Probiotic Rela Life: instructions, composition, analogues, reviews. Lactobacilli Rela Life Anti-colic droplets for babies "Rela Life"

This complex name refers to a biological supplement based on probiotics. The main component of Rela Life is Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis, which are common representatives of the intestinal microbial flora healthy child. The introduction of such bacterial flora from the outside in most cases facilitates digestion processes small child and get rid of many unpleasant symptoms.

When the drug is prescribed and its mechanism of action

Like any other medicine, it is advisable not to use Rela Life at your own discretion, but to consult a doctor. The use of any probiotic, that is, a microbial strain that promotes the formation of the correct combination of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of a newborn and older child, should be justified and truly necessary.

The Rela Life probiotic contains lactobacilli, which are absolutely natural for the body of even a very small child, for example, a newborn. Lactobacilli in the intestines:

  • complete the fermentation processes of digestive components;
  • do not leave room for pathogenic (disease-causing) microflora to attach;
  • ensure maintenance at the required level of local immune defense and the activities of the entire system as a whole.

Lactobacilli do not cause any harm to the body even little man. Can be used, if necessary, even in premature or premature infants. congenital anomalies development.


Quite extensive. The Rela Life probiotic can be used both as an independent treatment option and as one of the components of a comprehensive study.

The most justified use of this remedy is in the following situations:

  • functional disorders digestive tract, due to the imperfection of its structure and functionality(eg, neonatal colic, regurgitation, constipation, or functional diarrhea);
  • phenomena of intestinal dysbiosis;
  • decrease negative influence on the digestive tract of various systemic drugs, in particular antibiotics wide range actions;
  • diseases of infectious origin with predominant damage to the digestive canal (bacterial, protozoal and viral diarrhea).

Reviews from specialists and parents whose children received the drug "Rela Life" in some sources may be diametrically opposed.

On many forums, young mothers speak positively about this probiotic. For many children (and their relatives), this particular remedy helped them forget about painful colic, pain in their small tummy and the problem of regurgitation. In most cases, young parents emphasize that the effectiveness and ease of use of Rela Life correspond to its price.

Some experts, including the famous children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky, are skeptical about the problem of dysbiosis and the advisability of using probiotics in children of various ages. Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes the low information content of stool testing for dysbacteriosis and the need to clearly clarify the cause of various clinical symptoms from the side of the digestive canal. His books describe in detail the problem of microbial flora of the gastrointestinal tract, the concept of “dysbacteriosis” and general principles interpretation of the results of the study of microbial associations of the child’s body.


Since the Rela Life probiotic contains absolutely natural Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis, there are practically no contraindications to its use. It should be noted only the extremely rare individual intolerance not so much to lactobacilli, but to additional components of the biological additive.

Release form

The pharmaceutical company BioGaia, manufacturer of the Rela Life probiotic, produces two versions of this biological supplement: oral drops and chewable tablets.

Drops for oral administration are more suitable for infants and children in the first years of life. Chewable tablets are most suitable for older children.

Vegetable oils in both forms of probiotic release promote pleasant taste qualities and faster absorption of the main active ingredient.


The Rela Life probiotic is very convenient and easy to use. Any form of release is used only 1 time per day.

Drops for oral administration can be added to milk formula or any other product (not hot) or simply dropped into a spoon. Just 5 drops of the Rela Life probiotic constitute a full daily dose.

The chewable tablet can be chewed or swallowed whole.

Both forms of release do not contain lactose and gluten and can be prescribed to children with insufficiency of these digestive processes.

Side effects

Currently not described, so there is no need to draw up a specific algorithm of action in case of an overdose of this probiotic.


There are a lot of drugs that contain lactobacilli. However, a significant advantage of the Rela Life probiotic is that Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis is isolated from human milk. Thus, this particular product is ideal for the body of a newborn or infant.

How to store the product

There are no special requirements. The bottle of drops or chewable tablets should be kept in a regular medicine cabinet, away from direct sun rays. There is no need to place the product in the refrigerator.

"Rela Life" is a dietary supplement that contains probiotics. Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis is the main component of the drug, belonging to the most common representative of the microflora healthy intestines child. According to reviews, "Rela Life" for newborns facilitates the digestion process in babies and relieves them of many unpleasant sensations.

Features of the drug's action

"Rela Life" is not recommended to be used without a doctor's prescription. After all, this can harm the child. The drug contains lactobacilli, which are natural for a small organism and are necessary for the proper formation of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, they must be present in the intestines in sufficient quantity. Lactobacilli are isolated from human breast milk and therefore meet all the requirements for probiotics. Beneficial bacteria in the intestines:

  • take part in the formation of enzymes responsible for the quality digestion of food;
  • actively obstruct adverse effects pathogenic microflora;
  • contribute normal operation immunity at the local level.

The intestinal microflora is represented various types microorganisms, including their own beneficial properties lactic acid bacteria are isolated, and negative bacteria are pathogenic. When the balance is disturbed, putrefactive and fermentative flora, fungi, etc. rapidly multiply. As a result, abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence and constipation appear.

According to reviews, "Rela Life" for newborns, thanks to its composition, only affects the child's body positive impact. It can be given to premature babies and babies with developmental defects.

Only balance intestinal microflora contributes to the normal functioning of the body and its health.

Indications for use

According to reviews, the instructions for "Rela Life" for newborns contain information that the drug can be used as a main or additional treatment. The dosage and duration of therapy are prescribed by the doctor. The drug is used for treatment in the following cases:

  1. Disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is caused by individual characteristics or physiological structure. The baby constantly experiences colic, regurgitation, constipation and other symptoms.
  2. Negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract of antibiotics or other drugs.
  3. The appearance of signs of dysbacteriosis.
  4. Infectious diseases that affect the digestive organs.

According to reviews, "Rela Life" for newborns for constipation and colic can be taken from the first days of life if the corresponding symptoms occur. The use of a probiotic improves the condition of children with intestinal colic, reduces painful sensations and improves intestinal motility.

The drug must be taken taking into account the existing symptoms, but it is not recommended to use it on its own.

How does the drug affect colic?

Newborns suffer from symptoms in the first weeks of life, which include abdominal pain, flatulence and constipation.

Colic is a common problem that occurs in infants under 3 months of age. According to latest research, they appear due to a violation of the necessary balance of intestinal microflora. According to reviews, "Rela Life" for newborns with colic helps to compensate for the deficiency of lactic acid bacteria in the baby's digestive system and thereby reduce pain.

As a result, the child cries less and does not show anxiety.

Release form

"Rela Life" is currently available in the form of drops for infants and chewable tablets with a pleasant taste. It is very convenient to use and only needs to be taken once a day.

The product helps prevent various problems in activities digestive system. According to reviews, "Rela Life" for newborns for colic is prescribed in the form of drops. After all, a child under one year old will not be able to chew the tablet on his own.

The second option of the dietary supplement is suitable for older children.

The drug contains exclusively natural oils which create a pleasant smell. Therefore, its ingredients are absorbed within a short period of time.

The probiotic can be easily used, which is why it is widely used among mothers of infants. According to reviews, Rela Life for newborns contains no lactose or gluten. That is why it is prescribed for enzyme deficiency.

To get positive effect, 5 drops are enough, taken once a day. The recommended dose contains 100 million live lactobacilli. They can be added to formula or other liquid product.

Older children willingly take the drug in the form of chewable tablets, which have a pleasant taste.

Contraindications to taking the drug and adverse reactions

According to reviews, "Rela Life" for newborns is a probiotic that does not have negative influence on children's body. You should stop taking it in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The probiotic contains only natural ingredients, so there are no other contraindications. In some cases, doctors record the occurrence of allergic reactions, which occur extremely rarely. Most often this occurs due to a reaction to additional components of the drug.

No official data have been found regarding the occurrence of adverse reactions during the use of the drug. However, in the first days of taking the drug, an increase in flatulence was noticed. This may be due to the colonization of the intestines with beneficial microflora. This symptom goes away on its own within 2-3 days.

Analogues of the drug

There are many medicines that contain lactobacilli. The main advantage of Rela Life is the presence in it of Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis, which is isolated from breast milk. Therefore, the product is perfect for the baby’s body.

Parents' opinion about the drug

According to reviews, Rela Life for newborns has both positive and negative effects.

One category of mothers is very pleased with the effect of the drug. As a result of taking it, infants got rid of colic, abdominal pain and bloating. Along the way, the child began to spit up less. Women also note high efficiency means.

The second category of mothers notes that after taking antibiotics, problems with the intestines arose. As a result of taking Rela Life, stool improved and bloating decreased. The effectiveness of the drug lies in the fact that it is not exposed to gastric juice. The dietary supplement works in the intestines, creating beneficial microflora there.

The third category of mothers claims that the drug did not help the child with colic at all and did not cope with constipation. They believe that Rela Life helps reduce symptoms associated with the digestion process and other gastrointestinal problems. Women are unhappy with the high cost of the drug.

Experts' opinions

If a baby experiences pain in the abdomen, then you cannot look at the torment of a small child and wait for the symptoms to disappear spontaneously. The opinion about "Rela Life" for newborns, according to doctors, is positive. With constant use, the drug can effectively solve the problem of pathology of the digestive tract. It is able to populate the intestines with beneficial microflora faster than other probiotic bacteria.

Drops are convenient for use by infants. Rela Life may act as a preferable alternative to other methods of treating colic. Taking the drug prevents the occurrence colds And intestinal infections.

"Rela Life" is a dietary supplement that allows you to relieve your baby of colic, flatulence and other symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases. Convenient form administration will help to effectively use the drug for newborns. It is necessary to take the drug only as prescribed by a doctor, in order to avoid serious complications.

Enough involved in digestion large number organs that not only crush food, but also remove everything unnecessary from the body. The "full cycle" system goes from the absorption of products and their further processing to the removal of undigested residues. It is especially important that every element of this department works smoothly.

If there is a malfunction of any organ, you must immediately consult a doctor to prescribe appropriate treatment. Doctors usually prescribe for treatment various medications, for example, the drug Rela Life. What is this medicinal product, and also what should you remember when taking it?

1. What instructions for use does it have?

Each package contains a small insert - instructions for use. In it you can always find everything necessary information. However, if for some reason you do not have access to it, you can read it here. This article contains a little more information, for example, price range data, possible analogues, as well as people’s reviews, which is extremely important for the consumer.

It is best to carefully study all this information so that no unforeseen situations arise in the future.

This product is produced in Sweden.


Taking this remedy helps improve general condition in the treatment of intestinal infections, as well as diarrhea. At the same time, the risk of occurrence is reduced several times, and the symptoms are also alleviated. various forms diarrhea, the duration of loose stools is reduced by almost 2 times.

In addition, the medicine reduces the likelihood of adverse reaction. Everyone knows that antibiotics have a detrimental effect not only on harmful ones, but also beneficial microbes, which ultimately leads to diarrhea. When treated with Rela Life, as a rule, such a reaction does not occur. That is why it is usually prescribed along with other antibiotics.

The product contains lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which are lactic acid bacteria that have positive action. They are essential for maintaining the normal balance of intestinal microflora. By covering the gastric mucosa from the inside, they protect the body from external microbes.

The effect of these bacteria has been studied and it is known that they can cure a large number of gastrointestinal diseases.

Characteristics of lactobacilli:

  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Natural origin;
  • Safety to use;
  • No negative impact on beneficial microorganisms;
  • Production of antimicrobial components.

What are the indications for this remedy?

This product is used as a biological active additive, which is taken with food. Medicine in different forms can be prescribed to small children (from the first days of life) and adults.

Method of use

Carefully study what the doctor wrote to you about the method of administration; the information from the prescription may differ slightly from what is in the instructions. The latter does not provide accurate data, which can be adjusted based on the severity of the disease and the age of the patient.

In the instructions for taking this medicine, any form is intended for oral administration, regardless of the time of meal.

The average dosage of the drug is 5 drops or one tablet once a day.

Before taking the drops, the bottle must be shaken, turned over and the required amount of medicine should be added. It can be added to non-hot liquids, e.g. breast milk.

The tablets have a citrus flavor. They can be sucked, chewed, or simply swallowed.

The average duration of treatment is several weeks. If required, this course can be repeated after a week's rest.

Release of funds

This product contains live lactobacilli, and vegetable oil derivatives act as additional components.

The product is available in the form of tablets (chewable) and drops. The drops are in a 5 ml bottle, and the chewable tablets are placed in blisters of 10 pieces. One package contains three such blisters.

Product combination

ABOUT drug combination This remedy with other drugs is still unknown. But doctors still warn that before starting treatment you should inform your doctor about all medications you are taking.

2. In what cases may the body respond to the treatment provided?

When taken in humans, the body may give response(side effects) on the treatment provided. Such manifestations include:

  • Headache, pain in the back/chest, limbs;
  • Arthralgia, myalgia;
  • The appearance of a skin rash, cough, runny nose;
  • Decreased appetite or increased appetite.

If you experience at least one of these symptoms, you should immediately go to the hospital for help.


Nothing is known about cases of overdose, however, doctors still advise following medical recommendations and not taking the drug in dosages exceeding the maximum permissible norms.


A contraindication for use is an allergic reaction to certain components.

  • If you have any symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. You can view a list of gastroenterology clinics on our website
  • You will be interested! The article describes symptoms that make it possible to suspect early stages presence of liver diseases
  • You may also be interested in learning more about treatment various diseases gastrointestinal tract

Taking the drug during pregnancy

During pregnancy, this drug can be taken. However, considering that the product is a dietary supplement, and therefore it has not been properly tested, doctors still advise taking the product with caution during this exciting period of time.

During the reception breastfeeding You should carefully monitor not only your own, but also the condition of your small child. If suddenly he begins to be capricious, then he should stop taking the drug.

3. What temperature regime should be maintained?

Any form of the product must be kept at a temperature of 10 to 19 degrees in a cool room, which will be well protected from small children.

  • The shelf life of the drug for the tablet form is 1.5 years;
  • Drops can be stored for no more than 2 years.

This is important! After the expiration date, further use of the product is unacceptable.

4. Price range

The article presents average prices. If you need to know the exact cost, please contact your nearest pharmacy.

For any medicine, the price consists of several factors, one of which is the individual markup of pharmacies.

All gastroenterology clinics and medical centers in your city. Tests and ultrasound. Consultation with a gastroenterologist. Diseases of the digestive system. Find out more:
- In Kyiv (Hertz, Ilaya, Euromed)
- In St. Petersburg (SM-Clinic, Longevity, Allergomed, Doctor +, BaltZdrav, Professor)
- In Moscow (SM-Clinic, Medlux, Onmed)
- In Kharkov (CMEI, Olympic, Victoria, Fortis, Ecomed)
- In Minsk (Belgirudo, Art-Med-Company, Sinlab, Mikosha, GrandMedica, MedClinic)
- in Odessa (Medea, On Clinic, Into Sano, Venus)
- In Razyan (Trust +, Polyclinic-Sandbox, Evrikas +)
- in Nizhny Novgorod (Only Clinic, Alpha Center, EuroClinic, SOLO, Altea)
- gastroenterological clinics in Tyumen (Doctor A+, Clinic "Vera", Avicenna, Medis, Sibirina, Your Doctor)


The price range for this product ranges from 950 to 1560 rubles. There are regions where the price of this drug does not exceed 850 rubles.


In this country, on average you will have to pay about 490 hryvnia for this product.

Video: First aid kit for newborns

, Probinix, Acidophilus, Ecofemin, Rioflora, Primadophyllus.

6. Reviews about the product

ABOUT this means There are not so many reviews on the Internet. However, from those that are available, we can conclude that the product still helps, however, the dosage must be strictly observed.

TO positive aspects can be attributed big list analogues that can replace original remedy. In addition, one can also highlight the absence side effects and contraindications.

The disadvantages of many patients include the too high cost, as well as the fact that the product is a dietary supplement.

If you have ever encountered the use of this product, please write a review. It is quite possible that your opinion will be extremely important to someone and will further influence their purchasing decision.

There are some tips that can be used to mandatory You should read before you start taking:

  1. In order to purchase medicine, you do not need to present a prescription from a doctor;
  2. If the treatment does not bring results, then you should stop taking it;
  3. The drug can be taken for renal or liver failure;
  4. All information is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute a guide to treatment;
  5. If you experience any symptoms that were not there before, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor for further advice.

Engaged in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the stomach, esophagus and 12 duodenum, diseases of the pancreas and liver alcoholic etiology. Treats intestinal dysbiosis and constipation.

Lactobacilli Rela Life

tasteless, odorless, easy to dose, natural

high price, didn't help

Assigned to us this drug pediatrician, as prevention against colic and recovery after taking antibiotics. It was necessary to take 5 drops every day for 1 month.

Result: it didn’t relieve us of colic, the baby began to have constipation (or maybe not because of this at all), I don’t even know whether the microflora was restored.

These drops cost about 1000 rubles, I would not recommend them, because everything is individual! In any case, colic in babies will go away by four months. And beneficial lactobacilli, as many say, are only found in one-day kefir. So whether it is worth spending this amount and whether to accept it is up to you to decide.

However, they were very easy to dose and my daughter happily swallowed them, without taste or smell, and seemed to be natural.

They will not help with colic, and even worse, they will cause constipation in the baby.

tasteless, odorless

high price, expensive, small bottle

On the advice of a friend, I started giving these drops to my three-week-old baby. We have been on formula since birth. Apparently it won’t be worse, it will only be good. Lactobacilli after all!) Although my baby did not suffer from constipation then, he sometimes cried when his stomach hurt, but everything was fine. I started giving these drops as indicated in the instructions, 5 drops each. I didn’t notice any rashes, but the fact that they didn’t suit us was evidenced by the baby’s very strong crying. He didn’t exactly cry, but squealed in pain, buckled his legs, and didn’t calm down all day. But I decided to be patient and chalked it up to regular colic. The next day he didn’t poop, and the next day, with a huge cry, he somehow passed a lot, and the stool was not thick, but normal. In general, I sold the whole course, they pooped every other day. When I stopped giving, oh gods! My child began to walk every day and the colic problems subsided for some time. A month later it was necessary to repeat the course, and what do you think? More screaming and constipation! I suffered for 2 days and stopped giving them. Everything is fine again! Dear mothers! For God's sake, don't make my mistake, this is a dietary supplement and is given only according to indications after consultation with a doctor! We didn’t have any evidence, well, sometimes I cried from colic, I decided to help the child, and as a result, my little one suffered for 25 days! Moreover, many write that this is the first reaction, then it will be better... Nonsense, watch the reaction, if the baby cries a lot, then this drug is not suitable for you! The main thing to remember is that colic is a natural reaction of the body in a baby! And it is also normal for children to cry, unless of course they cry for 3 hours straight! Perhaps it will make the transition from breastfeeding to bottle feeding easier and help cope with constipation (as it helped my friend, according to her, it also relieved colic). But personally, I do not recommend this crap!

Palm oil pacifier

I read about Rela Life drops a long time ago, as soon as the problem with colic appeared. There were no drops in the nearby pharmacies, and the Internet was full of messages that they were no longer being supplied. To my surprise, when my daughter was 3 months old, her friends brought us this medicine. At that time, I had already tried a lot of medications, and Rela Life seemed like a salvation. After reading the ingredients, I was surprised that it contained palm oil, and decided not to give it to my child right away, but to try it for myself. In the end, I didn’t notice any changes at all, the drops tasted unpleasant.

Advantages of Rela Life anti-colic drops:

Good reputation, possible placebo effect

Cons of Rela Life:

Expensive Difficult to find in Russia Palm oil in the composition Disgusting taste No results Heavy dripping from the bottle Small volume of the bottle

is there a doctor for you? antenatal clinic I also told you that these lactobacilli will help with colic in children

Biologically active food supplement. Is not a medicine

Trade name: Rela Life drops

Release form: 5 ml oral drops in a glass bottle with a screw cap, desiccant and dispenser inside. One bottle contains 25 daily doses.

Active substances: daily dose 5 drops contain 10 8 CFU (100 million) lactobacilli Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis ( Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938).

Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis is a clinically studied strain with high profile safety for children from birth, infants and younger age, as well as adults.

Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis is a representative of the normal flora of the human gastrointestinal tract and is isolated from saliva, stomach, small and large intestines, vagina and breast milk. Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis tolerates the acidic environment of the stomach well, forms colonies throughout the intestine, becoming part of its microflora, and is capable of producing Reuterin - antibacterial substance wide spectrum of action. Reuterin production identifies a possible mechanism protective role L. reuteri for a number of diseases.

Excipients: sunflower oil, coconut oil, palm oil, silicon dioxide. Does not contain lactose, milk proteins and gluten.

Scope of application: source of probiotic lactobacilli.

Pharmacological action: supporting and normalizing the balance of intestinal microflora in children from the first days of life.

Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis helps relieve colic and reduce the duration of crying during colic in infants.

Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis activates immune system intestines, performing barrier functions and protecting the body from infections.

Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis helps reduce symptoms acute diarrhea(mainly rotavirus etiology) and has a positive effect on constipation. Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis produce lactic, acetic and other acids, which leads to a decrease in pH in the large intestine. Low level pH enhances colonic peristalsis and reduces transit time of contents.

Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis plays a special role in the prevention of allergic conditions. On the one side, Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis activates the immune system, on the other hand it suppresses allergic reactions. Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis reduce the synthesis of substances that cause inflammatory reactions characteristic of allergies, promote the synthesis of interferon, and affect the production of secretory antibodies by the intestinal mucosa.

Recommended daily dose and method of administration: children from the first days of life and adults, 5 drops per day with meals. For children, drops can be added to breast milk or formula and other non-hot drinks. The duration of treatment is 1 month, repeated treatment is possible throughout the year. Before use, shake the bottle thoroughly. Open the cap, turn the bottle upside down and measure required quantity drops

Contraindications: individual intolerance to components. Before use in children, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician.

Terms of sale: as a dietary supplement to food through pharmacy chains and specialized stores and departments trading network. Not a medicine.

Storage conditions: store in a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Best before date: 24 months from date of manufacture.

Certificate of state registration: RU.77 .99.88.003.E.008754.09.15 from 09/02/2015

Manufacturer: BioGaia AB, Kungsbroplan ZA, PO Box 3242, 103 64, Stockholm, Sweden for Oy Verman AB, Kauppakaari 2, PO Box 146, 04201, Kerava, Finland. Made in Sweden.