Phytotampons indications. Gynecological phytotampons Review and comparison of medicinal tampons Beautiful Life and Clean Point

Chinese tampons are not an official medicine, but something like a dietary supplement. You won't be able to buy them at the pharmacy - the drugs are only available on the Internet. Features of the most popular brands:

  • beautiful life. The composition includes kushen, Calamus draco, Bornean camphor, contis chinensis, y-shu, cnidium, paniculata, angelica chinensis, stemona sessile, Aralia Manchurian, smooth smilax. The packaging states that they comply with "GMP" safe use parameters and do not contain chemical additives, packaged under sterile conditions, are completely harmless and have no unpleasant effects from use, with the exception of individual intolerance.
  • Clean Point. Ingredients: angelica, sophora, dragon tree resin, kontis, core, camphor, acacia, frankincense, myrrh, pomegranate, turmeric, ginseng, cloves. The composition on different sites is slightly different, which is due to different translations.

Indications for use: inflammatory processes in the genital organs (cervicitis, colpitis, endometritis, adnexitis), erosive lesions of the cervix, violation menstrual cycle, vaginal microflora, heavy menstruation, cervical and uterine polyps, endometriosis.

Features of use:

  • Study of packaging. Inspect for damage and check expiration date.
  • Application of Chinese tampons: wash your hands; place the tampon in a warm place for a minute boiled water, choose a comfortable position - squatting, lying down or others; lay to the length of your finger (5-7 cm), the wick remains outside; After removal, it is recommended to rinse the vagina with a syringe.
  • One tampon should not be removed for three days. Two preventions of diseases are usually enough - in this case, the next one must be administered one day after the first one is removed. One package contains five pieces, but you can order one at a time. At acute conditions You may need up to 3-5 courses of five tampons.

Contraindications to Chinese tampons: do not use three days before critical days and three days after their end, during pregnancy, in virgins, with caution if you are prone to allergies, diabetes mellitus and hypertension. You cannot have vaginal sex during the course of therapy. And after removing the product - no earlier than three hours after thorough douching of the vagina.

Effect of use: healing (will help relieve the symptoms of many diseases - pain, discharge, heavy periods, normalize the cycle, promote conception), preventive (it is recommended to use one or two tampons monthly to prevent the development of gynecological diseases), cleansing (three or four tampons are used to restore vaginal flora in a woman), cosmetic ( age spots, acne and other defects will be prevented by the use of tampons).

Read more in our article about Chinese tampons, their composition and results of use.

Read in this article

Popular Chinese tampons, their composition

Everyone knows Chinese traditional medicine and what successes she has. Moreover, the methods used differ from those that are familiar to us. Chinese tampons are not an official medicine, but something like a dietary supplement. You won’t be able to buy them at a pharmacy - the drugs are only available on the Internet, where they can be ordered on separate websites. The most popular are Chinese tampons Beautiful life and Clean Point.

beautiful life

The description provided of Beautiful life tampons has the following composition of plants (many of them grow only in China and are unknown to residents of the post-Soviet space):

The packaging of tampons states that they comply with the parameters for safe use of “GMP”, do not contain chemical additives, are packaged under sterile conditions, and therefore are absolutely harmless and have no unpleasant effects from use, with the exception of individual intolerance.

Clean Point

They have a similar composition, so the indications for use and regimens are also similar. Chinese Clean Point tampons include:

  • angelica - relieves inflammation, has an antimicrobial effect, as well as a mild diuretic, participates in normalizing the level of female sex hormones;
  • sophora - has an analgesic effect, lytic (lowers body temperature), regulates the functioning of internal endocrine organs;
  • dragon tree resin - has a wound-healing effect, stops bleeding, is indicated for purulent inflammation;
  • kontis - possesses antimicrobial effect, antitumor;
  • core - improves blood properties, prevents the formation of blood clots, has an anticonvulsant effect, is indicated for fever;
  • camphor - known for its anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain and spasms, warms tissues;
  • acacia - affects the source of inflammation, accelerating tissue healing, relieving swelling;
  • incense - destroys specific pathogens of sexually transmitted infections, as well as opportunistic ones;
  • myrrh - renders antiviral effect, improves blood circulation at the level of the capillary bed;
  • pomegranate - has astringent and tanning properties, which is necessary for wound healing;
  • turmeric - has bactericidal effect, accelerates epithelization of wounds;
  • ginseng - improves metabolism, thermoregulation, tissue restoration;
  • clove - has an antispasmodic and analgesic effect.

Expert opinion

The composition on different sites is slightly different. This is due to different translations - plants can be called by generally accepted terms or without translation from Chinese. However, this does not affect their principle of operation.

Indications for use

  • Inflammatory processes in the genital organs- colpitis, adnexitis. The components of the product affect both specific and nonspecific pathogens. They will help relieve pain and discomfort associated with inflammation.
  • Erosive lesions of the cervix. The components of tampons enhance tissue regeneration, healing, and improve blood circulation. All this will help cure, according to manufacturers, any ulcerative lesions on the cervix.
  • Menstrual irregularities. By having a normalizing effect on a woman’s hormonal system, Chinese tampons are able to regulate menstruation, promote ovulation and even promote pregnancy.
  • Disturbance of vaginal microflora. Also useful tampons for women suffering from vaginosis. They will help restore the balance of microflora and prevent relapses.
  • . The components of tampons have a hemostatic effect, so they will help get rid of long and heavy periods.
  • Polyps of the cervix and uterine body. Manufacturers claim that the use of tampons helps to independently remove such tumors.
  • Endometriosis. Chinese tampons can stop the progression of the disease and the occurrence of complications.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

You should not count on a miraculous effect from using tampons. Subject to availability serious illnesses It is better to consult a specialist for a complete diagnosis. Self-medication can lead to worsening of the disease, so you can skip it malignant growth fabrics.

Features of use

Chinese tampons have some application features that differ from the standard use of hygienic tampons.

Attention to packaging

The instructions for the tampons are written in Chinese, best case scenario- in English, so correct application- a hot topic.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. you need to wash your hands;
  2. place the tampon in warm boiled water for a minute, so its insertion will be more comfortable;
  3. choose a comfortable position - squatting, lying down or others;
  4. lay the tampon to the length of your finger (5-7 cm), the wick remains outside;
  5. at correct installation the woman does not feel it in the vagina, it does not interfere with her leading a normal lifestyle;
  6. After removal, it is recommended to rinse the vagina with a syringe.

How much to bet per day

One tampon should not be removed for three days. Two preventions of diseases are usually enough - in this case, the next one must be administered a day after the first one is removed. One package contains five pieces, but you can order them one at a time. In acute conditions, up to 3-5 courses of five tampons may be needed.

About the indications and rules for using phytotampons Watch Beautiful life in this video:


Chinese tampons should not be used in the following cases:

  • three days before critical days and three days after their end;
  • not used during pregnancy, in virgins;
  • with caution if you are prone to allergies;
  • for diabetes and hypertension.

Effect of use

The manufacturer claims that Chinese tampons will help not only strengthen women's health, but also to cure serious diseases. Possible effects from the product are the following:

  • Health improvement. Tampons will help relieve the symptoms of many diseases - pain, heavy periods, normalize the cycle, help get pregnant.
  • Preventive effect. It is recommended to use one or two tampons monthly to prevent the development of gynecological diseases.
  • Cleansing. For this, three to four tampons are used to restore the woman’s vaginal flora.
  • Cosmetic effect. Pigment spots, pimples and other skin defects can appear due to dysfunction of the female genital organs. Regular use of tampons will help you achieve beauty.

Is there any harm possible?

Before using the product, the manufacturer recommends undergoing an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and an examination by a gynecologist. If all conditions of use are met, harm from the product is excluded. However, it is necessary to observe all contraindications and approach the use of Chinese traditional medicine with common sense.

Tampons from medicinal herbs have many conflicting reviews. You should also keep in mind that they can only be purchased on the Internet, and not in a regular retail pharmacy chain. If you have complaints, it is better to go comprehensive examination and install real reasons complaints.

Useful video

About the effectiveness of using Beautiful life and Clean Point phytotampons, watch this video:

The unique effect of Beautiful Life phytotampons, according to reviews from gynecologists, lies in their formulation, which is based on the rich knowledge of Chinese traditional medicine, whose existence dates back several thousand years. Herbal tampons protrude remedy and help eliminate various unpleasant women's diseases, while restoring the microflora and without damaging the natural pH balance of the vagina, which is an advantage compared to many other medications.

Let's look at phytotampons Beautiful Life and Clean Point in this article.

Composition of medicinal phytotampons

If you pay attention to the composition of this product, you can be sure that it is completely organic origin, which means safety for a woman’s fragile body. Thus, tampons contain sophora, angelica, dracaena, safflower, as well as myrrh, ginseng, frankincense and cloves.

Manufacturers are constantly improving the list of ingredients, adding new medicinal herbs, which allows every woman to use them in the fight against her ailments and not be afraid of the risk of irritation. This is confirmed for Beautiful phytotampons Life reviews.

For what purposes should it be used?

Some medicines that treat intimate diseases, can undermine general condition health of a woman, weakening the immune system, and thereby making the body even more susceptible to infections and unable to resist various dangerous illnesses. Phytotampons, in comparison with others medicinal products, do not have any contraindications. Thus, it is advisable to use them for the following women's diseases:

  • Presence of cysts and thrush.
  • Inflammations that are caused by pathogenic bacteria.
  • Hemorrhoids along with vaginitis, as well as postmenstrual syndrome.
  • Cystitis along with endometritis and dysmenorrhea.
  • Inflammation in the pelvic area and its organs, incontinence.

The given list of ailments that Beautiful Life phytotampons can eliminate, according to reviews of gynecologists, is incomplete, since they can be used in relation to almost all types of female diseases.

Therapeutic tampons are made in absolutely sterile conditions that meet international standards, so you don’t have to be afraid to use them. They do not contain any chemicals, therefore, the vaginal microflora will not be damaged in any way. Phytotampons passed a number clinical trials and have already earned the recognition of gynecologists, since they do not cause any side effects.

How to use tampons correctly?

Before using (according to gynecologists) Beautiful Life phytotampons, you need to thoroughly disinfect your hands. It will be best if the tampon is inserted into the vagina after intimate hygiene procedures. The sequence of use can be divided into several techniques:

  • Before opening the bag, you must inspect it for any damage. If they are not there, you can safely use a tampon. After opening the package, unwind the thread located at the base so that the tampon can be easily removed after use.
  • You can insert it into the vagina in the same way as its conventional counterparts, but the actions must be slow to avoid discomfort. This is confirmed by the instructions for Beautiful Life phytotampons.
  • The tampon can be left in the vagina for no more than three days. After this it must be removed. Removal will likely be accompanied by some discharge. Don't be afraid of this, because thanks to therapeutic effects, a phytotampon will help remove everything from the vagina harmful bacteria and substances that have accumulated there over a long time.
  • After the removal procedure, it is advisable to do douching at the base medicinal herbs, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. Herbs such as rosemary, rose hips, St. John's wort and chamomile are perfect for these purposes. It is necessary to remember that the decoction should be prepared only using boiled and filtered water.

The course consists of six repeating procedures, subject to the presence of any disease or dysbacteriosis. For preventive purposes, it will be sufficient to use medicinal phytotampons Beautiful Life (according to reviews of gynecologists) only twice a month.

How do phytotampons work?

The use of therapeutic tampons is aimed, first of all, at cleansing the vaginal area of ​​any dead structures and tissues, as well as blood clots that may accumulate in the uterus. Phytotampons completely remove pathogenic bacteria, which serve as breeding grounds for most female ailments. Thanks to its composition, this product can direct active substances to the affected areas, thus healing old wounds.

Thanks to the use of Chinese phytotampons Beautiful Life near the affected tissues, blood begins to circulate better, which is explained by increased nutrition. This helps to quickly repair damage and also cope with the formation of pathogenic bacteria.

In some situations, it is advisable to carry out treatment in a comprehensive manner, along with other means, having previously undergone full examination and consultation with your gynecologist.

This is confirmed by reviews of Beautiful Life phytotampons. The validity period of such products is 3 days. This means that a tampon already placed in the vagina should be left in place for no more than 3 days, after which it must be removed and disposed of. At large quantities The tampon may come out on its own on the second day.

Repeated use is unacceptable, since toxic substances are adsorbed and can harm the vaginal microflora.

Let's figure out how to pull it out correctly. This should be done in the bathroom, as the process may be accompanied by discharge. You need to carefully pull the traction thread and remove the tampon from the vagina. After this, douching with chamomile infusion or furatsilin is recommended. It is carried out carefully so that all substances collected by the swab are removed. Also, according to the instructions, you need to take a break of one day between uses. Sexual intercourse should occur no earlier than three hours after removing the tampon and douching.

Additional positive impact

In addition to improving the health of the genital organs, women's phytotampons Beautiful Life can rightfully be considered a panacea. Most women, in addition to the stated effects, observe other positive results, thanks to which we can say with great confidence that medicinal tampons have a beneficial effect on the entire body. IN in this case we're talking about about the following benefits:

  • There is a narrowing of the vagina. No wonder this product deserves popularity among women who have already given birth. Based on the ingredients that make up phytotampons, the size of the vagina is reduced to almost virgin size, without resorting to methods surgical intervention surgeons
  • These tampons produce a rejuvenating effect. Thanks to them, the vaginal muscles are toned, as a result of which a similar result becomes noticeable.
  • Pigment spots disappear. This property of Beautiful Life phytotampons is explained by the fact that processes take place in the female body, thanks to which not only blood circulation is restored, but also the required level of hormones in general.
  • The likelihood of conception increases. Due to the high-quality renewal of the vaginal mucous membranes, and, in addition, the normalization of the microflora in it and the effective elimination of gynecological diseases, a woman’s chances of conceiving a child increase significantly.

Contraindications for use

The use of phytotampons is prohibited for the following categories of women:

  • Virgins. Since they, who are not yet sexually active, cannot develop such serious illnesses, which may require treatment with herbal tampons. Their use should also be excluded for the reason that they can cause narrowing of the vagina.
  • Nursing mothers. Considering high concentration medicinal ingredients in Beautiful Life herbal tampons, substances can penetrate into the composition of milk, and it is well known that any influence of foreign substances on the baby is undesirable.
  • Women who have diabetes.
  • Postoperative or postpartum period. Such patients need to stop using phytotampons until their body is restored to normal health. to the fullest.
  • Allergies. Therefore, use of Beautiful Life should be discontinued if allergic reactions, which can manifest themselves as a result of the characteristics of the body or due to the appearance of individual intolerance to one or another component that is part of phytotampons.
  • Menstrual period.
  • Women who have poor blood clotting.
  • Medicinal herbal tampons, among other things, cannot be combined with alcohol; for this reason, during the course of prophylaxis, it should be completely excluded from use.

It is not advisable to be sexually active during the treatment period. Such a measure is necessary, since during therapy, all pelvic organs that are associated with the work of the vagina fully perform their functions, removing harmful microscopic organisms and thus restoring the microflora.

Possible discomfort during use

Beautiful Life phytotampons do not always bring a woman exceptionally positive emotions. In some situations, various unpleasant sensations may occur. In order not to be afraid of the natural manifestations of the body, it is best to direct use Read about the effects of tampons. The following are the most common sensations that can bring discomfort to women:

  • The occurrence of itching and burning. Such effects are, as a rule, very moderate in nature, so you should not be afraid of them. The fact is that Chinese tampons include elements that, through their irritating effects, help improve blood circulation in the vagina, which is necessary for more effective treatment.
  • Possible menstrual irregularities. Some people get scared when their usual cycle gets disrupted. In fact, there is no danger in this, since healing herbs with their effect on the pelvic organs, they have a beneficial effect, and, in addition, restore the correct cycle. In such cases, menstruation will be restored completely in the near future, but will no longer be as painful as before.
  • Back pain and headaches indicate that the blood supply has been compromised. IN similar situations you should continue to use tampons, which will certainly help restore its normal state.

This is confirmed by doctors’ reviews of the Chinese phytotampons Beautiful Life.

Medicinal phytotampons were created specifically to maintain women's health. Reviews from many women note that they effectively cure thrush and many others. Their composition is based on the principles of ancient Chinese medicine. The products help women restore the vaginal microflora and normalize the hormonal environment. Possess antibacterial properties. Before using them, consultation with a gynecologist is mandatory, as there are contraindications.

Composition of tampons

Phytotampons (reviews of some ladies note that while using the product, itching and burning in the vagina may be felt) have the ability to fight pathogens. Prevents aging processes.

The most common are phytotampons Beautiful Life and Clean Point (reviews note the similarity of their composition and say that the former act more delicately and softly than the latter). Products contain that successfully defeat diseases that destroy the female body from the inside, these are:

  • Antihypoxants. Help prevent and replenish oxygen starvation fabrics. Stimulate
  • Phytoncides. They belong to the Inhibit the development of a pathogenic environment and destroy pathogenic bacteria. Stimulates active production of antibodies. Suppresses the development of fungal infections. They have bactericidal activity, which is several times higher than that of medical supplies. They are completely safe for the human body.
  • Flavonoids. They are natural polyphenols. Involved in redox processes. They make the walls of blood vessels stronger. Increases the body's resistance to external negative factors.
  • Antioxidants. Struggling with free radicals. They inhibit the withering of cells and tissues of the body.
  • Phytohormones (phytoestrogens). As close as possible to female hormones- estrogens. Prevents the occurrence and development of hormone-dependent formations. Normalize hormonal background. Help eliminate gynecological diseases in this area (symptoms of menopause, menstruation, and others).

Therapeutic phytotampons contain extracts of herbs such as:

  • angelica, which is characterized by disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antiseptic and tonic properties;
  • Monnieri root, which has antifungal, antibacterial, antiallergic, antipruritic properties;
  • Stemona root, known for its hemostatic, vasodilating, antitumor, antimicrobial and anthelminthic properties;
  • Kochia broom, which is used as a cardiotonic, diuretic, tonic and laxative;
  • Japanese motherwort, is a hemostatic, hypotensive and stimulating plant;
  • smilax, has a pronounced carminative, tonic and cleansing activity;
  • Ligusticum mutellinum is characterized by antibacterial, analgesic, sedative and vasodilating effects;
  • Borneol is used as an antiseptic, analgesic and antipruritic agent.

The composition of the product is completely natural and safe for female body, which has been confirmed by thousands of ladies using these products.

Indications for use

Have enough wide range use of phytotampons. Reviews point out that during the use of these products a lot of “dirt” comes out, these are blood clots, mica-like discharge, etc. The products are recommended for use for almost any female disease. The main indications include cysts, thrush, vaginitis of various origins, inflammatory processes, as well as cervical erosion. Recommended for use for hemorrhoids, premenstrual syndrome, endometritis and cystitis Clean Point phytotampons.

Reviews from ladies note that after a course of treatment with this product, there is an improvement in sensitivity during sexual intercourse. Also, Chinese products are effective for dysmenorrhea and incontinence. The drug is used for polyps, fibroids and infertility. Give a positive result for adhesions and obstruction of pipes. Eliminate viral infections.

Produced under conditions of absolute sterility. They do not contain chemicals and do not harm the vaginal microflora.


Despite their effectiveness and naturalness, phytotampons cannot be used in all cases. Reviews from some women claim that you need to be careful with their use, as they can change hormonal levels and disrupt the cycle by up to 52 days.

The products should not be used by virgins. They are not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women due to the strong concentration of active substances that can penetrate the placenta, breast milk and negatively affect the child and embryo. You should not insert tampons if you have diabetes, as well as in a postoperative state, when the body is weakened and has poor blood clotting. Allergic reactions of the body to one or another component are contraindications. In this case, you should completely stop treatment with Chinese products.

Chinese herbal tampons (reviews from some doctors say that they can cause a burn to the vagina, and their use should be treated with extreme caution) should not be used during menstruation. Here you need to wait 3-5 days after last day menstruation and 7 days before the start of menstruation.

During the treatment period, you must completely stop drinking alcohol. You cannot have sex at this time. If such a need arises, then you can have sex 3 hours after removing the phytotampon from the vagina and douching with a solution of chamomile flowers.

Instructions for use

Chinese herbal tampons (reviews claim that the tampon is so small that it is not felt at all after use) are advised to be inserted slowly into the vagina to a depth of 5-7 cm. It is recommended to carry out this procedure before bed and after evening hygiene procedures. Before this event, you should thoroughly wash your hands and treat them with any disinfectant.

Before opening the package, you must ensure its integrity. If there is damage, the product cannot be used. Next, you should remove the tampon from the packaging and unwind the thread that is located at the base. This is done so that after the procedure the product can be removed from the vagina.

The phytotampon is placed in the vagina for three days, after which it is removed by pulling the thread. There may be mucus and discharge on the tampon after it is removed from the vagina. Take a break for 1-2 days, then introduce new tampon for three days and so on until the end of treatment, avoiding critical days. At this time, the product cannot be introduced into the body.

After the tampon has been removed, you need to make a bath or douching from a decoction of herbs such as chamomile, rose hips, St. John's wort. A decoction is prepared from clean filtered water.

The course consists of six procedures, but this is only if gynecological diseases are present. For preventive purposes, it is enough to use phytotampons (reviews from gynecologists do not recommend using this product, since it is not a medication and has not been sufficiently studied) 1-2 times a month.

A tampon used for prevention inhibits the development of pathogenic microflora. Significantly reduces the likelihood of hormonal imbalances. Helps support women's health during the cold season. Contributes fast healing wound

You cannot put tampons in the second half of the cycle if the woman is not protected from pregnancy, as it may be terminated. If there is dryness in the vagina, then before the procedure the product is placed in boiled water or in olive oil for a couple of minutes.

If a phytotampon is used for the first time, it is recommended to administer it for several hours.

During treatment you should drink a lot clean water, at least 1.5 liters per day, this will make the procedure more effective and help remove waste (toxins) from the body.

The principle of operation of phytotampons

Chinese herbal tampons (reviews from some women claim that they can cure uterine fibroids) work to cleanse the vagina of blood clots and dead cells. Helps eliminate pathogenic flora.

There are several types of discharge that occur after using Chinese tampons, these are:

  • Light clots. This means dead vaginal cells that have stopped working and only contaminate the uterus.
  • Water. It turns out that there is an infectious disease or a cold.
  • Blood clots are dark in color. Remains of menstruation, along with which pathogenic bacteria are released.
  • Observed with prolonged inflammation in the pelvis.

All these symptoms show that not everything was in order with the woman’s genital organs and tampons removed all unnecessary “dirt” from the body.

The medicinal herbs in the product not only cleanse the uterus, but also heal it. Direct the action active ingredients into the problem area, even old wounds are healed. Stimulate blood circulation and saturate the injured area with everything necessary nutrients. Plants in the product heal wounds and successfully fight pathogenic environments.

Phytotampons from China have four main functions:

  • bactericidal qualities that help remove pathogens;
  • anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • restorative effect.

At certain diseases It is advisable to carry out comprehensive treatment. Before using tampons, you should fully examine the gynecological area and consult a specialist.

Additional benefits

Beautiful Life herbal tampons (reviews of some ladies note that their action gives only a short-term effect, but after a course of treatment all problems return again) in addition to the stated positive results, they have additional “bonuses”. By cleansing a woman’s sexual organ, they have a beneficial effect on the entire body from the inside.

The products narrow the vagina, which is why they have earned particular popularity among women in labor. The herbs included in the tampon provide a tonic effect to the pelvic muscles, which rejuvenates the entire body. They restore hormonal balance, which causes pigment spots to disappear. Improves and evens out complexion. Renew and rejuvenate mucous membrane vagina. Phytotampons help normalize microflora and eliminate many female diseases. Increases the chances of successful conception child.

Side effects

Unfortunately, treatment with herbal tampons does not always produce a noticeable effect. Many ladies experienced negative effects in the form of itching and burning when using Beautiful Life and Clean Point. The manufacturer advises not to be afraid of these symptoms, since, according to him, there is an increase in blood circulation in the vagina, which makes the treatment more effective and causes similar discomfort.

During therapy, disruptions in the menstrual cycle may occur. Tampon developers do not advise you to be afraid of such a reaction, because medicinal plants, restoring pelvic functions, normalizing natural cycle, and menstruation will eventually come on time.

Some women experienced headaches and back pain when using Chinese products. This indicates a violation of blood supply in the body. Don't be afraid of them and stop using tampons; they will disappear over time.

Cost of products from China

Beautiful Life phytotampons (reviews claim that they should not be used in at a young age, and best of all for women after 40) do not differ in democratic cost. So, for 12 products they ask for 1200 rubles on Russian sites, and for 5 pieces - 500 rubles. On the Russian market, the price range for these goods is quite large and the difference in cost sometimes reaches a thousand.

Chinese herbal tampons: reviews from gynecologists

Not all doctors in Russia know about these tampons and welcome their use. Therefore, opinions about them have varied. Some doctors note that they can cause severe chemical burn, negative changes hormonal levels and cycle failure, these phytotampons. Reviews from doctors recommend not to rush into this purchase at the first advice of a friend, but to first seek advice from a gynecologist. When using, take into account all contraindications and specialist recommendations. If allergic reactions occur, you should immediately stop using Beautiful Life phytotampons.

Chinese tampons have become very popular among women all over the world. And all thanks to its plant composition and medicinal properties, which help overcome almost any gynecological ailment. The herbal components that make up Chinese tampons not only suppress negative impact pathogenic bacteria, but also restore the mucous membrane, heal microcracks and deeper wounds. In addition, they significantly improve microcirculation, which contributes to the proper functioning of the reproductive organs.

Benefits of Chinese medicinal tampons

Chinese tampons have become very popular among women all over the world. And all thanks to its herbal composition and medicinal properties, which help overcome almost any gynecological ailment. Before resorting to this method of treatment or prevention, you need to learn everything about Chinese tampons, their indications, properties and possible side effects.

Chinese tampons are completely natural preparation, which includes many different medicinal plants. Their action helps women get rid of a lot of genitourinary diseases. In addition, such drugs are used to prevent various gynecological disorders.

Women's tampons are made according to the recipes of ancient Chinese medicine, because before there was no abundance medications, which can now be found in pharmacies. Women took advantage of what nature gave them, improving their health. Chinese manufacturers have not forgotten about ancient recipes and still make medicines according to them.

Phytotampons is a name that fully reflects the properties of this medicine.

The use of tampons is due to their unique composition. In a short time, beneficial microflora is restored in a woman’s vagina, and hormonal levels are normalized. These tampons absorb pathogenic bacteria, dead cells, and also remove harmful toxins. The plant components that make up Chinese tampons not only suppress the negative effects of pathogens, but also restore the mucous membrane, heal microcracks and deeper wounds. In addition, they significantly improve blood microcirculation, which contributes to the proper functioning of the reproductive organs.

As a result of the above complex action, the external result from the use of Chinese tampons may also be noticeable. The fair sex's complexion is normalized and skin in general, weakness and fatigue disappear.

Tampons for women are very convenient to use, which is why they have earned such wide popularity among representatives of different age categories.

On various women's websites you can find questions: “How long have you been using Chinese tampons and is there any effect?” Among the variety of reviews for these products, the eloquent words of consumers often flash: “I have been using only Chinese tampons for six months now. The effect is amazing!”

Chinese miracle beautiful life

One of the most popular Chinese tampons is Beautiful Life. They are 100% composed of herbs that grow in environmentally friendly areas. Chinese herbal tampons are classified as therapeutic and prophylactic agents.

Application of Beautyful Life restores various disorders menstrual cycle, stops even heavy uterine bleeding, suppresses the growth of polyps and other benign neoplasms in the uterine cavity. In addition, beautiful life tampons make it possible without systemic drug treatment cope with small cystic formations ovaries, various inflammatory processes reproductive organs.

Gynecological tampons are very effective medicine For local application for vaginitis and fungal infections of the vagina.

Directions for use and composition

Chinese phytotampons Beautiful Life contain the following components:

  • angelica;
  • carnation inflorescences;
  • ginseng rhizome;
  • turmeric;
  • tanning acacia;
  • camphor;
  • meadow core;
  • lilac;
  • dracaena resin;
  • pomegranate bark;
  • myrrh;
  • yellowish Sophora;
  • incense;
  • safflower

To prevent various kinds of inflammatory and hormonal diseases, one tampon per month is enough. IN medicinal purposes therapy is carried out according to a certain scheme. So that use gives desired result, it is important to know how to use Chinese tampons and follow strictly the recommendations included in each package. Of course, the instructions are in Chinese, but the pictures will tell you what’s inside – there’s nothing complicated here.

So what should you do?

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly and dry with a towel.
  2. Open the tampon package.
  3. Straighten the string that is attached to the tampon.
  4. Take a comfortable position and relax.
  5. Insert the tampon into the vagina.

You need to keep the tampon inside the vagina for 3 days. After removing the phytotampon, it is necessary to syringe with a decoction of chamomile. From soap and others chemicals For intimate hygiene It's better to abstain.

An antiseptic solution can be easily prepared at home; all you need is 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of chamomile and 2 tablespoons of regular salt without added iodine or anything else. The temperature of the broth should be 20-35 degrees.

Chinese beautiful life tampons are reintroduced only 24 hours after the previous one is removed.

Chinese clean point tampons

Clean Point has similar properties to Chinese Beautiful Life tampons. Chinese medicinal tampons of this brand have anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties. They reduce painful sensations, have a rejuvenating effect, and also restore the mucous membrane of the genital tract. The capabilities of medicinal herbs in a Chinese remedy exceed all expectations and help cope with many diseases.

Clean point tampons are used for inflammation of the appendages, cervical erosions, endometriosis, candidiasis, some types of infertility, and various neoplasms in the uterine cavity. They are also used to suppress discomfort and pain during menstruation. Regular use of this Chinese remedy has a positive effect on reproductive function and promotes conception.

Composition and method of application

The beneficial effect of tampons on the female genital organs is due to their rich herbal composition:

  • Sophora;
  • turmeric;
  • ginseng extract;
  • myrrh resin;
  • carnation;
  • costis;
  • angelica;
  • Roqueburgia;
  • incense;
  • acacia.

Before you start using tampons, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of use and strictly follow generally accepted rules of personal hygiene.

Pathogenic bacteria must not be allowed to enter the vagina along with the medicine.

First you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap. The manufacturer states that at the factory, when assembled, all units undergo special laser processing and arrive at the consumer exclusively clean. Only if the packaging has been opened or its integrity is damaged does the safety of the product become questionable.

Before use, it is important to check whether the packaging is intact, and only then use the product for medicinal purposes.

After the funds are released from packaging material it is necessary to separate the thread that serves to remove the tampon from the vagina. It should be left outside so that later there are no problems with removing the tampon from the vaginal cavity.

Chinese clean point tampons are inserted no deeper than 6-7 cm and kept inside for three days. The placement procedure should take place in a clean place, and it is important for the woman to relax as much as possible so as not to damage the tissue of the genital organs. If, due to dryness, inserting the tampon is painful or impossible at all, you can dip the herbal ball in a warm, non-stick hot water literally for 10 seconds.

If the tampon absorbs too many toxic substances, then after 2 days it may come out on its own. After this, to remove any residue from the tampon, you need to douche the vagina. For this, a decoction of medicinal chamomile is usually used.

Contraindications for use

Herbal tampons of any brand are not used for medicinal purposes. menstrual flow. Every woman knows that these days are approaching. Treatment with Chinese herbs should be stopped approximately 3 days before menstruation. The course of therapy should also be started 3-4 days after the discharge stops.

The period of gestation (pregnancy) is also a contraindication for use. The medicinal tampon contains potent herbs that can be toxic to the fetus. By the way, in the homeland of this drug it is used to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

Plant components are able to overcome not only the placental barrier, but also enter the mother's milk, therefore, treatment should also be avoided during lactation.

Unlike hygienic devices, medicinal tampons cannot be used by virgins. Despite the ability of the drug to stop vaginal or uterine bleeding and heal wounds, they are not treated in the period after surgical interventions. Only after six months can you return to treatment using Chinese medicine.

Contraindications include simultaneous use of alcohol with treatment. Herbal collection incompatible with breakdown products of alcoholic beverages and can cause significant harm to a woman’s health.

Some components may cause an allergic reaction.

Any signs of intoxication are a reason to stop treatment. If side effects occur, you should immediately remove the tampon and consult your doctor.

Wearing an intravaginal herbal ball implies abstinence from sexual activity; sex is possible only after removing the product and thoroughly treating the vagina, no earlier than 3-4 hours later.

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Some admire them infinitely, calling them almost a panacea for all women’s ailments, while others are much more restrained about their use. Whose opinion is correct? Perhaps everyone should answer this question for themselves. And the purpose of this article is to provide an opportunity to compare reviews of phytotampons, both positive and negative character.

Let's start with the “fly in the ointment”, that is, consider negative reviews about Chinese tampons. Then we will contrast them with comments from people who have positive experience in using such gynecological products, and finally we will study the opinions of doctors about this method of therapy.

Not everything is so smooth or negative reviews about Chinese tampons

Indeed, medicinal Chinese balls, despite their amazing popularity, also have a number of opponents who actively share their negative experience on the Internet, discouraging people from purchasing such products. Having become acquainted with such comments in more detail, you will notice that almost always it is either about individual intolerance, or about the probable acquisition of counterfeit products, and sometimes the instructions for use are simply not followed.

It helped me, but there is a big drawback

Marina Ryazantseva, 29 years old, Moscow

Unpleasant sensations, but if necessary, then necessary!

Olga Maksimova, 31 years old, Samara

“I bought Clean Point herbal tampons on the official website. I lived in China for several years - they are sold in pharmacies there. Therefore, there was no mistrust. Treated ovarian cysts. I had to take 3 courses in six months. The dynamics are positive, the formations decreased by 2 times, but during the treatment there was a stable feeling of dryness in the vagina. I often had to douche with chamomile. Overall, the effect was worth it. I will continue to use it."

Didn't fit

Irina Indienko, 45 years old, Moscow

“I purchased Lalife tampons from a consultant. I couldn’t use it, although I really hoped to get rid of the uterine polyp. But I didn’t have the strength to undergo treatment - an hour after the injection there was a feeling of severe burning. I couldn’t stand it, I pulled out the ball and douched with chamomile for a long time. Allergy sufferers like me should try with caution."

On a wave of positivity or miracles for women

Now let’s get acquainted with reviews of Chinese tampons, which talk about the positive experience of using these products in the treatment of many female ailments.

Marina Khazova, 25 years old, Moscow

“I treated polycystic ovaries with Chinese Sunway tampons. I was afraid that it would end in surgery and was looking for an alternative. I came across a review site describing the action of these unusual balls. I thought about it for a long time, and then finally decided to try. A course of 24 pieces eliminated the problem. I still can’t even believe it. True, from time to time there was a feeling of dryness, but for the sake of such a result you can be patient. The discharge was in the form of white-yellow films. But after the 5th tampon they stopped altogether. I advise all women to try it. They really work!”

My experience with Chinese balls

Olga Savinova, 30 years old, St. Petersburg

“After 2 months of taking OK started terrible pain in the ovaries, lived on Spazmalgon. I have seen reviews of phytotampons on the Internet more than once. Somehow the desire to try it came naturally. I ordered 2 packages, that is, 12 pieces. After the first ball, bloody mucus and some rags came out. It was disgusting. After the second and third - only white pieces. I douched with a pale solution of furatsilin. At the end of the course, my pain went away. I think it was the tampons that helped.”

Reviews of Beautiful Life and Clean Point

For those who want to get pregnant

Yulia Lisitsa, 34 years old, Stavropol

“I’ll tell you my story. Married for 8 years. All these years I tried unsuccessfully to get pregnant. I had a lot of problems in gynecology: two ovarian cysts, chronic inflammation of the appendages, and constant dysbiosis due to antibiotic treatment. In short, I was already starting to lose hope. Bad thoughts came into my head - I wanted to divorce my husband so that I could find a healthy mother for my children. And so the doctor, seeing my despair, advised me in a half-whisper. I didn’t believe at all that any herbs would help. But still I decided to try.

For the first time, lumps of mucus interspersed with blood came out, the films were transparent. I was even scared. Then, after another 2-3 tampons, some “rags” came out when douching. But I gradually began to feel better, the inflammation stopped, and my cycle improved. I never even thought about conception. And then one fine day - a delay. I thought that the cycle had failed again. But in fact, our miracle happened - little Veronica. So many years of stupid and painful treatment, and help came from where we didn’t expect it.”

How I treated erosion

Irina Popova, 28 years old, Stavropol

“I learned about tampons 3 years ago and have been using them regularly since then. Then the doctor pleased me with a diagnosis: cervical erosion. She did not listen to his opinion and did not carry out the treatment he prescribed. On the advice of my aunt, I prescribed it. After 5 balls there was no trace of erosion left.”

Unexpected result

Svetlana Aksyutina, 45 years old, Kazan

“A friend gave me Clean Point herbal tampons when I complained to her that I was going to a cleaning to remove a polyp. She advised not to rush, said that they help and nothing else. It was scary to use - I had a preconceived opinion about China. But I decided to take a risk; I really didn’t want to go to the hospital. On the first day, my lower abdomen hurt and my lower back was tight (like during menstruation). I was afraid, but decided not to pull it out. In general, on the 3rd day I pulled out the tampon, and disgusting brown-red films and clots stuck to it. I saw such horror in the photo in reviews of phytotampons and did not believe that someone could have such disgusting inside. I douched with chamomile - I used almost 3 liters of it to rinse everything there thoroughly. Many brown fragments came out. The pain stopped on the second day. I was treated strictly according to the instructions (24 pieces). The doctor at the appointment didn’t believe the results!”

Believe it if you want, or check it if you want!

Galina Dylevskaya, 28 years old, Rostov-on-Don

"WITH adolescence suffered from irregular menstruation. By the age of 24, I had acquired a pretty bunch of gynecological ailments: endometrial hypoplasia, polycystic disease, erosion, grade 2 dysplasia, a slight bend of the uterus. Needless to say, pregnancy in my situation has become something of a fantasy. On the advice of my sister, I decided to try Clean Point women's tampons. The first 3 times there was a discharge reminiscent of pickled ginger, only yellowish in color (with bloody specks). And then everything was clear. I was treated for 3 months. And a miracle happened - now I’m pregnant, and soon a little son will appear in our family. So, believe it if you want, or check it if you want!”

Treatment of menopause

Svetlana Borodovskaya, 51 years old, Samara

“I started using tampons on the advice of a gynecologist, whom I have been seeing since the beginning of menopause. She suffered from hot flashes (hot flashes up to 20 times a day), became terribly nervous, and problems appeared in her heart rate, pigment spots appeared on the face, neck, and arms. I thought everything was old age. It was so offensive. Life has become not nice, because it has always been healthy and beautiful woman, took care of herself. I decided to take the advice and try these unknown tampons. There was nothing to lose and yet the doctor prescribed it. After 18 units, the situation began to improve: the hot flashes are now no more than 3-4 times and not so powerful, my nerves have become calmer, my arrhythmia has calmed down. And the most amazing thing is that almost all age spots disappeared or became much lighter. The only negative is that there was periodically a feeling of dryness in the intimate area, before inserting the tampon, I had to immerse it in a warm chamomile decoction for 1 minute. But during menopause this happens on its own. Great tampons, they work! And there is no chemistry in them.”

The opinion of doctors is also divided. Some consider them banal quackery, claiming that they are not officially a medicine, while others successfully use them in their medical practice.

Irina Anatolyevna Romanova, gynecologist (Moscow)

“Of course, like most of my colleagues, at first I was concerned about the use of products oriental medicine categorically negative. After all, they are not officially recognized as a medicinal product in our country. However practical experience much more convincing than prejudice. I saw those who became pregnant after using these products, those who cured erosion, polyps, inflammation of the appendages, and vaginal candidiasis. There are many such cases in my practice. Therefore, my opinion has changed dramatically. To be honest, I often advise women to try this treatment method. The main thing here is not to buy counterfeit products.”

Victoria Andreevna Belova, gynecologist (St. Petersburg)

“I don’t see any crime in using alternative medicine. In my practice I use both pharmacology and naturopathy. I believe that this particular combination is especially effective. And about tampons: they stimulate the surface exfoliation of the mucous membrane, thereby starting the regeneration process, drawing out toxins and bacteria. Very effective. It is especially pleasant to “guide” pregnant women, who sometimes never dreamed of knowing the joy of motherhood, and Chinese tampons gave them this chance. You understand, such results dispel all doubts.”

Viktor Nikolaevich Kozenko, obstetrician-gynecologist (Moscow)

"I only believe in official medicine. Nowadays, being treated with herbs is some kind of obscurantism. I think that all these positive results are just self-hypnosis. I don’t even want to listen when my patients start talking about Chinese things. There is a disease, there is standard scheme treatment for him. I consider everything else to be old wives’ tales.”

Marina Viktorovna Vakueva, gynecological nurse (Vologda)

“We to our patients lately We often recommend taking a course of treatment with herbal tampons. For women this is just a godsend. The composition is natural, if you read it, it contains only herbs. This treatment is much safer, more effective and, importantly, cheaper than the entire list of medications that we are forced to prescribe. But who benefits from people being treated quickly and without complications? There will be no one to treat! I myself have used it more than once and recommend it to my family.”