The stitch hurts after surgery years later. How long do stitches hurt after caesarean section?

The suture sometimes hurts for quite a long time after surgery. There are many reasons for this - internal suppuration, the formation of adhesions, the body’s rejection of the stitching material, and others. To relieve pain, special medications are used, which are prescribed by the doctor taking into account the type of intervention.

How long does the stitch hurt after surgery?

How long do they last postoperative pain? There is no exact answer, it all depends on the capabilities human body. Discomfort and even pain initial stage Scarring may persist permanently or occur periodically.

The suture hurts for about 2 weeks after surgery

Healing times vary from person to person, but there are averages, they depend on the location postoperative wound and type surgical intervention:

  • the suture after abdominal intervention heals for two weeks;
  • wounds from laparoscopic surgery and removal of the appendix heal on the seventh day;
  • healing after circumcision with phimosis (narrowing foreskin) lasts a little longer than two weeks;
  • postpartum sutures in the perineum are scarred within 10 days;
  • after a cesarean section, external sutures are removed on the sixth day;
  • The stitches made in the chest area take the longest to scar, sometimes lasting a month or more.

Seams are divided into internal and external. Catgut is used to stitch together tissues inside the body (sheep intestines are used to make the material). Its advantage is its ability to dissolve; such sutures do not need to be removed.

To connect the external incisions, synthetic or natural - linen or silk - threads are used. They must be removed. In some cases, metal staples are used for stitching.

Complete growth of connective tissue in the area of ​​the postoperative incision occurs within two to three months.

What can you do if your stitches hurt after surgery?

After the operation, the patient is prescribed painkillers. After heavy operations in the first two or three days this narcotic substances. But don’t worry, because they are not addictive, but only relieve pain.

Pain in the suture area after surgery may not be associated with the sutures themselves; it depends on many factors, for example, if the suture hurts after surgery performed in abdominal cavity, then the pain can be caused by such reasons as healing of sutures, tissue fusion. Such pain is normal, but if the pain increases, this may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process, which requires an immediate visit to the surgeon.

Why does the suture hurt after appendectomy?

The reasons why it hurts can be very diverse, from banal friction of clothes to serious complications, such as a ligature abscess or hernia. But these are not all the reasons. Only a doctor can determine what exactly caused the pain in the sutures, therefore, at the first manifestations of pain after surgery, you must consult a doctor to find out the cause of this phenomenon, as well as to eliminate it.

The stitch hurts after childbirth

It doesn't matter what kind of seams we're talking about– whether on the perineum or as a result of caesarean section, painful sensations can cause stitches placed anywhere. Stitches after childbirth may be accompanied by pain for a month (or longer) after they are placed. Pain is inevitable if a woman often sits down after childbirth, carries heavy weights, the seams in the perineum can hurt if there is constipation, which often accompanies young mothers when breastfeeding.

It may also hurt, in which case it is simply necessary to consult a gynecologist. It is considered normal if the suture hurts after a cesarean section for several days, after which for another two weeks a slight tingling sensation brings discomfort in the area where the sutures were applied. Also, a woman after a cesarean section should eat well, that is, eat food rich in vitamins and useful substances for wound healing and pain relief. Vitamin E promotes healing, so it is recommended to take it orally and lubricate the wound. may also bother a young mother for other reasons: problems with stool, uterine contractions, careless movements, complications.

How long does the stitch hurt after surgery?

This largely depends on the complexity of the operation, the reason for it, the material of the sutures, compliance with the doctor’s recommendations for suture care - these are not all the factors that can affect the occurrence of pain after the operation. It is generally accepted that pain bothers the patient for a week after surgery, but this is not at all an indicator. It’s much worse if the stitch hurts after surgery through for a long time. This may indicate the occurrence of adhesions, inflammation, etc. If the pain is unbearable and painkillers are unable to help, consult a doctor immediately.

What to do if the stitch hurts after surgery? This question is often asked by people who have undergone surgery. Often, pain in the abdominal area is not related to the complicated course of tissue scarring. It can occur during the process of wound healing, skin fusion, and the return of organs to their usual places. Pain in such cases should not be a cause for concern; it is completely normal phenomenon. However, it also happens that unpleasant sensations do not leave a person even several months after surgical intervention.

Cause of the problem

If the cosmetic suture begins to hurt several weeks or even months after surgery, you should consult a doctor. There can be quite a few reasons for this phenomenon. First of all, these are inflammatory processes associated with the attachment bacterial infection. The appearance of unpleasant sensations depends on the characteristics of the body, susceptibility to stressful situations, presence of irregularities in work immune system. An important role is played by the qualifications of surgeons, the complexity of the intervention, the type of instruments used, and application techniques. suture material and the correctness of all manipulations.

Normal surgical suture should be sick for no more than 7 days, minor deviations from this values ​​are acceptable. Skin and muscle tissue people may differ, so it is impossible to accurately determine the duration of the pain syndrome.

It is necessary to consult a doctor if discomfort persists for several weeks. It is possible that errors were made during the surgical intervention, as a result of which an acute inflammatory process developed.

If the pain cannot be relieved with standard painkillers, you must undergo full examination. The operation may need to be repeated.

The stitch almost always hurts and pulls after surgery if it was a cavity operation. In such cases, not only the skin and subcutaneous tissue, but also muscle tissue and large vessels. To reduce the intensity of unpleasant sensations, the doctor prescribes special medications and procedures, the use of which requires compliance with a number of rules. During the treatment period, it is recommended to refrain from driving a car, especially if the person is not sure how he will behave. emergency situations. Slow walks are useful, but it is recommended to avoid climbing stairs.

Long flights and transfers adversely affect the well-being even healthy person, in the postoperative period they can lead to severe consequences. You cannot lift weights weighing more than 3 kg, or carry children or animals. After improvement general condition the body can be introduced into the daily routine of lungs physical activity. You should avoid visiting bathhouses, saunas and solariums.

Daily care of the postoperative scar is necessary. The seam must be cleaned of dirt and crusts and treated antiseptic solutions and cover with a protective bandage. Slight redness of the affected area is considered normal. You should not peel off the patch yourself; after a certain period of time it will come off on its own. Lumps and a feeling of tightness in the scar area may appear. There is no need to worry, these are natural sensations that accompany the healing process.

Disruption of scarring processes can be facilitated by exposure to direct sun rays Therefore, in the first months after surgery, it is recommended to wear closed clothing. In the first days after surgery, blood spots may be found on the bandage. If they are small in size, there is no need to worry. If the scar bleeds heavily, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Do not use any external agents without a doctor's permission. You can shower no earlier than 3 days after surgery. Over the course of several months, the crust comes off the scar and it becomes less hard and bright. Why does the stitch hurt after a cesarean section? This question worries many young mothers who have undergone this operation.

Causes of suture pain after cesarean section

This operation can be performed in several ways. Corporal caesarean section is prescribed for the development of massive bleeding during childbirth. This method is used quite rarely, since it leaves a large scar that expands over time. Corporal surgery - dissection of tissue from midline belly to pubis. A longitudinal incision is made on the wall of the uterus. In the absence of complications, Pfannenstiel laparotomy is used. The incision runs along the suprapubic fold.

Unlike a longitudinal one, a transverse incision becomes less noticeable over time and postoperative pain is less intense, which is the main advantage of this operation. The operation is completed with the application of absorbable suture material. During a corporal caesarean section, the postoperative scar must be highly durable, so a cosmetic suture is not used in this case. In the first days after surgery, the patient feels sharp pain associated with the presence of incisions in the uterus and abdominal wall. It is practically no different from that of other surgical interventions.


In the postoperative period, the doctor prescribes antibacterial and painkillers. On the first day they are used narcotic analgesics: Tramadol, Morphine, Omnopon. Over time, they are replaced by weaker agents, the action of which is aimed at reducing the intensity pain. It is the pain of the suture after surgery that is the reason for women’s fear of caesarean section. Unpleasant sensations disappear quickly, you just need to take all the medications prescribed by your doctor and properly care for the suture.

For any person faced with the need for surgical intervention, upcoming surgery- quite a serious step. And the period following the operation, just like the operation itself, is a very important and crucial stage in the recovery process. Quite often postoperative period stretches for long time, during which all damaged tissues should grow together and the sutures should heal. However, in some situations, the expected does not happen, and the patient begins to be bothered by various painful sensations. So why do the stitches hurt after surgery? And how dangerous is it? In this article we will answer this question for you.

Why does the suture hurt after surgery: reasons

So, pain in the suture area after surgery is a completely natural phenomenon, which is due to the fact that during any surgical intervention nerve fibers soft tissues are damaged, while the sensitivity of the operated part of the body increases, which ultimately leads to painful sensations. With the passage of time, all wounds heal, as a result of which the pain becomes less intense, however, in some cases, the painful sensations not only do not subside, but, on the contrary, become more intense. As a rule, an increase in pain intensity in the postoperative period is also accompanied by an “additional” symptom such as an increase in body temperature. So why might the suture hurt after surgery? There are several reasons for this:

    close contact of clothing and seam;

    the presence of inflammation at the site of the ligature - the body simply “does not perceive” the suture threads;

    the presence of an adhesive process at the suture site;

    discrepancy internal seams due to muscle strain.

It is worth considering that, despite the fact that the incision is externally tightened, at the same time internal suppuration of the tissue may occur, which is why if painful sensations regularly occur in the suture area, as well as with periodic increases in body temperature, you should consult your doctor .

Duration of pain in the suture area after surgery

Of course, the duration of pain in the suture area after surgery directly depends on the duration and complexity of the procedure itself, which is why it is not possible to say exactly how long the healing time will take. In addition, the individual characteristics of the body play an important role in this issue.

In the first postoperative days, regardless of what kind of operation the patient underwent, pain in the area of ​​the sutures is usually quite intense. At the same time, for any muscle tension, as well as when sneezing or coughing, such pain will only intensify. In addition to the pain itself, the patient may also be accompanied by symptoms such as general malaise and weakness, drowsiness, and loss of appetite.

So how long should stitches take to heal? As we already said, this period healing largely depends on the type of surgery. Next we will give approximate period healing of sutures after certain surgical procedures:

    Caesarean section: sutures heal on about 6 days;

    Postpartum suture - approximately on the tenth day;

    Circumcision procedure - approximately on the 15th day;

    Removal of the appendix and latoroscopy – the sutures heal on the 7th day;

    Abdominal surgery - the sutures heal after about two weeks.

It is also worth noting that the seams can be internal and external. Internal sutures are made from sheep intestines, which allows them to simply dissolve in the body; external seams, in turn, are made of synthetic or natural threads (silk, linen), which requires their subsequent removal. As a rule, external sutures are removed approximately 10-14 days after the operation itself, however connective tissue“increases” only after a few months.

How to care for a suture after surgery

Of course, at the moment while you are in medical institution, all care is provided by the clinic staff, and your main task during this period is to show any physical activity. After discharge, the suture care process can be done at home on your own, and you will only need to visit your doctor occasionally. In order for the healing process to proceed quickly, it is necessary to adhere to all the doctor’s instructions and recommendations; You should also listen to the following tips:

    observe the rules of personal hygiene;

    avoid excessive activity and muscle strain;

    provide yourself with proper nutrition;

    regularly treat the scar with an antiseptic, such as brilliant green, iodine or fucorcin;

    periodically the scar can be lubricated with levomekol or sea buckthorn oil;

    Avoid exposure to direct sunlight directly on the area in which the seam is located;

    after complete healing of the sutures, scars remain in this place, which heal quite long period, and in order to speed up this process, you can resort to daily massaging of this area. Rubbing vitamin E or Zvezdochka balm into the scar also promotes speedy recovery. skin.

Post-surgery scars and scars can hurt for a variety of reasons. For each type of surgical intervention there is a separate wound healing period, which will also be determined individual characteristics every organism. If at the time of recovery no exacerbations arose, and after the final formation of the scar pain occurred, in any case, you need to consult a doctor. Such pain may indicate a divergence of internal seams, the appearance of ligature fistula and other negative phenomena that require urgent medical measures.

Why do scars hurt after surgery - causes of pain

Pain, as well as other discomfort in the scar area (itching, redness, etc.) can be associated with several factors:

  • Depth of the wound. If its depth is sufficiently large, the integrity of the vascular network, and tendons are also damaged. Blood stops circulating normally, which leads to an increase in pressure in the vessels. Such scars can hurt throughout a person’s life when changing weather conditions, when clothing rubs against it or during normal touch.
  • Strong weight gain, in which stretching of the skin in the area of ​​the scar occurs.
  • Intense physical activity. This is especially true for scars that are located in the joint area, on the buttocks, heels, and fingers. In addition, playing sports can cause the internal seams to separate. Therefore, before you start putting your figure in order after abdominal operations, you should first consult a surgeon.
  • Ligature inflammation. It often makes itself felt in the case of the use of silk threads after surgical manipulations on the abdominal organs. Inflammatory process can develop within a few months, and in extreme cases in rare cases– several years after the operation. The reason for this phenomenon is infection of the ligature, which can occur as a result of ignoring the rules of asepsis and antisepsis at the time of the operation, as well as if the patient does not comply with the doctor’s recommendations for caring for the operated area during the recovery period.
  • Adhesions, microcracks, hernias in the peritoneum after invasive intervention. In this case, the patient feels pain not only in the area where the scar is located, but also in larger areas.

In general, the process of healing a surgical wound and scar formation is accompanied by pain. This phenomenon is considered completely normal.

However, in certain cases, a scar can be quite painful and the sensitivity does not disappear over time. Specified pathological condition are called . This is explained by the ingrowth of nerve endings damaged during surgical manipulation into scar tissue.

As a rule, this happens when operating on the stomach, gall or bladder, after removal of the appendix, as well as other operations after which a drainage system is used.

Video: Postoperative scars. Complications after surgery

Treatment of pain in postoperative scars - is surgery necessary and when?

Before carrying out any measures to eliminate pain in scars, the nature of these pains should be accurately established. To prevent the development of serious exacerbations in mandatory you need to visit the doctor.

There are several factors to consider here:

  1. If this condition is caused by wearing tight clothes, you should change them to more spacious ones. Wearing seamless underwear will be helpful.
  2. When the ligature becomes inflamed, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics are prescribed. If a fistula forms, the wound is cleaned of exudative fluid. The ligature is removed through the fistula canal using special tools, after which the work area is treated with disinfecting solutions.
  3. In case of a sharp increase in body weight, cold should be applied to painful scars, and special soothing ointments should be used.

If the age of the scar does not exceed 1 year, pain and other negative phenomena can be combated by conservative therapy.

If the scar formed more than 12 months ago, only aggressive techniques can help cope with it:

  • Laser resurfacing. Efficiency this method To date, there is no proven evidence for the treatment of keloid scars. However laser beam able to cope with other types of scars. To carry out this procedure, they often use general anesthesia. The method is based on the evaporation of a modified layer of the skin and activation of collagen production.
  • Beech therapy. Using a weak stream of X-rays, the doctor acts on the selected area. For similar treatment several sessions are required. Every fifth patient after the procedure in question is left with a hyperpigmented strip, which is very difficult to eliminate.
  • Cryosurgery. At the core this method– use of freezing properties liquid nitrogen, under the influence of which the dermis swells and the processes of reverse development of collagen fibers are launched. This type Treatments are often combined with corticosteroid injections, which are injected into the working area immediately after it has thawed.
  • Corticosteroid injections. This drug is more effective in the fight against keloid scars, although it is also used for hypertrophic scars. To receive desired effect you should undergo a long course of treatment. Often they resort to long-term corticosteroids (Kenalog, Diprospan). They are not administered in pure form, but diluted with saline and lidocaine.

In order to enhance the effectiveness of the drug in question, it is combined with pentoxifylline and hormonal agents.

In the event that the scar area is large enough, and other treatments have been unsuccessful, more radical methods are used:

  1. Z-plasty of tissues. It consists in the formation of triangular flaps, after moving which the surgical site becomes zigzag. Similar procedure relevant for long hypertrophic scars. A couple of weeks after plastic surgery, corticosteroids with lidocaine are injected into the scar area.
  2. Skin grafting and flap surgery. After excision of the scar, the problem area is covered with a flap of donor skin. If the healing process occurs normally, an inconspicuous scar will eventually form.
  3. Elliptical excision. Used in the presence of scars that are located across the natural lines of the patient’s skin. If the scar is very long, several surgical procedures are required. If the scar is raised, it is first leveled. Thus, with a severe defect, correction may take 6-12 months.

Radical methods of treating scars are an extreme measure, which is resorted to in cases where nothing else helps. Before the operation, the patient visits the surgeon and undergoes an examination to exclude contraindications.

As for keloid scars, surgical treatment is highly undesirable. This is explained a large number relapses in the future.

What to do if scars hurt after cesarean section or surgery, but no pathology has been identified?

Painful sensations in scars in the long term postoperative period, without the presence of pathologies from the outside internal organs associated with neuropathic pain syndrome . ABOUT similar condition In any case, you should inform your doctor. This specialist may appoint sedatives, physiotherapeutic procedures, as well as special ointments with an anesthetic effect.

Means traditional medicine are not very effective in combating pain in the scar area.

To relieve pain, you can make compresses from green or blue clay, and also drink herbal teas prepared according to the following recipes:

  • Calendula (2 tbsp) is poured with boiling water (2 tbsp) and left for several hours. After this, filter the broth and drink 100 grams. in 30 min. before eating until the pain disappears.
  • Dried cloves (1 tbsp) are poured with 3 cups of boiling water and left for 1-3 hours. The resulting mixture should be drunk 3 times a glass. per day for 15 days.
  • Dried gingko biloba leaves (4 tbsp) pour into a liter hot water and leave in a thermos for 3 hours. The drink should be drunk throughout the day.

You can also prepare the following compress:

  • Ammonia – 120 gr.
  • Medical alcohol – 300 gr.
  • Sea salt – 1 cup.
  • Camphor – 30 gr.
  • Settled water – 1 liter.

All this is placed in a 3-liter bottle, shaken and infused. At severe pain gauze is soaked in the resulting product and applied to the painful area.