Propolis tincture with vodka: recipe and application. Water tincture of propolis What does propolis insist on?

You will need

  • - Ethyl alcohol 70 degrees
  • - Propolis
  • - Mortar (mill, hammer and clean blade) for grinding raw materials
  • - Fridge
  • - Glass container
  • - Pharmacy preparations of propolis
  • - Abstract to the medicinal product
  • - Doctor consultation


Prepare alcohol tincture propolis on your own. Depending on the doctor’s prescription, the concentration of this beekeeping product can be made from 5% to 50%. The most commonly used is a 20% tincture. For it you need 100 ml of 70-degree alcohol and 20 g of propolis.
- Let the propolis freeze in the refrigerator until it becomes brittle. Grind it in a mortar or hand mill. You can cover the raw material with a piece of clean cotton cloth and tap it with a hammer;
- Pour propolis and alcohol into a glass container and close tightly. Leave for half a month at room temperature, shaking the vessel thoroughly every day.

You can make a “quick” alcohol tincture of propolis if you need to use the product immediately. To do this, take the components in the required proportions; Grind the propolis and heat the alcohol in a water bath to 50 degrees (do not boil!). Add the powder and stir until completely dissolved.

Pour the propolis tincture into a dark glass bottle and place it in a cool place (for example, in a wooden medicine cabinet with solid doors). It is not recommended to store propolis in the refrigerator, as it can lose its properties due to excessive hypothermia. The tincture can be pre-strained or the top liquid can be drained before each use without shaking the sediment.

Use alcohol tincture only as prescribed by a doctor and in recommended doses. Rule out allergies - usually negative reaction occurs immediately on all beekeeping products. Propolis should be diluted in a very small proportion. So, to boost immunity, take only 15 drops of tincture in half a glass of water once a day. An overdose of this drug, on the contrary, can suppress the immune system.

Dilute propolis tincture depending on the specific disease. For example (proportions for):
- When - 10 drops per tablespoon of water;
- For rinsing sore throat- 10 ml per 100 g of water;
- For stomach ulcers, add 20 drops to milk and drink one hour after meals 3 times a day;
- When in ear canal gauze tubes soaked in propolis are inserted.

Buy ready-made propolis-based preparations at the pharmacy. Doctors often prescribe an aqueous suspension (especially) both internally and externally. It contains a hood active substances propolis in small quantities. Hoods are also used with the approval of cosmetologists. If you dilute propolis with oil or petroleum jelly, the ointment has a regenerating effect on the skin, relieves itching and fights fungus.

It is usually recommended to dilute an aqueous suspension of propolis in boiled water. For example:
- 1:1 – for irrigation and making lotions for ulcers. Propolis kills germs and acts as a local analgesic;
- 1:2 – for antibacterial and antiviral drops at and. During epidemics, for prevention, you can instill a diluted suspension into the nose, 5 drops 2 times a day.

Please note

Be careful when buying propolis on the market from an unfamiliar seller - sometimes they sell wax under the guise of this expensive healing agent. Real propolis has dark brown color(a shade of green is allowed) and smells like wax. Taste a piece of propolis: you should experience a slight burning sensation in your mouth and your tongue should be slightly numb. The alcohol tincture of propolis should have a dark brown color and smell of tree resin. Its taste is tart and bitter.

Related article


  • Propolis. Application and treatment with propolis.

Propolis is a natural fragrant substance, a product of the joint creativity of Mother Nature and the bee. Propolis, thanks to its complex chemical composition, used in folk medicine for the treatment of various ailments and strengthening the immune system.


In summer and spring, resinous substances containing huge amount balm-like substances, wax, phytoncides, essential oils and alcohols. The bee collects this resin, processes it, and the result is propolis. Propolis is actually bee propolis, which insects use to seal cracks in the hive, shorten the entrance when cold weather sets in, secure the hangers of frames to the folds, and polish the cells of the honeycombs. Bees wall up mice, snakes, and lizards that have entered the nest with propolis, preventing the rotting and decomposition of their corpses.

In my own way appearance propolis is a resinous amorphous crumb or mass, heterogeneous in structure. The color can be different (gray and yellowish-gray, reddish, yellowish, yellow-brown, brown and dark brown, greenish-brown and greenish-gray), it all depends on the geographical origin, contamination, place of deposition in the hive, storage period. Propolis is often found, which is practically odorless. However, in most cases it emits a pungent, specific aroma of pine needles, poplar buds, honey, vanilla and wax. When burned, propolis releases the smell of aromatic resins.

Consistency of this substance depends, it tends to change over time. At temperatures of -15 degrees and below, propolis becomes a hard, brittle and easily crumbling substance. At higher temperatures it becomes soft and plastic. Freshly harvested propolis is sticky and sticky. Under the influence sun rays propolis hardens and becomes brittle. When heated, it gradually softens.

Propolis contains more than two hundred different compounds. Propolis contains terpene compounds that have a pronounced antifungal effect. This substance contains many flavonoids, which have wound healing and active antimicrobial effect. Present in bee glue organic acids: benzoin, cinnamon, coffee. The listed acids stop the development of bacteria and have analgesic properties. Tannins in propolis they help regenerate damaged tissue, have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The properties of propolis are truly unique. It has a powerful antiseptic property, destroys viruses, fungi and bacteria. The healing properties allow the use of propolis in folk medicine. Currently they treat: skin diseases, long-term non-healing and simple wounds, skin ulcers, ulcers duodenum and stomach gynecological diseases inflammatory in nature, runny nose, neuritis, hemorrhoids, flu, radiculitis, tuberculosis. And it's still far from full list diseases that can be treated with natural bee propolis.

Propolis is a valuable waste product of bees, which is successfully used in folk and official medicine for the treatment of certain diseases. Infusions, tinctures, ointments and creams with this substance are used.

How to prepare propolis tincture at home

If you have the opportunity to buy whole natural propolis, you can prepare your own medications at home, including tinctures and ointments. In this case, you can be confident in the quality of the product.

To prepare the tincture you will need:
- 80 g of propolis;
- 220 ml of medical alcohol 96%;
- 220 ml of drinking water;
- 0.5 l bottle made of dark glass.

If there is no alcohol, you can replace it with high-quality vodka; you will need 450 ml of it.

Before preparing the tincture, you need to clean the raw propolis from impurities. To do this, you need to put a lump of propolis in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, then grind it on a fine grater and pour cold water. The resulting suspension must be mixed thoroughly with a spoon. All foreign impurities will float to the surface, and propolis will settle to the bottom. After 5 minutes, the water can be drained, and the propolis crumbs can be scattered on absorbent paper and dried well.

After this, pour them into a clean dark glass bottle and fill with vodka or alcohol, previously diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Then the bottle should be tightly capped and left to infuse at room temperature for 14 days. Periodically you need to shake the container so that the propolis dissolution process is more efficient. After this time, you need to strain the solution through gauze or a sieve. The tincture is ready.

Propolis tincture does not have an expiration date; over the years, this drug does not lose its medicinal qualities, but you should not use it for many years. If the shelf life of such a tincture exceeds 3 years, it is not recommended to use it internally; only external use is allowed. It's better to cook regularly fresh tinctures– then preventive and healing effect from their use will be higher.

When can you take propolis alcohol tincture?

This drug is used to treat acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, in acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, diseases of the stomach and intestines, to reduce blood pressure as part of complex therapy. Propolis tincture is also used to increase the overall tone of the body, as sedative, insomnia and poor appetite.

When consumed medicines with propolis content, you need to be sure that the patient does not have an allergic reaction to bee waste products. If signs of allergy appear during treatment: itchy skin, swelling of the mucous membranes, runny nose, cough, you need to stop treatment and urgently seek medical help.

In any case, during treatment chronic diseases body with this drug, you should first consult with your doctor about the advisability of its use and the compatibility of propolis with other medications.

Video on the topic

Indications for use of propolis tincture

As part of the pharmacy alcohol infusion ki two components: propolis and ethyl alcohol, at least 70%.

Alcohol tincture of propolis is a clear liquid brown with a predominance of yellow to red shades with the inherent aroma of propolis. Sometimes there may be sediment in the tincture, which is acceptable.

Propolis tincture is widely used in the treatment and prevention of diseases. Indications for use are various inflammations and minor wounds and skin injuries, colds.

It is used in the treatment of:

Various types of microtraumas;

Damage to superficial skin (cuts, ulcers, pimples);

Damage and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth (periodontitis), nose (rhinitis), and ears;

Throat diseases (tonsillitis, pharyngitis);

Ear inflammation (otitis, chronic purulent otitis).

In addition, propolis tincture has not only effective anti-inflammatory properties, but also an analgesic and healing effect.

Contraindications for alcohol tincture of propolis

The main contraindications are intolerance to propolis, as well as other bee products, which can cause allergic reactions. For diseases such as hay fever, you should also be careful when using this tincture.

People suffering from acute skin eczema are not allowed to use propolis tincture.

It is not allowed to apply this product to the affected skin and mucous areas during bleeding.

Contraindication is also childhood up to 18 years old.

Method of use (instructions) of the drug

Propolis tincture is used externally in undiluted form when treating microtraumas of the skin. The tampon is moistened in the tincture and applied 2-3 times a day.

For otitis (after cleansing purulent discharge) insert a tampon with propolis for 1-2 minutes or instill 1-2 drops of the product 3-4 times a day.

When treating a throat (pharyngitis, tonsillitis), lubricate the throat and tonsils with undiluted product 3-4 times a day for 7-14 days. Effective are inhalations, which are carried out 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days. In this case, dilute the tincture 1:20 with water.

In case of periodontal inflammation, tampons soaked in the tincture are inserted into the periodontal sinuses for 5 minutes.

In case of damage to the mucous membrane oral cavity prepare aqueous solution, using the following dosage: 15 ml or one tablespoon of the product per 100 ml (half a glass) of warm boiled water. Rinse at least 5 times a day for 3-4 days.

After using the product in the mouth, it is not recommended to eat or drink for half an hour.

Storage and shelf life of propolis tincture

The medicine should be stored at a temperature no higher than 25°C (possibly in the refrigerator), avoiding exposure to light for 2 years.

Important. Pregnant and lactating women should use propolis tincture with caution and seek advice from their doctor.

Persons driving vehicles should remember that propolis tincture contains ethyl alcohol.

Currently, the population, without the financial opportunity to obtain high-quality qualified medical care, often resorts to old time-tested folk remedies. At the same time, modern pharmaceuticals are not always superior in their therapeutic effectiveness and clinical results simple folk recipes. Therefore, a person sometimes has to think about making the drug himself. This post will tell about cooking dosage forms with propolis bees at home.

Propolis substrate.

Basic information about propolis can be found in the article "".

How to buy propolis?

At choosing (purchasing) propolis at the market (preferably from a beekeeper we know), we mainly pay attention to the smell (aroma). High-quality propolis (with high medicinal properties - a lot of flavonoids, balms, etc.) has a sharp and rich smell. (Propolis should be kept in a tightly sealed container.) The color of propolis varies: from light yellow-green, greenish-brown to brown, yellow-brown, red-brown, even brown and almost black. Over time, the color of propolis becomes darker. The external forms of propolis can be different: balls, lumps, plates, “pencils”, etc. On the market (from the beekeeper) it can be sold both by weight and in fixed volumes (doses).

Propolis can come in different forms.

How to store propolis?

Propolis is stored in a tightly closed glass container (package), protected from light (made of dark glass or in a dark place). The temperature regime is not significant. The shelf life of propolis is long (10 years or more, but there is no need to store it for future use for such a period).

Using natural propolis.

In a number of pathologies and conditions of the body, natural propolis is used in natural form. IN in this case you should take into account the activity of the substances (quality) of the specific fraction of propolis you use. The use of pure propolis orally for the prevention of diseases is permissible in extremely small volumes (1-2 g). The use of propolis externally on sensitive areas (face) should have a limited time frame. Treatment with natural propolis is carried out on the basis of recommendations.

Pre-treatment and purification of propolis.

In most cases, therapy with propolis requires the manufacture of dosage forms. In this case, to better dissolve the propolis and create a uniform concentration, it should be crumbled.

Propolis has the property of softening; temperature is sufficient for this. human body. Therefore, do not try to mash and crumble it. In this case, it will begin to stick to your hands. In order to grind propolis, it should be cooled by placing it in the refrigerator for a while, then taken out and tapped with a hard object (hammer). Well-cooled propolis should turn into dust when tapped.

The following actions that need to be performed with propolis are aimed at removing excess natural impurities (wax, wood chips, particles of bee chitin, crumbs and other impurities). To do this, place the crushed propolis in a container (glass) with cold water. The excess will float to the surface, and the propolis will sink to the bottom. We dry this sediment and then use it to prepare the drug. (Depending on further manipulations, some excess impurities will be removed in the subsequent process of preparing the drug.)

The process of preparing medicine from propolis.

This action involves availability of ingredients (1), maintaining certain proportions(2) and compliance with manufacturing technology(3). Directly forms, ingredients and proportions (their % content) for each disease, as well as treatment recommendations indicated in the article "". Now we will talk about the last (3) point - the technology of preparing potions.

How to make an aqueous solution (aqueous extract) of propolis?

An aqueous solution of propolis is prepared using distilled or boiled water. Crushed purified propolis is poured into a bowl, filled with water in a ratio of 1:5, tightly closed with a lid and infused for 3-5 days in a dark place. The infusion should be shaken periodically every day, and also heated once to a temperature of 40-50˚C for 1-2 hours. Then filter through filter paper. It should be borne in mind that the aqueous solution significantly loses its properties over time. pharmacological activity. If necessary, obtain an aqueous solution in a shorter time, use following methods. 1) Water with propolis (5:1) is heated in a water bath to a temperature of 70-80˚C for 2-3 hours, filtered and cooled. 2) Water with propolis (2:1), stirring constantly, is heated in a water bath to a temperature of 75-85˚C for 15-20 minutes, then the solution is covered and left warm for 6 hours, then filtered through filter paper. 3) The propolis extraction process takes place with constant stirring for 1 hour in a ratio of 10:1 in a water bath at a temperature of 100˚C, then filtered and cooled. The water extract is stored in the refrigerator. Unlike the forms of propolis listed below, an aqueous solution of propolis is distinguished by high bactericidal activity and does not have a strong irritant property.

How to make an alcohol infusion with propolis?

Infusion (maceration, extraction) is carried out by placing and keeping propolis in alcohol certain time.

How to determine the ratio of propolis and alcohol?

The percentage of propolis in an alcohol infusion is taken into account differently than in a cream. Propolis concentration in infusion recorded by a refractometer based on dry residue. At home, the percentage is calculated conditionally. So a 5% solution will approximately correspond to a ratio of 10:1 (4-5%) (per 100 ml of alcohol 10 g of propolis), a 10% solution will have a ratio of 10:2 (9-10%), a 15% solution will have a ratio of 10:3 (15 -17%), 20% solution – 10:4. Propolis infusion with a high concentration has a highly pronounced pharmacological activity. However, it should be taken into account that for each disease one or another concentration is effective propolis extract. Application more high concentration may lead to allergic reactions and complications.

Standard method for making an infusion with propolis.

The classic method of obtaining a 5% alcohol infusion is as follows. 10 grams of propolis are placed in 96% alcohol in the ratio: one part propolis to 10 parts alcohol (in this case, per 100 ml). Leave for three days at room temperature in a dark place, shake (stir) several times daily (about 30 minutes). On the third day, place in the cold for 2 hours (0-5˚) (place in the refrigerator), then filter through filter paper. After which, if necessary, the solution can be diluted to the required percentage with water, oil, or alcohol. Or bring the infusion to the desired concentration immediately before use.

Express method for obtaining an infusion.

In some cases it is required to obtain infusion (extract) of propolisin a shorter time frame than stated here or in a specific recipe. In this situation, the volume (quantity) of propolis should be increased. However, the maceration time should be at least 24 hours. On the other hand, increasing the infusion time increases extraction useful substances from propolis. In another case, to reduce the extraction time of propolis- alcohol solution heated for 2-3 hours in a water bath (40-50˚C), then cooled and filtered.

Assortment of alcohol-containing products for infusion.

Propolis can be infused in medical alcohol of various concentrations, wine alcohol, vodka, moonshine, chacha, etc. In the case of infusion in 40% alcohol (vodka), it is advisable to increase the infusion time and the amount of propolis. Infusion with wine alcohol is considered preferable (it does not dissolve the wax, which is then filtered, and the infusion is obtained with fewer impurities, but this is not so significant).

For domestic needs, people make an infusion with longer infusion periods (8-10 days or longer), which improves the extraction of beneficial substances from propolis.

How to make ointment and oil mixtures with propolis?

Medicinal propolis ointment is prepared on any fat base - animal (cow) or vegetable oil (peach-apricot, apricot, pumpkin, mustard, sunflower, etc.), as well as ready-made ointments and creams industrial production: liquid petroleum jelly, lanolin, salicylic ointment, etc. There are a lot of ways to prepare propolis ointments.

How to determine the concentration of propolis in an ointment?

The concentration is determined by the ratio relative to the base. At 5-10-15-20% (or other) concentration of propolis in the ointment, the ratio may look like this - when receiving 100 grams (ml.) of the drug, 5, 10, 15 or 20 grams of propolis are added with a decrease in the base by the same volume, which will be 95, 90, 85, 80 grams of base, respectively.

How to make propolis oil?

To prepare propolis oils You should use dishes that exclude oxidation processes. Pour the vegetable oil into an enamel bowl and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Then crushed propolis, purified from foreign impurities, is added to the oil (the proportions are different for each disease). The mixture is thoroughly stirred and brought back to a boil and held for a while. After this, we remove the floating impurities, filter the finished homogeneous mixture through cheesecloth and cool. The finished ointment should be stored in a glass container, protected from light, in a cool place.

How to make ointment with propolis?

During cooking ointments using animal oil, propolis is mixed with oil in the required proportion (from 1 to 80%) and heated in a water bath at 80˚C for 15-20 minutes (without boiling), stirring until a homogeneous mass is formed. After this, the mixture, stirring constantly, is filtered through one layer of gauze.

How to prepare propolis ointment?

In the second preparation option ointments, at the beginning, a certain volume of animal oil or petroleum jelly is brought almost to a boil, removed from the heat and cooled to 50-60˚C. Then crushed propolis is added (depending on the desired concentration). The mixture is brought to a temperature of 70-80˚C with periodic stirring for 15-20 minutes until a homogeneous mass is formed. Do not bring to a boil. The cookware must be covered with a lid during the heating process. Then the mixture is filtered through cheesecloth and cooled with constant stirring (for uniform distribution of substances).

How to make an ointment with a high concentration of propolis?

More the hard way receiving ointments with a strong concentration of propolis in a soft extract. At the beginning, an extract is prepared: propolis is dissolved (without prior infusion) by boiling in 96% alcohol in a volume of 10 parts of propolis (100g) and 3 parts of alcohol (30ml). (You can also use the method below for obtaining a soft extract.) The alcohol is evaporated and an easily spreadable mass is obtained. Then take petroleum jelly or petroleum jelly with lanolin in a ratio of 9:1 or 8:2 and melt it in a boiling water bath, then add propolis. For 100 grams of base, add 15-20 grams of the resulting propolis and stir for 5 minutes until completely dissolved. The ointment settles a little and is filtered while hot through gauze.

How to make propolis extract?

Preparation soft hood is always carried out by evaporating the alcohol in a water bath, and a ratio of propolis purified from impurities to alcohol as 1:2 is sufficient. As a result of evaporation, a spreadable mass is obtained. (The soft extract of propolis is distinguished from ordinary propolis, which at room temperature is a solid substance and has the property of being smeared even at low external temperatures.)

Simpler forms of oil potions are also made. For example, finely ground propolis is thoroughly mixed with butter in concentrations - from small proportions to a ratio of 1:2. The finished mixture is stored in the refrigerator.

It is worth making a note - when preparing propolis ointment, it is possible to use not only pure propolis, but its residual fractions after obtaining an alcohol infusion or a water extract.

Sometimes they prepare mixed propolis oil mixtures, which may include different bases. This and oil-alcohol-propolis mixture, and paraffin-vaseline-propolis, and propolis-wax oil mixture, propolis with honey, propolis with milk, oil-propolis mixture with herbs, oil-propolis mixture with dead bees, etc. Some such mixtures can be found in “Recipes with Propolis "

How to make propolis oil and ointment with dead bees?

When cooking oil solution The usual recipe for preparing propolis oil potion is used. Crushed dead fruit is taken in an amount of 10 grams per 100 ml of the drug and boiling is carried out for a longer time - 10-15 minutes. It is better not to filter the solution. The same volume of thoroughly ground dead fruit is used in the preparation of propolis ointment with dead fruit. Ointment with deadstock can be prepared either in the above mentioned methods, with the addition of deadstock, or simply by rubbing the deadstock in prepared propolis oil (animal oil or fat) to achieve uniform distribution in the oil base.

How to prepare milk with propolis?

The preparation of milk with propolis is carried out as with normal boiling. The milk is brought to a temperature above 80˚C (the melting point of propolis), propolis is added (the ratio is calculated in the usual way) and boiled for 10-15 minutes, then filtered, cooled and stored in the refrigerator. This milk does not spoil for a long time when stored. Another recipe: take 200 ml of fresh homemade milk, bring to a boil, then add 10 grams of propolis and boil until a homogeneous mass is formed, resembling vegetable oil, thin sour cream, filtered and stored refrigerated.

How to make propolis honey?

When preparing honey with propolis, you should take into account the property of honey - to push out foreign substances. When cooking percentage observed as in the manufacture of propolis oil or ointment. To obtain propolis honey, you should take the honey, put it in an enamel bowl and heat it in a water bath to a temperature below 70˚C, then pour in pure propolis (finely grated, dust) (observing the above proportions: 3-5-10%) and stir in within three minutes. Remove from the bath, cool while stirring. This method has significant drawback– with a slight excess of the specified temperature regime honey will lose a lot in quality. The second method is more “humane” to honey - the mixture is heated in a water bath at a temperature of 40˚C (but not more than 60˚C) for 15-20 minutes (more is acceptable) until, with constant stirring, it reaches uniform distribution of propolis. After cooling, the mixture is ready for use. Such honey will have a pleasant balsamic aroma and a sweet and bitter taste. You should know that when taking propolis honey, medical indications must be taken into account and the optimal daily dosage must be observed.(This is no longer just honey, but a drug.) The norm is considered to be from half to one teaspoon of propolis honey two to three times a day, half an hour before meals.

How to make propolis rectal suppositories?

For the production of propolis rectal suppositories cocoa butter, little butter are used as a base, pork fat and the like. A 10% alcohol extract of propolis or a soft extract is added to the base. Fat base thoroughly mixed in a 4:1 ratio with 10% extract or 20 g of oil (fat) per 1 g of soft extract. Then candles up to 3 cm in length and up to 1 cm in diameter are formed in molds (or rolled into “cradles”). The finished candles are wrapped in food foil and stored in the refrigerator.

Ready medicines with propolis are stored in a tightly sealed container in a dry, dark, cool place.

Attention! Before preparing your own medicinal drugs with propolis, you should be sure of their necessity, for this I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information

Propolis is a unique product that is actively used in traditional treatment. It is suitable for successful treatment many diseases. Tinctures, decoctions, ointments, and creams are made based on propolis. By following certain recommendations and tips, you can prepare them yourself at home.

Invaluable benefits

Propolis is a substance produced by bees to disinfect honeycombs and seal hives.

Propolis tincture with alcohol has universal properties. Basically, it has a bacteriostatic, bactericidal effect. The tincture eliminates and neutralizes pathogenic organisms. The main advantage of using alcohol tincture is the absence of dysbacteriosis, as there is an improvement in the intestinal microflora.

In addition, the alcohol extract heals wounds and has an analgesic effect. This is an excellent antiseptic, anti-inflammatory mixture, the use of which promotes recovery protective functions the human immune system, cleansing the body of toxins, normalizing metabolic processes.

Cooking features

The alcohol extract can be used in various concentrations - from 5 to 40%. The higher the percentage, the better effect from application. Each recipe is designed for a specific occasion. To reduce irritation to tissues, it is advisable to avoid too much concentrated products. The best option for application – 15%.

To make a similar mixture, use a proven recipe. Take 15 grams of propolis and put it in the refrigerator. After thirty minutes, take it out and cut it into four millimeter pieces. You can grind the product using a kitchen grater. The smaller the particles, the more active ingredients will get alcohol from bee glue.

After crushing the propolis, place it in a dark bottle, and then pour about 85 ml of 70 percent alcohol into it. Close the bottle tightly and shake the solution thoroughly. The bottle must be stored in a dark place. For 1.5 weeks, take it out twice a day to shake. After the specified period of time, you can strain the tincture using gauze. Thanks to the proposed recipe, you can prepare it yourself healing tincture. The duration of its storage according to the proposed recipe is 3 years.

To properly make alcohol tincture of various concentrations, you can use another recipe. To do this you need to connect:

  • 5 grams of propolis and 95 ml of alcohol – 5%;
  • 10 g of glue and 90 ml of pure alcohol - 10%;
  • 20 g bee glue, 80 ml alcohol - 20%.

To prepare a high-quality tincture, you must use natural ingredients, mix in the correct proportions.

Quick tincture

In case the disease develops quickly and there is a need to urgently begin treatment, there is a recipe for a quick tincture with alcohol. To prepare it medical alcohol pour into appropriate containers and place in a water bath. Crushed propolis is added after the temperature rises to fifty degrees Celsius. The mixture must be stirred without stopping until the bee glue is completely dissolved. The product must be used according to doctor's instructions.

Reception features

Treatment with propolis tincture in alcohol has a number of advantages. The product is rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements. The tincture has a beneficial effect on internal organs and systems.

Frequent use of this remedy is observed in the following cases:

  • diseases of the oral cavity – periodontal disease, stomatitis, etc.;
  • colds, ARVI, pneumonia, flu and sore throat;
  • sinusitis, otitis;
  • defeat skin– burns, bedsores, fistulas and wounds;
  • gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis);
  • weak immunity;
  • avitaminosis;
  • predisposition to the formation of blood clots;
  • insomnia, nervous breakdowns;
  • painful sensations in joints, bones.

It's important to follow the rules safe use so that there is no individual intolerance to the composition of the drug or allergic reactions.

Medical therapy

The use of propolis tincture with alcohol is carried out as follows:

  1. Diabetes mellitus. Use 1 tbsp. spoon a day for a month 30% tincture.
  2. Inflammation digestive system, ulcerative lesions. Therapy begins with taking a five percent remedy. In the absence of discomfort or pain, you can increase the concentration to 20-30%. Take 40 drops 1.5 hours before meals, dissolving in ¼ glass of milk or water. Duration of therapy is 1-2 months.
  3. Hypertension (high blood pressure). A concentration of 20% will be required. The drug is taken 1 hour before meals. Dosage – twenty drops 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 30 days, then a break of 2 weeks. If necessary, it is worth repeating the entire course.
  4. Atherosclerosis. Great way– garlic with propolis tincture. 200 grams of garlic pour 1 tbsp. pure alcohol, leave in a dark place for ten days. It is necessary to shake the container periodically. The finished mixture should be filtered, add thirty milliliters of 10% tincture, as well as fifty grams of natural honey. Dosage – twenty drops three times a day before meals.
  5. Sore throat. In this case, it is recommended to prepare a mixture for rinsing. One tablespoon of tincture is diluted in 250 milliliters of warm water.
  6. Runny nose. To prepare the solution, dilute 30 grams of propolis tincture in 10 g of oil (peach, eucalyptus). The mixture is placed in a container containing warm water and combined until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Place 3 drops into the nasal sinuses twice a day.

Except oral administration, you can carry out inhalations that will help in the fight against sinusitis, runny nose, colds, and sore throat. Boil 1 liter of water, add 1 teaspoon of high concentration propolis infusion to it. The container must be removed from the stove and cool slightly. Then cover yourself with a towel and inhale the vapors for ten minutes.

Using the proposed recipes, you can treat many diseases without medications.

Miracle propolis reaches people thanks to hardworking bees and beekeepers. Beekeepers were the first to pay attention to the beneficial properties of propolis, and later they were confirmed by scientists who found it used in medicines and cosmetology (against wrinkles).


What you need to know about this healing “glue”:

  • taste – bitter, burning;
  • stoic against high temperatures, propolis can be in boiling water for about an hour;
  • You can melt propolis at a temperature of 80-104 °C;
  • crumble easily by cooling it to 15 °C or less;
  • slows down aging, helps smooth out wrinkles.

Video: Propolis alcohol tincture


Alcohol tincture of propolis is the most common and universal form of medicine, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home. Home recipes allow you to infuse propolis with alcohol, vodka and even moonshine, but alcohol still gives more strong effect. But if the treatment requires taking an alcohol tincture orally, then a solution of propolis in vodka will be more gentle and suitable for smoothing wrinkles on the face.

The instructions included with the tincture state that it has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and regeneration-stimulating properties. In fact, treatment with alcohol tincture goes far beyond the scope of the actions described above. It is easier to list diseases for which treatment with propolis is pointless than to name all those indications where it is strong.

Like anyone medicinal product, propolis solution has its contraindications, because it is a fairly allergenic substance. Therefore, the tincture should not be given to a child under 12 years of age, and its use by pregnant and nursing mothers is also questionable. Treatment of some ailments is incompatible with propolis tincture, so it is better to consult a doctor. The doctor knows the medical indications, will take into account the stage of the disease, etc., and will be able to prescribe the right drug with propolis, dosage, application, duration of treatment.

We do it ourselves

If you have to treat serious illness, it is better to ask your doctor for a recipe on how to prepare propolis tincture, because this process has its own nuances, for example, the percentage of alcohol. In general, making your own alcohol solution of propolis at home is easier than steamed turnips. Here is his recipe:

  1. Use propolis purified from impurities to prepare the medicine.
  2. Cool a piece of bond, on the basis of which a panacea will be created. For emergency cooling, you can put it in the freezer for a while.
  3. Grind the propolis (the smaller the pieces, the more of its beneficial properties it will give away). You can chop the uza with a knife or use a fine grater.
  4. Pour the resulting “sawdust” from the knot into an opaque container. Add alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 10 (for example, 2 grams of bond per 20 ml of alcohol). You can also infuse propolis in vodka or moonshine. Close tightly and put in a dark place.

Instead of alcohol, you can infuse the medicine with moonshine or vodka.

  1. Your own home remedy will be ready in at least a week. It is necessary for the propolis to dissolve as much as possible, and therefore for the first 4 days you will have to crush the composition of the bottle.
  2. Filter the resulting alcohol preparation through gauze. The propolis solution is ready! Store it in the refrigerator or other cool place possible, but do not use the drug after 3 years.

Video: Application and treatment with propolis tincture with alcohol

In case of emergency

A recipe for actually making a tincture online:

  1. Heat the alcohol in a saucepan in a water bath to a temperature of 50°C.
  2. Add the crushed propolis and stir constantly until completely dissolved.
  3. Wait for the liquid to cool and strain.
  4. Take the ingredients according to the same system - 1 to 10, but you won’t have to steep the drug for so long .

These are the simplest classic recipes for preparing alcohol tincture at home.

Purpose of bee panacea

What will a medicine based on bee glue and alcohol save from and how is it taken? The drug is taken externally, for example, as a compress or to lubricate bodily injuries. Taken orally in the form of diluted drops to treat cough, bronchitis, respiratory failure(DN), tonsillitis, gastritis, etc.

The standard dose for an adult patient is 20 drops per half glass of water/milk/iced tea, and the instructions for the pharmaceutical drug say 20-60 drops per quarter/half glass. The use of the medicine is intended for a maximum of one month of treatment (minimum 5 days), 3 times a day, if possible an hour before meals. Effective medicinal composition tinctures with alcohol/vodka will be a savior from many ailments. Rinse your mouth with alcohol tincture and apply a compress.

Propolis in tandem with glod

Hawthorn berries (gloda) in a duet with bee glue provide lethal force against many ailments. They have indications in the treatment of heart disease, insomnia, nervous disorders etc. Hawthorn berries used for treatment are contraindicated for low blood pressure.

This medicine, based on the strong components of hawthorn and uzya, is easy to make at home. Here is a simple recipe for a hawthorn panacea: buy a ready-made hawthorn tincture at the pharmacy, mix it with a propolis tincture containing 20% ​​alcohol. Take a teaspoon orally (about 20 drops) half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day.

Medicine from hawthorn will be needed for dizziness and hypertension. To lower blood pressure, normalize increased blood circulation, and treat joints, using hawthorn tincture will not hurt.

Preparation with hawthorn based alcohol propolis useful to give to elderly people as a therapeutic and prophylactic from sclerosis, as it has good indications for combating it.

Let's not cough

Many remedies help get rid of a cough, but treatment with bee glue tincture gives a guaranteed result. You need to make the tincture using the above recipe.

If cough medicine must be given to a child, its composition will have to be changed. Replace alcohol with sea buckthorn oil and suggest rinsing in your mouth. Refined sugar will also help get rid of a cough, which should be given to the child for resorption by dropping a couple of drops of tincture on it.

Indications for getting rid of cough according to the instructions are half a teaspoon of tincture in half a glass of liquid, before meals, 3 times a day, for at least a week. Cough tincture is also diluted with warm boiled milk.

Cough recipe with added butter:

  1. Melt 1 kg of butter, mix with crushed propolis.
  2. Keep in a water bath for 20 minutes.
  3. Every day – 3 times orally for two weeks, eating 1 tsp. cough medicines.

Make a compress that will help get rid of cough:

  1. For 12 tbsp. add 1 tbsp warm water. bee alcohol tincture, will do on a tip.
  2. Soak a towel in the liquid, then place it on the patient’s chest and throat. Wrap with film and a warm scarf, leaving for the whole night or at least 3-4 hours. This effective remedy for cough.

Suppositories with propolis

“Propolis DN” is a drug in the form of rectal suppositories, which enjoys positive reviews and is widely used, approved for children from 7 years of age. "DN" has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic and reparative effects.

The use of tincture for sore throat will be therapeutic if you rinse your mouth and throat for about 3 days.

To treat toothache, soak a cotton ball with the tincture and put it in your mouth, applying it to the tooth. For tonsillitis and tongue diseases, you need to rinse your mouth.

For the nose

“Fitonos” is a drug that will help solve problems with nasal health. “Fitonos” moisturizes the mucous membrane and helps reduce secretions. It contains extracts of mint, rose hips, naioli, etc. “Fitonos” reduces inflammation and swelling, relieves nasal congestion.

Use 1 spray inside the nasal passage, 3-4 times a day. "Fitonos" is not addictive. The instructions warn that “Fitonos” is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

Healthy joints

How many ailments can be cured by propolis tincture, and joint problems are also subject to it. Infused bee glue restores the functioning of all joints of the body. The healing of joints is carried out externally and internally.

The tincture improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body, regenerates tissue, which helps the joints work. It is recommended to use it as additional remedy fight against diseased joints by choosing a suitable tincture recipe.

» Propolis

The healing properties of propolis have been known to everyone for a long time. Since ancient times, people have used it in folk medicine to combat various diseases. It helps cough for children and adults. In addition, many people like to use milk with propolis for coughs for children. But an alcohol solution of propolis helps adults.

In this article we will talk about the indications for using propolis tincture, learn how to take propolis tincture with alcohol, and also how to make propolis tincture with alcohol at home.

Let's start with what propolis is and what it looks like.
Bees produce a special substance to protect against diseases and seal cracks in the hive. Many people believe that propolis is bee droppings, but this is not true. Bees collect resins from plants on their paws and carry them into the hive. The collected resin is processed in the hive. The secretion of the jaw glands, wax and honey are added to it.

The beekeeper collects the resin processed in this way from the entrances and edges of the frames. Clears away debris and rinses in clean, ice-cold water.

It's more brown chocolate color, sometimes with greenish tint. Feels like soft plasticine to the touch therefore it is easy to roll into balls. When absorbed, it is slightly bitter and burns a little. Smells like wax and honey. One family produces from 30 to 80 grams of propolis per season.

For medicinal purposes, it is used in its natural form for resorption; aqueous solutions and tinctures in alcohol are prepared.

Has antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties . According to scientists, unlike medications, bacteria and viruses do not get used to products prepared on the basis of propolis.


  1. To increase the efficiency of adrenaline consumption.
  2. For pain relief.
  3. Cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol.
  4. Increases blood oxygen saturation.
  5. Healing of wounds.
  6. Helps restore damaged skin areas.
  7. Improves metabolism.
  8. Rejuvenating effect for the body.
  9. Suppresses the increase in cancer cells in the body.
  10. An excellent antioxidant.
  11. Cures diphtheria, scarlet fever, tuberculosis.
  12. Increases the body's immunity.

What diseases can be treated with bee propolis in alcohol?

An infusion (tincture) of propolis in alcohol helps to cure many diseases. Helps improve appetite, normalize sleep, high blood pressure and as a sedative for the nervous system.

In the respiratory system:

  • cold;
  • flu;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis.

Digestive system:

  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • flatulence.

Genitourinary system:

  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • nephritis.

Skin diseases:

  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • rash;
  • mycoses.

Dental problems:

  • stomatitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • caries;

Diseases of the eyes and ears.

  • cataract;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • otitis.

Before using bee products, consult your doctor and make sure you are not allergic.

Instructions for preparation and use

Now let's talk about whether it is possible to take propolis tincture orally.

Propolis tincture depending on the disease It is used both externally and internally. There are no contraindications for use, except allergies. It can be used by both adults and children. There are no contraindications for internal treatment with water tincture for pregnant and nursing mothers.

When used internally, the tincture should be diluted with liquid. In this case, the liquid must be added to the tincture, and not vice versa, otherwise the therapeutic effect is lost.

Dosage for adults: 20 drops per day. Taken for a month, take a break for 2-3 weeks.

For a child, the dosage will be different accordingly. 10 to a year old child 10 drops per day is enough.

For external use:

  1. For treating wounds- 3 times a day.
  2. Purulent otitis- insert ear turundas for 1-2 minutes or 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.
  3. Pharyngitis and tonsillitis- lubricate the tonsils. Dilute the tincture 1:2, treatment for 1-2 weeks a couple of times a day. For inhalations - 2 times a day for a week. Dilute the tincture 1:20.
  4. Chronic sinusitis- solution with sodium chloride (1:10), rinse for two weeks maxillary sinuses 2 times a day.
  5. Periodontal disease- insert the turunda into the pockets for 5 minutes.
  6. For gargling— dilute 15 ml of tincture in a glass of water. Rinse at least 5 times a day for 4 days.

For internal use:

The tincture is useful for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, and is used to treat influenza, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, high blood pressure, stomach ulcers, colitis.

The course and dosage depends on the type and severity of the disease. Usually it ranges from 20 to 60 drops for adults. Taking the tincture can last from 5 to 30 days.

For small children, the dosage should be one-twentieth of adult dosage. For children over 10 years old, half the dose is enough.

Children under one year old should not take alcohol tincture. Only water, in the form of compresses or ointments prepared on the basis of butter. In severe cases, dilute with milk.

How to make tincture at home

How to make and infuse alcohol tincture

How to make a tincture of propolis with alcohol? In fact, everything is extremely simple.
For treatment, tinctures of different percentages are needed. Therefore, they make it 5%, 10%, 20% and 30%.

To cook it yourself, 70% medical alcohol and propolis are required.

Propolis needs to be frozen, this makes it easier to grind. After freezing, carefully chop it as small as possible.

Pour the crumbs into a dark glass container. This is necessary in order to preserve all the valuable properties of propolis. Pour alcohol and place in a cool, dark place.

Ready-made alcohol tincture prepared at home

To prepare a 10% propolis alcohol tincture, you need to take 10 grams of propolis and 90 ml of alcohol. It follows from this that if you need a 20% tincture, then take 20 grams of propolis and 80 ml of alcohol.

The liquid is infused for 7-10 days. It needs to be shaken regularly. When infused, the solution must be filtered. Pour the liquid into another, clean container and store it in a cool place. This tincture can be stored for up to 3 years.

How to prepare vodka tincture

Now let's talk about the recipe for propolis tincture with vodka.

Before you start cooking, select quality products . It should be good 40 proof vodka. Don't skimp on quality. It is advisable to purchase propolis from a beekeeper, and not on the market, where you may end up getting a fake.

To begin with, it should be frozen in the refrigerator and carefully crushed, wrapped in a napkin. For 0.5 vodka, 100 g of propolis is required.

Place the powder in a dark glass container and fill it with vodka. Let it sit for two weeks in a dark, cool place. You need to shake the container regularly so that the powder dissolves better.

After a certain time, you will get a cloudy liquid with a yellow or greenish tint and a pleasant taste. The sediment that has fallen at the bottom should not scare you, it should be so. It needs to be strained and then poured into bottles and put in a cool place for further use. The tincture has a shelf life of three years.

How to prepare an aqueous solution

Preparing a water tincture of propolis is also not difficult. For some categories of people, taking tinctures with alcohol is contraindicated. These are pregnant and lactating women, children and those suffering from alcohol addiction.

And for some diseases it is impossible to use propolis in water. Therefore, in such cases, you can make a solution with water.

Preparation of propolis solution in water

  1. Pour 50 grams of pre-ground propolis into powder into a glass container.
  2. Pour 500 ml of distilled water heated to 50 degrees.
  3. Leave for 24 hours, shaking the bottle from time to time.
  4. At the end of the infusion time, the liquid must be filtered.
  5. Pour the solution into bottles and store in a dark, cool place.
  6. It should be used within a week, then the solution loses its medicinal properties.

Filtered particles should not be thrown away. It will be used to prepare propolis extract.

Adult Extract Recipe for Joints

To prepare propolis extract, both fresh propolis and remnants from the previous version are suitable.

For one part of powder, take 10 parts of distilled water. The water should be heated to 95 degrees, but under no circumstances should it boil. Pour in the powder and place in a water bath.

Propolis does not lose its properties when heated healing properties but unlike honey.

Leave on it for about an hour. Remove and cool. The extract prepared in this way should be poured into containers with dark glass and stored in a cool place.

The shelf life of this liquid is one week.


  1. For inhalation.
  2. Periodontal disease and stomatitis (mouth rinse - pour 2 tablespoons of solution into a glass of water).
  3. Angina.
  4. Women's diseases (douching, 20-30 g of solution per 0.5 liter of water).
  5. Conjunctivitis and cataracts.
  6. Wound healing agent.
  7. Cordially - vascular system(per 100 ml of water take 10 ml of infusion).
  8. Gastrointestinal tract.

Propolis tincture with milk for children at night

According to the advice of pediatricians, using propolis with milk for treatment has a greater effect.

This treatment is not suitable for those who are allergic to lactose.

How to cook

Boil 0.5 liters of milk. Add propolis powder and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove and cool. Remove wax from the surface. Strain and pour into a clean container. Store in a cool place.

The dosage is: 1 dessert spoon 20 minutes before meals.

  1. Colds.
  2. Gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Strengthening the immune system.

Option 2.

No boiling. Dilute in one glass with 20 drops of infusion.

Children under seven years old: 3 drops per quarter glass.

Over 7 years old, increase by one drop according to age.

Since the tincture has peculiar taste and with bitterness, it is recommended to add honey, which will enhance the effect in treatment.

Used to quickly cure colds and viral diseases (cough, runny nose, flu).

How to take propolis for cough: indications for treatment

How to treat cough with propolis? When choosing between drug treatment cough or folk remedies, many are inclined to the second. Cough tincture has been bought and made for a long time, especially since it is effective and natural remedy. It is important that you are not allergic to this product.

If a disease occurs, you should prepare a milk-propolis solution. Add alcohol tincture of propolis into pre-boiled milk in a ratio of 3:1. The drink should be drunk hot at night. Take the medicine one hour before meals.

Propolis tincture: instructions for use for children.

For a child, you should take a 10% solution. Dissolve in milk as much as your child is old (if 8 years old, then 8 drops).

It is not recommended to give alcohol infusion to a child under one year old. For these purposes, an aqueous solution or compresses are used on the bridge of the nose and chest.

Before taking, be sure to make sure that you and your child are not allergic to this product.

In conclusion, I would like to say that propolis is a storehouse of healing properties, because there is so much to it! It is used in the treatment of almost all diseases. There is no getting used to it. It even treats joints. Preparing tinctures and ointments is not difficult. Used in the treatment of adults and children. Despite the fact that propolis is a natural and effective product, you should consult a physician before use.