Pain in the left hypochondrium in front. What can hurt in the left hypochondrium?

Why the left side hurts can be explained by the development of many diseases and pathologies. Discomfort and pain are associated with diseases of those organs located in the left hypochondrium. This spleen , left side of the diaphragm, part of the stomach , pancreas ,intestinal loops , left kidney pole . When the functions of these organs are impaired, cramps, spasms and pain occur in this area.

Pain in the left side of the abdomen - what is it like?

Initially, you should determine the boundaries of the hypochondrium area. This left side abdomen - the left quadrant at the top, which is located under the ribs. Accordingly, what exactly hurts in this part of the abdomen in a man, woman or child, and which doctor needs to be contacted, can be determined by the nature of the pain, the period and circumstances of its occurrence. If pain appears in the upper abdomen in the center and radiates to the left side, we can talk about the development various diseases.

Stitching pain that occurs during exercise

Those who are interested in why it hurts when running, and whether it is dangerous, should take into account that a similar symptom is also observed in healthy people. If tingling only periodically develops during movement, that is, during active physical activity, then this phenomenon can be considered normal. Such symptoms quickly disappear and they only indicate that the adult or child did not warm up enough before starting sports and moved very abruptly.

Before starting classes, it is necessary to conduct a thorough warm-up so that the body gradually adapts to the activation of blood circulation. Stitching pain sometimes develops when walking too actively, which can be prevented by slowing down the pace.

This condition is not dangerous if it hurts only during exercise and this happens to healthy people who do not suffer from heart disease. However, even healthy people who tense too much, when such sensations develop, need to stop and relax, take a deep breath. As you exhale, you should press your palm on the place where the pain develops and sharply lean forward. You can repeat these steps several times.

It is also important to ensure that when the lesson is taking place, breathing is deep, since shallow breathing causes small excursions of the diaphragm.

Severe sharp pain on the left side can also be observed if a person starts exercising after eating. It is important that at least an hour and a half pass after eating before starting classes, as the digestive system must cope with the digestion process.

Dagger sharp pain

Acute pain after injury

If the occurrence pain in this area is noted when inhaling after a trauma, accident, fall, then there is a possibility that the person’s internal organs are seriously damaged. In this case, it is important to immediately contact specialists, as there is a possibility of a threat to life.

Dull aching pain in the left side

Diffuse, aching pain, which manifests itself over a long period of time and occurs periodically, may be a sign of the development of chronic illness gastrointestinal organs. Possibly inflammation in the stomach - as well as pancreatitis , etc. To determine what may hurt in the left side, or to exclude the development of pathologies, it is important to consult a gastroenterologist, conduct tests and studies. Also, nagging pain in the left hypochondrium develops with some blood pathologies , bacterial infections , sepsis , systemic diseases .

It's a dull pain

If there is constant aching or tugging in the hypochondrium, then the causes of heaviness under the ribs may be associated with the development duodenitis or sluggish. If the patient immediately experiences nausea and vomiting, then we can talk about the likelihood.

If the pain is not associated with problems in the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, it can be assumed that coronary heart disease .

Causes of pain in the hypochondrium on the left

Thus, answering the question of what may hurt in the left hypochondrium, the following reasons should be mentioned:

  • cardiomyopathy , heart damage , heart attack ;
  • gastrointestinal diseases - cholecystitis , ulcer , gastritis , pancreatitis , duodenitis , colitis ;
  • enlargement or rupture of the spleen;
  • tumors internal organs ;
  • splenic infarction due to arterial thrombosis ;
  • rheumatic manifestations;
  • diaphragm injury, diaphragmatic hernia ;
  • left-sided pleurisy , and also left-sided pneumonia , developing in the lower part of the left lung.

It is imperative to take into account what is in the hypochondrium area of ​​a person, as well as the nature of the pain (radiating to the back, aching, stabbing, just heaviness or discomfort) as well as factors that could determine the development of such pain (after eating, when inhaling during physical exercise etc.).

The hypochondrium in front of a woman may hurt when. In this condition, pain also appears in the left hypochondrium from the back due to the strong pressure of the enlarged uterus on the internal organs. Sometimes expectant mothers complain that there is a periodic tingling sensation in their side.

Pain in the left hypochondrium in the front can also be associated with previous injuries - in this case, you may feel discomfort in the front or a dull pain in the front, as well as severe, diffuse pain. In this case, the reasons should be immediately determined by a doctor.

Pain in the left side under the ribs, mechanism of occurrence

Why it hurts on the left side under the ribs also depends on the mechanism of development of such pain. This indicator serves additional feature during the diagnostic process, when the doctor tries to determine what hurts in the left side under the ribs, what is on the right and causes such sensations.

The following division of pain in this area is known:

Nature of pain Features of manifestation
Referred pain They appear as irradiating from organs located far away. This may be a pain left-sided pneumonia , heart attack , pleurisy etc. Pain can be felt in the ribs on the left front, in the back behind, on both sides.
Visceral pain

Develop with intestinal spasms or in case of a violation gastric motility .

Also, visceral pain is characteristic of a stretched state. muscle fibers gastrointestinal organs. A person may complain that his stomach hurts, if the disease progresses, pain can be felt in the center, as well as with right side. The patient sometimes complains that there is gurgling in the stomach, pulling on both sides.

Diaphragmatic hernia develops during pregnancy, in people with severe physical exertion. Also, such diseases often occur in older people due to weakening of the muscular system. In some cases, pinching of the stomach occurs, then a sharp cutting pain in the stomach and in the left hypochondrium, sometimes the pain in the stomach radiates to the back.

Pain due to intercostal neuralgia

As neurological diseases develop, irritation or compression of the intercostal nerves may occur. When they are affected nerve cells, in patients intercostal neuralgia painful sensations can be very wide range: cramping, pulsating, piercing, sometimes sharp or aching, dull or burning pain develops. A person complains that there is pressure, tugging, numbness, aching, and burning in the lumbar region, under the ribs. Such sensations intensify when breathing - sighing, when inhaling, exhaling, as well as when coughing, pressing on certain points on the back, chest, spine, when tense, changing body position.

During attacks of neuralgia, there is tingling under the chest, periodic muscle twitching, pallor or redness of the skin, and heavy sweating.

Patients with neuralgia often ask doctors what is on the left side of a person, since the pain often radiates under the shoulder blade, is felt under the heart, in the abdominal area from above, in the upper back under the shoulder blade, and also in other places when pressed. There is a feeling that it is cutting, “getting in the way” and twitching in different places.

Painful sensations appear at any time of the day, and in those places where they were damaged nerve pathways, numbness is noted.

In the area of ​​the heart burning pain is not always associated specifically with cardiac pathologies, because a person may be bothered by organs located under the heart. However, if aching pain appears on the left, under the left nipple, simultaneously with, nausea , rapid heartbeat , and this occurs both during exercise and at rest, the development of heart disease can be suspected. The patient may feel heaviness and burning under the sternum. Similar symptoms may appear when coronary heart disease . If affected coronary arteries , the blood supply to the heart muscle is disrupted, provoking the development of ischemia.

What hurts in the left side below the ribs is also of interest to those who suffer cardiomyopathy . This is a series of diseases in which heart function is impaired, but is not noted arterial hypertension , pathologies of the valve apparatus , vascular diseases of the heart . In patients with cardiomyopathies, the heart muscle changes structurally. As a result, a person becomes more tired, colic and a feeling of pain develop during physical activity.

Pain on the left in diseases of the spleen

If pain occurs on the left side, one may suspect that the person’s spleen is bothering him.

Where is this organ located and how does it hurt? The spleen is fragile and easily ruptures, so pain develops in any pathological condition of this organ. If the spleen hurts, symptoms of a slight enlargement may be difficult to detect, especially in people with overweight , since the human spleen is located deep in the hypochondrium on the left.

Splenomegaly (i.e. enlarged spleen) is noted when infectious mononucleosis and other diseases, the causes of which are infectious lesions. But with this disease, the patient also exhibits fever, , muscle pain, intoxication, enlarged lymph nodes and liver.

The spleen performs different functions in the body, being the largest lymph node, the thinnest blood filter and the largest conglomerate of reticuloendothelial tissue.

Splenic hypertrophy occurs if it performs its functions in an enhanced mode due to infectious diseases , hemolytic anemias , diseases immune complexes . Its increase in size as a result of this is sometimes the answer to the question of why a person’s spleen hurts.

In addition, there are other reasons why the spleen hurts. The reasons for this may be tumor, trauma, infiltration, developmental defects. The most acute pain occurs after an injury or blow that leads to rupture of this organ. What to do if this happens, the doctor should determine as soon as possible. When the spleen ruptures, the skin near the navel also becomes blue, and the pain radiates to the back area. Once such symptoms are noted, emergency assistance must be called immediately.

Pain on the left in diseases of the pancreas and stomach

It should be remembered: if the left side of the abdomen hurts, it may also be a symptom of ailments of the stomach and pancreas.

For gastritis

Manifestations occur in most people. The gastric mucosa is very sensitive to the action of irritants, which in modern food products contains very large number.

With gastritis in the hypochondrium area, aching pain, belching, nausea develops, sometimes the stomach growls, seethes, and pulsation is felt. Epigastric pain, vomiting, a feeling of pressure, and heaviness develop. The listed signs appear in children and adults most often after eating. With gastritis, the patient is also concerned about pallor, dry mouth, feeling of weakness, diarrhea , gases, bloating.

For gastric ulcers

The symptoms of this disease are similar to those of gastritis. Signs depend on how severe the disease is. But pain usually occurs after eating.

With an ulcer, the patient is worried not only by severe colic, but also by vomiting, loss of appetite, belching, heartburn, rumbling and gurgling in the stomach.

At perforated ulcer colic in the lower abdomen and hypochondrium area turns into a sudden dagger pain, which can cause a person to lose consciousness.

For diseases of the pancreas

What is located in a person’s left side under the ribs also worries people suffering. With this disease, strong girdle pain appears on the left under the ribs above and slightly below. This condition is characterized by vomiting with bile, bitterness in the mouth, and nausea. Sometimes the pain is so intense that a person has to sit bent over. The stool may become lighter and the urine may become darker.

If the disease becomes chronic, pain is mainly a concern after abuse junk food and alcohol. Oncological processes in the pancreas are very difficult to establish, since at the beginning of the disease the symptoms are almost invisible.

For oncological diseases of the digestive system

On early stages Oncological processes can occur with mildly expressed symptoms. Therefore we should be wary different symptoms, especially if they develop frequently or occur in older people. Periodic tingling - if it pulsates and tingles in the lower abdomen or above, weakness, constant lack of appetite, anemia, rapid satiety, constant seething and periodic pain in the stomach, regular alternation of diarrhea and constipation - all this is a cause for concern. It is also necessary to immediately consult a doctor if a lump or lump appears in this area.

But if any of these symptoms appear constantly, only a doctor should draw conclusions about the disease and prescribe treatment.

Pain in the hypochondrium in women

Unlike men, in women such sensations may be a consequence physiological processes. Sometimes it stings in the left side during pregnancy, in the period before menstruation .

Why it hurts in the left side of the lower abdomen during pregnancy can be easily explained by physiology expectant mother. A number of organs located in the left side of the lower abdomen are subject to pressure from the enlarging uterus. Therefore, during pregnancy, especially in the last stages, periodic pain is observed, both in the upper and in the lower section hypochondrium. Sometimes the pain intensifies when the fetus moves. But, as a rule, it is easy. Rumbling in the intestines may also bother you, and your stomach often rumbles.

It happens that before the onset of menstruation, women produce a lot of sex hormones , resulting in spasm of the bile ducts. The woman notes nausea and bloating, pain in the left side of the abdomen. In this case, you need to consult a gynecologist.

What should you do if you experience pain?

If pain in the left hypochondrium bothers the patient, and the diagnosis has not yet been established, you should initially contact a therapist who can determine which specialist should be contacted next.

Sometimes it takes a challenge emergency care and subsequent hospitalization. This should be done in the following cases:

  • with sudden acute pain;
  • for aching pain that does not go away within one hour;
  • with stabbing pain during movement that does not go away for about 30 minutes;
  • with dull pain and vomiting with blood.

Self-medication is unacceptable. It is especially important not to warm the hypochondrium with a heating pad, as such actions can aggravate the course of the disease. Anti-spasm medications may interfere with big picture and complicate diagnosis. A cold compress can be used.

Pain sensations that are localized on the left side in the area of ​​the ribs and under them are not specific. They can act as symptoms of various diseases of internal organs, nervous system. In the diagnostic field precise definition The nature and location of the pain can help the doctor determine the cause of the pain.

What hurts in the left side under the ribs in front

In cases where it hurts left hypochondrium, this does not indicate problems specifically with the ribs, but rather pathological conditions of the internal organs. In this area of ​​the body there are the following internal organs, which can cause pain under the left rib in the front:

  • intestinal loops;
  • part of the stomach;
  • bud;
  • ureter;
  • left side of the diaphragm;
  • pancreas;
  • lung.

After eating

If at first, immediately after finishing a meal, the stomach hurts on the left under the ribs from the food eaten, this indicates the development of gastritis. The intensity of the sensations varies due to the acidity of the stomach at a particular moment. Any fluctuations in the concentration of the substance increase the irritating effect on the mucous membrane, leading to painful sensations. This causes heartburn, nausea, and vomiting. IN advanced cases Gastric ulcer develops, in which pain appears immediately after eating.

When inhaling and coughing

In cases where the left side hurts when breathing, as a rule, a subphrenic abscess is diagnosed. The nature of the pain is intense, decreases when lying down or half-sitting, intensifies during deep breathing, coughing, sudden movements or sneezing. Pain under the rib can sometimes shift to the supraclavicular region, under the shoulder blade of the same side. As a rule, similar pathology accompanied by symptoms of body intoxication, high fever.

In most cases, subphrenic abscess occurs after surgical interventions(abdominal surgery), which simplifies the diagnostic process. Less commonly, the cause is trauma to the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, and sometimes an abscess is a consequence of a complication purulent processes liver as a result of peritonitis (appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, others).

The rib on the left side hurts when pressed

Intestinal obstruction causes inflammatory process, because of which the left hypochondrium hurts. The discomfort increases if you press. The pain is accompanied by bloating, diarrhea or constipation. Nausea, vomiting, and symptoms of intoxication of the body are characteristic. Increased pain in the left side below the ribs when pressed indicates in most cases a ruptured spleen. Along with such manifestations, the following signs of intra-abdominal bleeding are observed:

  • dizziness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • spasm of the muscles of the peritoneal wall;
  • pressure drop.

In a child

The cause of pain under the left rib in the front in babies aged 4-9 months is diverticulitis (volvulus, lower section). Diagnosed in overweight children. It is a pathology when one intestinal tube enters the lumen of another. The course of the disease has the following chronology:

  1. The child begins to show anxiety.
  2. He draws his legs in, writhes and cries.
  3. Suddenly the pain on the left side stops, and the child continues to play and calms down.
  4. After a short period of time, the attack repeats.
  5. After the symptoms cease again, vomiting begins.
  6. In this case, the child’s stool is normal at first, but later an admixture of blood appears.

Causes of pain in the left hypochondrium

You should not ignore a condition where there is pain under the ribs in the center or left front, even if the discomfort has passed. This symptom indicates serious diseases that require timely diagnosis and treatment. Clinical practice indicates the following common causes:

  • , chronic, acute;
  • chronic myeloid leukemia;
  • glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • flatulence;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • ischemic colitis;
  • splenitis, splenomegaly, splenic rupture;
  • vegetative crises;
  • myocardial infarction, pericarditis, myocarditis, angina pectoris;
  • In women during pregnancy, the volume of the bronchopulmonary system expands.

Girdle pain under the ribs and in the back

If pain occurs under the rib on the left front, which later begins to appear at the back, on the back, indicates the development of an inflammatory process of the pancreas (). Main symptom When this disease occurs, it is a very strong, burning pain that dulls when the person bends the body forward or takes a sitting position.


On the left side, a dull, spreading pain under the ribs in front is provoked by sluggish chronic, inflammatory diseases Gastrointestinal tract. Unpleasant sensations occur periodically, but regularly and for a long time. In most cases, this indicates pancreatitis, cholecystitis, ulcers or gastritis. To confirm or exclude these diseases, you should visit a gastroenterologist so that he can prescribe the necessary laboratory tests, ultrasound or procedures.


If it stings on the side under the left rib during training or strength training, this indicates that insufficient warm-up was carried out. The body has not had time to prepare for increased blood circulation, so such sensations during training should not cause much concern. They pass quickly and have no consequences. If the tingling turns into a dagger pain for no particular reason, this may indicate the development of serious illness:

  • left-sided pneumonia;
  • cancerous lung tumors;
  • pleurisy;
  • inflammation of the left side of the diaphragm.

In the front part of the abdomen under the ribs there is digestive tract, consisting of a stomach with mucous walls, pancreas, liver with gallbladder, small and large intestine. It is worth noting that not only these organs can get sick. Pain may radiate to the hypochondrium area on the left due to the sternal space, from the lower abdomen. Also, pain in the side can be the result of pinched nerves or spasmed muscles. Therefore, if the pain does not go away for a long time over 4-6 hours and intensifies with a deep breath or after eating, you should contact a medical facility as soon as possible.
If acute unbearable pain occurs, which manifests itself in the form of intoxication, fever, heavy sweating, then you need to call ambulance. So that you can understand what awaits you in case of delay, below we will consider the types of pain that signal the presence of various diseases.

At the moment there is a pulling, stabbing, sudden, sharp, burning, dull, aching, throbbing pain. For the necessary diagnosis, a specialist must take into account minor manifestations.

These characteristics include:

  • Character;
  • Duration of pain;
  • Reasons for relief;
  • First appearance;
  • Development;
  • Intensity painful sensations;
  • Reasons for strengthening;
  • Irradiation;

A patient who is able to correctly describe the nature of the pain that has arisen under the ribs significantly helps the doctor identify the causes of the disease, which speeds up the process of making a diagnosis and prescribing effective treatment.

Stitching pain

Stitching pain in the left hypochondrium in front in most cases appears after or during heavy physical exertion- running, jumping, other exercises during training, fitness, gymnastics. It may appear even after a quick step. If these unpleasant sensations pass quickly, then they are most likely not terrible symptoms. Even healthy athletes can experience stabbing pain in the left side. The reasons for its occurrence are too sudden or excessive movements that a person begins to perform without warming up. A good warm-up should last more than twenty minutes, otherwise the human body may not have time to adapt to sudden increases in blood circulation and pain will occur.

If this unpleasant symptom appeared, you need to stop, take a deep breath. Then you should lower your arms and shoulders and breathe deeply. If the painful sensations persist, then you need to straighten up, then, at the moment of exhalation, press the palm of your hand on the site of pain and sharply bend forward with your whole body. Repeat this movement two or three times. Only after the pain disappears can you continue physical exercise.

Except physiological reasons, discomfort in the side can be caused by stretching of the splenic capsule. From of this body a large number of trabeculae diverge. They contain veins, nerve fibers, and arteries. Also present lymphatic vessels. These connections are usually called the supporting contractile apparatus. It is able to withstand large increases in volume, but if the spleen begins to rapidly enlarge, as a result of various injuries or inflammatory processes, then pain under the ribs may occur, and stretching of the spleen capsule also occurs, which is also called splenalgia. In this case, a person may feel both stabbing and throbbing pain.

Stitching pain also occurs with myeloid leukemia. This disease refers to chronic forms of leukemia, which is a tumor disease of the hematopoietic system. It is characterized by rapid growth and reproduction of mature granulocytes, which are one of the types of leukocytes, while the number of other leukocytes sharply decreases. Why this disease occurs is still not clear. The main symptom is a disturbance in the structure and composition of the chromosomal apparatus. Such a disease can be either genetic and transmitted to descendants by inheritance, or acquired under the influence of mutagenic factors. Often the development of the disease occurs due to exposure to chemical carcinogens or radioactive substances. In myeloid leukemia, the tumor process affects numerous germs bone marrow. In this case, the person feels a stabbing pain under the ribs or just below the abdomen. The main form of treatment is restorative therapy, in which patients must be under constant medical supervision.

Burning, sharp, sharp, sudden pain of high intensity

If pain under the ribs occurs after eating, this may indicate the development of pancreatitis.. This type of disease destroys the patient feels severe pain on the left side. Reasons of this disease lie in blockage of the pancreatic ducts, which disrupts the production of necessary enzymes and hormones pancreatic juice. During digestion, enzymes “eat” themselves, thereby digesting their own tissue.
The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • Persistent pain in the side or under the ribs;
  • Reduction of body weight by more than 50%;
  • Fatigue;
  • Frequent diarrhea;
  • Nausea, vomiting;

The pain may intensify with palpation of the abdomen. The appearance of pus is very dangerous. External symptoms appear as icteric or bluish tint skin.

For acute pancreatitis, sharp unexpected intense pain in the left side, usually after fatty or fried foods, take the patient by surprise and require urgent hospitalization. In case of chronic course diseases of aching pain, which also intensifies after eating, especially a large meal. Treatment involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and proper nutrition.

If a burning, severe pain appears under the ribs, along the spine, which intensifies when pressing on the back or chest area, when moving or walking, after sneezing or inhaling, then this indicates intercostal neuralgia. This disease is caused by compression of the nerves located between the ribs, and, in addition to pain, is accompanied by muscle twitching and increased sweating. May also turn red or pale skin. Treatment of the disease consists of physical therapy, painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications.

Sharp and sharp pain, which occurs after a blow, may indicate a ruptured spleen, which manifests itself in contusion, one-stage and two-stage rupture, damage to the parenchyma. This type of disease is great danger because of heavy bleeding V abdominal cavity and requires urgent surgical intervention.

The risk of rupture increases significantly with enlarged spleen, which is facilitated by various concomitant diseases or infections. In addition, the enlargement of the organ is also accompanied by pain on the left, which is dull or aching in nature, which can radiate to the left shoulder or left shoulder blade. Treatment consists of eliminating the disease that caused inflammation of the spleen, surgical method rarely used.

If severe pain in the left side is not associated with actions or food, then it may indicate the development of such a serious disease as pancreatic cancer.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • Severe pain in the side and lower abdomen;
  • Colic in the lumbar region;
  • Yellowing of the eyes;
  • Darkening of urine;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Indigestion;
  • Weight loss;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Enlarged abdomen on the left;

The disease can be diagnosed using ultrasound. The causes may be different. The disease spreads in the body through tissues, blood and lymphatic system. The disease is treated using the Whipple procedure, detailed resection, pancreatectomy, palliative surgery, endoscopic stent, and chemotherapy.

Pain under the ribs in children, especially infants, indicates development. The disease manifests itself in the form of severe inflammation of the intestines. Pouch-like protrusions, similar to a hernia, begin to form in the intestinal wall. Intestinal contents can get stuck in them. Because of this, bacteria multiply. The diverticulum begins to become inflamed. Patients complain of severe pain in the lower abdomen, most often on the left. Their temperature rises, diarrhea or constipation begins. Due to the growths appears heavy bleeding. If a person has discharge, blood in their stool, underwear, or toilet paper, then you need to find out why this is happening. In 10% of cases, such symptoms indicate diverticulitis. Patient in mandatory must undergo colonoscopy, laparoscopy, or X-ray examination of the intestines. Treatment of the disease should be carried out in a hospital in the proctology department.

Aching, pulling, dull pain

This kind discomfort may occur after eating, as well as on an empty stomach. The reasons for this may be the following:

  • Gastritis is one of the most common diseases. It is a severe inflammation of the mucous membrane. Appears with improper diets, including spicy and rough foods, dry food, and strong alcoholic drinks. May be asymptomatic. But most often, patients feel aching pain, nausea, and weakness. This disease is treated with medications that restore acidity and the gastric mucosa, and diet.
  • Stomach ulcer represents defects that form on the mucous membrane. Stress can lead to various spasms of muscles and blood vessels, as a result, the nutrition of the stomach begins to be disrupted, and it becomes vulnerable to gastric juice, or rather to hydrochloric acid which it contains. The patient feels severe pain in the upper abdomen, which most often occurs at night or during attacks of hunger. The main methods of neutralizing the disease are diet and taking medications that protect the gastric mucosa. If this disease is not treated, then one of the terrible complications There may be perforation of the ulcer, which causes severe stabbing pain, reflex vomiting, nausea, dry mouth, and weakness. It can only be removed surgically.
  • Duodenitis is severe inflammation twelve duodenum, manifested by aching pain in the upper abdomen or side, especially when you want to eat. The reasons for the development are varied. Most often, this disease develops in childhood due to the incorrect location of the duodenum and weakness of the hormonal apparatus, but can develop against the background of other inflammatory diseases of the duodenum. There is an acute and chronic form of the disease. In the first case, treatment should be carried out in a hospital, in the second, it is necessary to follow a diet and take a number of medications (choleretic, enveloping, etc.)
  • Diaphragmatic hernia develops due to a defect in the diaphragm. Organs can enter from chest cavity into the abdominal or vice versa. During X-ray examination, this disease is most often found in patients complaining of chest pain and heartburn. Causes may include abnormalities, injuries, age, impaired innervation, chronic diseases. If a hernia is strangulated, acute pain may occur, which requires urgent medical attention.
  • Unpleasant pain may occur when flatulence– increased accumulation of gases. It is observed when overeating, eating fast food and other foods that cause increased gas formation. The main reason for the development of the disease is a violation of the enzyme system. Treatment consists of correcting the diet, restoring motor disorders, eliminating the biocenosis, and removing accumulated gases.

Aching, pulling, dull unpleasant sensations are not always associated with food. The reasons for the appearance may be the following diseases:.

    • Colitis is Manifested in the form of inflammation. Leaks with strong pain symptoms lower abdomen that is aching or dull in nature. Diagnosis should include a stool examination. Treatment should be prescribed taking into account the etiological form.
    • Bowel cancer is malignant tumor on the intestinal mucosa. It manifests itself in the form of bursting and aching pain, upset stool, and weakness. The reason may be genetic predisposition, inflammatory diseases, improper diet.

The disease in the first stages can be asymptomatic, therefore it takes an advanced form, which makes surgery(the only way to treat this disease) is less effective. According to statistics, only 30% of patients lived more than 5 years after surgery performed at stage 4 of the disease, and 99% - if intestinal cancer was in stage 1.

Not in all cases the patient can determine the cause of the discomfort, which is why it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Basically, if you experience aching, pulling, dull, non-sharp or sharp pain, you should go to a therapist. The specialist will prescribe tests and diagnostics. Depending on the type of pain and the results obtained, a primary diagnosis will be determined and then the patient will be referred to to a specialist. Thus, a gastroenterologist treats ulcers and other stomach diseases. If you have diseases of the heart muscle or pain in the chest, you should consult a cardiologist. When found endocrine diseases- see an endocrinologist. Pneumonia and diseases respiratory tract treated by a pulmonologist.

In this article, we examined the most typical situations of pain in the left hypochondrium in front. But it is worth noting that each organism may have its own characteristics. For example, organs may be displaced relative to their physiological position. In this case, an uncharacteristic reflection of unpleasant sensations will occur, and then the pain may indicate the presence of inflammation of the appendix, diseases of the genitourinary area and other pathologies. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you should not delay examinations, but immediately contact a professional doctor.

Pain in the left hypochondrium is a very common occurrence, as it is a symptom of many diseases.

To determine what kind of illness pain in the left hypochondrium is signaling, first of all you need to diagnose the nature of the pain, since pain can be of several types, for example, dull, cutting, stabbing and aching.

Thus, with the correct formulation of the nature of pain and accompanying symptoms you can find out which organ needs medical diagnostics and in further treatment.

Causes of pain in the left hypochondrium

The causes of pain in the left hypochondrium are varied. The following vital areas are located in this area important organs: heart, spleen, pancreas, stomach, intestinal loops, diaphragm. Any malfunctions provoke them discomfort under the ribs on the left.

So what could it be? Here main reasons causing pain in the hypochondrium on the left:

  • spleen diseases;
  • pathology of the left kidney;
  • stomach diseases, most often -,;
  • pancreatic diseases - ;
  • diseases of the small and large intestines.

In more in rare cases, pain in this area can be caused by:

  • inflammatory processes of the diaphragm, its hernias and tumors;
  • , and also ;
  • inflammatory processes in the left appendages in women (and others);
  • postoperative and post-traumatic consequences (hematomas, cuts, stitches, etc.);
  • heart diseases, in particular coronary disease;
  • left lung;

Each of these reasons can pose a potential threat to human life. Therefore, for their timely elimination and treatment, immediate consultation with a doctor is required.

Dull pain in the left hypochondrium

It starts to bother you when indolent disease chronic, most often due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, such as:

  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis.

It is quite difficult to establish a diagnosis, so it is necessary to undergo a series of studies and pass the necessary tests.

Sharp and acute pain

This pain is typical when serious damage internal organs. If the onset of pain was preceded by blows or bruises to the left side of the body, then injuries such as rib fractures, rupture or hematoma of the spleen, rupture of the kidney or kidney ligaments can be assumed.

If pain sensations appeared without the influence of external traumatic factors, then it is possible to diagnose renal colic, acute pancreatitis, intestinal perforation, strangulated renal cyst.

After load

After physical activity, pain should not be a reason for panic, as it is a companion of almost every healthy person. It is associated with insufficient preparation and warm-up.

Blood circulation increases too quickly and the body cannot adapt to it in time. Insufficient breathing may also be a cause. Frequent shallow breathing It strains the diaphragm too much and this causes pain in the hypochondrium at the back.

Pain in the left hypochondrium anteriorly

What could it be? If such pain is localized under the ribs in front, this most likely indicates diseases of the spleen or damage to the tissues of the stomach. In these cases differential diagnosis carried out with myocardial infarction, colitis of the upper intestinal loops, myositis.

If the pain shifts more towards the center, a combination of stomach disease with diseases of the gallbladder and duodenum is possible.

Pain in the left hypochondrium from behind from the back

Almost always, pain in the left hypochondrium radiating to the back is associated with a disease such as chronic or acute pyelonephritis of the left kidney, which arose as a result of infections entering it.

For urolithiasis There is usually no pain at rest, but when the stones begin to move and exit into the ureter, an attack of intolerable, sharp pain occurs, usually localized in the left hypochondrium at the back.

Intercostal neuralgia

This disease is associated with irritation or compression of the intercostal nerves. Patients complain of piercing, shooting pain in the chest area and under the ribs. The nature of the pain can change: from acute to aching, from burning to dull.

It also leads to pain under the shoulder blades or in the lower back. They are long-lasting and appear regardless of the time of day.

Stomach pathologies

With gastritis, there is a dull pain in the left hypochondrium and epigastric region, a feeling of fullness, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.

With a gastric ulcer, a defect in the mucous membrane occurs. The disease has an undulating course with alternating exacerbations and remissions. Patients are concerned about bursting pain in the left hypochondrium, which occurs after eating, nausea, vomiting, sour belching, heartburn.

Pancreatic diseases

Pancreatitis, cancer and other diseases of the pancreas may be accompanied by symptoms such as lack of appetite, vomiting, bloating, upset digestion, nausea, pain in the left upper abdomen, etc.

Pain in the left hypochondrium, caused by pathologies of the pancreas, intensifies a couple of hours after eating or at night, forcing the patient to wake up from pain.

Kidney inflammation

Pain in the left hypochondrium at the back most likely occurs due to inflammation of the kidneys. This disease is called pyelonephritis and can occur as follows: acute form, and in chronic. It occurs due to entry into the kidneys different types infections. To put accurate diagnosis You need to see a doctor, but there is a self-diagnosis method that allows you to make a preliminary diagnosis.

You should lightly tap the edge of your palm on the back under the lower rib. If there really is an inflammatory process in the kidneys, there is an increase and spread of pain and nausea.

Spleen diseases

If we consider the causes of pain of this type, one of the most common is diseases of the spleen. With such diseases, the spleen can increase in size until it ruptures, so it is extremely important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and begin treatment.

Rupture of this organ can also be caused by other problems - inflammation, splenic infarction or infectious mononucleosis.

Heart pathologies

Coronary artery disease leads to pain in the left side and frequent shortness of breath, which occurs regardless of whether the person is at rest or physically active. Pain and shortness of breath are usually associated with a burning sensation and heaviness in the chest, rapid heartbeat and nausea.

The same pain can be caused by cardiomyopathy - several diseases that lead to dysfunction of the heart muscle. Cardiomyopathy provokes structural changes in the heart muscle, causing pain in the left side that occurs during exercise and fatigue.

Respiratory diseases

Left-sided bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurisy are also accompanied by the appearance dull pain, worse when coughing, breathing or changing body position.

It is quite easy to diagnose respiratory diseases using other characteristic features: increased body temperature, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion and so on.


Treatment should begin with examination and establishment of the exact clinical diagnosis. Only after identifying the cause can we proceed to eliminate it.

All of the above diseases that cause pain in the left hypochondrium require consultation with a specialist. This is associated with the risk of complications that can lead to the most severe consequences.