How to talk to the director about a salary increase. How exactly should you ask for a salary increase? Effective words, phrases, methods

All managers without exception do not like to talk about this topic. Standard responses to your request are usually “We’re going through a difficult period right now” and “I’ll think about it tomorrow.”

You have been working in the company for a long time, you are valued, loved and respected... but only in words, which, alas, do not add weight to your wallet. Or, on the contrary, you are new to your job, but have already demonstrated brilliant results and you don’t want management to get into the habit of patting you on the shoulder instead of rewarding you for your achievements and saying: “Great, keep it up.” There may be many reasons, but the situation is the same: you are faced with the need to ask for a salary increase, but natural modesty/inability to conduct such conversations/fear of refusal (underline as appropriate) is preventing you from achieving your goal. What to do?

Try using a universal cheat sheet.

What to ask for?

The most important thing that the person asking should have (besides personal charm and professional skills) is compelling arguments for which he should suddenly be paid more than before.

There are two main reasons for requests for an increase, which do not cause controversy among experts in the personnel market - “increase in the volume of work” and “expansion job responsibilities" These are the most winning options when you can get what you want.

Controversial Arguments

  • 1 Salary below market level
    In principle, you can appeal to the fact that the market will give you more. But be prepared to immediately go to this market and go if this remark is not to the taste of your manager. In addition, you need to take into account that when you applied for a job at the company, you agreed to this salary and knew what you were getting into.
    Conclusion: the argument is not suitable for all cases, but, for example, for those when you got a job in a company a long time ago, since then the salaries of specialists of your qualifications have increased in the market, but in your company they have not.
  • 2 Improving your qualifications
    Of course, the very fact that you knew how to use two office applications, and now you can work fluently in four, or instead of translating texts with a dictionary, you have learned to produce a high-quality literary translation without a dictionary, is highly commendable. But, by and large, management doesn’t care at all how you perform the work assigned to you. The main thing is that it is done on time.
    Conclusion: if you use new skills and knowledge to perform the same job responsibilities, then keep in mind that advanced training is more likely to brighten up your resume, rather than a monologue about a salary increase addressed to management.
  • 3 Extensive work experience in the company
    Loyalty is a wonderful quality, but... you have been sitting in a company for years, in the same position, which is not key, and you have only asked for an increase now? Apparently, you are not particularly popular on the labor market, why would a company pay you more? Be happy with what you have.
    Conclusion: Definitely, long-term experience in one company will give you extra points in the eyes of HR specialists if you decide to change jobs.
  • 4 Offers from competitors
    Another company is ready to make you an offer, but you want to stay with your home company? This approach can work, however, firstly, your boss may regard it as blackmail, and secondly, the boss will know that you are already looking to the left.

Conclusion: who will be fired from the company at the first hint of crisis?

Invalid Arguments

It would be extremely unwise to negotiate a salary increase based on one of the following reasons:

  • 1 “Ivanov works in the same position as me, but earns 10,000 more.”
    - So he does three times more than you. Based on this, your salary can also be cut!
  • 2 “I took out a car loan, but I have nothing to pay back.”
    - But I don’t have enough for a bungalow in Goa! Maybe you can lend me some?
  • 3 “There is inflation in the country...”
    But with this - to the Ministry of Finance. If you increase the wages of all company employees every year, you can launch a business around the world!

How to ask?

Asking for a salary increase is a negotiation. And like any negotiations, it requires setting a business goal, preliminary preparation and mastery of technology. So what should you do before the big conversation?

Scout the situation

You need to find out what the company's salary increase practices are. Perhaps it is indexed once a year to all employees, then your individual manifesto may not be understood. Or the company accepts bonuses not for achievements, but for length of service, and you haven’t worked that long yet. And so on. You also need to understand who is responsible for salary increases - your immediate boss or your boss's boss? IN the latter case you'll likely have to escalate the request through your line manager and rely on the boss's negotiating skills.

Choose the right time for conversation

The main thing is not to start talking about a raise on Monday when you arrive at work and on Friday five minutes before the end of the working day. But seriously, you should choose the right moment, when everything is good in the company with a profit, some project has been implemented, for which you are also credited, received positive result, to which you are also involved. An extremely bad time to ask for an increase would be, for example, when the company is undergoing an audit, some major event is coming, or costs are being optimized.

Prepare arguments and responses to objections

The arguments have been discussed above. Answering objections is a tool in the arsenal of a sales specialist who always knows how to respond to statements from a potential client such as “your product is too expensive” or “why should I buy?” new model phone right now, my old one is still working.” Think it over possible options development of dialogue and objections from the boss. How will you respond if he says that the company has no money now, or suggests postponing the conversation until later?

Prepare escape routes

A joyful “yes” is not the answer you more likely hear from the leader. Rather, these will be variations on the theme “yes, but...”, “maybe” or “not at the moment.” Be prepared for rejection and don't take it as a personal failure. Perhaps your boss was not prepared for the demands you made, and when he thinks about them, he will give a more desirable answer. Do not put pressure on the manager, demanding an immediate decision. Give him time. Your task is to get a specific answer, yes or no, and its rationale. If the manager is not ready to answer immediately, you should delicately tell him that you will come for an answer later and set a date for a follow-up meeting. You should be firm in this matter! Otherwise, you may never get specifics.

Think over a plan for further action

It is needed in case, after all the days taken for reflection, the final answer sounds like “no.” Negative result- also a result. Having received it and listened to the boss’s arguments, you will be able to understand how best to proceed in the future - try to return to the conversation next time and get your way, or look for happiness elsewhere.

Two typical situations

Now let’s look at two typical situations when an employee aims to ask for a raise, and ask our expert to comment on them.

  • Case 1. An employee performs routine work. He knows his job and does it well, but due to the peculiarities of his position work activity does not imply achievement significant results. How to motivate the request for an increase in this case?

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How to raise your salary

No blackmail, bed, humiliation and no SMS

Never, do you hear? - never expect your salary to rise by itself.

She won't get up. Nobody will index it for you. No one will ever recognize your merits or come to you with a lot of money. Even if you are a gold worker. Even if you spent your last weekend at work for the well-being of the company. You won't have anything if you don't do anything about it.

And if you do something, your salary will increase. It only takes three steps.

Maxim Ilyakhov


To get started, just ask your manager how you can increase your salary. But not “Ivan Ivanovich, increase my salary,” but with these words:

Don't immediately offer your options. Ask an open question and wait for an answer:

Some people are afraid of awkward pauses in conversation, so as soon as the boss begins to think about the question, they blurt out their proposal in a panic. This is the error:

Don't rush your decision. Wait for the boss's response. Even if the pause drags on, just calmly wait for the answer:

There are times when the manager does not find an answer to a direct question and simply increases the salary under an imaginary pretext. For example, for length of service:

If the manager is surprised by your question and answers with a firm “I don’t know,” move on to step two.

Propose your plan

Your boss can always increase your salary. But he may not know why to do this. Such a manager needs to propose a plan: how you can bring the company more money in exchange for increased wages. For example, you can expand the scope of responsibility:

Oleg works as a cold calling manager. More qualified managers with higher salaries go to the meetings themselves.

Oleg suggests getting training and starting going to meetings on your own, thereby increasing the number of transactions per month. Oleg will earn more through commissions.

You can take over functions that other employees do poorly:

Sasha writes articles to promote the company’s products, and freelance PR woman Alina publishes these articles in the media. Alina's work is inexpensive, but she works inattentively and sometimes misses deadlines.

Sasha offers to take over Alina’s functions and promote articles independently. He will work faster and more accurately because he works in an office and knows the product better. Sasha’s salary will increase by Alina’s fee.

It is more profitable for any entrepreneur to pay for results than just a salary. Think about how to make your salary more tied to results, and not to months of work:

Ivan is a sales manager with a salary of 30 thousand and a commission of 10%. On average it comes out to 100 thousand per month. Ivan proposes to lower the salary to 10 thousand, but increase the commission by 5 percentage points - then, with the same sales, he will receive 115 thousand rubles per month and he will have an incentive to sell more.

It’s good for Ivan because his income is higher. It’s good for the company because some of the costs have moved from the category of constant to the category of variable. The company has become more financially stable.

Come to the manager with a clear plan: “Ivan Ivanovich, I propose to do this within such and such a period, after which the company will earn so much more. In exchange, I want a salary increase of this much.”

If Ivan Ivanovich bombed your plan, move on to the next step.

If at the end of the month you do not spend your entire salary, then transfer the rest to the deposit. It will give a yield of 7 to 10% - this, of course, is not a 30% increase in wages, but you will have a safety cushion. If you have a lot of free time, then instead of making a deposit, take your free money to the broker and invest in securities.

If you receive a salary on a Tinkoff Black card, then income is accrued daily on the balance at the rate of 6% per annum. You can spend money as usual and receive additional income.

Suggest an alternative

Let's say you were unable to offer new plan. Then think about how to get more out of your job without making more money:

  1. the company gives you a car or computer to use for the duration of your work, with the right to buy;
  2. the company rents you more comfortable housing;
  3. the company gives you a loan on favorable terms;
  4. the company pays for your fitness, insurance, and kindergarten.

This can be beneficial to the company from a tax perspective. For example, if a company leases a car for you or pays for housing, these payments will reduce the tax base. This is also beneficial from the point of view of retaining an employee: if you drive a company car and live in a company apartment, when you leave, you will have to return it all - and this hurts.

If the company is economical and you have been working there for a long time, offer the option of remote work: you perform your functions remotely, and you can seat someone else at your desk.

Stepan worked as an engineer in the company for three years. He is a valuable and loyal employee with a salary of 150 thousand rubles. Stepan decided to take out a mortgage on the apartment; he needed 3 million to buy it. Together with the leader, they came to the following scheme:

The company reduces Stepan’s salary by 50 thousand rubles for 5 years. To compensate for the reduced salary, the company issues Stepan a loan of 3 million rubles at 0% per annum for 5 years. After 5 years, the company undertakes to increase Stepan’s salary to 175 thousand rubles. If Stepan decides to quit before he repays the loan from his salary, he will have to repay the entire remaining debt at once.

Benefit for the company: they saved on pension and insurance contributions, reduced the tax base, got a loyal employee with a guarantee that he will not leave anywhere.

Benefit for Stepan: he saved a bank on interest, bought an apartment right away and paid off his debts in just 5 years.

Such schemes are only possible in big companies who have a reserve of money. Nevertheless, they are possible.

If the first three steps do not help, turn on the heavy artillery.

Start Search

Let’s say Ivan Ivanovich is adamant: he won’t raise your salary, he won’t give you a raise, there’s nothing to lend you, but giving you a company car is a lot of honor. It's time to part with such an Ivan Ivanovich.

Take a vacation, open a job search site and find one.

When you find it, inform Ivan Ivanovich that you have been offered a more profitable job. If he doesn’t make a counteroffer, write a statement, finish the allotted time and say goodbye.

A profitable place of work is not necessarily more profitable:

Semyon worked for 100 thousand rubles a month and got to work in an hour. He found a job with a salary of 95 thousand, but he will get to it in 10 minutes, and the social package includes sports, full insurance and food. Semyon decided that such work would be more profitable for him, and he transferred.

Sometimes people are afraid that this company is their only refuge; they will not find work anywhere else. Even if this is the case, it makes sense to look. Sometimes the market throws up very unusual and interesting offers that you had no idea about a year ago.

Open your own business

In some specialties, working for yourself is more profitable than working for a company. If you do 90% of the work, but only get 20% of the money for it, open an individual entrepreneur and start your own enterprise.

Sergey worked in a research company for ten years, starting from junior positions and rising to the position of department head. Then there’s a ceiling: he won’t become a general director, but take on additional features he couldn't. Sergei left and opened his own research company. In his role as owner, he began to decide more complex tasks than in the role of head of a department: built new center research; implemented new system analysis; entered the field of public research.

Sergei said that there are enough problems with this business, but he feels much better. Although he now does much less research than organizing other people.

The main secret to increasing your salary

There are many ways to increase your salary: starting with humiliation and entreaty, ending with blackmail, manipulation and sex.

However, don’t expect the money to appear on its own with increased benefits. You can’t develop silently and wait for someone to notice you. State your ambitions, offer specific amounts and plans, and implement them.

If you open your own business, open an account with Tinkoff business.


  1. Just ask for a raise. Ask your boss an open-ended question and see what happens.
  2. Learn to bring more benefit. Any entrepreneur would rather pay for results than just a salary.
  3. Suggest alternatives. Think about how you can get more out of your job without making more money.

Many people sincerely believe that if they selflessly devote their energy, knowledge and time to work, then their superiors are simply obliged to notice and appreciate it. Nevertheless, time goes by, the range of responsibilities expands, you return from work later and later, but nothing changes. It is no secret that most managers value diligent executive employees who are ready to take responsibility, save the department during a total emergency, do not ask unnecessary questions, etc., and, as you know, “those who are lucky, get loaded.” There is nothing wrong with asking for increased compensation for your not-at-all-modest work. There's nothing to be ashamed of. You do not humiliate yourself with such a request, but ask because you know your worth as a professional. Now get ready, because before you enter the boss's office, careful preparation is required.

Armed means forewarned

First, answer the question: “For what reasons should the boss raise your salary?” Your value as an employee is determined by three components:

The significance of your work for the organization;
. existing knowledge, skills and abilities coupled with your potential;
. the average market cost of labor for a specialist of your profile and level.

Now is the time to organize necessary information. Write down on paper all your achievements in this organization, even if some of them seem insignificant to you. There are no trifles in such matters. Use clear language: “refurbished the office in a month”, “found 17 key clients in six months”, “increased sales by such and such an amount compared to the same quarter last year”, etc. Next, write down your business and human qualities that help you do this job well. Don't forget to include information about advanced training, current studies at a second higher education degree or studying a foreign language. Such a detailed description of your activities will not only help structure your conversation with your boss, but also help you look at yourself with new eyes. Clarifying the question of average wages in your industry will take longer. Use job search sites, information from friends and acquaintances working in the same or related industry. The boss may ask how you know this. So be prepared for this, as well as for objections in the spirit of “let’s wait”, “others will want it too”, “we only recently moved to new office“,” “The HR department may not agree with me,” “Do I not pay you enough?”

At the right time in the right place

You have prepared all the necessary information, but it’s hardly worth dumping it on your boss’s head like that. It is best to ask for a salary increase during periods that are favorable for the company, especially if a meeting has just ended, at which the boss publicly stated that you did a great job at 5+. It's a bad idea to ask for a raise on payday. It is advisable to discuss this issue in the afternoon, when the intensity of the workload decreases and towards the end of the week, when management, along with subordinates, also dreams of the weekend. Depending on your existing relationship with management, you can jokingly ask a question about a promotion, for example, at a corporate party, when the barriers to communication are not as strict as in a normal formal setting. If you know when your company approves next year's budget, which includes personnel expenses, then it's time to ask for a raise before the budget is approved, so that next year Don’t listen to management say that everything has already been planned. Most often, the budget is approved in the fall. Under no circumstances raise the issue of a promotion if the boss is not in a good mood. You risk bringing thunder and lightning onto your own head.

What you definitely shouldn't do

Managers often have a hard time, because employees who come with questions about an increase, instead of building a constructive dialogue, begin to stomp their feet and groundlessly demand preferences. What is guaranteed to piss management off:

1. Blackmail. “Either you raise my salary, or I quit!” This method, of course, can work, but only if you are truly an irreplaceable employee. No one, especially the bosses, likes to be pushed against the wall. IN best case scenario, you will hear a polite refusal, in the worst case - in the future, the boss will do everything possible to break up with you.

2. Link to competitors. “Company X. Offers me 2 times more than I get now!” Even if, without knowing this, the boss planned to increase your salary, now he will most likely change his mind, and will also very much doubt your loyalty to the company. The only thing that can save you is a quick switch to the fact that in fact you have this information from the Internet, but you would like to receive such an amount that, of course, you will have to give a competent argument.

3. Moaning. « I haven’t been on vacation for three years,” “I constantly sit at work until 10 pm without raising my head,” “I miss my salary.” If the company is white, then you simply won’t be able to go on vacation for years, unless, of course, you take compensation for unused vacation. Sitting late at night can sometimes indicate that you are not managing your time correctly, which can cause additional questions from the management.

4. Comparison with colleagues, friends or newcomers. “The neighboring department is not so busy, but their salary is higher,” “But my classmates now earn more,” “Why did Petrov only work here for six months, and his salary is higher?” The boss may seriously think about the fact that everything is his working hours you spend time talking about other people’s salaries, but the work itself doesn’t really interest you. It’s better to tell us about your own achievements in the company and your area of ​​immediate development.

You're in the boss's office

1. Establishing contact. Be friendly, say hello to the manager, smile, sit comfortably, take an open posture. Be sure to keep eye contact.

2. Use correct wording. You came not to “demand” or “ask”, but to “discuss wage indexation.” Agree, it sounds respectable, and you don’t seem to be a petitioner. The conversation should be as equals.

3. Protect management's time. Don't go around in circles, mumble or hint. State immediately and clearly why you came. This is polite, and in addition, it gives the interlocutor the opportunity to navigate the situation.

4. Set the stage and set the direction of the conversation. Thank the company and boss for the opportunities and knowledge you have acquired. Say that you also did a lot to make the company prosper. This is where the achievements, professional qualities and market overview you described will come in handy.

5. Don't be silent. While the boss is thinking, you can accompany this process with unobtrusive comments. Talk about your reluctance to leave the company, about the prospects that interest you in this particular company, that you still want to respond to headhunters attacking you, that you really like your work in terms of duties, powers, responsibilities, development prospects and remuneration.

6. Increase the effect. When you feel that the boss is ready to give an answer, but is still hesitating, it’s time to say that if there is any opportunity, you are ready to work with triple effort, take on more responsibility, develop a new product/service, lead a new direction, etc. .d.

7. Final requirement. And finally, tell your boss what specific salary (the amount should correspond to the market) you want to receive. If there are no fundamental objections, then discuss the exact date.

If still a refusal

Thank your boss for his attention. Check with him under what conditions your question can be resolved positively. What can you do for your part to earn more? If the boss promised to think about it, then it is better to immediately agree on a specific date when you can return to this conversation. It is advisable to return to the issue of salary increases 1-2 times a year. This reminds you of your achievements and makes it clear that you can do much more with some stimulation. Put yourself in the leadership shoes. It is possible that you did not choose best time for conversation, because profits have fallen and the budget is severely limited. Most worst option, if the company has stopped in its development and future prospects are not clear to you. Then sure

Forbes publication about the 10 main mistakes that employees make when deciding to ask for a salary increase.

1. Demand a raise during a company budget cut

If people throughout the company are tightening their belts, then it would be at least stupid to go to the boss with a request for a salary increase.

However, Hellmann believes that you can still raise the issue of a raise if there is evidence that you are underpaid compared to others in the company and in the industry as a whole. The trainer advises saying something like:“I am aware of budget cuts, but I am also aware that I am not making enough money compared to others . I don't know what you will say about this now, maybe we should come back to the conversation in six months" Hellmann says he has seen cases where a company has cut certain positions to retain valuable employees.

2. Ask for a raise without supporting your request with results.

“You're trying to show your boss that your value on the job market is higher than what he's paying you. But you can’t claim a raise if you screw up,” Hellmann says. The best time to talk about promotion is when productivity is at its highest.

3. Start a conversation about a raise when the boss has a lot to do

When a boss is already stretched to the limit, asking for a pay raise is likely to become an additional headache for him, rather than a task that he will happily take on. You should catch the moment when the boss is not so busy and in good mood. These things may seem insignificant, but if they are underestimated, the results can be disastrous.

4. Complain and whine

The bosses are not interested in the fact that a lot of time has passed since their employee’s last promotion, that he has many responsibilities, etc. “When you're looking for a promotion, facts are your greatest ally. You must appear convincing. It's not about "Me, me, me." It's about, “This is the situation. It’s nothing personal,” says Hellmann.

Your arguments should be based on what results you have achieved in your work and what salary corresponds to them.

5. Use your personal life as an argument for promotion.

An addition to the family, a mortgage on a home, a lack of funds for travel - all these are not worthy reasons for an increase in salary. The idea of ​​a world where promotions are based on lifestyle or budget is ridiculous, and that's exactly how management would view it.

6. Act like you've got a promotion in your pocket.

Few employees get a promotion just for fulfilling their direct duties all year. This is the minimum and not worthy of a raise.

It is necessary to analyze the achievements over the past few months or over last year so that your arguments are based on exceeding expectations or taking on more workload than the average worker.

7. Behave provocatively

When it comes to promotion, some resentfully feel that they are not getting what they deserve, and then cross their arms and say, “What can you do about it?” It is better to provide indicators of your productivity, show the average market level of salaries comparable to the efforts made, and only then ask the question: “What can you do about it?”

During negotiations, it is important to mention how much you enjoy working for the company, what growth opportunities it provides, etc. You can mention that there is a shortage of specialists for the position being applied for. high level, which will attract new clients to the company.

8. Start talking about a raise with a specific amount

If during a conversation the manager still asks about the desired salary, it is worth voicing a figure that exceeds your own expectations. The main thing is that the employee is not considered crazy.

9. Threaten to change jobs if you really aren’t ready for it.

Third-party offers from other employers are a serious bargaining chip in negotiations for a raise. Some managers equate such arguments to a gun to their head. Such a boss may not like the fact that the employee interviewed behind his back, thereby doubting his loyalty, and will decide to fire him. On the other hand, if the employee good relationship with the boss, offers from competitors will perfectly demonstrate the value of an employee on the labor exchange.

"You need to be sure you're in a good position at your job before you do this," Hellmann warns, "they might not believe your bluff."

10. Be offended by refusal

Don't be offended if you don't get what you want. In the end, this will cause more damage to the employee himself. “50% of your career success comes from how well you perform, the other 50% comes from relationships,” Hellmann says. It is always in your best interest to maintain a good relationship, even if you have been treated unfairly. If they did this to you, draw conclusions, but don’t burn bridges.”

It's worth finding out what you need to do to get promoted. You need to find out specific, achievable goals, and then offer to return to the conversation in six months. By that time, it is necessary to demonstrate the fulfillment or exceeding of the assigned tasks, thus obtaining a serious argument for a promotion in position and salary.

Do you want to know how to ask your boss for a salary increase so that he can’t refuse you? Then read on.

No matter how good your manager is, he does not think day and night about raising your salary. This is an extra expense for him, so your job is to make him think that you are worth the money you are asking for. You actually have to sell yourself to the company a second time, and that's not easy. Let's talk about how to correctly ask for a salary increase from your boss.

Not the best option There will be one when you, counting on inspiration and catching your boss in the corridor, stun him with this great idea. Most likely, he will refuse you. Let's take a scientific approach.


In addition to your personal and professional qualities the most compelling arguments in a conversation can be two: expansion of job responsibilities and the amount of work exceeding the standard load.

What arguments should you avoid?

  1. Your salary is below the market average. You can take a risk and hint to your boss that other companies will pay you more, but then be prepared for the boss to suggest that you look for such a company. This argument can only be used in one case: if you have been working in a company for many years and have never had your salary increased, while in the market the salaries of your colleagues have increased noticeably.
  2. Advanced training. Yes, developing professional skills is a good thing, but we must not forget that it is part of your job. The manager cares about quality and deadlines, not the way you achieve results. Therefore, if you use the acquired skills to perform the same work as before, then the clause about advanced training is more suitable for a resume than for a confidential conversation with your superiors.
  3. Great experience. If you have been working in the same company for years, and there are not enough stars in the sky, the conclusion arises that your position in the labor market is low. This means that your loyalty may be a plus for the recruiter, but not for your manager.
  4. Invitation to a competing company. It is extremely unwise to inform your manager that a competitor has made an offer to you. Firstly, the manager will understand that you have “sharpened your skis,” and secondly, he may perceive this information as blackmail. Guess who might be the first to get laid off?

Wrong motives

In an effort to explain your motives to your manager, it is undesirable to use the following arguments:

1. “Sidorov has the same position, but the salary is higher.”

If the employee you are referring to is overworked, the boss may wonder if he is overpaying you.

2. “I took out a mortgage, but have nothing to pay.”

Firstly, you did not consult with your boss when you took out the loan. Secondly, he may advise you to live within your means.

3. Refer to inflation and rising prices.

How to build a conversation?

The main thing you should understand for yourself: asking for a raise is negotiating with a person whose interests do not coincide with yours, therefore, the question of how to ask for a salary increase from your boss is quite serious. And you need to prepare for a conversation no less responsibly than for negotiations with a major client.

The first thing you should do is gather information. Try to find out how salary increases occur in your company, namely: is annual indexation practiced or, perhaps, salaries are increased depending on length of service and the like. Talk to your colleagues about how to ask for a raise from your boss, examples from their personal experience may be useful to you.

In addition, you need to find out who influences the increase in your salary, your immediate boss or his supervisor. In this case, you will have to enlist the support of your boss and rely on his skill as a negotiator.

Everything has its place and time

Now about how to ask your boss for a salary increase on time. Take your time and place to talk seriously. It is believed that the best time to raise such issues is on Friday, after lunch break. At this time, the level of complacency of management usually goes through the roof.

This is, of course, a joke. Well, but seriously, feel out how things are going in the company. If the results of the last quarter leave much to be desired or your department did not fulfill the plan, asking for a raise at such a moment is the height of imprudence.

The boss's mood is also important. If in the morning there were three punishments and two dismissals, it is better to wait it out, otherwise you risk running into rudeness.

Developing a conversation script

Write a conversation script. It is clear that it is impossible to predict all scenarios, but it is necessary to think through the main ones. Write down all possible objections with which your boss will try to change the course of the negotiations and prepare counterarguments for them.

Most likely, you guess that in response to your proposal, the boss will not throw himself on your chest with an enthusiastic cry: “How come I didn’t guess it myself?!”

Most likely, this will be an evasive answer, the purpose of which is to delay time. Perhaps your boss is the type of person who prefers to think things through before making a decision. Perhaps the decision depends not only on him and he cannot resolve the issue on his own. In any case, you need specifics, “yes” or “no,” so clarify when you can come to him for an answer.

What's next?

Suppose, after thinking everything over, your manager refuses you. Think about how you will act in this case: will you try to return to the conversation later, leave everything as it is, or look for happiness elsewhere?

Typical situations

Let's look at the situation using specific examples.

First example. How to ask your boss for a salary increase if you do not influence the company's performance.

An ordinary employee performing normal routine work. An experienced specialist, and very good specialist. The specificity of his work is such that there is no particular influence on financial indicators he does not provide activities to the organization. How to ask your boss for a salary increase in this case and what arguments to give?

Each specialist has tasks that characterize the success of his work. These can be personal results or the results of the entire department. Use this information to your advantage as an argument in negotiations.

If you haven't received a salary increase for several years, you have every right demand a raise.

Second example. How to ask your boss for a salary increase if the range of responsibilities is blurred.

The employee has been given a lot of other people’s responsibilities; he is what is called “dragging,” but thanks to his skills, experience and intelligence, he manages to do it all during the working day. What arguments to use even if the length of the working day has not changed.

Unfortunately, the situation is typical. An employee loaded with someone else’s functionality, which is also not officially formalized, essentially has no rights, because It’s as if this additional work doesn’t exist.

In this situation, it would be ideal to think about how to ask your boss for a salary increase at the stage of assigning responsibilities, but if the moment is missed, you need to try to secure the support of management, especially since most often the boss knows very well how busy a person is and appreciates it .

Now imagine that you don't have the opportunity to talk to your manager face to face. For example, as often happens, you are in different cities or you do not feel confident when meeting him and are afraid that shyness will not allow you to convincingly prove your position.

Third example. How to ask for a raise if you can’t meet in person.

Let's talk about how to ask your boss for a salary increase in a letter. This option has both undeniable advantages and serious disadvantages.

The main disadvantages are the lack of eye contact, the ability to see the interlocutor’s reaction and influence it during the conversation.

However, if you take the matter seriously, all these disadvantages are compensated by undeniable advantages. And the first of them is the opportunity to think through the argument and use it in to the fullest without the risk of losing sight, forgetting or confusing anything. In addition, there is no danger of arriving at the wrong moment, because... No one reads email if they are swamped with work.

Moreover, you will save your nerves, because after the letter is sent, nothing will depend on you and you will just need to wait for an answer. Needless to say, how important it is in this case Preparation.

Start with gratitude. But only sincerely, you probably have something to thank the person who hired you and, perhaps, spent a lot of effort and time on your training or adaptation.
You can move on to the main thing - the reasons why your salary should be increased. List all your achievements and be sure to write how this influenced the work of the department or company as a whole.

You can do this in the form of tables or graphs. The main thing is for the manager to see that thanks to you, the success rates of the business have really increased. Please note that all the taboos in argumentation mentioned above also apply to letters.

In conclusion, it would be useful to mention your desire for professional growth and the opportunity to develop in the company. This will create a favorable impression on your boss and he will not think that you only care about money.

Now a few words about how to ask for a salary increase from your boss over the phone. The same rules apply here as in personal negotiations. Write a conversation script, in this case you can put it in front of you and peek into it as needed. And don't forget to arrange a call in advance.

And now a little information about what kind of bosses are, perhaps it will entertain you and help you prepare.

Fake Democrat

As a rule, he tries not to interfere with the work of his subordinates, giving them complete freedom of action, which makes him very similar to a true democrat. But don’t relax, such a boss, as a rule, does not explain what he really wants, and no matter what you do, it will turn out in the end that this is not what he wanted at all.

If a subordinate is suspicious and unsure of himself, such a boss can become a real punishment for him, and work will turn into a source of constant stress.

How to behave? The first and easiest option is to change your boss and find new job. True, in this case there is a risk that the next leader will turn out to be even worse than the previous one.

Second, more complex, but also the most reliable - strengthen nervous system, increase your self-esteem, work on yourself.

Man of moods

Just yesterday he was the standard of an ideal boss, but today he throws lightning bolts of reprimands, curses dirty and looks for something to find fault with. But the storm will pass and he will greet tomorrow morning in a state of melancholic calm.

Such antics from management do not contribute to the establishment of a favorable psychological environment in the team. And this only harms the work process, since he evaluates the work of his subordinates not by their abilities and results, but depending on his mood.

How to behave? A person of mood is not yet the worst option for a leader, and all that can be done is to abstract yourself in moments of outbursts, do not get excited, do not argue, but calmly listen, take into account and forgive.

Energy Vampire

IN ordinary life he is an erudite, witty intellectual. He opens a conversation with a subordinate in a quiet voice, gradually increasing the pace and volume of speech, then he gets the hang of it and begins to scold the employee, not allowing him to get a word in.

After a conversation with such a boss, subordinates usually experience a loss of strength and emptiness. But the boss is transformed, his mood rises, his cheeks turn pink, and a sparkle appears in his eyes.

How to behave? The first and main rule is not to give in to provocation. Under no circumstances reciprocate the vampire's feelings, don't get excited and don't scream. This is exactly what he expects from you. Your weapon is calm and poise. As a result, he will break his teeth on you and leave you behind, they don’t like hard food.

Simple techniques will help make the task easier. “Close yourself”, just clasp your fingers, this will help save your energy potential. And at the most tense moment, just lightly bite the tip of your tongue seven times. Rest assured, it helps.

Ideal boss

If you get it, you're lucky. This leadership style distinguishes people who are smart, tactful, fair and competent, with a good sense of humor. It’s a pleasure to work under his wing; he helps every employee reach their potential and provides everyone with decent remuneration.

How to behave? Work, improve and appreciate what you have.

We can only hope that you understand how to correctly ask for a salary increase from your boss. We wish you personal and career growth!