The benefits and harms of flax seeds. How to take and recipe for delicious flaxseed porridge

In this article you will learn whether flax seeds are beneficial or harmful, and how to take them. medicinal purposes so as not to harm yourself. What is the dosage and what consequences can occur if used incorrectly. And also how to improve your health with delicious flaxseed porridge, the recipe for which you will find at the bottom of the page.

Flaxseed porridge, like other recipes made from flax seeds, is considered medicinal and should be consumed in courses. A small amount of seeds as an addition to salads or baked goods is perfectly acceptable daily, but a dose of over 1/3 tsp. will already be considered healing, which means you need to use the gifts of nature wisely.

The norm of flaxseeds per day is up to 2 tbsp. l.! In this case, the first time you should eat no more than 1 teaspoon, and then look at the body’s reaction. IN in rare cases, even a small amount of seeds can cause discomfort, as a rule, pain and tingling in the abdomen.

Absolutely any product can bring both benefit and harm. So eat it healthy products moderately.

The benefits of flax seeds

Flax contains maximum quantity omega 3 fats, compared to other food products. These tiny seeds have more omega-3s than fish and seafood, nuts and edible seeds, or green leafy vegetables!

What does omega-3 do in the body?

  • Participates in work cardiovascular system(reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack, especially in old age, stabilizes blood pressure, normalizes cholesterol levels).
  • Activates the body's defenses - puts the immune system in order.
  • Positively affects the reproductive system.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids help speed up recovery from psoriasis and other dermatological diseases.
  • Improves brain function: good memory and faster perception of information.
  • Acids are responsible for the beauty of hair (affects hair loss (stops), strength, shine), nails and skin.
  • and more..

Flax seeds also contain fiber. Is it worth reminding that thanks to fiber, the human digestive system works “like a clock.” The bactericidal mucus, which is formed when the seeds are soaked, helps to digest food more easily, and also not to injure the inflamed mucous membrane in some gastrointestinal diseases. Coordinated work intestines means good health, because we all know that the intestines are the “second brain”.

Don't forget about lignans, which flax seeds are rich in. Lignans are phytoestrogens, plant hormones. Unlike synthetic ones, which are created artificially, lignans do not have negative impact on the human body and cannot harm. The composition of phytoestrogens is similar to female hormone- estrogen, which is produced in the ovaries.

In addition, flax seeds, like all seeds, contain protein, which includes 7 essential amino acids.

Also includes complex carbohydrates- polysaccharides. And fats.

With a “smart” approach and correct dosage, flax seeds are beneficial, but harm will come from excessive consumption.

Contraindications. Harm of flax seeds to the body

Those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract should eat flax seeds with caution. In some cases, the product may have therapeutic effect, but at peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis - only as prescribed by a doctor. The seeds have a pronounced choleretic effect.

Flaxseed decoction or flaxseed porridge helps remove stones and sand from the kidneys and gall bladder. This point applies to both indications for use and contraindications. It all depends on the size of the stone and its location. Small stones that can pass through channels without problems or sand are easily removed using flax. But larger stones can become stuck in the ureter or duct, which will require emergency medical attention.

Also, flax seeds are contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers. There have been no serious studies on this matter, but experiments on mice showed poor results, so it is better to eliminate the seeds and return to consumption after the birth of the child and completion of feeding.

Flax seeds: how to take

Flax seeds should be taken raw, starting with a small dose - 1/3 tsp. per day. There are often recipes with steamed seeds or boiled flaxseed porridge. But it should be understood that heat treatment destroys a larger amount of useful substances, which reduces the healing effect significantly.

Sprinkle fresh salads, baked goods, desserts, prepare raw flaxseed porridge (recipe below). The maximum daily portion is 2 tbsp. l. seeds The course is no more than 2 weeks (or as prescribed by the treating doctor).

Crushed seeds - (powder) quickly oxidize, so flaxseed meal Only freshly ground should be used.

A decoction, jelly, or infusion of flaxseeds is prepared as prescribed by a doctor. Since with this course of treatment, the proportions of water and seeds, consistency, time of use (before meals or after), duration of use, and so on are important. Otherwise, treatment may cause harm instead of the expected benefit.

Flaxseed porridge recipe - raw food

So, we already know that raw seeds have the maximum benefit, so it’s best to prepare raw food porridge. This dish is prepared quickly!

Flaxseed porridge tastes like fruit pudding. The thick (slimy, like jelly) dessert has a very unusual taste. This recipe has 2 important ingredients: banana and flaxseeds. You can change the rest to your liking.


  • 1 ripe banana;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flax seeds without a slide;
  • 1-2 walnuts;
  • peach or any fruit or berries as desired;
  • some water for soaking the porridge.

Delicious porridge made from flax seeds

We sort the seeds, no need to rinse. Fill with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. The water should cover the seeds a little so that they release mucus. Soak for 1-2 hours.

Transfer to a blender. Beat until almost homogeneous.

The seeds will break down and become like a white pudding.

Add half of the chopped banana.

Whisk everything again.

Place the porridge on a plate. Cut the rest of the banana and peach into slices on top.

Sprinkle with nuts.

And serve immediately! Bon appetit!

Stabilization immune system for a new mother after pregnancy and childbirth is one of the main priorities for lactation nutrition specialists. Flax seeds during breastfeeding today remain a rather controversial product among gynecologists and pediatricians. Each doctor defends his point of view. The use of this plant in the diet of a nursing woman has quite a few pros and cons.

Read in this article

Can it be eaten?

Flax seeds and the oil obtained from this plant are considered very beneficial for people with reduced immunity. According to the content biologically active substances, vitamins and microelements, the fruits of this herb are often compared to olives and olive oil.

A number of foreign scientists believe that the use of flax and its products by a young mother is contraindicated for women in the last trimester of pregnancy and in the first 6 months of breastfeeding. This opinion is justified by the increased impact of this product on digestive system baby, what's fraught possible disorders work of the gastrointestinal tract.

At the same time, many doctors recommend that women consume the seeds of the plant only in the form of seasonings for various dishes. There is an opinion that the habit of drinking a spoonful of flaxseed oil in the morning on an empty stomach can lead to the development of gastritis or even a stomach ulcer.

Such an opinion is most often based on unverified information or distorted processing of laboratory observation data. Flax seeds and food products derived from them are very important for a nursing mother.

Positive aspects of flax and its fruits for breastfeeding

Few plants can boast such a set. Quite a lot is known about the benefits of flaxseed oil. But medicinal drugs based on seeds are often undeservedly forgotten.

What are the benefits of this plant during lactation:

  • Decoctions of flax seeds are excellent for helping women fight helminthic infections and various inflammations. This effect becomes possible due to the beneficial action medicinal herb on a woman's immunity after childbirth.
  • This plant can stimulate the stabilization of hormonal balance in the body of a young mother after childbirth. It should be taken into account that flax-based medicines cause increased secretion oxytacin and progesterone, which can lead to early menstruation in a nursing mother and the threat of unplanned pregnancy.
  • Most experts recommend flax and its derivatives as a stimulator of breast milk production. Thanks to the impact on thyroid gland and increased release of hormones into a woman’s blood, the amount of milk can increase by 25% - 40%.
  • Flax seeds strengthen the immune system of a young mother and thereby help reduce the risk of infectious and viral diseases at the baby's.
  • Many experts recognize flax decoction or oil obtained from it, the ability to normalize intestinal function in a nursing woman. IN postpartum period constipation is considered one of the most big problems of this contingent of patients, and taking the oil will help solve it.

It is believed that flax seed during breastfeeding helps a woman's rejuvenation. The fatty acids it contains improve cell nutrition skin face, neck, hands.

Experts note positive influence of this plant on the strength and brightness of a nursing woman’s hair.

What benefits are contained in the seeds?

Most pediatricians and gynecologists emphasize that the main positive quality This plant during breastfeeding is not only an increase in the volume of milk in a woman, but also a change in its content. This happens due to the unique chemical and physical composition grains:

  • Scientists have identified more than 22 amino acids in the seeds of medicinal grass, most of which fully meet the requirements of the human body.
  • There is a lot of protein, 80% of which is completely equivalent to a similar substance in a woman and does not require much effort for processing.
  • Flax seeds contain 20 minerals, including potassium, copper, iron, and phosphorus. We should not forget about the large amount of fiber and several types of fatty and saturated acids.
  • To complete the picture, we can recall that the seeds of this medicinal plant include: natural hormones, which stimulate a decrease in the flow of estrogen into a woman’s blood.
  • The most important component of flax seeds is omega acids. According to their percentage this plant far superior to the known fish oil. These substances will help a woman cope with postpartum encephalopathy and promote the development of brain cells in the baby.

The use of flax during breastfeeding has an effect on lactation and the prevention of early PMS in a nursing mother. direct impact, helping to reduce estrogen deficiency in the female body plant origin. All these substances do medicinal plant and its derivatives are indispensable in the diet of a nursing woman.

Is there any harm from taking it?

First of all, experts note that it is not recommended to take it daily as food or as folk remedies. medicines a large number of grains of this plant. It is advised to limit yourself to 30 - 40 grams of seeds.

In addition to the possible pathological effect of the product on the child’s body, which may result in a temporary malfunction of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract, this plant is prohibited for use by women with a history of the following pathology:

  • Kidney diseases and urinary tract. Eating flax is especially dangerous for patients with urolithiasis.
  • Chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Contraindications include chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gallstones.
  • If a young mother, with fibroids of the uterine body, managed to safely endure pregnancy and give birth to a child, consuming flax while breastfeeding can provoke growth benign formations cavities and walls of the reproductive organ.

Despite the fact that flax and products derived from it have the least allergic effect compared to most seed plants, a nursing mother should consult a doctor before starting to take grains.

Every new product, introduced into a woman’s diet during lactation, poses a threat to her child.

Watch the video about the benefits of flax seeds:

Tips for using flax in the diet of a nursing woman

During lactation it is very important for a young mother. This could be a good help for her medicinal plant and its derivatives.

How to use

The grains of this herb contain a lot of substances useful for a nursing mother. This includes vitamins B, C and E, half of the periodic table. The most valuable in the diet will be iron, calcium and magnesium.

Don't forget about energy value product. A third of flaxseeds is protein, and 10% is fiber, which normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in mother and baby.

Experts offer several ways to prepare this plant:

  • A decoction of flax grains is very popular. To obtain a healing drink, 20 grams of dry grains are poured with 1 liter of water and steamed for 3 - 4 hours. A thermos is perfect for this purpose. It is usually recommended to take 150 grams of the drink 2-3 times a day.
  • The seeds of the plant are an excellent seasoning for most dishes from the diet of a young mother. They add a unique taste to salads and cereals.
  • You can simply eat 30-40 grams of seeds ground in a mixer; for convenience, you can wash them down with plain water.

You can buy flax seeds in the pharmacy chain, where they are presented whole or already crushed. The plant is stored in glass jars, it is advisable to avoid exposure to direct solar temperatures and excessive heat.

What a woman needs to know about flaxseed oil

It is more convenient to introduce medicinal herbs into the diet during breastfeeding in the form of oil. It is recommended to add it to already prepared dishes. Use this product should not be used for frying, as under the influence high temperature Most of the healing substances included in its composition lose their potency.

So can a mother eat flax seeds while breastfeeding? Nutrition experts advise focusing on oil during lactation.

Since this is a perishable product, basic storage rules must be followed. Linseed oil keep in a dark glass container with a tightly sealed lid and always in the refrigerator or cellar.

This is useful remedy It is sold in pharmacies and stores in a variety of containers, so preference should be given to small packaging. Of course, such oil will cost more, but a woman will not have to fear that it will deteriorate over time.

Doctors recommend adding this healing and tasty product to those dishes where the ingredients should contain a lot of vitamins, especially E and B6. It is in combination with these substances that beneficial and healing properties flax seeds.

Flaxseed flour porridge contains a lot of essential components for the body. It contains vitamin E (popularly referred to as the vitamin of youth) and Omega-6, Omega-3 acids, which are considered a gift from nature and are not found in every food product.

Vitamins - A, B12, B9, B6, B3, B1, beta - carotene, sodium, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, potassium, tocopherol - this is an incomplete list of important components that it contains healthy dish. Lignins are also very important - a group of plant-based compounds that help maintain hormonal balance at the proper level.

Besides flax-seed has not so many calories – 534 kcal. per 100 gr. But if you fill it with water and allow it to swell before cooking, the calorie content will significantly decrease by more than 40%, which makes this porridge a valuable product for weight loss.

When processing seeds, it is not always possible to remove the shell and therefore the porridge has an unsightly dark color, but thanks to this it retains all soluble vegetable fibers and proteins. There are up to 40% of the total mass in porridge.

Useful properties

— After eating porridge, the blood sugar level decreases, which is good for diabetes.

— Removes unwanted symptoms of PMS in women.

— Has an anticarcinogenic effect.

- Lowers cholesterol.

— Has an anti-inflammatory effect in stomach diseases.

- Useful for heart failure, as it has a lot of potassium.

— The phytohormones included in the composition improve the body’s resistance and enhance immunity.

— Flaxseed porridge contains mucus, which can coat the walls of the stomach, which makes it useful for gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Useful properties flaxseed porridge for women:

By consuming porridge during pregnancy, you can be sure that the child will receive a large amount of natural vitamins and will develop fully.

Taking flaxseed porridge after childbirth is useful for improving lactation.

During critical days porridge helps reduce pain due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

For men:

With regular consumption of flax seed porridge in men, problems with potency are reduced, which is very important in conditions constant problems and stress at work or in your personal life.

The benefits of flaxseed porridge for weight loss

Thanks to the valuable composition of vitamins and minerals included in the porridge, you can not only improve your appearance and improve your health, but also get rid of the hated kilograms.

Amino acids Omega-6 and Omega-3, which are part of flaxseed, lower the level of insulin, which is responsible for the deposition of fats in the body. And thus the sugar level decreases and fat is converted into clean energy.

Flaxseed is rich in fiber, which takes a long time to be digested by the body and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time. long time. You can forget about snacking, which causes excess weight gain.

Also thanks a large number fiber, porridge helps cleanse the body of toxins and provides nutrition to cells.

Helps reduce cravings for sweets and break down fats.

In combination with a large number liquid helps speed up bowel movements and does not cause irritation in the intestines.

Remember that:

The finer you grind the grains, the faster they need to be consumed, useful substances disappears very quickly!

The same rule applies to cooking. The longer you cook, the less healthy will remain in the plate.

And don't worry about the hardness or poor digestibility of the grains. Everyone chews the nuts and no one complains about their hardness! Also about digestion - the body itself will take what it needs from the seeds, and give the rest through the rectum.

You can prepare flaxseed porridge in different ways.

Flaxseed porridge without cooking

Flax seeds - 3 tbsp. lie

Water - 2 glasses

Instant oatmeal - 2 tbsp. lie

Honey - 1 tea. lie

Pour flax with a glass of water overnight. In the morning, blend with a blender. Pour boiling water over the oatmeal and leave to steep for ten minutes. Then mix the crushed flax seed, oatmeal and honey. The result is a very tasty and healthy dish for weight loss. Consume instead of breakfast.

Flaxseed porridge with fruit, oatmeal and honey

Ground flax seeds – 50 g

Oatmeal - 100 g

Water - 1.5 cups

Any fruits - 150 g

Honey – 1 tbsp. lie

Mix flaxseed flour and oatmeal, add water and stir well until smooth and cook for 5-7 minutes, stirring. Then remove from heat, let cool slightly, add honey and finely chopped fruit. Mix everything. Consume during diets as dinner.

Flax seed porridge with oatmeal and milk

Oat flakes - 2 tbsp. lie

Flaxseed flour – 2 tbsp. lie

Water – 1 tbsp. lie

Low-fat milk – 1 glass

Honey – 1 tea. lie

Mix flaxseed flour with oatmeal, add water and cook, stirring until tender (5-7 minutes). At the end of cooking, add milk and honey, stir everything well.

Classic cooking option

Flaxseed - 2 tbsp. lie

Water – 200 ml

Pour flaxseed into water, bring to a boil and cook for ten minutes. Eat for breakfast. This porridge is very useful - it cleanses the intestines and improves metabolism.

Flax porridge with wheat germ

Flax seeds – 2 tbsp. lie

Water – 1 glass

Wheat germ – 1 tbsp. lie

Soak flax seeds in water overnight. In the morning, puree the flax and water in a blender until it becomes a paste. Sprout the wheat in advance and collect a tablespoon of germs. Mix with flaxseed porridge. Take two tablespoons thirty minutes before breakfast. This porridge will supply the body with vitamins and curb hunger.

Flax porridge with flax sprouts

Flax seeds – 2 tbsp. lie

Water - 1 glass

Flax germ – 1 tbsp. lie

Pour a couple of tablespoons of flax seeds a small amount water and leave for four to five days. During this time, the flax will sprout. Collect sprouts. Grind the flax seeds in a coffee grinder, add water and boil for seven minutes. Remove from heat, cool and add flax sprouts. This porridge is very useful. Because in addition to healthy flax seeds, it also contains flax sprouts, which have vitamin (F), which improves skin turgor and makes it more elastic.

Flaxseed porridge with grains

Flakes from millet, millet, wheat, barley, corn, pumpkin, flax seeds - 1 cup

Water – 2 glasses

Honey – 1 tea. lie

Place the flakes in a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil and simmer for about five minutes. Then add 1 tablespoon olive oil and honey Stir everything well.

Flaxseed porridge with dried fruits

Flaxseed porridge – 150 g

Dried fruits – 100 g

We prepare flaxseed porridge according to a traditional recipe. Pour boiling water over dried fruits and let stand for about fifteen minutes until softened. The next step is to cut them and mix them with porridge. This dish is great for curbing hunger.

Buckwheat porridge with flaxseed

Flaxseed – 50 g

Water – 100 g

Buckwheat porridge – 100 g

Pour flaxseed with water in the evening and leave to swell until morning. In the morning, blend in a blender. Boil buckwheat and mix with chopped flax. Let's get a hearty low-calorie breakfast.

Flaxseed porridge with milk thistle

Flaxseed – 2 tbsp. lie

Water - 1.5 glass

Milk thistle seeds – 1 table. lie

In the morning, mix flax seeds with milk thistle, add water and let it brew until evening. In the evening, blend everything in a blender. Eat instead of dinner. This will make it possible to improve liver function and speed up metabolism. Toxins will be eliminated from the body faster, which is important for normalizing metabolism. And this is simply necessary for losing weight.


You should not consume flax seed porridge in excess (no more than three tablespoons of seeds per day). The seed contains a lot of dietary fiber, which can lead to poor absorption of nutrients.

And if you drink little water, you can cause constipation.

Flax seed porridge contains gluten, so it can cause an undesirable reaction in allergy sufferers.

Subject proper nutrition during breastfeeding complex in that it affects several areas of medicine at once. Against this background, even the issue of consuming unconditionally healthy flax seed is actively discussed by experts.

Disputes continue among doctors: what is more beneficial or harmful from the use of flax seeds by mothers during breastfeeding?

GW consultants are confident that this product restores defenses female body and normalizes lactation. But, according to pediatricians, it increases the likelihood of disorder gastrointestinal tract at the baby's.

Each position is based on many years of observations. Therefore, the final decision should be made by the woman after consultation with doctors of both specialties.

Composition and benefits

Nutritional value

Flax seeds are a nutraceutical, i.e. a food product that, in addition to the energy component, brings many healthy substances to the body:

  • complete protein of plant origin – fully digestible human body, constitutes at least 30% of the total mass of the seed;
  • fiber – about 10%;
  • omega polyunsaturated fatty acids – significantly more than in fish oil;
  • phytoestrogens - plant agents, structurally related to the female sex hormone (estrogen);
  • amino acids, including essential ones (which a woman’s body is not able to synthesize on its own and receives exclusively from food);
  • minerals: iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium, copper, phosphorus;
  • lignans (plant phenols);
  • vitamins B, C, D and E.

Effect on the body of a nursing mother

  • prevention of viral and bacterial diseases;
  • normalization of intestinal function and prevention of constipation, which often plagues the postpartum period;
  • minimizing risk oncological diseases breasts;
  • stabilization of unstable hormonal levels;

Attention! The effect is expressed in an increase in the synthesis of oxytocin and progesterone, which can trigger early recovery menstrual cycle, even during lactation. The natural result is an unplanned pregnancy.

  • elimination of postpartum encephalopathy;
  • improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • reduction of stretch marks.

Benefits for babies

  • balanced nutrition chemical composition breast milk;
  • full development of the nervous system;
  • prevention of rickets.

Possible harm

Before introducing flax seeds into your diet, a nursing woman should consult a doctor to identify the following contraindications:

  • benign tumors of the reproductive system (for example, uterine fibroids);
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • endometritis;
  • inflammation and erosive processes in the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pancreatitis;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the biliary system ( gallbladder and ducts);
  • urolithiasis;
  • hypertension (regardless of the cause).

For baby's health possible harm expressed in development allergic reaction or temporary dysfunction of the digestive tract.

Flaxseeds and lactation

Thanks to a significant amount of phytoestrogens, flax seeds are effective in stimulating lactation, that is, they have a lactogenic effect. Experts note an increase in volume breast milk by 20-40%. At the same time, the composition is also changing in a positive way. Milk flow also improves thoracic ducts due to increased production of oxytocin.

All this helps to establish lactation for a nursing woman.

While breastfeeding, it is important to adhere to basic rules taking flaxseeds:

  1. Introduce seeds into your diet for the first time only when your child reaches the age of 6 months.
  2. Start with a few seeds per morning hours, observing the baby’s condition.
  3. If there are no signs of intolerance on the part of the baby, gradually increase the volume of the product to 1 tbsp. l. per day.

Flax seeds can be consumed in different ways.

  • Decoction - to prepare it, pour 20 g (1 tbsp) into 1 liter of water and leave in a water bath for 2-3 hours.
  • Seasoning for dishes– whole or ground can be added to salads or main dishes.
  • Self-contained food supplement– chew well and drink well sufficient quantity warm water.

Flaxseed porridge cannot be classified as a cereal present in our daily diet. But in terms of its composition, it can easily compete with any type of rice, oatmeal, and even fashionable quinoa. But its main advantage is its very affordable price when rich nutritional value. Why flaxseed porridge is useful, and how to really cook it delicious dish, which even children will not refuse?

Specific features of flax

To obtain cereals, ordinary flax is used, widely available in supermarkets and stores specializing in healthy eating. It is packaged in 50-100 grams and sealed in small bags. Sometimes you can find flax on the shelves in tins or cardboard packages.

As for quality, it is better to buy whole, unroasted seeds, since they retain more vitamins and microelements.

How to choose and store flax seeds correctly

To get the most out of a product, you need to select and store it correctly. To do this, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Package. The main criterion responsible for the condition of the seed is the quality of the container. A good container does not have any flaws. If we're talking about about the package, it must be sealed at the factory. Do not buy flax by weight - it may contain small debris, dust and germs. There will be no benefit from such porridge.
  2. Compound. Good flax excludes the presence of any additional components in its composition. There are ready-made mixtures to which pieces of fruit have already been added, but the quality of such additives always leaves much to be desired. It is much wiser to buy pure seeds and diversify them with natural ingredients, such as nuts or sprouted wheat grains.
  3. Best before date. Give preference only to fresh seeds that have been on sale for a maximum of a month. If stored incorrectly in a store, they begin to quickly deteriorate, although you cannot see this with the naked eye.

How can you tell if the flax you buy is fresh? It’s very simple - its natural taste has a pronounced nutty note and is not bitter. He has practically no characteristic aroma, therefore, you can only focus on integrity and brown seed.

After purchase, it must be poured into a ceramic or glass container with a tight-fitting lid. Straight lines should not fall into it sun rays or moisture. Otherwise, the product will quickly deteriorate. At home, flax can be stored for 30 days, after which it is advisable to dispose of the remaining product.

Advantages of flax

Now let's talk about why it is worth eating.

The most important advantage of flax is high concentration Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are responsible for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and brain. Omega-3 also reduces inflammatory processes, which are the root cause autoimmune diseases, arthritis and allergies. They have been clinically proven effective in the fight against Alzheimer's disease, the most common cause of which is inflammation of the brain. By content fatty acids flax is not inferior fish oil, which is considered a storehouse of Omega-3. But its main disadvantages are high price and water contamination with heavy metals, which also accumulate in fish.

The high concentration of plant hormones is another argument in favor of regular consumption of flaxseed porridge. They are antioxidants and suppress allergic processes, slowing down cell aging. With regular consumption of foods rich in phytoestrogens, you can normalize hormonal balance and improve the body's condition during menopause. And also provide yourself with additional protection against breast and ovarian cancer.

Men who care about their health should definitely supplement their daily menu with flax porridge. She is considered good prophylactic against prostate cancer and increases testosterone levels, increasing libido.

Pregnant women also need to pay attention to this product, since flax is rich in protein and elements such as potassium, calcium, iron, chromium and magnesium. Their combination contributes to the correct intrauterine development fetus and increased lactation.

When taken systematically, flax can lower blood sugar levels. Moreover, it will help in the fight against extra pounds, because it saturates well with minimal calories. To absorb it, the body also synthesizes collagen, which is essential for healthy hair, nails and skin.

The effect of flax on the gastrointestinal tract

During heat treatment, flax releases specific mucus and linomarin glycoside. They protect the walls of the stomach and intestines from irritants external factors(action of antibiotics, pathogenic microflora), reduce inflammation and pain. The product can become the main one in the diet of a person suffering from ulcers, gastritis, colitis and cholecystitis.

Flaxseed porridge improves intestinal motility, has a minimal laxative effect and promotes healthy digestion.

The seeds are also rich in vitamin C, A, and B vitamins. They also help the gastrointestinal tract:

  • do not allow irritation of the mucous membrane when excessive secretion gastric juice;
  • raise immune function Gastrointestinal tract;
  • promote the engraftment of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria.

The product is also unique in that it has no restrictions on its use. It will not provoke any negative reactions. The exception is individual intolerance, which is very rare. Negative reaction on flax porridge most often manifests itself when synthetic flavor enhancers and flavorings are added to it, which can act as allergens.

But with regular consumption, nutritionists and gastroenterologists recommend increasing the amount of water consumed. Linen absorbs a lot of liquid, so in order to prevent problems with stool, you must adhere to the standard drinking regime– up to 2 liters per day.

Flaxseed porridge recipes

To prepare porridge, you will also need a coffee grinder or blender. Approximately, one serving is three handfuls of seed. They must be poured into a container and crushed to the state of flour or fine crumbs. The resulting powder will serve as the basis for numerous dishes: from steamed porridge to baked goods.

Pour the cereal into a deep plate and fill it with water at room temperature so that it completely covers it. Give it a little time to absorb moisture. Since flax has good adsorbing properties, adjust the amount of water to your taste. It all depends on the consistency you want to end up with.

This is a version of porridge for raw foodists. Flaxseed powder can also be boiled like any other cereal. To do this, you need to pour it into boiling water, turn off the heat and leave to infuse for 15 minutes. To enhance the taste, feel free to use sea ​​salt or your favorite seasonings.

The resulting porridge can be eaten immediately, or you can let it brew for 15 minutes until the flax swells. For dressing, use honey, maple syrup, molasses—any natural sweetener you have on hand. For a richer taste, diversify the dish by adding dried fruits, fresh or frozen berries.

Flaxseed porridge with milk, banana and almonds
This version of the dish is higher in calories and nutritious, so it is perfect as a breakfast. For it you will need:

  • ground flaxseed: ½ cup;
  • milk: 0.5 l;
  • sugar: 1 tablespoon;
  • banana: 1 piece;
  • almonds: 1 handful.

First of all, pour the milk into the pan, boil it and reduce the heat. Add the ground seed to it and cook it, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes. Cover the pan with a lid, remove from the stove and wrap in a towel. We recommend adding sugar, chopped nuts and banana to the finished porridge. If you wish, you can use any fruits and berries.

If stored and prepared correctly, flaxseed-based porridge will be a tasty and healthy addition to an already established diet. It will easily become the main source of protein for dietary or medicinal purposes. Its low cost also allows you to diversify Lenten menu without prejudice to nutritional value diet.

Video: preparing morning flaxseed porridge and flaxseed jelly