Why do goslings leak water from their mouths? How can goslings get sick?

Geese disease is a phenomenon familiar to many farmers and, of course, unpleasant. Sick poultry infect other birds, their appearance and general condition. It is easier to prevent any disease than to calculate losses later, because domestic geese are often bred for the purpose of sale. Can be found against almost any disease preventive measures, which will be discussed in this article.

The first thing you need to know about , it's their exposure viral diseases. To avoid this dangerous illness, it is necessary to eliminate the draft, keep the birds in a dry and warm place.

Monitor your birds' diet - spoiled or sour food can cause problems with gastrointestinal tract. Poor and infrequent feeding, dirty water, dampness - all this sadly affects appearance and bird health.

The poultry house must have a modern ventilation system that will avoid overheating or cooling. Very useful for geese sun rays, so farmers let them out every day.

Even if the food is fresh and complete, a malfunction may occur in the body, which will lead to impaired productivity if you do not take into account the age of the birds. Remember that feeding should be different for young and mature individuals.

Diseases of geese that are not transmitted to other birds

Avitaminosisnon-communicable disease, faced by birds lacking vitamins. High fertility, but low egg production, death of chicks, lethargy and poor appetite- all these are signs of vitamin deficiency.

Prevention: Don’t forget to provide your birds with nutritious food and add sources of vitamins to their food - fish oil, grass meal and other fertilizers.

Rickets- this disease is caused by insufficient exposure of birds to the sun, as well as a decrease in vitamin D in the body. Eggs have a thin shell, the birds’ bones and beaks soften, and they grow poorly.

Prevention: If geese are diagnosed with rickets, then the birds should increase their walks in the sun, and also add sources of the vitamin to their food - yeast, fish oil and special preparations.

Digestive disorder - When faced with this disease, geese not only suffer from diarrhea: they experience neck cramps and even paralysis. Another sign is ruffled plumage.

Solves the problem a varied diet rich in microelements and vitamins - sprouted grains, fresh herbs, bran.

Cloacite- a disorder of the mucous membrane of the cloaca is characterized by its protrusion and is associated with a lack of vitamins.

Should increase vegetables, bone meal, and greens in the geese's feed. Let the birds outside more often, and also provide them with access to a body of water. To cure an already developed disease, carefully clean the area of ​​the cloaca from pus, disinfect it with iodine, and then lubricate it with zinc or penicillin ointment.

Blockage of the esophagus - a disease characteristic of young individuals. Its cause is exclusively dry food or even starvation. Remember not to deprive geese of wet food, and also make sure that the birds always have water. A sick goose begins to puff up its feathers, choke, and its gait becomes unsteady. The consequence of blockage of the esophagus can be death from suffocation.

If the situation is critical , you need to give the goose 50 grams vegetable oil, and then gently squeeze out the contents of the stomach through the mouth.

Goiter Qatar- a disease experienced by mature individuals. The bird's crop is inflamed, it sits with a ruffled look.

Treatment: Gently massage the crop; instead of water, give the sick goose a five percent solution hydrochloric acid. Reason of this disease The food is spoiled or expired, so carefully monitor its quality.

Enteritis - the disease is also characterized by digestive disorders and occurs due to poor feeding and stale water.

Treatment: If your geese have already encountered illness, restore work digestive system You can use biomycin hydrochloride or potassium permanganate.

Diseases of the reproductive system of geese

With a problem vitelline peritonitis Only females encounter each other. The disease is poorly treated because it has been little studied; it is almost impossible to cure a sick bird. Presumably the cause of the development of the disease is an excess of protein in feeding, as well as uncomfortable keeping of the bird - crowded conditions, stress, poor treatment.

To avoid unpleasant consequences , keep the birds in comfortable, spacious enclosures, handle them with care, and clean them regularly. Unfortunately, since treatment methods have not yet been developed by veterinarians, preventing the disease is the only chance to save geese.

Oviduct prolapse also applies only to females and is associated with an egg that is too large or an egg in which two yolks are formed. Sometimes you may encounter the fact that the female cannot lay an egg for a couple of days. Using medications, you must carefully destroy the shell, remove the egg and remove everything from the oviduct.

Infectious diseases of geese

Aspergillosis - a disease that develops in respiratory tract animal due to getting into them mold. It is almost impossible to cure the disease; sometimes an entire flock of geese dies from it.

For prevention it is necessary to exclude all places where the fungus occurs - clean the bedding, keep the geese in a dry place, give high-quality food. Symptoms of the disease include weakness, lethargy and problems with the plumage of geese.

Salmonellosis - The disease occurs differently in chicks and adults. While mature geese suffer the infection chronically, goslings suffer the infection acutely and quickly. The disease spreads very quickly between birds, so it is important to isolate the sick individual and use special medicines. The cause of the infection is salmonella, the disease affects birds suffering from vitamin deficiency, a lack of vitamins and light, kept in unsuitable conditions. It is worth remembering that if a goose has suffered from salmonellosis at a young age, the bacteria will still live in its body. Sick geese behave lethargically, sit with a ruffled appearance, there is poor growth and flow of tears, as well as drooping wings.

Treatment disease is the use of furazalidone drugs, as well as antibiotics biomycin, tetracycline, oxycitracycline.

Colibacillosis - the infectious disease is accompanied by toxicosis, its cause is also poor housing - lack of ventilation, high density of geese, poor food, stale water. Sick geese have a fever, they are constantly thirsty, and their appetite disappears.

The disease cannot be cured, so the sick bird must be isolated and killed so as not to harm healthy individuals, and the premises must be thoroughly disinfected.

I hope you will not encounter the above diseases, and not only them. Health to you and your animals! If you are interested in such topics as follow the link.

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The most main problem any goose breeder is a bird disease. It is the little goslings who are the weakest to the disease, since their body has not yet become stronger and a stable immune system has not formed. , lead to death very a large percentage the number of birds that, as soon as they were born, became victims of this scourge. Unfortunately, if no measures and actions are taken, the sick goslings will die and the poultry farmer will suffer losses. Sounds very pessimistic, doesn't it? However, if you correctly identify the disease based on the existing symptoms, you can cure the poor bird.

Today, there are many known diseases that affect little goslings. However, medicine has not stood still for a long time, so in this article we will list the most common diseases of small goslings, and also talk about treatment and prevention.

Viral enteritis. Goslings are susceptible to this disease early age. Most often, goslings 5-12 get sick day-old. But birds under 3 weeks of age are at risk. This virus has a very negative impact on the intestines, heart, but the liver takes the biggest load. This disease accompanied by a very high mortality rate (up to 95%). It can be transmitted through contaminated hatching eggs, as well as through airborne droplets. The main source of infection is sick birds. This virus is very tenacious; a bird that has recovered from the disease can remain a carrier of the disease for another 2-4 years.

  • Symptoms The goslings are very depressed, constantly cold and gather in a heap, begin to stand with their eyes closed, and have no appetite at all. Later, the goslings swear with blood. Having been ill and recovered, the bird is very far behind its peers in development.
  • Prevention. Goslings are vaccinated against this virus at the age of 20-28 days. To prevent this from happening to other young birds, an adult bird should also be vaccinated a month and a half before laying, so that future goslings are less likely to become infected with this unpleasant virus.

Parativ (Salmonellosis). This disease is distinguished by its very acute course. The main risk group includes small goslings aged 5 to 30 days. A bird that has recovered from the disease can be a source of disease for another 2.5 years. The source of the disease can be: sick birds, contaminated feed, as well as various rodents.

  • Symptoms Sick goslings are very lethargic and drowsy, constantly drinking water, eyelids sticking together, and diarrhea. Later, convulsions appear. Death occurs on days 2-4 of illness.
  • Prevention. When diagnosed, sick goslings are immediately isolated from the general herd. The room and equipment in it must be disinfected.
  • Treatment. The most effective treatment provide nitrofuran drugs, such as furazolidone. It should be given to the gosling along with food, up to 5 mg, 1 time per day. Treatment lasts 7-10 days.

Aspergillosis. This is a respiratory disease. Goslings have a very high mortality rate from this disease. The causative agent of this infection is mainly bedding and food that have been affected by mold.

  • Symptoms The goslings become very lethargic and sleepy. When sighing, it stretches its neck forward, often sneezes and opens its beak.
  • Prevention. It is considered effective to destroy the infectious agent by burning the walls of the room and the equipment in it; it is best to use a blowtorch. Goslings should be treated with iodine aluminum aerosol.
  • Treatment. For the treatment of goslings, nystatin 20-30 mg per kg of live weight is used. It should be given during feeding of the goslings.

Colibacillosis. This disease is characterized by the fact that it is dangerous, in most cases only for small goslings. The main source is infected birds, as well as contaminated objects. After the bird gets sick, it will for a long time becomes a carrier of infection.

  • Symptoms The goslings are very depressed, drowsy, and are tormented by constant thirst and diarrhea. The chicks become weaker and find it difficult to move.
  • Prevention. Sick birds must be immediately isolated from the flock. Healthy people should be given Baytril. This drug is given to goslings along with water.

These are just the most basic diseases of the goslings. Now you know how to behave if you notice a sick bird in your flock. Remember that goslings that have suffered from the diseases described above are unlikely to be suitable for breeding, because many infections are not cleared from the body for a long time, so they should be well fed for meat.

Diseases of goslings cause great damage to the farm, and their treatment must be carried out in a timely manner. Otherwise, the young animals will lag behind in development and growth, or there is a risk of losing the livestock altogether. To prevent such consequences, it is necessary to carry out and properly care for the goslings.

Causes of diseases

Diseases of goslings and their treatment

Let's look at some diseases and methods to combat them.

Viral enteritis is a disease characterized by damage to the intestines, cardiac system, and liver. This disease leads to the death of goslings up to 95% of the total number. They become infected through food, water, air, and the virus is transmitted from one bird to another.

Symptoms of diseases and preventive measures

The depressed appearance of the goslings, half-closed eyes, trembling, yawning, and lack of appetite indicate malaise. Sick birds huddle together and mostly sleep; they develop and experience stunted growth.

To prevent this disease, goslings must be vaccinated both adults (one and a half months before the start of laying eggs) and young animals (up to 28 days old). After a couple of weeks you need to repeat the procedure.

Cholera or pasteurellosis is characterized by high poultry mortality when, especially acute course disease, seemingly healthy goslings suddenly die. The sources of infection are the same as in the case described above.

Symptoms of this disease in goslings and their treatment

Lethargic state of the bird, secretion of mucus or foam from the nasal openings and beak, temperature up to 43 degrees, diarrhea of ​​gray, yellow or green color, thirst and lack of appetite. All this entails the death of the bird. This disease can take chronic form, then adult geese begin to limp and their wings droop.

In order to prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to vaccinate, and if the goslings do get sick, then those with symptoms will have to be slaughtered, and the rest are prescribed antibiotics and biomycin for prevention.

Ticks (Persian, chicken);

Bugs (mostly bedbugs);

These are not all the diseases to which geese are susceptible. Many of them lead to 100% death of birds, but it is important to prevent them. Only then will it be possible to preserve the livestock or completely avoid the disease of the goslings, and their treatment will be more effective if the above conditions of keeping and feeding regime are observed.

- it's always big problem even for experienced poultry keepers. Diseases always greatly reduce the number of livestock and cause very serious economic and ethical harm. All poultry farmers know that it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later.

Prevention of diseases in geese should be carried out regularly in poultry houses. The most important thing is to inspect the entire population of geese every day and, if any the slightest symptoms illness, immediately limit the sick bird from the general flock! It is timely isolation that will make it possible to produce successful treatment sick birds and carry out veterinary and sanitary measures in a timely manner in the general herd.

Symptoms of disease in geese

The main symptoms that indicate illness in your bird may be: refusal of food, chromatosis, frequent swallowing movements, convulsions. All these signs should alert the poultry farmer. As stated earlier, if these symptoms occur, you should immediately isolate the goose from the herd. This is due to the fact that if the disease is infectious, it will immediately be transmitted to other winged relatives. After isolation, you should make a rough diagnosis (common diseases of geese are below). In this case, you need to pay close attention to the neck, head, limbs, plumage (maybe the bird was just injured and not sick with an infectious disease). Once the diagnosis has been determined, you need to apply treatment measures yourself or contact a veterinarian.

Main diseases of geese and their treatment

  • Non-isseriosis. Geese are most susceptible to this disease. Symptoms: inflammation of the penis. After this disease, geese become completely infertile. The cause of the disease most likely lies in bad condition contents: dirty bedding, poor food. When this disease is detected, sick birds are allowed to fly, and healthy ones are given antibiotics. Everything in the room will need to be disinfected.
  • Amidostomatosis. Infection of this unpleasant illness occurs after a goose ingests pathogen larvae with food or grass. A sick bird loses a lot of weight. This disease should be treated with carbon tetrachloride, a dose for an adult goose of 5-8 ml.
  • Hymenolepidosis. Geese get this disease after swallowing shellfish or other aquatic insects from a pond. In large numbers, birds become ill with this disease after being released into water bodies. Symptoms: paralysis of some limbs, convulsions, very unsteady gait, the bird is always tired.

Often, geese get sick due to another disease called vitamin deficiency. Symptoms of vitamin deficiency: coordination of movements is impaired, birds are lethargic all the time. Prevention of vitamin deficiency in geese should include regular walks on fresh air, your diet should include bone meal, fish oil, and chalk.

Knowing these diseases of geese, you now know how to treat the bird, as well as how to prevent these diseases.

Most often, the causes of disease in goslings are poor-quality or inferior feed, dirty bedding, high air humidity, low temperature indoors or drafts. Providing livestock a complete diet, maintaining the necessary microclimate in the poultry house, timely cleaning of the area, regular sanitization inventory, sufficient quantity fresh water - basic requirements, compliance with which will avoid most problems.

Geese diseases

Geese are more susceptible to various diseases. Before settling the little goslings, the poultry house must be treated with a high-quality disinfectant composition, and the walls and ceiling must be whitewashed with lime.

In the first days of life, to strengthen the immune system, it is recommended that chicks be given a weak solution of potassium permanganate and glucose. Before the procedure, to determine correct dose, you should consult a specialist.

It is very important that not only the room in which the bird is kept is cleaned in a timely manner, but also the surrounding area where the animals spend most of the day.

Diseases of geese are divided into two types:

The most common infectious diseases

Among the contagious diseases of geese, the most common are the following:

Viral enteritis

This disease is accompanied by damage internal organs poultry - stomach, liver, which can lead to mass mortality of young animals, especially in the first days of life. The source of spread is dead or sick geese, equipment, food, and water contaminated with their waste.

The main symptoms are yawning, refusal to eat, and diarrhea with bloody impurities.

A recovered bird carries the infection for several years. Treatment is carried out using double vaccination. Preparations obtained from the blood of recovered animals have a good preventive effect.


Symptoms: poor appetite, lethargy, diarrhea. If the manifestations of the disease in goslings are insignificant, unhealthy individuals are isolated and subsequently disposed of, and healthy ones are subjected to preventive procedures antibiotics prescribed by your veterinarian.


An infectious disease accompanied by high percentage mortality, transmitted by contact. It can be acute or chronic. Carriers are young animals obtained from the eggs of an infected bird.

Symptoms: difficulty breathing, wheezing, digestive disorders, depressed state. The source of infection most often is: infected food, insects, rodents.


It is characterized by redness of the mucous membrane of the cloaca in females, the formation of scabs and erosions, and swelling of the affected areas. In males, the disease manifests itself in the form of inflammation, curvature, or even prolapse of the penis from the cloaca.

The cause of the disease is bacteria - staphylococci, proteus, streptococci. Males are most susceptible to infection. Infection occurs during mating or through the litter.

The infection develops for a month to a month and a half, during which time the bird loses weight. Sick animals are culled, and the rest are given antibiotics.

To avoid infection, geese are subjected to regular inspections, especially during the formation of family flocks. The premises, feeders, drinking bowls, and equipment must be periodically disinfected.


The disease is caused by pathogenic fungal spores that actively develop in conditions favorable to them - wet, warm straw, haylage, grass. After drying, dust forms on the surface of such feed, consisting entirely of harmful particles. Poultry infection occurs through inhalation.

Symptoms: frequent yawning, closed eyes, lack of appetite, lethargy.

To prevent contamination, the feed is subjected to mycological examination. If this is the cause of the disease, it must be replaced with a quality one. Sick and weak geese are disposed of, and the poultry house is treated with aerosol disinfection.


The cause of the disease is coli, permanently living inside a healthy bird. It has a detrimental effect exclusively on a weakened body. Chicks are most susceptible in the first days of life.

Signs: drowsiness, poor appetite, diarrhea, constant thirst. The main part of the herd dies, and the surviving individuals lag behind in development and lose their reproductive function.


Appears as a result of eating infested mollusks. The main reason is walking on unfavorable bodies of water. Signs: liquid, foul-smelling feces, unsteady gait, muscle cramps, paralysis of paws and wings, delayed development of young animals. Massive spread of the disease in geese is observed three weeks after the first symptoms.

It is not recommended to self-medicate at home. At the first warning signs, you should immediately contact a veterinarian - only an experienced specialist can diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Non-communicable diseases

Badly balanced diet may cause the development of vitamin deficiency in geese. A lack of vitamin B is indicated by weakness of the limbs, curvature of the bones chest. Vitamin E deficiency causes defects nervous system, which is expressed in convulsive muscle contractions and unnatural throwing back of the head. A lack of vitamin B2 will reduce the productivity and hatching properties of eggs.


This disease is caused by insufficient intake of manganese and choline into the bird's body. It is expressed by thickening of the heel or dislocation of the limbs. The development of young animals slows down significantly, and movement becomes problematic.

The reproductive qualities of eggs are significantly reduced - embryos most often die.


Develops as a result of a lack of vitamin D.

Symptoms: weakness, poor weight gain, softening of bones, including the beak, thin shells of eggs. For prevention, fish oil and medical supplies containing necessary elements. It is very important that the bird spends a lot of time outside, especially in sunny weather.

Esophageal blockage

This disease is often observed in young animals. The reason is dry food, lack of water, and sometimes malnutrition.

Signs: shortness of breath, restlessness, unsteady gait. If measures are not taken in time, the animal will die.

Treatment at home: inject 50 grams of vegetable oil into the esophagus, and then carefully squeeze out all its contents through the mouth.

They affect the development of birds of any age. Treatment: treat the damaged areas with a special ointment.



Poisoning of small goslings or adults can occur due to consumption of poisonous plants, mold-tainted feed, chemicals, and fertilizers. Happens:

When raising poultry, every farmer must remember that detecting disease in geese initial stage, will provide an opportunity to provide timely assistance and avoid large losses on the farm. Good food, well-equipped premises, timely cleaning, daily attention given to pets - prerequisites to obtain healthy, full-fledged geese.