Which implants to choose: round or anatomical. How do anatomical implants differ from round ones? How is breast augmentation surgery performed?

Author Reviewer: Update: 04/05/2018

Men won't let you lie - a woman's breasts are the most attractive part of the body. Of course, many women strive to give this paired organ a perfect shape (we do not take into account man-haters, feminists and people with unconventional orientation). But what is the ideal shape, or, in other words, an anatomically shaped breast - what is it like?

Let's say right away that the perfect breast does not exist. There are millions of women, and each of them has different mammary glands with their own characteristics. However, plastic surgeons use several parameters simply so that they have a starting point in their work. This is called “breast aesthetic criteria”. These are the parameters:

  • the distance between the nipples and from each nipple to the jugular notch is 21 cm (an equilateral triangle is formed);
  • the distance from the nipple to the middle of the collarbone on the corresponding side is also 21 cm;
  • distance from the nipple to the inframammary fold – 5.9 cm;
  • the outer edge of the mammary gland protrudes somewhat beyond the chest;
  • the distance between the outer edges of the mammary gland is equal to the width of the hips.

Is it possible to achieve ideal breast parameters?

Considering the desire of many women for the ideal, it is not surprising at all the efforts they make to make their breasts ideal. Everything comes into play: physical exercise, refusal of breastfeeding, traditional medicine, Chinese tightening remedies, etc. Unfortunately, the only thing that somehow improves the appearance of the mammary gland is physical exercise. By increasing the volume of the pectoral muscles, they lift the glands, making the breasts slightly higher. This looks like an increase in its volume, although in fact it is not.

The only really effective way to both enlarge the breasts and give them an ideal shape is augmentation mammoplasty. In other words, installation of implants. And this is where the fun begins.

Breast augmentation with implants: anatomical or round

We would like to say right away one thing that works everywhere in medicine: what suits one patient may not suit another. If you know a woman whose breasts became ideal after installing an anatomical (more correctly, teardrop-shaped) implant, this does not mean that the same one will suit you. That doesn't mean he's better. It doesn't mean anything at all. Everything is individual and the selection of an implant is carried out taking into account many factors:

  • the presence of ptosis (sagging breasts);
  • nipple position;
  • breast volume;
  • potential capacity of the “case”;
  • presence of asymmetry;
  • chest shape;
  • the presence of tubularity (narrow base of the cone of the mammary gland);
  • the presence of micromastia (exceptionally small breast sizes), etc.

The difference between round and anatomical implants

Round implants have the shape of a ball or ellipse segment, and anatomical ones have a drop-shaped shape. The top of the latter is narrow, the implant widens downwards. There is an opinion that anatomical implants are better than round ones, since their shape follows the shape of the breast.

The practice of plastic surgeons shows that, with rare exceptions, teardrop-shaped implants do not have any advantages over round ones. Moreover, the cost of anatomical ones is much higher, the surgical technique is much more complicated, which also increases the cost of the intervention.

Finally, round implants do not have such a complication as rotation - rotation of the implant around its axis. This complication severely deforms the mammary gland and is an indication for repeated expensive surgery. Breasts with round implants look no worse, if, of course, they are treated by an experienced doctor.

Features of preoperative preparation

First you need to determine exactly what a woman needs. Preparedness for the result is the main component of success. It should be remembered that sometimes you have to “pay for” beautiful breasts with the appearance of pain, impaired skin sensitivity, etc. Yes, you can just feel the endoprosthesis to the touch. Is the woman ready for this? Here's an important question.

It should be understood that there is no “flawless” implant. For example, when using a dense endoprosthesis that maintains the shape of the breast when a woman stands, her breasts will also “stand up” when the woman lies down. This is unnatural, and this is a “payment” for the result. A softer implant will not hold the shape of the mammary gland so clearly in a standing position, but lying down it will look perfect.

There are other subtleties that a surgeon should talk about, and this is a criterion for assessing his professionalism and “focus” on the result, and not on simply making money. The decision is still made by the woman, she just needs to be given all the information for this.

Before the operation, an imitation of mammoplasty is performed by placing special inserts in the bra cups. This is done so that the lady can determine in front of the mirror what her breasts will look like. Most often it turns out that breast enlargement is not as important to a woman as improving its contour.

After determining the volume of the prosthesis, a decision is made on the location of the incision. There are also nuances here. For example, with a poorly expressed submammary fold (SMF), an incision cannot be made in it, and then they resort to axillary access (under the armpit), in which the scar can be noticeable for six months, and the course of the operation is more complicated. On the contrary, with severe SMS, a submammary incision is made, which provides more opportunity for viewing the surgical field. But it also has disadvantages: a longer scar, and if healing is problematic, the implant may slip out of the incision site.

The location of the implant can be subglandular (inserted between the mammary gland and the chest muscles) and subpectoral (inserted under the pectoral muscles). The latter method is considered more correct because it achieves a more natural breast shape and reduces the likelihood of contracture, the most common complication of mammoplasty.

My question is this: do Allergan anatomical implants cause breast cancer?

Neither Allergan (correctly called Natrelle) nor any other implants increase the risk of developing malignant tumors. Moreover, in women who have undergone implantation, the likelihood of developing breast cancer is approximately one and a half times lower. Reason: such women are much more attentive to any processes in the mammary gland and precancerous conditions are identified and treated earlier.

Before the operation, most doctors photograph the woman in different projections. This is done for this purpose. to study the “before” and “after” situation, make a prognosis for the postoperative period, and simply “please” the patient with how the shape of her breasts has changed.

After this, the mammary glands are marked. This is necessary for the convenience of the surgeon, who must know how and where to insert the implant to achieve the desired result.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia using local anesthetics. No endoscopic methods are provided here, because it is impossible to insert an implant through a thin tube! Before this, antibiotics are administered to prevent infectious complications. At the end of the operation, drainage tubes are inserted into the wound, through which wound discharge flows out within 2-3 days. This is a normal process and the tubes are removed on the third day (usually).

After discharge, the patient should continue to take antibiotics for another three days, painkillers as needed, and if the slightest complications arise, she is advised to call the doctor at any time of the day.

Good afternoon. Tell me, which breast implants are better - round or anatomical? Emma, ​​34 years old

Hello Emma. Experts believe that in the vast majority of cases, neither anatomical nor round silicone implants have any special advantages. Moreover, researchers show that anatomical ones have more problems, the surgical technique is more complex, due to which their cost is higher. Don't fall for marketing campaigns, listen to your surgeon's opinion...

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We welcome readers to our website for whom the issue of anatomical implants is relevant. There is no complete unity in the use of different types of endoprostheses either among plastic surgeons or among patients. And today we will look at one of the types of improving bust shape - increase breast anatomical implants.

Types of implants - “anatomists” and criteria for their selection

Anatomical differences:

  • dimensions (or height and base/base or diameter);
  • shell texture;
  • filler material and shell.

The doctor can and should describe all the features of endoprostheses to you during the consultation. Focusing on the advantages and disadvantages.


The main difference between this type of endoprosthesis and hemispherical implants is the profile. To be precise, the profile is usually understood as the height from the base (base) to the highest point of the implant. Endoprostheses are usually classified according to height or profile:

  • with high;
  • average;
  • low profile.

Some companies, for example (Germany), offer patients ultra-high profile breast inserts.

It is the profile, as a parameter, that allows a specialist to select the ideal prosthesis to improve a woman’s bust. When choosing a particular implant, the doctor is guided by:

  • on your own experience;
  • aesthetic taste;
  • client's wishes;
  • her anatomy;
  • and the current state of the tissues.
  • in the process of eliminating mastoptosis;
  • and to add volume to the upper pole of the chest.

This form The prosthesis makes the breasts look as natural as possible, but less voluminous compared to end inserts of the same size.


You can choose an implant based on texture:

  • with a smooth surface;
  • textured (porous).

The former are cheaper, the latter are less prone to displacement and other unpleasant movements inside the pocket prepared for it. The presence of texture allows tissue to grow into the pores of the shell and fix the prosthesis.

Fillers and shell

Most modern breast prostheses are made of elastomer as a shell. Many companies specializing in the production of breast prostheses prefer to make multilayer capsules of increased density. Such endoprostheses can be stretched almost 10 times without tearing the capsule.

Less commonly, manufacturers offer double-layer or double-shell lumen implants. In this case, the space between the layers of the shell is filled with physiological solution, and the inner capsule contains the gel.

Modern implants are filled mainly with silicone beads and gels:

  • cohesive;
  • mobile;
  • dense cohesive (cross-connected) with “shape memory”;
  • hydrogel;
  • biocompatible filler, etc.

The latest offerings from breast implant companies are dual-gel breast implants.

New products in the breast implant market

It’s worth stopping at micropolyurethane implants. Polyurethane endoprostheses were developed for reimplantation in patients who developed after the first endoprosthesis. Over time, plastic surgeons began to recommend this prosthetic option to all potential clients.

The surface of these implants makes it possible to minimize the growth of connective tissue around a foreign object (prosthesis). This virtually eliminates the risk of developing contractures after mammoplasty.

Most implants have a shell with a fairly significant thickness. Micropolyurethane shells are thin, that is, their thickness is no more than a few millimeters. But judging by the number of micropolyurethane bubbles, if you stretch them in one line, you can get “beads” several kilometers long.

Connective tissue will grow into the cavities formed by them, securing the prosthesis. Due to this, the layer of connective tissue will be thin, but firmly hold the prosthesis in “its embrace,” negating the risk that the anatomical implant will unfold, ruining the surgeon’s work.

This same feature of the endoinsert allows you to minimize the risk of such an unpleasant complication as ripples. Such prostheses allow plastic surgery to remain at the peak of popularity.

Advantages of modern “anatomists”

The high quality and reliability of such endoprostheses is ensured by:

  • high aesthetic indicators, which can be assessed in the photos of patients who underwent the procedure;
  • reliability and tear resistance;
  • safety in case of damage (modern gels are either biocompatible or practically do not leak through a rupture);
  • sterility;
  • pleasant tactile sensations (when in contact with a woman’s breast it is almost impossible to detect the implant).

At the same time, the anatomical shape of the endoinsert ensures a natural appearance of the breast, which eliminates the visual recognition of plastic surgery.

Disadvantages of anatomical endoprostheses

When inserting a prosthesis, surgeons may not use all access points. To implant a micropolyurethane implant, a higher qualification of a specialist is required than to implant an ordinary anatomist.

If the prosthesis flips, it will be clearly noticeable and a repeat operation will be required, unlike the flip of a round endoprosthesis. To the average anatomist, it may take on a rounded shape over time due to the growth of fibrous tissue.

Breasts corrected by anatomists cannot be corrected using underwear. And, of course, unlike their round “brothers,” anatomical endoprostheses retain their shape even in a lying position, which is not entirely natural. This is easy to see in the pictures before and after implantation.

This concludes our brief review of this for you, we look forward to seeing you at ours again. If you find something interesting for yourself in our articles, be sure to share this information with your friends via social networks.

Round implants are endoprostheses of regular shape in the form of a rounded cone. The purpose of their development is to create smooth, round contours of the female breast and increase volume.

Round-shaped endoprostheses were the first to appear, and for a long time were the only implants for breast augmentation. Not long ago, drop-shaped endoprostheses, the so-called anatomical implants, appeared. Endoprostheses of both types have similar features:

  • a silicone shell covered with a protective layer on top to prevent the filler from getting into the surrounding tissue;
  • have two types of surface: smooth, textured;
  • the internal contents are represented by gel or saline solution.

To understand how round implants differ from anatomical ones, you need to consider their main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages:



maximize volume

does not increase volume much

look harmonious in any body position

Natural shape when sitting or standing, excluding lying position

ball shape

drop shape

breast lifting effect

imitation of natural breasts

easy to implant

more difficult to implant

lower cost

more expensive

when they are turned over, the breasts retain their shape

may shift, leading to breast deformation

produce a push-up effect without wearing a bra

restrictions on wearing bras with a push-up effect

indicated for ptosis of breast tissue, asymmetry, breast enlargement by several sizes

indicated for initially flat breasts

Augmentation with round implants makes the breasts round, soft, with proportional contours. You can choose an endoprosthesis of the optimal shape according to the physiological characteristics of each woman.

A special advantage of round implants is their high plasticity. This quality of endoprostheses allows the breast to be positioned naturally in any body position. If a woman takes a vertical position, then breasts with round implants take on a teardrop shape. Lying down flattens the breasts, which is natural for natural breasts. This type of implant is great for women who are actively involved in sports and dancing. They look very flexible and natural during intense movements. Round implants are easier to install. The result largely depends on the presence of a certain volume of glandular tissue. Their main disadvantage is the unnatural effect of overcrowding on the upper slope of the breast when a large implant is introduced. But this factor is a consequence of incorrect installation due to a surgeon’s error. Breast asymmetry limits the use of round implants.

Types of round implants

Each woman has individual anatomical characteristics. To achieve maximum naturalness, several types of round implants have been developed. Main criteria for selecting endoprostheses:

  • size (110-800 ml);
  • type of filler: biodegradable, saline solution, silicone gel;
  • low, medium, high and extra-high profile - the ratio of the diameter and height of the endoprosthesis;
  • shell material and texture: silicone (smooth), polyurethane (textured);
  • degree of density of the gel content: silicone or cohesive (non-flowing) gel with different softness parameters.

The best implants are those with gel as a filler. Bioimplants and prostheses filled with saline solution begin to lose volume and ability to support the breast over time. The gel filler is superior to saline solution in organoleptic properties, for example, to the touch. Implants with saline content are likely to form folds, leading to changes in the contours of the mammary glands. The textured surface due to micropores allows the surrounding tissues to better grow into the shell of the prosthesis. This allows you to minimize the likelihood of its rotation.

How to choose the size? There is no exact recommendation for choosing implants. Only an experienced specialist is able to assess the anatomical features of the patient’s figure and chest, the size of the chest and determine the most suitable implant. The main parameters taken into account by the specialist:

  • volume of mammary glands;
  • presence of asymmetry;
  • degree of ptosis;
  • the volume of tissue around the mammary glands;
  • quality characteristics of the skin, thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • parameters of the chest, shoulder width, waist, hips.

The choice of the optimal implant is based on its type, width, height, projection. Round implants are characterized by equal width and height, with the highest point of projection located slightly above the center point. To correct breast asymmetry, low-profile round endoprostheses are installed. In cases of severe ptosis and deficiency of native tissue, endoprostheses of medium and high profile are used.

The validity period of implants is unlimited. Manufacturers also assure that they are completely safe. Replacement of endoprostheses for the entire period of use is not required, with the exception of certain cases:

  • their rupture;
  • sudden change in body weight;
  • previous pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • complications after mammoplasty: implant displacement, fibrocapsular contracture, calcification, breast deformation process.

In these cases, free replacement of endoprostheses is provided.

The main advantage of round dentures is uniform enlargement, giving a beautiful round shape to the mammary glands. But the choice of the optimal endoprosthesis will depend on the recommendations of the plastic surgeon and the wishes of the client herself. It is also necessary to pay attention to the correct choice of clinic and study reviews of women who have undergone surgery on the Internet.

A woman is a creature who is distinguished by innate kindness, tenderness and natural attractiveness. But many representatives of the fair sex are not always satisfied with their innate characteristics, which in their opinion do not meet the criteria of beauty and are not the standard of femininity. Aesthetic medicine can come to the rescue in this case. Modern technologies used in plastic surgery involve the installation of implants of various contents and shapes.

There are saline and gel endoprostheses designed to enlarge and correct the shape of the breast. Saline prostheses are much softer and contain saline solution inside the shell. The disadvantage of such an implant can be considered its possible noise, which manifests itself in the movement of fluid inside the muscle after installation. Gel dentures consist of a special cohesive viscous filler. The shape of the implants can be anatomical and round.

Anatomical implants

Anatomical implants are drop-shaped prostheses that, once installed, resemble the natural contours of the breast. Mammary glands with such elements completely resemble natural forms, and are often indistinguishable from natural ones.

The benefits that a woman receives after installing “anatomists”:

  1. They do not differ from natural breasts, regardless of body position (sitting, standing).
  2. Ideal for ladies who naturally have flat breasts.

But, depending on certain factors, endoprostheses of this type may not be suitable. Disadvantages of anatomical prostheses:

  • They may look unsightly when lying on your back.
  • They do not allow you to use underwear with a push-up effect due to the special installation.
  • Surgical intervention is characterized by increased complexity.
  • They can shift under the influence of high physical activity and cause breast asymmetry.
  • They cost significantly more than their analogues.

Thus, anatomical prostheses may not be suitable for all representatives of the fair sex. If the breasts initially have a flat shape, then installing such implants will not cause difficulties during the surgical procedure. But it is worth noting the fact that the appearance of the breasts will not be defiantly unnatural, which is an ideal argument in favor of those who need plastic surgery after surgery.

Round implants

Round implants-endoprostheses, which can be installed under the muscle or skin, and thereby correct the shape of the mammary gland. Depending on the manufacturer, round implants can be:

  1. Salt or water (not durable and may lose their original shape during use).
  2. Silicone (contains a gel-type mass inside).
  3. Combined (contain a saline solution in one chamber and a gel in the other).
  4. Biocompatible (contains a special gel polymer inside, which is absorbed by body tissues over time).

According to their shape, round implants can be of several types - convex and flat. They may also differ in their design features, for example, fixed ones have a clearly limited shape and volume, while adjustable ones are suitable for situations where it is necessary to individually adjust the volume. Adjustable ones can be filled during the operation itself.

There is an opinion that the round shape of the implant is better suited for girls who want to enlarge their breasts but have not yet given birth. This is explained by the natural shape of the breasts at an early age, since initially the breasts before childbirth have a more round outline and are placed high on the chest.

Advantages of round additions:

  • They can form the largest possible volume.
  • Visually make the piles higher.
  • They cost much less.
  • The installation procedure is easier.

There are also disadvantages of round implants. They look unnatural and can cause discomfort at first, due to the increased load on the pectoral muscle and its stretching.

The difference between anatomical implants and round ones

Both types of implants have one function - restoration and correction of the shape of the mammary glands. A round implant, compared to an anatomical one, gives a larger visual size, creates the appearance of a push-up breast, and raises the upper contour of the décolleté area. Ideal for those with different natural breast shapes.

Anatomical implants are an excellent option for those women who need breast reconstruction after an illness or injury. The presence of implants is a good panacea for those who want to change themselves and have sufficient willpower and financial ability to do so.

Every woman dreams of beautiful and feminine forms. Plastic surgeons can make these dreams come true by performing mammoplasty. For this procedure, it is especially important to choose the right implants, which will provide not only the optimal size and beautiful shape of the breast, but will also be absolutely safe. The choice of the shape of the implant, round or anatomical, is carried out individually, depending on the physique and wishes of the patient. The Allergan company presents implants with unique properties that allow for the best results of breast surgery. The plastic surgeon, head of the Club of Plastic Surgeons of Ukraine, head of the department of plastic and reconstructive surgery at the Citi Doctor clinic, Sergey Derbak, spoke in more detail about the types of implants and the features of their individual selection especially for the site.

Main features of round and anatomical implants for breast surgery

The plastic surgery industry is evolving daily. Modern breast implants have qualities that provide a woman with the most beautiful and natural result of breast correction.

The main advantage of modern implants is their high elasticity, which allows even large implants to be installed through a standard incision of 3-4 cm.

The Allergan company provides a large selection of implants, which makes it possible to select the optimal option for each specific patient. Natrelle™ implants are safe, hypoallergenic and highly biocompatible with body tissues.

Round and anatomical implants:
. breast plastic surgery: advantages and disadvantages of anatomical implants;
. the main differences between round and anatomical implants;
. the unique structure of round and anatomical Natrelle™ implants.

Breast plastic surgery: advantages and disadvantages of anatomical implants

The shape of implants can be anatomical or round. Anatomical implants are teardrop-shaped and closely follow the natural shape of the breast.

The advantages of these implants:
. the most natural appearance of the breasts;
. the possibility of installing implants for women with initially flat shapes;
. the volume at the bottom of the implant helps to lift the areola and nipple, giving them a more aesthetic position. In this regard, anatomical implants are recommended for the correction of postpartum breast ptosis.

The disadvantages of these implants include a more complex implantation procedure, but this simply complicates the surgeon’s work and does not in any way affect the results of the surgical intervention.

The main differences between round and anatomical implants

Round implants have a spherical shape. Their advantages are maximum volume increase, breast lift and technically easier implantation. The disadvantages of this type of implants are the likelihood of visualizing the upper contour of the implant in patients with a thin layer of subcutaneous fat. A relative disadvantage of using round implants is their limited use for certain types of breast asymmetry. Also, when placing a round implant, there is a higher likelihood of wrinkling, which depends on the density of the shell and filler of the implant.

The unique structure of round and anatomical Natrelle™ implants

Natrelle™ products are represented by implants of both round and anatomical shapes. Natrelle™ implants are optimally filled with gel to minimize ripping. The texture of BIOCELL™ implants ensures a minimal percentage of capsular contracture. Thanks to the INTRASHIEL™ barrier layer, implants are characterized by high strength and minimal gel diffusion. The Allergan company presents round INSPIRA™ implants and two types of anatomical implants: Natrelle™ Style 410 and 510. They provide an absolutely natural and proportional breast shape, predictable results and a minimal level of complications.

The variety of implants and their unique properties enable the doctor to choose the best option depending on the individual characteristics and wishes of the patient.

Anatomical and round Natrelle™ implants take into account all the needs of a modern woman and provide comfortable working conditions for the surgeon. As a result, a woman becomes the owner of natural forms, which helps not only to improve her appearance, but also to increase self-esteem and self-confidence.