Use of thyme in cooking. About the culinary and medicinal properties of thyme: why is it better than other spices and who is it contraindicated for? Thyme for meat

Thyme, also known as thyme, is a perennial shrub with a pleasant aroma. The plant has healing properties and is used as a sedative, analgesic and prophylactic. Usually grows on the outskirts of pine forests. Thyme is common in Eastern Europe, Kazakhstan and Russia.


The plant belongs to the Yamnotaceae family and the Thyme genus. This is a small branched shrub with fluffy stems of a grayish tint. The flowers of the plant can be pink and purple. They are small in size and release essential oil. The fruits appear in the form of nuts.

Mother of God grass, motherwort, boron pepper, frogweed, flypalm, thyme - all this is thyme.

The shrub blooms in summer or early autumn. This is the time to procure raw materials. IN agriculture The thyme is harvested using mowers and then dried in the open air. The plant is packaged in bags and placed in a warehouse, where the dry harvest is stored for up to two years.

Chemical composition

Although the plant has been famous for its healing properties for many centuries, it was only in the twentieth century, thanks to emerging technologies, that it was possible to figure out why exactly thyme is so good. Characteristics of thyme beneficial properties due to his rich chemical composition.

The leaves and grass of the plant contain the following elements:

  • Essential oil (0.5-1.3%), which contains thymol, gets rid of worms, has an antiseptic, antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Tannins have anti-inflammatory, astringent and bactericidal properties;
  • Flavonoids - these include vitamin P. They play a significant role in the prevention oncological diseases, normalize work cardiovascular system and suppress allergic reactions;
  • Cymol and terpineol are the sources of the pleasant aroma of thyme leaves;
  • Carvacrol prevents the formation of atypical cells;
  • Acids - malic, saponinic, ursulic, caffeic and quinic;
  • Microelements - magnesium, cobalt, lead, copper and others;
  • Macroelements - potassium, calcium, iron and manganese;
  • Vitamins;
  • Minerals;
  • Resins.

Useful properties

Thyme has always stood out for its wonderful aroma and pleasant appearance, and most of all for its healing potential. Even folk healers of the distant past recognized the amazing capabilities of this perennial shrub. A rich set of beneficial properties makes the leaves and grass of the plant popular ingredients to this day. useful infusions.

The essential oil contained in the plant is main reason pharmacological importance of thyme. Bacteria cannot tolerate it due to thymol. This element has anthelmintic, antiseptic and analgesic effects.

Among the useful medicinal properties herbs and thyme leaves include:

  • Calming effect, thanks to which thyme decoctions help effectively combat chronic lack of sleep, and also suppress the feeling constant anxiety and irritability;
  • Analgesic effect - as an external means of local action, thyme is used to make medicinal lotions, compresses and ointments. These remedies help eliminate joint pain and skin inflammation;
  • The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect that thyme herb has during... The plant is considered an effective diaphoretic, so it is often recommended during colds and flu;
  • Normalization of work gastrointestinal tract, and in particular - neutralizing heaviness, bloating and eliminating constipation. Regular consumption of thyme helps normalize intestinal microflora and gastric juice;
  • The expectorant effect of the plant is useful in the treatment bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • The diuretic effect of thyme herb helps eliminate excess toxins from the body;
  • Antihelminthic action - herbal infusions and infusions of herbs and thyme leaves are used to prevent helminthic infestation.

It is useful for women to consume thyme to normalize hormonal levels and suppress pain during menstruation. Men can use thyme herb to increase potency and improve spermatogenesis.

Use in folk medicine

Traditional medicine based on thyme is used internally and externally. Internal preparations include decoctions, infusions, herbal teas and essential oils. When talking about external methods of treatment, we mean ointments, compresses, lotions and special baths.

In addition to the typical uses of thyme, there are non-standard methods uses of the plant. Traditional healers never cease to amaze and advise, in case of a headache, to sleep on a pillow, inside of which, instead of down and feathers, there is thyme grass.

For cough and bronchitis

Thyme is used as an element in the complex treatment of infectious diseases respiratory system, for example, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, laryngitis and tracheitis. For sore throat, the herb and leaves of thyme become an ingredient in gargling solutions.

IN in this case Official medicine has not ignored thyme. Pharmacy cough syrups with the addition of this plant are very tasty and aromatic, so children who have a cold take them with great pleasure.

For cooking homemade cough syrup and sore throat you will need:

  • One bunch of fresh thyme or thyme;
  • Five cloves of garlic;
  • 300 grams natural honey;
  • 450 ml boiled water.

Wash thoroughly, then dry and chop the thyme. Cook the plant for approximately 15-20 minutes. The water should boil by half. Strain the broth through a sieve. Add honey and chopped garlic, and then mix the resulting mass thoroughly. If the broth is intended for a child, and he is picky, then you don’t need to add garlic - it will be tastier. Take homemade syrup, one tablespoon twice a day. Keep refrigerated.

For hypertension

Oleic acid and vitamins in thyme help lower blood pressure, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and normalize heart function. The plant also relieves spasms.

To cook infusion for the treatment of hypertension, you will need the following ingredients:

  • one tablespoon of dry thyme;
  • half a teaspoon of medicinal chamomile;
  • one teaspoon of fireweed;
  • one liter of water.

Mix all the ingredients of the tincture thoroughly, pour in a liter of boiled water, cover with a lid, wrap in a warm blanket and leave to infuse for an hour. Take a quarter glass of decoction three times a day.

For prostatitis

Thyme is effective means to increase potency, get rid of prostatitis, eliminate inflammation and pain. The herb has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, and also facilitates urination.

For cooking decoction against prostatitis based on thyme you will need:

  • one glass of boiled water;
  • two tablespoons of dried thyme (thyme).

Pour dried thyme boiled water, place in a water bath, bring to a boil, then keep on fire for another ten minutes, and then leave the broth covered for two to three hours. Take two tablespoons of medicinal tincture twice a day before meals.

For alcoholism

Thyme causes an aversion to alcoholic beverages, and therefore in folk medicine the plant is often used for treatment alcohol addiction.

You can get rid of alcoholism with the help of decoction of thyme and wormwood. To prepare the decoction, mix the ingredients in a ratio of ¼ (wormwood/thyme). Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of water and boil for ten minutes. Decoction You need to take one tablespoon three times a day. Therapy should last several months. As a result, people become indifferent to alcohol. The decoction also calms the heart and relieves tension in the lower and upper extremities.

For radiculitis

Thyme is known for its relaxing and restorative effects. The plant is added to medicinal baths during radiculitis, gout and rheumatism, and is also used to create medicinal tinctures to strengthen joints and eliminate muscle pain.

To cook thyme tincture for the treatment of radiculitis, pour five tablespoons of finely chopped herbs with half a liter of high-quality vodka. Close the container tightly and leave to infuse in a dark room at room temperature for a week, then strain. Wipe sore joints with the tincture before going to bed. The effect is noticeable within a few days after the start of use.

For the nervous system

Thyme herb has a calming effect and restores a weakened nervous system. For preventive purposes, medicinal teas, infusions, and essential oil-based products are used.

For cooking infusion against insomnia mix a teaspoon of dried thyme herb and two tablespoons of alcohol. Close the container with the liquid tightly and place it in a dark place for a week, then strain. The product must be taken a few hours before bedtime, thirty drops. If a person has a severe emotional and nervous disorder, the dose can be increased to fifty drops.

Aromatherapy also perfectly normalizes psychological balance. Buy or borrow an aroma lamp from a friend and pour a few drops of essential oil from thyme, jasmine and lavender inside. Turn off the lights, lie down and relax. A few drops of essential oil can also be added to your bath.

For the cardiovascular system

Antioxidant flavonoids and potassium in thyme herb help treat cardiovascular diseases. Potassium restores correct heart rate, however, its excess leads to destabilization of the heart.

Before using thyme as a remedy, you should consult your doctor, as in case of atrial fibrillation, cardiosclerosis and atherosclerosis, thyme herb is contraindicated.

If the heart is healthy, herbal tea thyme based will be excellent prophylactic. Take dry collections of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, thyme, fireweed and oregano. Mix them in proportions 1:3:2:2 and brew with two liters of boiling water. The infusion can be taken as an alternative to regular tea several times a day.

Application in cosmetology

Numerous acids, vitamins, natural antibiotics And tannins the composition of thyme makes the plant effective cosmetic product. It copes especially well with problem skin and weak hair structure. Homemade lotions, masks and ointments eliminate sagging skin and reduce swelling, and thyme decoctions in shampoos strengthen hair.

To cook facial compress based on thyme, pour a tablespoon of dry herb with a glass of boiled water and let it brew under the lid for half an hour. Take a soft piece of cloth, soak it in the resulting broth and squeeze it out. Lie down and place a wet compress on your face. The cloth must be wetted every five minutes. The procedure lasts from twenty minutes to half an hour. Regular use of a compress removes swelling and oily skin, and also restores correct work metabolic processes inside cells.

For cooking hair rinse use thyme infusion. The ingredients of the product are:

  • 5 grams of thyme herb;
  • 5 grams of hop cones;
  • 5 grams of birch leaves;
  • 5 grams of nettle;
  • 1 liter of boiled water.

Mix all the herbal ingredients and add water to the mixture. Place on the fire for fifteen minutes, then cover with a lid for half an hour. After regular shampooing, use the prepared rinse. The procedure must be carried out at least twice a week. The infusion prevents dandruff, baldness, nourishes hair roots and eliminates split ends.

Steam bath with thyme herb is effective procedure for cleansing and restoration problem skin. Pores open, and the skin itself becomes softer and more tender.

For a steam bath with the addition of thyme, the plant should be finely chopped. Calculate the amount of herb needed at the rate of one tablespoon per half liter of water. Boil the infusion for half an hour, then lift the lid and hold your head, wrapped in a towel, over the pan for 5-10 minutes. The time depends on the level of sensitivity of your skin. After a steam bath, you should not go outside for about three hours.

Use in cooking

In cooking, thyme is used fresh and also as a powdered seasoning. The plant becomes an aromatic ingredient in meat and fish dishes. Thyme leaves are added to vegetable salads and used when pickling cucumbers and tomatoes.

Types of thyme which are used in cooking:

  • Ordinary;
  • Caraway;
  • Citric;
  • Creeping.

Common thyme leaves are the part of the plant with the most pronounced pungent aroma. They give dishes an exquisite taste, emphasizing the unique properties of other ingredients. In professional cooking, it is preferable to use fresh leaves plants, but in home cooking, dried thyme is usually used.

Can I take it during pregnancy?

Pregnancy rarely goes without additional medications, however, sometimes the expectant mother’s body does not accept them. In some cases due to side effects and drug intolerance, thyme can be a good alternative. Herbal teas in small portions They will be good helpers in the fight against mild colds, fatigue and headaches. The main thing to remember is to never abuse it. An overdose causes headaches, nausea, vomiting and affects the development of the child.

Regarding important contraindications to use thyme, the list for expectant mothers is as follows:

  • High blood pressure;
  • Problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Thyroid diseases.

It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of the permissibility of consuming thyme during pregnancy. Opinions medical specialists differ, but in some ways they agree - there are no common cases of pregnancy. Whether or not to take thyme is a personal decision for each woman, which should be based on individual characteristics body and the opinion of the attending physician.

Contraindications and harm

Although thyme is pure and natural product, in some cases its use is not recommended, since certain elements in the plant interact poorly with problematic human organs.

Below is a list of the most important Contraindications when using thyme:

  • Peptic ulcer;
  • Hypofunction of the thyroid gland;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Heart failure;

If you have serious liver problems, the use of the herb is also contraindicated.

In ancient times, thyme (thyme) was used to get rid of many deadly ailments, in particular consumption. Now this herb continues to be used mainly as teas for respiratory diseases. However, the plant has many more uses, it is only important to remember medicinal properties and contraindications of thyme.

Thyme contains a large number of healing substances.

  • The main ones are B vitamins, as well as A, E, K and C.
  • Minerals worth mentioning are calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium and potassium.
  • In addition, thyme contains thymol, ursolic acid, gum, linalol, ascaridole, carniophyllene, borneol and others.

In folk medicine, the above-ground part of the plant or essential oil made from leaves and stems is used. It has antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal properties. It can be used externally and as aromatherapy.

Thyme extract is used to thin phlegm and facilitate coughing. In terms of effectiveness, this product is in no way inferior to expensive syrups and mixtures. And this is especially useful when a child is sick, because thyme can be used from the age of three.

Thyme decoctions are used for:

  • relieving spasms;
  • getting rid of flatulence;
  • in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and lungs.

Teas and infusions help:

  • normalize blood pressure;
  • improve sleep and emotional state;
  • increase appetite;
  • reduce the manifestation of radiculitis and neuralgia;
  • get rid of flatulence.

Benefits for women, men

  • Thyme herb can be used in cosmetology. Infusions improve appearance hair, make it easier to comb and strengthen hair follicles. To do this, rub a strong decoction of thyme into the scalp or rinse your hair with it after washing.
  • Thyme oil is used for inhalation when steaming the skin, which allows you to saturate the dermis with useful substances, open the pores and cleanse them of bacteria and dirt.
  • They also use a toner for the skin, which helps narrow pores, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and reduce the number of inflammatory elements. To do this, pour 50 g of dry extract with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour and strain. The resulting infusion should be wiped on the face twice a day.
  • Less concentrated infusions of thyme can be used for the whole body, in particular, as an auxiliary therapy in the treatment of cellulite and fat deposits. For this, 4 tbsp. l. thyme, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 40–60 minutes. The liquid is then added to a warm bath. Frequency of use: 1–3 times a week for 10–15 minutes.
  • Healing decoctions are recommended for use by women who experience severe pain during menstruation. Thyme teas can significantly reduce painful spasms and also have a beneficial effect on normalizing the cycle.

The beneficial properties of thyme can be felt not only by lovely ladies, but also by men. Teas and decoctions from this plant activate the production of enzymes that control blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on potency. And selenium, which is part of the plant, is involved in the production of testosterone.

  • For the treatment of infertility and enlargement male power They recommend this infusion: 2 tbsp. l. chopped thyme, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Strain the broth and consume twice a day for two weeks.
  • Ursolic acid, which is found in sufficient quantities in thyme, fights tissue atrophy. Therefore, after intense strength training and for speedy regeneration muscle fibers, compresses must be used. The recipe is very simple: pour boiling water over dry or fresh thyme herb and leave for 10–20 minutes. Then remove excess moisture and wrap the plant itself in gauze. Apply the compress to the sore spot and secure tightly with cling film.
  • Those men who do not want to part with their own hair need to rub a mixture of thyme oil and vodka (3-4 drops of ether per 1 teaspoon of alcohol) into the hair roots. You can use this composition no more than 2 times a week, otherwise there is a risk of drying out your scalp.

For what diseases is it used?

Thyme contains essential oils that have found their niche in traditional medicine and cosmetology. Due to its composition, it is prescribed for the treatment of respiratory diseases, gynecological problems, relieving nervous tension, as well as getting rid of bad habits. It’s not for nothing that psychologists recommend drinking tea with honey and thyme to those people who want to recharge their batteries and increase their self-confidence.

For cough and bronchitis

The main purpose of thyme is the prevention and treatment of colds, viral and bacterial diseases respiratory system of the body.

  • Thyme in the form of infusions, decoction or tea helps to dilate the bronchi and quickly remove mucus.
  • The plant has a slight disinfectant effect, so it actively fights infectious agents, for example, with sore throat.
  • It is also prescribed to reduce mucus production and promote productive coughing.

Thyme brings the greatest benefit with hot drinks, honey and other medicinal ingredients: lemon, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, linden, sage.

To prepare the infusion you need 1 tsp. chopped herbs (dry or fresh) pour 200 ml of hot boiled water and leave in a closed container for at least 20 minutes. It is better to use a teapot or thermos for these purposes. The resulting liquid should be drunk in small sips throughout the day. The frequency of use and duration are selected individually.

For gynecological diseases

The herb is used to treat diseases such as:

  • colpitis;
  • endometritis;
  • vulvitis;
  • bartholinitis.

The listed ailments are accompanied by changes in the microflora of the internal genital organs and blockage of the glands, which are accompanied by purulent discharge.

Thyme, thanks to its antibacterial effect, eliminates not only the symptoms of diseases, but also the cause itself.

During treatment, sitz baths and lotions are prescribed. For one procedure you will need a collection of 3 tbsp. l. thyme, 2 tbsp. l. calendula flowers and 2 tbsp. l. medicinal chamomile. Pour the dry mixture into 0.5–0.6 liters of boiling water, boil for a minute and leave in a closed container for 10–15 minutes. After this you can take sitz bath for 20–30 minutes. If necessary, the broth should be cooled slightly.

For bartholinitis, it is more effective to make lotions. Pour boiling water over several sprigs of thyme, then wrap in a thin scarf or three folded gauze. Apply to the sore spot for 5–10 minutes, periodically dipping into a warm solution.

For hypertension

Thyme has the unique property of bringing both low and high blood pressure back to normal. In the first case, the therapeutic effect is achieved by increasing blood circulation and boosting energy. In the second - by reducing the tone of the vascular walls and their expansion. However, this effect has a short-term effect, so in case of serious pathologies it is recommended to consult a doctor.

If the increase in blood pressure is associated with psychoemotional or physical activity, changes in weather, vasospasm or inflammatory process - thyme can be used for 3-5 days.

A decoction to reduce blood pressure is prepared according to the following recipe: boil 250 ml of water, add 1 tbsp. l. thyme. Simmer over low heat for 20–25 minutes, then leave for an hour. Take the drink 3 times a day, a tablespoon before meals.

When fighting alcoholism

It happens that you can overcome bad habit difficult. Then it will come to the rescue folk remedy. To do this, pour 20 g of thyme herb into 500 ml of boiling water and place in a water bath for 15 minutes. After this, strain the broth and add more water to get 0.5 liters of liquid.

Directions for use: Take 50–60 ml of tincture with half a glass of alcohol 3–4 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 1 to 2 weeks, although the effect occurs much earlier.

The healing effect is associated with thymol, which, when combined with alcohol, provokes nausea and vomiting. Therefore, addicted people notice an aversion to strong drinks the very next day of therapy. It is important not to reduce the duration of the main treatment when the first signs of improvement appear, otherwise the mechanism of quitting alcohol will not have time to take hold.

Ways to use thyme

At colds, and also in order to increase immunity and protect against respiratory diseases, teas, decoctions and tinctures are prescribed.

Tea, infusion and decoction

This is how tea is prepared. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of dry herbs and leave for 10 minutes. Take half a cup warm 2-3 times a day. To get a decoction, you need to take a little more water and simmer the thyme over low heat for an average of 3–5 minutes, then leave for 30–40 minutes. The infusion is prepared in the same way as a decoction, only the holding time increases to 2–2.5 hours.

To prevent the taste of the drink from being too strong, it is allowed to add medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile, yarrow, oregano, mint, as well as sweeteners (sugar, honey or jam).

Syrup and oil

Cough syrups containing thyme are used. You can prepare the medicine yourself. To do this, add a few tablespoons of thyme decoction or infusion to burnt sugar (melt 1–2 tablespoons in a frying pan in a small amount of water) and stir.

Essential oil can be added to ointments and creams for the external treatment of skin problems (eczema, inflammatory acne, dermatitis, fungus), gynecological diseases, and can also be used in its pure form in aroma lamps or inhalations. It is acceptable to add 1-2 drops to tea, but you should avoid getting the undiluted product on the mucous membranes.

Besides therapeutic effect, thyme is also used in cooking. The spice is added to broths, meat and fish dishes, and baked goods.

Can thyme be used during pregnancy?

Everything that enters a woman’s body also affects the fetus, so before using thyme it is necessary to consult a specialist.

In some cases, for example, with low blood pressure, intestinal spasms, colds or inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs, the beneficial properties of thyme will be very useful. But if a woman has heart problems, hypertension or increased tone uterus - the plant is more likely to harm.

In any case, the use of folk remedies should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor and with strict adherence to dosages.


Thyme can be purchased in pharmacies or specialty stores in any form of release. Most often, essential oil and dry extract are found in the form of a collection or tea filter bags of the same name. There are also drops and sprays for the throat, nose and oral cavity.

As a main component, thyme is used in:

  • lozenges - “Bronchicum”, “Bronchostop”;
  • cough syrups - “Bronchoplant”, “Tussamag”, “Pertusin”, “Pectolvan”, “Bronchial”, “Timsal”, “Gerbion”, “Doctor Theis syrup”, “Bronchosept”, “Stoptusin”, “Equabal” and etc.

Contraindications and side effects

Thyme should not be used by small children.

It is also contraindicated in the following cases:

  • for kidney or liver diseases;
  • for gastritis with high acidity and gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • with frequent constipation;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • arrhythmias;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • asthma;
  • emphysema,
  • chronic hypertension.

The herb is prescribed with great caution to children over two years of age and pregnant women. An absolute contraindication is individual intolerance to the plant. In case of overdose or allergies, nausea, vomiting, and increased sweating may occur.

In general, thyme is an effective folk remedy for treating many ailments. But it must be used wisely to get only the benefits.

The strongest (from Latin Thymus, Greek thymon - strength) spice – Thyme!
Thyme (Thymus) is a genus of strongly aromatic subshrubs of the Labiatae family, also known as thyme, thyme, Bogorodskaya grass, matter.
More than 400 species of thyme are known, the most commonly used are Common Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and Creeping Thyme (Thymus serpillum).

Use in cooking spices thyme

Thyme leaves are used in cooking. In thyme they are hard, almost leathery, short-petioled, with oblong-shaped plates.

The best chefs use thyme as a seasoning, preferring, of course, to add a fresh plant, which, unfortunately, is not always possible. A tablespoon of fresh thyme is equivalent to a teaspoon of dry thyme.

Thyme has a pleasant strong odor and a pungent, strongly spicy, bitter taste.

Aromatic, vitamin-rich thyme leaves are used as a spice. It improves the taste, imparts aroma, and gives a bitterness. It remains one of the leading spices in baking. Improves the smell and taste of vegetable dishes, especially potatoes and cabbage.
Thyme as a seasoning for fatty foods not only significantly improves and enriches the taste, but also promotes its digestion.

One might say, it is simply necessary when preparing potatoes, pork, lamb, fish, and meat pates (from pork) fried in lard. It is used to season poultry (goose, duck), game, and offal dishes. Thyme is also used when cooking fatty fish.
Thyme goes well with egg dishes and cheeses. Its popularity for smoking foods is undeniable; no spice enhances the taste of lentil, pea and bean soup like thyme. In fresh and dried form, thyme is used for pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, and squash.

Leaves are added to salads, borscht, vegetable soups, chicken broths. This spice is irreplaceable in the preparation of fish dishes and game. Thyme is used to flavor cheeses, add it to sauces, marinades, fried foods(potatoes, mushrooms, eggplants), added to spicy mixtures, added to pickling vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.), healing teas and aromatic drinks are prepared with it.
The leaves are used as a spice in cooking, canning and the alcoholic beverage industry.
Feel free to add Bogorodskaya herb to various dishes, but keep in mind that due to the high content of thymol, thyme can have an irritating effect on the stomach, liver and kidneys. Therefore, if you suffer from peptic ulcers, then treat thyme with caution.
It adds extraordinary piquancy to meat dishes and is quite rare species- caraway thyme. It's great with garlic and wine (the inseparable pairing of Mediterranean cuisine), and goes best with fish and fried chicken.
But a subspecies of wild thyme is quite common in cooking - lemon thyme with pronounced lemon tones. Its tiny heart-shaped leaves go especially well with seafood and sweet dishes.
It is interesting to use lemon thyme in the classic French (Gascony) product Confit - a kind of canned duck, goose or pork.
Fresh and dried leaves, young shoots of all types of thyme are used, like marjoram, in pea and bean dishes, as well as in making sausages. Thyme is one of the main aromatic herbs in French cuisine and is always included in the bouquet garni and herbes of Provence spice mixtures.
In Spain, Greece, and Turkey, thyme oil is used for pickling olives. Thyme is popular not only in Europe, it is also an ingredient in the Jordanian seasoning zakhtar, the Egyptian mixture of dukkah. In Central Europe, thyme is used in soups and egg dishes, and in the kitchen American state Louisiana is added to the famous Creole dishes gumbo and jambalaya.
The above-ground part of the plant before fruiting is used in the production of drinks. Leaves and young shoots of thyme are used as salad and for pickling cucumbers. They are used to flavor sausages, vinegar, cocktails, and tea. Fresh and dry leaves are used for these purposes.

Store dried thyme (thyme) in a dry, dark place in a tightly closed porcelain or glass container.
Thyme fully reveals its aroma during prolonged heat treatment, so it is added at the very beginning of cooking.
An excellent spicy seasoning for roasts is made from thyme and rosemary with the addition of salt.
Thyme is good when combined with pepper, this enhances its aroma.
In powder form, it is used in large doses in all kinds of fish dishes and minced fish. When frying fish, thyme is mixed in large quantities with breading (with flour 1:2). In addition, thyme is sprinkled on cheeses, and it is also used in the preparation of homemade cheeses. It also goes well with vegetables.
Thyme is added to liquid dishes 15 - 20 minutes before cooking, to other dishes - during the cooking process.
Thyme is highly appreciated by lovers of vegetarian dishes. It is added to fried potatoes, mushrooms, scrambled eggs, eggplants, and used for pickling and salting. Drinks made with this plant are very aromatic.

In everyday life, thyme is used as a spice for salting, soaking, as a seasoning for vegetables, meat, fish and other dishes, and for flavoring sausages. Sauces, cheese, jelly, tea.
In Italy, thyme is used to marinate olives.
If you put it on clothes in the closet, it repels moths.
Thyme essential oil is used in perfumery and the canning industry. Thyme is a valuable honey plant.

Use in medicine spices thyme
Since ancient times, thyme has been revered as a divine herb that can restore a person not only to health, but also to life. The ancient Greeks used it for fainting in the form of snuff.

Thyme (thyme) herb contains 0.1-0.6% essential oil, tannins and bitter substances, gum, resin, flavonoids, organic and mineral salts. Green thyme leaves are rich in vitamin C and minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium).
Thyme essential oil is a colorless or light yellow liquid with a strong pleasant odor, which contains thymol (20-40%), corvacol, tannins, bitterness, serpilin, etc.
The presence of thymol and other components makes thyme a bactericidal and antimicrobial agent. Numerous preparations rich in thymol are used as an anthelmintic, disinfectant and analgesic.
Thyme is used in folk medicine for gargling, for whooping cough and bronchitis, joint pain, heart pain, radiculitis, and neuralgic diseases.
It is believed that thyme decoctions dissolve mucus when bronchial asthma. It is used in the manufacture of powders, cough tablets (thyme is a component of Pictusina), tinctures to calm the nerves, etc.
You can simply rub fresh leaves in your hands and breathe in their aroma, since it is the essential oils of thyme that have antibacterial properties.
In order to fight microbes, thyme essential oil is added to an aroma lamp, bath or inhalation solution. It is best to use fresh thyme. If this is difficult, take medications; you need to store thyme in a sealed container. If dry thyme has lost its characteristic odor, it means that the essential oils from it have evaporated and the healing effect has weakened.
Thyme helps digest fatty foods. It provides significant assistance for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; it is a choleretic, blood purifying, and diuretic. There has been an undeniable effect of thyme on insomnia.
Thymol, originally isolated from thyme, as well as decoctions and powder in folk medicine are used in the form of dressings for radiculitis and inflammation sciatic nerve. In the form of a decoction or ointment made with honey, it “cleanses the chest and lungs,” promotes expectoration and soothes pain. Thyme promotes digestion. As a bath, thyme is useful for nervous diseases, radiculitis, rheumatism, skin rashes, diseases of joints and muscles. Mixtures containing thyme essential oil are used as an external rub.
Thyme is used to rinse the throat and mouth for stomatitis and gingivitis.
The phenolic compounds contained in thyme irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, increase the secretion of the digestive glands, and are therefore used in treatment chronic gastritis With low acidity.
However, it should be noted that thymol is contraindicated in cases of cardiac decompensation, liver and kidney diseases, gastric ulcers, and also during pregnancy. Thymol can cause hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
Thyme increases blood pressure, and the effect develops gradually and persists long time, therefore, use of the recipe with thyme is contraindicated for hypertensive patients.
The list of diseases for which thyme helps: enterocolitis, fermentopathy, gastrointestinal dyskinesia, dysbacteriosis. Thyme infusions have a mild diuretic effect. For kidney diseases, thyme infusions taken orally also act as a mild pain reliever.
A bath with thyme has a strengthening effect on the nervous system. Baths with thyme are also very useful for treatment gynecological diseases. But such baths are contraindicated when high temperature body, high blood pressure, severe heart failure.
Thyme oil is a source of thymol, which is widely used to disinfect the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx; is part of Hartmann's liquid, used in dental practice as an anesthetic, and is an antifungal agent for fungal skin diseases (in particular, actinomycosis). Thymol also has an anthelmintic effect and is used to treat helminthic infestations(in the treatment of hookworm, trichuriasis and necatoriasis). Sometimes thymol is prescribed orally as an astringent for gastrointestinal disorders and flatulence.
In folk medicine, the plant was used as a diuretic, anticonvulsant and sedative for whooping cough, neuralgia, and stomach cramps. In the form of ointments and lotions, thyme was used for rheumatism, as a wound healing agent for skin diseases. A powder made from the herb serves as a snuff for fainting.
Thyme herb, collected during the flowering period, has sedative, analgesic, antispasmodic, disinfectant, wound-healing and aromatic properties. Used when hypertension, atherosclerosis, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for medicinal baths and douching.
Eating Bogorodskaya grass can create an aversion to alcohol.
Ancient Tajik medicine considered thyme an antidote for bites poisonous insects, an antiemetic and a remedy useful for pain in the abdomen and uterus.

Description spices thyme
This medicinal and aromatic plant is native to the Mediterranean, where it grows in rocky heaths and evergreen shrub forests. Hundreds of species of thyme of the genus Thymus of the Labiatae family grow throughout almost all of Eurasia, North Africa, the Canary Islands and even Greenland.
Thyme (thyme) is a perennial subshrub. The stems are numerous, creeping, thin, rooting, with age they become woody at the base and form erect or ascending flowering shoots 15-20 cm high. The leaves are petiolate, small, opposite, entire, oblong-oval, hard with protruding glands. The flowers are small, pinkish-violet, collected at the ends of the branches in inflorescences. The fruit is a small, spherical, smooth black nut.
Grows in dry open sandy places, on hills, next to bushes, in dry pine forests. Thyme is cultivated in Europe and the USA as a medicinal, decorative, spicy and aromatic plant. In Russia, wild creeping thyme is harvested in the Stavropol, Krasnodar territories and Rostov region. 6 domestic varieties of thyme are registered.
Thyme (thyme) is an undemanding, drought-resistant, winter-hardy plant. Areas with fertile, loose, neutral soil of light or medium texture, free from weeds, should be allocated for it, well illuminated by the sun, protected from cold winds.
Thyme (thyme) is propagated by seeds and vegetatively by dividing bushes.
Thyme greens are dried during the summer (in July-August, cutting off flowering shoots with a knife or scissors), starting from the second year of life.
Flowering shoots are cut for medicinal purposes. The fruits are harvested for seeds in the third year of life, when they turn brown. The thyme herb tied into bunches or spread out is dried in partial shade in the air. In dryers, the temperature should not exceed 35°C (as for any raw material containing essential oils).

It is necessary to chop the greens and grind the seeds immediately before use, so that the aroma and smell do not evaporate. Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.

The plant is very fragrant; previously it was used as a component of incense during religious services. The plant is one of the best honey plants. Bees collect unusually fragrant honey from thyme.

Thyme is easy to grow at home, for example, in a container on a balcony or on a windowsill with average watering.

Story spices thyme
The first written mention of thyme dates back to the third millennium BC. e. (cuneiform tables were found with a recipe for a poultice of pears, figs and thyme) - the ancient Sumerians used it as antiseptic.
The ancient Egyptians used thyme as one of the ingredients in the complex embalming process. They also used the herb thyme for leprosy and paralysis.
The name thyme comes from the Greek thymiama (incense, fragrant smoking) - the Greeks dedicated it to Aphrodite and burned it in the temples of the goddess. The fragrant smoke rising to the sky meant that the goddess accepted the sacrifice.
It has long been believed that thyme gives courage, and another suggestion for the origin of the name is from the Greek thymon - strength. Even later, there was the Latin Thymus - strength, and Roman soldiers took baths with thyme before battle to increase vitality and courage.
Scottish highlanders drank tea with wild thyme for the same purpose. The glory of the plant as a symbol of courage has passed through the centuries - in medieval Europe ladies gave a sprig of thyme and embroidered it on the shirts of their knights in the hope that the thyme would give them courage in battle and remind them.
Theophrastus and Avicenna also wrote about the properties of thyme, who included thyme seeds in complex medicines based on honey, vinegar, oil or wine, along with the seeds of caraway, celery, parsley, mint, valerian, hyssop, asafoetida and garlic.

An old Irish legend says: if you wash your eyes with dew collected from thyme bushes at dawn on the first of May (after Walpurgis Night), then you can see fairies.

Even modern experts claim that “thyme helps insecure, sensitive, nervous people to open up; restores strength and awakens emotions...”

Thyme penetrated beyond the Alps in the 11th century. The first mentions of it can be found in the “Physics” of Abbess Hildegard von Bingen, in Albertus Magnus, in the herbalist P. A. Mattiolus (Prague, 1563).

Dishes with thyme spice

Stories with the spice thyme

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Or thyme(lat. Thýmus, family Lamiaceae) is one of the most popular aromatic plants known in many cuisines of the world. It is a low-growing (up to 35 cm tall) shrub or subshrub. This perennial ground cover plant has more than 200 species. Distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Eurasia and North Africa. Cultivated in many Mediterranean countries (Spain, Italy, France), Germany, Austria, Romania, USA. In post-Soviet territory, thyme is grown in Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Central Asia.

The uses of thyme are varied: it is used as a spicy essential oil spice in cooking when preparing vegetables, meat, hot or cold dishes, soups, and sauces. A few leaves or a sprig of thyme added to vegetable or butter will add sophistication and special taste to meat, vegetable, fish dishes. Thyme is one of the classic components of the famous Herbs of Provence seasoning. It is indispensable in canning olives and other products. This fragrant herb serves as one of the main components necessary to obtain a blend in some alcoholic products. Thyme essential oils are widely used in the perfume and cosmetics industry. Its decorative properties are also well known, which is why thyme is often planted on alpine hills, in rockeries, and used to decorate garden and park compositions.

Since ancient times, thyme was considered a cult plant among the Slavs. Even today, Orthodox icons are decorated with bouquets of it on religious holidays. Dry stems, leaves and inflorescences of the plant are used to fumigate rooms with incense. This tradition has been preserved since the Middle Ages, when during terrible epidemics that claimed the lives of millions of people, bonfires were lit and thyme sprigs were thrown into them as a strong antiviral and antibacterial agent. The plant is very effective as an insecticide and repellent - it is often used to repel harmful insects.

The healing properties of thyme are associated with the essential oils found in its flowers and leaves. They contain a significant amount (20 – 54%) of thymol, known as one of the most powerful antimicrobial agents. Thyme has long been known primarily as medicinal plant. It contains beta-carotene, vitamins (PP, C, A, B 5, B 9, B 6, B 1, B 2), minerals(potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, sodium, selenium), tannins, organic pigments, essential oils, oleanolic acid, gum, terpenes and other biologically active components. IN official medicine The use of thyme as a component of antitussive and anti-inflammatory drugs (Pertussin, Pectusin syrup), drugs for the treatment of helminthiasis and trichuriasis is well known. Traditional healers The plant is used as a wound-healing, antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, antispasmodic, diaphoretic and diuretic drug. Regular consumption of thyme decoction for two weeks helps get rid of alcohol addiction.

However, it must be remembered that thyme is like medicine should be used with caution, as the plant has some restrictions on its use. Due to the significant amount of thymol, it is contraindicated during pregnancy, cardiosclerosis, cerebral atherosclerosis, various types arrhythmias, hypofunction of the thyroid gland, liver and kidney diseases, and increased stomach acidity. In addition, it is important to consider his hypothyroidisminfluence and remember that long-term use thyme is unsafe and can lead to depression and dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Thyme growing near the house creates a unique peaceful atmosphere during its flowering, enveloping the surrounding area in a cloud of pleasant aroma. It is not difficult to grow, since the plant is quite unpretentious. Can grow in one place for 3 – 5 years. Best conditions for thyme - sunny areas with moderately fertile, non-acidic, loose soil (sandy loam, loam). The crop is very responsive to calcium, so a certain amount of lime added to the soil will have a beneficial effect on the development of the plant. You can add wood ash to the beds, which will serve as a mineral supplement.

Thyme is propagated by seeds, cuttings or dividing the bush. The most effective way is to sow seeds in previously prepared soil. It is carried out in the spring, in warm weather, when the threat of return frosts has passed and the air has warmed up to a temperature of at least + 13° C. Thyme seeds are very small, so for convenience they are mixed with not a large number sand, and then sown in well-moistened grooves, equidistant from each other at a distance of 40 - 60 cm, no more than 1 cm deep, sprinkled on top with a thin layer of peat or sand. By covering the crops with plastic film, you can get seedlings after 15 - 20 days. When the first true leaves appear, grown seedlings are thinned out, leaving a distance of 10–20 cm between them. In the case of decorative carpet plantings of thyme, it is grown without thinning. For better tillering of seedlings, they resort to pinching the tips of the shoots.

Caring for crops involves lightly loosening the surface of the rows and timely removal of weeds. Only in case of severe drought is it recommended to water the beds, since thyme is a drought-resistant plant. As a regular fertilizing, it is enough to fertilize the beds with urea (3% solution) and a universal mineral complex every spring. For regions with cold climates, it is practiced to cover areas where thyme grows with fallen leaves or peat.

Thyme can be harvested in early summer, during the budding period, and in the fall, in September, when the content of essential oils in the vegetative part of the plant is maximum. Upper part The stems (1/3) are cut, carefully tied into bunches and dried in a shaded and well-ventilated place. Healing properties herbs last for two years.

Fragrant spicy thyme was known back in Ancient Rome and Greece: soldiers of the powerful armies of these states bathed in water infused with thyme to gain strength. At the same time, it began to be used as a spice, and the Egyptians used it instead of perfume and anointed the dead with it during embalming. In the 11th century, thyme spread to Europe, where it was brought by Benedictine monks.

Types of thyme

thyme photo

Thyme is a subshrub whose height rarely exceeds 40 cm. It has small, pointed, oval-shaped leaves of a dark green color, a bitter taste and a spicy smell. It grows in the European part of Russia (in the middle and northern zone), in Armenia, Belarus, Siberia, Kazakhstan and Crimea. If you want to pick it, but don’t know what thyme looks like and are afraid of making a mistake, take a closer look at its flowers: they are small, white or lilac color.
There are several popular types of this plant:

  • creeping thyme is a perennial herbaceous bush, popularly known as thyme, it spreads along the ground, and its entire above-ground part is subject to harvesting, which is picked during the flowering period and dried in bunches;
  • common thyme is a perennial shrub containing from 20 to 40% thymol, it is grown either by dividing the bush or from seeds, it does not require special care, and its greens can be picked throughout the summer;
  • lemon thyme is a garden form that has a brighter taste and smell than wild varieties, and also has a delicate citrus accent;
  • Colchis thyme is a perennial variety, also called creeping thyme, it has a strong warm aroma.

Composition and beneficial properties

Thyme contains many vitamins and nutrients

Thyme is a herb that contains the strongest plant antibiotic carvacrol, which kills Staphylococcus aureus. This plant contains essential oil (1-2%), characterized by large amounts of thymol, linalol and caryophyllene. In addition, thyme contains:

  1. cymol;
  2. ascaridole;
  3. terpineol;
  4. borneol;
  5. gum;
  6. ursolic acid;
  7. calcium;
  8. magnesium;
  9. potassium;
  10. sodium;
  11. iron;
  12. selenium;
  13. beta-carotene;
  14. vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, E, K, PP;
  15. choline

The thyme plant's medicinal properties are determined by its composition. Essential oil has bactericidal, antimicrobial and antifungal effects. Thyme extract has expectorant properties, increases the volume of secretory secretions of the mucous membranes and stimulates the ciliated epithelium in the upper respiratory tract motor activity.
Thyme tincture improves the passage of gases and helps digest fatty dishes and foods. Medicines, which contain thyme essential oil, help with dry lesions in the larynx and throat mucous membranes to loosen inflammatory deposits, help thin mucus and speed up the process of its removal. When taking it orally:

  • the development of pathogenic microflora is inhibited;
  • greater secretion of gastric juice is stimulated.

In addition, thyme is used in medicine as an antispasmodic.
Lemon-smelling thyme is used to prepare infusions and decoctions, which are used to rinse the mouth and oropharynx for inflammatory diseases caused by pyogenic bacteria. You can also use them to make medicinal baths and lotions for various skin diseases, and a decoction of this plant is often prescribed for laryngitis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia and tracheitis.
Thyme oil is used in the manufacture of medical soaps, powders and pastes. Dry and fresh thyme leaves are boiled and drunk for:

  • radiculitis;
  • joint pain;
  • neuralgic diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • heart pain;
  • low blood pressure;
  • insomnia;
  • poor appetite.

Thyme as a spice

dried thyme is widely used in cooking as a spice

Thyme is a seasoning used in many cuisines around the world. In order to obtain this spice, fresh or dried young leaves of the plant are ground or crushed. But dried thyme contains a higher essential oil content, so this spice will have a more pronounced taste and aroma, and it is added to dishes in a 3:1 ratio to fresh herbs.
Dried spice can quickly dissipate, so be sure to store it in a well-closed glass container or aluminum foil package.
Thyme is used to complement smoked meats, meat dishes, pork, lamb, veal; this spice is perfect for making cheese, meat and fish pates, mushroom and game dishes.
Thyme has also found application in home canning: dried and fresh, it is added as a spice when pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, squash and many other vegetables.
You can make drinks from the leaves and shoots of this plant, and simply add the leaves to salads, snacks, marinades and liqueurs in the distillery industry. Creeping thyme - thyme - is added to sausages and a healing and aromatic tea is brewed from its leaves.
This spice perfectly complements dough products and baked goods. But thyme goes especially well with dishes made from potatoes and various cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts). Very often, thyme is used in cooking when preparing fatty meat dishes, as it improves digestion.
The popularity of this plant among chefs is easily explained: unlike most spices, thyme does not lose its taste and aroma during the cooking process and can be added at the beginning of cooking. It is also used as part of various spicy mixtures and spices.
Some housewives claim that they know what can replace thyme. They say that dishes with oregano taste very similar to food to which thyme has been added. This is not entirely true. Firstly, the tastes of food with these herbs only vaguely resemble each other, and secondly, the unique aroma and medicinal properties of thyme cannot be compared with any other types of plants.

Thyme in folk medicine

thyme infusion has anti-inflammatory properties

Thyme shoots are used for medicinal purposes. Greens are harvested from the second year of the plant’s life. The raw materials are dried in a room with good ventilation or in the open air, but it is very important that the workpiece is not exposed to direct sun rays.
It is necessary to chop or grind thyme immediately before use, since if you do this in advance, then all the smell and aroma will disappear.
In folk medicine, this herb is used in the form of infusions, decoctions and lotions.

  1. Anti-inflammatory infusion: 1 tbsp. l. dried or fresh raw materials are poured into 200 ml. warm water and infuse for 10-15 minutes. Take it three glasses a day between meals.
  2. Infusion for diseases of internal organs: 1 tsp. chopped dry thyme mixed with 200 ml. warm water, leave for no more than 30 minutes, strain and drink warm morning and evening.
  3. Infusion for asthma: equal amounts of thyme herb, tricolor violet, coltsfoot leaves, anise seeds, elecampane root and arnica flowers, mix and brew 200 ml. water 1 tbsp. l. such a mixture. Take on an empty stomach three times a day.
  4. Decoction for digestive disorders and neurosis: mix equal proportions of thyme, plantain, knotweed, lemon balm, gentian and angelica roots, pour 1 tbsp. l. a glass of warm water and drink 50 ml before meals.
  5. Compress for rheumatism: make a paste from fresh leaves and apply it warm to the affected areas.
  6. Compress for skin diseases: mix thyme decoction with olive oil in equal quantities.
  7. Aromatic baths: 500 gr. pour 4 liters of herbs. water, boil for 2-5 minutes and add to the bath. They are effective for arthritis, asthenia, gout and wet cough.
  8. Thyme exhibits its beneficial properties best in the form of essential oil. For neuroses and various infectious diseases, simply drop it into 1 tsp. honey (3-5 drops) and take three times a day.
  9. From 25 gr. menthol, 5 gr. Peruvian balsam, 10 gr. thyme oil and 80 gr. ethyl alcohol You can make a mixture for inhalation. 1 tsp. the mixture is stirred in boiling water in a deep plate and medicinal vapors are inhaled for coughs and colds at least twice a day.