Which nuts are best for athletes? Online sports nutrition store Flexmass (Flex mass) in Yekaterinburg

After a workout, the body needs two things: protein and carbohydrates, and eggs have both. They are low in calories, only 70 kcal per piece, high in protein and natural vitamin D, which strengthens bones. By the way, there is a myth that raw eggs are much healthier than cooked ones. This is not true: in fact, the body absorbs twice as much protein from cooked eggs.


Even brown rice can't compare to quinoa in terms of vitamins, nutrients, protein and fiber. Moreover, the vegetable protein contained in this cereal has a special balance of amino acid composition. Thanks to him, quinoa is indicated for both athletes and those who experience great mental stress. And this cereal cooks quickly - only 10-15 minutes.


Orange juice is called a natural energy drink. It contains vitamin C and potassium, which helps develop muscles, including the heart. Potassium regulates blood pressure and improves oxygen flow to the brain. The result is an instant restoration of energy. For greater workout benefits, mix orange juice with a protein shake and drink during exercise.


One cup of kefir contains 11-13 grams of whey protein. This is a protein concentrate that is obtained after the curdling process. Whey protein helps you quickly build muscle mass and burn fat. Therefore, a mix of kefir, fresh berries and cereals after training helps to quickly achieve the desired shape.


Bananas are a storehouse of healthy carbohydrates. These substances instantly increase glycogen levels in the body and restore muscles damaged during training.


Salmon can provide a large portion of protein and omega-3 acids. The latter are responsible for the tone of blood vessels, normalize blood pressure, cleanse the body of harmful substances and reanimate muscles.


Blueberries speed up the body's recovery three times after intense training. It also consists exclusively of dietary substances - proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, so it fits perfectly into the diet of those who want to lose weight.


This vegetarian dish comes together in just a minute. Hummus is made from chickpeas, which are peas rich in protein and carbohydrates. In turn, pita is a source of slow carbohydrates. This snack is best taken after strength training: muscles will grow faster and energy will be fully restored.


Don't have time to cook something? Two handfuls of dried fruits and nuts will give you a quick boost of energy. Soy nuts are especially useful for gaining weight: they contain a huge amount of protein - 34 grams per half cup of the product. Therefore, if your goal is sculpted muscles, feel free to introduce soy nuts into your diet.


The main advantage of this fruit is the substance bromelain. This is an anti-inflammatory enzyme that accelerates muscle recovery after injury and damage, heals bruises and sprains. Vitamin C, which is found in abundance in pineapples, will also speed up the recovery of the body and give energy.


Sweet potatoes are especially loved by bodybuilders because they are made entirely of complex carbohydrates that nourish muscles. It has been shown to relieve muscle pain and spasms after strength training. In addition, it contains vitamins B6, C, D, magnesium and calcium.


Do not peel the skin from the kiwi - this is the healthiest part of the fruit. It contains the most vitamin C and antioxidants, which help reduce muscle pain.


Impaired water balance in the body due to training remains among the top most common problems. To avoid experiencing a loss of energy, drink 2-3 glasses of water during exercise.


Many girls do not eat after training, thinking that this will make the training more effective. And in vain. The body loses a lot of energy, which needs to be replenished within an hour or two after finishing training. If your muscles can't recover, all the hard work you've done will be for nothing. To make matters worse, not eating can be detrimental to your health.

Peanut called groundnut, however, today many people already know that in fact this plant is a legume. Peanut fruits - nuts - are actually “enclosed” in pods with thick, rough walls, reminiscent in shape of beans or beans. Each pod contains several nuts that have a yellowish tint and are covered with a thin pink or reddish skin.

It is assumed that peanuts, like many well-known and beloved fruits and plants today, spread throughout the world thanks to the Spanish conquistadors - Latin America is considered its homeland. From there, peanuts were brought to Africa and Asia, and only then did they come to North America.

Today nut peanut very popular in the USA, and it is used in large quantities as agricultural feed, as well as in the food industry - mainly for the production of oil. During the Second World War, peanuts were in great demand because of their nutritional value - they could feed many people, and they were very easy and convenient to store and transport.

Peanuts are now sold on the world market in some countries in Africa, Asia and the Americas, but the best quality product is considered to be Argentinean and grown in the USA.

What are the benefits of peanuts? and is it useful at all? Indeed, recently there have been many statements that this product is toxic, harmful, and simply poisonous, and it is better to refuse it so as not to harm your health. Is this really true?

Benefits and properties of peanuts, composition of peanuts

In fact, peanuts have very valuable nutritional qualities: they are nutritious and healthy. Peanuts contain carbohydrates and sugars; a lot of protein, well absorbed by the human body - from 29 to 35%; more than 50% high-quality fats, as well as most of the vitamins and minerals we need.

Peanuts are very suitable for a healthy diet due to their high content of unsaturated fatty acids; Besides, peanuts have such a taste that you don’t need to persuade them to eat them.

Peanuts are especially rich in linoleic acid, known for preventing the development of sclerosis: if the human body has enough linoleic acid, then other essential unsaturated fatty acids - arachidonic and linolenic - are synthesized independently. If these substances are present in sufficient quantities in our diet, then the level of cholesterol in the blood will always be normal, and all cells of the body will be well protected from negative influences.

The vitamin and mineral composition of peanuts is rich and varied: it contains B vitamins, vitamins C, E, D, PP; calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium.

Recent studies conducted in the USA have shown that peanuts contain quite a lot of antioxidants, so they are useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, slow down aging and the growth of malignant tumors.

Antioxidant properties of peanuts can be compared with the properties of red wine and strawberries, and in toasted nuts they are even enhanced. Peanuts can promote the breakdown of fats: therefore, today the peanut diet is in fashion - it is popular with many movie and show business stars.

Peanuts are useful for blood diseases: they increase blood clotting and alleviate many serious diseases - for example, hemophilia, and also reduce the likelihood of hemorrhages.

Folic acid, which peanuts are rich in, helps cells renew, and vegetable fats promote liver function and prevent the occurrence of gastritis and peptic ulcers.

The functioning of the nervous system also improves if you eat peanuts regularly and correctly: a person sleeps normally, feels calm and gets less tired.

Eating 20 nuts every day is enough for peanuts to have beneficial effects on health; At the same time, wrinkles will also begin to smooth out.

Peanuts are useful for maintaining sexual function; improves attention and hearing; helps people who have suffered serious illnesses to quickly restore their health.

Peanuts have also been used in folk medicine for a long time: for example, for stomach and duodenal ulcers, it is recommended to take peanut “milk” - mix nuts ground into flour with boiled water. However, during exacerbations of these diseases, such treatment is contraindicated.

To strengthen the immune system, take a tincture of peanut husks. The nuts should be lightly fried in a small amount of oil and then peeled. Use the removed husks to prepare an infusion: 1 tsp. pour 1/4 cup of vodka and place in a dark place for two weeks. The resulting tincture is taken 7-10 drops every day, washed down with milk.

A decoction of the nut with the peel is drunk for respiratory diseases - it helps get rid of phlegm, and children with a lingering dry cough are given boiled rice with toasted peanuts several times a day.

You can eat raw peanuts, but lightly roasted or oven-dried peanuts taste better and, according to scientists, are healthier. As already mentioned, Americans love peanuts very much, and not so long ago, scientists from the USA made another discovery: the healthiest peanuts are boiled ones. It turns out that if you boil peanuts, the amount of antioxidants in them will increase 4 times. In this form, peanuts are more effective and prevent the development of cancer, coronary disease and diabetes.

Dangerous properties of peanuts

  • Raw peanuts can cause digestive problems. In addition, peanut skin is a strong allergen, so it is better to eat roasted and peeled nuts. The proteins and fatty acids contained in peanuts cause hidden allergies in some people.
  • Not recommended for gout, arthrosis, arthritis.
  • Excessive consumption of peanuts can lead to overweight and obesity.
  • A mold that sometimes settles on the surface of peanuts (during storage in places of high humidity) releases toxins that, when entering the human body, can affect any weakened organ.

To achieve the best results in bodybuilding, athletes must severely restrict themselves in nutrition. You cannot eat sweets and flour, various confectionery products and many other products, but you can always find an alternative. One of the most delicious and healthy foods in bodybuilding are nuts. By themselves, they are not sweet, but if you add honey, jam or some kind of jam, you will get a quite tasty and very healthy dessert. In this article we will talk about the use of nuts in bodybuilding, consider their varieties and understand the usefulness of this product.

Nuts have a lot of useful properties; every athlete should have them at home. Why nuts are so healthy:

  • They contain healthy fats (omega 3-6-9). Read more about this at.
  • They perfectly suppress hunger.
  • They contain a lot of protein and are one of the main sources of protein for vegetarian athletes.
  • Combine with many other foods.
  • They do not require time-consuming processing and preparation.

There are many varieties of nuts, but the most popular types in bodybuilding are:

As we have already said, peanuts are the most popular type of nut among experienced athletes. Many people take peanuts because of their composition; if we compare them with other types of nuts, we will see that peanuts are not too high in calories and contain more proteins. Peanut butter is especially popular among athletes, which is consumed by many professional bodybuilders during mass gain.

When purchasing peanut butter, be sure to look at the ingredients. The butter that is sold in supermarkets, in most cases, contains a lot of sugar and oils, which does not harmonize with a beautiful figure. Normal peanut butter can only be bought in some stores, most often vegetarian ones.

You can also make your own peanut butter. To do this, you need to roast and grind the peanuts and add a little vegetable oil to it so that it does not turn out too dry. Whether to add sugar or other sweets is up to you. It all depends on your regime, goals and taste preferences.

Is it possible to eat nuts while drying?

Nuts can be very useful during drying, because they contain healthy Omega-3-6 fats, which promote fat burning. But nuts are too high in calories; just 100g of almonds will bring you more than 600 calories, which is a third of the average caloric intake during the diet.

Therefore, nuts should be eaten in very moderate quantities during drying. No more than 50g per day, which is about 300 calories. Also, nuts should only be eaten without salt, as they retain water and interfere with maintaining muscle definition. We are still inclined to believe that nuts are preferable during muscle gain rather than during a diet.

How to make peanut butter at home

Increasingly, you can see the destruction of myths that nuts are undesirable to use during diets. Today they are considered a must and almost the best source of healthy fats, which are vital for the body during regular physical activity. Why are peanuts most often used for weight gain?

What are the main benefits of peanuts?

The first thing to note is that peanuts are not nuts. It belongs to the legume category, although this does not diminish its benefits. Peanuts are present in the diet of almost all world-class professional bodybuilders, although they mainly eat them in the form of a paste. First of all, peanuts are a fairly rich source of protein. Of course, it cannot be compared to dairy products or chicken, but as a “bonus” it will provide the body with a large amount of nutrients and calories. This is why peanuts are so necessary during muscle gain. 100 grams contain 25–26 g of protein, 45–50 grams of fat and only 10–12 grams of carbohydrates. The second important feature is the presence of vitamins and microelements. It contains a large amount of:
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin B3;
  • Magnesium;
  • Arginine.
The latter component is the best donor of nitric oxide and is widely used in bodybuilding to enhance pumping. Peanuts are a natural source of NO and will help improve the quality of your workouts, but only if consumed regularly in sufficient quantities.

Whole nuts or peanut butter: which to choose?

For many, this choice is a real dilemma and this is not surprising. At first glance, most athletes will choose pasta, but behind this there are many “pitfalls” that you definitely need to know about:
  • The paste contains additional components for viscosity (most often manufacturers limit themselves to vegetable oil), which significantly increase its calorie content;
  • There are several pasta options that differ greatly in composition and calories;
  • You should only choose a product that does not contain sugar.
Therefore, the more fatty and sweet the pasta, the less suitable it is for sports. Of course, it can be consumed as a dessert, but in this case the training will not be effective due to the rapid deposition of excess fat. The only option is to buy the so-called Raw paste, which is considered to be as natural as possible. It is precisely this that is a dietary product and is often used in the USA and Canada to prevent cardiovascular diseases and improve brain function. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to make paste at home, just like in production. In order to crush nuts, you need special devices that are used in industrial facilities. However, you can use a special attachment in your blender. Crushed peanuts will be a good and tasty alternative to pasta and are suitable for salads, desserts and other dishes that are used to gain weight.

Is it possible to eat peanuts while drying?

There is a lot of information and articles about whether peanuts are healthy, but for most athletes the main question is: can they be consumed while cutting? Disputes and discussions on this issue were resolved by scientific research in the field of nutrition, as well as world-famous fitness specialists.
Among “old school” athletes it is generally accepted that eating peanuts and any nuts while cutting and losing weight is categorically unacceptable. They contain a large amount of calories, which significantly increase the total daily calorie intake. Nevertheless, modern diets and emergency drying almost completely eliminate carbohydrates, leaving proteins and fats in fairly large quantities. Nuts contain a large amount of healthy fats, including omega-3, which are vital for progression. Therefore, nuts are great not only for gaining weight, but also for losing weight, in reasonable quantities. On average, the diet of a pro during drying contains about 2 tbsp. peanut butter, and one spoon must be consumed at breakfast.

What is the best time to eat peanuts?

No matter how impressive the benefits of peanuts for gaining muscle mass are, it is always important to eat this product at the right time. Otherwise, you won't reap much of the muscle growth benefits and instead end up with a lot of calories and extra fat. When is the best time to eat peanuts or butter?
  • In the morning, with breakfast or as a dressing (for toast, whole grain bread, etc.);
  • At lunch, 3-4 hours before training, so that the body receives a supply of calories for intense training;
  • 1–1.5 hours after training, when muscles need recovery (calories, omega fats, vitamins from peanuts are perfect for this purpose);
You can also use crushed peanuts to season some dishes and salads, but you need to consume them before 5 pm. If you are worried about gaining excess weight, then after 5 hours it is better not to eat peanuts or any nuts. Peanuts are occasionally added when making homemade nuts to improve the taste and obtain healthy fats. To do this, you will need a blender attachment that can thoroughly grind the nuts.

Is there an alternative to peanuts?

As the saying goes, “peanuts alone won’t satisfy you,” so sometimes you have to choose alternative options. Initially, it is worth noting that they exist, but most often due to the high cost or inaccessibility, the most optimal is to use peanuts or butter.
Popular alternatives that you can use to supplement your diet include:
  • Walnuts;
  • Almond;
  • Hazelnut;
  • Pine nuts.
Walnuts have more fat, which is why they are considered higher in calories (60 g of fat instead of 50 g for peanuts). They contain much more vitamins and minerals. Walnuts increase energy, brain and physical activity, strengthen the heart and liver. Hazelnuts are high in potassium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, as well as vitamins A and B. They have almost the most protein, but hazelnuts are not always available, especially in certain regions.
Almonds are the main competitor of peanuts. It is also used to make pasta and has an almost perfect balance of fat and protein, as well as a huge amount of vitamins and minerals.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4KPV1EuwFACedar nuts are also incredibly healthy and valuable for any athlete. In addition to a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and high protein content, they also contain linoleic acid and arginine, which are very important for athletes of any level. Unfortunately, pine nuts are not always available for free purchase; moreover, the high price makes their constant use quite problematic.

High-quality and balanced nutrition is important for all people, and especially for bodybuilders, because active muscle building requires an increased supply of nutrients and nutrients. One of the valuable products that can enrich the diet with many compounds necessary for the body are nuts.

Their usefulness has been repeatedly proven in scientific research, and the experience of their use by athletes and bodybuilders only confirms the conclusions of scientists. This article will talk about the healthiest nuts for men and women trying to build muscle mass.

What are the benefits of nuts?

Many types of nuts contain significant amounts of protein. This alone has considerable benefits - for example, for many vegetarians these fruits serve as a source of proteins, and protein will never be superfluous in a bodybuilder’s diet. Consequently, nuts play an important role in bodybuilding.

Even more beneficial than their high protein content is that most nuts are rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals. Their cores contain vitamins B, A, E, C, PP; microelements necessary for the body such as zinc, iodine, iron; minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and much more.

But the greatest benefit of nuts for the human body is that they are one of the few natural sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Modern medical science has long recognized that these valuable unsaturated fats play an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Omega-3 and omega-6 are also essential for building muscle mass. Eating them has a positive effect on muscle growth, because these unsaturated fatty acids:

  • increase testosterone production;
  • suppress the production of cortisol, which triggers catabolic processes;
  • help accelerate the processes of anabolism and fat burning.

A Harvard study involving 10,000 nurses for 35 years confirms that eating nuts and seeds prolongs life. The same data was obtained from a 12-year study of the eating habits of 34,000 vegetarians. Those who had nuts in their daily diet showed a significantly lower mortality rate from various diseases.

Numerous experiments confirm the activity of beneficial substances contained in various types of nuts against cancer cells and cholesterol deposits on the walls of arteries. Indirect evidence of their benefits can be the fact that peoples whose national cuisines widely use the fruits of nut trees are characterized by higher rates of health and life expectancy.

Which nuts are the healthiest and why?

It is almost impossible to determine which nuts are the healthiest, because each type is superior to others in some ways and inferior to them in others. Therefore, the most correct decision would be not to look for the healthiest nut, but to consume all of their types little by little to ensure that the body receives all the valuable substances that they contain.

Almonds are not a nut tree; they are the kernels of drupes. Among other representatives of this category of products, it is the champion in protein content; dry almonds contain about 18%. Moreover, with such a high protein content, there are almost no carbohydrates in almonds.

A large amount of protein combined with valuable unsaturated fats make almonds very useful for bodybuilders, especially during the cutting period. After all, thanks to the almost complete absence of carbohydrates, it does not cause the release of insulin and satisfies hunger for a long time. We can say that almonds are dietary nuts. This reputation is also supported by the rich vitamin and mineral composition of its kernels.

They contain vitamin E, a large amount of fiber, zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium. In terms of calcium content, it is ahead of all plant products. People with lactose intolerance can successfully replace dairy products with almonds, obtaining the calcium the body needs from it. Almond milk is a more valuable product than cow's milk, if only because its unsaturated fatty acids significantly exceed milk fat in nutritional value.

Despite the high calorie content of almonds, it is recommended to include it in the diet when losing weight due to its ability to satisfy hunger for a long time. In ancient China, almonds were used by healers as an antispasmodic, as well as a tonic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Peanuts are a relative of peas, the seeds of a herbaceous plant of the legume family. Peanut fruits develop underground, which is why they are called groundnuts.

Peanuts contain a lot of protein, vitamins E and B3, magnesium, and a lot of fiber. Bodybuilders value peanuts, in particular, because they are rich in arginine. This conditionally essential amino acid plays a big role in building muscle mass, promoting pumping.

Peanuts are unlikely to be ahead of their counterparts in terms of beneficial properties, but they are the clear leader in accessibility. Delicious, inexpensive, rich in protein and arginine, peanut butter has become a favorite food product of many bodybuilders. In the USA, this product is classified as a dietary product that helps in the treatment of vascular and heart diseases.

Peanut butter is good for its pleasant taste and ease of consumption; it satisfies hunger well and gives you energy. However, its calorie content is quite high, especially if it is a product from a supermarket, to which manufacturers usually add sugar and vegetable fats. You can try making your own peanut butter by finely grinding roasted peanuts in a coffee grinder.


Walnuts can be called a champion for the variety of vitamins and minerals they contain. It contains iron, iodine, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, C, E, group B, P. Ancient doctors, seeing the similarity of its nuclei with the human brain, considered this coincidence not accidental, and prescribed this healing product to patients having problems with the head. And they did the right thing, because in terms of phosphorus content, walnuts are not inferior to sea fish, for which they were awarded the honorary title of “food for the mind.”

The kernels of this valuable product contain 60% fat. And not just fats, but unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, which makes walnuts an excellent means of preventing heart disease and a good helper in building muscle mass. They also increase hemoglobin and have a beneficial effect on the liver, nervous system and male potency.

In the Caucasus, walnuts are widely used in national cuisine. It is possible that the beneficial properties of nuts are one of the reasons for the famous Caucasian longevity.

Pine nuts are the seeds of Siberian cedar cones. They are distinguished by their small size and a large list of useful substances they contain. Like peanuts, pine nuts are rich in arginine, which means they are of interest to bodybuilders.

But arginine is only a small part of the benefits that eating pine nuts brings to a bodybuilder. They contain such rare microelements as zinc, manganese, iodine, copper, cobalt, phosphorus, vitamins B, E, P.

Nut fat contains a large amount of linoleic acid, which is involved in the metabolism of proteins and fats, lowers cholesterol and improves immunity. Eating pine nuts has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, normalizes sleep, improves blood composition, and helps with diseases of the pancreas and thyroid gland. Isn’t this gift of Siberian nature one of the secrets of good health that Siberians are distinguished by?


Hazelnuts can compete with walnuts in their beneficial properties. The relatively high protein content in nuts, vitamins E, C, A, group B, cobalt, zinc, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium - this is an incomplete list of what this modest forest fruit is rich in.

Bodybuilders will benefit from hazelnuts due to their high protein content, valuable fats that protect the heart and blood vessels, and the ability to have a beneficial effect on the nervous, immune, and genitourinary systems.

Pistachios are 50% fat, they also contain proteins and a lot of carbohydrates. Among the vitamin and mineral composition, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and a significant amount of vitamin B6 stand out. The ability of these nuts to relieve fatigue from high physical exertion has long been noted, which comes in handy in strength sports and bodybuilding. Like many other types of nuts, pistachios have a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system.

Nuts in an athlete's diet

As is clear from the above material, nuts in an athlete’s diet will only bring him benefit. Rarely do any products combine so many beneficial substances. With intense physical exercise, the consumption of compounds necessary for the body accelerates, and systematic consumption of nuts allows you to constantly replenish their reserve, and in the most natural, easily digestible form.

In addition to their great benefits, these fruits are distinguished by their pleasant taste and the fact that they are convenient to eat. You can take them with you anywhere for a small snack that won’t take much time and will fill you up for a long time. Many athletes and bodybuilders constantly carry with them a small bag of peeled kernels of various nuts, which comes in handy when they need to replenish their strength before a workout or close the protein-carbohydrate window after it’s over. Some people add chocolate pieces and dried fruits to the bag to enrich the mixture with carbohydrates.

We advise you to purchase such products in specialized stores, such as the Oreshkoff.rf online store. Here you can buy nuts and dried fruits for every taste: https://oreshkoff.rf/kupit-orehi/. A wide range, quality guarantee and convenient delivery will not leave you indifferent!

Is it possible to include nuts in your diet when losing weight?

Due to the high fat content, the calorie content of nuts is quite high. Therefore, many people have concerns about whether nuts will interfere with weight loss. These fears are justified only in one case - if the kilocalories consumed are not kept track of. Exceeding the permissible daily calorie intake always prevents you from achieving the desired weight loss result. And it doesn’t matter what product caused the excess kilocalories - healthy nuts or unhealthy cake.

Count kilocalories, do not go beyond the permissible limits, and nuts will not only not prevent you from losing weight, but will also help. After all, they contain high-quality proteins, fats, and are free from fast carbohydrates, which means they satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time. In addition, they will supply the body with many minerals and vitamins, which is especially necessary in conditions of a limited diet. Eat nuts in reasonable quantities, this will help you get rid of extra pounds and not gain them again.

When is nut consumption contraindicated?

The harm of nuts may be associated with the following factors:

  • individual intolerance;
  • abuse;
  • staleness of the product;
  • children's age (up to 5 years);
  • nut allergy.

Individual intolerance can lead to digestive problems, therefore, do not eat a lot of unfamiliar fruits at once and listen to how you feel.

Abuse of any product can be harmful, and nuts are no exception. You should not eat more than a handful per day - this amount is enough to get benefits and pleasure, and not cause yourself any harm.

For children's gastrointestinal tract, nuts are quite a heavy food, so they should be introduced into a child's diet with caution, starting from 5 years of age.

An allergy to any type of nut, like any other product, in severe cases can cause very serious consequences, so unknown types of this delicacy should be treated with extreme caution, especially if you are prone to allergic reactions.