Venous eczema on the legs ointment treatment. Distinctive properties of varicose eczema and technology for its treatment

Eczema – common chronic illness skin. It has a relapsing course. Exacerbations are accompanied by pronounced external manifestations inflammatory in nature. Eczema accounts for up to 40% of all dermatological pathology. The disease is based on an allergic reaction, that is, the body’s hypersensitivity to certain substances.

Causes and mechanisms of development

Eczema occurs under the influence of a complex of factors. People with this disease are characterized by metabolic disorders, excess weight, vascular disorders, as well as hereditary predisposition.

Microbial infection is recognized as one of the triggering factors of eczema. She supports chronic inflammation, causing a change in sensitivity (sensitization) of the body. Microbial eczema observed in approximately one fifth of patients with this disease. Varicose eczema is one of the forms of microbial. On the other hand, it is part of the varicose syndrome, being one of the complications of damage to the venous vessels.

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) with varicose veins occurs in large number patients. Many cases of CVI are complicated by the development of trophic ulcers. Ulcers can multiply on the surface pathogenic microorganisms(streptococci, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and others). Their particles (antigens), foreign to the body, become a source of constant sensitization. The body, trying to get rid of substances foreign to it, ultimately responds with a perverted reaction with the formation of microbial or varicose eczema.

Separately, it is worth noting that most patients with varicose eczema have sensitization not only to bacteria, but also to fungi.

Manifestations of varicose eczema

Skin lesions are located on the lower extremities, primarily the legs. Varicose veins and accompanying skin disorders are also located there: thinning, dryness, cracks, microtraumas, trophic ulcers. These changes are caused by impaired nutrition of the skin as a result of chronic venous insufficiency. The disease is usually accompanied by swelling lower limbs, induration (thickening, hardening) of the skin, bluish color skin.

Factors that provoke the appearance of eczema with varicose veins:

  • skin and vascular injuries;
  • hypersensitivity to components of drugs for the treatment of trophic ulcers, including drugs traditional medicine;
  • Maceration (softening due to excessive moisture) of the skin when using impermeable dressings.

Characteristic external manifestations diseases:

  • false polymorphism of elements: they can be observed simultaneously different stages varicose eczema - redness of the skin, rash, small blisters, which then open and become covered with yellow-green crusts, under which there may be purulent contents;
  • a clear boundary of the lesion, the presence of a scalloped edge formed by the exfoliated stratum corneum of the epidermis;
  • moderate itching;
  • location around a trophic ulcer or wound;
  • asymmetry of the lesion;
  • there is no tendency to peripheral growth and the appearance of “dropouts”.

When removing the crusts, a common sign for all eczemas is determined - “serous wells”. These are areas of weeping that extend into the middle and lower layers of the skin.

The process can involve not only the upper and middle skin layers (epidermis and dermis), but also the hypodermis. At the same time, the patient is worried elevated temperature bodies. The skin temperature of the affected leg also increases. Inflamed lymphatic vessels, regional lymph nodes, especially the inguinal ones, enlarge and become painful.

The acute stage of varicose eczema is characterized by gradually appearing rashes against the background of reddened skin, turning into small blisters. After the opening of the bubbles and the formation of crusts, the process gradually subsides, moving into the subacute stage. The skin of the legs remains red, severe dryness, cracks, and scales appear. Due to itching, scratches may occur.

The chronic stage is manifested by increased pigmentation (darkening) of the affected area, thickening of the skin on it, and persistence of moderate itching. Varicose nodes and tortuous veins are often visible under the skin.


Recognizing varicose eczema is usually not difficult, since the disease is associated with impaired venous outflow due to varicose veins. General and biochemical tests blood, urine test. The patient is consulted by a phlebologist or vascular surgeon. Research is being carried out on varicose veins: Doppler ultrasound veins of the limbs. These data will help you navigate the tactics of further treatment.


Treatment of varicose eczema includes the following areas:

  • diet;
  • hyposensitizing agents;
  • vitamins;
  • locally - ointments with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effects;
  • drugs that improve microcirculation;
  • according to indications - antimycotic drugs;
  • elevated position of the limb.

Nutritional therapy involves limiting fluids, refined carbohydrates (sugars) and table salt. The diet should be dominated by fermented milk and herbal products. Improved bowel function, recovery normal microflora will help the body cope with microbial sensitization. It is advisable to remove it from the menu food allergens: eggs, chocolate, citrus fruits, poultry, whole milk, mushrooms, spices, mayonnaise, seafood, tomatoes, red wine, legumes.

To reduce the severity of an allergic reaction, you can use, for example, sodium thiosulfate. Must be appointed antihistamines 1st generation: Clemastine, Hifenadine and others. After acute inflammation subsides, antihistamines are prescribed last generations: loratadine, fexofenadine.

Vitamins A, E, C, nicotinic acid are shown.

If the patient has a trophic ulcer, fever, increased inguinal lymph nodes, he is prescribed antibiotics: Amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid, Doxycycline, fluoroquinolones of the latest generations, cephalosporins.

For treating trophic ulcers as disinfectant Chlorhexidine or 3% hydrogen peroxide will do. Eczema lesions can be treated with brilliant green, methylene blue, alcohol solution Fukortsina.

Levosin and Celestoderm ointments can be applied to areas of ulcers and eczema. For symptoms of infection, antibiotic ointments are used: Gentamicin, Neomycin and others. In the absence of infection, it is possible to use local glucocorticosteroids, including in combination with antibiotics.

If sensitization to fungal allergens, which is often found in varicose eczema, is detected, systemic antifungal agents, such as Diflucan, are prescribed.

To improve blood supply to tissues, drugs such as Pentoxifylline and Aescusan are prescribed.

Physiotherapy is also indicated: ultraviolet irradiation, laser therapy.

An elevated position of the limb during rest is useful: you should try to place the sore leg on at least a low stool, or even better, raise it above the level of the groin to improve the outflow of venous blood and reduce swelling.

At proper therapy acute effects subside after a week, and complete healing occurs after 3 weeks. After this, you can solve the issue of eliminating varicose vessels of the extremities using surgical interventions. Eliminating the main factor that provokes varicose eczema will prevent its relapse.

Therapy with folk remedies

Additionally, after consultation with a doctor, you can treat varicose eczema with folk remedies. So, compresses with juice help reduce itching and speed up healing. raw potatoes, a decoction of burdock root. You can apply fresh cabbage leaves from which the veins have been cut off to the sore shin. In case of fungal sensitization, washing the affected surface with laundry soap will help eliminate the disease. There is no need to soap your feet too much, just rinse them soap solution so as not to cause dryness and irritation of the skin.

Help improve microcirculation foot baths with sea ​​salt. This solution can be prepared at home by diluting less than a tablespoon of table salt in 5 liters of warm water and adding a few drops iodine tincture. Such baths should be taken daily for 15 minutes.

Note that laundry soap and salt baths are best taken when the symptoms of an exacerbation subside, when there are no bursting blisters or purulent crusts.

During exacerbations of the disease, in addition to compresses and other external remedies, herbal decoctions taken orally will help. For their preparation, plantain, sage, nettle, wormwood, yarrow, and St. John's wort are used. These plants reduce the severity of the body's allergic reaction, improve immunity, normalize blood circulation and improve nutrition of the tissues of the lower extremities, including the skin.

Varicose eczema has diagnostic and treatment features that distinguish it from other forms of eczema (for example, microbial) and other dermatoses (in particular, neurodermatitis). Therefore, you should never try to recognize and cure this disease on your own. If rashes, itching, or swelling appear on the legs, you should urgently consult a dermatologist and phlebologist. Only the joint help of these specialists can permanently solve the problem of varicose eczema.

Varicose veins have long been recognized not only as an aesthetic problem, but also as a serious pathology that can easily provoke a number of serious complications. One of the manifestations of the disease is venous eczema– damage to the skin of the lower extremities. It is very important to start treating the problem in a timely manner, otherwise it may develop into deep trophic ulcers.

With any eczema, an inflammatory process of the skin occurs. Almost always the disease is expressed in chronic form. The disease has stages of remission and exacerbation. Each of them has its own manifestations. The main goal of therapy is to put the disease into remission and prevent the development of an acute course.

The lesions have clear boundaries on the skin. They are located asymmetrically. The edges rise somewhat above the general skin and peel off. The lesions themselves appear in the form of ulcers and blisters. After healing, scars remain on the skin.


Most often, varicose eczema of the lower extremities occurs against the background of some kind of injury. To understand the essence of the problem, you need to consider in detail the manifestation of varicose veins: against the background stagnation blood supply to the tissues of the lower extremities deteriorates. This results in significant dryness. skin at the location of the affected veins.

Also in this place the skin is thinned and vulnerable. In addition, there is significant dryness of the skin. Against this background, even insignificant mechanical damage skin (for example, a person simply scratched his leg). Further, from minor damage to the skin, ulcers and inflammation can develop.

IN in rare cases varicose eczema on the legs may have psychosomatic underlying causes. Very often, skin diseases are a consequence of frequent stress. Eczema can also develop due to nerves. In this case, the problem primarily affects the most vulnerable area of ​​the skin - when the vessels of the lower extremities dilate, these are the legs.

Almost always, eczema with varicose veins occurs in the presence of any concomitant diseases: diabetes, atherosclerosis. Based on this, we can identify a group of factors that increase the risk of developing the disease:

  • overweight;
  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Decline general level immunity, chronic diseases, frequent infections also increase the risk of eczema.

Stages of the disease

Varicose eczema has several stages of development:

  1. Peeling and change in skin color, itching.
  2. The lesions are already clearly visible on the skin: areas where the epidermis peels off much more strongly, significant redness occurs, and microcracks and blisters may appear.
  3. Blisters on the skin are already clearly visible, which can open spontaneously. The wounds become weeping and are often accompanied by infection in the wound.
  4. The inflammation gradually passes, the wound becomes covered with a crust, and then a scar appears in its place.

The situation is complicated by the fact that wounds constantly reappear. In place of the formed scars, new skin lesions may then occur. In particular difficult situations the wounds do not heal, the crusts constantly come off and a newly opened wound surface forms in their place.

The photo shows external signs venous eczema, which helps to independently suspect this disease in order to consult a doctor as quickly as possible to prescribe creams, gels and other medications to combat the problem.


It is customary to highlight different manifestations venous eczema. Most often, the following list of characteristic symptoms is present:

  • redness, heat of the skin;
  • itching, peeling;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • blisters.


For those who have varicose eczema, treatment should begin as quickly as possible to avoid serious complications of the pathology. It is important to undergo a preliminary examination to determine the extent of the damage. vascular walls and root causes. Further treatment should simultaneously include several important areas:

  • combating symptoms (treating eczema itself);
  • therapy for varicose veins (drugs to thin the blood, strengthen the vascular wall, normalize blood flow);
  • treatment of the root cause of varicose veins (if it was caused by diabetes, then it is important to choose correct treatment to put the root cause into remission);
  • general strengthening procedures (stabilizing weight, increasing immunity, selecting the right physical exercise, wearing compression garments).

If the therapy is not simultaneously multidirectional, it will not be possible to achieve results. Symptoms will go away only for a short period of time, and then reappear if the provoking factors persist.

Eczema itself also requires a multi-step approach. The means must be selected according to the desired effect:

  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing;
  • drying.

Appropriate ointments should be selected specifically for these purposes. In this case, ointments should be applied directly under the bandage to prevent infection from entering the wound.

The most suitable ointments:

  • Prednisolone;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Geocorton;
  • Hyoxyzone;
  • Hydrocort;
  • Courtade.

At night, the ointment can be applied without a bandage, as the surface of the wound should dry out - this will speed up healing.

After the disease has been put into remission, it is necessary to constantly use emollients to reduce dry skin and eliminate flaking.

For varicose eczema, the remedy is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the lower extremities at least 2 times throughout the day. In most cases, it is possible to achieve the expected result using the product early stage development of dermatosis.

Possible complications

Eczema develops against the background of varicose veins if the disease is already advanced. In this case, you will need to devote Special attention timely treatment, since in fact, with these manifestations, the infection already affects the deep layers of tissue.

Also, at the site of the ulcer itself, necrotic processes are already occurring, which will affect the tissue more deeply, capturing more and more new areas of the skin.

If treatment is not started, ulcers may well appear at the site. purulent wounds, which can easily lead to gangrene of the limb or blood poisoning.

One of the types of complications of varicose veins is trophic eczema, which affects the lower extremities of a person. This disease occurs on late stage peripheral swelling blood vessels, and its appearance is indicated by reddened and inflamed areas of the skin on the legs.

The provoking factor for trophic eczema of the lower extremities is deterioration in skin nutrition, thinning, peeling, increased vulnerability and ineffective or incorrect treatment varicose veins If you do not see a doctor in time, ulcers appear on your legs, which are often accompanied by a pustular infection.

It is important to note that it can occur not only as a result of advanced varicose veins, but also when chemical burns, decreased activity immune system, allergic reactions, diabetes mellitus, stress, sedentary lifestyle, exhaustion of the body and other effects of negative physical factors. That is why, before prescribing the correct treatment, a specialist conducts differential diagnostics, with the help of which he finds out the main cause of the pathology.

How is trophic eczema on the legs treated?

If the provoking factor is varicose veins, then first of all therapy is prescribed aimed at restoring normal blood circulation in the lower extremities. The patient is prescribed appropriate skin care, as well as the use compression hosiery. When gentle methods are ineffective, a miniphlebectomy, sclerotherapy is prescribed, or varicose veins are eliminated by surgical intervention. After surgery, as a rule, trophic eczema disappears.

Of great importance in the treatment of trophic eczema of the lower extremities are properly selected drugs that stimulate the regeneration of affected tissues. Solcoseryl, produced in the form of ointment or jelly, is considered the most effective. It improves nutrition and oxygen supply to cells and significantly accelerates the process of restoration of affected skin. Solcoseryl is included in almost any complex treatment trophic eczema, but before using it you should definitely consult a doctor.

Standard therapy aimed at treating trophic eczema of the lower extremities includes daily zinc-gelatin dressings, removal of dead tissue, taking antihistamines and vitamin preparations, as well as biogenic stimulants. If an infection is added to the lesions, the patient is prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics, and when open wounds do not heal for a long time, corticosteroids may be prescribed.

In addition, today there are physiotherapeutic procedures, such as ultraviolet irradiation, mud baths, helium-neon laser and a number of others, which effectively help in successful treatment trophic eczema of the legs.

Venous or varicose eczema of the lower extremities is a chronic disease that develops due to impaired blood circulation in the legs and stagnation of blood in the vessels. It was this phenomenon that gave the disease another name - congestive eczema. Pathology often develops in older people, if there is overweight among representatives of the younger generation. Varicose eczema of the legs is a complication of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

Causes and stages

Venous eczema on the legs begins to develop if a person has predisposing factors:

  1. Features of the structure and condition of blood vessels. Patients experience a decrease in the tone and elasticity of the veins, and their heart valves do not work effectively. The areas of blood vessels in which blood accumulates expand, stagnation develops, and cellular metabolism substances.
  2. Increased blood clotting. This process often leads to the development of thrombophlebitis and thrombosis.
  3. Increased load on the lower limbs due to heavy physical work, excess weight.
  4. Presence of heart disease, pathologies endocrine system, skin diseases of an inflammatory or atrophic nature in advanced stages, a tendency to allergic manifestations.
  5. Hereditary features of the structure of veins are insufficient elasticity of the vascular walls, which is acquired due to deficient collagen production.
  6. Pregnancy with complications or multiple pregnancy.

According to doctors' observations, the disease begins to develop in patients with reduced immune defense, increased nervous stress and stress. Failure to maintain personal hygiene and insufficient care of the skin of the feet increase the likelihood of a problem.

Venous eczema occurs in 4 stages, each of which has pronounced symptoms:


In most patients pathological process begins in the lower leg area, then spreads to other parts of the leg. The main feature of the development of venous eczema is the presence of signs of varicose veins in the patient. The affected area experiences persistent itching, soreness, heaviness, and the skin begins to peel off.. Symptoms indicate the disease:

  • visible changes in the integument, the intensity of the manifestations depends on the stage of the pathology (slight redness, the appearance of red or bluish spots, darkening, formation of compactions);
  • severe swelling of tissues, swelling of the legs;
  • changes in the structure of the skin, which becomes thin and prone to ulcers;
  • the appearance of numerous ulcerative plaques, open wounds, joining inflammatory processes;
  • severe itching of damaged tissues, their soreness.

What varicose eczema of the lower extremities looks like can be seen in the photo below.


Treatment of varicose eczema is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • restoration of healthy skin structure;
  • prevention of the development of infectious processes;
  • improvement of blood microcirculation in the affected area.

Based individual characteristics and the patient’s condition, the degree of development of the process, the presence of contraindications, the doctor prescribes several types of treatment - medication, using local funds, physical therapy.

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, it is allowed to use traditional medicine recipes. In severe cases, surgical procedures are indicated.

Local impact

There are several types of medicines local action, capable of effectively combating the manifestations skin pathology. There are several types of ointments for varicose eczema on the legs.

  1. Hormonal - Akriderm, Hydrocortisone, Elokom. They contain corticosteroids. They are effective in relieving inflammatory processes, pain manifestations, are indispensable in the fight against edema. Usage hormonal drugs provides noticeable result behind short time . They should be used in short courses, as there is a high probability of addiction and the development of adverse reactions.
  2. Non-hormonal - Ginkor gel, Venoruton. They are prescribed to improve skin condition and tissue regeneration. They have anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antibacterial properties. Ointments are used to relieve pain, dry or moisturize damaged skin.
  3. To combat signs of varicose veins - Lyoton, Venitan, Heparin ointment. The purpose of their purpose is to improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels, the performance of venous valves, and reduce the risk of blood clots. Additional action- elimination of pain, swelling.

Drug and surgical treatment

For venous eczema of the legs, treatment with medicines assumes A complex approach. Appointed:

  • Diuretics. They help remove excess fluid from the body and relieve swelling (Furosemide, Lasix).
  • Phlebotonics. They are the “main weapon” in the fight against the manifestations of varicose veins, venous insufficiency(Detralex, Phlebodia 600, Vasoket).
  • Antibiotics. Indicated in the presence of purulent skin lesions (Doxycycline, Baziron).
  • Antihistamines. Used for severe itching, inflammation (Fexadine, Loratadine, Cetirizine).

Surgery, as a method of treating venous eczema, is justified in cases where the patient has developed necrotic tissue changes, and blood circulation is severely impaired due to dilated vessels.


Good healing effect provide traditional medicine.


In the treatment of varicose dermatosis, several methods of physiotherapy are used. They are carried out in combination with other therapeutic techniques. Recommended for varicose eczema:


To avoid the development of venous eczema, a patient with prerequisites needs to change their lifestyle and always follow the rules:

  • monitor your health when alarming symptoms contact medical institutions for consultation;
  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • be physically active, do not overuse exercise;
  • exercise daily hygiene procedures, moisturize the skin with special products;
  • avoid failures in immune defense body;
  • alternate time active work with complete rest.

You need to review your wardrobe, remove uncomfortable shoes, clothes that interfere with normal blood circulation, and items made of wool and synthetic fabrics.


In order to treat and prevent pathology, the doctor recommends that the patient review his diet, exclude or minimize the consumption of a number of foods - milk, eggs, pork and poultry, seafood, legumes, tomatoes, mushrooms. You should pay attention to the method of cooking: fried, smoked, and canned foods are not recommended. Dairy products and vegetables should become the basis for creating a “healthy” menu.

If the disease is a consequence of excess weight, you need to reconsider the calorie content of the daily menu. The optimal daily calorie intake is 2500 kcal for men and 2200 kcal for women. Quantity may vary depending on level physical activity and the usefulness of metabolic functions in the body.

Varicose eczema occurs as a complication of the underlying disease - enlarged veins in the legs. Elderly and middle-aged people suffer from stasis dermatitis. It has a chronic course and may temporarily not manifest itself, but when provoking factors appear, it will manifest itself in the form of another exacerbation.

Why does varicose veins cause eczema?

The main reason for the appearance pathological changes skin - disruption of venous blood flow in superficial vessels. In the tissues of the lower extremities, congestion develops associated with a lack of oxygen and nutrients, the accumulation of harmful products metabolism. The skin also suffers from this.

The following factors can trigger the onset of eczema:

  • excess body weight, which creates additional stress on the lower extremities and contributes to blood stagnation in them;
  • superficial and deep injuries to the legs, leading to damage to the skin or muscles and blood vessels;
  • deep vein thrombosis, in which venous drainage is further reduced;
  • heart failure, which contributes to stagnation of blood in the vessels;
  • skin diseases (dermatitis and dermatoses), secondary infection of skin lesions, etc.;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes that disrupt natural blood flow;
  • allergic reactions and poor nutrition.

Due to a violation of the trophism of the skin, i.e. supplying it nutrients and oxygen in the organ begin dystrophic changes: The skin becomes thinner and loses its ability to regenerate. Outwardly, it looks like the appearance of small cracks, wounds, and inflamed areas. If the disease develops uncontrolled, it can lead to the formation of trophic ulcers, so you need to be able to identify the symptoms of the pathology in time and contact a specialist.

How to determine the development of eczema with varicose veins

The first sign that should alert a person with varicose veins veins in the legs - itching of the skin in the area of ​​the venous nodes. Irritation appears in the evening, intensifying towards night. Sometimes legs affected by varicose veins itch at night, making it difficult to rest. At this time, there is no visible damage on the surface of the skin, but when scratched, the skin peels off, forming many small dry scales.

If this symptom remains unattended, then after a while noticeable signs appear:

  • redness and inflamed appearance of the skin over varicose veins, subsequently the shade of the affected area becomes purple or purple;
  • small bubbles with transparent contents (vesicles) appear, which open on their own;
  • the vesicles are very itchy, and scratching them only increases inflammation and leads to the appearance of weeping areas;
  • the crusts that form on the affected surface are rough in nature;
  • the skin in the damaged area becomes thickened and covered with brownish or brown spots.

Skin changes are accompanied by swelling of the limb. As the disease progresses, the skin becomes sclerotic, becomes thinner and becomes transparent. At this stage, the disease becomes chronic, worsening from time to time.

Treatment of varicose eczema

When treating varicose eczema, a whole range of measures is used. Therapy is aimed at eliminating local symptoms skin diseases and correction internal violations. Self-treatment most often does not provide desired effect, but can lead to even more advanced and complicated forms of the disease: tissue necrosis or trophic ulcer shins.

Symptomatic drugs

When making a diagnosis, the phlebologist will prescribe symptomatic treatment. His goal is to remove discomfort and restore the inflamed area of ​​the skin. For this, antihistamines (Claritin, Cetirizine, Erius, etc.) can be used; for severe inflammation - steroid drugs. The doctor prescribes the dose and regimen individually. For elimination skin itching Ointments or other topical medications based on benzocaine, camphor or menthol may be prescribed.

With eczema in the acute stage, it also suffers nervous system person. The doctor may recommend an appointment sedatives: pharmacy tinctures valerian, hawthorn, tablets with valerian extract, etc. Sometimes tranquilizing drugs are also prescribed.

Accession secondary infection is fraught with development severe inflammation skin and the formation of ulcers. If such a problem occurs (infection penetrates wounds on the legs very easily), the doctor may recommend taking antibiotics. Only a specialist selects a treatment regimen.

You should not take the medicine yourself or stop taking the medicine prescribed by your doctor ahead of time.

Treatment of infected wounds, if a person has venous eczema, is carried out local antiseptics. Doctors recommend benzoyl peroxide, Naftalan, Ichthyol, Clotrimazole or Silver Nitrate, as well as preparations with their components (Ichthyol, Hydrocortisone ointment, Triderm, Skin-Cap, etc.) for treatment. These medications have an antiseptic effect and at the same time dry out wet areas and burst blisters.

Other drugs may be prescribed to treat skin inflammation:

  • steroid ointments (Elocom, Advantan, etc.);
  • Burov's fluid;
  • preparations containing zinc (ointments, creams).

After acute inflammation removed, and pronounced ulcers disappear (subacute stage of the disease), the doctor will prescribe keratolytic drugs. Their action is aimed at moisturizing and softening the affected area of ​​the skin. Among these means:

  • Losterin - cream with plant extracts, dexpanthenol and urea;
  • ointments with retinol;
  • extracts medicinal herbs(motherwort, yarrow, etc.);
  • creams with vegetable or animal fats (mink, spermaceti, etc.).

Along with the treatment of the skin, the underlying disease is also treated.

Remedies for varicose veins with stagnant dermatitis

To normalize blood flow, ensure the drainage of lymph from tissues, relieve swelling and provide normal nutrition to healing skin, doctors also treat varicose veins. For this purpose they use wide range modern phlebotonics and phleboprotectors. The drugs act on the venous wall, making it more elastic and allowing the vessels to better perform their functions.

One of the methods of treating eczema with varicose veins is massage. The doctor may prescribe exercise therapy classes, recommend visiting the pool, walking. These measures are aimed at eliminating congestion - the main reason why varicose eczema occurs on the legs.

You should not neglect your doctor’s advice to wear compression garments. Elastic stockings and bandages are used to increase blood flow and normalize microcirculation of fluids in tissues, ensure effective lymph outflow and relieve swelling. For simultaneous skin care for eczema in subacute and chronic stages(in the absence of wet areas), special knitwear is prescribed (for example, “Unna” bandages). The material of the product is impregnated with zinc gelatin or Burov's liquid. Thanks to this, the bandage not only has a supporting effect, but also acts as a local external remedy for eczema.

Treatment with traditional medicine

In folk medicine there is a whole arsenal of means to combat skin diseases. But treatment of varicose eczema on the legs with extracts medicinal plants should not be used as an alternative to medication. Only by correctly combining both methods and supporting external symptomatic treatment of varicose veins can a good result be achieved.

When varicose eczema of the lower extremities becomes subacute course, you can take care of your skin using an ointment made from herbal extracts with anti-inflammatory and healing effects. The following ingredients will be required:

  • 20 g (2 tbsp) dry burdock root;
  • 20 g chamomile;
  • 20 g of fireweed herb;
  • 20 g of coffin root;
  • 1 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • glycerol.

Chop the plant material, add water and bring to a boil. Add butter. Prepare a water bath, place a pan with a decoction of herbs there and continue heating the mixture until a thick mass is obtained (this will take several hours). Strain the extract and squeeze out the plant residues. Cool the resulting liquid and mix with an equal volume of glycerin.

The ointment can be used immediately after preparation; it should be stored in a covered container in the refrigerator.

In addition to external treatment, take a decoction of burdock root internally. The plant promotes the outflow of lymph from limbs affected by varicose veins and relieves swelling well. To prepare the decoction, take 15 g of dry crushed burdock root per 1 cup. hot water. The mixture should be heated at low boil for 10 minutes, and then left for 2 hours in a thermos. Take 1 tbsp decoction. l. 4 times a day.

There are other remedies to cure eczema:

  1. Natural village milk should be left in the jar for 5-6 hours (in the refrigerator). After this, sieves will collect on top, which need to be removed and used to make ointment. To 1 tbsp. l. add 1 fresh cream chicken yolk and 100 g of birch tar (can be bought at a pharmacy). The ointment is applied to a clean cloth and applied to the area affected by eczema. It needs to be fixed with a bandage and changed 1-2 times a day.
  2. For the treatment of skin with sclerotic changes, softening of keratinized areas in the healing phase of ulcers. cabbage leaves. They need to be doused with boiling water to impart plasticity and destroy microbes, and the hard vein should be cut off. Wrap the prepared leaf around the sore leg, secure it with a bandage and change it as the cabbage dries (once every 1-2 days). Repeat the procedure until the skin condition improves.
  3. To relieve itching, make compresses from raw potatoes. The pulp of the vegetable pulp should be applied to the sore spots and covered with a cloth. Keep the compress for 30 minutes and apply as needed.

Before use folk remedies It is worth consulting with your attending phlebologist, as there are effective medications with a similar effect.

How to prevent the development of eczema

So that you don't have to treat this unpleasant disease, eczema with varicose veins should be prevented. Prevention of the disease is simple:

  1. To improve blood circulation and nourish the skin on your legs, you need to try to move more: walk, ride a bike. At sedentary work Every 1-2 hours you need to warm up: bend and straighten your legs, raise them parallel to the floor, etc.
  2. If swelling appears at the end of the day, you can lie down for 10-15 minutes with your legs elevated.
  3. You should not wear high heels all the time. The ideal option is a heel of 4-5 cm.
  4. You can prevent dry skin on your shins by using special soap without alkalis when washing feet and taking a shower.

Excellent preventative measure- this means maintaining an active lifestyle, taking vitamin supplements and good nutrition.

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