Case history F06.41 Organic anxiety disorder due to vascular disease of the brain. Organic emotionally labile disorder Disease f06

Mild cognitive impairment (F06.7) is an initial disorder of higher brain activity, mostly in the area of ​​memory.

This disorder can be an initial symptom of atrophic dementia or be a long-term consequence of traumatic brain injury or encephalitis.

Clinical picture

Patient complaints of increased fatigue during mental activity are typical. Memory impairment (difficulty in memorizing and reproducing new material), impaired thinking (difficulty in formulating general and abstract ideas), general confusion, and impaired concentration are noted. There may be difficulty understanding speech and choosing words.

Symptoms of the disease increase with intense intellectual stress, their manifestations disappear or decrease after rest.


  • Conducting general clinical laboratory tests of blood and urine, instrumental research methods to exclude somatic pathology.
  • Neuropsychological testing.
  • Consultations with a therapist, neurologist.

Differential diagnosis:

  • Different types of dementia.
  • Psychoorganic syndrome.

Treatment of mild cognitive impairment

  • Drug therapy (nootropics, melatonin preparations).
  • Individual psychocorrection.
  • Stimulation of mental activity.

Treatment is prescribed only after confirmation of the diagnosis by a medical specialist.

Essential drugs

There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.

  • (nootropic drug). Dosage regimen: orally with liquid at a dose of 2.4-4.8 g/day. in 2-3 doses.
  • (neurotransmitter). Dosage regimen: orally, 15-30 minutes. before meals in a dose of 1.0 g 2-3 times a day.
  • (metabolic, nootropic agent). Dosage regimen: orally, during or after meals, 2 tablets. or 2 teaspoons of suspension 3 times a day (600 mg/day).
  • Melatonin (adaptogenic, hypnotic, antioxidant). Dosage regimen: orally at a dose of 1.5-3 mg 1 time/day. in 30-40 minutes. before bed.
  • (a drug that improves cerebral circulation). Dosage regimen: orally, during meals, with 1/2 glass of water, 1 tablet. 3 times a day. The course of treatment is at least 3 months.

Organic emotionally labile disorder is a mental disorder that occurs after complications of pregnancy or childbirth, severe infection or organic brain disease (trauma, tumor, stroke). Characteristic pronounced emotional incontinence And lability (instability, rapid change) of a person’s mood.

The diagnosis and treatment of this disorder should be carried out jointly by a psychiatrist (or psychotherapist) and a neurologist.

The disorder is also called asthenic (from the Greek asthenia - weakness, impotence). In addition to constant and severe mood swings, patients are characterized by general weakness, fatigue, headache, dizziness. A person may get tired after 2-3 hours of work, cannot stand a full day of work, and several times a day there is a need to lie down to rest.

According to the international classification of diseases, ICD-10 is coded as F06.68 - “Organic emotionally labile asthenic disorder due to mixed diseases.” Its most common causes include:

  • head injury
  • pregnancy and childbirth of the mother, which occurred with complications (toxicosis, threat of miscarriage, eclampsia)
  • severe condition of the child after birth (for example, the baby was given mechanical ventilation), severe illnesses/infections of early childhood
  • vascular diseases of the brain (atherosclerosis, hypertension, cerebrovascular accidents - strokes)
  • epilepsy
  • brain tumors
  • HIV infection
  • neurosyphilis and other neuroinfections, encephalitis (inflammation in the brain)
  • intoxication with drugs, alcohol
  • consequences of anesthesia

Symptoms of organic asthenic disorder

People with the disorder are characterized by tearfulness, emotional irascibility, frequent and severe mood swings, and a storm of emotions, often over a minor issue. All reactions are spontaneous (occur without a serious reason or reason) and uncontrollable.

A person reacts painfully even to minor events; emotions, as a rule, are negative (anger, irritation, resentment).

He perceives troubles as “the end of the world”, constantly having outbursts of anger and irritability towards loved ones and surrounding people.

Diagnosis of organic emotionally labile disorder - examination by a psychiatrist and neurologist. Additionally, the attending physician may prescribe a pathopsychological examination, blood tests and instrumental methods (EEG, CT, MRI).

A person complains of regular and severe headaches, dizziness, decreased or blurred vision, increased blood pressure, and tinnitus. These complaints indicate a brain disease that has led to an organic emotionally labile disorder. They interfere with a person’s life and work, and because of them he goes to the doctor.

Hypersensitivity is characteristic - pain sensitivity in response to a slight touch on the skin, excessive auditory or light sensitivity, when ordinary sounds are perceived as very loud (up to the development of pain), and sunlight causes severe lacrimation and pain in the eyes.

General weakness, rapid fatigue, decreased performance, a feeling of powerlessness - all these are integral companions of organic asthenic disorder.

Organic emotionally labile asthenic disorder in children occurs due to severe pregnancy of the mother (toxicosis, threatened miscarriage, eclampsia), complications during childbirth or severe diseases of early childhood.

An experienced psychiatrist can make a diagnosis during the first examination. The main manifestations of asthenic disorder include excessive moodiness, frequent tearfulness, disobedience, irritability, and inability to concentrate for a long time. Such children may develop sudden lethargy and lack of initiative. It is necessary to differentiate an emotionally labile disorder from character traits and age-related changes.

The prognosis for adults and children is favorable if the recommendations of the attending physician are followed.

Treatment of organic emotionally labile personality disorder

Treatment must be comprehensive and strictly individual. With the correct diagnosis and adequate treatment, the symptoms of asthenic disorder may weaken or go away completely.

Organic emotionally labile asthenic disorder is treated with medicinal and non-medicinal methods. The following groups of pharmaceuticals are classified as medications:

  • vaso-vegetotropic- normalize the functioning of the autonomic nervous system
  • nootropics- improve metabolic processes in brain tissue
  • sedatives- have a calming effect by balancing the processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system
  • neuroleptics- relieve excitement
  • antidepressants- relieve anxiety, normalize mood

Non-drug methods include:

  1. Individual psychotherapy— a psychiatrist-psychotherapist teaches a person to control behavior and relax. Helps you set priorities (achieve success at work, live in love and harmony with loved ones) and stick to them.
  2. biofeedback therapy- a modern method of treating mental disorders. A specialist uses sensors and a computer to measure physiological indicators - breathing rate, heart rate, blood pressure level. As soon as a person managed to bring these indicators back to normal (following the specialist’s instructions), the computer reports success. The patient remembers relaxation skills and can then use them in emotionally stressful situations to gain self-control.

Diagnosis F06.6 Organic emotionally labile asthenic disorder often goes untreated - those around him and the person himself believe that he has a “severe character.” But this is wrong. You can get rid of the symptoms of the disorder with the help of modern medications and non-drug methods and return to a full life.

Hello! You have been diagnosed with F06.78, what is it? And what does it promise... and got the best answer

Reply from
F06.78 - Mild cognitive impairment due to mixed diseases. And residual cerebroorganic insufficiency (RCON) is an organic brain lesion associated with the period of intrauterine development.
Natka Natka
It’s possible to act, but it’s not easy. They will force you to stay in the hospital. In general, it’s easier to negotiate with a doctor. They have some options for deregistration without hospitalization. I don't know the details.

Reply from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Hello! You have been diagnosed with F06.78, what is it? And what does it promise...

Reply from Vladimir[guru]
According to ICD 10, the diagnosis behind code F06.78 is mild cognitive impairment due to mixed diseases. A disorder characterized by decreased memory, difficulty learning, and decreased ability to concentrate on a task for long periods of time. There is often a pronounced feeling of mental fatigue when trying to solve a mental problem. Learning new things seems subjectively difficult, even when objectively it is successful.

Reply from Yergey Kurbanov[guru]
Answer: You YOURSELF know that your son HAS AND HAS mental problems. And your statement that it is better to sort it out with the doctor’s family speaks about WHO your son is having these problems from. It's time to face the truth. My son HAS a disease. Yes, he won’t be accepted to serve in the army, the police, etc.... BUT he can still do ski racing. He can study at a university or technical school, if his health allows it. and memory. He can work, in fact, ANYWHERE, where there are no health restrictions. Are there such restrictions at your job? Or at your wife’s work? If there are restrictions on your son’s (future) job, then let him look for ANOTHER job. For example, he CANNOT work at school! But you can be a cook. You can't be a high-altitude worker, but you can be a turner. You can’t be a programmer (your memory will fail you), but you can be a salesperson in the computer department. Etc. Obtaining a driver's license is possible after the diagnosis is removed. AND THIS: during examinations prescribed by a doctor, observation by a doctor... treatment (if necessary) and everywhere records like: no manifestations observed... no deterioration. .. etc. And after about 5 (FIVE) years, on the direction of a doctor, you can undergo an examination to remove the diagnosis.

Important! Be sure to check out this material! If after reading you still have any questions, we strongly recommend that you consult with a specialist by phone:

The location of our clinic in the park has a beneficial effect on the state of mind and promotes recovery:

Diagnosis ICD-10 F 06 Other mental disorders caused by brain damage and dysfunction or physical illness (treatment of the disease)

This category includes mixed conditions that are causally related to brain disorders due to a primary brain disease, a systemic disease secondary to the brain, exposure to exogenous toxic substances or hormones, endocrine disorders, or other physical diseases.


  • delirium (F05.-)
  • dementia classified under F00-F03
due to the use of alcohol and other psychoactive substances (F10-F19)

Diagnosis F 06.0 Organic hallucinosis

A disorder characterized by persistent or recurrent hallucinations, usually visual or auditory, that occur during clear consciousness and may not always be recognized as such by the patient. A delusional interpretation of hallucinations may be noted, but delusions do not dominate the clinical picture; awareness of the surroundings can be maintained.

Organic hallucinatory state (non-alcoholic)


  • alcoholic hallucinosis (F10.5)
  • schizophrenia (F20.-)

Diagnosis F 06.1 Organic catatonic state

A disorder with decreased (stupor) or increased (excited) psychomotor activity associated with catatonic symptoms. Extreme manifestations of psychomotor impairment may alternate.

catatonic schizophrenia (F20.2) stupor:

  • NOS (R40.1)
  • dissociative (F44.2)

Diagnosis F 06.2 Organic delusional [schizophrenia-like] disorder

A disorder in which the clinical picture is dominated by persistent or recurrent delusions. Delusions may be accompanied by hallucinations. There may be some symptoms that make you think you have schizophrenia, such as bizarre hallucinations or disordered thinking.

Paranoid and paranoid-hallucinatory organic states

Schizophrenia-like psychosis in epilepsy


  • acute or transient psychotic (F23.-)
  • persistent delusional (F22.-)
  • drug-induced psychotic (F11-F19 with common fourth character.5)
schizophrenia (F20.-)

Diagnosis F 06.3 Organic mood disorders [affective]

Disorders characterized by changes in mood or affect, usually accompanied by changes in general activity level, depression, hypomania, mania or bipolar states (see F30-F38), but arising as a consequence of an organic disease.


mood disorders, nonorganic or unspecified (F30-F39)

Diagnosis F 06.4 Organic anxiety disorder

A disorder characterized by the core features of generalized anxiety disorder (F41.1) or panic disorder (F41.0) or a combination of both, but arising as a consequence of an organic disorder.

Excluded: anxiety disorders, nonorganic or unspecified (F41.-)

Diagnosis F 06.5 Organic dissociative disorder

A disorder characterized by partial or complete loss of normal integration between memory of the past, awareness of oneself as a person, immediate sensations and control of body movement (F44.-), but arising as a consequence of an organic disorder.

Excluded: dissociative [conversion] disorders, nonorganic or unspecified (F44.-)

Diagnosis F 06.6 Organic emotionally labile [asthenic] disorder

A disorder characterized by emotional instability or lability, fatigue, a variety of unpleasant physical sensations (for example, dizziness) and pain, but arising as a consequence of an organic disorder.

Excluded: somatoform disorders, nonorganic or unspecified (F45.-)

Diagnosis F 06.7 Mild cognitive impairment

A disorder characterized by decreased memory, difficulty learning, and decreased ability to concentrate on a task for long periods of time. There is often a pronounced feeling of mental fatigue when trying to solve a mental problem; learning new things seems subjectively difficult, even when objectively it is successful. None of these symptoms are severe enough to warrant a diagnosis of dementia (F00-F03) or delirium (F05.-). This diagnosis should be made only in connection with a specified physical disorder and should not be based solely on the presence of any mental or behavioral disorders classified in categories F10-F99. The disorder may precede, accompany, or follow a wide range of infectious and somatic diseases (both cerebral and systemic), but there does not necessarily need to be direct evidence of brain involvement. This disorder can be differentiated from post-encephalitic syndrome (F07.1) and post-concussion syndrome (F07.2) by its different etiology, more limited range of mostly mild symptoms and usually short duration.

Diagnosis F 06.8 Other specified mental disorders due to brain damage and dysfunction or physical illness

Epileptic psychosis NOS

Diagnosis F 06.9 Mental disorder due to brain damage and dysfunction or somatic illness, unspecified

  • brain syndrome NOS
  • mental disorder NOS

The private clinic “Salvation” has been providing effective treatment for various psychiatric diseases and disorders for 19 years. Psychiatry is a complex field of medicine that requires maximum knowledge and skills from doctors. Therefore, all employees of our clinic are highly professional, qualified and experienced specialists.

When to ask for help?

Have you noticed that your relative (grandmother, grandfather, mother or father) does not remember basic things, forgets dates, names of objects, or does not even recognize people? This clearly indicates some kind of mental disorder or mental illness. Self-medication in this case is not effective and even dangerous. Tablets and medications taken independently, without a doctor’s prescription, will, at best, temporarily alleviate the patient’s condition and relieve symptoms. At worst, they will cause irreparable harm to human health and lead to irreversible consequences. Traditional treatment at home is also not able to bring the desired results; not a single folk remedy will help with mental illness. By resorting to them, you will only waste precious time, which is so important when a person has a mental disorder.

If your relative has poor memory, complete memory loss, or other signs that clearly indicate a mental disorder or serious illness, do not hesitate, contact the private psychiatric clinic “Salvation”.

Why choose us?

The Salvation clinic successfully treats fears, phobias, stress, memory disorders, and psychopathy. We provide assistance in oncology, care for patients after a stroke, inpatient treatment for elderly and geriatric patients, and cancer treatment. We do not refuse the patient, even if he has the last stage of the disease.

Many government agencies are unwilling to take on patients over 50-60 years of age. We help everyone who applies and willingly provide treatment after 50-60-70 years. For this we have everything you need:

  • pension;
  • nursing home;
  • bed-ridden hospice;
  • professional caregivers;
  • sanatorium.

Old age is not a reason to let the disease take its course! Complex therapy and rehabilitation gives every chance of restoring basic physical and mental functions in the vast majority of patients and significantly increases life expectancy.

Our specialists use modern diagnostic and treatment methods, the most effective and safe medications, and hypnosis. If necessary, a home visit is carried out, where doctors:

  • an initial examination is carried out;
  • the causes of mental disorder are determined;
  • a preliminary diagnosis is made;
  • an acute attack or hangover syndrome is relieved;
  • in severe cases, it is possible to forcibly place the patient in a hospital - a closed rehabilitation center.

Treatment in our clinic is inexpensive. The first consultation is free. Prices for all services are completely open, they include the cost of all procedures in advance.

Relatives of patients often ask questions: “Tell me what a mental disorder is?”, “Advice how to help a person with a serious illness?”, “How long do they live with it and how to extend the allotted time?” You will receive a detailed consultation at the private clinic “Salvation”!

We provide real help and successfully treat any mental illness!

Consult a specialist!

We will be happy to answer all your questions!

Discharge summary from medical history
psychiatric hospital patient,
hospitalized with a diagnosis:

F06.41 Organic anxiety disorder due to vascular disease of the brain, astheno-subdepressive syndrome

RG OGK (6.04.15) norm _____D 0.26 msv_________
Woman, 61 years old
passport: series - , number - , issued
Fear. policy -
Disability - no
Referred for hospitalization by a psychiatrist
Purpose of hospitalization: treatment
Carried out - 36 bed days

FROM ANAMNESIS She has been under the radar of psychiatrists since 2008. She was treated in the neurosis department three times. Latest extract 2013. On old age pension. Lives with her husband. Has 2 adult daughters who live separately. After being discharged from the hospital, she initially took maintenance treatment on her own - fevarin, but then stopped taking medications. The condition worsened about 2 weeks ago: my mood decreased, unaccountable fear appeared, I slept poorly at night, and anxiety increased. She was taken to the hospital by her daughter. On the direction of a psychiatrist, she was hospitalized at Specialized Psychiatric Hospital No. 1.
Denies tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, traumatic brain injury (TBI).
No allergic history
EPID HISTORY: during the last 3 weeks there has been no fever, skin rash, or respiratory infections. There was no contact with infectious patients. Denies bowel dysfunction.

CONDITION ON ADMISSION She complains of fear of being alone at home, fear of going out, “what if it gets bad...”, dizziness, poor sleep, “apathy,” lack of desires. Fully oriented. Verbal contact is available. Answers questions to the point. Asthenized, anxious. Fixed in her painful state. Emotionally labile. The background mood is reduced. Doesn't express suicidal thoughts. No delusions or hallucinations were detected.

Fully oriented. He willingly enters into conversation with the doctor. Answers questions to the point. As a result of the treatment, my anxiety decreased, I became calmer, and my sleep improved. Asthenic symptoms, emotional lability, and unstable mood persist. Attention is unstable, memory is reduced, thinking is thorough. Doesn't express suicidal thoughts. Delirium, no hallucinations detected.

SURVEYS - THERAPIST: Dyslipidemia. Duodenal ulcer (DU), remission. Hypertension 1 FC risk 2.
NEUROLOGIST: Discirculatory encephalopathy of the 1st stage, scattered symptoms.
GYNECOLOGIST: Atrophic vaginitis.
PSYCHOLOGIST: slow pace of mental activity; asthenization; instability, exhaustion, lack of concentration; mild decrease in rote memory, moderate decrease in long-term memory; instability of the level of generalization with a tendency to specify, inertia, torpidity of thinking; emotional lability, tendency to anxious reactions, decrease in the motivational-volitional component of activity; dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s position, tension, anxiety, tendency to depressive reactions, unstable self-esteem; impulsiveness, tendency to self-reproach.
ECG: sinus bradycardia 58 per minute. Normal position of the EOS.
Blood for ELISA from 04/09/15 negative
Blood test dated 04/08/2015: White blood cells (WBC): 4.1; Red blood cells (RBC): 4.31; Hemoglobin (HGB): 13.1; Hematocrit (HCT): 39; Platelets (PLT): 237; LYM%: 45; MXD%: 7.8; NEUT%: 47.2; ESR: 6; MCH: 30.4; MCHC: 33.6; MCV: 90.5; Mean platelet volume (MPV): 11;
Urinalysis from 04/08/2015 12:34:04: Transparency (CLA): complete; Color (COL): s/w; Specific Gravity (S.G): 1.010; pH: 6.0; Epithelial cells: pl.0-1-2 trans.0-1-2; Leukocytes: 0-1-2; Red blood cells: change 0-1;
Biochemical blood test dated 04/08/2015: Bilirubin TOT: 11.8; Bilirubin Direct: 2.6; Cholesterol: 5.7;
Analysis of feces for I / Worm from 04/09/2015 12:31:52: microscopic eggs of worms and intestinal protozoa: not detected;
Discharge of the genitourinary organs from 04/10/2015 14:20:04: Epithelium of the vagina: 5-8; Leukocytes Vagina: 50-70; Flora Vagina: mixed; Trichomonas Urethra: not detected; Trichomonas Cervix: not detected; Trichomonas Vagina: not detected; Gonococci Urethra: Not detected; Gonococci Vagina: not detected; Other Vagina: strands of fibrin spores;
Diphtheria bacillus smear examination dated 04/10/2015 19:18:34: Result: not detected;
Test for pathogenic microbes of the intestinal family from 04/15/2015 10:13:15: Result: not detected;

TREATMENT HAS BEEN DONE- glucose 5%, potassium chloride, insulin, eglonil, phenazepam, Mr. Quatera, fevarin, pantogam,

STATUS AT DISCHARGE No complaints. The condition is satisfactory. Somatically well. Sleep and appetite are sufficient. The mood background is smooth. Finished treatment. Discharged home.
Weight on admission 84 kg, upon discharge 84 kg.

DIAGNOSIS- F06.41 Organic anxiety disorder due to vascular disease of the brain, astheno-subdepressive syndrome.

Concomitant diseases - E78.0, K26.0, I11.0, I67.9, N95.2: Dyslipidemia. Duodenal ulcer (DU), remission. Hypertension 1 FC risk 2. Dyscirculatory encephalopathy of complex genesis stage 1, diffuse symptoms. Atrophic vaginitis.