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Many people experience veins appearing under the skin, most of them women. Unfortunately, many women perceive the veins that appear on the legs - in their back part - only as a cosmetic problem and are in no hurry to see a doctor, although a specialist would determine the cause of this phenomenon and prescribe necessary treatment. Enlarged veins in the legs are serious cardiovascular pathology, which requires serious attention from both women and men. Why do venous vessels on the lower legs become visible and how to remove veins on the legs?

Risk factors

If a patient has very visible veins on the legs and the back of the leg, especially if they begin to pulsate, doctors usually immediately speak of varicose veins. But the reasons for the appearance of a wreath can also be strong physical activity, for staging accurate diagnosis a specialist should prescribe a comprehensive examination. Only then is it determined how to remove the veins that are visible and altered.

Risk factors for the occurrence and development of varicose veins include:

  • Old age, because venous valves weaken.
  • Genetic factors, varicose veins are often inherited, then they are visible.
  • Hormonal problems associated with the fact that during pregnancy or menopause, the changes that occur affect the condition of the walls of blood vessels. This also includes reception hormonal contraceptives and other drugs containing sex hormones. It will not be possible to remove them during pregnancy, only after childbirth.
  • Pregnancy. The pregnant woman's body produces large number blood, and the veins can no longer cope with the increased load. Also, during pregnancy, pressure on the veins increases due to the growing uterus.
  • Excess weight and obesity puts severe pressure on veins lower limbs, contributing to the development of varicose veins, when the venous vessels become visible. If you lose weight, it will help remove them too.
  • A work regime associated with constant exposure to a static, upright position or significant physical exertion, especially heavy lifting. Also at risk include people who lead sedentary image life and spending the working day at the computer.
  • Bad habits. The toxins contained in alcohol and nicotine negatively affect the walls of the leg veins, significantly reducing their tone, making it more visible.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities occur due to malfunction of the venous valves, resulting from a decrease in vascular tone and thinning of the venous wall.

Bad habits and a sedentary lifestyle can cause the appearance of varicose veins.

It is extremely rare for vascular networks to appear on inside legs on the back part is caused by arteriovenous malformation of cerebral vessels, this disease may affect not only the vessels of the brain and spinal cord, but also other areas of the body. Removing the pathology is not so easy then.

Lumps along the back of the leg veins sometimes occur due to injury. A bruise can cause a hematoma to appear, preventing normal blood flow. A bruised joint causes internal bleeding from a vein, in order to stop the bleeding, you need to make a cold compress or apply ice, this will help remove the pathology.

Most often, dilated veins appear on the lower extremities in the area of ​​the back of the leg and thigh, and they are often localized on the back surfaces of the leg. If the small saphenous vein of the leg is damaged, the veins usually show through at the back of the leg and knee, but more often varicose veins affect the large saphenous vein, and purple veins can appear in the area from the ankle to the groin. They can be removed in such situations only through surgery.

A number of signs

If veins in the legs become visible, only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis, since this symptom in itself is not evidence of the development of varicose veins. Varicose veins is diagnosed based on a number of signs, which then helps determine how to treat it:

  1. After a working day, especially after a long stay in a sitting or standing position, a person feels severe pain and a feeling of heaviness in the legs in the back, and the pain pulsates and is accompanied by a burning sensation, has a pulling character.
  2. At night, convulsive contractions often occur in the calf muscles, causing significant discomfort.
  3. By evening, the lower limbs become very swollen, initial stages varicose veins, visible swelling goes away by morning.
  4. A nodule or a small ball protruding under the skin may appear on the wreath - a lump on the vein, it can become very inflated, and a pulsation can be felt in it.
  5. As the disease progresses, bumps appear on the veins of the legs on the back, the skin of the lower extremities changes color and becomes purple or bluish, and in a severe stage they appear on the legs. trophic ulcers, eczema and dermatitis, this is the reason why the veins on the legs itch. The legs may become very swollen, and the veins on them may become very swollen and visible.

It must be taken into account that indicated symptoms are also characteristic of some other diseases, so a true diagnosis can only be made by a specialist based on anamnesis, examination and data from laboratory and instrumental studies.

Swelling of the legs in the evening is a symptom of the development of varicose veins.

Sometimes varicose veins on early stages does not manifest itself in any way, for example, varicocele or dilatation of the veins of the spermatic cord on initial stage sometimes it is detected only by chance during a medical examination.

Adequate therapy

If a vein pops out in your leg, even if it is not very noticeable and is located on the back of the leg or under the knee, you should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe adequate treatment. A phlebologist or specialist can help in determining the diagnosis. vascular surgeon, which will help remove altered blood vessels.

Varicose veins are treated conservative methods or using surgical intervention, sometimes folk remedies are included in the treatment regimen. Mandatory method treatment is compression therapy and exercise complex physical therapy which can be done at home.

The answer to the question of how to remove veins on the legs on the back, if they are visible, does not have a clear answer, since treatment is always prescribed strictly individually and depends on the patient’s condition, the stage of the disease, age, the reason why dilated venous vessels appeared and what they are location. For example, if the cause of a seal in the veins is an injury or bruise, treatment consists of applying compresses, treating with folk remedies, and you can also use a gel used for sports injuries. All this will help remove the pathology.

Cold compresses or compression garments - great way preventing varicose veins.

  • Conservative treatment.

If a vein has come out on the back of the leg, including on its inner side, conservative treatment most effective in the initial stages of the disease. The following medications are used to treat varicose veins:

  1. Venotonics - to increase vascular tone, they also act to strengthen the vascular wall and normalize venous blood flow. These medications may have different names, but the principle of their effect on the veins is approximately the same; most often, doctors prescribe Detralex, which has good reviews from patients and doctors.
  2. Anticoagulants are drugs that reduce blood clotting and prevent the formation of blood clots; such drugs most often contain heparin, best reviews One of the drugs in this group is Lyoton, a gel for external use.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs - used in the presence of an inflammatory process in a venous vessel. The most commonly prescribed drug is Diclofenac; it can be a gel for external use, tablets or injection solutions. These drugs are prescribed with caution during pregnancy.

If the veins of the legs on the back are not dilated, but are only slightly visible from behind knee joint, you can use Antistax gel, which contains red grape leaf extract, Aescusan ointment or gel based on chestnut fruits, or other products for external use. All these remedies can be used at home.

If veins are visible on the legs, and swelling in the feet does not go away, the treatment regimen must include exercises from a set of specially designed gymnastics for varicose veins; such exercises can be found on videos on special medical websites and repeated at home. Such exercises give a noticeable effect from the first days of training; they help strengthen the venous wall and reduce swelling.

  • Surgical treatment.

With the development of varicose veins on the back of the legs and its transition to severe stages, it is usually impossible to do without surgery, if the veins in the legs begin to expand greatly, a pulsating swollen nodule is detected on them or trophic ulcers begin to appear, surgical intervention is best way stop these processes. Doctors are unanimous in answering the question of how to stop the development of varicose veins; phlebectomy today is the most in an efficient way treatment of this disease.

In addition to phlebectomy, the doctor sometimes prescribes scleroplasty, in which a special substance is injected into the vein that can glue the vein and exclude it from the circulatory system. Scleroplasty can be done in outpatient setting, this method of treatment allows you to remove vascular networks on the face, and not only if the veins are visible on the back of the legs, they have become visible and cause discomfort.

  • Treatment with folk remedies.

If veins come out on the back of your legs, treatment with folk remedies can help remove them in some cases. With varicose veins on the legs, the veins can be visible and at the same time itch very much; baths with the addition of herbal decoctions can help relieve this itching. Folk remedies can also stop bleeding if the damage to the vein is caused by a bruise.

Treatment of leg veins with folk remedies can only be carried out after consultation with a specialist, since sometimes some untested medicine causes an allergic reaction, so each prescription must be checked for individual tolerance. Your doctor will tell you how to test a folk remedy.

How to help pregnant women

Treatment of dilated venous vessels during pregnancy is associated with certain difficulties. Firstly, pregnant women should not take certain medications, secondly, they should approach surgical treatment with caution, and thirdly, exercises from the gymnastics complex should be carefully selected - pregnant women should not get into certain positions.

If varicose veins occur during pregnancy, it is important to treat under strict control doctor

Pregnant women often ask what to do if veins are visible on the legs, how to get rid of them spider veins on outside knee, how to stop this process or what is it called the best remedy from varicose veins. At the same time, pregnant women are characterized by increased suspiciousness and often refuse the proposed treatment. Doctors have to answer strange questions, for example, why do you dream about veins? A specialist treating varicose veins in pregnant women must have special tact and be able to convince the pregnant woman that the proposed treatment methods will not harm herself and her unborn child, and also try to save her from obsessive fears and not pay attention to what you might dream about, especially since seeing veins in a dream is not a bad sign, it’s just that sometimes in a dream the vein pulls and hurts, as a result of which a plot related to an enlarged vein may appear in dreams.

There are many reasons for the appearance of dilated veins on the inner surfaces of the legs: mechanical damage veins, bruise, injury and other factors. But most often, dilated veins are a sign of varicose veins; the disease can affect one side of the leg. You should not try to remove such vessels yourself; at the first signs of illness you should consult a doctor.

Femoral vein thrombosis is the most dangerous of all types of deep vein blockages. The disease poses a threat to human life. The problem is further aggravated by the fact that in the early stages the disease is asymptomatic, and it can be very difficult to diagnose it in a timely manner.


Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) – formation blood clots, blocking (partially or completely) the internal lumen. Most often, the process is localized in the lower extremities, for example, in the femoral vein. Classic signs of DVT:

The disease occurs in approximately 20% of the population and, if untreated, often causes death from pulmonary embolism. The main risk group is men. In women, DVT is common if they are taking hormonal birth control.

Femoral vein thrombosis is the most dangerous of all localizations of blood clots. With the development of complications in the form of embolism pulmonary artery death occurs in 60% of cases. Thrombosis of the femoral vein is also dangerous due to the risk of clot rupture and penetration into the heart. In most cases, embolism of this organ is fatal. With the development of thrombosis of the iliac and femoral veins, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • severe swelling and pain in the legs, starting from the groin area;
  • cyanosis of the skin of the lower extremities;
  • petechial rash (small hemorrhages in the form of dots);
  • increase in temperature due to the addition of phlebitis.

Phlebologists distinguish two stages of the course acute thrombosis deep veins of the thigh. They differ in the color of the skin of the lower extremities: white and blue phlegmasia. The initial stage of thrombosis is characterized by a pale coloration of the skin: due to a reflex spasm small arteries blood circulation is disrupted. At this stage you can observe the following:

  1. The pulsation of the arteries of the feet decreases.
  2. Extremities are cold to the touch.
  3. Patients often complain of severe pain.

Important! Blueness of the legs indicates that venous vessels of various sizes are overfilled with blood and is accompanied by darkening of the skin, severe bursting pain and blisters containing hemorrhagic fluid protruding to the surface. At this stage, thrombosis can progress to gangrene.


Deep vein thrombosis usually occurs when prolonged compression vessel with a tumor (cyst) or bone fragment during a fracture. Also, the cause of blood clot formation can be circulatory failure, which arises as a consequence of diseases.

Poor blood circulation causes congestion leading to thrombosis. Varicose veins of the superficial veins in the extremities are not only an external defect. Dilated vessels put pressure on the veins, which slows down blood flow and causes blood retention in the periphery, providing all the conditions for the development of thrombosis. The main causes of blockage of deep veins:

  • slowing down the speed of blood flow in the veins;
  • increased blood viscosity;
  • violation of the integrity of the internal walls of blood vessels.

Also, blood flow slows down when you are stationary for a long time. For example, when serious illnesses(stroke, heart attack, spinal fracture), forcing the patient to constantly remain in bed, blood clots very often form.

Some professions also have a negative impact on the condition of the deep veins of the lower extremities. Sellers, cashiers, pilots, international drivers - all these people are forced to stand or sit in one position for a long time, so they are at risk for blockage of leg veins by blood clots.

Another cause of DVT is frequently recurring illnesses that cause dehydration:

  • spicy intestinal infections accompanied by long-lasting diarrhea and vomiting;
  • chronic diseases of the intestines and pancreas;
  • excessive intake of drugs with a pronounced diuretic effect;
  • diseases leading to an imbalance of fats and proteins (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, cancer).

Bad habits also increase the likelihood of platelets sticking together: smoking, overuse alcoholic drinks. In people dependent on this, the veins of the lower leg are most often affected.

Clinical manifestations

In 50% of patients there are no signs of thrombosis. Full clinical picture It can be caused not so much by DVT itself, but by its complications caused by the addition of an internal infection. The walls of the vein around the blood clot become inflamed. In this case, the patient's body temperature may increase.

Very often, when making a diagnosis, doctors confuse thrombosis with thrombophlebitis. This is explained by the almost simultaneous occurrence and course of both processes. Symptoms manifest differently and depend on the location of the vessel affected by the thrombus. So, with DVT of the lower leg the following are observed:

  • swelling in the lower part of the limb (ankle);
  • pain that occurs when bending the leg at the knee joint;
  • sensory disturbances in the foot (numbness or fever).


In the case of deep vein thrombosis, timely and correct diagnosis is very important. It helps to assign necessary treatment and avoid serious complications with fatal outcome. At initial examination The doctor compares the temperature and color of the skin on both legs of the patient, and also checks for the presence of a pulse in the feet, assesses the condition of the superficial veins of the lower leg.

DVT in the calf muscles is characterized by increased aching, nagging pain when bending the leg at the ankle joint, when the patient pulls the toe towards himself. Also, thrombosis of the deep veins of the leg manifests itself as pain when squeezed calf muscle blood pressure cuff. If in a healthy leg the patient feels pain at 150-180 on the scale, then in the affected limb pain occurs already at levels from 80 to 100 mmHg.

To make a more accurate diagnosis use ultrasound examination and Dopplerography of the veins of the thigh and leg. They help to identify the exact location of the thrombus and the level of its fixation on the vessel wall. The phlebography method is also used in diagnostics. With the help intravenous injection introduced contrast agent, then done x-ray. If deep and multiple damage to the veins by blood clots is suspected, an MRI examination is prescribed.

Most exact method diagnostics - angioscanning. Required condition To carry it out, it is necessary to adhere to strict bed rest the day before. Upon completion diagnostic procedure If an occlusive or parietal form of thrombosis is detected, patients should immediately begin active therapy.


Treatment methods for deep vein thrombosis depend on the causes of the disease and the presence/absence of complications. The age of the patient is also important, as well as general condition his health.

Conservative therapy is indicated in cases where the blood clot does not completely block the vessel, sits firmly in place and is unlikely to break off. Treatment goal:

  • restoration of normal vein patency;
  • preventing the destruction of a blood clot and preventing the possibility of embolism of blood vessels of vital organs;
  • eliminating tissue damage.

Thrombolytic therapy - type drug treatment. The main objective of this method is to restore blood flow in the vascular bed. Achieved by dissolving the blood clot. The method consists of activating the fibrinolytic properties of blood by converting plasminogen into plasmin, the active form. The drugs used in the thrombolytic method of treatment differ from heparins in the principle of action. While heparins only inhibit the formation of clots, thrombolytics destroy existing blockages in the veins. This method of treating DVT is most effective in the first three days after the formation of a blood clot.

Anticoagulant therapy is indicated for all patients with deep vein thrombosis. Treatment should begin with injections of blood thinning drugs. It is preferable to use low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) or fondaparinux with a gradual transition to indirect drugs (Warfarin).

Elastic compression involves wearing compression stockings (class 2-3). If the patient has obliterating diseases leg arteries, compression hosiery should be used with caution.

Compression therapy is contraindicated if tibial posterior artery systolic pressure is less than 80 mmHg. Art. It is often used as concomitant therapy during surgical interventions to remove blood clots.

Surgical methods

If the patient's condition allows, then emergency cases or in case of individual intolerance to drugs, blood clots are removed by surgical intervention. Also during the operation, the patency of the vein cavity is restored while preserving the functions of the valves.

Important! The cause of PE (pulmonary embolism) in most cases is untreated deep vein thrombosis.

Considering high percentage deaths from the penetration of detached blood clots into the lungs, the prevention of their formation during surgery is given great importance.

So, for several days before surgery and in postoperative period The doctor prescribes the patient to wear compression stockings or apply elastic bandages. On the second day after surgery, exercise therapy is prescribed. If the patient is paralyzed, he is prescribed massage.


To prevent the formation of blood clots, blood thinning drugs are prescribed to patients with heart problems. Femoral vein thrombosis can also be prevented by regular general examination. A timely diagnosis of DVT can prevent many serious complications:

  • thrombophlebitis with threat of sepsis;
  • gangrene of the limbs and internal organs;
  • infarction pneumonia as a result of thrombosis of the small branches of the pulmonary artery.


The substances we get from foods can affect blood thickness in different ways. In case of increased coagulability, in order to avoid the formation of blood clots, the following should be limited or completely eliminated from the diet:

  • lard, fatty meat and sausages, canned meat, butter;
  • white pastries;
  • legumes (beans, peas, soybeans, lentils);
  • rosehip, black currant, chokeberry;
  • bananas and pomegranates;
  • walnuts.

TO useful products if you are prone to thrombosis, include boiled lean meat, fish, cottage cheese and kefir, vegetable oil. Fresh herbs (dill, parsley, onions), garlic, tomatoes are very useful. You can eat all fruits and berries except those that are prohibited. If the patient does not have diabetes mellitus and he is not overweight, chocolate is allowed.

In addition to diet, it is very important to maintain a drinking regime. In addition to tea, coffee, juices, compotes and other drinks per day, you need to drink an average of about 2 liters of plain drinking water. Sufficient quantity fluid in the body can have a positive effect on blood viscosity, preventing blood clots from forming.

According to statistics varicose veins veins are more relevant to the female sex, especially if it concerns women of the most interesting age after 40 years. However, despite this, young women also need to be more careful, especially as the disease becomes younger. Its appearance is often preceded by pregnancy, long-term use hormonal drugs, including contraceptives.

In addition to the fact that the disease is accompanied pain syndrome, it is scary precisely because of its cosmetic effect. This refers to the fact that varicose veins do not spare the most main part the body of any woman, namely the legs. Women try to always be in shape, but varicose veins can spoil them for many years. Especially often, varicose veins affect the upper part of the legs – the thighs. Varicose veins of the thigh are the most common and cause the most discomfort.

These are very delicate places and if you do not treat in a timely manner, then a disease that begins quite harmlessly can lead to very serious consequences. Therefore, try to identify the presence of varicose veins in the early stages, when it can be easily and often completely painlessly treated.

At this stage, you can overcome the disease even without surgery. The main thing is to detect it in time. If you often have to stand still, for example, if you work as a salesperson, or have to work at a computer, when you come home in the evening, you need to listen to your feelings. Pain in the legs, heaviness when walking may already indicate that varicose veins are somewhere nearby.

At first, it manifests itself exactly like this and does not have any external manifestations. If you didn't miss this moment, then you're already in luck. Considering that varicose veins in themselves are not a terrible disease, treatment in your case will be limited to the use of inexpensive medications; diet and rational physical activity will not be superfluous. Varicose veins on the hips manifest themselves differently at different stages.

In the first, initial stages, as mentioned above, it manifests itself only in the form of pain in the extremities. This goes away after a little rest or taking a warm bath.

If you are unlucky and time is lost for some reason, the next stage of varicose veins will already appear visually in the form of a network of ugly blue. Many still thin veins lie, as it seems to us, on top. This usually happens on inner surface hips. Local therapy, ointments, compresses and compression garments can also most often cope with this.

The next stage may be the appearance of compactions, swelling of the veins, which is manifested by the formation of nodes of various lengths and shapes. At this stage, your hips will benefit from sclerotherapy or laser coagulation. Both methods are painless and can cope with the disease.

If this happens and you start treating the disease in the initial stages, the skin may weaken and this may result in the appearance of varicose ulcers, which cause a lot of trouble, especially if it concerns the delicate inner surface of the thigh.

Pregnancy favors its occurrence, especially on the legs, less often on the thighs or vulva.

During pregnancy, progesterone levels increase in the body. This hormone has a relaxing effect on the walls of the veins. This week you already have a full liter more blood than before pregnancy. The veins are stretched. At the same time, the uterus enlarges, which now impedes the return flow of venous blood to the heart. The accumulation of blood in the lower extremities can eventually lead to varicose veins in the legs and vagina. Most women track the changes that have occurred by an unpleasant sensation of pressure or the presence of a foreign body, as well as swelling in the labia area. Don't worry: varicose veins in the vagina are not an obstacle to natural birth. But in case of damage birth canal in this place the wounds may bleed more. After childbirth, the vessels protruding from under the skin usually disappear on their own. However, sometimes varicose veins (usually in the legs) remain for a longer period.

The effect on the mother's body of hormones actively produced during pregnancy leads to a decrease in vascular tone. The increased volume of blood can cause them to expand, which causes signs of varicose veins.

Its first manifestations, as a rule, boil down to a feeling of pain and heaviness in the legs, the rapid appearance of a feeling of fatigue when walking and standing, and the appearance of swelling. All this is caused by a disruption of normal blood flow in the lower extremities and a decrease in its speed.

Take care of your feet

If you feel tired in your legs, try to rest as often as possible. In this case, it is best for you to lie down and elevate your legs, for example, put them on a pillow.

Specially designed compression underwear - tights and knee socks, which are called anti-varicose - have replaced elastic bandages, which were used by women in previous years. Wearing such underwear has a beneficial effect on the condition of the veins expectant mother: congestion decreases, and the speed of blood flow increases several times.

It is compression knitwear that is the most effective means prevention of varicose veins.

Varicose veins are a problem that can get worse during air travel due to sharp changes pressure, often during takeoff and landing, causing deterioration of blood flow and contraction of blood vessels. Particular caution should be exercised by those women whose pregnancy is in danger of being terminated and is accompanied by the use of hormonal medications.

A light leg massage with movements from the foot to the thigh, which your husband will give you at the end of the day, using this remedy will relieve discomfort.

Change your body position, step from foot to foot, place one foot on a support, and when sitting, use a bench on which your feet will rest.

Include in your gymnastics complex special exercises for your legs, and during the day give them a little warm-up - sitting on a chair, rotate your feet in different sides, while standing, rise on your toes.

Now high heels are contraindicated for you, but completely flat soles are also not for the expectant mother. A small, stable heel is what you need. Check that the elastic bands of your socks and knee socks are not too tight, and you will have to give up your stockings. Tight trousers with narrow legs are also not suitable.

Avoid overheating your feet, do not overuse sunbathing and visiting a solarium. Hot water not your best friend now, but contrasting foot baths and foot drenches cold water from the shower will not only help maintain vascular tone, but will also be a good hardening procedure.

If you regularly visit beauty salons, be aware that hot waxing can aggravate vein problems.

Causes of varicose veins during pregnancy

Varicose veins are one of the consequences of global varicose veins that affects pregnant women. The reason is hormonal mechanism, changing the venous walls. The pressure that the uterus exerts on the veins worsens this situation, and this disease is localized in the lower extremities of the body.

Varicose veins occur most often if pregnancies follow one another or a woman spends a lot of time standing. Varicose veins usually appear very early in pregnancy and may worsen in the third trimester.

Symptoms and signs of varicose veins during pregnancy

It manifests itself in wide areas protruding on the calves, inner thighs, or vulva. blue veins; hemorrhoids are a form of varicose veins located around the anus.

Varicose veins may be accompanied skin signs: very thin venous dilatation, forming a purple mesh, swelling of the ankles or legs. For some women it causes only aesthetic harm, while for others it causes suffering due to a feeling of heaviness in the legs and night cramps.

Prevention and treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy

Varicose veins can sometimes be worsened during pregnancy by superficial phlebitis; Usually, simple local treatment (application of anti-inflammatory cream under the supervision of a gynecologist) is suitable to eliminate this disease. Poor external condition of the veins during pregnancy can still provoke the appearance of deep phlebitis, in which the use of anticoagulants is justified.

Treatment of varicose veins proceeds quite quickly. Doctors advise wearing tight-fitting or compression underwear, running cold shower water on your calves and lower thighs, and sleeping with your legs elevated. The intake of venotonic drugs is limited. Usually, after the birth of a child, varicose veins gradually disappear.

To prevent varicose veins and associated troubles, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • As much as possible, try to avoid standing or sitting in one place for long periods of time.
  • Active movement, such as walking, cycling or swimming, - best prevention, and in case of illness a good auxiliary remedy.
  • Take two or three breaks during the day to lie down for 15 minutes with your legs raised high.
  • If you already suffer from varicose veins, we can help you compression stockings, made to order. Put them on in the morning while still in bed, before they have swollen.
  • Cooling compresses or ointments provide relief.
  • If varicose veins are causing severe pain, you should be under the care of your family doctor.
  • With a simultaneous predisposition to thrombosis, blood thinning by taking heparin is possible.
  • At severe symptoms Thrombosis requires treatment from a doctor who specializes in venous diseases.
  • Place two thick pillows under your calves at night and sleep with your legs elevated. This prevents nocturnal stagnation of venous blood.
  • Stretching exercises and foot exercises improve blood flow.
  • Pouring your feet with cold water in the morning improves the condition of your veins. The effect of coolness strengthens the walls of blood vessels, narrowing the channel for blood flow. At the same time, it stimulates blood circulation and fills you with energy to start a new day.

You can follow the same principle in case of varicose veins in the vagina, as well as hemorrhoids:

  • Fill a sitz bath with cold water (20-23°C) and sit in it for 30 seconds. Repeat the procedure up to three times a day.
  • Short cold shower can alleviate your condition, like an ice pack, which, however, must be wrapped in a towel or some other cloth before applying it to the skin.
  • Daily gymnastics for pelvic floor stimulates blood circulation and promotes the gradual disappearance of symptoms.

Varicose veins

Heaviness in the legs, dilated veins, hemorrhoids are signs of circulatory disorders. In most cases, these disorders are temporary and are a consequence of general expansion of the veins. Everything will return to normal after childbirth. A few tips will help you reduce discomfort and avoid complications.

Feeling of heaviness in the legs

The feeling of heaviness in the legs, further aggravated by the arrival of heat, is most often associated with blood circulation. It may be accompanied by swelling of the legs and a “pins and needles” sensation on them. As soon as you experience such sensations, you should try to avoid standing in one place for a long time, do not cross your legs, wear loose shoes that do not restrict movement, and do not wear belts or flat shoes.

Anything that can increase the flow of heat to the legs is contraindicated: hot baths, hair removal with hot wax, exposure to the sun or hot earth.

Swimming and walking, on the contrary, will only benefit you. This will make it easier to endure the discomfort that increases as the fetus develops, and will also help keep the veins in normal condition.

If your veins are dilated

As a rule, veins appear on the legs in the area of ​​the legs and sometimes on the thighs. If you do not take into account the aesthetic side of the issue, then their appearance should not cause serious concerns. You can, having dilated veins, not feel discomfort, and vice versa - feel heaviness in your legs without having visible signs dilation of veins. Be that as it may, try to follow the above recommendations. Rinse your feet with cold water, place a cushion under your feet before going to bed, and increase the number of rest breaks during the day. Your doctor may recommend wearing support stockings. After six months, the condition of the veins should return to normal.

If you lift your legs vertical position you improve venous circulation.

If your legs swell

Swelling of the legs, feet and ankles is a common occurrence, which is explained by the fact that as the size of the uterus increases, blood flows worse into the bottom part bodies. This causes a lot of inconvenience, although it does not interfere with movement. For relief discomfort your doctor will advise you to wear elastic stockings and take medications that tonic the walls of blood vessels. Don't reduce your salt intake.


Hemorrhoids are the result of dilation of the hemorrhoidal veins around the rectum. Most often, an exacerbation occurs at the end of pregnancy, continues after childbirth and then gradually passes. Unpleasant pain and a feeling of heaviness can be reduced if you adhere to proper nutrition. Eat more fiber-rich foods, keep your bowel movements regular, and the situation may improve. Do not overuse spices, which increase intestinal irritation.

During exacerbations, you need to take topical medications and ointments.

If the pain does not subside, you should consult a doctor who can diagnose the node (thrombosis). Then you cannot do without surgical intervention, but this should not scare you.

How to take care of your feet

  • In order to reduce problems with blood circulation, you need to choose the right shoes and be gentle on your feet.
  • Choose comfortable shoes, do not wear shoes with heels that are too high or too low. The best option would be loose shoes with non-slip soles and a heel 3 cm high.
  • Choose shoes made of leather or textile so that your feet can breathe - then they will not swell too much.
  • Buy shoes larger size: Your legs may become larger due to swelling and weight gain. It is better to try on at the end of the day, when the legs are swollen.
  • Do not wear high boots if your legs feel heavy or you have problems with circulation,
  • There are special shoes and insoles that correct your center of gravity and relieve stress on your back, arms and legs.
  • Wear soft felt slippers for several hours a day to relieve pain in your feet and legs.
  • When you sit, do not put one leg on top of the other or cross them to avoid vascular problems. If possible, elevate your legs slightly when sitting.
  • Do not sit still for more than an hour, walk so that the blood does not stagnate.
  • Watch your weight, everyone extra kilos- additional “stone” for your feet.

Oh, how my legs hurt. Half of pregnant women develop varicose veins in their legs. Those swollen, blue, thread-like veins aren't just due to weight gain. This also happens because through blood vessels 40% more blood passes through. Sometimes this blood increases pressure on the walls of the veins, causing them to stretch and their valves not to close completely. Blood can leak through these valves and spill into the veins, causing them to become stretched and sometimes even twisted. Additional factors risk of varicose veins is work that involves sitting or standing for long periods of time, thinning or damaging vein walls, or gaining weight. Usually this disease disappears after the birth of the child, but this does not stop it from bothering you now. Women suffering from varicose veins complain of heaviness, fatigue, pressure and pain in their legs. This condition can become chronic and worsen with each pregnancy, so it is worth preventing it to avoid discomfort.

Here's how to keep your feet healthy during pregnancy.

  • When resting, place your feet above the level where your heart is. This will help blood flow to the heart and not to the legs.
  • Don't cross your legs when sitting because this reduces blood circulation.
  • Try not to sit or stand for long periods of time.
  • Stick to an exercise plan to improve your circulation. Taking a half-hour walk every day can help a lot.
  • If you can't exercise, sit in a rocking chair several times a day and slowly rock back and forth to get your blood flowing.
  • Buy support tights. Wear them without getting out of bed to prevent blood from pooling in your ankles. Most maternity tights are designed to support different areas in different ways, this means that the pressure is concentrated in the ankle area and reduced in the areas above them. These tights will help support your legs and lift blood from your legs back to your heart.

Anatomy venous system of the lower extremities is highly variable. Big role in data evaluation instrumental examination in choosing correct method knowledge plays a role in treatment individual characteristics structure of the human venous system.

In the venous system of the lower extremities, a deep and superficial network is distinguished.

Deep venous network represented by paired veins accompanying the arteries of the fingers, foot and leg. The anterior and posterior tibial veins merge in the femoropopliteal canal and form the azygos popliteal vein, which passes into the powerful trunk of the femoral vein (v. femoralis). 5-8 perforating veins and the deep vein of the thigh (v. femoralis profunda), which carries blood from the muscles of the back of the thigh, flow into the femoral vein, even before passing into the external iliac vein (v. iliaca externa). The latter, in addition, has direct anastomoses with the external iliac vein (v. iliaca externa), through intermediary veins. In case of occlusion of the femoral vein, part of the femoral vein may flow through the deep vein system into the external iliac vein (v. iliaca externa).

Superficial venous network located in subcutaneous tissue above the superficial fascia. It is represented by two saphenous veins - the great saphenous vein (v. saphena magna) and the small saphenous vein (v. saphena parva).

Great saphenous vein (v. saphena magna) starts from the internal marginal vein of the foot and along its entire length receives many subcutaneous branches of the superficial network of the thigh and lower leg. In front of the inner ankle, it rises to the lower leg and, going around the back of the inner condyle of the femur, rises to the foramen ovale in groin area. At this level it flows into the femoral vein. The great saphenous vein is considered the longest vein in the body, has 5-10 pairs of valves, and its diameter along its entire length ranges from 3 to 5 mm. In some cases, the great saphenous vein of the thigh and leg can be represented by two or even three trunks. To the very top section of the large saphenous vein, in the groin area, 1-8 tributaries flow into, the most common are three branches that do not have much practical significance: the external genital vein (v. pudenda externa super ficialis), the superficial epigastric vein (v. epigastica superficialis) and the superficial vein surrounding ilium(v. circumflexia ilei superficialis).

Small saphenous vein (v. saphena parva) begins from the external marginal vein of the foot, collecting blood mainly from the sole. Rounding the outer ankle from behind, it rises along the middle of the back surface of the lower leg to the popliteal fossa. Starting from the middle of the leg, the small saphenous vein is located between the layers of the fascia of the leg (N.I. Pirogov’s canal) accompanied by the medial cutaneous nerve caviar. And therefore, varicose veins of the small saphenous vein are much less common than the large saphenous vein. In 25% of cases, the vein in the popliteal fossa passes through the fascia deep and flows into the popliteal vein. In other cases, the small saphenous vein can rise above the popliteal fossa and flow into the femoral, large saphenous vein, or into the deep vein of the thigh. Therefore, before the operation, the surgeon must know exactly where the small saphenous vein flows into the deep one in order to make a targeted incision directly above the anastomosis. Both saphenous veins widely anastomose with each other by direct and indirect anastomoses and are connected through numerous perforating veins with the deep veins of the leg and thigh. (Fig.1).

Fig.1. Anatomy of the venous system of the lower extremities

Perforating (communicating) veins (vv. perforantes) connect deep veins with superficial ones (Fig. 2). Most perforating veins have valves located suprafascially, which allow blood to move from the superficial to the deep veins. There are direct and indirect perforating veins. Direct ones directly connect the main trunks of the superficial and deep veins, indirect ones connect the saphenous veins indirectly, that is, they first flow into the muscular vein, which then flows into the deep vein. Normally they are thin-walled and have a diameter of about 2 mm. If the valves are insufficient, their walls thicken and their diameter increases 2-3 times. Indirect perforating veins predominate. The number of perforating veins on one limb ranges from 20 to 45. B lower third lower leg, where there are no muscles, direct perforating veins predominate, located along the medial edge tibia(Cockett area). About 50% of the communicating veins of the foot do not have valves, so blood from the foot can flow from the deep veins to the superficial, and vice versa, depending on functional load And physiological conditions outflow. In most cases, perforating veins arise from tributaries rather than from the trunk of the great saphenous vein. In 90% of cases, there is incompetence of the perforating veins medial surface lower third of the leg.