Cost of breast enlargement: how much does a full bust cost? Breast Augmentation Breast Augmentation Clinic

Attractive breasts beautiful shape- the dream of many women. Currently, it is carried out thanks to the significant experience of plastic surgeons and high-quality materials. Mammoplasty is aimed at increasing breast size and creating an aesthetic shape. In our clinic, the operation is performed by highly qualified specialists who use only proven techniques in their work.

What are the advantages of breast augmentation in our clinic?

  1. Axillary access– a unique technology for installing implants without scars.
  2. Author's methods Professor Blokhin.
  3. 3D modeling of results CRISALIX operations (included in the consultation price) using virtual mirror technology.
  4. Price without hidden fees– dressings, consultations, anesthesia, postoperative examinations and implants are included in the price.
  5. No restrictions after surgery(except for sports activities).
  6. From 1 day after surgery you can and should develop your hands.
  7. Rapid surgery technologies– operations in a minimum time – from 30 to 50 minutes (minimum time under anesthesia, minimum time of injury).
  8. Sleep on your back for only 10 days(no inconvenience in the post-rehabilitation period).
  9. Collegial decision making, close-knit team, consultation of doctors.
  10. All plastic surgeons Frau Clinics are open only at Frau Klinik.
  11. Maximum time wearing compression garments – 3-4 weeks(instead of 4 months for other surgeons).
  12. Special rehabilitation programs after plastic surgery (microcurrent therapy, lymphatic drainage massages, etc.).
  13. Possibility of performing joint operations under the same anesthesia(plastic surgeon + traumatologist, ENT, abdominal surgeon, phlebologist, maxillofacial surgeon, cosmetologist, gynecologist, mammologist).
  14. Personal manager 24/7
  15. Connecting patients with surgeons 24/7

Professor Blokhin and his team of specialists based at Frau Klinik and the Russian National Research Institute medical university named after N.I. Pirogov, a unique minimally invasive technique that has no analogues was developed - endoscopic breast augmentation.

Free annual maintenance and monitoring! After surgery, we provide our patients with free annual care, monitoring and support from surgeons and clinic staff on all issues related to your plastic surgery.

Breast augmentation prices

The final cost of the operation is determined at the consultation plastic surgeon.
Implants are included in the cost of the operation.

    Badak O.E., Filippov A.I., Kopasov A.E., Kondratyev D.G.

    Breast augmentation

    Endoscopic breast augmentation

    Egorova M.V.

    Breast augmentation

    380,000 304,000 RUR

    Endoscopic breast augmentation using a two-plane method

    from 414,000 331,200 RUR

    Breast augmentation using lipofilling (one gland)

    250,000 200,000 RUR

    Breast augmentation using lipofilling (both glands)

    450,000 360,000 RUR

    Tumakov G.I., Abrahamyan S.M.

    Breast augmentation

    Endoscopic breast augmentation using a two-plane method

    from 414,000 ₽

    Breast augmentation using lipofilling (one gland)

    Breast augmentation using lipofilling (both glands)

Prices for surgery from professors S.N. Blokhin and Wolf I.A. - on request.

Breast augmentation is performed for girls who are dissatisfied with the existing volume of the mammary glands. The procedure is recommended for women with underdevelopment of the mammary glands, as well as with ptosis (sagging) of the breast; the cause of such changes may be prolonged breastfeeding, sharp decline weight.


At the time of breast augmentation surgery, the patient must be carefully prepared and informed about all the features of the procedure, the recovery period and complications.

In addition to discussing the shape and size of the mammary glands, it is necessary to jointly decide with the operating surgeon on the choice of prosthesis and incision site. A preliminary consultation with the use of external implants allows the patient to visually assess the future breasts. Frau Klinik uses ergonomic implants, their advantage is that in a standing position they take an anatomical shape identical to the natural one, and in a horizontal position the gel filler is a round implant, which provides the breasts with the most natural appearance. In addition to standard operations, our surgeons offer proprietary techniques that allow us to solve even the most complex problems.

Crisalix 4D modeling with mirror virtual reality(performed by Badak O.E.)


Before the operation, it is necessary to undergo a number of standard studies: ultrasound, general, biochemical analysis blood, testing for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, blood clotting testing. Additionally, consultation with an anesthesiologist is required. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and the operation usually lasts 25-35 minutes.

The implant is placed under the mammary gland (in the retromammary space) or under the large pectoral muscle. Tissue incision can be made in various areas, there are several access options:

  • axillary (through the armpit),
  • paraareolar (through the areola of the nipple),
  • submammary (incision in the inframammary fold)

The type of access is determined by the surgeon individually. Our doctors often make an incision in the armpit or areola. The main advantages include high cosmetic properties.

Postoperative period

The woman is discharged from the hospital after 1-2 days, the stitches are removed on days 7-14. During the rehabilitation period, compression garments should be worn to further secure the implant in the correct position. Disturbed for 3-5 days painful sensations which can be relieved with conventional painkillers. During the first time after breast augmentation, swelling is noted. After a week, the patient returns to her usual rhythm of life, but for some time it is necessary to limit physical activity, avoid injury and any mechanical impact in the area of ​​the mammary glands, and visiting baths, saunas, and solariums is prohibited for 3 months.

Reality show “10 years younger”

Breast augmentation surgery was performed on the heroine of the television project “10 Years Younger” - actress Galina Danilova.

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular services for which people turn to aesthetic medicine clinics. And it’s not surprising, because the beauty of the female body largely depends on this. Thanks to this plastic surgery Almost every woman can adjust her breast size and shape, and at the same time achieve harmony of soul and body.

Center plastic surgery and cosmetology ON CLINIC invites you to undergo breast augmentation in Moscow. Many years of experience and professionalism of our specialists allow us to achieve amazing results, which you can verify by looking at the photos of our work.

Indications for breast augmentation

With breast augmentation, you can not only change its size, but also correct the shape of the mammary glands. Therefore, indications for this operation may include:

  • excessively small breasts due to hereditary factors, disorders of sexual development, etc.;
  • breast asymmetry, in which one of the mammary glands is larger than the second (including after breastfeeding or after removal of part of the breast for medical reasons);
  • drooping breasts (ptosis);
  • psychological discomfort caused by insufficient breast size;
  • a woman’s personal desire to make her breasts higher and more attractive.


Breast surgery to correct its size and/or shape is a full-fledged surgical intervention that is performed under anesthesia. Therefore, there are a number of contraindications for performing breast plastic surgery. These include:

  • blood clotting disorders caused by any disease or taking anticoagulants;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding. In this case, at least 6 months must pass after completion of lactation;
  • period of active weight loss (the operation is recommended after the weight has stabilized);
  • serious illnesses internal organs, including organ failure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • identified lumps in the chest, inflammation of regional lymph nodes and other conditions requiring additional examination from a mammologist and his permission to perform plastic surgery;
  • contraindications to general anesthesia.

Features of preparation and conduct of the operation

Before plastic surgery mandatory examination, including blood tests, urine tests, ultrasound of the mammary glands and/or mammography, ECG. If the surgeon sees reasons for this, he recommends a consultation with a mammologist (a specialist in diseases of the mammary glands), who will perform additional diagnostics. Only after concluding that the woman is healthy and mammoplasty is not contraindicated for her, the surgeon prescribes plastic surgery.

Well-known clinics focus on eliminating any health risks when performing breast augmentation and other surgical interventions. Therefore, if you have contraindications to mammoplasty, which are ready to be ignored in any plastic surgery clinic, this may indicate a low professional level of the specialists working there. If temporary contraindications have been identified, breast surgery may be postponed for more late date(for example, until the identified disease is cured), after which it is worth undergoing a repeat preoperative examination.

Breast augmentation surgery uses modern implants various sizes and shapes (round and anatomical). This significantly expands the opportunities for women seeking to make their bodies more perfect.

Before breast augmentation, a careful selection of endoprostheses is carried out together with the doctor, taking into account the patient’s expectations and the initial condition of the breast. This allows you to predict the results of plastic surgery with high accuracy, and also, if necessary, combine the installation of implants with other manipulations (for example, correction of the size and shape of the areolas).

The materials used in the manufacture of breast implants usually do not cause immune reactions in the body, which reduces the risk of implant rejection to zero. This makes breast augmentation surgery accessible to many women with hypersensitivity immune system.

Rehabilitation after surgery

When a woman gets the breasts she has dreamed of, her natural desire is to enjoy all the benefits of a new attractive body as quickly as possible. But at first, you should pay maximum attention to your health. Proper completion of the recovery period will allow you to avoid a number of complications, including displacement of the implant and the need for correction. For each patient a individual program rehabilitation, which takes into account all the features of mammoplasty. But the following requirements are universal for everyone.

  • Mandatory wearing of compression garments selected according to size and shape breast implants. This type of underwear is put on immediately after plastic surgery and used for several weeks.
  • Proper care postoperative sutures(they should not get wet or be squeezed, they should be treated only with the means prescribed by the doctor).
  • Refusal to take medications that interfere with blood clotting (unless otherwise recommended by your doctor).
  • Elimination of any thermal procedures on the area chest and armpits (refusal to visit the sauna, bathhouse, solarium).
  • Removing pressure on the chest area (in the first few days after surgery, it is preferable to sleep on your back or side, placing a pillow under your “lower” shoulder, and also avoid tight clothing).
  • Physical activity on the arms and shoulder girdle in the early recovery period should be completely excluded (for three weeks after surgery) and limited in the next few weeks.
Natural side effects plastic surgery are hematomas and swelling, which go away on their own as the operated area recovers. To eliminate pain, which also applies to normal conditions After surgery, the doctor will prescribe you painkillers and tell you how and in what dosage you should take them.

breast surgery

Difficulty of carrying out

Popularity of the procedure



Rehabilitation 2 - 3 months

The most attractive thing about a woman's body is its curves. Graceful and fit forms can bewitch, and being the owner of such forms is pleasure and pride. To feel sexy, you need, first of all, grace and femininity, but in order to have such qualities, sometimes it is not enough to simply transmit them from the body. WestMed serves as a faithful companion in realizing your sense of beauty.

Breast augmentation surgery is the most popular operation in the field of plastic surgery, which determines the perfectly refined techniques and professionalism of the surgeons. The operation is successful not only among those with small breasts, but also for correcting recurrent changes and the consequences of breastfeeding. In some cases, breast augmentation is performed in combination with a lift (mastopexy).


  • After childbirth. During pregnancy glandular tissue the breast can more than double in size and its shape changes. However, after stopping breastfeeding, the level of the hormone prolactin decreases and the woman’s breasts deflate like balloon. The firmness of the breasts after childbirth is lost due to weakening of the pectoral muscles. The skin becomes flabby and stretch marks appear.
  • Age-related changes in skin structure. IN at a young age breasts look as attractive as possible thanks to skin that is rich in elastin and collagen. These components are a kind of frame for the mammary glands. Over time, the reserves of these structural components decrease and the breasts gradually sag, stretch marks appear.
  • Dramatic weight loss. A woman’s breasts consist not only of mammary glands; they also largely contain adipose tissue. Unfortunately, with sudden weight loss fat mass It goes away most quickly from the chest area. As a result, it loses its former shape.
  • Sagging breasts. The force of attraction is felt most by women with big breasts, however, it affects the attractiveness of any woman’s breasts. A breast lift or implants will help solve the problem.
  • Breast asymmetry. There are different degrees asymmetry of the mammary glands. Both the shape and size of the breasts can vary. Most often, asymmetry occurs due to genetic abnormalities, hormonal changes in the body, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and menopause.
  • Small size. Many girls are not satisfied with their appearance; they want a fuller and more toned bust, and this is normal. Big breasts always attracted the admiring glances of men. If your breasts have long been formed, but their size leaves much to be desired, the WestMed clinic will help you achieve the desired size using suitable methods.


breast enlargement implants

To enlarge your breasts by more than one size, it is recommended to use implants. Silicone is highly resistant. Even if the outer capsule is broken, the jelly-like contents do not spread and continue to hold their shape.

There are many types of implants, it all depends on the preferences and characteristics of the patient. These can be rounded provocative shapes, ergonomic implants that adapt to the position of the body and take the correct shape, or anatomical implants that form sensual breasts of an absolutely natural shape.

Mentor implants:

  • Products from Mentor, a world renowned manufacturer silicone implants and others medical goods, represented in more than 100 countries.
  • All Mentor implants come with a lifetime warranty.
  • The textured surface using Siltex® technology ensures good healing of the implant with the surrounding tissues.
  • A wide range of implants - round and anatomical, with different projections of the protruding part (with medium, medium plus, high and super high profiles).
  • Unique development Mentor (cohesive Memory Gel) “can” instantly return implants to their original position after compression.

Hi-Tech Motiva implants:

  • Installation through the smallest possible incision thanks to the ultra-durable TrueMonobloc® sheath.
  • Ultra-soft, stable ProgressiveGel™ and ProgressiveGel Ultima™ filling gel to maintain optimal shape.
  • Natural behavior of implants after installation, thanks to TrueTissue Dynamics™ technology.
  • The SilkSurface texture allows the implant to adapt to movement and reduces friction.
  • Q Inside Safety Technology™ allows you to track unique identification information stored on a chip inside the implant.


  • The presented implants do not cause a rejection reaction in the body due to hypoallergenic materials. Immune rejection an implant is almost impossible.
  • The shell of these silicone implants consists of several layers, which prevents capsule rupture even under strong impact. The top layer has high stretchability, which also reduces the risk of damage to the integrity.
  • Many varieties. Depending on the position of the patient’s body, the shape of her breasts changes; wishes for shape may also take into account the tactile sensations of the breasts and their density. When using anatomical implants The most protruding part of the chest in a standing position is the lower pole, and in a lying position it is the central one. Breast augmentation through surgery can remain your secret with the surgeon.
  • High quality filler. The implants are filled with highly resistant silicone gel, which, even if the capsule is torn, continues to hold its shape.

Which form should I choose?

In this matter, you should rely on the recommendations of the plastic surgeon, which you will receive during the consultation. The surgeon will help you determine the natural characteristics of the patient’s breasts and physique. For those with naturally round breasts, they are ideal. round implants. However, the vast majority of women have cone-shaped breasts, so for this group of patients, a teardrop shape would be the optimal solution.

What implant size should I choose?

The most popular request is breast size three. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it. For those women who have a petite build, it is preferable to choose smaller implants, which will allow you to achieve the most natural result. Still, the final decision in choosing the size remains with the patient.

Select access

After the shape and size of the implants have been clarified, the surgeon and the patient must agree on the access for its installation. Each type of implant presented in our clinic is installed through the smallest possible incision. There are three various options installations, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Periareolar access(in the nipple area) is attractive because in question cosmetic defect he shows himself in the best possible way. After such access, a small seam remains around the circumference of the nipple, which almost completely disappears over time. The disadvantage of the method is possible complications. Firstly, there is a loss of sensitivity, which is restored very slowly or is completely lost. Secondly, there may be difficulties with its engraftment. With WestMed surgeons who have performed over 7,000 surgeries, such complications are virtually impossible to occur.
  2. Axillary(incision in the axillary region). Today this is the most popular access to install an implant, which has become widespread and recognized throughout the world. The axillary area is often hidden from prying eyes and it is quite difficult to see the seam there. Over time, with regular shaving or depilation of this area, the scar becomes almost invisible. It is worth noting that surgery through the armpit area is quite difficult and must be performed by an experienced surgeon.
  3. Submammary(incision in the inframammary fold). The advantage of the method is the technical simplicity of the operation.

Method of installation and fixation of implants

The implant is finally installed using a special minimally invasive method. Upper part The implant is covered by the pectoral muscle, which ensures minimally sensitive contact with the implant. This method eliminates possible discomfort and allows the patient to perceive the new breast as her own breast tissue. After installing the implant under the muscle, a muscle flap. This installation technology is more complex, but allows you to securely fix the implant in a certain position and maintain its original shape for a long time.



At the first consultation, the surgeon predicts the result upcoming operation using computer modeling, provides an estimate of the volume of intervention. You can make your own adjustments to the desired image. Based on the patient’s preferences and objective characteristics of the breast condition, suitable implants are selected.

During the first visit, the surgeon will outline a plan for the necessary examinations before surgery.

What examination will the surgeon prescribe:

  • General blood test. It will allow you to evaluate general condition body, reveal hidden inflammatory processes, absence or presence of anemia, allergic processes.
  • A general urine test will indicate the general condition of the kidneys and urinary system.
  • Biochemical blood test with determination of ALAT, ASAT levels, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, total protein, cholesterol, creatinine, urea and glucose. These indicators reflect the condition of the internal organs.
  • Test for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B and C virus.
  • Test for syphilis.
  • Carrying out a coagulogram.
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands. Aimed at identifying tumors and cysts in the mammary glands, which can be removed simultaneously with endoprosthetics. In addition, ultrasound can detect malignant neoplasms which are absolute contraindication for plastic surgery for breast augmentation.

    If a person has any lesions chronic infection (chronic inflammation palatine tonsils, rhinitis, etc.), then he can be admitted to surgery only after complete sanitation of these lesions.


The anesthesiologist selects anesthesia that will ensure complete painlessness during the operation. Intravenous anesthesia is most often used.

The surgeon makes special marks on the body with a marker, which he will use as a guide during the operation. The incision is made according to a pre-agreed method.

An implant is installed under the fascia of the gland or the pectoralis major muscle. The surgeon visually assesses the symmetry of the breast. Places sutures with non-absorbable threads.

The patient is transferred to the VIP ward. She is under the watchful supervision of a surgeon and nurses for 24 hours. Dressings are carried out.

Recovery period. During the year after surgery, you must regularly visit your attending surgeon and follow his instructions. Inspections and consultations are free this year.



  • Insufficient volume of the mammary glands;
  • Asymmetry of the mammary glands;
  • Sagging or loss of breast shape after pregnancy or lactation.


Rehabilitation and safety

The transformation will happen instantly, but after the operation it may seem that the breasts are asymmetrical or located slightly higher than their natural position, this is due to temporary swelling of the tissue. After 2 months, the implant begins to become covered with a fibrous capsule and sink lower. The result can be assessed no earlier than after 8–12 months.

The recovery period is divided into early (up to 1 month) and late (until the final result is formed). During the early recovery period, some postoperative complications may develop. As a result of damage to many small vessels, bleeding may develop. As a rule, it is detected fairly quickly. If you notice that the bandages in the surgical area are soaked with blood, check your pulse and blood pressure. If there is bleeding, the skin is pale, the pulse is rapid, and the blood pressure is low. To prevent this complication, surgeons use a scalpel with electrocoagulation. When cutting tissue, it simultaneously coagulates the vessels, thereby reducing the risk of bleeding to a minimum.

During the rehabilitation period, pain is noted. If necessary, the patient is allowed to use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that provide an adequate analgesic effect. The surgeon will also make an appointment antibacterial drugs and antibiotics to prevent suppuration and reduce the risk of secondary pathogenic microflora.

Basic rules postoperative period

  • Mandatory adherence to wearing compression garments. Compression garments are necessary in order to relieve stress from unused seams. It also ensures normal blood and lymphatic flow in the chest area.
  • Prohibition on intense physical activity. In the next 3–4 months, sports and active work interfere with normal implant healing.
  • Benefits of breast augmentation using your own fat:

    • There is no chance of rejection. Own adipose tissue engrafts in one hundred percent of cases.
    • Solving several problems, since during the operation two areas are corrected at once
    • Long-term results. The likelihood of changing new proportions depends only on your own weight.
    • Minimally invasive surgery. Manipulations are performed through small punctures of the skin, which subsequently leave no marks.

    Possible problems

    • Those with a thin build most often do not have sufficient quantity fat tissue for transplantation into the breast. And use someone else's adipose tissue, of course, it’s impossible.
    • Hormonal changes can significantly affect the size of your new breasts.
    • Typically, the operation is carried out in 2-3 stages to achieve the desired result.


    Service code ICD-10 code Service name Price Promotion
    Breast surgery
    - - Doctor consultation 1 300 ₽ -
    A 16.20.051 N64 Elimination of hypoplasmy of the mammary glands using endoprosthetics (primary) 153,000 ₽ RUB 137,900
    A 16.20.051 N64 Elimination of hypoplasmy of the mammary glands using endoprosthetics (secondary) 183,000 ₽ 165,000 ₽
    A 16.20.051 N62 Elimination of breast deformation using periareolar mastopexy 122,000 ₽ 110,000 ₽
    A 16.20.051 N64 Elimination of milk hypoplasmia. glands by resection of glandular and adipose tissue and excess skin 1st stage 165,500 RUR 149,000 ₽
    A 16.20.051 N64 Elimination of milk hypoplasmia. glands by resection of glandular and adipose tissue and excess skin 2nd stage 183,000 ₽ 165,000 ₽
    A 16.20.051 N62 elimination of deformation of the areola and nipple of the breast 25,500 ₽ 23,000 ₽
    A 16.20.051 N62 Elimination of hypoplasia of the mammary glands with ptosis of the 2nd degree RUB 147,500 133,000 ₽
    A 16.20.051 N62 Elimination of hypoplasia of the mammary glands with ptosis of the 3rd degree 183,000 ₽ 165,000 ₽
    A 16.20.051 N62 Elimination of breast deformation using endoprosthetics 244,000 ₽ 220,000 ₽
    A 16.20.051 N62 Elimination of breast hypertrophy RUB 147,500 133,000 ₽

The most radical and effective way of breast enlargement is plastic surgery. How much this surgery costs depends on several factors.

Except medical indications and contraindications, before agreeing to such a serious step, you need to evaluate your financial capabilities.

What is included in the price of breast enlargement surgery?

The cost of breast enlargement surgery includes several cost items, including the cost of implants for breast enlargement.

Each of them may be different depending on several factors. As a result, prices for the same operation can vary by half or even more. So, how much does it cost to enlarge your breasts by one size?

Components of surgery costs

  • Cost of a surgeon's work
  • Cost of implants,
  • Analyzes and necessary studies,
  • Anesthesia,
  • Stay in hospital
  • Buying compression garments.

The location of the clinic plays a major role in determining the cost of breast enlargement surgery. If this is the capital or a large city in the center of the country, then the cost will be noticeably higher than in a clinic in the periphery.

The location of the clinic plays a big role!

And medical centers in the same city can offer the same service at very different prices. If this is a clinic with a name, authority and reputation, then all services there will be much more expensive than in a newly opened or not yet “promoted” one.

Breast augmentation will cost more:

  • in Moscow,
  • in St. Petersburg,
  • in a prestigious clinic.

What to pay for

Before choosing a clinic or doctor, the patient must find out what is included in the cost of breast augmentation. This will help avoid unnecessary surprises.

If you add implants, anesthesia and hospital stay, then in the end it will be much more expensive to have surgery in a second clinic.

The cost of mammoplasty depends not only on the image of the clinic, but also on its equipment. This factor is very important, since both the results and the safety of the client largely depend on it.

Equipment means equipment, instruments, professionalism not only of surgeons, but also of anesthesiologists and paramedics. medical personnel.

Some clinics charge lower prices to attract clients by not including the price of implants.

Therefore, before being tempted by a tempting offer, it is worth clarifying what is included in the cost of the service.

Cost of a plastic surgeon

From half to two thirds of the cost of breast augmentation surgery is the surgeon's services.

The price can be set by the specialist himself or the institution in which he works.

The numbers vary greatly.

The approximate minimum cost of a plastic surgeon can vary from 30,000 to 200,000 rubles. The more regalia, experience and positive feedback the doctor, the higher he charges for his operations.

Having an academic degree also gives you a reason to evaluate your work higher. Surgeons with an impeccable reputation and extensive experience are always in demand among patients, despite high prices.

Novice specialists cannot afford to declare high cost services because they need to attract customers. Thus, the amount charged for the services of a plastic surgeon may be a kind of indicator of the quality of these services.

There is one more nuance in how much it costs to increase mammary glands. The same doctor can operate in different clinics, and the cost of his work can also be different, since the clinic always has a certain share.

For example, an operation with the same doctor in Yekaterinburg can cost 30,000, and in Moscow 70,000 rubles.

How much breast enlargement surgery costs may also depend on the complexity of the operation. The main difficulty lies in the access through which the implant is installed.

The simplest and most frequently used method of performing breast augmentation surgery is submammary, that is, through the inframammary fold. The periareolar method is somewhat more complicated, and therefore more expensive, when the incision is made at the border of the areola.

The axillary approach is the most difficult, so operations performed through an incision in the armpit are always higher in cost. The main advantage of this method is the absence of visible scars and scars.

After breast augmentation, the results are permanent. But again, it is worth taking into account subsequent pregnancies, weight fluctuations, and natural aging.
For a number of reasons, the aesthetic outcome of breast augmentation surgery may change over time.

What is included in the surgeon's services?

  • Preliminary consultations,
  • Drawing up an operation plan,
  • Performing the operation itself
  • Consultations during the rehabilitation period,
  • Dressings,
  • Inspections.

It is imperative to clarify what exactly is included in the cost of a plastic surgeon’s services in order to take into account possible additional costs.

Implants and their cost

Costs for implants placed during surgery range from 10% to half of total costs.

The average price for implants without additional functions is 20,000 - 45,000 rubles.

What determines the cost of implants?

  • From technical characteristics,
  • From the manufacturer and brand,
  • From “cheating” the clinic.

The manufacturer's selling price and the price for which the implant is offered in the clinic can vary quite significantly. Many models of similar products are produced.

Technical specifications include various parameters. Various materials are used, and one implant may contain gels of different densities, this makes the product more expensive.

The shape also affects the cost, so round ones are always cheaper, all other things being equal, than anatomically shaped breast prostheses.

Is it worth overpaying for the brand? Everyone decides this question for themselves. However, you need to know that the price of a product consists of the costs not only of its production, but also of advertising, marketing activities, and establishing sales in a particular region.

Check out the manufacturer's warranty!

Therefore, the cost of products famous brands always higher. If the manufacturer of breast prostheses has European certification, then the difference in the quality of products with similar technical characteristics will be very small. For this reason, you can save money on a brand, if it is a certified product.

Before choosing one or another implant, you should familiarize yourself with the manufacturer’s guarantees. If funds allow, then it is worth purchasing a product with a lifetime warranty. Such breast prostheses are made, for example, by the companies Natrelle and Mentor.

Their round implants cost an average of 45,000 rubles, and anatomically shaped products cost 60,000 rubles. Manufacturers provide product warranties. A lifetime guarantee is a kind of sign of product quality and peace of mind for the patient.

The choice of implants should be discussed during a consultation with a plastic surgeon. He must explain exactly what and why he is offering the patient.

Must select best option in terms of quality and price, so that the woman feels comfortable in the future, but at the same time, everyone wants to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Unfortunately, they still occur unscrupulous doctors who do not care about the health of patients, but only about their own benefit. They may offer low-quality prostheses or services and significantly inflate prices.

Signs of dishonesty

  • The clinic’s price for an implant is very different from the average (both up and down)
  • The surgeon makes a decision on the brand and type of endoprosthesis without discussion with the patient.
  • The clinic representative categorically insists only on a specific implant without proper argumentation.
  • The implants offered in the clinic do not have a European quality certificate.

Preparing for surgery

Breast augmentation surgery is performed in a hospital under general anesthesia.

Before such manipulations, it is always necessary to undergo a series of studies to exclude possible contraindications or carry out the necessary preliminary treatment.

Basically, these are tests that can be done in the usual district clinic at your place of residence or at any medical center.

The set of tests is standard, and it is hardly worth going to expensive medical institutions. In some cases, they are already included in the cost of the operation.


On average, the duration of the operation is 1-2 hours, depending on the characteristics of the particular case.

For anesthesia and the services of an anesthesiologist, without whom operations cannot be performed, you will need from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles.

Hospital stay and post-operative costs

After the operation, the woman must remain in the hospital under the supervision of medical personnel for at least a day.

Each day of hospital stay will cost 3,000 - 6,000 rubles, depending on the clinic and the comfort of the room.

Post-operative costs may include consultations, examinations and dressings. They can be performed for an additional fee, or can be immediately included in the cost of mammoplasty.

Compression garments will cost about 5,000 rubles. It is impossible to do without it, since it ensures the desired position of the mammary glands, supports them, and prevents displacement of the implants and excessive swelling.


So, the cost of breast augmentation surgery includes several items. If you put them all together, then approximate cost such a procedure in Moscow will cost from 150,000 rubles. The upper limit may be 300,000 or even more.

Be careful with offers priced below 150 thousand rubles!

Of course, price in itself is not a guarantee of quality, but it is hardly worth focusing on clinics that offer prices much lower than average.

It is most convenient to contact such institutions, where they offer to openly discuss all aspects of the operation and immediately calculate all possible costs.

You will be able to find additional information on this topic in the section.