Immunity after vaccinations. How is specific immunity created? At what age does a child develop immunity?

Children who attend child care institutions get sick more often infectious diseases than those who, up to a certain age, are in conditions home care. However, children who get sick more often are likely to be less likely to get sick in the future.

It is believed that children who get sick more often in preschool age (and these, in most cases, are precisely those children who go to kindergartens) are susceptible to the influence of many various viruses, “training” your immune system. Therefore, they get sick less in the future.

Immunity is the body's ability to resist various factors that can cause diseases, that is, viruses, bacteria, some fungi. There are two types of immunity - nonspecific, that is, the kind that a child has from birth, and specific - acquired immunity, which is produced after transfer certain disease or after vaccination. Main feature this type of immunity is the memorization of various pathogens (factors, causing diseases) that the child’s body encounters with the possibility of their subsequent recognition and fight against them.

Immediately after birth, the baby's immune system is immature. Of course, the baby has some innate protection, largely due to the antibodies it received in the womb. Breastfed children also receive immune protection factors from their mother's milk. But the baby’s immune system begins to strengthen significantly when the child is exposed to bacteria and viruses from environment. Various pathogens activate the production of natural antibodies, and the child is better able to fight infections in the future. This means that children around greatest number sources of infection from early age are likely to have a stronger immune system when they start attending school.

The idea that children who get sick more often in preschool age benefit from this to increase immunity in the future is just a theory. Eat sufficient quantity studies confirming this. In particular, an observation of the health status of 4,750 children conducted in 2013 by the US Department of Pediatrics showed that those who attended children's groups and were sick more during the first five years of life subsequently experienced a decrease in the incidence rate (according to the same diseases) by 60 percent.

It is not known exactly how long antibodies remain in the human body, since there are so many of them large number While immune processes are complex, one recent discovery gives us insight into the potential of human defenses. Monitoring of people born in 1955 and surviving the 1957-1958 influenza pandemic showed that even after 50 years the concentration of antibodies to this virus in the blood is quite high ( we're talking about about the so-called “Asian” flu pandemic, which claimed about 70,000 lives).

Some parents mistakenly believe that a sign of significantly weakened immunity is, for example, colds, which periodically occur in a child. But we should not forget that this is what helps to potentially form strong defense baby. During illness children's body learns to respond adequately in response to various pathogens. If a child suffers from colds only three or four times a year, then there is no need to artificially strengthen the immune system.

The human body is configured to fight infections. In any case, sooner or later, our children will be exposed to pathogens from the environment. It's just a matter of time. It has been proven that healthy life in adulthood depends on how the child’s immune system was strengthened during the first 3 years, while the foundation of immunity is laid in the 1st year of life.

So don't be afraid of seasonal diseases! Of course, I'm very sorry for the baby. However, illness is something of a charge for the immune system. He learns to fight back against viruses and bacteria and produces protection. The next time you meet a familiar enemy, the body will instantly react, remembering the method of fighting. This means that the disease will pass unnoticeably or in a mild form.

It should be noted how important correct actions with the child during and especially after the disease to consolidate the positive effect in the baby’s body. When a child has a slight runny nose for several days, without coughing, an increase in temperature and a significant deterioration in general condition and she is taken to kindergarten Feeling unwell immediately after the end is acceptable. But those parents are wrong when they force events after a more serious illness in the child - influenza, bronchitis, otitis media and others.

The deeper the disease affects the child’s body, the longer the recovery period should be. This also applies to strengthening the body’s potential for further resistance. similar disease. All parents remember physical measures to help protect themselves from illness. We emphasize that emotional peace and a friendly attitude towards the baby during the recovery period are also necessary.

U-mama: The next vaccinations on the calendar are against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus and polio. A whole “bouquet” that is placed in the clinic in one day - isn’t this a big burden on the body of a three-month-old baby?

S.K.: We are afraid not so much of a reaction to vaccinations, but of post-vaccination periods, that is, periods when a child may get sick. Because in this case, parents believe that the vaccine is to blame and that something special needs to be done. In fact, the vaccine is, of course, not to blame for this. A large number of cells in the body work for our immunity, and only a small part of them accounts for each antigen contained in the vaccine. All other cells are free and ready to react. Therefore, when we introduce several antigens in one vaccine, this does not burden the child’s immunity. On the contrary, thanks to this, the child will come to the clinic less times, receive fewer injections, there will be fewer post-vaccination periods, and, ultimately, he will get sick less.

U-mama: In other words, the presence of several antigens in the vaccine does not affect negative influence for a child?

S.K.: Currently, the number of antigens in one vaccine is limited not by the child’s immunity, but by our technological capabilities. Today, there are several vaccines in the world, which include 6 components: whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, hepatitis B and Hib. But this vaccine is not registered with us; it is used only abroad. Much to my regret. Because now, according to the new vaccination calendar and according to the National Health Project, at 3 months the child will receive three injections: DPT, hepatitis B vaccine and Imovax Polio, French inactivated vaccine against polio, which according to the national project will be given to everyone free of charge (after the vaccine arrives). We have a Russian vaccine, where DPT is combined with hepatitis B, but there is not enough of it to cover everyone. In addition, many now prefer imported vaccines, in particular Infanrix ( imported analogue DTP), but it is not in the same syringe with hepatitis B.

U-mama: Why did they switch from Russian drops in the mouth to Imovax Polio for polio?

S.K.: This transition to imported vaccine made because of side effects, they are very rare, but even one case per Sverdlovsk region forced us to purchase the Imovax Polio vaccine before other areas. In general, our region is very advanced in terms of vaccination. There are more and better vaccines; We have very competent specialists and vaccination organizers, we constantly conduct training and conferences. We use imported vaccines more widely than in other regions and even in Moscow. With the Priorix vaccine, for example, we started working and purchasing this vaccine for all children before Moscow.

U-mama: There is information that all existing cases of polio are vaccine-associated. Is this true?

S.K.: We may have cases of imported polio. More recently, a “wild” virus was discovered in neighboring countries. Thanks to vaccine prevention, we have no cases of polio. But there are always travelers who can bring it. Therefore, it is necessary to vaccinate against polio. Having polio without vaccination means 99% disability.

U-mama: Are children vaccinated with polio dangerous for unvaccinated children?

S.K.: Yes. If a child receives drops in the mouth, and his neighbor has not had a single dose of polio vaccination, then within 60 days this neighbor may develop vaccine-provoked polio if there are problems with the immune system. That’s why, by the way, vaccinations with live polio vaccine were banned in orphanages.

U-mama: Are there other similar vaccines, after which vaccinated people can infect unvaccinated people?

S.K.: No.

U-mama: How long does it take for immunity to polio to develop after vaccination?

S.K.: Poliomyelitis – live vaccine, it includes three types of viruses. Immunity is developed well for one of them, a little worse for the second, and a little worse for the third, so for complete lifelong immunity you need to have five vaccinations.

U-mama: Question from the whooping cough forum: why are there still cases of whooping cough in vaccinated children?

S.K. Only live vaccines provide lifelong immunity. Whooping cough vaccine is killed. Immunity from such a vaccine lasts for several years.

U-mama: And from other components of DPT?

S.K.: For tetanus, one vaccination is enough, for diphtheria - two, but with revaccination every 10 years, and for whooping cough, immunity will be only after the fourth and will last for five years. For some children, this period will be shorter, because not everyone develops good immunity to the killed vaccine, and for whooping cough we have only 80-85% immunity. Infanrix gives as much as the Russian one DTP vaccine, it just comes with less side effects. So 15% remain unvaccinated, and by the age of four, when serological examinations are carried out randomly in kindergarten groups, we have the following picture: for hepatitis B, for example, 1 child has no immunity, for diphtheria 1 child has weak immunity, the rest have, and for whooping cough, only 3-4 children from the group have immunity.

U-mama: Why give this vaccine then?

S.K.: Abroad, whooping cough diagnosis begins at 2 months. Otherwise, this disease is called the “hundred-day cough,” when repeated episodes with respiratory arrest occur. Who is he dangerous to? Children in the first year of life, when there may be respiratory arrest, convulsions, loss of consciousness, and if this is a severe case, then death of the cerebral cortex from hypoxia. Therefore, vaccination against whooping cough is needed in the first year of life. We must protect such young children, because such children who get whooping cough sometimes end up in intensive care. At older ages, whooping cough has less severe course, but who would like to cough for 3 months in a row, and this cough can be painful.

U-mama: What does the diphtheria vaccination protect against, since it is not the stick itself that is dangerous?

S.K.: Diphtheria vaccination provides antitoxic immunity. The stick itself is sensitive to antibiotics, but you have to prescribe these antibiotics in time. If it were just a red throat, small plaques (which, by the way, still need to be seen in time), it would not be scary. But the toxic form of diphtheria is terrible when it suffers nervous system, heart, kidneys stop working, and in these cases a person without vaccination needs serum. Serum is equine, heterogeneous, and can cause serious allergic reactions. It is administered according to special technique under strict control.

U-mama: That is, it is much more dangerous than the vaccine.

S.K.: Naturally! This serum is administered under such conditions that you have to sit with the patient for days, observing his reactions. I will repeat again: in matters of vaccination, you must always choose the lesser of two evils. When you know what you are choosing from, you can make an adequate rational choice. And when people have heard bad things about vaccinations and know nothing about infections, it is difficult for them to choose. They only choose from what they know about.

U-mama: Tetanus vaccination also provides antitoxic immunity? AND antitetanus serum Is it also more dangerous than vaccinations?

S.K.: Yes. Generally for tetanus good immunity produced shortly after one dose of the vaccine is administered. This is the most powerful toxoid. You know that tetanus has no cure. But if a child has received at least one vaccination, he will have immunity. Tetanus toxoid, by the way, is included in Act-HIB vaccination from Haemophilus influenzae, it serves as an adjuvant there - it helps develop immunity to less active antigens.

About the measles, rubella and mumps vaccine

U-mama: Next on the calendar is vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps, which I personally have the greatest doubts about its necessity. Question from the forum: should boys be vaccinated against rubella and girls should be vaccinated against mumps?

S.K.: Yes, you need to bet. Once the virus enters the body, it will remain there for life. If this is a wild virus, then under certain conditions it can “raise its head.” Let's take the same chickenpox. Many people believe that there is no need to vaccinate against it. But once in the body, this virus will not go anywhere. You successfully had chickenpox as a child. But at 15, 30 or 40 years old, herpes zoster can occur: terrible pain, bubbles along the nerves. This is just the “awakened” chickenpox virus. And this will happen every year, and okay, if it’s a year, or even every three months. Any virus in the vaccine is weakened. This infectivity is removed, and immunity is developed after the introduction of a weakened virus, and the wild virus will no longer “enter” the body. We will have the vaccine virus in our body, which will never give us herpes zoster.

U-mama: Can the rubella virus also “wake up”? Still, why vaccinate boys against rubella?

S.K.: Let's say you didn't vaccinate the boy. He grew up, got married, and then someone sneezed on him, and the 25-year-old man fell ill with rubella. And the wife is pregnant, also without vaccination and immunity, and then falls ill, and the child is guaranteed to have congenital deformities. That's why this vaccination necessary to stop the circulation of the virus. We had an outbreak of rubella at the beginning of last year, mostly boys were sick, because we vaccinated girls on time. Why are you afraid of this vaccine? The same virus is there, only weakened, without any “bad” properties. The wild virus will remain with us for the rest of our lives, and it is not yet known when it will wake up and what will happen from it.

U-mama: Should girls also be vaccinated against mumps in order to stop the circulation of the virus?

S.K.: The mumps virus is rare, but under certain conditions it can cause meningitis. And this vaccination is also necessary in order to protect men from this virus (the mumps virus can cause infertility in men) so that girls are not carriers of the infection.

U-mama: Do people suffer from measles now and why is this disease dangerous?

S.K.: Measles is rare today. Almost everyone is vaccinated against measles; it’s difficult to find someone who hasn’t been vaccinated. But measles can be imported. And there is an order to vaccinate everyone under 30 years of age. The purpose of such measures is to prevent the circulation of the virus and subsequently refuse vaccination, which was done with smallpox.

U-mama: If the mother is vaccinated, for what infections does she pass on immunity to the child?

S.K.: According to everyone, immunity is short-lived. For measles, mumps and rubella - somewhere up to 9-10 months, and they are not vaccinated against these diseases before a year, because theoretically, some children may still have antibodies even after a year. And therefore, if we introduce a vaccine during this period, it will immediately be inactivated. Abroad, if I’m not mistaken, in the United Arab Emirates, there is a vaccination calendar, when the first vaccination is given at 9 months and repeated at one year and three months, that is, those who have run out of immunity will be protected at 9 months, and those who have not ended, they will protect it in a year or three. That is, children there receive two doses of vaccination.

U-mama: How long does immunity last after vaccination?

S.K.: If a child is vaccinated with measles, mumps and rubella, he will develop lifelong immunity if he is vaccinated correctly. I emphasize this: I was vaccinated correctly, that is, I have developed immunity. In some cases, he may not develop immunity. Then revaccination is needed, which is carried out at 6 years. In the literature this sounds like “correction of defects in primary immunization.” It would seem, why spend so much money to correct defects in primary immunization? Isn't it easier to get tested? No, it's not easier. The child needs to take blood, do a test, then find out that there is no immunity and give him a vaccination. End result the same, but with a few extra steps. If we get vaccinated right away, and we already have immunity from the first vaccination, what will we have? This vaccine will be destroyed at the injection site almost at the time of administration or a little later, within a few hours. The child will not react in any way. Therefore, it is safer, easier, and cheaper to get a second vaccination. This applies to measles, mumps and rubella, that is, live vaccines. This also applies to cases where a child has had rubella. The diagnosis of rubella is made only when it is laboratory confirmed. Otherwise, the diagnosis is removed. If parents refuse to donate blood, but are sure that the child has had rubella, we will continue to vaccinate such a child, explaining to the parents that it is safe: if there is immunity, then after the vaccine is administered it is immediately destroyed. But we have a guarantee that we protected this child.

U-mama: But maybe it makes sense to at least wait with these vaccinations until an older age, because children suffer these infections quite easily?

S.K. Why? The risk of contracting all these infections is highest during visits to children's preschool institutions or primary school. Why wait? The best, most purified imported vaccine costs about 200 rubles. Treatment of the disease will cost best case scenario, 1000 rubles - antipyretics, antihistamines, and so on.

U-mama: Of course, it’s not about the money. Nevertheless, in the case of a natural illness, immunity is developed naturally, without any injections...

S.K.: So you don't like just the injection?

U-mama: No, I am confused by the lack of study of long-term consequences. How old is the measles, rubella and mumps vaccine? It has not been historically tracked what happens to the body over time and to what extent these changes are related to vaccination.

S.K.: The vaccine contains essentially the same virus, only weakened. And the consequences of unattenuated viruses have probably been studied after all. So the consequences of a weakened virus will not be any worse. Nothing like that is added from the point of view of immunity; undesirable properties are simply removed. For example, one area is responsible for infectivity, another is responsible for the production of immunity, and these parts are broken down, some are introduced into the body, and some are not introduced.

U-mama: Do I understand correctly that if we know the consequences of natural infectious diseases, then we also know the consequences of vaccinations, with the difference that the consequences of vaccinations are less?

S.K.: Yes, that's true. We are not introducing something else, we are introducing the same viruses. What are you afraid of? The mercury we inhale every day? Traces of the protein we eat daily? Traces of an antibiotic that we can consume daily in food, such as chicken? No, I am for vaccines. And my children are vaccinated with everything possible.

About an individual approach to vaccination

U-mama: Most thoughtful parents would really like their children to be guaranteed an individual approach in matters of vaccination. Let's talk about how to vaccinate wisely. I will quote a question from the forum: I would like to hear specific recommendations on the sequence of actions of parents when administering vaccines. For example, is it checked general condition child's health?

S.K.: In most cases, an examination, general blood and urine tests, which are done to all children at 3 months, are enough, and asking the mother well is enough.

U-mama: What examinations are necessary if the child is allergic?

S.K.: If a child is allergic, it is necessary to find out what the child has reactions to, when they occur, after how long, how parents relieve allergy attacks, and whether this drug always helps the child.

U-mama: If a child’s teeth are growing, is this a contraindication for vaccination?

S.K.: No. Vaccination can be postponed for a day or two - at the very moment of discomfort for the child. Teething is not a pathology. There may be a slight fever, discomfort, nothing more.

U-mama: I’ll explain what may cause questions about examining a child before vaccination. He may have, say, a weakened immune system, and the vaccine will give some negative consequences. The same teething still weakens the immune system...

S.K.: Even with a weakened immune system, a child will still develop immunity after vaccination. And cutting teeth does not weaken the immune system, under any circumstances! This is discomfort, this is local pain, which has nothing to do with immunity. Teething is painful and a little stressful, everything else is myths.

U-mama: Is it necessary to do a blood test before vaccination?

S.K.: All children in the maternity hospital are given a blood test, at 3 months they are required to give blood and urine, and if there are any problems there, no one will vaccinate you for bad analysis. Believe me, no doctor wishes anything bad for his patient, and no doctor wants to get any complications after vaccination. Another thing is that this could be due to ignorance, due to oversight. To assess the child’s condition before vaccination, a blood test, urine test, examination of the child and a conversation with the mother are sufficient. If the mother says that the child periodically loses consciousness, naturally, this child will not receive any vaccinations without treatment from a neurologist. If I examine a child and see an enlarged spleen, I will first send him to be examined for infections. If I see neutropenia in the blood, I will not vaccinate such a child either.

U-mama: How to prepare a child for vaccination? I remember that it was recommended to my allergic son at one time prophylactic appointment suprastina before and after vaccination.

S.K.: Why do we need to prepare a child for vaccination? Only certain children need to be cooked. For example, if a child with neurological symptoms receives neurological treatment, and he will run out of it in a week, the biggest mistake would be vaccination while discontinuing the drug. The child will respond to the withdrawal of the drug, plus we will also give him a vaccination that will give him a fever. And if a child is given the drug for three weeks, everything is fine with the child, and the vaccination is given before the drug is discontinued, then he tolerates it absolutely painlessly. If a child is allergic, in such cases I always say: there is no need to “snack” the vaccinations with anything - those products that can give allergic reaction. If a child comes to me, and I see that he has dry cheeks, cracks behind the ears, red eyebrows, that is, there are signs of allergies, it makes sense for such a child to give antihistamine, lactofiltrum or other sorbent to remove what it has. If the child has nothing, and we give suprastin, it does not work: he has nothing to bind, there is no released histamine. Why administer the drug (by the way, any drug has side effect) if it doesn't work? That’s why I say: it is necessary, first of all, to examine the child, and only then recommend something specific to him.

U-mama: Which vaccine should a child be vaccinated with – imported or Russian? The forum even asked for a list of the least reactogenic vaccines.

S.K.: As unpatriotic as it may sound, I have a better attitude towards imported vaccines.

U-mama: Why?

S.K.: The approaches and requirements for their licensing are stricter. I took part in testing new vaccine and was faced with the demands that the Belgians place on vaccines. Of course, these are incomparable things compared to us. Delivery conditions, in what cases the vaccine can be used, what clinical studies must be carried out before use, what certificates to obtain, and so on. Our vaccines do not pass such levels of testing. Our vaccines change less frequently than imported ones. All vaccines have very strict storage conditions. What happens to the vaccine if storage and transportation conditions are not met? If it is a live vaccine, it is inactivated, and after its administration nothing will happen, immunity will not form. Therefore, revaccination will be necessary to correct defects in primary immunization. If the vaccine is inactivated, then its structure is disrupted, it will be absorbed faster, and there will be more local and temperature reactions. Imported vaccines are now being created so that they can be stored at room temperature for 24 hours. But, on the other hand, I also cannot unequivocally recommend that absolutely everyone receive imported vaccines. I'll bring you concrete example. There is a Russian vaccine against measles and mumps, which is based on traces of quail protein, and there is an imported Priorix vaccine, which includes traces chicken protein. The child is allergic, and a “real” allergic person with intolerance to chicken protein. The doctor, with the best of intentions, suggests that this child’s mother give him an imported vaccine, and we get an allergic reaction to traces of chicken protein. If we supplied the Russian vaccine, there would be no reactions. Therefore, in in this case the Russian vaccine would be better.

U-mama: Is it possible to give specific recommendations regarding other vaccinations?

U-mama: What to do after vaccination? In particular, many local pediatricians recommend giving antipyretics for prevention.

S.K.: It depends on what drug to give. If it is paracetamol, then it works when the temperature is high and only reduces it to 37.7°C. This drug is good for viral infections when we do not need normal temperature, but it is only necessary to reduce it a little so that it is not hard for the child, but for the immune system to work, the body fights. Nurofen reduces the temperature to 36.6°C. In general, a post-vaccination temperature of up to 38.5°C is considered normal. It is imperative to lower the temperature if the child has any convulsive twitching or tremors. You can give an antipyretic if the temperature begins to rise after vaccination, but simply “for prevention” this does not make sense.

U-mama: Question from the forum: if a child underwent vaccination without fever or whims, does this mean that the body did not fight?

S.K.: No, it means that this child refers to those 80% of children in whom changes in immunity occurred at a level not noticeable to the eyes. The absence of fever indicates that this child most likely will not have a strong immune system, but strong immunity We don’t need it, we need average immunity.

U-mama: How to track whether immunity to the disease has formed?

S.K.: Only by donating blood for antibodies. Such an analysis is done in many laboratories - for example, at Dekabristov, 38, and others. In addition to tuberculosis, you can look at antibodies to all infections.

U-mama: And finally, I quote from the forum: is there a chance for unvaccinated people to survive in our society?

S.K.: Yes, if there are vaccinated people around you. There is the concept of individual immunity, and there is the concept of collective immunity. And so herd immunity is formed precisely thanks to our activities.

Without immune system human life would be impossible. The immune system is so perfect that it is capable of not only recognizing a foreign body (distinguishing its biomolecules from its own), but also isolating and destroying it inside the body.

Innate immune system

The innate immunity in our body is constantly in “working” mode; it is the very first one that encounters all pests and eliminates them. The work of innate immunity begins after the birth of a child, however, not at full strength. The complete strengthening and development of immunity occurs gradually, which is why it is very important to feed the baby with breast milk and harden it.

Immediately after birth, the immune system is already able to protect the child from such bacterial diseases such as tonsillitis, bronchitis, otitis media, etc. When an infection enters the body, the first obstacle it encounters on its way is the mucous membranes, which have an acidic environment that is not favorable for its development. As soon as the infection reaches the mucous membranes, bactericidal substances begin to be released. It is the mucous membranes that trap and eliminate most aggressive microorganisms.

If for some reason the mucous membranes have not coped with their task, and the infection has gone inside the body, it encounters the next obstacle - specialized cells, phagocytes, which are found both on the skin and mucous membranes, and in the blood. Together with special protein complexes, phagocytes provide bactericidal and antiviral effect, thanks to which only 0.1% of all viruses and bacteria survive.

Specific immune system

The specific immune system, or as it is also called acquired, is developed gradually. The body gradually learns to distinguish “friends” from “strangers” thanks to immunological memory. This process is only possible through contact with bacteria, viruses and microorganisms. This protection is formed by two very important and closely related factors - cellular (T- and B-lymphocytes) and humoral (immunoglobulins - antibodies). Cellular factor remembers a foreign substance, and when encountered again, quickly and effectively destroys it - this is immunological memory. This is exactly how they work - a strain of the virus is purposefully introduced into the body so that the T- and B-lymphocytes remember the virus and, when they encounter it again, quickly destroy it. T-lymphocytes destroy the virus on their own, and B-lymphocytes secrete special antibodies - immunoglobulins. You've probably seen them more than once in test results - they come in 5 types: IgE, IgA, IgG, IgM, IgD.

Immune system in newborns

In the process of life, a person constantly encounters aggressive microorganisms and produces immunoglobulins to hundreds of such foreign bodies. The baby’s body is much more vulnerable in this regard, since the acquired immunity is still completely “inexperienced.”

The formation of the immune system in a newborn begins approximately at the 3-8th week of pregnancy, it is then that the child’s liver is formed, which begins to secrete those same B-lymphocytes. Somewhere between the 5th and 12th weeks the thymus gland forms ( thymus, located in the upper part of the sternum), where T-lymphocytes begin to form and train. At the same time, the first IgG immunoglobulins. After the 32nd week of pregnancy, B lymphocytes secrete the entire complex of immunoglobulins, which will help protect the baby’s body in the first months of life. Once the spleen is formed (at approximately 21 weeks), lymphocytes begin to be released. However lymph nodes which should delay foreign bodies, will be able to fully protect the child’s body only by the age of 7-8 years.

Remember! Not proper nutrition, infectious diseases in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy can negatively affect the formation of these organs! Therefore, it is very important to avoid contact with sick people, flu, avoid hypothermia and follow a balanced diet.

The first critical period in the development of the immune system

This marks the moment of birth when the baby's immune system is purposefully suppressed. The whole point is that, passing through birth canal, the baby encounters a mass of new bacteria, and when it is born, the number of new bacteria is in the billions. If the baby’s immune system worked the same way as an adult’s, the child’s body simply could not withstand such a “collision” with the new environment. That is why by the time of birth the baby’s immune system only works at 40-50%. Because of this, the child’s body is very susceptible to viruses and bacteria; his health is maintained only thanks to immunoglobulins received from the mother. After birth, the baby’s intestines begin to be “populated” with beneficial intestinal bacteria, baby is eating special mixtures or breast milk, receiving everything necessary for the development of the immune system. It is worth noting that important here is, which is recommended to be given to the baby immediately after birth before the milk comes in.

The second critical period in the development of the immune system

By approximately 6 months, all antibodies received from the mother are completely gone from the body. By this time, the baby’s body should already be producing immunoglobulin A on its own (but it does not have memory, so vaccinations completed at this age must be repeated). In the period from 3 to 6 months, it is necessary to harden the baby; after bathing in water with a temperature of 36-37 degrees, it is recommended to pour water on the child 1-2 degrees lower. Every 5 days, it is recommended to reduce the water temperature by 1 degree and bring it to 28.

The third critical period in the development of the immune system

This period occurs in the second and third years of a child’s life. During this period, the active formation of specific immunity occurs - the baby comes into contact with other children, adults, animals, and begins to attend nurseries and kindergartens. During this period, children get sick much more often, and often one disease replaces another. There is no need to worry here, this does not mean that the child has poor immunity, he just encounters new viruses and bacteria - this is a necessary stage in the development of acquired immunity. Normally, a child gets sick up to 8-12 times a year.

It is worth noting that at this age there is no need to give the child immunostimulating drugs - they have many contraindications and side effects, in addition, they will reduce the child’s natural immunity.

The fourth critical period in the development of the immune system

This is the last period and it occurs between 5-7 years. At this age, the child already has T- and B-lymphocytes almost at adult levels, however, immunoglobulin A is still in short supply, so children at this age often acquire chronic diseases upper respiratory tract. At this age, it is necessary to give your child multivitamin complexes during the cold season, but it is better to check with your pediatrician which complexes to give your child. It is worth giving immunostimulating drugs only after an immunogram has been completed, which will show which part of the immune system is suffering.

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Immunity and its types. Formation of immunity in children preschool age


Kochergina Maria Alexandrovna

Senior teacher

MADOOU for general developmental type No. 50


Chapter 1. Main part

1.1 What is immunity?

1.2 Types of immunity

1.5 Features of immunity

2.3 Immunity restoration



People say: “Health is like the weather, as long as it’s good you don’t notice it.”

Why do people - not doctors - need to know about immunity? An analysis of the health status of the population around the world has shown that medicine cannot make people healthy without equipping a person with knowledge about his own nature, the causes of diseases, and ways to restore and maintain the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

In this regard, the awareness of people - not doctors, in matters of maintaining the normal functioning of the body's immune system is invaluable. IN modern world A person can develop various immune disorders, as a result of which a person becomes, in fact, a hostage to immunodeficiency for life, which determines his “health.”

Research in recent years has shown that the main cause of many, many diseases is immunity disorders. No matter what or how a person is treated, the disease returns again and again until his immune system is restored, until the body is able to heal itself.

Goal: to find out what immunity is, how to increase it and form it in preschool children.

study and analyze material on the topic;

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consider the mechanism of action of immunity;

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find out the causes of weakened immunity; Posted on

find ways to increase immunity;

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children's immunity;Posted on

analyze and systematize the received Posted on


Chapter 1. Main part

1.1 What is immunity?

Today one of the fashionable topics is human immunity. Various articles have been written on this topic, scientific works, but illiteracy of the population regarding this issue remains quite high. Nevertheless, in order to successfully deal with the issues of restoring your health, and even better - preventing it, you need to understand these fundamental concepts.

Immunity - defensive reaction body, the ability to counteract damaging factors and provide immunity to infection. Immune control complex mechanism interaction of several systems simultaneously: nervous, endocrine, metabolism and others.

It consists of a number of units - cellular, humoral, phagocytic, interferon, the interaction of which ensures the correct reactions of the defense system. A deficiency or excess of any of them leads to disorders.

The elements of the human immune system are bone marrow, thymus gland, spleen, lymph nodes, intestinal lymphoid formations, embryonic liver, as well as bone marrow cells - lymphocytes and monocytes present in the blood and tissues. Immunity is carried out by the cells themselves (cellular) and the products of their vital activity (humoral).

The defense of the human body has a multi-level system and therefore it is impossible for foreign organisms to survive provided that our immune system (IS) is healthy and all its components are working properly. But in order to “help” your immunity if something happens, you need to know its “structure” and how it works.

1 .2 Types of immunity

According to the mechanism of development, the following types of immunity are distinguished:

Species immunity, genetically determined by the metabolic characteristics of a given species. It is mainly associated with the lack of necessary conditions for the propagation of the pathogen.

For example, dogs do not get sick from some human diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, dysentery), and, conversely, people are not susceptible to the causative agent of canine distemper. Strictly speaking, this option resistance is not true immunity, since it is not carried out by the immune system. However, there are variants of species immunity due to natural antibodies. Such antibodies are initially available in the required quantities against many bacteria and viruses.

Acquired immunity occurs throughout life. It can be natural and artificial, each of which can be active or passive.

Natural passive immunity occurs as a result of the transfer from mother to fetus through the placenta or with milk of ready-made protective factors. immunity organism preschool

Natural active immunity appears as a result of contact with a pathogen after an illness.

Artificial passive immunity is created after the introduction of ready-made antibodies into the body with blood sera from immunized donors.

Artificial active immunity is created after the introduction of vaccines containing microorganisms or their parts into the body.

1.3 Mechanism of action of the immune response

The immune response is the body's reaction to the aggression of microbes or toxins. It is caused by any substance that is structurally different from human tissue, but it varies depending on the underlying mechanisms.

A nonspecific immune response is the first reaction when an infection is detected. It is almost the same for any type of microbe and determines overall resistance. Its task is to form a focus of inflammation as a universal protective process of localization and primary destruction of microbes.

A specific immune response is the second stage of the body’s defense. It is characterized by recognition of the microbe and the creation of specific protection factors.

Non-specific and specific immunity They are consistent and complement each other. There are two types of specific immunity: cellular and humoral.

Cellular immune response - the formation of K-lymphocytes that destroy cells containing foreign materials. Aimed primarily at eliminating viral infection and some types of bacteria (leprosy, tuberculosis), as well as cancer cells.

Humoral immune response - activation of B-lymphocytes, after recognition of actively synthesizing antibodies (immunoglobulins).

There can be many different antigens on the surface of one microbe, so a whole series of antibodies is produced, each of which is directed to a specific antigen. Immunoglobulin is a protein molecule that can adhere to microorganisms of a certain structure and cause its destruction.

The strength of the immune response varies and depends on the body's reactivity - the level of reaction to infection and toxins.

1.4 Factors that harm the immune system

Unhealthy lifestyle

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Environmental pollution

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The emergence of new viral bacteria

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Frequent bacterial and viral infectionsPosted on

Poor nutrition

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Long-term treatment with antibiotics and other drugs

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Heavy physical and mental stress, stress Posted on

1.5 Features of immunity

When solving the problem of strengthening the immune system (IS), it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of immunity, which depend on the age of the individual. We already know that the formation of human IP begins already from the 2nd month of pregnancy and ends by 14-16 years.

During this time a person walks several critical periods related to the characteristics of immunity.

For example, in the first months of his life, a baby has only nonspecific immunity inherited from his parents and is highly susceptible to all kinds of infections that are of a specific nature. This, of course, must be taken into account. In old age, the formation of specific immune cells It’s also problematic because The thymus has already lost its activity and decreased in volume by 10 times (compared to its maximum weight). It is for these reasons that the characteristics of immunity must be constantly taken into account when dealing with issues of your health.

1.6 Causes of decreased immunity

digestive system failuresPosted on

lack of vitamins and microelements

surgical interventions

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acute respiratory diseases

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chronic and recurring diseases

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medications (antibiotics, steroids, oncology drugs)

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poor diet, nutritional imbalance (for example, lack of protein or fiber)

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sedentary lifestyle, rare walks

lack of sleep, mental health Posted on

physical and physical overload

constant stress

active and passive smoking,

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congenital immune disorders

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Age-related changes, aging and wear and tear of the body also lead to a decrease in immunity. But there are also various methods for promoting health and increasing immunity in children and adults.

Chapter 2. Formation of immunity in preschool children

2.1 The child often gets sick due to decreased immunity

Children's immunity is formed during intrauterine development. If a child is often sick, the cause may be smoking or alcohol abuse by parents, infectious diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy, or lack of milk during breastfeeding, which is very important for the formation of the child’s immunity. Children who are breastfed from birth to six months are much less likely to get sick and grow strong. Every drop of mother’s milk is valuable for the baby and can boost immunity: after all, with milk, antibodies to diseases previously suffered by the mother enter the child’s body.

High concentration of class A immunoglobulins in the first breast milk, which is distributed in the oral cavity during feeding, gastrointestinal tract, upper respiratory tract, provides the baby with complete protection. Thus, the child’s immunity, without getting sick itself, “gets acquainted” with a whole range of diseases. Naturally, artificial feeding with formula milk does not contain such immunoglobulins, and the likelihood of infection of the child increases.

Newborns often show signs of incomplete maturation of the immune system. The reason is slow intrauterine development. In such cases, constant medical supervision is required, procedures to strengthen the health of children, promote the formation of the immune system and support the child until its completion.

As a rule, the set and quantity of antibodies reaches normal concentrations by 2-3 years of life.

2.2 "5 critical periods in the lives of children"

There are known “5 critical periods in the life of children, each of which has its own characteristics of immunity.

1. The first 28 days of life, when children have immunity received from the mother. The absence of maternal antibodies from any infection increases the sensitivity of the child. The so-called first crossover in the white blood formula on the fifth day of life establishes the predominance of lymphocytes. It is very important to continue breastfeeding during this time. However, during this period, the nonspecific immune response is insufficient due to undeveloped phagocytosis (weak ability of granular leukocytes to localize infections and destroy the pathogen)

2. At 3-6 months, maternal antibodies are destroyed. The period when active immunity is formed. Children are susceptible to ARVI, intestinal infections, food allergies and require additional factors (for example, vaccination) to boost immunity.

3. Around 2 years, when the child is actively exploring the world, atopic diathesis and congenital anomalies may appear.

4. At 4-6 years old, active immunity has already accumulated, formed thanks to the transferred infectious diseases and vaccinations. Possible occurrence acute processes and chronic diseases.

5. At the age of 12-15, rapid hormonal changes occur. Increased secretion of sex hormones is combined with a decrease in the size of lymphoid organs. Time of final formation of types of immune response. At the same time, the child’s body encounters alcohol, smoking, and drugs for the first time.

The child often gets sick due to decreased immunity

A child who is often sick is not at all uncommon. Often the source of recurring diseases is decreased immunity.

Clear signs of a weakened immune system: chronic fatigue, fatigue, headaches, drowsiness, insomnia, aches in muscles and joints, frequent colds and exacerbations of herpes, prolonged increases in temperature, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.

Various factors can affect the formation and level of immunity in a child.

2.3 Immunity restoration

Immunity restoration in children can be of two types.

For specific immunocorrection, drugs are used that directly affect the immune system and help in effective treatment ARVI:

Immunostimulants that promote age maturation immune system,

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Inducers of immunological tolerance that increase the activity of the immune system. Posted on

Immunosuppressants to support the immune system

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These drugs can be prescribed by an immunologist and only after a detailed examination of the level of immunity in a particular child. Posted on

With nonspecific immunocorrection, immunity can be increased by: Posted on

healthy nutrition: varied and high-quality food. Regular consumption of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, herbs, fermented milk products. Elimination of preservatives and foods with excess sugar from the diet. Refusal of diets and, on the other hand, the fight against excess weight.

Vitamins and minerals: vitamins A, B5, C, D, F, PP, minerals - selenium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine and manganese. Posted on

Probiotics - foods that stimulate growth in the body beneficial bacteria: onions and leeks, garlic, bananas and artichokes.

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Hardening the body. Alternation of low and high temperatures: contrast shower, dousing cold water, bathhouse, sauna.

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Natural Remedies: Echinacea, Licorice, Ginseng, Schisandra, and herbal infusions and infusions. It is possible to use medicines, made on the basis of plant adaptogens, or the use of interferon inducers (Posted on

potentiate the production of the body's own interferons) - anaferon for children, ergoferon.

Active lifestyle, physical exercise: gymnastics, running and swimming, fitness, aerobics, long walks.

Posted on

Relaxation. Proper relaxation helps to effectively combat the effects of stress. Calm music, positive thoughts, breathing exercises. Posted on

Fighting dysbiosis: maintaining the balance of beneficial bacteria and bacteria in the intestines.

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Full sleep. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, and for preschool children, the optimal duration of night sleep is 10 hours.

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The human immune system begins its formation before the birth of a child. Its place and extent of influence on health are genetically programmed. From birth to the end of puberty, step by step, the structure and functions of the immune system are formed. The development of the immune system goes through a number of critical stages that must be taken into account when assessing health status, developing preventive programs and prescribing treatment for diseases. To maintain age-related maturation of the immune system and its full functioning in subsequent years, it is necessary to receive immunonutrients (microelements and vitamins) daily from food and carry out measures to preserve and restore normal microflora intestines.

Many are sharp and chronic diseases negatively affect the immune system, which significantly reduces the child’s resistance to infection and other damaging factors. Therefore, in some cases, in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment, prevent severe complications and reduce the risk of an unfavorable outcome of the disease, drugs are prescribed that increase the functional activity of organs and tissues of the immune system ( immunotropic drugs). A priority place among them should be taken by drugs of endogenous origin, which have maximum immunomodulatory activity and safety. First of all, these are interferon drugs.

IN emergency situations, threatening life or epidemiological safety, to influence the immune system, preference is given to immunoglobulin preparations for intravenous or intramuscular administration.

List of literature and information sites

1. Big medical encyclopedia: in 35 t./ch. ed. A.N. Bakulev. M.: State Medical Publishing House; 2nd edition, 1956 - 1967, vol. 11. - 716 p.

2. Gruntenko E.V. Immunity. Pros and cons. - M., "Knowledge", 1982. - 248

3. Pokrovsky V.M., Korotko G.F., Human Physiology, M., "Medicine", 1997, vol. 1, p. 298-307.

4. Royt. A. Fundamentals of immunology. M., "Mir", 1991. - 328 p.

5. Semenov E.V. Human anatomy and physiology. - A guide for applicants to universities - M., ANMI, 1995. - 97 p.






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Chapter 2. Main part

2.1 What is immunity?
2.2 Types of immunity

2.4 Factors that harm the immune system

2.5 Features of immunity
2.6 Causes of decreased immunity

Chapter 3. Formation of immunity in preschool children

3.1 The child often gets sick due to decreased immunity

3.2 “5 critical periods in the lives of children”

3.3 Immunity restoration

Chapter 4. Conclusion
Chapter 5. References.




Chapter 2. Main part

2.1 What is immunity?
2.2 Types of immunity
2.3 Mechanism of action of the immune response
2.4 Factors that harm the immune system

2.5 Features of immunity
2.6 Causes of decreased immunity

Chapter 3. Formation of immunity in preschool children

3.1 The child often gets sick due to decreased immunity

3.2 " 5 critical periods in children's lives"

3.3 Immunity restoration

Chapter 4. Conclusion
Chapter 5. References.


Chapter 1.


People say: “Health is like the weather; while it’s good, you don’t notice.”
Why do people – not doctors – need to know about immunity? An analysis of the health status of the population around the world has shown that medicine cannot make people healthy without equipping a person with knowledge about his own nature, the causes of diseases, and ways to restore and maintain the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body.
In this regard, the awareness of people - not doctors, in matters of maintaining the normal functioning of the body's immune system is invaluable. In the modern world, a person can develop various immune disorders, as a result of which a person becomes, in fact, a hostage to immunodeficiency for life, which determines his “health.”
Research in recent years has shown that the main cause of many, many diseases is immunity disorders. No matter what or how a person is treated, the disease returns again and again until his immune system is restored, until the body is able to heal itself.
Goal: to find out what immunity is, how to increase it and form it in preschool children.

  • study and analyze material on the topic;
  • consider the mechanism of action of immunity;
  • find out the causes of weakened immunity;
  • find ways to increase immunity;
  • children's immunity;
  • analyze and systematize the information received.

Chapter 2

Main part

2.1. What is immunity?

Today one of the fashionable topics is human immunity. Various articles and scientific works are written on this topic, but the illiteracy of the population regarding this issue remains quite high. Nevertheless, in order to successfully deal with the issues of restoring your health, and even better - preventing it, you need to understand these fundamental concepts.

Immunity - the body’s protective reaction, the ability to counteract damaging factors and provide immunity to infection. The immune system controls the complex mechanism of interaction between several systems simultaneously: nervous, endocrine, metabolism and others.

It consists of a number of units - cellular, humoral, phagocytic, interferon, the interaction of which ensures the correct reactions of the defense system. A deficiency or excess of any of them leads to disorders.

The elements of the human immune system are bone marrow, thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, intestinal lymphoid formations, fetal liver, as well as bone marrow cells - lymphocytes and monocytes present in the blood and tissues. Immunity is carried out by the cells themselves (cellular) and the products of their vital activity (humoral).

The defense of the human body has a multi-level system and therefore it is impossible for foreign organisms to survive provided that our immune system (IS) is healthy and all its components are working properly. But in order to “help” your immunity if something happens, you need to know its “structure” and how it works.

2.2 Types of immunity

According to the mechanism of development, the following types of immunity are distinguished:
Species immunity, genetically determined by the metabolic characteristics of a given species. It is mainly associated with the lack necessary conditions for pathogen propagation.
For example, dogs do not get sick from some human diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, dysentery), and, conversely, people are not susceptible to the causative agent of canine distemper. Strictly speaking, this type of resistance is not true immunity, since it is not carried out by the immune system. However, there are variants of species immunity due to natural antibodies. Such antibodies are initially available in the required quantities against many bacteria and viruses.
Acquired immunity occurs throughout life. It can be natural and artificial, each of which can be active or passive.
Natural passive immunity occurs as a result of the transfer from mother to fetus through the placenta or with milk of ready-made protective factors.
Natural active immunity occurs as a result of contact with a pathogen after past illness.
Artificial passive immunity is created after the introduction of ready-made antibodies into the body with blood sera from immunized donors.
Artificial active immunity is created after the introduction of vaccines containing microorganisms or their parts into the body.

2.3. Mechanism of action of the immune response

The immune response is the body's reaction to the aggression of microbes or toxins. It is caused by any substance that is structurally different from human tissue, but it varies depending on the underlying mechanisms.

Nonspecific immune response- the first reaction when an infection is detected. It is almost the same for any type of microbe and determines overall resistance. Its task is to form a focus of inflammation as a universal protective process of localization and primary destruction of microbes.

Specific immune response– the second stage of the body’s defense. It is characterized by recognition of the microbe and the creation of specific protection factors.

Nonspecific and specific immunity are consistent and complement each other. There are two types of specific immunity: cellular and humoral.

Cellular immune response - the formation of K-lymphocytes that destroy cells containing foreign materials. It is aimed primarily at eliminating viral infections and certain types of bacteria (leprosy, tuberculosis), as well as cancer cells.

Humoral immune response - activation of B-lymphocytes, after recognition of actively synthesizing antibodies (immunoglobulins).

There can be many different antigens on the surface of one microbe, so a whole series of antibodies is produced, each of which is directed to a specific antigen. Immunoglobulin is a protein molecule that can adhere to microorganisms of a certain structure and cause its destruction.

The strength of the immune response varies and depends on the body's reactivity - the level of reaction to infection and toxins.

2.4. Factors that harm the immune system

  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Environmental pollution
  • The emergence of new viral bacteria
  • Frequent bacterial and viral infections
  • Poor nutrition
  • Long-term treatment with antibiotics and other drugs
  • Heavy physical and mental stress, stress.

2.5. Features of immunity

When solving the problem of strengthening the immune system (IS), it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of immunity, which depend on the age of the individual. We already know that the formation of human IP begins already from the 2nd month of pregnancy and ends by 14-16 years. During this time, a person goes through several critical periods associated with the characteristics of immunity. For example, in the first months of his life, a baby has only nonspecific immunity inherited from his parents and is highly susceptible to all kinds of infections that are of a specific nature. This, of course, must be taken into account. In old age, the formation of specific immune cells is also problematic because The thymus has already lost its activity and decreased in volume by 10 times (compared to its maximum weight). It is for these reasons that the characteristics of immunity must be constantly taken into account when dealing with issues of your health.

2.6. Causes of decreased immunity

Age-related changes, aging and wear and tear of the body also lead to a decrease in immunity. But there are also various methods for promoting health and increasing immunity in children and adults.

Chapter 3.

3.1.Formation of immunity in preschool children.

Children's immunity is formed during intrauterine development. If a child is often sick, the cause may be smoking or alcohol abuse by parents, infectious diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy, or lack of milk during breastfeeding, which is very important for the formation of the child’s immunity. Children who are breastfed from birth to six months are much less likely to get sick and grow strong. Every drop of mother’s milk is valuable for the baby and can boost immunity: after all, with milk, antibodies to diseases previously suffered by the mother enter the child’s body.

The high concentration of class A immunoglobulins in the first breast milk, which during feeding is distributed in the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract, and upper respiratory tract, provides the baby with complete protection. Thus, the child’s immunity, without getting sick itself, “gets acquainted” with a whole range of diseases. Naturally, artificial feeding with formula milk does not contain such immunoglobulins, and the likelihood of infection of the child increases.

Newborns often show signs of incomplete maturation of the immune system. The reason is slow intrauterine development. In such cases, constant medical supervision is required, procedures to strengthen the health of children, promote the formation of the immune system and support the child until its completion.

As a rule, the set and quantity of antibodies reaches normal concentrations by 2-3 years of life.

3.2. "5 critical periods in the lives of children"

There are known “5 critical periods in the life of children, each of which has its own characteristics of immunity.

  1. The first 28 days of life, when children have immunity received from their mother. The absence of maternal antibodies from any infection increases the sensitivity of the child. The so-called first crossover in the white blood formula on the fifth day of life establishes the predominance of lymphocytes. It is very important to continue breastfeeding during this time. However, during this period, the nonspecific immune response is insufficient due to undeveloped phagocytosis (weak ability of granular leukocytes to localize infections and destroy the pathogen)
  1. At 3-6 months, maternal antibodies are destroyed. The period when active immunity is formed. Children are susceptible to acute respiratory viral infections, intestinal infections, food allergies and need additional factors (for example, vaccinations) to boost immunity.
  2. Around 2 years of age, when the child is actively exploring the world, atopic diathesis and congenital anomalies may appear.
  3. At the age of 4-6 years, active immunity has already accumulated, formed due to previous infectious diseases and vaccination. Acute processes and chronic diseases may occur.
  4. At the age of 12-15, rapid hormonal changes occur. Increased secretion of sex hormones is combined with a decrease in the size of lymphoid organs. Time of final formation of types of immune response. At the same time, the child’s body encounters alcohol, smoking, and drugs for the first time.

The child often gets sick due to decreased immunity

A child who is often sick is not at all uncommon. Often the source of recurring diseases is decreased immunity.

Obvious signs of a weakened immune system: chronic fatigue, fatigue, headaches, drowsiness, insomnia, aching muscles and joints, frequent colds and exacerbations of herpes, prolonged fever, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.

Various factors can affect the formation and level of immunity in a child.

3.3. Immunity restoration

Immunity restoration in children can be of two types.

For specific immunocorrection, drugs are used that directly affect the immune system and help in the effective treatment of ARVI:

  • Immunostimulants that promote age-related maturation of the immune system,
  • Inducers of immunological tolerance, increasing the activity of the immune system.
  • Immunosuppressants to support the immune system
  • These drugs can be prescribed by an immunologist and only after a detailed examination of the level of immunity in a particular child.
  • With nonspecific immunocorrection, immunity can be increased by: proper nutrition: varied and high-quality food. Regular consumption of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, herbs, dairy products. Elimination of preservatives and foods with excess sugar from the diet. Refusal of diets and, on the other hand, the fight against excess weight.
  • Vitamins and minerals: vitamins A, B5, C, D, F, PP, minerals - selenium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine and manganese.
  • Probiotics are foods that stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the body: onions and leeks, garlic, bananas and artichokes.
  • Hardening the body. Alternating low and high temperatures: contrast shower, dousing with cold water, bathhouse, sauna.
  • Natural remedies: echinacea, licorice, ginseng, lemongrass, as well as herbal decoctions and infusions. It is also possible to use medicines made on the basis of herbal adaptogens, or the use of interferon inducers (potentiate the production of the body’s own interferons) - anaferon for children, ergoferon.
  • Active lifestyle, physical exercise: gymnastics, running and swimming, fitness, aerobics, long walks.
  • Relaxation. Proper relaxation helps to effectively combat the effects of stress. Calm music, positive thoughts, breathing exercises.
  • Fighting dysbiosis: maintaining the balance of beneficial bacteria and bacteria in the intestines.
  • Full sleep. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, and for preschool children, the optimal duration of night sleep is 10 hours.

Chapter 4.


The human immune system begins its formation before the birth of a child. Its place and extent of influence on health are genetically programmed. From birth to the end of puberty, step by step, the structure and functions of the immune system are formed. The development of the immune system goes through a number of critical stages that must be taken into account when assessing health status, developing preventive programs and prescribing treatment for diseases. To maintain age maturation of the immune system and its full functioning in subsequent years, it is necessary to receive daily immunonutrients (microelements and vitamins) from food and take measures to preserve and restore normal intestinal microflora.