About the use of alcohol tincture of propolis with milk at home. Using propolis with milk at night for colds Hot milk with propolis

In winter, the human body receives much less vitamins, the immune system is weakened, and a person can easily catch an infection. Milk with propolis, drunk at night, helps get rid of many health problems and strengthen the immune system. This remedy prevents viruses and bacteria from entering the body.

It has some contraindications and features of use, which is why you should first consult with your doctor so as not to harm your health.

Features of the medicine

Many people are interested in what bee propolis is and how exactly it acts on the body. In the spring, as soon as the buds begin to bloom on the trees, bees pick off sticky substances from them. Under the influence of certain enzymes secreted by bees, bioactive additives are converted into propolis.

Clean product It is very difficult to treat, as it burns the mucous membrane of the mouth and makes the tongue numb. That is why a tincture is most often made from it, which is mixed with milk.

This medicine has a wide spectrum of action and helps in the treatment of various diseases. Milk fats absorb propolis components, saturating the healing drink with useful substances. The beekeeping product is very rich in components that bring great benefit human health. Thanks to this composition, it has many medicinal qualities, namely:

  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • antioxidant.

In addition, this remedy protects the body from various infections, saturates with energy, promotes better fast healing wound Propolis helps very well against viruses and colds, and in combination with milk it helps to quickly and effectively eliminate pathogens. This useful solution helps cope with respiratory diseases and flu, and also calms the nerves, normalizes well-being and improves sleep.

Benefits and harms

Hot milk has long been used to treat colds, as the effect of its use is noticeable very quickly. If you combine it with beekeeping products, the medicinal qualities of such a product increase significantly. However, despite the benefits of propolis, it is an allergen, so you should definitely consult a doctor before using it.

In addition, preparations made on the basis of beekeeping products can be addictive, and then the treatment will be ineffective, so it is recommended to carry it out in courses, and then take a break for 2-3 weeks. Long-term use this product in large quantities On the contrary, it may weaken the immune system.

Before preparing and taking such medicine, you need to know exactly what bee propolis is and exactly how it acts on the body. Improper use may cause side effects, which are expressed in:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the liver;
  • allergies.

To increase the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria, milk drink with the addition of honey products should be taken in doses.

In what cases is it used?

Propolis tincture mixed with milk helps to effectively cope with many diseases, for example, with the following:

  • bronchitis, ARVI, pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • duodenitis, gastritis;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • eczema and other skin diseases.

In addition, this medicine helps normalize cholesterol levels. The milk-honey mixture helps normalize the menstrual cycle and relieve pain. The medicine can be used as a prophylaxis to strengthen the immune system and improve overall well-being. It helps relieve irritability, fatigue and has a positive effect on the psyche.

It is recommended to take milk with propolis regularly at night for severe pulmonary cough, chronic fatigue and vitamin deficiency. In ancient times, this remedy was taken to get rid of alcohol addiction. Nowadays, it has also proven its effectiveness, since beekeeping products reduce cravings for alcohol.

Milk with propolis has a beneficial effect in the treatment of pancreatitis. This product helps to even out hormonal background and get rid of such pathology.

How to cook properly

It is important not only to know what propolis tincture with milk helps with, but also how to prepare it correctly remedy to get maximum benefit. You can make medicine with either pure bee glue or tincture.

The first recipe implies that you need 2-3 tbsp. l. Grind the propolis using a fine grater. It's best to freeze it first. Then you need to fill it with warm water. All components unsuitable for preparing the medicine will float to the surface. They need to be drained along with the water.

After cleaning the propolis, boil 0.5 liters of milk in an enamel bowl and add bee glue to it. Then reduce the heat to low and simmer the medicine for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, filter and cool. When the milk has completely cooled, a thin waxy coating will appear on its surface that needs to be removed. Before use, warm the medicine and drink milk with propolis at night.

You can also prepare a healing remedy based on alcohol tincture bee glue. To do this, take 100 ml of milk and heat it without bringing it to a boil. Add 25 drops of alcohol tincture to it and mix.

This product must be used very carefully. Contraindication is alcohol addiction. Also, this remedy is not recommended for treating children.

When using propolis with milk medicinal properties and contraindications must be taken into account first of all, so as not to harm your health. The mixture has a pleasant taste and aroma. It is used to treat colds, flu, and lung diseases. If you regularly drink milk with propolis at night, you can very quickly eliminate the existing disease and also strengthen the immune system. This remedy kills pathogens, relieves inflammation, eliminates runny nose and normalizes well-being.

For adults you need 1 tbsp. Add 40 drops of propolis tincture to hot milk and mix. For children over 12 years old, add 10 drops of tincture to the same amount of milk. To improve taste and enhance therapeutic effect you can add 1 tsp. honey The duration of treatment is 10 days.

Hot milk with propolis at night helps cope with ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis and many other diseases of the digestive system. The substances contained in natural bee glue help eliminate pain and inflammation. Answering the question about the benefits of milk with propolis at night, it must be said that this remedy suppresses the development of necrosis and also promotes the restoration of the mucous membrane.

To treat stomach diseases, you need to consume the drink before meals 3 times daily, 1/3 cup. To eliminate erosion at night, you should drink 1 tbsp. hot milk with 20 drops of ready-made alcohol infusion propolis. Treatment continues for 20 days.

A mixture of milk and bee glue is widely used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The product helps with arthritis, arthrosis, myositis, gout. Medicinal mixture normalizes blood microcirculation in the joint area and eliminates pain. You need to take 125 ml of warm milk and add 30 drops of propolis tincture. Drink 3 times daily, best taken 2 hours before meals.

For external use, a waxy film is required, which forms on the surface of the milk when propolis is added. It must be applied to the affected area.

The ideal remedy is propolis milk for all diseases, as it copes perfectly even with problems with skin. It has a wound-healing, analgesic, antipruritic and restorative effect. You need to take a medicinal product prepared according to basic recipes daily before bedtime. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to add 20-30 g of honey to the finished drink.

For external use, mix milk and sea buckthorn oil in equal proportions and add 2-3 drops of alcoholic infusion of propolis. Apply the prepared product to the affected areas of the skin.

During pregnancy, every woman must pay increased attention to her health. Propolis is useful to take during this period, as it has a beneficial effect on a woman’s body, strengthens it, provides protection from various external irritants, enriches it with vitamins, and has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.

Milk with propolis at night is very useful during pregnancy and lactation, as this product destroys toxins, accelerates regeneration processes, prevents the growth of pathogens, and has an analgesic effect. It is worth noting that the use of alcohol tinctures is prohibited. It is recommended to use pure product. Before use, you should definitely consult a doctor, as he will be able to eliminate all risks, and also recommend how to drink propolis with milk at night during pregnancy in order to achieve the required therapeutic effect and prevent the development of complications.

For pregnant women and children, when preparing the medicine, use either pure bee glue or a water infusion. To make it, you need to place crushed propolis in a 1:2 ratio in an enamel saucepan. Place the vessel in a water bath and leave for 1 hour. Leave the solution to brew for 6 hours, filter. Pour into a dark glass bottle. Store for 7 days.

Use in childhood

Milk with propolis for colds is often prescribed to children, as this remedy helps cope with unpleasant symptoms (cough, runny nose, high fever). Treatment is carried out very quickly and without complications. This remedy is simply irreplaceable, as it practically does not provoke side effects.

It is recommended for children to use milk with propolis at night from the age of 2. The optimal amount of tincture is 0.5 tbsp. milk is quite easy to calculate. The number of drops should correspond to the age of the baby. To make the medicine more tasty, you need to add 1 spoon of honey.

It is worth remembering that the temperature of the milk should be no more than 40 degrees, otherwise there will be no benefit from honey. It is imperative to first determine whether the child has allergies. To protect against colds, it is imperative to take a preventive course in spring and autumn.

Special instructions

You need to know not only what propolis tincture with milk helps with, but also how to take it correctly. This medicine can be taken for no more than 5 days. With longer use, addiction to the mixture occurs. As a result, the medicine no longer helps in the fight against disease.

The break between courses of therapy should be approximately 20 days. The only exception is the treatment of pancreatitis and gallbladder. If you periodically experience stomach problems, you can take a 5-day course of the remedy every 6 months. If you give this medicine to children at night, you may notice that their sleep improves.


In order for the healing agent to give maximum results, as well as to prevent the development of complications, before using propolis with milk, the medicinal properties and contraindications must be studied first. This natural remedy, which cannot cause harm to the body.

The only one absolute contraindication to the use of a healing agent is intolerance to the components included in the composition, which can be easily determined. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of propolis to your hand and cover it with a band-aid. If redness or itching appears during the day, it means there is an allergy. In addition, it is forbidden to take this remedy if:

Propolis can be taken together with other medications, but an interval of 2 hours must be maintained between doses. In all other cases, this remedy helps to quickly strengthen the immune system and normalize well-being.

Propolis with milk is a new discovery of a long-forgotten old folk remedy. Imagine - this remedy cures almost all diseases! You say this can’t happen? Your right! But those who tried to be treated with propolis milk were convinced in practice of its effectiveness. Believe it or not, this recipe for health is not only accessible to everyone, but simply immutable.

Propolis + milk = health

Propolis is a product produced by bees during the processing of sticky substances collected from various plants. It is a dense plasticine-like mass with a specific color (dark green, gray or brown) and odor. The taste of this product is bitter and pungent. It dissolves poorly in water, but easily in alcohol. People knew about the healing properties of propolis back in ancient times. Its Greek name suggests that it was known in Ancient Greece. Translated: “pro” - in front, “polis” - city, means “in front of the city”. Attentive Hellenes noticed that bees carefully cover all the cracks in their home with propolis, and in winter, the entrance. This is not surprising, by doing so they are protecting their “city”.

After all, this substance has powerful anti-putrefactive, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is not without reason that the priests of Ancient Egypt actively used propolis in the mummification of dead pharaohs and in medicine. It is still used to treat various ailments today. To do this, use this substance in its natural form, tablets, water infusion, alcohol tincture, ointment, oil extract, paste. Let's consider the use of propolis in another form, namely with milk.

Is it worth telling you about the benefits of milk and its unique composition? Let's face it, if you are a mammal, then milk is the product that your body will accept naturally and in accordance with the laws of Nature. It is interesting that propolis itself, a poorly soluble product, literally dissolves in milk when heated and begins to act in tandem, reaching every cell of the body.

Composition and beneficial properties of propolis with milk

Taking propolis internally provides the body with strong immunity. The combination of milk with this bee product significantly reduces its inherent bitterness and burning sensation, which does not at all reduce the anti-inflammatory effect of this remedy. Interestingly, in this composition there is more high concentration useful minerals, microelements and vitamins. Milk with propolis contains many essential and beneficial amino acids for the body. This composition is rich in magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, chromium, iron, zinc. Propolis with milk contains copious amounts vitamins: A, C, E and P and group B. Thanks to the wide range of ingredients included in the mixture useful substances, it has a number of medicinal properties, namely:

  • wound healing;
  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunostimulating.

Propolis with milk has established itself as a wonderful anti-cold remedy and a remedy that can defeat various pathogenic viruses and bacteria. This healthy drink provides especially indispensable help in cases of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. Propolis with milk helps to cope with pneumonia, bronchitis, and sore throat. This natural antibiotic. And thanks to pinocembrin, which is part of it, it protects the body from pathogenic fungi. This remedy improves well-being, saturates the body with strength and energy, and calms the nervous system.

The combination of propolis with milk has a therapeutic effect in cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. This drink successfully normalizes cholesterol, relieves inflammation in the stomach, pancreas, gall bladder and intestines. This milk mixture works great for various skin problems, including eczema.

Propolis with milk is used to treat female diseases and to normalize menstrual cycle. It effectively copes with fibroids, cervical erosion, colpitis, and mastitis. It is used for infertility.

The methods of using the mixture for the treatment and prevention of various diseases are different. Let's get acquainted with some recipes for a healing drink.

Colds, ARVI, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma

  • For colds, coughs, sore throat and fever, this medicine is prepared. Boil 300 milliliters of milk, add one tablespoon of peeled and crushed propolis to it. Boil the mixture over low heat, stirring it constantly. After this, the brew is filtered through a fine sieve and allowed to cool. Elements of hardened wax are removed from the surface of the drink. If you are sick, take a teaspoon every hour. In order to prevent colds and diseases of the ENT organs, drink the drink one teaspoon 15 minutes before meals for 7 days.
  • For ARVI and flu, cough and elevated temperature It is useful for the body to drink a glass of hot milk with propolis tincture at night. To do this, pour in 45 drops of the alcohol preparation and stir.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, gallbladder, pancreas, nephritis, cystitis

  • For treatment gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, pancreatitis, duodenitis, cholecystitis, also take milk (600 ml). Boil it with 3 tablespoons of crushed pure “black wax”. (Before this, the propolis is placed in the freezer to harden.) Filter and take 40 ml every two hours for 4 days. Then they take a break of 3 days and repeat the course. Subsequent courses of treatment alternate with three-month breaks.
  • You can prepare a healing drink using a regular (pharmacy) alcohol tincture of propolis. Take 40 drops per glass of hot milk, stir and drink at inflammatory diseases abdominal organs immediately before bedtime for 5 days.
  • For gastritis, it is recommended to prepare and take such a healing composition. For 100 milliliters of propolis tincture take 10 milliliters of rosehip or sea ​​buckthorn oil. Bring the mixture to a boil and strain through a fine sieve. Cool. Take the drug with milk, 30 drops 40–60 minutes before meals, three times a day for two weeks. After a week's break, the course of treatment is repeated. The product is stored in a cool place.
  • If you have kidney disease or bladder use a mixture of milk, propolis and honey. Add 30 drops of propolis tincture or a tablespoon of crushed product to 200 milliliters of milk. Add one tablespoon of honey to the hot mixture. Drink immediately before bed and wrap yourself well in a blanket.
  • This recipe is used to treat stomach ulcers. For 200 ml of hot milk, take 60 drops of propolis alcohol tincture (30%). The resulting composition is divided into three portions. Take the medicine three times a day 30 minutes before meals for 3 weeks.
  • Treatment of stomach or duodenal ulcers is more effective if honey is added to propolis with milk. For a glass of hot milk, take 50 drops of tincture and add a teaspoon of honey. Take the drink three to four times a day before meals for 21 days.
  • The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of propolis help get rid of pancreatitis. ½ teaspoon of propolis alcohol tincture (10%) is diluted in 100 ml of milk. Drink the product on an empty stomach in the morning and immediately before bed. Soon, thanks to the regeneration of the mucous membrane of the gland, the integrity of the organ will be restored. It is useful to add honey to this composition.
  • Traditional medicine successfully treats gastroduodenitis with propolis and milk. The following healing mixture is prepared: 10 g of walnut kernels crushed in a mortar and 220 ml of milk, brought to a boil. Add one teaspoon of honey and 30 drops of propolis tincture to the composition. Mix everything and take the product in three doses during the day before meals. By the evening the pain will significantly decrease, the nausea will go away and the belching will stop.

Prostatitis, adenoma, vesiculitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system in men

  • For the treatment of prostatitis, such a mixture is prepared. 20 drops of propolis alcohol tincture are poured into 50 ml of warm milk. Stir and drink this dose three times a day. For organ disease genitourinary system in men, along with propolis milk, it is recommended to take 5 g of propolis purified from various impurities daily orally twice a day before meals. To obtain the greatest therapeutic effect, it should be placed under the tongue and left until completely absorbed.
  • Chronic prostatitis, adenoma, vesiculitis and other diseases of the male genitourinary system can be cured as follows. 30 grams of fresh propolis are dissolved in one liter of hot milk. Take the drug three times a day 40 minutes before meals.

Joint pain, gout, arthritis, rheumatism

Menstrual irregularities, fibroids, inflammation of the appendages

  • 15 drops of propolis tincture per 100 milliliters of milk at night gives an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect for severe menstrual pain and pain with adnexitis.
  • Traditional medicine suggests treating uterine fibroids as follows. Three times a day, an hour before meals, take the mixture: 50 milliliters of milk and 15 drops of 30% alcohol propolis. Treatment is carried out in courses: drink the drug for 25 days, then take a 10-day break and repeat. Thanks to the antitumor properties of propolis, fibroids gradually decrease and disappear.
  • Myoma is treated and water infusion propolis. A thick extract (30%) is prepared. For a month, it is taken before meals, dissolved in warm milk. Additionally, when taking the medicine at night, tampons soaked in the extract are inserted into the vagina.

Diabetes mellitus and other diseases of the endocrine system

  • Against high sugar 30% propolis tincture with milk is taken in the blood. Directions for use and dosage: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tincture is diluted in milk. Take 4 times a day before meals for at least 40–45 days. (Prepare a tincture: 12 g of bee product is poured into 100 ml of alcohol, infused for 18–21 days ).
  • Normalizes work thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system such a remedy from the arsenal folk recipes. 20 drops of tincture are diluted in small quantity milk. Take the medicine 5 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Course of treatment: at least 3.5 months.
  • With diffuse or nodular goiter, impaired thyroid function, it is recommended to take 20% propolis tincture with milk three times a day, 40 drops. The course of treatment with monthly breaks is 1 year.

Skin diseases, burns, wounds

  • For the treatment of festering wounds, burns, boils, eczema and acne, folk medicine offers a remedy for external and internal use- propolis milk. It is prepared like this: take 50 grams of propolis (crushed) for 0.5 liters of hot milk. Boil the mixture over low heat for 5–7 minutes. Strain and pour into sterilized glass jar. Remove the wax layer from the cooled surface of the milk. The finished product is used for compresses, lotions and washing wounds. It is taken orally twice a day, two tablespoons.

Low immunity

  • To increase the body's protective functions and improve resistance to infections, traditional medicine also advises drinking propolis with milk and honey. For this you will need no more than 4 g of bee glue, 100–150 ml of hot milk and a teaspoon. Course: 1 month. It is useful to conduct such health-improving and preventive courses before the onset of cold weather and the flu season.

The nuances of treating children with propolis with milk

Children can also be treated with propolis and milk. However, up to 6 years, the product should be prepared with a significantly reduced proportion of components. Add only 4 drops of propolis alcohol tincture to half a glass of milk.

After 6 years, the dosage of the bee product is gradually increased. Warm milk with propolis quickly relieves cold symptoms in children and increases the body's defenses. The drug is given before bedtime. The only thing you should do before using propolis is to make sure your child is not allergic to bee products.

Contraindications and possible harm

Natural propolis cannot harm health. The only contraindication to the use of bee glue is individual intolerance. Therefore, before starting treatment with it, you need to do an allergy test. A small propolis cake is applied to the hand and secured with a plaster for 8 or more hours. The presence of an allergy will “give itself away” by redness of the skin or itching.

It must be remembered that in people with allergies to bee products, after taking propolis in its pure form or in combination with milk, the body may become covered in a rash and begin to itch very much. Often, symptoms such as headache, swelling, dizziness, weakness.

A warm, spicy cocktail of milk with propolis is a wonderful folk remedy for many diseases. The magic potion has a complex effect on the body: if you set the goal of getting rid of a sore throat, you will simultaneously cure, for example, chronic gastritis who was annoying for many years. And at the same time, the painful boil will disappear without a trace - the healing mixture perfectly eliminates skin problems.

Healing cocktail of propolis with milk

Milk and propolis - these wonderful gifts of nature, when united, show their best with redoubled force useful qualities, strengthen them and direct them for the benefit of man!


One of the most amazing products of nature is propolis, oza, and bee glue. Scientists to this day cannot formulate with complete certainty how exactly bees produce this inconspicuous-looking resinous substance. It is generally accepted that ouse is a product of fermentation by bees of sticky spring resins, which they collect from plants and flavor with pollen additives.

However, even in ancient times, people noticed and appreciated the unique properties of this truly folk remedy. It was used to sterilize wounds and surgical instruments by the ancient Incas, who, by the way, even successfully performed craniotomy! Every Roman legionnaire was required to carry a piece of propolis with him to treat wounds. And the ancient Egyptians included bee glue in the secret formulas of potions for embalming the bodies of the pharaohs.

Only the bees themselves know exactly why they need propolis. They simply would not be able to survive without this strange substance - at the same time hard and viscous, in all shades of brown. The hive uses all the properties of propolis. Protecting the life of the family and the peace of the bee house, the bond works here as

  • immunostimulant,
  • bioregenerator,
  • antiseptic,
  • antimycotic,
  • antibiotic.

By the way, effective natural antibiotic, which is part of bee glue, modern pharmacology is not yet able to synthesize. Researchers have not yet fully decided how propolis can be used - there are still many great discoveries to be made in this industry.

Why is it effective?

But what is known today about the composition of this unique substance is impressive and attracts people to it. close attention traditional healers. However, the bond does not have any stable formula - whatever the bees were able to collect, they created glue from it very creatively.

More than half of propolis consists of waxes and resins, which in turn contain flavonoids, fatty and aromatic acids, alcohols and esters. Impurities of pollen also add proteins and amino acids. In addition, propolis contains a huge complex of vitamins and minerals, as well as sugars, steroids, lactones, ketones, quinones...

All useful components and best qualities propolis are completely extracted into alcohol and are perfectly preserved in the form of such an extract. Alcohol tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. How to prepare propolis tincture yourself? It's not difficult - you will need:

  • propolis - 100 grams;
  • ethyl alcohol - 100 grams.


  1. Warm the propolis a little in your hands.
  2. When the bee glue softens, roll it into a thin cake and roll it into a loose roll.
  3. Keep the prepared propolis in the freezer for 8 to 12 hours.
  4. Grate the roll on a fine grater.
  5. Pour the resulting shavings with high-quality alcohol.
  6. Seal the container with the tincture and place it in a cool, dark place.
  7. The mixture must be shaken vigorously every day.
  8. Infusion lasts at least ten days, optimal time- three weeks.
  9. Filter thoroughly and store away from sunlight.

The better the propolis is crushed, the more healing tincture, from large pieces the extract will be weak

The alcohol for infusion can be replaced with vodka, but in this case the concentration of nutrients in the extract will be lower.

Preparation of alcohol extract from propolis - video


The first taste of life is milk, unique complex nutrients and nutrients. Unlike the mysterious propolis, the composition of milk is quite stable and has been studied, as they say, far and wide.

Composition of cow's milk - table

NutrientQuantityNorm% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% normal
Squirrels2.9 g76 g3.8% 7% 76 g
Fats2.5 g60 g4.2% 7.8% 60 g
Carbohydrates4.8 g211 g2.3% 4.3% 209 g
Organic acids0.1 g~
Water89 g2400 g3.7% 6.9% 2405 g
Ash0.7 g~
Vitamin A, RE22 mcg900 mcg2.4% 4.4% 917 g
Retinol0.02 mg~
beta carotene0.01 mg5 mg0.2% 0.4% 5 g
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.04 mg1.5 mg2.7% 5% 1 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin0.15 mg1.8 mg8.3% 15.4% 2 g
Vitamin B4, choline23.6 mg500 mg4.7% 8.7% 502 g
Vitamin B5, pantothenic0.38 mg5 mg7.6% 14.1% 5 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.05 mg2 mg2.5% 4.6% 2 g
Vitamin B9, folates5 mcg400 mcg1.3% 2.4% 385 g
Vitamin B12, cobalamin0.4 mcg3 mcg13.3% 24.6% 3 g
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid1.3 mg90 mg1.4% 2.6% 93 g
Vitamin D, calciferol0.05 mcg10 mcg0.5% 0.9% 10 g
Vitamin H, biotin3.2 mcg50 mcg6.4% 11.9% 50 g
Vitamin RR, NE0.8 mg20 mg4% 7.4% 20 g
Niacin0.1 mg~
Potassium, K146 mg2500 mg5.8% 10.7% 2517 g
Calcium, Ca120 mg1000 mg12% 22.2% 1000 g
Magnesium, Mg14 mg400 mg3.5% 6.5% 400 g
Sodium, Na50 mg1300 mg3.8% 7% 1316 g
Sera, S29 mg1000 mg2.9% 5.4% 1000 g
Phosphorus, Ph90 mg800 mg11.3% 20.9% 796 g
Chlorine, Cl110 mg2300 mg4.8% 8.9% 2292 g
Aluminium, Al50 mcg~
Iron, Fe0.1 mg18 mg0.6% 1.1% 17 g
Iodine, I9 mcg150 mcg6% 11.1% 150 g
Cobalt, Co0.8 mcg10 mcg8% 14.8% 10 g
Manganese, Mn0.006 mg2 mg0.3% 0.6% 2 g
Copper, Cu12 mcg1000 mcg1.2% 2.2% 1000 g
Molybdenum, Mo5 mcg70 mcg7.1% 13.1% 70 g
Tin, Sn13 mcg~
Selenium, Se2 mcg55 mcg3.6% 6.7% 56 g
Strontium, Sr17 mcg~
Fluorine, F20 mcg4000 mcg0.5% 0.9% 4000 g
Chromium, Cr2 mcg50 mcg4% 7.4% 50 g
Zinc, Zn0.4 mg12 mg3.3% 6.1% 12 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars)4.8 gmax 100 g
Sterols (sterols)
Cholesterol8 mgmax 300 mg
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids1.7 gmax 18.7 g

Milk has been used for medicinal purposes as long as humanity has existed. And the conscious use of this most valuable natural product has been going on for a very long time - the history of domestication of the wild ancestors of cows, goats and sheep began about ten thousand years ago.

The legendary ancient healers Hippocrates and Avicenna recommended the use of milk for treatment for everyone, especially children, and they considered the milk of goats and donkeys to be the most beneficial.

Since ancient times, this folk remedy has been used to heal consumption and other respiratory diseases, to recover from serious illnesses and general strengthening, stabilization nervous system, treating many internal organs and systems. One of the most famous beneficial properties of milk is that the highly concentrated calcium it contains is easily absorbed by the human body. This also applies to other micro- and macroelements, of which there are up to fifty in milk.

A jug full of benefits

In combination with milk, propolis is absorbed much easier and faster, and its active substances are specifically transported to diseased organs and tissues. Convincing results are obtained by using the mixture for the following problems:

  • for colds and other diseases of the ENT organs (and their symptoms: cough, temperature);
  • ailments digestive system(gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis and other inflammatory processes);
  • problems of the genitourinary system of women and men;
  • diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases;
  • for skin diseases;
  • to improve immunity;
  • to normalize nervous system disorders: insomnia, neuroses, etc.

Propolis with milk without alcohol

In cases where the use of alcohol is unacceptable, it is quite possible to do without it. Need to take

  • milk - 0.5 liters;
  • crushed propolis - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Bring milk to a boil; With constant stirring, pour pieces of propolis into it.
  2. Reduce the heat to low and keep the mixture on it for another quarter of an hour, without stopping stirring.
  3. While still hot, strain the milk through a double layer of gauze.
  4. When the mixture cools, a layer of wax will float to the surface and harden - it must be carefully removed.
  5. The medicine is ready; It spoils quickly, so it must be stored in the refrigerator.

This non-alcoholic cocktail treats colds well: relieves inflammation, fever and softens cough; helps with ailments of the gastrointestinal tract; strengthens immune system and mobilizes the body's defenses, heals eczema, and normalizes women's cycles.

Intake rate for propolis milk decoction: a dessert spoon three times a day before meals. For prevention, the folk remedy is drunk for a week, the treatment course takes from two to three weeks.

All diseases are better for us - options for using a healing mixture

The powerful anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties of a milkshake with propolis have wide range applications. For treatment in most cases, in the absence of contraindications, a mixture of milk with an alcohol extract of bee glue is used. Its preparation is simpler than the non-alcoholic version.

Down with inflammation, infection and insomnia!

The most common dosage of a healing cocktail: 20 drops of propolis tincture in half a glass of warm milk - it should be drunk in small sips an hour before meals, three times a day.

Scheme for taking propolis tincture with milk - table

DiseasesReception scheme
For colds and pulmonary diseases2–3 courses for 10 days; break - 3 weeks
To enhance immunity and prevent5–7 days
For gastritis and stomach ulcers5 courses of 10 days at 3-week intervals
For the treatment of pancreatitisTake for 30 days, repeat the course after a 30-day break
At nervous disorders and insomniaCourses for 2 weeks, break - 10 days
For arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid joint pathologiesUp to six months in courses of 10 days with breaks of 3 weeks
For prostatitisDuration of treatment - 2–3 months; gradually increase the single dosage from 20 to 40 drops per half glass of milk
For painful periodsTake 4-5 days before your period

We provide details

For the treatment of some specific diseases, there are features of the use of folk remedies, which are important to discuss in more detail.

For pancreatitis

Regular intake of propolis milk heals the pancreas and gradually normalizes its functions. Two apply alternative options treatment.

Option 1.

  1. Grind the propolis into fine crumbs.
  2. Pour a little propolis crumb into boiling milk (1 cup) on the tip of a knife.
  3. Stir until dissolved, cool to a comfortable temperature.
  4. Drink before bed, an hour and a half after dinner.

Option 2.

  1. Prepare a regular alcohol-containing mixture: 20 drops of propolis tincture in half a glass of milk.
  2. If the pancreas reacts poorly to milk, just stir a tablespoon of it in a glass of water and add some tincture.
  3. Take at night, only warm.

Pancretitis - serious illness, folk remedies can only play a supporting role in its treatment

Pancreatitis takes a long time to treat, at least six months. Ten-day courses of treatment are interspersed with three-week breaks. Following a strict diet is mandatory.

For diabetes

Treatment of type 2 diabetes can be carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Day 1 - 1 drop of tincture per tablespoon of warm boiled milk;
  • 2nd day - 2 drops;
  • 3rd day - 3 drops;
  • 4th day - 4 drops;
  • from the 5th day until the end of treatment - 5 drops per tablespoon of milk.

Treatment is long-term, up to six months. The remedy is taken every morning on an empty stomach; you can have breakfast no earlier than half an hour later.

For the treatment of eczema, boils, stomatitis

Internal use of alcohol tincture with milk helps get rid of skin diseases- both acute and chronic. Natural medicine is taken according to the usual regimen, in courses of ten days.

For children

Propolis with milk is a wonderful remedy for treating the upper respiratory tract in children. Colds, sore throats, bronchial diseases go away quickly and without complications, along with all their unpleasant symptoms: high fever, cough and runny nose. The healing cocktail is recommended from the age of two.

The optimal dose of tincture for half a glass of milk is easy to calculate: the number of drops should correspond to the age of the child (3 years - 3 drops, 5 years - 5 drops, etc.). Make the medicine tasty so that children drink it more willingly - add a spoonful of honey to it. Remember that the temperature of the milk should not exceed 40 degrees, otherwise there will be no benefit from honey. And be sure to find out in advance whether your baby is allergic to these products.

To protect against colds Be sure to give your child two preventive courses - in spring and autumn.

Don't let the alcohol content in propolis tincture scare you. Its doses are so microscopic that it will definitely not harm the child.

How to take propolis tincture correctly - video


Under no circumstances should you diagnose yourself based on symptoms from the Internet, much less prescribe medications for healing in the same way. Self-medication has never brought anyone any good. Only a qualified doctor can accurately determine what disease you suffer from and prescribe individual scheme treatment and, in particular, advise specific dosages and timing of taking propolis with milk - if this folk remedy is indicated in your case. But just take it as auxiliary element main treatment.

There are few contraindications, but they are significant. Individual intolerance to the components of the mixture is possible: indigestibility of lactose or an allergy to honey products - these options categorically exclude the use of the product.

We should not forget that propolis tincture contains alcohol. That's why healing cocktail should be used with caution and only after consultation with a doctor during pregnancy and breastfeeding child. A compromise solution for pregnant women and small children may be a significant reduction in dosage, but it is still better to replace the alcohol base of the propolis extract with water or prepare propolis in milk without alcohol according to the above recipe.

It is very important to follow the regularity of intake, rules and dosages appropriate to the disease. Propolis is very active substance, and its overdose can bring more harm than good.

In winter, the body practically does not receive the necessary vitamins and microelements. Therefore, the immune system weakens and we get sick. To prevent this from happening, we need to constantly help our immune system. Propolis in this case will come in handy more than ever. However, propolis itself is tasteless and bitter to such an extent that a burning sensation appears in the mouth. But if you drink propolis with milk, you can slightly improve its taste. This treatment helps not only strengthen the body, but also fight the cold in its early stages.

The cocktail includes everything necessary vitamins and microelements to keep the immune system normal throughout the winter. IN composition includes vitamins A and B, as well as minerals such as iron, copper, silicon, and aluminum. It is noteworthy that this remedy not only improves immunity, but also speeds up metabolism.

Before you start taking such a tincture, you should consider in detail what beneficial and medicinal properties it has. Many people prefer to drink propolis with water, however, it is best to mix propolis with milk. It's possible extract all the beneficial substances to the maximum, and also get a good taste.

Propolis milk has the following effects on the body:

In addition, it should be noted that this combination of products helps to quickly heal wounds. Therefore, this folk remedy is indispensable for herpes sore throat, as well as in cases where wounds form in the mouth or throat.

Propolis with milk: application

This folk remedy is considered one of the most effective for various diseases. If we talk in more detail about diseases, then The most common ones include:

It is noteworthy that milk in combination with propolis helps improve overall well-being during critical days in women. Propolis milk is also used to treat various women's diseases. Sometimes infertility treatment is even practiced.

Cooking recipe

You should start taking propolis already at the first signs of illness. Since as soon as your throat starts to hurt or a runny nose appears, you need to immediately take treatment so that there are no consequences later.

If we talk about the recipe, it is like this:

Add a couple of tablespoons of propolis to 500 ml of milk and mix everything thoroughly. Next, put the solution on low heat and boil for a quarter of an hour. Then the resulting solution must be filtered well, and after it has cooled, the frozen wax crust must be removed. It should be noted that the solution should be stored in the refrigerator.

There is another recipe for making such a cocktail. The main difference is that in this case, milk is added drops of alcohol tincture. So, you need to add 20–25 drops of propolis alcohol tincture and about 120 ml of hot milk. You should drink the product while it is warm.

If you are preparing a tincture for a child, you will need to reduce the proportions slightly: add 2-3 drops of alcohol tincture per 50 ml of milk. But if your child is over 7 years old, then the dosage can be increased slightly. To receive maximum effect the product should be taken at night.

How to take propolis tincture with milk?

There are no special instructions as such, however, there are small recommendations that will help enhance the effect of taking such a remedy.

  • Firstly, the tincture is best taken at night.
  • Secondly, this cocktail should not be taken for a very long time. This is explained by the fact that the body quickly gets used to it, so the medicine may lose its healing properties. Maximum term The drug should be taken for no more than 5 days.
  • Thirdly If you periodically have stomach problems, you can drink a 5-day course of propolis milk every six months.

Features of treatment for children

It is possible and necessary to treat a child with propolis and milk. Propolis with milk can be given to children from a very young age. However, before doing this, you should consult your doctor and make sure in advance that the child is not allergic to the components of this product. But if the child is under 6 years old, then the proportions during cooking should be significantly reduced. For half a glass of milk you will need to take only 4 drops of alcohol tincture. The effect of application does not take long to wait.

What are the contraindications?

If we talk about lactose intolerance, then no questions arise here. But to establish propolis intolerance, you should do a small test. To do this, apply a piece of beeswax to the skin and cover with a band-aid. If nothing appears within 24 hours, then everything is fine. However, if you experience itching, burning and other unpleasant symptoms, then you should avoid propolis-based products altogether.

In Soviet times, almost everyone was treated with propolis tincture, which they drank in its pure form, with lemon juice or with milk. Now pharmacies offer a wide range of remedies, but many of them do not so much cure as cripple - as our compatriots put it. But propolis tincture - universal remedy with pronounced therapeutic effect, which has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases its resistance to disease and promotes the growth of new cells.

The use of milk with propolis will be discussed in today’s article.

General information

Propolis tincture includes a beekeeping product obtained during the processing of plant adhesives. A plastic dark green or brownish-gray mass with small inclusions of plant particles has a bitter, slightly astringent taste and a rich, subtle aroma. Due to the content of waxy and sticky particles, it is poorly soluble in water, but it is good in the form of an alcohol-based tincture.

Back in Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt knew about the enormous benefits of this product. The name “propolis” is also of Greek origin and is translated as “in front of the city” - the fact is that a swarm of bees strengthens its hive and covers the voids with propolis, which then hardens.

This element of ancient medicine is still actively used today. It is taken not only in its pure form, but also as a paste, oil concentrates, ointments for external use, tablets, and aqueous suspension. Propolis is more effective and easily digestible when dissolved in milk. It is this method of reception that will be discussed.

Milk is an equally complex and nutrient-rich product. In combination with a heated drink, propolis not only dissolves better, but also acts more actively, saturating every cell of the body with useful substances.

Composition and beneficial properties of the product

What is the reason for the popularity of such an unusual elixir? First of all, the combination of natural propolis or its concentrated alcohol tincture provides strong immunity. Milk, which tastes sweeter and more pleasant, neutralizes the bitterness of propolis. It should be brought to a temperature of 50 degrees so that the propolis dissolves evenly, but does not lose its beneficial properties. This miracle product should not be diluted with freshly boiled milk.

When combined with milk, propolis saturates the body with a complex of essential amino acids, beneficial minerals and trace elements. All vitamins B, C, fat-soluble A, E and D, KK, P and others have a beneficial effect on all internal organ systems. The useful substances include chromium, manganese, zinc, selenium, iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, silicon.

A drink based on propolis and milk, to which you can also add vitamin concentrates or other auxiliaries food additives, has a pronounced immunomodulatory, antioxidant, antiviral effect. It heals wounds and cuts no worse than mumiyo solution, and has an antibacterial and disinfectant effect. If the body is struggling with fungal diseases, then you need to urgently start taking the drink.

What else is a propolis-based drink useful for? It fights acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, lowering high temperature first to low-grade fever, and then to normal. It effectively fights any infections and viruses, as well as pathogenic bacteria. It has proven itself to be especially effective in the fight against Staphylococcus aureus- one of the most dangerous bacteria for the human body.

In terms of its composition, propolis is a natural antibiotic, only unlike pharmaceutical drugs, it is gentle on the intestines and does not destroy beneficial microflora. It also has no side effects such as headaches, nausea, or disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Pinocembrin, which is part of it, destroys fungi of the Candida class, so it should be used for stomatitis and thrush.

Bronchitis, tracheitis, and tonsillitis, which have tormented more than one generation of people, can be effectively treated with propolis diluted in milk. Tuberculosis of the lungs and liver is gradually cured by taking the magic elixir daily. A propolis-based drink reduces blood cholesterol to normal levels. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract disappears after the start of regular intake of the drink.

Skin diseases - from acne to eczema and psoriasis - are treated with topical and internal use of propolis. After starting treatment, skin cells activate the regeneration of the dermis, so layer by layer it is renewed until it returns to normal.

Women should definitely take this natural medicine to protect your endocrine and hormonal system from various violations. Diseases female organs– colpitis, endometriosis, mastitis, cervical erosion and even oncological diseases disappear after starting to take propolis.

Preparing the drink

Propolis can be mixed in milk in its pure form - for this add 1 tbsp. l. product into warm milk, stir and place in a water bath. You can also cook it with cold, rather than warm, milk.

But many people find the tincture format more convenient - it dissolves well in milk and does not leave unattractive dark particles in it. It can be prepared with alcohol, vodka, water, milk or butter.

  • Propolis in vodka

The classic recipe includes 1 tsp. (10 g.) propolis and 100 ml. 90% of the alcohol, which is stirred, is poured into a dark glass container and placed in the refrigerator for 10-14 days, shaking occasionally. The extract is poured into milk drop by drop.

  • Propolis on water

Propolis in water is prepared simply - add 1 tsp to 100 ml of water. (10 g.) of the product, put on low heat. The water should not boil, otherwise the product will spoil. Cook for about an hour. Once a uniform, homogeneous emulsion is obtained, it can be strained through a sieve and poured into a glass bottle. It is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days and taken drop by drop.

  • Propolis in oil

An elixir based on propolis and sea buckthorn oil is prepared according to the second recipe. Mix 20 drops of the prepared water or alcohol tincture with 20 drops of sea buckthorn oil, shake and place in a water bath for 50-60 minutes. Then the drink is cooled, poured into a bottle or several bottles - depending on the quantity - and refrigerated for no more than 10 days.

  • Propolis with milk

The milk drink is prepared as follows. Mix 2 tbsp. l. (50 grams) of propolis with a liter of milk, bring to a boil in a water bath and cook, stirring, for another 10 minutes, then cool, filter and put in the refrigerator. Store for no more than 5 days.

Can propolis harm you?

It seems that the question itself is somewhat incorrect - can bee glue, this unique product with dozens of useful substances, cause harm to the body? It turns out it can.

Individual intolerance and allergies caused by propolis can only worsen the condition of the sick person’s body. Therefore, before taking, make sure that you are not allergic to the product. Also, you should not use propolis in large quantities and uncontrolled - an overdose of vitamins may occur, which can also lead to a deterioration in the body’s condition. Allergies and overdose of propolis manifest themselves similar symptoms– itching of the skin, rash, headache, swelling, weakness and disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

Buy a special propolis patch - they are sold at the pharmacy. Do a test for intolerance to the components of the product by gluing it under the kneecap or on the bend of the elbow. At allergic reaction itching and redness will occur.

Treatment of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections

For treatment infectious diseases and colds, you should use one of the propolis tinctures according to the above recipes. Also experts traditional medicine recommend another one effective recipe restoration of immunity to fight the disease.

Boil a liter of milk, cool slightly, add 3 tbsp. l. frozen propolis, crushed to crumbs. The drink is stirred until smooth, placed in a water bath, then poured through a fine sieve and left to cool. The drink is taken 1 tsp. every hour. For prevention, take a drink of 1 tsp. 15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 7 days.

ARVI and acute respiratory infections are often accompanied by dry unpleasant cough and sore throat, which worsen at night and prevent the patient from sleeping. In this case, milk with propolis will have a double effect - anesthetic and immunomodulatory. Thanks to milk fat and wax, the sore throat will stop.

Low immunity in adults and children

Due to poor environment, poor nutrition and stress, we often get sick. To increase the body's protective functions and bring the immune system back to normal, you will need to regularly use propolis tincture mixed with milk. Stir 4 grams of the product in a glass of warm milk, add a little butter and drink in small sips. The course of treatment is 20 days. Before the onset of annual influenza epidemics, such a measure is simply necessary.

The same drink is made for children, only honey is added for sweetness. If an alcohol tincture is used as a medicinal base, then only 3-4 drops are dripped into the milk, no more. For older children - after 7 years - you can increase the dose to 6-8 drops.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system

Pancreatitis and cholecystitis are treated with a drink based on 600 ml of milk and 3 tbsp. l. ice cream and propolis ground into crumbs. It is filtered and taken every 2 hours, 40 ml for 4 days with a three-day break and then repeated. Also, for gastritis, add 10 milliliters of sea buckthorn oil to 100 milliliters of alcoholic tincture of propolis, boil, and then filter and cool. The medicinal drink is taken 30 drops an hour before meals, 2 times a day for 14 days. After a week's break, repeat.

Stomach ulcers should be treated by adding honey to the drink. Add 50 drops of tincture and 1 tsp to a glass of hot milk. natural honey. The course of treatment is 21 days, 3-4 times a day.

Gastroduodenitis is treated with a healing mixture of 10 g of walnut kernels crushed into powder and 220 ml of milk. The milk-nut mixture is brought to a boil, added to the drink and mixed with 1 tsp of milk. honey and 30 drops of propolis tincture. Take before meals 3 times a day of an attack - the drink has an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect, so by the evening the pain will subside, as will the nausea.

Joint diseases

Elderly people, as well as professional athletes, often experience joint pain, drying up of intra-articular fluid, rheumatism or even gout. You can get rid of these diseases if you regularly take medicinal drinks based on propolis, milk and natural honey. To treat joint diseases, take a tincture diluted in milk according to one of the recipes; you can also use it topically, lubricating it and making lotions in the joint flexures.

We treat joints with propolis: grind 10 grams of the product into powder, soak in 150 ml of alcohol. The prepared tincture, diluted with a small amount of milk, is taken in the morning half an hour before meals.

With strong inflammatory process or polyarthritis, you need to dilute 1 tsp in 100 ml of hot milk. propolis tincture, mix and drink. Folk medicine drink 3 times a day.

Treatment of diseased joints is carried out using crushed frozen propolis with water in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture is heated in a water bath for 1.5 hours, then filtered. Drink the extract in an amount of 7 drops, diluting it with hot milk.

Another recipe: add 80–90 g of fresh propolis to 800 ml of milk, cook over low heat, then allow to cool and remove the film from the surface. The wax is not thrown away - it can be used for compresses on sore joints.


Caries is a scourge modern civilization. Each of us has been in a chair at least once in our lives. dental office, and almost every second person experienced acute toothache caused by caries reaching the pulp. To at least relieve the pain, you should rinse your mouth with diluted propolis tincture for 20 minutes.

Prevention of caries requires the use of propolis lotions, which are placed on selected teeth and held as compresses for 20 minutes. Propolis tincture diluted in water also treats gingivitis - inflammation of the gums.

You can comprehensively reduce the risk of caries if you regularly drink a drink based on milk and propolis. Milk contains calcium, which strengthens tooth enamel, and propolis acts as an antiseptic.

Diabetes mellitus and propolis tincture

It is recommended to treat diseases of types 1 and 2 with propolis diluted in milk; 30% alcohol tincture has a powerful effect. regulatory effect on the endocrine system. An enlarged thyroid gland returns to normal after regular use of the drug. A 20% tincture will be effective as a prophylactic agent that protects the body from disorders of glucose absorption.

You can normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland with a drink based on 20 drops of tincture in a small amount of milk. The course of administration is at least 3.5 months, during which the drink is taken 5 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Women's diseases

15 drops of propolis tincture are diluted in 100 milliliters of milk and drunk before bed. For painful periods and adnexitis, the drink has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Traditional medicine also suggests treating uterine fibroids with 50 ml of milk and 15 drops of 30% alcohol infusion of propolis. The course is 25 days, after which a 10-day break is taken.

Another recipe for treating fibroids is to prepare a thick extract (30%) and take it before meals for a month, dissolving the product in warm milk. It is recommended to moisten cotton swabs with the extract and place them in the vagina overnight.

Treatment of skin, hair and nails

Water tincture of propolis can also be used topically. They moisten a cotton pad with it and wipe their feet with a fungal disease.

Acne and acne marks will fade if they are treated with a cotton swab dipped in propolis alcohol tincture. It can also be used as a toner for oily skin.

For burns, cuts and wounds, it is recommended to take water tincture propolis, apply it to gauze and apply to the affected area. When crusts appear, you can additionally make compresses from sea buckthorn oil. You can also do one more thing complex medicine: add 80 g of fresh propolis to 800 ml of milk, cook over low heat, then allow to cool and remove the wax film from the surface. It is used for compresses on affected areas of the skin.

An alcohol solution is added to shampoos and hair masks to improve their condition. They will acquire smoothness and shine due to the covering of damaged scales.

Drinking drinks based on propolis and milk is an ancient practice of treating the body. folk remedies. This product does not have side effects and at correct use provides incredible benefits the body, increasing immunity and fighting a number of diseases. It treats vitamin deficiency, depression, various chronic diseases. Take this healthy drink every day and you can recover from many diseases without expensive medications.