Beautiful silicone breasts. Beautiful silicone breasts: how to choose the best implants? What does silicone breast size 2 look like?

It is quite natural for women who are dissatisfied with the appearance and size of their breasts to want to have breasts of the correct shape and attractive volume.

Of course, daily care with high-quality products, various exercises for the décolleté area, and a contrast shower are very useful for the breasts, thanks to which the breast skin will retain its youth and attractive appearance much longer. However, no amount of care can enlarge the breasts, correct pronounced asymmetry, make them firm and restore tone, especially after childbirth. Therefore, regardless of the radicality of the surgical intervention, more and more women are now resorting to plastic surgery services. Naturally, demand creates supply, so the number of aesthetic surgery clinics throughout the country has grown like “mushrooms after the rain.” Most of the operations they perform are mammoplasty or endoprosthetics (correction of the shape or size of the mammary glands).

Of course, “silicone breasts” are accompanied by many myths and legends. Many women who decide to increase their breast size often do not even know all the intricacies of this operation. Breast augmentation surgery is possible for persons over eighteen years of age. Currently, silicone gel (liquid or cohesive) and isotonic sodium chloride solution (saline solution with the consistency of water) are used as fillers for implants. However, this solution can flow inside the implant and form folds. Silicone gel, the so-called cohesive, gives the breasts a natural soft feeling. It has the great advantage of not leaking if a small tear occurs; they are manufactured in an anatomical shape that is stable and does not cause unsightly grooves.

Implants come in various sizes and shapes: round and teardrop-shaped, symmetrical and asymmetrical, smooth and textured, etc. The most expensive are anatomical (droplet-shaped) implants, which look the most natural, and textured ones, which are believed to “take root” better. Endoprosthesis replacement is carried out using incisions in the armpit, around the areola, and the most popular is the use of an incision in the fold under the mammary gland. After 10 days from the moment of implantation, the sutures are removed, and the scars may have a bright pink tint and sometimes even enlarge when stretched. After 4-6 months, the scars fade and turn into a barely noticeable strip.

Contraindications for breast enlargement surgery are diabetes, bleeding disorders, and any severe diseases of the internal organs.

Is it possible to undergo breast augmentation surgery if there is a small benign formation in it?
The implant does not affect the development of the tumor in any way, but it is best to undergo an examination and make sure that the formation is benign. If the tumor is malignant, then urgent treatment is necessary; there is no time for aesthetic surgery. In addition, some surgeons may remove benign lesions during implantation.

Are implants dangerous?
The introduction of implants can provoke breast cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, various neurological disorders, as well as complications caused by individual intolerance to silicone. In addition, dentures can sometimes become dislodged (various cases of sagging breasts) and also rupture, especially often during airplane flights.

What is the service life of silicone dentures?
The maximum service life of implants is 10-12 years. However, the guarantee is only that the dentures will not rupture. Therefore, no one will give you a guarantee that you will not have to have a repeat operation to correct the shape of your breasts or remove implants much earlier. The service life of “silicone breasts” largely depends on several conditions: the size of the implant (the larger the size, the sooner the breasts begin to sag), the woman’s age, lifestyle and, of course, the individual characteristics of the body.

Can I breastfeed after implantation?
Implants do not affect breastfeeding and do not cause side effects either during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

How to choose a good aesthetic surgery clinic?
Of course, it’s not about the clinic, but about the specialists who perform the operations. There are very few professional surgeons who are known for their skill. It is necessary to visit several surgeons and be sure to ask their opinion about a particular plastic surgeon. A significant factor when choosing a doctor is the experience of the surgeon. It must be at least 10 years in the field of aesthetic medicine. Of course, a well-known name and any credentials should not be sufficient when choosing a doctor. At all times, the best doctor was the one recommended by his patients. Therefore, if you have friends who have had this type of operation, find out all the details, ask, see the result. And then choose.

Cost of the operation.
In Moscow, the average cost of a consultation with a plastic surgeon is from 1,500 rubles, the cost of prostheses is from $600, and the cost of surgery is from $1,500. It is necessary to keep in mind that the cost of a stay in the clinic, prostheses, and surgery is determined purely individually, after a personal consultation with a doctor. For an absolutely healthy woman who does not have problems with stretching or deformation of the skin and who only wants to increase the size of her breasts, the operation will be cheaper.

When a woman decides to have plastic surgery for breast augmentation, the choice of a suitable implant is largely determined by her own idea of ​​what shape and size her mammary glands should be. The selection of the best endoprosthesis is individual for each patient and, in addition to her wishes, is based on taking into account the structural features of her body and the recommendations of the plastic surgeon.

A breast implant, or endoprosthesis, is a medical product that is made from high-quality material that is biologically compatible with human tissue. Their purpose is to improve the shape and increase the size of the female mammary gland.

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    Advantages and disadvantages of implants

    Silicone breast enlargement surgeries are traditionally popular among women. Therefore, research is constantly being carried out in this area of ​​medicine to improve implants, making them safer and more natural.

    Modern endoprostheses used for breast augmentation have many advantages:

    1. 1. They are completely biocompatible. For their production, modern materials are used that eliminate the risk of rejection and the occurrence of an inflammatory process.
    2. 2. Modern endoprostheses are completely safe for human health. Even if the implant is damaged, its filler will remain in place.
    3. 3. Breasts after surgery look as natural as possible. It is natural not only visually, but also to the touch.

    A small number of ruptures have been reported. Even with careful testing, a small percentage of such cases still exist. This occurs with chest injuries.

    Manufacturers provide a guarantee for each implant, confirmed by the appropriate document. In case of rupture due to mechanical impact, it can be replaced free of charge.

    Breast implants

    Side effects of mammoplasty are usually associated with insufficient qualifications of the surgeon or incorrectly selected size or shape of the implant, when it does not correspond to the actual size of the woman’s breast. After such an intervention, the following defects are possible:

    1. 1. In some women, the contours of the prosthesis are determined in the lying position. Typically, contouring is observed if the implant is installed under the gland. This does not happen when an endoprosthesis is installed under the muscle.
    2. 2. In addition to contouring, the implant can be palpated tactilely if it is installed under the gland.
    3. 3. When using implants with a smooth surface, there is a high probability of fibrocapsular contracture.

    Types of implants

    Physically, all implants are a shell made of a special material, filled with a gel or a special solution. The shape of the endoprosthesis, its filling and surface vary. Depending on this, the final appearance of the dairy product may be different.

    It is customary to classify breast implants according to several parameters: filler, size, surface texture and shape.

    Types of endoprostheses based on filler

    Depending on the type of filler, endoprostheses are divided into:

    • silicone;
    • saline;
    • bioimplanted;
    • filled with silica gel.

    Saline implants appeared a long time ago; they belong to the very first generation of endoprostheses. Externally, such a prosthesis resembles a silicone bag filled with saline solution. They are filled before or during surgery through a special valve. In the second case, a smaller incision is made on the patient's body. Saline implants offer the possibility of manual correction of the breast after surgery.

    The main disadvantage of such prostheses is the frequent occurrence of shell rupture or damage. In this case, there is a need for repeated surgery and restoration of the aesthetic appearance of the mammary gland, although the liquid inside the implant is completely harmless to human health. Some women note characteristic gurgling sounds during movement among the disadvantages of such implants.

    You can install saline endoprostheses from the age of 18. From the same age, operations to enlarge the bust as a whole are permitted.

    Types of implants

    Silicone implants appeared much later than saline implants, in 1991. They look like a multilayer elastomeric shell filled with gel. In this case, different fillers are used:

    1. 1. Highly cohesive dense gel, tactilely reminiscent of marmalade. This substance is capable of remembering the shape of the prosthesis. This gel does not deform and does not leak when the shell breaks. The disadvantage of such breasts is the unnatural appearance of the mammary gland and its unusual hardness when touched.
    2. 2. Standard cohesive gel has a jelly-like texture. Such an implant gives the breast a natural, beautiful shape, but if the shell ruptures, it will leak out, although it will not harm the woman’s health.
    3. 3. Soft Touch gel resembles highly cohesive, but less dense. Its texture is more like jelly and has fewer negative qualities.

    Implants with silicone fillers are used most often, as they make it possible to give the mammary gland a beautiful natural shape. They can even be installed under the mammary gland, since, unlike others, they do not give the effect of wrinkling. Due to the fact that when the shell ruptures, its contents do not leak out, such endoprostheses are recognized as the safest. The disadvantage of them is the need to make large cuts for installation. After surgery, the woman will need to undergo regular examinations to identify possible ruptures.

    Bioimplants, also called hydrogel, are filled with a special natural polymer that is completely safe for health. If the shell of such an implant ruptures, the contents break down into carbon dioxide, water and glucose and dissolve in the human body.

    Hydrogel implant

    The advantage of such implants is a wide variety of sizes and shapes, as well as the absence of the need to undergo special, expensive examinations to identify possible damage. They also have disadvantages: high cost and the likelihood of hydrogel leaking through the shell, which over time leads to changes in the size and shape of the mammary gland.

    Silica gel endoprostheses are filled with microscopic silicate beads. This allows you to significantly reduce the weight of the prosthesis and reduce the likelihood of breast ptosis over time.

    Types of implants by surface texture

    Breast implants can be smooth or textured.

    The first species is a thing of the past and is now very rare. There are no pores on the smooth and even surface of such a prosthesis. Therefore, after its installation, a special compaction is formed called fibrocapsular contracture, which leads to a change in the shape of the prosthesis. In addition, when using such an endoprosthesis, there is a high probability of its displacement.

    Smooth endoprostheses have their advantages:

    • their shell is thin, which makes it possible to create natural soft breasts;
    • they are inexpensive;
    • they last quite a long time.

    Textured implants prevent connective tissue from growing around them. At the same time, the porous surface of the prosthesis allows it to be securely fixed in the tissues and reduces the likelihood of displacement. The absence of complications makes these endoprostheses very popular, and they are often used for plastic surgery.

    Classification by shape

    There are two types of endoprostheses, depending on the shape:

    • round;
    • anatomical.

    Round implants can solve the problem of asymmetry or sagging breasts. Such endoprostheses can be with a high, medium or low profile. Their advantage is ease of installation and low price. But over time, such a prosthesis can turn over and make the breast unnatural.

    Anatomical implants require a more labor-intensive installation process and are much more expensive than round ones. Their structure is quite dense, so even in a lying position, the breasts keep their given shape and look unnatural. They can also have different profile heights.

    Classification by size

    Like natural female breasts, implants vary in size, which is usually measured in milliliters. One size equals filling 150 ml of saline or gel. To get beautiful large breasts, you need to take into account the initial size of the mammary glands.

    The cosmetic medicine market offers endoprostheses with a predetermined volume and size, having a special valve that allows filling the cavity during surgery. When filling such an implant, it is very important to accurately set the volume of the filler, since excess will lead to hardness of the breast, and its insufficiency increases the risk of damage to the shell.

    How to choose implants?

    To get beautiful large breasts after surgery, you need to choose the right implants. To do this, before the operation, an experienced surgeon must examine the woman and help her choose suitable endoprostheses, taking into account her anatomical features of the body and wishes.

    The following factors play an important role in choosing an implant:

    • woman's body size;
    • the size and shape of the patient’s natural mammary glands;
    • the breasts that a woman ultimately wants to get are natural or fake;
    • degree of mastoptosis (loss of elasticity);
    • the condition in which the mammary gland tissues are located;
    • woman's lifestyle.

    When choosing the profile of an endoprosthesis, an experienced surgeon takes into account the width of the patient’s mammary glands. For silicone breasts to be natural, the width of the prosthesis should not exceed the transverse size of the woman’s natural breast. This will give a good aesthetic result and will not allow the enlarged breast to extend beyond the chest.

    The patient is usually offered comparison tables that clearly show the different sizes of implants. During this, the surgeon makes recommendations on the choice of size, taking into account the volume of the woman’s natural breasts. To facilitate the process, computer modeling is used, which clearly shows how the breast will look after surgery with a particular implant. It is also recommended to look at photos of the results of previous manipulations.

    When choosing a size, it is important to take into account the woman's lifestyle. If she is active in sports, breasts that are too large can cause problems. With large implants, their edges are often visible under the skin.

    Manufacturers of endoprostheses

    When choosing endoprostheses, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer and give preference to well-known, well-established manufacturers. The most popular products are from the following companies:

    Company name Product Features
    ArionThe French manufacturer produces round and anatomical endoprostheses with silicone and hydrogel filling
    AllerganA company from the USA produces implants with a special texture of the outer surface. It allows the connective tissue in the depth of the prosthesis to dissolve. Endoprostheses filled with soft gel allow you to create a natural shape for a woman’s breasts. They are very popular and have a low complication rate.
    NagorThe English manufacturer offers a huge range of different shapes and sizes of endoprostheses. All of them have a textured surface of a special shell and are filled with gel
    PolytechThis manufacturer from Germany offers prostheses made of highly cohesive gel with a memory effect that practically do not change their shape. The smooth or textured shell of such an implant consists of several layers
    MentorThis American company produces prostheses with a high degree of elasticity. They have a durable textured shell and are filled with a highly cohesive gel. The range also includes saline implants that are adjusted during surgery.

    Each woman, when choosing endoprostheses, is able to focus on her wishes regarding breast size and shape. But to get a good result when choosing implants, you must take into account the surgeon’s advice. Only a professional will always help you choose the ideal option, taking into account all the anatomical features and preferences of the client.

Silicone breasts allow a woman to achieve the desired size, correct asymmetrical imperfections and gain aesthetic pleasure from her appearance. There are different opinions regarding the introduction of implants. Modern technologies and experienced specialists have already perfected the technique of breast plastic surgery. Therefore, an increasing number of women want to use the services of a surgeon to enlarge and correct their bust.

Silicone breasts allow a woman to achieve the desired size, correct asymmetrical imperfections and gain aesthetic pleasure from her appearance.

Many women are concerned about how the operation is performed. The mammoplasty procedure must be performed by an experienced specialist using a high-quality implant, otherwise you can lose not only your beauty, but also your health. Before the operation, the patient undergoes all necessary tests. If certain diseases are detected, it becomes impossible to perform surgery.


  • allergic reactions of the body;
  • malignant formations in the mammary glands;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • severe diseases of internal organs.

Before surgery, you must stop taking medications that contain aspirin for a week. The day before surgery, you should eat a light meal.

The mammoplasty procedure must be performed by an experienced specialist using a high-quality implant, otherwise you can lose not only your beauty, but also your health.

After a comprehensive examination and in the absence of contraindications, the selection of a breast implant begins. The best option is silicone fillers. Modern technologies have developed a special gel that does not leak if the shell is damaged.

Depending on the shape of the breast, a round prosthesis or a drop-shaped implant is selected. For a bust that has lost its aesthetic appearance, use the first option; for small breasts, a teardrop shape is suitable. Each woman requires an individual approach. The specialist will select the necessary prosthesis and create an original design on a computer in 3D format, which will allow the patient to evaluate what the future result of the operation looks like.

The volume of implants is calculated in milliliters. A filler with 250-300 ml is considered optimal. The patient’s wishes do not always coincide with the surgeon’s opinion; the expected breast size is influenced by:

  • chest width;
  • body proportions;
  • skin condition;
  • skin density and extensibility.

After selecting the volume and shape of the filler, surgical procedures proceed.

Myths and reality about silicone breasts (video)

Surgery and rehabilitation

In plastic surgery, implantation is performed in several ways. In the first option, the silicone breast is located between the pectoral muscle and the breast tissue. This way the maximum aesthetic effect is achieved. For patients with thin mammary glands, this operation is not recommended due to the possible formation of tissue wrinkling. For this category of people it is used for muscle implantation, without cutting its lower part. Sometimes silicones are placed partially under the mammary gland and muscle tissue with its dissection.

Silicone breasts are made under general anesthesia, and the operation lasts up to 3 hours. Incisions are made in inconspicuous places, depending on the placement of the implant. These could be nipple halos, a fold under the breasts, or the axillary area. After the operation, the woman remains in the clinic for another 1-2 days. The breasts will take their final shape only after 4-6 weeks after surgery. At first, swelling, redness of the skin and its tension will be visible. The sutures are removed after a week if no postoperative complications arise.

After surgery, it is necessary to protect the new breast by following simple rules:

    You should immediately put on a bra made of natural fabrics with soft cups.

    You should postpone going to fitness clubs and swimming pools for a month.

    Take medications only as prescribed by your doctor.

    Avoid intimate relationships for 2 weeks, as rapid blood flow can increase swelling of the mammary glands.

At first, some women need the help of a psychologist because of new sensations, an unusual state, or their own complexes.

After surgery, you must avoid direct ultraviolet rays and strenuous physical activity. Otherwise, after 3-4 weeks you can lead your usual lifestyle.

Representatives of the fair sex want to improve their figure with the help of silicone breasts

Complications after surgery

Sometimes situations of postoperative complications arise related to the characteristics of the body, the skill of the surgeon and the quality of the implants. As a result, you may experience:

    Hematoma, when blood accumulates around the implant. It can appear due to an unexpected injury or high blood pressure.

    Seroma, accumulation of fluid near a foreign body.

    Loss of tactile sensitivity of the nipple, a temporary condition.

    Infections in postoperative sutures.

    Scar formation after a wound becomes infected or due to a specific condition of the body.

    Contractures or fibrous rings that occur around the implant. The main reasons are a disproportionate prosthesis, a small pocket made to place the implant, a predisposition of the body, and unprofessional surgical intervention.

    Implant deformation is extremely rare. The reason for the shift of the prosthesis may be insufficient qualifications of the surgeon. A specialist who has not strengthened the inframammary fold dooms the implant to inevitable displacement. After its shift, a repeat operation is required to eliminate the defect.

    Implant rupture is very rare today. Modern technologies have made it possible to reduce this problem to zero. The dentures are filled with a special silicone gel, which does not leak out of the implant if it ruptures. In order not to worry about your beautiful breasts, the silicone must be of high quality.

In addition to complications, silicone inserts interfere with the diagnosis of breast cancer.

What women with silicone breasts should not do in the gym (video)

Benefits of silicone breasts

Representatives of the fair sex want to improve their figure with the help of silicone breasts. Sometimes women resort to the services of a surgeon due to physical disabilities. Mammoplasty is often recommended after breast cancer surgery. Having undergone a mastectomy leads to stress, complexes, and a feeling of inferiority. In some cases, after pregnancy and lactation, the breasts lose their previous shape, asymmetry of the glands occurs, which also affects the psychological state of women. After surgery to implant silicone prostheses, a woman’s self-esteem increases. She feels more attractive, desirable and gets rid of complexes about small breasts.

Silicone breasts do not affect pregnancy and breastfeeding, but during this period it is necessary to carefully monitor their shape. You cannot gain weight or lose weight suddenly; you must wear corrective bras, regularly massage the glands and carry out contrast procedures.

Representatives of the fair sex can get a chic bust after reaching 18 years of age. It is necessary to choose an experienced surgeon and high-quality implants. Properly selected prostheses and a well-performed operation will make the breasts indistinguishable from real ones.

Silicone breasts have become available to many today. Moreover, this accessibility is expressed both in the large number of aesthetic surgery clinics in various cities, and in how much silicone breast surgery costs.

Silicone breast cost

The first mammoplasty operations were performed differently from how they are done now. Silicone was pumped into the mammary glands, which could then “behave” unpredictably, and the results of the operations were not pleasing for long, so the question is still formulated as follows: how much does it cost to pump up the breasts with silicone.

At this stage of development of plastic surgery, such operations are performed with the installation of silicone implants. Silicone implants are installed to enlarge and tighten the bust, making it more attractive. This type of surgery may be necessary after breast removal.

The cost of the intervention can be very different, from approximately 80,000 to 300,000 rubles. The total cost includes the surgeon’s work, the cost of implants, anesthesia and hospital stay after the operation.

Today you can get silicone breasts in many large cities in different countries. But how much does it cost to get silicone breasts abroad?

As a rule, the more famous the clinic, the closer it is to the capital, the more expensive all components of the operation will be. Even the cost of implants will be higher, because each medical institution makes a markup on breast prostheses.

How much do breast implants cost?

From one tenth to one half of the cost of the operation is the price of implants.

On average it is 20-40 thousand rubles.

However, there are also more expensive ones; exclusive options are also produced, which are made entirely according to a special individual order.

The cost of these products depends on many factors:

  • Implant filler,
  • Form,
  • Surface,
  • Availability of additional characteristics,
  • Manufacturer's brand.


In plastic surgery, two types of breast prostheses are used depending on the materials: silicone and saline. The shells of both types of implants are made of silicone.

In the first case, the internal filling is made of silicone. It is a gel of different densities. Its advantage is that it makes the breast naturally elastic, and in the event of a rupture of the shell, it does not spread through the tissues, but retains its shape.

Saline implants are filled with saline solution, that is, a salt solution with a concentration of 0.9%. Such implants are softer to the touch; with active movement they can make gurgling sounds.

The main disadvantage of such implants is the spreading of the filler when the shell ruptures. It's not dangerous, although it's unpleasant. Saline implants are still in demand on the market due to their lower price, and they cost about half as much as silicone ones.

How to distinguish silicone breasts from real ones:

  • Unnatural breast shape
  • The chest resembles a bubble
  • Breasts feel too firm to the touch
  • If a woman is without a bra, then her breasts remain too high,
  • Asymmetrical nipples,
  • stretch marks,
  • Violation of body proportions.

Breast prostheses can be round or teardrop-shaped in shape.

The second option is also called anatomical.

Anatomical implants are more complex to manufacture and are more in demand.

This makes them more expensive than round ones, although many manufacturers have already developed the technology for producing anatomical endoprostheses to such an extent that their cost is not much different from the cost of round ones.

Product sizes

The size of breast implants depends on the volume of filler. Standard products are available: 150, 300, 450 ml.

However, there are also more expensive models, the volume of which can be adjusted by the doctor during installation.

Implant surface

Manufacturers do not stand still. At first, all breast endoprostheses were produced with a shell that had a smooth surface. However, after installation of such products there could be problems.

After the operation, the body creates a kind of capsule around the implant, which is formed from connective tissue. In some cases, this capsule compresses the implant, and the breast becomes too hard.

Endoprostheses with a structured surface help to avoid unpleasant consequences, because the connective tissue penetrates into the pores in the prosthesis shell and does not compress the implant.

As a result, the breasts remain natural to the touch. The production of implants with a structured surface is more difficult, and therefore their cost is higher.

Classification of implants by location:

  • Subfascial. Placed between the mammary gland and pectoral muscle, under the fascia.
    Some surgeons have concluded that this position can significantly improve implant fixation.
  • Axillary. Placed under the pectoral muscle without cutting its lower part.
  • Subpectoral. The implants are placed partly under the mammary gland and partly under the pectoral muscle, making an incision in its lower part.

Additional Features

The cost of endoprostheses for the mammary glands is influenced by their technical characteristics, or more precisely, the presence of additional options compared to standard products.

The warranty on implants is 10 years.

As a rule, everything that differs from the standard costs more than 40,000 rubles.

Possible options

  • Mixed content
  • Gel of different degrees of density,
  • Possibility of size adjustment during surgery,
  • Complex shape of the implant, taking into account individual characteristics,
  • Product warranty period.

The period for which the manufacturer guarantees the product is a kind of indicator of the quality and confidence of the manufacturer in its product. Typically, such a guarantee for breast implants is at least 10 years.

It may be longer and may also be lifelong. Of course, the cost of prostheses with a lifetime warranty is noticeably higher.

However, this can save significant money on re-operation, which will be needed when the warranty of cheaper endoprostheses expires.

Brand selection

The cost of breast implants depends not only on their features and characteristics, but also on the manufacturer, more precisely, on the brand and its popularity.

Today, plastic surgeons identify three leaders in this field: CUI, McGHAN, Mentor.

When a client has a question about the need to save money in order to “fit” into the budget, the usual recommendation is to save on the brand.

That is, choose implants with the same characteristics, but from a lesser-known manufacturer, which will significantly reduce their cost. In many cases, this difference is one and a half to two times and depends only on the “promotion” and popularity of the brand. Considering that the cost of implants is measured in tens of thousands, the savings can be quite noticeable.

Why can you save on a brand and when is it possible? An important point in determining the quality of bust endoprostheses is the presence of a European certificate. The requirements for these products are quite stringent, and certification is required.

If a product has all the necessary documents, then its quality, as a rule, is quite high, and the difference in the quality of products from different manufacturers becomes very small.

Today, many girls get silicone implants. Read expert advice on how safe they are, how they affect childbirth and breastfeeding!

For a long time, the main female weapon has always been external attractiveness. Well, perhaps the most formidable “type of weapon” is the female breast. It is she who attracts the admiring glances of men and causes the envy of women. Therefore, women who have not been blessed by nature with a full bust, seek to correct this misunderstanding by making silicone implants. How are such plastic surgeries performed and how safe are silicone breasts?

Silicone implants - first operations

The first breast augmentation operations with silicone implants were performed in the early 60s of the last century. Today, more than 2 million women around the world have had silicone breasts. At the moment, breast augmentation is one of the most popular and frequently performed plastic surgeries.

What are silicone breasts made of?

Several types of silicone implants of various shapes and sizes are used for breast enlargement. Usually spherical, round and drop-shaped are used. The choice of form is made by the doctor, taking into account the patient’s breast size and her wishes.

Implants are made of silicone, and saline or silicone gel can be used as a filler. The best endoprostheses are made from cohesive silicone gel; it has a “memory effect” and always retains its given shape and does not spread when cut. When palpating a silicone breast, such a prosthesis accurately imitates the mammary gland.

There are several options for implantation, which determines the shape of the silicone breast. They are placed under the mammary gland or under the muscle (submuscular or subpectoral). The first two methods will make silicone breasts look most natural. And the installation itself takes place through incisions in the fold under the breast, along the edge of the areola or through the armpit.

Silicone implants - terms and warranty

All women interested in breast augmentation are concerned with the question of how long silicone breasts are made. Modern, high-quality endoprostheses do not enter into biochemical reactions with surrounding tissues. Therefore, good manufacturers provide a lifetime warranty on implants. And there is no need for repeated operations, silicone breasts will last you throughout your life. The only danger is mechanical chafing in the folds of the shell, but this phenomenon is very rare.

Recovery after surgery lasts 3-4 weeks, during which you need to wear special underwear and limit physical exercise.

After this, a woman who has had silicone breasts can safely go to the gym, sauna, swim in the pool, etc.

How safe are silicone implants?

The idea that breast augmentation surgery is a dangerous procedure did not arise by chance. In the 1980s, the first evidence emerged that silicone breasts could pose a health risk.

Pregnancy and childbirth with implants

Many women agree to surgery after giving birth to children so as not to have to feed the baby after plastic surgery. They worry about possible changes to their breasts after having a baby.

According to practicing surgeons, high-quality breast prosthetics does not interfere with childbirth. The main thing is that the incision is located under the mammary gland. The silicone used does not penetrate milk, and therefore implants do not pose a danger to a newborn.

There is a possibility that the skin will sag after breastfeeding due to an increase in bust size. To prevent this, it is recommended to wear supportive underwear. In addition, you need to moisturize your skin often. After weaning a baby, women sometimes need to have a lift.

How much do silicone implants cost?

The cost of implants depends on the shape of the breast, filling and brand. The cost of services for installing implants in 2019 starts from 15,000 rubles. Depending on the complexity of the operation, the cost can be increased to 28,000. The patient will have to pay extra for a one-day hospital stay at the clinic.

Only you can decide whether such breasts are needed. Calculate all the pros and cons! Maybe you have experience? Share with us please!