Is it possible to give oregano to children? Pharmaceutical preparations with oregano. Oregano for pregnant women

Oregano is a flowering perennial plant with a vibrant purple and fragrant smell. Oregano belongs to the Lamiaceae family and can grow up to 80 cm in length. Grows throughout most of Eurasia. It blooms all summer, bears fruit in August and September. Almost 50 species of oregano are known. In some countries, this plant is specially cultivated; in Russia, it is simply collected during the flowering period by cutting off the upper part (15-20 cm, you cannot pick it, because it is lost). beneficial properties this herb).

Interesting facts:

Oregano - composition and beneficial properties of oregano

The composition of this useful herb includes: coumarins, essential oils (up to 1.2%), carvacrol (due to which oregano has a persistent, noticeable odor and helps get rid of pathogens that not even all antibiotics can cope with), thymol, flavonoids, phytoncides, bitterness, tannins, organic acids, as well as vitamins C, B1, B2.

Oregano and its properties for facial skin

Cleansing skin and pores.

In order to clean the contaminated pores of the epidermis, you need to prepare an infusion of oregano and lubricate your face with it after washing. It helps get rid of acne and pimples. You can’t use “yesterday’s” decoction; you need to make fresh lotion every day:

  • pour two tablespoons into a glass of boiling water. spoons of oregano;
  • leave for 30 minutes to two hours, express.

Another way to cleanse the skin: “fragrant” lotion No. 2. You should also wipe your face with this lotion after washing:

  1. add one table to one hundred milliliters of alcohol. a spoonful of finely chopped, not dried oregano herb and leave for seven days;
  2. strain the infusion through gauze folded several times or any non-lint cloth;
  3. pour in the same volume of chilled boiled water into the resulting tincture.

This flowering plant helps regenerate and rejuvenate skin faces. To do this, you need to use steam baths with an infusion of this plant.

Help for problem skin.

They fight with oregano dermatological diseases(acne or allergic rash, acne, etc.).

Alcohol infusion of oregano and calendula. The resulting extract should be applied to problem areas of the skin every day (once or twice):

Beneficial properties of oregano for hair

Enhances hair growth and helps relieve skin diseases such as seborrhea and dandruff. You should rinse your hair with the decoction described below after washing with shampoo. This helps to eliminate itchy scalp, dandruff, and enhance growth and shine:

  • pour two tablespoons of boiling water into a glass. spoons of oregano;
  • boil for one or two minutes;
  • leave for about 60 minutes and strain thoroughly.

Beneficial properties of oregano for the body

  • pour four tablespoons into a liter of boiling water. spoons of oregano and boil for another two to three minutes;
  • leave for about 30 minutes and then express;
  • Pour the resulting mixture into the bath (optimal water temperature is 38°).

Oregano against cellulite

Mix regular sunflower oil with oregano oil in a ratio of 8 to 1. The oil composition must be applied to problematic skin within 30 days.

“Fragrant” anti-cellulite composition No. 2:

  • two drops each of orange, lemon and grapefruit oils, mix one drop each of rosemary oil and oregano oil;
  • Mix 50 milliliters of “Baby cream” into this aromatic composition.

Apply this aromatic mixture to problem areas of the skin and wrap for a third of an hour. Duration of use – 30 days.

Medicinal properties of oregano (use of oregano in medicine)

This “fragrant” herb is used for diseases gastrointestinal tract(colitis, gastritis, flatulence, peristalsis), all kinds of allergies, diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy (necessary long-term use V within three years).

This is a useful herb - an excellent natural antiseptic and an antibiotic. It is capable of destroying microbes, so its extracts are used in various medications.

“Fragrant” grass is able to resist the appearance cancer cells in the body. To prevent cancer, it is necessary to systematically drink herbal tea with the addition of oregano, and its alcohol infusion allows pain in the teeth to subside.

The “fragrant” plant helps increase appetite while cleansing the body of cholesterol.

Oregano in dermatology (wounds, allergic reactions, acne, eczema, rashes)

Excellent medicinal properties oregano is used in dermatology. Methods of use: lotions, compresses, baths based on oregano decoction.

  1. pour one hundred grams of dried oregano into two liters of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour;
  2. Pour this infusion into the water for subsequent baths.

Oregano for pulmonary, respiratory, and colds

good therapeutic effect shows oregano in diseases respiratory tract, because after use there is active expectoration. Drink the infusion described below three times a day half an hour before meals. The decoction is made for one day (the next day you need to brew a new fresh infusion, “yesterday’s” cannot be consumed):

  • pour finely chopped, not dried plant into two glasses of boiling water;
  • leave for 30 minutes.

Collection to suppress inflammation in the body: this collection is recommended only for gargling and mouthwash. The procedure must be carried out after eating:

  • mix marshmallow root, oregano and oak bark in a ratio of 1:4:6;
  • pour two glasses of boiling water and the resulting “mix” into the container;
  • let it brew for a quarter of an hour, strain.

Oregano for epilepsy

Drink the infusion twice a day, morning and evening. Duration of use – three years:

  • two table. spoons of undried oregano pour half a glass of boiling water;
  • leave for about two hours.

Beneficial properties of oregano for runny nose and ARVI

Oregano for a runny nose: you need to inhale the finely chopped flower and leaves of the plant.

Oregano for preventing diseases and strengthening the immune system

Strengthening tincture of oregano: a preventive infusion is drunk warm and three times a day 30 minutes before meals:

  1. pour one tablespoon into a glass of boiling water. a spoonful of oregano;
  2. leave for about twenty minutes and strain thoroughly.

Useful properties of oregano for women

Oregano for menstrual irregularities (in the absence of pregnancy), amenorrhea: drink three times a day, two times a day. spoons:

  • add two glasses of boiling water and thirty grams of oregano to the container;
  • let it brew for about two hours.

Oregano for insomnia

Drink half a glass shortly before bed:

  1. two tea spoons of finely chopped oregano and pour one glass of boiling water;
  2. leave for about 20 minutes and strain.

The healing properties of oregano for headaches and migraines

Oregano for headaches ( compress):

Soak a towel in the infusion described below and apply it to your head like a compress:

  1. two tea pour spoons of chopped oregano into a glass of boiling water;
  2. leave for about 20 minutes, strain.

Oregano for headaches ( infusion for oral administration):

mix peppermint, oregano and fireweed in equal parts;

  1. one table. Brew a spoonful of dry “mix” in 500 milliliters of boiling water;
  2. leave for about 30 minutes and strain.

Oregano for sore throat and laryngitis

  • mix 10 grams of oregano, 20 grams of chamomile and 10 grams of sage;
  • on one table. pour a spoonful of this mixture into a glass of boiling water;
  • close the lid, wait half an hour and express.

Use the decoction as a warm mouth rinse so as not to burn your throat and oral cavity. Number of rinses: four to five times a day.

Oregano for the liver

Sweet grass has urinary and choleretic properties, therefore it is useful for such organs as: gall bladder, kidneys, urinary tract, liver:

  • 2 tsp pour chopped herbs into one glass of boiling water;
  • leave for 15-20 minutes, strain.

Take warm, 0.5 tbsp. three to four times a day before meals.

Oregano for chronic bronchitis

By releasing mucus during coughing, the airways are cleared of germs. To remove sputum, thinning drugs (mucolytic and expectorant) are taken. natural basis). The group of mucolytics also includes oregano. After applying this folk medicine The process of expectoration of sputum will begin. Drink one third of a glass three times a day after meals:

  • four parts wild rosemary, two parts oregano and one part each of birch buds and nettles, cut and mix well;
  • two table. Brew spoons of this “mix” into half a liter of boiling water;
  • boil for ten minutes, leave for thirty minutes, strain.

Another recipe for those who suffer from bronchitis: drink three to five drops three times a day:

  1. stir half a liter of regular sunflower oil and three tablespoons. spoons of chopped oregano;
  2. Infuse all night, in the morning - express.

Tea with oregano

Oregano is great for calming. Herbal tea is drunk during stress and nervous disorders. It can relieve insomnia. Herbal tea with oregano has a sedative, i.e. calming effect (from the Latin Sedatio - calm):

  • one tea pour a spoonful of dry finely chopped grass into one glass of boiling water;
  • leave for 3-8 minutes, ready.

Additional ingredients that combine with oregano and improve its beneficial properties:

  • honey - improves sleep;
  • cream - improves taste;
  • mint - it will work good remedy from migraine;
  • goes well with chamomile, St. John's wort and thyme;
  • oregano is also added to regular tea to add flavor.

Oregano for children

Oregano is indicated for children only for external use. It is strictly prohibited to take medications containing oregano extract internally, as they can have an unpredictable effect on sexual development child/teenager.

Strengthening relaxing baths for children: for prevention various diseases(rickets, allergies, etc.):

  1. leave two liters of boiling water and three tablespoons of dry color for about 30 minutes;
  2. express and add to the bath.

Oregano for pregnant women

Oregano is an ingredient in many different gynecological preparations. Unofficially, in another way it is called “motherboard” or “ female grass" It helps in getting rid of some gynecological diseases (erosion, intrauterine bleeding, etc.). It can also help the female body recover after the baby is born and enhance lactation. Also, representatives of the fair sex use it to feel better during menopause and hormonal imbalance.

Instructions for use:

Oregano herb is a herbal medicine used as a diuretic and expectorant.

Stimulates secretory and motor functions gastrointestinal tract and bronchi.

Pharmacological action

Oregano (oregano, oregano, motherwort, incense, zenowka, macerdushka) is a perennial herb from the genus Oregano of the Oregano family.

It has a sedative, expectorant and diuretic effect, enhancing intestinal motility. It has antimicrobial properties, increases appetite and secretion of gastric juice.

The herb Oregano is most common in Europe and the Mediterranean. It grows mainly in open areas - forest edges, clearings, hillsides and dry open areas.

Oregano grass is a little more than half a meter in height, the rhizome is branched, the stem is softly pubescent and branched in the upper part. Leaves are from 1 to 4 cm, ovate, pointed upward. Blooms with numerous small purple flowers starting in June. The seeds ripen by August. The smell of Oregano Herb is gentle and pleasant, vaguely reminiscent of the smell of marjoram, the taste is bitter-spicy, slightly tart, astringent. Collected from the second year of growing season, usually cutting at a height of 17-20 cm from the soil.

Oregano herb contains ascorbic acid and tannins, which are most abundant in leaves and much less in flowers and stems. From the collected grass you can get essential oil or dry for further use as medicine or as a spice in cooking. To obtain essential oil, oregano grass is processed immediately after collection by hydrodistillation. Use well-ventilated areas for drying.

In some countries, Oregano Herb is cultivated and most often used in cooking as a spicy aromatic plant, better known as Oregano. It is used for preparing vegetable and meat dishes, pickles, baked goods, as well as in the composition of various teas in the cuisines of different nations.

Essential oil of Oregano Herb is used in cooking (in the production of liqueurs, tinctures, beer and kvass), in perfumery (in the production of toothpastes, cologne, soap), in folk and traditional medicine.

Release form

Oregano Herb is produced in the form of dried crushed plant materials in cardboard packs of 50 g and 100 g.

Indications for use

Oregano herb is used internally and externally. Used internally in the form of infusions for:

  • Respiratory tract diseases - acute and chronic bronchitis, as well as for acute respiratory viral infections as an expectorant;
  • Secretory insufficiency of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Intestinal atony, as well as to improve digestion and appetite;
  • Chronic gastritis;
  • Enterocolitis, which is accompanied by constipation or flatulence;
  • Diseases of the liver and gall bladder.

Externally Oregano herb is used for pyoderma and diathesis ( atopic dermatitis) as part of complex therapy.

Medicinal properties Oregano herbs - expectorant, diaphoretic, sedative, used in treatment colds; sedatives - for insomnia, neuroses, hysteria, headaches; analgesic, hemostatic, sedative - for stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis.

Due to its properties, Oregano Herb can be used as a stimulant and tonic. IN folk medicine it is used in the treatment of boils, abscesses, eczema, various rashes, itchy dermatoses, for wound healing and as a means to regulate menstruation.


The use of Oregano Herb is contraindicated during pregnancy (due to its stimulating effect on smooth muscles uterus), during breastfeeding and under the age of 18. It is also not used for:

  • Increased gastric secretion;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Peptic ulcer duodenum and stomach.

Oregano Herb is contraindicated increased sensitivity to the drug, in this case the use of Oregano Herb is unacceptable, and when prescribing analogues, allergy tests are carried out.

Directions for use

To prepare infusions, 2 tablespoons of crushed Oregano Herb (about 10 g) are poured into 200 ml of hot boiled water and heated for 15 minutes in a water bath. After cooling for an hour at room temperature, the infusion is filtered and the resulting volume is adjusted to 200 ml. Depending on the indications, take 1/4-1/2 cup 15-20 minutes before meals 2 times a day.

Externally, the infusion, after shaking, is used for lotions and baths several times a day.

When using Oregano Herb, minor allergic reactions.

Storage conditions

Oregano herb can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. Shelf life – 2 years.

From June to September, the mauve flowers of Oregano vulgare delight fans of field and forest bouquets. Golden time for herbalists and connoisseurs of good, aromatic tea. Oregano has long been used for brewing, which acquires many beneficial properties.

About the benefits of oregano

This plant is recognized as medicinal. In our country it grows everywhere with the exception of the Far North. Loves to “settle” in sunny forest clearings, on hills and open dry meadows.

Currently, the number of this type of oregano has decreased significantly, and in many regions of Russia the procurement of the plant is limited. During flowering, grass and flowers are richest in vitamin C, tannins and essential oils. The aroma of the plant is extraordinary!

Medicinal properties of oregano

Oregano is included in pharmaceutical preparations and exhibits its medicinal properties for many diseases, both combination therapy, and independently.

Oregano is a powerful natural sedative. Teas and decoctions made from it easily cope with anxiety, nervousness, bad mood, insomnia. An infusion of oregano herb in combination with St. John's wort or meadowsweet helps with exacerbation of anacid gastritis, digestive disorders, and weak intestinal tone. For people with stagnation gallbladder It is very useful to drink tea with oregano, because... This plant facilitates bile excretion.

Infused oregano, taken shortly before meals, increases appetite, helps in the absorption of food, regulates stomach acidity (especially indicated for those with low acidity).

In folk medicine, oregano is used to save high blood pressure, since the herb has a diuretic effect. Gargling with an infusion of oregano relieves sore throat and reduces inflammatory process in the tonsils with sore throat. Healing plant comes into play when home treatment bronchitis, cough, asthma - oregano has an expectorant effect. Used to treat menstrual disorders.

The diaphoretic effect of oregano is excellent during fever, helping to reduce the temperature from critical levels to optimal ones.

The herb is applied externally to wounds and cuts - the mild hemostatic effect is wonderfully combined in oregano with an antiseptic effect.

An infusion or essential oil is added to relaxing aromatic baths. By the way, the skin after such procedures glows with beauty and youth, because oregano promotes the renewal of dermal cells.

Oregano extract is included in the time-tested drug Urolesan, which exhibits healing properties for kidney stones and urinary tract, problems with the biliary tract.

You can’t use oregano or even add it to tea. during pregnancy, because it has an abortifacient effect.

Application in nutrition

Oregano is a popular spice synonymous with Oregano, which is part of many spice mixtures for cooking meat, chicken, fish and other dishes.

In addition to tea, oregano is added when preparing homemade kvass (for flavoring) and when pickling cucumbers (they turn out especially crispy and smell delicious).

To drink tea with health benefits, it is recommended to brew oregano together with other plants: strawberries, blackberries, mint, chokeberry. Fragrant leaves are often added to alcoholic drinks homemade.

Healthy recipes

Oregano leaf tea with blackberries

After picking, young leaves of oregano and blackberries (can be replaced with raspberries and currants) are dried on newspaper - in the sun and in the air. Then they are dried at a temperature of 40 degrees in the oven. Whole or crushed, pour into paper bags and store in a dry place. To brew in a ceramic teapot, take a spoonful of the mixture per 3-4 cups of boiling water. Drink with honey or sugar.

Making kvass with oregano

Kombucha can be infused not with tea, but with oregano infusion. At the same time, the infusion retains all the beneficial properties, harmoniously combining with the benefits of kombucha. The combination of oregano and kombucha is especially interesting and useful for kidney diseases.

In the case of classic kvass, take 10-15 g of finely chopped raw oregano per 1 liter of bread kvass. Oregano is wrapped in a two-layer gauze bag (sterile) and lowered into a container with the drink at the peak of its fermentation. Then it is removed from the finished kvass. The drink amazes with its wonderful aroma, pleasant and refreshing taste!

It is not for nothing that oregano has a second name in folk medicine – motherwort. After all, this healing herb has many useful characteristics. Oregano is especially useful for women, because it helps them get rid of many “female” diseases. Today its benefits have been confirmed and official medicine, which uses a wonderful herb to make medicines.

Oregano is rightfully considered a herb, mostly intended for the fair half of humanity. It occupies a leading position in the content of phytoestrogen in its composition. Phytoestrogen is unique in that its structure and action are similar to natural female hormones. It provides women wellness and normalizes the disrupted menstrual cycle.

Oregano is actively used not only in medicine, but also in facial skin care and hair care products.

Let us consider in detail why this miracle herb is useful for women and to whom it is contraindicated.

Taking care of your skin

Many substances beneficial for the skin are contained in oregano infusion. They have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin:

  • Vitamin K improves blood circulation and strengthens capillary vessels and regeneration of the skin occurs;
  • Carvacrol and thymol provide an antibacterial and calming effect;
  • Beta-carotene helps fight acne, soothes irritated skin, relieves redness, has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, stimulating the restoration of its cells.
  • Cell renewal also occurs under the influence of phenolcarboxylic acids.

Thus, oregano is very useful as an excellent facial skin care product. It effectively helps solve the following problems:

  • tightens enlarged pores;
  • participate in rejuvenating processes, restores skin firmness and elasticity;
  • improves complexion;
  • effectively eliminates acne;
  • treats skin infections, acting as an antiseptic and wound healing agent.

Taking care of your hair

Oregano infusion is an excellent hair rinse. Thanks to the fact that it contains large quantities contains essential oils, the infusion has a calming effect and leaves hair light fragrant trail. In addition, it has a number of useful qualities that are useful in hair care:

  • Restores hair structure;
  • Normalizes sebum secretion;
  • Improves blood circulation.

Useful properties of oregano in gynecology

For quite a long time, oregano decoction has been used in folk medicine to treat many female gynecological diseases. The most common illnesses are: menstrual pain, disrupted menstrual cycle and excessive menstrual bleeding. Oregano provides a reduction pain during menstruation, helps eliminate spasm of the pelvic organs and reduces the degree of bleeding. That's why it got the name female herb.

Another one of hers important feature– this is its general strengthening and calming effect on the body. We all know that during critical days women are especially irritable and often complain about lack of sleep. Relieve irritability, restore calm and healthy sleep Tea with oregano will help.

An infusion of the herb is very useful for women during lactation, as it promotes better production breast milk. Medicines based on oregano restore the normal functioning of a woman’s body after a complicated pregnancy.

The benefits of oregano for women of different ages

Oregano is also useful for very young girls who have problems such as delayed development of the genitals and breasts. Women mature age it helps relieve suffering from painful hot flashes, combat migraine attacks and stabilize the central nervous system.

There is an opinion among women that oregano decoction provides an increase in breast volume up to 2 sizes. This is possible due to the fact that this herb contains large quantities of plant phytoestrogen, which promotes the growth and strengthening of the mammary glands.

Using oregano for breast growth

Today, many women and young girls dream of being beautiful, fit and lush breasts. However, not everyone has been so generously endowed by nature, so the fair sex has to look for their own ways to achieve perfection. Someone is training hard in gyms, someone is looking for salvation in alternative medicine, some try to get the desired effect with the help of expensive cosmetics, and the bravest go under the knife plastic surgeon. But the most popular and affordable way DIY breast enlargement is oregano.

In its composition in large quantities contained essential vitamins, beneficial microelements and phytoestrogen, which have a beneficial effect on the mammary glands and increase their volume. Breast enlargement occurs due to the fact that female body phytoestrogen is supplied in an enhanced mode, promoting the production of female sex hormones.

To enlarge your breasts, it is recommended to drink tea or oregano decoction daily. It can be prepared very easily. Pour 2 tablespoons of dry herb into 200 ml hot water, put on fire and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. After removing from heat, the broth should be left to steep for 20 minutes. The decoction is ready.

Drink the decoction three times a day; this must be done before meals. Dosage per dose – half a glass. However, you need to use oregano decoction very carefully, because it contains phytoestrogen, the excess of which can have a detrimental effect on women's health.

Is oregano good for men's health?

In addition to the fact that oregano herb has many beneficial properties for women's health, it is also useful for males.

First of all, it helps men relieve spasms that accompany gastritis and helps relieve pain in the gallbladder and intestines. This is possible due to the fact that this medicinal herb has an analgesic and antispasmodic effect. It also has a calming effect on the male body and ensures healthy and restful sleep.

The beneficial properties of oregano in the fight against alcoholism have long been known. Regular consumption of tea with this herb leads to a reduction in cravings for alcohol. However, such teas also have negative side. Their use over a long period has a negative effect on male potency. Therefore, men should refrain from long-term use oregano, because it causes a decrease in sexual desire, and in some cases can cause impotence.

Who is contraindicated for oregano?

In addition to the fact that oregano has medicinal properties, there are also contraindications for women.

Firstly, it should not be used during pregnancy. It has a stimulating effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus, which can cause miscarriage.

It is prohibited for persons under 16 years of age to take it.

It is contraindicated as a medicine for people with the following diseases:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Duodenal ulcer;
  • Hypersecretion of the stomach;
  • Kidney and liver diseases;
  • Allergic reaction to oregano and hypersensitivity to it.

Women should take medications with oregano with caution during breastfeeding. This is not only not forbidden, but also very useful in most cases. However, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Good day!

Today we will talk about a wonderful medicinal plant, oregano. Surely there is at least a small area in your garden where this plant grows. Or maybe you had to collect this grass in the forest.

Already in mid-summer, this plant blooms en masse, attracting not only insects with its aromatic smell.

Oregano, or Oregano (lat. Origanum vulgáre) is a species of perennial herbaceous plants from the genus Oregano of the Lamiaceae family.

It grows in Europe and the Mediterranean, in Russia almost everywhere except the Far North. It grows in clearings, forest edges, among bushes, in dry open grassy areas, and on hillsides.

Other Russian names are materinka, ladanka, matserdushka, dushnitsa, zenovka, matryoshka (from Wikipedia).

The most common use of oregano is to brew fresh inflorescences or dried plants into tea.

But this is far from the only place where such a fragrant plant is used.

Oregano - medicinal properties and contraindications, composition

Tea - traditional use oregano. But, in addition, the herb is used in chest, diaphoretic and carminative preparations as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant in case of colds or any other respiratory diseases.

Essential oil is made from oregano, which is used for toothache, and, for example, in Indian medicine the oil serves as a stimulating and strengthening agent. By the way, essential oil is good against harmful insects.

Helps with intestinal diseases, stomach cramps, gastritis, liver inflammation.

Other diseases that oregano helps with are jaundice, insomnia, whooping cough, and various nervous disorders. For scrofula, oregano leaves are added to the bath.

If the preparation is made correctly, it can not only be stored for a long time, but also retain its properties. All useful qualities depend on the composition of the elements it contains. It contains the oily substance quarcarol, various plant hormones, thymol, vitamins and, as already mentioned, essential oil.

All these elements have useful actions- anti-inflammatory, antihelminthic, antifungal, diuretic, antibacterial, choleretic and antispasmodic.

In addition to internal ailments, oregano is used in the treatment of various skin irritations and psoriasis. After preparing the decoction, you can make compresses for rashes, pimples, blackheads and boils.

Tea is used to prevent cancer.

Cosmetology is also not without oregano. This herb improves appearance skin, helps against cellulite.

Using teas, decoctions and tinctures can help relieve toothache. For colds, it is recommended to inhale a steep decoction.

But, along with the benefits, like any other medicine, there are contraindications.

Pregnant women should not use oregano in any form, at any stage. Men also need to be extremely careful when drinking tea, as this can lead to a decrease in potency.

If you use everything in moderation, then there will be no consequences. Also, the beneficial properties of oregano can affect men and women differently.

Oregano - benefits and harm for women

How is oregano useful for women, what does it affect?

Firstly, it is the removal of toxins and, accordingly, weight loss. Oregano has a calming effect, helps with stomach and intestinal disorders, and enhances hair growth.

Mostly dried herbs are used. Some people collect it, others buy it at the pharmacy. This herb is used to make tea. Moreover, it is advisable to add other medicinal herbs. For example, using a herbal mixture, you can prepare monastery tea.

Monastery tea

Chopped elecampane root, St. John's wort, oregano, one tablespoon each, rose hips - 100 g. All this is mixed, poured with three liters of water. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. After this, the drink is infused for an hour. After time, it can be used both cold and hot.

Oregano tea

If you like “pure” tea, then just throw a teaspoon of herbs into a glass of boiling water.

Bath infusion

There are more good way using oregano to improve tone. To do this, brew 50 g of dry oregano with two liters of boiling water and pour it into a thermos. There the decoction is infused for 3 hours. After this, it can be poured into a bath of water. It is recommended to take such baths once every two days for 20 minutes.

By the way, this oil can not only be purchased at the pharmacy, but also prepared independently. Fresh flowers are used for this. In a three-liter jar put 1.5 kg of raw materials, 2 tbsp. l. salt, filled to the very top with unrefined vegetable oil. The jar is closed with a lid and placed under straight lines for four weeks. sun rays. After this period, the oil is filtered and poured into smaller containers.

But, one way or another, it is necessary to use oregano as a medicine after consulting a doctor. Moreover, pregnant women are strictly prohibited from using oregano. Although it is used quite widely in gynecology.

The use of oregano in gynecology

One of the medicinal properties that oregano has in gynecology is normalization menstrual cycle In addition, it relieves pain during menstruation, acting as a sedative and hypnotic.

For menstrual irregularities, it is recommended to use next decoction. Take 2 tsp. dry oregano and pour a glass of boiling water. After this, the infusion is heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then the broth is cooled and drunk 1/3 cup three times a day.

Another decoction that will increase tone, however, it is not recommended during menstrual cycles:

  • Sweet clover - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Oregano - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Melissa - 2 tbsp. l.
  • White nettle, flowers - 4 tbsp. l.

All ingredients are mixed and 0.5 liters of boiling water is poured. The broth is infused all night. It is used ¾ cup before meals. It is worth noting that this decoction has a very strong diuretic effect.

There are also recommendations for those women who cannot get pregnant. They are recommended to use a decoction of a mixture of oregano and knotweed. To do this, mix 2 tbsp. l. herbs and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The decoction is infused all night. The next day you can start the cycle. It consists in using the decoction for 21 days, then taking a break for 10 days. Next, wait for the end of the menstrual cycle and start drinking the decoction again for three days. And in the evening you need to put the jars in lower area belly.

The jars are placed for 20 minutes. Contraindications for this procedure are gynecological diseases and tumors, therefore, before placing cups, you need to consult a doctor.

There is another use of oregano in gynecology - douching. For this procedure, 2 tsp. oregano infusion is poured into a glass of warm water. The same remedy helps with colpitis and vaginal itching.

The use of oregano in all its forms is contraindicated for pregnant women.

What are the benefits and harms of oregano for men?

Just like for women, oregano is contraindicated for men if they have allergies. Even if you do not have an allergy, it may turn out that when using it, this side effect. And if you have increased acidity or an ulcer, then you should not drink oregano at all.

Moreover, if women don't have to worry about quantitative application oregano, men should not abuse this, as this herb affects potency. The grass contains special hormones - estrogens, which reduce testosterone levels. Therefore, excessive consumption of oregano can lead to impotence.

But don’t despair, as they say, moderate use helps with gastritis and intestinal pain.

There's one more thing good property– it helps against alcoholism. But this is also all in moderation. In general, oregano is considered an exclusively female herb, because its main properties are associated specifically with female diseases.

For men, this herb is best suited during colds and severe cough. As a remedy for treating prostate diseases, oregano can be drunk with a little coffee.

That's all the main medicinal properties for men. As you can see there are not many of them. But this is understandable, since this grass is more feminine.

Oregano - beneficial properties and contraindications for children

Since adults drink herbal tea either during treatment or for the sake of prevention, the question arises whether it is possible to pour such tea for your children at the same time. If oregano is needed for women, it is only of limited use for men, but it is contraindicated for children. This is primarily due to the fact that children's body It is still just being formed, and oregano, as seen earlier, has specific properties aimed, first of all, at the state of the reproductive system. Therefore, frequent use by children can lead to violations of this very system.

But this does not mean that children should avoid this medicinal plant. It can be used externally. There are no contraindications or consequences here.

We are talking, first of all, about decoction baths in case of allergies or various skin diseases. Such baths help with nervous disorders and insomnia. If you have a cold or headache, then a simple compress and gargling will help, and for wounds and burns - lotions.

The only people who should not take an oregano bath are children who have enuresis. Also, external use is not recommended for children with a weak heart.

In general, soothing baths, especially for babies, are essential.

However, bathing in such baths is necessary after a year. Making a bath is simple: 250 ml of oregano infusion is added to 10 liters of water. If the child is over 5 years old, then the volume of infusion can be increased to 500 ml per 10 liters of water.

You can do an allergy test yourself. We moisten a cotton swab with the prepared decoction and smear the area of ​​skin between the large and index finger With back side hands. If after an hour there is no redness or itching, then oregano baths are not contraindicated.

In order to make a lotion or compress, you need to prepare a concentrated decoction of oregano. Take 100 g of herb, pour in 300 ml of boiled water, bring to a boil and keep on fire for 15 minutes. Then we leave it in the thermos for an hour and a half. Next, filter the broth, cool, after which you can make compresses and lotions.

For children, compresses or lotions are placed in the temporal region or superciliary space with cotton swabs moistened with a decoction for 15 minutes. The procedure is done 4 times a day.

If you give children oregano to drink, it is best to do this in combination with other herbs. For example, for bronchitis, tea is prepared, which in addition to oregano also includes linden flowers, marshmallow root, dried berries raspberries Pour 300 ml of boiling water onto 100 g of this mixture and leave for about 20 minutes. We prepare the drink itself as follows: pour 50 ml of decoction, pour 150 ml of boiling water and give it to drink 8 times a day.

Where is oregano used, other than traditional medicine?

Oregano has long been used and is used in folk medicine. It is used not only itself, but is also included in various collections, such as diaphoretic, chest and carminative.

These fees are widely used in traditional medicine. So, various drugs with herbs can be purchased at any pharmacy.

But there is also a use for oregano that is not related to treatment. This is cooking. One popular use in this area is as a spice. It is used to season meat dishes and pates. It is added both to homemade sausages and to offal fillings. And there’s no need to talk about marinades for pickles. To get a mint aroma, add a little dried herb to the pickling jar.

Oregano is also included in spicy mixtures for adding to mushrooms, such as champignons, oyster mushrooms, as well as in sauces and mayonnaise. These seasonings usually go under the name "Oregano".

Any self-respecting kitchen uses a mixture of seasonings, which includes oregano, allspice and black pepper, basil, rosemary, thyme and marjoram.

In Russian cuisine, oregano is used mainly for making tea.

Moreover, it serves not only as an invigorating drink, but also as a medicinal drink. This tea helps against colds and swelling, relieves sore throat, and helps fight stress.

How to brew oregano tea

For the drink to have its beneficial effect, it must be prepared correctly. Everything is done easily. Take a porcelain teapot, pour in 1 teaspoon of dry herbs, and pour a glass of boiling water. The drink needs to brew for about five minutes, after which it is ready to drink.

If desired, you can add sugar or honey to the tea to combat insomnia. Cream is good for flavor.

And if you brew it with St. John’s wort, thyme and fireweed, then this mixture will help strengthen the body’s immunity.

Recipes with oregano

If you decide to use oregano for culinary purposes. Here are a few recipes that may help you.


For a cold appetizer you can prepare this salad:

  • Oregano – 25 g
  • Potatoes - 150 g
  • Cucumber – 100 g
  • Lettuce leaves – 100 g
  • Radish - 50 g
  • Green onion – 25 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream or mayonnaise, citric acid or apple cider vinegar

The potatoes are boiled and chopped together with cucumbers, radishes, and other ingredients. Then citric acid or apple cider vinegar is added and seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise. You can sprinkle herbs on top - parsley and dill.


For hot dishes, you can make soup.

  • Oregano leaves – 15 g
  • Potatoes – 30 g
  • Carrots – 20 g
  • Cabbage – 30 g
  • Onion – 15 g
  • Chicken broth – 300 ml
  • Cream – 40 g

Cooking chicken broth, put carrots, potatoes, chopped cabbage and onions there, cook until tender. After this, we throw in oregano leaves, or a pinch of any cereal. When finished, pour in the cream.


For main course, prepare meatballs with oregano.

  • Oregano leaves – 50 g
  • Minced meat – 400 g
  • Rice porridge – 50 g
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 50 g
  • Flour – 150 g

The minced meat is mixed with chopped oregano, rice porridge and egg. The onion is sautéed and also added to the minced meat. Sprinkle with spices to taste and make meatballs. Sprinkle with flour and simmer in sour cream in a frying pan. Can be served with any side dish.

Bon appetit!

Video about the properties of oregano

And finally short video about this wonderful plant.