Mastopathy with fibrous changes. How and with what to treat fibrocystic mastopathy

This disease most often occurs in women of reproductive age. Fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands is benign education in the connective tissues of the breast lobules and milk ducts. The exact cause of its formation is unknown, but the impetus for its occurrence is hormonal disorders. The disease is dangerous because prolonged absence of treatment leads to the need for surgical intervention.

How does fibrous mastopathy manifest?

The disease at the initial stage is practically asymptomatic. Or rather, there are signs, but they are very similar to the sensations that arise in the chest a few days before menstruation. This is why the disease is diagnosed late.

The first signs of mastopathy:

  • breast pain;
  • increase in breast size, feeling of heaviness;
  • increased sensitivity of the nipples.

As the disease progresses, other signs appear:

Since the main cause of fibrous mastopathy is hormonal disorders, this disease is sometimes preceded by signals from the female body:

The fibrous form of mastopathy is not life-threatening for a woman, but if left untreated it can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm.

Features of the disease

The concept of “fibrous mastopathy” includes a group of breast diseases. All of them are benign in nature, but under the influence of certain factors there is a possibility of malignancy - transition to malignant form.

It is customary to differentiate fibrous mastopathy into diffuse and nodular. With the first type of disease, changes occur in most of the chest and can change their location. In the second case, a local dense node is formed.

Several years ago, mastopathy was diagnosed mainly in women aged 30–35 years. Today it occurs in girls aged 11 and in mature women over 60.

The female mammary gland consists of several tissues:

The chest consists of 15–20 lobes. Each of them has milk ducts that pass through the glandular tissue and connect at the nipple. Connective and adipose tissue are located between the lobes; their quantity varies depending on age and hormonal conditions. Yes, in women childbearing age their ratio is 1:1. During lactation, the amount of adipose tissue decreases by 2 times.

Breast tissue reacts to any fluctuations in hormones, even during the cycle. Due to changes in hormonal balance and the influence of other factors, the relationship between connective and epithelial tissue, small compactions appear that tend to increase.

Causes of fibrous mastopathy

Pathological changes in the mammary glands occur against the background of a sharp hormonal change in the body. Risk factors include:

The female body works under the influence of sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone). A change in their ratio affects all systems, but primarily the mammary glands.

Hormonal imbalance is caused by irregular sex life, lack of orgasms, prolonged stress and chronic fatigue.

This disease can also occur as a result external influence. This may include:

The emergence benign neoplasms Internal diseases also contribute to breast cancer:

Don't forget about hereditary factor. According to statistics, more than half of patients with fibrous mastopathy had relatives with similar diseases or breast cancer.

Diagnosis and treatment

Only a mammologist (or a gynecologist in his absence) can identify fibrous mastopathy. As a rule, women turn to him when a strong pain syndrome or seals large size. Several methods are used to diagnose the nature and location of the tumor:

If the patient seeks advice from early stages diseases used for treatment conservative method. It consists of receiving hormonal drugs and medications for therapy concomitant diseases. The course of treatment includes mandatory admission vitamins, diuretics and sedatives. Under the supervision of a physician, you can use the products alternative medicine. They help remove pain symptom and have a slight sedative effect. It should be remembered that traditional methods cannot replace full treatment.

TO surgical intervention resort in some cases;

The operation is performed under general or local anesthesia. There are 2 types of surgical interventions:

  1. Sectoral resection. Through a small incision, the seal and adjacent tissue are removed.
  2. Enucleation. The tumor is “husked” without affecting nearby tissues.

After the operation, a conservative treatment method is used.

Fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands affects about a third of all women. Disease prevention is healthy image life and regular visits to the gynecologist. Early diagnosis disease helps to avoid dangerous consequences.

Fibrous mastopathy occurs in a woman’s body due to various reasons, but the main one is hormonal imbalance. Moreover, this is one of the most common pathologies in women and occurs in 30% of all cases.

If fibrous mastopathy of the mammary gland is diagnosed, what is it and how to treat the disease - questions asked by patients to the doctor.

Fibrous mastopathy is a proliferation connective tissue mammary gland, where the fibrous component significantly predominates (according to ICD 10). The changes also affect the intraductal tissues, as a result the lumen of the duct narrows until it closes completely.

In patients with fibrous form diseases, when palpating the breast, lumps are felt, pressing on which causes pain.


There are various classifications pathologies, one of them divides the disease into the following forms:

  • : in turn, it is divided into fibrous with the presence of compactions in the connective tissue of the breast and when the compactions are combined with cysts.
  • or focal: this includes fibroadenoma or cyst.

When mastopathy develops in one breast, they speak of a one-sided pathology, in two – bilateral. In one mammary gland, focal or nodular mastopathy most often occurs.


The main causes of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary gland are hormonal imbalances, when estrogen predominates in a woman’s body and there is not enough progesterone.

Such a disorder in the female body is possible in following cases:

  • . After conception, hormonal changes in the body begin with the goal of bearing a child and subsequent breastfeeding. After an abortion, a malfunction occurs, which can cause the development of mastopathy.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system. Includes inflammatory and infectious diseases, acute and chronic.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system. Problems with the breast can be influenced by disruption of work thyroid gland, diabetes, obesity and other diseases.
  • Lack of sex life. If a woman does not have intimacy, this seriously affects the overall hormonal background.
  • Lack of childbirth and lactation. It is laid down by nature that female body intended for reproduction. Lack of pregnancy or refusal to feed the baby after childbirth can negatively affect your health.
  • Genetic factor. If a woman in the family suffered from fibrous mastopathy, the risk of getting sick is very high.
  • Frequent stressful situations. Negative emotions also negatively affect hormonal balance.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol abuse drugs, smoking almost always leads to disorders in the reproductive sphere.
  • Topless tanning. Staying in direct sunlight or in a solarium with your breasts exposed has a negative effect on breast tissue. And even frequent sunbathing with a closed chest has a bad effect.

Fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands is a common disease among women. The first ones are not pronounced; for this reason, patients do not always pay due attention to them and consult a doctor too late.


Most often, when the disease is present, the following symptoms occur:

  • Unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands that occur in the second part menstrual cycle and during menstruation. In some cases, the pain radiates to the shoulder, armpit or shoulder blade. The reason is a change in the structure of the interlobular connective tissue, which causes pressure in the gland.
  • Increased breast volume. The reason is venous stagnation and swelling of the connective tissue of the gland. Breast size may increase by approximately 15% or more.
  • Feeling of tightness in the chest.

In the absence of treatment and the disease progresses, the following occur:

  • painful lumps in the glands;
  • constant pain that does not depend on the phase of the cycle;
  • nervousness and anxiety;
  • asymmetry of the glands;
  • nipple discharge.


When contacting a mammologist, he conducts an examination and palpation examination. Next, the patient is prescribed other diagnostic methods, including:

  • mammography;
  • puncture;
  • analysis for tumor markers;
  • CT and MRI.


fibrous mastopathy is conservative, that is, with the help of medications. For this purpose the following is prescribed:

  • Hormonal products containing progesterone (Utrozhestan, Duphaston).
  • Oral contraceptives to normalize hormonal levels (Zoladex, Danazol).
  • Herbal medicines (Wobenzym, Mastodinon).

A woman may also be prescribed as part of complex therapy:

  • complex of vitamins;
  • immunostimulating drugs;
  • calming;
  • painkillers.

Folk remedies

Treatment folk remedies can be used as a supplement to drug therapy, but not as the main thing. The reason is that herbs and their decoctions, and other folk methods cannot completely relieve symptoms and fibrous seals.

At the same time similar treatment excellent complements drug therapy and improves its efficiency.

Decoctions from the following plants help well with fibrous mastopathy:

  • red brush;
  • burdock;
  • yarrow and valerian;
  • mint and string;
  • fennel and motherwort.

You can apply compresses to the affected areas from cabbage leaves.

Diet for illness

When treating fibrous mastopathy, it is required. The patient is advised to give up chocolate, tea and coffee.

IN daily diet worth including:

  • plant foods, vegetables and fruits;
  • foods containing fiber.

It is also important to exclude foods that are high in calories.


If the treatment is properly selected and the woman follows all the doctor’s recommendations, the prognosis for the disease is positive.

However, there is always the possibility of relapse. For this reason, even with successful treatment, it is necessary to periodically visit a mammologist.

Lack of adequate treatment or self-medication can provoke the transition of mastopathy into a malignant form. Therefore, it is so important to consult a doctor promptly when the first signs appear.

Prevention measures

Is it possible to avoid the development of mastopathy? No one is immune from this, but you can minimize the risks by adhering to the following recommendations.


  • regular sex life;
  • refusal bad habits;
  • timely treatment gynecological diseases;
  • refusal of artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • maintain lactation after childbirth.

Video about treatment of the disease

Depends on the nature of the neoplasm, its anatomical and histological features.

The most commonly diagnosed diffuse fibrous form of the pathology, in which multiple compactions are observed different shapes and size.

Despite the fact that any form of mastopathy is a benign disease, there is a risk of transformation into oncology, so mastopathy needs to be treated promptly and efficiently.

The essence of pathology

Diffuse fibrous mastopathy is a disease in which small foci of low-lying tissue are located throughout the mammary gland. In some cases they are collected in separate groups, and can, for example, be located only in the upper part of the gland. According to ICD 10, the disease is coded N60.

At this disease fibrous tissue grows, and this leads to the formation of scars in the connective fibers. Thus, fibrosis of tissue structures occurs.

When connective tissue cells actively divide, they begin to displace glandular cells, which naturally reduces the number of ducts and lobules.

Diffuse fibrous mastopathy can affect either only one mammary gland or both at once.

Most often, diffuse mastopathy is diagnosed in women of reproductive age. When menopause occurs, the disease does not develop due to a drop in hormone levels to a minimum. Like almost all other types of mastopathy, the diffuse fibrous form of the pathology develops for a reason. The mammary gland reacts very sensitively to any fluctuations in hormone concentrations, and is therefore extremely susceptible various pathologies. Mastopathy is a fairly frequently diagnosed pathology; it is found in every second woman. In this regard, it is very important that all women know the symptoms of this disease and know how to independently palpate the mammary glands.

Associated symptoms

diffuse fibrous mastopathy may be as follows:

  • the presence of pronounced premenstrual syndrome;
  • nipple discharge. If the discharge is purulent in nature, you should consult a doctor immediately;
  • pain – can be observed both when running and physical activity, and by simply touching the mammary glands;
  • feeling of heaviness in the chest;
  • presence of seals. This phenomenon can be either cyclical or acyclic, which means that in some cases, as soon as menstruation begins, the lumps can resolve and then reappear.

Not all women develop this disease in the presence of pronounced symptoms, so in order to detect the pathology in a timely manner, it is necessary to visit a mammologist once a year.


Doctors do not have any definite opinion about the reasons for the development of diffuse fibrous mastopathy, but it is known that there are a number of provoking factors that can contribute to the occurrence of pathology:

  • frequent childbirth;
  • too late birth;
  • refusal breastfeeding or feeding for too long;
  • chest injuries;
  • long-term and uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives;
  • abortions;
  • diseases of the thyroid or pancreas;
  • liver diseases;
  • heredity.

At risk are women who have recently become mothers and have problems naturally feeding their baby, as well as those who have recently had an abortion.

Can it transform into cancer?

Most often, diffuse fibrous mastopathy in oncological processes does not transform, however, it requires regular doctor supervision, since this possibility cannot be completely excluded.


With any form of mastopathy there is a risk of developing oncology, so it is necessary to be observed not only by a mammologist, but also by a gynecologist.

Types of neoplasms

Diffuse fibrous mastopathy can be of the following types:

  • glandular-fibrous— glandular tissue is transformed into compactions and nodes;
  • glandular-cystic- cysts are formed that are filled with turbid or clear liquid;
  • . Combines the presence of both cysts and fibroids.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of diffuse fibrous mastopathy begins with a visit to a mammologist and a visual examination of the breast.

The doctor palpates the glands, collects the patient’s complaints and refers her to the following diagnostic procedures:

  • mammography;
  • biopsy and cytology of the obtained material;
  • blood test for sex hormones and thyroid hormones;
  • blood for tumor marker.

Self-examination mammary glands every woman after 20 years should do it. To do this correctly, you need to consult a mammologist.

Traditional treatment

If the disease occurs in an uncomplicated form, you can get by with non-hormonal treatment, for this the following are prescribed:

  • homeopathic medicines – Mammosan, Vitokan, and others;
  • iodine-based preparations;
  • immunomodulators;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • sedatives.

If there is still a need to use hormonal drugs, can be assigned:

  • oral contraceptives;
  • subcutaneous implantation of long-acting hormones;
  • prolactin preparations;
  • gels for external use – .

Surgical intervention is rarely used; it is prescribed only in complex cases or when conservative treatment ineffective.

If the size of pathological foci exceeds 3 cm, carry out sectoral resection glands.

Traditional methods

For internal use use:

  • a mixture of Kalanchoe and honey;
  • flax-seed.

Decoctions and infusions:

  • nettle;
  • yarrow;
  • calendula;
  • cat root;
  • sage;

Compresses are made from:

  • quinoa;
  • pumpkins;
  • rye dough;
  • kombucha;
  • coltsfoot;
  • barley;
  • flaxseed flour;
  • parsley

Alcohol tinctures are prepared from:

  • letters;
  • cinquefoil;
  • bighead;
  • walnut.

Effect on pregnancy

If the pathology has developed due to a serious hormonal disorder, then pregnancy may not occur.

If conception does occur, events can develop according to two scenarios - hormonal changes will have a beneficial effect on the disease, and it will pass, or hormones will provoke the progression of the pathological process. Therefore, a pregnant woman with mastopathy should be under special medical supervision.

At diffuse mastopathy and the lactation period will have a positive effect on the pathology, and perhaps by the end of breastfeeding there will be no trace of the disease left.

As for the cystic neoplasm, it may decrease in size during pregnancy, but the chances of its complete disappearance are not great.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures can reduce the risk of developing diffuse fibrous mastopathy.

To prevent the development of this pathology, it is necessary:

  • get rid of bad habits;
  • wear a comfortable bra that does not pinch the breasts and does not cause negative influence on blood circulation;
  • lead an active lifestyle;
  • stay away from harmful products;
  • select a contraceptive method on the advice of a competent specialist;
  • do not take hormonal medications without a doctor’s prescription;
  • undergo regular preventive examinations with a mammologist and gynecologist;
  • monitor the health of the genital organs;
  • protect the chest from injury and shock;
  • do not sunbathe topless;
  • breastfeed children up to six months;
  • Do not delay planning your pregnancy - give birth to your first child before the age of 30.

Other types of diffuse mastopathy

Glandular fibrous

Manifests itself in the formation of multiple cystic formations in the mammary gland. They may have a predominant glandular or fibrous component.

A similar disease is more often diagnosed in women after 40 years of age, and is often called mammary adenosis.

As with any mastopathy, the trigger for the development of this form of pathology is hormonal imbalance.

A Denosis, in turn, is divided into the following types:

  • focal;
  • streaming;
  • adenomyoepithelial;
  • apocrine;
  • microglandular;
  • sclerosing.

Treatment and prognosis of the disease depend on the severity hormonal disorders and type of illness. As a rule, treatment is carried out with hormonal drugs.


Manifests itself in the formation of cysts.

The cause of the disease is an incorrect combination of estrogen, progesterone and prolactin.

Scientists have found that surgical treatment This form of pathology is not always justified; quite often after surgery there is a relapse of the disease, and more cysts may appear.

Therefore, treatment is mainly carried out by correcting hormonal levels and changing the patient’s lifestyle.

Fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands is a pathological condition in which there is an unnatural proliferation of connective tissue of the glands with a predominance of the fibrous structure. Breast diseases should be taken very seriously, since any process in this localization can serve as an impetus for the development of more dangerous pathologies for health and life, in particular, the appearance of malignant tumors. In order to prevent the occurrence of the disease and, especially, complications, you need to know how to more information about mastopathy.

ICD-10 code

N60 Benign breast dysplasia

Causes of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands

The main causes of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands are failure of hormone production, lack of progesterone and increased production of estrogens in the female body.

Hormonal balance is an important component of physical and reproductive health women. Its disorders can occur due to many factors:

  • artificial termination of pregnancy (when hormonal changes in the pregnant woman’s body have already begun, the glandular tissues of the mammary glands are in preparation for an important mission - feeding the child; forced suppression of such a process with high probability leads to the development of mastopathy;
  • pathology of the reproductive system (inflammatory processes in the genital area, especially chronic and infectious etiologies);
  • prolonged absence of sexual intercourse;
  • disorders menstrual function(during the normal course of the cycle, there is usually a decrease or increase in the level of certain hormones depending on the phase; menstruation disorders are usually associated with a discrepancy in the amount of hormones this period cycle);
  • any endocrine pathology (dysfunction of the thyroid gland, the presence diabetes mellitus, obesity) can affect hormone-sensitive organs such as the mammary glands;
  • a woman’s natural purpose – giving birth to children – has a beneficial effect on natural hormonal levels; long-term absence of pregnancy, sexual activity, forced cessation of breastfeeding adversely affects the condition of the mammary glands;
  • Frequently repeated stressful situations also lead to hormonal imbalance and can provoke the development of mastopathy;
  • bad habits (cigarettes, alcohol) do not contribute to normal hormonal function;
  • abuse of solariums and tanning, especially topless sunbathing;
  • hereditary factor.

Symptoms of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands

Fibrous mastopathy is a pathological condition that sooner or later occurs in almost every second woman. Initial signs the diseases are not particularly pronounced and are often ignored by patients. Such manifestations may be:

  • breast tenderness during the luteal phase and during menstruation;
  • engorged breasts, noticeable increase in volume;
  • feeling of discomfort and pressure in the mammary glands.

Pronounced premenstrual syndrome should also alert a woman, as this may signal the presence of certain hormonal problems.

As the process progresses, more striking symptoms of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands appear:

  • significant ongoing pain in the breasts, or one of them, and the pain no longer depends on the period of the menstrual cycle;
  • painful lumps appear in the chest, discomfort increase with palpation of the glands;
  • Serous secretion from the nipple may appear.

If these symptoms are detected, you must immediately see a gynecologist or mammologist.


Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands

Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands is characterized by excessive proliferation of lobular tissue and the formation of compactions that have clear boundaries within the glandular lobule. This form of breast disease is most common in middle-aged women and can manifest itself in one or two glands at the same time.

Due to a hormonal disorder, the frequency of changes in the physiology of gland tissue is also disrupted, which favors the development of the fibrocystic form of the disease. The disease can occur against the background of disturbances in the processes of ovulation, menstruation and reproductive function.

The fibrocystic nature of the pathology is manifested by the formation in the glandular organ of tumor-like formations of various diameters from 0.2 to several centimeters, located locally or distantly from each other. These formations are not fused with the surrounding tissues and have some mobility upon palpation. No enlargement of peripheral lymph nodes is observed.

With the end of menstruation, cystic formations usually do not disappear, increasing in size over time and causing more and more discomfort. These manifestations must be differentiated from cancer.

Diffuse fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands

Diffuse fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands is determined by fibrosis of the epithelial tissues of the organ and the formation of single or multiple intracanal cystic tumors, more often in old age. Sometimes you can watch various manifestations proliferation and dysplasia of the lobular structure of the mammary glands, the phenomenon of connective tissue fibrosis (formation of compactions with the development of scar tissue changes).

The diffuse form of the disease is characterized by severe pain when palpating the glands. By palpation, you can determine signs of diffuse tissue compaction, the presence of small cystic formations round or oblong in shape, elastic consistency. Such cysts can practically disappear at the end of menstruation, appearing again with the beginning of the cycle. There is constant discomfort, regardless of the periodicity of the cycle, as well as symptoms such as a feeling of fullness in the mammary glands, the presence of uniform tissue compaction, and homogeneous oblong formations are felt upon palpation.

Diagnosis of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands

Diagnosis of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands begins with a visual examination and palpation examination. If necessary, mammography, ultrasound, puncture biopsy of fibromatous nodes, and cytology of the material taken are prescribed.

It is more advisable to carry out a visual inspection in the first phase of the cycle after stopping menstrual flow, since the second phase, burdened premenstrual syndrome, may provoke erroneous symptoms.

External examination includes assessment of the symmetry of the contour of organs, uniformity skin. A visual examination is carried out from different angles with the patient lying and standing. Attention should be paid to the condition of the peripheral lymph nodes.

The ultrasound research method is quite informative regarding the tissue structure of the mammary glands, which makes it possible to determine the nature of the formations, their size and location, and also provides the opportunity for simultaneous examination of nearby lymph nodes.

The mammographic method is an X-ray of the breast taken from different angles.

The method is quite effective, but has a number of contraindications for use: pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as the young age of the subject. Mammography is not recommended more often than once every two years.

The diagnosis of fibrous mastopathy should be made only on the basis comprehensive examination female patients.

Treatment of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands

Treatment of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands is usually carried out on an outpatient basis under the supervision of a doctor, therapeutic methods are prescribed taking into account the patient’s age, her hormonal state and the degree of development of the disease.

Taking hormonal medications is possible to stabilize the level of hormones in the body. Such drugs are prescribed after passing the necessary tests for the levels of progesterone, estradiol, prolactin in the blood at a specific period of the menstrual cycle:

  • gel liniment progestogel contains progesterone and is applied topically (on the skin of the mammary glands);
  • Livial is a hormone replacement therapy used during menopause;
  • Utrozhestan, Duphaston - natural and synthetic analogues of progesterone;
  • Tamoxifen is a strong anti-estrogen, used in the treatment of cystic, fibrous and other formations, including in oncology.

General strengthening therapy is aimed at increasing the body's immune defense. For these purposes, the technique is indicated complex drugs containing vitamins and microelements.

Subject to availability psychological factor development of mastopathy resort to the prescription of sedatives and tonics (preparations of motherwort, valerian, hops).

Uncomplicated forms of the disease can be quite effectively cured by prescribing herbal medicines (phytolon, klamina, mastodinone).

In cases where conservative treatment does not bring positive result, fibrous nodes are removed surgically.

Traditional medicine is a good support in the treatment of fibrous mastopathy:

  • Effectively applying fresh cabbage leaves or burdock leaves (shiny side inward) to the affected breast promotes the resorption of formations;
  • breast lubrication burdock oil(mix 1 part of ground burdock root with 3 parts of olive oil, leave in a warm place for 10 days, then strain and store in the refrigerator);
  • hemlock tea - drink constantly until symptoms disappear;
  • an infusion of equal parts of peppermint, dill seeds, chamomile flowers and valerian root in a glass of boiling water, take half a glass three times a day.

Treatment of mastopathy also involves prescribing a certain diet with restriction coffee drinks, chocolate and hot spices, welcome large quantity liquids in the form of herbal teas and mineral still water.


Prevention of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands - best way avoid an unpleasant disease. It includes maintaining a healthy, fulfilling sex life, maintaining psychological balance, timely treatment pathological processes in the reproductive system.

A woman must take full responsibility for possible consequences forced termination of pregnancy, and also avoid any factors that provoke changes in hormonal levels in the body.

Healthy lifestyle, nutritious nutrition, refusal alcoholic drinks and smoking significantly strengthen the immune system and contribute to the opposition of protective forces in the onset of the pathological process.

Periodic self-examination of the mammary glands, carried out approximately from the sixth to the twelfth day of the cycle, allows you to detect pathology in time and begin treatment in a timely manner. Special attention When examining, you should pay attention to the symmetry of the glands, changes in the shape of the breast, the color of the skin, and the presence of enlarged lymph nodes in the axillary area. If suspicious lumps or secretory discharge from the nipples are detected, it is imperative to undergo further examination by a qualified gynecologist or mammologist.


The prognosis of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands, provided timely treatment is carried out, is generally favorable, although repeated relapses of the disease cannot be ruled out, including after surgical removal of cystic formations. A history of mastopathy requires periodic examination by a mammologist in the future to avoid re-development of the pathology.

The manifestations of the disease do not pose a danger to the patient’s life, but the uncured, existing for a long time mastopathy poses a danger of degeneration of the pathological focus into malignancy, which is why timely adequate treatment is an extremely important part of a successful prognosis.

In addition, it should be noted that the treatment of fibrous mastopathy in the early stages of development is much easier and more effective than the same treatment for an advanced form of the disease.

The mammary gland is a very delicate and vulnerable organ that requires caring and attentive attitude. Careful prevention and compliance medical recommendations, regular self-examinations and medical consultations will protect women from such an unpleasant pathology as fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands.

Mastopathy or fibrocystic disease is a pathology that causes benign growth of breast tissue. Most often diagnosed in women suffering from neuroendocrine disorders and dysfunction of the reproductive system.

The main cause of fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands is a violation of the level of sex and thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland. In patients, an increase in the concentration of androgens is detected in the blood. At the same time, the content of progesterone, thyroxine, and thyroid-stimulating hormone is reduced, but characteristic manifestations hypothyroidism is absent. Typically, fibrous mastopathy appears against the background of the following pathologies:

  • adnexitis - inflammation of the appendages;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, liver;
  • diabetes mellitus

High levels of prolactin promote the growth of breast tissue. This condition is accompanied by menstrual irregularities, lack of ovulation, and ovarian dysfunction.

Provoking factors for fibrocystic mastopathy include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • late birth;
  • the woman did not breastfeed the child;
  • irregular sex life;
  • a large number of abortions;
  • stress, nervous disorders;
  • mammary gland injuries.

In such women, the risk of developing symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy increases 7–8 times, the treatment of which requires an individual, comprehensive approach.

Clinical symptoms of the disease

Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary gland (FCM) has the following symptoms:

  • chest pain that gets worse during menstruation;
  • discharge of clear or bloody secretions from the nipples;
  • the appearance of areas of compaction in the mammary gland.

The pain syndrome may be present constantly or appear during menstruation. Nodes can be single or multiple, depending on the form of the disease. These formations can be identified by palpation.

Forms of mastopathy

Breast mastopathy can also be nodular. In the diffuse form, fibrous damage to the connective tissue occurs, and many small cysts are formed, inside of which there are cystadenomas (papillomas). Hyperplasia of lobules and tubules and cell sclerosis may be observed. Most often, bilateral damage to both mammary glands occurs.

The diffuse fibrocystic form of mastopathy is characterized by thickening of the breast, the formation of a large number of cysts of small size, soft, elastic to the touch. Symptoms intensify during menstruation and practically disappear after the end critical days. There remains a feeling of heaviness, fullness, and unexpressed pain. The x-ray image clearly shows them, which can reach 6 cm in diameter.

With the nodular form of mastopathy, round compactions form inside the gland: fibromatosis, adenofibroma, adenosis, fibroadenoma. The neoplasms are mobile, elastic, not connected to the skin, and gradually increase in size. Symptoms appear the same regardless of the menstrual cycle.

Fibrocystic and nodular mastopathy can develop simultaneously, causing tissue proliferation and the formation of cysts and seals. Any form of the disease can serve as a provoking factor for the degeneration of atypical breast cells into cancerous tumor. Therefore, women should be regularly examined by a mammologist for timely detection of the disease.

Diagnostic methods

How is fibrocystic mastopathy diagnosed and treated? The doctor examines the patient, palpates the chest, regional lymph nodes, and collects anamnesis. Important has menstrual irregularities, hereditary predisposition, previous abortions, pathological birth. The doctor finds out the relationship between menstruation and pain, the appearance of discharge from the mammary glands, the color and consistency of the secretion.

Additionally prescribed ultrasound examination, x-ray chest, mammography, pneumocystography of the mammary glands to identify changes in connective tissue, nodes, cysts. Diagnostic tests For women of reproductive age who do not take oral contraceptives, it is carried out on the 8th–14th day of the menstrual cycle, when menstruation completely ends.

Cystic mastopathy of the mammary glands is determined by digital mammography. This diagnostic method can show the smallest cysts and lumps, detect the disease on early stage.

With fibrocystic mastopathy, ultrasound reveals thickening of the connective tissue, expansion of the ducts of the mammary glands, and multiple formation of small cysts. Before pneumocystography, fluid is removed from the cyst cavity using a thin needle, then the resulting cavity is filled with gas. After that they do x-ray mammary gland in several projections. The study can show the size and parameters of the cyst, analyze the internal walls of the capsule and the degree of pathological processes.

To exclude a cancerous tumor and to distinguish cysts from adenomas, a fine-needle biopsy of the contents of the cysts and secretions from the glands is performed. Biochemical analysis blood helps to determine the level of sex and thyroid hormones.

Systemic hormonal treatment of mastopathy

How to treat fibrocystic mastopathy in women? Traditional way therapy is carried out for the diffuse form of the disease and after undergone surgery, for this they use both hormonal and non-hormonal agents. If there are concomitant diseases, consultation with a specialized specialist and appropriate treatment are necessary.

Taking hormones is indicated if there is an imbalance of androgens, estrogens, prolactin, thyroxine or thyrotropin. The attending physician selects the drugs and dosage, and it is necessary constant monitoring hormonal balance. Fibrocystic mastopathy of the breast responds well this method treatment.

How to treat the disease? As for system hormone therapy use:

  • Antiestrogens (Tamoxifen, Fariston) reduce activity in breast tissue, reducing the biological activity of the hormone.
  • Combined monophasic oral contraceptives suppress the ovulation process and the synthesis of androgens and estrogens. Marvelon, Femoden for fibrocystic mastopathy are taken for at least 3 months. If necessary, Primolut is additionally prescribed.

  • Prolactin secretion inhibitors - Bromocriptine, Parlodel are indicated for elevated level prolactin. Start taking it with minimal dosages. The drugs have a lot side effects.
  • Progestins (Medroxyprogesterone acetate, Norethisterone) inhibit the pituitary-ovarian connection, reducing the effect of estrogens on breast tissue. Such drugs are especially indicated for patients with uterine fibroids and anovulatory bleeding.

  • Danazol for fibrocystic mastopathy inhibits the production of gonadotropic hormone and helps smooth out the gland tissue. But the drug has many side effects, and relapses occur after its use.
  • Gonadotropin analogues (Norkolut, Pregnin) lower testosterone and estrogen levels. The indication for their use is a severe form of fibrocystic mastopathy, if other methods of therapy have not yielded positive results.

As a result of the use of systemic hormonal therapy, the signs of fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary gland are reduced, lumps are resolved, diffuse tissue proliferation stops, pain is relieved, and the menstrual cycle is restored.

Treatment is long-term, can take from 3–6 months to 2 years, the effectiveness is 70–95%. The regimen for taking hormonal medications is selected by the doctor, taking into account the causes and severity of the disease.

Conservative methods of treatment for fibrocystic mastopathy

Women in whom fibrous tissue changes do not cause discomfort, do not require special therapy. It is enough to carry out an analysis that excludes oncology, regular mammography, and lifestyle changes.

Not hormonal treatment for fibrocystic mastopathy it is indicated if the form of the disease is moderate. Therapy consists of the need to give up bad habits, exercise, and maintain proper nutrition. It is necessary to refuse:

  • animal fats;
  • fried and smoked foods;
  • semi-finished products;
  • alcohol;
  • strong tea;
  • coffee;
  • completely eliminate carbohydrates.

The diet should contain more fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products and seafood. If the functioning of the thyroid gland is impaired, meat consumption is limited.

To reduce pain in fibrocystic mastopathy, women are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Brufen) and take them in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. The indicated remedies reduce swelling, inflammatory process, promote the resorption of seals.

Scientists have proven that disruption digestive tract promotes the development of cancer and fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary gland, since deterioration of peristalsis slows down the process of estrogen utilization. Therefore, women need to consume foods rich in plant fiber, at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day.

Conservative treatment for fibrocystic mastopathy must necessarily include taking vitamins PP, E, A, B, C, selenium, zinc, sedatives. The vitamin-mineral complex has a beneficial effect on hormonal balance, improves blood circulation, and helps reduce swelling of the mammary gland. Selenium, zinc, and tocopherol have an antioxidant effect and prevent the degeneration of cells into malignant formations.

During the premenstrual period, women suffering from bilateral fibrocystic mastopathy may experience significant swelling of the face and limbs. Such patients are advised to take diuretic drugs, diuretic herbal teas, and should also limit salt intake.

Herbal adaptogens are effective for mastopathy - Eleutherococcus, Radiola rosea. These drugs saturate the body with vitamins, increase immunity, strengthen the nervous system, and normalize blood pressure. You need to take the medicine for at least 4 months.

Surgical method of treatment

If other treatment methods for fibrocystic mastopathy do not produce results, the disease progresses, then it is indicated surgery. Resection of large nodes is carried out, after which the material is sent for histological examination. If detected cancer cells, the mammary gland is completely removed and chemotherapy is prescribed. If the seals are benign, a course of conservative therapy is carried out after surgery.

When, as a result of diagnosis using pneumocystography, epithelial proliferation inside the cyst and the presence of atypical cells are detected, surgical intervention and subsequent treatment are prescribed. drug treatment. In case of multiple formation of cysts or nodes, extended resection or subcutaneous mastectomy is performed.

After therapy, women are prohibited from being under the influence for a long time. sun rays, visit the sauna, solarium, take physiotherapeutic procedures. It is important to avoid stress and maintain immunity.

Folk remedies for mastopathy

How to cure fibrocystic mastopathy? Unconventional methods can only be used in combination with the main treatment and with the permission of the attending physician. Phytotherapy, homeopathic remedies help strengthen immune protection body, normalize hormonal levels, restore the menstrual cycle.

Deserved positive reviews among women white cabbage. The plant is rich in zinc, selenium, contains everything essential vitamins for tissue exchange. The unique vitamin U has antitumor properties and has a powerful antioxidant effect.

Cabbage leaf is applied to the mammary gland as a compress at night. It is pre-lubricated with honey or butter. The procedure is done daily from the beginning of menstruation for 7 days. This recipe should not be used by women who are allergic to bee products.

Since the disease can be caused by stressful conditions, when treating fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary gland it is useful to drink soothing decoctions of valerian, motherwort, and lemon balm. Tea made from black currant, rose hips, citrus fruits, chokeberry helps normalize blood circulation, blood pressure, strengthening blood vessels.

Treatment with folk remedies restores the functioning of the ovaries, helps with infertility, uterine bleeding. One such method is red brush therapy. This medicinal plant contains essential oils, bioflavonoids, minerals and vitamins that normalize the balance of sex hormones, metabolic processes in the body. After using the red brush, women note a decrease in the soreness of the mammary glands, a cessation of the growth of nodes, and discharge from the nipples.

Prevention of fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands

Women of reproductive age before the onset of menopause need to undergo mammography once every 2 years, examination by a gynecologist and mammologist. After menopause preventive measures shown annually.

At home, you should conduct regular self-examination and palpation of the mammary glands. Change in size, appearance of nipple discharge, painful nodes in the chest is a reason to urgently visit a doctor. Fibrocystic mastopathy at an early stage is manifested by thickening of the gland, pain during menstruation. A woman may notice nodules. After the end of menstruation, the symptoms disappear.

It is important to choose the right bra; preference should be given to natural cotton materials. The underwear should not squeeze or deform the breasts.

An important measure for the prevention of mastopathy is the timely treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the organs. genitourinary system, abortion prevention. During lactation, the development of mastitis should not be allowed.

The fibrocystic form of mastopathy is a disease that requires urgent treatment. Delaying a visit to the doctor or uncontrolled use of medications can worsen a woman’s condition and lead to the degeneration of benign nodes into a cancerous tumor.


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  4. Miscarriage, infection, innate immunity; Makarov O.V., Bakhareva I.V. (Gankovskaya L.V., Gankovskaya O.A., Kovalchuk L.V.) - “GEOTAR - Media”. - Moscow. - 73 p. - 2007.

Graduated from Kirov State University medical academy in 2006. In 2007 she worked at the Tikhvin central regional hospital on the basis therapeutic department. From 2007 to 2008 - employee of the hospital of a mining company in the Republic of Guinea ( West Africa). From 2009 to the present day he has been working in the field of information marketing. medical services. We work with many popular portals, such as,, website