness and suffering.

If you see your friend in the form of an animal, it means that your enemies will soon separate you from your loved ones.

If a friend, unexpectedly for you, is dressed in bright red clothes, this promises you anxiety and concern for your loved ones.

If you dream of your friend standing high on a pedestal, you will have to accomplish a lot of what you have planned, and a sense of justice will always be inherent in you. If you see it far below, then this portends that at the time of your future successes you will neglect your old attachments. If in a dream you leave your friend, this is a sign that you are breaking off the ties of friendship. You will begin to look for new experiences. Shaking the hand of a sad and dejected person means separation from a friend or his loss.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

A dream in which you see your friends in a good mood, joyful and healthy, suggests that in reality you can expect good news or a meeting with an old friend, which will charge you with a lot of positive emotions. If you see a dream in which your friend is sad, in reality you are threatened with illness and deprivation. Seeing your friend in an unusual guise means that you have enemies or a rival who will separate you from your lover.

If in a dream your friend appeared before you in an unusually bright robe, in the near future you will worry, experience anxiety, which will affect the people around you. If you dream of your friend, who, unexpectedly for everyone, took a high position, then in reality you will have to bring all your plans and dreams to life, your efforts will be adequately rewarded. If, on the contrary, you dream of your friend being defeated, then during your takeoff you will forget about those who helped you in difficult times.

A dream in which you quarrel with your friend promises you new impressions and adventures designed to replace your old attachments.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

Expect good news. A friend is happy to meet you - expect unexpected guests; to see the thoughtful face of a friend - the information received will bring great success; to see the death of a friend in a dream - you will be invited to a wedding; meet a friend halfway - someone is trying to regain your favor; laugh in the company of friends - get the wise advice you so desperately need; a friend was appointed to a high post - you will receive news of a reward for your work; find new friends - you will learn about the opportunity to spend time in pleasant company.

Imagine that you are sitting at a table with a friend, enjoying wine and snacks and having a quiet, unhurried conversation.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

You saw a friend in a dream - a reflection of upcoming events; what you see in a dream is what will happen.

Seeing a friend and laughing with him means separation from him.

Helping a friend means receiving long-awaited help.

Arguing with a friend means his infidelity.

For those who have died, seeing a friend means unexpected news.

Talking to a deceased friend means important news; his words are true.

Dream Interpretation - Friend, friends

If you dreamed of a close friend, you will be overcome by doubts about his sincerity.

A dying friend means prosperity.

A cheerful friend means a pleasant conversation.

Shaking hands with a sad person means separation from a friend.

Leaving a friend in a dream means breaking the bonds of friendship in reality.

Healthy and happy friends mean good news and pleasant meetings.

Cheerful friends - a prosperous day, sad friends - a boring day.

Bad news.

If you dreamed that your friends and enemies are in the same company and communicate with pleasure, this is evidence of the insincerity and duplicity of your friends.

They were your secret ill-wishers or will become so.


Losing a loved one to a crowd

Dream Interpretation Losing a loved one to a crowd dreamed of why you dream about losing a loved one to a crowd? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Losing a loved one to a crowd in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Crowd

Finding yourself in a large and unorganized crowd or seeing one in a dream is a sign of fear or some unexpected incident.

Hearing a crowd talk and murmur in a dream means that you will take advantage of another person’s money, become rich, but people will judge you. The lively and joyful atmosphere of a crowd in a dream foreshadows the progress of your business. An angry crowd of people in a dream is a harbinger of danger or political cataclysms in your country. Speaking in front of a crowd in a dream means that you will try to gain recognition. If in a dream the crowd obeys you, then in life you will achieve a high position, power or popular recognition. A gloomy crowd of people in a dream portends trouble or upheaval. See interpretation: people, church, running, square.

Dream Interpretation - Crowd

Seeing in a dream a lot of well-dressed people being with you at a banquet or party, foretells a long-awaited meeting with your beloved friends.

Some unpleasant incident that ruined the atmosphere of the evening promises you losses and unexpected disappointments.

After such a dream, serious conflicts in the country are possible.

A well-dressed crowd in a church foreshadows many minor troubles or a serious misfortune that will shock you.

Crowds of people on the streets mean a revival in business, the onset of a favorable period for your activity.

If you speak loudly in a dream, trying to drown out the noise of the crowd, it means that in reality you will strive to get ahead of others in a common cause.

An unfavorable dream is in which people in a crowd are dressed gloomily.

“If you dream that a hypnotist, having subjugated the crowd to his will, cannot influence you, this means that a great misfortune is creeping up on you and no one in the world except you can prevent it.

Dream Interpretation - Crowd

Having seen in a dream many well-dressed people at a banquet or party with you, you will soon enjoy a long-awaited meeting with friends. True, if some unpleasant incident occurs at the banquet, then you have grief and disappointment ahead.

If you saw a crowd in the church, you will get a lot of minor troubles.

Crowds of people on the streets dream of a revival in business, the onset of a favorable period in work.

If you speak loudly in a dream, trying to drown out the noise of the crowd, you will strive to get ahead of others in a common cause.

A dream in which people in a crowd are dressed gloomily is unfavorable.

Dream Interpretation - Crowd

Person from the crowd: is anonymous.

Is there a part of your soul that you want to maintain anonymity? There are usually many strangers in the crowd: do you feel like a stranger in this life? Try to clearly imagine what impression you should make on the crowd: in this way you can find out the opinion about yourself that is stored in your subconscious.

Sometimes a crowd: can indicate that you feel like you are part of something big or important.

Dream Interpretation - Crowd

Crowds of people on the streets in a dream foreshadow a revival in business, the onset of a favorable period in your activities. If you are at a banquet or party surrounded by a crowd of well-dressed people, you are about to have a long-awaited meeting with your favorite friends. If the atmosphere of the evening is disrupted by some unpleasant incident, losses and unexpected disappointments await you. A dressed-up crowd in a church portends many minor troubles or a serious misfortune that will shock you.

Dream Interpretation - Crowd

"get lost in the crowd" hide, loss of individuality. Associations: “to be in the thick of things,” “crowd” (embarrass each other), “crowd (gathering of people) for some reason (funeral, holiday, etc.), “queue at the store.”

Dream Interpretation - Crowd

Symbolizes an excited state.

Finding yourself in the midst of people: a sign that in the near future some kind of bustle may take over you.

Such dreams foreshadow many misunderstandings, unexpected conflicts and quarrels.

If the crowd is dressed smartly and festively: this means that the bustle will be caused by some positive events.

Speaker speaking to a crowd: suggests that the reason for the fussiness may be some kind of deception or false information.

Seeing a strangely silent, motionless crowd: indicates that you are in extreme nervous tension and risk exploding at any moment. After such a dream, you better somehow relax and try to relieve excess tension.

Dream Interpretation - Crowd

The crowd represents the dreamer's loss of individuality.

Seeing a crowd means being lonely, weak.

To be squeezed by a crowd is to become a victim of gossip, and misfortune is possible.

Dream Interpretation - Crowd

Crowd - A maddened, angry crowd - an uprising, civil war, pogrom is possible in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Crowd

Crowd - dream of a crowd - a quarrel between people.


Lose laptop

Dream Interpretation Lose laptop dreamed of why you dream about Losing a laptop? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Losing a laptop in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Loss

A dream in which you lost your luggage in the chaos of the station foreshadows failure in business. If you lost your companion in the crowd, a family quarrel awaits you in reality, and for unmarried people this means parting with a boyfriend who has found someone else.

Losing jewelry in a dream means that in reality you will deal with flatterers who will fool you to the point that you simply send them away. If you have lost your wedding ring, in reality such a dream can entail shame and need. Losing a pearl necklace - to suffering and sadness, a gold chain - due to your own shortsightedness, you will miss, perhaps, your only chance to get significantly rich.

A dream in which you lost small money means a disdainful attitude towards people below you on the social ladder, which will lead to annoying losses. Losing a significant amount means that an unexpected misfortune will come to the house and the situation will be aggravated by troubles in the service.

If in a dream you lost and cannot find a needle or pin, it means that you will soon suffer minor damage or quarrel with a friend. Losing your oars in a dream and being carried away far from the shore - do not try to realize your plans, because all your efforts in this direction will be crowned with failure.

Losing a powder compact or lipstick in a dream means good luck in business. Lost keys foretell loss of freedom or separation due to jealousy. Losing a medallion is a sign of sad events among true friends.

Losing brand new fur gloves is a sign of unreasonable behavior with people who are well disposed towards you. Losing a handkerchief means unfulfilled hopes, glasses - you will get a slight injury due to your own inattention and roteness.

The loss of some part of the toilet at an unexpected moment and in a crowded place foreshadows interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love. Losing your wig while drunk and returning to a restaurant table without it foretells that you will be given favors by being mistaken for another person.

A dream where you lost your coat foreshadows that you will have to re-arrange your destiny and you will bitterly repent, cursing yourself for your own short-sightedness and indiscretion. Losing your shoes in a dream while fleeing persecution means that you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength within yourself to maintain cheerfulness and faith in human decency.

Losing documents in a dream means that you will be involved in a business that is obviously doomed to failure. If in a dream you lost the right to significant property such as a house or car, this foreshadows the failure of important plans.

A dream in which you lost your teeth predicts a difficult time of humiliation and need for you. Losing your nose in a dream means that in reality you will be ridiculed by unfriendly colleagues. Losing an arm or leg - such a dream promises wealth and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Loss of teeth

Loss of teeth - an unexpected love affair, adultery / death of a relative / a secret and hidden from consciousness desire for the death of one of your loved ones / a feeling of one’s involution (reverse development, degradation), a feeling of “loss of the future”, a feeling that one is falling into childhood.

Losing a molar is a misfortune for an elderly person.

Losing a front tooth is a misfortune for a young person; with brothers, sisters, children.

Seeing a pulled out tooth in the blood means misfortune with your parents or people very dear to you.

Taking out the tooth, examining it and putting it back in the mouth means misfortune with the wife (husband) or their relatives.

Knocking out a tooth(s) with your tongue is good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Loss

Loss - if you dream: you have lost something - separation, losses.

Dream Interpretation - Lose (drop)

Unexpected find // you will cry, failure, death (to the patient), troubles, separation, losses; lose and find - you will see the person you are thinking about again; lost and not found - the person you are thinking about will not return.

Dream Interpretation - Lose something

The dream is the opposite. If you lost something in a dream, this means a very useful find in reality.

Imagine that you are very sad about a loss. So that you cry burning tears (see Tears).

Dream Interpretation - Losses

Destruction and losses when climbing the mountains - portends evil and misfortune.

Losing items of clothing foreshadows a difficult birth for the wife.

Dream Interpretation - Lose

Losing something in a dream and never finding it means losing something or someone very dear in life.

Dream Interpretation - Lose

Losing something in a dream is a gift.

Dream Interpretation - Lose

Losing something in a dream means financial ruin.

Dream Interpretation - Losses

Losses in a dream - misfortune, fear, danger to life; especially bad for the sick / warning against actions that contradict your intentions.




In personal relationships everything is perfect, but I lost my beloved girl in a dream, I spent the whole dream looking for her, but it didn’t end in anything positive. What could this mean?


lose mobile phone


In the dream, my husband went to the quarry with a large group to swim and took his daughter, it was raining, but when they swam, the water was still warm, then, when everyone started to get ready, she forgot her blouse near the water and ran after it, her husband waited for her for a long time and was afraid that he had lost her (daughter), but fortunately she returned.


I had a dream with my daughter, who had just learned to crawl. I decided to help a woman I didn’t know, to get something, either a certificate or a license for something. And we went down the very narrow stairs, my child was the first to crawl behind me, and then this woman. The corridor narrows, so that I and my daughter cannot squeeze through, and I decide to go down first, I go down, turn around, and there is no child, only this woman. And then I spend the whole dream looking for my daughter, calling her by name and I don’t remember exactly what I called her. I asked passersby, walked the streets, etc. In reality, I don’t have children yet, but I would like to. Thank you in advance!


I dreamed that my boyfriend and I ended up in a car in another city, there were cars with someone else’s license plates. At the next intersection I found myself on a bicycle (there was snow on the street), and he was driving a car next to me. And after driving a little, there was a huge puddle on the road, in which he drowned. I was looking for him all this time, and then he swam out in our car. I found him. Why is this dream?


Hello, Tatyana. I ask you to interpret my dream. I dreamed of a former loved one, he wanted to bring me back, he was nearby, I did not resist him in the dream, I walked around our apartment (it was not familiar to me in reality), I felt comfortable and calm in it, we got together and went out with him on the street , along the road he walked faster than me and I lost sight of him, walked a little further, and there, from around the corner, a man I didn’t know smiled at me. I was confused and decided to wait for him at home, because... I was in another city, when I came home I saw a guy with headphones on vacuuming the apartment and tidying it up so cleanly, I saw clouds of dust in the living room, it became uncomfortable and decided that I should clean it myself, because I was now the mistress there, I pulled the guy back, but he didn’t gave me a vacuum cleaner and said that the woman who usually cleans our house today simply couldn’t do it, he talked to me as if I had lived there all the time and he knew me well.


Hello! Yesterday I had a dream about how I lost my soul mate... She was in a short white dress. And my mother was standing next to me. We talked and my girlfriend said she would go away for a minute... and then she didn’t return, I looked for her for a very long time... but no I found it... I asked others, they also told me that they hadn’t seen her... then I accidentally woke up and put my headphones away and then went to bed.. and again I saw this dream, or rather a continuation of the dream... I looked for her but still didn’t find her... Can you explain why this dream???


My husband and I went into a room where there were a lot of people, he found friends and went to them, and I went to look for a toilet, the toilet had no door and I didn’t go in, but went down the steps and went out into the street. fur coat and without trousers began to cry and ask for help


I was driving with my husband in a car and a car was driving towards us, but we dodged a collision, but our car turned over! I didn’t see how I got out of the car, I immediately ran to my husband, and he got out of the car and it turns out he lost his arm during the accident ((((there didn’t seem to be any blood, just bones sticking out of the wrist


there’s a crowd of people, I’m with my 6-year-old son, and he either gets lost, or someone takes him away, I’m looking for him, but I can’t find him.
I have seen dreams with similar content repeatedly, in different variations, about once every 4-5 months, for the last 2 years.


Hello! In my dream, a child (I can’t say for sure whether it was a son or a grandson or a child in general) lost a ring from a box, smooth, but, in my opinion, simple, like a toy.


I’m 15 years old, but I clearly don’t look my age, so I’m dating a girl older than me. She’s 18 years old. We’ve been dating for almost a year.
On Saturday and Sunday I had a strange dream, I, with my mother, girlfriend and her younger brother, drove in two cars to Moscow to some educational institution. Moreover, I was driving in a car with her brother and with my mother. As soon as we arrived, I started walking along the corridor of this establishment with her brother and her. Behind us were two men with a child, they just walked and laughed. We were walking calmly, when suddenly my girlfriend, who was walking ahead of us, ran. I took his brother by the hand and ran after her. Running after her, it seemed to me that she went outside to my mother, but as soon as I ran out into the street she was not there. My mother asked me where she was. After that, I left her brother with my mother and ran to look for her, for some reason when I was looking for her I began to cry and worry about her. I ran along the corridors and ran into some class, it turned out to be a class at my school (history room). I sat down at my desk and the lesson began, I wanted to leave, run further to look for her, but something was stopping me from leaving, as if I was afraid of missing school material and being left with a C on my certificate.
After that I woke up.
(I dreamed about this on June 8, 2014.
In a few weeks my girlfriend will go to university in Moscow,
and I will stay in my city to finish my studies and plan to go to her in Moscow after school)
Please help me understand why I had such a strange dream.
Thanks in advance.


I dreamed that I was somewhere in the crowd, with my little brother, although he was already an adult. Somehow I lose it, I can’t find it. I don’t remember whether I cried or not. But in the end I found it.

Alsou Idrisova:

at first I dreamed that I wanted to call someone, I definitely remembered that my phone was in the pocket, but when I put my hand in the pocket it wasn’t there. I also dreamed about the school, as if there were rooms in which all the students would live; in each room there were 3 beds and each owner had his own key to great regret, I lived alone in a room, my friend helped me look for my phone, and besides, I lost my pencil case and I also dreamed that there was someone’s wedding in the lemousine and at this wedding my friend and I were dressed like at graduation, I was about 16 years old and my friend was 13, then my mother and I were heading somewhere, but something got into my mother’s shoe and she stopped to take it out and at that moment a car was passing by and my mother hit this car with her hand, she said something to me then I instantly found myself in the school on the second floor, my ex-boyfriend I bent down to straighten my shoe and he looked at me, then he ran away and then all the students started shouting “go home” and ran to the second floor. I went to the stairs and there my other friend was dressed in a winter jacket, she was coming to tell me that it was time to go home and then I woke up


I dreamed that my daughter was going to her grandmother and my mother told me I will definitely come back. What happened next? But I'm looking for her everywhere, but I can't find her. She sat down on the green grass and began to roar loudly.


I dreamed that my son and daughter-in-law were picking strawberries in a field; the field was red with berries. The field was located at the foot of the mountains. Then we began to climb higher into the mountains, there was snow there, we shoveled the snow and picked strawberries again, I had half a bucket and I lost this bucket, we drove a car, searched, but never found it.


I remember that I dreamed that I was holding the hand of my beloved girl. Not very long ago, she and I quarreled, or rather, I haven’t talked to her for a long time... in the dream, I remember that there were cold shades of the dream, I think we were in some kind of transport, I don’t remember exactly! in general, I remember that I seemed to have lost her and could not find her, but I did not see myself as I was looking for her, I saw exactly her, how she was sitting and waiting.


Hello. I dreamed that I was driving in a big car.. I got out of it.. then I wanted to go back and remembered that my things were there.. I started chasing the car.. running after it.. through the snow.. through the snowy fields.. it was sunny.. I met children playing in the snow... I met a friend who said that he knew where to look for my things and everything would be fine..


I dreamed that I lost my son and couldn’t find him, but in the dream for some reason he was very small, although at the moment he is 11 years old


I sent the children to the cinema or somewhere, they were gone for a long time, I went to look but didn’t find my eldest daughter, I cried and didn’t know where to look, but I ran everywhere myself and looked, then I woke up.


I was getting ready to go on a trip and my dad gave me something to give to someone (I don’t remember) and I gave it to a woman at the bus stop and forgot, got on the bus and left... On the bus I remembered that I forgot to pick it up..


I dreamed that it was like a war, tanks, guns, and then a flood and as if a big wave covered us and my daughter and I were in a shelter and I don’t remember anyone else. I went to the top and then returned for my daughter, as if I had lost her, and then I found her and a wave came to our shelter again, I thought that we were dying, but no, we all survived. We all went to the top, I saw how the earth was falling in and I said that God is angry at humanity and then the guns seemed to start firing and the war began.

Olga Bychkova:

Hello, I had a dream that I was losing my daughter in a dream and I went looking for her, calling her by name but she was not there, then I woke up and she was lying next to me.


I’m on the bus to school, the bus goes to the end, I got off and forgot my bag there, ran after it, took it. I was distracted throughout the dream


My girlfriend and her friend walked in front, I followed them, they went down into the underground passage, I ran so that they wouldn’t lose them, as soon as I went down they were already on the other side of the exit, I followed them to the exit, I saw them coming out of the underground passage and then I came out of the underground passage and lost them, I looked for them but couldn’t find them


I dreamed that a good friend of mine lost his bag (I forgot it on the street near the store, but someone always tried to steal it from me, but they couldn’t fix it!


Evening. Winter. Snowdrifts. I lost my bag and tried to find it, I returned home the same way, through the snowdrifts. Then I remembered where I found it.


More often than not, I lose my girlfriend in a dream and can’t find her, the same thing happens with the phone when I try to call her, I can’t find her number. Today in a dream it was like this, we talked to her, then we went into a room where about 5 of her friends, unfamiliar to me, were there, and they were whispering about something, I decided to leave the room, went down to the floor below, went into the room, checked my things in the suitcase, found food and ate , (the whole area in the dream was unfamiliar to me) there was a feeling that we were flying somewhere together to relax, except for food, I don’t really remember what things were in the suitcase, I just found food and ate, this is because we walked with her today and she treated me walking with a dog and sucking in the dough, I think so, as I finished eating I went back to the floor where she stayed with her friends, not seeing her, I began to look for her and shout out her name, but first I shouted out my sister’s name twice for some reason, her friends started talking about something whisper and tell Alfiya (friend) a covenant or not, but he saw who she was talking to or (he heard who she was talking to) and then like who she was talking to, he understood or guessed who she was, another of the friends said no, she identified herself Alfira (I remember this name exactly), without paying attention, I went to look for her further, realizing that I couldn’t find her, I started looking in the phone and there the names of the names were written in colorful beautiful letters, like they write in mosques, but I couldn’t read them, but one call I I hung up, the girl picked up, I don’t remember what the conversation was about, I hung up, I went to the place from where we were supposed to fly, this place didn’t look much like an airport, I remember in the fog, I walked up to the door and saw people outside the door, like a queue, it opened door and saw Mom who was also flying, I asked where is my sister? Mom said somewhere in the crowd, I don’t remember whether I went through that door or not, then I woke up, and my head was kind of like a hangover (I haven’t been drinking for 7-8 years now), it was a heavy dream.


First, a rich stranger kidnapped me, then he kept me chained and raped me, then they decided to demolish his house and I managed to escape from there. I jumped over a long fence and ran quickly along the sidewalk. Soon a guy in a car decided to meet me and give me a ride, but I refused. I ran to the place and ran back, then ran to the place again. when I arrived it was raining heavily and I was all wet. I went in, knocked on the door and some girl opened the door for me, it turned out it was my boyfriend’s girlfriend. I got upset and started crying then woke up


I dreamed that I was with my children, daughter and son, in the store, then I left the store and saw my daughter in the roadway with many children, as if they were standing next to someone and looking at them as if something had happened there! I called my daughter to me, she came up and I saw blood on her neck and ears, but the blood did not flow, as if she had been smeared in this blood! I looked again at the road and at these children and saw that something had happened to one of the children because it was he who was bleeding near his ear! I returned to the store and found that my son was nowhere to be found, I started calling him and looking everywhere, but I still couldn’t find him!


I dreamed that I had short hair, it suits me very well, I’m happy.
but then in the same dream I lose my child, he just ran away and I look for him, and I wake up without finding him, and I cry a lot.


I was walking down the street. And suddenly it became cold, and I looked down, I was barefoot. and then my search began. I was looking for my shoes. I looked everywhere. didn't find it. and woke up... that's it.


in a dream I was looking for my daughter, but she was little (now she is already 30 years old), I screamed for her... I woke up alarmed. I used to have dreams like this from time to time... then I stopped.


Hello! Last night I had a dream in which I forgot a package somewhere in a store (a very bright branded one). The package contained a phone and a wallet. There was no money in the wallet (they are never there), but there were credit and Sberbank cards. In the package I also had my phone, it was cheap and already old. In a dream, when I discovered that there was no package, I was worried about the phone, not about my wallet. All this happened in another city (Barnaul), and I live 320 km from the city in a village. I went and got ready to look for my phone, but woke up. What does that mean?


I dream that I lost my child and I’m looking for him and don’t find him, then only at the end of the dream I find only the dress my girl was wearing and it’s all covered in blood. Why do I have this dream?


I dreamed that we were in a neighboring city and standing at the bus station. The husband makes it clear that he will go away for a minute and disappears. I rush around, look for everyone, ask everyone and wake up in horror


In a dream, I walked into a room and couldn’t find my beloved in the room, I tried to go look for her, but I couldn’t move.


I dreamed that my ex-wife and I went to the cinema, she was wearing a white sweater, and everything would be fine, but at some point she just disappears. I panic, I run around looking for her and then I wake up afraid that I can’t find her.


In another city with a young man we are staying with relatives, or there is a quarrel, I don’t remember, he suddenly and unexpectedly disappears, I run in my sleep, cry, I look for him, but I can’t find him and never found him.


I was walking along the streets with some woman and my 10-year-old daughter. Then we suddenly found ourselves at a meeting of non-Russian people, they resembled gypsies... they looked at us from the sidelines. Then we watched a performance in the theater, my daughter ran up to me and said, “Mom, can I go with my friend and go for a walk?” I agreed. When we went outside, I suddenly discovered that I had no bags and then I realized that I couldn’t find my daughter. I began to sob and scream so much, not knowing where to go and where to look for her, forgetting about my bag!!! I sobbed so much, then I woke up..... After sleep, it took me a very long time to come to my senses.


I was traveling by train with my elderly mother (my mother died 13 years ago). She was old, but I almost couldn’t see her face. She was about to get off at the wrong stop, so I got up to see her off. There were things left in the carriage, my backpack, two large bags and not transparent and one or two semi-transparent bags. I got up on the platform to say goodbye, and the train left. I rushed after him. I arrived at the right stop. I went into the raven, and there the things were in place, but the backpack was opened and ransacked , I started looking around and looking around. I saw a friend, he called and said that he would call the tablet account in the evening for cash. And I went to see him off and the train left again without me. I ran after him, he began to turn onto sidings .I almost caught up with him. But he started to turn again. I caught up with him. He was standing for maintenance. They were cleaning him, but he was standing on his side


in a dream, my son went for a walk (only the son is now an adult, but in the dream it was as if he was 10 years old), I went out to look for him on the street and he was not there. I'm looking and looking for him, and I can't find him anywhere. The grief in the dream was so strong, in the dream it seemed like my heart would break. I looked for it myself and couldn’t find it...and it seemed like I was looking for a long time...and then I went to the police. this is where the dream ended. I had a dream on Sunday morning.


I dreamed that my daughter and I were somewhere, I don’t remember exactly where, and then I lost her, I called her, I screamed, but she didn’t appear. I don’t remember anything else because I dreamed about it a long time ago.


I was leaving the class with my girlfriend, went to grab a jacket and then my girlfriend disappeared, I spent almost the entire dream running around the school looking for her, even shouting at people.(


I dreamed that I was walking from room to room in some place, looking for a phone. The place is not residential. There were some boxes, like in a storage room. She walked from room to room, opened drawers and searched. And she told everyone: he was here. When it seemed that everything was over, I wouldn’t find it, they told me that it was simply hidden, it was not lost. I think the woman said it. I don't remember exactly.


I dreamed of some kind of relocation, during which they attacked us, they wanted to kill us, command us, I ran away, hid... then it took a long time to get to a place I knew. When I came, the people I knew and loved became strangers to me, they didn’t pay attention to me, and they reluctantly helped me overcome difficulties... I felt abandoned, I had nothing left, only I had myself, no things, no money it was...I didn’t know who to turn to


I dreamed that my mobile phone (my favorite) was stolen, I looked for it, I even cried hopelessly, I was so sad. We were sitting at the table with classmates discussing it and I couldn’t find it, but instead they gave me an old one that was completely different from the previous one.


I dreamed that my sister and I and some man went to the city to buy a gift for my mother and while we were walking, we lost it. When we started looking, I lost my sister along the way.
At the end I met many people who did something bad to me and I was very afraid and ran faster and faster, I saw a bridge that was broken in the middle, I jumped and abruptly summer changed to winter, I saw a little boy and emptiness in the distance, then woke up.


I dreamed of my ex-wife and my girlfriend, we all ended up at the tour base together, we all slept in different rooms, I got some kind of utility room. My girlfriend threw me a scene of jealousy when she saw my ex, I had a fight, got drunk and went to participate in competitions, when I realized that my girlfriend was not there, I was very scared, I ran around looking everywhere and asking, it was very scary, but I never got her found it.


I ran down the street at night in the heavy rain, cried a lot and looked for my son, went to my beloved for help and saw him with someone else in bed


Hello! I had a dream that I was given a very beautiful bouquet of flowers at work (where I given time I don’t work), there was a large team there, then they presented me with a package with a beautiful bed linen made of linen, and at the end there was a gift - in a bag there was a multi-colored, very beautiful blanket with roses. Then our whole company went to a corporate party - either to a restaurant, or to a picnic, and I left all the gifts at work, without hiding them in my locker. Upon returning back to work, I did not find these things, I began to ask the security and other employees, hoping that they had moved the things to another place, but everyone unanimously refused and said that they did not see who took them and where my gifts went. This feeling of joy dissolved in an instant - I woke up. And this often happens - from an unpleasant dream or an action in a dream - I wake up! ( [email protected]) Thanks for your answer in advance!


I dreamed that I was swimming in ice water. It's like a hole, around a piece of ice, the water is mirror clear, but cold. Then I got out of this hole, I’m looking for my beloved, he’s not there, I’m worried. Then I found him, he says where did you go, hugged me tightly. He was kind of exhausted or something, he said let’s go home.


I dreamed that I lost my phone. When I discovered the loss, I started looking. I found it, but it wasn’t mine, although it was very similar to mine, then I found another one, but it wasn’t mine either.


dreaming of a beach. sand. I took off a gold ring and accidentally dropped it, began looking in the sand. First I found a man’s ring or signet, for some reason it broke into pieces and some other jewelry. But it seemed to me. that they are not gold. then she started looking in the sand again and found her ring and put it on her finger.


In a dream, I discovered that there was no earring in my ear, only one darling remained. I touched the gold chain with my hand and didn’t see the cross. I woke up scared that I had lost an earring and a cross somewhere. Why is this dreaming?


I lost in a dream that I was accepted into a modeling agency. And suddenly I looked at the supporting documents, then looked at my classmates (I don’t know what my classmates were doing there), and then I went up to them, and put the document somewhere. Then I’m going to find I can't find these documents. Then, at the end of the dream, I found these documents and handed them in.


Hello! I dreamed that my girlfriend and I were at a station outside the city waiting for an electric train to arrive. Then he comes and I get inside, but she is not with me. She wandered off somewhere and didn’t return on time. I start walking around the carriages and looking for her, calling her on her mobile phone. She doesn't answer and I can't find her. After about 40 minutes I got through to her and she said that she was lost and was at the next station from the original one. She will take the next train and come. I get off at the stop and wait for her to catch the next train on which she will supposedly be traveling. When I asked why she didn’t call me right away and explain everything, she didn’t answer intelligibly and made some strange excuses. This is how I tried to describe everything to you in as much detail as possible))) Sincerely, Alexander.


I’m 12 and I lost my beloved, in reality I didn’t admit that I loved her, but I did in a dream. She always hugged me, we walked hand in hand, but everything happened in the war, not in the Second World War. I dreamed about everything black and white colors then I lost track of her, I looked for her for a very long time but didn’t find her... her name is Lada


Hello Tatyana, I really had a dream big dream in a very short period of time, that is, at lunchtime, I slept for 2 hours, this dream was very real, I have never dreamed of anything in my life where I hit myself on the cheeks in a dream and said that it was a dream... I dreamed that I went to a neighboring town in a place with my younger brother and at some point I met my boyfriend, when we were returning home we were driving through that same city to change to another bus to come to ours and then he asked me to sit with the bags for now and he is now with my brother come back because he wants to ask the driver, and then I get out, get on the bus and realize that I am traveling alone and they are not there and I have my bags, I start calling him to write (to my boyfriend) and instead another person answers and says “no.” call here” then I start writing him a message and he writes back to me in Arabic for some reason... and sends a photo of my beaten younger brother. After some time I find a police car in my city and ask for help and they tell me to come with us, In this case, I just lost time with them... after that I go to work and all the employees tell me “everything is fine with your brother, they found him, but he’s all beaten up.” For some reason my parents weren’t worried about me and were in the hospital with my brother, I came My stepfather wanted to beat me home, but I didn’t let him... and little by little everything seemed to calm down. But what I want to say is that I cried the whole dream and I was very scared, and when I woke up I couldn’t get out of this state, I was very bad. I apologize for the fact that there are mistakes and not grammatically. I have lived in Israel since I was 7 years old and have forgotten a little Russian.


I dreamed that we were walking together, and then someone came and stole him. As a result, I looked for him for a very long time, he began to appear to me in passers-by and said that he loved me and that I would forgive him...
And then he cheated on me, but he was tied up.


In the house of a priest, my bag with documents and a small amount of money, bank cards disappeared, and I suspected the priest of the loss, the bag was not found. In the same dream, my husband and I have holes in our trousers and we cannot find them, but one passing man helps my beloved with clothes, and he leaves, and I was left without my beloved, a bag with documents and trousers. This dream worries me.


We were visiting someone with our daughter and got ready to go home at night. We ordered a taxi when we got out, it was already standing near the house on the road next to our house. I opened the door, two men, Kazakhs, were sitting there, I asked if they were waiting for us, they said yes , but in a dream they seemed suspicious to me. Still, my daughter and I sat down and for some reason I got out and went on foot. Arriving home at my parents’ house, we still didn’t wait for her. I started calling taxis everywhere and asking for numbers somewhere. Then I went to look on the street, it was night, I wandered through the dark streets, I met some dubious companies, sometimes there was weak, not viscous mud on the ground. I reached my sister’s house and woke up.


I dreamed that I lost clothes in a large shopping center, then I went to look for them where they might be. Everyone found it, but I didn’t, I spent the whole dream searching.


I don’t live in my own house now, I dreamed that the owner came to pick up his things and furniture from this house where we live now


I lost my daughter in a shopping center during the closure of the center, I looked everywhere, looked through video surveillance, I had a feeling that now I would find her, but I woke up


I walked through some building; it was clear that it was a work office. I met an acquaintance and moved on with her, but then I quickly came to my senses and remembered that I had left my mother behind and went to look for her, I searched for a long time, but I never found her. My mother died many years ago.


I was on the train on vacation, I had to get off quickly, when I got off, it turned out that I had forgotten my jacket. At the station a lot of people got into the carriage. There is little time, I finally find a jacket, the train starts moving, and my mother is sitting at the table and she began to cry because she did not help me. I say it’s time to go out, she doesn’t want to, I tear her off the table and jump off with her in my arms as I walk. I take apart my jacket, it contains a screwdriver and tools.


I went to the wardrobe to give clean things to my husband and didn’t find them, started scolding him where he was, my things were lying and he wasn’t there, and I thought (in a dream) it’s bad that the things of a husband and wife should lie together and after that I quickly woke up and remembered this dream by chance after lunch




the child seemed to have left me to watch him for 5 years, but I didn’t look when his parents came for him, I saw his cousin and his wife, they were bathing him, he was all dirty, his skin was scratched, but when the child got up, the water, to my surprise, turned out to be cleanrosalinda


Hello! I locked the apartment and lost the keys, ran for a long time, couldn’t get into the apartment, turned to people to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then I remember laughing for a long time...


Hello! I dreamed that I met my ex-husband. I have warm feelings for him, but he tries to end the conversation as quickly as possible and eventually leaves. I’m leaving too and suddenly I realize that I’ve lost my cell phone and I’m going to look for it. On the way, I involuntarily hear the conversation of strangers who are discussing how ex-husband happy to meet a new woman. I find my phone and another cell phone next to it


The groom is on duty, and I dream that I wake up at night and he’s not around
2 sleep.
about a year ago I kissed a boy, and then I dreamed about him that we were very close together, talked, hugged, but nothing more


I saw my ex-beloved and returned for something, he was waiting for me in the car, I came to that place, there was no one there, there were a lot of people around, I was looking for his car and him everywhere, I was crying and couldn’t find him, there were also my things, as well as the money he gave me. I searched for a long time, I didn’t find it, I’m standing there, I don’t know what to do, suddenly people come in line to the police, among them is my deceased father (he looked at me seriously and silently walked by, he looked official, he looked like I was a stranger). I lined up in the same line when some woman explained to me that I was in the wrong place, she turned out to be my mother’s friend, I asked her to borrow me ten UAH to get home, she gladly borrowed it, and I woke up. I never found it, I cried a lot that I lost him, I was glad to see him, and we had a very good time before I got lost. What could all this mean?


I dreamed that my beloved and I had to fly to Lithuania. At customs they gave me a visa. I begin to swear and explain that I was indeed blocked from leaving because I was hiding from military conscription. After this, the girl still lets us in and takes us to some woman who is supposed to take us on the plane. We met her and asked her to look after our things. .To. they wanted to go shopping themselves. I was walking around the shops and I saw the clock on it, I don’t remember exactly, but it seemed like it was 4.41, for a long time I couldn’t remember the time of our departure. and then we ran to this woman, we searched for her for a long time, up and down floors and floors, and finally found her. Coming out of the plane, for some reason, all three of us noticed that the steps at the exit were all destroyed and I remembered that they were there during my flight to Italy in ’92 it was the same and I told her this. Then we went up the stairs where the flight attendant didn’t want to let me in, but after promising me a bottle of rum they let me in. Upon entering the plane, I was surprised by the interior, it was made of wooden planks and everywhere there were the same tables and benches made of untreated wood, where I lost my beloved. After that, we could not take off 3 or 4 times. Then we still took off and I woke up


Hello! the day before yesterday I dreamed that my classmate lost her cell phone several times, and I found it and gave it to her. what does it mean?


I dreamed that my earring was missing. But I found it. It was during the day, but this place is not familiar to me... the earring was, as they say, a stud. a blue pebble. Sometimes you can see a green one. Tell me what it is? And I have earrings like these.


Hello, I dreamed of a man who was looking for me. This was a person unfamiliar to me. I just watched from the sidelines. And at the end of the dream, very quietly and quickly, I heard some name. Ponomorenko. and that's all


I dreamed that I first lost my car (but I don’t have a car). And I immediately dreamed that I found it.


I woke up in the morning, and my son was not at home. Then it turned out that he remained at the airport, as if they had started looking for him yesterday, and then quickly woke up.


He was walking with his girlfriend, and then he lost her, he ran, looked, called, but could not find her anywhere. Suddenly, they called me and said that she had flown away and I would not see her again. I ran to the airport, but still didn’t find the girl.


Hello, in a dream I was with my son, we were walking somewhere, although he doesn’t walk yet. I don’t remember exactly, I know that he ran away from me, and we were already on the bus. At one of the stops he got down and crawled away. Winter .He is wearing his blue winter down jacket. The bus drove on, as if I had gone further, but then at the next stop I asked the driver to wait while I went to get the child, I got off and went to where my son had gotten down. I looked for him, but he wasn’t there. happened, I asked people, and some in the dream seemed familiar to me, although I didn’t know them, they said that he went down the stairs, I went there, the stairs end very steeply, in general, I was looking, running after all the blue down jackets and when again I was about to catch up with a man with a child in his arms, my son began to cry and I woke up, I don’t know how it would have ended.


me and my boyfriend we were at his place, he kept walking around doing something, I was in the kitchen cooking food and suddenly he came in and said I went, I didn’t even have time to ask where and why, he disappeared a day later, I panicked where he was, I called him, he’s not available and I can’t leave the house because I don’t have the keys to the house, then a friend came and said, what are you worried about, he’ll come soon, I’m sure he’s seeing a plastic surgeon now, everyone goes there now, it’s so fashionable, I also thought which surgeon, he didn’t complain about anything, I’m also happy with everything . That’s how I woke up with a heavy stone in my soul….


I lost a ring yesterday and last night I dreamed that I found it behind the nightstand next to the bed.


Hello …
My girlfriend and I live in different cities.. we haven’t seen each other for more than a month.. it’s always impossible to even contact by phone due to a number of reasons. In the dream we walked through some strange store.. then something happened, I don’t remember what exactly and the beloved quickly went down to the street. Something delayed me, I came out a little later and began looking for her. I went into the store and tried to contact her by phone, but the phone was kind of stupid and I couldn’t dial her, I asked people to call but was refused, and for some reason I was without shoes... that’s all I remember


I dreamed that I was with my girlfriend at the cinema, she left the theater and disappeared, I started looking for her, but she was nowhere to be found, I ran out into the city, met my mother and sister, but they were the Simpsons, although I mistook them for relatives, in short , my mother tells me about some kind of portal made of a pillar and a tree, I look and between them a red material opens, which draws my gaze, then I see a church on a hill, a poorly dressed man is hanging on the bell, the bell begins to touch, as if pulling the person apart , like a dinosaur-predator prey, then the church turns into a monster that begins to devour the buildings around me, I, and my family in the form of the Simpsons run away and
I jump on the first minibus, I don’t remember then.


I dreamed that I was traveling with a girl on a bus and she suddenly disappeared, I cried through my sleep


I dreamed that I was walking around the city in good, warm weather. And I had a children’s backpack with me, it was so beautifully colored, it contained documents and for some reason it was very heavy. I stopped near the bench because I was tired of walking with him. I took out my wallet from there. And she went. When I had gone far enough I realized that I had forgotten the backpack itself on the bench. I came running, but he wasn’t there. I vaguely remember the end of the dream, it seems to me that I found it later, but I’m not sure.


a man I know brings a coffin into the apartment. I asked where is your wife, he answered, she’s not there.


It was winter. it all started when my coach and I came, supposedly to a water attraction, we entered, but it turned out that my friend Ksyusha was not there, I didn’t look for her, but then we saw that another friend Dasha was missing, but after a while we found her. we changed into swimsuits, wrapped ourselves in towels and went to see her; she was standing with friends from the pool (I know them too) and playing. then they accidentally hit me in the neck with a song, I wasn’t offended, but I woke up at that moment


I dream that my husband and I are at the cinema, I enter the auditorium, and it’s as if he should follow me, I look but he’s not there, and I remember, I forgot my hundred cell phone at home, and I’m standing near the rows waiting for him, and some people come to me men pester me, then one asks me to draw, another wants to sit next to me, but I keep thinking how my husband will find me if I don’t have a phone


In the evening I walked and talked to my boyfriend (fiancé) on the phone. (they argued, I don’t remember why). And then he suddenly disappeared and I looked for him, but couldn’t find him. And then we walked together from the train station, he fell a little behind me and disappeared again, and again I missed him. I searched for a long time.


After the death of my beloved red cat, I have dreams about how I lost my cat and am looking for him and screaming and calling him and crying a lot, waking up and even tears flowing from my eyes. The cat has been dead for 5 years, but I have a dream about once every six months, the meaning is the same, but the vision and what happens is different each time.

A telephone is a unique device. It gives you the opportunity to communicate at a distance. The role of this gadget for modern people is very great, not only because it is one of the most popular means of communication and information transfer. The phone also stores various photos, important dates and so on. What if you dreamed that you lost such an important thing as a phone? Let's look at what different dream books tell us about this, and finally understand the question: "Why can a person lose a phone in a dream?" Due to the fact that portable devices appeared in the mid-twentieth century, classic books only contain interpretations of the presence of a telephone in dreams. However, from these interpretations it is easy to guess what the loss of the phone will mean.

Interpretation according to the dream book "New Era"

Interpretation according to Miller

The dream book states that if a mobile means of communication appears in a dream, then a person will meet a face that will confuse him. The possibility of this event is more likely if in a dream you had a bad conversation on your cell phone, interference interfered. If a telephone is present in your visions, then you have a strong cognitive connection with the person you were talking to. And this fact has nothing in common with how the dreamer contacts this person in the real world. In addition, this individual has a huge impact on him and his future, although the sleeper may not have noticed this before. We can assume that if you lose your phone in a dream after a conversation with this person, then your inner forces are trying to convey to you that communicating with him is harmful to you. Therefore, it is better to interrupt it.

Dream Interpretation by D. Loff

The statement of D. Loff's dream book Sinnik is that a mobile device unites the dreamer and people who have no contact in the outside world. This statement also applies to the dead. It is fundamentally important to understand that in a dream, the words of the dead on the phone often include an important message. Are there problems or malfunctions with your telephone? This means that you will not be able to establish a connection with your subconscious. Therefore, we conclude that if you lose the “portable cellular miracle” in a dream, you will not be able to establish a relationship with the subconscious today.

Another interpretation

What does the dream book of the Winter spouses say? According to his judgment, the appearance of a mobile phone in a dream indicates the remoteness of a certain action or person, as well as the need to delay making any decision. We can assume that if you lose your mobile phone, you need to hurry up and make a decision. The dream book also says that if in a dream you were unable to connect via cell phone with a person dear to your heart (for example, you happened to lose your phone in a dream), then you need to improve your relationships with loved ones. Otherwise misfortunes will follow.

Dream book opinion from A to Z

The authors of this dream book believe that if he planned to call from a street pay phone, but it did not work out due to its malfunction, then he should check all the news that will come to him, and become more thoughtful, not obey the first impression. In a dream, did you or someone else throw a cell phone in a rage? This means you need to prepare for disasters in your family. We believe that a lost phone will most likely be an indication that you need to be more critical and careful and start to improve your family relationships.

Freud's Dream Book

The dream book of this famous person says that your intimate health is in good condition if a phone that is not broken appears to you in a dream. And if it is faulty, then this signals a problem in the intimate sphere. It may be correct to assume that you can lose your phone in a dream if something is not going well in a person’s intimate sphere.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

If in night vision, even with effort, you are unable to answer an incoming call in a dream (for example, due to the fact that a person lost his cell phone in a dream), then what does this mean? The famous sorceress writes that this indicates the presence of some information that you are afraid to accept, or people who are undesirable for you to communicate with.

Modern interpretation

There are many editions of different dream books without an identified creator, written by a group of people or compiled from others. In some of them, the interpretation of night visions is given in accordance with the psychology of the sexes and with different psychotypes.

Women's dream book. The girl lost her phone

Seeing something like this in a dream means liberation from an annoying competitor. If in a telephone conversation it is completely unclear to you who exactly is talking to you, there is a high possibility of losing your loved one. It is expected that dirty gossip will appear behind your back.

Internet dream books

A dream where your mobile phone was stolen warns of future disappointment in the person you believed in. She will perform an action that will not bring you problems, but will amaze you in the bad sense of the word. Are you unable to make a call because you were lucky enough to lose your phone or bag in a dream? The Internet dream book encourages a person to start looking for new friends. After all, apparently, many of his current people are great envious people.

Did you dream that you found out about the loss of your phone only when you wanted to call? This dream predicts important and very significant changes in your everyday life. Does the dream include losing someone else's phone? This suggests that an incident will happen in your life that will sweep away insincere, bad friends from it. If a broken telephone is lost in a dream, then the interpretation of the dream is that the dreamer is avoiding resolving his difficulties himself. He likes to relieve himself of responsibility and shift it to others. This person has a mountain of problems that he does not want to solve.

If such a dream is seen by a person working with finance, then soon his career may collapse, and he will get into debt. Why a telephone in a dream in a public place? You may be receiving inaccurate information on some issue. Be careful, you are probably surrounded by deceitful, envious acquaintances who are ready to stick a knife in your back at any opportunity.

Interpretations of sleep. Lost and found phone in night vision

Having figured out what losing a cell phone in a dream can mean, it’s interesting to find out what its discovery symbolizes. This information was selected from the pages of online dream books. So, they say that a dream in which you managed to find a mobile phone promises a successful solution to a protracted problem, the source of which was in the hands of your excellent friend.

In a dream, did you find a cell phone and want to return it to its owner? Your dream indicates a desire to take control of your life. Also, such a dream may indicate that, on the contrary, you know how to influence events in your life. This dream book also advises not to forget that a concept is good while it is new. If in a dream you dreamed that you were looking for a mobile phone, this means that you are looking for a new landmark or lover.

If the result of your efforts is a find, then you will be lucky in real life. If a person finds a faulty phone in his dream, it means that failures will follow in his life due to envious people. Did you dream that your mobile phone was lost, but a stranger found it? This means that some of your secrets may become publicly discussed, which you cannot prevent. It is necessary, according to this dream, to first secure yourself and figure out how to present this information to yourself in a form that is less condemned and acceptable by society.


Now you know what it means to lose your phone in a dream. We have found that interpretation depends on context. Regardless of the interpretation, always be positive!

Most dream books associate losing shoes in a dream with the upcoming journey or relationships with people around you. When interpreting a dream with such a plot, it is necessary to pay attention to additional details. Great value has the behavior of the one who is dreaming, his emotional state and nuances that are related specifically to the loss.

When looking for an answer to the question of why you dream of losing your shoes in a dream, it is recommended to compare the explanations of several sources to draw up a full interpretation of the plot.

What is the dream about?

The meaning of the same symbol may differ in different sources. The explanations in some cases differ radically. Losing shoes is no exception. This situation is interpreted differently by different dream books. Some pay special attention half of the one who sees the dream, others consider the meaning of small details, which at first glance may seem insignificant, to be more important.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Gives special meaning the attitude of the one who sees the dream towards lost shoes. If she was comfortable and loved, then such a sign foreshadows the loss of something valuable, for example, a quarrel with a loved one. If it was cramped and uncomfortable, then the upcoming troubles may not be so large-scale or important as to cause significant emotional distress.

    Noble dream book

    This sign is associated with betrayal. For a woman, the plot foreshadows temptations that will be quite difficult for her to resist.. For a man, a dream foreshadows the betrayal of a girlfriend or wife; betrayal cannot be hidden and it will cause a serious conflict that may end in separation or divorce.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Considers lost shoes a good sign. You don’t notice the bright events that surround you in real life and give up joy. But in the near future there will be a favorable period for relaxation, travel and other fun activities that will not only bring a lot of positive emotions, but will also allow you to free yourself from the burden of negative thoughts.

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    Gives back to lost shoes negative meaning. For the plot, it is a sign of loneliness; for men, it portends difficulties in the material sphere.. The general meaning of the dream indicates various troubles that will prevent you from achieving your goal and disrupt your plans.

    Freud's Dream Book

    Connects shoes with love and intimate life. Regardless of who is dreaming and under what circumstances the shoes were lost, such a dream indicates loneliness, a quarrel with a loved one or divorce.

Search for shoes

Finding lost shoes in a dream has an ambiguous interpretation. On the one hand, in the near future numerous difficulties may arise that could interfere with achieving the goal. On the other hand, the one who sees such a dream will try to cope with troubles and will not lose faith in.

When interpreting a dream it is necessary to remember the nuances of the plot. An important role is played by the reason for the disappearance of shoes, their appearance, as well as the number of missing boots or shoes.

Interpretation nuances:

  • If you take off your shoes, but then do not find them in the same place, then such a sign portends long journey . The trip can be sudden or planned.
  • Searches for missing shoes by some dream books associated with separation from the other half. The culprit of a damaged relationship will be the one who sees the dream.
  • Looking for shoes with heels portends risk of provocation in real life. One of your enemies or ill-wishers will try to provoke you into conflict or rash actions.
  • Losing one shoe can mean different things to a woman. If you can't find the left shoe, then the sign portends problems in the love sphere and indicates a possible break in relations with a loved one, the search for the right shoe is associated with financial situation and money problems.
  • If attempts to find shoes were unsuccessful and in a dream you decided to ask someone around you for them, then in reality, a situation or problem may arise that cannot be solved without the help of friends and family.

If they were stolen

Theft of shoes in a dream foretells a streak of bad luck. Unforeseen difficulties will arise on the way to your goal. Most dream books associate shoes with wealth and financial well-being. Its loss or theft is interpreted as a bad sign.

You can avoid losses and mistakes only by timely vigilance and control of your emotions. You should not make rash decisions, and in the near future it is better to refrain from any important matters (responsible meetings, events, investments cash etc.).

Nuances of the meaning of sleep:

  • Seeing how you bought shoes, but immediately after buying them they stole them, then the new romantic relationship will be short-lived.
  • Stealing shoes in a dream may portend deterioration of reputation. The fact that you constantly become the object of gossip is your own fault.
  • If you had a dream on the eve of any celebration or public performance, then stolen shoes indicate indecision the one who sees the dream. At the event you will feel vulnerable and unprotected.
  • If you yourself decide to steal shoes, then such a vision talk about your intense envy of someone.

Mismatched shoes

Mismatched shoes in a dream are considered one of the most ambiguous symbols. When interpreting a dream, it is important to take into account some details. For example, your attitude towards different shoes on your feet, the actions that were taken after what you saw and other nuances. In most cases, such a sign is considered unfavorable, but the explanations of dream books may differ and connect it with different areas of life.

The dream can have the following meanings:

  • It will be possible to achieve the goal only with the help of like-minded people.
  • Loneliness, the source of the problem is you yourself.
  • Experiences and tears, you cannot change your circumstances.
  • Cooling with the other half.
  • Don't refuse help, if it is offered to you.

Find boots in a dream

If the search for shoes in a dream is successful, then such a sign is considered favorable. Friends or your own willpower will help you cope with troubles. For someone who is experiencing financial difficulties or is in a quarrel with his other half, such a plot foreshadows changes for the better and possible reconciliation.

Additionally, when searching for explanations of signs, it is important to consider own emotions in a dream(joy from the find, indifference or disappointment).

Variants of meaning according to different dream books:

  • A dream may foretell that conflict can be avoided if you show patience in time and try to understand your other half.
  • Meeting with an old friend will be given to those who in a dream found old but wearable shoes.
  • If you find recently purchased shoes, then Friends or relatives will help you solve problems. Don't be afraid or embarrassed to ask for help.
  • Finding someone else's shoes means that some married couple needs your help. You can become the only person who is able to reconcile quarreling spouses.
  • Short-term happiness portends a dream in which shoes were found, but they were damaged (broken heels, shoes unsuitable for wearing).
  • Tears, troubles and emotional distress portends a dream in which shoes were found in water (for example, floating in a river, in a puddle or on the road in rainy weather).
  • Looking for shoes barefoot and finding it means being able to escape loneliness.

If the meaning of a plot seen in a dream is interpreted by dream books as a negative sign, such predictions should not be taken too literally. The dream is a warning. Having understood in what area you can make a mistake, you need to try to prevent it from occurring.

For example, if a dream foreshadows problems in the family, then you need to learn to restrain your emotions. If the dream indicates financial failures, then in the near future you should abandon material investments or monetary transactions.

It is possible that you cannot find a way out of the situation that has developed in reality; A reflection of this state of uncertainty, the desire for clarity, is such a dream. It has an unfavorable meaning if you dreamed that you could not find a person - perhaps drastic measures will be needed to solve your problem, which you are trying with all your might to avoid.

However, such a dream also has one more meaning, a philosophical one: it is possible that you are subconsciously trying to find your path in life (for example, you want to decide on your area of ​​​​professional interests), but for now you only imagine it intuitively, without making any attempts to move along the chosen road.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you have dreams about looking for a person, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a person in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Why do you dream about Search?

American dream book

Search - as a rule, it marks a spiritual journey.

Imperial dream book

Search for an unknown thing, some object (emphasis on the unknown and the object) - an empty state of yin (the content is lost) and a purposeless empty action of yang. A state of uncertainty, emptiness of internal, external loss, doubt. Even if a thing is only a symbol of something, the thing is physically searched for with hands and eyes.

The search for non-physical data (for example, solving a problem) does not have to be expressed through external actions: this process takes place inside the person’s self.

The search for an external symbol ahead of confidence in internal forces is a mistake: the prospect of being unable to use what is found arises. If you do not know how to use what you have for your own benefit, then you will not be able to use the additional power you have found.

Looking for something unknown in a dream is a sign of uncertainty about the consequences of one’s decisions and a lack of understanding of the essence of the problem; looking for an unknown object is a lack of confidence in oneself and a desire to avoid responsibility in case of failure (the talisman did not help).

Search by wandering through corridors, streets, desert, forest - see the relevant articles and connect the meanings.

To look for a very specific object in a dream - in reality, it is one of the main symbols of human culture (symbolism outweighs external form).

Looking not for an object, but for an exit/entrance from a dungeon or apartment means trying to actively solve a problem. Interpretation is given according to the relevant articles.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Search is a reflection of search as such in all areas. The need to look for answers within yourself.

The inner spiritual search is no less important, if not more, than the search in the outer world.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Internal search means no less than searching in the external world.

Dream book for a bitch

Search - the future will bring a lot of disappointments and troubles.

If they are looking for you - aggression and malicious attacks from rivals and ill-wishers.

Dream Book of David Loff

Finding an object that constantly changes its location can be annoying, but finding it can be a pleasant surprise. To determine the meaning of a dream about searching for something, it is important whether the plot ends with the finding of an object or not. If the dream ends successfully, it is important to note what or who you were looking for and how these objects were found. Think about the connection that exists between the object and the person who helped find it (if there was such a person). In many cases, the object that gets lost reflects an area of ​​life in which we feel unskillful and incompetent.

Looking for it in the company of others may be a clue that you should seek help. wise advice to resolve the current situation. A 48-year-old man tells his dream: “I’m looking for the keys to my car and I can’t find them anywhere. I turn everything in the house upside down, yell at my wife, and generally lose my temper. My daughter is not at home, and I start blaming her for everything. Suddenly her friend comes in and advises her to look in the lock of the front door. That's what I do. My keys are there.

This dream about searching is interesting because in his detailed story the man showed how much he was worried about his daughter driving a car. The feeling of losing control over his daughter's life consumed most of his emotional energy. After figuring out the meaning of this dream, he realized that the cause of most domestic conflicts was his own anxiety, and not real disobedience on the part of his daughter. The understanding developed by the dream led to the normalization of relations with my daughter and, as a result, to peace in the family.

A dream about a search ending unsuccessfully usually illustrates the need to heal emotional trauma. The object of an unsuccessful search can be an object or a person. Common dream patterns about searching for a person include crying baby a dream that cannot be found, chasing a fugitive whose location cannot be determined, or receiving a message that cannot be answered. Such dreams can occur during periods of prolonged emotional decline caused by an extraordinary event, such as the death of a loved one. Another unsuccessful search scenario is searching for a place or item without success. For example, in your dream you may have a plan that goes nowhere, or perhaps you cannot find an object after leaving it on a table. Dreams of this kind can help you gain insight into your life goals and how effectively you are achieving them.

If you often have such dreams, perhaps you should check whether your goals and behavior are consistent with each other, or whether they are mutually exclusive.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you are knocked down in search of a missing child portends that in reality they will try to drag you into a scam that can lead you to either big money or a long prison term.

Taking part in the search for missing and distressed people means losses that can be incurred by receiving deliberately false information from your assistants.

If in a dream you turned the entire apartment upside down in search of a missing item, and even then you couldn’t find it, it means that in reality you will face real losses not only of a material, but also of a moral nature.

A dream in which you are busy looking for the person you need in an unfamiliar city means that you have to go through obstacles and hardships in order to achieve your goal.

If you are looking for one of your relatives, it means that in reality you will be amazed by the news of the tragic death of one of them.

A dream in which your search was crowned with success means temporary dissatisfaction with the progress of affairs, which will be replaced by complete contentment and well-being.

Dream Interpretation Search

Why do you dream about searching in a dream book?

The dream book says that searching for a way out of a building reflects imminent changes that will not be so easy to adapt to.

Searching for something unknown symbolizes the dreamer’s uncertainty in his own choice.

Searching for something unsuccessfully in a dream is a warning about health problems and losses.

If you are looking for a reason to get closer to someone, then in reality you will be able to devote more time to yourself, forgetting about such a desire.

Dream Interpretation to search in a dream

Why dream of searching in a dream in a dream

A dream in which you had to look for some lost thing is interpreted by the dream book as your internal search in real life. If your search is successful, then in real life you will find a way out of the emotional impasse. The dream book advises you to be patient if you had a dream in which you were unable to find what was lost.

Also very interesting are dreams in which you do not know what exactly you are looking for. Such a dream is a sign that perhaps you should change your field of activity to avoid feeling lost in the real world.

Be sure to pay attention to the personality of the person who could help you find what was lost in a dream. It is this person who will be able to help you solve many everyday difficulties in the most non-trivial way.

Search for a person

Dream Interpretation Search for a person dreamed of why you dream about searching for a person in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Searching for a person in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Searches

Dream Interpretation - Searches

Dream Interpretation - Searches

Dream Interpretation - Search

Dream Interpretation - Search

Dream Interpretation - Search

Dream Interpretation - Searching for something

Dream Interpretation - Man

You take a mirror that belongs to another person - the birth of a noble offspring. A noble noble person is hiding - to recovery. A noble man leaves on a horse - clarity in official matters. A sick person is placed on a cart - portends death. A sick person climbing onto a cart portends a great misfortune. A sick person gets up - portends death. A sick person sometimes cries, sometimes laughs - portends recovery. A sick person riding in a boat portends death. A sick person singing songs portends great misfortune. Taking a mirror that belongs to another person means the birth of a noble offspring. Seeing the reflection of another person in the mirror is a problem with your wife or lover. Seeing a person being killed is a great happiness. Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate. Seeing a person with a government seal means glory, fame. Seeing a person reading a book means a noble offspring will be born. To see a noble person coming - misfortune will pass you by. If you own the same clothes with some person, your wife has a lover. If you return money to a person, you will get rid of the disease. Talking to a bad person, a villain - there will be a quarrel. Giving a person some clothes means official matters will arise. Giving a person castanets is a hassle. Giving a person a knife is bad luck. Giving silk to a person is a great misfortune. If you give a person some clothes, official matters will arise, there will be illness, illness, grief. If you give a person castanets, it foretells an altercation. If you give a person a longitudinal flute, it portends fame and glory. If you bow to the ground to some person - happiness in all matters. Holding a sword in your hands, inflicting injections on another person is a loss. Holding a knife in your hands and stabbing another person is a loss. Another person gives a brush - portends the advancement of talent. Another person holding your mirror in his hands portends misfortune with his wife. Another person plays musical instruments - you will be found to be right in court proceedings or litigation. Another person supports a bedridden patient - a promotion. Another person shoots at you - the arrival of a traveler. You give a longitudinal flute to another person - portends fame, glory. The smell of rot, carrion from a burning person, portends happiness. A soiled, dirty shirt portends humiliation and shame. A snake or dragon kills a person - portends a great misfortune. A snake bites a person - portends the acquisition of great wealth. A snake follows a man - speaks of his wife’s betrayal. A snake that wraps itself around a turtle means prosperity and relative wealth will appear. A noble person gives a patterned brocade - the arrival of an official. A noble person gives out hats to people - fortunately. A noble person gives out clothes and hats to people - fortunately. Human speech is heard from the well - there will be joyful events. A rat bites a person’s clothes - you will achieve what you were striving for. Bite a person - portends loss. Eat honey with a person - portends happiness and benefits. A dead person eats - portends illness. The death of another person or oneself is fortunate. Stabbing a person repeatedly with a knife is joy and benefit. A sick person climbs onto the cart - a great misfortune. If you cut a person with a knife or saber, it portends a loss of wealth. Giving a person an umbrella means breaking up with that person. Moving to a new house owned by another person is fortunate. You lift a basin or a bucket, and the bottom falls off - foreshadows ruin. You buy a house from a person in a rural area - moving due to a change of duty station. Receiving paper money from a person is great happiness. Receiving a knife from a person means you will soon be appointed to a position. Helping a person go to prison means wealth and happiness. Entrusting a person with your business is a great misfortune. Approaching a person who practices fortune telling using the I Ching is a disease, an illness. Invite a person to enter a government institution - drink and food. If you accept simple clothes made from hemp fabric from another person, it is unfortunate. Accepting a sword from a person means a person coming from afar. A noble person comes - misfortune will pass you by. Sword fighting with a person portends great luck and benefit. Arguing with a person is fortunate. If you shoot at a person yourself, it foretells a long trip. A pig or wild boar turns into a human - there will be a government matter, a situation related to officials. Grief and tears about a person from afar - portends misfortune. Dreaming of a man who is learning to write - great wealth, nobility. Shooting a person is a long trip. The man's head is cut into two parts - fortunately. Killing another person portends wealth and nobility. Killing a person means wealth and nobility. Killing a person so that the blood stains his clothes is material gain and wealth. Killing a person - portends great happiness. A person tells you about death - portends longevity. A person says things that are very pleasant for you - misfortune, grief is approaching. A man gives you a big bucket - a benefit. A man gives you ink, ink - progress in writing your work. A person gives a broom or a broom - portends getting a place in the service. A person gives scales - portends the possession of power. A person gives you official clothes, a uniform - you will be appointed to an official position. A person gives you a big bucket - portends benefits. A person gives you a comb or a comb - you get a wife or a concubine. A person gives you ink, ink - talks about progress in writing your work. a person gives three swords - you will become the head of the district, the governor. A person gives you a brush - promotion of talent. A person gives a bow or crossbow - outside help. A person gives silks, taffeta - portends great happiness and prosperity. The person is holding your brush, writing instrument - your essay, article will not be accepted. A man calling you from the street portends misfortune. A person plays musical instruments - you will be found to be right in court proceedings or litigation. A man pricks himself with a bamboo stick - happiness, prosperity, good luck. If you break your arm, it portends illness. A man catches a fish - indicates good luck. A person cries, baring his teeth - there will be rivalry, litigation. A man supports a bedridden patient - promotion. A person offers you to eat curdled milk - portends joy. A person invites you to drink wine - longevity. A man with a severed head comes to meet you - to great happiness. A person puts you in a very awkward position, you experience humiliation - you will gain wealth. A man shoots at you - the arrival of a traveler. A person kicks you - acquiring wealth; a stranger kicks you - gaining strength. A person humiliates you - wealth. A person who learns to write means great wealth and nobility. A person with a government seal - portends glory and fame. A person who reads a book will be born a noble offspring. Human speech comes from the well - there will be joyful events.

Dream Interpretation - Man

A man sitting on a high rock means that in the distant future a great event will happen to the dreamer that will radically change his life. A meeting between a person and a stranger who has an animalistic look means a meeting with the Antichrist. Seeing an evil, despotic person in a dream is a sign that a tyrant will come to power and bring war, hunger and poverty to Earth. If you dreamed of a beggar, then big trouble will happen to you in the future, as a result of which you will lose your fortune, shelter and true friend. If you saw a large number of poor people in a dream, it means that many nations will face poverty in the future. Seeing a rich person in a dream is a good omen. A comfortable life awaits you in the circle of people close to you. Seeing many wealthy people in a dream means a happy life for the peoples of the whole world. If in a dream you saw a wounded person, this means that someone close to you will face a serious test, as a result of which this person will lose not only his shelter, material resources, family, but will also receive serious injuries.

Dream Interpretation - Man

Nostradamus interpreted dreams about a person as follows. If you dreamed of a man sitting on a high rock, this means that in the distant future a great event will happen to you that will radically change your life. If you saw an evil, despotic person in a dream, it means a change of job. If you dreamed of a beggar, then big trouble will happen to you in the future, as a result of which you will lose your fortune, shelter and true friend. Dreaming about a rich man is a good omen. A comfortable life awaits you in the circle of people close to you. If in a dream you saw a wounded person, then someone close to you will face a serious test.

Finding a loved one

Dream Interpretation Finding a loved one dreamed of why you dream about searching for a loved one? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Searching for a loved one in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Searches

Finding an object that constantly changes its location can be frustrating, but finding it can be a pleasant surprise. To determine the meaning of a dream about searching for something, it is important whether the plot ends with the finding of an object or not. If the dream ends successfully, it is important to note what or who you were looking for and how these objects were found. Think about the connection that exists between the object and the person who helped find it (if there was such a person). In many cases, the object that gets lost reflects an area of ​​life in which we feel unskillful and incompetent. Looking for it in the company of others may be a clue that you should seek wise advice to resolve the current situation. A 48-year-old man tells his dream: “I’m looking for the keys to my car and I can’t find them anywhere. I turn everything in the house upside down, yell at my wife, and generally lose my temper. My daughter is not at home, and I start blaming her for everything. Suddenly her friend comes in and advises her to look in the lock of the front door. That's what I do. My keys are there." What is interesting about this search dream is that in his detailed story the man showed how much he was worried about his daughter driving a car. The feeling of losing control over his daughter's life consumed most of his emotional energy. After figuring out the meaning of this dream, he realized that the cause of most of the conflicts at home was his own ANXIETY, and not real disobedience on the part of his daughter. The understanding developed by the dream led to the normalization of relations with my daughter and, as a result, to peace in the family. A dream about a search ending in vain usually illustrates the need to heal emotional trauma. The object of an unsuccessful search can be an object or a person. Common dreams about searching for a person include a CHILD crying who cannot be found, chasing a fugitive who cannot be located, or receiving a message that cannot be answered. Such dreams can occur during periods of prolonged emotional decline caused by an extraordinary event, e.g. DEATH of a loved one. Another unsuccessful search scenario is searching for a place or item without success. For example, in your dream you may have a plan that goes nowhere, or perhaps you cannot find an object after leaving it on a table. Dreams of this kind can help you gain insight into your life goals and how effectively you are achieving them. If you often have these types of dreams, you may want to examine whether your goals and behavior are consistent or mutually exclusive.

Dream Interpretation - Searches

D. Loff wrote in his dream book: “Searching for an object that constantly changes its place can be annoying, but the discovery can be a pleasant surprise. To determine the meaning of a dream about searching for something, it is important whether the plot ends with the finding of an object or not. If the dream ends successfully, it is important to note what or who you were looking for and how these objects were found. Think about the connection that exists between the object and the person who helped find it (if there was such a person). In many cases, the object that gets lost reflects an area of ​​life in which we feel unskillful and incompetent. Looking for it in the company of others may be a clue that you should seek wise advice to resolve the current situation. A dream about a search ending in vain usually illustrates the need to heal from emotional trauma. The object of an unsuccessful search can be an object or a person. Common dreams about searching for a person include a crying child who cannot be found, chasing a fugitive who cannot be located, or receiving a message that cannot be answered. Such dreams can occur during periods of prolonged emotional decline caused by an extraordinary event, such as the death of a loved one. Another unsuccessful search scenario is searching for a place or item without success. For example, in your dream you may have a plan that goes nowhere, or perhaps you cannot find an object after leaving it on a table. Dreams of this kind can help you gain insight into your life goals and how effectively you are achieving them. If you frequently have these types of dreams, you may want to examine whether your goals and behavior are consistent or mutually exclusive.”

Dream Interpretation - Searches

A dream in which you are knocked down in search of a missing child foreshadows that in reality they will try to drag you into a scam that can lead you to either big money or a long prison term. Taking part in the search for missing and distressed people means losses that can be incurred by receiving deliberately false information from your assistants. If in a dream you turned your entire apartment upside down in search of a missing item, and you still couldn’t find it, it means that in reality you will face real losses, not only of a material, but also of a moral nature. A dream in which you are busy looking for the person you need in an unfamiliar city means that you have to go through obstacles and hardships in order to achieve your goal. If you are looking for one of your relatives, it means that in reality you will be amazed by the news of the tragic death of one of them. A dream in which your search was crowned with success means temporary dissatisfaction with the progress of affairs, which will be replaced by complete contentment and well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Search

Climbing to heaven in search of an object means obtaining a high position. Ascend to heaven in search of a wife - sons and daughters will achieve high positions.

Dream Interpretation - Search

Internal search: means no less than searching in the external world.

Dream Interpretation - Search

Search - the future will bring a lot of disappointments and troubles. If they are looking for you - aggression and malicious attacks from rivals and ill-wishers.

Dream Interpretation - Favorite

Beloved - A dream in which you kiss your beloved in the dark warns you that you are under the gun of numerous gossipers and envious people. If the kiss took place in the light, then you will be able to avoid scandals and intrigues. If you dreamed that your fiancé married someone else, prepare your heart for an attack of jealousy. And in reality, everything is perfect. If in a dream you are upset that your chosen one is indifferent to you, then you simply cannot decide whether to get married or continue to live on your own. A dream in which you feel love from your chosen one promises you the joys of family life and true love. If in a dream you allowed yourself to cheat on your loved one, it means that you will just as easily deceive him. However, if you dreamed that your loved one was cheating on you, then in reality he may do the same. A dream in which you receive a photograph from your loved one warns of the selfish feelings of your chosen one. He doesn't love you at all, he's just using you. So think about whether you should date him.

Dream Interpretation - Beloved, beloved

Meeting soon; to love someone is deception, sadness; lover, mistress - shame; admiring yourself is a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Favorite

Seeing your loved one in a dream indicates that you are satisfied with life and your surroundings.

Dream Interpretation - Searching for something

If in a dream you were looking for something and found it, it means achieving what you wanted; if you didn’t find it, it means difficulties and decline in trading affairs. Imagine that you have found everything you were looking for.

Searching for a person in the dark

Dream Interpretation Search for a person in the dark dreamed of why you dream about looking for a person in the dark? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Search for a person in the dark by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Darkness

Darkness in a dream is a bad omen that means your future is unclear. But if you dream that you see well in the dark, then your affairs will improve. A dream in which daylight gives way to darkness portends trouble, grief, illness or need. But coming out of the darkness into the light or suddenly seeing the light is a sign of great unexpected and happy changes in your destiny. See interpretation: light.

Dream Interpretation - Darkness, darkness

To suddenly find yourself in the dark or see how suddenly everything around has darkened is a sign of an accident or failure in business. Being in the dark means difficulties, uncertainty in everything. Losing a friend or child in the dark - it is unfair to be angry with someone or struggle with obstacles in love or business. Walking through the darkness means returning what was lost. Going to the candle is a great success. One old dream book interprets darkness as peace and well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Darkness

Darkness - peace, prosperity - get out of the darkness - the future will save you from danger.

Dream Interpretation - Darkness

Night atmosphere in dreams. The events that take place are related to the unconscious. Intense darkness accompanied by a threat to the individual. Passive feminine energy is dangerous for the destruction of consciousness. Suffering in the dark. Return to the fold. Depression.

Dream Interpretation - Darkness

will come bad time; get out of the darkness - the future will save you from danger

Dream Interpretation - Darkness

If in a dream you are in pitch darkness and cannot see anything around you, such a dream means that you need support and understanding from your partner. You not only miss sex, you subconsciously strive to make your relationship more serious, but you feel that your desire is not mutual. A distant source of light gradually dispelling the darkness is a symbol of hope for change for the better. If you are alone, the dream promises you a new pleasant acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation - Search

A dream in which you are looking for something lost and cannot find it is a bad omen; in reality, losses and illnesses await you. Looking for someone's favor in a dream means that soon you will stop needing and will begin to pay more attention to yourself. Looking for a hotel in an unfamiliar city in a dream means obstacles that you must go through in order to achieve complete happiness. Looking for a needle means that your worries are in vain, your friends still value and respect you. To dream that you are looking for a map means unexpected dissatisfaction with your surroundings, which will give you new impetus in your work and allow you to rise to a higher level of well-being. If you dream that you are looking for someone in the morgue, this means that you will be stunned by the news of the death of a relative or friend. Looking for fleas in a dream is a sign that in real life they want to drag you into a scam that can give you nothing but losses. Looking for bedbugs means suffering a loss due to the dishonest attitude of people you know.

Dream Interpretation - Darkness (gloom, shadow)

“the shadow of the past”, “the shadow of my “I””, “to be afraid of one’s own shadow” (unfounded fears), “to cast a shadow on someone” (to defame), “to remain in the shadows” (unnoticed), “dark thoughts”, “shadow role” . “Darkness of something” (as a quantitative measure) is a lot. “Darkness” is what they say about an uncultured, ignorant person. “Dark” to conceal, hide. "Gloom" is a gloomy mood. “to darken” (e.g., joy). "Dark" is an unknown or demonic person.

Dream Interpretation - Darkness

If you are walking in pitch darkness in a dream, you will face considerable difficulties on the path to success. Imagine that a beacon lights up in the dark and lights your way (see Lighthouse).

Dream Interpretation - Darkness

To dream that darkness is gathering around you means that you anticipate some kind of worsening of the situation. Often such dreams suggest that the cause of difficulties may be your misunderstanding. Perhaps in reality you are too careless and do not notice some things. More often, however, darkness in a dream indicates that the cause of your spiritual darkness lies within you. Perhaps it doesn’t bother you to learn to look at life on the bright side?

Why look for a loved one in a dream?



These are all your fears, I know from myself... but these dreams also turned out to be prophetic for me: ((Understand yourself, because being strongly attached to a person and experiencing a constant fear of losing him (especially subconscious - it is even more insidious) is also not always good. Try to internally let him go, come to terms with this situation, and then he himself will not go anywhere.


Apparently you love him and that’s good) Let him never get lost)


and you don’t live together?...if this is so, then just subconsciously you are not ready to let him go...if you live together, then you are afraid of losing him and somewhere on a subconscious level you simply don’t trust him and are afraid of losing him


how cute you are in your avatar kysko come here kys kys kys….

Personal Account Removed

check it for accuracythis warning

The article on the topic: “dream book loss of a loved one” provides current information on this issue for 2018.

Why do you dream about the death of a loved one in a dream?

Dreams about the death of loved ones and relatives who are alive are not uncommon, but the dream book of the death of a loved one should not be interpreted as a literal prediction, with rare exceptions. A dream about someone else's death is frightening, but can become prophetic only for those dreamers who have already seen prophetic dreams more than once in their lives, but simply, for mediums - people who have established contact with the subtle plane. And, as a rule, after waking up such a person has no doubts about whether the dream is prophetic or not.

The keys to the interpretation of a dream - why you dream about the death of a relative - are the symbols of death that may be present in the dream. For example, a stopped clock, a black handkerchief, a broken mirror, potted flowers and black flowers. Only then can you prepare for bad news. In other cases, you shouldn’t worry about why you dream about the death of your dad, or why you dream about the death of your mother, or why you dream about the death of your grandmother, since this is only a reflection of the fear of losing loved ones, and the dream book about the death of a child also speaks about this. Such dreams, on the contrary, hint that the “dead” will live for a long time and quite happily.

If you dreamed about the death of a loved one who is not a relative, then the dream has a slightly different interpretation. For example, why do you dream about the death of your husband, and also why do you dream about the death of a friend or why do you dream about the death of a friend? This means that the “deceased” is on the verge of changes in his life, in in this case death symbolizes the changes that will happen to this person. Less often, a dream promises some kind of crisis and a radical turning point with a “dead” person, after which a condition will follow inner harmony and balance for several years.

Why do you dream about the death of a relative? The influence of this person on your life will noticeably decrease, you will see him less often, and general topics for conversation will gradually dry up. This may be due to changes in life, changes in worldview, etc.

According to the dream book, the death of a close relative is a reason to rejoice for the good health of this person. From a psychological point of view, the dream reflects causeless anxiety. And a feeling of guilt if in reality the relationship with a relative is far from good.

Why do you dream about the death of your parents? Apart from purely psychological reasons(concerns about the health of mom and dad, separation from them due to moving, quarrels and conflicts, etc.), there are interpretations of dream books. So, seeing the death of your father in a dream is a warning signal: in reality someone wants to deceive you or drag you into financial fraud. The death of your mother symbolizes significant changes in your waking life: moving, getting married, having a child, etc.

According to the dream book, the death of a grandmother also symbolizes the most important turning points, but they await not only the dreamer, but the whole family.

The death of a grandfather means that in reality he will live a long time and maintain good health.

The psychological explanation of a dream about the death of a grandmother or grandfather is associated with the dreamer’s concern about the health of his relatives and the desire to see them.

Why do you dream about your brother's death? This is a warning about the presence of people in your environment who are capable of meanness. The brother himself is not in danger - on the contrary, he will be in good health.

As the dream book explains, the death of a sister in a dream means that your family members need support, help, or simply attention from you. In a situation of a quarrel or disagreement, a dream reflects a subconscious desire to make peace with family.

If you dreamed about the death of a friend, this is a warning sign. In the near future, unpleasant news will arrive that needs to be treated with composure.

The death of a friend is deciphered as follows: in reality you are stressed due to accumulated tasks and lack of time.

Why do you dream about the death of your husband? Take a closer look at your spouse in reality: he may be hiding something from you. The psychological side of the dream is a feeling of helplessness, self-doubt, fear of being alone.

In the dream book, the death of a loved one is interpreted in a similar way: you are afraid of separation. The dream may indicate hidden grievances, misunderstandings and lack of warmth in the couple's relationship.

Dream Interpretation on another topic:

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Loss according to the dream book

If a young lady, having barely woken up, rushes around the apartment in search of some trinket, it’s no different that she unsuccessfully searched for it in a dream. This picture is funny, but don’t rush to laugh. Dream books, explaining why you dream of losing things, upset you with the seriousness of the predictions. They interpret this as an imminent separation from a loved one.

However, much depends on the details of the dream. The significance of future events directly depends on how expensive and desirable the lost things were. What awaits the dreamer—financial collapse, a quarrel, or an unexpected find?

Lost Values

According to Loff's dream book, every person has things that are especially dear to him and occupy a special place in his subconscious. To understand what it means when a particularly important thing goes missing in a dream, think about what it symbolizes. Often its loss promises an absolutely unexpected gain.

Losing your phone promises relief from unpleasant communication that causes problems. However, dream books warn that if an offensive incident in a dream upsets the dreamer, it is necessary to more critically evaluate the immediate environment, beware of the gossip of acquaintances and the dishonesty of colleagues.

Understanding the value of every moment will help you understand why you dream of losing a watch. Dream books interpret this sign as a warning: the time measured by fate is wasted. A woman may be weighed down by household chores for which she really doesn’t have enough time in a day. She should finally decide on life guidelines and personal goals.

Owning a car is a means of self-affirmation for many. Losing a car in a dream is a sure sign of lack of self-confidence. Why, according to dream books, does a man dream of stealing a car? Perhaps the dreamer is afraid that his rival will take away his beloved woman. Moreover, such a danger really exists.

Who hasn’t been afraid of dropping the keys that open access to secrets and valuables? Losing your keys in a dream means there is a danger that your personal secrets will become known to strangers. You can expect quarrels at home and problems at work. Dream books warn against frivolity and lack of self-control.

Anyone who has had a very unpleasant dream will want to know why they dream of losing their passport. As with the loss of any documents, dream books foretell troubles due to excessive power of attorney. And although the loss of an identity card in a dream entails troubles with the police in reality, the theft of a passport foreshadows completely unexpected acquisitions that one would not even dare to dream about. Dream books give a different interpretation to the loss of an entire bag of documents - in real life there will be those important papers that were considered stolen.

Seeing loss of money in a dream is a call for caution, attentiveness to valuable documentation that competitors can use for their own benefit. Losing or stealing a bag of money in a dream means the possibility of making a substantial profit - an increase in salary or concluding a lucrative contract.

Losing a wallet stolen from a bag in a dream will upset anyone. Huge financial costs, bankruptcy and poverty are promised by most dream books. Small bills in a wallet indicate a disdainful attitude towards people from lower social strata. If coins disappeared from your wallet in a dream, children will have money problems. Financial difficulties will be successfully overcome if you can find what you lost.

Finally, the loss of gold in a dream, in the form of coins or bars, foreshadows unrealized opportunities for enrichment. The happy occasion will be irretrievably lost, the dreamer will remain “with his own people.”

Ladies' absent-mindedness

There are dreams that only women can experience. Well, what kind of man would be bothered by why he dreams of losing a handbag? Meanwhile, both in dreams and in reality, the bag keeps many women’s secrets. Her disappearance is a sign of the danger that the secret will become apparent. Perhaps the dreamer feels defenseless in front of other people's curiosity. On the other hand, the bitter truth will soon be revealed to her, which will force her to withdraw. rose-colored glasses and acknowledge the existence of creditors and financial obligations.

The loss of jewelry that is dear to the heart - a gold ring, for example - can mean the loss of spiritual support. Dream Interpretations warn that the old idol will not show himself with the best side. Perhaps flatterers will turn their heads with praise and use their influence for selfish purposes.

The period of doubt and uncertainty is not easy, but it is even more difficult to survive the losses that follow the loss of an engagement ring in a dream. And the saddest thing that can happen in a dream about losing a ring is that your partner is betraying you. If the dreamer finds something missing in a dream, she will be fabulously lucky in what is especially important to her.

Why dream of losing a gold earring, which is worn in one ear, and which, as a rule, is a sign of belonging to a special subculture? This means breaking ties with a group of like-minded people, voluntarily leaving a community, or being excluded from a particular caste.

If one of two paired things is lost, then the dream books are unanimous in their predictions - this promises betrayal of a loved one and imminent separation. Losing one of your earrings is no exception. And Nostradamus, explaining in his dream book why one dreams of losing one shoe or boot, portends a conflict for the family leading to divorce.

Losing a pair of fashionable shoes in a dream can throw you into panic. In reality, there will be no one to blame for future failures but yourself. The young lady risks losing her have a fascinating trip or a promising business trip. If the shoes were old, this means a quarrel with the parents.

Dream books are ready to interpret the most unexpected dreams. Why, for example, do you dream of losing your boots at the most inopportune moment - when a girl is getting ready to go on a date? You should not expect anything serious from a meeting scheduled in reality - for example, an unpromising conversation with an uninteresting gentleman. But to lose them in a dream while fleeing from someone means in reality to receive unpleasant news from relatives.

It’s no wonder what the loss of a jacket or coat means – a lack of heat. It's time to restore spiritual relationships with your family.

Health concerns

Concerns about your health are immediately reflected in your dreams. The slightest problem in the body leads to the emergence of fantastic images, the correct interpretation of which in the dream books of famous seers helps to draw attention to problems in time. However, everything that is associated with a violation of some functions in a dream signals emotional distress and fears.

The interpretations of dream books are sadder the more serious the dreamed violations are. Why you dream of losing teeth depends on the scale of the disaster. Removing one rotten tooth- to sad news about distant relatives, two or more - to a black streak of bad luck. If a healthy tooth falls out in a dream, without blood, an elderly relative will soon die. If you dream of losing a tooth with blood, dream books foretell the death of a loved one. Not everything is necessarily so fatal, but strong experiences are inevitable.

Dream books are not so ruthless when they interpret why you dream of losing hair. Miller warns men that their generosity will hurt their wallets, and urges women to prepare for financial difficulties and minor health problems. Freud interprets this as doubt in her sexual capabilities, and the spiritualized Vanga - as a loss of life goals and a sense of peace. According to the old noble dream book Grishina, loss of hair in a dream indicates rash actions and loss of respect.

Why do you dream of hoarseness, loss of voice? Dream books unanimously interpret it as a loss of authority. Nobody wants to hear the dreamer’s opinion in reality. If his voice died in a dream because it was impossible to reach anyone, then such a dream is about guests.

Farsightedness in a dream warns that in reality, through thoughtlessness, you can lose your property. Myopia is about the willingness to do anything to start life from scratch. Loss of vision in a dream indicates that fortune will finally turn its face, and the undertaking will be crowned with success.

Leafing through dream books in search of an interpretation of what dreams of memory loss mean, it is not difficult to find out that this is nothing more than a constant return to old problems. It’s enough to live in the past; it’s time to overcome uncertainty and take on solutions to pressing problems. But loss of consciousness in a dream, oddly enough, simply portends good news.

No less unexpected prospects open up for those who find out why they dream of losing an arm or leg. Material wealth and prosperity await them.

Serious losses

Sometimes the losses we suffer in dreams are tragic and leave an extremely difficult feeling. It is less painful to find their interpretation in a dream book than to suffer from uncertainty.

According to Loff's dream book, the loss of a loved one in a dream reflects a lack of trust and doubt in his devotion. In addition, scandals arising through his own fault are inevitable in the dreamer’s family. On the other hand, dream books allow the traditional interpretation - that the death of a loved one in a dream means long years of life.

Loss and unsuccessful search for one’s own in a dream child sign unfavorable, indicating that the dreamer will soon become aware of unworthy behavior that disgraces the family young man. Seeing how a loved one is looking for your child and helping him means that you can count on the support of your loved ones.

There is nothing sadder than finding out from a dream book why you dream about the loss of a loved one. Alas, it happens that such a dream happens, as they say, “in hand.” Fortunately, not always. Often it speaks of a deterioration in relationships and an approaching breakup - also sad, but not fatal. If you manage to find your other half in a dream, your relationship with your loved one will improve.

Everything related to pets is perceived quite dramatically. When interpreting the loss of a dog, the dream book speaks of inevitability legal proceedings in order to enforce laws by bureaucratic institutions.

Parting with chastity can also be considered among the fateful events. The interpretation of such dreams is very extraordinary. If an elderly woman dreams of losing her virginity, this indicates her successful career and achievements in business, despite her advanced age. And a married woman will be tormented by remorse for the sins of her youth. For a girl, the dream book does not promise the fulfillment of a dream in reality; on the contrary, it speaks of her purity and inaccessibility.

The realities of modern life have given rise to another fear – the fear of losing a job. Why do you dream about losing your job? Dream books interpret a dream as a woman’s readiness to withstand the blows of fate and self-confidence. If she wrote her resignation letter in her own hand in a dream, it means that she is not ready to make difficult decisions and retreats under pressure.

Why do you dream about losing a person?

Dreams on the topic of loss are different, and in order to correctly interpret them, you need to remember well what exactly you dreamed about. Losing a person in a dream can be different, for example, you can get lost in a crowd, or in a forest, or somewhere in an empty city.

What if you dream about losing someone?

A dream in which the loss of a person occurs usually indicates that in the present time the sleeper has some deep personal problems and emotional experiences. Perhaps he is trying to solve some internal problem or overcome a crisis. Also, the loss of a person may indicate that the sleeper wants to break off relations with him, but cannot say this frankly, in reality. In addition, the loss may symbolize some serious changes in life, such as moving or changing jobs, with a change in social circle.

You should pay attention to exactly how the loss occurred and what emotions were experienced. All this should form the basis for the interpretation of the dream in order to most fully and accurately determine what the loss of a person means in a dream in this particular case.

The loss of a person in the physical sense, that is, in a forest, city, desert, usually indicates a strong emotional connection between these people. Relationships between people are fine, but the sleeper is afraid that he may be left alone, and therefore sees such dreams. If we are talking about death as a loss, then this usually foreshadows a complete break in the relationship, or their transition to a qualitatively new level (for example, from a friendly relationship to a love one). At the subconscious level, there is a certain understanding that these relationships in the form they are can no longer be preserved, and for this reason the sleeper dreams of loss.

What does it portend?

Sometimes it is possible that the lost person is found at the end of the dream. Usually this is accompanied by positive emotions, joy, and the person wakes up in a good mood and with a light heart. Such an ending to the dream suggests that it is quite possible to change the current situation, and all the problems, the burden of which is now pressing on the sleeper, have a completely logical solution. The dream itself can suggest possible solutions to the current situation; you just need to interpret it as carefully as possible, without missing a single detail.

In order to decipher a dream, you should first remember whether there were any stress or exceptional situations the day before. The human brain may well process a picture from the previous day and present it as a grotesque dream.

Losing a person in a dream does not always mean something bad or a real loss in life. It is quite possible that this dream only hints at possible problems in the relationship, and suggests taking the situation into your own hands; one might even say that such a dream is a warning.

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Dream Interpretation

Lose a loved one

Dream Interpretation Losing a loved one dreamed of why you dream about losing a loved one? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Losing a loved one in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Why do you dream about the death of a loved one?

  • Why do you dream about the death of a loved one?
  • Why do you dream about meat?
  • Why do you dream about a kiss?

Psychology of sleep

If in a dream a long-dead relative tries to talk to you, and you clearly hear his voice, expect negative and unpleasant news soon.

The advice you received from a deceased relative during sleep can have a positive impact on your life; try to adequately evaluate and follow it.

Mysticism of sleep

The death of an elderly non-close relative means difficult events that may soon change your destiny. For young girls, this event means the appearance of a worthy gentleman.

Dream Interpretation – Loss of a loved one

grave as described - If you dream of a fresh grave, then someone’s dishonest act will cause you terrible suffering, or this dream foreshadows a danger threatening you. A dream about a grave most often promises troubles and illness. Walking among the graves in a dream means an unsuccessful marriage. Looking into an empty grave means the loss of loved ones. Seeing a person half covered with earth in an unfilled grave foreshadows the danger that threatens him in reality. Seeing your grave is a harbinger of intrigues being prepared against you. Digging a grave in a dream is a sign that your opponents are ready to crush you, but if you manage to finish your work in a dream, in reality you will defeat them. An unfavorable dream is in which you see that the corpse for which a grave was dug has disappeared - this dream promises bad news. If you dream that night found you in a cemetery and you have to spend the night in an open grave, this means the loss of friends, the cooling of your lover. Sometimes a grave in a dream foreshadows troubles at work. An old, dilapidated grave means someone's dangerous illness and death. If in a dream you read inscriptions on graves, it means that you will have unpleasant troubles. Brain, brains Seeing your own brain in a dream means that some unfavorable circumstances will irritate you and connect you with an unpleasant companion, companion. Seeing the brains of animals portends mental suffering from everyday hardships. If you eat brains, this means that you will unexpectedly acquire great knowledge and profit., Miller's Dream Book

monk by description - To dream that you are looking intently at a monk means discord in the family and unpleasant business trips. For a young woman, this dream foretells that gossip and deception will be used against her. Seeing yourself in the form of a monk in a dream means the loss of loved ones or illness., Miller's Dream Book

wedding dress according to the description - Seeing a wedding dress in a dream means that soon you will participate in pleasant community service and meet new friends there. Seeing a dress dirty or in disarray portends that you will lose a close relationship with the person you most adore., Miller’s Dream Book

speak according to description - Talking in a dream with an invisible face - in reality you can lose a close friend as a result of sudden death. Talking to the dead means danger awaits you, and illness awaits your loved ones. Talking to a fool means becoming a victim of a hoax. Talking with God in a dream - you can receive the patronage of influential people if the conversation is friendly; if God is angry, you may be condemned in reality. A dream in which you speak to a tree foretells wealth in the future. Speak in a whisper - you will suffer from gossip., Dream Interpretation of Melnikov

clergyman by description - If you are a believer and you dream of a clergyman of high rank, then this means that in reality you will have a conversation with high authorities. Seeing your confessor in a dream means that your deeds do not contradict your thoughts; if you confess to him the sins you have committed, this foreshadows deep thought and critical analysis of your life, slow but sure self-improvement. A clergyman blessing you - to good spiritual impulses and good deeds. Seeing an abbot in a dream foretells calm, repentance and forgiveness. An archbishop in a dream means many obstacles that you will inevitably have to overcome. Bishop - to receive comforting news. The archimandrite predicts a surprise that can bring both good and evil. A dream in which you are talking with a deacon or sexton promises joy in your heart and peace in your soul. Seeing a bishop in a dream foreshadows spiritual turmoil caused by confusion in affairs, and painstaking work to restore order in them. Also beware of making essentially unnecessary purchases, on which you can spend a lot of money that you need for other purposes. To receive the praise of a bishop in a dream means that in reality you will have success in all matters, especially in love. An abbot in a dream means that you will spend the coming day in the most worthy and godly manner. Seeing a Jesuit in a dream foretells experiencing suffering, pain and quiet grievances in reality. Hieromonk - to repentance and peace of mind in work. Seeing a cardinal in a dream means that in reality your imagination will run wild. A Capuchin in a dream signifies the possibility of becoming a victim of evil slander. A metropolitan seen in a dream foreshadows peace and tranquility, a monk - discord in the family and unpleasant business trips, and for a young woman a warning that the gossip and deception she spreads will turn against her. Seeing yourself in the form of a nun in a dream means the loss of loved ones or illness. Mullah is a call to love and kindness. Seeing the Pope in a dream foretells that in reality you will be deceived in the most unscrupulous way. A rabbi in a dream signifies good developments in affairs. The priest with whom you talk in a dream portends well-being in everything., Dream Interpretation of Melnikov

look in accordance with the description - Looking into an empty fireplace in a dream, without fire or wood, portends various sorrows. Looking into an empty grave means the loss of loved ones. Looking into the windows of someone else's apartment and seeing absolutely incredible things there foretells that you will fail in your chosen endeavor and lose the respect for which you risked your health and well-being. If in a dream a certain man shamelessly looks behind your corset, this means that you will be stunned, confused by the advances of a man whom you had only dreamed of before., Dream Interpretation of Melnikov

cemetery as described - If in a dream you find yourself in a cemetery and sitting on a bench, this is auspicious sign, you will be entrusted with a responsible task. Walking through the cemetery means that in reality you will fail this matter. If events in a dream occur in winter, the situation will be aggravated by the departure of a husband, friend or lover who could help good advice or a specific matter. The summer cemetery foreshadows complete success and celebration on this occasion. An old cemetery means that your grief will be premature and everything will turn out for the better. A modern cemetery means the ingratitude of children who will not help you in old age, throwing the care of you onto the shoulders of complete strangers. For a young person in love, a dream in which she sees herself in a cemetery with her friend means sincere love on his part, but your feigned indifference will lead to the fact that such possible and close happiness will melt away like smoke. Seeing yourself in a cemetery alone foreshadows the opportunity to get married and bitter regret about what you have done. If a young woman is preparing to get married, and in a dream she sees that her wedding procession is walking among the graves, such a dream predicts the death of her future husband as a result of an accident. If she lays flowers on the graves, this means for many years good health to both spouses. If someone recently acquired the status of a widow and visited her husband’s grave in a dream, it means that in reality this person will have to remarry. Talking in a dream with your husband lying in the grave means health, success in business and long life are waiting ahead for her and her new chosen one. If her husband expresses dissatisfaction or condemnation in his conversation, new worries and regrets await her. For older people, to see a dream associated with a cemetery foreshadows a quiet and peaceful departure to another world, but not earlier than after the period necessary to complete all planned important matters. Seeing fresh graves in a cemetery means that in reality someone’s dishonest act will cause you severe torment. Seeing dug up graves in a cemetery portends troubles and illness. Looking into an empty grave means the loss of loved ones. If, while walking through a cemetery in a dream, you find a grave with your last name, first name and patronymic - this is a sign of danger, bad news, loss of friends and loss of a loved one. A dream in which you see cheerful children in a cemetery portends favorable changes and a long life. happy life. Seeing huge tombstones stretching into the sky in a cemetery means bad changes and unhappy love., Dream Interpretation of Melnikov

inscription according to the description - Receiving a book or photograph with a gift inscription as a gift means that you will soon be shocked by the news of the prank of your over-aged offspring. Seeing inscriptions on gravestones or memorial plaques– to headaches and health problems. If in a dream you order an engraving workshop to make an inscription on the thing that you are going to present to the hero of the day, this promises you a strong position in society thanks to an advantageous marriage with a wealthy and famous person. Embroidering some inscriptions on clothes or on ribbons is a harbinger of the imminent and irrevocable loss of a loved one due to your quarrelsome character. Read the inscriptions on foreign languages- to loss of money., Melnikov’s Dream Interpretation

carrion by description - A dream in which you see the half-decomposed corpse of some animal or bird - to anxiety and disappointment, the collapse of plans as a result of a tragic incident. Seeing vultures tormenting and devouring carrion is a harbinger of insults and humiliation that you will experience from loved ones. A dead fish floating belly up in the water suggests that after all the hardships and hardships you have endured, you will find long-awaited well-being. Sea animals washed ashore and reeking of a corpse foretell misfortune caused by illness or imprudent actions. Seeing the corpse of a bird predicts misfortune with a distant relative, to whom you will have to urgently go. A dead mouse or rat decomposing under the floor, filling the house with the smell of carrion, is a sign of sad separation and loss of loved ones. A dead cow or horse means someone’s illness or death and an upcoming funeral. Carrion in the form of small domestic animals carried away from the farmstead and abandoned nearby half-eaten - such a dream predicts injury as a result of an accident. A dead hare in a dream means that cramped circumstances will make your pride suffer. A dead snake is a sign that in reality you will suffer from the betrayal of a hypocritical friend. Seeing a lifeless carcass of an elephant foreshadows a broken engagement and a worsening position in society, for which you yourself will be primarily to blame. A dead monkey is a sign of victory over enemies. If in a dream the carrion that you see suddenly comes to life, overgrown with meat and taking on its former appearance, and rushes at you - this foreshadows a strong shock that will befall you upon the news of a misfortune that has happened to your loved one. If the carrion first swells to incredible sizes, then bursts, and disgusting worm-like slimy creatures appear from it and everything around is filled with a sickening smell of rot - such a nightmare vision foreshadows failure in everything you undertake, suffering, torment and powerlessness to change anything in his plight., Dream Interpretation of Melnikov

spider by description - Seeing a spider hiding in a corner under the ceiling in a dream means that your home will be visited by well-being and prosperity. A spider rushing at its victim stuck in a web - in reality you can get caught in the networks placed by your enemies, showing imprudence in making important decisions. If in a dream you find a huge spider with a cross on its back crawling over your clothes, such a dream foreshadows a deceased person in the house and help to the neighbor’s family in organizing a funeral. To brush the spider off of you means your relatives will not approve of your decision to get married hastily, and for married people this is a sign of marital disagreement and quarrels based on jealousy. If you brush a spider off a web with a broom, you will be refused admission by a high-ranking official on whom your future career depends. A dream in which you see a huge, human-sized, scary, hairy spider is a sign of an impending threat of losing loved ones or losing property. To enter into a fight with such a monster means in real life to suffer a crushing defeat from your rivals. If in a dream you were bitten by a tarantula or any other poisonous, deadly spider, you may soon succumb to illness from a raging epidemic colds. Escaping from a multitude of spiders attacking you means a happy outcome to an unfavorable matter. Crushing a spider in a dream is a harbinger of failure and hardship in entrepreneurship and business. Seeing water spiders means a trip and new interesting acquaintances., Dream Interpretation of Melnikov

emptiness as described - A dream consisting of an endless fall into emptiness foreshadows an unfortunate combination of circumstances, bad luck literally at every step. Seeing empty dishes in a dream means premature joy, because an unpleasant event will follow on its heels. Finding yourself in a huge empty barrel in a dream is a sign of temporary failure. Empty bottles- you will have to make a lot of effort to avoid the trouble that threatens you. Carrying an empty bucket means poverty and endless debts. Seeing an empty bird's nest in a dream means you will be saddened by separation from a friend or failure in business. Empty nonsense or a trap - to disappointment in love, the inability to get married. An empty piggy bank is a meager return in response to your incredible efforts. An empty well means that you will be robbed dry by the scoundrels you trust. An empty basket or bag is a sign of dissatisfaction and sadness. If you dream of an empty chair or bed, you will suffer a heavy loss, followed by complete loneliness and oblivion. An empty jug means that your behavior will cause a sharply negative reaction from others. An empty pocket from which a large sum of money has disappeared portends despondency, despair and mental depression. Empty store ceilings mean that your efforts to achieve success in your field will be unsuccessful and you will simply change your type of activity. Looking into an empty grave in a dream means losing loved ones. Flipping through a book with blank pages instead of text - you will experience discomfort in an unfamiliar company, where you accidentally end up with a friend against your will., Dream Interpretation of Melnikov

poison as described - A dream in which they allegedly want to poison you with poison speaks of vain fears and concerns. If you take poison and it doesn’t have any effect on you, it means that in reality you are guaranteed success in an almost hopeless task. If you yourself add poison to someone’s food or drink, such a dream promises the darkest prospects, a protracted illness and the loss of people close to you. Being convicted of poisoning while appearing in court means a loss of respect and a decline in your prestige., Dream Interpretation of Melnikov

return according to description - To dream that you have forgotten something and are returning - bad dream: to the loss of a loved one., Family dream book

blood as described - Seeing blood on your body means illness. Seeing a bloodied person unfamiliar to you means the loss of a loved one. Seeing a pile of bloody clothes is a harbinger of trouble., Family dream book

bedspread as described - Laying a bedspread on the bed means the loss of a loved one., Family dream book

shoe shiner as described - To the loss of a loved one., Family dream book

an empty vase according to the description - a sad rumor and the loss of a loved one., Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

talking to an invisible person according to the description - the unexpected loss of a close friend; with the dead - danger and illness., Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

hearse according to the description - loss of a close person., Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

the boat is described as sad loneliness; being alone in a boat means losing a close friend; together - happy marriage; moor to the shore on a boat - achieving success and prosperity; capsizing from a boat into the water is a great misfortune or accidental death., Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

fainting according to the description - longing and loss of a close friend., Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

sacrifice according to description - To see in a dream how the ritual of sacrifice is performed - to the loss of a loved one., Dream Interpretation of Grishina

crunch as described - Hearing a crunch means the loss of a loved one., Dream Interpretation by Grishina

victim by description - You saw yourself as a victim of some kind of intrigue - as if the enemies would get the better of you. Yours family relationships can also become tense. If in a dream someone became your victim, you may gain wealth dishonestly. If in a dream you sacrificed someone, then in real life you often sacrifice the interests of your other half. Why do you think that you will be understood and definitely forgiven? By doing this, you risk losing a loved one., Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

illness as described - To dream that you are sick promises you a slight illness or unpleasant conversations. For a young woman to see herself as terminally ill means... That soon she would highly appreciate the charm of the position of an unmarried girl. If you see a sick relative in a dream, this means that an unexpected event will disrupt the well-being of your home. Having rabies or hydrophobia warns you of the machinations of ill-wishers. If you are bitten by a rabid animal in a dream, beware of deception from a close friend in real life. Typhoid fever in a dream also warns you: be careful with your enemies and be attentive to your own health. Watching a typhus epidemic in a dream means unfavorable development of your business. Suffering from dropsy in a dream means a successful recovery from some disease. If someone else is sick with it, expect good news. Gangrene in a dream does not bode well for the future... Dysentery in a dream for you or your loved ones is also a bad omen. Be especially attentive to your affairs - failures are possible due to someone's negligence. Seeing yourself mentally ill means an unexpected bad result of the work you have done or an illness that will most sadly change your plans for the future. Getting sick with jaundice in a dream means a quick favorable resolution of difficult problems. Seeing others with this disease is a sign of disappointment in companions and discouraging prospects. To dream that your child is sick with croup is generally a good omen: vain fears for your child will pass, and harmony will reign in the house. Gout in a dream promises you extraordinary irritation from the senseless stubbornness of one of your relatives, which will lead to small material losses. Getting infected with leprosy in a dream is a harbinger of a disease that will result in you losing money and displeasing many people. Seeing people with this terrible disease means an unexpected turn in your affairs and love, which will discourage you. Curing someone from cancer is an omen of success in business and even wealth. Getting cancer means a quarrel with your loved one. After such a dream, a person may become depressed and neglect his affairs. Possible cooling in love, anxiety and restlessness. To see in a dream how cholera devastates a country portends an epidemic in reality viral disease, many sad and anxious days. In general, any dream about illness means that you must be very attentive to yourself., Miller's Dream Book

carriage as described - Seeing a carriage in a dream means that you will not be very happy in your marriage, troubles will prematurely age you. Riding in a carriage down the mountain is a prediction of many works that will cause you anxiety and cause losses. Riding upward in a carriage portends an improvement in your property affairs. Traveling in a heavily loaded carriage means that duty keeps you on a high moral level, despite the attempts of others to shake you. Driving through dirty water is a sign of terrible misfortune. Seeing a closed carriage means that you are threatened with secret betrayal, which will interfere with your business. If a young woman dreams that she is riding in a carriage close to a dangerous embankment, this is a warning against rash actions, which, if she fails to resist, will bring upon her the anger and contempt of many people. If she is traveling in a sleeping car, this is an incentive for her to have more control over her actions in real life, restraining herself from frivolity., Miller's Dream Book

doctor by description - If a young girl dreams of a doctor, this means that she will sacrifice her beauty for the sake of empty entertainment. If she is really unwell and therefore has such a dream, then it foreshadows illness and anxiety, which she will soon overcome, unless the doctor in her dream appears extremely worried - because in this case everything may end in loss and grief. If a woman in a dream is going to marry a doctor, this is a sign of possible deception in the future. A charlatan doctor trying in vain to cure you in a dream promises you anxiety and illness. If in a dream you come to a dentist for dental treatment, then this is a sign of imminent disappointment; it is possible that the insincerity of your loved ones will upset you. If you see a dentist treating a young girl’s teeth, in reality you should expect a real scandal among your friends., Miller’s Dream Book

gong by description - Hearing the sound of a gong in a dream promises anxiety in the near future for someone close to you or the loss of something you value., Miller’s Dream Book

geese as described - for you. The annoying cackling of geese promises misfortune. If you look at swimming geese, this means that luck will gradually return to It is especially favorable to see geese on the grass. A dead goose is also a sign of imminent losses and dissatisfaction. If a lover sees geese, then this dream reminds him of dignity in relationships with his beloved, of being faithful to his word. Calling geese and feeding them means acquiring property. Eating a goose in a dream means some doubts about business., Miller’s Dream Book

money as described - To dream that you have found money means minor worries, but great happiness. Changes will follow. Paying money means failure. Receiving gold means great prospects and unclouded joy. Losing money means that you will experience unlucky hours in your home and troubles await you at work. Counting your money and finding a shortage is a sign that you will have troubles with payments. To dream that you have stolen money means that you are in danger and should watch your actions more carefully. Saving money is a sign of wealth and comfort in life. To dream that you are swallowing money foretells the emergence of selfish interests in you. Counting a large amount of money means that your well-being and happiness are within your reach. To dream that you have found a wad of currency, but a young woman is laying claim to it, means that you are in danger of losing your business due to the intervention of a person close to you. The person who has this dream may find that he is spending his money and living beyond his means. This dream is a warning! Do not irritate your mind with fruitless fantasies, for a collapsed house of cards also bitterly depresses the heart. Seeing small coins in a dream means dissatisfaction in business. You should expect troubles at work, and loved ones and friends will complain about insufficient attention on your part. If you lose small money in a dream, you will experience slight self-neglect and failure. Found money promises favorable prospects. If you count coins in a dream, this means that you will be practical and thrifty. To dream that you have borrowed money predicts an ambivalent situation for you: you will seem better to others than you are, but this will not give you satisfaction. Spending other people's money promises that you will be caught in a petty deception and you will lose a friend. Counterfeiting money in a dream is a very bad omen. Asking for a loan means the emergence of new worries with an imaginary feeling of well-being., Miller’s Dream Book

friend by description - Seeing friends healthy and happy in a dream portends good news. It is possible that soon you will meet someone dear to you. To see that your friend is upset, or that his face has darkened, promises illness and suffering. If you see your friend in the form of an animal, it means that your enemies will soon separate you from your loved ones. If a friend, unexpectedly for you, is dressed in bright red clothes, this promises you anxiety and concern for your loved ones. If you dream of your friend standing high on a pedestal, you will have to accomplish a lot of what you have planned, and a sense of justice will always be inherent in you. If you see it far below, then this portends that at the time of your future successes you will neglect your old attachments. If in a dream you leave your friend, this is a sign that you are breaking off the ties of friendship. You will begin to look for new experiences. Shaking hands with a sad and dejected person means separation from a friend or his loss., Miller’s Dream Book

cruelty by description - To see cruelty shown towards you in a dream predicts that anxiety and grief await you in business. If someone else was subjected to cruelty, it means that you will present your loved ones with some unsolvable task, which will only increase the count of your losses., Miller’s Dream Book

castle as described - Seeing yourself in a castle means that you will be the owner of a significant fortune, sufficient to live the way you want. This dream will tell you that you have intentions to become a great traveler, there is a thirst for communication with people of many nationalities. Seeing an old castle overgrown with ivy means a penchant for romantic tastes. You must be careful to arrange a suitable marriage or engagement. After such a dream, your commercial affairs may decline. To dream that you are leaving the castle means that you will be robbed or you will lose someone close to you., Miller’s Dream Book

hare, rabbit by description - Seeing a hare running away from you in a dream means that you will mysteriously lose something valuable. If you catch him. You will win the competition. If hares are your favorite animals, you will be surrounded by nice, but not intelligent friends. A dead hare in a dream portends the death or illness of one of your friends. Seeing hares chased by dogs means troubles and quarrels among your loved ones, and only you will be able to restore the old friendly relations. If in a dream you shot a hare, this portends that you will be forced to resort to tough measures to restore your violated rights., Miller’s Dream Book

moon by description - Seeing the full moon in a dream portends success in love and good luck in business. A mysterious and supernaturally large moon signifies an unfavorable love affair, domestic troubles and business disappointments. A lunar eclipse portends an epidemic of a contagious disease that will affect your surroundings. Seeing a young moon means increasing the well-being of a congenial partner in marriage in the future. If a young woman dreams that she is turning to the moon to find out her fate, this foreshadows her long-awaited gift of fate: marriage with a worthy chosen one. If she sees two moons, she will lose love because of her commercialism. If she sees that the moon is clouding, this means that at the highest moment of her happiness she will show a lack of feminine tact. Seeing a blood-red moon portends war and strife: she will see her lover going to the front to defend his country., Miller's Dream Book

car as described - Seeing cars in a dream foretells that you will undertake a project that will cause you great concern, but as a result it will be useful to you. Seeing an old car is a sign that your enemies will surpass you in your efforts to ensure their well-being. Being pulled into a working machine is a harbinger of business losses and the beginning of a series of near misfortunes. This dream generally foreshadows losses from unsuccessful transactions. In general, seeing a working mechanism in a dream promises you serious difficulties in many endeavors, and at the same time promises the support of friends. A broken car portends the loss of friends. If you dream of a fire truck, this promises you anxiety and worry associated with an emergency. If a young lady is racing in a fire truck in a dream, she should be careful in order to avoid participating in an unpleasant business., Miller’s Dream Book

milk as described - To dream that you are drinking milk means a rich harvest for the farmer and contentment in the house; for a traveler this is a sign of a future successful trip. This is very favorable dream for women. Seeing milk in large quantities means wealth and health that await you ahead. Giving out milk foretells that you will show benevolence by seeking your own benefit. Spilling milk means that you will experience slight losses and suffer from temporary misfortunes. The same consequences occur in a dream where you see unclean milk. Drinking sour milk in a dream means that you will be concerned about the suffering of your friends. To see people unsuccessfully trying to drink milk in a dream means that you should be afraid of losing something very important to you or the friendship of a high-ranking person. Drinking hot milk in a dream portends a struggle, in the end of which you will achieve wealth and fulfillment of desires. To dream that you are bathing in milk means pleasure and the company of like-minded friends., Miller's Dream Book