How to remove garlic odor. How to quickly remove bad breath from garlic: secrets and effective methods

Garlic is a substance that improves the taste of food. It adds vitamins and mineral compounds, being beneficial for every person.

Repeated use of garlic will reduce the likelihood of cancer and give effective result to get rid of mycosis. However, garlic causes a foul odor from oral cavity.

The sulfide substance found in finely chopped product is released through sweating and breathing. However, this problem can be dealt with very easily.

1. Eat more fruits. Particularly good are those that take on a dark shade if you cut them and let them stand in the air for a while. They contain oxidizing enzymes.

Once these compounds are in the body, chemical reactions are launched that neutralize the sulfur dioxide.

In such a situation, it is necessary to eat more apricots, apples, cherries, pears, grapes, peaches, plums, prunes, and eggplants.

2. Eat garlic along with potatoes, spinach and salad.

3. Add basil and parsley to your food. This method is very simple and inexpensive. Parsley contains sufficient quantity chlorophyll, which refreshes the taste.

You can chew after you eat. Together with parsley, tarragon, cilantro or dill are useful.

4. Eat a small piece of bread. Lack of carbohydrates can affect bad smell. Garlic should be eaten with bread. For your diet, choose foods rich in carbohydrates and you won’t have to hide your mouth from strangers.

5. Brew yourself green tea. It contains polyphenols that neutralize this odor. Green tea has many antioxidants, which helps remove bad odors.

Tea with mint leaves will help you quickly digest remaining food and make your breath fresh. You can brew or chew herbs such as eucalyptus, mint and lemon balm.

6. A glass of milk will reduce the concentration of volatile compounds responsible for the not entirely pleasant smell.

7. Consume unsweetened drinks that have a pH level of no higher than 3.6. Drink lemon, lime, grapefruit and cranberry juice. , celery and orange can simply be eaten.

All kinds of lollipops, fresheners and sprays will help you always feel comfortable and keep your breath fresh. Just make sure that the label says that the product removes garlic odor.

8. You want your saliva production to be stimulated. This is very important in order to overcome the smell. To do this, look for chewing gum that contains natural essential oils. More Chewing gum with mint or cinnamon will help.

9. Chew coffee beans. They do a great job with the garlic smell. First, rub the grains with your hands, then wash your hands. The grains will help remove odor from your hands and skin.

10. Garlic can also be used using capsules. After the smell has formed, brush your teeth with a brush and floss. If you often have this smell, then carry a brush and a tube of paste with you.

Just a brush is not enough; you also need to brush with dental floss. This should be done carefully, preferably every time after a meal.

11. Rinse your mouth antibacterial agents. Just look at the composition to make sure there is no alcohol in it, as it enhances the unpleasant odor.

Many people take capsules and tablets with chlorophyll. It is very popular abroad. You just need to take 3 tablets before the feast.

12. Be sure to use a tongue scraper. After eating, many tiny pieces of food and bacteria remain in its fibers. After a meal, you need to brush both your teeth and tongue.

13. Use an irrigator constantly. This is a thing that is intended for oral hygiene. This device will help clean your gums, teeth and get rid of food debris.

Don't use sanitary products? In this case, the irrigator will clean the space between the teeth and massage the gums with its strong water pressure.

14. Brew fennel seeds, and drink them as a decoction. You can chew these substances or make a tincture to rinse your mouth with. Fennel has a very pleasant aroma and taste.

It also disinfects the oral cavity and normalizes the digestive process. You may see it fried on a saucer in restaurants.

It is also recommended to chew cardamom seeds and cloves. They will leave a pleasant smell, improve gum health, and improve internal condition.

15. Eat sour cheese, drink yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir and yogurt. They help reduce the concentration of hydrogen sulfide.

Often the garlic smell comes out through the pores of the skin and leaves marks on clothes. Only eau de toilette or cologne will help you here.

It also happens that our body is not able to completely absorb all the components. What is not absorbed goes into the blood, and then into the lungs, and only after 72 hours it comes out with an unpleasant odor.

When garlic is not cut, it leaves no smell behind. You can not cut the garlic, but swallow a whole clove so as not to feel discomfort.

The smell of garlic always disappears on its own, it just takes time. It is recommended to drink plenty of liquid during meals. Even a glass of water removes the smell, although not completely.

This happens because simple liquid thins the blood, resulting in a decrease in the concentration of allyl methyl sulfide gas.

Make yourself a thin paste of baking soda and water, then rinse your mouth. Rub your hands with this paste to avoid deep penetration of the garlic smell.

Hold a stainless spoon in your mouth, after which your breath should become fresh and pleasant. Stainless steel can completely destroy the molecules that cause pungent odor garlic

To make the stench of garlic less noticeable, eat it 20 minutes before a meal, and most importantly, before the main meal. Before eating garlic, heat-treat it, because raw garlic gives off a lot of smell.

It happens that the fruits of this plant should be taken as a preventive measure against colds. Then eat it separately from other foods, washed down with hot liquid. One clove requires a glass of liquid.

Chew the product in small portions and wash it down with boiling water. After this, drink half a glass of hot liquid at a time. You can also drink a glass of milk before eating garlic. Then the smell will not appear.

Any unpleasant odor that appears can be removed using walnuts, almonds or pine nuts. Rinse your mouth with mustard.

An excellent neutralizer is. The resulting bitterness makes it unpleasant to use, but it's worth it. When you have nothing else, laurel will help freshen your breath perfectly.

The main culprit is the garlic pith. When you cut the product and remove the core before use, the smell will weaken. This is the most popular type of fight against garlic aroma.

An excellent option is to eat another product that should be eaten immediately after the garlic. These include carrots and potatoes. They remove this odor in digestive tract Same.

The light belching that appears removes unnecessary substances. After eating garlic, be sure to drink something sour and chew lemon zest. Any drink with citric acid and simple liquid eliminates odor by washing away saliva.

To completely kill the odor, mix 5 g of mustard with saliva, rinse your mouth and then spit it out.

We wish you success in the fight against not the most rosy aromas!

Many people love garlic: some season sauces with it, others prefer to crumble it into marinades, and still others don’t mind eating the vegetable raw. But everyone, without exception, faces the same problem - the need to quickly get rid of the smell of garlic from the mouth using remedies available at home. And to everyone’s joy, there are many such improvised means.

What makes the garlic smell last?

It is not easy to remove the aroma of this bulbous plant, since it contains a substance such as allicin, an ester formed during the mechanical destruction of garlic cells. When a clove is damaged, a chemical reaction begins, in which the ethereal compounds of the product participate, and it is this that causes the appearance of a pungent garlic odor. Once in the stomach, the “odorous” components of garlic are absorbed into the blood and excreted not only through the breath, but also through the skin.

Although allicin itself, which has healing properties, and is good for health, the consequence in the form of stale breath is very unpleasant. It is for this reason that many ways have been invented to quickly remove the smell of garlic from your mouth at home.

Foods and drinks that get rid of garlic odor

One of the most simple ways, which can be used to neutralize the garlic aroma from the oral cavity, is “eating” food and “washing it down” with drinks that have the property of interrupting pungent odors. These include:

If you need to get rid of garlicky breath very urgently, fenugreek decoction will come to the rescue. It is necessary to insist on a water bath for 1 tsp. seeds placed in 0.5 liters of water, cool the resulting decoction, strain and rinse your mouth with it for 5-7 minutes, or until your breath becomes fresh.

How to remove odor with simple hygiene

To kill the smell of garlic, you can use simple hygiene procedures. Oral hygiene will quickly neutralize the pungent odor, but to prevent your mouth from smelling even after the aroma of the toothpaste has evaporated, you need to clean your teeth from particles of food stuck in the interdental spaces using a special floss, brush them thoroughly with toothpaste (preferably mint) and rinse your mouth using any antibacterial agent.

If a person does not have the opportunity to brush his teeth, then rinsing the mouth with a soda-saline solution will help restore fresh breath. It is prepared simply: you need to dissolve a teaspoon of soda and salt in a glass of water.

Folk remedies for getting rid of garlic odor from the mouth

The following effective remedies will help quickly neutralize the smell of garlic from your mouth:

  • Chewing gum. Usually, the garlic flavor is interrupted with mint or menthol-flavored chewing gum, but ordinary mint leaves (ideally peppermint) can be an alternative. The plant effectively eliminates odors and is also good for gum health.
  • Activated carbon. This remedy perfectly relieves bad breath, including garlic breath. To bring it down, you need to take 3-5 tablets activated carbon immediately after eating - it’s easier on the stomach and the smell is removed.

  • Lemon peel. Citrus fruits, especially lemon peel, will help get rid of garlic breath. It is enough to eat a slice of any citrus or chew the peel immediately after eating a dish with garlic. The juice of such fruits not only eliminates odor, but also perfectly cleanses teeth of plaque.
  • Nuts. You can “kill” the aroma of garlic with nuts. Just eat some almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts or any other nuts immediately after eating. A handful of this product will quickly help neutralize unpleasant odors.
  • Herbs. To prevent your breath from smelling like garlic, you can make tinctures from herbs for rinsing the mouth, or even better - just chew dill, parsley, bay leaf, basil, rosemary, spinach or calamus root.
  • Grains. You can quickly reduce the smell of garlic with coffee beans: crack one and chew a little - the coffee aroma will overwhelm any other. Cardamom seeds also help, but they have too specific a taste, so not everyone will like this method.
From pharmaceuticals The drug Antipolitsay has proven itself well. Although it is designed to remove fumes, the garlic “fragrance” can kill faster than brushing your teeth.

Recipes for effective rinses

If it is possible to make a decoction or tincture for rinsing, then it is better to use this method of neutralizing a specific aroma. It will help not only quickly eliminate the smell of garlic, but also cleanse the oral cavity of bacteria. All recipe components are quite accessible:

There are many ways you can remove the smell of garlic from your mouth, so you don’t have to give up dishes that include your favorite product. Garlic differs from other vegetables not only in its piquant taste, but also in its enormous benefits for the body. With its help, you can strengthen the immune system, disinfect the oral cavity, speed up recovery from colds and avoid the development of many infectious diseases.

How to Avoid Garlic Breath in Advance

The appearance of an unpleasant garlic odor can be prevented. To protect yourself from unpleasant odor, you need to eat or drink something that neutralizes allicin before eating. A glass of milk or yogurt will do - these products will not help remove the “aroma” that has already appeared in the mouth, but will prevent the smell of garlic from occurring after a meal if consumed 30 minutes before the meal. Another way to prevent the occurrence strong smell involves removing the core of the garlic while cooking. It is this part of the vegetable that is the “epicenter” of the unpleasant odor.

Garlic – extremely useful remedy for human health. However, the smell in the mouth after consuming it causes trouble for others. Moreover, a persistent, pungent aroma appears only when the slice or its mechanical damage. Since this spicy vegetable is extremely beneficial for human immunity, especially in winter period, I want to combine what seems incompatible at first glance - to maintain health and not scare away family members, friends, work colleagues or fellow travelers with the garlic spirit.

Determining how others feel

First you need to determine whether there is an aroma and how strong it is. People cannot hear most odors, especially their own, or cannot determine the degree of their pungency. However, there are several manipulations that help solve this problem:

  1. Cover up inside palm your nose and mouth and exhale sharply. If you have bad breath, you will definitely notice it.
  2. Lick your wrist and smell it after 10 seconds. This will help you determine the smell that your interlocutors smell.
  3. If you want to understand whether the stench comes from the root of the tongue, scrape it with a special scraper and smell it. The method is unpleasant, but accurate.

Scientific background

The smell of garlic is very unpleasant, but the reason for it is simple and reasonable.

The culprit is allicin, which is formed when cutting slices from the combination of allinase and alliin, enzymes contained in the cells of the vegetable.

Allicin breaks down quite quickly into organic compounds with the presence of sulfur, which emit a stench. A trace of garlic will definitely stick to your hands, other parts of the body, or even objects for more than one hour.

If we consider the human body, the source of stench is not only the oral cavity and digestive tract, but also excretory systems: lungs, skin, kidneys. Since enzymes digestive system human body Unable to quickly deal with allicin, the amber of garlic can be felt for up to 24 hours.

We save ourselves and others from discomfort

It is important for lovers and connoisseurs of the spicy vegetable to know how to get rid of the smell of garlic from the mouth.

There are many ways and ways to eliminate the taste of garlic in your mouth.

The most important thing is to remove or neutralize sulfur compounds from the body.

Cleaning the oral cavity

To quickly eliminate the garlic aroma, first of all you need to thoroughly clean the oral cavity using a special and. After mechanical cleaning, it is necessary to rinse the oral cavity special means c, cetylpyridinium chloride. IN as a last resort You can kill the smell with a mixture of salt and baking soda. This solution can also be used to treat hands and utensils.

We oxidize the body

Coffee, nuts or fruits can cope perfectly with the consequences of eating garlic. The most pronounced effect will be from the following products:

  • fruits and berries: apricot, pear, cherries, plums, prunes, peach or apple;
  • vegetables: potatoes, eggplant, parsley root, salad;
  • greens: spinach, rosemary, dill, basil and bay leaf;
  • seasonings: cardamom, nutmeg, cinnamon sticks.

These foods and seasonings have rapid oxidation properties. This is why allicin products, which have the same properties, are neutralized faster and the aroma disappears.

The first positions are occupied by nutmeg, bay leaf and coffee beans. It is very easy to seize the smell of them: put a few grams in your mouth, chew thoroughly and the amber will disappear without a trace.

Wash it down with the right drinks

Special drinks also help kill the smell. Since to fat-soluble chemical compounds Allicin derivatives also include; a glass of milk drunk the day before taking garlic will help bind allicin and limit its absorption. This is wonderful preventive method so that your breath doesn't smell like garlic.

The following have the same properties:

  • fruit juices, sour;
  • infusions of herbs, primarily fenugreek;
  • green tea.

IN in this case The level of acidity of the drink is very important: it is the acid that determines sufficient bile formation, the absorption of food and the breakdown of digestive waste, and increased salivation accelerates the neutralization of odor from the mouth.

We fight with herbs

Leaves of dill, mint, parsley, and coriander perfectly help neutralize the smell of garlic. It's all about the flavors essential oils, which interrupt the fragrance of the spicy vegetable. Perhaps this is one of the most effective ways to remove unpleasant odors and refresh the oral cavity for long term. Just take a few sprigs and chew for a couple of minutes.

In addition to the stench, the leaves will destroy harmful bacteria and strengthen the gums.

Just chew them slowly and thoroughly, and then you should refrain from drinking liquids for a couple of hours.

By the way, in addition to green leaves, parsley and calamus roots, which you can simply chew, will help get rid of the garlicky fragrance.

If you have dry herbs at your disposal, then heat treatment is necessary. Brew the herb in a teapot and use it instead of tea leaves.

Emergency and simple help

If you urgently need to go out somewhere, you need to know how and how to quickly remove the smell of garlic from your mouth. There are simple known methods:

  • chewing gum;
  • activated carbon or any other absorbent;
  • lemon zest or mint.

Lemon and mint will give a rather temporary, refreshing effect, but carbon tablets will accelerate the removal of allicin from the body. The intake of tablets must be calculated based on body weight, but not less than three.

All of the above methods will help not only eliminate the existing odor, but also prevent its appearance by simply adding fresh vegetables, fruits or herbs for meals with garlic. And most importantly, only fresh food without heat treatment.

Just a smell or a sign of pathology

If garlic is not included in the products, but is mouth goes its smell, you should wonder if it’s a disease:

  1. Most likely in the body digestive processes are disrupted. Garlic spirit can be not only the cause of disorders in the digestive tract, but also a consequence disruptions in the endocrine system.
  2. A garlic odor from the body may indicate the presence of a fungus or disorders of the pancreas.
  3. Female discharge with an unpleasant odor is a sign sexually transmitted infections, pathologies of the reproductive system.
  4. The smell of garlic can come from urine, respectively, in the case of pathologies of the urinary system.

In addition, a garlicky odor, which is based on sulfur formation, may be a sign of:

  • heavy metal poisoning;
  • oral diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • consequence of antibiotic treatment.

Consultation with a doctor is essential.

If your sweat smells like garlic, you should think very seriously - this could be a signal large quantity diseases, pathologies nervous system before the occurrence of malignant tumors.

Which garlic smells stronger?

You can prevent the problem if you know how to eat garlic without the smell. It will help to understand in what form the vegetable is least “dangerous” as a source of unpleasant amber:

  1. If we consider the level of threat in increasing order, then the least harmless stewed vegetable. This is raw garlic, added to various dishes and lost its properties during the cooking process. negative qualities in the form of a special aroma, but there are not very many useful ones left, this fact also needs to be kept in mind.
  2. Pickled and canned. This type practically loses its pungent aroma, but retains its beneficial properties. Pickled garlic is the first enemy of viral and colds, atherosclerosis and scurvy. In addition, it lowers blood cholesterol levels and is an excellent remedy for the prevention of colds. In addition to slices of an adult plant, pickled shoots of garlic are known. This dish has a very pungent aroma, which is quite difficult to get rid of. It is preferable to use it if you do not plan to go out to public places.
  3. Dried garlic used as a seasoning and has virtually no residual odor in the body.
  4. Fresh vegetable - is the king of all varieties of this root vegetable according to beneficial properties, however, it is ahead of everyone in terms of aroma. All you have to do is cut a clove or pass it through a garlic press, and the aroma will be heard for several meters around. Consuming it raw will bring tangible benefits to the body, and the remaining aroma will force you to resort to the means described above if going out in public is still necessary.

Garlic is a wonderful garden crop that has many health benefits. But it also has one drawback - garlic leaves a very unpleasant smell, both on the hands and in the mouth. How to deal with this?

The trick is that garlic produces cysteine ​​sulfoxide, which gives it unique taste and aroma. These sulfur compounds are similar to those produced by bacteria that cause bad breath. It can last up to 48 hours after consuming the vegetable. But there are several simple ways to get rid of garlic odor on your hands and mouth.

1. Apples

They contain oxidizing enzymes, which is why they change color after being cut. These same enzymes can help neutralize garlic odor. And the phenolic compounds in apples help destroy the volatile compounds in garlic that cause lingering odor. According to a 2016 British study, drinking raw apples or apple juice helps reduce garlic breath. Peeled fresh apple You can rub your palms to get rid of the garlic aroma.

2. Milk

Milk is another natural ingredient that can easily neutralize garlic odor. Drinking milk helps reduce the unpleasant aroma not only after garlic, but also after other odorous foods. Whole milk with high content fat content

3. Mint leaves

Mint leaves have a deodorizing effect and are often included in mouthwashes, toothpastes and chewing gum. The chlorophyll found in mint also helps mask the garlic flavor. In addition, it has moderate antiseptic properties, which reduce unpleasant odors caused by bacteria. After eating garlic, you just need to chew a few mint leaves to make your breath fresh again. Peppermint tea (a tablespoon of crushed leaves of the plant per glass of boiling water) also helps a lot. It is advisable to infuse the drink for about 10 minutes and drink it with a spoon of honey. You can remove the smell of garlic from your hands by rubbing mint leaves in your palms.

4. Parsley

Parsley has a similar effect to mint. Active chlorophyll in its composition absorbs odors and helps restore freshness to the mouth and skin of the hands. You can eat garlic with a few sprigs of parsley, or prepare a decoction: pour a handful of coarsely chopped parsley with two glasses of water, add 2-3 cloves and boil for five minutes. This drink allows you to quickly get rid of the smell of garlic in your mouth. An unpleasant aroma from your hands can be removed by rubbing a few sprigs of parsley between your palms.

5. Stainless steel

It may seem strange, but using stainless steel is one of the the best ways combating garlic odor on hands. The iron atoms react with the oil on the skin, which in turn neutralizes the unpleasant odor. You should rub any stainless steel item in your hands for several minutes, and then rinse your hands with water. The garlic flavor should be reduced significantly.

6. Lemon

This fruit itself is very aromatic, so it can easily overwhelm strong smell garlic Besides citric acid is able to neutralize the enzymes obtained with garlic, which will get rid of the garlic odor. Lemon juice helps lower the pH level of the skin. This improves the body's defense against unpleasant odors. It is useful to rinse your mouth with a glass of water with a tablespoon dissolved in it. lemon juice.

7. Cardamom

This spice has a fairly strong aroma that will help mask the smell of garlic and add freshness to your breath. You just need to chew a few cardamom seeds after a meal richly seasoned with garlic. Milk with cardamom powder also helps.

8. Baking soda

When we're talking about about any bad smell, regular baking soda will become a great assistant to neutralize it. It is also good for eliminating garlic odor. You need to rinse your mouth with a glass of water with dissolved baking soda And sea ​​salt(a teaspoon). This rinsing helps maintain the pH balance of the mouth and inhibits the growth of bacteria. To remove odor from your hands, mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a small amount lemon juice (you can do without it) and wipe your hands with this mixture. Leave it on the skin for a couple of minutes and then rinse with water.

9. Vegetable oil

Before processing garlic, it is useful to wipe your hands with vegetable oil. It will act like a shield and prevent unpleasant odors. Besides vegetable oil softens the skin of the hands well. But do not coat your hands with oil too much, otherwise it will make it difficult to work with the knife.

10. Toothpaste

This is perhaps the most famous and accessible remedy, which eliminates various unpleasant odors in the mouth. It is enough to brush your teeth thoroughly after eating garlic. It is advisable to choose mint paste. You can also rub it on your hands to get rid of the strong garlic aroma. And then you need to wash your hands well with soap.

Additional Tips

To get rid of garlic breath, you can drink green tea with cinnamon.
Coffee beans can be used to remove odor from your hands by rubbing them on your skin or simply holding them in your palms for a few minutes.
If there are no cuts on the skin, you can use table salt to remove the smell.
If you do not want to leave the garlic aroma on the skin of your hands, it is better to use household gloves when processing this vegetable.

First, let's figure out what this phenomenon is, why after a person has eaten garlic or onions, his breath smells, and for what reason the smell spreads even in the apartment. The unpleasant odor appears due to sulfur-containing compounds in the product. Once in the oral cavity, these substances cause reactions that lead to the appearance of an unwanted “aroma.”

This smell can last for a very long time: according to scientific research on the question of how long the specific smell from the mouth lasts after eating garlic, it can last up to 48 hours, unless, of course, no measures are taken to eliminate it. By the way, brushing your teeth does not always help to completely get rid of the smell of garlic: after all, it is caused not by particles of the product stuck between the teeth and in the oral cavity, but by a chemical reaction, as a result of which the smell appears along with the breath.

Raw garlic produces the most persistent “aroma”. When boiled, garlic causes much less damage to the freshness of your breath.

What can you eat to prevent bad breath?

Fortunately, there is a whole series products and substances that effectively eliminate the result chemical reaction and, as a result, bad breath. Many of them are often referred to as " folk remedies» combating unpleasant odor from the mouth. Let's start by listing foods that can be useful for getting rid of unpleasant odor, and tell you how to eat them so that after eating garlic you don't get the characteristic odor from your mouth.

Important: Speaking about fruits, herbs and mint, scientists note that it is fresh foods that help fight the unpleasant odor after eating garlic. That is, if you feasted on chicken with garlic sauce and then decided to eat it with baked apples, you may not achieve the desired effect.

What drinks should you use and how to reduce the amber after a meal?

  1. Milk. Of all the things that help neutralize bad breath after dishes with garlic, the very first and the right remedy is to drink a glass of milk. This also applies fermented milk products- yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt and kefir. Substances contained in dairy products quickly reduce the concentration of hydrogen sulfide gases.
  2. Apple cider vinegar. A spoon can get rid of an unpleasant odor apple cider vinegar, dissolved in a glass of warm water. You can drink a glass of water with vinegar both before and after eating a meal containing garlic. However, this method is not suitable for everyone: in case of problems with acidity, drinking water with vinegar will, of course, get rid of the smell, but in return it will ensure a visit to a gastroenterologist. Therefore, before using this method, it is better to consult a doctor.
  3. Green tea. A cup of green tea after dinner with garlic helps completely neutralize bad breath. Most effective means It will be green tea with the addition of mint.
  4. Water. Drinking one or two glasses of water with your meal will help remove any remaining garlic from your mouth. In addition, water stimulates the production of saliva, which will cleanse the mouth of the smallest particles of garlic that provoke chemical reactions and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. But it’s still better to combine this method with some other method.

How to neutralize with chemicals?

Now let’s talk about which modern chemicals can kill bad garlic breath, and how to use them for this.

Step-by-step instructions on how to effectively suppress or eliminate garlic spirit

Let's look at step by step how to prevent the unpleasant smell of garlic from your mouth before and after eating.

  1. Before taking garlic. Eat a green apple; it will reduce the chemical reaction that produces the smell. If you have a choice of how to cook garlic, boil it or stew it along with the dish; the most “fragrant” is raw garlic. Garlic cut into pieces causes a stronger unpleasant odor, so if you eat garlic for preventive purposes, eat the whole clove.
  2. During meals. Drink 1-2 glasses of water with dishes containing garlic. Eat more vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of water (tomatoes, cucumbers), salad, citrus fruits.
  3. After eating garlic. Thoroughly brush your teeth and tongue to remove food particles, rinse your mouth with a special balm, warm water with mint or soda paste (recipe described above). Drink a cup of green tea with mint or eat a few mint leaves; if green tea and mint are not available, coffee beans will do.