Can I give my dog ​​Claritin? Allergies in dogs: how to treat them, symptoms, photos, what to give your dog for allergies

Allergic reactions are not unique to humans. Animals also suffer from food and drug allergies, dermatitis, and skin irritations from insect bites.

Do not forget that without consulting a veterinarian, you cannot make any decisions to eliminate existing health problems in pets, as they can lead to serious serious consequences, and there is a high probability of death.

Antihistamines for dogs, what are they, names, for small breeds, reviews, where to buy and price

Allervet is a specially developed medicine to cure allergies in animals. Sold as a solution for injection in glass bottles of 10, 50, 100 cm 3.

Allervet relieves compression of smooth muscles caused by an allergic reaction, reduces capillary permeability, prevents tissue edema from developing, and prevents the development of anaphylaxis. In addition, the medicine has a sedative, antiemetic and analgesic effect. It begins to act half an hour after the injection, and lasts for 4-6 hours.

According to reviews from animal owners, Allervet is an effective and safe medicine.

Sold on the websites of veterinary stores in Russia at prices ranging from 80 to 145 rubles.

Antihistamines for dogs and cats dosage, how to use

Allervet injections are given intramuscularly to dogs and cats. The dose is 0.2-0.4 cm³ per kilogram of weight. Injections are given no more than four times during the day.

In addition to Allervet, dogs and cats can be given human antihistamines. It is advisable to discuss this issue with your veterinarian first.

For dogs: Diphenhydramine in tablets and ampoules, Tavegil in tablets, Suprastin in tablets.

If the breed is small, it is better to use 2 or 3 generation drugs, Diazolin. The dose is calculated from the manufacturer's recommendations per kilogram of body weight, as for a child, and corresponds to the weight of the animal.

For cats, a children's antihistamine, such as Zodak, is suitable. The dosage of the drug corresponds to half the pediatric dose indicated in the instructions.

Antihistamines for dogs list for allergies, before vaccination, broad spectrum

In addition to Allervet for animals, any human antihistamine is suitable for dogs. It is important to calculate the dose correctly.

Suprastin is given no more than 2 mg per 1 kg of dog weight. This is a daily dose, which should be divided into 2 or 3 doses. Bravegil and Tavegil are given in the amount of 0.02 mg per 1 kg of weight twice a day.

There are dog breeds that are genetically prone to allergies. Before vaccination, they need to take antihistamines to prevent anaphylaxis. Your dog may be given an injection of allergy medication at the clinic before vaccination, or you may need to take the medication yourself at home.

The easiest way is to inject Allervet, which is similar in action to Diazolin.

The injection is done subcutaneously, intramuscularly.

Before carrying out drug therapy for any reason, it is also advisable to buy an antihistamine and take prophylactic injections to prevent the development of allergies.

Allergies are not unique to humans. Many pets can suffer from this disease. For example, dogs often have an allergic reaction to flea and other insect bites. And our four-legged friends often suffer from atopic dermatitis or experience various discomfort after vaccinations and deworming. Therefore, it is advisable for every owner of a furry pet to have antihistamines for dogs in the veterinary medicine cabinet.

When are antihistamines useful?

These drugs are also prescribed for neurodermatitis and the occurrence of various allergic reactions. They can occur when changing food, mosquito bites (on the nose, paw pads, stomach), when inhaling odors household chemicals, aerosol deodorants or perfumes. Vaccine administration can lead to anaphylaxis. It also happens that, against the background of a procedure for any disease, drug therapy a hypersensitivity reaction occurs.

Antihistamines can also be used for motion sickness of an animal while traveling, for nausea during pregnancy, and for debilitating skin itching. Occasionally, drugs with a strong sedative effect are prescribed for motor agitation.

What is used for dogs

Most often in veterinary practice, the same drugs that are used to treat allergies in humans are used for dogs of all breeds. But the sensitivity of the receptors in animals is somewhat different, and the development of side effects in the form of slight motor retardation and drowsiness is of little relevance. Therefore, it is possible to use most existing antihistamines.

Most often, dogs are prescribed Suprastin, Tavegil, Bravegil, Diphenhydramine, Benadryl, Claritin, Fenistil, Telfast, Zyrtek, Peritol. Some of them are available not only in the form of tablets, but also in injection form. Intramuscular or subcutaneous administration of the drug may be required with the rapid development of severe allergic reaction.

In addition, there is a specially developed veterinary antihistamine - Allervet.

Features of Allervet

This drug's structure active substance and its mechanism of action is similar to diphenhydramine. It is available in two concentrations: 10% - for large animals (mainly livestock) and 1% for small domestic animals. This drug is for intramuscular administration only. It is suitable not only for relieving hypersensitivity reactions, but also for course treatment of diseases caused by allergies.

How to use antihistamines

When choosing a drug from the approved list, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of its use and the weight of the animal. For small breeds It is better to use 2-3 generation products or Diazolin. This will reduce the risk side effects in the form of anxiety, heart rhythm disturbances and changes in urination. The same tactics are recommended for older dogs or pets with chronic diseases internal organs.

But in case of severe allergic reactions, it is better to take more strong remedies. In such a situation, the need for rapid relief of symptoms is more important than potential harm with the development of side effects.

The permissible single and daily dose is calculated either according to the “children’s” scheme (per kilogram of weight, according to the instructions), or some part of the tablet is taken. The last method is very approximate and is used for emergency assistance or for a one-time prophylactic intake drug. The bioavailability of antihistamines in dogs is significantly lower than in humans. Therefore, the inaccuracy of dosage for large breeds unlikely to cause significant side effects.

For suprastin, the maximum daily dose should be no more than 2 mg per 1 kg of dog weight, and it must be divided into 2-3 doses. Bravegil and Tavegil can be given at the rate of 0.02 mg per 1 kg of body weight 2 times a day. Pipolfen (active ingredient promethazine) is prescribed in a dose of 1–2 mg per 1 kg of animal weight every 12 hours. And for Peritol (cyproheptadine) a single dosage is 2–12 mg per 1 kg.

If your veterinarian has prescribed your dog treatment with antihistamines, you may not need to purchase a special one. veterinary drug. Suitable for almost any available home medicine cabinet medicine, you just need to correctly calculate the required dose.

An allergy is an abnormally increased reaction of the body to some foreign substance that has entered it by any means. Under normal circumstances, everything foreign and harmful is simply removed from the body, but in allergy sufferers a certain inflammatory reaction occurs with the release of histamine into the blood. It is this substance that makes itself felt by redness, rashes and itching anywhere on the body.

Very often this pathology has genetic predisposition, and the strength of its manifestation depends on the amount of allergen entering the body.

Features of the flow:

  • more severe symptoms (especially in the manifestation of itching) than in other warm-blooded animals and humans;
  • large list of allergens;
  • increased manifestations over the years;
  • The condition primarily affects the skin of dogs.

The most unpleasant complication allergic reactions are scratches and wounds that appear due to strong uncontrolled scratching. Open wound surfaces serve as entry gates for pathogenic bacteria, so the process is often complicated purulent inflammation in places of scratching.

The parts of the body that are most often affected by allergies in dogs can be seen in the photo:

The classification of allergic reactions in dogs combines the types of allergens and the ways they enter the body.

Types of allergies:

  • food allergies in dogs;
  • medicinal;
  • chemical (for animal care products or household chemicals);
  • infectious (viral, bacterial, fungal or helminthic);
  • insect (reactions to insect bites and cutaneous blood-sucking insects, i.e. allergy to fleas in dogs);
  • autoimmune reactions (the rarest form).

Allergic reactions manifest themselves in two ways:

  • cumulative (some time after contact with the allergen - up to several weeks);
  • instantaneous (almost immediately after interaction).

Allergies in dogs: general and specific symptoms

The body of any animal is densely covered with hair, so signs of increased reactivity of the body do not immediately become visible. It is useful to carry out an unobtrusive examination of the skin, muzzle and ears at the moment of direct contact with the dog. It should be noted that the shorter and lighter the coat, the more pronounced and noticeable the symptoms.

The following list of symptoms may indicate that your pet has an allergy.

Locations of allergies

signs of itching (constantly scratching ears, scratching the body, gnawing or actively licking paws, rubbing against the floor or furniture);

  • clear nasal discharge and lacrimation;
  • peeling and redness on the pads of the paws and in the space between the toes;
  • there is a rash, redness, local swelling, scratching;
  • dandruff and increased dry skin;
  • hair loss, bald spots without visible signs inflammation;
  • signs of inflammation in the ears;
  • in the chest area and armpits excessive sweating(allergic effusion);
  • diarrhea or frequent bowel movements without changes in stool status.
  • Important: dogs do not sweat in the sense in which people are accustomed to understanding the meaning of this physiological phenomenon. Sweat glands in these animals, those that control thermoregulation are located only on the pads of the paws and in the mouth area. Increased humidity in the armpits and in any other part of the body is always a sign of health problems and, most often, a symptom of an allergic reaction!

    Regardless of what causes anaphylaxis, it always occurs the same way. It can be local and systemic, and the first form can transform into the second. Most often it occurs due to bites or injection of drugs.

    • urticaria (local redness, rash, itching);
    • angioedema (under the skin and in deep tissue layers).
    • vomiting and increased agitation, which is replaced by depression;
    • respiratory depression;
    • cardiovascular failure and possible loss consciousness.

    Important: if there is a risk or actual occurrence of anaphylactic shock, you should immediately take the animal to a veterinary hospital. There is no more than 1 hour to provide first aid to the animal, otherwise it will die!

    Actions of the veterinarian:

    1. Immediate intramuscular injection suprastin or diphenhydramine - 0.2 ml/kg.
    2. Intravenous cordiamine 0.02-0.6 ml/kg or subcutaneous sulfocamphocaine 0.2 ml/kg (supports heart function).
    3. Subcutaneously any of the steroids: hydrocortisone, dexamethasone or dexon - 0.5-1 mg/kg depending on the size of the dog.
    4. Intravenous “cocktail” of glucose and ascorbic acid in one syringe (m ml + 0.2 ml/kg).
    5. Intramuscularly 1 amp. immunofana.

    Next, after stopping the attack within 24 hours:

    1. Calcium chloride from 1 to 5 tbsp. - drink during the day.
    2. Instead of water, it is better to drink a decoction of the string.
    3. Relieve itching with hydrocortisone spray 2-3 times a day (4 amps of hydrocortisone, 80 ml of alcohol, 50 ml of glycerin, 350 ml of water - put in a hand spray bottle).


    Before the diagnosis of allergies is confirmed, the veterinarian will rule out those diseases that have similar clinical manifestations. IN differential diagnosis includes skin scrapings, stool analysis for helminths, trichoscopy, bacterial cultures and blood tests, etc.

    To determine food reactivity, enter diagnostic nutrition within 1.5-2 months and a protein map is drawn up. During this period, the dog’s body’s reactions to various food proteins. All reaction results are recorded in a protein map. Products containing proteins that are reactive to the body will need to be excluded for the rest of the animal’s life. There is no other way to find out what food a dog is allergic to! Human tests in in this case absolutely not suitable.

    To determine the reaction to fleas and their saliva, use a wet white paper test. visual inspection, trial diagnostic treatment. When testing with wet paper, red spots from “black” dandruff combed from the dog’s skin and fur will spread out on the sheet - these are traces of flea activity.

    Determine allergies to other substances found in environment, it is possible if there is increased attentiveness of owners to their pets. An attentive owner notices the slightest changes in the health of the pet and the reasons that caused these changes, which are then brought to the attention of the veterinarian. Also, when assuming allergies to plants and their pollen, seasonality is taken into account, and not just external signs diseases.

    Allergy treatment

    If a dog has an allergy, only a veterinarian knows how to treat it. Bring the body out of a reactive state into mandatory Only a specialist should, because only he can distinguish non-standard reactions from some other infectious and non-communicable diseases that have a similar clinical picture.

    Treatment of allergies in dogs is always complex and depends on the type of reaction and its symptomatic manifestations. But regardless of the nuances of the development of the condition, two main points of treatment are present in any case:

    1. Stopping exposure of the body to allergens.
    2. Antihistamine therapy - general and local.

    Feed sick or convalescent animals a special hypoallergenic food for dogs with allergies, specially designed for similar cases. You can also create your diet according to your food diary, excluding all reactive food names.

    The same procedure also applies to medications - only those drugs that do not cause allergies can be administered. Drugs that have provoked a non-standard reaction at least once are usually recorded in the personal medical card animal or in the veterinary passport.

    Features of medical care for different types of allergies:

    • Food - identification of type and elimination food allergen through a diagnostic diet.
    • Insect - removal of all cutaneous blood-sucking insects from the surface of the animal and from its environment.
    • Drug - immediate antiallergic or, if necessary, antishock therapy (usually local treatment is not required).
    • Infectious - determining the type of infection accompanied by an immune malfunction and eliminating it (without eliminating the cause of the allergy, antihistamine therapy will be ineffective).
    • Atopic dermatitis is not completely curable, so symptomatic antihistamine therapy and local antipruritic effects will accompany the dog throughout its life.
    • Autoimmune reaction - administration of massive doses of glucocorticoids to relieve exacerbation of the disease, followed by transfer to minimal maintenance doses;
      • therapy that suppresses immune activity so that the body stops “attacking” its own cells and organs;
      • symptomatic therapy, depending on which organ or system is “attacked” by the immune system.
    • Allergic otitis - against the background of antihistamine therapy, general anti-inflammatory treatment of otitis is carried out.

    Review of Allergy Medicines in Dogs

    Due to the peculiarities of the manifestation and course of allergic reactions in dogs, the range of antihistamines allowed for use in them is quite wide. All antihistamines are divided into 3 large groups:

    • drugs that reduce the response of H1/2 receptors (what reacts to histamine in the body);
    • drugs that bind and remove histamine;
    • drugs that prevent the production of histamine.

    In dogs, drugs belonging to the first group are most often used, i.e. reduce the body’s response to histamine circulating in the blood, relax smooth muscles, relieving spasms, reduce swelling by reducing vascular permeability and eliminate other obvious allergic symptoms. The decision on what to give your dog for allergies is made only by a veterinarian!

    Diphenhydramine (diphenhydramine)

    It has a pronounced antihistamine sedative and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for any reactive failures, including medicinal ones. Administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly in the form of a 1% solution twice a day.

    Dose: 0.6-0.8 mg/kg animal body weight.

    Diprazine (phenergan, pipolphen, allergan)

    Effective for dermatitis accompanied by itching. Causes drowsiness. Administered intramuscularly in the form of a 2.5% solution or tablets.

    Dosage: 4.5-5 mg/kg 2-3 times a day.

    Diazolin (mebhydrolin, incidal, omeril)

    Prescribed for allergies of unknown origin. Used internally in the form of tablets. Partially inhibits the functioning of the central nervous system.

    Dose calculation: 3-4 mg/kg once or twice a day.

    Suprastin (allergans)

    It is used for absolutely all forms of allergies. Has minor sedative effect. Given as a 2% solution.

    Dosage: 0.1-0.5 ml twice a day.

    Tavegil (angistan, clemastine)

    The therapeutic effect is similar to diphenhydramine, but with a longer lasting effect. The dosage is the same for both the 0.1% solution and the tablets: 0.015-0.02 mg/kg 1-2 times a day.

    Ketotifen (astafen, zaditen)

    Often used for anaphylactic shock, histamine bronchospasm and long-term systematic elimination of allergic reactions (due to the cumulative effect).

    Dosage: 0.02-0.05 mg/kg. Twice a day course for 2-3 months.

    Astemizole (gismanal)

    Works well for food allergies, urticaria and rhinitis. They ask inside. Do not use during pregnancy.

    Dose: 0.3-0.35 mg/kg 2-3 times a day.


    An excellent antiallergic drug that does not cause drowsiness. Once or twice a day.

    Dose: 0.25-0.5 mg/kg animal weight.

    Loratadine (Claritin)

    Works well for allergic rhinitis and lacrimation in dogs. Not prescribed to pregnant bitches.

    Approximate dosage: 0.1-0.15 mg/kg once a day.


    Antihistamine drug with antiserotonin action for a wide range of purposes: allergic lacrimation and rhinitis, drug allergies and reactions to food, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, hay fever.

    Regimen: 1-1.5 mg/kg up to two times daily for 1-2 weeks. In case of seasonal outbreaks, you can repeat the course throughout the year.

    Cyprodine (adekin, apetigen, peritol)

    It works well for urticaria, itchy skin, insect bites and serum sickness. They give it inside.

    Dose: 0.09-0.1 mg/kg up to 3 times a day, based on the speed of action on symptoms.

    In most cases, allergies are not a fatal pathology. But timeliness plays a decisive role in preserving the life and health of a four-legged friend: definitions allergic symptoms, delivery to the veterinarian and in the provision of therapeutic antihistamine assistance.

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    loratadine for dogs dosage

    In the Other living creatures section, to the question: Can a cat be given loratadine for allergies? asked by the author Evii the best answer is Loratadine (Claritin), unfortunately, it acts very selectively, its effect is mild and does not occur immediately. It doesn’t work against food allergies, and it takes too long to work against insect bites. Diphenhydramine remains the best. Loratadine - salvation for an allergic animal with seasonal allergies and with dust allergies.

    Make sure your cat doesn't read this.

    You can give 1/8 tablet (and any of the listed drugs). My advice is to stop giving the cat our food, let him sit on the ROYAL for allergy sufferers for a month, the body must cleanse itself of allergens.

    Well, you give it. “I ate cake.” You write this and don’t even consider it as the start of not just an allergy, but also the beginning of the end for your pet. For many years he could eat all this with your silent indulgence, and the animal will die in agony from kidney or liver failure, or from pancreatic or stomach cancer! Apparently, pets are an attraction for you! ((

    Good attraction - the cat is 19 years old!))

    Loratadine for cats is the most best option from histamines. 1/4 of the tablet is given.


    Is it possible to give Suprastin to a dog with allergies?

    An allergy in a dog is a pronounced reaction of the animal’s body to pathogens that may be harmless for some breeds, but deadly for others.

    Regardless of the cause that caused it, allergies are expressed by the following symptoms:

    Severe itching, the animal constantly itches, resulting in scratches appearing on the skin;

    Redness of the skin (on the back, stomach, armpits, ears and between the fingers);

    Watery eyes, red eyes;

    Discharge of mucus from the nose.

    Appearance unpleasant odor from skin and fur;

    Dry skin, hair loss.

    Allergies in dogs are much more severe than in people. For example, if a person who has inhaled dangerous pollen experiences only swelling of the mucous membrane, rhinitis, and sneezing, then in a dog the same phenomenon will also be accompanied by swelling of the limbs. The animal constantly scratches and licks its paws, which leads to serious irritation and weeping ulcers. During this period, the dog develops otitis media and conjunctivitis.

    First aid for a dog with allergies "Suprastin"

    At the first symptoms of an allergic reaction, the most the right decision will take your pet to the veterinarian, who, after conducting an examination based on individual characteristics the dog’s body, will prescribe treatment. However, this possibility is not always available. When asked whether it is possible to give Suprastin to a sick dog with allergies, experts answer in the affirmative.

    To relieve severe itching, give your pet any antihistamine, Suprastin is the most common. Daily dose- 2 mg per 1 kilogram of animal weight, divided into three doses.

    Tablets can be replaced with injections. Most often, Suprastin injections are given at the withers or hind limb. Before administering the drug, you should carefully read the instructions so that the dog cannot be poisoned.

    You can also give your dog for allergies diazolin, diphenhydramine, calcium chloride. Because last cure very bitter, it is diluted with milk and a little sugar is added. A bath with a string and wiping the itchy areas with a swab dipped in the broth will help relieve itching. Hydrocortisone spray is very effective for itching. You can also make it at home. To do this, add to boiled cold water(350 ml) 4 ampoules of hydrocortisone, 2 tablespoons of glycerin, and 3 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol.

    Use of "Suprastin" for allergies in dogs

    The antihistamine drug "Suprastin" significantly makes life easier for the animal during severe attack allergies. The medicine blocks the production of histamine, quickly eliminates itching, relieves spasms, and has a calming effect.

    The active component of the drug is chloropyramine hydrochloride. The drug is absorbed into the blood very quickly, and after two hours its concentration in the animal’s blood reaches its maximum level. The effect of the drug is observed after a very short term-minutes

    Each drug has contraindications and side effects; with Suprastin they are observed in rare cases. Side effects are expressed mainly in fatigue, weakness or irritability, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea or constipation.

    In case of poisoning with Suprastin and overdose in dogs, which occurs through certain time, you should immediately rinse your dog's stomach and prevent dehydration. For this purpose, veterinarians use glucose solution and isotenic sodium chloride solution. After this, the dog should experience increased urination.

    Allergy prevention

    Every owner of a four-legged friend knows that if his pet had an allergy, then his task is to eliminate all possible irritants so that the dog does not have to experience all these troubles again. For example, if the cause of the allergy was low-quality cheap food, it should be replaced with a hypoallergenic super-premium class. From time to time the pet should be given absorbents - activated carbon, enterosgel; lactobifide to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; anthelmintic. Every effort must be made to prevent the dog from coming into contact with insects.

    When and how to use antihistamines for dogs?

    Pollen allergy

    Unfortunately, pets are susceptible to many diseases, including allergies. This disease occurs quite often, and antihistamines for dogs will help cope with it.

    Allergies are not noticed immediately because general symptom for all types of such reactions - inflammation and redness of the skin, which is not easy to detect under the fur. The pet itself will not tell you about the itching, which also accompanies any allergy.

    General signs of allergies

    To detect the disease at an early stage, periodic preventive examination pet. Choosing the right antihistamines for dogs is only possible with a careful analysis of the cause and type of allergy.

    Varieties and pathogens

    A large number of factors can provoke an allergic reaction.

    The following types of allergies are distinguished:

    Provokes the development of a reaction:

    • poultry, beef;
    • yeast;
    • eggs;
    • fish;
    • soy products;
    • vegetables and fruits with scarlet interior;
    • wheat;
    • dairy food;
    • corn;
    • vegetable oils and fish oil.

    Attention! Allergens are also foods that are strictly prohibited from feeding a dog in principle: fried foods, smoked meats, spices, salt, sugar and chocolate.

    Signs of food allergies:

    • severe itching (the animal scratches areas of the body for a long time and furiously);
    • redness, roughness and poor moisture of the skin;
    • a pungent odor from the dog itself and from the open mouth (sometimes sores and sores are visible on the gums and lips);
    • sweating, which is not typical for a healthy dog ​​(wet areas are found on the body);
    • loss of clumps of hair and the appearance of baldness - bare areas (however, hair loss may indicate the presence of more serious diseases);
    • white particles all over the body - dandruff - a clear sign;
    • discharge from the ears (the pet shakes its head, scratches its ears);
    • tearfulness.

    This type of disease occurs as a result of an atypical reaction of the dog’s immune system to external irritants and substances ingested.

    The main factors contributing to the development of allergic dermatitis are:

    • dust;
    • synthetic fabrics (clothing, carpets);
    • the fur of other pets or your own;
    • medicines;
    • household products or cosmetics;
    • shampoo, soap;
    • pollen.

    It is possible that your pet's body will react to the following groups medicines: serums, vitamin B and its variations, amidopyrine, novocaine, antibiotics, barbiturates, sulfonamides. Some medications contain pollen, which can cause allergies.

    Attention! Drug allergy will not detect itself upon first use, it will appear when it enters the body again.

    Sometimes after bathing with shampoo, your pet will show signs of allergic dermatitis. If allergies develop after using regular dog shampoos, you should use hypoallergenic ones.

    Important! You cannot bathe an animal using human care products.

    A reaction to powder products occurs if the bedding is washed using them. Often your pet reacts to the odors of household chemicals, which causes swelling of the eyes and oral cavity. When external interaction with irritants occurs, itching and irritation appear.

    Basically, the symptoms of allergy varieties are similar, but the manifestations of the reaction on the skin have their own characteristic features:

    • itching of a certain part of the body (for example, the dog scratches its ears or belly intensely);
    • a lot of dandruff;
    • disappearance of itching only as a result of the use of antihistamines.

    When a reaction to a drug occurs, intestinal dysfunction occurs, difficult situations- swelling of the mucous membranes of the tongue, larynx and suffocation, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema. If a dog's body overreacts to a drug, a severe, overt, life-threatening allergy may develop that requires immediate medical attention.

    After bites from ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, and bees, foreign proteins appear in the dog’s body, causing an allergic reaction. Rashes develop, itching appears and hair loss occurs. Symptoms may long time cause discomfort to the animal.

    The body reacts to fungi, viruses, bacteria and helminths. The symptoms of worms and their photos were described earlier.

    Antihistamines for small breed and adult dogs

    Antihistamines are used to relieve allergy attacks. Second- and third-generation medications, as well as the first-generation drug Diazolin, are optimal antihistamines for small breed dogs, such as Yorkies. They will reduce the possibility of side effects such as urinary problems, changes in heart function, and anxiety.

    Attention! Second and third generation medications are more advanced than the first and are considered relatively safe drugs that have been used for a long time.

    Antihistamines for dogs - the list for adults is headed by Suprastin, which stops the development of symptoms.

    Also used are products originally intended for people: Diphenhydramine, Tavegil and others. When affecting an animal, antihistamines for dogs do not always produce the desired effect; sometimes they cause side effects, so it is highly advisable to seek advice from a veterinarian.

    Antihistamines for dogs: the dosage depends on the weight of the pet and is calculated per kilogram.

    Important! Under no circumstances should you treat yourself without seeking help from a veterinarian!

    Only a doctor determines the type of disease and prescribes medications. Self-medication can lead to dire consequences.

    How to use the drugs?

    The appropriate drug for treatment is determined based on the purpose of use, the weight of the animal, breed, health status and developed signs. Testing for effectiveness is carried out over two weeks. If there is no improvement during this time, another drug is prescribed.

    Attention! A dosage that can relieve allergies is prescribed by a veterinarian.

    If any health problems arise, conscientious owners contact a veterinarian to find out the exact cause of the disease and proper treatment. Allergies are no exception.

    Additionally, watch the video about the manifestation and treatment of allergies in dogs:

    I have a German Shepherd puppy. He is still small, 44 days old. I’m about to get my first vaccination, but I don’t know which drug is better.

    At 12 weeks, the first vaccination is Nobivac DHPPi. After another 4 weeks - booster vaccination with Nobivac DHPPi plus Nobivac Rabies (against rabies).

    Alina, thanks for the question! Detailed information You can read about the medications and the recommended vaccination schedule in the Vaccinations section.

    What can you give your dog for allergies?

    IN lately There has been an increase in the number of cases of allergies among dogs. This is often triggered by a reaction to insects or caused by food poisoning, but we cannot exclude the consequences of vaccinations, dermatitis or a reaction to chemical agent. Antihistamines can relieve symptoms and dull pain. For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to identify the pathogen and exclude any connection with it. You can understand a malfunction in the immune system by the following signs:

    Attention! Often an allergy can be mistaken for another disease, treatment for which will lead to even more unpleasant consequences. If the signs of the disease are unfamiliar or it is difficult to understand their cause, you should not engage in self-diagnosis; consult a veterinarian. But you need to figure out what types of diseases exist, and what to give your dog for allergies, while providing first aid.

    Allergens entering the intestines

    The most common and difficult option is the body’s refusal to accept any product. This occurs in adult dogs of both sexes and is not affected by sterilization. Food allergies can be caused by:

    • chicken and beef meat;
    • milk and its derivatives;
    • eggs;
    • red fruits and vegetables;
    • yeast, as well as everything that contains them;
    • corn and wheat.

    Dogs are prohibited from consuming sugar, chocolate, legumes, spices, fried and fatty foods, smoked products, since they all cause intestinal disturbances and directly affect the health of the pet. In this situation, daily food can also trigger the disease. One of effective methods It is considered to wash the stomach and transfer the animal to another, previously unused, but high-quality diet, as well as a diet.

    The pathogen can be identified by the titer of antibodies in the blood or using skin tests.

    Medicines can also cause allergies in dogs. Various antibiotics, the use of vaccines and vitamins provokes undesirable consequences for health. Drugs such as Cetrin and Zodak are capable of blocking the receptors responsible for the manifestation of an allergic reaction at the cellular level and practically do not inhibit the central nervous system. nervous system, thereby not causing drowsiness or lethargy.

    Chemical poisoning

    Skin allergies (dermatitis) are another type of disease under consideration. Occurs in a young dog. The reasons may be:

    The disease has similar symptoms to other types of allergies, but can be diagnosed by a number of signs:

    • localization of itching occurs on the stomach, nose, ears, limbs, but almost never on the torso;
    • itching goes away with antihistamines and corticosteroids, but cannot be treated with other antibiotics;
    • the dog develops dandruff;
    • exacerbation is seasonal.

    Only a veterinarian can make a diagnosis. Having eliminated contact with the pathogen, a diet, plenty of fluids, and antibiotics (Suprastin or Cetrin) are prescribed.

    Allergy to chemicals may be caused by care products: shampoo, spray. It could also be a reaction to insecticide preparations: drops, collar. In this case, the affected area becomes irritated. At the first symptoms of an allergy, you should act by changing the drug or remedy. IN advanced cases Give your dog Diazolin, it will relieve the rash, itching and swelling.

    An insect bite, namely fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, wasps, can cause an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of a rash, otitis media symptoms, intestinal disorder. If the pathogen is correctly identified, we give Loratadine. Attention! This drug is contraindicated for a pregnant dog. If bitten on the tongue or face, the body may react quickly to the poison. Quincke's edema has a sad consequence - the dog faces suffocation. In this case, you need to act quickly. For mild damage, the animal is given Suprastin, Tavegil or similar drug in tablet form based on body weight.

    A severe allergic reaction requires injection of these drugs, as well as the use of adrenaline. In case of anaphylactic shock, you need to give a Dexamethasone injection at home and immediately go to veterinary clinic. But be careful because this drug is potent and you need to know in advance what dosage to use.

    To prevent the disease, it is desirable to exclude or minimize contact with the carrier of the virus. Depending on the type of disease, it is worth considering various kinds threats and plan your pet’s routes, take into account communication with other animals, food intake, and even adjust to his preferences home life. Its health and our peace of mind depend on how much and how well the dog is looked after. Love your four-legged friend and may he always be healthy!

    What medicine can you give your dog for allergies?

    Inject Suprastin under the withers or in back back shin. If the dog is less than 50 kg, then 1 ml is enough, if more, then 2 ml. The injection is more effective than tablets and will relieve itching faster. It is better to inject 2 times a day for 3-5 days, then look at the result. If everything goes away, it means an allergy; if only the itching goes away, treat the subcutaneous mite.

    What medicine can you give your dog for allergies?

    To cure your dog you need to contact a veterinarian.

    He will examine the animal and give the most necessary recommendations for treating your pet.

    There are many medicines for animals, and for all sorts of diseases.

    But only their correct use will give a positive result.

    Medicines for dogs for allergies exist. Although regular suprastin. It should be injected into the dog for about a week, twice a day, from 1 to 1.5 ml, if the dog weighs less than 50 kg, and if more, 2 ml.

    But exact dosage and only a veterinarian can give the name of a medicine for allergies in a dog.

    You can give a “human” medicine - suprastin, for example, or any other antihistamine, used for allergies. The dosage should be calculated based on the dog's weight. Typically, the leaflets accompanying the drug contain dosage instructions based on the patient's weight. Use them, and not instructions based on age.

    Are you sure your dog has allergies? Still, take him to a doctor, it’s safer, for your own peace of mind and the health of the dog.

    For allergies, veterinarians usually prescribe antihistamines for your dog. But, because animals are more sensitive to medical drugs, special medications have been developed for them. The ingredients that make up these drugs are almost the same as those used in drugs for humans. From “human” remedies, you can try giving Benadryl and Claritin; if the symptoms do not subside, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

    The most safe remedy for allergies and poisonings, this is "Enterosgel". It's a good drug. You dilute it in water and give it through a syringe without a needle forcibly. I use a large 20 ml syringe, I have a dog weighing 25 kg. I dilute 1 tablespoon of enterosgel for allergies. with water, about 30-40 ml. If your face is very swollen with pimples, then after 30 minutes. or 1 hour after taking enterosgel, give another portion of enterosgel.

    To treat allergies, you can try giving it to your dog. homeopathic medicines Engystol, Traumeel, but it is best to consult a veterinarian.

    Allergy may be to medicines, for flea and mosquito bites, even own wool during molting, in any case, for emergency help you can give Tavegil, it is much stronger than Suprastin, after two Tavegil tablets the allergy goes away.

    We give our setter fenkarol 1 tablet. He often has allergies to chickens, for example, his ears begin to itch, and they still turn red from the inside. For the first year, all sorts of drops dripped into my ears until they realized it was an allergy. But these are all temporary measures, the main thing is to find out what he is allergic to and exclude him from his diet.

    In principle, dogs are often given human medicines. So try fenkarol or suprastin. Or go to a veterinary kiosk and they will tell you what is best to buy in your case. Now there are a lot of different drugs.

    Clinical picture

    What doctors say about antihistamines

    Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Emelyanov G.V. Medical practice: more than 30 years.
    Practical medical experience: more than 30 years

    According to the latest WHO data, it is allergic reactions in the human body that lead to the occurrence of most fatal diseases. And it all starts with the fact that a person has an itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, red spots on the skin, and in some cases, suffocation.

    7 million people die every year due to allergies, and the scale of the damage is such that the allergic enzyme is present in almost every person.

    Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmaceutical corporations sell expensive medications that only relieve symptoms, thereby hooking people on one drug or another. That is why in these countries there is such high percentage diseases and so many people suffer from “non-working” drugs.

    If you are sure that your dog really has an allergy, then of course you can give it suprastin, tavegil or some other antihistamine for people.

    Our dog somehow had a red belly and a rash, it was hot and the dog was constantly licking it. We then also thought it was an allergy.

    But it turned out that it was a dog subcutaneous mite and had to go to the veterinarian for an injection.

    Only a veterinarian can prescribe correct treatment about allergies after examining the dog. The owner’s initiative in prescribing the medicine can cause health problems for the dog, but if it is not possible to come to the appointment, you can give diazolin, but again the doctor must prescribe the dosage.

    It is best, of course, to take the dog to a veterinary clinic and show it to a doctor. The doctor will examine the animal and give you recommendations for treatment. But if you don’t have time, and the medicine needs to be given here and now, then you can use suprastin.

    Allergies in dogs: is there an effective treatment?

    Over the past 15-20 years, allergies have become one of the most common diseases in dogs. Let experts argue about the reasons for this phenomenon, but owners of four-legged allergy sufferers are more interested in effective treatment allergies in dogs. However, there is only one really effective method getting rid of allergies: avoiding contact with the allergen. Everything else is just muting the symptoms. You can give a strong medicine, and for some time the allergic reaction will disappear or weaken. But then everything will appear again, and it will intensify. Until the animal is freed from exposure to the allergen, treatment will not be successful.

    However, to eliminate the allergen, you need to identify it. And difficulties often arise with this, since allergies can be very similar in symptoms to other diseases. If the diagnosis is incorrect, treatment can only worsen the problem and harm the pet’s body.

    Allergy to insect bites

    Allergic reactions to bee and wasp stings are also common. Dogs, especially young ones, often try to catch flying insects and receive painful bites. Bites to the tongue and face are especially dangerous: an allergic reaction to the poison can manifest itself in the form of Quincke's edema, and the animal is in danger of suffocating. First aid measures for allergies to bee, wasp or hornet stings: in mild cases, give medicine in tablets: Claritin, Suprastin, Tavegil or similar. At severe allergies give an injection of Suprastin or Tavegil and adrenaline. If anaphylactic shock begins, give an injection of dexamethasone and immediately go to a veterinary clinic. But dexamethasone is very potent hormonal drug, requiring extremely careful use. Under no circumstances should it be used instead of regular antihistamines, otherwise it will harm the animal.

    Allergy to chemicals

    Allergies to different chemicals can manifest in different ways. If you are allergic to shampoo or other detergents, the skin usually develops a rash, redness, irritation, dandruff, and scratching. In this case, treat the dog with potent drugs no need. Rinse the dog well enough clean water, give medicine 1-2 times antihistamine action. Avoid using from now on detergent which caused the allergy.

    Just like people, dogs can be allergic to various volatile chemicals: paints, varnishes, etc. The symptoms of such allergies are the same as in humans: coughing, sneezing, runny nose, red eyes, watery eyes. The dog must be removed from the area of ​​contact with the substance, provided with plenty of fluids, and given activated carbon.

    Allergies to medications and vaccinations

    Happens quite often. Allergies can be caused by antibiotics, complex vitamin complexes, anthelmintics and vaccines. When vaccinating, you should give the dog a Tavegil or Suprastin tablet 2-3 times. Antihelminthic drugs will have to be selected by trial, just like antibiotics.

    Food allergies

    The most difficult form of allergy is food. It can masquerade as other diseases, which makes it very difficult correct diagnosis. Possible manifestations food allergies:

    • dermatitis of various types;
    • urticaria, itching;
    • local blackening of the skin (acanthokeratoderma);
    • hair loss, focal or shedding type;
    • moist, as if sweaty skin;
    • unpleasant sweetish smell from wool;
    • otitis;
    • lacrimation;
    • stool disorders;
    • lack of appetite, vomiting;
    • mouth sores and other less common symptoms.

    There is only one way to treat food allergies: a strict diet throughout the animal’s life. The allergen must be identified and eliminated once and for all. To determine the allergen, the dog is put on a special, very strict diet until allergic symptoms disappear completely. This may take a lot of time: from 1-2 weeks to six months. However, deviations from the diet are unacceptable; you need to be patient and see everything through to the end.

    The basis of the diet is usually boiled rice without additives. Typically, this grain does not cause an allergic reaction, so most hypoallergenic foods are based on rice. You are allowed to add only a little olive oil. When the allergy subsides, they begin to introduce other products into the diet: strictly one at a time, small quantity. Every new product administered no more often than 3 days after the previous one. If the previous symptoms appear, the allergen can be considered identified and excluded from the dog’s diet forever.

    When choosing dry food, you should pay attention to the composition of the product. Less likely to cause allergies are foods that contain no more than 24% protein and no more than 12% fat. The higher the protein content, the greater the likelihood of an allergic reaction. You should be careful when using foods that contain:

    A dog with allergies will have to make do with a limited menu for the rest of its life. It is better to avoid experiments with food composition. Even treats should be chosen with care. And certainly exclude any sweets and smoked foods from the human table.

    Strict diet is the only effective way eliminate food allergies. Drug therapy Without following a diet, it will not be effective, and will only give the illusion of healing for a while. In reality, the existing allergy will only be masked. In addition, antiallergic drugs have side effects, which cannot be called harmless.

    Allergy prevention

    Allergies appear when work is disrupted immune system. Therefore, immunostimulants can be used as auxiliary and preventive agents. Dogs are given courses of vitamin therapy and prescribed Gamavit, medications containing Omega-3 and Omega-6. Research veterinarians showed the feasibility of using it as prophylactic coenzyme Q10. Correct mode food and sufficient physical activity dogs also contribute general strengthening health. However, no tool gives a 100% guarantee that even completely healthy dog will never become a victim of allergies. Owners can only reduce the risk of the disease as much as possible.

    Post Views: 132

    IN modern world We are increasingly faced with allergies not only in people, but also in animals, including dogs.

    One of the remedies that can help your pet cope with allergies is the drug Loratadine.

    This is a safe remedy with antipruritic and antiallergic effects. Loratadine is given to a dog if it exhibits the following symptoms:

    1. Itching (scratching ears with paws, rubbing body against furniture, gnawing paws).
    2. Clear mucus flows from the nose.
    3. Redness and rashes appear (especially this sign can be seen on the paw pads).
    4. Hair falls out.
    5. Redness and inflammation in the ears.
    6. Sweating in the chest area and armpits(The sweat glands in these animals, which control thermoregulation, are found only on the pads of the paws and in the mouth area.)

    Loratadine is most effective when allergies manifest themselves in the form of a runny nose, i.e. allergic rhinitis and lacrimation. If your pet is allergic to any food, then high probability that this drug will not help, and if an insect bites you will have to wait a long time for the medicine to take effect.

    Attention: allergic dermatitis Only a veterinarian can determine. Very often, signs can be mistaken for allergies, although in fact the animal is suffering, e.g. renal failure or scabies.

    Instructions for use

    The drug is available in the form of tablets with 10 mg of active ingredient each and in the form of syrup with a dosage of 1 mg/ml. There is also Loratadine in the form of a suspension with a dosage of 5 mg/5 ml, but it has trade name Lomilan.

    Dogs can be given the drug in any form, but it is preferable and more convenient in the form of tablets, it is easier, and flavorings are added to the syrup. Not every pet will accept them.

    Dosage in tablets

    The approximate dose that can help your pet cope with the disease is calculated individually, taking into account its weight, age and degree of allergy, but the average values ​​when calculating the dose are 0.5-0.7 ml/kg.

    Those. if your dog weighs 15-25 kg, then he needs to be given the whole tablet. If you are the owner of a small breed, for example, a Chihuahua weighing 2.5-3 kg, then ¼ tablet will be enough for it.

    Side effects

    Despite the recognized safety, side effects from Loratadine still occur, although quite rarely. These include:

    • dry mouth;
    • vomit;
    • nasal congestion;
    • constipation;
    • diarrhea.

    An overdose of the drug may be accompanied by symptoms:

    • drowsiness;
    • rapid heartbeat;
    • headache.

    What to do if things get bad?

    If somehow it turns out that there is much more than the prescribed amount of Loratadine in the dog’s body, it should immediately be taken to the veterinarian for rinsing. If this is not possible, you can induce vomiting at home and give her a dosage of 0.2 g/kg. 2-3 times a day.

    Vomiting can be induced with water. Large quantity plain water (up to 3 liters), pour into the esophagus, which will provoke a gag reflex. To reduce discomfort for your pet, it is better to take a warm liquid and warm it up to body temperature.

    The effect will be more noticeable if you combine this method with pouring salt on your tongue. This will ensure good rinsing stomach.

    Next, be sure to observe the behavior and condition of the pet and in case sharp decline temperature (below 37.5 C° - measure rectally every 3 hours) and the appearance of cyanosis of the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes - seek help immediately.

    The half-life of the drug is on average 8 hours.

    Important: It is advisable to take measures to induce vomiting only within 20 minutes after taking the tablets. Later, there is no point in inducing vomiting - the substance is absorbed into the blood, so you need to immediately contact a veterinarian.

    For puppies

    Allergies can occur not only in adult dog, but also for a puppy, the question therefore arises: can the drug Loratadine help these little ones?

    Veterinarians agree that the small age of the animal is not a contraindication to the use of Loratadine, and puppies can use it with one month old. Naturally, with a dosage adjustment. As for an adult animal, the dose must be selected by a veterinarian. For puppies, the dose should be minimal, no more than ¼ tablet per day.

    Pregnant and lactating

    Despite the fact that Loratadine is considered absolutely safe drug, it is important to know that Loratadine is not prescribed to dogs during pregnancy due to the lack of clinical data.

    And yet, if it so happens that you unknowingly gave this medicine to combat allergies, and there is no opportunity to contact a veterinarian, do not under any circumstances attempt to induce vomiting in the animal in order to remove the tablet. Just watch general condition and pet behavior. Give activated carbon.

    The effectiveness of Loratadine depends on the type of allergy and the individual characteristics of the dog, but not on its breed.


    Reviews from dog breeders using the drug Loratadine:

    Our dog had very itchy ears and the vet prescribed Loratadine. By today's standards, the price is inexpensive and available in all pharmacies, so all medications would cost the same. At the same time, the effect is not inferior to expensive foreign drugs.

    Dogs with allergies are not uncommon these days, and I have one, it’s almost as if the animal suffers from itching and its whole body is covered with a rash and subsequently wounds. So we’ve been living with this for 5 years now.

    Before guests arrive on holidays and feasts, the dog receives Loratadine - a suspension and I’m not so worried that the guests, seeing the “poor” dog with “hungry” eyes, will give a piece, which will then add problems to us for several weeks. And after such banquets, the pet receives Loratadine and everything is fine with us.

    What to replace it with?

    You can also use the following analogs of the drug Loratadine:

    Cyprodine The drug is available in the form of tablets for oral administration. Good for hives, insect bites and serum sickness
    Bicarfen Used to treat several types of allergies. Recommended for rhinitis, lacrimation, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, drug and food reactions
    Cetirizine The product does not cause drowsiness. Given once or twice a day.
    Astemizole Effective for food allergies, urticaria and allergic rhinitis. Can only be given to adult dogs.
    Ketotifen Give for anaphylactic shock and histamine bronchospasm. Requires course treatment.
    Tavegil The medicinal effect is similar to that of diphenhydramine, but lasts longer
    Suprastin It is preferable to use a 2% solution. Suitable for all types of allergies
    Diazolin Prescribed for reactions of unknown origin. Available in the form of tablets for oral administration. Disadvantage: May adversely affect the central nervous system.
    Diprazine Preparation drowsy. Used for severe itching. Also available in tablet form
    Diphenhydramine It is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. It is used for any reactive pain, including medicinal ones.


    Try not to take independent decisions, which are related to determining the diagnosis and treatment of your pet, it is better to entrust this to your veterinarian.