Heart diseases: symptoms, treatment, list of main ailments. It is not the eyes that go blind, but the hearts in the chest that go blind.

Article publication date: 03/02/2017

Article updated date: 12/18/2018

From this article you will learn: what types of heart diseases are there (congenital and acquired). Their causes, symptoms and treatment methods (medical and surgical).

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death. Russian statistics show that about 55% of all deceased citizens suffered from diseases of this group.

Therefore, knowing the signs of cardiac pathologies is important for everyone in order to identify the disease in time and begin treatment immediately.

It is equally important to pass preventive examination see a cardiologist at least once every 2 years, and from the age of 60 – every year.

The list of heart diseases is extensive, it is presented in the content. They are much easier to treat if diagnosed initial stage. Some of them are completely curable, others are not, but in any case, if you start therapy at early stage, can be avoided further development pathologies, complications and reduce the risk of death.

Coronary heart disease (CHD)

This is a pathology in which there is insufficient blood supply to the myocardium. The cause is atherosclerosis or thrombosis of the coronary arteries.

Classification of IHD

Acute coronary syndrome is worth talking about separately. Its symptom is a prolonged (more than 15 minutes) attack of chest pain. This term does not mean separate disease, but is used when it is impossible to distinguish myocardial infarction from symptoms based on symptoms and ECG. The patient is given a preliminary diagnosis of “acute coronary syndrome"and immediately begin thrombolytic therapy, which is needed for any acute form IHD. Final diagnosis placed after a blood test for markers of infarction: cardiac troponin T and cardiac troponin 1. If their levels are elevated, the patient has had myocardial necrosis.

Symptoms of IHD

A sign of angina pectoris is attacks of burning, squeezing pain behind the sternum. Sometimes the pain radiates to left side, in various parts of the body: shoulder blade, shoulder, arm, neck, jaw. Less often painful sensations are localized in the epigastrium, so patients may think that they have problems with the stomach, and not with the heart.

At stable angina attacks are triggered by physical activity. Depending on functional class angina pectoris (hereinafter referred to as angina), pain can be caused by exercise of varying intensity.

1 FC The patient tolerates daily activities well, such as long walking, light jogging, climbing stairs, etc. Attacks of pain occur only during high-intensity physical activity: fast running, repeated weight lifting, playing sports, etc.
2 FC An attack may occur after walking more than 0.5 km (7–8 minutes without stopping) or climbing stairs higher than 2 floors.
3 FC A person’s physical activity is significantly limited: walking 100–500 m or climbing to the 2nd floor can trigger an attack.
4 FC Seizures are provoked by even the slightest physical activity: walking less than 100 m (for example, moving around the house).

Unstable angina differs from stable angina in that attacks become more frequent, begin to appear at rest, and can last longer - 10-30 minutes.

Cardiosclerosis is manifested by chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, swelling, and rhythm disturbances.

According to statistics, about 30% of patients die from this heart disease within 24 hours without seeing a doctor. Therefore, carefully study all the signs of MI in order to call an ambulance in time.

Symptoms of MI

Form Signs
Anginal – the most typical Pressing, burning pain in the chest, sometimes radiating to the left shoulder, arm, shoulder blade, left side of the face.

The pain lasts from 15 minutes (sometimes even a day). Not removable by Nitroglycerin. Analgesics only weaken it temporarily.

Other symptoms: shortness of breath, arrhythmias.

Asthmatic An attack of cardiac asthma, caused by acute failure of the left ventricle, develops.

Main signs: feeling of suffocation, lack of air, panic.

Additional: cyanosis of the mucous membranes and skin, accelerated heartbeat.

Arrhythmic High heart rate, low blood pressure, dizziness, possible fainting.
Abdominal Pain in the upper abdomen that radiates to the shoulder blades, nausea, vomiting. Often even doctors initially confuse it with gastrointestinal diseases.
Cerebrovascular Dizziness or fainting, vomiting, numbness in an arm or leg. By clinical picture such an MI is similar to an ischemic stroke.
Asymptomatic The intensity and duration of pain is the same as with normal pain. There may be slight shortness of breath. Distinctive feature pain - Nitroglycerin tablet does not help.

Treatment of coronary artery disease

Stable angina Relieving an attack - Nitroglycerin.

Long-term therapy: Aspirin, beta-blockers, statins, ACE inhibitors.

Unstable angina Emergency care: call an ambulance if an attack of greater intensity than usual occurs, and also give the patient an Aspirin tablet and a Nitroglycerin tablet every 5 minutes 3 times.

In the hospital, the patient will be given calcium antagonists (Verapamil, Diltiazem) and Aspirin. The latter will need to be taken on an ongoing basis.

Myocardial infarction Emergency care: call a doctor immediately, 2 tablets of Aspirin, Nitroglycerin under the tongue (up to 3 tablets with an interval of 5 minutes).

Upon arrival, doctors will immediately begin this treatment: they will inhale oxygen, administer a morphine solution, if Nitroglycerin does not relieve the pain, and administer Heparin to thin the blood.

Further treatment: pain relief with intravenous Nitroglycerin or narcotic analgesics; preventing further necrosis of myocardial tissue with the help of thrombolytics, nitrates and beta-blockers; constant use of Aspirin.

Restore blood circulation in the heart with the help of such surgical operations: coronary angioplasty, stenting, .

Cardiosclerosis The patient is prescribed nitrates, cardiac glycosides, ACE inhibitors or beta-blockers, Aspirin, and diuretics.

Chronic heart failure

This is a condition of the heart in which it is unable to fully pump blood throughout the body. The reason is heart and vascular diseases (congenital or acquired defects, ischemic heart disease, inflammation, atherosclerosis, hypertension, etc.).

In Russia, more than 5 million people suffer from CHF.

Stages of CHF and their symptoms:

  1. 1 – initial. This mild deficiency of the left ventricle, which does not lead to hemodynamic (circulatory) disturbances. There are no symptoms.
  2. Stage 2A. Poor circulation in one of the circles (usually the small circle), enlargement of the left ventricle. Signs: shortness of breath and palpitations with small physical activity, cyanosis of the mucous membranes, dry cough, swelling of the legs.
  3. Stage 2B. Hemodynamics are impaired in both circles. The chambers of the heart undergo hypertrophy or dilatation. Signs: shortness of breath at rest, aching pain in chest, blue tint mucous membranes and skin, arrhythmias, cough, cardiac asthma, swelling of the extremities, abdomen, liver enlargement.
  4. Stage 3. Severe circulatory disorders. Irreversible changes in the heart, lungs, blood vessels, kidneys. All signs characteristic of stage 2B intensify, and symptoms of damage appear internal organs. Treatment is no longer effective.


First of all, treatment of the underlying disease is necessary.

Symptomatic drug treatment is also carried out. The patient is prescribed:

  • ACE inhibitors, beta blockers or aldosterone antagonists - to lower blood pressure and prevent further progression of heart disease.
  • Diuretics - to eliminate edema.
  • Cardiac glycosides - for the treatment of arrhythmias and improvement of myocardial performance.

Valve defects

There are two typical types of valve pathologies: stenosis and insufficiency. With stenosis, the valve lumen is narrowed, making it difficult to pump blood. In case of insufficiency, the valve, on the contrary, does not close completely, which leads to the outflow of blood in the opposite direction.

More often, such heart valve defects are acquired. Appear in the background chronic diseases(for example, coronary artery disease), previous inflammation or poor lifestyle.

The aortic and mitral valves are most susceptible to disease.

Symptoms and treatment of the most common valve diseases:

Name Symptoms Treatment
Aortic stenosis At the initial stage there are no symptoms, so it is very important to regularly undergo preventive heart examinations.

At a severe stage, attacks of angina pectoris, fainting during physical exertion, pale skin, and low systolic blood pressure appear.

Drug treatment of symptoms (due to valve defects). Valve replacement.
Failure aortic valve Increased heart rate, shortness of breath, cardiac asthma (attacks of suffocation), fainting, low diastolic blood pressure.
Mitral stenosis Shortness of breath, enlarged liver, swelling of the abdomen and limbs, sometimes - hoarseness of voice, rarely (in 10% of cases) - pain in the heart.
Mitral valve insufficiency Shortness of breath, dry cough, cardiac asthma, swelling of the legs, pain in the right hypochondrium, It's a dull pain in the heart.

Mitral valve prolapse

Another common pathology is. Occurs in 2.4% of the population. This is a congenital defect in which the valve leaflets “sink” into the left atrium. In 30% of cases it is asymptomatic. In the remaining 70% of patients, doctors note shortness of breath, pain in the heart area, accompanied by nausea and a feeling of a “lump” in the throat, arrhythmias, fatigue, dizziness, and frequent increases in temperature to 37.2–37.4.

Treatment may not be required if the disease is asymptomatic. If the defect is accompanied by arrhythmias or pain in the heart, prescribe symptomatic therapy. If the valve changes significantly, surgical correction is possible. Since the disease progresses with age, patients need to be examined by a cardiologist 1-2 times a year.

Ebstein's anomaly

Ebstein's anomaly is a displacement of the tricuspid valve leaflets into the right ventricle. Symptoms: shortness of breath, paroxysmal tachycardia, fainting, swelling of the veins in the neck, enlargement of the right atrium and the upper part of the right ventricle.

Treatment for asymptomatic cases is not carried out. If symptoms are severe, surgical correction or valve transplantation is performed.

Congenital heart defects

TO congenital anomalies structures of the heart include:

  • Defect interatrial septum– presence of communication between the right and left atria.
  • Defect interventricular septum– pathological communication between the right and left ventricles.
  • The Eisenmenger complex is a high-lying ventricular septal defect, the aorta is displaced to the right and connects simultaneously with both ventricles (aortic dextroposition).
  • Open ductus arteriosus– communication between the aorta and pulmonary artery, present normally on embryonic stage development, not overgrown.
  • Tetralogy of Fallot is a combination of four defects: ventricular septal defect, aortic dextroposition, stenosis pulmonary artery and right ventricular hypertrophy.

Congenital heart defects - signs and treatment:

Name Symptoms Treatment
Atrial septal defect With a small defect, signs begin to appear in middle age: after 40 years. This is shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue. Over time, chronic heart failure develops with all characteristic symptoms. How larger sizes defect, the sooner symptoms begin to appear. Surgical closure of the defect. Doesn't always happen. Indications: ineffectiveness of drug treatment for CHF, retardation in physical development in children and adolescents, increased blood pressure in the pulmonary circle, arteriovenous discharge. Contraindications: venoarterial shunt, severe left ventricular failure.
Ventricular septal defect If the defect is less than 1 cm in diameter (or less than half the diameter of the aortic orifice), only shortness of breath is characteristic during moderate-intensity physical activity.

If the defect is larger than the specified size: shortness of breath with light exertion or at rest, heart pain, cough.

Surgical closure of the defect.
Eisenmenger complex Clinical picture: bluish skin, shortness of breath, hemoptysis, signs of CHF. Medication: beta-blockers, endothelin antagonists. Surgery to close the septal defect, correct the aortic origin, and replace the aortic valve is possible, but patients often die during the procedure. Average duration The patient's life is 30 years.
Tetralogy of Fallot Blue tint of mucous membranes and skin, retarded growth and development (both physical and intellectual), seizures, low blood pressure, symptoms of heart failure.

Average life expectancy is 12–15 years. 50% of patients die before the age of 3 years.

Surgical treatment is indicated for all patients without exception.

IN early childhood an operation is performed to create an anastomosis between the subclavian and pulmonary arteries to improve blood circulation in the lungs.

At 3–7 years old it is possible to carry out radical surgery: simultaneous correction of all 4 anomalies.

Patent ductus arteriosus A long time passes without clinical signs. Over time, shortness of breath and palpitations, pallor or blue tint of the skin, low diastolic blood pressure. Surgical closure of the defect. Indicated for all patients, except for those who have right-to-left shunting.

Inflammatory diseases


  1. Endocarditis – affects inner shell hearts, valves.
  2. Myocarditis – muscle membrane.
  3. Pericarditis - the pericardial sac.

They can be caused by microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi), autoimmune processes(for example, with rheumatism) or toxic substances.

Heart inflammation can also be complications of other diseases:

  • tuberculosis (endocarditis, pericarditis);
  • syphilis (endocarditis);
  • flu, sore throat (myocarditis).

Pay attention to this and consult a doctor promptly if you suspect flu or sore throat.

Symptoms and treatment of inflammation

Name Symptoms Treatment
Endocarditis High temperature (38.5–39.5), increased sweating, rapidly developing valve defects (detected by echocardiography), heart murmurs, enlarged liver and spleen, increased fragility of blood vessels (hemorrhages under the nails and in the eyes can be seen), thickening of the tips fingers. Antibacterial therapy for 4–6 weeks, valve transplantation.
Myocarditis It can occur in several ways: attacks of pain in the heart; symptoms of heart failure; or with extrasystole and supraventricular arrhythmias. Put accurate diagnosis possible based on a blood test for cardiac-specific enzymes, troponins, and leukocytes. Bed rest, diet (No. 10 with salt restriction), antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy, symptomatic treatment heart failure or arrhythmias.
Pericarditis Chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, weakness, cough without sputum, heaviness in the right hypochondrium. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, in severe cases - subtotal or total pericardiectomy (removal of part or all of the pericardial sac).

Rhythm disorders

Causes: neuroses, obesity, unhealthy diet, cervical osteochondrosis, bad habits, intoxication with drugs, alcohol or narcotic substances, IHD, cardiomyopathies, heart failure, ventricular premature excitation syndromes. The latter are heart diseases in which there is a gap between the atria and ventricles. additional paths conduction of the impulse. You will read about these anomalies in a separate table.

Characteristics of rhythm disturbances:

Name Description
Sinus tachycardia Rapid heartbeat (90–180 per minute) while maintaining the normal rhythm and normal pattern of impulse propagation throughout the heart.
Atrial fibrillation (flicker) Uncontrolled, irregular and frequent (200–700 per minute) atrial contractions.
Atrial flutter Rhythmic contractions of the atria with a frequency of about 300 per minute.
Ventricular fibrillation Chaotic, frequent (200–300 per minute) and incomplete ventricular contractions.
The absence of a complete reduction provokes acute failure blood circulation and fainting.
Ventricular flutter Rhythmic contractions of the ventricles with a frequency of 120–240 per minute.
Paroxysmal supraventricular (supraventricular) tachycardia Attacks of rhythmic rapid heartbeat (100–250 per minute)
Extrasystole Spontaneous contractions out of rhythm.
Conduction disorders (sinoatrial block, atrial block, atrioventricular block, bundle branch block) Slowing down the rhythm of the entire heart or individual chambers.

Syndromes of premature excitation of the ventricles:

WPW syndrome (Wolf–Parkinson–White syndrome) CLC syndrome (Clerc-Levy-Christesco)
Signs: paroxysmal (paroxysmal) supraventricular or ventricular tachycardia(in 67% of patients). Accompanied by a feeling of increased heartbeat, dizziness, and sometimes fainting. Symptoms: tendency to attacks of supraventricular tachycardia. During them, the patient feels a strong heartbeat and may feel dizzy.
Cause: the presence of a bundle of Kent, an abnormal pathway between the atrium and ventricle. Cause: presence of James' bundle between the atrium and the atrioventricular junction.
Both diseases are congenital and quite rare.

Treatment of rhythm disturbances

It consists of treating the underlying disease, adjusting diet and lifestyle. Antiarrhythmic drugs are also prescribed. Radical treatment for severe arrhythmias - installation of a defibrillator-cardioverter, which will “set” the rhythm of the heart and prevent ventricular or atrial fibrillation. In case of conduction disturbances, electrical cardiac stimulation is possible.

Treatment of premature ventricular excitation syndromes can be symptomatic (elimination of attacks with medications) or radical (radiofrequency ablation of the abnormal conduction pathway).


These are myocardial diseases that cause heart failure, not associated with inflammatory processes or pathologies of the coronary arteries.

The most common are hypertrophic and. Hypertrophic is characterized by the growth of the walls of the left ventricle and the interventricular septum, dilated - by an increase in the cavity of the left and sometimes right ventricles. The first is diagnosed in 0.2% of the population. Occurs in athletes and can cause sudden cardiac death. But in this case it is necessary to carry out careful differential diagnosis between hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and non-pathological cardiac enlargement in athletes.


2 Muhammad Salih al-munajid heart ailments Moscow Ummah 2013

3 UDC BBK M90 Translated by Karima (Ekaterina) Sorokoumova M90 al-munajid, Muhammad Salih Heart Ailments / Trans. from Arabic E. Sorokoumova. M.: Umma, p. ISBN We bring to your attention a wonderful book by the authoritative Muslim scientist Muhammad Salih al-Munajid, dedicated to heart ailments. The topic of the book is very important for any believer, and today it is no less relevant than in the first centuries of the existence of Islam. Both early and late Muslim scholars paid a lot of attention to the heart and the ailments that beset it, leaving us with many valuable works in this area. Familiarity with the ailments that can afflict the heart of a believer helps us to be vigilant and guard against them. In addition to describing these ailments and narrating what contributes to their appearance, the author of the book offers the reader effective methods their treatment and gives advice on how to protect yourself from them. The basis this work based on Quranic verses, hadiths of the Prophet and statements of famous Muslim scholars such as Ibn al-Qayyim, Ibn al-Jawzi, Ibn Rajab and others. The book is addressed to a wide range of readers, not only Muslims, but also everyone interested in moral health. UDC BBK ISBN Sorokoumova E., translation, 2013 Design. LLC "Publisher Ezhaev A.K.", 2013

4 In this book, traditional Islamic formulas of good wishes are conveyed both through translation and Arabic ligatures: ص ل ى اهلل ع ل ي ه و س ل م may Allah bless him and grant him peace (after mentioning the Prophet Muhammad); peace be upon him alayhi s-salaam (after mentioning other prophets and angels); may Allah be pleased with him, glad to Allah anhu (after mentioning the companions of the Prophet); ع ل ي ه الس ل م ر ض ي ا هلل ع ن ه may Allah be pleased with him and his father ر ض ي ا هلل ع ن ه ما glad to Allah anhuma (after mentioning a companion whose father was a companion); may Allah be pleased with her, glad to Allahu ankha (after mentioning the companions of the Prophet); ر ض ي ا هلل ع ن ه ا may Allah be pleased with her and her father ر ض ي ا هلل ع ن ه ما glad to Allah anhuma (after mentioning a companion whose father was a companion).

5 Chapter one. Luxury Introduction Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, peace and blessings to the noblest of messengers, our Prophet Muhammad, his family and all his companions! Luxury 1 intractable and destructive disease. Spreading among the members of the community, it deprives it of determination and brings in its place slowness, inertia, laziness, and immobility. It binds the community to this world and instills in it love for it. If luxury takes possession of a person so much that it becomes his integral property, then this is a clear indicator of weakness this person and a sign of helplessness and inability to organize own life. The habit of luxury indicates that a person preferred worldly pleasures to work and diligence. Given the danger of this disease and the enormous harm it causes, we must take up its treatment. What exactly is luxury? What evil can it bring? And what should we do with our societies, 1 This Russian word Today it is rarely found in speech and therefore seems to require explanation. According to the Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language, luxury is an addiction to luxury, to sophistication in something.

6 Introduction 5 where is this disease actively spreading? In this book we will answer these questions. At the same time, I will take the opportunity to thank everyone who participated in the preparation of this work and turn to Allah with a kind prayer for them. O Allah, guide our steps and make our intentions and our deeds good, and help us to do good and follow the straight path! Luxury as a term Luxury (tarf (ترف is drowning in blessings. This word and words with the same root are found in the Koran. whom We generously bestowed with blessings in worldly life. Sura 23 “Believers,” verse 33 And the unjust followed what they were generously endowed with, and became sinners. Sura 11 “Hud”, verse 116 and return to where you were allowed to lead a luxurious life. Sura 21 “Prophets”, verse 13 And when We punish those pampered by luxury among them Sura 23 “Believers”, verse 64.

7 6 Chapter one. Luxury This luxury is described in the words of the Almighty: “When the Lord tests a person, showing him mercy and bestowing him with benefits” (Sura 89 “Dawn”, verse 15). The special meaning of Luxury is going beyond moderation in the use of worldly goods and drowning in luxury. Thus, luxurious people are people steeped in worldly goods, accustomed to luxury, striving to increase pleasures and entertainment and trying to achieve the utmost luxury in terms of food, drink, housing, means of transportation, and so on. Condemnation of luxury in the Quran Allah Almighty condemns luxury and luxury in several verses of His Book. Let's give examples. 1. Luxury belongs to the properties of the unjust and unbelieving. Allah Almighty said, describing the disbelievers: “And the unjust followed what they were generously endowed with and became sinners” (Surah 11 “Hud”, verse 116). Ibn Jarir (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “Truly, Allah Almighty reported that the members of the communities that lived earlier who oppressed themselves and did not believe in Allah followed the worldly blessings that were given to them and became proud. They refused to fulfill the commands of Allah and began to become arrogant and turn other people away from His path. In the language of the Arabs, a mutrif is a person accustomed to luxury, nourished by benefits and pleasures” [Tabari]. 2. Luxury is the cause of punishment in the eternal world. Allah Almighty said: “After them came descendants,

8 The condemnation of luxury in the Koran 7 who stopped praying and began to indulge desires. They will be punished" (Surah 19 Maryam, verse 59). Kab al-Akhbar said: “By Allah, I find the signs of hypocrites in the Book of Allah: those who drink wine, abandon prayer, play backgammon, wake up the evening and morning prayer who indulge in gluttony and skip Friday prayers.” Having said this, he read the verse: “After them came descendants who stopped praying and began to indulge their desires. They will be punished." 3. Luxury is the cause of death in this world. Allah Almighty said: “How many villages We destroyed that were unjust, creating other nations after them! When they felt Our punishment, they rushed to run away from it. Do not run away and return to where you were allowed to lead a luxurious life, and to your homes, perhaps you will be called to account” (Surah 21 “Prophets”, verses 11-13). Ibn Kathir (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “Do not run away and return to where you were allowed to lead a luxurious life. This is a mockery of them. It was as if they were told: do not run away from the punishment that befalls you, but return to luxury, fun, a well-fed life and good housing” [Ibn Kathir. Tafsir]. 4. The luxury of some can cause the death of others. People pampered by luxury can cause harm not only to themselves, but also to others, causing their death. Allah Almighty said: “When We wanted to destroy a village, we commanded its inhabitants, pampered by luxury, [to submit to Allah]. When they indulged in wickedness, the Word came true regarding [this village], and We destroyed it completely" (Sura 17 "Night Journey", verse 16). You've probably noticed this in the lives of the people around you: pampered people drowning in luxury harm not only themselves, but also others, and this always happens. By their way of life, they force other people to strive to acquire what they own and to try to imitate them.

9 8 Chapter one. Luxury 5. Luxury is the reason for refusing to do good deeds. Allah Almighty said about the luxurious people who were unable to go on a campaign due to the intense heat, because they were used to staying in the cool shade: “Those who remained behind [who did not take part in the campaign to Tabuk] rejoiced that they were left behind the Messenger of Allah. They hated to fight with their property and their souls in the path of Allah, and they said: Do not go camping in such heat. Say: The Fire of Gehenna is even hotter! If only they understood!” (Sura 9 “Repentance”, verse 81). Frightened by hardship and heat, they preferred a brief earthly rest to perfect eternal bliss, and were afraid of the heat, which could be avoided by moving in the early morning and after the subsidence of the midday heat, without fearing the heat that cannot even be imagined, the fire of Hell. 6. Luxury is the cause of dissatisfaction with the predestination of Allah. Allah Almighty said: “When the Lord tests a person by showing him mercy and bestowing blessings on him, he says: My Lord has honored me! When He tests him, limiting his lot, he says: “My Lord has humiliated me!” (Sura 89 “Dawn”, verses 15-16). This is the behavior of a luxurious person. When Allah gives him a generous provision and numerous benefits, he says: “My Lord has honored me because He loves me.” And when Allah tests him in various ways, sending him something unpleasant for him, he begins to grumble and be indignant and does not show patience with what has befallen him. And all this is due to the habit of luxury. If this person had lived a simple and modest life, he would have accepted these trials with patience and contentment and would have praised Allah. Reflecting, we come to the conclusion that it is easier to endure poverty than to endure wealth.

10 Condemnation of luxury in the Sunnah of the Prophet 9 Condemnation of luxury in the Sunnah of the Prophet The prohibition of indulging in luxury is mentioned in several hadiths. They warn a person against heartfelt attachment to this world, from getting bogged down in its corruptible pleasures and delights. Abu Sa'id al-Khudri narrates: “One day the Prophet sat on the minbar, and we sat around him, and he said: Truly, among what I fear for you after my death is what will be revealed to you from worldly goods and decorations" [Bukhari, 1465; Muslim, 1052]. Abu Sa'id al-Khudri also reports that the Prophet said: “Verily, this world is sweet and fresh, and verily, Allah has made you governors in it and is watching what you do. Beware of this world and beware of women!” [Muslim, 2742]. Abdallah ibn Buraydah reports that one person from among the companions of the Prophet came to Fadala ibn Ubayd 2 when he was in Egypt. Having come to him, he said: “I did not come to you as a simple visitor. You and I heard the hadith of the Messenger of Allah, about which I hope you have knowledge.” He asked: “What hadith?” He replied: “So and so.” Then he asked: “What’s wrong with you, why do I see you unkempt when you dispose of this land? 3" He replied: "Verily, the Messenger of Allah forbade us to indulge in excessive luxury." He asked: “Why don’t I see any shoes on you?” He replied: “The Messenger of Allah ordered us to sometimes walk without shoes” [Abu Dawud, 4160]. 2 Abu Muhammad Fadala ibn Ubayd ibn Nafiz al-Ansari. Companion. One of the participants in the Oath of Contentment. During the era of Mu Awiya, he commanded the troops. He also served as a judge in Damascus. Participated in the opening of Egypt to Islam. Died in Damascus in 53 AH. 3 That is, you are its ruler.

11 10 Chapter one. Luxury He ordered them to sometimes take off their shoes so that their feet would harden and get used to walking on different surfaces. Abu Hurayrah reports that the Messenger of Allah said: “O Allah, make the provision of the family of Muhammad sufficient” [Muslim, 1055]. That is, in such a way that they can avoid both the shame of asking people and abundance, which turns into luxury and makes a person pampered. Rejoice not, O luxurious ones! 1. The benefits of testing and examination. Allah Almighty explained that the numerous benefits given to His slaves in this world are a test and examination, and not at all proof that Allah is pleased with those whom He bestows and loves him, as many who live in luxury believe. They consider the worldly blessings that come to them as evidence of Allah's pleasure. How will Allah be pleased with a luxurious person who disobeys Him and uses the blessings He bestows boastfully, showing arrogance and pride? And in former times, unbelievers reasoned the same way. Seeing the abundance of property and many children, they said: “We have more wealth and children, and we will not be subjected to torment” (Sura 34 “Saba”, verse 35). But Allah informed them that their ideas did not correspond to the truth. Thus, Allah Almighty said: “Neither your wealth nor your children brings you closer to Us unless you believe and act righteously. For such people, the reward for what they have done will be increased, and they will remain in the upper rooms, being safe” (Sura 34 Saba, verse 37). And the Almighty said: “Leave Me with the one whom I created alone, gave him great wealth and sons who were next to him, and spread out this

12 Do not rejoice, O luxurious ones! 11 world completely. After all this, he wants Me to add to him. But no! He stubbornly denies Our signs” (Sura 74 “The Wrapped One”, verses 11-16). That is, do you really think that in the eternal world We will add wealth and sons to you? No, this won't happen! Allah Almighty explained to these unfortunate people drowning in luxury that the blessings that He sends them are just a delay, a step on the path to punishment. The Almighty said: “Do they really think that We support them with wealth and sons, because we are in a hurry to bestow them with benefits? Oh no! However, they don’t feel it!” (Sura 23 “Believers”, verses 55-56). The Almighty also said: “Do not let their property and children admire you. Allah only desires to subject them to torment with this [property and children] in this world, so that they part with their souls as disbelievers” (Surah 9 “Repentance”, verse 85). And Allah Almighty said: “And do not let their property and children admire you. Allah only wants to punish them with this [property and children] in earthly life, so that they part with their souls as disbelievers” (Sura 9 “Repentance”, verse 55). The Almighty also said: “Let the disbelievers not think that the delay We have provided is good for them. We give them a reprieve so that they can multiply their sins. A humiliating torment is in store for them” (Sura 3 “The Family of Imran”, verse 178). And Allah Almighty said: “Leave Me with those who consider this story to be a lie. We will entice them so that they will not even realize it” (Surah 68 “Writing Reed”, verse 44). 2. Luxury in this world causes deprivation of the blessings of the eternal world. Allah Almighty reported on people who received the benefits due to them already in this life. Yes, Almighty

13 12 Chapter one. Luxury said: “On the Day when the Fire is shown to the unbelievers, they will be told: You wasted your blessings in earthly life, you enjoyed them. Today your reward will be humiliating torment because you were proud on earth without any right, and because you were wicked” (Surah 46 “Sands”, verse 20). Abu Midjlaz said: “Some people will be deprived of the good deeds that they did in earthly life, and it will be said to them: You wasted your blessings in earthly life, you enjoyed them” [Ibn Kathir. Tafsir]. That is, some people will come on the Day of Judgment and, not seeing the reward for some good deeds they have done in earthly life, will ask about it, and they will be told that they have already squandered this reward, indulging in luxury and bathing in blessings in earthly life. The Companions and their followers tried to use less worldly goods in earthly life in order to preserve their reward in the eternal world. Jabir ibn Abdallah narrates: “Once Umar saw me when I was carrying meat. He asked: O Jabir, what is this? I replied: Meat that I bought with dirham for my women who wanted meat. Umar said: Does one of you, having wished for something, certainly do it? Why shouldn't he go hungry a little for the sake of his neighbor and his uncle's son? And where did the verse go: You wasted your blessings in earthly life?! And I barely managed to break up with him” [Abd ibn Humaid]. Umar himself said: “If I wanted, I would have food and clothing better than all of you, but I save my blessings [for the eternal world]” [Tabari]. Hafs ibn Abu al-As (may Allah have mercy on him) often visited Umar and when he offered him food, he refused it. One day Umar asked him: “What is it, why don’t you eat our food?” He replied: “O Commander of the Believers,

15 14 Chapter one. Luxury and not having eaten your fill of simple barley bread?” Khalid ibn al-waleed said: “They are Paradise.” Umar's eyes filled with tears, and he said: “If we have food and they have Paradise, then they have gone far from us!” [Tabari]. Qatadah said: “You know, I swear by Allah, some people swallow their good deeds [reducing their reward]. So let a person save his blessings [for the hereafter] if he can, and there is no strength for anyone except from Allah” [Tabari] . 3. The servant of Allah will certainly be asked about the pleasures in this world on the Day of Judgment. Allah Almighty reported in His Book that on the Day of Judgment he will certainly be asked about the pleasures that His slave experiences in this world: did he thank for them or not? Allah Almighty said: “On that Day you will be asked about good things” (Sura 102 “Passion for Multiplication”, verse 8). Mujahid 5 said about this verse: “That is, about each of the blessings of earthly life” [Ibn Kathir. Tafsir]. Sa id ibn Jubair said: “Even a sip of honey” [Ibn Kathir. Tafsir]. Al-Hasan al-Basri said: “Both lunch and dinner are considered blessings” [Ibn Kathir. Tafsir]. Abu Kilyaba said: “The benefits include eating honey and butter with white bread” [Ibn Kathir. Tafsir]. Al-Hasan and Qatadah said: “The descendant of Adam will not be asked about three things, and regarding everything else, interrogation and calculation await him, except for what Allah wishes to exclude. Three things are the clothes with which he covers 5 Mujahid ibn Jabr is a follower of the Companions; imam, faqih, an authoritative scholar who transmitted many hadiths, including those from Ibn Abbas, Aisha, Abu Hurayra, Sa da ibn Abu Waqqas, Abdallah ibn Umar and other companions. An expert in hadiths and interpretation of the Koran, a skilled reader of the Koran.

16 Do not rejoice, O luxurious ones! 15 his nakedness, a piece of bread that prevents him from starving, and a house that shelters him” [Tabari]. Let's remember the history of the three greatest men of the Islamic state. These are the Messenger of Allah r, Abu Bakr and Umar. Abu Hurayrah reports: “One day the Messenger of Allah left the house and met Abu Bakr and Umar. He asked: What made you come out of your houses at this hour? They replied: Famine, O Messenger of Allah. He said: And I, I swear by Him in whose hand my soul is, was forced to leave the house by the same thing that forced you. Get up. And they stood up, and he went to one man from among the Ansar. He brought them a bunch of dates, on which there were unripe, dried, and fresh dates, and said: Eat this. And he took a knife and slaughtered the sheep. They ate the meat of the sheep, ate dates and drank. When they had satisfied their hunger and thirst, the Messenger of Allah said to Abu Bakr and Umar: I swear by Him in Whose Hand my soul is, you will be asked about this pleasure on the Day of Judgment. Hunger forced you to leave your homes, and you did not return until you experienced this bliss” [Muslim, 2038]. If the three greatest representatives of this community were asked about the bliss they experienced once after severe hunger, so what can we say about us constantly eating three times a day? Are luxury and wealth inseparable? In most cases, luxury accompanies wealth and is inextricably linked with it. However, wealth does not always give rise to a habit of luxury in a person: how many rich people lived the life of misers, and their families were in need and poverty! And how many poor people tried to acquire

17 16 Chapter one. Luxury worldly goods by any means and pursued pleasures so much that because of this they acquired debts! Likewise, indifference to worldly goods is not necessarily accompanied by poverty: how many rich people lived the life of ascetics, despite the abundance of benefits and pleasures that the Almighty gave them! We are not talking about a person giving up his property, his trade and everything he owns, in order to thus avoid effeminacy and luxury. It is quite possible to keep your property and at the same time avoid luxury. And a man can carry on trade and spend on himself and his family within reason, and give alms to the poor and needy, and keep for himself the property that he requires in order to support his trade and conduct normal life. The Prophet r, having learned that one of his companions had crossed the boundaries of moderation in asceticism or worship, was angry. One day he learned that one of his companions said: “As for me, I will pray all night long.” And the second said: “I will constantly fast and will never leave the fast.” And the third said: “And I will avoid women and never marry.” The Messenger of Allah r came and said: “By Allah, I fear Allah more than you and fear Him more than you, but sometimes I fast, and sometimes I leave the fast, and I pray at night and sleep, and I marry women, and who refuses follow my Sunnah, he has nothing to do with me” [Bukhari, 5062; Muslim, 1401]. Some people consider it pious to turn away from wives and children, but this does not apply to what Allah and His Messenger love, and this is not what the prophets did. True asceticism, indifference to worldly goods, is when a person’s heart is not attached to worldly vanity, to property, to high position and posts, to appearance and to dominance.

18 Modern manifestations luxuries 17 Modern manifestations of luxury In our lives today we can find the most different manifestations luxuries. Let's give examples. 1. Excessive attention to hair. This means new hairstyles, endless combing of hair, shopping huge amount hair care products to make it look in the best possible way. Islam commands moderation, including when it comes to hair care. He commands those who have hair to take care of it, but he forbids constantly combing it and anointing it with incense every day; this can be done every other day. Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “Let the one who has hair take care of it” [Abu Dawud, 4163]. Abdullah ibn Mughaffal reports that the Messenger of Allah forbade grooming hair frequently, that is, daily, but it is allowed to do it every other day. Ibn al-Qayyim 6 (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “In fact, these two hadiths do not contradict each other at all. The servant of Allah is commanded to take care of his hair, but at the same time he is prohibited from doing it excessively, which turns into effeminacy. He should take care of his hair, but at the same time pampering and luxury should not become familiar to him, and he should take care of his hair every other day.” 2. Excessive hygiene and personal decoration. It happens that a person lies in the bath for hours, and some add 6 Abu Abdallah Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr, known as Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya or Ibn al-Qayyim. Born in Damascus. Student of Ibn Taymiyya. An outstanding scholar of Islam, known for his indifference to worldly goods and zealous worship of Allah. Author of many works. Among his students are Ibn Kathir, Ibn Rajab, az-zahabi, as-subki and others.

19 18 Chapter one. Luxury in the water aromatic oils and bubble bath and other means invented today to create comfort and previously unknown. Yes, Islam does call for cleanliness and decoration and even insists on it. Allah Almighty said: “O sons of Adam! Put on your jewelry at every mosque” (Sura 7 “Barriers”, verse 31). However, excess and luxury should be avoided. Ibn Abd al-Barr said: “Adornment and purification are permitted, provided that a person does not reach the point of excess, wallowing in luxury and imitating tyrants.” If a person simply washes himself and observes the rules of personal hygiene, using, for example, deodorants that eliminate the smell of sweat that is unpleasant for others, be it in a mosque or in any other place, then this has nothing to do with luxury. Luxury is an excess in all this, when a person spends a lot of money and a lot of time on such products and procedures. 3. Excessive purchase of very expensive branded clothing. Not so long ago there were times when many people did not even have a change of clothes and, having washed theirs, were forced to sit at home and wait for them to dry. And then Allah gifted people so that a person had two, three, and ten clothes. There is nothing terrible or sinful in this as long as it does not go beyond the limits of the ordinary and reasonable. There are people who exclusively wear clothes that fashion designers create specifically for their individual order in order to be unique and different from all other people. If this is not luxury and elegance, then what is luxury?! We were ordered to wear good clothes, which serve as evidence of the mercies that Allah has bestowed upon us, but not to go beyond the limits of moderation.

20 Modern manifestations of luxury 19 Abdallah ibn Masud reports that the Prophet r said: “A person who has arrogance in his heart, even the weight of an atom of dust, will not enter Paradise.” One person exclaimed: “But a person wants his clothes and shoes to be beautiful!” The Prophet r said: “Verily, Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty. And arrogance is the rejection of truth and a contemptuous attitude towards people” [Muslim, 91]. Abu al-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi said: “Our righteous predecessors wore average clothes, not very good, not very bad, and chose the best clothes for Friday prayers, holidays and meetings with brothers in faith. And they didn't think that choosing the best was a bad thing. As for clothes that dishonor the wearer and emphasize asceticism and poverty, as if he were complaining in this way about Allah Almighty, these clothes become a reason for disdain for the wearer, and they are undesirable, and they are condemned and forbidden” [Qurtubi. Tafsir]. The best thing in everything is moderation and the golden mean. 4. Excessive eating and drinking. Luxurious people buy gourmet food and drinks and eat and drink only what costs a lot of money. Serve them only expensive and exquisite dishes. They are not content with one or two dishes at every meal, but demand that the table be set different dishes, and if any one type of food is put in front of them, they will not eat it and will become indignant. Al-Qurtubi mentions “the prohibition of eating more than enough, as well as what is considered luxury” [Qurtubi. Tafsir]. Another manifestation of luxury in food and drink is that many people eat only freshly prepared food, and if this food has been sitting in the refrigerator, they will never take it into their mouth, but simply throw it in the trash. They consider food that has been in the refrigerator overnight unworthy of them.

21 20 Chapter one. Luxury even if it didn’t change her taste and appearance. This is just a luxury, may Allah protect us from it. There is nothing sinful in the fact that a person allows himself from time to time good food or buys some relatively expensive delicacy. However, this should not become a habit. If a person does this constantly, every day, then this is unacceptable from the point of view of Sharia and is simply unreasonable. Another manifestation of luxury associated with food is the use of expensive dishes. Some wealthy families eat exclusively from dishes expensive brands, they buy frying pans and pots exclusively from the most famous companies, and so on. They refuse to use ordinary, average-looking utensils: plates, pots, glasses, and so on. Another manifestation of luxury is visiting expensive, world-famous restaurants, which in reality differ from other establishments only in name and beautiful decor. Manifestations of luxury associated with food and drink include regular consumption of carbonated drinks. There are people who drink soda with breakfast, lunch and dinner. And how could we do without it? After all, people need some kind of digestive aid after they indulge in gluttony, filling their stomachs with different types of food and sweets, and overeat so much that their stomachs are simply not able to digest on their own! Ibn Sirin (may Allah have mercy on him) reports that one person asked Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him and his father): “Should I prepare some jawarish for you?” He asked: “What is jawarish?” He replied: “A remedy for heaviness in the stomach after overeating.” 7 He said: “I did not eat 7 In other words, this is a remedy that performs the same functions as the carbonated drinks that are used to wash down large meals today.

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The heart is the most valuable organ that the Merciful One bestowed on His slaves. If our heart is healthy, then our whole body is healthy. If our heart is affected by an illness, then the whole body is affected by an illness.

The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “There is a piece of flesh in the human body. If he is healthy, then the whole body is healthy, and if he is sick, then the whole body is affected by illness. Know that this piece of flesh is the heart” (Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majah).

In addition to the heart that our physical body has, our etheric body also has a heart. If our spiritual heart is tainted and corrupted, then the whole life of a person will be tainted and corrupted. If this heart is cleansed of dirt and vices, then a person’s life will become beautiful and pure. This is what Allah Almighty wants from us.

The heart is the place where faith and unbelief, love and hatred, all the feelings that we experience, as well as fear of God, arise. The heart can find peace only through the remembrance of Allah. Dhikr are spiritual and material signs that remind us of Allah. In essence, dhikr is all the good that comes to us from Allah.

Allah Almighty said in the Quran: “They believed and their hearts were comforted by the remembrance of Allah. Is it not by the remembrance of Allah that hearts are comforted?”(ar-Rad 13/28).

Allah Almighty, pointing out that the heart is not able to find peace by turning to something else, commands us to educate our hearts. The way to educate the heart is to consciously remember Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty said: “Remember Me, and I will remember you. Give thanks to Me and do not be ungrateful to Me."(al-Baqarah 2/152).

Hardening of the heart

“After this, your hearts became hardened and became like stones, or even harder. Truly, among the stones there are those from which springs gush out. Among them there are those that split and pour out water. Among them are those who fall from fear of Allah” (al-Baqarah 2/74).

Throughout life, a person's heart gets dirty and gets wounds. Over time, these wounds cover the heart like a scab and cause a hardened heart. After this, the heart becomes insensitive to the truth. One of the main reasons for hardening the heart is distance from the remembrance of Allah. It is reported that the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “Love of worldly life is the basis of all evil.” The Koran tells us to think about eternal life, since it is inherent in human nature.

Softening the Heart

“Has not the time come for the hearts of the believers to soften at the mention of Allah and what has been revealed from the truth, and so that they do not become like those to whom the Scripture was given before, whose hearts became hardened after a long time, and many of whom are wicked? » (al-Hadid 57/16).

Blindness of the heart

“Truly, it is not the eyes that go blind, but the hearts that are in the chest that go blind.”(Hajj 22/46).

When a person's heart becomes blind, he ceases to recognize and understand the truth. A heart that has reached such a state ceases to be a heart and turns into stone. Why does the heart go blind? Nothing happens instantly. So the heart gradually becomes blind.

It is reported that the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “When a person commits a sin, a black dot appears on his heart. As sins are committed, the number of black spots increases and the whole heart becomes black.” The main reason for the blackening of the heart is persistence in committing sins. The means of getting rid of this is constant repentance, renunciation of committing sins, and the knowledge that there is a return to Allah.

Heart diseases

“He makes what Satan throws up a temptation to those whose hearts are sick and whose hearts are hardened. Verily, the wrongdoers are in complete discord with the truth.” (Hajj 22/53).

Human physical illness is associated with both external and internal factors. Heart diseases are also associated with external and internal factors. However, in most cases, a person is not able to understand when his heart was affected by the disease. And only when the illness covers the whole body will a person want to awaken from the sleep of negligence, but in most cases he will not be able to do this.

This condition is a consequence of the fact that a person was careless about heart ailments and did not fight his doubts. Those who constantly read the Quran, educating themselves in accordance with what Allah has commanded, are more sensitive to heart ailments. Because Allah gives them discernment against the wiles of the shaitan. Just as a tree grows from a small grain and slowly grows and develops, so heart ailments arise from a small grain. When Allah Almighty created man, he placed in him the seeds of various heart ailments as a test. Therefore, a person must get rid of these grains by going through the path of education with the Koran before these grains sprout.

The book is addressed to a wide range of readers - not only Muslims, but also everyone...

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We bring to your attention a wonderful book by the authoritative Muslim scientist Muhammad Salih al-Munajid, dedicated to heart ailments.
The topic of the book is very important for any believer, and today it is no less relevant than in the first centuries of the existence of Islam. Both early and late Muslim scholars paid a lot of attention to the heart and the ailments that beset it, leaving us with many valuable works in this area. Familiarity with the ailments that can afflict the heart of a believer helps us to be vigilant and guard against them. In addition to describing these ailments and narrating what contributes to their appearance, the author of the book offers the reader effective methods of treating them and gives advice on how to protect yourself from them.
This work is based on Quranic verses, hadiths of the Prophet and statements of famous Muslim scholars such as Ibn al-Qayyim, Ibn al-Jawzi, Ibn Rajab and others.
The book is addressed to a wide range of readers - not only Muslims, but also everyone interested in moral health.


Timely diagnosis of diseases cardiovascular system is extremely important, since a fully functioning heart and healthy blood vessels are the key to adequate blood supply to all organs and systems of the body. In some cases even serious illnesses heart disease is asymptomatic, but often cardiac patients (that is, people with cardiac pathology) present typical complaints, on the basis of which one or another disease can be suspected. What are the symptoms? we're talking about? Let's look at it below.

Main signs of heart pathology

The main signs of heart pathology are:

  • pain in the chest area, especially behind the sternum;
  • feeling of lack of air, or;
  • interruptions in heart function (tachycardia);
  • and periodic loss of consciousness;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • heaviness, pain in the right hypochondrium.

Hoarseness of voice and cough may also indicate cardiac pathology, complete absence loss of appetite (anorexia), increased body temperature (hyperthermia) and, or nocturia.

Chest pain

Patients with heart disease often experience pain in the chest.

Pain in the chest area (so-called cardialgia) is the most common symptom heart pathology, but it can be caused by diseases not only of the heart, but also of other organs and systems.

The following heart diseases can cause chest pain:

  • all forms;
  • pericarditis;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • pathological athlete's heart.

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the cause of more than 50% of all cardialgia. Its most dangerous forms are angina pectoris and. has a number of signs based on which it is not difficult to suspect this particular pathology:

  • the pain is localized behind the sternum, can radiate (give) to the left arm, left shoulder blade, left half of the neck;
  • usually an attack of pain lasts from one to fifteen minutes;
  • the pain, as a rule, is intense, has a burning, pressing, squeezing character, accompanied by the fear of death, often cold sweat;
  • a painful attack occurs after physical or emotional stress, overeating, exposure to cold;
  • Pain is relieved by rest, a semi-sitting position in bed, and taking nitroglycerin.

With a form of coronary artery disease such as diffuse cardiosclerosis, the pain is usually mild or moderate in intensity, often has a stabbing nature, and can last for a moment or maybe several hours.

In hypertension, cardialgia occurs against the background of increased blood pressure and increased heart rate, their nature is uncertain.

Heart valve defects are also accompanied by pain in the heart, most pronounced with aortic valve stenosis (the characteristics of the pain are similar to angina pectoris).

Loss of consciousness, dizziness

Heart patients, due to deterioration of blood supply to the brain, may experience dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting. This is usually observed when:

  • various arrhythmias (such as sinus node failure, ventricular tachycardia, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia and others);
  • obstructive changes in blood vessels (stenosis of the aortic or pulmonary artery, tetralogy of Fallot, atrial thrombosis, left atrial myxoma and others);
  • due to stress (neuro-cardiogenic fainting - syncope);
  • due to a sudden change in body position (postural hypotension).

Loss of consciousness due to heart pathology is not accompanied by convulsions and urinary incontinence.

Weakness, increased fatigue

These complaints are usually made by patients with heart failure, since in this condition the cardiac output, and organs and systems, in particular the musculoskeletal system, lack oxygen and other nutrients. Weakness worsens with exercise, and decreased exercise tolerance has important diagnostic implications.

As was said at the beginning, to less specific signs heart diseases include:

  • cough - occurs when there is pressure respiratory tract tumor of the heart and aorta, infarction and alveolar pulmonary edema, heart failure; in most cases it is dry, intrusive, but in case of pulmonary edema it is moist, with the separation of foamy sputum pink color, and in case of pulmonary infarction - streaked with blood;
  • Hoarseness of voice – usually associated with compression of the laryngeal nerve by an enlarged left atrium or an aortic aneurysm;
  • increased body temperature (hyperthermia) – observed in patients suffering from infective endocarditis, myocarditis or heart complications infectious process other localization;
  • frequent urination at night (nocturia) – occurs in patients with congestive heart failure;
  • increasing anorexia, rapid weight loss and, finally, exhaustion occur in advanced forms of chronic heart failure; are a very serious symptom that needs urgent correction.

There are no “frivolous” heart diseases at all, so if you find one or more signs of diseases of this organ, you should not “delay” and wait for them to progress, but you should seek help from your local physician, family doctor or cardiologist. The specialist will listen to your complaints, conduct the necessary examination to clarify the diagnosis, and, based on the data, recommend conservative or, if necessary, surgical treatment.